Mrs. Sheyka’s Summer LV Cougar Challenge Loma Vista Elementary School June 16, 2017 Dear Loma Vista Families, Summer is here and it is often a time when students who have made academic gains throughout the school year, slowly slip behind. Let’s PREVENT THE SLIDE! Summer is the best opportunity to help your child develop the reading habits of a lifelong reader! Please support your child by establishing a family routine of reading daily for 30 minutes. In support of our Cougars, we have developed a list of fun activities your child can engage in over the summer to maintain and even strengthen their skills. I would encourage you & your child to explore these activities together! 4 th Annual Principal’s Summer Scholar Challenge! Did you know it is cool to think about school over the summer? Mrs. Sheyka is offering a reward for all of our Loma Vista Cougars who complete something academic this summer. If you choose to participate, all you have to do is show proof to Mrs. Sheyka that you participated in at least one of the following: Kinder, 1 st , 2 nd Grade: Work in ABCMouse: https://www.abcmouse.com/landing/brand:bing Attend the TPSF Summer Academy! Attend TUSD Summer School Literacy Program @ Beswick! Complete your current teacher’s summer incentive program (where applicable)! Research Coach Wooden and write a report about what you learn! Attend ANY summer LITERACY, MATH, SCIENCE or SPORTS camp! Show a calendar signed and dated by a summer tutor! Show a calendar of the days and times that you practiced your math facts! Work in Front Row math program: https://www.frontrowed.com/ Keep a reading log that notes title, author, pages and date read. Be sure to get a PARENT SIGNATURE after each read. Recommended lists: https://www.engageny.org/resource/text-list-for-p-12-ela Visit your current teacher’s Haiku site and explore provided resources! Keep a summer writing journal, and write about your fun summer activities (on paper or in a googledoc)! Participate in one or ALL of these fun summer reading incentive programs: o OC Summer Library Challenge 2017: http://www.ocpl.org/kids/summer_library_challenge o Scholastic Summer Reading Program: http://www.scholastic.com/ups/campaigns/src-2017/ o Book It! Summer Reading Program w/ Pizza Hut: http://www.bookitprogram.com/summer/ All work must reflect your 100% effort; your PERSONAL BEST! Submit EVIDENCE of your daily reading and learning, by Friday, August 25 th and you will be invited to an ice cream social with the principal on Friday, September 1 st ! What a GREAT way to enjoy summer & gear up for 2017.18! #LVGRIT Happy Summer! ♥, Mrs. Sheyka NOTE: This flyer will be posted on our school website All entries DUE to classroom teachers by Friday: August 25 th

Mrs. Sheyka’s Summer LV Cougar Challenge

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Page 1: Mrs. Sheyka’s Summer LV Cougar Challenge

Mrs. Sheyka’s

Summer LV Cougar Challenge

Loma Vista Elementary School

June 16, 2017

Dear Loma Vista Families,

Summer is here and it is often a time when students who have made academic gains throughout the school

year, slowly slip behind. Let’s PREVENT THE SLIDE! Summer is the best opportunity to help your child develop

the reading habits of a lifelong reader! Please support your child by establishing a family routine of reading

daily for 30 minutes. In support of our Cougars, we have developed a list of fun activities your child can engage

in over the summer to maintain and even strengthen their skills. I would encourage you & your child to explore

these activities together!

4th Annual Principal’s Summer Scholar Challenge!

Did you know it is cool to think about school over the summer? Mrs. Sheyka is offering a reward for all of our Loma

Vista Cougars who complete something academic this summer. If you choose to participate, all you have to do is

show proof to Mrs. Sheyka that you participated in at least one of the following:

Kinder, 1st, 2nd Grade: Work in ABCMouse: https://www.abcmouse.com/landing/brand:bing

Attend the TPSF Summer Academy!

Attend TUSD Summer School Literacy Program @ Beswick!

Complete your current teacher’s summer incentive program (where applicable)!

Research Coach Wooden and write a report about what you learn!


Show a calendar signed and dated by a summer tutor!

Show a calendar of the days and times that you practiced your math facts!

Work in Front Row math program: https://www.frontrowed.com/

Keep a reading log that notes title, author, pages and date read. Be sure to get a PARENT SIGNATURE

after each read. Recommended lists: https://www.engageny.org/resource/text-list-for-p-12-ela

Visit your current teacher’s Haiku site and explore provided resources!

