Multinode to Single Node Cloning

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  • 8/12/2019 Multinode to Single Node Cloning



    Maintain snapshot information

    Log in as the applications user on each application tier node and run 'Maintain SnapshotInformation' by using adadmin.

    Merge existing APPL_TOPs

    Log in to the primary node of your application tier as the application user user and run:

    $ cd [COMMO!"O#%admin%scripts%[CO"&"!(M&$ perl apps"ier merge

    This wi prompt !o" with option to merge se#on$ar! no$es

    o) log in as the applications user to each of the secondary application tier nodes beingmerged and run:

    $ cd [COMMO!"O#%admin%scripts%[CO"&"!(M&$ perl appltop merge

    Prepare the so"r#e s!stem $ata%ase tier&

    Log on to the database tier of the source system as the oracle user and run the follo)ingcommands:

    $ cd [*+,MS O*(CL&!-OM&%appsutil%scripts%[CO"&"!(M&$ perl db"ier

    ith this all the pre clone tas/s on the source system ha0e been completed.

    Create OS "ser a##o"nts

    Create a OS user account for your applications

    $ useradd 1g dba 1d [home!directory 1p pass)ord username

    Similarly create a OS user account for your database.

    Mo$if! the orain'entor! to refe#t the new o#ation

    $ 0i %etc%oraInst.loc

  • 8/12/2019 Multinode to Single Node Cloning


    Cop! the foowing appi#ation tier $ire#tories

    Copy the follo)ing application tier directories from the primary node of your sourcesystem to the target application tier node2 retaining the original directory structure:

    [(##L!"O# [O(!-"ML [O(!3(4(

    [COMMO!"O#%util [COMMO!"O#%clone5 [678 O*(CL&!-OM& [i(S O*(CL&!-OM&

    Cop! the re("ire$ fies for merging

    Log in as the applications user to each of the secondary source nodes and recursi0elycopy:

    directory [COMMO!"O#%clone%appl

    1 to 1directory [COMMMO!"O#%clone%applon the target system node

    ,efore proceeding )ith the ne9t steps you must shutdo)n your oracle applicationsser0ices and the database on the source system.

    Cop! the $ata%ase tier fie s!stem

    Log on to the source system as the database user

    Copy the database +,;< files from the source to the target systemCopy the source database O*(CL&!-OM& to the target system

    (fter this you can no) startup the database and applications ser0ices on your sourcesystem and release it for use.

    Config"re the target s!stem $ata%ase ser'er

    Log on to the target system as the database user and type the follo)ing commands toconfigure and start the database:

    $ cd [*+,MS O*(CL&!-OM&%appsutil%clone%bin$ perl db"ier

    "his )ill prompt for ne) O*(CL&!SI+2O*(CL&!-OM&2#ort #ool23(4(!"O# and+("(!"O# gi0e the appropriate 0alues matching your target system

    Once successful this should start your database and listener.

  • 8/12/2019 Multinode to Single Node Cloning


    Config"re the appi#ation tier ser'er no$es

    "he database and its listener should remain up before e9ecuting the ne9t set ofcommands.Log in to the merged (##L!"O# node as the applications user and e9ecute thefollo)ing commands:

    $ cd [COMMO!"O#%clone%bin

    $ perl apps"ier"his )ill prompt you ne) port pool for applictaion tier ser0ices as )ell as ne)(##L"O#2COMMO!"O#2O*(CL&!-OM& and I(S!"O#

    Successful completion of this tas/ )ill bring up your application tier ser0ices on thetarget or the cloned node.

    Post Cone Tas)s

    Log in to the target system application tier node as the (##LM=* user.

    *un the follo)ing tas/s in adadmin for all products:o generate 3(* fileso generate message fileso relin/ e9ecutableso copy files to destination