(DBOT 01) M.Sc. (Previous) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2005. Firat Year Botany Paper I - BIOLOGY AND DIVERSITY OF ALGAE, BRYOPHYTES, PTERIDOPHYTES ANS GYMNOSPERMS Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer any FIVE questions from Section A. Each question carries 8 marks. Also answer ALL the questions from Section B. Each questions carries 15 marks. SECTION - A (5x8=40 marks) 1. Bacillariophyta. 2. Phylogeny of chlorophyceae and charophyceae 3. General characters of bryophytes. 4. Life cycles in bryophytes. 5. Fossn pterideophytes. 6. Heterospory. 7. ovuliferous seales. 8. Cones of coniferales. SECTION B - (4x15=60 marks) 9. (a) Describe how the algae are used as food, fodder, fertilizer and in pharmaceutical. or (b) Describe the struture, reproduction and life cycles inphaeophyecae. 10. (a) Describe the development of sex orgons and process of sexual reproduction inbryophytes. or (b) Give an account of classification and evolutionary tendencies of sporophyte in bryophytes. 11. (a) Give an account on the classification of pteridophytes and add anote on fossil members of pteridophytes.

M.Sc. (Previous) DEGREE EXAMINATION, Firat Year …anucde.info/Botany, Physics.pdf(DBOT 01) M.Sc. (Previous) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2005. Firat Year Botany Paper I - BIOLOGY

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DECEMBER 2005.Firat Year



GYMNOSPERMSTime : Three Hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions from Section A.

Each question carries 8 marks.Also answer ALL the questions from Section B.

Each questions carries 15 marks.SECTION - A (5x8=40 marks)

1. Bacillariophyta.2. Phylogeny of chlorophyceae and charophyceae3. General characters of bryophytes.4. Life cycles in bryophytes.5. Fossn pterideophytes.6. Heterospory.7. ovuliferous seales.8. Cones of coniferales.

SECTION B - (4x15=60 marks)

9. (a) Describe how the algae are used as food, fodder, fertilizer and inpharmaceutical.


(b) Describe the struture, reproduction and life cycles inphaeophyecae.10. (a) Describe the development of sex orgons and process of sexualreproduction inbryophytes.


(b) Give an account of classification and evolutionary tendencies ofsporophyte in bryophytes.11. (a) Give an account on the classification of pteridophytes and addanote on fossil members of pteridophytes.


(b) Describe the evolution of stele on pteriodephytes.12. (a) Describe the evolution of male and female gametophytes in livinggymnosperms.

Or(b) Give an account on the economic uses of gymnosperms.


DECEMBER 2005.First Year


PLANT ECOLOGYTime : Three hours. Maximum : 100 marks.

Answer any FIVE questions from Section A.Each qquestion carries 8 marks.

Also answer All the questions from Section B.Each question carries 15 marks.

SECTION A - (5x8=40 marks)1. Ethnobotany.2. Chromosome number in Taxonomy.3. Cytology in relation to Taxonomy.4. Binomral system of nomenclature.5. Biosphere.6. Commensalism.7. Ecological efficiency.8. Non - biodegradable pollutants.

SECTION B - (4x15=60 marks)

9. (a) What is phylogenetic system of classification? Who proposed thisand what are the merits and demerits?

Or(b) What are the rules and regulations of nomenclature and describe

them in detail.

10. (a) What are the different vegetation types and describe the distributionof plants.

Or(b) What is artificial system of classification?

Who proposed this and what are the merits and demerits and also give a briefaccount of classification.11. (a) What are ecosystems? Describe the various types of terrestrialecosystems.

Or(b) Write an essay on succession in plant communities.

12. (a) What is Phytogeography? What are the major divisions of phyto-geography and also describe the different types of plant distribution.

Or(b) Describe water and air pollution . What are the causes and reme-

dial measures you popose in the above pollution?


DECEMBER 2005.First year


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marksAnswer any FIVE questions from Section A.

Each questions carries 8 marks.Answer ALL questions from Section B.

