Topics for the MSCSP Research Projects (Advanced Research Projects) WINTER SEMESTER 2019/2020 07.10.2019 Page 1

MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

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Page 1: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Topics for the MSCSP

Research Projects

(Advanced Research Projects)


07.10.2019 Page 1

Page 2: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Selection of topics and submission of

topic sheets until

October 23, 2019.

07.10.2019 Page 2

Page 3: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Department of Electrical Engineering

and Information Technology

Institute for Information Technology

Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Haardt

Lab: Communications Research Laboratory

07.10.2019 Page 3

Page 4: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:

A design of a hybrid precoders and decoders is studied, which should takeinto account the frequency-selective channel properties for high mobility of a UE

• Tasks– Literature study on hybrid mMIMO schemes of a time-variant channel

– Extension of current algorithm and compare to the conventional scheme

• References[1] A. F. Molisch and F. Tufvesson, “ Propagation channel models for next-generation wireless

communications systems“, IEICE Trans. Communications, vol. 97, no. 10, Oct. 2014.

[2] J. Wu and P. Fan, “ A survey on high mobility wireless communications: Challenges, opportunities

and solutions“, IEEE Access, vol. 4, Mar. 2016.

[3] D.-T. Phan-Huy, M. Sternad, and T. Svensson, “ Making 5G adaptive antennas work for very fast

moving vehicles“, IEEE Intell. Transp. Syst. Mag., vol. 7, Apr. 2015.

• Focus

1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Martin Haardt

Sepideh Gherekhloo

Fundamental Limitation of Hybrid mMIMO Based

Point-to-Point Systems

07.10.2019 Page 4

Page 5: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:Hybrid beamforming (BF) architectures employing phase shifters or switches reduce the number of required radio frequency chains and the power consumption of transceivers that employ a large number of antennas. In [1], we have proposed a unifying design that is applicable to architectures employing either phase shifters or switches considering flat-fading single-carrier systems. In this research project, the main task is to extend the proposed method in [1] to systems with frequency-selective multicarrier OFDM systems.

• Tasks1. Literature study on hybrid beamforming architectures for MU-MIMO-OFDM system

2. Extend the proposed method in [1] to systems with frequency-selective multicarrier OFDM systems

• References[1] K. Ardah, G. Fodor, Y. C. B. Silva, W. C. Freitas and F. R. P. Cavalcanti, "A Unifying Design of Hybrid Beamforming Architectures Employing Phase Shifters or Switches," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 11243-11247, Nov. 2018.

• Focus

1 student theory and programming

Responsible Professor:Supervisor:

Prof. Martin HaardtDr. Khaled Ardah

A Unifying Design of Hybrid Beamforming Architectures for MU-MIMO-OFDM Systems Employing Phase Shifters or Switches

07.10.2019 Page 5

Page 6: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:There is a common belief that hybrid analog-digital beamforming architectures are more energy-efficient than their fully-digital counterparts. However, in our recent work [1], we have shown that there are certain scenarios where the FD architectures are more energy efficient. Nonetheless, the results in [1] were obtained assuming infinite-resolution phase-shifters and ideal analog beamforming components. In this research project, the main goal is to build up on the recent results using a more practical model e.g., by incorporating the analog hardware nonidealities and finite resolution phase-shifters.

• Tasks1. Literature study on hybrid analog-digital beamforming architectures

2. Model and implement the analog hardware nonidealities

3. Detailed performance analysis of HAD and FD in terms of spectral and energy efficiency

• References[1] K. Ardah, G. Fodor, Y. C. B. Silva, W. Cruz and A. Almeida, "Hybrid Analog-Digital Beamforming Design for SE and EE

Maximization in Massive MIMO Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

• Focus

1 student theory and programming

Responsible Professor:Supervisor:

Prof. Martin HaardtDr. Khaled Ardah

Are Hybrid Analog-Digital Architectures More Energy-Efficient Than Fully-Digital Architectures – Performance Analysis

07.10.2019 Page 6

Page 7: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:In compressed sensing, sensing matrices with low mutual coherence should be employed to improve the signal recoverability. To this end, the problem of mutual coherence minimization has attracted attention recently and several methods have been proposed. Recently, we have proposed in [1] a novel sensing matrix Φ design method based on mutual coherence minimization. In some applications, however, the sensing matrix is given as Φ = ΡΨ, where Ρ is called the projection matrix and Ψ is the dectionary matrix. In this research project, the main goal is to propose a projection matrix design for P assuming that the sensing matrix Φ is given and a spacific stracture of Ψ.

• Tasks1. Literature study on sensing matrices design

2. Propose a projection matrix design for P assuming that Φ is given and a spacific stracture of Ψ.

• References[1] K. Ardah, M. Pesavento, M. Haardt, "A Novel Sensing Matrix Design for Compressed Sensing via Mutual Coherence Minimization," submitted for CAMSAP 2019.[2] C. Lu, H. Li, and Z. Lin, “Optimized projections for compressed sensing via direct mutual coherence minimization,” Signal Processing, vol. 151, pp. 45 – 55, 2018.

• Focus

1 student theory and programming

Responsible Professor:Supervisor:

Prof. Martin HaardtDr. Khaled Ardah

Projection Matrix Design for Compressed Sensing via Mutual Coherence Minimization

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Page 8: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

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Page 11: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:In the area of machine learning, completing a low-rank matrix or tensor given only a small fraction of its entries has gained considerable interest. Recommender systems (e.g., Netflix, Amazon) are a typical application. In this scenario, user ratings are modeled as a joint Probability Mass Function (PMF). It has recently been shown that such a PMF can be effectively estimated from observed lower-order PMFs via coupled tensor factorizations. Based on the results of a previous project, the goal of this project is to verify the results from the given reference and apply the finished implementation of the algorithm to a real-world dataset for recommender systems or natural language processing (NLP).

