7 XT- J V r Y I cr I 12 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SUNDAY MUki1r C UCTO3ER fi4 19C9 U Phone 38 SSJ and Phone 38 P E From eople vents From- 73Oio1Opm 2toSilm By BONNIE BURNHAM 4 e + ee e e 444 +4 THE WEEKS EVENTSTUE- SDAY Meeting of the Married Ladies Euchre club hostees Mrs E O 4 4 Roch on East Government atreet 4 Social meeting of the Five Hundred club at Magnolia Bluff Meeting of East Hill Euchre club hostess Mrs Cranston on 0 4 Ninth avenue 4 WEDNESDAY 4 Meeting of the W C T U at the First Presbyterian church 4- 3pm 4 4 Progressive Euchre at the Progress club 8 p m 4 Meeting of the Pastime Euchre club hostess Mrs Dan Murphy on Hayne street 4 THURSDAY 4 Meeting of the Thursday cluDbostess Mrs George Pritchard 4 Silver wedding anniversary celebration of Mr and Mrs John 4 Pfelffer at their home No 1120 North Palafox street 830 to 1130 4 Meeting of the New City Flinch club hostess Mrs V W Rich- ards ¬ 9 4 FRIDAY 4 4 Meeting of the Social Card club hostess Mrs J Gee Brown on 4 North Sixth avenue < 4 + 4 4 ++ + 4 4 4 4 REFLECTION OF A WOMAN 4 4 To an ignorant man the average clover woman is a literary nightmare 4 4 4 4 To sympathize with a woma cry with her to sympathize with 3 man swear With him 4 When a halt dozen women get together they all talk at once If they didnt theyd never get through you see A polished mirror casts reflections but a polished tuna 4 doe3nt Thats the difference 4 4 No Cordelia all men are not grafters Opportunities are not 4 so plentiful as they might be 4 4 Remembera womans love for a man Is the real article it he t + can make her lose her temper 4 4 4 Speaking of worms did It ever occur to you that some book 4 4 worms are fearful bores 4 4 + Our idea of heaven IB a place big enough to make it possible 4 4 for people to get on without some neighbors 4 4 4 If youd be happy keep your eyes wide open during courtship 4 and half closed after marriage its best 4 4 4 4 And many a seemingly successful man owes it all to his wifes 4 4 father 4 o ODE TO THE DRUGGIST The following touching effort from tho Jacksonville Metropolis will probably find favor in certain local circles I am a druggist lorn and lone- A being without guile When strangers grab my telephone- I merely smile A blg directory I keep And should through any stress You want my aid Ill in it peep For an address 1 have on hand of glue and string- A large and fresh supply- Ill gladly get you anything Youd like to try midnight I climb slowly to My little cot to camp But Ill get up to furnish you A postage stamp Emotions I bavo learned to curb Ive always helpful been And naught that happens can disturb My gentle grin EUCHRE TOMORROW AT THE PROGRESS CLUB There will be a fourhanded euchre party tomorrow afternoon at the Pro ¬ gress club All are invited to at- tend ¬ MARRIED LADIES EUCHRE- TO MEET WITH MRS E O ROCH The Married Ladles Euchre club is scheduled to meet with Mrs E O Roch on Tuesday The game WIll tale placo at her homo on Govern- ment ¬ street THE FIVE HUNDRED CLUB TO ENJOY OYSTER SUPPER- AT THE BLUFF- On next Tuesday night the jolly live Hundred club will hold Its regular frolic the affair this time to be a fine oyster supper to Do prepar- ed ¬ J > y the ladies at Magnolia Bluf ANOTHER CASK- of those Famous Imported Dill 0 Pickles Just in Also Milwaukee Rye Bread L Sol Cahn CO THE PURE FOOD STORE Agents Nunnallys Candles Phones 17231721 I L during the afternoon They will be joined by the men In the evening and those who have an Idea of the really good fun which this popular aggrega ¬ tion of local merry makers enjoy will envy them the treat which Is to marl the evening- TO CELEBRATE THEIR SILVER WEDDING ON THURSDAY Prominent among the vents of the week will be the silver wedding cele- bration ¬ of Mr and Mrs John Pfeiffor at their home on North Palafox street next Thursday evening A number- of cards have been sent and the re ¬ caption hours are from 330 to 1130 Mr and Mrs Pfeiffer have a host or local friends who are planning to be In attendance in order to offer every congratulation- MRS CRANSTON WILL ENTERTAIN EAST HILL EUCHRE CLUB Mrs Cranston will be hostess Tues ¬ day at the regular meeting of the East Hill Euchre club The members- are anticipating a pleasant time at the hands of so popular a hostess JUNIOR LEAGUE OF GADSDEN STREET M E CHURCH GAVE PRETTY CAWN PARTY The lawn of Mrs L E Nobles was the scene of an unusually pretty affair yesterday when the Junior League or the Gadsden Street M EL church gave- a delightful lawn party to the child- ren ¬ of that neighborhood and to all children In the city In fact who are interested In the league work Alamo number of little people were present games and music bavins proved the attractions together with dainty re Sure Way to Make Skin Beautiful- A WonderWorker for the Complexion- In the Following Skin Preparation Aeta Safely and Surely Hero Is a akin beautifier that over shadows every other face preparation on tho market today This oream does tho work of three preparations skin velvetlzer a mas- sage ¬ cream and a skin remedy alt In oneThe name of It is Dr Hebraa Viola Cream Thousands of women are using- it today appreciating it remarkable effects Dr Hebras Viola Cream make wrinkles disappear by nourishing thc kin and makes it youthfully plump It does away with pimples blotchee freckles red spots liver moles black- heads sunburn and chap Dr Hebras Viola Cream Is safe and ertaln