Multi Cover Third Sector Secure

Multi Cover Third Sector Secure

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Multi CoverThird Sector Secure

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Multi Cover Third Sector Secure - Policy Wording v6 01 01 2021


Free Helpline Services .................................................................................................................................................. 2

Online Law Guide and Documents Drafting ................................................................................................................. 3

The Contract of Insurance ............................................................................................................................................ 4

The Underwriters .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Important Information .................................................................................................................................................... 6

Privacy Notice ............................................................................................................................................................ 12

Making a Claim ........................................................................................................................................................... 12

General Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

General Exclusions ..................................................................................................................................................... 43

General Conditions ..................................................................................................................................................... 46

Material Damage ........................................................................................................................................................ 50

Business All Risks ...................................................................................................................................................... 71

Business Interruption .................................................................................................................................................. 75

Special Extension to Material Damage, Business All Risks and Business Interruption ............................................. 87

Book Debts ................................................................................................................................................................. 88

Terrorism..................................................................................................................................................................... 90

Employers’ Liability ..................................................................................................................................................... 94

Public and Products Liability ....................................................................................................................................... 99

Charity Trustees’ Management Liability ................................................................................................................... 114

Professional Liability ................................................................................................................................................. 128

Employee Dishonesty ............................................................................................................................................... 135

Money and Assault ................................................................................................................................................... 141

Goods in Transit ....................................................................................................................................................... 146

Deterioration of Stock ............................................................................................................................................... 151

Personal Accident ..................................................................................................................................................... 153

Travel ........................................................................................................................................................................ 157

Equipment Breakdown.............................................................................................................................................. 169

Cyber Liability ........................................................................................................................................................... 175

Legal Expenses ........................................................................................................................................................ 184

The Important Information Section includes details of:

How to cancel the policy

How to make a complaint

How to make a claim

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Free Helpline Services While Your policy is in force You may use these free helpline services to discuss business problems in the following

categories. Access is via Our United Kingdom based call centres 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, We

may need to arrange to call You back depending on the enquiry. To help Us check and improve Our service

standards, We may record all inbound and outbound calls, except those to the counselling service.

When phoning, please quote policy number TS5/6930345 and Victor Insurance.

Legal Advice Service Call 0344 893 0859

We provide confidential legal advice over the phone on any commercial legal problem affecting Your organisation,

under the laws of Europe and the countries of the European Union. Wherever possible the legal advice helpline aims

to provide immediate advice from a qualified legal advisor. However if this is not possible they will arrange a call back

at a time to suit You.

Our legal advisors provide advice on the laws of England and Wales 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a

year. Where advice is sought in an area of law beyond this jurisdiction or in respect of very specialist matters, We

will refer You to one of Our specialist advisors. This will include European law and certain areas of law for Scotland

and Northern Ireland.

Specialist advice is provided 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public and bank holidays. If calls are made

outside these times, We will call You back.

Tax Advice Service Call 0344 893 0859

We offer confidential advice over the phone on any tax matters affecting Your organisation, under the laws of the

United Kingdom.

Tax advice is provided by tax advisors 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public and bank holidays. If calls are

made outside these times, We will call you back.

Counselling Service Call 0344 893 9012

We will provide Your Employees (including any members of their immediate family who permanently live with them)

with a confidential counselling service over the phone if they are aged 18 or over including, where appropriate, onward

referral to relevant voluntary and/or professional services. Any costs arising from the use of these referral services

will not be paid by Us.

The counselling service helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We will not accept responsibility if the helpline services are unavailable for reasons We cannot control.

Identity Theft Helpline Call 0344 848 7071

We will provide Your directors or partners with detailed guidance and advice over the phone about being or becoming

a victim of identity theft.

This helpline is open 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Online Law Guide and Documents Drafting

Employment Manual Visit www.das.co.uk

The DAS Employment Manual offers comprehensive, up to date guidance on rapidly changing employment law. To

view it, please visit www.das.co.uk and select Employment Manual. All the sections of this web-based document can

be printed off for Your own use. Contact Us at [email protected] with Your email address, quoting

Your policy number and We will contact You by email to inform You of future updates to the information.

DASbusinesslaw Visit www.dasbusinesslaw.co.uk

Using www.dasbusinesslaw.co.uk You can create ready-to-sign contracts, agreements and letters in minutes.

Developed by solicitors and tailored by You using Our smart document builders. You can also buy legal documents

from the site, ranging from simple debt recovery letters to employment contracts.

The service also provides useful tools, articles and information on matters including new legislation, employment

issues, property law and taxation all regularly updated by legal experts to help You keep Your organisation one step

ahead. To access DASbusinesslaw, You will need to register at www.dasbusinesslaw.co.uk, using Your DAS policy

number TS5/6930345.

When registering, please enter the following code which will provide You with access to a range of free documents: DAS472301. If You experience any problems accessing the service, please email details of Your problem to [email protected] with Your policy number in the subject box.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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The Contract of Insurance This is Your Third Sector Secure policy. It is a contract between You and Us. It is arranged through Victor Insurance on Our behalf in accordance with the authority granted under the Contract Number stated in the Schedule. It sets out the details of Your insurance contract with Us.

This policy consists of the General Definitions, General Exclusions and General Conditions, the Schedule, the coverage Sections stated as operative in the Schedule and Endorsements (where applicable), all of which are a single document and are to be read as one contract. In deciding to accept this policy and in setting the terms and premium We have relied on the information which You have provided to Us.

We will, in consideration of the payment of the premium, insure You, subject to the terms and conditions of this policy,

against the events set out in the operative Sections and occurring in connection with Your Activities during the Period

of Insurance or any subsequent period for which We agree to accept payment of premium.

Please read this policy carefully and make sure that it meets Your needs. If any corrections are necessary You should contact Victor Insurance through whom this policy was arranged.

Please keep this policy in a safe place – You may need to refer to it if You have to make a Claim.

The Underwriters This policy is administered and underwritten by Victor Insurance, a trading name of Marsh Ltd, on behalf of the following Insurers (referred to collectively as the ‘Underwriters’), in accordance with the authority granted under:

Binding Authority Agreement Number / UMR

Section Underwriter Proportion

VI001/22768N/CH5342901N Material damage Business all risks Business interruption Book debts Terrorism Employee dishonesty Money and assault Goods in transit Deterioration of stock

Employers’ liability Public and products liability

Personal accident Travel Charity trustees management liability Professional liability

Ageas Insurance Limited

Registered address Ageas House, Hampshire Corporate Park, Templars Way, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53 3YA

Registered in England and Wales No 354568

Ageas Insurance Limited is authorised

by the Prudential Regulation Authority

and regulated by the Financial

Conduct Authority and the Prudential

Regulation Authority, Financial

services register No 202039.


Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Cyber liability



HSB Engineering Insurance Limited,

registered in England and Wales:

02396114 and registered as a branch

in Ireland: 906020. Authorised by the

Prudential Regulation Authority and

regulated by the Financial Conduct

Authority and the Prudential

Regulation Authority. Registered

address: New London House, 6

London Street, London EC3R 7LP.


VI015/TS5/6930345 Legal expenses DAS Legal Expenses Insurance

Company Limited, DAS House, Quay

Side, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6NH.

Registered in England and Wales.

Company Number 103274. Authorised

by the Prudential Regulation Authority

and regulated by the Financial

Conduct Authority (FRN202106) and

the Prudential Regulation Authority.

DAS Law Limited, North Quay,

Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6FL.

Registered in England and Wales.

Company Number 5417859. DAS Law

Limited is authorised and regulated by

the Solicitors Regulation Authority

(registered number 423113).


The subscribing Underwriters’ obligations under Contracts of Insurance to which they subscribe are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions. The subscribing Underwriters are not responsible for the subscription of any co-subscribing insurer who for any reason does not satisfy all or part of its obligations.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Important Information In this Section We, Us and Our means Ageas Insurance Limited, HSB Engineering Insurance Company Limited and DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited.

1.1 Accessibility

Upon request Victor Insurance can provide Braille, audio or large print versions of this policy and the associated documentation including the Key Facts document. If You require an alternative format You should contact Victor Insurance through whom this policy was arranged.

1.2 Third Party Rights

Any person, persons or corporate body who is not a party to this policy has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this policy but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available apart from that Act.

1.3 Law and Jurisdiction

The parties are free to choose the law applicable to this policy. Unless specifically agreed to the contrary, this policy shall be governed by English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

1.4 Your Cancellation Rights

During the first Period of Insurance, You have the right to cancel this policy within 14 days of:

(a) receipt of the policy wording and Schedule, or

(b) the inception date of this policy

whichever is the later, by writing to Us or alternatively by contacting Victor Insurance to confirm

cancellation. Cancellation will take effect from the date that We or Victor Insurance receives Your

cancellation instructions. Provided no claim has been made and there has been no incident known to You

prior to cancellation which may give rise to a claim, You will be entitled to a full refund of the premium paid.

Should a Claim be submitted after such refund has been provided, payment of the premium in full will be

required before We can deal with the Claim. We will only deal with Claims occurring during the period

commencing on or after inception up to the cancellation of this policy.

You may cancel this policy at any other time by writing to Us or alternatively by contacting Victor Insurance

to confirm cancellation. You will be entitled to the return of a proportionate part of the premium paid in

respect of the unexpired Period of Insurance provided no claim has been made during the Period of

Insurance in which the cancellation is to take effect. If a Claim has been made, We will deduct the cost of

the Claim (or the estimated cost where the Claim is outstanding) from the refund due. You will not be

entitled to any refund if:

(a) there has been an incident known to You which may give rise to a Claim, or

(b) the cost of the Claim (or the estimated cost where the Claim is outstanding) is equal to or exceeds the

amount of the premium paid.

1.5 Our Cancellation Rights

The cover provided by this policy shall automatically cease from the date that:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(a) a liquidator, administrator or insolvency practitioner is appointed to administer Your organisation

(b) Your organisation is permanently discontinued

(c) Your interest ceases other than as a result of Your death

unless We agree otherwise in writing.

In addition to (a), (b) and (c) of this condition and any right to cancel under more specific conditions, We also

have the right to cancel this policy at any other time by sending 14 days’ notice in writing to Your last known

address. Reasons for cancellation under this condition may include but are not limited to:

(a) a change to the risk which makes it one We would not normally accept;

(b) You failing to co-operate with or provide information to Us which affects Our ability to underwrite the


You will be entitled to the return of a proportionate part of the premium paid in respect of the unexpired

Period of Insurance provided no Claim has been made during the Period of Insurance in which the

cancellation is to take effect. If a Claim has been made, We will deduct the cost of the Claim (or the

estimated cost where the Claim is outstanding) from the refund due. You will not be entitled to any refund if:

(a) there has been an incident known to You which may give rise to a Claim, or

(b) the cost of the Claim (or the estimated cost where the Claim is outstanding) is equal to or exceeds the

amount of the premium paid.

1.6 The Duty of Fair Presentation

You have a duty to make a fair presentation of all material facts and circumstances to Us.Providing Us with

inaccurate information or failing to tell Us of anything which may increase the risk may invalidate this policy or

lead to claims not being paid or being paid in part only.

To assist Your understanding of which facts and circumstances are material to Us, here are some key


Who are you – the legal entity that owns Your organisation

Type of legal entity – charitable company limited by guarantee, charitable trust, charitable

unincorporated association, charitable incorporated organisation or community benefit society or group,

sole trader, partnership or committee for the time being

Premises – construction type, security protections and also rebuilding or replacement values applicable

to the Property

What you do – the description of Your Activities as shown on the Schedule

Personal history – relating to You or any partners, directors, officers or trustees or Your or their

businesses or organisations e.g previous bankruptcies, company liquidations, convictions, claims etc.

Other material facts will be shown on the statement of fact. If You are in doubt or require clarification of what

must be declared to Us, please discuss this with Victor Insurance.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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This policy does not cover maintenance of Your Property. That means We will not pay for the cost of wear

and tear or routine maintenance. We expect You to properly maintain Your Property, but the cost of this

remains Your responsibility. You have a duty to keep Your Property safe, secure and in good repair, and

take all practical steps to avoid loss or damage.

You should also take all reasonable care to prevent accidents or Bodily Injury in particular You should:

keep all work equipment and Premises in good and safe condition;

exercise care in the selection and management of Employees;

comply with all statutory obligations and regulations imposed by any authority.

In addition, You should take reasonable care to prevent the sale or supply of goods which are defective in

any way.

1.7 Changes We Need to Know About

You must tell Us as soon as practicably possible of any change in the information You have provided to Us

which happens before or during any Period of Insurance.

For example You must advise Us as soon as You become aware of:

any structural work to the Premises

any other work (other than minor repairs or alterations or general maintenance work) to be or being

carried out in or on the Premises or the site on which the Premises stand

any change in the occupation of the Premises which increases the risk of Damage as insured by the


When We are notified of a change We will tell You if this affects Your policy. For example We may cancel Your policy in accordance with clause 1.5 Our Cancellation Rights, amend the terms of Your policy or require You to pay more for Your insurance. If You do not inform Us about a change it may affect any Claim You make or could result in Your insurance being invalid.

1.8 Fraud

If You, or anyone acting for You, makes a fraudulent Claim, for example loss which is fraudulently caused

and/or exaggerated and/or supported by a fraudulent statement or other device, We:

(a) will not be liable to pay the Claim;

(b) may recover from You any sums paid by Us to You in respect of the Claim; and

(c) may by notice to You treat this policy as having been terminated with effect from the time of the

fraudulent act.

If We exercise Our right under (c) above:

(i) We shall not be liable to You in respect of a relevant event occurring after the time of the fraudulent act.

A relevant event is whatever gives rise to Our liability under this policy (such as the occurrence of loss,

the making of a Claim, or the notification of a potential Claim); and.

(ii) We need not return any of the premium paid.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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1.9 Sanctions

No (re)insurer shall be deemed to provide cover and no (re)insurer shall be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose that (re)insurer to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America.

1.10 How to make a complaint

If You are unhappy with any aspect of the handling of Your insurance We would encourage You, in the first

instance, to seek resolution by contacting Your insurance adviser. In the event that You remain dissatisfied

and wish to make a complaint, You can do so by writing to the Country Manager, UK, Victor Insurance,

Tower Place East, London, EC3R 5BU. If appropriate Your complaint may ultimately be handled by the

insurer or a third party acting on the insurers’ behalf. If this is the case We will notify You upon receipt of

Your complaint. Making a complaint does not affect Your right to take legal action.

If You are not happy with the outcome of Your complaint, You may have the right to ask the Financial

Ombudsman Service (FOS) to review Your case. You will need to contact them within six months of the date

of the final decision letter.

You can also ask the Ombudsman to review Your case if You have not been provided with a final decision

within eight weeks of receiving Your complaint.

The Ombudsman can help with most complaints if You are:

- a consumer;

- a micro enterprise employing fewer than ten persons that has an annual turnover and/or balance

sheet total that does not exceed €2 million*;

- a charity which has an annual income of less than £6.5 million*;

- a trustee of a trust which has a net asset value of less than £5 million*;

- (in relation to consumer buy-to-let business) a buy-to-let consumer;

- a small business (which is not a micro enterprise) which has an annual turnover of less than £6.5

million and (i) employs fewer than 50 persons or (ii) has a balance sheet total of less than £5 million*;

- a guarantor

* at the time You refer Your complaint

If You are unsure whether the ombudsman will consider Your complaint, or for more information, please

contact the Ombudsman directly on 0800 023 4567 or visit the FOS website at www.financial-


The address of the Ombudsman is: The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14


(a) If You have a complaint regarding Your claim, please telephone the claims handler on the number

shown in Your claims documentation.

(b) Should You wish to make a complaint under Cyber liability or Equipment breakdown please contact

the Country Manager, UK, Victor Insurance, Tower Place East, London, EC3R 5BU.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(c) Should You wish to make a complaint under Legal Expenses, the below (DAS Legal Expenses

Insurance Company Limited) process should be followed

(d) Should You wish to make a complaint under all other sections, the below (Ageas Insurance Limited)

process should be followed:

DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited

If there is any dissatisfaction with the way in which personal data has been processed, the Data Protection

Officer can be contacted in the first instance using the following details:

Data Protection Officer

DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited

DAS House

Quay Side

Temple Back



Or via E-mail: [email protected]

If You remain dissatisfied the Information Commissioner’s Office can be approached directly for a decision.

The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:-

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





We always aim to give You a high quality service. If You think we have let You down, You can contact us


phoning 0344 893 9013

emailing [email protected]

writing to the Customer Relations Department: DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited,

DAS House, Quay Side, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6NH

completing our online complaint form at www.das.co.uk/about-das/complaints

Further details of our internal complaint-handling procedures are available on request. If You are not happy

with the complaint outcome or if we’ve been unable to respond to Your complaint within 8 weeks, You may

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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be able to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service for help. This is a free arbitration service for eligible


(Details available from www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk)

You can contact them by:

phoning 0800 023 4567 (free from mobile phones and landlines) or 0300 123 9123

emailing complaint.info@financial –ombudsman.org.uk

writing to The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR

Further information is available on their website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk

Using this service does not affect your right to take legal action.

Ageas Insurance Limited

You can write to Ageas Insurance Limited at the address shown below or email them through their website

at www.ageas.co.uk/make-a-complaint (please include Your policy number and claim number if appropriate).

Customer Services Adviser, Ageas Insurance Limited, Ageas House, Hampshire Corporate Park, Templars

Way, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53 3YA.

In the unlikely event that You have not received a response within eight weeks, or You are not happy with

Our final response, You may be entitled to refer Your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service but

You must do so within six months of the date of the final decision.

The Ombudsman is an impartial complaints service which is free for customers to use and taking Your

complaint to the Ombudsman does not affect Your right to take Your dispute to the courts. You can find out

more about how to complain to the Ombudsman online at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk.

Alternatively, You can contact them at Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR.

By phone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123

By email: [email protected]

Please note that if You do not refer Your complaint within the six months, the Ombudsman won’t have Our

permission to consider Your complaint and therefore will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances,

for example, if it believes that the delay was as a result of exceptional circumstances.

1.11 Financial Services Compensation Scheme

Victor Insurance underwrites on behalf of a select group of insurers who are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation from the Scheme if they are unable to meet their obligations to You under this contract of insurance. Further information about the Scheme is available at www.fscs.org.uk or by contacting the FSCS directly on 0800 678 1100.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Privacy Notice A copy of the Victor Insurance up to date Privacy Notice can be viewed using the following link: https://www.marsh.com/uk/privacy-notice.html A copy of the Ageas Insurance Limited up to date Privacy Notice can be viewed using the following link: https://www.ageas.co.uk/privacy-policy, or contact the Data Protection Officer at: Ageas House, Hampshire Corporate Park, Templars Way, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO53 3YA or email [email protected]

A copy of the DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited up to date Privacy Notice can be viewed using the following link: https://www.das.co.uk/legal/privacy-statement For Equipment Breakdown, You should visit the relevant insurers’ website to read their Privacy Policy to understand how they will use Your information. Their details can be found in The Underwriters section of this policy wording.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Making a Claim 2.1 If anything happens which may result in a Claim being made:

Make Safe and Secure - Prevent further Damage and arrange for emergency repairs. For example, if

You have frozen pipes, You should turn off the water supply and if necessary call out a 24 hour plumber.

You should also take all practical action to minimise or eliminate any interruption of or interference with

Your Activities.

Tell the Police - Advise them within 24 hours of any Damage caused by theft, attempted theft, malicious

persons, or any loss of Property Insured.

2.2 For Damage, You must provide Us with all information and help We require in respect of the Claim and, where

requested by Us and at Your expense, written details containing all available information on the event,

Damage, accident or Bodily Injury including (to the extent possible) the amount of the Claim.

2.3 Do not admit liability or offer any payments. We will inform You of the action to be taken and where to send

any additional information requested. Do not answer any letter or other document received and send this as

soon as practicably possible to the address We have advised.

2.4 Keep evidence - Keep all damaged property and other evidence for inspection until You are advised by the

police and Us that You may dispose of it.

2.5 Notify Us of any claim or any incident which may lead to a claim as soon as possible. The sooner We are

involved, the more opportunity We have to resolve the claim to Your satisfaction. You must notify Us within

seven days if the incident relates to Damage by riot, civil commotion, labour or political disturbances.

(Not applicable to the Charity Trustee Management Liability, Professional Liability, Cyber Liability and Legal

Expenses Sections. Please refer to each individual Section for claim notification details).

2.6 If You need to make a claim under any Section other than Travel, Legal Expenses, Cyber Liability and

Equipment Breakdown, please contact Ageas Insurance Limited:

(a) Commercial claims department on 0345 122 3283. Lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The claims handler will take full details of the claim and guide You through the next steps.

(b) Alternatively You can write to Commercial Claims Department, Ageas Insurance Limited, Ageas

House, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucestershire,GL3 4FA.

2.7 If Your claim is relating to Travel please call:

(a) For Worldwide medical emergency services – International Medical Recue

(i) Telephone: +4423 8064 4633. Lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

(ii) Email: [email protected]

(b) For all other Travel Claims:

Telephone: 02380 177313. The claims team are available to handle Your claim Monday to Friday 8am

to 6pm (excluding Bank holidays), however, the phone line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so

You can notify them of Your claims at any time. They will register Your claims and may issue a claim

form for You to complete.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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2.8 If Your claim is relating to Cyber Liability or Equipment Breakdown please contact HSB Engineering Insurance


(a) Telephone: 0330 100 3432. Lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

(b) Email: [email protected]

2.9 If Your claim is relating to Legal Expenses please contact DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Ltd:

(a) Telephone: 0344 893 9012 available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,

(b) Alternatively, You can visit www.das.co.uk/legal-protection/how-to-claim

2.10 Please do not ask for help from a lawyer, accountant or anyone else before We have agreed that You

should do so. If You do, We will not pay the costs involved even if We accept the claim.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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General Definitions Each Section is subject to the following definitions except where stated below.

3.1 "Abuse" means wrongful, neglectful or inappropriate behaviour resulting in Bodily Injury or harm to any

person which may be of a physical, sexual, psychological or emotional nature.

3.2 "Accident / Accidental" means:

(a) under the Equipment Breakdown Section:

(i) electrical or mechanical Breakdown including rupture or bursting caused by centrifugal force

(ii) artificially generated electrical current including electric arcing that damages electrical devices

appliances or wires

(iii) Explosion or Collapse of Covered Equipment operating under steam or other fluid pressure

(iv) Damage to hot water boilers other water heating equipment oil or water storage tanks or other

Covered Equipment operating under steam or other fluid pressure caused by or resulting from

any condition or event (not otherwise excluded) occurring inside such equipment

(v) Damage caused by operator error that results in the overloading of Covered Equipment.

All Accidents that are the result of the same event will be considered one Accident.

(b) under all other Sections, a sudden violent external unforeseen and identifiable event.

3.3 "Accidental Bodily Injury" means:

(a) injury caused by accidental and/or violent means; or

(b) exposure occurring within 24 months from the date of the accident by which injury is caused.

3.4 "Additional Increased Costs of Working" means the additional costs and expenses, not including the costs

of reconstitution of data, incurred by You with Our prior consent in order to continue Your Activities or

minimise Your loss of Income or loss of Revenue during the Indemnity Period and not limited to the reduction

in Income or Revenue.

3.5 "Anchor Location" means a well-known third party business which is responsible, and which Your Activities

depend upon, for attracting customers to the Premises.

3.6 "Annualised Amount Insured" means the amount insured divided by the Indemnity Period multiplied by 12.

3.7 "Appointed Representative" means the Preferred Law Firm, law firm, Tax Consultancy, accountant or

other suitably qualified person We will appoint to act on the Insured Person’s behalf.

3.8 "Asset and Liberty Defence Costs" means Defence Costs incurred by the Trustee in dealing with

proceedings brought against the Trustee by anybody (including the Charities Commission or equivalent in any

other covered jurisdiction) other than by You, so authorised for the purpose of examining Your affairs or the

conduct of the Trustee in their capacity as such, seeking:

(a) confiscation, assumption of ownership and control, suspension or freezing of rights of ownership of real

property or personal assets of a Trustee

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) a charge over real property or personal assets of such Trustee

(c) a temporary or permanent prohibition on such Trustee from holding the office of or performing the

function of a Trustee

(d) a restriction of such Trustee’s liberty to a specified domestic residence or an official detention

(e) deportation of a Trustee following revocation of otherwise proper, current and valid immigration status

for any reason other than such Trustee’s conviction of a crime

provided that such proceedings are commenced during the Period of Insurance.

3.9 "Baggage and/or Personal Belongings" means:

(a) the Property of the Insured Person or within their personal custody and control not being Your

Property or otherwise used for the purposes of Your Activities

(b) normally carried on or about the person in the course of travel on an Insured Journey.

3.10 "Bodily Injury" means:

(a) under the Professional Liability Section, any injury including death, illness, disease, sickness,

psychological injury, emotional distress or nervous shock;

(b) under the Money and Assault Section, bodily injury by violent and visible means, which directly and

independently of any other cause, results in death or disablement;

(c) under the Public and Products Liability Section, any accidental trespass, nuisance, invasion of the right

of privacy or interference with any right of way, air, light, water or other easement; and

3.11 under the Employers’ Liability and Public and Products Liability Sections, accidental death, bodily

injury, mental anguish, mental injury, illness or disease of or to a person."Book Debts" means the total

amount of the outstanding debit balances in customers’ credit accounts including hire purchase and credit

sales accounts at the date of the accidental Damage adjusted for bad debts.

3.12 "Breakdown" means:

(a) under the Deterioration of Stock Section:

(i) mechanical or electrical failure of any part of the Refrigerating Plant requiring repair or

replacement before it can resume working; or

(ii) sudden and unforeseen internal explosion causing Damage to Refrigerating Plant; or

(iii) Damage by frost to the condenser, cylinder, compressor and any water jackets if such Damage

renders the Refrigerating Plant inoperative.

(b) under the Equipment Breakdown Section:

(i) the actual breaking, failure, distortion or burning out of any part of the Covered Equipment whilst

in ordinary use arising from defects in the Covered Equipment causing its sudden stoppage and

necessitating repair or replacement before it can resume work

(ii) fracturing of any part of the Covered Equipment by frost when such fracture renders the

Covered Equipment inoperative

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iii) the actual and complete severance of a rope but not breakage or abrasion of wires or strands

even though replacement may be necessary

(iv) Electronic Derangement.

3.13 "Buildings" means the buildings at the Premises used for Your Activities, including landlords fixtures and

fittings, fixed glass forming part of the buildings, piping, ducting, cabling, wiring and associated control gear

and accessories at the Premises and extending to the public mains, solar panels and wind turbines fixed to

the building, tenants improvements, Outbuildings, walls, gates, fences, decking, lychgates, monuments,

notice boards, nameplates, signs and fixed garden seating, paths, drives, car parks and other paved or

hardstanding areas, swimming pools, fixed outdoor adventure and playground equipment, artificial playing

surfaces, inspection covers, fixed lighting, storage tanks, plant or equipment external to the building(s),

external defibrillators in lockable containers all belonging to You or for which You are responsible.

3.14 "Business Income" means:

(a) the amount of net income (profit or loss before taxes) which You would have earned after the Time

Excess if the Cyber Event had not happened

(b) normal operating expenses that continue, including ordinary payroll.

3.15 "Cheque" means cheque, draft, promissory note, bill of exchange, or similar written promise, order, or direction

to pay a fixed amount which is shown on the document.

3.16 "Claim" means:

(a) under the Charity Trustees Management Section, a demand made for compensation or damages from,

or an allegation of a right against:

(i) a Trustee, under Part A – Trustee Liability, and which is communicated to the Trustee; or

(ii) You, under Part B – Organisational Liability, and which is communicated to You.

All claims related or connected in any way by reference to any common contributory factor or

characteristic shall be treated as a single claim, provided that all such claims are notified during the

Period of Insurance or the Discovery Period if applicable.

(b) under the Employers’ Liability, Public and Products Liability and Professional Liability Sections a

demand made against You consisting of or arising from any:

(i) demand, whether oral or in writing, for damages or compensation; or

(ii) notice of intention, whether oral or in writing, to commence legal proceedings; or

(iii) communication invoking any pre-action protocols; or

(iv) notification of arbitration, ombudsman or adjudication proceedings.

(c) under all other Sections a written demand for payment of an amount due under the terms of this policy.

3.17 "Collapse" means under the Equipment Breakdown Section the sudden and dangerous distortion (whether or

not attended by rupture) of any part of the Covered Equipment caused by crushing stress by force of steam

or other fluid pressure (other than pressure of chemical action or ignited flue gases or ignition of the contents).

3.18 “Company Wrongful Arrest” means:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(a) breach of duty

(b) breach of trust

(c) negligent act, error or omission

(d) misstatement or msisleading statement

(e) breach of warranty of authority

(f) any other matter claimed against You committed or attempted by You where You are an incorporated

company and arising from the conduct of Your Activities.

3.19 "Computer and Electronic Equipment" means:

(a) under the Material Damage Section, all computers, computer installations and systems, microchips,

integrated circuits, microprocessors, embedded systems, hardware, and any electronic equipment, data

processing equipment, information repository, telecommunication equipment, computer controlled or

programmed machinery, equipment capable of processing Data and/or similar devices, whether

connected physically or remotely;

(b) under the Equipment Breakdown Section:

(i) electronic; computer or other Data processing and/or storage equipment

(ii) projectors printers scanners and other peripheral devices used in conjunction with (i)

(iii) software and programs licensed to You and installed on (i)

(iv) Portable Electronic Equipment.

3.20 "Computer Media" means all forms of electronic, magnetic and optical tapes and discs for use in any

Computer and Electronic Equipment.

3.21 "Computer System" means:

(a) under the Cyber Section, any Hardware, Data, computer networks, websites, intranet and extranet


(b) under all other Sections, computer or other equipment or component or system which processes, stores,

transmits or receives Data.

3.22 “Consequential Loss” means consequential or indirect loss (that is any Damage or additional expense, which

happens as a result of, or is a side effect of, the event for which You are insured). This includes but is not

limited to the following:

(a) loss of Revenue

(b) loss of earnings

(c) additional travel costs

(d) loss assessor fees

(e) the cost of preparing a claim

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(f) compensation for stress or inconvenience.

3.23 "Controlling Interest" means shares conferring in the aggregate 50% or more of the total voting rights

conferred by all the issued shares in the capital of You for the time being in issue, and conferring the right to

vote at general meetings, including shares held by all persons who, in relation to each other, are associates

or persons acting in concert within the meaning of the City Code on Takeovers and mergers.

3.24 "Costs and Expenses" means:

(a) under the Employers’ Liability and Public and Products Liability Sections:

(i) fees for Your legal representation at:

(1) any Coroner’s Inquest or Fatal Accident Inquiry

(2) proceedings in any Court of Summary Jurisdiction arising out of any alleged breach of

statutory duty

(ii) costs and expenses incurred with Our written consent

(iii) any claimants’ legal costs for which You are legally liable

in connection with any event which is or may be the subject of cover under these Sections.

(b) under the Professional Liability Section all costs and expenses incurred in the investigation, defence or

settlement of any Claim or loss in so far as those costs and expenses have been incurred with Our

written consent.

(c) under the Legal Expenses Section:

(i) all reasonable and necessary costs chargeable by the Appointed Representative and agreed

by Us in accordance with the DAS Standard Terms of Appointment; and

(ii) the costs incurred by opponents in civil cases if the Insured Person has been ordered to pay

them, or the Insured Person pays them with Our agreement.

3.25 "Countries Covered " means:

(a) for Insured Incident 24.2(b) – Legal Defence (excluding (v) – Statutory Notice Appeals and (vii) –

Disciplinary Hearings), and Insured Incident 2.4.2(f) – Personal injury, Europe, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia

Herzegovina, Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino, Serbia

and Turkey;

(b) for all other Insured Incidents the United Kingdom.

3.26 "Covered Equipment" means equipment owned by You or for which You are responsible at the Premises:

(a) which is built to operate under vacuum or pressure (other than the weight of its contents); or

(b) that generates transmits stores or converts energy; or

(c) which is Computer and Electronic Equipment.


(i) any supporting structure, foundation, masonry, brickwork or cabinet

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) any insulating or refractory material

(iii) any vehicle, aircraft, floating vessels or any equipment mounted thereon (other than vehicle recovery

cranage or equipment which is included but not the actual vehicle)

(iv) self propelled plant and equipment (other than fork lift trucks and pallet trucks used by You at Your

Premises) dragline excavation or construction equipment

(v) equipment manufactured by You for sale

(vi) safety or protective devices due to their functioning

(vii) tools, dies, cutting edges, crushing surfaces, trailing cables, non metallic linings, driving belts or bands

or any part requiring periodic renewal

(viii) any electronic equipment (other than Computer and Electronic Equipment) used for research,

diagnostic, treatment, experimental or other medical or scientific purposes with a new replacement value

in excess of £30,000

(ix) any manufacturing production or process equipment, being any machine or apparatus (other than

boilers, lifts, fork lift trucks, dock levellers and lifting tables) which has a primary purpose of processing

or producing a product or service intended for eventual sale by You and any equipment which

exclusively serves such machinery or apparatus, including linked Computer and Electronic


(x) any electricity generating equipment other than emergency back-up power equipment or wind turbines

less than 10kw or photovoltaic equipment less than 50kw

(xi) any kitchen and food preparation equipment laundry and cleaning equipment audio-visual equipment

and Computer and Electronic Equipment whilst in a private dwelling or private dwelling quarters

(unless such equipment is Your Property or for which You are responsible)

(xii) any biomass or biogas installation, being any equipment and machinery used in connection with running

a biomass or biogas heating or power-generation plant, including anaerobic digesters, storage tanks,

augers, screeners, scrubbers, boilers, gas engines, generators, heat exchangers, pumps and motors

(xiii) any hydroelectric installation being any equipment, machinery, dam and weir used in connection with

running a hydroelectric-power station, including turbines, sluice gates, screens, screeners, pumps,

motors, generators, gearboxes, engines, alternators and associated equipment. hydroelectric

installations also include any substation and distribution transformer, switchgear, meter, cabling,

telecommunication and monitoring device, building and converter housing (including fixtures and

fittings), and security equipment.

3.27 "Criminal Defence Costs" means Defence Costs incurred by:

(a) the Trustee, under Part A – Trustee Liability; or

(b) You, under Part B – Organisational Liability

in defending any criminal investigations or proceedings commenced during the Period of Insurance and

brought against them by any government body for any Wrongful Act including gross breach of duty of care

that causes the death of another person and proceedings under the Bribery Act 2010, or the equivalent in any

other covered jurisdiction.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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3.28 "Customers’ Accounts" means Your accounts for all customers who trade with You on a credit or hire

purchase basis.

3.29 "Cyber Event" means:

(a) loss, corruption, accidental or malicious deletion of or change to, unauthorised access to, or theft of


(b) Damage to websites, intranet or extranet sites

(c) Damage or disruption caused by a Virus or Similar Mechanism, Hacking or Denial of Service Attack,


(d) failure of or variation in the supply of electricity or telecommunications networks owned and

operated by You

affecting Your Computer System, the Computer System of a Service Provider or Your customer.

3.30 "Damage" means:

(a) under the Public and Products Liability Section, loss or destruction of, or damage to Property and the

loss of possession of Property;

(b) under the Cyber Section, total or partial loss, damage, destruction, breakdown or corruption; and

(c) under all other Sections, loss or destruction of, or damage to Property.

3.31 "Damages" means under the Cyber Section only:

(a) financial compensation You have to pay, except for fines, penalties, liquidated damages (contractual

penalties), punitive or exemplary damages (extra damages to punish You) or aggravated damages

(more severe damages to reflect the seriousness of an offence); or

(b) third parties’ costs and expenses You have to pay as a result of a Claim being brought against You.

3.32 "DAS Standard Terms of Appointment" means the terms and conditions (including the amount We will pay

to an Appointed Representative) that apply to the relevant type of Claim, which could include a conditional

fee agreement (no win, no fee). Where a law firm is acting as an Appointed Representative the amount is

currently £100 per hour. This amount may vary from time to time.

3.33 "Data" means:

(a) under the Cyber Section, facts, concepts, information, ideas, text, recordings and images which are

converted to a form which can be processed by Hardware, but not including software and programs;

(b) under all other Sections, data of any sort whatever, including without limitation tangible or intangible

data, and any programs or software, bandwidth, cryptographic keys, databases, documents, domain

names or network addresses or anything similar, files, interfaces, metadata, platforms, processing

capability, storage media, transaction gateways, user credentials, websites or any information whatever.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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3.34 "Data Privacy Obligations" means any legal obligations relating to securing, managing and preventing

unauthorised access or use of Data, and arising under:

(a) applicable data-protection regulations anywhere in the world associated with the confidentiality of,

access to, control of and use of Personal Data which are in force at the time You discover You have

failed to keep to Your Data privacy obligations;

(b) guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office or similar organisations worldwide;

(c) the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard or other contractual obligations relating to handling

credit-card and debit-card information;

(d) privacy statements and confidentiality agreements.

3.35 "Data Storage Materials" means any materials or devices used for the storage or representation of Data

including for example disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, DVDs, memory sticks, memory cards or other materials or

devices which may or may not also constitute Computer and Electronic Equipment.

3.36 "Date of Occurrence" means:

(a) for civil cases (other than under Insured Incident 24.2(i) – Tax Protection), the date of the event that

leads to a Claim. If there is more than one event arising at different times from the same originating

cause, the Date of Occurrence is the date of the first of these events. (This is the date the event

happened, which may be before the date You or an Insured Person first became aware of it).

(b) for criminal cases, the date the Insured Person began, or is alleged to have begun, to break the law.

(c) for Insured Incident 24.2(c) – Statutory Licence Appeal, the date when You first became aware of the

proposal by the relevant licensing or regulatory authority to suspend, alter the terms of, refuse to renew

or cancel Your licence, mandatory registration or British Standard Certificate of Registration.

(d) for Insured Incident 24.2(i) – Tax Protection, the date when HM Revenue & Customs, or the relevant

authority, first notifies You of its intention to carry out an enquiry.

(e) for a VAT Dispute or Employer Compliance Dispute, the date the dispute arises during the Period of

Insurance following the issue of an assessment, written decision or notice of a civil penalty.

(f) for Insured Incident 24.2(b) – Legal Defence (v) Statutory Notice Appeals, the date when the Insured

Person is issued with the relevant notice and has the right to appeal.

3.37 "Defence Costs" means:

(a) under the Charity Trustees Management Liability Section, legal costs and expenses incurred:

(i) by or on behalf of the Trustee, under Part A – Trustee Liability

(ii) by You, under Part B – Organisational Liability

(iii) by You, under Part C – Employment Practices Liability

with Our prior written and continuing consent. It does not include any Trustee’s or Your own Costs

and Expenses (including salaries) or any value attributable to the time spent by the Trustee, You or

any Employee in dealing with a Claim. Defence Costs shall include premium paid for insurance

instruments or for bonds which may be required; and

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) under the Cyber Section, Costs and Expenses We agree to in writing for investigating, settling or

defending a Claim against You.

3.38 "Denial of Service Attack" means:

(a) under the Cyber Section, the availability of the Computer System;

(b) under all other Sections, any actions or instructions constructed or generated with the ability to damage,

interfere with or otherwise affect the availability or performance of networks, network services, network

connectivity or Computer Systems. Denial of service attacks include, but are not limited to, the

generation of excess traffic into network addresses, the exploitation of system or network weaknesses,

the generation of excess or non-genuine traffic between and amongst networks and the procurement of

such actions or instructions by other Computer Systems.

3.39 "Dependant" means any natural or legally adopted children or legal wards of an Insured Person (and/or a

Partner where applicable) living at the same address who at the time of the Accidental Bodily Injury are in

full time education or any other person who is dependent on the Insured Person for whom the Insured Person

is in receipt of a carer’s allowance or attendance benefit from the state.

3.40 "Directors and Officers" means directors, officers, principals, partners or members while they are employed

by You and under Your control in connection with Your Activities.

3.41 "Discovery / Discovered" means when Your director, trustee, governor, officer, department director, senior

manager or equivalent (who is not In Collusion with a dishonest Employee) first becomes aware of any act,

event or matter which would cause a reasonable person to believe that a crime had occurred which could give

rise to a loss under this Section regardless of whether the exact amount or circumstances of the loss have

been established.

Discovery also occurs when Your director, trustee, governor, officer, department director, senior manager or

equivalent receives notice of an actual or potential Claim against You alleging facts that if true would constitute

a loss covered by this Section.

3.42 "Discovery Period" means single extension of the expiring Period of Insurance in respect of any Claim

made against a Trustee during the period of 12 months after the expiry of the Period of Insurance but only

for a:

(a) Wrongful Act by a Trustee

(b) Company Wrongful Act by You

committed or attempted prior to the expiry of the original Period of Insurance stated in the Schedule.