• Tasks– Literature study on basic tensor algebra and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)

– Review of the implementation of the proposed solution in MATLAB

– Applying the algorithm to a recommender system or an NLP problem on a publicly available dataset

• References[1] N. Kargas and N. D. Sidiropoulos, “Completing a joint PMF from projections: a low-rank coupled tensor factorization approach,” 2017.

[2] T. G. Kolda and B. W. Bader, “Tensor decompositions and applications,” SIAM Rev., vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 455–500, 2009.

• Focus1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements

Responsible Professor:

Research Advisor:E-Mail:

Prof. Martin Haardt

M.Sc. Mikus [email protected]

Estimation of Joint Probability Mass Functions via

Coupled Tensor Factorization

07.10.2019 Page 11

Page 12: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:Tensors provide a useful tool for the analysis of multidimensional data and have very broad range of applications such as compressed sensing, processing of big data, blind source separation and many more. Moreover, tensors and tensor decompositions have been used to describe various communication systems. The aim of this project is the use of the Multilinear Generalized Singular Value Decomposition (ML-GSVD) (tensor extension of the generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD)) for coordinated beamforming in MIMO systems consisting of a single MIMO capable source terminal and more than two MIMO capable destinations.

• Tasks

– Literature study on tensor algebra and tensor decompositions.

– Literature study on coordinated beamforming techniques in MIMO systems

– Matlab implementation and testing

• References[1] Senaratne, Damith & Tellambura, Chintha. Generalized Singular Value Decomposition for Coordinated Beamforming in MIMO Systems. 1-6. 10.1109/GLOCOM.2010.5684109, 2010[2] T. G. Kolda and B. W. Bader. “Tensor decompositions and applications”. SIAM, 51:455-500, 2009.[3] C.F.van Loan.Generalizingthe Singular Value Decomposition.SIAM Journalon Numerical Analysis, 13:76–83, March 1976.[4] D. Senaratne and C. Tellambura, "GSVD Beamforming for Two-User MIMO Downlink Channel," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 2596-2606, July 2013.

• Focus1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Martin Haardt

Liana Khamidullina

Tensor-based Source-to-n Destination MIMO Broadcast


07.10.2019 Page 12

Tensor-based Source-to-n Destination MIMO Broadcast


Page 13: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:New standards, such as 5G and beyond requires larger bandwidths for increased data rates and as a result they require higher carrier frequencies for operation. Higher frequencies lead to new challenges - in the millimeter range the radio-wave starts to behave similarly to light and easily can be attenuated by objects on the propagation way. In our research we investigate how the MIMO-OFDM receiver performance can be improved taking into account the sparse structure of communication channel for mmWave range. Previously, we have developed a new tensor representation that is not based on a slice-wise (matrix) description, but can be represented by a double contraction of two tensors. We use this double contraction representation to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively.

• Tasks

– Literature study on tensor algebra, tensor decompositions and channel simulators for mmWave band.

– Matlab implementation and testing of cluster based channel model ( self-written model, Quadriga or mmMagic simulators ).

– Derivation of the system model and reception algorithm to uniform rectangular array (URA).

– Matlab implementation and testing of derived algorithm.

• References[1] T. G. Kolda and B. W. Bader. “Tensor decompositions and applications”. SIAM, 51:455-500, 2009.[2] R. W. Heath, N. González-Prelcic, S. Rangan, W. Roh and A. M. Sayeed, "An Overview of Signal Processing Techniques for Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 436-453, April 2016.[3] K. Naskovska, M. Haardt and A. L. F. de Almeida, "Generalized Tensor Contractions for an Improved Receiver Design in MIMO-OFDM Systems," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, AB, 2018, pp. 3186-3190.[4] K. Naskovska, M. Haardt and A. L. F. de Almeida, "Generalized tensor contraction with application to khatri-rao coded MIMO OFDM systems," 2017 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Curacao, 2017, pp. 1-5.[5] M. Haardt, F. Roemer and G. Del Galdo, "Higher-Order SVD-Based Subspace Estimation to Improve the Parameter Estimation Accuracy in Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval Problems," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 3198-3213, July 2008.[6] QUAsi Deterministic RadIo channel GenerAtor - http://quadriga-channel-model.de/[7] mm-Wave based Mobile Radio Access Network for 5G Integrated Communications - https://5g-mmmagic.eu/

• Focus

1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Martin Haardt

M.Sc. Damir Rakhimov

MIMO-OFDM with double contraction for mmWave channel models

07.10.2019 Page 13

Page 14: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:New standards, such as 5G and beyond requires larger bandwidths for increased data rates and as a result they require higher carrier frequencies for operation. Higher frequencies lead to new challenges - in the millimeter range the radio-wave starts to behave similarly to light and easily can be attenuated by objects on the propagation way. In our research we investigate how the MIMO-OFDM receiver performance can be improved taking into account the sparse structure of communication channel for mmWave range. Previously, we have developed a new tensor representation that is not based on a slice-wise (matrix) description, but can be represented by a double contraction of two tensors. We use this double contraction representation to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively.