In Its results Viola Cream gives the skin a healthful glow and trans ¬ parent tint a rosy hue and softness leanllness and purity which Is almost ndescrlbable It also clears the skln aorea of all Imparities Just use a lit- tle ¬ of It tonight and see what a dif- ference ¬ there will be in your complex- lop after a few applications- Viola Cream is sold at all reliable drug stores for 50 cents a jar or will be sent charges prepaid on receipt of price provided you mention the name of the druggist who could not supply youA trial package of Viola Cream and Guide to Beauty will be mailed by the G C Bittner Co Toledo Ohio for 10 cents to cover postage packing etc Cheap soaps ruin the skin because of the great amount of acids and alkalis contained in them to make them cheap When using Viola Cream wash your face with Viola Skin Soap the best made This soap together with the Viola Cream Is a combination which has produced astonishing1 results Viola Skin Soap is sold at 25c a cake bv all druggists or sent prepaid on re inl of rice by The Q C Bittner O 14do- hlo For sale In Pensacola by W A DAIem berte Druggist and Apothecary 121 S Palafox Street AFTER SUFFERING- TEN YEARSC- ured >> by Lydia E Pink = hams VegetableCompoimd MABLTOK NJI feel thatLydiaE Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has A given me new life I suffered for ten with seriousf- emaAta r troubles in- flammation ft9 ulcer ation indigestion nervousness and could not sleep Doctors gave me up as they said my troubles were > chronic I was in despair and did not care whetherl lived or died when I read about Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound so I began to take it and am again and of all my sufferingMrs GEORGE JORDY Box 40 Marlton NJ Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Cons pound made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotics or harm- ful drugs and today holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases we know of and thousands voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn Mass from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints inflammation ul- ceration displacements fibroid tumors Irregularities periodicpaine backache Indigestion and nervous prostration Every suffering woman owes it to her- self to give Lydia E Pinkhams Vege- table Compound a trial If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden- tial ¬ letter to Mrs Pinkbam at Lynn Mass Her advice Is free and always helpful freshments The afternoon which was planned in order to get the child- ren ¬ together and to arouse interest- was a success in every particular MUSIC AT THE SACRED HEART CHURCH TODAY- Mr T J L nnon will sing a fine tenor solo this morning at the 930 mass at the Sacred Heart church to be accompanied by Prof Seel on the violin and Mr E Johnson on the or ¬ gan The mass will be sung by the mens choir S MR AND MRS A T ROSASCO GUESTS AT PINEWOOD FLA Mr and Mrs A T Jlosasco and son Edwin are now the guests of Mr and Mrs T Li Rosasco at PInewood Florida where they will remain for a week or so They are lately from lEurope S MRS DIAZ AND SON LEAVE TONIGHT FOR MEXICO- Mrs Abraham Diaz wife of Dr Diaz the Mexican consul accompa ¬ nied by her son leaves tonight- for an etxended trip through Mexico She will be gone for several months during which time she will travel and will also be the guest of relatives and friends S THE SHAKESPEARE- CLUB TO REORGANIZE- One of the most promising literary clubs In the city the Shakespeare club is to reorganize this season again under the very capable direc ¬ tion of Mrs Emma Jeter There are many who are interested in the fine idea and the club Is sure to have a bright exclusive membership GENTRYWATSON WEDDING TODAY- A wedding of more than usual In ¬ terest In Pensacola will occur today- at the home of the brides parent in Roberts when Miss Mary Watson and Mr Richard Newman Gentry will be united in marriage The bride is the charming young daughter of Mr and Mrs J Watson of Roberts and the groom is a rising young business- man of Milton Both have many friends here who wish tnem every good wish in their new relations- MR AND MRS ELKAN ARE HOME- Mr and Mrs Monroe Elkan who figured In one of the largest society weddings of the season at Selma Ala on last Wednesday have returned home to the Escambla hotel Mrs Elkan was one of four very uandsome young matrons of honor who serv ¬ edMR AND MRS TW CHRISTIAN ENTERTAIN Pensacola people who were inter ¬ ested In the MannCribbs wedding will read the following from the Mo- bile ¬ Register with much pleasure- Mr and Mrs T W Christian enter- tained in a delightful fashion on Mon- day ¬ evening for the MannCribbs wedding party at their pretty little home In Northport There were a few guests besides the party alto- gether ¬ making a most congenial ron any On arriving the guests wer served with delicious frappe in the hallAn extremely pleasant feature of the evening was the circulation of a beautiful loving cup with which toasts were drunk to both bride and groom by the friends present The entire party joined hands and the circle was never broken as the cup passed from Up to lip Each man present gave a happy sentiment to the bride while the ladles graclouslv toasted the groom Later on delici ¬ ous refreshments consisting of salads and Ices were served and greatly en- joyed Attached to each of the ice cups was a dainty little bandpainted heart containing