Minutes MPI MN Board of Directors Meeting June 7, 2012 9:15am Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West – Conference Room E Present: Lisa Marie Borchert, CSEP; Sue Daly, CMP; Nicole French; Dianna Fuller, CMP, CMM; Melissa Leal; Lynnette Offen, CMP; Barb Oswell; Melissa Palank (staff); Donna Patrick, CMP, CMM (phone); Robert Payne; Stephanie Ripley, CMP; Jen Ruthig Guests: Laura Gieseking, Tammy Olson, Gina Nordskog, Karina Gronberg, Melissa Deming, Stuart Taylor, Holly Duckworth Absent: Gretchen Harrington (excused); Nikki McLain, CMP (excused) Call to Order and Introductions The meeting was called to order at 9:15 am by President Sue Daly. Adoption of Consent Agenda Motion: Lynette Offen moved to approve the consent agenda; seconded by Stephanie Ripley – Motion Passed Adoption of Agenda Dianna asked to remove the membership statistics, since the reports are not yet complete due to the meeting occurring so early in the month. Motion: Jen Ruthig moved to adopt the agenda as amended; seconded by Dianna Fuller - Motion Passed Team in Review None Discussion Items 2011-2012 Chapter Metrics Sue Daly shared the year-end chapter metrics and how they compared to our goals. Our net member growth meet goal was 460 members and through May 2012, we were at 435 members. The Member Satisfaction exceed goal was 7.8 and our actual was 7.87. Our meet goal for attendance at monthly educational programs was 160 and at the end of April, we were averaging 159. The meet goal for number of volunteers was 110 and at the end of the year we were at 98 volunteers. Memorandum of Understanding – WEC Joint Chapter Reception Barb Oswell reported the MPI Minnesota Chapter and the MPI Wisconsin Chapter are planning a joint reception during WEC on Sunday, July 29, 2012, from 5:00 – 7:30 p.m at the Dubliner St. Louis. The Memorandum of Understanding outlining the details for both parties, such as cost and responsibilities, was distributed to the board prior to the meeting. 2012-2013 Committee Goals – Communication Plans Lisa-Marie Borchert reminded the board the Communication Committee will form their goals based on the goals of the other board committees – and the other committees should be clear on their initiatives. Item #2 Page 1 of 2

MPI Board Packet Contents - MPI Minnesota Chapter · MPI MN Board of Directors Meeting June 7, 2012 ... since the reports are not yet complete due to the meeting ... including willingness

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Minutes MPI MN Board of Directors Meeting

June 7, 2012 9:15am

Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West – Conference Room E

Present: Lisa Marie Borchert, CSEP; Sue Daly, CMP; Nicole French; Dianna Fuller, CMP, CMM; Melissa Leal; Lynnette Offen, CMP; Barb Oswell; Melissa Palank (staff); Donna Patrick, CMP, CMM (phone); Robert Payne; Stephanie Ripley, CMP; Jen Ruthig Guests: Laura Gieseking, Tammy Olson, Gina Nordskog, Karina Gronberg, Melissa Deming, Stuart Taylor, Holly Duckworth Absent: Gretchen Harrington (excused); Nikki McLain, CMP (excused) Call to Order and Introductions The meeting was called to order at 9:15 am by President Sue Daly. Adoption of Consent Agenda Motion: Lynette Offen moved to approve the consent agenda; seconded by Stephanie Ripley – Motion Passed Adoption of Agenda Dianna asked to remove the membership statistics, since the reports are not yet complete due to the meeting occurring so early in the month. Motion: Jen Ruthig moved to adopt the agenda as amended; seconded by Dianna Fuller - Motion Passed Team in Review None Discussion Items 2011-2012 Chapter Metrics Sue Daly shared the year-end chapter metrics and how they compared to our goals. Our net member growth meet goal was 460 members and through May 2012, we were at 435 members. The Member Satisfaction exceed goal was 7.8 and our actual was 7.87. Our meet goal for attendance at monthly educational programs was 160 and at the end of April, we were averaging 159. The meet goal for number of volunteers was 110 and at the end of the year we were at 98 volunteers. Memorandum of Understanding – WEC Joint Chapter Reception Barb Oswell reported the MPI Minnesota Chapter and the MPI Wisconsin Chapter are planning a joint reception during WEC on Sunday, July 29, 2012, from 5:00 – 7:30 p.m at the Dubliner St. Louis. The Memorandum of Understanding outlining the details for both parties, such as cost and responsibilities, was distributed to the board prior to the meeting. 2012-2013 Committee Goals – Communication Plans Lisa-Marie Borchert reminded the board the Communication Committee will form their goals based on the goals of the other board committees – and the other committees should be clear on their initiatives.