• Tasks

– Literature study on tensor algebra, tensor decompositions and channel simulators for mmWave band.

– Literature study of precoding algorithms for MIMO-OFDM.

– Literature study of Multi-User MIMO-OFDM algorithms.

– Derive the model for Multi-User MIMO-OFDM for mmWave channel model.

– Matlab implementation and testing of derived algorithm.

– Analysis of obtained results.

• References[1] T. G. Kolda and B. W. Bader. “Tensor decompositions and applications”. SIAM, 51:455-500, 2009.[2] R. W. Heath, N. González-Prelcic, S. Rangan, W. Roh and A. M. Sayeed, "An Overview of Signal Processing Techniques for Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 436-453, April 2016.[3] Q. H. Spencer, C. B. Peel, A. L. Swindlehurst and M. Haardt, "An introduction to the multi-user MIMO downlink," in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 60-67, Oct. 2004.[4] K. Naskovska, M. Haardt and A. L. F. de Almeida, "Generalized Tensor Contractions for an Improved Receiver Design in MIMO-OFDM Systems," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, AB, 2018, pp. 3186-3190.[5] K. Naskovska, M. Haardt and A. L. F. de Almeida, "Generalized tensor contraction with application to khatri-rao coded MIMO OFDM systems," 2017 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Curacao, 2017, pp. 1-5.[6] M. Haardt, F. Roemer and G. Del Galdo, "Higher-Order SVD-Based Subspace Estimation to Improve the Parameter Estimation Accuracy in Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval Problems," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 3198-3213, July 2008.[7] QUAsi Deterministic RadIo channel GenerAtor - http://quadriga-channel-model.de/

• Focus

1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Martin Haardt

M.Sc. Damir Rakhimov

MU MIMO-OFDM with double contraction for mmWave channel models

07.10.2019 Page 14

Page 15: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:The Testbed for communication systems provides a research and development platform capable of designing and prototyping next generation wireless communication standards. The goal of the project is to create testbed based on the LimeSDR transceiver board. During the project, it is necessary to implement the testbed & evaluate the performance of different modulation schemes (QPSK, 16 QAM, 16 PAM) depending on different synchronization and beamforming algorithms.

• Tasks– Literature study on

• hardware capabilities (LimeSDR board), • methods of time and frequency synchronizations, • different modulation schemes• methods of physical link quality evaluation.

– Derivation of the structure for the testbed– Matlab implementation and testing– Hardware implementation of physical layer based on software defined radio board (LimeSDR)

• Matlab/Python implementation and testing of receiver using written source code– Evaluation of the performance of the proposed algorithms (including comparison of synchronization and channel equalization algorithms)– Prepare demonstration for the final presentation (highly desirable)

• References[1] M. Viswanathan. “Digital Modulations using Matlab”. ISBN, 9781521493885, 2017.

[2] M. Viswanathan. “Simulation of Digital Communication Systems Using Matlab”. ISBN, 9781301525089, 2013.

[3] M. C. Jeruchim, P. Balaban, and K. S. Shanmugan, Simulation of Communication Systems. New York: Plenum, 2002

[4] Meyr, H. Digital Communication Receivers: Synchronization, Channel Estimation, and Signal Processing [Text] / John Wiley & Sons, Inc. - 1998.

[5] Mengali, U. Syncronization Techniques for digital Receivers [Text] / U. Mengali // New York: Plenum Press. - 1997.

[6] Nezami M.K. RF Architectures and Digital Signal Processing Aspects of Digital Wireless Transceivers

[7] Information about LimeSDR– https://myriadrf.org/news/limesdr-made-simple-part-1/– https://wiki.myriadrf.org/LimeSDR-USB_User_GuideFocus

• Focus

1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Martin Haardt

M.Sc. Damir Rakhimov

Research and development of testbed for the evaluation of

detection, equalization and synchronization algorithms

07.10.2019 Page 15

Page 16: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

www.tu-ilmenau.de/ei_ms_csp07.10.2019 www.tu-ilmenau.de/ei_ms_cspPage 16

Supervisor: Bilal Zafar

• Description:In conventional cellular networks, users communicate via base stations (BS)

however close range users may gain if they communicate directly between

each other. Device-to-device (D2D) networking allows direct communication

between cellular users and provide the following benefits:

➢ Offload traffic from the core network

➢ Higher data rates and power efficiency for both users and networks

➢ Optimized spectrum reuse if sharing is allowed (underlay case)

➢ Better coverage

➢ Improved energy efficiency and reduced backhaul demand

• Requirements: Strong programming skills in MATLAB and good

knowledge about wireless systems.

• Tasks

❑ When one should use direct D2D communication instead of cellular?

❑ Comparison between in-band (overlay and underlay) and out-of-band


❑ Use of MIMO to provide additional degrees of freedom

❑ How to implement D2D on new generation systems where the

transceivers for uplink and downlink are different

❑ (please contact the supervisor for more details)

• Focus 1 students theory / programming

Device to Device (D2D) communications

Page 17: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

www.tu-ilmenau.de/ei_ms_csp07.10.2019 www.tu-ilmenau.de/ei_ms_cspPage 17

Supervisor: Bilal Zafar

• Description:Rotate phase of constellation

➢ Increased spectral efficency

➢ Part of DVB-T2 standard

• Requirements: Strong programming skills in MATLAB and good

knowledge about wireless systems.