an appropriate sen- timent ¬ for the occasion the reading- of these by the guests being also an interesting feature of the evening- A most delightful time was had at the cutting of the brides cake and much merriment followed In the list of guests was Mrs Rit teahouse Moore Smith one of Sep ¬ tembers attractive brides and form- er ¬ Tuscaloosa girl J o CONFEDERATE TREASURY NOTE Representing nothing on Gods earth now And naught in the waters below it As a pledge of a nation thats dead and gone Keep it dear friend and show it Show It to those who will lend an ear To the tale this paper can tell Of Itberty born of patriots dream Of the stormcradled nation that fell Too poor to possess the precious ores And too much of a stranger to bor- row ¬ We issue today our promise to pay And hope to redeem on the mor ¬ row The days rolled on and weeks became years But our coffers were empty still Coin was so rare that the treasury quaked If a dollar should drop in the till But the faith that was in us was strong indeed And our poverty well discerned- And these little checks represented- the pay Our poor volunteers had earned We knew It had hardly a value in 0 gold Yet as gold our soldiers received- it It gazed in our eyes with a promise- to pay And each patriot soldier believed- it But our boys thought little of price- or pay Or bills that were then overdue- We knew if It brought us bread to ¬ day Twas the best our poor country could do Keep it for it tells our history oer From the birth of Its dream to the last- Modest and born of the Angel Hope Like the hope of success it passed Unidentified- AT S THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH TODAY The usual Interesting services will take place today at the First Christian church The Rev Mr Thos Lennox will use as his theme this morning Soul Winning and this evening The Merciful Mrs Reager whose voice needs no Introduction among Pensacolas true music lovers will sing The Ninety and Nine this morning All are Invited to be pres- ent ¬ S AT THE EAST HILL CAMP MEETING- The Rev Mr F M Turner will preach this morning at the 11 oclock service at the East Hill camp meet- ing his subject to be Sanctification Tonight he will take the Ordinances of the Church as his theme and will demonstrate his views by serving the Lords supper and ny the wash- ing ¬ the Saints feet Evangelist Turn- er ¬ invites every person in Pensacola sf 2- v p IIall- AS the name implies it is indeed a luxury and yet one that is within the reach of allrich and poor alike You cannot realize what a night of perfect rest means until you sleep on a LUX YOURY Mattress No holes or hollow places no seams or ridges to try to avoid just a soft smooth sur ¬ face that brings rest to the I tired body And then that sweet fresh smell that is so soothing and which is peculiar to all things that are absolutely clean You can buy nothing better Price 127 = Eayr I Litxyoury J insurca Ask your dealer MY BEDMY PARADISE t HTRSCH SPITZ MiG CO Atlanta u I 1 The j I Modish- Figure You Can Have It Too Begin with the corsetnot the i SOwn Build the foundation of the low bust the long hip ancf back the alto- gether ¬ I slender effect of the present modeAsk for the celebrated r- 9 LL11- J I Li CaRlo 45ET5 You have never known the possibilities rs of your figure until you have worn these I4I perfect garments The new models are es- pecially ¬ rJ1 smart nipping in just enough at vJ the waist line to give the NEW SLIGHT I N WAIST CURVE i 4- t Come in let us fit you to Just exactly N the right model for your Individual figure I I ti4 Expert corsetlero at youn service I I t V F All fittings free t- Ill titi The perfect form and lasting fit of a corset depend upon the boning of the gar- ment ¬ E1 LYRA CORSETS are boned with 5 Ie4 WALOHN the only reliable boning It r does not rust It does not break Strong I t4 yet pliable It molds the form Into lines t of grace and ease and holds the shape of the garment perfectly N a PRICES RANGE 5 TO 15 k4- l See other adv pages For Sale By rxxxx Watson Parker 1 Reese Co xxxx n to be present in order to see the teachings of the bible according t- hIs ideas demonstrated- MISS LILLIE TAYLOR- IS IN NEW YORK Miss Llllle Taylor left during the week to join her mother who has been visiting in the north for some- time They then proceeded to New York where they will visit for sev ¬ eral weeks S MEALS FOR A DAY Sunday October 24 BREAKFAST- White Grapes Iced Breakfast Bacon Broiled Julienne Potatoes Virginia Batter Bread Cress French Dressing Cafe au LaU The Journal DINNER Clear Consomme Roast Turkey Browned Potatoes Stuffed Tomatoes Corn Pudding Salad of Lettuce Mayonnaise Lemon Ice Layer Cake Cafe Nolr Cheese LUNCH Chicken Hash on Toast Stuffed Potatoes Salad of Nuts and Fruit Hot Ginger Bread with Liquid Sauce Tea NO SERVICES THIS MORNING- AT THE EAST HILL BAPTIST CHURCH There will be no preaching this morning at the East Hill Baptist church on account 01 toe absence of the Rev Mr J W Santerfitt who has been attending me meeting of the Pensacola Bay Baptist associa- tion i which is being aeld at the Oak Grove church near McDavld He will I return this evening however and there will be services as usual at 730 p m with very interesting fea- tures ¬ Direct From New York First in Town All New Goods RAISINS CURRANTS CITRON DATES 1LB PKGS i FIGS LEMON and ORANGE J PEEL- CRYSTALLIZED If it comes from Gerelds- its the be- stGERELDS I i GROCERY