Each questions carries 15 marks.SECTION A - (5x8=40 marks)

1. Heterochromatin.2. Synaptinemal complex.3. Lamp-brush chromosomes.4. Amphidiploids.5. Complementary gene action.6. Cytoplasmic male sterility.7. Inportance of plant introduction.8. Recurrent selection.

SECTION B - (4x15=60 marks)

9. (a) Describe the ultra structure of nucleolus and its organization; how isit involved in the synthesis of r-RNA.

Or(b) What is a karyotype? How is it studied? Add a note on the signifi-

cance of banding techniques in it.10. (a) Write briefly on the different inversion heterozygotes and theirmeiotic behaviour.

Or(b) What are autopolyploids? Discuss on the meiotic behaviour of an

autotriploid.11. (a) Write an essay on the chromosomal theory of sex determination inplants and animals.

Or(b) What is a mutagen and how are they classified?

Describe the mode of action of any two mutagens you have studied.12. (a) Write briefly on the breeding methods of self pollinated crop.

Or(b) What is hybridization? Describe the methods used in plant breed-

ing with their signigicance.


DECEMBER 2005.First Year

BotanyPaper IV - PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND METABOLISMTime : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions from Section A.Each question carries 8 marks.

Answer ALL the questions from Section B.Each question carries 15 marks.

SECTION A - (5x8=40 marks)1.Choesion - tension theory.2. Surface tension.3. Km value of an enzyme.4. Structure of PSI complex.5. Transamination.6. -oxidation of fatty acida.

7. Synthesis of ethylece.8. Signal transduction.

SECTION B -(4x15=60 marks)

9. (a) Write an essay on the recent theories explaining the mechanism oftransporation.

Or(b) Briefly discuss on water potential and its components. add a note

on any one method of determining.10. (a) Explain the mechanism of C

4 pathway. WhyC

4 plants are more

efficient than plants?Or

(b) Write an essay on pentose phosphate pathway and its significance.11. (a) Describe briefly the mechanism of fixation by Rhizobia bacteria.

Or(b) What are fats? Discuss on the role of malonyl Co A and falty acid

synthase in the biosynthesis of falty acids.12. (a) Write briefly on the mechanism of action of cytokinins inplants.Add a note on their role in agriculture.

Or(b) Explain the role of phytochromes in plantmorpho genesis.


DECEMBER 2005.Second Year


MODERN OPTICSTime : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.Allquestions carry equal mars.

1. (a) Show that the normal component of magnetic induction and electricdisplacement are continuous across the boundsry.

(b) Explain the action of Fresnelís Rhomd.2. Discuss in detail the phenomenon of dispersion in sbsorbing media onthe bassis of electomagnetic theory.

3. (a) Discusss the characteristics properties of laser light.(b) Derive the condition for population inversion reuired for light am-

plification.4. (a) Discuss the stability criteria of carfocal optical resonator.

(b) Discuss the limitation line width due to rakiating decay.5. Discuss n detail the various conditions to record different types ofholograma.6. Describe in detail the Red time and speckle interferometry.7. (a) Describe the fundamental elements of an optical fiber communica-tion system with the help of a block diagram.

(b) Discuss the propagation of meridiard rays in a step-index opticalfiber.8. (a) Discuss the wave equations for graded index fibers and hence de-rive mode equations.

(b) Discuss about the core-cladding losses in optical fibers.9. Answer any TWO of the following:

(a) Tatal Internal Reflection.(b) Ruby Laser.(c) LIDAR.(d) Intermodal dispersion.


DECEMBER 2005.Second Year


RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPYTime : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Explain the multipole moments for point charges.(b) How do you determine quedrapole moment of deuteron?

2. (a) What are the properties of nuclear forces?(b) Explain in detail the inferences drawn from the experimental data of

deuteron.3. (a) Explain various types of nuclear reactions.

(b) Obtain an expression for Q-value of the nuclear reaction.

4. (a) What are magic numbers?(b) Explain in detail the nuclear shell model.

