MPCA SGD—A Method for Distributed Training of Deep Learning Models on Spark Matthias Langer , Ashley Hall , Zhen He, and Wenny Rahayu Abstract—Many distributed deep learning systems have been published over the past few years, often accompanied by impressive performance claims. In practice these figures are often achieved in high performance computing (HPC) environments with fast InfiniBand network connections. For average deep learning practitioners this is usually an unrealistic scenario, since they cannot afford access to these facilities. Simple re-implementations of algorithms such as EASGD [1] for standard Ethernet environments often fail to replicate the scalability and performance of the original works [2]. In this paper, we explore this particular problem domain and present MPCA SGD, a method for distributed training of deep neural networks that is specifically designed to run in low-budget environments. MPCA SGD tries to make the best possible use of available resources, and can operate well if network bandwidth is constrained. Furthermore, MPCA SGD runs on top of the popular Apache Spark [3] framework. Thus, it can easily be deployed in existing data centers and office environments where Spark is already used. When training large deep learning models in a gigabit Ethernet cluster, MPCA SGD achieves significantly faster convergence rates than many popular alternatives. For example, MPCA SGD can train ResNet-152 [4] up to 5.3x faster than state-of-the-art systems like MXNet [5], up to 5.3x faster than bulk-synchronous systems like SparkNet [6] and up to 5.3x faster than decentral asynchronous systems like EASGD [1]. Index Terms—Deep learning, distributed computing, machine learning, neural networks, spark, stochastic gradient descent Ç 1 INTRODUCTION M ANY remarkable results in areas such as computer vision, speech recognition or natural language proc- essing were achieved by training deep neural networks using GPUs. However, training complex models on large datasets using a single GPU can take days or even weeks. Distributed deep learning systems can speed up training considerably. Most existing state-of-the-art distributed deep learning systems rely on a centralized approach, where the worker nodes compute gradients using local replicas of the model and submit them to an optimizer that runs in the para- meter server [7], [8]. This approach requires very fast network- ing hardware, since the updated model is re-downloaded by the workers after every optimization step. Decentralized methods, such as Elastic Averaging SGD (EASGD [1]) take the opposite approach, where the same model is improved in isolation using local optimizers in each worker. The resulting models are asynchronously merged. This significantly reduces the communication demand per worker. However, the parameter server has to cater to each worker independently. Thus, the communication demand on the parameter server still increases linearly with the cluster size, which can limit scalability if network bandwidth is constrained. High-Bandwidth, low-latency networking hardware is able to overcome most network throughput related limita- tions. In fact, InfiniBand and high-bandwidth Ethernet are frequently used to demonstrate the performance of distrib- uted deep learning systems [1], [5], [9]. However, the costs for the required infrastructure is still comparatively high. In bandwidth constrained environments, most of these systems perform significantly worse (Section 7). In contrast, our work specifically targets commodity clusters with low single digit gigabit Ethernet bandwidths. Note that the capabilities of affordable GPUs for deep learning increase at a significantly faster pace than that of networking hardware. Thus, devel- oping solutions that target scenarios, where the network bandwidth is limited, is becoming increasingly important. Simultaneously, Apache Spark [3] has recently emerged as one of the major standardized platforms for Big Data ana- lytics, because its embedded MapReduce-inspired process- ing with Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) excels in cluster environments composed of low-budget commodity hardware. However, Spark’s most powerful communication primitives broadcast [10] and treeReduce [9], confine purely Spark-based deep learning implementations to operate syn- chronously [6], [11]. Thus, most Spark-based deep learning systems achieve asynchronous execution by bypassing Spark’s highly optimized networking code [12] or bypass its execution engine entirely [2], [5], [7]. The results we present in Section 7 show that decentralized training methods outperform centralized systems in low- bandwidth high-latency environments like gigabit Ethernet. Thus, we will concentrate on these methods. We will refer to the typical way decentralized optimization of machine learn- ing models is implemented in Spark as the synchronized approach. As visualized in Fig. 1, the synchronized approach The authors are with La Trobe University, VIC 3086, Australia. E-mail: {m.langer, awhall, z.he, w.rahayu}@ltu.edu.au. Manuscript received 27 Aug. 2017; revised 15 Apr. 2018; accepted 26 Apr. 2018. Date of publication 4 May 2018; date of current version 10 Oct. 2018. (Corresponding author: Matthias Langer.) Recommended for acceptance by A. C. M. Melo. For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: [email protected], and reference the Digital Object Identifier below. Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPDS.2018.2833074 2540 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 29, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2018 1045-9219 ß 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See ht_tp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