CO i 111 N Palafox St Phone 192 wi BROWNING PAPERS NO IV BY H C EDGAR Tertium Quid Half Romes prejudiced injustice- was horrible Other Half Romes ac- cidental ¬ part truths were mournful In their Incompleteness Tertium Quids pointless neutrality stirs a feeling of contempt The first angers us the second appeases us the third bores- us Like His Highness and His Ex ¬ cellency the Quality to whom he talked we prefer going and joining play or retiring for the night we must alter the current of our thoughts- or snatch a little feverish sleep any ¬ thing as a rest from his inordinate- ness Personally whenever I read thisFourth Book I cannot go on at once to the Fifth I feel tpo tired to enjoy company and too unnerved to want to be alone I must have at least a day to recuperate my exhaust- ed ¬ mind and paralyzed feelings I am then in a condltoin to enjoy commit ¬ ting murder I am starved for some- thing positive anything If It Is only headlong I am surfeited with luke ¬ warm Impartiality Was It a shake of Guidos bloody hand Was it not- a knowledge of the human instrument- that made his next tones jangling and abrupt Indeed for a professed ad ¬ mirer of The Ring and the Book to deny he is bored by Tertium Quid would be to deny the subtlest of Brownings powers It would be flat selfcontradiction Browning set out to make Tertium Quid a bore and he made hima bore Only grant me that to appreciate Is to like a great poem and I can say that the more you are disgusted with this whole canto the better you are pleased with It Porter and Clarke in their Introduc- tion rightly call these three books the poets probation towards wisdom But they are more than that They do prove our Intelligence and make UB fall tack on our own wits with an ex ¬ periencetaught distrust of popular opinions But besides putting us In the way to gain the real truth they show us what that truth thus gained- is really woth They show us how daring unconvenional goodness may often be apparently compromised- how the world will easily condemn It or easily condone It but rarely be convinced of Its real Innocence yet how such goodness is at times urgent- ly ¬ needed and will receive its own peculiar vindication although and because there Is this wrinkled old so- phisticated ¬ world so credulous of what is false so skeptical of what is trueAs a matter of fact It we consider- the thing properly we perceive that with this precise subject and this precise number of cantos the fourth ought to be a bore To be accurate- we could add that with any subject and any number of cantos the In terest would flag when we were one third through and for purely psycho- logical ¬ reasons This is the point in a novel where we are far enough past the beginning for our initial interest I to have been dissipated and too tar from the end to feel the relentless grip of fate the full force of the en- tanglement or a vulgar curiosity even This is the point where a poor book is laid down where a magazine editor decides to return a poem So I Browning made concession both to his own art and to psychological neces- sity ¬ It would be interesting to trace by I chart the ebb and flow of emotional I excitement as we read the poem And this will be attempted In a later pa1 per Suffice It DOW that this is the bottom level of interestthis inane talk of Tertium Quid And If the reader is ever more in ¬ tensely bored tlgui now either he is proved a reader out of training or I Browning a bungler And now we ought to consider the special truth propounded In this book I aside from Its relation to the entire work In the first place we observe that the poet is laughing between the lines To catch his irony put side by 4 p NEW YORKS LATEST STYLESI- n Millinery JUt arrived Call and aee them Wilkins Millinery Parlors Blount Building side just these four passages from the mouth of Tertium Quid- If I fall favored with such an au- dience ¬ understand- To set things right why class me with the mob As understander ot the wind of man 115861- So he commences soon he asks You see so far i the story who was right Who wrong who neither dont you What you dont Eh Well admit theres somewhat Continued on Page Thlrtten BABY SHO- Wat at ARMORY HALL All are Invited to the Armory Hall on Wednesday afternoon November 3 at 330 p m to see the Baby Show- A Gold Locket and Chain will be given away to the heaviest baby age from 3 years to 2 years 3 months A Gold Cross for babies 1 year to 1 year 3 months Entrance fee for babies lOc each Supper and refrshmants from 6 p m- On evening supper and re- freshments ¬ wIu be served DO fS open at 6 p m A grand concert will be given at 8 p In Benefit of the Sisters of Mercy GersonsNo- w Located in Thlesen Building Special showing of an entire new line of Wear Eve- rAluminum Cooking Ware ALUMINUM FACTS Economy In Fuel Indestructible- Easy to Keep Clean Bright and Beautiful- No Poisonous Acids Heats Quicker Retains Heat Longest Light In Weight Moderate In Price Get one of our books Aluminum Fats or better still buy one piece and if every point is not demonstrated to your satisfaction set your money back Our Jewelry Department IB now showing the most upto date novelties in the market We specialize this week Hat Pins and Hair OrnamentH In white atone and Jet- Wnit stone Hat Pips with emerald topaz amethyst and pearl centres on 10 and stems for 25c Others up to J509 Expert jewelry ant watoh repair J I DC at moderate prices a