5. (a) What are various interactions that exist among the elementaryparticlea.

(b) Explain charge conjugation and space inversion invariance.6. (a) What are block equations?

(b) Obtion solutions for Block equtions for steady state conditions.7. (a) Derive an expression for the separation between consecutive rota-tional lines in non-rigid rotator approximation.

(b) Write down the applications of rotational spectroscopy.8. (a) Explain energy levels, selection rules treating vibrating diatomicmolecule as anharmonic oscillator.

(b) What happens to the rotational constant of V=1 state in comparionto V=0 state of vibration rotation interaction takes place?9. Write notes on any TWO of the following :

(a) Meson theory of nuclear forces.(b) Semi-empirical mass formula.(c) Conservations laws among elementary particles.(d) PQR hranches in IR spectrum.


DECEMBER 2005.Second Year


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.Allquestions carry equal marks.

1. What is co-ordination number? Determine the number of nearestneighbours and the nearest neighbour distance for monoatomic sc, bcc and fccstructures. Show that the atomic packing factors for fcc and hop metals aresame.2. (a) Derive Braggís Law for X-ray diffraction in crystals. Describe theprinciple of laueís diffraction method and explain the origin of Laue spots.

(b) Describe the powder methos for X-rax diffraction.3. Explain with suitable examples the ionic covalent, metallic and molecu-lar binding in solids.

4. Derive the dispersion relation for the frequency of lattice vibrations forlinear monoatomec chain. Discuss the long wavelength limit.5. Describe the Einstein model of lsttice heat capacity. Discuss the suc-cesses and failures of this model.6. (a) Explain in detail the free electron model in three dimensions.

(b) Explain the Fermi function and sketch Fermi distribution functio fordiffetent temperatures.7. Describe the basic principles of Hall effect in semiconductors. De-scribe an experimental set-up for the measurement of Hall voltage.8. Show that the product of electron and hole concentrations in a semicon-ductor is constant at a given temperature. How is the energy gap determindfrom the measurement of electrical comducctivity of a semiconductor.9. Write note on any TWO of the following.

(a) Structure of diamond and co-ordinates of the atoms in the structure(b) Experimental determination of elastic constants of solids.(c) Motion of electrons in a periodic potential well(d) Injection Laser.


DECEMBER 2005.Second Year


Time : three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) What is meant by polarization of a soild? Explain polarizability ofatoms and molecules.

(b) Derive expressions for electric and ionic polarizability of a dielec-tric materials.2. (a) Explain the behaviour of a dielectric material in an ac field.

(b) Derive expression for the energy absorbed per second in a dielec-tric material when an ac field is applied.3. (a) What are different types of point defects? Explain each of them.

(b) Derive expression for the concentration of valancies in metallic andionic crystals.4. (a) Discuss the role of dislocations in the crystal growth of a solid.

(b) What is meant by magnetic susceptibility? Describe experimentsset up to measure the magnetic susceptibility of a material.5. (a) Distinguish between classical and quantum theory of Paramagnet-ism.

(b) Discu the quantum theory of Paramagnetism. Obtain curies law forparamagnetic mateial.6. (a) Explain the weiss theory of ferromagnetism. Obtain an expressionfor the wusceptibility of ferromagnetic material.

(b) Explain how a saturation magnetization depends on temperature.7. (a) Derive quantization condition of spinwaves.

(b) Obtain Block T3/2 law. Explain its validity.8. (a) What is a ferrimagnetic material. Explain the structure of a ferritematerial.

(b) Discuss Nerrís theory of ferrimagnetic material.9. What note on any TWO of the following :

(a) Effect of crystal field on the paramagneitc properties of solid.(b) Determination of dielectric of a solid.(c) GMR and CMR materials.(d) Ferromagnetic domains.


DECEMBER 2005.Second Year


ANGIOSPERMS AND ETHNOBOTANYTime : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks.