• Tasks

❑ Set up simulation scenario in Matlab

❑ Investigate bit error rate for various modulation schemes

❑ Determine optimal angle of rotation w.r.t the bit error rate

❑ Investigate the advantages of multiplexing using rotated constellations

❑ Investigate possible cryptography uses

❑ (please contact the supervisor for more details)

• Focus 1 students theory / programming

Investigation of modulation with rotated constellation

16-QAM after rotation

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Page 19: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Department of Electrical Engineering

and Information Technology

Institute for Information Technology

Head: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jochen Seitz

Division of Communication Networks

07.10.2019 Page 19

Page 20: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Institute for Media Technology

Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Schuller

Applied Media Systems Group

07.10.2019 Page 20

Page 21: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Description:Active noise control (ANC), also known as noise cancellation, or active noise reduction (ANR), is a method for reducing unwantedsound by the addition of a second sound specifically designed to cancel the first.

• Tasks:

➢ Literature study on methods for active noise control - 30%

➢ Developing novel noise control algorithm based on IIR filters estimation - 70%

• Prerequisites:

➢ Python programing +++

➢ A decent knowledge of digital signal processing techniques is mandatory

➢ Linux +

• References:[1] Jörn Matthies, "Active Noise Cancellation", HAVV Hamburg, 2006 (PDF)


1 student theory / programming / simulations / (Advanced Research Project)

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Gerald Schuller

M.Sc. Oleg Golokolenko

Predictor based Active Noise Reduction

(Urgent topic)

12.03.19 Page 21

Page 22: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Description:Active noise control (ANC), also known as noise cancellation, or active noise reduction (ANR), is a method for reducing unwantedsound by the addition of a second sound specifically designed to cancel the first.

• Tasks:

➢ Literature study on methods for active noise control and PDM signal processing - 30%

➢ Extension of current software on FPGA board (PYNQ) - 70%

➢ Novel robust noise control algorithm (optional)

• Prerequisites:

➢ Python programing +

➢ FPGA programing +++

➢ Linux +

• References:[1] Jörn Matthies, "Active Noise Cancellation", HAVV Hamburg, 2006 (PDF)

[2] PYNQ FPGA board (link)

• Focus:

1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements (Advanced Research Project / Master Thesis)

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Gerald Schuller

M.Sc. Oleg Golokolenko

Active Noise Reduction

12.03.19 Page 22

Page 23: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Description:As part of the project of Active Noise Control (ANC), you will design and implement ADC/DAC for audio input/output (2 inputs and 2

outputs) based on I2S. Moreover, framework software for MIMO audio input/output has to be implemented on FPGA (Python -


• Goal: Device that reads audio input from 2 microphones and outputs audio signal to 2 loudspeakers.

• Task:

➢ Literature study on I2S ADC/DAC - 10%

➢ Hardware design (search for compatible components) – 10%

➢ Framework software for ADC/DAC - 80%

• Prerequisites:

➢ Good knowledge of C++ (Python) programing

➢ Knowledge of FPGA programing or Vivado software

➢ Linux +

• References:[1] Jörn Matthies, "Active Noise Cancellation", HAVV Hamburg, 2006 (PDF)

[2] PYNQ FPGA board (link)

• Focus

1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements (Advanced Research Project / Master Thesis)

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Gerald Schuller

M.Sc. Oleg Golokolenko

Hardware design for FPGA PYNQ board

12.03.19 Page 23

Page 24: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Description:Active Noise Control (ANC), also known as noise cancellation, or Active Noise Reduction (ANR), is a method for reducing unwanted

sound by the addition of a second sound specifically designed to cancel the first.

• Goal: Device that reads audio input from 2 microphones, process data for ANR and outputs audio signal to 2 loudspeakers.

• Task:

➢ Literature study on methods for active noise control, PCM and PDM signal processing - 10%

➢ Programming of the XMOS microprocessor - 70%

➢ Novel robust noise control algorithm - 20%

• Prerequisites:

➢ Good knowledge of C/C++ programing

➢ Experience in microprocessor programming

➢ Linux +

• References:[1] Jörn Matthies, "Active Noise Cancellation", HAVV Hamburg, 2006 (PDF)

[2] XMOS microprocessor [link_1], [link_2]

• Focus

1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements (Advanced Research Project / Master Thesis)

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Gerald Schuller

M.Sc. Oleg Golokolenko

Active Noise Reduction on Microprocessor (XMOS)

12.03.19 Page 24

Page 25: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Description:This project aims development of a novel algorithm for sound source separation based on the analysis of phase shift between frequency bins in

Short-Time Fourier Transforms of a stereo signal. The main task is to extract individual sound sources from mixed audio stream determining

which frequency bins belong to the certain sound source. This algorithm should in the future be used for filtering out of undesired signals and

determination of the perceived azimuth directions in a stereo signal. The project requires basic prior programming skills (Python) and interest in

Signal Processing.

Goal: Novel algorithm for sound source separation based on the analysis of phase shift between frequency bins in Short-Time Fourier

Transforms of a stereo signal.

• Tasks:

➢ Literature study on methods for analysis of phase shift between frequency bins in Short-Time Fourier Transforms - 20%

➢ Novel robust method for analysis of phase shift between frequency bins in FFT domain - 80%

• Prerequisites:

➢ Python programing

➢ ADSP study course or similar

➢ Linux

• References:[1] Scott Rickard, "The DUET Blind Source Separation Algorithm," in Blind Speech Separation, p. 217-241. Springer, 2007 [PDF]

• Focus

1 student theory / programming / simulation / hardware / measurements (Advance Research Project)

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Gerald Schuller

M.Sc. Oleg Golokolenko

Adaptive matched filter in frequency domain

Page 2512.03.19

Page 26: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Description:Although traditional auditory masking models have been shown to be very successful for controlling waveform preserving audio encoders, these models

are known to be unsuitable to likewise steer coding tools which do not preserve the original waveform, e.g. parametric- or semi-parametric coding techniques

like band-width extensions. Therefore, an improved excitation based psychoacoustic model may be used to control the parametrization of non-waveform

preserving coding techniques. From such model, so-called Internal Difference Representations (IDR) are obtained for each available encoding option at hand.

