MSG system over view

MSG system over view - wamis.org · METEOSAT SECOND GENERATION Overview 1 Introduction 2 MSG Missions and Services 3 The SEVIRI Instrument 4 The MSG Ground Segment 5 SAF Network 6

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Page 1: MSG system over view - wamis.org · METEOSAT SECOND GENERATION Overview 1 Introduction 2 MSG Missions and Services 3 The SEVIRI Instrument 4 The MSG Ground Segment 5 SAF Network 6

MSG system

over view

Page 2: MSG system over view - wamis.org · METEOSAT SECOND GENERATION Overview 1 Introduction 2 MSG Missions and Services 3 The SEVIRI Instrument 4 The MSG Ground Segment 5 SAF Network 6


1 Introduction

2 MSG Missions and Services

3 The SEVIRI Instrument

4 The MSG Ground Segment

5 SAF Network

6 Conclusions

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MSG SolutionsTemporal resolution: 15 minutes instead of 30 minutes

Spatial sampling at sub-satellite point: 3 km (1 km HR VIS) instead of 5 km (2.5 km VIS)

More channels: 1 HR VIS, 2 VIS, 1 near IR, 4 IR windows, 2 WV, 1 Ozone and 1 CO2

Exploitation of data separated into general processing centrally by EUMETSAT and specialised processing by specific centres (SAF)

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MSG Services

HRIT/LRIT Data Dissemination• Image data• Meteorological products• MDD type data• DCP data• Foreign satellite data

Data distribution via GTS

Data and information retrieval service• Raw image data retrieval• Processed image data retrieval• Meteorological products retrieval• Information services

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MSG Missions

Multispectral ImageryAirmass AnalysisHi-Resolution ImageryProduct ExtractionData DisseminationData CollectionScience Payload

• Geo Earth Radiation Budget Instrument (GERB)

Search and RescueData Archive and Retrieval

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THE MSG MISSIONS : ADVANTAGES• Improved data for Nowcasting and severe weather

(more accurate and more frequent) • Higher resolution and more frequent data for the

determination of winds and their height in the atmosphere

• Detection of low clouds and fog• Measurement of Sea Surface Temperature• Enhanced capacity of Data Collection System for

climate monitoring and research• Significant increase in the quality of data distributed to

the users.• Additional scientific GERB instrument for climate

studies• S&R package to monitor distress messages.

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MOP/MTP - MSG Comparison

METEOSAT First Generation (MOP/MTP)

• 3-channel Imaging Radiometer

• 100 RPM Spin-stabilised Body

• 5 years Station Keeping

• 720 kg in GTO orbit

• Flight qualified with Delta 2914, Ariane 1-3-4

METEOSAT Second Generation (MSG)

• 12-channel Enhanced Imaging Radiometer

• 100 RPM Spin-stabilised Body

• 7 years Station Keeping

• 2000 kg in GTO orbit

• Design compatibility with Ariane 4 and 5

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Old Meteosat (MTP) New Meteosat (MSG)Visible channels 1 3 + HRVWater Vapour 1 2IR window (+absorption) 1 (+0) 6 (+2)Sampling distance VIS: 2.5 km VIS: 3 km / HRV: 1 km

IR: 5 km IR: 3 kmRadiometric Resolution 0.4 K 0.25 KImage Repeat Cycle 30 min 15 minRaw Data Rate 333 kbps 3200 kbpsData Collection System 33 regional 0.1 kbps 224 regional 0.1 kbps

33 international 33 international + 210Primary Dissemination HRI: 166 kbps HRIT: 1000 kbpsSecondary Dissemination WEFAX: analogue LRIT: 128 kbpsMDD MDD: up to 4x2kbps (data in LRIT)DCP DRS: 12.5 kbps (data in LRIT)


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3 The SEVIRI * Instrument

* SEVIRI = Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager

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The MSG Satellite

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MSG Scanning Concept

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Possible MSG HRV Scan Patterns

1 June - 30 November1 December - 31 May

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IMAGE DATA: LEVEL 1.5 IMAGE DATADefinition: Image is geometrically corrected for all

perturbations introduced by the satellite (e.g. orbit, spin, attitude, s/c manoeuvres, eclipse, etc.). The image is radiometricallycorrected for all irregularities (e.g. differences between detectors, non-linearity, etc.). The “HEADER” and “TRAILER” information in the image data contains all relevant information. Absolute calibration is applied. Pixels represented by 10 bits.