Keep a summer writing journal, and write about your fun summer activities (on paper or in a googledoc)!

Participate in one or ALL of these fun summer reading incentive programs:

o OC Summer Library Challenge 2017: http://www.ocpl.org/kids/summer_library_challenge

o Scholastic Summer Reading Program: http://www.scholastic.com/ups/campaigns/src-2017/

o Book It! Summer Reading Program w/ Pizza Hut: http://www.bookitprogram.com/summer/

All work must reflect your 100% effort; your PERSONAL BEST! Submit EVIDENCE of your daily reading and

learning, by Friday, August 25th and you will be invited to an ice cream social with the principal on Friday,

September 1st! What a GREAT way to enjoy summer & gear up for 2017.18! #LVGRIT

Happy Summer! ♥, Mrs. Sheyka

NOTE: This flyer will be posted on our school website

All entries DUE to

classroom teachers

by Friday:

August 25th

Page 2: Mrs. Sheyka’s Summer LV Cougar Challenge

Desafío LV Cougar de Verano De Mrs. Sheyka

Escuela Primaria Loma Vista

16 de junio de 2017

Queridas Familias de Loma Vista,

El verano está aquí y es a menudo un momento en que los alumnos que han hecho logros académicos durante

el año escolar, tengan una disminución del rendimiento. ¡Vamos a PREVENIR LA DISMINUCIÓN DEL RENDIMIENTO!

¡El verano es la mejor oportunidad para ayudar a su hijo a desarrollar los hábitos de lectura de un lector de toda la vida!

Por favor, apoyen a su hijo estableciendo una rutina familiar de lectura diaria por 30 minutos. En apoyo a

nuestros “Cougars”, hemos desarrollado una lista de actividades divertidas que su hijo puede realizar durante el verano

para mantener e incluso reforzar sus habilidades. ¡Me gustaría animarlos a ustedes y su hijo a explorar estas

actividades juntos!

¡4 o Desafío Académico de Verano Anual del Director! ¿Sabían que es bueno pensar en la escuela durante el verano? Mrs. Sheyka está ofreciendo una recompensa para

todos los “Cougars” de Loma Vista que completen algo académico este verano. Si deciden participar, todo lo que

tienen que hacer es mostrar prueba a Mrs. Sheyka que participaron en por lo menos uno de los siguientes:

Completar la tarjeta de BINGO adjunta (cada fila les hará ganar una TARJETA DE “COUGAR”)

o Los padres deben poner las iniciales y fechas como los cuadros se vallan completando

Kinder, Primero, Segundo Grado: Trabajo en ABCMouse: https://www.abcmouse.com/landing/brand:bing

¡Asistir a la Academia de Verano de TPSF!

¡Completar el programa de incentivos de verano de su maestro actual (cuando sea aplicable)!

Investigue Coach Wooden y escribe un informe sobre lo que aprendes!



¡Mostrar un calendario firmado y fechado por un tutor de verano!

¡Mostrar un calendario de los días y horas que practicaron las tablas de multiplicar!

Trabajar en el programa de matemáticas “IXL” por 15 minutos al día: http://www.ixl.com/

Trabajar en el programa de matemáticas “Front Row”: https://www.frontrowed.com/

Mantengan un registro de lectura que muestre el título, autor, páginas y fechas de lectura. Asegúrense de

obtener la firma del padre o madre después de cada lectura. Listas recomendadas:


¡Visiten el sitio “Haiku” de su maestro actual y exploren los recursos proporcionados!

¡Mantengan un diario de escritura de verano y escriban sobre sus actividades divertidas del verano!

Participen en uno o TODOS estos divertidos programas de incentivos de lectura de verano:

o OC Summer Library Challenge 2017: http://www.ocpl.org/kids/summer_library_challenge

o Scholastic Summer Reading Program: http://www.scholastic.com/ups/campaigns/src-2017/

o Book It! Summer Reading Program w/ Pizza Hut: http://www.bookitprogram.com/summer/

Todo el trabajo debe reflejar su esfuerzo al 100%; ¡su MEJOR MARCA PERSONAL! Presente EVIDENCIAS de su lectura

y lectura diarias para el viernes, 25 de agosto y uested será invitado a un helado social con la Directora el viernes 1 de

septiembre ! Que GRAN manera de disfrutar del verano y el equipo para 2017.18! #LVGRIT

¡Que tengan un feliz verano! ♥, Mrs. Sheyka