MUki1r U P E AFTER The eople vents Modish- SUFFERING- …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00334/0211.pdf · SSJ and P E Phone 38 ... 4 Meeting of the Pastime Euchre club hostess

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Page 1: MUki1r U P E AFTER The eople vents Modish- SUFFERING- …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00334/0211.pdf · SSJ and P E Phone 38 ... 4 Meeting of the Pastime Euchre club hostess

7 XT-


V r Y Icr


Phone 38SSJ and Phone 38P EFrom eople vents From-

73Oio1Opm2toSilm By BONNIE BURNHAM

4 e+ ee e e 444 +4


SDAYMeeting of the Married Ladies Euchre club hostees Mrs E O 4

4 Roch on East Government atreet 4Social meeting of the Five Hundred club at Magnolia BluffMeeting of East Hill Euchre club hostess Mrs Cranston on 0

4 Ninth avenue4 WEDNESDAY4 Meeting of the W C T U at the First Presbyterian church 4-

3pm 44 Progressive Euchre at the Progress club 8 p m4 Meeting of the Pastime Euchre club hostess Mrs Dan Murphy

on Hayne street4 THURSDAY4 Meeting of the Thursday cluDbostess Mrs George Pritchard 4

Silver wedding anniversary celebration of Mr and Mrs John 4Pfelffer at their home No 1120 North Palafox street 830 to 1130

4 Meeting of the New City Flinch club hostess Mrs V W Rich-ards

¬ 94 FRIDAY 44 Meeting of the Social Card club hostess Mrs J Gee Brown on4 North Sixth avenue <

4+4 4 ++ + 44 44 REFLECTION OF A WOMAN 4

4 To an ignorant man the average clover woman is a literarynightmare 4

4 44 To sympathize with a woma cry with her to sympathize with

3 man swear With him4

When a halt dozen women get together they all talk at onceIf they didnt theyd never get through you see

A polished mirror casts reflections but a polished tuna4 doe3nt Thats the difference

44 No Cordelia all men are not grafters Opportunities are not 4

so plentiful as they might be44 Remembera womans love for a man Is the real article it he

t + can make her lose her temper4 44 Speaking of worms did It ever occur to you that some book 44 worms are fearful bores4 4+ Our idea of heaven IB a place big enough to make it possible 44 for people to get on without some neighbors4 44 If youd be happy keep your eyes wide open during courtship4 and half closed after marriage its best 44 44 And many a seemingly successful man owes it all to his wifes 44 father 4



The following touching effort fromtho Jacksonville Metropolis willprobably find favor in certain localcircles

I am a druggist lorn and lone-A being without guile

When strangers grab my telephone-I merely smile

A blg directory I keepAnd should through any stress

You want my aid Ill in it peepFor an address

1 have on hand of glue and string-A large and fresh supply-

Ill gladly get you anythingYoud like to try

midnight I climb slowly toMy little cot to camp

But Ill get up to furnish youA postage stamp

Emotions I bavo learned to curbIve always helpful been

And naught that happens can disturbMy gentle grin


There will be a fourhanded euchreparty tomorrow afternoon at the Pro¬

gress club All are invited to at-



The Married Ladles Euchre clubis scheduled to meet with Mrs E ORoch on Tuesday The game WIlltale placo at her homo on Govern-ment



On next Tuesday night the jollylive Hundred club will hold Itsregular frolic the affair this time tobe a fine oyster supper to Do prepar-ed


J>y the ladies at Magnolia Bluf





Just inAlsoMilwaukeeRye Bread

L Sol Cahn CO


Agents Nunnallys Candles

Phones 17231721I


during the afternoon They will bejoined by the men In the evening andthose who have an Idea of the reallygood fun which this popular aggrega ¬

tion of local merry makers enjoy willenvy them the treat which Is to marlthe evening-


Prominent among the vents of theweek will be the silver wedding cele-bration


of Mr and Mrs John Pfeifforat their home on North Palafox streetnext Thursday evening A number-of cards have been sent and the re ¬

caption hours are from 330 to 1130Mr and Mrs Pfeiffer have a host orlocal friends who are planning to beIn attendance in order to offer everycongratulation-


Mrs Cranston will be hostess Tues ¬

day at the regular meeting of theEast Hill Euchre club The members-are anticipating a pleasant time atthe hands of so popular a hostessJUNIOR LEAGUE OF GADSDENSTREET M E CHURCH GAVEPRETTY CAWN PARTY