Item #2

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MPI BOARD MEETING MINUTES JUNE 7, 2012 PAGE 2 OF 2 Web site migration update Lisa-Marie Borchert and Tammy Olson provided an update on the Web site migration process, which is scheduled to occur at the beginning of July. They also asked the board their thoughts on outstanding issues and the following was decided: Board meeting minutes will continue to be published on the Web site under the Member’s only section – but will be a part of a redacted board meeting packet that includes the minutes, membership reports and monthly TSRs. We will not post committee minutes on the Web site, but will send them out to members if they request it. New Business 2012-13 Budget Review and Approval Jen Ruthig presented the final budget for review, which has been worked on over the past few months by the incoming board members. It was decided the upcoming year would be a reinvestment in the chapter, which is why we are budgeting for a deficit. The board reviewed the budget and had additional discussion. Motion: Melissa Leal moved to budget as presented; seconded by Lynette Offen - Motion Passed. Update on Chapter Activities – in addition to the TSRs, which were distributed to the board prior to the meeting, the following are additional updates. President’s Report Sue Daly mentioned the recently approved Past President Policy was distributed to the Past Presidents and she has been receiving positive feedback from the group, including willingness to serve on a Past President’s Council to assist with succession planning and other important chapter matters. Strategic Alliances The financial reports for May were distributed to the board prior to the meeting. Nicole reviewed the financials with the group. Administrative Report Melissa Palank thanked the board volunteers for their service this year. Other Business Sponsor Review and Thank You Cards The board will send out thank you cards to sponsors, speakers, renewing members, etc… Leader of the Month No Leader of the Month in June Pending Agenda Items None The next board meeting is scheduled on July 18 at 11:45 a.m. at Nonprofit Solutions. Adjourn at 10:39 a.m. Respectfully Submitted: Melissa Palank

Item #2

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MPI Minnesota Chapter Executive Committee Team Status Report JULY 2012 2012‐2013 Strategic Goals  

• Engage our members through educational programs, networking opportunities and volunteer involvement for professional and leadership development.  

• Elevate marketplace opportunities by strengthening business relationships.  

• Expand awareness of the strategic and fiscal value of the meetings industry and MPI MN members’ contributions to corporations, associations, organizations, and communities. 

 • Establish leadership succession process for the future of our chapter  

Strategic Objectives #1

Achieve the Chapter Metrics set by MPI International Completion Date

% Complete

Action Item 1.1

Net Member Growth: Meet 453 or 1.6% growth – Exceed: 462 or 3.6% Growth (June 2012 chapter member ship is estimated at 446)

June 2013

Action Item 1.2

Achieve Membership Satisfaction Survey of MPI MN: Meet: 7.95 Exceed: 8.15

June 2013

Action Item 1.3 Attendance at Educational Programs - Meet: 162 and Exceed: 169 June 2013

Action Item 1.4

Active Volunteerism – Meet: 98 Exceed: 103 (89 is May 2012 count) Audit what we consider a volunteer

June 2013

Action Item 1.5 Education Satisfaction Survey – Meet: 4.40 and Exceed: 4.47 June 2013

Action Item 1.6

Chapter Financials – Meet: -$14,987 Exceed: 0% Gross Profit Margin (Net Income/Total Revenue) Total Revenues and Expenses divide by 12

June 2013

Action Item 1.7

Education Investment Ratio (Includes in-kind donations) (Educational Investment divided by Total Revenue) – Meet: 14% Exceed 16 %

June 2013

Strategic Objective #2

Oversee the Chapter Nomination Process for 2013-2014

Action Item 2.1

Work with the BOD to ensure qualified candidates apply for board positions.

June 2013

Action Item 2.2 Have at least two candidates per open board positions. June 2013

Action Item 2.3 Compile nominations committee per policies and procedures. June 2013

Action Item 2.4 Review applications and interview process. June 2013

Action Item 2.5

Recommend slate of candidates to BOD and chapter at large.

June 2013

Strategic Objective

Establish and implement a Leadership Succession Process for the chapter.

Item #3

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MPI Minnesota Chapter #3

Action Item 3.1 Form a committee. June 2013

Action Item 3.2 Develop the Succession Plan June 2013

Action Item 3.3 Corroborate Board engagement with the plan. June 2013

Action Item 3.4 Implement the Succession Plan. June 2013

Strategic Objective #4

Strengthen member connection with the MPI MN Board of Directors.

Action Item 4.1 Attend each committee meeting at least once per year.

June 2013

Action Item 4.2

BOD to sit at different tables at each monthly meeting. President will ask BOD to stand at monthly meetings.

June 2013

Action Item 4.3

Collaborate with the five standing committees to support Board connections.

June 2013

Strategic Objective #5

Prepare the Chapter for 2014 WEC.

Action Item 5.1 Meet with the previous host cities to gain Best Practices. September


Action Item 5.2 Recruit Volunteers to pair with Meet Minneapolis WEC 2014 Committees. September


Action Item 5.3 Liaison with MPI and Meet Minneapolis in planning for the WEC 2014. June 2013

Strategic Objective #6

Review, manage RFP process and contract MPI MN association management company.

Action Item 6.1 Identify companies that we want to invite to respond to our RFP. September


Action Item 6.2

Update, review with BOD and invite companies to respond RFP by January 2013.

