MSU Denver Guide to Giving

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In this guide, discover more about the various ways you can support MSU Denver and the innovative initiatives that are currently underway. Whether large or small, your gift can make all the difference.

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Cultivating RelationshipsCreating Opportunities

www.msudenver.edu/makeagiftMake your gift online today!

When you choose to support Metropolitan State University of Denver, you determine what gift is appropriate for you and how the funds will be used.

In this guide, discover more about the various ways you can support MSU Denver and the innovative initiatives that are currently underway. Your gift can make all the difference for a student who is a few classes from graduating, a student who thrives in a hands-on environment, a student ready to transform their life.

Let’s create a culture of philanthropy and continue providing exceptional opportunities throughout the MSU Denver community.

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MSU Denver is about opportunity—extending broad access, affordable tuition and quality academic experiences to all of Colorado’s students. On its way to becoming the preeminent, public urban baccalaureate institution in the nation, MSU Denver transforms lives, providing students with unique learning experiences that prepare them for a lifetime of success. Nearly 23,000 undergraduates are currently enrolled at MSU Denver and 75 percent of our 77,000 alumni remain in state, contributing to the strength of Colorado’s economy and the vitality of its communities.

I invite you to help make great things possible by investing in Metropolitan State University of Denver to transform lives, communities and higher education. Your support of MSU Denver is limited only by your imagination.

MSU Denver is on the rise, shaped by hard work, driven by its mission and committed to providing the best education and personal transformation possible. I ask that you share our vision and passion with your generosity.

Thank you!

Jim MulliganChair, Metropolitan State University of Denver Foundation

Help Make Great Things Possible...A message from the Foundation chair

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MSU Denver remains committed to supporting a wide-range of students who have a passion for learning and a desire to maximize their professional opportunities.

Scholarships provide direct support for student success and help lower the burden of financial aid. With more than 63 percent of students—over 14,000—receiving financial aid in the fall of 2013, the need for additional scholarship contributions is ongoing.

When you support current or create new scholarship opportunities, you are making the difference between now and someday for students in need of financial support. With the least expensive tuition of the largest four-year universities in Colorado offering undergraduate degrees, MSU Denver provides an educational value like no other in the state. Because of this fact, your contribution to support scholarships can do more.

While gifts of any amount can be made to support current scholarships, you can create an endowed scholarship with a gift of $25,000 or more. Additionally, named scholarships may be established with a gift of $5,000 or more, annually.

ScholarshipsHundreds of privately funded scholarships are offered to students every year based on academics, achievement and financial need.

Director of Stewardship303.556.5140

Learn which scholarship opportunity is right for your gift.

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Partnerships and strategic alliances with stakeholders in the community continue to transform MSU Denver. Through corporate and private foundation philanthropy and strategic investments, you provide support that benefits all areas of the University and is essential to its path toward preeminence.

Company Matching GiftsMany employers match gifts made to nonprofit organizations, including universities. Check with your employer about a matching gift to MSU Denver and double the impact of your gift.

Corporate PilanthropyThrough corporate donations, you can facilitate partnerships that benefit both MSU Denver and your company. Give an unrestricted gift to help fund programs with the greatest need or align your gift with a specific program that supports your company’s mission.

SponsorshipsReach your target audience while demonstrating your dedication to building MSU Denver. Sponsoring a special event or program draws attention from both the media and the community.

Corporate Foundation GrantsInvestments from corporate giving programs play a critical role in building preeminent programs across the MSU Denver campus.

Corporate GivingUniversity Advancement can arrange a site visit for you and members of your company or organization to tour campus and discuss partnership opportunities.

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Aerospace and Engineering Sciences InitiativeMSU Denver is embarking on an innovative project to integrate the study of advanced manufacturing disciplines into one new building: aviation and aerospace science; industrial design; civil, mechanical and electrical engineering technology; computer information systems; computer science and physics. This combination of disciplines will result in a dynamic interdisciplinary learning space that will prepare students for the real-world demands within these growing industry sectors.

Hotel and Hospitality Learning Center The Hotel and Hospitality Learning Center (HLC) is an on-campus, full-service learning laboratory made possible by a unique public-private partnership between MSU Denver and Sage Hospitality. Home to the Hospitality, Tourism and Events Department at MSU Denver, the HLC is the only such facility in Colorado. It features a fully functioning, professionally managed hotel, conference center and 30,000 square feet of academic space, as well as multiple labs, a restaurant and a wine cellar.

Funding Priorities

Aerospace and Engineering Sciences Initiative 303.556.8424

Hotel and Hospitality Learning Center 303.556.5005

Regency Athletic Complex 303.556.5119

Center for Visual Art 303.556.5149

Discover how you can support these priority projects at MSU Denver.

Your support of these funding priorities helps increase MSU Denver’s preeminence in various academic fields, within the community and as a university.

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Many MSU Denver students work in the hotel and hospitality industry already, and the Hotel and Hospitality Learning Center provides the space for them to combine their on-the-job experience with relevant classroom learning and practice.

Regency Athletic Complex at MSU DenverMSU Denver is transforming a blighted plot in Denver’s inner city into eight tennis courts, a soccer field, a baseball field and a softball field with a fitness trail encircling the entire 12-acre complex. This project will create an urban park at a time and in a place where no one else could do it.