The lawn of Mrs L E Nobles wasthe scene of an unusually pretty affairyesterday when the Junior League orthe Gadsden Street M EL church gave-a delightful lawn party to the child-ren


of that neighborhood and to allchildren In the city In fact who areinterested In the league work Alamonumber of little people were presentgames and music bavins proved theattractions together with dainty re

Sure Way to MakeSkin Beautiful-

A WonderWorker for the Complexion-In the Following Skin Preparation

Aeta Safely and SurelyHero Is a akin beautifier that over

shadows every other face preparationon tho market today

This oream does tho work of threepreparations skin velvetlzer a mas-sage

¬cream and a skin remedy alt In

oneThe name of It is Dr Hebraa ViolaCream Thousands of women are using-it today appreciating it remarkableeffects

Dr Hebras Viola Cream makewrinkles disappear by nourishing thckin and makes it youthfully plumpIt does away with pimples blotcheefreckles red spots liver moles black-heads sunburn and chap

Dr Hebras Viola Cream Is safe andertaln In Its results Viola Cream gives

the skin a healthful glow and trans ¬

parent tint a rosy hue and softnessleanllness and purity which Is almostndescrlbable It also clears the sklnaorea of all Imparities Just use a lit-tle

¬of It tonight and see what a dif-


there will be in your complex-lop after a few applications-

Viola Cream is sold at all reliabledrug stores for 50 cents a jar or willbe sent charges prepaid on receipt ofprice provided you mention the nameof the druggist who could not supplyyouA trial package of Viola Creamand Guide to Beauty will be mailedby the G C Bittner Co Toledo Ohiofor 10 cents to cover postage packingetc

Cheap soaps ruin the skin because ofthe great amount of acids and alkaliscontained in them to make them cheap

When using Viola Cream wash yourface with Viola Skin Soap the bestmade This soap together with theViola Cream Is a combination whichhas produced astonishing1 results ViolaSkin Soap is sold at 25c a cake bv alldruggists or sent prepaid on re inl ofrice by The Q C Bittner O 14do-hlo

For sale In Pensacola by W A DAIemberte Druggist and Apothecary 121 SPalafox Street





by Lydia E Pink=

hams VegetableCompoimdMABLTOK NJI feel thatLydiaE

Pinkhams Vegetable Compound hasA given me new life

I suffered for tenwith seriousf-

emaAtar troubles in-flammationft9 ulceration indigestionnervousness andcould not sleepDoctors gave meup as they said mytroubles were

> chronic I was indespair and did notcare whetherl lived

or died when I read about Lydia EPinkhams Vegetable Compound so Ibegan to take it and am again and

of all my sufferingMrsGEORGE JORDY Box 40 Marlton NJLydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Conspound made from native roots andherbs contains no narcotics or harm-ful drugs and today holds the recordfor the largest number of actual curesof female diseases we know of andthousands voluntary testimonialsareon file in the Pinkham laboratory atLynn Mass from women who havebeen cured from almost every form offemale complaints inflammation ul-ceration displacements fibroid tumorsIrregularities periodicpaine backacheIndigestion and nervous prostrationEvery suffering woman owes it to her-self to give Lydia E Pinkhams Vege-table Compound a trial

If you would like special adviceabout your case write a confiden-tial


letter to Mrs Pinkbam atLynn Mass Her advice Is freeand always helpful

freshments The afternoon whichwas planned in order to get the child-ren


together and to arouse interest-was a success in every particularMUSIC AT THESACRED HEART CHURCH TODAY-

Mr T J L nnon will sing a finetenor solo this morning at the 930mass at the Sacred Heart church tobe accompanied by Prof Seel on theviolin and Mr E Johnson on the or¬

gan The mass will be sung by themens choir



Mr and Mrs A T Jlosasco and sonEdwin are now the guests of Mr andMrs T Li Rosasco at PInewoodFlorida where they will remain for aweek or so They are lately fromlEurope



Mrs Abraham Diaz wife of DrDiaz the Mexican consul accompa ¬

nied by her son leaves tonight-for an etxended trip through MexicoShe will be gone for several monthsduring which time she will travel andwill also be the guest of relativesand friends


One of the most promising literaryclubs In the city the Shakespeareclub is to reorganize this seasonagain under the very capable direc ¬

tion of Mrs Emma Jeter There aremany who are interested in the fineidea and the club Is sure to have abright exclusive membership


A wedding of more than usual In ¬

terest In Pensacola will occur today-at the home of the brides parentin Roberts when Miss Mary Watsonand Mr Richard Newman Gentry willbe united in marriage The bride isthe charming young daughter of Mrand Mrs J Watson of Roberts andthe groom is a rising young business-man of Milton Both have manyfriends here who wish tnem everygood wish in their new relations-


Mr and Mrs Monroe Elkan whofigured In one of the largest societyweddings of the season at Selma Alaon last Wednesday have returnedhome to the Escambla hotel MrsElkan was one of four very uandsomeyoung matrons of honor who serv ¬