3.43 "Documents" means any:

(a) project, models or displays

(b) deeds, wills or agreements

(c) maps, plans, records, photographs, negatives, calculations or drawings

(d) written or printed books, letters, certificates, documents or forms of any nature

(e) computer software, files, documents and systems records, digitised data, information recorded or stored

in a format for use with a computer

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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which are Your property, are under Your custody or control, or for which You are responsible.

This definition does not include bearer bonds, evidence of share ownership (whether in electronic or other

form), coupons, bank or currency notes and other negotiable paper.

3.44 "Electronic Derangement” means the malfunction of the Computer and Electronic Equipment or electronic

circuitry controlling or operating the Covered Equipment that is not accompanied by visible Damage and

requires replacement of one or more insured components of the Covered Equipment in order to restore it to

its normal operation.

Electronic Derangement does not include:

(a) the rebooting, reloading or updating of software or firmware;

(b) the incompatibility of Covered Equipment with any software or equipment installed, introduced or

networked within the previous 30 days; or

(c) the Covered Equipment being of insufficient size, specification or capacity.

3.45 “Electronic Instructions” means instructions issued from a terminal or computer on Your Premises to a bank

or financial institution at which You hold an account directing them to make a payment for a fixed amount from

Your account to the account of a third party.

3.46 "Employee / Employment” means:

(a) under the Charity Trustee Management Liability and the Professional Liability Sections, any person who

is or have been:

(i) under a contract of service or apprenticeship with You;

(ii) self-employed;

(iii) engaged under a work experience or training scheme;

(iv) a voluntary helper;

(v) seasonal or temporary personnel; or

(vi) agency staff

whilst working under Your control in connection with Your Activities provided they are not acting as a


(b) under the Employee Dishonesty Section, any person:

(i) who is a member of Your board of governors or trustees or equivalent management board;

(ii) under a full time, part time or temporary contract of service or apprenticeship with You in

connection with Your Activities and whom You remunerate by salary, wages or commissions

and have the right to govern and direct in the performance of such service.

(iii) while working under Your control in connection with Your Activities who is:

(1) under a work experience or training scheme;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(2) working exclusively for You and for no other party under a contract for services as a

consultant having previously been employed by You;

(3) supplied to You by any agency furnishing temporary personnel on a temporary or

contingent basis;

(4) a volunteer directly engaged by You; or

(iv) included in (i), (ii) or (iii) above for a period not exceeding 30 days immediately following the

termination of such person’s services.

(c) under the Personal Accident Section, any person who is:

(i) under a contract of service or apprenticeship with You;

(ii) borrowed or hired to You;

(iii) a labour master or supplied by a labour master;

(iv) employed by a labour only sub-contractor;

(v) self-employed;

(vi) under a work experience or training scheme;

(vii) a governor;

(viii) a trustee; or

(ix) an outworker or homeworker

whilst working under Your control in connection with Your Activities.

(d) under the Cyber Section, any:

(i) person employed, borrowed or hired by You, including apprentices;

(ii) labour master or labour-only subcontractor (or a person supplied by any of them);

(iii) self-employed person;

(iv) person taking part in any government or otherwise authorised work experience, training, study,

exchange or similar scheme;

(v) person doing voluntary work for You; or

(vi) person supplied to You under a contract or agreement which states that they are in Your


when they are working for You in connection with Your Activities, but not including Your Directors

and Officers.

(e) under all other Sections, any person who is:

(i) under a contract of service or apprenticeship with You;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) borrowed or hired to You;

(iii) a labour master or supplied by a labour master;

(iv) employed by a labour only sub-contractor;

(v) self-employed;

(vi) under a work experience or training scheme;

(vii) a voluntary helper;

(viii) a governor;

(ix) a trustee; or

(x) an outworker or homeworker

whilst working under Your control in connection with Your Activities.

3.47 "Employer Compliance Dispute" means a dispute with HM Revenue & Customs concerning Your compliance with Pay As You Earn, Social Security, Construction Industry or IR35 legislation and regulations.

3.48 "Employment Practices Wrongful Act" means any actual or alleged:

(a) discrimination with respect to the terms or conditions of Employment on the basis of an individual's

race, colour, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation or preference or

other status protected under applicable law

(b) harassment, including unwelcome sexual or non sexual advances, requests for sexual favours and any

unwelcome verbal, visual or physical contact of a sexual nature which:

(i) is explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of Employment

(ii) creates a hostile or offensive working environment

(iii) when rejected or opposed by a person becomes a basis for decisions regarding that person's


(c) defamation (including libel and slander) which relates to a person's job skills, job performance,

qualifications for Employment, professional reputation, disciplinary history or termination of


(d) wrongful termination of Employment or refusal to hire

(e) adverse change in the terms and conditions of a person's Employment in retaliation for that person's

exercise of his or her rights under law or support of the rights of another.

3.49 "Endorsement" means a change in the terms and conditions of this policy that can extend or restrict cover.

3.50 “Europe” means England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, Norway,

Switzerland and the countries of the European Union.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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3.51 "Excess" means the amount or amounts shown in Your policy or the Schedule which We will deduct from

each and every Claim at each separate location after all other terms and conditions have been applied.

If an Excess is applicable under more than one Section of the policy, only the highest of those which would

apply separately will be deducted.

3.52 "Explosion" means the sudden and violent rending of Covered Equipment by force of internal steam or other

fluid pressure (other than pressure of chemical action or ignited flue gases or ignition of the contents) causing

bodily displacement of any part of the Covered Equipment together with forcible ejection of the contents.

3.53 "Extradition Proceedings Defence Costs" means Defence Costs incurred by the Trustee in dealing with an

Extradition Notice being:

(a) any request for the extradition of any Trustee, any warrant for the arrest of any Trustee or other

proceedings under the provisions of the United Kingdom Extradition Act 2003

(b) any associated appeal

(c) the equivalent of the above in any other jurisdiction

arising from a Wrongful Act, provided the Extradition Notice is first served on the Trustee during the Period

of Insurance.

3.54 “Facsimile Instructions” means instructions sent from a facsimile or other machine which scans a document, sends it electronically over a telephone or other telecommunications network so that a facsimile can be printed on receipt, to a bank or a financial institution at which You hold an account directing them to make a payment using an electronic funds transfer system for a fixed amount from Your account to the account of a third party.

3.55 "Failure" means any partial or complete reduction in the:

(a) performance; or

(b) availability; or

(c) functionality; or

(d) the ability to recognise or process any date or time, of any:

(i) Computer and Electronic Equipment;

(ii) electronic means of communication;

(iii) web site.

3.56 "Forgery / Forged" means the signing of the name of one person by another person with the intent to deceive

but not:

(a) the signing of a person’s name signed by that person with or without authority in any capacity for any

purpose; or

(b) genuinely signed instruments which are false as to contents.

3.57 "Hacking" means:

(a) under the Cyber Section, unauthorised or malicious access to any Computer System by electronic

means; or

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) under all other Sections, unauthorised access to any computer Computer System whether owned by

You or not.

3.58 "Hardware" means under the Cyber Section:

(a) computers and associated equipment, telecommunications equipment and software and programs used

to process Data, but not including:

(i) equipment controlling manufacturing processes, or forming part of machinery; or

(ii) equipment held as Stock or which You have manufactured and is intended for sale or repair in

the course of Your Activities;

(b) laptops, palmtops, notebooks and tablet computers, removable satellite-navigation systems, digital

cameras and smartphones and associated software and programs;

(c) photocopiers, fax machines, shredders, addressing machines, franking machines, televisions and

associated equipment, DVD and CD recorders and players, video and audio conferencing and projection

equipment and associated software and programs; and

(d) software.

3.59 "Heave"means upward movement of the ground beneath the Buildings as a result of the soil expanding.

3.60 "Hijack" means unlawful seizure or unlawful control of an aircraft or other conveyance in which the Insured

Person is travelling as a passenger.

3.61 "Hospital" means:

(a) a National Health NHS Trust

(b) a registered private hospital or establishment licensed by a recognised body for:

(i) medical diagnosis and treatment

(ii) undertaking surgical operations

(iii) care of injured or sick persons

by or under the supervision of a staff of medical practitioners.

3.62 "Identity Theft" means the theft or unauthorised use of Your director’s or partner’s personal identification

which has resulted in the unlawful use of Your director’s or partner’s identity.

3.63 "In Collusion" means where two or more people are involved or implicated together or where they assist each

other materially.

3.64 “In Transit” means:

(a) being loaded on or into a Vehicle;

(b) being carried by a Vehicle;

(c) contained in or on a Vehicle whilst parked or stationary during transit for a period not exceeding 24

consecutive hours; and

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

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(d) being unloaded off or from a Vehicle but not including positioning, installation, commissioning or

erection subsequent to unloading.

3.65 "Income" means the total income from Your Activities carried out from the Premises.

3.66 "Increased Costs of Working" means the costs and expenses incurred by You for the sole purpose of

minimising the reduction in Income from Your Activities during the Indemnity Period, but not exceeding the

reduction in Income saved.

3.67 "Indemnity Period" means:

(a) under the Business Interruption Section, the period, in months, beginning at the date of the Insured

Damage or the date restriction is imposed, and lasting for the period during which Your Income is

affected as a result of such Insured Damage or restriction, but for no longer than the period shown in

the Schedule; and

(b) under the Cyber Section, the period during which You suffer a loss of Business Income or have to pay

extra costs, starting on the date of the Cyber Event and ending no later than the last day of the period

shown in the Schedule.

3.68 "Insured Damage" means accidental Damage to Property occurring during the Period of Insurance provided


(a) the Damage is not otherwise excluded by the buildings, contents or other property sections of this policy;


(b) payment has been made or liability admitted under any insurance covering such Damage.

3.69 "Insured Event" means:

(a) Fire;

(b) Lightning;

(c) Explosion;

(d) Aircraft and other aerial devices or articles dropped from them;

(e) Earthquake;

(f) Riot, civil commotion, strikers, locked out workers or persons taking part in labour disturbances;

(g) Storm or flood;

(h) Escape of water from any tank, apparatus or pipe;

(i) Falling trees;

(j) Impact;

(k) Escape of fuel from any fixed oil heating installation;

(l) Malicious persons other than thieves; or

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(m) Theft or attempted theft but only where involving entry into or exit from the Premises by forcible and

violent means.

3.70 "Insured Journey" means any authorised journey in connection with Your Activities which begins during the

Period of Insurance and:

(a) starts from the time the Insured Person leaves their home or, if later, their place of business to travel

within the following geographical limits as shown in the Schedule:

(i) Europe means Europe, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia

Herzegovina, Croatia, Gibraltar, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Macedonia, Monaco, Montenegro, San

Marino, Serbia and Turkey (West of the Bosphorus); or

(ii) USA means the United states of America and Canada; or

(iii) Worldwide means anywhere in the world other than Europe or USA; and

(b) continues during the entire period of the journey; and

(c) terminates at the time of return to their home, or if earlier, their place of business.

If the Insured Journey is solely within the United Kingdom, cover will be operative only if the journey involves

an air flight and/or overnight stay away from home.

Any period of holiday which is purely ancillary to the Insured Journey shall be treated as being included within

the period of the Insured Journey provided that it is otherwise within the period set out above.

3.71 "Insured Person" means:

(a) Under the Personal Accident Section, You or Your directors, partners, Employees or any volunteers

directly engaged by You;

(b) under the Travel Section, You or Your directors, partners or Employees and includes any accompany

spouse, Partner or Dependant;

(c) under the Legal Expenses Section, You and Your directors, partners, managers, Employees and any

other individuals declared to Us by You; and

(d) under all other Sections, You or Your directors, partners or Employees.

3.72 "Investigation" means a formal investigation, examination or enquiry into Your Activities commenced during

the Period of Insurance by any regulatory body, government department of other body having a legal right to

examine, conduct an enquiry or investigate Your Activities.

It does not include any investigation, examination or enquiry arising from actual Pollution or Contamination

or alleged or threatened Pollution or Contamination or any routine regulatory supervision, enquiry or

compliance review, any internal investigation or any investigation into activities of Your sector which is not

related solely to the conduct of You or any Trustee.

3.73 "Investigation Costs" means:

(a) under the Charity Trustees Management Liability Section, Defence Costs incurred, with Our prior written

and continuing consent, in the context of an Investigation provided that such Investigation is first

commenced during the Period of Insurance.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) under the Employee Dishonesty Section, the independent investigation costs, incurred by You solely to

substantiate the cause and amount of fees, but not costs paid by You for salaries, wages or any similar


3.74 "Kidnap" means being the illegal actual taking and seizing, detaining or carrying away by force of an Insured

Person by one or more individuals for the purpose of demanding cash, marketable goods or services from the

Insured Person’s assets as a condition of their release.

3.75 "Landslip" means downward movement of sloping ground.

3.76 "Legionellosis" means accidental Bodily Injury caused by the escape, discharge or release of legionella

bacteria from any water, air-conditioning or other purpose built system or equipment that uses water

including, but not limited to, associated tanks, pipes, ducting, evaporative condensers, spa pools, saunas

and Turkish baths.

3.77 "Licence" means:

(a) a licence granted under the Licensing Act 2003 or any subsequent legislation in respect of the Premises

for the sale of excisable liquor, or

(b) a registration certification

as stated on the Schedule.

3.78 "Life Threatening Situation" means a life threatening situation is a situation recognised by Our Security

Consultants including for example serious crimes such as Kidnap or unlawful detention.

3.79 "Loss" means an award of compensatory damages made by a competent court or tribunal including third party

costs or any settlement incurred with Our prior written consent.

Loss does not include:

(a) Trustee or Employee remuneration, benefits, stock or share options or severance payments; or

(b) taxes, fines or civil, regulatory or criminal penalties; or

(c) punitive, aggravated or exemplary damages; or

(d) in respect of any Employment Practices Wrongful Act:

(i) any salary or wages earned while in Your Employment;

(ii) any Employment related benefits to which the claimant would have been entitled had the Trustee

or You provided the claimant with a continuance, reinstatement or commencement of


(iii) contractual damages based upon the terms of a contract of Employment; or

(iv) any liability or costs incurred to modify any building or property in order to make such a building

or property more accessible or accommodating to any disabled persons.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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3.80 "Loss of Data" means the physical or electronic or other loss or destruction or alteration or loss of use, whether

permanent or temporary, of or damage to Data, in whole or in part, including, but not limited to loss of Data

resulting from loss or damage to Computer and Electronic Equipment or Data Storage Materials, including

while stored on Data Storage Materials.

3.81 "Loss of Licence" means the temporary or permanent:

(a) forfeiture of a Licence

(b) refusal to renew a Licence by the licensing authority,

due to reasons beyond Your control.

3.82 “Loss of Limbs” means:

(a) in the case of a leg or legs:

(i) loss by permanent physical severance at or above the ankle; or

(ii) permament and total loss of use of an entire foot or leg

(b) in the case of an arm or arms:

(i) loss by permanent physical severance of the four fingers at or above the metacarpophalangeal

goings (where the fingers join the palm of the hand); or

(ii) permanent and total loss of use of an entire hand or arm.

3.83 “Loss of Sight or Hearing” means

(a) irrecoverable loss of sight on both eyes if an Insured Person is registered as severely sight impaired

(b) in one eye if the degree of sight remaining after correction is less than 3/60 on the Snellen Scale (seeing

at 3 feet what a person with standard vision should see at 60 feet)

(c) total and permanent loss of hearing.

3.84 "Machinery, Plant and All Other Contents" means machinery, plant and all other contents belonging to You

or held in trust for which You are responsible, at the Premises including:

(a) documents, manuscripts and business books.

(b) patterns, models, moulds, plans and designs but only for:

(i) the value of the materials, and

(ii) the cost of labour and computer time spent in reproducing them.

We will not pay for the value to You of any information lost.

(c) Pedal cycles, tools and other personal items belonging to You, Your directors, partners, Employees,

customers or visitors but only if they are not otherwise insured. The maximum We will pay for any one

person’s property is £2,500.

(d) Rare books or works of art. The maximum We will pay in respect of any one article is £2,500, and

£10,000 in total for any one Claim.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(e) Wines, spirits, cigarettes and tobacco held at the Premises. The maximum We will pay is £1,000 in

respect of any one Claim.


(i) Landlord’s fixtures and fittings;

(ii) Stock and materials in trade; or

(iii) Property more specifically insured.

3.85 "Money" means current:

(a) coin, bank and currency notes;

(b) postal and money orders, bankers drafts, cheques and giro cheques;

(c) crossed warrants, bills or exchanges and securities for money;

(d) unused postage, revenue, national insurance and holiday with pay stamps;

(e) national insurance and holiday with pay cards, national savings certificates, war bonds, premium savings

bonds and franking machine impressions;

(f) credit company sales vouchers, debit card sales vouchers, travellers cheques, luncheon vouchers and

trading stamps;

(g) VAT invoices; and

(h) monetary balances held to Your credit by a financial institution.

3.86 "Nuclear Installation" means any installation of such class or description as may be prescribed by regulations

made by the relevant Secretary of State from time to time by statutory instrument, being an installation

designed or adapted for:

(a) the production or use of atomic energy;

(b) the carrying out of any process which is preparatory or ancillary to the production or use of atomic energy

and which involves or is capable of causing the emission of ionising radiations; or

(c) the storage, processing or disposal of nuclear fuel or bulk quantities of other radioactive matter, being

matter which has been produced or irradiated in the course of the production or use of nuclear fuel.

3.87 "Nuclear Reactor" means any plant (including any machinery, equipment or appliance, whether affixed to land

or not) designed or adapted for the production of atomic energy by a fission process in which a controlled chain

reaction can be maintained without an additional source of neutrons.

3.88 "Outbuildings" means sheds, glass-houses, conservatories, garages, storage units, plant rooms, workshops

or other buildings at the Premises, all being used in connection with Your Activities, either:

(a) detached from, or

(b) attached to but not internally communicating with,

the main Buildings.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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3.89 "Outside Trustee" means a Trustee acting in the capacity of a trustee, committee member, governor or

director formally appointed on Your written authority and request to the board or equivalent position in any

organisation in which You hold a shareholding, any not-for-profit entity, any entity which has been specified in

the Schedule or any other entity which has been agreed to in writing by Us other than:

(a) You; or

(b) any entity that:

(i) has its securities listed or traded on any exchange; or

(ii) possesses any tangible or intangible asset located within the USA or any territory within its

jurisdiction or Canada

(iii) any organisation providing financial services.

3.90 "Partner" means the spouse or civil partner of an Insured Person living at the same address as the Insured

Person for at least 12 months and sharing financial responsibility for their Dependants.

3.91 “Pastoral Care” means the provision of informal, unstructured care, guidance and support offered by You for

free to any person seeking Your assistance in the support of their emotional, spiritual or physical well-being.

3.92 "Payment Recipient" means an individual, company or organisation who is engaged by You to provide goods

or services to You and in return receives payment from You.

3.93 "Pension or Employee Benefit Scheme" means a money purchase (defined contribution) pension or employee

benefit scheme which is registered in the United Kingdom and governed by the laws of England and Wales.

3.94 "Period of Insurance" means from the effective date until the expiry date (both shown in the Schedule) or

any subsequent period for which We accept payment for renewal of this policy.

3.95 “Personal Belongings” means items worn, used or carried in daily life, money but not credit or debit cards or

items held or used for business purposes or in connection with Your Activities.

3.96 "Personal Data" means information which could identify a person or allow identity theft or other fraud to take


3.97 "Phishing" means any access or attempted access to Data made by means of misrepresentation or deception.

3.98 "Polluting or Contamination Substances" means any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant

including, but not limited to smoke, vapour, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals, dust, legionella bacteria and

micro-organisms or pathogens and waste including material to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed.

3.99 "Pollution or Contamination" means:

(a) all pollution or contamination of buildings or other structures or of water or land or atmosphere

(b) all Bodily Injury, Damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by such pollution or contamination

arising from any Polluting or Contamination Substance.

3.100 "Pollution Defence Costs" means Defence Costs incurred by:

(a) the Trustee, under Part A – Trustee Liability

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) You, under Part B – Organisational Liability

with Our prior written and continuing consent, in defending any proceedings brought against the Trustee or You,

as applicable, during the Period of Insurance in relation to any Wrongful Act involving Pollution or


3.101 “Portable Computer Equipment” means:

(a) under the Business All Risk Section, personal computers, small micro-computers and similar equipment

used for processing, communicating and storing electronic Data, and which are designed to be carried

by hand; and

(b) under the Equipment Breakdown Section:

(i) laptops palmtops and notebooks;

(ii) personal digital assistants (PDAs);

(iii) projectors printers scanners and other peripheral devices which are designed to be carried and

used in conjunction with other Portable Computer Equipment;

(iv) removable satellite navigation systems;

(v) digital cameras; and

(vi) smartphones.

3.102 "Preferred Law Firm or Tax Consultancy" means a law firm, barristers’ chambers or tax expert We choose

to provide legal or other services. These specialists are chosen as they have the proven expertise to deal with

the Insured Person’s Claim and must comply with Our agreed service standard levels, which We audit

regularly. They are appointed according to the DAS Standard Terms of Appointment.

3.103 "Premises" means the Buildings and the land inside the boundaries at the risk address shown in the


3.104 "Products Supplied" means anything which is:

(a) manufactured, sold, supplied, processed, altered or treated

(b) repaired, serviced or tested

(c) installed, constructed, erected or transported

by You or on Your behalf and which is no longer in Your custody or control.

3.105 "Professional Liability Wrongful Act" means Loss that You are legally liable (directly or vicariously) to pay

for Claims arising out of professional advice given or services performed on Your behalf by reason of:

(a) any Wrongful Act committed by You or by any Employee, or by any other person, organisation or

company directly appointed by You and acting for or on Your behalf; or

(b) any dishonest or fraudulent act or omission on the part of any Employee; or

(c) libel or slander committed unintentionally by You or by any Employee; or

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(d) any unintentional breach of confidentiality committed by You or by any Employee, or by any other

person, organisation or company directly appointed by You and acting for or on Your behalf.

3.106 "Property" means tangible property.

3.107 "Property Insured" means Property as detailed in the Schedule and all belonging to You or for which You

are responsible but excluding:

(a) Property which is more specifically insured; and

(b) unless specifically notified to and accepted by Us as insured:

(i) land, piers, jetties, bridges, culverts or excavations;

(ii) livestock, growing crops or trees.

3.108 "Public Relations Costs" means fees, costs and expenses of the public relations consultants incurred by:

(a) under Part A – Trustee Liability, a Trustee; or

(b) under Part B – Organisational Liability, You;

with Our prior written consent to be given at Our absolute discretion where We are satisfied that such fees,

costs and expenses will mitigate or reduce the adverse effect on the Trustee’s or Your reputation, as

applicable, from any Claim first made against the Trustee or You, as applicable, during the Period of


3.109 "Reasonable Prospects" means:

(a) for civil cases, the prospects that the Insured Person will recover losses or damages or a reduction in

tax or National Insurance liabilities (or obtain any other legal remedy that We have agreed to, including

an enforcement of judgment), make a successful defence or make a successful appeal or defence of

an appeal, must be at least 51%. We, or a Preferred Law Firm or Tax Consultancy on Our behalf, will

assess whether there are Reasonable Prospects.

(b) for criminal cases there is no requirement for there to be prospects of a successful outcome, however

for appeals the prospects must be at least 51%.

3.110 "Refrigerating Plant" means all working parts, frames and bedplates including motor compressors, pumps,

condensers, evaporators, valves, piping, automatic controls, thermostats and wiring all forming part of the

refrigerating unit.

3.111 "Reinstatement of Data Costs" means the cost of reinstating Data if such Data was damaged, destroyed,

erased or stolen excluding costs arising:

(a) as a result of the reconstitution of Data recorded on magnetic or optical media if there are no analysis

files specifications or backups of Data; or

(b) as a result of the reconstitution of Data if illegal copies of programs are knowingly used by You to do

so; or

(c) to render the information usable by replacement processing equipment; or

(d) to design, update or improve Data.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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3.112 "Religious Artefacts or Garments" means service glassware and plate, shrine or altar cloths, prayer mats,

hassocks, prayer flags and other hangings, lamp-stands, candlesticks, candle holders and sconces, crosses,

religious garments and headwear, vases, chalices, altar sets and other associated religious objects and

furnishings but excluding fixed pews, altars, shrines, screens, fonts, panelling and pulpits.

3.113 "Rent Receivable" means the Money paid or payable to You for rent of the Premises, including service

charges, rendered in the course of Your Activities at the Premises.

3.114 "Repatriation" means with prior approval from Us and due solely to medical reasons, the return of the Insured

Person to the United Kingdom or, if different, their normal country of residence by normal scheduled airlines,

air ambulance or other suitable means of transport.

3.115 "Retaliatory Treatment" means any actual or alleged action by You against an Employee as a result of the

Employee using or trying to use their legal rights. This includes but is not limited to their rights under

employment discrimination statutes.

3.116 "Retroactive Date" means:

(a) under the Professional Liability Section, the date from which You have continuously maintained in force

a policy of insurance covering professional liability in respect of Your organisation as stated in the

Schedule or, where no retroactive date is stated in the Schedule, the date when this Section of cover

was first incepted under this policy

(b) under the Employee Dishonesty Section, the date when cover under this Section was first incepted, or

where equivalent cover to that provided under this Section has been continuously maintained in full

force and effect prior to the inception of this Section, the date which first applied to such equivalent


3.117 "Revenue" means the receipts of Your Activities from all sources.

3.118 "Schedule" means the document attaching to this policy that contains information and specifies details of the

Policyholder, the Sections of cover, any Excess and Endorsements that are operative.

3.119 "School, Charity or Charitable Organisation" means:

(a) a place or institution for teaching and learning;

(b) a body registered with the Charities Commission; or

(c) a voluntary organisation which does not distribute its surplus funds to owners or shareholders, but

instead uses them for the benefit of its members or charitable purposes

in the United Kingdom.

3.120 "Settlement" means downward movement as a result of the soil being compressed by the weight of the


3.121 "Service Provider" means a business that You hire under a written contract to perform services on Your

behalf in connection with Your Activities.

3.122 "Specified Disease" means the occurrence of any of the following diseases sustained by any person:

Acute Encephalitis Measles

Acute Poliomyelitis Meningococcal septicaemia

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Anthrax Mumps

Chicken pox Plague

Cholera Rabies

Diphtheria Rubella

Dysentry Scarlet Fever

Legionellosis Tetanus

Leptospirosis Tuberculosis

Enteric fever (Typhoid or Paratyphoid Fever) Whooping Cough

Legionnaires’ Disease Yellow Fever



Paratyphoid fever

Typhoid fever

Viral hepatitis

3.123 "Standard Rent Receivable" means the Rent Receivable during that period which is the same length as the

Indemnity Period and which ends on the same day and month of the year as the Indemnity Period ends but

ending in the year immediately before the date of the Insured Damage.

3.124 "Standard Revenue" means the Revenue during that period which is the same length as the Indemnity

Period and which ends on the same day and month of the year as the Indemnity Period ends but ending in

the year immediately before the date of the Insured Damage.

3.125 "Stock" means stock and materials belonging to You or held by You in trust or commission for which You are


3.126 “Subsidence” means downward movement of the ground beneath the Buildings and its foundations other

than by Settlement.

3.127 "Subsidiary" means an entity in which You:

(a) owned or own directly or indirectly more than 50% of the voting rights or more than 50% of the share

capital issued in such entity; or

(b) had or have the right to appoint or remove the majority of such entity’s trustees or board of directors; or

(c) controlled or controls alone pursuant to a written agreement with other trustees or shareholders or

members the majority of the voting rights in such entity, provided that You are also a shareholder in it

but only in respect of Wrongful Acts committed in relation to the Subsidiary whilst Your Subsidiary.

3.128 “Telephone Instructions” means person to person verbal instructions over a telephone or

telecommunications network made to a bank or financial institution at which You hold an account directing

them to make a payment using an electronic funds transfer system for a fixed amount from Your account to

the account of a third party.

3.129 "Tenants’ Improvements" means, where You are a tenant of the Premises, structural fixtures and fittings,

Your Property as occupier of the Premises.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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3.130 "Territorial Limits" means England, Scotland, Wales.

For Property insured under the Material Damage, or Goods in Transit Sections where cover is provided whilst

In Transit to territories outside England, Scotland and Wales, the Territorial Limits shall include the Channel

Tunnel up to the frontier with the Republic of France, as set out by the Treaty of Canterbury.

The Territorial Limits shall not include the territorial seas adjacent to England, Scotland and Wales as defined

by the Territorial Sea Act 1987 nor Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.

3.131 "Terrorism" means:

(a) under the Terrorism Section, acts of persons acting on behalf of, or in connection with, any organisation

which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing, by force or violence, of Her

Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom or any other government de jure or de facto.

(b) under all other Sections, an act, including for example the use of force or violence and/or the threat

thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with

any organisation(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes

including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public or any section of the public

in fear.

3.132 "Time Excess" means the time period, as shown in the Schedule, We will not pay any loss of Business

Income for.

3.133 "Tools" means tools, tool kits or test equipment which You own or are hired by You or used by You in

connection with Your Activities and for which You are responsible.

3.134 "Transit" means the loading, unloading and movement of Covered Equipment (owned by You or for which You are responsible) other than by air or sea unless the sea transit is by roll-on/roll-off ferry.

3.135 "Trustee" means:

(a) any natural person who is, was, or becomes Your Trustee, committee member, governor or director or

officer during the Period of Insurance or holds any equivalent position in any jurisdiction;

(b) any natural person who is, was, or becomes Your Employee during the Period of Insurance:

(i) acting at Your specific prior written request in the capacity of Outside Trustee; or

(ii) acting in a managerial or supervisory capacity; or

(iii) named as co-defendant with any Trustee or director or officer

(c) any Trustee’s, committee member’s, governor’s or director or officer’s lawful spouse or civil partner as

defined in the Civil Partnership Act 2004 where in receipt of a Claim because of the Wrongful Act of

the Trustee; or

(d) the estate, heirs, legal representatives or assigns of any person within (a) or (b) above.

All references to Trustee apply equally to non-executive and executive Trustees.

It does not include any person acting in their capacity as administrator, liquidator, external auditor, receiver or

administrative receiver.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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3.136 "Unattended Vehicle" means any Vehicle where neither You nor any person(s) authorised by You are able

to keep the Vehicle under observation and able to observe and prevent any attempt to interfere with it."United

Kingdom" means England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

3.137 "Unoccupied" means empty or not in use for 45 or more consecutive days.

3.138 "VAT Dispute" means a dispute with HM Revenue & Customs following the issue of an assessment, written

decision or notice of a civil penalty relating to Your Value Added Tax (VAT) affairs.

3.139 "Vehicle" means any motor vehicle, trailer or container which You own or operate or for which You are


3.140 "Victor Insurance" means Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales

Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is

authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit

Broking (Firm Reference No.307511).

3.141 "Virus or Similar Mechanism" means program code, programming instruction or any set of instructions

constructed with the purpose and ability, or purposely used, to damage, interfere with, adversely affect,

infiltrate or monitor computer programs, Computer Systems, Data or operations, whether involving self-

replication or not. The definition of virus or similar mechanism includes for example Trojan horses, worms and

logic bombs and the exploitation of bugs or vulnerabilities in a computer program to damage, interfere with,

adversely affect, infiltrate or monitor as above.

3.142 "We/Us/Our" means the Underwriters as set out in the Section of the policy headed The Contract of Insurance

and The Underwriters.

3.143 "Wear and Tear" means a reduction in value through age, natural deterioration, ordinary use, depreciation

due to use, damage by exposure to the light, lack of maintenance or damage which happens gradually over a

period of time. Examples of things that are likely to be affected include fencing, flat roofs, carpets and flooring

and clothing.

3.144 "Working Hours" means

(a) under the Money & Assault Section, the period during which the Premises are occupied by You or any

director, partner, officer or trustee or authorised Employee entrusted with Money are on the Premises

for the purpose of undertaking Your Activities.

(b) for all other Sections, the period during which the Premises are occupied by You or any director, partner

or authorised Employee for the purpose of undertaking Your Activities.

3.145 “Written Instructions” means original written instructions signed in accordance with Your appropriate bank

mandate issued to a bank or financial institution at which You hold an account directing them to make a

payment using an electronic fund transfer system for a fixed amount from Your account to the account of a

third party including instructions to make one payment, payments at specified intervals or under specified


3.146 "Wrongful Act" means

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(a) under Part A – Trustee Liability, an actual or alleged act, error, omission, misstatement, misleading

statement, negligent act, negligent error, negligent omission or negligent breach of duty committed or

attempted by a Trustee acting in their capacity as:

(i) Your Trustee or director or officer; or

(ii) a Trustee or director or administrator of Your Pension or Employee Benefit Scheme.

(b) under Part B – Organisational Liability, an actual or alleged act, error, omission, misstatement,

misleading statement, negligent act, negligent error, negligent omission or negligent breach of duty

committed or attempted by You.

3.147 "You / Your / Yours / Policyholder" means the person, persons, company, companies, charitable

incorporated organisation, charitable incorporated organisations, unincorporated association, or

unincorporated associations (which shall include a partnership or partnerships) named in the Schedule as the


(a) Where the Policyholder is a charity that is a limited company or a charitable incorporated organisation,

We shall cover the named limited company or charitable incorporated organisation.

(b) Where the Policyholder is a charity that is an unincorporated association, We shall cover the Trustees

for the time being of that named charity.

(c) Where the Policyholder is a Not for Profit Organisation We shall cover the Officers, Committee and

Members for the time being of that Not for Profit Organisation.

The definition of "You / Your / Yours / Policyholder" extends under the Charity Trustee Management Liability

Section to include any Subsidiary but excludes any firm or company acting in their capacity as liquidator,

external auditor, receiver or administrative receiver.

The definition of "You / Your / Yours / Policyholder" extends under the Employers Liability and the Public

and Products Liability Sections to include:

(i) Your personal representatives in respect of legal liability You incur;

(ii) at Your request:

(1) Your directors, partners or Employees in their respective capacities;

(2) the officers of Your committees and members of Your:

(a) canteen, social, sports, educational and welfare organisations;

(b) first aid, fire, security and ambulance services,

in their respective capacities:

(3) any principal for whom You are carrying out a contract, to the extent required by the contract


(4) those who hire plant to You to the extent required by the hiring conditions

or the personal representatives of any of these persons in respect of legal liability for which You would

have been entitled to cover if the Claim had been made against You.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Each covered party will be limited to the terms of this Section so far as they apply.

The total amount which We will pay will not exceed the limit of liability regardless of the number of parties

claiming to be covered.

3.148 "Your Activities" means Your charitable activities undertaken by You or on Your behalf as specified in the

Schedule and extends under the Employers’ Liability and the Public and Products Liability Sections to include:

(a) the ownership, use and upkeep of Your Premises

(b) the upkeep of Vehicles and plant which are owned and used by You

(c) Your canteen, social, sports, educational and welfare organisations for the benefit of any Employee

(d) Your first aid, fire, security and ambulance service but excluding any first aid provided by any qualified

medical practitioner or nurse

(e) Your participation in exhibitions

(f) Your participation in fundraising activities

(g) private work by any Employee, with Your written consent, for You or for any director, partner or

Employee of Yours.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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General Exclusions For the purposes of this Section We, Us and Our means Ageas Insurance Limited, HSB Engineering Insurance Company Limited and DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited.

These general exclusions set out what is not covered under this policy, certain exclusions do not apply to certain Sections, where this is the case it will be specified in the exclusion. Where additional exclusions apply to a specific Section of this policy these additional exclusions take precedence and are set out in the relevant Section.

This policy does not cover:

4.1 Marine Policies

Damage to any Property or any resulting loss or expense, or any other costs or any legal liability which would

be insured under any marine policy if Your policy with Us did not exist.

However, We will cover You in respect of Damage not otherwise excluded for any sum beyond the amount

which would have been payable under the marine policy had this insurance not existed.

4.2 Radioactive Contamination

Damage to any Property, Bodily Injury or any resulting loss or expense, or any other costs or any legal

liability caused by, or contributed to, by, or arising from:

(a) ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste

from the combustion of nuclear fuel; or

(b) the radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or

nuclear component. As far as concerns Bodily Injury (as defined in the relevant Sections) caused to

any Employee, if Bodily Injury arises out of and in the course of employment or engagement of the

person by You, this exclusion will apply only in respect of:

(i) the liability of any principal; or

(ii) legal liability assumed by You under agreement and which would not have attached in the

absence of that agreement.

4.3 Fines

fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages, multiplied damages or liquidated damages.

4.4 War, Government Action and Terrorism

(Not applicable to the Cyber Liability Section)

Damage to any Property, Bodily Injury or any resulting loss or expense or any other costs or any legal liability

caused by, or contributed to, by, or arising from:

(a) war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion,

revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power. This exclusion does not apply to the Employers’

Liability Section.

(b) (i) Terrorism regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other

sequence to the loss;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to Terrorism;

except as provided by:

(1) the Terrorism Section

(2) the Employers’ Liability Section

(3) the Public and Products Liability Section

of this policy.

In any action, suit or other proceedings, where We allege that by reason of the provisions of this

exclusion any Damage, Bodily Injury, or liability is not covered by this policy, the burden of proving

that such Damage, Bodily Injury or liability is covered will be upon You.

(c) nationalisation, confiscation, seizure, destruction, requisition or detention by order of any government,

municipal, local, customs or public authority.

4.5 Northern Ireland

(Not applicable to the Cyber Liability Section)

Damage to any Property or Data in Northern Ireland directly or indirectly caused by, contributed to by or

arising from:

(a) riot or civil commotion; or

(b) labour disturbances or malicious persons except in respect of Damage caused by fire or explosion.

4.6 Electronic Risks

(Not applicable to the Employers’ Liability, Public and Products Liability or Cyber Liability Sections)

Damage, Bodily Injury or liability directly or indirectly caused by, contributed to by or arising from:

(a) Damage to any Computer System whether owned by You or not and whether tangible or intangible

including any Data where such Damage is caused by programming or operating error by any person,

acts of malicious persons, Virus or Similar Mechanism, Hacking, Phishing, Denial Of Service

Attack or failure of any external network

(b) loss, alteration, modification, distortion, erasure or corruption of, or unauthorised access to, Data

whether or not caused by Hacking

(c) any misinterpretation, use or misuse of Data

(d) unauthorised transmission of Data to any third party or transmission of any Virus or Similar


(e) Damage to any other Property directly or indirectly caused by, contributed to by, or arising from

Damage described in a, b, c or d of this exclusion

but, this shall not exclude Damage to Property Insured which results from an Insured Event, not otherwise

excluded, except for acts of malicious persons which do not involve physical force or violence.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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4.7 Data Protection

(Not applicable to Extensions 13.3(d) and 13.3(e) of the Public and Products Liability Section or the Cyber and

Legal Expenses Sections)

compensation, damages, losses, costs, expenses, fines, penalties or any other sum arising out of breach of

privacy rules or legislation including the Data Protection Act 2018, whether Your liability arises directly or


4.8 Pollution and Contamination

(Not applicable to the Employers’ Liability, Public and Products Liability Sections or defence costs under the

Charity Trustee Management Liability Section)

Damage caused by Pollution or Contamination except (unless otherwise excluded) destruction of or

Damage to the Property Insured caused by Pollution or Contamination caused by:

(a) Pollution or Contamination which itself results from fire, lightning, explosion, earthquake, aircraft or

other aerial devices or articles they may drop, riot, civil commotion, strikers, locked-out workers persons

taking part in labour disturbances, malicious persons other than thieves, storm, flood, escape of water

or oil from any tank, apparatus or pipe, sprinkler leakage, theft or impact by any vehicle or animal

(b) any of the Contingencies in (a) above which itself results from Pollution or Contamination.

4.9 Asbestos

(Applicable to the Employers’ Liability, Public and Products Liability and Professional Liability Sections only)

liability of whatsoever nature arising out of mining, processing, manufacturing, removing, disposing of,

distributing or storing of asbestos or products made entirely or mainly of asbestos.

This exclusion shall not apply to the removal or disposal of asbestos or products made entirely or mainly of

asbestos provided:

(a) such activity does not form part of Your usual Activites;

(b) the discovery of asbestos is unintentional and accidental and that upon discovery of asbestos or

products made entirely or mainly of asbestos all work immediately stops; and

(c) an asbestos removal contractor licensed by the Health and Safety Executive is employed as soon as

practicable to make safe the area in which the discovery is made and who has employers’ and public

liability insurance in force for limits no less than those stated on Your own such policies and that such

work is not excluded by the contractor’s own employers’ and public liability policy.

4.10 Date Recognition

Damage caused by, contributed to or arising from the failure of equipment (including Hardware and software)

to correctly recognise any given date or to process Data or to operate properly due to failure to recognise any

given date.