The IDRs are shown to provide a metric that estimates the level of perceptual distortion created by applying the corresponding parametric encoding option.

Currently, for controlling the final encoding process, the parametric encoding option that leads to the minimal absolute IDR has to be determined.

However, this ’brute force approach’ is computationally too demanding for practical applications. This master thesis is directed towards the development of a

realistic encoder application, wherein a Neural Network (DNN, CNN) learns and practically substitutes the model output (the coding parameter) at a fraction

of its current computational costs. The work includes the choice and the implementation of a suitable machine learning topology to substitute the analytic

psychoacoustic model (and the decision making) in a codec. It also includes the automatic annotation of audio material through the psychoacoustic model for

proper training and evaluation of the DNN. Finally, the perceptual result of the encoder work should be assessed through systematic listening tests.


➢ Python programing

➢ A decent knowledge of digital signal processing techniques is mandatory

• References:[1] Disch, S. et al., “Improved Psychoacoustic Model for Efficient Perceptual Audio Codecs”, 145th Audio Engineering Society Convention,


• Focus

1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements (Advance Research Project / Master Thesis)

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Gerald Schuller

M.Sc. Oleg Golokolenko, Dr.-Ing. Sascha Disch,

Dipl.-Math. Andreas Niedermeier (Fraunhofer IIS)

Implementation and Assessment of a Machine Learning

based Psychoacoustic Model for Perceptual Audio Codecs

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Description:The goal of this Masters project is to design and evaluate a predictor using machine learning (DNN, CNN). This predictor should as precisely

as possible predict for an given discrete audio signal the subsequent audio-sample or block of audio-samples. The predictor should be evaluated

in a lossless audio-coder scheme where it is expected that the new predictor outperforms state-of-the art designs. Furthermore, using a feedback

loop, it should be investigated which artificial audio signals the predictor can produce. This is also known as a "Deep Generative Model". It is

part of the project to chose a proper training set and evaluate the predictor on a test-set. The choice of the neural network architecture and its

dimensions and the comparison of different designs is the crucial point. Programming language is Python with its neural network library

Pytorch. Starting point are articles about the so-called "WaveNet" by Google, and "FFTNet".

• Prerequisites:

➢ Python programing

➢ A decent knowledge of digital signal processing techniques is mandatory

• References:[1] Disch, S. et al., “Improved Psychoacoustic Model for Efficient Perceptual Audio Codecs”, 145th Audio Engineering Society Convention,


• Focus

1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements (Advance Research Project / Master Thesis)

Responsible Professor:

Supervisor:Prof. Gerald Schuller

M.Sc. Oleg Golokolenko, Dr.-Ing. Sascha Disch,

Dipl.-Math. Andreas Niedermeier (Fraunhofer IIS)

Predictor and Generator for Audio Signals using

Machine Learning

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Page 28: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Description:Deep learning has some big successes generating artificial images, for instance of faces, using "Generative Adverserial Networks" or"Variational Autoencoders" (VAE), so-called "Deep Fakes". A simple example program for handwritten images is here: https://github.com/kvfrans/variational-autoencoder

The goal of this project is to use the VAE Network to generate musical instrument sounds, similar to "Nsynth", https://magenta.tensorflow.org/nsynth-instrument. For this, the VAE is trained on musical instrument sounds from the IDMT Musical Instruments Database. A suitable training set has to be chosen and tested, and a good set of hyper-parameters (the dimensionality of thenetwork) has to be found. Then a psycho-acoustic similarity measure based on our psycho-acoustic pre- and post-filters has the be usedand tested for the VAE network (for the "generation loss"), and compared to other similarity measures.

• Prerequisites:

➢ Python programing

➢ A decent knowledge of digital signal processing techniques is mandatory

• References:[1] https://github.com/kvfrans/variational-autoencoder

[2] https://magenta.tensorflow.org/nsynth-instrument

• Focus

1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements (Advance Research Project / Master Thesis)

Responsible Professor:

Supervisor:Prof. Gerald Schuller

M.Sc. Oleg Golokolenko

Variational Autoencoder (VAE) for Musical Instruments

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Electronic Measurements and

Signal Processing (EMS)

Department of Electrical Engineering

and Information Technology

Institute for Information Technology

Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Giovanni Del Galdo

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Page 31: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Simulation of Vehicular Mobility and Propagation Channels

• DescriptionFor future wireless communication systems, a key application is communication between vehicles, infrastructure, pedestrians, or any other entity

(V2X). For large-scale evaluation of such systems by simulations, mobility patterns of individual users have to combined with the radio

transmission channels between users. The aim of this project is to investigate what level of detail a simulation tool chain as proposed in [1] will

achieve, when run at a larger scale.

• Tasks1. Gain understanding of geometry-based stochastic channel models from [1] and the SUMO simulator from [2].

2. Get acquainted with the workflow and make an inventory of parameter settings for large system-level simulations of different environments

and scenarios.