Pensacola people who were inter¬

ested In the MannCribbs weddingwill read the following from the Mo-


Register with much pleasure-Mr and Mrs T W Christian enter-

tained in a delightful fashion on Mon-day


evening for the MannCribbswedding party at their pretty littlehome In Northport There were afew guests besides the party alto-gether


making a most congenial ronany On arriving the guests werserved with delicious frappe in thehallAn extremely pleasant feature ofthe evening was the circulation of abeautiful loving cup with whichtoasts were drunk to both bride andgroom by the friends present Theentire party joined hands and thecircle was never broken as the cuppassed from Up to lip Each manpresent gave a happy sentiment tothe bride while the ladles graclouslvtoasted the groom Later on delici ¬

ous refreshments consisting of saladsand Ices were served and greatly en-joyed Attached to each of the icecups was a dainty little bandpaintedheart containing an appropriate sen-timent


for the occasion the reading-of these by the guests being also aninteresting feature of the evening-

A most delightful time was had atthe cutting of the brides cake andmuch merriment followed

In the list of guests was Mrs Ritteahouse Moore Smith one of Sep ¬

tembers attractive brides and form-er


Tuscaloosa girl



Representing nothing on Gods earthnow

And naught in the waters below itAs a pledge of a nation thats dead

and goneKeep it dear friend and show it

Show It to those who will lend anear

To the tale this paper can tellOf Itberty born of patriots dream

Of the stormcradled nation thatfell

Too poor to possess the precious oresAnd too much of a stranger to bor-


We issue today our promise to payAnd hope to redeem on the mor ¬


The days rolled on and weeks becameyears

But our coffers were empty stillCoin was so rare that the treasury

quakedIf a dollar should drop in the till

But the faith that was in us wasstrong indeed

And our poverty well discerned-And these little checks represented-

the payOur poor volunteers had earned

We knew It had hardly a value in0 gold

Yet as gold our soldiers received-it

It gazed in our eyes with a promise-to pay

And each patriot soldier believed-it

But our boys thought little of price-or pay

Or bills that were then overdue-We knew if It brought us bread to ¬

dayTwas the best our poor country

could do

Keep it for it tells our history oerFrom the birth of Its dream to the

last-Modest and born of the Angel Hope

Like the hope of success it passedUnidentified-



The usual Interesting services willtake place today at the First Christianchurch The Rev Mr Thos Lennoxwill use as his theme this morning

Soul Winning and this eveningThe Merciful Mrs Reager whose

voice needs no Introduction amongPensacolas true music lovers willsing The Ninety and Nine thismorning All are Invited to be pres-ent




The Rev Mr F M Turner willpreach this morning at the 11 oclockservice at the East Hill camp meet-ing his subject to be SanctificationTonight he will take the Ordinancesof the Church as his theme andwill demonstrate his views by servingthe Lords supper and ny the wash-ing


the Saints feet Evangelist Turn-er


invites every person in Pensacola

sf 2-v



AS the name implies it isindeed a luxury and yet

one that is within the reach ofallrich and poor alike

You cannot realize what anight of perfect rest meansuntil you sleep on a LUXYOURY Mattress

No holes or hollow placesno seams or ridges to try toavoid just a soft smooth sur¬

face that brings rest to theI

tired body

And then that sweet freshsmell that is so soothing andwhich is peculiar to all thingsthat are absolutely clean

You can buy nothing better

Price 127 =

Eayr I Litxyoury J insurcaAsk your dealer







The j I


You Can Have It TooBegin with the corsetnot the i

SOwn Build the foundation of the lowbust the long hip ancf back the alto-gether

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slender effect of the presentmodeAsk for the celebrated r-

9 LL11-


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You have never known the possibilitiesrs of your figure until you have worn theseI4I perfect garments The new models are es-


rJ1 smart nipping in just enough atvJ the waist line to give the NEW SLIGHT I


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Ill titi

The perfect form and lasting fit of acorset depend upon the boning of the gar-ment


E1 LYRA CORSETS are boned with 5

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of grace and ease and holds the shape ofthe garment perfectly Na PRICES RANGE 5 TO 15 k4-

l See other adv pages

For Sale By

rxxxx Watson Parker 1 Reese Co xxxxn

to be present in order to see theteachings of the bible according t-

hIs ideas demonstrated-


Miss Llllle Taylor left during theweek to join her mother who hasbeen visiting in the north for some-time They then proceeded to NewYork where they will visit for sev ¬

eral weeksS


Sunday October 24BREAKFAST-

White Grapes IcedBreakfast Bacon Broiled

Julienne PotatoesVirginia Batter Bread

Cress French DressingCafe au LaUThe Journal

DINNERClear Consomme

Roast Turkey Browned PotatoesStuffed Tomatoes Corn Pudding

Salad of Lettuce MayonnaiseLemon Ice Layer Cake

Cafe Nolr CheeseLUNCH

Chicken Hash on ToastStuffed Potatoes

Salad of Nuts and FruitHot Ginger Bread with Liquid Sauce



There will be no preaching thismorning at the East Hill Baptistchurch on account 01 toe absence ofthe Rev Mr J W Santerfitt whohas been attending me meeting ofthe Pensacola Bay Baptist associa-tion


which is being aeld at the OakGrove church near McDavld He will I

return this evening however andthere will be services as usual at730 p m with very interesting fea-tures