We will cover subsequent Damage resulting from an insured cover, providing Damage is covered elsewhere

in the policy.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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General Conditions For the purposes of this Section We, Us and Our means Ageas Insurance Limited, HSB Engineering Insurance Company Limited and DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited.

5.1 Practical precautions

You must:

(a) maintain the Premises, machinery, plant and equipment in a satisfactory state of repair;

(b) take all practical precautions to prevent:

(i) loss or destruction of or damage to the Property Insured:

(ii) accident or injury to any person or loss, destruction or damage to their Property;

(c) comply with all legal requirements and safety regulations and conduct Your Activities in a lawful

manner; and

(d) keep books with a complete record of purchases and sales.

5.2 Claims Procedure

(Not applicable to the Charity Trustee Management Liability, Professional Liability, Cyber Liability and Legal

Expenses Sections. Please refer to each individual section for details of the claim procedures You must follow

should You wish to make a claim)

These are the conditions of the insurance that You need to meet as part of this policy. If You do not meet

these conditions, We may need to reject a Claim payment or a Claim payment could be reduced. In some

circumstances Your policy may not be valid:

(a) You must:

(i) notify Us as soon as practicably possible upon becoming aware of any loss to which cover will

attach or to any Claim or circumstance that may give rise to a Claim and deliver to Us at Your

own expense notice of a Claim with detailed particulars and proofs as may be required by Us;

(ii) notify Us within seven days of any Damage by riot, civil commotion, labour or political

disturbances, malicious persons or theft or attempted theft;

(iii) notify Us within 14 days of the death of a patron under Automatic Extension 7.8 d) Death or

Adverse Publicity of a Patron of the Business Interruption Section;

(iv) forward to Us as soon as practicably possible any Claim by a third party or notice of any

proceedings or any other correspondence and information received by You relating to the Claim

on receipt;

(v) give notification as soon as reasonably practicable to the police and provide Us with a crime

reference number in respect of:

(1) vandalism; or

(2) theft or any attempted theft

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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in relation to this policy;

(vi) make no admission of liability or offer, promise or payment without Our written consent;

(vii) inform Us as soon as practicably possible of any impending prosecution, inquest or fatal accident

enquiry or civil proceedings and send to Us as soon as practicably possible all relevant


(viii) take all practical action to minimise any interruption or interference to Your Activities; and

(ix) produce to Us all books of account or other business books or documents or other proofs as may

be required by Us for investigating or verifying the Claim.

(b) We will be entitled:

(i) on the happening of any Damage in respect of which a Claim is made under this policy and

without thereby incurring any liability or diminishing any of Our rights under this policy to enter

the Premises where Damage has occurred.

Your Property shall remain Yours at all times. We will not take ownership of, accept liability for,

sell or dispose of any of Your Property unless We agree with You in writing that We shall do so.

(ii) at Our discretion to take over and conduct in Your name or that of any other person the defence

or settlement of any Claim and to prosecute at Our own expense and for Our own benefit any

Claim for cover or damages against any other persons in respect of any risk insured by this policy

and You will give all information and assistance required by Us.

(iii) to any Property for the loss of which a Claim is paid under this policy and You will execute all

assignments and assurances of the Property as may be required.

5.3 Option to Rebuild

We may at Our option rebuild or restore the Buildings destroyed or portions damaged but are not bound to

rebuild or restore the Property exactly or completely and only as circumstances permit. You will give Us all

plans, documents, books and information at Your own expense that We may require to carry out this work.

5.4 Subrogation

(Not applicable to the Charity Trustees Management Liability Section)

Before or after any payment is made by Us, We can at Our option:

(a) negotiate, defend or settle, in Your name and on Your behalf, any Claims made against You; and

(b) take legal action in Your name but for Our benefit to get back any payment We have made under this


5.5 Subject to Survey

If this policy has been issued subject to survey, then continuance of cover shall be subject to:

(a) You allowing Us to undertake a survey at each of Your Premises (where required) by a date agreed in

writing by Us. We may appoint a surveyor to do the survey for Us;

(b) You complying with Our acceptance criteria; and

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(c) the completion of any risk improvement required within the timeframe advised by Us.

The cost of completing any risk improvement requirements will be met by You.

If You do not allow Us to complete the survey by the agreed date We may exercise Our right to cancel this

policy in accordance with clause 1.5 Our Cancellation Rights.

For the period between inception date and the completion date of the survey We agree to cover You in

accordance with the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy.

In the event the survey does not reflect the details supplied to Us by You or on Your behalf, or any of the risk

improvement requirements are not completed by the agreed date We give You in writing following the survey,

We have the right the amend the premium, terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy or to cancel this

policy in accordance with clause 1.5 Our Cancellation Rights.

5.6 Renewal

We are not bound to offer renewal of this policy.

5.7 Misrepresentation

You, or anyone acting for You, must make a fair presentation of the risk to Us. This means You, or anyone

acting for You, must disclose at inception or variation to this policy and prior to each renewal every material

circumstance which You or they know or ought to know and not make misrepresentations to Us. If You, or

anyone acting for You, do not make a fair presentation to Us, We can:

(a) avoid this policy from inception or renewal if We would not have issued it or continued it knowing the

true situation

(b) avoid a variation to this policy if We would not have accepted it had We known the true situation

(c) alter the terms of this policy from the date the nondisclosure or misrepresentation was made to those

We would have applied had We known the true situation

(d) reduce the payment for a Claim

(e) cancel this policy from the date the non-disclosure or misrepresentation was made.

This may result in Claims not being paid or not being paid in full.

5.8 Arbitration

(Not applicable to Employers’ Liability and Public and Products Liability Sections)

If We agree to pay Your Claim, but You disagree with the amount paid, such difference shall be referred to

an arbitrator jointly appointed by You and Us in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996 or equivalent

legislation in Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. You may not take legal action

against Us over this disagreement until the arbitrators have made their decision.

5.9 Other Insurances

Unless otherwise stated in this policy:

(a) if at the time of an event giving rise to a Claim there is any other insurance effected by You or on Your

behalf applicable to any event, Our liability will be limited to the rateable portion of such Claim

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) if any other insurance is subject to any provision where it is excluded from ranking concurrently with this

policy whether in whole or in part or from contributing rateably, then Our liability will be limited in respect

of the event to any excess beyond the amount which would have been payable under the other

insurance had this policy not been effected.

5.10 Discharge of Liability

(Applicable to Employers’ Liability and Public and Products Liability Sections only)

We may, at any time, pay You in connection with any Claim:

(i) the amount of the limit of liability

(ii) any lower amount for which such Claim can be settled

less any sum or sums already paid as damages and Costs and Expenses.

On payment, We shall relinquish the conduct and control of, and be under no further liability in connection with

such Claim except for the payment of Costs and Expenses incurred prior to the date of such payment.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Material Damage 6.1 Cover

We will cover You in respect of accidental Damage occurring during the Period of Insurance at the Premises.

The maximum We will pay under this Section in any one Period of Insurance will not exceed:

(a) the sum insured on each item; or

(b) the total sum insured; or

(c) any other maximum amount payable or limit of liability specified.

6.2 Basis of Settlement - Reinstatement

Unless otherwise stated in the Schedule, in the event of Damage the basis upon which We will calculate the

amount We will pay for any Claim will be the reinstatement of the Property Insured lost, destroyed or

damaged, however the following conditions will apply:

(a) Machinery Plant and All Other Contents described in the Schedule, other than pedal cycles, personal

items, rent, lost or destroyed, We will pay for its rebuilding or replacement by similar Property in a

condition as good as, but not better than or more extensive than, its condition when new.

If Property Insured is damaged, We will pay for replacement or repair of the damaged portion to a

condition as good as, but not better or more extensive than, its condition when new.

However, We will not pay more than We would have done if the Property had been completely


(b) The Property Insured may be replaced on another site and in a manner suitable to Your needs, but

this must not increase Our liability.

(c) All work must begin and be carried out within 12 months.

(d) We will not pay under this clause until You have incurred the cost of replacing or repairing the Property


6.3 Basis of Settlement – Indemnity

The amount payable in respect of Stock and materials in trade and/or all other Property Insured will be the

value at the time of Damage or at Our option the cost of reinstatement or replacement of the Property Insured

or any part of it.

However in respect of:

(a) second-hand Stock which is purchased by You, cover will be based on the purchase price or the market

value whichever is the lower. If in relation to any Claim You have failed to comply with the following,

You will lose Your right to cover under this Section. You must keep a record of the second-hand Stock

purchase price, together with invoices and receipts.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) second-hand Stock which has been donated to You, cover will be based on the cost to replace Stock

at the time of Damage with material of like kind and quality less allowance for physical deterioration,

physical depreciation, obsolescence or depletion, and calculated by using books, records and

documents We require to assess Your Claim unless the Clause 6.2 – Basis of Settlement –

Reinstatement or any other alternate basis of settlement is stated to apply.

No payment shall be made in respect of Damage to donated goods under the Material Damage Section if We

have accepted a Claim under the Business Interruption Section.

6.4 Additional Peril - Subsidence

This Section extends to include the following additional event unless excluded by endorsement in the


We will cover You in respect of accidental Damage at the Premises caused by Subsidence or Heave of the

site of the Property Insured or Landslip. We will only cover You in respect of accidental Damage to

forecourts, roads, pavements, car parks, driveways, footpaths, swimming pools, terraces or patios, walls,

gates, hedges, fences,yards or Outbuildings if such Damage also occurs to the structure of any Building to

which the Property applies and that Building is insured by this Section.

We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) Damage caused by:

(i) collapse, cracking, shrinking or settlement of any building;

(ii) coastal or river bank erosion;

(iii) defective design or inadequate construction of foundation;

(iv) demolition, structural alteration or repair; or

(v) settlement or movement of made up ground.

(b) Damage as a result of movement of solid floor slabs.

However, We will cover You in respect of Damage not otherwise excluded if there is Damage to the

foundations beneath the exterior walls of the Premises at the same time.

(c) the Excess stated in the Schedule.

6.5 Extensions

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

(a) Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured

The sums insured and limits stated in the Schedule, will not be reduced by the amount of any Claim

unless We or You give notice to the contrary.

However, You must pay the additional premium required to reinstate the sums insured after a Claim.

The amount reinstated will not exceed the sums insured and limits stated in the Schedule.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) Bequeathed Property

We will cover You in respect of accidental Damage occurring during the Period of Insurance to

bequeathed properties for which You are responsible following the administration of a deceased

persons assets situated anywhere in the United Kingdom.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any bequeathed Property is:

(i) Buildings £250,000 or 10% of the total buildings sum insured whichever is the lower

(ii) Machinery, Plant and All Other Contents:

(1) £10,000 any one item excluding rare books, works of art, jewellery and precious stones;


(2) £1,000 any one rare book, works of art, jewellery or precious stones and £10,000 in total

for any one Claim; and

(3) £25,000 any one Claim.

You must:

(1) provide Us with details of any bequeathed Property as soon as practicably possible, but at least

within three months from the commencement date of Your interest in the bequeathed Property;

(2) specifically insure such Property with Us from the date such Property legally belongs to You;


(3) pay the agreed additional premium.

We will not cover You:

(a) if the bequeathed Property is more specifically insured;

(b) in respect of:

(i) vehicles licensed for road use including accessories on or attached to the vehicle,

(ii) caravans or trailers,

(iii) watercraft or aircraft,

(iv) livestock,

(v) growing crops or trees,

unless specifically agreed in writing by Us; or

(c) in respect of items more specifically excluded under the General Exclusions.

(c) Capital Additions

We will cover You in respect of accidental Damage to:

(i) newly built and/or newly acquired Buildings and/or machinery,

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) alterations, additions and improvements to Buildings and/or Machinery, Plant and All Other

Contents, but not in respect of any appreciation in value,

situated anywhere in the United Kingdom.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one location, under this extension is 10% of the total

Buildings and Machinery, Plant and All Other Contents Sum Insured by this Section, or £1,000,000,

whichever is lower.

You must provide Us with details of these works as soon as practicably possible, but at least within six

months and specifically insure the extensions with Us, from the date Our liability commenced.

(d) Change in Temperature

The insurance on each Building, Machinery Plant and All Other Contents and Stock and materials

in trade item stated in the Schedule, extends to include accidental Damage caused by change in

temperature, resulting from total or partial destruction or disablement of refrigerating, electrical or

conditioning plant or apparatus, arising from an Insured Event.

(e) Computer Systems Records

We will cover You in respect of computer systems records but only for:

(i) the value of the materials;

(ii) the cost of labour and computer time spent in reproducing them; and

(iii) the costs incurred in reproducing any information to be recorded.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Claim is £25,000.

(f) Continuing Interest and Hire Charges

In the event of accidental Damage at the Premises where You are liable under contract for interest

charges or continuing hire charges not recoverable under the terms of a lease or similar agreement in

respect of Property for which You are responsible and which is not otherwise insured We will pay

charges incurred.

(g) Contract Sale Price

If goods sold but not delivered, for which You are responsible, suffer Damage insured by this Section

and because of this, the contract of sale is cancelled under the conditions of sale, Our liability will be on

the basis of the contract price for the goods which have suffered such Damage.

(h) Contractor's Interest

Where You are required to effect insurance on the Buildings in the joint names of You and the

contractor under the terms of a condition in the contract between You and the contractor then the interest

of the contractor in the Buildings as a joint insured is noted provided You shall advise Us of details of

any single contract valued in excess of £250,000 excluding VAT or ten percent ( 10%) of the Buildings

sum insured, whichever is the lower, and pay any additional premium We may require.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(i) Contract Works

The insurance includes any contract works and unfixed goods and materials introduced to the site of

the Buildings for the purposes of alterations or improvements to the Buildings for which You are

responsible, subject to the contract price not exceeding £250,000 excluding VAT.

The Excess under this extension is £500.

(j) Customers’ Goods

The Stock and materials in trade item stated in the Schedule extends to include:

(i) customers’ goods; and

(ii) goods for which Your customers are legally responsible, while these goods are temporarily in

Your custody or control and for which You have accepted responsibility but only to the extent

they are not more specifically insured.

(k) Day One (Non Adjustable)

Applicable only to those items showing a (Declared Value) as stated in the Schedule:

(i) The first and annual premiums are based upon the Declared Value as stated in the Schedule.

Declared Value means the amount shown in brackets above the sum insured and is Your

assessment of the cost of reinstatement of the Property Insured arrived at in accordance with

Clause 6.2(a) at the level of costs applying at the start of the Period of Insurance (ignoring

inflationary factors which may operate subsequently) together with an allowance for:

(1) the additional cost as detailed in the European Union and Public Authorities extension of

this Section to comply with:

(a) European Union legislation;

(b) Act of Parliament;

(c) By-laws of any Public Authority;

(2) professional fees;

(3) debris removal costs.

(ii) You must notify Us of the Declared Value at the start of each Period of Insurance.

If You fail to notify Us of the Declared Value at the start of any Period of Insurance, We will use

the last Declared Value notified to Us plus an amount as detailed in the Index Linking extension

for the following Period of Insurance.

(iii) We will not pay under this extension until You have incurred the cost of replacing or repairing the


(iv) The maximum We will pay in respect of the Premises based on this extension is as stated in the


Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(l) Debris Removal

Unless separately insured under this Section, the sum insured for each item, other than rent if insured,

includes costs and expenses You incur, with Our written consent, for:

(i) removal of debris;

(ii) dismantling or demolishing;

(iii) shoring up or propping of the parts of the Property which have suffered Damage insured under

this Section.

We will not cover You in respect of costs and expenses:

(1) incurred in removing debris from anywhere other than the site of the Damage and the area

immediately adjacent to it; or

(2) arising from Pollution or Contamination of Property not insured by this Section or more

specifically insured.

(m) Drains

The sum insured for each Buildings and Machinery, Plant and All Other Contents item extends to

include an amount incurred by You and which We agree to for cleaning and/or clearing and/or repairing


(i) drains,

(ii) sewers,

(iii) gutters,

for which You are responsible, following Damage insured by this Section.

(n) European Union and Public Authorities

Following Damage insured by this Section to any item of Buildings, blocks of flats, furniture, machinery

or Tenants Improvements described in the Schedule, We will pay the additional costs of reinstating

the damaged parts or upgrading any undamaged parts of the Property Insured to comply with any:

(i) European Union legislation

(ii) Act of Parliament

(iii) By-laws of any Public Authority.

We will not cover You in respect of:

(1) costs incurred:

(a) in respect of Damage not insured by this Section

(b) where notice was served on You before the Damage occurred

(c) where an existing requirement must be completed within a stipulated period

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(d) in respect of Property or parts of the Property other than the foundations (unless

foundations are specifically excluded) which have not suffered Damage

(2) any amount for undamaged parts will not exceed 15% of the amount that would have been

payable if the Property Insured had been totally destroyed

(3) any charge or assessment arising from capital appreciation following compliance with any

legislation or By-law.

The reinstatement of the Property Insured:

(a) must begin and be carried out within12 months;

(b) may be carried out on another site and in a manner suitable to Your needs but this must not

increase Our liability.

If Our liability under this Section is reduced by the application of any terms or conditions of this policy,

Our liability under this extension will similarly be reduced.

(o) Exhibitions

We will cover You in respect of accidental Damage to Machinery, Plant and All Other Contents and

Stock whilst at exhibitions that do not exceed seven days duration anywhere in Europe including whilst

in transit to and from the exhibitions.

The maximum We will pay is £25,000 for any one occurrence.

We will not cover You in respect of theft from:

(i) an Unattended Vehicle;

(ii) from any display or stand that has been left unattended by You or any director, partner, officer

or authorised Employee during exhibition hours; or

(iii) from a building outside exhibition hours that does not involve entry to or exit from the buildings

by forcible and violent means or that does not involve actual or threatened assault or violence,

or use of force against You or any director, partner, officer, Employee or any person lawfully in

the building.

Cover under this extension is subject to condition 6.7(g) Unattended Vehicles.

(p) Falling Trees

We will cover You in respect of:

(i) the cost of removing fallen trees belonging to You or for which You are responsible but only

where there has been Damage to Property Insured;

(ii) the cost of felling, lopping or pruning trees belonging to You or for which You are responsible at

the Premises to prevent the immediate threat of Damage to Property Insured or for

safeguarding life.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Claim is £2,500.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(q) Fire and Rescue Services Damage

We will cover You in respect of costs and expenses incurred in reinstating or repairing landscaped

gardens and grounds following Damage caused by emergency services equipment or personnel in the

course of combating or reducing Damage covered by this Section.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Claim is £25,000.

(r) Fire Extinguishing Expenses

We will cover You in respect of costs and expenses incurred in refilling, recharging or replacing any:

(i) portable fire extinguishing appliances,

(ii) local fire suppression system,

(iii) fixed fire suppression system,

(iv) sprinkler installation,

(v) sprinkler heads,

as a result of Damage as insured by this Section.

We will not cover You in respect of any costs and expenses recoverable from the maintenance company

or fire service.

If in relation to any Claim You have failed to fulfil the following condition, You will lose Your right to

cover or payment for that Claim.

You must maintain all equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Claim is £25,000.

(s) Further Investigation Costs

Where You have suffered accidental Damage to Buildings and in the opinion of a professional engineer

or surveyor there is a possibility of other Damage to a portion of the same Buildings which is not

immediately apparent We will pay the costs incurred by You with Our written consent in establishing

whether or not Damage has occurred.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Claim is £25,000.

(t) Glass

We will cover You in respect of:

(i) accidental breakage (including the cost of boarding up) of fixed glass including stained glass at

the Premises

(ii) accidental Damage at the Premises to:

(1) contents of display windows;

(2) window and door frames,

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iii) the cost of removing and reinstating obstructions to replace glass,

(iv) the cost of replacing alarm foil, lettering, painting, embossing, silvering or other ornamental work

on glass,

(v) breakage of fixed sanitary ware at the Premises,

occurring during the Period of Insurance.

The maximum We will pay in respect of item (ii) above is £25,000 unless stated in the Schedule in

respect of the total of all losses during any one Period of Insurance.

We will not cover You in respect of:

(1) Damage to glass in:

(a) light fittings;

(b) signs;

(c) Stock and materials in trade or goods in trust;

(d) Vehicles; or

(e) vending machines.

(2) Damage to glass caused by:

(a) scratching;

(b) gradual deterioration or wear and tear; or

(c) change in colour or finish.

(3) breakage of glass:

(a) while the Premises are Unoccupied or disused

(b) in transit or while being fitted

(c) by workmen carrying out alterations or repairs to the Premises.

(4) the Excess stated in the Schedule.

(5) breakage of cracked or scratched glass or glass that was in any way defective at the time cover

was effected.

(u) Inadvertent Failure to Insure

The insurance provided by this Section is extended to include any Premises in the United Kingdom

which You own or for which You are responsible for insuring but which You have inadvertently failed to


Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Provided that:

(i) You notify Us of the Premises within 30 days and arrange specific cover with Us and pay any

additional premium due.

(ii) this insurance will not apply in respect of any cause or cover otherwise excluded from this Section

and is limited to all the terms conditions and exclusions of the policy.

(iii) Our liability for all losses or series of losses arising directly from the same originating cause will

not exceed 20% of the total sum insured per Premises or £1,000,000, whichever is lower, for all

losses or series of losses arising directly from the same originating cause.

Extension 6.5 (c) Capital Additions does not apply to this extension.

(v) Incompatibility of Computer Systems Records

We will cover You in respect of:

(i) the cost of modifying the Computer and Electronic Equipment; or

(ii) the cost of replacing computer system records and the cost of reinstating programmes or the

information on them

(whichever is the lower) following accidental Damage which has resulted in undamaged Computer and

Electronic Equipment being incompatible with any replacement Computer and Electronic


The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Claim is £25,000.

(w) Index Linking

We will adjust the sums insured (and the Declared Values where appropriate) of each item of Property

Insured other than Stock and materials in trade in line with suitable indices of costs and the premium

for renewal will be based on the adjusted amounts.

(x) Interested Parties

The interest of other parties in this insurance is noted. Following Damage insured by this Section, the

nature and extent of the interest will be disclosed to Us by You.

(y) Lamps, Signs and Nameplates

We will cover You in respect of accidental Damage to:

(i) Lamps;

(ii) Signs; and

(iii) nameplates

at the Premises.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one item is £5,000.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(z) Loss of Metered Utilities

We will pay for charges for which You are responsible, if metered water, gas, electricity or oil is

accidentally discharged from a metered water, gas, electricity or oil system providing service to the


We will not cover You in respect of:

(i) any loss not discovered within 180 days; or

(ii) any Damage whilst the Premises are Unoccupied or disused.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Claim is £25,000.

(aa) Motor No Claims Discount and Excess Protection

At Your request, in the event of any driver authorised by You:

(i) being involved in a motor accident which is their fault; or

(ii) having their motor vehicle damaged whilst parked; and

where no recovery can be made from any third party, occurring during the Period of Insurance when

they are using their own motor vehicle in a voluntary capacity in respect of Your Activities, We will pay

the amount of:

(1) £300 in respect of any one Claim;

(2) £1,000 for any one authorised driver or policyholder in any one Period of Insurance.

We will not provide cover for fire or windscreen Claims.

Subject to the following Claims settlement:

The authorised driver is to provide Us with:

(b) the name of the motor policyholder (if different);

(c) the motor insurer’s claim reference; and

(d) a copy of the last motor renewal notice for a Claim under b) above.

(bb) Non-invalidation

The insurance by this Section will not be invalidated by any:

(i) act, or

(ii) omission, or

(iii) alteration,

either unknown to You or beyond Your control which increases the risk of Damage.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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However, You must:

(1) notify Us as soon as practicably possible after You become aware of any act, omission or

alteration; and

(2) pay any additional premium required.

Under this extension we have the right to amend the premium, terms and conditions or cancel the policy

in accordance with clause 1.5 Our Cancellation Rights.

(cc) Professional Fees

The sum insured for each item, excluding Stock and materials in trade, includes an amount for

architects' surveyors' legal and consulting engineers fees incurred in reinstating or repairing the

Property Insured, following Damage insured by this Section.

We will not cover You in respect of fees:

(i) more specifically insured

(ii) incurred in making a Claim.

(dd) Property at Fundraising and Catering Events

We will cover You in respect of Damage insured by this Section to Stock and/or Machinery, Plant and

All Other Contents while:

(i) at any fundraising event or event where You are providing outside catering which does not exceed

seven days

(ii) in the course of demonstration, construction, erection or dismantling at any such event

(iii) in transit to and from Europe.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Claim is £5,000.

We will not cover You in respect of Damage:

(1) caused by or happening through:

(a) defective or inadequate packing, insulation or labelling;

(b) evaporation or ordinary leakage;

(c) delay;

(d) inadequate documentation; or

(e) shortage in weight.

(2) an Unattended Vehicle.

(3) from any display or stand that has been left unattended by You or any director, partner or

authorised Employee during event hours.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(4) from a building outside event hours that does not involve entry to or exit from the buildings by

forcible and violent means or that does not involve actual or threatened assault or violence, or

use of force against You or any director, partner, Employee or any person lawfully in the building.

(ee) Property at Home

If Machinery, Plant and All Other Contents are insured under this Section, We will cover You in

respect of accidental Damage occurring during the Period of Insurance to Machinery, Plant and All

Other Contents used and kept at the home of any Your Trustees, partners, directors or Employees

for the purposes of Your Activities – provided the home is in the United Kingdom.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one loss is £10,000.

(ff) Raffle Prizes and Donations

We will cover You in respect of accidental Damage to raffle prizes and donated goods to be used for

fund raising events situate anywhere in the United Kingdom.

The maximum We will pay is:

(i) £1,500 in respect of any one Claim

(ii) £500 in respect of any one item.

(gg) Seasonal Stock Increase

The sum insured in respect of Stock and materials in trade will be increased by 25% for the months of

November, December and January and for the 31 days prior to any religious festival observed by You

or for any other period selected by You and agreed by Us in writing.

(hh) Self-contained Offices

We will cover You in respect of accidental Damage to the Property Insured at the Premises caused

by theft or attempted theft not involving entry or exit by forcible and violent means where such

theft is from a self contained office space within shared commercial accommodation.

The Excess under this extension is £500.

(ii) Services

Each Building, block of flats or machinery item(s), described in the Schedule includes service meters,

pipes, cables and instruments which You own or for which You are responsible, associated to the

Premises, while:

(i) in adjoining yards

(ii) on roadways

(iii) underground.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(jj) Seventy Two Hours Clause

Damage caused by riot, civil commotion, earthquake, storm, tempest, flood, Subsidence, Heave or

Landslip occurring in any one period of 72 (seventy two) consecutive hours during any one Period of

Insurance shall constitute one Insured Event for the purposes of this Section. The Excess shall apply

separately to each selected period as follows:

You shall select the time from which any such period shall commence but no two such selected periods

shall overlap.

(kk) Subrogation Waiver

In the event of a Claim arising under this Section, We agree to waive any rights, remedies or relief to

which We may be entitled by subrogation against:

(i) any company whose relationship to You is either a parent to subsidiary or subsidiary to parent

(ii) any company which is a subsidiary of a parent company of which You are a subsidiary

(iii) a tenant or lessee in respect of accidental Damage to the part of the Buildings they occupy or

to the common parts of such Buildings unless the Damage arises out of a criminal, fraudulent or

malicious act of the tenant or lessee

as defined in, or within the meaning of the relevant Companies Act or Companies (Northern Ireland)

Order, current at the time of the Damage.

(ll) Temporary Removal

We will cover You in respect of Damage insured under this extension whilst Property Insured is

temporarily removed including whilst in transit to and from:

(i) anywhere in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland

(ii) any other member country of the European Union.

The maximum We will pay is 15% of the sum insured for each item stated in the Schedule.

We will not cover You in respect of:

(1) Property removed for sale or exhibition other than in respect of the cover provided under

extensions (o) Exhibitions and (dd) Fundraising and Catering Events;

(2) Property kept in storage;

(3) Property held in trust other than computers, electronic equipment, Machinery, Plant and All

Other Contents; or

(4) theft or attempted theft from a Building unless it involves forcible and, or, violent entry or exit or

actual or threatened assault or violence.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(mm) Theft Damage to Buildings

We will cover You in respect of accidental Damage to Buildings at the Premises, for which You are

responsible by:

(i) theft or attempted theft involving entry to or exit from the Buildings by forcible and violent means;


(ii) theft involving violence or threat of violence to You, Your partners, directors or Employees.

We will not cover You in respect of:

(1) Damage:

(a) caused to any Property other than Buildings

(b) caused by any person lawfully in the Buildings

(c) while the Building is Unoccupied or disused

(d) more specifically insured

(2) the Excess stated in the Schedule.

(nn) Theft of Fixed Fabric of Buildings

We will cover You in respect of theft of the fixed fabric of the Buildings including fixed external CCTV

equipment, security lighting, alarm equipment, television and radio receiving aerials and satellite dishes

where Buildings are shown as insured in the Schedule.

(oo) Theft of Keys

We will cover You for the cost of replacing locks and keys to the Buildings, intruder alarm systems,

safes, strongrooms or tills provided that:

(i) the original keys were stolen from the Buildings or the private residence of You or any authorised


(ii) keys are not left in the Buildings, other than any private residential portion of the Buildings,

when closed for business nor in an unattended room during Working Hours unless locked in a

safe, cupboard or drawer.

(pp) Trace and Access

We will pay costs and expenses incurred with Our written consent:

(i) in locating the actual source of Damage

(ii) any repairs directly arising from (i)

(iii) the costs of repairing tanks, apparatus or pipes which have been damaged by freezing

caused by the escape of water from any tank, apparatus or pipe or leakage of fuel from any fixed oil

heating installation, provided Damage is insured by this Section.

The maximum We will pay is £50,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(qq) Transfer of Interest

If at the time of accidental Damage to a Building insured under this Section You have entered into a

contract to sell Your interest in it but:

(i) the contract has not yet been completed; and

(ii) the Building has not yet been insured by or on behalf of the purchaser; and

(iii) the purchase is subsequently completed

We will cover the purchaser to the extent that this Section insures that Building.

This will not affect either Your or Our rights and liabilities up to the date of completion of the purchase.

(rr) Unauthorised Use of Metered Utilities

We will pay for charges for which You are responsible if water, gas or electricity from a metered system

providing service to the Premises is used by unauthorised persons taking possession, keeping

possession or occupying the Premises without Your authority provided that all practical steps are taken

to terminate the unauthorised use as soon as it is discovered.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Claim is £2,500.

We will not cover You in respect of charges incurred unless the Premises have been inspected weekly

by You or a responsible person on Your behalf before the unauthorised occupation of the Premises.

(ss) Underground Services

Where We provide cover in respect of Your Buildings, or You are liable as tenant, We will cover You

in respect of accidental Damage to underground pipes and cables which extend from the Buildings to

the public mains.

We will not cover You in respect of:

(i) the cost of maintenance;

(ii) any other exclusions stated in this Section; or

(iii) the Excess stated in the Schedule.

(tt) Workmen

Repairs and minor structural alterations may be carried out at the Premises without affecting this


6.6 Exclusions

We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) Damage caused by or consisting of:

(i) an existing or hidden defect;

(ii) Wear and Tear;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iii) Frost;

(iv) faulty design or faulty materials used in its construction;

(v) faulty workmanship, operating error or omission by You or any Employee;

(vi) explosion of a boiler (other than a boiler being used for domestic purposes), vessel, machine or

apparatus in which the internal pressure is due to steam only and which You own or control; or

(vii) the bursting of:

(1) a boiler;

(2) other equipment;

not being used for domestic purposes where the internal pressure is due to steam only and

belongs to You or is under Your control.

However We will cover You in respect of any subsequent Damage which results from a cause not

otherwise excluded.

(b) Damage caused by or consisting of:

(i) corrosion, rust or rot, shrinkage, evaporation or loss of weight, dampness or dryness, scratching,

vermin or insects;

(ii) change in temperature (other than in respect to cover under clause 6.5(d) Change in

Temperature) colour, flavour, texture or finish;

(iii) nipple or joint leakage or failure of welds;

(iv) cracking, fracturing, collapse or overheating of a boiler, vessel, machine or apparatus in which

internal pressure is due to steam only and any associated piping; or

(v) mechanical or electrical breakdown or derangement of the Property Insured.

However, We will cover You in respect of:

(1) Damage not otherwise excluded from any other accidental cause

(2) any subsequent Damage which itself results from a cause not otherwise excluded.

(c) Damage caused by or consisting of:

(i) Subsidence, Heave or Landslip unless resulting from fire, explosion, earthquake or escape of

water from any tank, apparatus or pipe

(ii) normal settlement of new structures

(iii) acts of fraud or dishonesty

(iv) disappearance, unexplained or inventory shortage, misfiling, misplacing of information or clerical


Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(v) theft or attempted theft unless:

(1) involving entry to or exit from the Buildings by forcible and violent means

(2) involving violence or threat of violence to You, Your partners, directors or Employees

(3) provided for under the theft damage to Buildings extension of this Section

(vi) theft or attempted theft from any Unattended Vehicle unless there is evidence of forcible and

violent entry into the Vehicle.

(d) Damage to a structure caused by its own collapse or cracking.

However, We will cover You in respect of Damage not otherwise excluded.

(e) Damage to gates, fences and moveable Property in the open by:

(i) wind;

(ii) rain, hail, sleet or snow;

(iii) flood; or

(iv) dust.

(f) Damage by or resulting from:

(i) Property Insured undergoing any process involving the application of heat; or

(ii) Damage (other than by fire or explosion) resulting from Property undergoing any process of:

(1) production and packaging;

(2) treatment, testing or commissioning; or

(3) servicing or repair.

(g) Damage while any Building is Unoccupied or disused caused by:

(i) escape of water or escape of oil from any tank, apparatus or pipe;

(ii) malicious persons;

(iii) theft or attempted theft.

However, We will cover You in respect of such Damage if it is caused by fire or explosion and is not

otherwise excluded.

(h) Damage in respect of:

(i) glass not being fixed glass forming part of the structure of the Buildings;

(ii) china, earthenware, marble or other fragile objects (not including Stock and materials in trade).

However, We will cover You in respect of such Damage if it is not otherwise excluded.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(i) Damage in respect of:

(i) vehicles licensed for road use including accessories on or attached to them;

(ii) caravans or trailers;

(iii) railway locomotives or rolling stock;

(iv) watercraft or aircraft;

(v) Property in the course of construction including materials for use in the construction industry;

(vi) land, roads or pavements, piers, jetties, bridges, culverts or excavations unless defined in the

definition of Buildings if Buildings are shown on the Schedule;

(vii) livestock, animals, birds, fish and any other living thing; or

(viii) growing crops or trees.

(j) Damage more specifically insured by You or on Your behalf.

(k) any Damage resulting from a change in the water table.

(l) the Excess as stated in the Schedule.

6.7 Conditions

(a) Change of Occupancy

You must tell Us as soon as practicably possible if:

(i) any Buildings stated in the Schedule become Unoccupied or disused;

(ii) any Unoccupied or disused Buildings stated in the Schedule, or any part of them becomes


Following notification of Unoccupancy or occupancy, We will have the right to amend the premium,

terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy, or may exercise Our right to cancel this policy in

accordance with clause 1.5 Our Cancellation Rights.

(b) Fire Extinguishing Appliances

If in relation to any Claim for Damage caused by or resulting from fire, You have failed to fulfil the

following condition, You may lose Your right to cover or payment for that Claim. You must maintain all

fire extinguishing appliances on the Premises, so far as Your responsibility extends, in proper working


(c) Minimum Security Standards

If in relation to any Claim for Damage as insured by this Section You have failed to fulfil any of the

following conditions, You may lose your right to cover or payment for that Claim.

You must ensure that:

(i) final exit doors are secured as follows:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(1) timber doors – by mortice deadlocks having five or more levers or conforming to BS3621

with matching boxed striking plate;

(2) aluminium or UPVC framed doors – a cylinder operated mortice deadlock or a deadlocking

multi-point system;

(3) all other external doors and internal doors giving access to any part of the buildings not

occupied by You be fitted with either:

(a) any of the locking arrangements as specified in 1a) or 1b) above in accordance with

the construction of the door frame; or

(b) two key operated bolts for doors, one fitted approximately 30cm from the top of the

door and the other 30cm from the bottom;

(4) the first closing leaf of double leaf doors must be fitted internally with bolts top and bottom.

All locks fitted to final exit doors must be put into effect outside of Working Hours or when the

Premises is left unattended.

(ii) All other external doors and internal doors leading to common areas or other premises, are


(i) by the means set out in i) in this condition; or

(ii) by key operated security bolts fitted top and bottom.

(iii) All opening windows or roof lights accessible from the ground or via roofs, pipe work or other

structures are secured by key operated locking devices or screwed permanently shut.

(iv) All protection and security measures which have been advised to Us, all well as all other

protection and security systems are in force at all times:

(a) outside of Working Hours; and

(b) when the Premises are unattended.

(v) Any security measures stipulated or agreed by Us in writing are in active operation.

We shall have no liability under this Section if You fail to comply with these provisions, unless You can

show that non compliance with these provisions could not have increased the risk of the loss which

actually incurred in the circumstances in which it occurred.

Any door or window officially designated a fire exit by the Fire Authority is excluded from these


(d) Portable Space Heaters

If in relation to any Claim You have failed to fulfil any of the following conditions, You may lose Your

right to cover or payment for that Claim.

You must:

(i) not place portable space heaters:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(1) where they are liable to be overturned or suffer mechanical damage;

(2) where flammable atmospheres exist; or

(3) on combustible surfaces;

(ii) keep portable space heaters clear of combustible materials;

(iii) maintain a clear space of at least one metre around the portable space heater by using a non-

combustible guard.

(e) Premises Inspection

If in relation to any Claim You have failed to fulfil any of the following conditions, You may lose Your

right to cover or payment for that Claim.

You must:

(i) examine the Buildings for any smoking/smouldering materials;

(ii) place any smoking/smouldering materials found in non-combustible lidded receptacles;

(iii) remove the contents of the receptacles daily from the Buildings;

(iv) maintain and retain a daily log of examinations; and

(v) carry out a weekly management check of the daily log of examinations.

(f) Electrical Installation Inspection and Testing

It is a condition precedent to Our liability to pay Claims in respect of Damage caused by fire that:

(i) the fixed electrical installation at the Premises must be inspected and tested at five yearly intervals by a contractor:

1. enrolled by the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC);

2. approved by the Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA);

3. accredited by the National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers (NAPIT); or

4. a member of Electrical Contractors’ Association of Scotland (SELECT)

any subsequent replacement body and any defects identified remedied in accordance with the IET Wiring Regulations;

(ii) all electrical testing reports and certificates must be retained by You and made available to Us on request.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(g) Unattended Vehicles

The Vehicle will not be regarded as an Unattended Vehicle if You have ensured that:

(i) all doors, windows and other points of access have been locked where locks have been fitted;

(ii) all manufacturers’ security devices have been put into effect;

(iii) the keys have been removed from the Vehicle; and

(iv) any unattached trailers have anti-hitching devices fitted and they are put into effect

Business All Risks 7.1 Cover

We will cover You in respect of accidental Damage to specified items occurring during the Period of Insurance anywhere within the territorial limit stated in the Schedule.

The maximum We will pay under this Section in any one Period of Insurance will not exceed:

(i) the sum insured of each item; or

(ii) any other maximum amount payable or limit of liability otherwise specified.

7.2 Basis of Settlement

Unless otherwise stated in the Schedule in the event of Damage insured by this Section the basis upon which We will calculate the amount We will pay for any Claim will be the reinstatement of the Property Insured lost, destroyed or damaged, limited to the following conditions:

(a) If Property Insured described in the Schedule, other than pedal cycles or personal items, is lost or

destroyed, We will pay for its rebuilding or replacement by similar Property in a condition as good as,

but not better than or more extensive than, its condition when new.

If Property Insured is damaged, We will pay for replacement or repair of the damaged portion to a

condition as good as, but not better or more extensive than, its condition when new.

However, We will not pay more than We would have done if the Property had been completely


(b) We will not pay under this clause until You have incurred the cost of replacing or repairing the Property


7.3 Extension

This extension is subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

(a) Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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The sums insured stated in the Schedule will not be reduced by the amount of any Claim unless We or You give written notice to the contrary. You must pay the additional premium needed to reinstate the sum insured or limits

The amounts reinstated will not exceed the sum insured and limits stated in the Schedule.

7.4 Exclusions

We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) Damage caused by or consisting of:

(i) an existing or hidden defect

(ii) Wear and Tear

(iii) frost

(iv) faulty design or faulty materials used in its construction

(v) faulty workmanship, operating error or omission by You or any Employee

(vi) explosion of a boiler (other than a boiler being used for domestic purposes), vessel, machine or

apparatus in which the internal pressure is due to steam only and which You own or control

(vii) the bursting of:

(1) a boiler

(2) other equipment

(viii) not being used for domestic purposes where the internal pressure is due to steam only and

belongs to You or is under Your control.

