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L. I. Z. Now presenting… Sara Mack!. Music is Cool!!. Hi!. See my bowling power point to learn more about bowling!!. Click here to see my Bowling P.P. There’s more!!. Carrie Underwood. Dear Mom and Dad. Money to Spend. My Year’s Work . Bluestreak Aye- Aye. Beautiful Colors. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Back to my years workLIZ


Music is Cool!!Hi!Now presenting Sara Mack!

Back to my years work

Theres more!!

Back to my years workThe Bluestreak Aye-AyeThe amazing Bluestreak Aye-Aye is a new species discovered by the 2 scientists, Rebekah E. Wills and Elizabeth C. Hunsicker. They have discovered that it is a mix between the cleaner bluestreak wrasse, and the rare, monkey type aye-aye. They say it is an amphibian; an amphibian that is born on land and can swim in water. Its amazing body of a bluestreak cleaner wrasse, and its flexible webbed aye-aye hands and feet manage to make it be able to swim. It is covered in fur and has a blue streak on its back, which is why this is so amazing. Also, with its legs and arms, it roams around on land. With its claws, it climbs trees. It was found in Madagascar, on the coast of the Indian Ocean. It was specifically found in a coconut tree with its cousins, the aye ayes. After observing the new species, the scientists found out that it usually wanders into the water, to find its closer relative, the cleaner bluestreak wrasse. After capturing one and looking at it closely, they have learned it is the size of an aye aye; 40 cm. It is surprisingly light, 2 kilograms. With these special features, the Bluestreak Aye-Aye can hide from everything, very easily. We are lucky the amazing scientists found it.

Not finished yet!9 They are also nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day. They sleep on land, not in the water. The scientists observed a female Blue Streak Aye-Aye and it produced an infant. During this process, the species hang upside down a branch, and produces a child in 72 days. As you can tell, it has some features of a bat, it is nocturnal, and can hang upside down. This rare species are not predators to many animals. Nor is it a prey to many animals. The Bluestreak Aye-Aye will only fight another Bluestreak Aye-Aye or a normal aye-aye or a bluestreak wrasse. It is an omnivore and it eats seeds, fruit, sea clams, and shrimp. When Elizabeth and Rebekah found this rare animal, it lived for 23 years. But keep in mind, this was in captivity. No one knows how long it lives in the wild. Like we said before, we are extremely lucky to have found this creature. But after finding more, scientists discovered that there are many more male Bluestreak Aye Ayes than females. This makes us even luckier to have found a female creature. Be careful, and do not kill these animals. Since only a few have been found, they are known as endangered. If you ever see one of these amazing creatures, remember that it is a BLUESTREAK AYE-AYE!! Written by: Elizabeth Hunsicker and Rebekah WillsBack to my years workBy: Liz HunsickerBowling

1These photos:Bowling ShoesBowling BagsBowling BallsBowling lanesPinsetterOilerBowlersSparesScoringBowling PinsWere taken from these websites:www.chinamarket.com (1st photo) www.amazon.com (2nd photo)www.litboy.typepad.com (1st photo) www.bowlinggalaxy.com (2nd photo)www.bowlingballs.uswww.allposters.comwww.bowlinginternational.comwww.alibaba.comwww.allancook.bowlspace.comwww.thebowlingcoach.comwww.flickr.comwww.protechs.com

Click Here32The Lanes 1) How long is the lane? How wide?

2) What were lanes made of, what are they made of now?

3) What do the arrows and boards and dots on the lane do?

7Question 1:Two people bowled, actually. You notice that I said Did. Well, back in history, Abe Lincoln bowled a little bit, there are 2 reasons for this. One, because he had his own bowling alley in the white house!! Also, back then, a lot of people bowled because it was an easy sport. Another person that bowled was Richard Nixon. He bowled A LOT!! That was his favorite sport. Even though these presidents bowled, they bowled a lot differently then we do now! See the category, Bowling History to find out how they bowled differently.Question 2:Yes, there is a special league for pro bowlers. If youve ever watched ESPN, they will have pro bowling. Pro bowlers are on T.V., and are in a league that is called the P.B.A. That stands for Professional Bowlers Association. But, if youre not a pro bowler, there are also other leagues you can join. But, you wont get filmed on television. Do you know what a German word for a bowler is? Well, it is a kegler.Click Here4Vocabulary 1) Is there any special Vocab. used in bowling?

5Question 1: Yes!