Direct From

New YorkFirst in TownAll New Goods






CRYSTALLIZEDIf it comes from Gerelds-

its the be-





111 N Palafox StPhone 192



Tertium QuidHalf Romes prejudiced injustice-

was horrible Other Half Romes ac-


part truths were mournful Intheir Incompleteness Tertium Quidspointless neutrality stirs a feeling ofcontempt The first angers us thesecond appeases us the third bores-us Like His Highness and His Ex¬

cellency the Quality to whom hetalked we prefer going and joiningplay or retiring for the night wemust alter the current of our thoughts-or snatch a little feverish sleep any ¬

thing as a rest from his inordinate-ness Personally whenever I read

thisFourth Book I cannot go on atonce to the Fifth I feel tpo tired toenjoy company and too unnerved towant to be alone I must have atleast a day to recuperate my exhaust-ed


mind and paralyzed feelings I amthen in a condltoin to enjoy commit¬

ting murder I am starved for some-thing positive anything If It Is onlyheadlong I am surfeited with luke ¬

warm Impartiality Was It a shakeof Guidos bloody hand Was it not-a knowledge of the human instrument-that made his next tones jangling andabrupt Indeed for a professed ad¬

mirer of The Ring and the Book todeny he is bored by Tertium Quidwould be to deny the subtlest ofBrownings powers It would be flatselfcontradiction Browning set outto make Tertium Quid a bore and hemade hima bore

Only grant me that to appreciate Isto like a great poem and I can saythat the more you are disgusted withthis whole canto the better you arepleased with It

Porter and Clarke in their Introduc-tion rightly call these three books thepoets probation towards wisdom Butthey are more than that They doprove our Intelligence and make UB

fall tack on our own wits with an ex ¬

periencetaught distrust of popularopinions But besides putting us Inthe way to gain the real truth theyshow us what that truth thus gained-is really woth They show us howdaring unconvenional goodness mayoften be apparently compromised-how the world will easily condemn Itor easily condone It but rarely beconvinced of Its real Innocence yethow such goodness is at times urgent-ly


needed and will receive its ownpeculiar vindication although andbecause there Is this wrinkled old so-phisticated


world so credulous ofwhat is false so skeptical of what istrueAs a matter of fact It we consider-the thing properly we perceive thatwith this precise subject and thisprecise number of cantos the fourthought to be a bore To be accurate-we could add that with any subjectand any number of cantos the Interest would flag when we were onethird through and for purely psycho-logical


reasons This is the point ina novel where we are far enough pastthe beginning for our initial interest I

to have been dissipated and too tarfrom the end to feel the relentlessgrip of fate the full force of the en-tanglement or a vulgar curiosityeven This is the point where a poorbook is laid down where a magazineeditor decides to return a poem So I

Browning made concession both to hisown art and to psychological neces-sity


It would be interesting to trace by I

chart the ebb and flow of emotional I

excitement as we read the poem Andthis will be attempted In a later pa1per Suffice It DOW that this is thebottom level of interestthis inanetalk of Tertium Quid

And If the reader is ever more in¬

tensely bored tlgui now either he isproved a reader out of training or

IBrowning a bunglerAnd now we ought to consider the

special truth propounded In this book I

aside from Its relation to the entirework In the first place we observethat the poet is laughing between thelines To catch his irony put side by




n Millinery JUt arrivedCall and aee them

Wilkins Millinery

ParlorsBlount Building

side just these four passages fromthe mouth of Tertium Quid-

If I fall favored with such an au-dience


understand-To set things right why class me

with the mobAs understander ot the wind of man

115861-So he commences soon he asks

You see so far i the story who wasright

Who wrong who neither dont youWhat you dont

Eh Well admit theres somewhat

Continued on Page Thlrtten



ARMORY HALLAll are Invited to the Armory

Hall on Wednesday afternoon November3 at 330 p m to see the Baby Show-

A Gold Locket and Chain will be givenaway to the heaviest baby age from 3years to 2 years 3 months

A Gold Cross for babies 1 year to 1 year3 months

Entrance fee for babies lOc eachSupper and refrshmants from 6 p m-On evening supper and re-


wIu be served DO fS open at6 p m

A grand concert will be given at 8 p InBenefit of the Sisters of Mercy


w Located in

Thlesen BuildingSpecial showing of an entire new

line of Wear Eve-

rAluminum CookingWare

ALUMINUM FACTSEconomy In FuelIndestructible-Easy to Keep CleanBright and Beautiful-No Poisonous AcidsHeats QuickerRetains Heat LongestLight In WeightModerate In PriceGet one of our books AluminumFats or better still buy one

piece and if every point is notdemonstrated to your satisfactionset your money back


Jewelry DepartmentIB now showing the most uptodate novelties in the market Wespecialize this week Hat Pins andHair OrnamentH In white atoneand Jet-

Wnit stone Hat Pips withemerald topaz amethyst and pearlcentres on 10 and stemsfor 25c Others up to J509Expert jewelry ant watoh repair JIDC at moderate prices