However, We will cover You in respect of any subsequent Damage which results from a cause not

otherwise excluded;

(b) Damage caused by or consisting of:

(i) corrosion, rust or rot, shrinkage, evaporation or loss of weight, dampness or dryness, scratching,

vermin or insects

(ii) change in temperature, colour, flavour, texture or finish

(iii) nipple or joint leakage or failure of welds

(iv) cracking, fracturing, collapse or overheating of a boiler, vessel, machine or apparatus in which

internal pressure is due to steam only and any associated piping

(v) mechanical or electrical breakdown or derangement of the Property Insured.

However, We will cover You in respect of:

(1) Damage not otherwise excluded and which itself results from any other accidental cause

(2) any subsequent Damage which itself results from a cause not otherwise excluded;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(c) Damage but only to the Property Insured caused by or consisting of:

(i) Subsidence, Heave or Landslip unless resulting from fire, explosion, earthquake or escape of

water from any tank, apparatus or pipe

(ii) normal settlement of new structures

(iii) acts of fraud or dishonesty

(iv) disappearance, unexplained or inventory shortage, misfiling, misplacing of information or clerical


(v) theft or attempted theft unless:

(1) involving entry to or exit from the Buildings by forcible and violent means

(2) involving violence or threat of violence to You, Your partners, directors or Employees

(vi) theft or attempted theft from any Unattended Vehicle unless there is evidence of forcible and

violent entry into the vehicle;

(d) Damage resulting from or caused by:

(i) fire resulting from its’ undergoing any process involving the application of heat

(ii) any process of production or packaging

(iii) any process of treatment, testing or commissioning

(iv) servicing or repair.

However, We will cover You in respect of this Damage if it is caused by fire or explosion;

(e) Damage while the Building is Unoccupied or disused caused by:

(i) escape of water from any tank, apparatus or pipe

(ii) malicious persons

(iii) theft or attempted theft.

However, We will cover You in respect of Damage if it is caused by fire or explosion;

(f) Damage more specifically insured by You or on Your behalf;

(g) indirect Damage;

(h) Property Insured by any marine policy;

(i) Damage to Money;

(j) goods held in trust on commission unless specifically mentioned in the Schedule;

(k) Damage caused by or consisting of distortion, erasure or corruption of computer records or Computer


Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(l) the Excess stated in the Schedule.

7.5 Conditions

(a) Unattended Vehicles

The Vehicle will not be regarded as an Unattended Vehicle if You have ensured that:

(i) all doors, windows and other points of access have been locked where locks have been fitted;


(ii) all manufacturers’ security devices have been put into effect; and

(iii) the keys have been removed from the Vehicle; and

(iv) any unattached trailers have anti-hitching devices fitted and they are put into effect.

(b) Portable Computer Equipment

If in relation to any Claim for Damage by theft or attempted theft You have failed to fulfil any of the

following conditions You may lose Your right to cover or payment for that Claim.

You must ensure that:

(i) when Portable Computer Equipment is left in an Unattended Vehicle:

(1) the Portable Computer Equipment is concealed from view

(2) the Portable Computer Equipment is stored in the boot or under the parcel shelf if the

Vehicle is a private car

(ii) when Portable Computer Equipment is in transit by air it is carried as hand luggage

(iii) when Portable Computer Equipment is in transit by ship or ferry it is kept in a securely locked

cabin or road vehicle aboard the vessel.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Business Interruption 8.1 Cover

We will cover You for Your financial losses result a of interruption of or interference with Your Activities

caused by Insured Damage to Property:

(a) insured under any property section of this policy other than the Equipment Breakdown Section; or

(b) elsewhere, but not under this policy, provided the Insured Damage occurred whilst the Property was

at the Premises

occurring during the Period of Insurance at the Premises.

Provided that there is in force at the time of such Damage, an insurance policy covering Your interest in the

Property at the Premises for the Damage and:

(i) payment has been made or liability admitted for the Damage; or

(ii) payment would have been made or liability would have been admitted for the Damage but for the

exclusion of losses below a stated amount in that insurance policy.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Claim is:

(1) for any item, the sum insured or limit of liability stated in the Schedule, or

(2) in aggregate, the total sum insured.

8.2 Basis of Settlement – Loss of Revenue

The insurance by this item is limited to Your loss of Revenue due to:

(a) reduction in Revenue; and

(b) Increased Costs of Working.

The amount payable under this clause shall be:

(i) in respect of reduction in Revenue, the amount by which the Revenue during the Indemnity Period

shall, in consequence of the Damage, fall short of the Standard Revenue

(ii) in respect of Increased Costs of Working, the additional expenditure incurred for the sole purpose of

avoiding or diminishing the reduction in Revenue which but for that expenditure would have taken place

during the Indemnity Period in consequence of the Damage, but not exceeding the loss of Revenue

thereby avoided

less any sum saved during the Indemnity Period in respect of such expenses and/or working costs as may

cease or be reduced in consequence of the Damage, subject to the amount payable not exceeding the sum

insured stated in the Schedule.

However, if the sum insured by this item is less than the annual Revenue (proportionately increased where

the Indemnity Period exceeds twelve months) the amount payable will be proportionately reduced.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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If during the Indemnity Period, Your Activities are conducted elsewhere than at the Premises, the money

paid or payable in respect of such activities shall be taken into account in arriving at the Revenue during the

Indemnity Period.

8.3 Basis of Settlement – Loss of Rent Receivable

The insurance by this item is limited to:

(a) loss of Rent Receivable;

(b) Increased Costs of Working; and

(c) re-letting costs.

The amount payable under this Clause shall be:

(i) in respect of loss of Rent Receivable, the amount by which the Rent Receivable during the Indemnity

Period shall, in consequence of the Insured Damage, fall short of the Standard Rent Receivable

(ii) in respect of Increased Costs of Working, the additional expenditure incurred for the sole purpose of

avoiding or diminishing the reduction in Rent Receivable which but for that expenditure would have

taken place during the Indemnity Period in consequence of the Damage, but not exceeding the amount

of reduction thereby avoided

(iii) in respect of re-letting costs, the costs incurred during the Indemnity Period in re-letting the Premises,

including legal fees in connection with the re-letting, but excluding any legal fees or other charges

associated with re-letting which are payable by the tenant under the new lease agreement, solely in

consequence of the Damage.

Subject to the amount payable not exceeding the sum insured stated in the Schedule.

If during the Indemnity Period, accommodation is provided or services rendered elsewhere than at the

Premises for the benefit of Your Activities either by You or by others on Your behalf, the money paid or

payable in respect of such accommodation or services shall be taken into account in assessing the Gross

Rentals during the Indemnity Period.

If at the date of the Damage any Premises are subject to a rent free period under the terms of the lease then

the Indemnity Period stated in the Schedule shall be adjusted by adding the unexpired portion of the rent

free period to the period shown in the Schedule.

8.4 Basis of Settlement – Additional Increased Costs of Working

The insurance by this item is limited to Additional Increased Costs of Working as a result of interruption of

or interference with Your Activities arising from Insured Damage occurring during the Period of Insurance

to Property used by You in respect of Your Activities at the Premises.

Our liability under this item shall not exceed the sum insured stated on the Schedule.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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8.5 Basis of Settlement –Increased Costs of Working

The insurance by this item provides cover for the increased costs of continuing Your Activities during the

Indemnity Period specified in the Schedule over and above the costs that would have been incurred during

the same period had no Damage occurred. Such increased costs shall include but not limited to for example

the cost of moving to and from and the additional rent of temporary premises, additional rates and taxes on

such premises and expenses incurred in equipping the said premises to make them suitable for Your

Activities, additional cost in respect of additional staff and overtime and allowances for meals to existing staff

incurred in order to minimise any interruption or interference with Your Activities during the Indemnity


Cover shall be limited to the increased cost incurred to maintain Your Activities as existing immediately before

the Damage.

Our liability under this item shall not exceed:

(a) 50% of the sum insured during the first three months; nor

(b) a proportional share of the balance of the sum insured during each of the remaining months of the period

shown in the Schedule as the Indemnity Period.

This item does not cover loss resulting from Damage to documents, manuscripts, business books, patterns, models, moulds, plans, designs and computer systems' records.

8.6 Limit of Liability

(a) Our liability under this section will not exceed:

100% of the total sum insured shown in the Schedule for each other item stated in the Schedule but

not for the cover under (a) and (b) to clause 8.5 Increased Costs of Working.

(b) For items noted in the Schedule as declaration linked.

133⅓% of the sum insured stated in the Schedule.

8.7 Automatic Extensions

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

(a) Act of a Competent Authority

We will cover You in respect of loss resulting from interruption or interference with Your Activities as

a result of prevention of access to the Premises by the Police Authority due to a danger or disturbance

in the vicinity of the Premises.

However, We will not cover You for any interruption or interference lasting less than 12 hours.

Our liability under this extension for any one occurrence will not exceed £25,000.

The provisions of any automatic reinstatement clause do not apply in respect of this extension.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) Bomb Scare or Emergency Action

We will cover You in respect of a loss resulting from interruption or interference with Your Activities

due to closure of the Premises by a competent authority due to:

(i) bomb scare, or

(ii) an emergency that could endanger human life or neighbouring property.

However, We will not cover You for any:

(1) closure of less than 4 hours,

(2) Premises in Northern Ireland,

(3) closure of the Premises by the local authority as a result of an occurrence of a notifiable disease

(or the discovery of an organism resulting in or likely to result in the occurrence of a notifiable

diease), defective drains or other sanitary arrangements or vermin or pests.

The most We will pay is £25,000 for any Claim.

The Material Damage proviso does not apply to this extension.

(c) Contract Sites

We will cover You, in respect of a loss resulting from interruption or interference with Your Activities

as a direct result of accidental Damage occurring during the Period of Insurance, whilst at any site

within the United Kingdom where You are carrying out a contract.

Our liability under this extension for any one occurrence will not exceed £25,000.

(d) Death or Adverse Publicity of a Patron

We will cover You for the additional costs and expenses incurred by You in replacing:

(i) the stock of existing stationery including any printed pamphlets, leaflets or other advertising

literature printed and held by You for use containing the name of the patron;

(ii) the artwork and/or redesigning existing stationery or advertising material containing the name of

the patron;

(iii) the name of the patron and any personalised statements contained on any website or any other

medium used by You to advertise or increase awareness of Your organisation;


(i) The death of Your patron, being an authorised figurehead who is recognised by You as a patron

and who uses their name to regularly raise awareness, financial contributions or obtain help from

the public to benefit Your Activities.

(ii) Your patron being:

(a) investigated for, accused of committing or charged with any criminal act or offence

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) the subject of any adverse publicity, being harmful damaging and negative information

concerning the individual which has been disseminated through television, newspapers,

radio and electronic media to attract public notice.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Period of Insurance or for any one patron is £25,000.

The Indemnity Period under this extension shall be the period during which Your Activities are

affected due to the death or adverse publicity of Your patron starting from the date:

(i) Your patron dies

(ii) any investigation into an activity which has the potential to be punishable by law and is forbidden

by statute commences

(iii) any adverse publicity outside Your control appears in the media

but for no longer than three months after such date.

We will not cover You in respect of:

(1) adverse publicity caused directly as a result of Your Activities;

(2) adverse publicity unless appearing in the following; media, television, newspapers, radio and electronic media;

(3) the death of Your patron where they have suffered from any physical defect, infirmity, medical

condition or chronic or reoccurring illness for which they have received medical treatment in the

12 months prior to their death.

The Material Damage proviso does not apply to this extension.

(e) Denial of Access

We will cover You in respect of loss resulting from interruption or interference with Your Activities as

a result of accidental Damage to Property within a radius of 1km of the Premises which:

(i) hinders or prevents the use of the Premises or access to them; or

(ii) causes a fall in the number of customers attracted to the vicinity of the Premises; whether the

Premises used by You for Your Activities is damaged or not.

Our liability under this extension for any one occurrence will not exceed £100,000.

(f) Failure of Gas Supply

We will cover You for the accidental failure of Your supply of gas at the terminal ends of Your suppliers

feed to the Premises.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Period of Insurance will be £50,000, unless any other

limit is stated in the Schedule for Failure of Gas Supply.

We will not cover You in respect of any accidental failure:

(i) caused by the deliberate act of any supplier of gas;

(ii) caused by the exercise of any supplier of gas’s power to withdraw or restrict supply or services;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iii) caused by any industrial action;

(iv) other than at the premises in the United Kingdom;

(v) lasting less than four hours but this will not apply in respect of accidental failure resulting from

Damage to any land based premises of:

(1) Your supplier(s) of gas; and

(2) any natural gas producer directly linked to Your supplier(s) of gas, in the United Kingdom;

(vi) a fault in any part of the installation You are responsible for at the Premises.

The Material Damage proviso does not apply to this extension.

(g) Failure of Telecommunications

We will cover You for the accidental failure of Your supply of telecommunications and internet services

at the incoming line terminal or receivers at the Premises.

The maximum We will pay for any one loss will be:

(i) £100 for each day in respect of any one failure, or

(ii) £2,500 in respect of all failures in any one Period of Insurance,

unless any other limit is shown in the Schedule for Failure of Telecommunications.

We will not cover You in respect of any accidental failure:

(1) caused by the deliberate act of any supplier of telecommunications and internet services;

(2) caused by the exercise of any supplier of telecommunications and internet services power to

withdraw or restrict supply or services;

(3) caused by any industrial action;

(4) caused by drought;

(5) caused by atmospheric or weather conditions but this will not exclude accidental failure due to

Damage to equipment caused by such conditions;

(6) other than at the premises in the United Kingdom;

(7) caused by the failure of any satellite;

(8) lasting less than 24 consecutive hours but this will not apply in respect of accidental failure

resulting from Damage to any land based premises of Your supplier(s) of telecommunications

and internet services in the United Kingdom; or

(9) a fault in any part of the installation You are responsible for at the Premises.

The Material Damage proviso does not apply to this extension.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(h) Specified Diseases, Murder, Suicide and Defective Sanitation

We will cover You in respect of loss resulting in interruption of or interference with Your Activities due


(i) a Specified Disease occurring at or attributable to food or drink supplied from, the Premises;

(ii) the discovery of an organism at the Premises likely to result in the occurrence of a Specified


(iii) a Specified Disease occurring within a radius of 5 miles of the Premises, which restricts the use

of the Premises on the order or advice of the local authority;

(iv) the discovery of vermin or pests;

(v) any accident causing defects in the drains or other sanitary arrangements, at the Premises which

restricts the use of the Premises on the order or advice of the local authority;

(vi) any occurrence of murder or suicide at the Premises.

Our liability under this extension for any one occurrence will not exceed £25,000.

The Indemnity Period under this extension shall be three months from the date of any occurrence or

in the case of (iv) and (v) the date from when local authority restrictions are applied to the Premises.

The provisions of any automatic reinstatement clause do not apply in respect of this extension.

We will not cover You in respect of:

(1) costs incurred in cleaning, repair, replacement, recall or checking of Property

(2) loss arising from premises other than those directly linked to the occurrence, discovery or


We shall have no liability under this extension, if You do not ensure that the Premises complies at all

times with the Health and Safety Commissions Approved Code of Practice, “The Prevention and Control

of Legionellosis (including Legionnaires Disease)” Ref ISBN-0-71 76-1 772-6 or any supplementary,

replacement or amending Code of Practice unless You show that non-compliance could not have

increased the risk of the loss which actually occurred in the circumstances in which it occurred.

The Material Damage proviso does not apply to this extension.

(i) Exhibition Sites

We will cover You in respect of loss resulting from interruption or interference with Your Activities as

a result of Insured Damage at any site in the United Kingdom, where You are exhibiting goods.

Our liability under this extension for any one occurrence will not exceed £25,000.

(j) Failure of Electricity Supply

We will cover You in respect of accidental failure of Your supply of electricity at the terminal ends of

Your suppliers feed to the Premises.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Period of Insurance will be £50,000, unless any other

limit is stated in the Schedule for Failure of Electricity Supply.

We will not cover You in respect of any accidental failure:

(i) caused by the deliberate act of any supplier of electricity;

(ii) caused by the exercise of any supplier of electricity’s power to withdraw or restrict supply or


(iii) caused by any industrial action;

(iv) other than at premises in the United Kingdom;

(v) lasting less than four hours but this will not apply in respect of accidental failure resulting from

Damage to any generating station or sub-station of Your supplier(s) of electricity, in the United

Kingdom; or

(vi) a fault in any part of the installation You are responsible for at the Premises.

The Material Damage proviso does not apply to this extension.

(k) Failure of Water Supply

The accidental failure of Your supply of water at the terminal ends of Your suppliers feed to the


The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Period of Insurance will be £50,000, unless any other

limit is shown in the Schedule for Failure of Water Supply.

We will not cover You in respect of accidental failure:

(i) caused by the deliberate act of any supplier of water

(ii) caused by the exercise of any supplier of water’s power to withdraw or restrict supply or services

(iii) caused by any industrial action

(iv) caused by drought or other weather conditions unless equipment has been damaged

(v) other than at premises in the United Kingdom

(vi) lasting less than four hours but this will not apply in respect of accidental failure resulting from

Damage to any water works or pumping station of Your supplier(s) of water, in the United


(vii) a fault in any part of the installation You are responsible for at the Premises.

The Material Damage proviso does not apply to this extension.

(l) Loss of Attraction

We will cover You in respect accidental Damage to Property within a radius of 1 mile of the Premises

which directly results in a reduction in Your Revenue or Rent Receivable as insured by this Section.

The provisions of any Automatic Reinstatement Clause do not apply in respect of this extension.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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We will not cover You for any interruption or interference lasting less than 12 consecutive hours.

Our liability under this extension for any one occurrence will not exceed £25,000 or the sum insured

detailed on the Schedule, whichever is lower.

(m) Vehicles

We will cover You in respect of loss resulting from interruption or interference with Your Activities as

a result of Insured Damage to any Vehicle belonging to You anywhere in the United Kingdom but not

in any premises You occupy.

Our liability under this extension for any one occurrence will not exceed £50,000 unless otherwise stated

in the Schedule.

(n) National Lottery Win including Essential Employees

We will cover You in respect of loss resulting from interruption or interference with Your Activities as

a result of the loss of an Employee from Your service as a result of:

(i) the death of the Employee

(ii) bodily injury which in the opinion of an independent medical officer will in all likelihood prevent the

Employee from carrying out their usual Employment or usual occupation for the remainder of

their life caused solely and directly by violent, accidental, external and physical means not

otherwise excluded by the terms of the Personal Accident Section

(iii) the Employee winning a prize on the national lottery, premium bonds or football pools providing

their win exceeds £100,000

but excluding losses where the Employee:

(1) has been employed by You for a period of less than twelve months

(2) has served notice or has been served notice of termination of their Employment before their

death, bodily injury or prize winning

(3) has been absent from work through sickness, disability or suspension for a period exceeding 4

weeks at the time of their death, bodily injury or prize winning.

The insurance by this cover will only apply for the period beginning with the death or permanent total

disablement or lottery win, premium bond win or football pools win and lasting no longer than the

following three months.

(o) Property in Transit

We will cover You in respect of loss resulting from interruption or interference with Your Activities as

a result of Insured Damage to Your Property while in transit within the United Kingdom by:

(i) road;

(ii) rail; and

(iii) inland waterway.

We will not cover You in respect of impact to or collision with the conveying of:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(1) road or rail vehicles;

(2) waterborne craft.

Our liability under this extension for any one occurrence will not exceed £25,000.

(p) Second Hand and Donated Stock

We will cover You in respect of loss of potential Revenue which would otherwise be earned by You as

as a result of Damage to second-hand or donated Stock whilst at Your Premises based on Your sales

records and accounts for the same 12 month period.

The maximum We will pay by this extension will not exceed £10,000 or the Sum Insured stated on the

Schedule for Stock and materials in trade under the Material Damage Section, whichever is lower.

(q) Stored Property

We will cover You in respect of loss resulting from interruption or interference with Your Activities as

a result of accidental Damage to Your Property whilst stored in any premises within the United


We will not cover You in respect of:

(i) Property stored in any Premises You occupy; or

(ii) Property stored in any Premises You partially occupy.

Our liability under this extension for any one occurrence will not exceed £25,000.

(r) Customers

We will cover You in respect of loss resulting from interruption or interference with Your Activities as

a result of accidental Damage to any of Your customers’ premises within Europe and Iceland.

Our liability under this extension for any one occurrence will not exceed £100,000 or the sum insured

stated on the Schedule, whichever is lower.

The Material Damage proviso does not apply to this extension.

(s) Suppliers

We will cover You in respect of loss resulting from interruption or interference with Your Activities as

a result of accidental Damage to any of Your suppliers’ premises within member countries of the Europe

and Iceland.

We will not cover You in respect of Damage at any premises of suppliers of electricity, gas, water or

telecommunications services.

Our liability under this extension for any one occurrence will not exceed £100,000 or the sum insured

stated on the Schedule, whichever is the lower.

(t) Auditors and Professional Accountants

We will pay Your auditors and professional accountants charges for:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(i) producing information We require for investigating any Claim

(ii) confirming the information is in accordance with Your business books.

The maximum We will pay for any Claim, including auditors and professional accountants charges, is

the £25,000.

8.8 Optional Extension

This extension is only applicable if stated as operative in the Schedule and is subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

Loss of Licence

We will pay the reduction in the value of the Premises during the Period of Insurance of Your interest in:

(a) the Premises, or

(b) Your Organisation,

following Your Loss of Licence.

The most We will pay is the limit of liability stated in the Schedule. In addition We will also pay for costs and

expenses incurred with Our written consent where You appeal against the Loss of Licence.

We will not pay You where:

(i) You are entitled to obtain payment of compensation under any legislation or By-law in respect of the

refusal to renew the Licence.

(ii) the Loss of Licence arises out of:

(1) any town planning improvement or redevelopment;

(2) a change in law;

(3) compulsory purchase or surrender; or

(4) a reduction or redistribution of Licences.

Special Condition

(1) You must notify Us as soon as practicably possible and supply any additional information and give

assistance as We may require if You become aware of any:

(a) complaint against Your Activities and/or the Premises;

(b) proceedings against or conviction of Your Licence holder manager tenant or occupier and/or the

Premises for any breach of any relevant licencing law or regulation or any other matter where

the character or reputation of the person concerned is affected or called into question with respect

to their honesty moral standing or sobriety;

(c) change in Your tenancy or management and/or the Premises;

(d) transfer or proposed transfer of the Licence;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(e) alteration in the purpose for which the Premises is used;

(f) objection to renewal or other circumstances which may endanger the Licence or its renewal.

(2) In the event of death bankruptcy or incapacity or desertion of the Premises or conviction for any offence

(where the conviction affects the character or reputation of the convicted person with respect to their

honesty moral standing or sobriety) of the Licence holder tenant manager or occupier You will where

practicable and at Our request procure a suitable person to replace them and one to whom the Licence

will be transferred or a new Licence will be granted by way of renewal.

(3) In the event of the Licence being forfeited or refused renewal You must:

(a) give notice in writing to Us within 48 hours of receiving knowledge of the event stating the grounds

upon which the Licence was forfeited or refused renewal;

(b) give all assistance as We may require for the purpose of an appeal against the forfeiture or refusal

to renew and allow Our solicitors and Us full discretion in the conduct of the proceedings;

(c) apply if practicable and if required by Us for the grant of the new Licence for the same or

alternative premises as may enable You to continue Your Activities in a similar or alternative


(d) provide a statement of Your loss if any together with any documents, statements and accounts

as may be required by Us to verify the same and give Us free access to the Premises and Your

books and accounts as may be necessary for ascertaining the value of any loss.

8.9 Conditions

(a) Payments on Account

Claim payments on account may be made to You during the Indemnity Period, if required.

8.10 Automatic Reinstatement

The sums insured or limits stated in the Schedule will not be reduced by the amount of any Claim unless We

or You give written notice to the contrary.

However, You must pay the additional premium required to reinstate the sum insured.

The amounts reinstated will not exceed the sum insured and limits stated in the Schedule.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Special Extension to Material Damage, Business All Risks and Business Interruption

9.1 Claim Preparation Costs

We will cover You in respect of charges payable by You to Your accountant, auditor or other professional

consultant (other than Your insurance adviser) for costs and expenses incurred by You, in preparing any

details required by Us in respect of Your Claim providing:

(a) We have given Our written consent to the cost, and

(b) those costs and expenses are not covered elsewhere,

limited to the terms and conditions specified under condition 5.2 Claims Procedures.

We will not cover You for the cost of negotiation with Us or Our representatives.

The maximum We will pay is £25,000 in respect of any one Claim.

9.2 Loss Reduction Expenses and Temporary Repairs

We will cover You for the costs and expenses incurred by You in:

(a) preventing or reducing losses in the event of imminent Damage which would have been insured under

this policy;

(b) reducing losses as a result of Damage insured under this policy;

(c) undertaking temporary repairs upon or expediting the permanent repair or replacement of Property

Insured that has suffered Damage.

Provided that in respect of (a) and (b) above:

(i) the impending Damage was not reasonably foreseeable and would be the natural outcome if the costs

and expenses were not incurred;

(ii) the costs and expenses incurred did avoid or mitigate the Damage; and

(iii) Our liability will not exceed the amount of Damage avoided.

The maximum We will pay in respect of clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of this clause is £25,000 in respect of any one Claim.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Book Debts 10.1 Cover

We will cover You, as detailed in the Clause 10.2 – Basis of Settlement, in respect of loss following You being unable to trace or establish the Book Debts as a result of accidental Damage to Your books of account or other business books or records at the Premises.

10.2 Basis of Settlement

(a) The insurance in respect of Books Debts is limited to the loss sustained by You directly due to the


We will pay:

(i) the difference between:

(1) the Book Debts; and

(2) the total of the amounts received or traced;

(ii) the additional expenditure incurred with Our written consent in tracing and establishing debit

balances in Your Customers’ Accounts after the Damage.

(b) If We require any information to verify a Claim Your professional accountants at the time of the Claim

may produce and report details contained in business books or records. Their report will be accepted

as evidence of the details.

We will pay Your professional accountants’ charges for:

(i) producing information We require for investigating any Claim; and

(ii) confirming the information in accordance with Your business books.

The maximum We will pay for any Claim, including professional accountants’ fees, is the sum insured

by this Section as stated on the Schedule.

10.3 Extensions

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

(a) Automatic Reinstatement

The sum insured stated in the Schedule will not be reduced by the amount of any Claim unless We or

You give written notice to the contrary.

However, You must pay the additional premium required to reinstate the sum insured.

(b) Temporary Removal

We will cover You in respect of loss, as insured by this Section, resulting from Damage occurring within

the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland to Your books of account, other business books or

records whilst temporarily removed to any premises occupied by persons acting on Your behalf or whilst

in transit but excluding Damage by theft from an Unattended Vehicle.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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The Vehicle will not be regarded as an Unattended Vehicle if You have ensured that:

(i) all doors, windows and other points of access have been locked where locks have been fitted;


(ii) all manufacturers’ security devices have been put into effect; and

(iii) the keys have been removed from the Vehicle; and

(iv) any unattached trailers have anti-hitching devices fitted and they are put into effect

10.4 Exclusions

We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) loss resulting from distortion, erasure or corruption of information on Computer Media or other records

due to:

(i) the presence of magnetic flux unless such flux results from lightning;

(ii) whilst mounted in or any machine or data processing apparatus unless caused by Damage to the

machine or apparatus;

(iii) due to defects in such records.

(b) loss resulting from records being mislaid or misfiled.

(c) loss resulting from deliberate falsification or business records.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Terrorism 11.1 Cover

The insurance by the Material Damage, Business Interruption and Goods in Transit Sections is extended to

include Damage to Property Insured as stated in the Schedule within the Territorial Limits caused by

Terrorism occurring during the Period of Insurance provided that:

(a) in any action suit or other proceedings where We allege that any Damage or loss resulting from

Damage is not covered by this Section the burden of proving that such Damage is covered will be

upon You;

(b) this Section is not subject to any of the exclusions specified in this policy other than as specified in

exclusions i to vii of this Section;

(c) this Section is subject to all the terms and conditions of this policy unless otherwise specified in this


(d) Our liability in respect of all losses arising out of any one occurrence and in the aggregate in any one

Period of Insurance will not exceed the sums insured or limits stated in the Schedule in respect of

Property Insured or as otherwise specified in the policy.

11.2 Exclusions

We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) Damage to any Building or Property therein insured under this policy, in the name of an individual or

individuals, which is occupied as a private residence or any part thereof which is so occupied except as

expressly varied in exclusions (b) and (d) of this Section;

(b) Damage to blocks of flats and/or private dwelling houses or Property therein insured under this policy,

in the name of individual or individuals, (other than where such individuals are sole traders, partners in

an unincorporated business partnership, trustees or executors of a will (or beneficiaries of such trust or

will) and provided they do not occupy any part of the property for their own residential purposes);

(c) Damage to any Building or Property therein insured under this policy, in the name of an individual or

individuals (where such individuals are trustees or executors of a will or beneficiaries or such trust or

will) which is occupied as a private residence where any part of the Building is occupied by such

individuals except as expressly varied in exclusion (d) of this Section;

(d) Damage to any Building or Property therein comprising mixed commercial and residential usage which

is insured under this policy, in the name of the individual or individuals unless the commercially occupied

proportion of the Building is more than 20%;

(e) chemical, biological or radioactive contamination defined as any losses whatsoever or any expenditure

resulting or arising therefrom or any Consequential Loss directly or indirectly caused by or contributed

to by or arising from:

(i) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly

or nuclear component thereof;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity or from the combustion of any radioactive


(iii) chemical, biological or radiological irritant, contaminants or pollutants in respect of properties

occupied as a private residence or any part thereof which is so occupied and/or Property therein

insured under this policy, in the name of an individual or individuals, except where such properties

are insured for Terrorism under this Section by virtue of the variations to exclusions (b) or (d) of

this Section

(f) riot, civil commotion, war and allied risks defined as any loss whatsoever directly or indirectly caused

by, contributed to by or arising from or occasioned by or resulting from war, invasion, act of foreign

enemy, hostilities (whether war by declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military

or usurped power

(g) remote digital interference defined as any losses whatsoever directly or indirectly caused by, contributed

to by or arising from or occasioned by or resulting from:

(i) Damage to any Computer System, or

(ii) any alteration, modification, distortion, erasure or corruption of Data,

whether owned by You or not, where such loss is directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or

arising from or occasioned by or resulting from Virus or Similar Mechanism or Hacking or Phising or

Denial of Service Attack.

Proviso to exclusion (d)

(a) We will pay for the cost of reinstatement, replacement or repair in respect of Damage to Property


(b) We will pay for loss of Revenue, loss of rent, Increased Costs of Working or Additional Increased

Costs or Working as a result of interruption of or interference with Your Activities as a direct result of


(i) Damage to Property Insured, or

(ii) Damage to other Property within 1 mile of the Property Insured by Terrorism which prevents

or physically hinders the use of or access to the Property Insured.

(c) Our liability for any loss under items 1 and 2 of this proviso (which would otherwise fall within exclusion

(d) of this section) is on the condition that such loss:

(i) results directly from fire, explosion, flood, escape of water from any tank, apparatus or pipe

(including any sprinkler system), impact of aircraft or any aerial devices or articles dropped from

them, impact of any sea-going or water-going vessel or of any vehicle whatsoever or of any goods

or cargo carried in or on such vessel or vehicle, Damage to or movement of Buildings or

structures, plant or machinery other than any Computer System, and

(ii) is not proximately caused by Terrorism in relation to which the relevant organisation or any

persons acting on behalf of or in connection with that organisation are controlled by, acting on

behalf of or part of any de jure or de facto government of any nation, country or state.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(d) If the Damage to Property Insured indirectly results from any alteration, modification, distortion, erasure

or corruption of Data because the occurrence of one or more of the causes listed in item (c) of this

proviso results directly or indirectly from any alteration, modification, distortion, erasure or corruption of

Data, We will pay You in accordance with items (a) or (b) of this proviso.

(e) We will not pay for any losses directly or indirectly caused by, contributed to by or arising from or

occasioned by or resulting from any alteration, modification, distortion, erasure or corruption of Data

other than under item (d) of this provision.

For the purposes of this proviso only, the definition of Property excludes Data, Money, electronic

cryptographic or virtual currency including Bitcoin or anything similar, negotiable or non-negotiable

instruments, financial securities or any other financial instrument of any sort whatsoever.

11.3 Conditions

(a) Long Term Agreement or Undertaking

If this policy is subject to any Long Term Agreement or Undertaking, it does not apply to this Section.

(b) Condition Precedent to Liability

It is a condition precedent to Our liability to pay claims that:

(i) You have purchased cover in respect of Terrorism from a Pool Reinsurance Company Limited

member company on respect of all property and premises owned by You or for which You are

responsible and that are eligible for such cover. A list of Pool Reinsurance Company Limited

member companies is available via the Poor Re website;

(ii) the Treasury has issued a certificate certifying that Terrorism is the cause of the loss or Damage

or, if the Treasury has refused to issue a certificate, a tribunal formed by agreement between Us

and Pool Reinsurance Company Limited concludes that Terrorism was the cause of the loss of


For the purpose of this condition, property and premises owned by You or for which You are responsible

includes those pertaining to subsidiary companies unless such a subsidiary has full control over its own

insurance arrangements.

11.4 Special Conditions

(a) The Terrorism Insurance provided by this Section is not subject to any of the exclusions specified in this

policy other than those specifically in respect of this Section as shown under exclusions above.

(b) The Terrorism Insurance provided by this Section is subject to all the terms, conditions, deductibles and

limits of this policy except as expressly varied hereby.

(c) The Terrorism Insurance provided by the Section does not apply to any:

(i) Long Term Agreement or Undertaking to which this policy is subject; or

(ii) terms in this policy that provide for adjustments of premium based upon declarations in expiry or

during the Period of Insurance; or

(iii) aggregate limit contained in this policy regarding the amount for which You are responsible as a

result of the operation of an Excess; or

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iv) aggregate deductible limit contained in this policy.

(d) Irrespective of the currency in which this policy is expressed, the limit of liability and the premium for the

Terrorism Insurance effected by this Section will be determined in Sterling.

(e) There shall be no refund of the premium in respect of this Section if it is cancelled mid-term

independently of this policy.

(f) If any part of this Section is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain in full force

and effect.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Employers’ Liability 12.1 Cover

We will cover You against:

(a) legal liability to pay damages, including interest; and

(b) Costs and Expenses,

in respect of accidental Bodily Injury caused during the Period of Insurance to any Employee arising out of

and in the course of Employment by You for the purpose of Your Activities within the following geographical


(i) the United Kingdom; or

(ii) a country which is a member of the European Union but only in respect Your Activities carried out by

You and any Employee normally resident in the United Kingdom for a period of 6 months of less; or

(iii) elsewhere in the world in respect journeys in connection with Your Activities by any person normally

resident in the United Kingdom for a period of 6 months or less, which do not involve manual labour or

the supervision of manual labour.

12.2 Limit of Liability

The maximum amount, stated in the Schedule, including Costs and Expenses, which We will pay up to in respect of any one Claim or series of Claims arising out of one cause.

12.3 Extensions

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

(a) Contractual Liability

We will cover You in respect of liability for accidental Bodily Injury imposed on You solely by reason

of the terms of any agreement provided that the conduct and control of any Claim is vested in Us.

We will not provide cover in respect of any agreement for or including the performance of work outside

the United Kingdom.

(b) Cross Liabilities

We will cover each party named as You in the Schedule as if a separate policy had been issued to


The total amount payable will not exceed the Limit of Liability regardless of the number of parties

claiming to be covered.

(c) Legal Expenses arising from Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007

We will cover You in respect of:

(i) legal fees and expenses incurred with Our written consent for defending proceedings, including

appeals; and

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) costs of prosecution awarded against You

which arise from criminal proceedings for any offence as defined in section 1 of the Corporate

Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007.

We will not provide cover:

(1) unless the proceedings relate to an actual or alleged offence committed during the Period of

Insurance within the United Kingdom and in connection with Your Activities.

(2) in respect of proceedings which:

(a) result from any reckless disregard, deliberate act or omission by You;

(b) relate to any person other than an Employee.

(3) in respect of any:

(a) intervention fees;

(b) fines and penalties;

(c) remedial or publicity orders or any steps required to be taken by such orders.

(4) for costs on appeal unless in the counsel’s opinion it is likely to succeed.

(5) costs and expenses on appeal which have been admitted under another Section of this policy.

(6) where cover is provided by another insurance policy.

Where a claim has been admitted under any other Section the costs will be deducted from this Section.

(d) Legal Expenses arising from Health and Safety Legislation

We will cover You in respect of:

(i) legal fees and expenses incurred with Our written consent for defending proceedings, including


(ii) costs of prosecution awarded against You,

which arise from any health and safety inquiry or criminal proceedings for any breach of the Health and

Safety at Work etc Act 1974 or the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 or the

equivalent legislation in Wales, Scotland, the Channel Islands or Isle of Man.

We will not provide cover unless the proceedings relate to an actual or alleged act, omission or incident

committed during the Period of Insurance within the United Kingdom and in connection with Your


(1) in respect of proceedings which:

(a) result from any deliberate act or omission by You;

(b) relate to the health and safety of any person other than an Employee.

(2) where cover is provided by another insurance policy.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(e) Our Right of Recovery

The cover granted by this Section will be treated as being in accordance with the provisions of any law

relating to the compulsory insurance of liability to Employees in the United Kingdom. However, You

will repay Us all sums We would not have been liable to pay but for the provisions of that law.

(f) Payment for Court Attendance

We will compensate You if, at Our request, You, any director, partner or Employee of Yours, is

attending court as a witness in connection with a Claim for which You are entitled to cover.

The maximum We will pay for:

(i) You, each director or partner is £500 per day;

(ii) each Employee is £250 per day.

(g) Unsatisfied Court Judgements

We will, at Your request, pay any Employee or their personal representative the amount of damages

and costs awarded to the person as a result of a judgement which has been obtained for accidental

Bodily Injury against any company registered in, any partnership or any individual domiciled in the

United Kingdom and which remains unpaid or in part unpaid six months after the date of the judgement.

Payment will only be made where:

(i) the accidental Bodily Injury was caused during any Period of Insurance to the Employee

arising out of and in the course of employment by You in Your Activities;

(ii) there is no appeal outstanding to the judgement;

(iii) the Employee, or their personal representative, assigns the judgement debt to Us;

(iv) the judgement was made in a court within the United Kingdom.

12.4 Exclusions

We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) work in or on and travel to, from or within any offshore:

(i) accommodation, exploration, drilling or production rig or platform,

(ii) support vessel;

(b) any work in or on:

(i) tower cranes and cradles;

(ii) chimney shafts, blast furnaces, dams, canals, viaducts, bridges, tunnels,

(iii) aircraft, hovercraft, airports or airfields, railways, watercraft (other than hand propelled watercraft),

(iv) docks or harbours, piers, wharves, breakwaters or seawalls,

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(v) collieries, mines, quarries, chemical works, gas works, oil refineries, bulk storage facilities for gas

or oil, power stations, wind farms, nuclear installations or establishments;

(c) work from or in connection with:

(i) water diversion, pile driving, underpinning, use of explosives, demolition or partial demolition,

(ii) tour operators;

(d) Bodily Injury sustained by any Employee when that person is:

(i) carried in or upon a vehicle,

(ii) entering or getting on to, or alighting from, a vehicle where any road traffic legislation requires

insurance or security;

(e) (i) liquidated damages,

(ii) penalty clauses,

(iii) fines,

(iv) aggravated, restitutionary, punitive or exemplary damages or any additional damages resulting

from the multiplication of compensatory damages or other non compensatory damages;

(f) Damage to any Property or any loss or expense resulting or arising from, or any indirect loss or any

legal liability caused or contributed to, by, or arising from Terrorism except for accidental Bodily Injury

sustained by any of Your Employees during the Period of Insurance and arising out of and in the

course of their Employment by You in Your Activities described in the Schedule and occasioned by

or happening through or following Terrorism up to a maximum of £5,000,000 for damages, inclusive of

Costs and Expenses in respect of one occurrence or a series of occurrences consequent on or

attributable to one source or original cause (inclusive of legal costs and solicitor’s fees) for which You

are legally liable.

12.5 Burdon of Proof

If We allege that by reason of the Terrorism limitation any Bodily Injury or Costs or Expenses is not covered or is covered only up to the limit of liability, the burden of proving the contrary shall be upon You.

12.6 Condition – Employers’ Liability Tracing Office

Certain information relating to this Section, namely:

(a) the Policy Number;

(b) employers’ names and addresses, including subsidiaries and any relevant changes of name;

(c) coverage dates; and

(d) if relevant, the employer’s reference numbers provided by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs and

Companies House Reference Numbers,

will be provided to the Employers’ Liability Tracing Office, (the “ELTO”) and added to the Employers’ Liability

Database (ELD).