MPCA SGD—A Method for Distributed Training of Deep Learning Models on Sparkstatic.tongtianta.site/paper_pdf/b93d1e12-052f-11e9-95ab... · 2018-12-21 · MPCA SGD, a method for distributed

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Page 1: MPCA SGD—A Method for Distributed Training of Deep Learning Models on Sparkstatic.tongtianta.site/paper_pdf/b93d1e12-052f-11e9-95ab... · 2018-12-21 · MPCA SGD, a method for distributed

MPCA SGD—A Method for Distributed Trainingof Deep Learning Models on Spark

Matthias Langer , Ashley Hall , Zhen He, and Wenny Rahayu

Abstract—Many distributed deep learning systems have been published over the past few years, often accompanied by impressive

performance claims. In practice these figures are often achieved in high performance computing (HPC) environments with fast

InfiniBand network connections. For average deep learning practitioners this is usually an unrealistic scenario, since they cannot afford

access to these facilities. Simple re-implementations of algorithms such as EASGD [1] for standard Ethernet environments often fail to

replicate the scalability and performance of the original works [2]. In this paper, we explore this particular problem domain and present

MPCA SGD, a method for distributed training of deep neural networks that is specifically designed to run in low-budget environments.

MPCA SGD tries to make the best possible use of available resources, and can operate well if network bandwidth is constrained.

Furthermore, MPCA SGD runs on top of the popular Apache Spark [3] framework. Thus, it can easily be deployed in existing data

centers and office environments where Spark is already used. When training large deep learning models in a gigabit Ethernet cluster,

MPCA SGD achieves significantly faster convergence rates than many popular alternatives. For example, MPCA SGD can train

ResNet-152 [4] up to 5.3x faster than state-of-the-art systems like MXNet [5], up to 5.3x faster than bulk-synchronous systems like

SparkNet [6] and up to 5.3x faster than decentral asynchronous systems like EASGD [1].

Index Terms—Deep learning, distributed computing, machine learning, neural networks, spark, stochastic gradient descent



MANY remarkable results in areas such as computervision, speech recognition or natural language proc-

essing were achieved by training deep neural networksusing GPUs. However, training complex models on largedatasets using a single GPU can take days or even weeks.

Distributed deep learning systems can speed up trainingconsiderably. Most existing state-of-the-art distributed deeplearning systems rely on a centralized approach, where theworker nodes compute gradients using local replicas of themodel and submit them to an optimizer that runs in the para-meter server [7], [8]. This approach requires very fast network-ing hardware, since the updated model is re-downloadedby theworkers after every optimization step.

Decentralized methods, such as Elastic Averaging SGD(EASGD [1]) take the opposite approach, where the samemodel is improved in isolation using local optimizers in eachworker. The resulting models are asynchronously merged.This significantly reduces the communication demand perworker. However, the parameter server has to cater to eachworker independently. Thus, the communication demandon the parameter server still increases linearly with thecluster size, which can limit scalability if network bandwidthis constrained.

High-Bandwidth, low-latency networking hardware isable to overcome most network throughput related limita-tions. In fact, InfiniBand and high-bandwidth Ethernet arefrequently used to demonstrate the performance of distrib-uted deep learning systems [1], [5], [9]. However, the costsfor the required infrastructure is still comparatively high. Inbandwidth constrained environments, most of these systemsperform significantly worse (Section 7). In contrast, our workspecifically targets commodity clusters with low single digitgigabit Ethernet bandwidths. Note that the capabilities ofaffordable GPUs for deep learning increase at a significantlyfaster pace than that of networking hardware. Thus, devel-oping solutions that target scenarios, where the networkbandwidth is limited, is becoming increasingly important.

Simultaneously, Apache Spark [3] has recently emergedas one of the major standardized platforms for Big Data ana-lytics, because its embedded MapReduce-inspired process-ing with Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) excels incluster environments composed of low-budget commodityhardware. However, Spark’s most powerful communicationprimitives broadcast [10] and treeReduce [9], confine purelySpark-based deep learning implementations to operate syn-chronously [6], [11]. Thus, most Spark-based deep learningsystems achieve asynchronous execution by bypassingSpark’s highly optimized networking code [12] or bypass itsexecution engine entirely [2], [5], [7].

