DIFFERENTIATION IN MUSIC Mrs. Brewer By PresenterMedia.com

Mrs. Brewer By PresenterMedia.comPresenterMedia.com

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What is differentiation?

-Differentiated instruction means changing the pace, level, or kind of instruction you provide in response to individual learners’ needs, styles, or interests (Heacox, 2002, pg. 5).

-- This means learning is not one size fits all. Lessons are adapted to meet the needs of the students in each class.

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What is differentiation?

- Flexible groups are used in differentiated instruction. This means instructional groups will be created and prescribed certain activities based on student learning needs (Heacox, 2002, pg. 85).

-Groupings and tasks are always changing. Students will be given the opportunity to learn from an individual starting point (Heacox, 2002,- pg. 15).

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Flexible Groups-Throughout the year, students will be grouped together to

complete certain tasks that fit their instructional needs or

interests. Groups are always changing, depending on the

lesson and which skills each student has mastered.

-Sometimes students will be working cooperatively and

sometimes they will just be working on the same tasks as their


-At times, specific tasks will be assigned to groups, but other

times they will choose from a menu.

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Looping/Pathways-There will be times when students can “test out” of

certain activities.

--They will be given a more advanced alternative activity

that will take the place of the activities that they tested

out of.

--All students will be responsible for turning in the work

assigned to them. Rubrics will be given that explain the

grading procedures for each assignment.

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-Students individual learning styles, interests, and

needs will be addressed.

-Students will get extra opportunities to ask for help or

explore areas more in depth.


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Time will be used more efficiently.

-Regardless of the complexity, students will be working

on the same essential learning questions.

-- All students will be moving forward in their learning at

all times.

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Heacox, Diane. (2002). Differentiating Instruction in the

regular classroom. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit

Publishing, Inc.

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