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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It is understood by You that the above named information provided to Us will be processed by Us for the

purpose of providing the ELD, in compliance with the provisions of the Employers’ Liability Insurance:

Disclosure by Insurers Instrument 2010.

The ELTO may provide such information to third parties to assist individuals with Claims arising out of their

course of employment in the United Kingdom for employers carrying on, or who carried on, business in the

United Kingdom, to identify an insurer or insurers that provided employers’ liability insurance.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Public and Products Liability 13.1 Cover

We will cover You against:

(a) legal liability to pay damages, including interest; and

(b) Costs and Expenses

in respect of accidental:

(i) Bodily Injury

(ii) Damage

which arises in connection with Your Activities and which happens during the Period of Insurance and within the following geographical limits:

(1) the United Kingdom; or

(2) a country which is a member of the European Union but only in respect of Your Activities carried out

by You and any Employee normally resident in the United Kingdom for a period of 6 months or less;


(3) elsewhere in the world in respect of journeys in connection with Your Activities by any person normally

resident in the United Kingdom for a period of 6 months or less which do not involve manual labour or

the supervision of manual labour.

13.2 Limit of Liability

The maximum amount, stated in the Schedule, which We will pay in respect of any one event or all events of

a series consequent on or attributable to one original cause irrespective of the number of Claims or claimants.

In respect of:

(i) Products Supplied

(ii) Pollution or Contamination

the Limit of Liability will apply to the total of all events happening in any one Period of Insurance.

Costs and Expenses are payable in addition to the Limit of Liability stated in the Schedule apart from in

respect of any Claim brought in the United States of America or any territory within their jurisdiction and

Canada where the Limit of Liability shall be the maximum amount payable including Costs and Expenses.

13.3 Extensions

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

(a) Care and Treatment

We will cover You against:

(i) legal liability for damages, including interest; and

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) Costs and Expenses

in respect of accidental Bodily Injury occurring anywhere within the United Kingdom during the Period

of Insurance in connection with Your Activities caused by professional errors, omissions or neglects

in the provision of professional medical and care services.

The maximum We will pay is £1,000,000 in respect of any one event or all events of a series consequent

on or attributable to one original cause.

(b) Contractual Liability

We will cover You against liability in respect of accidental Bodily Injury or accidental Damage to

Property imposed on You solely by reason of the terms of any agreement provided that the conduct

and control of any Claim is vested in Us.

We will not provide cover in respect of any agreement for or including the performance of work outside

the United Kingdom.

(c) Cross Liabilities

We will cover each party named as You in the Schedule as if a separate policy had been issued to

each. The total amount payable will not exceed the Limit of Liability regardless of the number of parties

claiming to be covered.

(d) Data Protection

Following a breach of personal data (as defined in the law applicable) occurring during the Period of

Insurance in the course of Your activities, We will pay:

(i) the amount of compensation which You become legally liable to pay in respect of damage,

either material or non-material, under the provisions of Article 82 of the General Data Protection

Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) or any equivalent data protection laws applicable to

England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

(ii) for defence costs and prosecution costs awarded against You in respect of a prosecution under

Article 83 of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) or any

equivalent data protection laws applicable to England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the

Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

provided that You are included in the register maintained by the Information Commissioner's Office

(ICO) or the equivalent in the Channel Islands, or are in the process of registration and such

registration has not been refused or withdrawn.

We will not be liable:

(i) for any deliberate act or omission by You or any director, partner, officer, trustee or Employee

from which You or they could have reasonably expected liability or costs to attach;

(ii) for liability, defence or prosecution costs arising from the recording, processing or provision of

data for reward or to determine the financial status of any person;

(iii) for liability, defence or prosecution costs arising from an agreement which would not have

attached in the absence of such agreement;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iv) for Costs and Expenses incurred in rectifying, replacing, reinstating, destroying or erasing


(v) for Costs and Expenses incurred in investigating a personal data breach or in the reporting of

such to the ICO;

(vi) if an indemnity is provided by any other insurance.

Fee Payment Condition

We shall be entitled to refuse to pay any Claim under this policy in its entirety if You have not paid any

fees required to be paid by any data protection authority.

(e) Defective Premises

We will cover You in respect of legal liability for accidental Bodily Injury or accidental Damage to

Property arising under:

(i) the Defective Premises Act 1972;

(ii) the Defective Premises (Northern Ireland) Order 1975 or the Defective Premises (Landlord’s

Liability) Act (Northern Ireland) 2001,

in connection with any premises which You previously owned or occupied for the purposes of Your


We will not provide cover in respect of the cost of rectifying any defect or alleged defect in the premises.

(f) Employees’ and Visitors’ Personal Belongings

We will cover You in respect of legal liability for accidental Damage to Employees’ and visitors’ vehicles

and personal belongings which are in Your custody or control.

We will not provide cover where this Property is:

(i) loaned, leased, hired or rented to You;

(ii) stored for a fee or other consideration by You;

(iii) in Your custody or control for the purposes of being worked upon.

(g) Legal Expenses arising from Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007

We will cover You in respect of:

(i) legal fees and expenses incurred with Our written consent for defending proceedings, including


(ii) costs of prosecution awarded against You

which arise from criminal proceedings for any offence as defined in Section 1 of the Corporate

Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007.

We will not provide cover:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(1) unless the proceedings relate to an actual or alleged offence committed during the Period of

Insurance within the United Kingdom and in connection with Your Activities;

(2) in respect of proceedings which result from any reckless disregard, deliberate act or omission by


(3) in respect of any:

(a) intervention fees

(b) fines and penalties

(c) Costs and Expenses in connection with any remedial or publicity orders or any steps

required to be taken by such orders;

(4) for costs on appeal unless in the counsel’s opinion it is likely to succeed;

(5) Costs and Expenses on appeal which have been admitted under another sub section or section;


(6) where cover is provided by another insurance policy.

Where a Claim has been admitted under any other Section the costs will be deducted from this Section.

(h) Hired or Rented Premises

We will cover You in respect of legal liability for accidental Damage to premises (including fixtures and

fittings) within the United Kingdom which are hired, rented or loaned to You in connection with Your


We will not provide cover in respect of:

(i) the first £250 of damages, including interest, Costs and Expenses in respect of Damage caused

other than by fire or explosion;

(ii) liability imposed on You solely by reason of the terms of any hiring or renting agreement; or

(iii) Damage caused by an Insured Event against which any hiring or renting agreement specifies

that insurance is taken out by You.

(i) Cover for Hirer

We will provide cover at Your request to any individual or group who hire the Premises for non

commercial activities that are regarded as being for the benefit of the local community.

We will not provide cover:

(i) in respect of any commercial or business hire; or

(ii) where cover is provided by another insurance policy.

(j) Legal Expenses arising from Consumer Protection Act 1987 and Food Safety Act 1990

We will cover You in respect of:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(i) legal fees and expenses incurred with Our written consent for defending proceedings, including

appeals; or

(ii) costs of prosecution awarded against You

which arise from criminal proceedings for any breach of Part II of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 or

Part II of the Food Safety Act 1990 as amended.

We will not provide cover:

(1) unless the proceedings relate to an actual or alleged act, omission or incident committed during

the Period of Insurance within the United Kingdom and in connection with Your Activities;

(2) in respect of proceedings which result from any deliberate act or omission by You relate to any

person other than an Employee; or

(3) where cover is provided by another insurance policy.

(k) Legal Expenses arising from Health and Safety Legislation

We will cover You in respect of:

(i) legal fees and expenses incurred with Our written consent for defending proceedings, including

appeals; and

(ii) costs of prosecution awarded against You,

which arise from any health and safety inquiry or criminal proceedings for any breach of the Health and

Safety at Work etc Act 1974 or the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 or the

equivalent legislation in Wales, Scotland, the Channel Islands or Isle of Man.

We will not provide cover:

(1) unless the proceedings relate to an actual or alleged act, omission or incident committed during

the Period of Insurance within the United Kingdom and in connection with Your Activities;

(2) in respect of proceedings which:

(a) result from any deliberate act or omission by You

(b) relate to the health and safety of any person other than an Employee;

(3) where cover is provided by another insurance policy.

(l) Libel and Slander

We will, in respect of any Claim made against You while this Section is in force or within 12 months of

its cancellation provided the cause of the Claim occurred while the Section was in force, cover You in

respect of:

(i) legal liability to pay damages, including interest; and

(ii) Costs and Expenses

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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as a result of:

(1) libels in any written material produced by You

(2) slanders made in the course of Your Activities

(3) infringement of any trade mark, registered design, copyright or patent right arising from the

contents of any written material produced by You

(4) slander of title to goods.

All Claims arising out of one cause, whether or not all such Claims are made against You in the same

Period of Insurance, will be treated as one Claim.

The maximum We will pay, inclusive of Costs and Expenses, in respect of any one Claim and the total

of all Claims in any one Period of Insurance is £25,000.

We will not provide cover in respect of:

(a) withdrawing, recalling or replacing any written material produced by You;

(b) liability imposed on You solely by reason of the terms of any contract conditions or agreement;

(c) actions brought in a court of law outside the United Kingdom;

(d) 10% of each and every Claim;

(e) any Claim which occurred prior to the date which this Section was first incepted, or where

equivalent cover to that provided under this Section has been continuously maintained in full force

and effect prior to the inception of this Section, the date which first applied to such equivalent


(m) Motor Contingent Liability

We will cover You in respect of Your legal liability for accidental Bodily Injury and accidental Damage

to Property which arises from any vehicle or trailer attached thereto which is:

(i) not owned by You; or

(ii) not loaned, leased, hired or rented to You nor provided by You; and

(iii) being used in connection with Your Activities in the United Kingdom.

We will not provide cover:

(1) in respect of Damage to the vehicle or trailer or goods carried in or on the vehicle or trailer;

(2) while the vehicle is being driven by:

(a) You;

(b) any person who to Your knowledge or that of Your representatives does not hold a licence

to drive the vehicle unless the person has held and is not disqualified from holding or

obtaining a licence; or

(3) where cover is provided by another insurance policy.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(n) Pastoral Care Cover

We will cover You in respect of legal liability for accidental Bodily Injury or accidental Damage to

Property arising from pastoral care, being the provision of free, unstructured care and support to

individuals seeking the help of the church, by You or Your Employee in connection with Your


We will not provide cover:

(i) arising out of or in connection with professional counselling services, or

(ii) where cover is provided by another insurance policy.

(o) Overseas Personal Liability

We will cover You and, at Your request, any of Your directors, partners or Employees in respect of

legal liability for accidental Bodily Injury or accidental Damage to Property incurred in a personal

capacity whilst the persons are outside the United Kingdom in connection with Your Activities for a

period of 6 months or less.

We will also cover any accompanying member of Your or their family.

Where You are an individual, this cover will also apply to Your personal liability whilst away from Your

Premises in connection with Your Activities but within the United Kingdom.

We will not provide cover:

(i) where liability arises from:

(1) any agreement unless liability would have existed otherwise

(2) ownership or occupation of land or buildings

(3) the carrying on of any trade or profession

(4) ownership, possession or use of wild animals, firearms (other than sporting guns),

mechanically propelled vehicles (or anything attached to them), aircraft, hovercraft or

watercraft (other than hand propelled watercraft);

(ii) Damage to Property held in trust;

(iii) Bodily Injury to You or director, partner, Employee or family member; or

(iv) where cover is provided by another insurance policy.

(p) Payment for Court Attendance

We will compensate You if, at Our request, You, any director, partner or Employee of Yours, is

attending court as a witness in connection with a Claim for which You are entitled.

The maximum We will pay for:

(i) You, each director or partner is £500 per day;

(ii) each Employee is £250 per day.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(q) Terrorism

We will cover You in respect of all sums which You become legally liable to pay as damages, including

interest and Costs and Expenses for accidental Bodily Injury, Damage to Property and occasioned

by or happening through or following Terrorism up to a maximum of £2,000,000 or any other amount

stated in the Schedule in respect of public liability and products liability whichever is the lower, in respect

of one occurrence or a series of occurrences consequent on or attributable to one source or original

cause (inclusive of legal costs and solicitors fees).

If We allege that by reason of the Terrorism limitation any Damage, Bodily Injury, cost or expense is

not covered or is covered only up to the Terrorism limit of indemnity, the burden of proving the

contrary will be upon You.

(r) Legionellosis

We will cover You in respect of Legionellosis provided that:

(i) We will not be liable for Legionellosis occurring prior to the commencement of cover under this


(ii) We will not provide cover unless:

(1) Claims are first made in writing to You during the Period of Insurance; or

(2) the first notification of accidental Bodily Injury or alleging accidental Bodily Injury or of

any incidents which may give rise to a Claim made to You or any director, partner, officer

or trustee is notified to Us during the Period of Insurance or within 30 days of expiry of

the same Period of Insurance.

(iii) We will not be liable for any Legionellosis occurring in the United States of America or any

territory within its jurisdiction or Canada.

(iv) all Legionellosis arising out of one occurrence shall be deemed to have occurred at the time

such occurrence takes place.

(v) the maximum amount We will pay including damages and Costs and Expenses for Pollution

or Contamination arising from or in connection with Legionellosis during any one Period of

Insurance will not exceed the Public and Products Liability limit of indemnity stated on the


Where more than one party is entitled to cover under this extension, Our total combined liability to all

parties will not exceed the Public and Products Liability limit of indemnity stated on the Schedule in

any one Period of Insurance.

Where You own or are responsible for any water, air-conditioning or other purpose built system or

equipment that uses water including, but not limited to, associated tanks, pipes, ducting, evaporative

condensers, spa pools, saunas and Turkish baths at the premises, it is a condition precedent to Our

liability to pay Claims in respect of Legionellosis arising from or in connection with such system or

equipment that You must:

(i) undertake risk assessments to identify the presence of legionella bacteria at intervals not

exceeding 12 months;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) take appropriate measures to prevent and control the growth and multiplication of legionella


(iii) retain documentary evidence of all risk assessments and measures undertaken; and

(iv) produce such documentary evidence if requested by Us.

(s) Wrongful Arrest

We will cover You for accidental Bodily Injury and all sums which You become legally liable to pay as

damages, including interest and Costs and Expenses for wrongful arrest, malicious prosecution, false

imprisonment, defamation or assault of any person (other than an Employee) occurring during the

Period of Insurance and arising out of any theft or suspicion of theft at the Premises.

13.4 Exclusions

We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) Bodily Injury to any Employee arising out of and in the course of Employment by You in Your


(b) the ownership, possession or use by You or on Your behalf of any:

(i) aircraft, aerial device or hovercraft;

(ii) watercraft (other than hand propelled watercraft);

(iii) motor vehicle, trailer or plant in circumstances where compulsory insurance or security is required

by any road traffic legislation other than:

(1) where described in the clause 13.3(m) – Motor Contingent Liability;

(2) the loading or unloading of any vehicle, trailer or plant where cover is not provided by

another insurance policy;

(c) Damage to Property

(i) which You own or is loaned, leased, hired or rented to You;

(ii) which is held in trust or in the custody or control of:

(1) You; or

(2) any other party who is carrying out work on Your behalf

other than in the circumstances described in the clause 13.3(f) – Employee’s and Visitor’s

Personal Belongings or clause 13.3(h) – Hired or Rented Premises;

(iii) which must be insured under the terms of clause 6.5.1 of the Standard Form of Building Contract

issued by the Joint Contracts Tribunal or a clause of similar intent under other contract conditions;

(d) Damage to or the cost incurred by anyone in repairing, removing, replacing, reapplying, rectifying or

reinstating Products Supplied (other than Products Supplied under a separate contract);

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(e) recalling or making refunds in respect Products Supplied;

(f) advice, instruction, consultancy, defective design, defective formula, defective plan, specification,

inspection, certification or testing performed or provided separately for a fee or under a separate contract

or for which a fee would normally be charged;

(g) the carrying out of any work or any Products Supplied which affects or could affect:

(i) the navigation, propulsion or safety of any aircraft or other aerial device

(ii) the safety or operation of nuclear installations

(iii) the operational areas of gas, chemical, petrochemical or power generation plants, mines, motor

vehicles or spacecraft;

(h) Pollution or Contamination other than caused by a sudden, identifiable, unintended and unexpected

incident which takes place in its entirety at a specific time and place during the Period of Insurance.

All Pollution or Contamination which arises out of one incident will be treated as having happened at

the time the incident takes place.

We will not cover You against liability in respect of Pollution or Contamination happening anywhere

in the United States or America or any territory within its jurisdiction or Canada;

(i) work on or in:

(i) power stations or nuclear installations/establishments

(ii) oil, gas or chemical:

(1) refineries

(2) bulk storage

(3) production premises

(iii) mainframe computers or rooms containing mainframe computers

(iv) aircraft, airports, aerodromes, aerospace systems, control towers or hovercraft

(v) watercraft (other than hand propelled watercraft)railways or airports

(vi) mines or collieries

(vii) dams or coffer dams

(viii) tunnels or bridges or motorways or viaducts

(ix) work underground or underwater unless specified in the Your Activities on the Schedule

(x) drilling platform or rig and other offshore platforms

(xi) railways, railway locomotives and carriages

(xii) chimney shafts, blast furnaces, quarries, towers, steeples (or bell ringing or guided tours) and

wind farms;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(j) work from or in connection with:

(i) towers, cranes or cradles

(ii) water diversion, pile driving, underpinning, use of explosives, demolition

(iii) tour operators;

(k) any event organised by You or an events organiser for the purposes of raising funds for Your Activities

and subsequent beneficiaries:

(i) where combined numbers of entrants and spectators on site exceed 1000 at any one time

(ii) taking place outside England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands and the Isle of


(iii) where the event duration lasts longer than 48 hours

(iv) organised by a separate third party event organiser/company

(v) involving:

(1) weapons,

(2) passenger carrying amusement devices,

(3) animal rides of any kind,

(4) ballooning or aerial activities including parachuting, paragliding or parascending,

(5) go-karting, quad biking or motor sports,

(6) bungee jumping,

(7) professional sport teams or persons,

(8) individual exhibitions valued at over £250,000,

(9) racing or time trials other than on foot, or

(10) activity involving watercraft

unless agreed by Us in writing;

(l) any advice, design, consultancy or instruction or the provision of any treatment of facility given by You

or on Your behalf other than for the provision of face painting;

(m) the hiring out of any equipment used in face painting;

(n) any person who knows they suffer from skin allergies undergoing face painting by You or on Your behalf

unless they produce, before painting begins, a medical certificate stating they may undergo face


(o) the making up, prescribing or dispensing or repackaging of drugs or medicines;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(p) liability arising from or in connection with Products Supplied known by You or a director, partner or

Employee to be supplied directly or indirectly to the United States of America or any territory within its

jurisdiction or Canada unless such cover is specifically noted as being insured in the Schedule;

(q) any claim made in the courts of a country outside of Europe;

(r) the Excess stated in the Schedule;

13.5 Conditions

(a) Firework Displays and Bonfires

If in relation to any Claim for Damage to the Property You have failed to fulfil any of the following

conditions, You will lose Your right to cover or payment for that Claim.

You must ensure in connection with firework displays or bonfires organised by You that:

(i) You consult the relevant authorities at least seven days before the event

(ii) You comply with any recommendations or instructions of the:

(1) relevant authorities

(2) fireworks manufacturers

(iii) You organise the event in accordance with guidance from the Health and Safety Executive

(iv) fireworks used must be obtained from an entity complying with the firework regulations concerning

the manufacture and supply of fireworks and not modified in any way

(v) the display and bonfire must be at least 100 metres away from:

(1) the Premises

(2) Vehicles

(vi) flammable or other Dangerous Substances as defined in The Dangerous Substances and

Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 and all combustible materials.

(b) Inflatable Devices

If in relation to any Claim You have failed to fulfil any of the following conditions, You will lose Your

right to cover or payment for that Claim.

You must ensure that:

(i) all operators have sufficient training and knowledge to understand the procedures and rules

regarding the safe use and operation of such devices,

(ii) the maximum number of persons allowed in or on such devices at any time will not exceed the

number outlined in the manufacturers’ guidelines or recommendation and such devices are

supervised at all times by the operator(s),

(iii) all outdoor devices have adequate anchorage points which must be used at all times,

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iv) all devices are inspected:

(1) daily prior to use; and

(2) at least annually by a competent person and the records of such inspections retained by

You for three years, and:

(a) all defects or risks to health and safety immediately rectified; or

(b) the device taken out of use until satisfactorily repaired, and

(v) where hired in:

(1) You have in place a system of check to ensure that the supplier(s) of the inflatable device(s)

has Public and Products Liability insurance and that You keep a written record of their

insurer and policy number; and

(2) the limit of liability under such policy is at least equivalent to the Limit of Liability under the

Public and Products Liability Section.

(c) Mobility Scooters

If in relation to any Claim You have failed to fulfil the following condition, You will lose Your right to cover or payment of that Claim.

(i) Each and every scooter/wheelchair must be checked for faults:

(1) Before it leaves the Premises

(2) After being returned to the Premises

(3) By a competent person and:

(i) all defects or risks are immediately rectified, or (ii) the equipment, device or facility is taken out of use;

(ii) Full overhauls to be done at least quarterly;

(iii) Scooter(s) are not used on roads and public highways;

(iv) We will not cover You if otherwise insured by another policy.

(d) Subcontractors and Suppliers

If in relation to any Claim You have failed to fulfil any of the following conditions, You will lose Your

right to cover or payment of that Claim.

In respect of any:

(i) services provided to; or

(ii) work undertaken for

You or on Your behalf in connection with Your Activities by any bona-fide subcontractor or third party

supplier You must:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(i) prior to their engagement on each and every occasion during the Period of Insurance, ensure

that each bona-fide subcontractor or supplier holds public liability insurance that:

(1) is appropriate to the services or work to be carried out; and

(2) has a period of insurance that is adequate to provide public liability cover for the duration

of the services provided or words undertaken by them for You or on Your behalf; and

(3) has a limit of liability which is not less than the limit under the Public and Products Liability

Section of this policy;

(ii) provide Us with documentary evidence of the public liability insurance held by such bona-fide

subcontractor or supplier at the time of their engagement to provide the service or undertake the

work if requested by Us.

(e) Litter Picking

If in relation to any Claim You have failed to fulfil any of the following conditions, You will lose Your

right to cover or payment for that Claim.

You must ensure that if undertaking litter picking in the course of Your Activities that any person

required to pick up litter must:

(i) wear protective footwear and gloves

(ii) a reflective, high visibility waistcoat

(iii) not be permitted to work alone

(iv) be instructed by You not to pick up, move or touch any containers containing unknown liquids or

other suspect materials or substances

(v) be instructed by You not to pick up, move or touch any litter from roads and highways (other than

pavements or verges)

(vi) be instructed by You not to pick up, move or touch any sharp objects, medical sharps or drug

related litter unless that person:

(1) is authorised by You to do so

(2) has received documented training in dealing with sharp objects, medical sharps or drug

related litter

(3) uses graspers or tongs or a shovel and brush as appropriate

(4) places sharp objects, medical sharps or drug related litter in dedicated containers and

such containers are disposed of by the local authority or a specialist waste disposal


(f) Playgrounds and Amusement Devices

If in relation to any Claim You have failed to fulfill any of the following conditions, You will lose Your

right to cover or payment for that Claim.

You must ensure that in connection with playground and amusement devices:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(i) all equipment, devices and facilities, including sand pits and paddling pools:

(1) are manufactured and installed to the appropriate standard and maintained in good


(2) are inspected, by a competent person, at least weekly and:

(a) all defects or risks to health or safety immediately rectified; or

(b) the equipment, device or facility taken out of use.

(ii) You erect, where necessary, suitable signs detailing any information that is necessary for the

safe use of the equipment device or facility and clearly stating any restrictions on its use.

(iii) You determine where supervision is necessary and ensure that it is provided whenever the play

equipment device or facilities are in use.

We will not provide cover in respect of the operation of mechanically powered passenger carrying

amusement devices, skateboard parks.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Charity Trustees’ Management Liability Part A – Trustee Liability

14.1 Cover

(a) Trustee Liability

We will pay the amount of the Loss which a Trustee becomes legally liable to pay as the result of any

Claim made against the Trustee during the Period of Insurance (or Discovery Period if applicable)

for a Wrongful Act within the United Kingdom for which You have not provided the Trustee with


We will also pay the Trustee’s Defence Costs.

(b) Company Reimbursement

We will pay the amount of the Loss which You become legally liable to pay as the result of any Claim

made against the Trustee during the Period of Insurance (or Discovery Period if applicable) for a

Wrongful Act within the United Kingdom but only when and to the extent that You have provided the

Trustee with an indemnity.

We will also pay Your Defence Costs.

(c) Investigation Costs

We will pay on the Trustee’s behalf (or on behalf of You to the extent that You have provided the

Trustee with an indemnity) the Investigation Costs and related professional fees arising from an

Investigation notified as being required during the Period of Insurance.

14.2 Limit of Liability

The maximum amount We will pay under Part A Trustee Liability including:

(a) the amount of the Loss

(b) Defence Costs

(c) Investigation Costs and related professional fees

(d) any Extensions to Part A Trustee Liability

will not exceed Part A Trustee Liability limit of liability stated on the Schedule in respect of all Claims and

Investigation Costs made during the Period of Insurance.

14.3 Extensions to Part A Trustee Liability

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

(a) Outside Entity

We will pay the amount of the Loss which a Trustee becomes legally liable to pay as the result

of any Claim made against the Trustee during the Period of Insurance (or Discovery Period

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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if applicable) for a Wrongful Act within the United Kingdom committed by a Trustee in their

capacity of Outside Trustee but,

(i) only in excess of the aggregate of the amount of Loss the Outside Trustee is reimbursable for

which You have been provided with an indemnity by the outside entity

(ii) any other potentially applicable cover, whether or not it actually responds.

We will also pay the Trustee’s Defence Costs.

(b) Personal Appointments

We shall pay the amount of the Loss in respect of any Wrongful Act by a Trustee whilst serving in a

personal capacity as a governor or trustee of a School, Charity or Charitable Organisation but only

in excess of the aggregate of:

(i) the amount of Loss reimbursable for which You have been provided with an indemnity by the

School, Charity or Charitable Organisation to the Trustee; and

(ii) any other potentially applicable cover, whether or not it actually responds.

provided that:

(1) the Trustee is formally appointed on written authority; and

(2) the maximum aggregate payable by Us shall not exceed the amount stated in the Schedule.

(c) Past Trustees

In the event that the insurance provided by this Section is not renewed or replaced with similar insurance,

cover will continue in respect of any Trustee who had voluntarily retired or voluntarily resigned from

You during the Period of Insurance or a previous policy with Us which is linked by continuous renewal

to this Period of Insurance. Cover will continue for a period of 72 months for any Trustee who had

voluntarily retired or voluntarily resigned from the date of expiry of the Period of Insurance provided


(i) such Trustee has not been disqualified or dismissed from such office

(ii) it is not as a consequence of a takeover, merger or winding up

(iii) no similar insurance is in place elsewhere

(iv) cover will only apply to claims caused by a Wrongful Act within the United Kingdom occurring

prior to the date of their ceasing in or retiring from their role as a trustee of Yours

(v) the extended cover period as noted above will run at the same time as any Discovery Peril if


(d) Extradition Proceedings Cover Defence Costs

We will pay for Extradition Proceedings Defence Costs incurred by a Trustee arising from a

Wrongful Act within the United Kingdom during the Period of Insurance.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(e) Asset and Liberty Proceedings Defence Costs

We will pay for Asset and Liberty Defence Costs arising from a Wrongful Act within the United

Kingdom during the Period of Insurance.

(f) Pension or Employee Benefit Schemes

We will pay for the amount of the Loss and Defence Costs arising from a Wrongful Act relating to any

Pension or Employee Benefit Schemes within the United Kingdom during the Period of Insurance.

14.4 Exclusions to Part A Trustee Liability

(a) We will not pay for any Claim arising out of or in connection with an Employment Practices

Wrongful Act.

(b) We shall not have any liability under this policy for, or directly or indirectly arising out of, or in any way

connected with any retirement, pension, profit-sharing, health, welfare or any other employee benefit

fund or trust scheme other than Defence Costs under extension 14.3 (f) Pension or Employee Benefit


Part B –Organisational Liability

14.5 Cover

(a) Organisational Liability

We will pay the amount of the Loss which You become legally liable to pay as the result of any Claim

made against You during the Period of Insurance for a Company Wrongful Act or a Professional

Liability Wrongful Act within the United Kingdom.

We will also pay Your Defence Costs.

(b) Investigation Costs

We will pay on behalf of You, the Investigation Costs and related professional fees arising from an

Investigation notified as being required during the Period of Insurance under the provisions of the:

(i) Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974

(ii) Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007

or the equivalent legislation in any other jurisdiction.

14.6 Limit of Liability

The maximum amount We will pay under Part B Organisational Liability including:

(a) the amount of the Loss

(b) Defence Costs

(c) Investigation Costs and related professional fees

(d) any Extensions to Part B Organisational Liability

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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will not exceed Part B Organisational Liability limit of liability stated on the Schedule in respect of all Claims

made during the Period of Insurance.

14.7 Extensions to Part B Organisational Liability

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

(a) Defence Costs for Breach of Contract

We shall pay on Your behalf, Defence Costs resulting from any Claim arising from Your actual or

alleged breach of a written:

(i) contract, or

(ii) agreement

other than any Employment contract, up to the aggregate amount stated in the Schedule and in excess of any other potentially applicable cover, whether or not it actually responds and provided that You would have been liable in the absence of such written:

(1) contract, or

(2) agreement

(b) Data Protection

We will pay the amount of the Loss that You become legally liable to pay as the result of any Claim

and Defence Costs in respect of any offences committed or alleged to have been committed under any

privacy laws, statutes and regulations associated with the control and use of Personal Data, where a

prosecution is first brought against You during the Period of Insurance up to the aggregate amount

stated in the Schedule and in excess of any other potentially applicable cover, whether or not it actually


(c) Fidelity

We shall reimburse You for any Damage to Money or Property belonging to You within the United

Kingdom first discovered by You and notified to Us during the Period of Insurance arising from the

dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act(s) or omission(s) of any Employee. Such reimbursement

shall only apply in respect of losses resulting solely and directly from such act(s) or omission(s)

committed by any Employee with the manifest intent to cause loss to You or to make an improper

financial gain for themselves or for an identified third party, provided that:

(i) You will not be reimbursed for any loss of Money or other Property resulting from dishonest,

fraudulent, criminal or malicious act(s) or omission(s) perpetrated after You could reasonably

have discovered or suspected improper conduct on the part of the relevant Employee.

(ii) any Monies which but for such dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act(s) or omission(s)

would be due to You or any monies of any person committing or colluding in any dishonest,

fraudulent, criminal or malicious act(s) or omission(s) shall be deducted from any amount payable

under this extension.

The maximum aggregate payable by Us shall not exceed £25,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

We will not make any payment if You have any other insurance that covers the same Damage to Money

or Property as provided by this extension.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Fidelity Special Conditions

We will not make any payment under this extension unless You operate and can demonstrate to Our

satisfaction the following minimum controls:

(i) All cheques or other bank instruments exceeding £10,000 require two manually applied

signatures to be added after the payee and amount have been inserted, all electronically activated

or online payments exceeding £10,000 require approval and release steps performed by different

individuals other than the individuals entering the payment details onto the payments system; and

(ii) At least quarterly and independently of the Employee responsible for payroll, all payroll

expenditure is reconciled against personnel records to verify accuracy; and

(iii) Any Employee receiving cash and cheques on Your behalf is required to remit all monies

received and/or bank them within five working days of receipt; and

(iv) Statements of account for all amounts due to You are issued at least monthly and directly to the

relevant customers or other debtors; and

(v) Bank reconciliations are carried out and cash in hand / petty cash are checked independently of

the Employee or person responsible at least monthly.

(d) Loss of Documents

We will pay on Your behalf the costs incurred by You in reproducing or restoring documents and

computer system records held or owned by You or for which You are responsible following accidental

Damage occurring within the United Kingdom during the Period of Insurance.

We will not pay:

(i) for Damage to bearer bonds, coupons, stamps, promissory notes, share certificates, bank or

currency notes or negotiable instruments

(ii) if an indemnity has been provided under any other Section of this policy.

Our liability under this extension will not exceed £100,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

(e) Public Relations Costs

We will pay on behalf of You the costs incurred, with Our prior consent, in engaging a professional

public relations firm or consultant, crisis management or law firm to prevent or limit the adverse effects

of negative publicity arising from a Claim in respect of a Company Wrongful Act or an Investigation

within the United Kingdom.

Our liability under this extension will not exceed £25,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

(f) Pension or Employee Benefit Schemes

We shall pay on Your behalf, Loss including Defence Costs arising from a Wrongful Act within the

United Kingdom committed by You in Your capacity as administrators of any Pension or Employee

Benefit Scheme provided that the Claim is first made against You during the Period of Insurance.

The maximum aggregate payable by Us shall not exceed the amount stated in the Schedule and be in

excess of any other potentially applicable cover, whether or not it actually responds.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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14.8 Exclusions to Part B Organisational Liability

We will not pay for any Claim for:

(a) any actual or alleged libel, slander, defamation or any form of invasion of privacy

(b) any actual or alleged breach of contract or agreement, either oral or written, except to the extent provided

for in;

(i) extension 14.7(a) – Defence Costs for Breach of Contract; or

(ii) any Claim for Loss arising from a Professional Liability Wrongful Act.

(c) any actual or alleged plagiarism or breach of copyright or trademark, patents, database rights, registered

design or design rights except to the extent provided for in;

(i) extension 14.7(a) – Defence Costs for Breach of Contract; or

(ii) any Claim for Loss arising from a Professional Liability Wrongful Act.

(d) any retirement, pension, profit-sharing, health, welfare or any other employee benefit fund or, trust

scheme other than as described in extension 14.7(f) – Pension or Employee Benefit Schemes.

(e) any breach of any obligation owed by You as an employer to any Employee or former Employee or

applicant for employment.

(f) an Employment Practices Wrongful Act.

(g) any of the following in respect of extension 14.7(c) – Fidelity:

(i) arising from any accounting or arithmetical error or omission or unexplained shortage;

(ii) default or non-payment of any loan or other credit arrangement;

(iii) for expenses incurred in establishing the amount of any loss of money or other property;

(iv) for loss of interest;

(v) for loss of profit;

(vi) for any loss of money or property not belonging to You.

(h) the manufacture, sale, supply, installation or maintenance of any products or goods.

(i) the provision of or failure to provide medical services.

(j) any breach of regulatory, statutory or common law aimed at preventing monopolies, price discrimination,

fixing of prices or other unfair trade practices.

(k) any trading losses or trading liabilities incurred by You or any business managed by or carried on by

You or on Your behalf.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Part C – Employment Practices Liability

14.9 Cover

We will pay the amount of the Loss which You become legally liable to pay as the result of any Claim made

against You during the Period of Insurance (or Discovery Period if applicable) for an Employment

Practices Wrongful Act within the United Kingdom.

We will also pay Your Defence Costs.

14.10 Investigation Costs

We will pay on behalf of You, the Investigation Costs and related professional fees arising from an

Investigation notified as being required during the Period of Insurance.

14.11 Limit of Liability

The maximum amount We will pay for under Part C Employment Practices Liability including:

(a) the amount of the Loss

(b) Defence Costs

(c) Investigation Costs and related professional fees

(d) any Extensions to Part C Employment Practices Liability

will not exceed the Employment Practices Liability limit of liability stated on the Schedule in respect of all Claims made during the Period of Insurance.

14.12 Exclusions to Part C Employment Practices Liability

We will not pay for any Claim arising out of or in connection with:

(a) Employment Benefits in respect of:

(i) actual or alleged violation of responsibilities, obligations or duties imposed by any law governing

health and safety, workers' compensation

(ii) national minimal wage

(iii) redundancy or unemployment benefits or compensation, unemployment insurance, social

security benefits, or any similar law or obligation whatsoever

(b) Labour Disputes in respect of:

(i) membership or non-membership of any trade union or equivalent labour organisation or other

involvement in

(ii) trade union activities

(iii) an industrial dispute or lockout

(iv) a breach of a collective bargaining agreement.

This exclusion will not apply to claims involving Retaliatory Treatment.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(c) the costs associated with Your obligation to adjust or adapt any premises, building or property or to

make any other adjustments or reasonable accommodations in order to comply with the Equality Act


(d) the costs of complying or refusing to comply with a court or other order for the reinstatement of an


(e) any deliberate breach of employment or any dishonest or fraudulent act carried out by You or any


(f) any Company Wrongful Act or Wrongful Act.

14.13 Extensions to the Charity Trustee Management Liability Section

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

(a) Automatic Acquisition Cover

This extension does not apply to Part C Employment Practices Liability.

This policy provides automatic cover for Loss arising out of a Claim against:

(i) any Trustee of any newly created or acquired Subsidiary, including by merger under Part

A – Trustee Liability; or

(ii) against You for any Subsidiary newly created or acquired, including by merger under Part

B – Organisational Liability,


(1) the total gross assets of You and Your Subsidiaries as shown in Your latest audited

consolidated group accounts at the commencement of the Period of Insurance are not

increased by the acquisition or creation of such Subsidiary or Subsidiaries by more than

50%; and

(2) any Wrongful Act, Company Wrongful Act or Professional Liability Wrongful Act

takes place while the Subsidiary is Your Subsidiary.

This extension shall not apply to any Trustee of a new Subsidiary or any new Subsidiary that:

(i) has its securities listed or traded on any exchange; or

(ii) is a financial company; or

(iii) is domiciled outside of the United Kingdom.

Where the coverage for the Trustees of a newly created or acquired Subsidiary is not

automatically conferred as a consequence of (i) or (ii) above, then You may request that the policy

be extended to cover the Trustees of such Subsidiary and We, at Our sole discretion, may alter

the terms and conditions of the policy elsewhere accordingly including the charging of an

additional premium.

Our limit of liability under this extension shall not exceed the Trustee Liability limit of liability or the

Organisational Liability limit of indemnity as stated on the Schedule as appropriate.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) Discovery Period

If We refuse to renew the insurance provided by this Section, You will be entitled to request a

Discovery Period.

We must receive:

(i) written notice, and

(ii) payment of an additional premium of 50% of the full annual section premium (as at expiry)

within 30 days of the expiry of the original Period of Insurance stated on the Schedule.

This extension will not be provided if, at expiry of the original Period of Insurance:

(1) You have accepted an offer of similar insurance

(2) You have merged with another company

(3) a party has acquired 50% or more of the total voting rights conferred by all the issued shares in

the capital of You

(4) We refuse to renew the insurance provided by this Section due to fraud, non-payment of

premium, liquidation, bankruptcy or other insolvency.

For the purpose of this extension:

(i) the offer by Us of renewal terms, conditions, limits or premium that differ to those of the expiring

policy does not constitute a refusal to renew this insurance

(ii) the extension of the original Period of Insurance does not increase the limit of indemnity

provided under this Section.

(c) Takeovers and Mergers Run-off

If during the Period of Insurance:

(i) You merge with another company; or

(ii) a party acquires 50% or more of the total voting rights conferred by all the issued shares in the

capital of You,

You may request that this Section is extended for up to 72 months to cover Wrongful Act or Company

Wrongful Act occurring prior to the effective date of any changes detailed in clause (i) or (ii) above. On

receipt of any request, We have the right to amend the premium, terms, conditions and exclusions of

this policy or to cancel the policy in accordance with clause 1.5 Our Cancellation Rights.

(d) Emergency Costs

If You cannot reasonably obtain Our prior written consent to incur Investigation Costs, We will

retrospectively approve such costs, provided they are notified to Us as soon as practicable.

Our liability under this extension will not exceed £50,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(e) Pollution or Contamination

We will pay the Trustee’s or Your Defence Costs in the event of any criminal or regulatory

proceedings which are initiated during the Period of Insurance in respect of any actual, alleged or

threatened Pollution or Contamination arising from:

(i) Wrongful Act alleged to have been committed by a Trustee

(ii) Company Wrongful Act alleged to have been committed by You.

We will also pay the Trustee’s Defence Costs which would ordinarily be covered under item (i) above

were it not for an indemnity clause in Your governing documents in which You have agreed to

indemnify the Trustee.

We will not pay:

(i) any fines or penalties of any kind

(ii) any Claim for loss directly or indirectly arising from Pollution or Contamination other than the

Trustee’s Defence Costs.