1) Baby Split- The 2-7 or the 3-102)Big four- The 4-6-7-103)Blow-a miss or an error failing to make a spare, other than a split 4)Bucket- The 2-4-5-8 or the 3-5-6-95)Carry- to knock down pins or a pin6)Deadwood- pins that have been knocked down7)Dutch 200- A game of exactly 200 switching between strikes and spares.8)Kegler- A bowler9)Mixer- a ball that creates a lot of pin action10)Railroad- A split of any pins11)Greek Church- The 4-6-7-9-1012)The Bed Post- The 7-4 or the 6-1013)The 7-10 Split- The most hardest split to make in bowling79456238110Click Here6How to Bowl2) What is the correct approach to bowl, do you need to hook your ball?

1) What special techniques do you need to bowl?

27Question 1:The lane is probably longer than you think it is. When you bowl, your brain plays tricks on you, to think the pins are closer. What do you think is longer, the distance of the foul line to the pins, or the pitchers mound to home pate in baseball? The answer is they are both the same!! They are both 60ft long. The lane is also 43 inches wide.Question 3: The arrows, boards, and dots help you aim. The arrows in the middle of the lane is what you should aim for, to throw a good ball. Also, the middle board is what you should aim for. The dots at the end of the lane, help you see where you are standing. With all of these things, you can have some good aim! Even pro bowlers use these things!Question 2:Traditionally, lanes were made of hard rock maple, the first 15 feet of the lane, followed by pine with maple again in the pin area. Some bowing lanes today, are still made like that. But, most lanes today are made with synthetic wood with a thin layer of oil on it, which makes it shine!!Click Here8Oiling 1) How do they oil the lanes? Who does it?2) What does the oil do?

10Bowling Balls2) What is the stuff inside the thumb and finger holes?

3) How do you weigh the ball to mark how heavy it is?

1) Are balls that belong to the bowling alley different than your ball if you bought one?

How much do bowling balls cost? Why?

15Bowling Bags

2) What are bowling bags used for?

1) What are the different kinds of bowling bags?

19Bowling Pins

1) What are the pins made of, their height and circumference ?

2) How are the pins numbered, and where are they set on the lanes?

21Spares / Bad Bowling Nights 1) Have you ever made a dare, that you wont leave a spare?

2) Have you ever had a bad bowling night?

23Bowling Scores 1) Are there different marks for spares, strikes, fouls, etc.?

2) How do you add on spares, and strikes, or gutter balls?

30Bowlers 1) Did anybody famous bowl?

2) Are Pro Bowlers in a special league?

PBA Champion3Question 1: Yes. Balls that belong to the bowling alley are called house balls. House balls are different than your ball, because of the finger holes. When you buy a ball, you put your fingers in a measuring ball, which is a ball that when you put your hands in it, you measure how big your fingers are, so people can drill finger holes the exact size of your fingers and thumb, so you dont drop the ball. They drill with the Gil- MAC ball driller. The one that Dale has, (the pro shop person at my bowling alley) is 45 years old, and it cost $8,000 to buy a new one! Regular house balls just have an estimated size, so it might not fit your fingers. How they estimate is, for heavy balls they put bigger finger holes because they would expect a bigger person to be able to use a heavier ball. They do the same with the lighter balls. So, if youre in a league, I would recommend you to get your own ball!Question 2:I dont know if you ever even cared what is inside the finger holes, but if youre reading this, Im going to tell you. These things are called thumb slugs and grips. The grips are squishy rubber things, the thumb slugs are hard like a rock. These items can be lots of different colors, they can even be multi colored. You have to drill a hole in the thumb slug to put your thumb in it. These things sometimes wear out, so you have to replace them, they are $50.00, plus tax. They can also fall out. One time, when I went to my dads bowling league, somebody rolled his ball, and he saw a flash of yellow. When his ball came back, one of his thumb slugs was gone. Now, this doesnt happen often, but sometimes, the thumb slug gets stuck on the lane, like his. If you look on the table next to this laptop, you can see what a thumb slug looks like. Those thumb slugs are orange, and multi colored. The grips are pink, but they dont always have to be! 16 Question 3:Well, you probably think you just weigh the ball on a regular scale, right? Well, you are wrong. The ball is weighed on a scale called a DODO scale. How you work that scale is, you balance the ball on one side, and on the other side, you put calibrated items. If you ever seen a picture of a DODO scale, or if you have ever seen one, you know that it is a strange looking scale!