January 2013

Action Item 6.3 Review and analyze RFP responses by March 1st. March 2013

Action Item 6.4 Select company and contract by April 1st. April 2013

Executive Committee Team activity this month: P: Attended 2012/2013 budget meetings Planned/Attended the June Board Retreat

Met with Wisconsin Chapter to plan joint reception at WEC Worked with Laura to promote our Chapter event for the general session and joint reception

Attended the June Afternoon at the Races Completed Business Plan and Budget - submitted to Int’l

Participated in MPI International conference call with Sebastian

Item #3

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MPI Minnesota Chapter PE: Planned the Minnesota WEC attendees gatherings Sunday, July 29th – Gather for the General

Session • General Session – meet at entrance to Hall 3 of the America’s Center Convention

Complex at 10:00 a.m. • Minnesota/Wisconsin Joint reception - The Dubliner Restaurant – Dublin Room, 1025

Washington Ave, St. Louis from 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 29th. Attended the June Board Retreat

PP: Attended June Board Retreat Executive Committee Team requests the following board motion/action: P: Review/Discuss:

AMP! Name change/Introduce staff/Fiduciary role – AMP! Conflict of Interest forms/Consent Agenda – AMP! Board Event Calendar – AMP! 2012-2013 Chapter theme/logo - Barb MPI Leadership Webinars - Barb Executive Team page on website - Barb Committee Chairs - Training - Barb Board Retreat Survey - Barb PE: Committee Update Reminder PP: Upcoming team plans: Executive Committee Team needs for this month’s chapter meeting: Additional comments:

Item #3

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MPI Minnesota Chapter Communications Team Status Report Strategic Goals 2012‐2013  Communications will 

• Communicate the value of MPI internally and externally thru high quality publications and utilization of social media.   

• Deliver content to local media and MPI MN to publicize member accomplishments, chapter activities and the meeting industry’s impact on the economy.  

• Connect the Minnesota Chapter membership to MPI International resources and create awareness of MPI MN at International level.  

• Collaborate with other committees to communicate their agendas, objectives and activities.  

Strategic Objective #1  Enhance Internal PR  Completion 

Date % Complete

Action Item 1.1  Launch website to members  8/1/12  100% 

Action Item 1.2 

Develop calendar for publication and content guidelines and distribute to committee VPs 

7/18/12  40% 

Action Item 1.3  Maximize new website functionality  1/1/13  20% 

Action Item 1.4  Assess the need for refresh and/or RFP for redesign  2/1/13   

Action Item 1.5 

Enlist a Voice of Chapter guest columnist for the second week of each month. 


Action Item 1.6 

Include links on website to MPI International  • 40th anniversary, July 2012 

Monthly  10% 

Action Item 1.7 

Assess the budget and resource requirements to produce annual print newsletter 


Strategic Objective #2  Enhance Social Media     

Action Item 2.1 

Maximize app features on Facebook (events, polls notes) 


Action Item 2.2  Create monthly meeting #hashtags   Monthly   

Action Item 2.3 

Create a quarterly online twitter‐based chat, focusing on a subject important to our membership. 


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MPI Minnesota Chapter

 Lunchtime virtual meeting 

Action item 2.4 

Include links in social media posts to a variety of on‐demand learning opportunities that are posted on MPI Internal website.  



Strategic Objective #3  Increase external PR exposure     

Action Item 3.1   Strengthen media list and relationships. 



Action Item 3.2 

Secure an interview spotlight in the Business section of Star Tribune 



Action Item 3.3 

Increase awareness of MPI MN with Business Journal editorial staff and other local business publications 



Action Item 3.4 

Continue providing event updates, press releases, post‐event photos , etc. to media outlets  



Action Item 3.5  Solicit a media sponsor for two events  11/30/12   

Communications team activity this month:

• Launched new website platform • Held final committee meeting/happy hour for 2012‐2013 on June 28.  Roles confirmed for Rick 

Perry (unassigned committee member to now lead LinkedIn) Linda Kilcher (moved to Assist. Editor) and Laura Palmer‐Turnacliff (recruited new member.) 

Communications team requests the following board agenda/motion/action:

• Agenda time to recap website launch, review communication schedule and upcoming requests, as well as to review the explanation various communications vehicles/tool  and their requirements 

Upcoming team plans:

• New weekly email/mini‐newsletter format due to launch Wednesday, July 18. The working title is "MPI MN Weekly Pulse". 

• First committee meeting of 2012‐2013 scheduled for July 26 at 3:30 before the Mingle.  Request from Membership for room/area to meet? 

Committee Name Team needs for this month’s chapter meeting: Additional comments: PARKING LOT FOR JANUARY RETREAT:

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MPI Minnesota Chapter Education Committee Team Status Report (TSR) Date: 2012-2013 Goals Vice President: Stephanie Ripley [email protected] Director: Gina Nordskog [email protected] Education Chair (Holiday Party): Renae Strom [email protected] Education Chair (May Gala): All Day Education Event Chairs: Annette Belding (Sponsors/Exhibitor Chair) [email protected] and Stephanie Pfeilsticker (Venue/Speakers Chair) [email protected] CMP Study Group Chair: Denise Woods, [email protected] Senior Planner Circle of Excellence: Kathleen Haase [email protected] All Team Meetings: Starr Briggs [email protected]

Strategic Objective #1

Plan and execute eight programs and three ATM for the 2012-2013 fiscal years that provide professional development and networking opportunities to all levels of membership.