The results we present in Section 7 show that decentralizedtraining methods outperform centralized systems in low-bandwidth high-latency environments like gigabit Ethernet.Thus, we will concentrate on these methods. We will refer tothe typical way decentralized optimization of machine learn-ing models is implemented in Spark as the synchronizedapproach. As visualized in Fig. 1, the synchronized approach

� The authors are with La Trobe University, VIC 3086, Australia.E-mail: {m.langer, awhall, z.he, w.rahayu}@ltu.edu.au.

Manuscript received 27 Aug. 2017; revised 15 Apr. 2018; accepted 26 Apr.2018. Date of publication 4 May 2018; date of current version 10 Oct. 2018.(Corresponding author: Matthias Langer.)Recommended for acceptance by A. C. M. Melo.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:[email protected], and reference the Digital Object Identifier below.Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPDS.2018.2833074


1045-9219� 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See ht _tp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Page 2: MPCA SGD—A Method for Distributed Training of Deep Learning Models on Sparkstatic.tongtianta.site/paper_pdf/b93d1e12-052f-11e9-95ab... · 2018-12-21 · MPCA SGD, a method for distributed

sequentially alternates between training (map) and synchro-nizing parameters (reduce/broadcast) in order to realize col-laborative model training. The synchronized approach, suchas that taken by SparkNet [6], is often considered inferior toasynchronous systems [1], [2], [13], due to two main draw-backs. First, the synchronized approach cannot overlap com-putation and communication and, second, faster nodes needtowait for stragglers whenmerging parameters.

In this paper we propose Multi-Phase Coordinated Asyn-chronous SGD (MPCA SGD). MPCA SGD adopts featuresfrom asynchronous EASGD [1], but still uses the highlyoptimized communication primitives of Spark to maximizethe effective use of the available network bandwidth. Thiscontrasts with most existing deep learning implementationsin Spark, which effectively bypass Spark’s execution model[2], [11], [12]. MPCA SGD allows communication and com-putation to overlap in order to make the best possible use ofthe available GPUs and takes various measures to mitigatenetwork delays and minimize wait times to improve thecollaboration between the workers. Hence, it inherits mostadvantages of the synchronous approach and EASGD whileavoiding their drawbacks.

In MPCA SGD, the driver-program continuously insti-gates the broadcasting and reduction of model parameters.Model optimization is conducted by the workers at the maxi-mum pace of the local hardware while parameter updatesare being exchanged. Thus, communication is coordinatedwhile computation is conducted asynchronously. Fig. 2 illus-trates the relationship between the driver andworker modelsin this scenario. Note how the worker models continue toevolve during parameter exchange. Thus, the shared jointmodel state has to be fit-back into the worker models insteadof simply replacing them like in the synchronous approach(Fig. 1). To minimize the staleness of updates and improveconcurrency, we split the model parameters into multipleshards and then broadcast one shardwhile reducing another.Updates for model shards are pro-actively distributed, such

that they are available at each cluster node when the localmodel should be updated. As shown in Fig. 3, all machinesare permanently sending and receiving at the same time.Because each worker gets dynamically assigned certain rolesduring broadcast and reduction by Spark, the available net-work resources are utilized at maximum efficiency. To mini-mize delays, individual workers can inject updates into thereduction process irrespective of their optimization progress.However, MPCA SGDwill not be slowed down by stragglerssince it does not wait for them, but instead compensates fortheir slow progress.

There are three main challenges in applying MPCA SGDto train deep learning models on Spark. First, how to selectand merge individual shards of the joint model (aggregatedmodel parameters from previous reductions) into the localstate of each worker? Second, since the model is split intoshards that are exchanged separately, while all workerscontinue optimizing the entire model asynchronously, eachworker may progress at a different pace for different por-tions of the model. In addition, the driver’s state is alwaysstale with respect to the workers. We have to find a balancebetween allowing the workers to exploit each other’s contri-butions and giving them the ability to explore the parameterspace [1]. Furthermore, we have to limit the influence ofstragglers on the joint model state. Third, how to implementcoordinated asynchronous execution within the ApacheSpark framework, while preserving Spark’s highly opti-mized networking and scheduling code?