Question 4: How much do you think a bowling ball cost? I bet you think they cost about, $70? Right? Well, they really cost a minimum of $70!They cost up to $200! Why? Each bowling ball is special in its own way. The pretty ones, in my opinion, cost less. This is because they didnt make this bowling ball as good as they made the others. Some of them are actually made of plastic, like house balls. Or they could be made of hard rubber, like regular balls that you buy. Some of the balls, they make hook more, or less. It is not the design that makes it cost more, it is the way they made that ball. Now, dont get me wrong, if you want a specific design on your ball, they will make you pay extra. But for a ball with a regular design on it, you will pay by how it is made!17These are some quick facts about bowling balls:

You buy a bowling ball in the pro shop. (Every bowling alley has one)Bowling balls are all the same size, 27inches aroundThere are lots of different brands of bowling balls you can buy.( Black Widow, Storm, Hammer, etc.)Bowling balls are usually made of plastic or hard rubberClick Here18Question 1:There are a lot of different kinds of bowling bags. One kind is a simple 1 ball bowling bag. It carries 1 ball, and it isnt on wheels. This is the bowling bag that the bottom right hand corner shows on the previous slide. There are also 2 ball bowling bags, and 3 ball bowling bags. Those kinds of bowling bags are always on wheels. The picture in the upper left hand corner on the previous slide is a picture of a 2 ball bowling bag. The use of a 2 ball or 3 ball bowling bag is, some people, usually better bowlers, have to use2or 3balls during a game. Whatever kind of bowling bag you want, you can always find them at the proshop.

Question 2:Bowling bags are used for lots of different things. The most common thing, is to put your bowling shoes, and ball in it, but some bowlers carry stuff like a towel, money, alcohol, new skin, duck tape, or sandpaper. There are many reasons for all of these things. A towel, to clean their ball, money, to buy stuff at the bowling alley, alcohol, to clean the ball good, new skin, in case you get a cut, and cant bowl, duck tape, if the finger holes are too big and you need to add duck tape to make them smaller, and lastly, sand paper to smooth out the thumb hole. See there are a lot of things bowlers may carry in his/her bowling bag, not just their ball and shoes!

Click Here20Question 1:Pins are made of maple wood, covered with plastic to protect the pin from the ball hitting it. If you see a pin with lots of cracks in it, its plastic cover probably wore off. What do you think is bigger, the height of a bowling pin, or the width? They are both the same, 15 inches. Thats only if you measure the fattest part of the bowling pin. A bowling pin can almost be knocked against anything, and they dont break!

Question 2: The pins are set in a triangular pattern. They are at the end of the lane, and they are numbered. This is so you can identify what number pins you have knocked down. When you leave the 7-10 split, you leave pin number 7 and pin number 10, the two end pins. The diagram below shows you how the pins are numbered.74896523110Click Here22Question 1:I wouldnt! Unless youre a really good bowler, I wouldnt dare anybody that I wont leave a spare. There are 1,023 different spares you could leave. That is a lot! You might not believe that, but think about it, you can leave 9 pins, 8 pins, 7 pins, 6 pins, so on. Then you can leave different number pins. Some of these spares are literarily impossible. For example, you cant knock just the 5 in out of the middle! But as you can see, there are a lot of spares you can leave. On a bad night, you might felt like you left every single spare!Question 2:Dont sweat it. People have tons of bad bowling nights. If youre under youre average, thats why its called an average. Some weeks you have good nights, some weeks you have bad nights. Even pro bowlers have bad nights. They might get more than you, but that might be bad for them. If their average is 230, they arent always going to get a 230, sometimes they get less. So, I bet youre wondering, How do you find an average? You divide the total number of pins by the number of games bowled in a period of time, like each week of bowling, if you are in a league.Click Here24Click HereQuestion 1: Bowling has been played since 5200 BC. But in that time period, they bowled differently. They used two hands to throw the ball down the lane. This is because the bowling balls back then didn't have any finger holes! Also, people believe that King Henry Vlll once bowled outside, using a cannon ball as a bowling ball. Wouldn't that be a sight! Another thing different is that since people didnt have much money, and more things are invented now, they didnt have a nice building, a big machine, a concession stand, etc. And since they didnt have a pinsetter, the machine in the back, they had a human pin setter called the pin boy. He would do the pinsetters job, set all the pins up.

Question 2: The bowling balls back then were a lot different then the bowling balls now. For one thing, they were wooden. Imagine bowling with a wooden bowling ball! The first modern bowling ball was made from rubber, introduced in 1905, replacing the wooden bowling balls.

