February 22, 2015 • THE LIVING CHURCH 21 MTD for a New Generation Children’s Bibles needn’t reduce faith to pabulum. Review by Jon and Hollie Adamson Candle Bible for Kids: Board Book By Juliet David. Illustrated by Jo Parry. Candle Books. Pp. 42. $9.99 Candle Bible for Kids: Toddler Edition By Juliet David. Illustrated by Jo Parry. Candle Books. Pp. 160. $9.99 Candle Day by Day Bible By Juliet David. Illustrated by Jane Heyes . Candle Books. Pp. 400. $16.99 Bible and Prayers for Teddy and Me Adapted by Christina Goodings . Illustrated by Janet Samuel . Lion Children’s. Pp. 64. $12.99 The Lion Bible to Keep For Ever By Lois Rock. Illustrated by Sophie Allsopp. Lion Children’s. Pp. 320. $17.99 O ne of the small, daily joys of Christian parents is to present the gospel to their children in storytelling. It is a precious ritual of word and deed, since story- telling to children often has active, multisensory components. The words on the page, the images that surround them, the nearness of the bodies of the reader and the children, and the cues of light at various times in the day all make for a pro- found experience. With this in mind, choosing quality Bible stories is a fitting task for parents to take on, so that there is harmony between what children experience at home and at church as they are being built into the image of Jesus Christ. Given all of this formative richness, it is regrettable that some publishers take unnecessary liberties when developing the texts of their children’s Bibles. Take, for example, the Candle Bible for Kids: Board Book, which leaves out key Christian concepts or soft-pedals them. There is no mention of the Fall, it is unclear why the Flood comes, and Mary is given a “special baby” with no mention of his being God’s Son. Most egregious of all is its handling of the Passion. Im- mediately after the Triumphal Entry, it moves abruptly: “But bad men left Jesus to die on a wooden cross.” It is as if the ed- itors believe that children can only handle a nice/mean di- chotomy or that children have never worshiped in a space with a crucifix or window depicting the fullness of the faith. The Candle Bible for Kids: Toddler Edition continues in this vein. It adds a number of stories typical to a children’s Bible (Jericho, Elijah and the ravens, and Jonah) and some that are atypical (the calling of Matthew). Yet one of the cen- tral lessons of the Jonah story is left out. Jonah is merely “running away.” There is no mention of Ninevah, repentance, or God’s mercy. Once again, Jesus is not presented as God’s Son at the Annunciation. One can only infer that basic iden- tity in the Ascension story. Children are capable of robust (Continued on next page)

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Children’s Bibles needn’t reduce faith to pabulum.Review by Jon and Hollie Adamson

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February 22, 2015 • THE LIVING CHURCH 21

MTD for a New GenerationChildren’s Bibles needn’t reduce faith to pabulum.

Review by Jon and Hollie Adamson

Candle Bible for Kids: Board BookBy Juliet David.

Illustrated by Jo Parry.

Candle Books. Pp. 42. $9.99

Candle Bible for Kids: Toddler EditionBy Juliet David.

Illustrated by Jo Parry.

Candle Books. Pp. 160. $9.99

Candle Day by Day BibleBy Juliet David.

Illustrated by Jane Heyes.

Candle Books. Pp. 400. $16.99

Bible and Prayers for Teddy and MeAdapted by Christina Goodings.

Illustrated by Janet Samuel.

Lion Children’s. Pp. 64. $12.99

The Lion Bible to Keep For EverBy Lois Rock.

Illustrated by Sophie Allsopp.

Lion Children’s. Pp. 320. $17.99

One of the small, daily joys of Christian parents is topresent the gospel to their children in storytelling. Itis a precious ritual of word and deed, since story-

telling to children often has active, multisensory components.The words on the page, the images that surround them, thenearness of the bodies of the reader and the children, and thecues of light at various times in the day all make for a pro-found experience. With this in mind, choosing quality Biblestories is a fitting task for parents to take on, so that there isharmony between what children experience at home and atchurch as they are being built into the image of Jesus Christ.