We address the first challenge by dividing our overall com-munication process into distinct stages and enforce a rigidscheduling policy that allocates eachmodel shard to a differentstage. Furthermore,we ensure that each stage has finished exe-cution before advancing to the next stage (Section 4.2). For thesecond challenge, we enforce limits on the asynchronous oper-ation to protect the local models in case of unintended delaysand constrain the local optimizers in the workers using apenalization term. Guiding co-adapting optimizers througheuclidean distance based penalization has already been exten-sively researched and works well in practice [14], [15], [16].We extend these ideas by varying key parameters throughouttraining to encourage the workers to explore the parameterspace, but also control the degree of divergence from theoverall optimization trajectory and accommodate slow work-ers (Sections 4.4 and 6.3). Unlike Zhang et al. [1], we cannotafford to hold back further model improvement to minimizethe staleness in updates due to our expected long communica-tion delays. Instead, we extrapolate the overall optimization

Fig. 1. Classic synchronous approach for decentrally training deep learn-ing models ( ) using MapReduce. After broadcasting each worker startsoptimizing its local model replica and independently computes updatedmodel parameters ( ) that are then aggregated during reduction to formthe starting state for the next optimization cycle. Note how communica-tion and computation phases are interleaved.

Fig. 2. Coordinated asynchronous model training. Parameter exchangeand model optimization occur simultaneously. Workers continue to mod-ify their local model replicas while the driver aggregates them. Using thisaggregate, the driver determines parameter updates that generalize wellacross workers and shares them through broadcasting. Simply replacingthe local model would erase any optimization progress made in themeantime. Thus, the broadcasted joint model state has to be integratedby combining both models (Section 4.4).

Fig. 3. Multi-Phase coordinated asynchronous model training. Themodel is divided into multiple shards. The workers continuously improveall shards of their local model replica. To maximize the utilization of theavailable network I/O bandwidth and minimize the staleness of parame-ter updates, the driver cyclically triggers the aggregation of individualmodel shards, such that at any point in time a portion of the modelparameter updates is aggregated, prepared for sharing and shared withthe workers.


Page 3: MPCA SGD—A Method for Distributed Training of Deep Learning Models on Sparkstatic.tongtianta.site/paper_pdf/b93d1e12-052f-11e9-95ab... · 2018-12-21 · MPCA SGD, a method for distributed

trajectory to approximate potential future model states(Section 4.3). Tomitigate the influence of stragglers on the jointmodel we use a simple, yet efficient weighting mechanismduring the reduction phase (Section 4.6). To address the thirdchallenge, we implement a message based scheduling mecha-nism on top of Spark. This scheduler allows RDDs to executecode in a Spark compliant way after their normal executionscope ends (Section 5).

Our key contributions include:

1) Contradictory to popular belief, we show that distrib-uted training of deep learning models can be accom-plished efficiently in low-bandwidth high-latencyenvironments using only the MapReduce styled exe-cutionmodel of Sparkwith ourMPCASGD approach.

2) To make MPCA SGD work efficiently, we introducenovel techniques for updating parameters asynchro-nously on Spark, while simultaneously exchangingparameters in both directions.

3) MPCA SGD significantly outperforms MXNet [5](state-of-the-art centralized asynchronous system)and EASGD [1] (state-of-the-art decentralized asyn-chronous system) in a standard gigabit Ethernetenvironment.

For popular image classification problems, MPCA SGDcan produce high quality models in less time. Using a clus-ter of 8 machines connected only through gigabit Ethernet,we can reach an average prediction error of less than 10 per-cent on the CIFAR-10 dataset for a ResNet-110 [4] model inunder 30 minutes, which is 6.9x faster than a single GPU,6.9x faster than the state-of-the-art deep learning systemMXNet, 30% faster than the synchronous approach and 18%faster than EASGD (Section 7.1). On large scale problemssuch as ImageNet-1k, MPCA SGD outperforms the synchro-nous approach by up to 6.1x and EASGD by up to 6.1x fora VGG-A [17] model and MXNet by up to 5.3x for a ResNet-152 [4] model (Section 7.2).

This document is organized as follows. In Section 2, wetake a brief look at existing distributed deep learning systemsand establish a rough categorization. In Section 3, we analyzethe decentral synchronous and asynchronous training meth-ods. Based on this foundation, we then introduce the idea ofmulti-phase coordinated asynchronous (MPCA) execution inSection 4.2 and refine it throughout subsequent sections toaddress the first two of the aforementioned challenges. Thenwe describe how MPCA can be implemented in Spark toaddress the third challenge (Section 5). In Section 6, we dis-cuss our experimental setup and follow up by presentingbenchmark results in Section 7. Finally, we conclude andpropose directions for further research in Section 8.


There has been a lot of existing work on distributed deeplearning. In this section, we will describe the key existingdistributed deep learning systems. We separate our discus-sion between non-Spark-based and Spark-based systems.

