Muscular system

Muscular system. Outline I.Skeletal Muscle Structure II.Muscle Contraction: Cell Events III.Muscle Contraction: Mechanical Events IV.Muscle Metabolism

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Page 1: Muscular system. Outline I.Skeletal Muscle Structure II.Muscle Contraction: Cell Events III.Muscle Contraction: Mechanical Events IV.Muscle Metabolism

Muscular system

Page 2: Muscular system. Outline I.Skeletal Muscle Structure II.Muscle Contraction: Cell Events III.Muscle Contraction: Mechanical Events IV.Muscle Metabolism


I. Skeletal Muscle Structure II. Muscle Contraction: Cell EventsIII. Muscle Contraction: Mechanical EventsIV. Muscle MetabolismV. Types of Skeletal Muscle FibersVI. Smooth and Cardiac Muscles

Page 3: Muscular system. Outline I.Skeletal Muscle Structure II.Muscle Contraction: Cell Events III.Muscle Contraction: Mechanical Events IV.Muscle Metabolism


I. Skeletal Muscle Structure II. Muscle Contraction: Cell EventsIII. Muscle Contraction: Mechanical EventsIV. Muscle MetabolismV. Types of Skeletal Muscle FibersVI. Smooth and Cardiac Muscles

Page 4: Muscular system. Outline I.Skeletal Muscle Structure II.Muscle Contraction: Cell Events III.Muscle Contraction: Mechanical Events IV.Muscle Metabolism

1- Skeletal Muscle Structure

– Muscle fibers extend length of muscle from tendon to tendon

Page 5: Muscular system. Outline I.Skeletal Muscle Structure II.Muscle Contraction: Cell Events III.Muscle Contraction: Mechanical Events IV.Muscle Metabolism

Motor units

• Motor unit: Composed of one motor neuron and all the muscle fibers that it innervates

• There are many motor units in a muscle

• The number of fibers innervated by a single motor neuron varies (from a few to thousand)

• The fewer the number of fibers per neuron the finer the movement (more brain power)

• Which body part will have the largest motor units? The smallest?

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Components of a muscle fiber

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Figure 12.2 (2 of 2)

Muscle fiber components

• Sarcolemma: muscle cell membrane

• Sarcoplasma: muscle cell cytoplasm

• Motor end plate: contact surface with axon terminal

• T tubule: cell membrane extension into the sarcoplasm (to reach the myofibrils)

• Cisternae: areas of the ER dedicated to Ca++ storage (located on each side of the T-tubules)

• Myofibrils: organized into sarcomeres

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The sarcomere

• The myofibrils are organized into a repetitive pattern, the sarcomere

• Myosin: thick filament• Actin: thin filament• Bands formed by pattern: A

and I and H bands• Z line: area of attachment

of the actin fibers• M line: Myosin fiber centers

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Figure 12.5d

The sarcomere

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Myosin structure

• Many myosin molecules per filament, golf club shape

• Long tail topped by a thickening: the head forms crossbridges with the thin filament

• Presence of the enzyme, ATPase in the head release energy for contraction

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Figure 12.4

Actin structure

• Formed by 3 different proteins:

- globular (G) actins - tropomyosin: long, fibrous

molecule, extending over actin, and preventing interaction between actin and myosin

- troponin: binds reversibly to calcium and able to move tropomyosin away from the actin active site

Page 12: Muscular system. Outline I.Skeletal Muscle Structure II.Muscle Contraction: Cell Events III.Muscle Contraction: Mechanical Events IV.Muscle Metabolism


I. Skeletal Muscle Structure II. Muscle Contraction: Cell EventsIII. Muscle Contraction: Mechanical EventsIV. Muscle MetabolismV. Types of Skeletal Muscle FibersVI. Smooth and Cardiac Muscles

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Figure 11.13

2- Muscle contraction: Cell events

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Synaptic events• The AP reaches the axonal

bulb• Voltage-gated calcium

channels open• The influx of calcium in the

bulb activates enzymes the vesicles containing the neurotransmitter molecule dock and release the neurotransmitter in the synapse

• The neurotransmitter for skeletal muscles is always acetylcholine

• The receptors on the muscle fiber are cholinergic receptors

• These receptors are nicotinic (fast) acting receptors

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2- The Mechanism of Force Generation in Muscle

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Figure 12.7

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Muscle relaxation• Ach is removed from the

receptors by acetylcholinesterase• Ligand-gated Na+channels close• Na/K pumps reestablish the RMP• Ca++ ions leave troponin and are

brought back into the cisternae (this process needs energy)

• Tropomyosin moves back over the actin active site

• The myosin heads release their binding to actin

• The filaments passively move back into resting position

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Applications• Myasthenia gravis: autoimmune disease where antibodies against the Ach

receptors are produced. Which consequences do you expect?

• Muscular dystrophy: some proteins forming the muscle fibers are abnormal. Which consequences do you expect?

