MUNICIPALITY OF ŽEPČE – GUIDE FOR REGISTERING A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Registration of limited liability companies is being performed in the Municipal Court in Zenica – the Court Registry. In order to establish a limited liability company the following steps need to be taken: Prepare the founding enactment Open a transitional account in a bank / Pay the founding deposit Acquire a tax certificate Register the company Have the seal made Acquire an ID number and an activity code Register the company in the VAT system Open a permanent transaction account Register the company and the employees in the Tax Administration and the Pension and Disability Insurance Bureau of FBiH Register the beginning of operations with the Administration for Inspection Affairs of Zenica-Doboj Canton Submit to the Municipal Services for Economy and Finance a statement on meeting the minimum technical preconditions for the company to operate. 1. Prepare the founding enactment If the limited liability company is being founded by one person, the founding enactment shall be the Decision on Founding. If the limited liability company is being founded by more than one person, the founding enactment shall be the Contract on Founding. The drafting of the Founding Enactment is usually entrusted to a notary public and costs around BAM 300. Important contact information: Notary Public, Dilber Elza Stjepana Tomaševića, 72230 Žepče, 032 881 706, [email protected] Notary Public, Nalić Gordana Ulica Prva, 72 230 Žepče. 032 883 324, [email protected] 2. Open a transitional account in a bank / Pay the founding deposit The founding deposit amounts to BAM 1,000 and the value of an individual deposit (in case there are more than one founders) cannot be less than BAM 100. You can pay the founding deposit after you open a transaction account in any commercial bank. Banks having their business units in the Municipality of Žepče: Intesa Sanpaolo bank, www.intesasanpaolobanka.ba, ASA banka, www.asabanka.ba Raiffeisen bank, www.raiffeisenbank.ba, Sparkasse bank, www.sparkasse.ba/bs, Unicredit bank, www.unicreditbank.ba, 3. Acquire a tax certificate The tax certificate is necessary as a confirmation that you are not an unconscientious business person, and that you do not have any other business activities in regards to which you had failed to meet your tax liabilities. The tax certificate is issued by the Tax Administration of the Municipality of Žepče and it costs BAM 15. 4. Register the company The registration is performed at the Municipal Court in Zenica – the Court Registry, where you shall take an application for registration, together with which you shall prepare the following documentation: Regularly filled out application for registration Decision or contract on founding, certified by notary public Evidence on having paid the founding capital amounting to BAM 2,000.00 Estimated value of deposit in assets and rights (findings and opinion of an expert) if capital is being invested in assets and rights Tax certificate for the founder Certified signature of the person authorized for representation and a statement on acceptance of duties of the director (if the person authorized for representation is a foreign national, a certified copy of the passport for that person is also to be submitted) The text of the announcement on founding the company in the Official Gazette of FBiH Evidence on having paid the charge for publication of the announcement (the charge amounts to BAM 150) If the founder of the company is a person who is a foreign national, the following is necessary: Decision of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH (instead of the tax certificate) If the founder is a legal person – an excerpt from the registry for the founder, with an apostille seal. The translation of the excerpt, performed by a certified court interpreter, is to be attached to the excerpt (link to contact information of all certified court interpreters in Zenica-Doboj Canton: http://opsudzenica.pravosudje.ba) If the founder is a natural person – a certified copy of the passport The form of the application for registration may also be downloaded in electronic form on the following website http://bizreg.pravosudje.ba/ and on the website of the Court, http://opsud-zenica.pravosudje.ba. Municipal Court in Zenica (Registry of Economic Operators) Ulica Masarykova 50, Zenica, 032 248 428 Teslić, Tešanj and Žepče European Cities & Regions of the Future 2014/2015


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Registration of limited liability companies is being performed in the Municipal Court in Zenica – the Court Registry. In order to establish a limited liability company the following steps need to be taken:

Prepare the founding enactment Open a transitional account in a bank / Pay the founding deposit Acquire a tax certificate Register the company Have the seal made Acquire an ID number and an activity code Register the company in the VAT system Open a permanent transaction account Register the company and the employees in the Tax Administration and the Pension and Disability Insurance Bureau of FBiH Register the beginning of operations with the Administration for Inspection Affairs of Zenica-Doboj Canton Submit to the Municipal Services for Economy and Finance a statement on meeting the minimum technical preconditions for the company to operate.

1. Prepare the founding enactment If the limited liability company is being founded by one person, the founding enactment shall be the Decision on Founding. If the limited liability company is being founded by more than one person, the founding enactment shall be the Contract on Founding. The drafting of the Founding Enactment is usually entrusted to a notary public and costs around BAM 300.

Important contact information:

Notary Public, Dilber Elza Stjepana Tomaševića, 72230 Žepče, 032 881 706, [email protected] Public, Nalić Gordana Ulica Prva, 72 230 Žepče. 032 883 324, [email protected]

2. Open a transitional account in a bank / Pay the founding deposit The founding deposit amounts to BAM 1,000 and the value of an individual deposit (in case there are more than one founders) cannot be less than BAM 100. You can pay the founding deposit after you open a transaction account in any commercial bank.

Banks having their business units in the Municipality of Žepče:

Intesa Sanpaolo bank, www.intesasanpaolobanka.ba,

ASA banka, www.asabanka.ba

Raiffeisen bank, www.raiffeisenbank.ba,

Sparkasse bank, www.sparkasse.ba/bs,

Unicredit bank, www.unicreditbank.ba,

3. Acquire a tax certificate The tax certificate is necessary as a confirmation that you are not an unconscientious business person, and that you do not have any other business activities in regards to which you had failed to meet your tax liabilities. The tax certificate is issued by the Tax Administration of the Municipality of Žepče and it costs BAM 15.