2.1 Non-Spark Systems

Most of the recent works in distributed deep learning origi-nate from the impressive results that were achieved byLe et al. [18] in large scale image classification. Their system

DistBelief [8] divides the cluster into parameter servers thatmaintain shards of the joint model and workers that com-pute and submit gradients to them. Using these gradients,the parameter servers then apply momentum SGD toupdate their shard of the joint model. Before the workerscan continue, they need to download the updated copy ofthe joint model. The core ideas of DistBelief have been re-implemented and extended many times.

Parameter Server [19], [20] added fault tolerance throughredundancy and methods to identify and limit the influenceof slow workers.

Project Adam [21] generalized this idea by organizing theparameter servers in a Paxos-cluster [22] and minimizes net-work transmission costs by moving parts of the gradientcomputation into the parameter server for certain layers.

Petuum [23] introduced the idea of imposing stalenessconstraints to limit asynchrony between workers in order toimprove the overall convergence speed.

TensorFlow [7] can be considered as the successor to Dis-tBelief. Among other things, it adds automatic computationgraph optimization, which makes distributed model paral-lelism much more practical. Abadi et al. [7] also developeda cost model that covers most transactions and constraintsof the cluster nodes. Thus, allowing them to determine indi-vidual task placements by solving an optimization problem.

MXNet [5] also adds automatic computation graph opti-mization with special emphasis on improved efficiencythrough memory reuse. Furthermore, MXNet features ahierarchical parameter server architecture, where interme-diate nodes can act as proxy servers to others.

FireCaffe [9] runs instances of the Caffe [24] deep learningframework in parallel on multiple machines connectedthrough a HPC fabric. To minimize communication delays,FireCaffe implements a custom MapReduce-inspired com-munication protocol.

EASGD [1] decentralizes training by running separateoptimizers directly in each worker. The workers indepen-dently exchange updates with a parameter server every t

computation cycles. Each worker continues computingwhile others exchange parameter updates with the parame-ter server. To limit divergence, workers and the parameterserver are penalized based on their euclidean distance.

GoSGD [13] implements the EASGD parameter exchangealgorithm, but abandons the concept of having an explicitparameter server. Instead, the workers are organized in apeer-to-peer mesh. Communication partners for parameterexchange are selected individually every t cycles through arandomized gossip algorithm [25].

2.2 Spark-Based Systems

SparkNet [6] was inspired by FireCaffe [9], but is targetedat low-bandwidth network environments. It implementssynchronous decentralized training. Thus, each workerruns a separate optimizer in isolation for t steps. Theresulting models are then reduced through averaging.Before the next computation cycle begins, this averagemodel is broadcasted to all workers and replaces theirlocal models.

DeepSpark [2] is an attempt to implement EASGD in a com-modity hardware environment on top of Spark. Due tothe vastly differing execution models, it uses a custom


Page 4: MPCA SGD—A Method for Distributed Training of Deep Learning Models on Sparkstatic.tongtianta.site/paper_pdf/b93d1e12-052f-11e9-95ab... · 2018-12-21 · MPCA SGD, a method for distributed

communication protocol that effectively bypasses Spark dur-ing training. Spark is only used to distribute and start theactual EASGD program. However, even with tweaks such asautomatically adapting penalty coefficients, their approachsuffers significantly from poor networking bandwidth.

CaffeOnSpark [12] implements a purely data-parallel opti-mizer that works similar to DistBelief on top of Spark.Instead, of having a dedicated parameter server role, eachworker also operates as a parameter server for a portion ofthe model. Since this requires direct communication betweenworkers, they bypass the Spark execution model using theMPI-allReduce communication primitive in conjunction withRDMA (Remote DirectMemoryAccess).

BigDL [11] implements an optimizer similar to CaffeOn-Spark [12]. However, instead of bypassing Spark using MPI,they exchange parameters between workers via the Sparkblock manager. BigDL uses a very efficient and largelySpark-compliant way to exchange parameters. However, itdoes so by strictly separating the gradient computationand parameter exchange phases, which limits this approachto a synchronous mode of operation.

