Fall/Winter 2014 Teamwork By all measures, 2014 has been a very good year. MPS Group has taken a big step forward over the past 12 months and all team members share in our success. We have attracted new customers, earned significant contracts and are soon expanding by carefully planned acquisition. These accomplishments are a testament to the dedicated work of our great organization. Notably, the most impressive feat achieved by MPS Group is the outstanding cooperation between our two divisions, Environmental Services Group (ESG) and Industrial & Facilities Services (IFS). The divisions support each other in the pursuit of customer satisfaction – unselfishly putting the customer ahead of themselves. I have seen firsthand throughout this year how two halves can add up to more than a whole. Our divisions bring different, but complementary, skills to the table. Much like raising children with diverse talents, MPS Group’s management team encourages both ESG and IFS to excel in their own arenas. I invite you to read about MPS Group’s combined efforts at the Warren Tech Center to see an example of our unwavering teamwork. An article detailing the around-the-clock endeavor is featured at right. At the same time as we were helping dry out the 58-year old General Motors’ landmark, MPS Group employees were also working on major projects in Indianapolis and Kansas City, launching three new customers and finalizing an acquisition. This all-hands-on-deck passion demonstrates our employees’ unparalleled commitment and our ability to pull together. With this resolute focus on customer service and growth, 2015 promises to be a good year as well. Thanks again for your continued hard work and Happy Holidays to all! Ed Schwartz – President and CEO Solutions MPS Group Springs into Action When GM Plant Floods More than five inches of rain fell in Warren, Michigan on August 11, the greatest amount in a single day since 1925. Unfortunately for General Motors’ historic Tech Center, the heavy downpour caused a serious problem. Flooding, estimated at seven feet of water in some basement areas, occurred throughout the sprawling facility. “The west quadrant of the campus was the most heavily impacted,” noted Mike Morgan, MPS Group’s Lead Resource Manager. “Including Manufacturing A, B, Engineering, Design and the Aerodynamics Lab. The worst damage was done to Design where the basement sanitary lift stations failed, contaminating the water. This disgusting mixture ruined basements which included clay models, sculptor tools that went back generations, one-of-a-kind prototypes and printers. Many computers and electronics were destroyed.” A long-term service provider at the GM facility, MPS Group provides standard Resource Management (RM) and Industrial and Facilities Services (IFS) to the automaker. The permanent team of eight RM members led by Morgan, plus the site’s IFS manager Jeff Loos, expanded greatly in response to the flood. “Our regular team plus up to10 temporary techs managed the RM duties,” de- tailed Morgan. “We entered newly pumped basements to remove contaminated chemicals, plus inventoried and packaged items for disposal. On the IFS side, Jeff had over 150 technicians on site, supported by a fleet of frac tanks, vacuum trucks and tankers.” To cope with the vast amount of debris to be removed from the affected areas and the shortage of roll-off boxes throughout the metropolitan area, the MPS Group team erected an on-site trash transfer station. Set up in the parking lot and cordoned off with hay bales and jersey barriers, the station kept three trucks operating around the clock for three weeks to accept the waste generated by the flood. “We were able to dump and return the roll-off boxes in 20 minutes instead of an hour,” explained Morgan. “A technician was on site 24/7 to supervise the offloading and inspect the load for hazardous items like flu- orescent lamps, paint cans or cylinders. The on-site pad was in operation until October 1, by which time our team had shipped 3,280 tons of debris.” ( continued on next page )

MPS Group Solutions - mpsgrp.com Group Solutions-Fall-Winter 2014 (1).pdfSolutions Growing Our Capabilities, Increasing Our Reach: Investing in the Buckeye State “An ideal fit”

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Fall / Winter 2014

TeamworkBy all measures, 2014 hasbeen a very good year. MPSGroup has taken a big stepforward over the past 12months and all team membersshare in our success. Wehave attracted new customers,earned significant contracts

and are soon expanding by carefully planned acquisition. These accomplishments are a testamentto the dedicated work of our great organization.