Size: Nominal level 1.5 image size is 3712 x 3712 pixelsFor HRV this becomes 5568 x 11136

Coverage: Full earth disk For HRV: Part coverage in East-West(see previous slide)

Access: Via the U-MARF and in near real-time via HRIT/LRIT broadcasts

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MSG SEVIRI ChannelsBasic + Airmass + Hi Res Vis Missions

Basic Band (µm) Airmass Band (µm) VIS 0.6 0.56 - 0.71 WV 6.2 5.35 - 7.15 VIS 0.8 0.74 - 0.88 WV 7.3 6.85 - 7.85 IR 8.7 8.30 - 9.10 IR 1.6 1.50 - 1.78 O3 9.7 9.38 - 9.94 IR 3.9 3.40 - 4.20 CO2 13.4 12.40 - 14.40 IR 10.8 9.80 - 11.80 High Res VIS 1km Sampling IR 12.0 11.00 - 13.00 HRV 0.5 - 0.9

•3 km data sampling intervals at SSP, except HRV (1 km) •Images each 15 minutes

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SEVIRI IR-Channel Bands

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SEVIRI Channels Weighting Functions

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0.6 and0.8 µm

Cloud detection, scene identification, cloud tracking, aerosol observation, vegetation monitoring. Heritage from AVHRR

1.6 µm Discriminates between snow and cloud, ice and water clouds. Aerosol information. Heritage from ATSR

3.9 µmLow cloud and fog detection, Measurement of land and sea surface temperature at night. Spectral band broadened towardshigher wavelength to improve signal-to-noise ratio. Heritage from AVHRR

Upper- and mid-tropospheric water vapour, Cloud and water vapour tracking, Height allocation of semitransparent clouds

6.2 and 7.3 µm

8.7 µm Quantitative information of thin cirrus clouds, Discriminatesbetween ice and water clouds. Heritage from HIRS


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10.8 and 12.0 µm

Measurement of earth surface and cloud top temperatures, Detection of cirrus and inference of total precipitable WV oversea.

Split window channels from AVHRR Improvement of heightdetermination of transmissive cirrus clouds, Temperature information from lower troposphere (cloud free areas) for instability assessment. Known from GOES VAS instrument.

13.4 µm


Ozone radiances as input to NWP. Experimental channel used for tracking ozone patterns representative of wind motion in thelower stratosphere. Monitoring of evolution of total ozone field

9.7 µm

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4 The MSG Ground Segment

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MSG Ground Segment

Networked configuration from the year 2002:

Primary Ground Station under EUMETSAT control (Usingen, Germany)

Back-up and Ranging Ground Station (Canary Islands, Spain)

Acquisition of foreign satellite data

Mission Control Centre at the EUMETSAT HQ(Darmstadt, Germany)

Satellite Applications Facilities

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The MSG Ground Station

Located at Usingen, Germany

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MPEF is part of the Application Ground Segment (AGS) and constitutes, with the Satellite Application Facilities (SAF), the source of the Meteorological Products provided by the MSG system

List of products to be extracted from Level 1.5 image data in the AGS has been agreed by EUMETSAT Member States

As general principle, MPEF will generate products on a synoptic scale (better than 100 km)

Important driver for the MPEF design and development• Evolution of the MPEF algorithms and products• Flexibility to add new algorithms and products

("plug-in approach")

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MSG MPEF Products Baseline

* GI + TOZ: product development by SAF and extraction by MPEFMeteorological Products proposed as baseline for the MSG MPEF


Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMV)(IR 10.8, WV 6.2, WV 7.3, VIS 0.6)Calibration Monitoring (CAL-MON)Clear Sky Radiance (CSR)Climate Data Set (CDS)Cloud Analysis (CLA)Cloud Top Height (CTH)Global Instability (GI)*ISCCP Data Set (IDS)GPCP Precipitation Index (PI)Total Ozone (TOZ)*Tropospheric Humidity (THU)

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The Satellite Application Facilities (SAF)

In addition to the centralised Meteorological Product Extraction Facility in the EUMETSAT Headquarter in Darmstadt a Network of seven

Satellite Application Facilities

is under Development with the Objective to:

• Derive additional Products and Services• Meet EUMETSAT requirements

• Located at National Meteorological Services• User oriented network nodes

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MSG OverviewObjectivesObjectivesConclusions

MSG provides continuity of key observations of the Earth/Atmosphere system from the geostationary orbit

Nominal MSG operations period of at least 12 years

Spin stabilised satellite with 12 channel radiometer foroperational meteorologyclimatology

Application ground segment composed of MSG MPEF and the SAF network is a significant contribution for an optimal exploitation of MSG data

More research and development effort required to optimise the use of MSG data