To better understand these works, we discriminatebetween centralized and decentralized systems, which refersto whether model training is performed on a central node ordecentrally in the workers. Except SparkNet [6], EASGD [1]and derivative works [2], [13], all aforementioned systemsuse a centralized approach, where the optimizer is run in theparameter server. Thus, network communication is requiredat each improvement step tomakeworkers aware of changes.In contrast, decentralized systems allow workers to optimizetheir local model representation directly without communi-catingwith other nodes. However, theymay be forced to con-duct long isolated learning phases that increase with thecluster size, which may result in sub-optimal convergencebehavior [6]. We can also distinguish whether gradient com-putations occur synchronous or asynchronous acrossworkers(i.e., whether a worker has to wait for all other workers afterit has processed a certain amount of batches). Furthermore,different phases of training (parameter exchange, model-updating, etc.) can either be scheduled simultaneously for allworker nodes or not. In coordinated systems, a driver-nodeinstigates all workers to start training phases at the sametime, while workers in uncoordinated systems may followseparate independent schedules. All the systems we dis-cussed operate either in a coordinated synchronous [6], [9],[11], [12], [19], or uncoordinated asynchronous [1], [2], [5], [7],[8], [13], [21], [23]manner. Therefore, they either have to tradeoff between computation and communication or are poten-tially susceptible to network bandwidth limitations becausethe workers exchange parameter updates independentlywith the parameter server, thus precluding the use of efficientgroup communication methods [9], [10]. In contrast, ourapproachuses coordinated asynchronous execution,meaningthat it suffers fromnone of these drawbacks.



In this section, we briefly analyze existing approaches fordistributed training of deep learning models in detail. Inparticular, we will analyze the two major existing works

that take measures to decouple computation and communi-cation by allowing the workers to independently optimizetheir local models (decentral training). This analysis moti-vates the introduction of our proposed MPCA SGD method.

3.1 Coordinated Synchronous Approach (SparkNet)

3.1.1 Working Principle

The idea to utilize the synchronousMapReduce communica-tion pattern for data-parallel distributed deep learning waspublished first by Iandola et al. [9]. Their system FireCaffetakes a centralized approachwhere the optimizer is executedin the driver node. Like in a single GPU implementation, thisoptimizer aims to minimize the expectation for a stochasticloss-function and a regularizer, that both depend on themodel parameters (x), through iteratively executing stochas-tic gradient descent (SGD) using random batches (�), drawnfrom a training distribution (Equation (1)).


E Lðx; �Þ½ � þ �kxk2� �

: (1)

However, the computation of the gradients for each batch isdistributed among the workers. During each optimizationcycle, the driver sends the current model to the workers(broadcast). Then, each worker computes gradients for aseparate portion of the current batch (map). The resultinggradients are aggregated in the driver (reduce), whichapplies the optimization step.

FireCaffe quickly bottlenecks on the communication costsif bandwidth is constrained [6]. In contrast, SparkNet [6] triesto avoid this problem by taking a decentralized approach.We illustrate this method in Fig. 4. Each worker (i) improvesits local copy of the model (xi) using a separate optimizer fora specified number of iterations (t) in isolation (map). Once titerations have elapsed, the new model parameters are cap-tured in a RDD and averaged (Rðx1;���;KÞ) in the driver using abinary reduction tree ( ). This average model (~x) is thentransmitted back to all workers through broadcasting (Bð~xÞ)and becomes the starting point of the next optimization cycle.Spark broadcasts [10] are conducted by forming a BitTorrentswarm [26] using all nodes where the driver acts as the initialseeder ( ).

Fig. 4. Synchronous data-parallel training in SparkNet.


Page 5: MPCA SGD—A Method for Distributed Training of Deep Learning Models on Sparkstatic.tongtianta.site/paper_pdf/b93d1e12-052f-11e9-95ab... · 2018-12-21 · MPCA SGD, a method for distributed

3.1.2 Influence of t

The parameter t denotes the number of optimization itera-tions between merging model parameters. Moritz et al. [6]showed that the best convergence rate (assuming no commu-nication costs) can be achieved if t is small, such that theworkers spend only a few iterations exploring the parameterspace in isolation (map) before sharing their results, whichallows them to exploit each other’s findings (reduce & broad-cast). However, in real-world scenarios communication doesnot occur instantaneously. Thus, t is actually a measure forcontrolling how much time should be spent on improvingthe local models (computation) versus synchronizing acrossmachines (communication). In order to make good use of theGPUs t has to be increased. Moritz et al. [6] suggest choosingt such that the communication to computation ratio is 1:5(i.e., the average GPU utilization is 83.3 percent).