Notably, the most impressive feat achieved by MPSGroup is the outstanding cooperation between ourtwo divisions, Environmental Services Group (ESG)and Industrial & Facilities Services (IFS). The divisionssupport each other in the pursuit of customersatisfaction – unselfishly putting the customer aheadof themselves. I have seen firsthand throughoutthis year how two halves can add up to more than a whole. Our divisions bring different, but complementary, skills to the table. Much like raisingchildren with diverse talents, MPS Group’s management team encourages both ESG and IFSto excel in their own arenas.

I invite you to read about MPS Group’s combinedefforts at the Warren Tech Center to see an exampleof our unwavering teamwork. An article detailingthe around-the-clock endeavor is featured at right.At the same time as we were helping dry out the58-year old General Motors’ landmark, MPS Groupemployees were also working on major projects in Indianapolis and Kansas City, launching threenew customers and finalizing an acquisition. This all-hands-on-deck passion demonstrates ouremployees’ unparalleled commitment and ourability to pull together.

With this resolute focus on customer service andgrowth, 2015 promises to be a good year as well.Thanks again for your continued hard work andHappy Holidays to all!

Ed Schwartz – President and CEO

SolutionsMPS Group Springs into Action When GM Plant FloodsMore than five inches of rain fell in Warren, Michigan on August 11, the greatest amountin a single day since 1925. Unfortunately for General Motors’ historic Tech Center, theheavy downpour caused a serious problem. Flooding, estimated at seven feet of waterin some basement areas, occurred throughout the sprawling facility.

“The west quadrant of the campus wasthe most heavily impacted,” noted MikeMorgan, MPS Group’s Lead ResourceManager. “Including Manufacturing A, B,Engineering, Design and the AerodynamicsLab. The worst damage was done toDesign where the basement sanitary liftstations failed, contaminating the water.This disgusting mixture ruined basementswhich included clay models, sculptor toolsthat went back generations, one-of-a-kindprototypes and printers. Many computersand electronics were destroyed.”

A long-term service provider at the GMfacility, MPS Group provides standardResource Management (RM) and Industrialand Facilities Services (IFS) to the automaker.The permanent team of eight RM members

led by Morgan, plus the site’s IFS manager Jeff Loos, expanded greatly in response tothe flood. “Our regular team plus up to10 temporary techs managed the RM duties,” de-tailed Morgan. “We entered newly pumped basements to remove contaminated chemicals,plus inventoried and packaged items for disposal. On the IFS side, Jeff had over 150technicians on site, supported by a fleet of frac tanks, vacuum trucks and tankers.”

To cope with the vast amount of debris to be removed from the affected areas and theshortage of roll-off boxes throughout the metropolitan area, the MPS Group team erectedan on-site trash transfer station. Set up in the parking lot and cordoned off with hay balesand jersey barriers, the station kept three trucks operating around the clock for threeweeks to accept the waste generated by the flood. “We were able to dump and returnthe roll-off boxes in 20 minutes instead of an hour,” explained Morgan. “A technician wason site 24/7 to supervise the offloading and inspect the load for hazardous items like flu-orescent lamps, paint cans or cylinders. The on-site pad was in operation until October1, by which time our team had shipped 3,280 tons of debris.”

( continued on next page )


Growing Our Capabilities, Increasing Our Reach:Investing in the Buckeye State“An ideal fit” is how Phil Hubbell describes MPS Group’s acquisition ofSuperior Mill Services and the services component of Patriot Machining andMaintenance Services. A U.S. Air Force veteran, Hubbell is the previous ownerof the Carlisle, Ohio-based companies – and MPS Group’s Chief OperatingOfficer Darrin Stafford firmly agrees with him.

“This gaining of assets, including facilities, client base and employee expertise,bolsters our position as one of the country’s top industrial services and totalwaste management companies,” noted Stafford. “The acquisition is a naturalextension of the aggressive growth strategy MPS has followed since 2009.Importantly, the complementary geography, skill sets and customer-firstphilosophy of the acquired firms will help us achieve a seamless transitionand smooth integration of new team members.”

Approximately 100 former Superior and Patriot employees will join the MPSGroup team, with Hubbell continuing to lead them at the new Ohio branch."We envision a bright future for this company and its employees," he detailed.