Our liability under this extension will not exceed £100,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

14.14 Exclusions to the Charity Trustee Management Liability Section

We will not pay for:

(a) the Excess as stated on the Schedule

(b) any Claim arising out of any notice of intended Claim, circumstance, occurrence or Investigation

notified under any insurance attaching prior to the inception of the insurance provided by this Section

or which should have been so notified

(c) any Claim arising out of any notice of intended Claim, circumstance, occurrence or Investigation

known to You prior to the inception of the insurance provided by this Section

(d) any Claim arising out of any notice of intended Claim, circumstance, occurrence or Investigation

occurring prior to the inception of the insurance provided by this Section unless:

(i) there was previous insurance operative that would have indemnified You had the notice of

intended Claim, circumstance, occurrence or Investigation been known to You prior to

commencement of this insurance, and

(ii) documentary evidence is provided of such previous insurance, and

(iii) the notice of intended Claim, circumstance, occurrence or Investigation relating to such Claim

happened no more than two years prior to the commencement of the insurance provided by this Section

(e) any Claim based upon or attributable to You gaining any profit or advantage or receiving any

remuneration to which You were not legally entitled. Any Damage of any Property including loss of use other than under cover 14.1 Investigation Costs and extension 14.7d Loss of Documents to Part B Organisational Liability

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(f) any Claim for bodily injury, mental anguish, emotional distress, illness, disease or death except for

emotional distress incurred as a result of an Employment Practices Wrongful Act if Part C

Employment Practices Wrongful Act is stated as operative on the Schedule

(g) taxes

(h) fines or penalties exemplary, punitive or other non-compensatory damages of any kind (these are

damages in excess of normal compensation awarded to punish You) that are uninsurable under the

laws of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man

(i) any Claim for actual or alleged breach of, or failure to perform any professional duty or professional

service for any client, customer or other person who relies on any advice, Pastoral Care, treatment,

instruction, design, plan, formula or specification provided by You. This exclusion does not apply to

any failure to supervise the performance of professional duties or professional services

(j) any Claim directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from any dishonest,

fraudulent, criminal or malicious act or omission or intentional or deliberate breach of or reckless

disregard for statutory regulations by You but nothing in this exclusion will prevent:

(i) any person who is not concerned in such act, omission, breach or disregard being indemnified

in accordance with the terms, conditions and exclusions of this insurance for such actions

committed by any other person (within the definition of You)

(ii) You being indemnified for Investigation Costs reasonably incurred in successfully defending

an action arising out of an allegation of a dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act or

omission or intentional or deliberate breach of or reckless disregard for statutory regulations

(k) any purchase, exchange or sale or offer to purchase, exchange or sell, securities of any description by

means of a prospectus or private placement on or after the commencement of the Period of


(l) any Claim resulting from a Wrongful Act, Company Wrongful Act or Professional Liability

Wrongful Act occurring after any Subsidiary ceases to be Your Subsidiary

(m) any Claim, allegation, proceeding or Investigation brought in:

(i) the United States of America or any territory within its jurisdiction or Canada

(ii) the enforcement of a judgment obtained in such territories or under such laws

(iii) any Claim arising directly or indirectly from work carried out or visits in the course of Your

Activities in the United States of America or any territory within its jurisdiction or Canada

(n) any Claim for actual or alleged misappropriation, infringement or breach of copyright, patent,

trademark or other intellectual property right or any infringement of data protection legislation (o) any Claim or Investigation Costs outside of the United Kingdom.

14.15 Conditions to the Charity Trustee Management Liability Section

(a) Notification

Failure to comply with this condition will affect the payment of any claim.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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It is a condition precedent to Our liability that You must give written notice to Us during the Period of

Insurance (or Discovery Period if applicable) of:

(i) any Claim made against You

(ii) the receipt of notice from any person, persons or corporate body of an intention to make a

Claim against You

(iii) any circumstance, occurrence or Investigation of which You becomes aware which may give

rise to a Claim against You

Any such Claim, notice of intended claim, circumstance, occurrence or Investigation must be notified

to Us immediately.

Where notice has been given to Us in accordance with item (ii) or (iii) above, any Claim to which that

notice, circumstance, occurrence or Investigation may give rise after the expiry of the Period of

Insurance will be deemed, for the purpose of this insurance, to have been made on the date of

notification to Us.

Written notice must include but is not limited to:

(1) a full description of the Claim, notice of intended Claim, circumstance, occurrence or


(2) the nature of the allegation;

(3) the identity of the claimant or potential claimant; and

(4) the date on which You first became aware of such Claim, notice of intended Claim,

circumstance, occurrence or Investigation.

In the event that it has not been practicable for You to give written notice to Us during the Period of

Insurance (or Discovery Period if applicable) then written notice may be given to Us within 30 days

of the date of expiry of the same Period of Insurance (or Discovery Period if applicable). Such

notice will be deemed to have been given to Us during the Period of Insurance.

(b) Consent to Settle

We will have full discretion in the conduct and control of any negotiations or recovery or contribution

proceedings or in the defence or settlement of any claim however We will not settle any Claim or any

recovery or contribution proceedings without Your consent.

If however You refuse to consent to any settlement recommended by Us and elect to continue the

defence of the claim or the prosecution of any recovery or contribution proceedings, then Our liability

for the Claim will not exceed the amount which the Claim would then have represented if it had been

settled at the date of such refusal and then only up to the limit of indemnity shown on the Schedule for

this Section.

(c) Contested Proceedings

You will not be required to contest any legal proceedings unless a Queen’s Counsel (to be selected by

Us after consultation with You) advises that such proceedings should be contested.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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For the purposes of this condition, Queen’s Counsel also means a lawyer of similar standing where

proceedings have been commenced in jurisdictions outside England and Wales.

(d) Subrogation

Before or after any payment is made by Us, We can at Our option:

(a) negotiate, defend or settle, in Your name and on behalf of You any Claims made against You

(b) take legal action in Your name but for Our benefit to get back any payment We have made

under this insurance

If any payment is made under this insurance in respect of a claim, We agree not to exercise Our

subrogated rights of recovery against any person who has been, or may be, under a contract of

service or apprenticeship with You unless the payment giving rise to such right has directly or

indirectly been caused by or contributed to, by or has arisen from:

(i) the dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act or omission of such person

(ii) such person gaining any profit or advantage or receiving any remuneration to which they were

not legally entitled.

(e) Controlling Interest

If during the Period of Insurance:

(a) more than 50% of Your directors resign or are removed from office within any 90 day period, or

(b) any person, whether or not an existing shareholder, acquires a Controlling Interest in You

We must be notified within 30 days of the date of the first of such resignations or removals or change

of control.

The insurance provided by this Section will be restricted (unless We agree in writing to the contrary) so

as to apply only to Wrongful Acts or Company Wrongful Acts occurring prior to the date of the first

of such resignations or removals or change of control.

(f) Advancement of Costs and Expenses

We will advance all costs and expenses on a current basis (less any applicable Excess) that are

incurred, with Our prior written consent, by You in Your role as a director, officer or Trustee of Yours

in defending any actions, suits and proceedings against You for a Wrongful Act, Company Wrongful

Act or a Professional Liability Wrongful Act for which indemnity is provided under this insurance.

In the event there is an allegation of any dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act or omission or

intentional or deliberate breach of or reckless disregard for statutory regulations on Your part in any

civil or criminal proceedings, the costs and expenses reasonably incurred by You will only be

advanced at Our discretion and will be repayable, if so advanced, in the event that You plead guilty,

or are found guilty, or admit liability or are found liable for such act, omission, breach or disregard.

If there is no such advancement, costs and expenses will be reimbursed to You in the event of an

acquittal or no finding of any dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act or omission or intentional

or deliberate breach of or reckless disregard for statutory regulations.

(g) Series of Claims or Investigations

(a) A series of Claims arising out of the same Wrongful Act, Company Wrongful Act,or

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Professional Liability Wrongful Act, a related series of Wrongful Acts, Company Wrongful

Acts or Professional Liability Wrongful Act attributable to one original occurrence or

circumstance will be deemed to constitute a single Claim for the purposes of the insurance

provided by this Section. Such Claims will be deemed to have been first made when the

earliest such Claim was first made

(b) A series of Investigations attributable to one original source or cause will be deemed to

constitute a single Investigation for the purposes of the insurance provided by this Section.

Such Investigation will be deemed to have been first made when You are first required to

attend any such Investigation.

(h) Other Insurances

Unless otherwise excluded, if any Claim under this Section is also covered in whole or in part by any

other existing insurance or by an indemnity from any other insurance or security, Our liability shall be

limited to any excess beyond the amount which would have been payable under such other insurance

or from such other security had this Section not been effected.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Professional Liability 15.1 Cover

(a) We will cover You in respect of any Claim including other Costs and Expenses associated with such

Claim arising out of the conduct of Your Activities on or after the Retroactive Date stated in the

Schedule, first made against You during the Period of Insurance and notified to Us during the Period

of Insurance in accordance with clause 15.5 Claims Conditions, for any civil liability including claimant's

costs and expenses arising from:

(i) any negligent act, negligent error or negligent omission committed by You

(ii) any dishonest or fraudulent act committed by any of Your past or present partners, directors or


(iii) Damage to Documents subject to a limit of £100,000.

(b) We will cover You for Costs and Expenses incurred by You in respect of any action taken to mitigate

a loss or potential loss or Claim that would otherwise be the subject of cover under this policy provided


(i) We give prior written consent to You incurring such Costs and Expenses; and

(ii) You prove to Our satisfaction that the amount of the Costs and Expenses to be incurred are

less than any likely award of damages arising from the same potential Claim or (as applicable)

any potential loss.

15.2 Limit of Liability and Excess

(a) The maximum amount We will pay in respect of any one Claim or loss and in total for all Claims,

including Costs and Expenses, arising directly or indirectly out of one source or originating cause

first made or losses first discovered during the Period of Insurance shall not exceed the amount

stated in the Schedule.

All Claims or losses arising from any dishonest or fraud committed by a person acting as one or

in collusion with others shall be treated as one Claim or loss.

(b) We shall not be liable for the Excess or any lesser amount for which a Claim or loss may be

settled. The amount of the Excess is stated in the Schedule. The Excess does not apply to

Costs and Expenses or Clause 15.3 - Extensions.

15.3 Extensions

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

(a) Payment for Court Attendance

We will compensate You, subject to Our prior written consent, if We require You to attend court as a

witness in connection with a Claim for which You are entitled to cover under this Section.

Our total liability under this extension shall not exceed:

(i) £250 per day for each day attendance is required for any of Your directors or partners; and

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) £100 per day for each day attendance is required for any Employee who is not a director or


(b) Representation Costs

We will pay on Your behalf any Costs and Expenses incurred by You for representation at properly

constituted hearings, tribunals or proceedings provided that:

(i) such Costs and Expenses are incurred with Our prior written consent, and

(ii) the subject of the hearing, tribunal or proceedings relates to a circumstance first notified to Us

during the Period of Insurance which may become a Claim and in respect of which We may be

obliged to provide cover under the terms of this Section.

Our total liability under this extension shall not exceed £100,000.

15.4 Exclusions

We will not provide cover in respect of:

(a) any Claim or loss arising directly or indirectly from or caused by any dispute between You and any

present or former Employee or any person who has applied for or been offered employment with You.

(b) any Claim or loss arising directly or indirectly from or caused by:

(i) any Bodily Injury of any Employee whilst in the course of their Employment with You

(ii) any other Bodily Injury or Damage to Property.

(c) any fines or penalties or any punitive, multiple, aggravated or exemplary damages where such can be

identified separately within any award of any court or tribunal.

(d) any Claim brought by any entity:

(i) in which You exercise a controlling interest

(ii) which exercises a controlling interest over Your Activities by virtue of having a financial or

executive interest in You

unless such Claim arises from or is caused by a Claim made against such entity by an independent

third party.

(e) any Claim made against You solely in Your capacity as a director, officer or trustee unless arising from

an alleged breach of professional duty in the conduct of Your Activities.

(f) any Claim or loss arising from any plan, programme or scheme established or maintained to provide

benefits to You or any Employee.

(g) any Claim or loss arising directly or indirectly from or caused by the ownership, possession or use, by

You or on Your behalf, of any aircraft, watercraft (other than hand propelled watercraft), hovercraft,

motor vehicle or trailer.

(h) any Claim or loss arising directly or indirectly from or caused by:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(i) the ownership, possession or use, by You or on Your behalf, of any buildings, structures,

premises or land, or

(ii) that part of any building leased, occupied or rented by You, or

(iii) any other property (mobile or immobile) belonging to You.

(i) any Claim or loss arising from any dishonest or fraudulent act or omission:

(i) committed by any person after the discovery, in relation to that person, of reasonable cause for

suspicion of any dishonest or fraudulent act or omission

(ii) unless Your annual accounts have been prepared or certified by an independent and properly

qualified accountant or auditor.

(j) any Claim or loss arising from any defamation unless You can show that it was committed by You in

good faith.

(k) any Claim or loss arising out of liability assumed by You under any contractual agreement, warranty,

Collateral Warranty or Duty of Care Agreement:

(i) whereby You assumed a standard of care greater than that reasonably expected of Your

profession, or

(ii) by which You warranted or guaranteed a particular outcome, or

(iii) by which You agreed to pay a contractual penalty or liquidated damages in the event of breach,


(iv) which provides greater benefit or a longer lasting benefit than that given to the party with whom

You originally contracted, or

(v) for losses caused otherwise than through Your negligent acts or omissions

unless such liability would have attached to You in the absence of the features listed above.

For the avoidance of doubt this exception does not apply simply because any such agreement may have

been executed as a deed rather than by hand.

(l) any Claim or loss arising directly or indirectly from or caused by Pollution or Contamination.

(m) any Claim or loss arising directly or indirectly from, in consequence of, contributed to or aggravated by

asbestos in whatever form or quantity, whether alleged or actual.

(n) any Claim or loss arising out of or relating directly or indirectly to Your insolvency or bankruptcy.

(o) any Claim or loss arising from any trading losses or trading liabilities incurred by any business managed

by or carried on by You.

(p) any liability arising from:

(i) the defective workmanship of any construction, installation, repair, alteration or maintenance work

(ii) any goods or products supplied by You.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(q) any Claim or loss arising directly or indirectly from or caused by any work undertaken by You or on

Your behalf prior to any Retroactive Date stated on the Schedule.

(r) any Claim or loss where You are entitled to cover under any other policy except in respect of any excess

beyond the amount which would have been payable under such insurance had this policy not been


(s) any Claim, circumstance that might give rise to a Claim, or loss which:

(i) has been notified under any other insurance attaching prior to the inception of this policy

(ii) You were or should, after reasonable enquiry, have been aware of prior to the inception of this


(t) any Claims:

(i) instituted or pursued in the United States of America or any territory within its jurisdiction or

Canada (including without limitation the enforcement of a judgement or finding of a court or

tribunal of another jurisdiction or otherwise)

(ii) in which it is contended that the laws of the United States of America or any territory within its

jurisdiction or Canada should or do apply

(iii) which involves the enforcement or attempted enforcement of a judgement or finding of a court or

tribunal of the United States of America or any territory within its jurisdiction or Canada.

(u) any Claim or loss arising directly or indirectly from or caused by the transmission or receipt of any Virus

or Similar Mechanism designed to produce unexpected, unauthorised or undesirable effects or


(v) any Claim or loss arising from any Damage to Documents which are stored on a Computer System

unless such Documents are backed up with the intention that in the event of Damage the back up can

be used as the basis for restoring the Documents to their original status

(w) any Claim or loss arising out of any actual or alleged negligent, act, error or omission in providing or

failure to provide medical treatment or services which results in Bodily Injury

(x) any Claim or loss arising out of or in connection with any actual or alleged Abuse

(y) any Claim or loss arising from or in connection with a partnership, consortia or joint venture of which

You are a member

15.5 the Excess stated in the Schedule Claims Conditions

If in relation to any Claim or loss You fail to fulfil or observe the requirements imposed upon You by any of these Claims Conditions You will lose Your right to cover or payment for that Claim or loss.

(a) You shall give notice to Us as soon as practicably possible if, during the Period of Insurance and

regardless of any Excess, You:

(i) receive any Claim, or

(ii) receive any notice of intention to make a Claim, or

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iii) discover a reasonable cause for suspicion of any dishonesty or fraud on the part of any of Your

past or present directors, partners, members or Employees, whether giving rise to a Claim or


In the event that it is not possible to give Us such notice before the end of the Period of Insurance then

You must do so no later than 10 days after the end of the Period of Insurance.

(b) If You become aware of any circumstance that might give rise to a Claim or loss, You must give notice

to Us of such circumstances as soon as practicably possible and before the end of the Period of

Insurance. Any Claim or loss subsequently arising from any circumstance notified to Us shall be treated

as having been made during the Period of Insurance in which the notice of such circumstance was

first received by Us.

(c) In the event of a Claim or loss or the discovery of a circumstance that might give rise to a Claim or loss

You must not admit liability for or settle any Claim or incur any related costs or expenses without Our

written consent.

(d) In the event of a Claim or loss or the discovery of a circumstance that might give rise to a Claim or loss,

We will be entitled, at Our own expense at any time, to take over and conduct in Your name (but at Our

sole discretion) the defence or settlement of any such Claim or loss provided always that, if there is any

dispute between You and Us as to whether a Claim should be defended, We cannot require You to

continue to defend a Claim unless a Queen's Counsel (whose identity is agreed with Us) advises that

the Claim should be defended.

If We do take over and conduct the defence or settlement of any such Claim or loss You shall give Us

(and any consultants, agents or advisers who may be appointed by Us) all such information and

assistance as We may require and that is in Your power to provide.

Without prejudice to the generality of the above, Your duty to assist Us includes:

(i) providing all such information, documents (including access to those held in computerised or

electronic format), assistance, signed statements or depositions as may be required to facilitate

compliance with any civil procedure rules, practice directions and pre-action protocols as may be


(ii) ensuring that all documents and records that might be relevant or otherwise required by Us as

preserved (and, in the case of documents or records that are computerised or otherwise held

electronically, ensuring that they are retained in a readily-retrievable form)

(iii) allowing Us to present the best possible defence of a Claim within the time constraints available

(iv) ensuring ready access to all and any information that We may require in the defence of a Claim

or investigation of a loss

(v) ensuring the payment, on demand, of the Excess, in conjunction with the terms of any settlement

agreed by Us.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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15.6 Conditions

(a) In connection with any Claim, We may at any time pay You the amount of the limit of liability (after

deduction of any sums already paid as damages or claimant's costs and expenses in respect of such

Claim) or any lesser amount for which We believe that such Claim can be settled and thereupon We

shall relinquish the control of such Claim and be under no further liability in connection therewith except

for Costs and Expenses incurred prior to the date of such payment and for which We may be

responsible under this Section.

(b) The limit of liability and the Excess apply to all of You jointly. If more than one entity is named in the

Schedule, the total amount We will pay will not exceed the amount We would be liable to pay to any

one of You.

(c) If any payment is made by Us to You under the terms of this Section, You grant to Us all rights of

recovery that You would have had against any parties from whom a recovery may be made and You

will take all practical steps to preserve and not to prejudice such rights.

(d) Where a Claim or loss involves the dishonest or fraudulent act or omission of Your former or present

partner, director, member, consultant or Employee:

(i) You shall at Our request and expense take all practical steps to obtain reimbursement from such

person or from their estates or legal or personal representatives

(ii) any monies which but for the dishonest or fraudulent act or omission would be due to such

persons from You or any monies of such persons held by You shall be deducted from any amount

payable under this Section

(iii) no cover in respect of such Claim or loss shall be afforded to any person committing or condoning

such dishonest or fraudulent act or omission

(iv) nothing herein shall preclude Us from exercising any right of subrogation against any person

committing or condoning such dishonest or fraudulent act or omission.

(e) You shall not be required to contest any legal proceedings unless a senior barrister (to be mutually

agreed upon between You and Us) shall advise that such action has a greater than 50% chance of


(f) We will automatically extend this Section to cover any entity acquired by You during the Period of

Insurance provided that:

(i) in the 12 month period immediately preceding such acquisition, the revenue of the entity did not

exceed 10% of Your annual revenue

(ii) in the five year period immediately preceding the acquisition, the entity has had no Claims or

losses in excess of £25,000 in the aggregate and is not aware of any circumstance which may

give rise to a Claim

(iii) You have undertaken due diligence prior to the acquisition and are not aware of any potential

liability which could result in a Claim under this policy

(iv) the entity is domiciled in and provides all of its services within the United Kingdom

(v) the services performed by the acquired entity are similar to those provided by You.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Any acquisition which does not meet provisos (i)-(v) above will be automatically covered by this Section

for a period of 30 days following the acquisition or (if earlier) until the expiry of the Period of Insurance

for acts committed after the date of acquisition. We are under no obligation to extend cover to the entity

beyond that date. We may provide Our written consent to extend cover subject to You complying with

any additional terms, conditions, endorsements and paying any additional premium which We, at Our

sole discretion, consider appropriate. If We decide not to extend cover, or Our amended terms,

conditions or additional premium are not acceptable to You, We may cancel this Section.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Employee Dishonesty 16.1 Cover

We will cover You in respect of:

(a) loss of Money and monetary balances held to Your credit by a financial institution or other property:

(i) belonging to You; or

(ii) owned by another for which You are legally responsible

which You sustain solely and directly as a result of any acts of fraud or dishonesty by any of Your

Employees. Such acts of fraud or dishonesty must:

(1) occur after the Retroactive Date

(2) be committed with the clear intention of making, and which results in, improper financial benefit

(a) to the Employee; or

(b) to any other person or organisation intended by that Employee to receive such benefit

Salaries, commission, fees or other benefits earned or paid in the normal course of Employment

or service are not improper financial benefits.

(3) be Discovered by You during the Period of Insurance (or any applicable Discovery Period).

(b) Investigation Costs in connection with a loss which is covered by this Section which are incurred

with Our prior written consent.

(c) Reinstatement of Data Costs in connection with a loss which is covered by this Section which are

incurred with Our prior written consent.

16.2 Basis of Settlement

We will not be liable for more than:

(a) the lesser of:

(i) the market value of securities on the business day immediately preceding the day on which the

loss is Discovered

(ii) the cost of replacing the securities.

(b) the equivalent in United Kingdom currency or any other currency calculated at the rate of exchange

applicable on the date of settlement. All payments hereunder will be in the currency normally used by

Us in respect of Our business in the United Kingdom.

(c) the cost of labour for the transcription or copying of electronic data, which You will provide, in order to

reinstate such data.

(d) in respect of loss of other property the lesser of:

(i) the value at the date of the loss

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) the cost of repairing or replacing the property with property of a similar quality and value.

16.3 Limit of Liability

(a) Our Liability

Our maximum liability in respect of all loss or losses caused by any Employee or any other person or

in which the Employee or other person is acting In Collusion either resulting from a single act, event

or occurrence or any number of acts, events or occurrences irrespective of when they occur and who

suffers the loss, including any Investigation Costs and Reinstatement of Data Costs, is the limit of

liability stated in the Schedule.

Our liability applies in excess of the total amount of the Excess applicable to any Claim.

Our maximum liability in respect of Investigation Costs, is 10% (one tenth) of the total payment

otherwise agreed under a Claim subject to a maximum of £10,000.

(b) Non-Accumulation of Liability

If a Claim results from acts of fraud or dishonesty committed in more than one Period of Insurance the

limit of liability does not accumulate. All such acts will form part of a single Claim and the most We will

pay for all acts no matter in which Period of Insurance they were committed. The maximum amount

payable will be the limit of liability stated in the Schedule.

Application of the Excess

The Excess will apply to each Claim under this Section.

Where part of a loss is covered under this Section and part under a policy held by You which predates

this Section, the Excess applicable to the loss under this Section shall be reduced by the excess or

deductible actually applied to the loss under such prior policy.

16.4 Extensions

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

(a) Third Party Computer and Funds Transfer Fraud

We will cover You in respect of loss sustained by You solely and directly as a result of:

(i) the intentional taking of Property other than Money and monetary balances held to Your credit

by a financial institution by fraudulent use of computer hardware, systems, software or program

operated by You; or

(ii) Electronic Instructions, Facsimile Instructions, Telephone Instructions or Written

Instructions which purport to have been sent, issued, given or transmitted by You but were in

fact fraudulently sent, issued, given or transmitted by someone else without Your knowledge or


Such loss must:

(1) occur after the Retroactive Date, and

(2) be Discovered by You during the Period of Insurance (or any applicable Discovery Period).

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) loss caused by any Employee alone or in which any Employee is acting In Collusion.

(b) loss caused by any contractor or agent or other third party alone or acting In Collusion granted

access to computer hardware, systems, software or program operated by You.

(c) loss of computer time or use.

16.5 Cheque Fraud

We will cover You in respect of loss You sustain solely and directly as a result of any act of Forgery or

fraudulent alteration of, on or in any Cheque made or drawn by You against an account You hold with a

financial institution located within the United Kingdom to pay a specified third party or purporting to have been

made or drawn as set out above.

Such loss must:

(i) occur after the Retroactive Date, and

(ii) be Discovered by You during the Period of Insurance (or any applicable Discovery Period).

We will also cover You under this extension for legal fees, costs and expenses incurred by You with Our

written consent in defence of any proceedings brought to enforce payment as a result of Your refusal to pay

or honour any Cheque on the basis that it is Forged or fraudulently altered.

We will not cover You in respect of loss caused by any Employee alone or in which any Employee is acting

In Collusion.

16.6 Discovery Period

Should We decline to offer any terms for renewal of this policy or You decide not to renew or extend this policy,

then You will automatically have a Discovery Period during which time You may continue to notify Us of any

Discovery of loss, but only in respect of losses caused by an act committed prior to the expiry of the Period

of Insurance or earlier termination.

The Discovery Period provided under this extension shall terminate immediately upon the commencement

date of any similar insurance policy obtained by You that covers (or but for the existence of this policy would

cover) the loss in whole or in part.

16.7 Fraudulent Incoming Payment Request and Fraudulent Mandate Change Instruction

We will cover You in respect of loss sustained by You solely and directly as a result of having acted upon:

(i) a payment request that:

(1) is received in the normal course of Your Activities and upon which You would ordinarily act and

rely; and

(2) is in electronic, written or printed form, including a facsimile; and

(3) purports to have been sent or communicated from one of Your Payment Recipients; and

(4) directs You to make payment for goods or services rendered by the transfer of funds; and

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(5) has been fraudulently issued with the intent to deceive You, without the knowledge and consent

of such Payment Recipient.

which prior to being acted upon has been tested being a method:

(a) where any inconsistencies are revealed, You validate these by contacting an employee at the

Payment Recipient, who is independent of the individual who has made such request; and

(b) You do not rely on the contact details supplied in such request to seek such validation, but instead

use contact details held on file.

(ii) a payment instruction that:

(1) is received in the normal course of Your Activities and upon which You would ordinarily act and

rely; and

(2) is in electronic, written or printed form, including a facsimile; and

(3) purports to have been sent or communicated from one of Your Payment Recipients; and

(4) directs You change a direct debit, standing order or bank transfer mandate; and

(5) has been fraudulently issued with the intent to deceive You, without the knowledge and consent

of such Payment Recipient.

which prior to being acted upon has been tested being a method:

(a) You validate any such instruction by contacting an authorised person at the Payment Recipient,

who is independent of the individual who has made such instruction; and

(b) You do not rely on the contact details supplied in such instruction to seek such validation, but

instead use contact details held on file

Such loss must:

(1) occur after the Retroactive Date, and

(2) be Discovered by You during the Period of Insurance (or any applicable Discovery Period).

The maximum amount We will pay in the event of a Claim is stated in the Schedule.

We will not cover You in respect of loss caused by any Employee alone or in which any Employee is acting

In Collusion.

The Excess applicable to each Claim under this Extension will be the higher of the Excess shown in the

Schedule or £5,000.

16.8 Exclusions

We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) loss caused by any Employee or in which any Employee is acting In Collusion:

(i) who You do not have the right to supervise and direct.

(ii) subsequent to Discovery by You of actual or suspected dishonesty by that Employee.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iii) whose normal place of employment or service is outside the United Kingdom.

(iv) who You are unable to identify by name.

(v) who at the time of the loss legally or beneficially controls more than 5% of Your share or other


(b) loss, the proof of which is dependent upon an inventory calculation or a profit and loss calculation alone.

(c) loss of a consequential nature including for example loss of potential income interest and dividends and

additional expenditure based on incorrect figures and reports.

(d) penalties and fines.

(e) loss covered by the Money and Assault Section except for any amount in excess of such Section.

16.9 Conditions

(a) Other Parties Having the Benefit of Cover

You will be covered under this Section against loss sustained by any Subsidiary company, being any

company or other entity which You own more than 50% of and over which You retain management

control, but only if it complies with all other terms and conditions of this Section and policy, and

(i) is listed in the Schedule, or

(ii) Your details, provided to enable Us to assess the risk, include details in respect of all such

Subsidiary companies.

The Employees of any Subsidiary company will be treated as being Your Employees and You will be

responsible for ensuring compliance with all such terms and conditions.

(b) Section Replaces Previous Cover With Us

If this Section replaces any previous Section, policy or cover, issued by Us, the cover given by this

Section will be in continuation of and not in addition to the cover given by the previous Section, policy

or cover.

(c) Clarification of You/Your/The Policyholder

Regardless of how You are described in the Schedule all parties insured under this Section will be

treated as a whole, are a single insured and the individual, company, organisation or other entity whose

name appears first in the Schedule will act for all parties insured under this Section whether they are

named in the Schedule or not.

(d) Multiple Insured Parties Involved

Our aggregate liability for loss or losses sustained by one or more party insured under this Section will

not exceed the amount for which We would be liable if all losses had been sustained by one of them.

We will not be liable for loss sustained by one or more party insured under this Section to the advantage

of any other party insured under this Section.

(e) Compliance with The References and Control Procedures

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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We will not be liable to pay any Claim if You have not complied with and operated any one or more of:

(i) the fraud control procedures carried out by You as noted in the Schedule; and

(ii) the background checks noted in the Schedule which are undertaken by You prior to the

engagement of Employees;

which is material to any part of that Claim.

(f) Recoveries

If any amounts are recovered they will be distributed first to cover the costs of recovery then to You for

the amount of Your loss in excess of the limit of liability then to Us for the amount paid under the Claim

and then to You for the amount of the Excess.

(g) Claims Procedure

In the event of a Claim under this Section, You must make to Us for inspection the personnel or human

resources file, including any references obtained before or during their employment, of every Employee

involved or whom You accuse of involvement in any loss whether acting alone or acting In Collusion.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Money and Assault Part A - Money

17.1 Cover

(a) We will cover You in respect of loss of Money, up to the limit stated in the Schedule against each item,

which belongs to You or You are responsible for in connection with Your Activities:

(i) Crossed cheques and other non-negotiable instruments;

(ii) Money in vending or gaming machines on the Premises

(iii) Money in safe on Premises overnight;

(iv) Money out of safe on Premises overnight;

(v) Money in transit or on the Premises during Working Hours;

(vi) Money in an Employee’s home;

(vii) Money at fundraising events;

(viii) Money at tin shakes (per person).

(b) The cost of replacement or repair following accidental Damage to any:

(i) safe or strongroom;

(ii) case, bag or waistcoat used for carrying Money,

following theft or attempted theft of Money.

(c) Accidental Damage to Personal Belongings owned by You, Your directors, principals or any

Employee following theft or attempted theft of Money involving violence or threat of violence occurring

during the Period of Insurance.

The maximum We will pay for any one person is £1,000.

17.2 Extension

This extension is subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

Fundraising Events

We will increase the limit stated in the Schedule by 100% for the period two days before to seven days after a fundraising event for the following:

(a) Money not contained in locked safe in private dwelling houses of Your principals or authorised


(b) Money contained in locked safes outside Working Hours

(c) Money on the Premises during Working Hours not in a bank night safe

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(d) any other loss of Money

17.3 Exclusions

We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) loss or shortages due to clerical or accounting errors, or omissions, accountancy depreciation, currency

fluctuation or indirect loss of any kind;

(b) loss due to the dishonesty of You or Your directors, principals or Employees:

(i) not discovered within seven working days;

(ii) where a more specific insurance is in force, except for any amount in excess of that insurance;

(c) Damage to Money from any Unattended Vehicle;

(d) loss or damage outside the United Kingdom;

(e) loss resulting from:

(i) Forgery;

(ii) fraudulent alteration or substitution;

(iii) fraudulent use of a computer or electronic transfer;

(f) loss resulting from use of any form of payment which proves to be:

(i) counterfeit;

(ii) false;

(iii) invalid;

(iv) uncollectable;

(v) irrecoverable;

for any reason;

(g) loss of Money during transit by unregistered post.

17.4 Conditions

(a) Minimum Security Standards

If in relation to any Claim for Damage at the Premises as insured by this Section You have failed to

fulfil any of the following conditions, You may lose your right to cover or payment for that Claim.

You must ensure that:

(i) final exit doors are secured as follows:

(1) timber doors – by mortice deadlocks having five or more levers or conforming to BS3621

with matching boxed striking plate;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(2) aluminium or UPVC framed doors – a cylinder operated mortice deadlock or a deadlocking

multi-point system;

(3) all other external doors and internal doors giving access to any part of the Buildings not

occupied by You be fitted with either:

(a) any of the locking arrangements as specified in 1a) or 1b) above in accordance with

the construction of the door frame; or

(b) two key operated bolts for doors, one fitted approximately 30cm from the top of the

door and the other 30cm from the bottom;

(4) the first closing leaf of double leaf doors must be fitted internally with bolts top and bottom.

(ii) All locks fitted to final exit doors must be put into effect outside of Working Hours or when the

Premises is left unattendedAll other external doors and internal doors leading to common areas

or other premises, are secured:

(i) by the means set out in 1) in this condition; or

(ii) by key operated security bolts fitted top and bottom.

(iii) All opening windows or roof lights accessible from the ground or via roofs, pipe work or

other structures are secured by key operated locking devices or screwed permanently shut.

(iii) All protection and security measures which have been advised to Us, all well as all other

protection and security systems are in force at all times:

(a) outside of Working Hours

(b) when the Premises are unattended

We shall have no liability under this Section if You fail to comply with these provisions, unless

You can show that non compliance with these provisions could not have increased the risk of the

loss which actually incurred in the circumstances in which it occurred.

(iv) Any security measures stipulated or agreed by Us in writing are in active operation.

Any door or window officially designated a fire exit by the Fire Authority is excluded from these


(b) Money in transit

If in relation to any Claim for Money in transit You have failed to fulfil any of the following conditions,

You will lose Your right to cover or payment for that Claim.

You must ensure that:

(i) Money in transit is accompanied by the following number of persons who must be either You,

Your partners, directors or Employees:

(1) over £4,000 up to £5,000 at least two persons;

(2) over £5,000 up to £8,000 at least three persons;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(3) over £8,000 at least four persons;

(4) over £12,000 as stated in the Schedule; and

(ii) private transport is used for amounts greater than £2,000 where the distance exceeds half a mile;


(iii) Money is not left unattended.

Our liability will not exceed the limit shown under item 3 stated in the Schedule.

(c) Unattended Vehicles

The Vehicle will not be regarded as an Unattended Vehicle if You have ensured that:

(i) all doors, windows and other points of access have been locked where locks have been fitted;


(ii) all manufacturers’ security devices have been put into effect; and

(iii) the keys have been removed from the Vehicle; and

(iv) any unattached trailers have anti-hitching devices fitted and they are put into effect.

(d) Key Security

It is a condition precedent to Our liability to pay Claims for theft or attempted theft of organisation money

in excess of £500 from a safe, strongroom or till that such are securely locked and their keys are:

(i) held in the personal custody of You or any director, partner or authorised Employee, or

(ii) locked in a safe, cupboard or drawer the key to which is held in the personal custody of You or

any director, partner or authorised Employee.

Where a safe, strongroom or till is secured by means of a combination lock rather than a key,

the combination code must be known only to of You or any director, partner or authorised


Part B – Assault

17.5 Cover

We will pay compensation to You for Bodily Injury to an Insured Person occurring during the Period of

Insurance caused by theft or attempted theft, involving violence or threat of violence, which happens in the

course of Your Activities and directly and independently of any other cause results in any of the following


(a) Death which occurs within 24 months of the event happening;

(b) Loss of Sight or Hearing occurring within 24 months of Bodily Injury;

(c) Loss of Limbs occurring within 24 months of Bodily Injury;

(d) any other Permanent Total Disablement which, after 24 months of Bodily Injury, prevents the Insured

Person from pursuing any occupation;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(e) Temporary Total Disablement which, within 24 months of Bodily Injury, prevents the Insured Person

from pursuing their normal occupation; or

(f) Temporary Partial Disablement which, within 24 months of Bodily Injury, prevents the Insured Person

from pursuing a substantial part of their normal occupation.

17.6 Conditions

(a) Amounts Payable

(i) We will pay for any one contingency:

(1) the compensation stated in the Schedule;

(2) Temporary Total Disablement and Temporary Partial Disablement compensation at four

weekly intervals in arrears;

(3) compensation under contingencies (e) and (f) for a maximum of 24 months from the date

that the disablement started;

(ii) Temporary Total Disablement and Temporary Partial Disablement compensation being paid for

the same contingency will end if We pay compensation under any of contingencies (a) – (d) and

the amount already paid will be deducted from the total due;

(iii) insurance will end for the Insured Person if We pay compensation under any of contingencies

(a) – (d).

17.7 Medical Evidence

We may require, at Our expense:

(i) an Insured Person to undergo medical examinations; or

(ii) post mortem to be carried out.

You or Your legal representative will supply to Us, at Your expense any:

(1) certificate;

(2) information;

(3) evidence.

If the above is not provided in the format We require all payments will be stopped.

17.8 Medical and Dental Expenses

Where compensation is payable for contingency (e) and (f) We will also pay up to 14% of this amount in respect

of medical and/or dental expenses which have been incurred in respect of the Insured Person.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Insured Person is £500.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Goods in Transit 18.1 Cover

We will cover You in respect of:

(a) Damage

(i) to Property Insured other than Tools whilst:

1. in transit in or on any Vehicle including:

(a) loading and unloading;

(b) whilst stored during transit for a period of 48 consecutive hours.

2. in transit by a third party road haulier or by rail or post.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one occurrence is the limit of liability as stated in the


(ii) to Your own sheets, ropes, chains, toggles or packing materials while carried on any Vehicle.

We will replace sheets as new if You prove that these were not more than one year old at the

time of the Damage.

(iii) to You or Your drivers’ personal possessions other than Money, watches and jewellery in, or

from, any Vehicle.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one person for any one occurrence is £500.

(iv) to Tools in or from any Vehicle whilst stored during transit for a period of 48 consecutive hours.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one occurrence is £500.

(b) Debris Removal

Costs and expenses incurred by You with Our written consent:

(i) in removing debris;

(ii) in site clearance;

(iii) for transhipment and recovery charges following collision, overturning or impact of any Vehicle

with any object;

(iv) to reduce or prevent Claims,

in the United Kingdom in connection with Your Activities.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one occurrence is £10,000.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(c) Terrorism

Where the Terrorism Section is operative Terrorism, cover is also provided by this Section. Any

payment in respect of Terrorism under this Section will be subject to the same exclusions and

conditions applicable to that applied under the Terrorism Section.

18.2 Basis of Settlement – Reinstatement

Unless otherwise stated in the Schedule, in the event of Damage the basis upon which We will calculate the

amount We will pay for any Claim will be the reinstatement of the Property Insured lost, destroyed or

damaged, however the following conditions will apply:

(a) If Property Insured is damaged, We will pay for replacement or repair of the damaged portion to a

condition as good as, but not better or more extensive than, its condition when new.

However, We will not pay more than We would have done if the Property had been completely


(b) The Property Insured may be replaced on another site and in a manner suitable to Your needs, but

this must not increase Our liability;

(c) All work must begin and be carried out within 12 months;

(d) We will not pay under this clause until You have incurred the cost of replacing or repairing the Property


18.3 Basis of Settlement – Indemnity

The amount payable in respect of Stock and/or all other Property Insured will be the value at the time of

Damage or at Our option the cost of reinstatement or replacement of the Property Insured or any part of it

However in respect of:

(a) Second-hand Stock which is purchased by You, cover will be based on the purchase price or the market

value whichever is the lower. If in relation to any Claim You have failed to comply with the following,

You will lose Your right to cover under this Section. You must keep a record of the second-hand Stock

purchase price, together with invoices and receipts.

(b) Second-hand Stock which has been donated to You, cover will be based on the cost to replace Stock

at the time of Damage with material of like kind and quality less allowance for physical deterioration,

physical depreciation, obsolescence or depletion, and calculated by using books, records and

documents We require to assess Your Claim unless the clause 18.2 – Basis of Settlement –

Reinstatement or any other alternate basis of settlement is stated to apply.