4. Register the company The registration is performed at the Municipal Court in Zenica – the Court Registry, where you shall take an application for registration, together with which you shall prepare the following documentation:

Regularly filled out application for registration Decision or contract on founding, certified by notary public Evidence on having paid the founding capital amounting to BAM 2,000.00 Estimated value of deposit in assets and rights (findings and opinion of an expert) if capital is being invested in assets and rights Tax certificate for the founder

Certified signature of the person authorized for representation and a statement on acceptance of duties of the director (if the person authorized for representation is a foreign national, a certified copy of the passport for that person is also to be submitted) The text of the announcement on founding the company in the Official Gazette of FBiH Evidence on having paid the charge for publication of the announcement (the charge amounts to BAM 150)

If the founder of the company is a person who is a foreign national, the following is necessary:

Decision of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH (instead of the tax certificate) If the founder is a legal person – an excerpt from the registry for the founder, with an apostille seal. The translation of the excerpt, performed by a certified court interpreter, is to be attached to the excerpt (link to contact information of all certified court interpreters in Zenica-Doboj Canton: http://opsudzenica.pravosudje.ba) If the founder is a natural person – a certified copy of the passport

The form of the application for registration may also be downloaded in electronic form on the following websitehttp://bizreg.pravosudje.ba/ and on the website of the Court, http://opsud-zenica.pravosudje.ba.

Municipal Court in Zenica (Registry of Economic Operators) Ulica Masarykova 50, Zenica, 032 248 428

Teslić, Tešanj and ŽepčeEuropean Cities & Regionsof the Future 2014/2015


5. Have the seal made The seal can be made in any printing shop / photocopying shop that is authorized for making seals. A copy of the decision on entry of the company into the court register has to be attached to the application for the making of a seal of an economic company. The minimum contents of the seal are the name and the headquarters of the company. The costs of making a seal range from BAM 30 to BAM 50, depending on the contents and the size of the seal.

6. Acquire an ID number and an activity code The tax identification number is acquired in the Tax Administration, in the Services for Taxpayer Registration in Zenica – Cantonal Tax Administration Office. The identification number serves as evidence of entry into the register of legal persons in the Tax Administration. That number needs to be printed on each invoice.Registration in the FBiH Institute of Statistics is performed by the Services for Statistics for the Territory of Zenica-Doboj Canton in Zenica. The statistical number implies classification of the legal person into the corresponding sub-class in the Standard Classification of Activities based on the activity being performed by the legal person.

Cantonal Tax Administration Office Zenica Ulica Zmaja od Bosne 57, 72000 Zenica, 032 402 186Tax Unit in Žepče Ulica Stjepana Tomaševića, 032 880 196Services for Statistics for the Territory of Zenica-Doboj Canton in Zenica Ulica Mehmedalije Tarabara 15, 032 407 728

7. Register the company in the VAT system A company with annual sales exceeding BAM 50,000 or expecting to have taxable annual sales of BAM 50,000.00 is under obligation to perform registration of the company into the system of taxpayers for value added tax (VAT).

Indirect Tax Authority – Regional Center in Sarajevo Ulica Đoke Mazalića 5, 71 000 Sarajevo, 033 279 470

8. Open a transaction account Opening a transaction account is performed in any of the commercial banks in BiH, at your discretion. The company may have more than one gyro accounts, i.e. it may have a gyro account opened with each commercial bank. Documentation necessary for opening a gyro account is virtually the same in all commercial banks, and the list of documentation is acquired together with an application for opening a transaction account.

9. Register the company and the employees in the Tax Administration and the Pension and Disability Insurance Bureau of FBiH

This is one of the final steps in the course of registration of an economic operator. Necessary forms may be downloaded from: http://www.pufbih.ba/ba/obrasci

Federal Pension and Disability Insurance BureauCantonal Administrative Services in Zenica

Ulica dr. Aska Borića 28, 032 402 458Office in Žepče–Ulica Stjepana Tomaševića, 032 881 297

10. Register the beginning of operations with the Administration for Inspection Affairs of Zenica-Doboj Canton

Before starting to operate, all companies are under obligation to submit an announcement on the start of operations to the Cantonal Administration of Inspection Affairs. The announcement is to contain information on the date of starting operations, as well as on activities of the company. The announcement is to be signed by the Director of the Company.

Cantonal Administration for Inspection Affairs Kučukovići 2, 72000 Zenica

11. Submit an application to the Municipal Services for Economy and Finance for determining the minimum technical preconditions for the company to operate.

Submit to the Municipal Services for Economy and Finance a statement on meeting the minimum technical preconditions for the company to operate. The statement is to be submitted to the Services for Economy and Finance of the Municipality of Žepče. The form for the statement may be acquired from the Info desk of the Municipality, in the Center for Investors, or on the following link: http://www.razepce.com/index.php/bs/centar-za-investitore/one-stop-info/item/742-registracija-poslovnih-subjekata

Municipality of Žepče

Updated in May 2018

Center for Investors of the Municipality of ŽepčeUlica Prva bb, 72230 Žepče, Bosnia and HerzegovinaTel/Fax: +387 32 880 273E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]: www.opcina-zepce.com www.razepce.com www.bear.baContact person: Branka Janko