Question 3: You are probably going to laugh, but when you bowl 3 strikes in a row, it is because back then, if you did that, they would give you a real live turkey!! It must have been pretty hard to do that back then, huh?26Question 1:Yes! To bowl, you need aim, and hand eye coordination. To bowl a strike, you need to know where to aim, at the pocket. The pocket is between the head pin, and the 2 pin. To see where these pins are, go to the slide called Vocabulary. You also need to concentrate, keep your eye at the pocket, and your feet moving. You also need to learn to follow through. When you release your ball, you want your arm to come up straight, and touch your nose. If you dont follow through, your ball will not go where you are aiming. To see a good example of following through, click on the movie on the next slide. It is of me bowling. Question 2:

The correct approach to bowl is the 4 step approach. Now, most people will do whatever they want when they roll the ball, like I do, but the best way to roll the ball is the 4 step approach. Even though it is the 4 step approach, there are 5 motions. Your stance, the push away, mid swing, backswing, and the release. If you have watched the video of me bowling, you can tell I dont use the right approach!! I just stand at the lane, and throw the ball straight. When you do bowl right, you usually put a big hook on the ball, start it on the right side of the lane, and hook it into the pocket.28

Click Here29Question 1: These are the different marks:





Getting Pins:

( the numberof pins you get on eachball )


Question 2: This is how.Pretend this is what some- body bowled.Liz 89x2-4816276281x81128When a bowler gets a spare, they add 10, plus the score of their next first ball.When a bowler gets a strike, they add 10, plus the score of their next 2 balls. In the 10th frame, if you get a spare or a strike you get to go again.828445059678391100128Click Here31Carrie UnderwoodBy Liz Hunsicker

Where she was born

When she was born Checotah OklahomaMarch 10, 1983Early Years Oklahoma on a farm. She loved the cattle on the farm Shanna and Stephanie. She began singing in 1986, when she was 3. She sang in churches, and at special events. In 1997 she recorded her first CD in Nashville! She was always polite, shy and quiet

I used to be shy and quietWas the first country singer to win American Idol

She won the contest in 2005

Now she sings many of songs, including All American Girl, Jesus Take the Wheel, and Before He Cheats.

She became VERY famous.


Contribution to Society

Humane Society of the U.S.Several public service announcements for it

Why is she a role model?Carrie has a wonderful voiceShe isnt a bad personShe is a supporter of the Humane SocietyShe is famousShe is beautifulI think she should have her own holiday for all of these reasons!

Sheet1Money to spend at the electronics store:Name: Liz HunsickerYou have just won $5000.00. You can only spend it if you buy at least four items andyour list adds up to between $4990.00 and $5010.00. This total must include sales tax!Create a formula to total the item costs, then create another formula to figure out thesales tax. Finally, create one more formula to figure out the overall cost of the items!ItemCostPioneer - KURO 50" Class 1080p Flat-Panel Plasma HDTV$2,199.99Apple - iPod touch 32GB* MP3 Player (1st Generation) -$309.99Apple - MacBook with 13.3" Display$1,599.99http://www.bestbuy.com/Maytag - 24" Tall Tub Portable Dishwasher - White$579.99We Ski - Nintendo Wii$29.99Total cost of items$4,719.95Total sales tax$283.20(=B27*.06)GRAND TOTAL$5,003.15(=B27+B28)Save this list.Extra Credit:Click on the Insert menu and select Picture. Insert a picture from Clip Art on your page.Save and Print.




An outstretched wooded city is surrounded with beautifully colored leaves on the trees. Different colors float from every direction yellow, green, orange, and red. Leaves are falling down, outlining the bottom of the trees. Along the path, through the woods, leaves border each side of the wooden fence. The only sound is the squirrels nibbling on the acorns. Lots of colors everywhere, soon darkness will fall and all the colors will vanish. By: Liz and Mady

Dear Mom and Dad,Today in Technology class I began learning how to use Microsoft Office 2007. We started by using the new Ribbon. The Ribbon is the new place to find all of my favorite commands. I also logged into my account at school and saved my work!!! I hope you had a nice day at home with Brendan. I had a outstanding day at school. One thing that was really liked was reading!!! Sincerely,Liz Hunsickers

Pagen, Dennis. Hang Gliding. World Book Student 2009. [Franconia] 6 May 2009Written by: Liz HunsickerOf course you have! Try Hang Gliding. Its the only sport where you can glide through the air. You can feel the wind in your hair, the smell of fresh air, when youre up in the air, THAT high!! In 1804 George Cayley built the first successful gang glider. From 1891-1896, he made more than 2,000 hang glider flights. Sadly, he died in a glider crash.Hang Gliding is an aviation sport. An individual glider flies on air currents, sometimes traveling great distances.