No payment shall be made in respect of Damage to donated goods under the Goods in Transit Section if We

have accepted a Claim under the Business Interruption Section.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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18.4 Exclusions

We will not provide cover in respect of:

(a) Damage caused by:

(i) defective or inadequate packing, insulation or labelling;

(ii) evaporation or spillage;

(iii) vermin, insects, Wear and Tear or contamination;

(iv) an existing or hidden defect;

(v) delay;

(vi) inadequate documentation;

(vii) indirect loss;

(viii) mechanical, electrical, electronic, electro magnetic, disturbance in order, arrangement or


However, We will cover You if Damage is caused by fire, explosion, theft or attempted theft or from

collision or overturning vehicle;

(b) shortage in weight;

(c) Damage caused by deterioration or variation in temperature.

However, We will cover You if Damage is caused as a result of any Vehicle being directly involved in

a road traffic accident.

(d) Damage:

(i) occurring outside the United Kingdom;

(ii) not connected with Your Activities.

(e) Damage to:

(i) audio and visual equipment;

(ii) clocks and watches;

(iii) computer hardware and software;

(iv) explosives;

(v) furs and curios;

(vi) gold and silver articles;

(vii) jewellery and precious stones;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(viii) living creatures;

(ix) Money and bullion;

(x) non-ferrous metals;

(xi) rare books and works of art;

(xii) tobaccos, cigars and cigarettes;

(xiii) wines and spirits.

However, We will cover You in respect of Damage to Property if the Property is specifically stated as

insured in the Schedule and the Damage is not otherwise excluded.

(f) Damage caused by theft or attempted theft of the Property Insured and/or Tools or personal

possessions from any Unattended Vehicle.

(g) Property in transit for hire or reward by You;

(h) the Excess as stated in the Schedule.

18.5 Conditions

(a) Automatic Reinstatement

The limit of liability stated in the Schedule will not be reduced by the amount of any Claim unless We

give You or You give Us written notice to the contrary and that Our liability will not exceed the sum

insured or limit stated in the Schedule.

You must pay the additional premium needed to reinstate the limit of liability.

(b) Practical Care

If in relation to any Claim, You have failed to comply with any of the following conditions, You may lose

Your right to cover, or payment for that Claim.

You must:

(i) only appoint competent drivers and take all practical measures to:

(1) prevent Damage;

(2) secure loads properly;

(3) maintain any Vehicle in accordance with current law;

(4) ensure any Vehicle is suitable for the purpose for which it is to be used;

(ii) allow Us access to examine any Vehicle which You operate or the Premises from which You


Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(c) Substitution of Vehicles

Where Vehicles are individually specified in the Schedule, We will insure, limited to the limit of liability,

and any other terms and conditions applicable to the original Vehicle, the Property Insured whilst in or

on any other vehicle:

(i) temporarily substituted for the specified Vehicle whilst the Vehicle is out of use for maintenance,

repair or official vehicle testing;

(ii) permanently substituted for the specified Vehicle provided that You inform Us in writing within

21 days of the substitution. (d) Unattended Vehicles

Whenever a Vehicle being used for the transport of Property Insured is left unattended, it is a condition

precedent to liability to pay any Claim in respect of Damage caused by theft or attempted theft or

malicious persons that:

(i) all doors, windows, sunroofs and other points of access must be securely shut;

(ii) all doors and other lockable points of access (including the boot) must be securely locked;

(iii) all manufacturers’ security devices have been put into effect;

(iv) all keys and electronic devices to lock or unlock otherwise secure the Vehicle must be removed

from the Vehicle and be held in the personal custody of the designated driver; and

(v) any unattached trailers have anti-hitching devices fitted and they are put into effect.

(e) Overnight Security

Whenever a Vehicle being used for the transport of Property Insured is left unattended, it is a condition

precedent to liability to pay any Claim in respect of Damage caused by theft or attempted theft or

malicious persons that the Vehicle is, between 21:00hrs and 06:00hrs:

(i) stored in a locked and secure building or a secure compound

(ii) secured in accordance with 18.5 condition (d) Unattended Vehicles of this Section.


Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Deterioration of Stock 19.1 Cover

We will cover You in respect of accidental Damage to Stock which belong to You or are held by You in trust or on commission for which You are responsible whilst contained in the Refrigerating Plant detailed in the Schedule; and elsewhere in the Premises which, but for the occurrence of an incident covered by this Section, would have been placed in Your Refrigerating Plant by deterioration, contamination or putrefaction caused by or arising from:

(a) rise or fall in temperature as a result of:

(i) Breakdown or inherent defect in the Refrigerating Plant;

(ii) non-operation of the thermostatic or automatic controlling devices forming part of the

Refrigerating Plant;

(iii) accidental failure of the supply of electricity;

(iv) accidentalDamage to the Refrigerating Plant.

(b) accidental leakage of refrigerant or refrigerant fumes from the Refrigerating Plant.

19.2 Exclusions

We will not cover:

(a) loss resulting from:

(i) any interruption to the supply of electricity which does not exceed 60 consecutive minutes;

(ii) any interruption to the supply of electricity brought about by the deliberate act of any supply

authority or by the exercise by any authority of its power to withhold or restrict supply;

(iii) Wear and Tear, deterioration or gradually developing flaws or defects, partial fractures in the

Refrigerating Plant or incorrect setting of thermostats and automatic controls;

(iv) the Refrigerating Plant itself;

(v) the failure of flanged, screwed or flat joints of any description.

(b) the first 10% of each and every loss (minimum £25) in the event of Damage involving Refrigerating

Plant over 10 years old at the time of Damage.

19.3 Condition


On any Refrigeration Plant over 10 years old, You must:

(a) effect a maintenance contract on any of the Refrigerating Plant which does not have hermetically

sealed motors and compressors;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) maintain the maintenance contract throughout the currency of this insurance; and

(c) keep a proper record of all examinations, adjustments and replacements carried out.

In the event of a Claim or possible Claim under this Section, We will not be liable for further Damage relating to the defective Refrigerating Plant until it has been repaired by a certified refrigeration engineer

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Personal Accident (The cover shown below is only operative if stated on the Schedule under the Personal Accident or Travel Sections)

20.1 Cover

We will pay the compensation to You or Your personal representatives for Accidental Bodily Injury to an Insured Person during the Period of Insurance which, solely, directly and independently of any other cause and within two years of the Accidental Bodily Injury, results in any of the following Contingencies:

(a) Death;

(b) Loss of Sight or Hearing;

(c) Loss of Limbs;

(d) any other Permanent Total Disablement which lasts without interruption for more than 12 months from

the date of the Accidental Bodily Injury and prevents the Insured Person from pursuing their normal

occupation or profession;

(e) Temporary Total Disablement which prevents the Insured Person from pursuing their normal

occupation or profession;

(f) Temporary Partial Disablement which prevents the Insured Person from pursuing a substantial part of

their normal occupation or profession.


The amount of compensation payable to You or any Insured Person will be the amount as stated in the Schedule.

We will pay in arrears:

(a) compensation under Contingencies (e) and/or (f) at 4 weekly intervals;

(b) compensation under Contingencies (e) and/or (f) for a maximum of 2 years from the date that the

disablement started

but where We pay compensation under any of Contingencies (a) to (d) specified under this Section:

(i) any weekly benefit being paid for the same injury will stop;

(ii) this insurance will end for the Insured Person.

In the event of an Insured Person suffering Permanent Partial Disablement as a direct result of Accidental Bodily Injury We will pay a percentage of the benefit provided for Permanent Total Disablement depending on the degree of permanent disablement.

Benefits for specific disabilities are: Permanent severance or permanent and total loss of use of:

(i) a thumb 30%

(ii) a forefinger 20%

(iii) any finger other than a forefinger 10%

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iv) a big toe 15%

(v) any toe other than a big toe 5%

(vi) a shoulder or elbow 25%

(vii) a wrist, hip, knee or ankle 20%

(viii) the lower jaw by surgical operation 30%

Any permanent disability which is not covered by contingencies (a) to (c) or any of the benefits above up to a

maximum 100% of the Permanent Total Disablement benefit. Any permanent disability under this item will be

assessed by considering the severity of the disablement in conjunction with the stated percentages for specific

types of permanent disablement stated above. The occupation of the Insured Person will not be taken into

consideration during this assessment.

When more than one form of permanent partial disablement results from Accidental Bodily Injury the

percentages will be added together but We will not pay more than 100% of the Permanent Total Disablement

in total.

If a Claim is made for contingencies (a) to (c) then a Claim for permanent partial disablement cannot also be


We will not be liable for any amount in excess of the maximum accumulation limit of £5,000,000 in respect of any one accident. If the aggregate amount of all benefits payable exceeds the maximum accumulation limit, the benefit payable to each Insured Person will be proportionately reduced until the total of all benefits does not exceed the maximum accumulation limit.

When We pay compensation under contingencies (e) or (f), We will also pay up to 30% of this amount in respect of medical expenses incurred, subject to a maximum of £10,000 in respect of any one Insured Person.

20.2 Exclusions

We will not pay compensation for Accidental Bodily Injury directly or indirectly caused by:

(a) the Insured Person suffering from any physical defect, infirmity, medical condition or chronic or

recurring illness for which the Insured Person received medical treatment in the 12 months prior to

death or the commencement of the disablement or loss of limbs, eyes, or hearing;

(b) suicide or attempted suicide;

(c) deliberate exposure to danger (except in an attempt to save human life);

(d) the Insured Person’s commiting a criminal act;

(e) flying or other aerial activities (except while travelling as a passenger but not as a crew member or whilst

undertaking any trade or technical operation in or in the aircraft);

(f) an Insured Person practising for or taking part in:

(i) mountaineering or rock climbing requiring use of ropes or guides, abseiling, free falling or


(ii) pot-holing, caving or VAE diving;

(iii) winter sports, but not curling or ice skating;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iv) any kind of racing (except foot races);

(v) motor cycling involving racing, pace making, speed testing, rallies, reliability trails or competition

motorcross, travel, enduro, trail or grass track, riding;;

(vi) naval, military or air force service or operations;

(vii) boxing, wrestling or other forms of unarmed or armed combat.

(viii) rugby or any other type of football (other than amateur Association Football)

(ix) sailing/yachting outside British Coastal Waters, power boating water ski jumping jet skiing fly

boarding, sea canoeing, white water sports

(x) hunting, hunter trails show jumping or steeple chasing

(g) the Insured Person engaging, training or participating in any sport for financial gain or payment, other

than for reimbursement of travel or out of pocket expenses

(h) the effects of alcohol or drugs (other than drugs whether prescribed by a doctor or lawfully purchased

without a prescription which are used as described);

(i) any consequence resulting from or in connection with any of the following regardless of any other

contributory cause or event:

(i) Terrorism;

(ii) any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to Terrorism,

(iii) except as stated in Special Provision – Terrorism below.

In any action, suit or other proceedings where We allege that any consequence resulting from or in

connection with (k)(i) and (k)(ii) above regardless of any other contributory cause or event is not covered

under this Section (or is covered only up to a specified limit) the burden of proving that any consequence

is covered (or is covered beyond that limit) under this Section will be upon You.

20.3 Conditions

(a) Disappearance

If an Insured Person has been missing for a period of 180 consecutive days and there is sufficient

evidence to support the conclusion that death has been caused by Accidental Bodily Injury, that

person will be presumed to have died.

However, You will repay any compensation if the Insured Person is found to have been alive or is

found alive after We have paid compensation.

(b) Gross Wages

Where the Schedule states the cover basis as Flexible Benefits, the amount payable will be the average

weekly gross wage:

(i) in the 12 week period before the date of the Accidental Bodily Injury; or

(ii) any shorter period if the Insured Person has been employed by You for less than 12 weeks.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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We will not include overtime, commission or bonus payments unless these are guaranteed.

(c) Medical Evidence

(i) We may, at Our expense arrange for an Insured Person to undergo:

(1) a medical examination; or

(2) a post mortem examination.

(ii) You or Your legal representative will supply to Us, at Your expense, any

(1) certificate;

(2) information;

(3) evidence.

in the format we require.

(d) Minors

If the Insured Person is under the age of 16 at the date of the Accident giving rise to a Claim

(i) The maximum amount payable for death will be £20,000 or the benefits payable stated in the

Schedule whichever is the lower.

(ii) Permanent Total Disablement will be disablement wholly preventing the Insured Person from

engaging in or giving attention to occupational duties of any and every kind caused other than by

Loss of Sight or Heaing, Loss of Limbs or loss of speech which lasts without interruption for

more than 12 months from the date of the Accident, and in all probability shall continue for the

remainder of the Insured Person’s life.

(iii) No benefit will be payable for Temporary Total Disablement or Temporary Partial Disablement.

(e) Volunteers

In respect of any Insured Person who is not Your director or Employee, Permanent Total Disablement

will be disablement wholly preventing the Insured Person from engaging in or giving attention to

occupational duties of any and every kind caused other than by Loss of Sight or Hearing, Loss of

Limbs or loss of speech which lasts without interruption for more than 12 months from the date of

Accident, and in all probability shall continue for the remainder of the Insured Person’s life.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Travel 21.1 Cover

(a) Medical Expenses

(i) Cover

We will cover You in respect of

(1) the additional cost of transport, accommodation and Repatriation necessarily incurred

upon medical advice in respect of the Insured Person or any relative or friend of the

Insured Person who has necessarily to travel and/or remain with or escort the Insured

Person or in the case of death, funeral expenses (including the cost of transporting the

body or ashes to the deceased’s country of normal residence or at to another and agreed

by Us country requested by the personal representatives of the deceased); and

(2) medical expenses

incurred as a result of the Insured Person sustaining Accidental Bodily Injury or contracting

sickness during the course of an Insured Journey outside:

(i) the United Kingdom, or if different

(ii) the Insured Person’s normal country of residence; and

(iii) within 24 months of such Accidental Bodily Injury or sickness.

The maximum We will pay in respect of any one Claim is the limit stated in the Schedule.

(ii) Extensions

(1) Emergency Medical Expenses

The Emergency Medical Assistance service is operated by a specialist emergency

assistance organisation whose details are advised to You and will advise on and, where

appropriate, arrange all medical treatment, travel and accommodation covered under

Medical Expenses. The Emergency Assistance Organisation’s experienced multi-lingual

staff will deal with enquiries and will ensure that where necessary:

(a) Hospitals are contacted and any fees guaranteed

(b) multi-lingual staff are used to converse with doctors and Hospitals overseas in their

own language

(c) medical advisers are consulted at the outset for their views on the possibility of

arranging Repatriation and the best method of transportation to be adopted

(d) the patient will be escorted by a medical attendant

(e) assistance is provided upon arrival in the United Kingdom

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(f) arrangements are made for other Insured Persons to travel home

(g) arrangements are made for the outward and return journeys for the next of kin or

other nominated person to a sick or injured Insured Person.

Provided medical treatment, travel or accommodation has been arranged by the

Emergency Assistance Organisation We will pay all associated costs incurred on behalf of

the Insured Person.

We will not pay any costs which are not covered under Medical Expenses.


If We incur costs as a result of advice or assistance being provided or the settlement of any

expenses being made in good faith by the Emergency Assistance Organisation to any

person who is not insured under this policy, You shall reimburse Us in respect of such

costs and expenses.

(2) Hospital Expenses

In the event that an Insured Person is admitted as a Hospital in-patient outside of the

United Kingdom We will pay You on behalf of the Insured Person £25 for each complete

24 hour period that the Insured Person spends as an in-patient up to a maximum of


(3) Replacement Personnel

In the event that Repatriation of the Insured Person is necessary as a result of

circumstances giving rise to payment of benefit under Medical Expenses and it is necessary

for You to provide one or more replacement personnel We will cover You in respect of the

costs incurred in transporting the replacement personnel up to a maximum of £10,000 in

total for one Claim.

(iii) Exclusions

We will not cover You in respect of:

(1) the first £25 of each and every Claim for each Insured Person except for Emergency

Medical Expenses

(2) any Claim resulting from:

(a) the Insured Person engaging in or taking part in naval military or air force service

or operations or whilst hunting on horseback or whilst riding or driving in any kind of

race or flying other than as a passenger by recognised airlines or any fully licensed

standard type multi-engined aircraft operated by a recognised air charter company

(b) medical expenses incurred when the specific purpose of the journey is for the

Insured Person to receive medical treatment or advice

(c) medical expenses incurred following the Insured Person’s return to the United

Kingdom or normal country of residence if different

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(d) the Insured Person being under the influence of or being directly or indirectly

affected by alcohol or drugs or any condition thereby aggravated other than drugs

taken under the direction of a registered medical practitioner (other than for the

treatment of drug addiction)

(e) suicide, attempted suicide or intentional self-injury by the Insured Person or from

deliberate exposure to danger (except in an attempt to save human life) or from the

Insured Person’s own criminal act or Accidental Bodily Injury sustained whilst the

Insured Person is in a state of insanity

(f) the Insured Person travelling against the advice of a medical practitioner.

(b) Baggage and/or Personal Belongings

(i) Cover

In the event of the Insured Person suffering Damage to Baggage and/or Personal Belongings

during an Insured Journey We will cover You or an Insured Person in respect of loss of or

Damage up to the limit stated in the Schedule for any one Claim.

(ii) Provisions

(1) We shall be entitled in the event of a loss and at Our sole option to replace any article lost

(whether wholly or in part) or to pay cash therefore not exceeding in any event the insured

value thereof.

(2) The maximum amount payable in respect of any one unspecified item will be

£1,000 or 50% of the total sum insured whichever is the lower.

(3) Total loss or destruction of an insured item shall be dealt with on a full replacement basis

for any unspecified item. There will be no reduction for Wear and Tear.

(iii) Temporary Loss Extension

In the event of an Insured Person being temporarily deprived of their Baggage and/or Personal

Belongings for at least four hours from the time of arrival at their destination during an Insured

Journey, We will reimburse You or the Insured Person in respect of emergency and necessary

purchases subject to a maximum of £750 for any one Claim.

Any such payment will be deducted from any benefit payable for total loss or subsequent Damage

to Baggage and/or Personal Belongings where temporary deprivation proves to be permanent.

We will not cover You in respect of:

(1) the first £25 of each and every Claim for each Insured Person, except when the Claim is

for temporary loss of Baggage and/or Personal Belongings on an outward journey

(2) any Claim resulting from:

(a) breakage of articles of a brittle nature unless caused by an accident to the

conveyance in which the article is being carried

(b) moth or vermin

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(c) Wear and Tear (this does not apply to Damage to any item resulting from Wear and

Tear to a clasp setting or other fastening to a carrier or container)

(d) loss of cash, bank or currency notes, cheques, postal orders, travellers cheques,

travel tickets or coupons with distinct monetary value

(e) Damage caused by delay, detention or confiscation by order of any Government or

Public Authority

(f) loss which is not reported to the local police or appropriate authorities within 24 hours

of its discovery and a written report obtained (in the case of an airline the Insured

Person will need to obtain a property irregularity report)

(g) Damage resulting from pressure in an aircraft cargo hold

(h) theft or attempted theft of Baggage and/or Personal Belongings from any

Unattended Vehicle unless the Baggage and/or Personal Belongings have been

placed out of sight or in a locked boot.

(iv) Condition

The Insured Person must take all practical care to avoid Damage to their Baggage and/or

Personal Belongings.

(c) Money

(i) Cover

In the event of the Insured Person suffering the loss of cash, bank or currency notes, cheques,

postal orders, travellers cheques, travel tickets or coupons having distinct monetary value:

(1) during the course of an Insured Journey, or

(2) occurring during the 120 hours immediately prior to such journey or the 120 hours following

such journey if obtained for the purposes of undertaking the Insured Journey and in the

custody and control of the Insured Person.

We will reimburse You or the Insured Person in respect of such loss up to the limit stated in the

Schedule for any one Claim.


The maximum We will pay in respect of cash, bank or currency notes being carried at any one

time shall be limited to £1,000.

(ii) Fraudulent use of Credit Cards Extension

If You or the Insured Person sustains financial loss as a direct result of a credit, charge, debit or

bankers card being lost or stolen during an Insured Journey and it being fraudulently used by

someone other than the Insured Person, We will reimburse You or the Insured Person for such

loss up to a maximum of £500 for any one Insured Journey provided that You or the Insured

Person has fully complied with all terms and conditions under which such card has been issued.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iii) Emergency Passport Expenses Extension

If the Insured Person sustains:

(1) Damage resulting in any visa and/or passport required for an Insured Journey becoming

void during the course of the Insured Journey We will reimburse You on behalf of the

Insured Person in respect of fees charged by the appropriate consular visa and/or

passport office for any additional travel or accommodation expenses in obtaining any

official or temporary travel documents or replacement visa and/or passport up to a

maximum of £1,000 for any Insured Journey; or

(2) theft of any visa and/or passport within seven days prior to the proposed departure date of

an Insured Person We will reimburse You on behalf of the Insured Person for any

additional accommodation and/or travel expenses incurred prior to the proposed departure

date by the Insured Person or nominated representative in travelling to and obtaining

replacement documents at the nearest issuing office from which a replacement can be

obtained subject to a maximum of £750 for any Claim.

We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) the first £25 of each and every Claim for each Insured Person

(b) any Claim resulting from:

(i) delay, confiscation, errors or omissions in receipts of payment, accountancy or

depreciation in value

(ii) loss which is not reported to the local police or appropriate authorities within 24 hours

of its discovery and a written report obtained (in the case of an airline the Insured

Person will need to obtain a property irregularity report).

(iv) Condition

The Insured Person shall take all practical care in avoiding any loss.

(d) Cancellation, Curtailment or Change of Itinerary

(i) Cover

In the event of the necessary and unavoidable cancellation, curtailment or change of itinerary of

an Insured Journey

(1) following the death, Accidental Bodily Injury or sickness of:

(a) the Insured Person, business colleague (with whom the Insured Person intended

to travel) or business contact for the purpose of the Insured Journey

(b) the Insured Person’s legal or common law spouse or partner, daughter, son, sister,

brother, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent, grandchild,

daughter-in-law, son-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, step-parent, step-child,

step-brother, step-sister, fiancée or fiancé,


Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(2) as the result of:

(a) the death of a close friend of the Insured Person

(b) the Insured Person attending compulsory, quarantine, witness call or jury service

(c) the Insured Person’s place of residence being subject to Damage within 10 days

of the proposed commencement of the Insured Journey and the Insured Person

being unable to adequately secure the residence prior to the commencement of such

Insured Journey

(d) the Insured Person’s presence being required by the police following Damage or

theft or attempted theft at the Insured Person’s place of residence or place of


(e) cancellation or curtailment of scheduled public transport services consequent upon

strike, riot, civil commotion, inclement weather or mechanical breakdown.

We will reimburse You or the Insured Person in respect of all non-recoverable deposits, advance

payments and other charges paid or due to be paid by You or the Insured Person for travel

and/or accommodation in respect of the proposed Insured Journey up to the limit shown in the

Schedule for any one Claim.

We will not cover You in respect of any Claim resulting from:

(a) the Insured Person or the Insured Person’s business colleague on the Insured Journey

travelling or planning to travel against the advice of a registered medical practitioner

(b) any circumstances under (1)(b) where any medical condition from which the relevant

person is known by the Insured Person to be suffering at the commencement of the

Insured Journey or if earlier the date of cancellation or date of curtailment or change of

itinerary. This exception shall not apply if such condition has been without the necessity of

professional treatment or consultation in the 12 months immediately prior to such date

(c) the Insured Person deciding not to travel or, if on an Insured Journey, deciding not to

continue to travel

(d) any Insured Journey cancelled or curtailed where the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

(FCO) advice at the time the trip was booked is 'against all travel to' the chosen destination.

(ii) Replacement

When an Insured Journey has been cut short following departure as a direct and necessary

result of any cause outside Your or the Insured Person’s control We will reimburse You for the

additional cost of travel and accommodation necessarily incurred as a direct result of:

(1) returning You or the Insured Person to the United Kingdom or normal Country of

Residence (if different)

(2) sending a replacement to assume the duties of the original Insured Person

up to a limit of £10,000.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(e) Travel Delay and Missed Departure

(i) Part A – Travel Delay

If the outward or homeward departure of an aircraft, train, coach or sea vessel in which the

Insured Person has booked to travel is delayed for at least 12 hours from the departure time

indicated by the carrier due to strike, industrial action, adverse weather conditions, mechanical

breakdown or structural defect affecting that aircraft, train, coach or sea vessel, We will

compensate You by the amount of £50 for the first complete four hours delay and £50 for each

complete four hours delay thereafter but not exceeding the amount paid in respect of fares for

such delayed travel or £250 whichever is the lower.

We will not cover You in respect of any Claim resulting from:

(1) the failure of the Insured Person to check-in not later than the time indicated by the carriers

(2) the failure of the Insured Person to obtain written confirmation from the carriers or their

handling agents of the number of hours delay and the reason for the delay

(3) the withdrawal from service, temporarily or otherwise, of any aircraft, train or sea vessel on

the orders or recommendation of the manufacturer, the civil aviation authority, a port

authority or any other similar body in any country

(4) the failure of the Insured Person to accept alternative equivalent means of transport within

the period of delay where there is offered on reasonable terms in exchange for the original

mode of conveyance

(5) strike, labour dispute or industrial action which existed or the possibility of which existed

and for which advance warning had been given prior to the date on which the Insured

Journey was booked

(6) delay where compensation is recoverable from the airline or other carrier.

(ii) Part B – Missed Departure

If the bus, rail, water or air transport on which an Insured Person is travelling fails to deliver the

Insured Person to the departure port, station or airport in time to board the sea vessel, train or

aircraft on which the Insured Person is booked to travel, We will pay up to £500 in respect of the

cost of additional accommodation and transport expenses incurred to transport the Insured

Person to the Insured Person’s first destination outside the United Kingdom, provided that the

Insured Person has taken all practical steps to complete the journey to the final United Kingdom

departure port or airport on time.

We will not cover You in respect of any Claim resulting from:

(1) strike, industrial action, riot or civil commotion which was in existence or for which a warning

had been given prior to the date of departure

(2) the failure of the Insured Person to obtain written confirmation from the carriers or their

handling agents of the reason for the missed departure

(3) withdrawal from any service, temporarily or otherwise, of any aircraft, train or sea vessel

on the orders or recommendation of the manufacturer, the civil aviation, a port authority or

any other similar body in any country.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(f) Hijack, Kidnap and Ransom

(i) Cover

In the event of the conveyance in which an Insured Person is travelling being subject to Hijack

during an Insured Journey and the Insured Person being detained as a result for a period in

excess of 24 hours or if during an Insured Journey the Insured Person is detained as a result

of Kidnap We will reimburse You on behalf of the Insured Person as below

(1) Hijack

£500 per day for each complete period of detention

(2) Kidnap

£500 per day for each complete period of detention to a maximum of £25,000 in total for

any one occurrence, and

(3) Ransom following Kidnap

Up to a maximum of £250,000 in any one Period of Insurance for the fees and expenses

of Our Security Consultants incurred in response to a Kidnap including for example

ransom monies, being a consideration paid or promised to be paid to a person or group

believed to be responsible for Kidnap which is incurred to terminate the Kidnap, incurred

solely and directly as a result of Kidnap outside the United Kingdom or the Insured

Person’s Country of Residence (if different).

(ii) Automatic Extensions

If an Insured Person is the victim of a Hijack or Kidnap during an Insured Journey We will

continue cover until the Insured Person has returned to the United Kingdom or their Country of

Residence (if different) or until a period of 12 months from the date of Hijack or Kidnap has

expired whichever occurs first.

(iii) Life Threatening Situation Expenses Extension

In the event that an Insured Person becomes involved in a situation where Our Security

Consultants agree that the Insured’s Person’s life is in danger We will pay You for any costs

incurred by Our Security Consultants in extracting the Insured Person from such situation up to

a maximum limit of £25,000 for all Claims in any Period of Insurance.

All decisions are intelligence based: Our in-house analysts monitor the situation in the country

concerned and where possible We establish contact with a consultant in that country. Every

situation is unique and the decision to deploy on-ground consultants will be based on the traveller

and their individual needs assessed by Our Security Consultants.


We will not be liable for any Life Threatening Situation expenses Claim

(1) where the Life Threatening Situation is due to any unpaid debt or criminal or fraudulent

act of the Insured Person

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(2) incurred in the United Kingdom or the Insured Person’s Country of Residence (if


(3) where the Insured Person has deliberately exposed themselves to undue peril

(4) where after commencement of an Insured Journey, warnings to leave have been given

by Our Security Consultants or the British Government via the Foreign and Commonwealth

Office and the warnings have not been acted upon in a timely manner

(5) incurred in relation to Hijack or Kidnap

(6) for any sums the Insured Person becomes legally liable to pay as the result of any legal

action for damages including legal costs incurred by You in defence of such action as the

result of alleged negligence or incompetence in extrication from the Life Threatening

Situation or alleged negligence in not preventing the involvement of the Insured Person

in such a situation.

(iv) Exceptions

We will not be liable for any Claim:

(1) for an Insured Person within the United Kingdom or their normal Country of Residence

(if different)

(2) relating to Your criminal or fraudulent act or that of the Insured Person

(3) if You or the Insured Person has had Kidnap insurance declined or cancelled in the past

(4) for any Kidnap which occurs in Afghanistan, Columbia, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines or

Venezuela unless agreed by Us in writing

(5) for any sums You become legally liable to pay as the result of any legal action for damages

including legal costs incurred by You in defence of such action as the result of alleged

negligence or incompetence in hostage retrieval or negotiations following Kidnap or

alleged negligence in not preventing Kidnap.

(v) Conditions

(1) You must make all practical efforts not to disclose the existence of this insurance.

(2) You must inform Our Security Consultants as soon as practicably possible in the event of

any circumstances that could give rise to a Claim under this Section. Their telephone

number is +44 208 608 4129.

(3) You must provide Our Security Consultants with all assistance and information as soon as

practicably possible and must not attempt to make arrangements without the involvement

and/or agreement of Our Security Consultants.

(g) Personal Liability

(i) Cover

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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We will cover the Insured Person for sums which the Insured Person shall become legally liable

to pay as damages and the Insured Person’s proper costs and expenses in respect of

Accidental death or Bodily Injury to any other person or accidental Damage to Property of any

other person.

All costs and expenses incurred with Our written consent in respect of any Claims against You

shall be payable in addition, notwithstanding that Our total liability does not exceed the limit shown

in the Schedule.

We will not cover the Insured Person in respect of:

(1) Accidental death or Bodily Injury sustained by any member of the Insured Person’s

family or any person who is under a contract of service with You and which arises out of

and in the course by You or liability arising in connection with any business profession or


(2) liability for Damage to Property belonging to or in the custody or control of the Insured

Person their family or of any servant or agent of the Insured Person or liability arising out

of the ownership, possession or use by the Insured Person or any land or buildings

(3) liability assumed by the Insured Person by agreement unless such liability would have

attached to the Insured Person in the absence of such agreement

(4) liability in respect of any wilful or malicious act

(5) any liability which is the result of any Claim resulting from the transmission of any

communicable disease or virus.

(ii) Provision

Our liability under this cover for all damages, including interest, payable by the Insured Person

to any claimant or number of claimants in respect of any one occurrence or all occurrences or a

series arising out of one original cause shall not exceed the limit stated in the Schedule.

(iii) Conditions

(1) The Insured Person shall give notice to Us as soon as practicably possible of any

occurrence for which there may be liability and shall provide Us with such particulars and

information We may require and shall forward to Us on receipt every letter, writ, summons,

and process and shall advise Us as soon as practicably possible after the Insured Person

has knowledge of any impending prosecution inquest for fatal inquiry in connection with the

said occurrence.

(2) You must not admit any liability or pay, offer to pay, promise to pay or negotiate any Claim

without Our written consent.

(3) We shall be entitled, at Our discretion, to take over and conduct in the name of the Insured

Person the defence or settlement of any Claim and to prosecute at Our own expense and

for Our own benefit any Claim for reimbursement or damages against any other persons

and the Insured Person shall give all information and assistance required.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(4) We may at any time, at Our sole discretion, pay to the Insured Person the sum insured

stated in this Cover in respect of any occurrence or any lesser sums for which the Claim

or Claims arising from such occurrence can be settled and We shall not be under any

further liability in respect of that occurrence except for the payment of costs and expenses

of litigation incurred prior to such payment.

(5) In the event of a Claim or series of Claims resulting in a liability of the Insured Person to

pay a sum in excess of the sum insured stated in this Cover Our liability for such costs and

expenses shall not exceed an amount being in the same proportion as Our payments to

the Insured Person bears to the total payment made by or on behalf of the Insured

Person in settlement of the Claim or Claims.

(h) Terrorism

We will not cover You in respect of any consequence whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from or

in connection with any of the following regardless of any other contributory cause or event:

(i) Terrorism

(ii) any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to Terrorism

except as stated in Special Provision – Terrorism below.

Special Provision - Terrorism

This provision is applicable to Cover 21.1 (a) Medical Expenses only.

Subject otherwise to the terms, conditions, exceptions and exclusions of the policy

(a) except as provided for in (b) below neither of the exclusions in (1) and (2) above shall apply to

this Section provided that the total amount payable in respect of all losses arising out of any one

occurrence shall not exceed the lesser amount of:

(i) any limits, amounts payable or maximum accumulation stated in the Schedule; or

(ii) £1,000,000.

(b) the exclusions in (1) and (2) above shall apply to these covers if:

(i) the Terrorism directly or indirectly utilises nuclear and/or chemical and/or biological and/or

radiological means

(ii) the Terrorism results in harm or Damage to life or to Property of a nuclear and/or chemical

and/or biological and/or radiological nature.

In the event of a Claim exceeding the total amount payable under this Special Provision – Terrorism

Our liability in respect of each Insured Person claimed for shall be proportionately reduced until the

total does not exceed such total amount payable.

In any action, suit or proceedings where We allege that by reason of the provisions of this exclusion any

Damage, Bodily Injury or liability is not covered by this policy, the burden of proving that such Damage,

Bodily Injury or liability is covered will be upon You.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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21.2 Exclusions

We will not cover any Claim directly or indirectly arising from any infectious disease which has been declared

a pandemic by the World Health Organisation This includes any preventative containment or delay measures.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Equipment Breakdown 22.1 Cover

We will cover You for direct physical loss or Damage and any specified business interruption from an Accident to Covered Equipment at the Premises.

The maximum We will pay under this Section is:

(a) £500,000 for any one Accident to Computer and Electronic Equipment

(b) £5,000 for any one Accident to Portable Computer Equipment

subject to a maximum of £5,000,000 for any one Accident.

This cover will apply only where the Material Damage and Business Interruption Sections of the policy are shown as operative under the Schedule for the current Period of Insurance.

22.2 Basis of Settlement

As described in the Material Damage, and Business Interruption Sections of this policy.

22.3 Extensions

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

The following extensions of cover apply to loss or Damage caused by or resulting from an Accident to Covered Equipment.

Our liability for the extensions shall be £5,000,000 unless there is a sub limit shown in the extension.

(a) Away from Premises

We shall provide cover for direct physical loss or Damage and any specified business interruption from

an Accident to Covered Equipment

(i) during Transit anywhere in the United Kingdom

(ii) whilst temporarily removed from the Premises to anywhere within the United Kingdom

(1) as long as the Covered Equipment remains under Your control, or

(2) if it is removed for the purpose of repair, replacement, restoration, service or modification

(iii) for Portable Computer Equipment at any location or in Transit anywhere in the world.

(b) Hazardous Substances

We shall be liable for the additional cost to repair or replace Covered Equipment because of

contamination by a hazardous substance being any substance other than ammonia that has been

declared to be hazardous to health by a governmental agency, including any additional expenses

incurred to clean up or dispose of such property.

Our liability shall not exceed £10,000 any one Accident in respect of such additional costs.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(c) Reinstatement of Data and Computer Increased Costs of Working

We shall be liable for the following costs incurred in consequence of an Accident to or Electronic

Derangement of Computer and Electronic Equipment, including such loss or Damage which occurs

at Your Service Provider’s premises.

(i) Reinstatement of Data

Costs incurred in reinstating Data lost or damaged.

Our liability shall not exceed £50,000 any one Accident.

Provided that:

(1) liability is limited solely to the cost of reinstating Data onto Data Storage Materials

(2) We shall not be liable for loss of or Damage to software.

(ii) Computer Increased Costs of Working

Costs incurred in minimising or preventing the resulting interruption or interference to Your

computer operations.

Our liability shall not exceed £50,000 any one Accident in respect of such additional costs.

(d) Business Interruption

Provided that the Business Interruption Section of this policy is operative We shall be liable for financial

loss caused by or resulting from an Accident to Covered Equipment, including such loss or Damage

which occurs at Your Service Provider’s premises.

Our liability in any one Period of Insurance shall not exceed £100,000 under this extension.

We shall not be liable under this extension for any loss resulting from Extension 22.3(k) – Damage to

Own Surrounding Property.

(e) Anchor Location

Provided that the Business Interruption Section of this policy is operative We shall be liable for financial

loss caused by or resulting from an Accident to property at an Anchor Location.

Provided that:

(i) the property at the Anchor Location is of a similar type and function to the Covered Equipment

that is the subject of this Section

(ii) the Anchor Location has been open for business for at least six months prior to the Accident

and is located within one mile of the Premises.

Our liability in any one Period of Insurance shall not exceed £50,000 under this extension.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(f) Public Authorities/Law or Ordinance

If an Accident to Covered Equipment damages a Building that is covered under this policy and the

loss is increased by enforcement of any public authority ordinance or law in force at the time of the

Accident that regulates the construction or repair of Buildings or establishes zoning or land use

requirements We shall be liable for the following additional costs to comply with such ordinance or law:

(i) Your actual expenditures for the cost to demolish and clear the site of undamaged parts.

(ii) Your actual expenditures for increased costs to repair rebuild or construct the Building. If the

Building is repaired or rebuilt it must be intended for similar use or occupancy as the current

Building unless otherwise required by zoning or land use ordinance or law.

We shall not be liable for:

(1) any fine

(2) any liability to a third party

(3) any increase in loss due to a hazardous substance (other than as specifically insured under

Extension 22.3(b) – Hazardous Substances)

(4) increased construction costs until the Building is actually repaired or replaced.

This extension is within and does not increase the limit of liability shown in the Schedule.

(g) Public Relations Costs

In the event of financial loss and with Our prior written agreement We will pay the cost for the services

of a professional public relations firm to assist You in creating and disseminating communications to:

(i) the media

(ii) the public

(iii) Your customers and clients.

(h) Expediting Expenses

With respect to damaged Covered Equipment We shall be liable for the extra cost to make temporary

repairs and expedite permanent repairs or permanent replacement.

Our liability shall not exceed £20,000 any one Accident under this extension.

(i) Hire of Substitute Item

If Covered Equipment is damaged as a result of an Accident We shall be liable for the cost of hire

charges actually incurred by You during the Period of Insurance for the hire of a substitute item of

similar type and capacity during the period of repair or until permanent replacement of the item lost or


Our liability shall not exceed £10,000 any one Accident under this extension.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(j) Storage Tanks and Loss of Contents

The insurance under this Section extends to include Damage caused by an Accident to oil storage

tanks or water tanks including connected pipework belonging to You or for which You are responsible

at the Premises.

In addition this extension covers loss of the contents of oil storage tanks caused by:

(i) escape of contents - leakage discharge or overflow from the oil storage tanks caused by or

resulting from an Accident

(ii) contamination - contamination of the contents of oil storage tanks caused by or resulting from an

Accident including cleaning costs incurred as a result of such loss.

Our liability shall not exceed £10,000 any one Accident under this extension.

(k) Damage to Own Surrounding Property

We will pay for Damage to Property at the Premises belonging to You or in Your custody and control

and for which You are responsible directly resulting from the Explosion or Collapse of any Covered

Equipment operating under steam pressure.

Our liability shall not exceed £2,000,000 any one Accident under this extension.

(l) Additional Access Costs

Provided that the Business Interruption Section of this policy is operative We shall be liable under this

extension for any additional costs incurred in order to gain access to repair or replace the Covered

Equipment following an Accident.

Our liability shall not exceed £20,000 any one Accident under this extension.

(m) Debris Removal

We shall be liable under this extension for costs incurred in the removal of debris and protection of

Covered Equipment following an Accident.

Our liability shall not exceed £25,000 any one Accident under this extension.

(n) Repair Costs Investigation

With Our prior written agreement We will pay costs relating to repair investigations and tests by

consulting engineers for Damage to Covered Equipment following an Accident for an amount not

exceeding £25,000 any one Accident.

We shall not be liable under this extension for fees incurred in preparing a Claim.

(o) Energy Efficiency Improvements

With Our prior written agreement We will pay the additional cost to replace the damaged Covered

Equipment following an Accident with similar equipment that is better for the environment, safer and

more efficient than the Covered Equipment being replaced.