Completion Date

% Complete

Action Item 1.1

Discuss with President their theme to give the monthly meeting programs a cohesive message.

Power to Connect Communicate & Collaborate

July 2012 100%

Action Item 1.2

Work closely with the Sponsorship Chair to select venues where monthly programs and ATM’s will be held.

Aug – Northland Inn Sept.- Mystic Lake – 100% sponsored Oct.- Wildwood Lodge Nov. Sheraton Mpls West Dec-Mpls Convention Center – 100% sponsored Jan – Feb – Hilton Mpls. Jan Board retreat – Westin Downtown June Board retreat – Radisson Blu MOA

July 2012 50%

Action Item 1.3

Review 2011-2012 monthly surveys to assist with topic ideas and speaker selection for monthly meeting programs. Revise survey each month if necessary.

July/August 2011


Action Item 1.4

All-Team Meetings: Solicit sponsors for three ATM events including venue, f&b, a/v, etc Dec ATM – Radisson Plaza

June 2013 33%

Action Item 1.5

All-Team Meetings: Create effective meetings and networking opportunities for committees

June 2013 0%

Action Item 1.6

Encourage speakers when appropriate to provide a website link option for handouts and take-away materials to enhance learning.

Ongoing Ongoing

Action Item 1.7

Partner with Membership Committee to provide 1 to 2 months where guests are ½ price – one Fall 2011 and/or one Spring 2012. Estimated 50 attendees as guests at ½ price

Ongoing 0%

Action Item 1.8

Promote sales of meeting card to entire membership.

Ongoing Ongoing

Action Item 1.9

Focused effort for each monthly event to follow CMP examination blueprint in order to receive clock hours/credit to obtain or maintain CMP/CMM status for members. (target of at least 5 meetings/sessions that provide CMP credits)

August meeting – Lenn Millbower – Meet Like a Mouse – Proprietary content and 1 CEU

Ongoing 20%

Strategic Objective #2

Enhance the all-day education event for February 2013 to increase attendance and ensure a high level of exhibitor participation and satisfaction.

Action Item 2.1

Choose date & location Wednesday, February 20, 2013 – MPI MN Chapter all day education event. Hilton Downtown

February 2013 100%

Action Item 2.2

Provide different levels of education to benefit all levels of membership. (include a SPOCE track to run same for all sessions)

February 2013 0%

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MPI Minnesota Chapter

Action Item 2.3

Obtain 35 paid Exhibitors for marketplace/tradeshow and $10,000 in sponsorships.

February 2013 0%

Action Item 2.4

Secure a sponsor in order to offer 2-5 scholarships to planners and/or supplier to attend conference.

February 2013 0%

Strategic Goal #3

Increase awareness of the Certification Programs and give support to those who have established their designation. (CMP/CMM/other)

Action Item 3.1

Update the list of individuals with certifications on the MPI MN website. (Four test dates)

Ongoing 0%

Action Item 3.2

Schedule an information session on CMP and CMM certifications – either at Roundtables event or as a separate session prior to a given monthly meeting.

April 2013 0%

Action Item 3.3

Plan a CMP and CMM Breakfast to recognize our members for their certifications. (Spring)

Spring 2013


Action Item 3.4

Hold CMP boot camp two times in the program year (one Winter and one Spring)

TBD 0%

Strategic Objective #4

Provide senior level meeting planners who have at least 7 years experience in meeting planning, with education opportunities for their growth as well as membership retention. (This group is called Senior Planner Circle of Excellence).

Action Item 4.1

Develop calendar notice for each quarterly meeting to registered senior planners

September 2012


Action Item 4.2

Develop key topics for each quarterly meeting/webinar based on planner requests.

October 2012 0%

Action Item 4.3

Survey membership for next years topics and develop an announcement/promotion of the committee for the e-newsletter that has strategic focus and balanced meeting times to get senior planners excited to be/stay apart of the MPI Minnesota Chapter.

December 2012


Action Item 4.4

Maintain the SPCOE page on the chapter website under the education committee as a central location for committee members (restricted) to access meeting notes and an email link for group discussion.

December 2012


Action Item 4.5

Continue to recruit new members and retain current members by providing quality of education so that the content is relevant and current.

Ongoing 0%

Action Item 4.6 Mentor SPCOE member for Chair position for the 2013-2014 year. June 2013 0%

Education Team activity this month: Monthly committee meeting Education Team requests the following board agenda/motion/action: Upcoming team plans: Next committee meeting slated for July 12, 2012 – Common Roots Cafe. Education Team needs for this month’s chapter meeting: 2 Registration tables with 4 chairs Additional comments:

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MPI Minnesota Chapter Leadership Development Team Status Report 2012-2013 Strategic Goals As of 7/5/2012 Leadership Development will 

• Cultivate and mentor current and future leaders.  • Promote an environment and create opportunities where leadership skills are encouraged and 

valued at all levels.  

