MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms

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  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 -

    Lecture 11. Dislocations andStrengthening Mechanisms (1)Learning Objectives

     After this lecture, you should be able to do the following:

    1. Understand how plastic deformation occurs by the motion of

    dislocations in response to applied shear stresses.

    2. Understand slip systems: slip plane and slip direction

    3. Describe slip in single crystals: resolved shear stresses


    • Chapter 7: Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms (7.1–7.7)


    • Virtual Materials Science & Engineering (VMSE):


  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 -

    1. Elastic Deformation• Elastic deformation is nonpermanent: when the applied load is released, the

    piece returns to its original shape (not breaking atomic bonds).

    • Hooke’s Law

    E [Pa]: Modulus of elasticity, or Young’s modulus


    Linear elastic deformation  Nonlinear elastic deformation

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 -

    2. Plastic Deformation• Plastic deformation is irreversible.

    • Elastic deformation of metals: up to strain of about 0.005

    • Beyond this point, the stress is no longer proportional to strain, and plastic

    deformation occurs.

    • Breaking of bonds with original atom neighbors and reformation of bonds with

    new neighbors.



    • Crystalline solids: slip

    (Section 7.2)

    • Noncrystalline solids:

    viscous flow mechanism

    (Section 12.10)

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 - 4

    Elastic means reversible!

    Elastic Deformation

    2. Small load



    1. Initial 3. Unload

    return to





  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 - 5

    Plastic means permanent!

    Plastic Deformation (Metals)




    δ plastic

    1. Initial 2. Small load 3. Unload



    δ elastic + plastic


    stretch& planesshear 

    δ plastic

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 - 6

    (at lower temperatures, i.e. T < T melt /3)

    Plastic (Permanent) Deformation

    • Simple tension test:

    engineering stress,σ 

    engineering strain, e

    Elastic+Plasticat larger stress

    e p

    plastic strain


     Adapted from Fig. 6.10 (a),

    Callister & Rethwisch 9e.

    permanent (plastic)after load is removed

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 -

    1. Dislocations and Plastic Deformation


    • Two fundamental dislocation types: (1)

    edge dislocation and (2) screw


    • Plastic deformation corresponds to themotion of large numbers of dislocation.

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 - 8

    Dislocation Motion: Edge Dislocation

    Dislocation motion and plastic deformation

    • Metals - plastic deformation occurs by slip: an edge dislocation (extra

    half-plane of atoms) slides over adjacent plane half-planes of atoms.

    • Slip: the process by which plastic deformation is produced bydislocation motion

    • If dislocations can't move, plastic deformation doesn't occur!

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 - 9

    Dislocation Motion: Edge Dislocation

    • Formation of a step on the surface of a crystal by the motion of an edge


  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 - 10

    Dislocation Motion: Screw Dislocation

    • Formation of a step on the surface of a crystal by the motion of a screw


  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 -

    2. Slip Systems


    • Slip system: (1) slip plane and (2) slip direction

    • Dislocations do not move with the same degree of ease on all crystallographic

    planes of atoms and in all crystallographic directions.

    • There is a preferred plane (slip plane) in that plane there are specificdirections (slip direction) along which slip occurs.

    • Slip system: the atomic distortion that accompanies the motion of a

    dislocation is a minimum.

    (1) Slip plane: greatest planar density (densest atomic packing)

    (2) Slip direction: highest linear density (most closely packed with atoms)

    • A {111} slip system

    shown within an FCC unit

    cell• 12 slip systems (FCC): 4

    unique {111} planes and 3


    directions within each plane

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 - 12

    Slip System

     – Slip plane - plane on which easiest slippage occurs

    • Highest planar densities (and large interplanar spacings)

     – Slip directions - directions of movement• Highest linear densities

    Slip Systems

    Fig. 7.6, Callister &

    Rethwisch 9e.

     – FCC Slip occurs on {111} planes (close-packed) in directions (close-packed)

    => total of 12 slip systems in FCC

     – For BCC & HCP there are other slip systems.

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 - 13

    Single Crystal Slip

    Fig. 7.8, Callister &

    Rethwisch 9e.

    Fig. 7.9, Callister &

    Rethwisch 9e.(From C. F. Elam, The

    Distortion of Metal Crystals,

    Oxford University Press,

    London, 1935.)

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 -

    Table 7.1: Slip Systems


    • FCC and BCC: ductile (extensive plastic deformation is possible along the

    various systems.

    • HCC: brittle

    • Direction of Burgers vector: Slip direction

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 -

    • Resolved shear stress:

    • One slip system is generally oriented in a way

    that it has the largest resolved shear stress

    τ  R(max).

    3. Slip in Single Crystals


    • Slip system: (1) slip plane and (2) slip direction

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 -

    • Resolved shear stress:

    • Slip commences on the most favorably oriented

    slip system when τ  R, or τ  R(max), reaches the

    critical resolved shear stress τ crss

    : it represents

    the minimum shear stress required to initiate slip

    (or yielding).

    • The single crystal plastically deforms or yields

    when τ  R(max) =  τ crss and the stress required toinitiate yielding (i.e., the yield strength  y) is

    3. Slip in Single Crystals


    • Slip system: (1) slip plane and (2) slip direction

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 - 17

    Stress and Dislocation Motion

    • Resolved shear stress, τ R  – results from applied tensile stresses

    slip plane

    normal, ns

    Resolved shear

    stress: τ R =F s/ As


    τ R 

    τ R 

    F S

    Relation betweenσ and τ R 

    τ R =F S/ AS

    F cos λ  A/cosϕ


    F S


     AS A

     Applied tensile

    stress: = F / Aσ 

    F  A

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 - 18

    • Condition for dislocation motion:

    • Ease of dislocation motion depends

    on crystallographic orientation 10-4 GPa to 10-2 GPa


    Critical Resolved Shear Stress

    maximum at = = 45º

    τ R  = 0

     λ= 90°


    τ R  = σ /2

     λ = 45°

    ϕ= 45°


    τ R  = 0

    ϕ= 90°


  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 - 19

    Ex: Deformation of single crystal

    So the applied stress of 45 MPa will not cause the

    crystal to yield.

     = 35°

     = 60°τ crss = 20.7 MPa

    a) Will the single crystal yield?

    b) If not, what stress is needed?

    σ = 45 MPa

     Adapted from

    Fig. 7.7,

    Callister &

    Rethwisch 9e.

  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 -


    1. Dislocation and plastic deformation

    2. Slip systems: (1) slip plane and (2) slip direction

    3. Slip in single crystals: resolved shear stresses


  • 8/18/2019 MSE 3300-Lecture Note 11-Chapter 07 Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms


    MSE 3300 / 5300 UTA Spring 2015 Lecture 11 -

    Homework 5

    • 6.4, 6.7, 6.10, 6.13, 6.14

    • 6.15, 6.26, 6.30, 6.53, 6.D1

    * Problems from Callister, 9th Edition