MPS President and CEO Ed Schwartz stated, “By combining these twovery successful companies with the MPS organization, we greatly enhanceour ability to service existing customers and expand our highly valued customerbase in southern Ohio.”

Superior’s industrial cleaning capabilities include building and equipmentdecontamination, mold remediation and high pressure water blasting. Theacquired maintenance unit of Patriot specializes in machinery rebuild andthe ongoing maintenance of heavy industrial equipment, in addition tosafety training and support services.

The Ohio companies’ primary customer is AK Steel, a world leader in theproduction of flat-rolled carbon, stainless and electrical steel products, primarilyfor automotive, infrastructure and manufacturing, construction and electricalpower generation and distribution markets.

“We warmly welcome our new team members into the MPS organization andlook forward to utilizing the increased reach our recently expanded companywill enjoy,” Stafford stated.

Additionally, MPS Group’s IFS team pumped massive volumes of water fromthe low spots on campus, supplied frac tanks to hold contaminated water foroffsite disposal, pumped and cleaned elevator shafts, and jetted cloggeddrains. The Detroit News reported that “more than 30 million gallons of water”– enough to fill 45 Olympic-size swimming pools – had to be pumped out ofbasements and tunnels at the Tech Center. “Some of the pumping was literallydone just in the nick of time to spare server banks and other water sensitiveelectronic equipment which control at least part of GM’s intranet and email

operations,” said Morgan. “Jeff was able to have people back in some buildingswithin a couple days of the flood. His efforts were incredible.”

Their client apparently agreed. GM Environmental Group Manager David Randallwidely praised the team for their outstanding work: “They showed great initiativeduring the flood, coming up with ideas like the trash pad and staging areasfor chemicals. We appreciated their help and they should all be commendedfor their work.” He singled out the following team members for their efforts:Mike Morgan, Steve Everett, Chris King, Sam Ramouni, Eric Schupp, Jerry Pace,Kevin Schuknecht, Mohamed Alramamneh and Bill Smedley.

( continued from front page )

On the Job Learning: Internship Options Growing at MPS GroupWith a December 2014 graduation date,Environmental Science major Ashley Gerkenhas plans to enjoy her holiday with no franticresume distribution like many new collegegraduates. The Lourdes University senior hasbeen working as an MPS Group intern sinceJuly. After she receives her bachelor’s degree,Gerken will transition to a full-time employee,with a new job assignment to be determinedby March 2015.

“When we began the search process for anintern at the GM Toledo Transmission plant,Ashley was right under our noses,” explainsRegional Manager Joe Christopher. “She wasalready working in the on-site Subway shop.”

The industrious college senior occasionallychatted with her customers while assemblingsandwiches. Her avid interest in environmentalprograms and processes steered the conversations to the work being done at the plant byMPS Group. “I originally interviewed for a tech position,” Gerken explains, “but my busyclass schedule didn’t make it possible. Then one month later, the internship position cameup. I actually interviewed for it in my Subway uniform.”

Christopher calls Gerken’s hiring a “blessing in disguise.” The project manager who hired herleft the company shortly afterward. “Ashley has been a significant part of the transition from theprevious manager to our new Project Manager Adessa Thomas. During the search for a newteam leader, Ashley worked 25 to 30 hours a week, in addition to taking a full load of courses.She was indispensable in knowing the programs and processes specific to the Toledo plant.”

The fledgling internship program is cited by Christopher as an outstanding way to identifynew talent and have them gain invaluable experience. “As a co-op student myself withDow Chemical during my years at Central Michigan University, I know how much a work-study program can enhance learning,” details Christopher. “The early introduction to corporateAmerica, a union workforce and all the intricate moving parts of business gave me a job-hunting advantage upon graduation.”

As one of MPS Group’s larger contracts with numerous resource streams, the GM Toledo facilityis an ideal place to host an internship. “During her time as an intern, Ashley gained a great dealof practical, on-the-job knowledge by helping us prepare client-required EPC002 documentation,drafting Task Information Sheets (TIS) and completing weekly environmental inspections.”

MPS Group currently has one other intern, Chantel Sakwe, working at the GM LordstownAssembly and hosted six additional students during the previous summer. “We look forwardto keeping Ashley on board after she has her diploma in hand,” Christopher noted. “And whenshe moves on, we will be searching for our next intern.”