Answer any FIVE questions from Section A.Each question carries 8 marks

Also answer All the questions from Section B.Each question carries15 marksSECTION A- (5x8=40 marks)

1. Megasporogenesis.2. Seed dormancy.3. Root stem transition.4. Annual rings.

5. Structural similarities of phloem and Xylem.6. Biodiversity in cacred groves.7. Threatened species.8. Biofuel plants.

SECTION B - (4x15=60 marks)Answer ALL questions.

9. (a) Give an account of the structure of the female gametophyte in an-giosperms and add a note on the functions of its components.

Or(b) Write in illustrated account of the exbryo development in dicots.

10. (a) Give an account of the Gymnoapermous wood and how it differsfrom that of the angiospermous wood.

Or(b) Write an account of the anomalous secondary growth in dicots.

11. (a) What is a sacred grove? Mention the protected sacred groves ofAndhra Proaesh and give the details of one sacred grove.

Or(b) Write an account of the major medicinal plants of Andhra Pradesh

you have studied.12. (a) Write an essay on phytochemicals of commercial significance andgive their medicinal inportance.

Or(b) Give a brief account of the ethnobotanicalresearches in India and

mention its significance in stregthnening the modern medicine.


DECEMBER 2005.Second Year


PLANT DISEASESTime : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTON A- (5x8 =40 marks)Answer any FIVE questions.

1. Biological Control.2. Citrus Canker.3. Endospores.4. Industrial uses of fungi.5. Basidiocarp.6. Plant disease indexing.7. Erysiphe cichovacearam.8. Whipsmut of sugarcane.

SECTION B - (4x15= 60 marks)9. (a) Discuss the role of microorganisms in the transformation of nitrog-enous compounds.

Or(b) Write a general account of control of plant viral diseases.

10. (a) what are the salient features of Ainsworths system of classificationof fungi? (15)

Or(b) Give an account of asexual and sexual reproduction in zoosporic

fungi.11. (a) Write briefly about the mechanism of entry of plant pathogens in toplants. (15)

Or(b) Write briefly about mushroom cultivation.

12. (a) What are the symptoms for detection of ëdamping offí disease ofvegetables? What are the causal organisms and factors affecting diseasedevelopment? (15)

Or(b) Discuss the symptoms, etiology and epodemiology of groundnut ruat

.(DBOT 23)


Second YearBotany

Paper VII - CELL BIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGYTime : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A- (5x8= 40 marks)Answer any FIVE of the following.

1. Structure if golgi complex.2. Structure of ATP aynthase.3. Principles of Phase contrast microscopy.4. Cell surface receptors.5. Explain Blenders experiment and its results.6. Complementation test.7. Alternate forms of DNA.8. Messelson and Stahlís experiment.

SECTION B- (4x15 = 60 marks)Answer any FOUR of the following.

9. (a) Write an essay on structure and function of endoplasmic reticulum.Or

(b) What are transposons? and explain mechanism of transposition.11. (a) Write an account on recombination mechanisms in bacteria.

Or(b) Describe the evolution of gene concept.

12. (a) Write an account on DNA repair mecanisms.Or

(b) Mechanisns of gene regulation mecanisms in prokarhotes.


DECEMBER 2005.Second Year


Time : three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A - (5x8= 40 marks)All questions carry equal marks.

Answer any FIVE of the following.1. Composition of nutrient medium.2. Organogenesis.3. Secondary metabolites.4. Synthetic seeds.5. cDNA libraries.6. Dot blot technique.

7. RFLP.8. Plants as bioreactors.

SECTION B - (4x15 = 60 marks)Answer ALL questions.

9. (a) Give an account of use of cell cultures in isolation and selection ofmutants for biotic and abiotic stress.

Or(b) What is meristem culture? Give details of different types of mer-

istem culture and their applications.10. (a) Different between somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis.

Or(b) Give details of protoplast culture technique and its applications.

11. (a) What is rDNA technology? Give different steps involved in pro-duction of rDNA molecules.

Or(b) Give details of screening procedures to identify recombinants.

12. (a) Explain the role of biotechnology in agriculture.Or

(b) Give details of Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer into plants.