To understand what values of t this translates to in ourgigabit Ethernet test-setup (Section 6.1), we implementedvarious popular deep learning models and present therespective communication and computation times inTable 1. As can be seen, the period of isolated learning hasto be hundreds of iterations in some cases if we follow the1:5 rule. Empirical measurements by Moritz et al. [6] showthat, irrespective of the cluster size, such long phases of iso-lated learning yield only slow convergence, due to theworkers drifting towards different local minima. This leadsto contradicting parameter adjustments that erase eachother during reduction and setback the optimization prog-ress. Thus, in the synchronous approach, any choice of t

represents a dilemma of finding a balance between two con-flicting goals.

3.2 Uncoordinated Asynchronous Approach(EASGD)

3.2.1 Working Principle

Like SparkNet, Elastic Averaging SGD (EASGD) [1] alsotakes the decentralized approach, where each workerimproves its local model in isolation for t iterations. How-ever, unlike in SparkNet the workers operate asynchro-nously at their own pace. Once t iterations have elapsed ona worker, it independently contacts the parameter server toexchange updates. While one worker exchanges parame-ters, others update their local models. This removes theneed for global synchronization, but also prevents the usageof efficient synchronous collaborative communication prim-itives, such as broadcast and reduce.

Note that the model parameters cannot simply bereplaced in EASGD, since workers contact the parameterserver without coordination. Instead, EASGD merges mod-els in a way that allows the workers to explore the parame-ter space, but also prevents them from deviating too farfrom the joint model state maintained by the parameterserver. This is achieved by penalizing the local models andthe parameter server model based on a

2 times their squaredeuclidean distance or L2-norm (a2 kxi � ~xk2). Every t itera-tions, each worker downloads the current joint model state(~xt) from the parameter server and adjusts its current localmodel (xi

t) by linearly interpolating between them at a rateof a (Equation (2)). Small a give the workers more freedomto explore the parameter space, while large a force them tostay close to each other and thus, make them exploit eachother’s findings. To establish elastic symmetry, whichZhang et al. [1] consider to be crucial for the stability of thealgorithm, the inverse update has to be applied to the jointmodel in the parameter server (Equation (3)).

xitþ1 ¼ xi

t � aðxit � ~xtÞ (2)

~xtþ1 ¼ ~xt þ aðxit � ~xtÞ (3)

3.2.2 Influence of t

Like in the synchronous approach, t directly controls theamount of communication between each worker and theparameter server by extending the isolated learning period.Furthermore, t and a constrain how far individual optimiz-ers can explore the parameter space. To realize the parameterexchange between a worker and the parameter serverrequired by Equations (2) and (3), workers in EASGD stopthe optimization every t iterations and download ~xt. Then,they compute the update aðxi

t � ~xtÞ, apply it to their localmodel and send it back to the driver. The latter can be doneasynchronously while the local optimizer runs, since thereare no side-effects on the local model. Note that since theinitiative lies with the workers, all communication is peer-to-peer. Hence, assuming all workers are equipped with thesame hardware, the optimalminimumbound for t is equiva-lent to the number of optimizer iterations it takes to down-load ~xt and update the local model, times the number ofworkers (K). Thus, t has to be scaled linearly with the num-ber of workers. However, due to minor timing differences,someworkers will eventually attempt to contact the parame-ter server simultaneously, which may cause transmission

TABLE 1Performance Figures for Training Various Popular Deep Neural Network Architectures for Image Classification

in our Test Setup (Section 6.1)

Model Size(MiB)

Communication(s, GbE, 8 executers



Computation(s/batch, 1 GPU, Adam [27])


Suggestedt? ?

CIFAR-10 ResNet-110 7 1.1 64 0.095 11.6 58

ImageNetVGG-A 491 51.1 50 0.474 107.8 539

ResNet-34 83 9.2 128 0.582 15.7 79ResNet-152 223 23.6 32 0.809 29.2 146

? Measured using t ¼ 0. Note that broadcast and treeReduce overlap slightly, since workers that complete broadcasting earlier may also enter the reduc-tion phase sooner. Includes times required for data serialization, GPU to CPU and CPU to GPU memory transfers.? ? Assuming a target communication to computation ratio of 1:5 [6].


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delays. In practice, t must therefore be increased to add idletime between transmissions. This allows the parameterserver to recover from minor disturbances, thus ensuringthat subsequent parameter exchange requests from otherworkers can be processed promptly. However, long phasesof isolated learning (large t) detrimentally affect modelconvergence [28] similar to SparkNet (Section 3.1.2).