Vice‐President: Gretchen Harrington, MotivAction, [email protected] Director: Melissa Deming, Twin Cities North Chamber of Commerce, [email protected]  

 Leadership Development Committees:  Emerging Leaders: Chair: Clinton Greenebaum The Depot, [email protected]; Committee Members: Julie Ann Schmidt, Lithium Logistics Group, [email protected]; Maggie Bloom, Student Member, [email protected]; Sean Schuette, IntrinXec Management Inc., [email protected]  Mentoring: Chair: Sharon Broscha, Walker Art Center, [email protected]; Committee Member(s): Tracey Smith, Senior Planners Industry Network, [email protected]  Progressive Leaders: Chair: Lynnette Offen, Helmsbriscoe, [email protected]; Committee Member(s): Kristin Hoffman, Destination Concepts Inc, [email protected], Lisa Hicks, Carrousel Travel, [email protected]  Student Leadership: Chair: Lisa Anne Venne, [email protected]; Committee Members: Kimberly Fisher, [email protected]; Jessica Bartram, [email protected]; Corinna Dopp, cdopp@mill‐usa.com    

Strategic Objectives #1 (Measurable) 

Emerging Leaders will serve as a mentor and create awareness for the Global Emerging Leaders Group 

Completion Date 

% Complete 

Action Item 1.1 

Maintain continuous communication with Eli and the Global Emerging Leaders Group as needed 

Ongoing  0% 

Action Item 1.2  Promote Global EL at an event at WEC 2012  July 31  0% 

Action Item 1.3 

Follow‐up with sister chapters to get success stories and new ideas 

Dec 15  0% 

Action Item 1.4 

Serve as a resource for other MPI Chapters who create EL Committees – blueprint created 

Ongoing  25% 

Strategic Objective #2 

Emerging Leaders will help membership reach their goal by recruiting attendees that are not MPI members  


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Sticky Note

MPI Minnesota Chapter

Action Item 2.1 

Collaborate with liaison from membership committee to have a person solicit for MPI Membership at each Emerging Leader event  

April 2013  0% 

Action Item 2.2 

Forward past list of EL attendees for membership committee to solicit for new members 

Ongoing  0% 

Strategic Objective  #3 

Emerging Leaders will have an average of 35 attendees per event throughout the 2012‐2013 year. 


Action Item 3.1  Retain placement on the MPI website event calendar  Ongoing  0% 

Action Item 3.2 

Enhance marketing through social media channels (facebook, LinkedIn) 

Ongoing  0% 

Action Item 3.3 

Submit a monthly event update/recap to the communications committee for use in MPI MN publications 

Ongoing  0% 

Action Item 3.4 

Utilize current Emerging Leaders member list for eblast marketing prior to each meeting 

Ongoing  0% 

Strategic Objective  #4 

Emerging Leaders will implement 4 educational events during the 2012‐2013 year 


Action Item 4.1 

Choose topics from surveys given at March 2012 EL event for each of the 4 educational events for 2012‐2013 

July 2013  50% 

Action Item 4.2  Choose speakers for each of the 4 events 

July, August, October, December 


Strategic Objective  #5 

Mentoring will provide 5 Power of Peers programs throughout the 2012‐2013 year 


Action Item 5.1 

Market events through the Communications Committee – through email blasts, website calendar, and social media 

Ongoing  25% 

Action Item 5.2 

Work with NonProfit Solutions to gather registrations for each event 

Ongoing  0% 

Action Item 5.3  Secure venue locations, times, and subject matter experts 

August, October, January  


Action Item 5.4 

Create evaluation system for feedback, group mentoring candidates and potential curriculum for Master Mind Group 2013‐2014 

November  10% 

Strategic Objective #6 

Mentoring will arrange for 10 individual pairings, 2 coming from Power of Peers (POP)/group mentoring. 


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MPI Minnesota Chapter

Action Item 6.1 

Ensure the website is updated with the most current and available pairings. 

Ongoing  10% 

Action Item 6.2 

Reach out to current and former mentors and mentees and determine interest in continuing involvement.   

October / ongoing 


Action Item 6.3 

Achieve a flow of attendees from Students to EL to POP to create a pathway to individual MPI membership 

Ongoing  0% 

Action Item 6.4 

Have a mentoring committee member sit at new member/welcome table at each monthly to spread the word about the mentoring program 

Ongoing  0% 

Action Item 6.5 

Check in with pairings/groups monthly via email to determine progress of pairing  

Ongoing  0% 

Strategic Objective #7 

Mentoring will determine the need and interest for a Master Mind Program for 2013‐2014 year. 


Action Item 7.1 

Research and track other mentoring programs (Power of 2 & Power of Peers) to see if there is a need for a standing mastermind group 

January  0% 

Strategic Objective #8 

Student Leadership will create relationships with the appropriate representative at higher education institutions. 