Once the facility is complete, the University will have a complex where collegiate athletes train, fans celebrate and students exercise. Additionally, senior citizens from nearby neighborhoods (La Alma, Lincoln Park, Sun Valley and Val Verde) will use the walking path, while children from those underserved communities will play organized sports in an exceptional facility on their home turf.

Center for Visual Art The Center for Visual Art is a one-of-a-kind gallery and performance space, experiential classroom and idea incubator in the heart of one of the city’s premier art districts. The center sponsors world-class art exhibits, provides entrepreneurial workforce development programs, and educates youth (from third-graders through 12th graders), college students, community members and teachers.

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Planned gifts provide long-term support for MSU Denver by helping build a financial pipeline to fund scholarships, programs, departments and the University’s strategic initiatives. These types of charitable arrangements also provide financial benefits to you and your family. There are various types of planned gifts that can provide immediate or future impact, and gifts that can pay you income as well as reduce tax burdens on inheritance. A few common planned giving options are listed below.

BequestGive to MSU Denver through your will without affecting your cash flow during your lifetime.

Charitable Lead TrustDiscover an innovative way to pass appreciating assets on to family members while making gifts in the interim.

Retirement Plan AssetsTake advantage of one of the best planning assets by naming MSU Denver as a beneficiary of your 401(k) or IRA. Simply complete a beneficiary designation form with your plan administrator.

Planned Giving

Associate Director of Development - Legacy Giving 303.556.6933

Don’t know which planned giving option or endowment is right for you?

With options for individuals at all stages in life, you can know that by choosing a planned gift option that your support will sustain MSU Denver well into the future.

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Your endowment and named gifts create a predictable and sustainable source of income for their designated purpose, providing financial security for the University over the long-term.

Endowments & Named Gifts

When you make a gift to one of the many endowments or naming opportunities available or establish a new endowment, you are ensuring the continued preeminence of the University. Endowments and named gifts can be established to support scholarships, fellowships, lectureships, professorships, department chairs and innovative programs and projects.

A minimum gift of $25,000 is required to establish an endowed scholarship, and higher minimum gifts are required for other endowed fund opportunities.

Your contribution at this level is invested and an annual distribution is made for the purpose you designate. Because the principal remains intact, the fund will generate support in perpetuity.

In May of 2014, Rita and Navin Dimond, founders of Stonebridge Companies, donated $1.5 million to the Department of Hospitality, Tourism and Events to name the Rita and Navin Dimond Hotel Management Program. A significant portion of their endowed gift created the Dimond Fellowship Program, which will fund 10 student-fellows each year and provide unique professional development opportunities. This gift represents the largest personal contribution ever made to the University. Pictured with MSU Denver’s President Stephen Jordan.

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Annual Giving

MSU Denver relies on the generosity of alumni and friends to invest in its innovative teaching and learning environments. Gifts to the Annual Fund allow MSU Denver to provide extraordinary opportunities for learning and discovery. They also extend the financial aid program to every student who needs it while helping meet emerging needs and challenges.

Unrestricted gifts are especially valuable to MSU Denver, because they allow the University to allocate funds wherever the needs are greatest and to take advantage of new opportunities. Your contribution may support financial aid operations, innovations in teaching, research equipment, facilities and much more.

Directed gifts allow you to designate your gift to a specific school or program. When you make a directed gift to MSU Denver, you enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting a program that is personally meaningful.

By contributing unrestricted dollars, you choose to give MSU Denver the flexibility to undertake critical new initiatives to meet the changing needs of its diverse student population.

Director of Annual Funds303.556.8452

Associate Director of Development - President’s Society303.556.5115

Find out more about Annual Giving and how to join the President’s Society.

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Tribute and Memorial GiftsAny gift to Metropolitan State University of Denver can be designated to pay tribute to or memorialize an important person in your life. These designations might acknowledge a teacher, mentor, family member, friend, colleague or loved one. Making a tribute or memorial gift to MSU Denver is a great way to ensure that a person’s influence and legacy is honored.

SecuritiesA charitable contribution of long-term appreciated securities (i.e. stocks, bonds and/or mutual funds that have realized significant appreciation over time) is one of the most tax-efficient of all ways to give. Making a gift of securities in lieu of or in addition to cash offers you the chance to support the University while realizing many important benefits for yourself.

Real EstateA charitable contribution of real estate—whether it is your personal residence, vacation home, farm, commercial real estate or vacant land—can make a meaningful impact at MSU Denver. You can give real estate as an outright gift or as a gift through your estate.

Faculty and Staff GivingMSU Denver faculty and staff give in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. Every gift, regardless of size, makes a difference to the University, and your participation speaks volumes. For your convenience, you can also contribute through payroll deduction.

Ways to give annually

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DonationsMetropolitan State University of Denver Foundation, Inc.PO Box 17971Denver, CO 80217-9812

CorrespondenceMetropolitan State University of DenverUniversity AdvancementCampus Box 14, PO Box 173362Denver, CO 80217-3362

University Advancement • 303.556.8424MSU Denver Foundation • 303.556.5117www.msudenver.edu/makeagift

I don’t like to see the debt that many students today are saddled with. It’s terrible when people who have the dream and ability to attend college are unable to do so simply because they lack the economic means. Tuition is more affordable at MSU Denver than other institutions, so your dollars go further—a relatively modest donation accomplishes a lot.

Rob Morril, B.S. political science ’97Lawyer and Endowed Scholarship Sponsor
