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THE ROAD TO EXCELLENCE ‘A teachers’ job is not to make work easy. It is to make it difficult’.

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MRS KATHLEEN SORRELL DEPUTY HEADTEACHER HOMEWORK.WHAT IS YOUR VIEW? THE ROAD TO EXCELLENCE A teachers job is not to make work easy. It is to make it difficult. WHY SET HOMEWORK? Greater benefits the older the student gets Hattie states that: task-orientated homework had greater impact than deep learning and problem solving Hattie also states: the impact if highest (whatever the subject) when homework involves rote learning, practice or rehearsal of the subject matter THE TEACHER TARGET MODEL TRADITIONAL IDEAS Exam papers Essay writing Diagrams Gap fill Reading Questions from textbook Crosswords Leaflet / Poster Research tasks Quizzes Answering a set of Questions UNHOMEWORK UTOPIA The student decides on what needs doing Sets appropriate homework to tackle this Creates the criteria for assessment Completes the work by their own deadline Performs a self review of the work The childs learning partner peer assesses the work and a discussion about progress takes place Work assessments are shared and others provide input Teacher support is given if needed and the process repeats CREATIVE HOMEWORK I explain that being able to think creatively makes them better learners, and will long-term give them positive learning characteristics to help them succeed in education and beyond (Rachel Jones, 2014) You Tube clips Go-animate Blog writing Poems Written letter K.W.L. KnowWant toLearnt BOARDING PASS LEARNING GRID TARSIA ROTATION SQUARE DIAMOND 9 TWEETING NOTES MAKE A PODCAST VISUAL ORGANISERS ICEBERG THINKING DOUBLE LAYERS A STUDENT GUIDE TO DIRT THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM TAKE AWAY HOMEWORK REVISE-ATHON DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Parents should be encouraged to support homework. Staff can work together when creating homework pieces. Homework a distinct piece of work which builds onto the learning of the lesson. Homework an integral part of the learning experience. We always need to mark homework. Homework should not be moderated. Homework prepares students for all aspects of the course.