Action Item 8.1 

Student Leadership will create a promotional piece to introduce the program to colleges and universities in the MN area. 

January  0% 

Action Item 8.2 

Meet with students on campus via events or organization/club meetings 

October & January 


Action Item  8.3  

Email and call the college/university representative to create and build the relationship to promote MPI student membership 

September  0% 

Action Item 8.4 

Check in quarterly with the representative at each institution 

Ongoing  0% 

Strategic Objective  #9 

Student Leadership will grow student involvement by 10 new members during the 2012‐2013 year. 


Action Item 9.1  Make students feel welcome at MPI events  Ongoing  0% 

Action Item 9.2 

Get MPI student applications out to higher education representatives 

 Ongoing  0% 

Action item 9.3 

Collaborate with membership committee to educate students on MPI benefits 

Ongoing  0% 

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MPI Minnesota Chapter

Action item 9.4  Send a welcome letter to new student members  Ongoing  0% 

Action Item 9.5  Keep website up to date  Ongoing  10% 

Strategic Objective  #10 

Progressive Leadership will create 2 videos during the 2012‐2013 year 


Action Item 10.1 

Contact speakers bureaus that are MPI MN members to find Leadership Development speakers that are willing to showcase their speaking skills complimentary 

August  0% 

Action Item 10.2 

Contact videographer and studio to videotape Leadership Development programming 

September  0% 

Action Item 10.3  Schedule and film videos for chapter  January  0% 

Action Item 10.4  Place videos on correct MPI MN channels(s) for viewing.  Ongoing  0% 

Action Item 10.5 

Promote Leadership Development videos through MPI MN weekly newsletter and social media throughout the year. 

Ongoing  0% 

Action Item 10.6 

Develop teaser to promote Leadership Development videos 

October  0% 

Strategic Objective  #11 

Collaborate with Education Committee as necessary to provide programming for the January 2013  monthly meeting 


Action Item 11.1  Secure national‐level speaker  October  0% 

Action Item 11.2  Develop theme/topic for January Meeting  October  0% 

Action Item 11.3 

Develop detailed marketing/PR plan, in collaboration with LD Tools and Communication Subcommittee and Communications Committee for purpose of marketing internally and externally 

September  0% 

Action Item 11.4 

Secure sponsors for speaker and/or faculty, in collaboration with Strategic Alliances Committee for the purpose of increasing event budget 

December  0% 

Action Item 11.5  Coordinate event logistics  January  0% 

Action Item 11.6  Onsite event management  January  0% 


Item #9

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MPI Minnesota Chapter  Leadership Development Team activity this month:  

• Completed tasks lists • Secured all volunteer positions • Scheduled LD committee Happy Hour “Getting to Know You” for July 25 at the Northland Inn • EL conducting social media training for their committee • Researching subject options and speakers for EL events 

 Leadership Development Team requests the following board motion/action:     Upcoming team plans:   

• LD Committee Happy Hour “Getting to Know You” scheduled for July 25 • Discuss committee goals, importance of their commitment and ideas throughout the year • Discuss theme ideas for LD August Board meeting 

  Leadership Development Team needs for this month’s chapter meeting:    Additional comments:   

Item #9

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MPI Minnesota Chapter 2012-2013 Strategic Goals Membership will  

• Recruit members with an aggressive recruitment and referral program.  

• Retain our members by maintaining an industry leading member care program.    

• Recognize members for their volunteerism, and educate them about the benefits of involvement in MPI. 

 • Raise awareness of the power of MPI MN Relationships that bridge suppliers and planners and 

demonstrate an ROI.  

Strategic Objective #1

Recruitment Grow membership to 453 with a stretch goal of 462.

Completion Date

% Complete

Action Item 1.1

Phone all prospective members to encourage them to join. Enter information into spreadsheet, and trace follow-up calls. Submit spreadsheet with TSR monthly. Provide verbal report at committee meeting.

1st of each month

Action Item 1.2 Work on the format and quality of the lists from which we work.


Action Item 1.3 Continue and upgrade our aggressive referral campaign. Grow the number of prospects and referrals.

1st of each month

Action Item 1.4 Continue and enhance subscriber recruitment efforts with a goal of 15 paid subscribers.


Action Item 1.5 Maintain and update task list 6/30/13

Action Item 1.6 Coordinate with Education committee two meetings offering half price for guests.


Action Item 1.7 Exhibit at a minimum of five qualified tradeshows 6/30/13

Strategic Objective #2

Retention Achieve a retention rate of 73%. (On June 1, 2012, MPI MN’s retention was at 72.8%, international’s 70.6 %.)

Action Item 2.1

Phone all lapsing members to encourage them to maintain their membership. Enter information into spreadsheet. Submit spreadsheet with TSR monthly. Provide verbal report at committee meeting.

1st of each month

Action Item 2.2 Conduct two Member Orientation meetings with a focus on benefits and volunteerism.