3. Conduct simulations for scenarios like urban, sub-urban, and rural, each with a few different environmental settings.

4. Analyse the results:

1. Regarding advanced model requirements, like spatial consistency of radio channels of individual road users, continuous Doppler spectra over

time, or reciprocal channels between pairs of road users

2. As an option: compute metrics that allow for comparison with future measurements, like correlation of large-scale fading, stationarity lengths,

or delay windows

• References[1] “GEMV2 - geometry-based, efficient propagation model for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication” at


[2] SUMO - Eclipse SUMO – Simulation of Urban Mobility, at https://sumo.dlr.de/wiki/Simulation_of_Urban_MObility_-_Wiki

• Focus

• 1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements

Responsible Professor: Prof. Giovanni Del Galdo

Supervisor: Dr. W. Kotterman, C. Schneider

Page 32: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

Modeling of Virtual-LOS and First-Path-Arrival Delay

Difference under NLOS

• DescriptionFor future wireless communication systems it is of high interest besides the main task of communication to allow precise positioning of mobile

users. The design of such systems is usually based on wireless channel models as from 3GPP standards [1]. To allow the evaluation of

positioning features it is of particular interest to know the accurate delay of the first arriving multipath component. For so-called line-of-sight

(LOS) propagation situations it can easily derived by geometrical calculation from the LOS path (distance between base station and mobile

user). However, for non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation conditions it is difficult to derive this information within a channel model since the

arrival time of the first multipath component is usually not directly modeled. This research project aims to investigate under NLOS the

difference between virtual LOS (distance between base station and mobile user) and the first arrived multipath component. Based on ray

tracing simulation at different frequency bands the delay difference should be statistically evaluated and discussed. Of advantage would be to

provide modeling proposals.

• Tasks1. Gain understanding of Geometry based stochastic channel models as from 3GPP TR 38.901.

2. Establish ray tracing simulations to study the proposed problem.

3. Analysis and study of the delay difference by different tools/approaches

4. Derive modeling approaches and assumptions.

• References[1] 3GPP TR 38.901 “Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5 to 100GHz.

• Focus

• 1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements


Responsible Professor: Prof. Giovanni Del Galdo

Supervisor: D. Dupleich, C. Schneider


Page 33: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:In vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication scenarios, the mobile radio channel can not be expected to follow the wide sense stationary (WSS) and uncorrelated scattering (US) assumptions. A meaningful delay-Doppler-domain representation of such channels is provided by the generalized local Scattering function (GLSF) [1]. It can be interpreted as a time- and frequency-variant scattering function. The processing of the GLSF is rather complex and relies on a number of adjustable parameters. To obtain best and reliable results, it is inevitable to find the optimum combination of parameters. One key measure of V2X radio channels is their stationarity [2]. It indicates how severely and rapidly the channel changes. Since thestationarity is derived from the GLSF, we can expect that changes in the processing parameters of the GLSF affect the resulting stationarity as well.

• Tasks– Gain understanding of concept of local scattering function and stationarity of radio channels

– Establish simulations of highly dynamic, non-WSSUS channels

– Find optimum combination of the processing parameters

– Investigate how changing the processing parameters of the GLSF alters the resulting stationarity values

• References[1] G. Matz. “On non-WSSUS wireless fading channels”. In: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4.5 (Sept. 2005), pp. 2465–2478. ISSN: 1536-1276. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2005.853905.[2] L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, F. Tufvesson, A. F. Molisch, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, “The (in-) validity of the WSSUS assumption in vehicular radio channels,” in 2012 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications - (PIMRC), Sept 2012, pp. 1757– 1762.

• Focus1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Giovanni Del Galdo

D. Czaniera, C. Schneider

07.10.2019 Page 33

Optimization of Processing Parameters for

Computation of Generalized Local Scattering Function

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Department of Computer Science and Automation

Institute of Computer Engineering

Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel

Integrated Communication Systems Group

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Page 35: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:Device-to-Device communication in LTE is of two types: Underlay and Overlay. In overlay, D2D UEs use orthogonal resources to other cellular UEs (no intra-cell interference), while in underlay the D2D UEs re-use the resources of cellular users (causing intra-cell interference). The task is to develop a reuse algorithm which selects the D2D communication to communicate between them without any central hierarchy.

• Tasks– Understanding underlay/overlay based D2D communication

– Comparison of algorithms to reuse resources in a centralized and a distributed way

– Implement the algorithm on Matlab simulator

• References[1] . K. Doppler, C.H. Yu, C.B. Ribeiro, P. Janis, Mode selection for device-to-device communication underlaying an LTE-advanced network, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (2010), pp. 1–6.[2] Abubaker Matovu Waswa, Dariush M. Soleymani, Stephen Mwanje, Jens Mückenheim, Andreas Mitschele-Thiel: Multiple Resource Reuse for D2D Communication with Uniform Interference in 5G Cellular Networks , IEEE PIMRC 2017, October 2017.

• Focus1 student theory / programming

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel

Abubaker Matovu Waswa

Resource Reuse Management in Underlay

D2D cellular communication

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• Description:Device-to-Device communication in LTE: In Underlay the D2D UEs re-use the resources of cellular UEs (causing intra-cell interference). The task is to develop a reuse algorithm which selects multiple D2D users re-using the cellular UE resources while taking into account both the intra-cell and inter-cell interference in a multi-cell scenario.