Given all of this formative richness, it is regrettable thatsome publishers take unnecessary liberties when developingthe texts of their children’s Bibles. Take, for example, theCandle Bible for Kids: Board Book, which leaves out keyChristian concepts or soft-pedals them. There is no mentionof the Fall, it is unclear why the Flood comes, and Mary isgiven a “special baby” with no mention of his being God’sSon. Most egregious of all is its handling of the Passion. Im-mediately after the Triumphal Entry, it moves abruptly: “Butbad men left Jesus to die on a wooden cross.” It is as if the ed-itors believe that children can only handle a nice/mean di-chotomy or that children have never worshiped in a spacewith a crucifix or window depicting the fullness of the faith.

The Candle Bible for Kids: Toddler Edition continues inthis vein. It adds a number of stories typical to a children’sBible (Jericho, Elijah and the ravens, and Jonah) and somethat are atypical (the calling of Matthew). Yet one of the cen-tral lessons of the Jonah story is left out. Jonah is merely“running away.” There is no mention of Ninevah, repentance,or God’s mercy. Once again, Jesus is not presented as God’sSon at the Annunciation. One can only infer that basic iden-tity in the Ascension story. Children are capable of robust

(Continued on next page)

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captures the parallelism of the days ofcreation. This signals the book’s bet-ter grasp of both the spirit and the let-ter of the Scriptures. The Noah storyincludes one detail that children’sBibles typically leave out: seven pairswere kept of certain animal species(a welcome departure from the typi-cally cartoonish two-by-two ap-proach). The Hebrew midwives in Ex-odus are singled out for their valor.The prophet Amos has a story dedi-cated to him. The Annunciation isfully told. The book is visually rich,with two-page images periodicallyspaced throughout and smaller illus-

trations on single pages. It does notend with Revelation, but it reachesPaul’s teaching that just as Jesus hasbeen raised we will be raised and thatone day Jesus will return.

Jesus asked: “When the Son of Mancomes, will he find faith on earth?”According to several of these books,he will find Moralistic TherapeuticDeism. Children can do better if par-ents are diligent in their vocation.

Jon and Hollie Adamson are theparents of two young boys and livein Niles, Michigan.

Christology. It is a shame to see Jesusprimarily presented as a nice guy.

Elementary-age children are thetarget audience for the Candle Dayby Day Bible. It offers 365 readingsthat are simple retellings of Bible sto-ries. A sidebar on each page gives ashort Bible verse or discussion ques-tion. There is a better sense of basicChristian faith, but it is presented un-evenly. Some stories are includedthat do not typically make it into chil-dren’s Bibles, like Hagar and Ishmael,David and Mephibosheth, or Peterand Cornelius. But this is muted bybizarre liberties taken with the text,like Adam and Eve naming the ani-mals together, Jesus only imaginingthe Temptations in the Desert, orMary having no role in the Weddingat Cana. Once again, there is almostno mention of Jesus’ identity asGod’s Son, though it does appear inone of the sidebar comments (“TheSon of God was born in a borrowedstable”) and in the Centurion’s iden-tification at the Cross. The lack ofeven a single story from Revelationgives this 365-day book an incom-plete feeling.

Bible and Prayers for Teddy andMe is an improvement compared

to the Candle Bible series. The Jonahstory is handled more completely. Itincludes the traditional wording ofthe Our Father. The Parable of theSower is a welcome inclusion. Also,the Prodigal Son actually shows con-trition in this retelling. A short poem-prayer appears after each story.Short and rhyming, each prayer re-inforces the story and presents op-portunities for applying the story’slesson. Sadly, both Creation andChristology are short-changed. Thereis no mention of the Fall and Jesus isnot presented explicitly as God’s Son,which spoils an otherwise worthybook.

The Lion Bible to Keep For Ever isthe best of the lot. It starts off strongwith a poetic retelling of Genesis that

MTD for a New GenerationBOOKS

Children can do better if parents are diligent in their vocation.

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