Action Item 2.3 Coordinate reserved table(s) at monthly meetings (when appropriate) for new members.


Action Item 2.4 Investigate most effective place/way to provide information new member table in networking area of monthly meeting to welcome new members, answer questions and ask to volunteer.


Action Item 2.5 Conduct four Mingles per year (one per quarter) to encourage networking. Develop a focus relevant that prize package to that informs.


Action Item 2.6 Maintain and update task list as needed. 6/30/13

Action Item 2.7 Phone all lapsing members to encourage them to maintain their membership. Enter information into spreadsheet. Submit spreadsheet

1st of each month

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MPI Minnesota Chapter

with TSR monthly. Provide verbal report at committee meeting.

Strategic Objective #3


Action Item 4.1 Revise EMPI program based on member feedback


Action Item 4.2 Develop and implement monthly member recognition program. 9/19/12

Action Item 4.3 Coordinate recognition activities and reporting with new communications


Action Item 4.4 Do two Up Close (EMPI winner, new or longtime members, volunteers, etc.) profiles per month. Revise interview questions.

9/1/12 and 6/30/13

Action Item 4.5 In partnership with the board, define and evaluate ways to recognize active volunteers.


Strategic Objective #4


Provide timely communications on membership benefits, volunteerism and events.

Action Item 5.1 Develop and distribute a calendar (to committee members) with media deadlines.


Action Item 5.2 Review, update and maintain membership items on website. 6/30/13

Action Item 5.3 Create and write a “Membership Matters’ column in the Meeting of the Minds newsletter promoting member benefits, membership directory and special announcements from International

1st of each month

Action Item 5.4 Maintain and update task list. 6/30/13

Strategic Objective #5

Relationships Increase the number and depth of relationships among planner and supplier members.

Action Item 6.1

Deliver a searchable marketplace for buying MPI. Work with Nonprofit Solutions to develop categories for the Web site and to keep it up to date.


Action Item 6.2 Create a campaign to introduce the Member Marketplace.


Action Item 6.3 Acquire six testimonials of experiences to communicate successful marketplace relationships.


Action Item 6.4 Research 6/30/13

Strategic Objective #7

VP and Director Lead membership team by providing with the proper tools needed to achieve our goals and provide for successful leadership succession.

Action Item 7.1 Appoint a chair for volunteers 9/17/12

Action Item 7.2 Fill outstanding Retention Vice-Chair, Relationships Vice-Chair 9/17/12

Action Item 7.3 Create a year- long calendar that accounts for all monthly meetings


Action Item 7.4 Hold a Chair/Vice-Chair training session in July of 2012


Action Item Collaborate with Communications to establish a communications

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MPI Minnesota Chapter 7.5 calendar with key deadlines for Membership Communications 9/1/12

Action Item 7.6 Support all Chairs/Vice-chairs in achieving TSR goals


Action Item 7.7 Promote Leadership Succession through-out the year


Action Item 7.8 Maintain and update task list.


Action Item 7.9 Successfully launch and deploy Member Marketplace 6/30/13

Action Item 7.9 Revised: Work with VP and Director to present status of research accomplished and develop strategic plan for next year.


Membership Team activity this month: Membership Team requests the following board motion/action: Upcoming team plans: Membership Team needs for this month’s chapter meeting: Additional comments:

Item #10

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MN MPI Membership Report

MembersJul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

2009-2010 468 476 462 442 449 446 445 458 457 462 458 4602010-2011 463 458 473 474 471 473 471 458 472 476 465 4712011-2012 462 463 460 450 446 439 435 451 449 458 451 455


Membership Number From NationalJul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

2009-2010 458 465 452 432 438 435 433 446 444 440 446 4472010-2011 453 450 466 469 464 464 462 449 461 463 455 4612011-2012 455 454 451 441 437 429 425 440 437 446 439 443

New MembersJul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Total

2009-2010 8 5 9 7 6 6 6 17 10 7 16 11 108






Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun




2010-2011 9 9 18 9 10 7 5 11 12 16 7 8 1212011-2012 7 8 7 7 6 5 4 18 11 6 6 12 97



Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June




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ProspectsJul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total

2009-2010 8 17 31 22 21 13 19 27 13 26 4 0 2012010-2011 10 7 9 27 52 49 23 11 29 26 1 49 2932011-2012 10 10 19 18 22 69 36 25 15 14 37 9 284

Members Due to LapseJul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total

2009-2010 27 40 26 12 12 12 22 23 16 13 12 21 2362010-2011 19 15 16 19 22 18 10 20 17 15 20 22 2132011-2012 18 19 17 20 11 15 23 21 20 24 17 14 219










Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun








Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun




Item #11

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MembersMonth Planners Suppliers Subscribers Students Total MembersJune 30, 2011 199 203 10 59 471July 31, 2011 204 198 7 53 462August 31, 2011 203 199 9 52 463September 30, 2011 203 195 9 53 460October 31, 2011 198 191 9 52 450November 30, 2011 197 190 9 50 446December 31, 2011 195 188 10 46 439January 31, 2012 192 188 10 45 435February 29, 2012 196 194 11 50 451March 31, 2012 196 188 12 53 449April 30, 2012 199 193 12 54 458May 31, 2012 201 189 12 49 451June 30, 2012 200 193 12 50 455July 31, 2012 0August 31, 2012 0September 30, 2012 0October 31, 2012 0November 30, 2012 0December 31, 2012 0January 31, 2013 0February 28, 2013 0March 31, 2013 0April 30, 2013 0May 31, 2013 0June 30, 2013 0

Item #11

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MPI Minnesota Chapter Strategic Alliances Team Status Report 2012‐2013 Strategic Goals Strategic Alliances   

• Cultivate, maintain and leverage strategic partnerships that contribute to the chapter’s financial stability.   

 • Ensure consistent and ongoing recognition for strategic partners who provide sponsorships to 

the Chapter.  

• Promote the value of existing scholarship opportunities at the Chapter and International level.  

• Create awareness and engage with the chapter in Corporate Social Responsibility. 

Strategic Objectives #1 (Measurable)

Raise funds for the financial stability of our chapter Completion Date

% Complete

Action Item 1.1 Review and approve the sponsorship and advertising packet 7/1/2012 100%

Action Item 1.2 Raise $6000 in cash sponsorships 5/31/2013 5%

Action Item 1.3 Raise $6000 in advertising revenue 5/31/2013 0%

Strategic Objective #2

Provide consistent appreciation and recognition of all sponsor level, including in-kind

Action Item 2.1 Maintain a clear and concise tracking of all sponsors 5/31/2013 10%

Action Item 2.2 Send handwritten thank you to all sponsors 5/31/2013 0%

Action Item 2.2 Determine the proper recognition for each sponsor and their level 8/1/2012 5%

Strategic Objective #3 Continued success of the silent auction program

Action Item 3.1 Recruit a dedicated chair for the event 9/1/2012 10%

Action Item 3.2 Recruit a dedicated and motivated committee for the event 9/1/2012 10%

Action Item 3.3

Increase the volume and quality for the Wall of wine and determine the value of the chance

12/15/2012 0%

Action Item 3.4

Focus on high quality and variety of items to peak buyer interest for the general silent auction

12/15/2012 0%

Action Item 3.5

Find a storage location for items prior to event and arrange transportation

10/15/2012 0%

Action Item 3.6

Market the silent auction and Wall of Wine to our organization and other associations

12/1/2012 0%

Action Item 3.7 Raise $16,000 in silent auction revenue 12/20/2012 0%

Strategic Objective #4 Continued success of the June Event

Action Item 4.1 Recruit a dedicated chair for the event 11/1/2012 0%

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MPI Minnesota Chapter Action Item 4.2 Recruit a dedicated volunteers committee for the event 12/1/2012 0%

Action Item 4.2 Determine the exact nature of the event 11/1/2012 0%

Action Item 4.3 Develop sponsorship plan to support event 2/1/2013 0%

Action Item 4.4 Develop timeline, action items, plan and execute 2/1/2013 0%

Action Item 4.5 Raise $18,050 in cash sponsorship and $4000 in registration 6/20/2013 0%

Strategic Objective #5 Ensure the high quality of scholarship opportunities for the chapter

Action Item 5.1 Award $10,000 in sponsorships 5/31/2013 0%

Action Item 5.2 Increase the marketing presence of scholarship opportunities 5/1/2013 0%

Strategic Objective #6 Monitor Chapter Expenditures to ensure in line with budget

Action Item 6.1 Monthly updates at board meetings on chapter financials 6/30/2013 10%

Action Item 6.2 Have two fully sponsored venues for the monthly meeting 5/31/2013 5%

Action Item 6.2 Monitor new rebate plan and use of restricted income 6/30/2013 10%

Strategic Objective #7 Create Awareness & Engage the chapter in the Tubman organization

Action Item 7.1

Tubman to speak at August kick-off meeting. Tubman to quantify our donation from 2011/2012

8/20/2012 50%

Action Item 7.2

Provide two volunteer opportunities for the en tire chapter to participate in

5/31/2013 10%

Action item 7.3 Fundraise at every meeting thru piggy banks 4/30/2013 0%

Action Item 7.4

Provide fun unique methods for fundraising for 3 meetings (ie – bake sale)

4/30/2013 0%

Action Item 7.5 Raise $1500 for Tubman 5/20/2013 0%

Action Item 7.6 Focus and increase awareness of the diaper drive 4/20/2013 0%

Action Item 7.7 Promote Tubman charitable giving at each monthly meeting 4/20/2013 0%

Action Item 7.8 Present and donate funds to Tubman at the May Gala 5/30/2013 0%

Strategic Alliance Team activity this month:

- The June event occurred in the past month. We made $18780.91 after all the expenses were paid out.

Strategic Alliance Team requests the following board motion/action: Upcoming team plans: Strategic Alliance Team needs for this month’s chapter meeting: Additional comments:

Item #12

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