Griffin Perry Red Bank Regional High School General Assembly –Swaziland Many don’t know that the small country of Swaziland, located in the heart of Africa between Mozambique and South Africa, has so much to offer in it. With a land area about 85% percent of New Jersey, Swaziland has a population of 1.42 Million citizens, and within that population are tribes and groups, including the Bantu and Zulu. Swaziland’s king is King Mswati III and it’s prime minister is Barnabas Diamini. It’s currency is Lilageni and it trades with many nearby countries because of it’s abundance in natural resources and crops. It is prominently Zionist Religion, but Christianity is still the religion of about 6% of the population. Swaziland, although small, has lots to discover about it’s rich culture. Swaziland has somewhat broad opinions on many issues presented. They support global healthcare in many ways. This


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Griffin Perry

Red Bank Regional High School

General Assembly –Swaziland

Many don’t know that the small country of Swaziland, located in the heart of

Africa between Mozambique and South Africa, has so much to offer in it. With a land

area about 85% percent of New Jersey, Swaziland has a population of 1.42 Million

citizens, and within that population are tribes and groups, including the Bantu and Zulu.

Swaziland’s king is King Mswati III and it’s prime minister is Barnabas Diamini. It’s

currency is Lilageni and it trades with many nearby countries because of it’s abundance

in natural resources and crops. It is prominently Zionist Religion, but Christianity is still

the religion of about 6% of the population. Swaziland, although small, has lots to

discover about it’s rich culture.

Swaziland has somewhat broad opinions on many issues presented. They support

global healthcare in many ways. This is because they have many dieseases prevalent in

Swaziland, including HIV/AIDS. Many of their own are in poverty, and healthcare is

vital for them due to the state of the rapid disease spread.

Swaziland tries it’s hardest to prevent illness among its citizens, especially in

areas affected by HIV/AIDS. Distributions of condoms, pills, and contraceptives have

buffered the spread of the disease temporarily. They work very hard and nonstop to make

their country illness-free.

Many countries use Swaziland’s methods of prevention as a model for their own.

With HIV/AIDS being such a large illness in Africa, African countries also distribute


medications for those affected or to prevent the disease from spreading. This has proved

to be a very helpful task as the number of patients is decreasing rapidly.

As most countries should be, Swaziland’s beliefs are completely against abuse

and human torture. However, it still occurs within the country and is a problem in

Swaziland. Mostly children are the victims of this, however all ages are affected and this

illegal act can be fatal if brought to extremes.

Swaziland is forming groups and other organizations such as SWAGAA

(Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse) to prevent abuse in the country. They do

rallies, advertise, and are a growing group which help people know about the terrible

things going on in the country. Groups like these all contribute to the cause of an abuse-

free Swaziland.

Before Swaziland, many other countries as well have formed groups such as the

SWAGAA. Abuse is a problem faced by most countries, and our countries joining

together to end it is an admirable thing. The unity of the countries is which solves the

problem country and strengthens the world’s ethic.

All countries have had disputes with other countries. For example, in 2006, Swazi

king advocated resorting to ICJ to claim parts of Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal from

South Africa. Also, Swaziland has asked South Africa to open negotiations on

reincorporating some nearby South African territories that are populated by ethnic Swazis

or that were long ago part of the Swazi Kingdom.

Border disputes are a main problem in many countries. The neighboring countries

of Swaziland obviously suffered because of Swaziland’s growth. Also, when imperialistic

countries try to conquer other countries, it creates many problems for most nations.


Other countries, like usual, find Swaziland’s methods effective and useful

as they do the same. Fighting is a natural human attribute, and Swaziland is no exception.

Swaziland is extremely unique and can be forgotten but shouldn’t be.