Insight into Sales & Marketing:

An Interview withMPS Group’s Director Bart Kocik

MPS Group has reached new levels of growth in2014. What marketing efforts/techniques havesupported this performance?

Our best marketing successes in 2014 revolve aroundexceptional performance. In both business units, adedication to high levels of performance and customersatisfaction has resulted in significant opportunitiesfor organic growth within existing customer bases.Exploiting these relationships has not only allowedMPS to achieve growth with existing customers, butalso increase credibility and subsequently exposeour company to new potential customers.

Are you doing anything differently than in the past?

MPS Group continues to seek out and focus ourmarketing efforts to accommodate our growth goalsby diversifying into new markets. Traditionally an“automotive industry”-focused organization, a coupleof 2014 successes include the addition of newTropicana Hotel & Casino facilities, American RailcarIndustries locations, and the expansion of our TWMprogram with AK Steel Corporation.

What changes will continue into 2015 and are thereadditional areas for growth in the coming year?

MPS Group’s success in recent years, coupled withour expanding reputation in both of our businessunits, continues to provide an exceptional number ofopportunities with existing and new customers.

Customer satisfaction is obviously important. How doyou ensure that you’ve delighted your customers?

MPS Group’s #1 priority as part of our Strategic GrowthPlan is to protect and maintain market share withexisting customers. Subsequently, MPS Group hasan unwavering focus on customer satisfaction at all levels of our organization. This focus is supported by an Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS), a mid-year CSS and a concentrated one-on-one follow-up and action plans.

MPS Group’s strong customer relationships, for nearly20 years with some customers, have provided afoundation for success in those accounts and allowedus to springboard into new and diverse markets.

Employee Recognition• MPS Group’s Total Waste Management team was recognized with a Leadership andRecognition Award from Ford Motor Company’s Chicago Assembly Plant. The award waspresented to team manager Jennifer Fugaban by Assembly Plant Manager Mike Polk andAnthony Hoskins after undergoing the Region V RCRA Waste Audit and having a perfectrecord - "No Violations Found.”

• Environmental Specialist Tracy Clark was invited to join the General Motors Fort WayneAssembly team as they accepted the Director’s Award at Allen County, Indiana’s 22nd AnnualExcellence in Recycling award luncheon. The ceremony recognizes businesses for theirleadership in waste reduction and recycling.

The Fort Wayne plant is already a “Zero Landfill” facility and is driven to search out new andinnovative ways to minimize waste, reuse, and recycle. In May, plant volunteers participatedin the nationwide Great American Clean-Up and recovered more than 250 pounds of litter.June brought 7,043 pounds of scrap electronics for recycling at their 2nd Annual ElectronicRecycling Day. The facility rounded out its community volunteerism by once again hostingTox-Away Day to provide local residents with an opportunity to safely dispose of unwantedhousehold hazardous waste.

• Emmanuelle Frowner, son of StaffAccountant Dawn Frowner, joined theensemble cast of “My Fair Lady” atRoyal Oak’s historic Baldwin Theater.From September 12 through October5, Emmanuelle appeared three timesa week on the main stage, performingin the classic musical story of ElizaDoolittle and Professor Higgins.

• Saranda Smith, daughter of Paint Shop Supervisor Allen Smith in Spring Hill, Tennessee,has been named an Academic All-American at Martin Methodist College. Pursuing a Bachelor’sdegree in Behavioral Science with an emphasis on forensic psychology and criminal justice,she has been a regular fixture on the Dean’s List and President’s List throughout her studies.Saranda, and her father, eagerly anticipate a May 2015 graduation.


The MPS Group Solutions newsletter is developed andpublished by MPS Group for and about our employeesand clients. Contents © 2014 MPS Group. All rightsreserved; reproduction without permission is prohibited.

Have an Idea for a Story?MPS Group Solutions reports on professional and personal successesof team members. Story ideas include:updates or changes in business,accomplishments by employees or family, employee appointments,events, or awards. Photos greatly enhance any story. Please sendyour story ideas to: [email protected]

MPS Group Anniversaries in 2014

15 Years

10 Years

5 Years