• Curare binds to the Ach receptor without activating them. What are the effect of curare on the skeletal muscle?

• The botulism toxin prevents the release of the neurotransmitter into the synapse. What will be the consequence?

• Nerve gas inhibits acetylcholinerestase present in the synapse. What will be the consequence?

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• Rigor mortis: why does the body stiffen shortly after death?

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I. Skeletal Muscle Structure II. Muscle Contraction: Cell EventsIII. Muscle Contraction: Mechanical EventsIV. Muscle MetabolismV. Types of Skeletal Muscle FibersVI. Smooth and Cardiac Muscles

Page 22: Muscular system. Outline I.Skeletal Muscle Structure II.Muscle Contraction: Cell Events III.Muscle Contraction: Mechanical Events IV.Muscle Metabolism

3- Muscle contraction: Mechanical events

• 1 stimulation 1 twitch

• Muscle twitch: 3 phases: - latent phase - contraction phase - relaxation phase

☻ do not confuse the AP and the twitch!!!

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Figure 12.16

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Events during the twitch• Latent phase: Stimulus to

beginning contraction: AP to myosin binding to actin active site

• Contraction phase: beginning to end of muscle tension myosin heads slide along the actin filaments

• Relaxation phase: peak tension to no tension Ca++ ions moved back into the cisternae, tropomyosin moves back over actin, myosin head release actin and the filaments move back into resting position

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Figure 12.17

Summation and tetanus

• Summation: Rapid sequence of stimuli muscle twitches fuse into each other, each subsequent one being stronger that its precedent (due to Ca++?)

• Tetanus: very rapid sequence of stimuli: no relaxation

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I. Skeletal Muscle Structure II. Muscle Contraction: Cell EventsIII. Muscle Contraction: Mechanical EventsIV. Muscle MetabolismV. Types of Skeletal Muscle FibersVI. Smooth and Cardiac Muscles

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IV- Muscle metabolism• Muscle fibers use ATP (only first

few seconds) for contraction• ATP must then be generated by

the muscle cell: - from creatine phosphate, first - from glucose and glycogen - from fatty-acids

ATP formation from the above compound is possible if oxygen is present (oxidative phosphorylation: 36 ATP per glucose)

Oxygen is delivered to the muscle by myoglobin, a molecule with high affinity to oxygen and related to hemoglobin

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Figure 12.11

If the effort is strong and sustained, the muscle might not have enough oxygen delivered to it by myoglobin anaerobic glycolysis with only 2 ATP formed per glucose and synthesis of lactic acid

Consequence of anaerobic metabolism?

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Effects of exercise on the muscle

• Aerobic exercises: long sustained exercises promote increased oxidative capacity of the muscle fiber increased blood vessel supply, increased mitochondria

• High intensity, short burst exercise: increased glycolytic activity increased synthesis of glycolytic enzymes, increased synthesis of myofibrils (increased muscle size)

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I. Skeletal Muscle Structure II. Muscle Contraction: Cell EventsIII. Muscle Contraction: Mechanical EventsIV. Muscle MetabolismV. Types of Skeletal Muscle FibersVI. Smooth and Cardiac Muscles

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Figure 12.23

V- Types of Muscle Fibers• Various muscles contract at different speed

composed of different types of muscle fibers

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Basis for classification

• Velocity of contraction: slow vs fast• Energy source: oxidative vs glycolytic

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Oxidative Glycolytic

Use O2 to synthesize new ATP

– Red– Small diameter– Resistant to fatigue

Store ATP for immediate use

– Large diameter– Quick to fatigue– Pale color

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• Which types of meat are chicken breast and duck breast?

• Why the difference?

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I. Skeletal Muscle Structure II. Muscle Contraction: Cell EventsIII. Muscle Contraction: Mechanical EventsIV. Muscle MetabolismV. Types of Skeletal Muscle FibersVI. Smooth and Cardiac Muscles

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VI- Smooth and Cardiac Muscles

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Main Body muscles

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Muscles of the face

• For facial expression• Attached to a bone and

to skin

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Muscles of the anterior trunk

• Transverse oblique• Rectus abdominis

Intercostal musclesDiaphragm

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Muscles moving the shoulder

• Trapezius• Latissimus dorsi• Erector spinae

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Muscles moving the upper and lower arm

• Pectoralis major• Deltoid

Biceps brachiiTriceps brachii

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Muscles moving the thigh• Psoas• Gluteus

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Muscles moving the lower legs

• Quadriceps femoris • Biceps femoris

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Muscles moving the foot

• Gastrocnemius

• Achille’s tendon (not a muscle)

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• Sprain / strain• Muscular dystrophy• Myasthenia gravis• Insecticide poisoning• Botox• Achille’s tendon rupture

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Myasthenia gravis

• Antibodies attack Ach receptors

• Progressive weakness and paralysis

• No cure

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Muscular dystrophy

• Due to a defective protein

• Progressive muscle weakness and paralysis

• No cure

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Achilles’s tendon rupture