• Tasks– Understanding underlay/overlay based D2D communication

– Comparison of algorithms to reuse resources for multiple D2D UEs in a centralized way

– Implement the algorithm on Matlab simulator

• References[1] . K. Doppler, C.H. Yu, C.B. Ribeiro, P. Janis, Mode selection for device-to-device communication underlaying an LTE-advanced network, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (2010), pp. 1–6.[2] Abubaker Matovu Waswa, Stephen Mwanje, Jens Mückenheim, Andreas Mitschele-Thiel: Opportunistic and Partial Random Resource Reuse for Multiple D2D Communication in Cellular Networks , IEEE ICUMT 2018, November 2018.

• Focus1 student theory / programming

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel

Abubaker Matovu Waswa

Resource Reuse Management in Underlay

D2D cellular communication

07.10.2019 Page 36

Page 37: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:

– A canonical approach for modeling SON functions interactions could be based on therelationships between observable variables (e.g. user speed, traffic profiles), controllablevariables (e.g. TTT, CIO, Hysteresis) and KPI. The combination of these three quantities giveus the State-Action-Space (SAS). Modeling SAS as a graph shall allow us to use graphanalytics theory to reduce the SAS, keeping only the more relevant states for the dynamics.

• Tasks

– Literature study on MLB and MRO functions. Understanding the Neo4j database capabilities to achieve dimensionality reduction.

– To come up with a graph representation for the dynamics between MLB and MRO SFs. Apply Neo4j mechanisms for recommending optimal configurations to the network.

– Validation of the proposed solution using IKR network simulator for MRO and MLB.

• References– S. S. Mwanje and A. Mitschele-Thiel, “Distributed cooperative q-learning for mobility-sensitive handover optimization in lte

son,” in Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE Symposium on, pp. 1–6, IEEE, 2014.

– W. Qin, Y. Teng, M. Song, Y. Zhang, and X. Wang, “Aq-learning approach for mobility robustness optimization in lte-son,” in Communication Technology (ICCT), 2013 15th IEEE International Conference on, pp. 818–822, IEEE, 2013.


1 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements

Responsible Professor:

Supervisor:Prof. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel

Diego Preciado

Recommendation System for SON functions based on

graph analytics

07.10.2019 Page 37

Page 38: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:3GPP proposes Mode 2 based D2D communication to handle out-of-coverage scenarios through random access of the channel. But it fails to address the requirements of URLLC based applications which require low latency and high reliability. An algorithm is needed to reduce the number of collisions and lower the latency in accessing the channel.

• Tasks– Understanding Mode 2 based D2D communication

– Studying literature on random access schemes

– Design an algorithm by using sensing mechanism to reduce the collisions

– Evaluate different Time Resource Patterns (T-RPT)

– Implement the algorithm on Matlab simulator

• References[1] M. J. Shih, H. H. Liu, W. D. Shen and H. Y. Wei, "UE autonomous resource selection for D2D communications: Explicit vs. implicit approaches," 2016 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), Berlin, 2016.

• Focus1 student theory / programming

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel

Zubair Shaik

Autonomous resource allocation for out-of-

coverage D2D communication in LTE

07.10.2019 Page 38

Page 39: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description5G NR wireless networks aims to offer flexibility and adaptability for supporting diverse service classes such as eMBB, URLLC and mMTC with requirements like higher throughputs, low latency or high reliability. The introduction of flexible numerologies to serve the mentioned use cases demands new resource allocation and scheduling techniques. This flexibility comes at the cost of some challenges such as inter-numerology interference, spectral efficiency reduction, complexity etc.

• Tasks– Understanding the proposed 5G NR Multi-Numerology and mini-slot (shortened TTI) Approach

– Understanding the challenges involved with mixed-numerology based scheduling

– Propose and implement a downlink/uplink resource allocation scheme for serving user requirements with higher throughput and lower latency than LTE (Single Numerology based system).

• References[1] S. A. Akhtar and H. Arslan, "Downlink resource allocation and packet scheduling in multi-numerology wireless systems," 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW), Barcelona, 2018, pp. 362-367 [2] A. Yazar and H. Arslan, “Flexible Multi-Numerology Systems for 5G New Radio,” Journal of Mobile Multimedia, vol. 14. no. 4, pp. 367-394, October 2018

• Focus1 student theory / programming

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel

Zubair Shaik

Multi-Numerology Based Resource Allocation for

Flexible 5G NR Wireless Networks

07.10.2019 Page 39

Page 40: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description:

– With various applications demanding different QoS requirements, the idea is to implement a centralized QoS scheduler based on Software Defined Networking, which would provide QoS rules to the connected base stations running on Software Defined Radios.

• Tasks

– Literature study on LTE/5G QoS

– Survey open source solutions for LTE (srsLTE/OAI) and SDN (OpenFlow/Floodlight).