Our liability shall not exceed 25% of the new replacement cost of the damaged Covered Equipment or

£25,000 whichever is the lower.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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22.4 Exclusions

We will not cover You in respect of:

(a) loss or Damage caused by or resulting from a hydrostatic pneumatic or gas pressure test of any boiler

or pressure vessel or an insulation breakdown test of any type of electrical equipment

(b) for loss or Damage to Data or Data Storage Materials of any kind caused by:

(i) programming error or programming limitation

(ii) computer virus

(iii) introduction of malicious code

(iv) loss of Data (other than as specifically provided for under Extension of 22.3(c)(i) – Reinstatement

of Data)

(v) loss of access

(vi) loss of use

(vii) loss of functionality

(c) for loss or Damage caused by:

(i) depletion, deterioration, corrosion, erosion, Wear and Tear or other gradually developing


(ii) any condition which can be corrected by resetting, calibrating, realigning, tightening, adjusting or

cleaning or by the performance of maintenance

but if loss or Damage from an Accident results We will be liable for that resulting loss or Damage

(d) for loss or Damage recoverable under any maintenance agreement or any warranty or guarantee

(e) for any Claim, cost or loss caused by or resulting from Your commercial decision to stop trading, or the

decision of a Service Provider to stop or reduce trade with You or restrict services.

22.5 Conditions

(a) Precautions

You shall exercise due diligence in:

(i) complying with any statute or order

(ii) ensuring that insured items are properly maintained and used in accordance with manufacturers

recommendations and in taking practical precautions to prevent loss or Damage.

We shall have no liability under the policy, if You fail to comply with these precautions unless You show

that non-compliance with these terms could not have increased the risk of the loss which actually

occurred in the circumstances in which it occurred.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) Back Up Records

You must back up original Data at least every 7 days.

If a Service Provider processes or stores Data for You, You must make sure that the terms of the contract with the Service Provider allows for Data to be backed up in line with this condition.

You must take precautions to make sure that all Data is stored safely.

We shall have no liability under the policy, if You fail to comply with these precautions unless You show

that non-compliance with these terms could not have increased the risk of the loss which actually

occurred in the circumstances in which it occurred.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Cyber Liability 23.1 Cover

(a) Cyber Liability

We will pay Damages and Defence Costs arising from a Claim first made against You during the

Period of Insurance and in the course of Your Activities as a result of:

(i) You or Your Service Provider failing to secure, or prevent unauthorised access to, publication

of or use of Data (including any interference with any right to privacy or publicity, breach of

confidence or Your Data Privacy Obligations);

(ii) You unintentionally transmitting, or failing to prevent or restrict the transmission of, a Virus or

Similar Mechanism, Hacking or Denial of Service Attack from Your Computer System to a

third party; or

(iii) loss of reputation (including that of a product) or intellectual property rights being infringed

(broken, limited or undermined) as a result of:

(1) the content of any emails distributed by Your Computer System;

(2) the content of Your website;

(3) online promotional marketing material; or

(4) other Data processed or distributed by Your Computer System.

For the purposes of Cover (a) – Cyber Liability, references to You also mean any of Your Employees

or Directors and Officers.

(b) Data-Breach Expense

If during the Period of Insurance You discover that You have failed to keep to Your Data Privacy

Obligations in the course of Your Activities, We will pay the following:

(i) The cost of hiring professional legal and forensic information-technology services to investigate

and tell You how You should respond.

(ii) The cost of informing affected parties, the data privacy regulator and other relevant third parties

or organisations worldwide.

(iii) The cost of providing the following support services to affected parties as the result of You failing

to keep to Your Data Privacy Obligations.

(1) Credit file monitoring, identity theft assistance and helping the affected parties to correct

their credit records and take back control of their personal identity.

(2) Providing a helpline to respond to enquiries after informing affected parties.

These services will only be provided for 12 months, and only if:

(a) The Data Privacy Obligations You have failed to keep to relate to personal data; or

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) You must provide the relevant service under Your Data Privacy Obligations.

(iv) Public-relations and crisis-management expenses, if We have given Our written permission, for

communicating with the media, Your customers and the public to minimise damage to brands

and business operations, and any damage to Your reputation.

(c) Computer System Damage, Data, Extra Cost and Business Income

We will pay for the following arising as a result of a Cyber Event You discover during the Period of


(i) the cost of investigating, reconfiguring and rectifying any Damage to Your Computer System or

the Computer System of a Service Provider, and restoring and recreating Data; and

(ii) extra costs to prevent or reduce the disruption to the functions carried out by Your Computer

System during the Indemnity Period; and

(iii) Your loss of Business Income during the Indemnity Period.

The amount of loss of Business Income We pay will be based on Your Business Income during

the 12 months before the Cyber Event, as recorded in Your accounts. We will make adjustments

to reflect trends and circumstances which may affect the Business Income, or which would have

affected the Business Income whether or not the Cyber Event had happened.

This does not include the value of Data to You, even if the Data cannot be restored or recreated.

23.2 Basis of Settlement

The most We will pay for all Claims We accept under this Section in total for the Period of Insurance is £50,000 plus any extensions shown below, regardless of the number of Claims or claimants.

Any Defence Costs We pay will be within, not on top of, the sum insured stated in the Schedule.

For any and all Claims arising for the Period of Insurance We may pay the full sum insured that applies.

When We have paid the full sum insured, We will not pay any further amounts for any Claims or for associated Defence Costs arising after We pay the full sum insured.

23.3 Extensions

These extensions are subject otherwise to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy.

We will provide extensions below. For each extension We will not pay more than £10,000 in total for the Period of Insurance.

(a) Accountants’ Fees

We will pay the cost of You providing the information We need to work out the amount We should pay

as a result of:

(i) extra staffing costs; and

(ii) extra fees charged by Your usual auditors or accountants.

(b) Avoiding Corruption

If We have agreed in writing:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(i) We will pay the cost of locating and removing a Virus or Similar Mechanism from Your

Computer System which has not necessarily caused any Damage or disruption; and

(ii) where a Virus or Similar Mechanism or Hacking has affected Your Computer System during

the Period of Insurance, We will pay the cost of hiring professional consultants to make

recommendations on how to prevent Your Computer System from being infected by Virus or

Similar Mechanism or to prevent Hacking.

(c) Investigation Cost

If We accept a Claim for Damage or other loss, and We agree in writing, We will pay the cost of

investigating possible repair, replacement or restoration.

(d) Loss-Prevention Measures

We will pay the cost of preventing or minimising actual or expected Damage or other loss covered by

this Section, as long as:

(i) Damage or other loss would be expected if the measures were not taken;

(ii) We are satisfied that the Damage or other loss has been prevented or minimised by these

measures; and

(iii) the cost is limited to the cost of Damage or other loss which would have been caused.

The full terms and conditions of this Section apply as if Damage or other loss covered by this Section

had arisen.

(e) Security Audit

If the failure to keep to Data Privacy Obligations insured by this Section resulted from security

weaknesses in Your Computer System, We will pay the cost of a professional consultant carrying out

an audit of Your Computer System to assess the security weaknesses and advise You on how to

make improvements.

(f) Temporary and Fast-Tracked Repair

If We accept a Claim for Damage or other loss, We will pay the cost of making temporary repairs and

fast-tracking a permanent repair, replacement or restoration.

23.4 Exclusions

We will not pay for any Claim, cost or loss caused by or resulting from the following:

(a) Associated Companies or Other Insured Parties

any Claim brought against You by:

(i) another person named as ‘‘Insured’ in the Schedule;

(ii) any of Your parent or Subsidiary companies; or

(iii) any company which You are a director, officer, partner or employee of and have a financial

interest in.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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This exclusion does not apply to Personal Data relating to Employees or Directors and Officers as

long as any benefit they receive is no more than any third party would receive.

(b) Circumstances before Your Policy Started

(i) Circumstances which existed before any cover provided by this section started, and which You

knew about; or

(ii) Claims or circumstances which You have already reported, or which You should have reported,

to a previous insurer before the Period of Insurance.

(c) Confiscation

Your Property being confiscated or damaged by, or under the order of, any government, public or police

authority, other than:

(i) to protect life or prevent Damage to Property; or

(ii) as the result of a regulatory investigation after You have failed, or allegedly failed, to keep to Your

Data Privacy Obligations.

(d) Deficiency or Improvements

The cost of correcting any failings in procedures, systems or security.

(e) Deliberate Defamation or Disparagement

Defamatory or disparaging statements or publications made deliberately or recklessly if it could be

anticipated by a reasonable person that the statements could result in a Claim against You.

(f) Employers’ Liability

You failing to keep to any obligation You have to Your Employees or Directors and Officers,

unless this is specifically insured by this Section after Your Data Privacy Obligations have not been


(g) Excess

The Excess stated in the Schedule.

(h) External Network Failure

Under Cover 23.1(a) – Computer System Damage, Data, Extra Cost and Business Income, the failure

or interruption of or Damage to any electrical power supply, network or telecommunication network,

including for example, the internet, internet service providers, Domain Name System service providers,

cable and wireless providers, internet exchange providers, search engine providers, internet protocol

networks (and similar networks that may have different designations) and other providers of

telecommunications or internet infrastructure, not owned and operated by You.

This exclusion shall not apply to any cost or loss caused by or resulting from physical Damage if

otherwise insured by this Section, to the electrical power supply network, telecommunications or other


(i) Extortion or Ransom

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Any extortion, blackmail or ransom payments or demands.

(j) Financial Reporting

Any mistakes in financial statements or representations concerning Your Activities.

(k) Indirect Loss

Penalties You have to pay under a contract for any delay or in connection with guarantees of

performance or efficiency.

(l) Intentional Acts

Any intentional act, or failure to act, by You or Your Directors and Officers, unless the act or failure to

act is a measure to prevent or minimise Bodily Injury, Damage to Your Hardware, loss of Business

Income or a Claim for Damages.

(m) Legislation and Regulations

You actually or allegedly breaking any taxation, restraint of trade, competition or anti-trust law or


(n) Normal Upkeep

The cost of normal Computer System maintenance.

(o) Nuclear Risks

(i) Ionising radiation from, or contamination by, radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or nuclear waste,

or from burning nuclear fuel.

(ii) The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties of any nuclear installation, reactor

or other nuclear equipment, or any nuclear part of them.

(iii) Any weapon or device using atomic or nuclear fission, fusion or similar reaction, or radioactive

force or material.

(iv) The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties of any radioactive material.

(p) Patent

Infringement of any patent without the patent holders permission.

(q) Product Liability or Professional Liability

Goods, products or software You have sold, supplied, manufactured, constructed, installed, maintained,

repaired, altered or treated, or any inadequate or incorrect advice or services You have provided.

(r) Telecommunications Systems

Atmospheric or environmental conditions causing temporary interference with any satellite signal.

(s) Terrorism

(i) Terrorism, regardless of any other cause or event contributing to the Damage, loss of Business

Income or other loss.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) Civil commotion in Northern Ireland.

(iii) Any action taken to control, prevent, suppress or in any way deal with Terrorism.

Virus or Similar Mechanism, Hacking or Denial of Service Attack will not be regarded as Terrorism.

(t) Time Excess

Loss of Business Income arising during the Time Excess.

(u) Trading Risk

Your commercial decision to stop trading, or the decision of a Service Provider, customer or supplier

of Yours to stop or reduce trade with You or restrict services.

(v) War

War, invasion, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution or uprising.

This general exclusion does not apply to any Damage, loss of Business Income or other loss resulting

from, or caused by, weapons of war which were not discovered before the start of the Period of

Insurance, as long as there is no war in the country Your Hardware is in during the Period of


(w) Wear and Tear

Losses due to Wear and Tear.

However, We will pay for loss resulting from Wear and Tear which We would otherwise have paid under

this Section.

(x) Your Insolvency or Bankruptcy

Your insolvency or bankruptcy.

23.5 Conditions

(a) Claims Procedure

These are the conditions of the insurance that You need to meet as part of this policy. If You do not

meet these conditions, We may need to reject a Claim payment or a Claim payment could be reduced.

In some circumstances Your policy may not be valid.

You must as soon as You know about any incident or circumstance that may result in a Claim tell the

person who arranged the policy (or Us), providing full details, as soon after the incident or circumstance

as possible and within 14 days:

(i) if as a result of riot, civil commotion, strike, locked-out workers or people taking part in labour

disturbances; and

(ii) in the case of You knowing about an incident or circumstance that has resulted in, or may result


(1) a Claim being made against You;

(2) You receiving a demand for Damages;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(3) You receiving a notice of regulatory action; or

(4) You receiving a notice of any other process seeking damages;

As soon as You know about any incident or circumstance that may result in a Claim You must also:

(1) take all reasonable steps and precautions to prevent further Damage, loss of Business Income

or other loss;

(2) immediately tell the police about any loss or Damage relating to crime and get a crime reference


(3) keep any damaged Hardware, other property covered by this Section and other evidence and

allow Us to inspect it; and

(4) give Us details of any other insurances You may have which may cover Damage, loss of

Business Income, Damages, Defence Costs or other loss insured by this Section.

In addition, for any incident or circumstance that may result in a Claim You must:

(a) immediately send Us every letter, writ, summons or other document You receive in connection

with the Claim or circumstance, and record all information relating to a Claim against You that is

covered under Cover (a) – Cyber Liability;

(b) co-operate with Us fully and provide all the information We need to investigate Your Claim or


(c) tell Us if You recover money from a third party (You may need to give the money to Us); and

(d) not admit responsibility or liability, or agree to pay any money or provide any services on Our

behalf, without Our written permission.

(b) Enforcing Your Rights

We may, at Our expense, take all necessary steps to enforce Your rights against any third party. We

can do this before or after We pay a Claim. You must not do anything before or after We pay Your

Claim to affect Our rights and You must give Us any help and information We ask for.

You must take reasonable steps to make sure that You protect Your rights to recover amounts from

third parties.

(c) Protecting Data

You must make sure that the appropriate procedures are in place for disposing of and destroying

Hardware and hard copy files in order to protect Data.

(d) Controlling Defence

We can, but do not have to, take control of investigating, settling or defending any Claim made against

You. We would take this action in Your name. If necessary, We will appoint an adjuster, solicitor or any

other appropriate person to deal with the Claim. We may appoint Your solicitor, but only on a fee basis

similar to that of Our own solicitor, and only for work done with Our permission in writing. We will only

defend Claims if We think that there is a reasonable chance of being successful, and after taking the

costs of the defence into account.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(e) Other Insurances

If there is any other insurance covering Your Claim, We will only pay Our share, even if the other insurer

refuses to pay the Claim.

(f) Salvage and Recoveries

If You have made a Claim and You later recover money from a third party, You must tell Us

immediately. If We have paid the Claim, You may have to give the money to Us.

If We have paid a Claim and We then recover money from a third party, We will give You any proceeds

above the amount We paid You in connection with the Claim.

Any amount due from You or Us must be paid as soon as reasonably possible.

(g) Reasonable Care

You must:

(i) make sure that Your Hardware is maintained, inspected and tested as recommended by the


(ii) keep a record of all maintenance and Data back-up procedures and maintenance carried out, and

let Us check those records;

(iii) take all reasonable steps and precautions to prevent or reduce Damage or other loss covered by

this Section; and

(iv) not continue to use Hardware after Damage, unless We have given Our written permission.

If You do not keep to this condition We may:

(1) refuse to pay part or all of Your Claim; and

(2) cancel Your policy (see clause 1.5 – Our Cancellation Rights).

(h) Defence Software

Your Computer System must be protected by a virus-protection software package which is:

(i) licensed to You;

(ii) paid for and not freely available; and

(iii) updated at least every 7 days.

Your Computer System must also be protected by a firewall on all external gateways to the internet,

and that firewall must be maintained.

(i) Data Backup

You must back up original Data at least every 7 days.

If a Service Provider processes or stores Data for You, You must make sure that the terms of the

contract between You and the Service Provider allow Data to be backed up in line with this condition.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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You must take precautions to make sure that all Data is stored safely.

If You have failed to keep to this condition, We may still pay a Claim if You can show that formal

procedures are in place to keep to this condition and that the failure was an accidental oversight or as

a result of circumstances beyond Your control.

(j) More than One Insured

If more than one ‘‘Insured’ is named in the Schedule, the first named Insured will receive all notices and

agree any changes to the policy and will be treated as acting for all the named Insureds. We will not

remove any named Insured without their permission.

For any Claim, the total amount We will pay will not be more than the sum insured, regardless of the

number of people or organisations insured by the section.

(k) Right to Survey

If We ask, You must give Us access to Your Premises at an agreed date and time to carry out a risk


If You do not keep to this condition We may cancel the policy (see clause 1.5 – Our Cancellation Rights).

(l) Tax

Any Claim We pay will not include VAT, unless You cannot recover part or all of the VAT You have


Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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Legal Expenses 24.1 Cover – Our Agreement

We agree to provide the insurance described in this Section for You (or where specified, the Insured Person) in respect of any insured incident arising in connection with Your Activities, in return for payment of the premium and limited to the terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations set out in this Section of the policy, provided that:

(a) Reasonable Prospects exist for the duration of the Claim;

(b) the Date of Occurrence of the insured incident is during the Period of Insurance; or

(c) during the currency of a previous equivalent legal expenses insurance policy, provided that:

(i) the previous legal expenses insurance policy required You to report Claims during its


(ii) You could not have notified a Claim previously as You could not have reasonably been aware

of the insured incident;

(iii) cover has been continuously maintained in force;

(iv) We will not cover any Claim that should have been covered under a previously operative legal

expenses insurance policy;

(v) the available limit of indemnity shall be limited to the lesser of the sums payable under this or

Your previous legal expenses policy;

(d) any legal proceedings will be dealt with by a court, or other body which We agree to, within the

Countries Covered; and

(e) the insured incident happens within the Countries Covered.

What We Will Pay

We will pay an Appointed Representative, on Your behalf, Costs and Expenses incurred following an insured incident, and any compensation awards that We have agreed to, provided that:

(i) the most We will pay for all Claims resulting from one or more event arising at the same time or from the same originating cause is £250,000;

(ii) the most We will pay in Costs and Expenses is no more than the amount We would have paid to a Preferred Law Firm or Tax Consultancy. The amount We will pay a law firm (where acting as an Appointed Representative) is currently £100 per hour. This amount may vary from time to time;

(iii) in respect of an appeal or the defence of an appeal, You must tell Us within the time limits allowed that You want to appeal. Before We pay the Costs and Expenses for appeals, We must agree that Reasonable Prospects exist;

(iv) for an enforcement of judgment to recover money and interest due to You after a successful Claim under this Section of the policy, We must agree that Reasonable Prospects exist;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(v) where an award of damages is the only legal remedy to a dispute and the cost of pursuing legal action is likely to be more than any award of damages, the most We will pay in Costs and Expenses is the value of the likely award; and

(vi) in respect of Insured Incident 24.2(b) – Legal Defence (vi) Jury Service and Court Attendance the maximum We will pay is the Insured Person’s net salary or wages for the time that the Insured Person is absent from work less any amount You, the court or tribunal pays.

What We Will Not Pay

(1) In the event of a Claim, if You decide not to use the services of a Preferred Law Firm or Tax Consultancy, You will be responsible for any costs that fall outside DAS Standard Terms of Appointment and these will not be paid by Us;

(2) The total of the compensation awards payable by Us will not exceed £1,000,000 in any one Period of Insurance;

(3) The first £500 of any contract dispute Claim where the amount in dispute exceeds £5,000 (including VAT). If You are using a Preferred Law Firm, You will be asked to pay this within 21 days of Your Claim having been assessed as having Reasonable Prospects. If You are using Your own law firm, this will be within 21 days of their appointment (following confirmation Your Claim has Reasonable Prospects). If You do not pay this amount the cover for Your Claim could be withdrawn.

24.2 Insured Incidents

(a) Employment Disputes and Compensation Awards

(i) Employment Disputes

Costs and Expenses to defend Your legal rights:

(1) before the issue of legal proceedings in a court or tribunal;

(a) following the dismissal of an Employee or volunteer; or

(b) where an Employee or ex-Employee or volunteer has contacted ACAS (‘Advisory,

Conciliation and Arbitration Service’) to commence the Early Conciliation procedure;


(2) in unfair dismissal disputes under the ACAS Arbitration Scheme; or

(3) in legal proceedings in respect of any dispute relating to:

(a) a contract of employment with You; or

(b) an alleged breach of the statutory rights of an Employee, volunteer, ex-Employee

or prospective Employee under employment legislation.

What Is Not Covered

A Claim relating to the following:

(a) unless equivalent legal expenses insurance was continuously in force immediately prior

to the inception of this policy:

(i) any dispute where the originating cause of action arises within the first 90 days of

the commencement of this policy;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) any dispute with an Employee who was subject to a written or oral warning (formal

or informal) within 180 days immediately preceding the inception date of this policy

if the Date of Occurrence was within the first 180 days of the commencement of

this policy;

(iii) any redundancy or alleged redundancy or unfair selection for redundancy arising

within the first 180 days of the commencement of this policy

(b) damages for Bodily Injury or loss of or Damage to Property.

(ii) Compensation Awards

We will pay:

(1) any basic and compensatory award; and/or

(2) an order for compensation following a breach of Your statutory duties under employment


in respect of a Claim We have accepted under Insured Incident 24.2(a) – Employment Disputes

and Compensation Awards.

Provided that:

(a) in cases relating to performance and/or conduct, You have throughout the employment

dispute either:

(i) followed the ACAS Code of Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures; or

(ii) followed equivalent codes of practice issued by the Labour Relations Agency in

Northern Ireland; or

(iii) sought and followed advice from Our legal advice service (0344 893 0859).

(b) for an order of compensation following Your breach of statutory duty under employment

legislation You have at all times sought and followed advice from Our legal advice service

since the date when You should have known about the employment dispute (0344 893


(c) for any compensation award for redundancy or alleged redundancy or unfair selection for

redundancy, You have sought and followed advice from Our claims department before

starting any redundancy process or procedure with Your Employees (telephone number

0344 893 0859).

(d) the compensation is awarded by a tribunal or through the ACAS Arbitration Scheme, under

a judgment made after full argument and otherwise than by consent or default, or is payable

under settlement approved in writing in advance by Us.

Please note that the total of compensation awards payable by Us is £1,000,000 in any one Period

of Insurance.

What Is Not Covered

(i) Any compensation award relating to the following:

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(1) trade union activities, trade union membership or non-membership;

(2) pregnancy or maternity rights, paternity, parental or adoption rights;

(3) health and safety related dismissals brought under section 44 of the Employment

Rights Act 1996;

(4) statutory rights in relation to trustees of occupational pension schemes.

(ii) Non-payment of money due under a contract of employment or a statutory provision.

(iii) Any award ordered because You have failed to provide relevant records to Employees

under National Minimum Wage legislation.

(iv) A compensation award or increase in a compensation award relating to failure to comply

with a current or previous recommendation made by a tribunal.

(v) A settlement agreed and payable following conciliation under the ACAS Early Conciliation


(iii) Employee Civil Legal Defence

Costs and Expenses to defend the Insured Person’s (other than Your) legal rights if an event

arising from their work as an Employee or volunteer leads to civil action being taken against


(1) under legislation for unlawful discrimination; or

(2) as trustee of a pension fund set up for the benefit of Your Employees.

Please note that We will only provide cover for an Insured Person (other than You) at Your


(iv) Service Occupancy

Costs and Expenses to pursue a dispute with an Employee or ex-Employee to recover

possession of premises owned by, or for which You are responsible.

What Is Not Covered

Any Claim relating to defending Your legal rights other than defending a counter-claim.

(v) Covenants in Restraint of Trade

Costs and Expenses to pursue a civil action against an Employee or ex-Employee where they

are in breach, or are about to be in breach, of a covenant which restricts them:

(1) from providing services to or soliciting Your customers; or

(2) enticing other Employees to leave Your employment.

Provided that:

(a) the restrictive covenant(s) is expressly incorporated within the Employee’s or ex-

Employee’s contract of employment with You

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(b) the Employee or ex-Employee has signed their contract of employment

(c) the restrictive covenant does not exceed 12 months

(d) You have not breached the Employee’s or ex Employee’s contract of employment.

What Is Not Covered

A Claim relating to the following:

(i) any dispute where the Date of Occurrence arises within the first 90 days of the start of

this policy,

(ii) unless equivalent legal expenses insurance was in force immediately before

(iii) any Claim relating to a restrictive covenant applying to an Employee or ex-Employee

transferred to Your Activities under the Transfer of Undertakings Regulations (TUPE)

(iv) defending Your legal rights, other than the defence of a counter-claim that is an insured

incident under this policy.

(b) Legal Defence

Costs and Expenses to defend the Insured Person’s legal rights:

(i) Criminal Pre-proceedings Cover

Before the issue of legal proceedings, when dealing with the police, Health and Safety Executive

and/or Local Authority Health and Safety Enforcement Officer where it is alleged that the Insured

Person has or may have committed a criminal offence.

(ii) Criminal Prosecution Defence (including Motor Prosecution Defence)

Following an event which leads to the Insured Person being prosecuted in a court of criminal


Provided that for Claims relating to the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 the Countries

Covered shall be any place where the Act applies.

Please note We will only cover criminal investigations and/or prosecutions which arise in direct

connection with Your Activities. Please see clause 24.1 – Cover - Our agreement at the front of

this Section.

What Is Not Covered

A Claim related to the following:

(1) any criminal investigation or enquiry by, with or on behalf of HM Revenue & Customs.

Please note this exclusion applies to clause (i) of Insured Incident 24.2(b) – Legal Defence.

(2) a parking offence

Please note this exclusion applies to clauses (i) and (ii) of Insured Incident 24.2(b) – Legal


Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(iii) Data Protection and Information Commissioner Registration

(1) If civil action is taken against the Insured Person for compensation under section 13 of

the Data Protection Act 1998. We will also pay any compensation award made against the

Insured Person under section 13 of the Data Protection Act 1998. Provided You were

registered with the Information Commissioner at the time of the insured incident.

(2) In an appeal against the refusal of the Information Commissioner to register Your

application for registration.

Please note We will not cover the cost of fines imposed by the Information Commissioner.

Please see exclusion 24.3(c) – Courts Awards and Fines.

(iv) Wrongful Arrest

If civil action is taken against You for wrongful arrest in respect of an accusation of theft alleged

to have been carried out during the Period of Insurance.

(v) Statutory Notice Appeals

In an appeal against the imposition or terms of any Statutory Notice issued under legislation

affecting Your Activities.

What Is Not Covered

(1) An appeal against the imposition or terms of any Statutory Notice issued in connection with

Your Licence, mandatory registration or British Standard Certificate of Registration.

(2) A Statutory Notice issued by an Insured Person’s regulatory or governing body.

(vi) Jury Service and Court Attendance

An Insured Person’s absence from work:

(1) to perform jury service;

(2) to attend any court or tribunal at the request of the Appointed Representative.

The maximum We will pay is the Insured Person’s net salary or wages for the time that they are

absent from work less any amount You, the court or tribunal, have paid them.

(vii) Disciplinary Hearings

If an event results in a disciplinary case brought against the Insured Person by the relevant


Provided that for each of the covers under Insured Incident 24.2(b) – Legal Defence You request

Us to provide cover for the Insured Person.

(c) Statutory Licence Appeal

An appeal to the relevant statutory or regulatory authority, court or tribunal following a decision by a

licensing or regulatory authority to suspend, or alter the terms of, or refuse to renew, or cancel Your

Licence, mandatory registration or British Standard Certificate of Registration.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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What Is Not Covered

A Claim relating to the following:

(i) assistance with the application process either in relation to an original application or application

for renewal of a statutory licence, mandatory registration or British Standard Certificate of


(ii) the ownership, driving or use of a motor vehicle.

(d) Contract Disputes

A contractual dispute arising from an agreement or an alleged agreement which has been entered into

by You or on Your behalf for the purchase, hire, sale or provision of goods or of services.

Provided that:

(i) the amount in dispute exceeds £500 (including VAT). If the amount in dispute exceeds £5,000

(including VAT), You will be responsible for the first £500 of Costs and Expenses in each and

every Claim; If You are using a Preferred Law Firm, You will be asked to pay this within 21 days

of Your Claim having been assessed as having Reasonable Prospects. If You are using Your

own law firm, this will be within 21 days of their appointment (following confirmation Your Claim

has Reasonable Prospects). If You do not pay this amount the cover for Your Claim could be


(ii) if the amount in dispute is payable in instalments, the instalments due and payable at the time of

making the Claim exceed £500 (including VAT);

(iii) if the dispute relates to money owed to You, a Claim under this Section is made within 90 days

of the money becoming due and payable.

What Is Not Covered

A Claim relating to the following:

(1) unless equivalent legal expenses insurance was continuously in force immediately prior to the

inception of this policy, a dispute arising from an agreement entered into prior to the start of the

policy if the Date of Occurrence is within the first 90 days of the cover provided by the policy

(2) the settlement payable under an insurance policy (We will cover a dispute if Your insurer refuses

Your Claim, but not for a dispute over the amount of the Claim)

(3) the sale, purchase, terms of a lease, licence, or tenancy of land or buildings; However, We will

cover a dispute with a professional adviser in connection with these matters;

(4) a loan, mortgage, pension, guarantee or any other financial product and choses in action;

(5) a motor vehicle owned by, or hired or leased to You other than agreements relating to the sale of

motor vehicles where You are engaged in the business of selling motor vehicles;

(6) a dispute with an Employee or ex-Employee which arises out of, or relates to, a contract of

employment with You; (Please refer to Insured Incident - Employment Disputes and

Compensation Awards.)

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(7) a dispute which arises out of the:

(a) sale or provision of computer hardware, software, systems or services; or

(b) the purchase or hire of computer hardware, software, systems or services tailored by a

supplier to Your own specification.

(8) a dispute arising from a breach or alleged breach of professional duty by an Insured Person.

(9) the recovery of money and interest due from another party, other than disputes where the other

party indicates that a defence exists.

(e) Property Protection

A civil dispute relating to material property which is owned by You, or is Your responsibility following:

(i) any event which causes physical damage to such material property; or

(ii) a legal nuisance (meaning any unlawful interference with Your use or enjoyment of Your land, or

some right over, or in connection with it); or

(iii) a trespass.

Please note that You must have established the legal ownership or right to the land that is the subject

of the dispute.

What Is Not Covered

A Claim relating to the following:

(1) a contract You have entered into (please refer to Insured Incident 24.2(d) – Contract Disputes);

(2) goods in transit or goods lent or hired out;

(3) goods at premises other than those occupied by You unless the goods are at the premises for

the purpose of installations or use in work to be carried out by You;

(4) mining subsidence;

(5) defending Your legal rights but We will cover defending a counter-claim;

(6) a motor vehicle owned or used by, or hired or leased to an Insured Person (other than damage

to motor vehicles where You are in the business of selling motor vehicles);

(7) the enforcement of a covenant by or against You.

(f) Personal Injury

At Your request, We will pay Costs and Expenses for an Insured Person’s and their family members’

legal rights following a specific or sudden accident that causes the death of, or Bodily Injury to them.

What Is Not Covered

A Claim relating to the following:

(i) any illness or Bodily Injury that happens gradually;

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) psychological injury or mental illness unless the condition follows a specific or sudden Accident

that has caused physical Bodily Injury;

(iii) defending an Insured Person’s or their family members’ legal rights other than in defending a


(iv) clinical negligence.

(g) Identity Theft Protection for Directors and Partners

(i) Following a call to the identity theft helpline service We will assign a personal caseworker who

will provide phone advice and a personal action plan to help regain Your director’s identity.

(ii) If Your director becomes a victim of Identity Theft We will pay the costs Your director incurs for

phone calls faxes or postage to communicate with the police credit agencies financial service

providers other creditors or debt-collection agencies We will also pay the cost of replacement

documents to help restore the identity and credit status of Your director.

(iii) Following Your director’s Identity Theft We will pay:

(1) Costs and Expenses to reinstate Your director’s identity including costs for the signing of

statutory declarations or similar documents;

(2) Costs and Expenses to defend Your director’s legal rights in a dispute with debt collectors

or any party taking legal action against Your director arising from or relating to Identity


(3) loan-rejection fees and any re-application administration fee for a loan when Your director’s

original application has been rejected.

Please note that:

(1) Your director must notify their bank or building society as soon as possible;

(2) Your director must tell Us if they have previously suffered Identity Theft; and

(3) Your director must take all reasonable action to prevent continued unauthorised use of their


What Is Not Covered

A Claim relating to the following:

(a) fraud committed by anyone entitled to make a Claim under this policy;

(b) losses arising from Your Activities.

(h) Debt Recovery

A dispute relating to the recovery of money and interest due from the sale or provision of goods or

services, including enforcement of judgments.

Provided that:

(i) the debt exceeds £500 (including VAT);

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) a Claim is made within 90 days of the money becoming due and payable;

(iii) We have the right to select the method of enforcement, or to forego enforcing judgment if We are

not satisfied that there are, or will be, sufficient assets available to satisfy judgment.

What Is Not Covered

A Claim relating to the following:

(1) unless equivalent legal expenses insurance was continuously in force immediately prior to the

inception of this policy, any debt arising from an agreement entered into prior to the start of the

policy if the debt is due within the first 90 days of the cover provided by the policy

(2) the settlement payable under an insurance policy;

(3) the sale, purchase, terms of a lease, licence, or tenancy of land or buildings;

(4) a loan, mortgage, pension, guarantee or any other financial product and choses in action;

(5) a motor vehicle owned by, or hired or leased to You other than agreements relating to the sale of

motor vehicles where You are engaged in the business of selling motor vehicles.

(6) a dispute which arises out of the supply, hire, sale or provision of computer hardware, software,

systems or services.

(7) the recovery of money and interest due from another party where the other party indicates that a

defence exists.

(8) any dispute which arises from debts You have purchased from a third party.

(i) Tax Protection

Costs and Expenses for an Appointed Representative following:

(i) a written notice of enquiry, issued by HM Revenue & Customs, to carry out an Income Tax or

Corporation Tax compliance check which either:

(1) includes a request to examine any aspect of Your (and at Your request Your directors and

partners) books and records; or

(2) advises of a check of Your (and at Your request Your directors and partners) whole tax


(ii) an Employer Compliance Dispute.

(iii) a VAT Dispute.

(iv) investigation carried out by the Charity Commission into Your business accounts.

Provided that You have taken reasonable care to ensure that all returns are complete and correct and

are submitted within the statutory time limits allowed.

Please note We will only cover tax claims which arise in direct connection with Your Activities. Please

see Clause 24.1 – Cover - Our agreement at the front of this Section.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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What is Not Covered

(1) Any Claim relating to tax avoidance schemes;

(2) Any failure to register for Value Added Tax or Pay As You Earn;

(3) Any investigation or enquiries by, with or on behalf of HM Revenue & Customs Special

Investigations section, Special Civil Investigations, Criminal Investigations Unit, Criminal Taxes

Unit, under Public Notice 160 or by the Revenue & Customs Prosecution Office;

(4) Any Claim relating to import or excise duties and import VAT;

(5) Any investigation or enquiry by HM Revenue & Customs into alleged dishonesty or alleged

criminal offences.

(j) Tenancy Disputes

A civil dispute between You and Your landlord relating to premises leased or rented by You.

What Is Not Covered

(i) the negotiation, review, or renewal of the lease or tenancy agreement.

(ii) a dispute arising from rent or service charges.

24.3 Exclusions

We will not pay for the following:

(a) Costs We Have Not Agreed

Costs and Expenses incurred before Our written acceptance of a claim.

(b) Court Awards and Fines

fines, penalties, compensation or damages which the Insured Person is ordered to pay by a court or

other authority, other than compensation awards covered under insured incidents employment disputes

and compensation awards and legal defence.

(c) Legal Action We Have Not Agreed

legal action an Insured Person takes which We or the Appointed Representative have not agreed to,

or where the Insured Person does anything that hinders Us or the Appointed Representative.

(d) Intellectual Property Rights

any Claim relating to patents, copyrights, trademarks, merchandise marks, registered designs,

intellectual property, secrecy and confidentiality agreements.

(e) Deliberate Acts

any insured incident deliberately or intentionally caused by an Insured Person.

(f) Franchise or Agency Agreements

any Claim relating to rights under a franchise or agency agreement entered into by You.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(g) Shareholding or Partnership Disputes

any Claim relating to a shareholding or partnership share in Your Activities.

(h) Judicial Review

Costs and Expenses arising from or relating to judicial review, coroner’s inquest or fatal accident


(i) Sonic Bang

pressure waves caused by aircraft or any other airborne devices travelling at sonic or supersonic


(j) Bankruptcy

any claim where either at the start of, or during the course of a Claim, You:

(i) are declared bankrupt;

(ii) have filed a bankruptcy petition;

(iii) have filed a winding-up petition;

(iv) have made an arrangement with Your creditors;

(v) have entered into a deed of arrangement;

(vi) are in liquidation;

(vii) part or all of Your affairs or property are in the care or control of a receiver or administrator.

(k) Defamation

any claim relating to written or verbal remarks that damage the Insured Person’s reputation.

(l) Calendar Date Devices

any claim directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from any device failing to recognise, interpret or

process any date as its true calendar date.

(m) Litigant in Person

any Claim where an Insured Person is not represented by a law firm, barrister or tax expert.

24.4 Conditions

(a) Your Representation

(i) On receiving a Claim, if representation is necessary, We will appoint a Preferred Law Firm or

Tax Consultancy as Your Appointed Representative to deal with Your Claim. They will try to

settle Your Claim by negotiation without having to go to court.

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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(ii) If the appointed Preferred Law Firm or Tax Consultancy cannot negotiate settlement of Your

Claim and it is necessary to go to court and legal proceedings are issued or there is a conflict of

interest, then You may choose a law firm or tax expert to act as the Appointed Representative.

We will choose the Appointed Representative to represent You in any proceedings where We

are liable to pay a compensation award.

(iii) If You choose a law firm as Your Appointed Representative who is not a Preferred Law Firm

or Tax Consultancy, We will give Your choice of law firm the opportunity to act on the same

terms as a Preferred Law Firm or Tax Consultancy. However if they refuse to act on this basis,

the most We will pay is the amount We would have paid if they had agreed to the DAS Standard

Terms of Appointment. The amount We will pay a law firm (where acting as the Appointed

Representative) is currently £100 per hour. This amount may vary from time to time.

(iv) The Appointed Representative must co-operate with Us at all times and must keep Us up to

date with the progress of the Claim.

(b) Your Responsibilities

An Insured Person must:

(i) co-operate fully with Us and the Appointed Representative;

(ii) give the Appointed Representative any instructions that We ask You to.

(c) Offers to Settle a Claim

(i) An Insured Person must tell Us if anyone offers to settle a Claim and must not negotiate or

agree to any settlement without Our written consent.

(ii) If an Insured Person does not accept a reasonable offer to settle a Claim, We may refuse to pay

further Costs and Expenses.

(iii) We may decide to pay an Insured Person the reasonable value of the Claim that the Insured

Person is claiming or is being claimed against them instead of starting or continuing legal action.

In these circumstances an Insured Person must allow Us to take over and pursue or settle a

Claim in their name. An Insured Person must allow Us to pursue at Our own expense and for

their benefit, any Claim for compensation against any other person and any Insured Person

must give Us all the information and help We need to do so.

(d) Assessing and Recovering Costs

(i) An Insured Person must instruct the Appointed Representative to have Costs and Expenses

taxed, assessed or audited if We ask for this.

(ii) An Insured Person must take every step to recover Costs and Expenses and court attendance

and jury service expenses that We have to pay and must pay Us any amounts that are recovered.

(e) Cancelling an Appointed Representative’s Appointment

If the Appointed Representative refuses to continue acting for an Insured Person with good reason

or if an Insured Person dismisses the Appointed Representative without good reason, the cover We

provide will end at once, unless We agree to appoint another Appointed Representative.

(f) Withdrawing Cover

Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London

EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference


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If an Insured Person settles a Claim or withdraws their Claim without Our agreement, or does not give

suitable instructions to the Appointed Representative, We can withdraw cover and will be entitled to

reclaim any Costs and Expenses We have paid.

(g) Expert Opinion

We may require You to get, at Your own expense, an opinion from an expert, that We consider

appropriate, on the merits of the Claim or proceedings, or on a legal principle. The expert must be

approved in advance by Us and the cost agreed in writing between You and Us. Subject to this We will

pay the cost of getting the opinion if the expert’s opinion indicates that it is more likely than not that You

will recover damages (or obtain any other legal remedy that We have agreed to) or make a successful


(h) Keeping to the Policy Terms

An Insured Person must:

(i) keep to the terms and conditions of this Section;

(ii) take reasonable steps to avoid and prevent Claims;

(iii) take reasonable steps to avoid incurring unnecessary costs;

(iv) send everything We ask for in writing; and

(v) report to Us full and factual details of any Claim as soon as possible and give Us any information

We need.

(i) Other Insurances

If any Claim covered under this section is also covered by another policy, or would have been covered

if this section did not exist, We will only pay Our share of the claim even if the other insurer refuses the



Victor Insurance is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274, Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London EC3R 5BU. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference No. 307511)

V6 01 01 2021