– Analysis and implementation of centralized QoS algorithm to serve the rules to the scheduling algorithms running on the base stations

• References

– 3GPP TS # 29.513, 3GPP TS # 38.300

– E. Skondras, A. Michalas, A. Sgora and D. D. Vergados, "QoS-aware scheduling in LTE-A networks with SDN control," 2016 7th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems & Applications (IISA), Chalkidiki, 2016, pp. 1-6


2 student theory / programming / hardware / measurements

Responsible Professor:

Supervisor:Prof. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel

Zubair Shaik

SDN based centralized QoS for LTE/5G using Software

Defined Radios

07.10.2019 Page 40

Page 41: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description5G NR wireless networks aims to offer flexibility and adaptability for supporting diverse service classes such as eMBB, URLLC and mMTC with requirements like higher throughputs, low latency or high reliability. The introduction of NOMA to serve multiple users on the same resource blocks demands new resource allocation and scheduling techniques when combined with multi-numerology. The idea is to propose a flexible

• Tasks– Understanding the proposed 5G based NOMA

– Understanding the challenges involved with NOMA and mixed-numerology based scheduling

– Implement NOMA based on the multi-numerolboy based matlab simulator to create a flexible scheduling algorithm

• References[1] J. Zhao, Y. Liu, K. K. Chai, Y. Chen, M. Elkashlan and J. Alonso-Zarate, "NOMA-Based D2D Communications: Towards 5G," 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington, DC, 2016, pp. 1-6.[2] A. Yazar and H. Arslan, “Flexible Multi-Numerology Systems for 5G New Radio,” Journal of Mobile Multimedia, vol. 14. no. 4, pp. 367-394, October 2018

• Focus1 student theory / programming

Responsible Professor:


Prof. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel

Zubair Shaik

NOMA for Flexible 5G Wireless Networks

07.10.2019 Page 41

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Further research projects will be uploaded on the ICS web page:


ICS Research Projects

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RF and Microwave Research Laboratory

Department of Electrical Engineering

and Information Technology

Institute for Information Technology

Head: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Matthias Hein

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• Description

To achieve robust satellite navigation, antenna arrays must be employed, as these enable simultaneous beam- or null-

steering towards signal and interferer. This necessitates the direction-of-arrival estimation of a signal with sufficiently

high precision. To minimize the installation area for automotive applications, a number of small distributed sub-arrays is

envisaged. The electrically large distance between the antenna elements gives rise to ambiguous array factors, which

can be mitigated by specific antenna arrangements and signal processing. In order to test the performance of such a

system, an artificial satellite scenario is to be established in the Virtual Road – Simulation and Test Area (VISTA).

• Tasks

− Configuration of available measurement instrumentation

for artificial satellite data transmission

− Layout and functional proof of a test scenario suitable for synchronizing the time

of transmission and for implementation in VISTA

− Configuration of the satellite constellations through Almanac data

− Documentation of the test environment

• References (basic literature)[1] Operating manual of Rohde & Schwarz SMBV100A Vector Signal Generator and USRP X310

• Focus

1 student theory / programming / simulation / hardware / measurements / protocols

Page 44

Test environment for direction-sensitive satellite navigation receivers

Responsible Professor:

Research Assistant:

Prof. Dr. Matthias Hein

M.Sc. Syed Naser [email protected]

August 2019

Page 45: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description

The radar cross section (RCS) of a target is a relevant parameter for evaluating the performance of automotive radar

systems in terms of detection, discrimination, and tracking. Furthermore, the radar has to be emulated accurately if

subject to an over-the-air validation methodology in a closed hardware-in-the-loop approach. Therefore, it is essential

to study the RCS patterns of traffic participants under conditions with least influence of ground reflections and

background artefacts. Until now, the RCS has been measured along a single horizontal cut (2D). However, for

realistic considerations, it is necessary to measure the RCS profiles of objects at various elevations, to derive an

appropriate RCS pattern for detection in such scenarios.

• Tasks

− Measurement of the RCS of selected traffic objects in VISTA using the vector

network analyser and mm-wave extension modules available in the research group

− Post-processing and thorough analysis of the measured data using MATLAB

• References (basic literature)

[1] T. Schipper et al., ”RCS measurement results for automotive related objects at 23-27 GHz”,

Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Rome, 2011.

• Focus

1 student theory / programming / simulation / hardware / measurements / protocols

Page 45

RCS measurements of automotive radar objects across elevation

Responsible Professor:

Research Assistant:

Prof. Dr. Matthias Hein

M.Sc. Sreehari [email protected]

August 2019

Page 46: MSCSP Research Projects · to model a MIMO-OFDM system in the millimeter wave band, where the tensors involved in the contraction represent the channel and the symbol tensors, respectively

• Description

Phased-array antennas are used in a variety of applications including automotive radar. For an accurate estimation of

the direction-of-arrival (DOA), plane waves are usually required to illuminate the array elements. The aim of this

project is to evaluate the radiation patterns of a phased array when illuminated with plane or curved wavefronts,

respectively, in order to analyze the resulting error. First, the array shall be illuminated with a source antenna by

placing it at different carefully selected distances and angles with respect to the array. Then, the resulting amplitudes

and phases detected at each array element shall be used to excite the array, to reconstruct the resulting radiation

pattern. The results shall be analysed, in order to estimate the DOA error.

• Tasks

− Familiarization with planar phased arrays (textbooks) and electromagnetic full-wave simulation

using CST Microwave Studio

− Design of a 4×4 planar patch array and simulation of radiation patterns under various illuminations

− Analysis and interpretation of the numerical results and comparison with theoretical expectation

• References (basic literature)[1] Constantine A. Balanis, „Advanced engineering electromagnetics“, 2012

[2] Rütschlin, Marc & Wittig, Tilmann & Iluz, Zeev. (2016). Phased antenna array design with CST STUDIO SUITE. 1-5. 10.1109/EuCAP.2016.7481530.

• Focus

1 student theory / programming / simulation / hardware / measurements / protocols

Page 46

Phase error due to nearfield effects in phased arrays

Responsible Professor:

Research Assistant:

Prof. Dr. Matthias Hein

M.Sc. Muhammad Ehtisham [email protected]

August 2019