The coordinated synchronous approach (Section 3.1) is com-patible with Spark, but hinges heavily on choosing the rightt, which in turn depends on the network speed and the clus-ter size. Furthermore, each reduction cycle represents aglobal synchronization barrier that requires all workers toreach a certain state. EASGD (Section 3.2) does not requiresynchronization barriers but depends on worker initiatedpeer-to-peer communication, which is not compatible withthe Spark MapReduce-style execution and also less efficient,since the communication demand with the parameter serverincreases linearly with each additional worker. Thus, t mustbe scaled accordingly, which may require long phases ofisolated learning.

In this section we present our algorithm MPCA SGD,which combines the advantages of the synchronous and theasynchronous approach on top of Spark, but avoids theirdisadvantages. Spark restricts us to master-initiated com-munication patterns. Hence, we retain the general idea fromSparkNet of having communication phases that are insti-gated by RDD-commands from the driver. But we let eachworker continue to improve its local model asynchronouslythroughout these communication phases. To combine mod-els we adopt the L2-norm based penalization approachfrom EASGD, which offers an intuitive way to integratemultiple co-adapting models with each other. Thus, ourapproach completely decouples the computation and com-munication aspects, thereby effectively eliminating mostbottlenecks and waiting periods of existing approaches.

4.1 Overall Execution Behavior

After connecting to the Spark-cluster, we create a specialRDD that we call the AgentRDD and commit one Spark exe-cution thread per GPU to it. We explain this RDD-type inmore detail in Section 5. Once the AgentRDD has been fullyinitialized, RDDs inheriting from it may hand-off map-tasksto the Spark threads bound by the AgentRDD. This allows

completing reduction tasks without stopping computationupon leaving the execution scope of a RDD partition. Fur-thermore, we use concurrent programming to minimize net-work transfer times by allowing broadcasts and reductionsto be executed simultaneously. Thus, workers may asyn-chronously integrate the latest broadcasted state and con-tinue optimizing their local models through the AgentRDD,while model updates are reduced.

Like in SparkNet, our driver program maintains andbroadcasts the joint model (~x). The local models (xi) arestored in model state RDDs that can be reduced to form anew joint model. However, instead of stopping the optimiz-ers while the local models are being merged, the optimi-zation code is executed indefinitely via the AgentRDD.We call this method coordinated asynchronous executionbecause the local optimizers operate asynchronously, whileall parameter exchanges are coordinated by the driver node.

4.2 Multi-Phase Parameter Exchange

In contrast to the synchronous approach (Fig. 5), the coordi-nated asynchronous method allows performing communi-cation and computation in parallel (Fig. 6). However, eachcommunication phase still consists of a broadcast followedby a reduction. New model parameters can only be broad-casted after a complete reduction has occurred. Hence, thereis a synchronization barrier between both operations.

While Spark utilizes the network bandwidth of multiplecluster nodes to accelerate broadcasts and reductions, thereis always a dominant communication direction (from driverto workers or vice versa). In a full-duplex environment likeEthernet, this typically means that a great fraction of theavailable network bandwidth is unused if broadcasts andreductions are executed sequentially. We can reduce thetime required for parameter exchange round-trips withthe driver by using these resources. This will allow us tohave shorter isolated learning phases, which leads to lessstale parameter updates and better overall control duringmodel training.

To allow broadcast and reduce to be used simulta-neously, we slice the model into multiple shards ( _x, €x, etc.)of approximately equal size and alternate the communica-tion phases between them. In the simplest case, we split themodel parameters in half and let them alternate betweenthe broadcast and reduction phases. Thus, while the firsthalf of the model is being broadcasted, the second half isbeing reduced and vice versa (Fig. 7). In practice, the Sparkscheduler copes very well with this communication pattern.It adjusts the broadcasts and construction of reduction treesto make the best use of the momentarily available networkresources. If the model shards are well balanced, the

Fig. 5. Synchronous communication pattern (SparkNet). The horizontalbars represent model shards that are either stored in the driver or theworkers. Colors indicate actions as follows: means idle (no update),

indicates that parameters are transferred from the GPU to the JVM(e.g., if parameters should be reduced by Spark via the network), while

stands for parameter uploads from the JVM to the GPU (i.e., therespective model shard is updated). Phases where the workers updatetheir model shards by training using local optimizers are shaded .Notice how model training is halted during communication phases.

Fig. 6. Single phase coordinated asynchronous communication pattern.The cluster is either exclusively broadcasting or reducing. Because thenetwork bandwidth is poorly utilized, isolated learning phases are verylong. However, note how model training is only briefly interrupted in com-parison to the significant stalling of the synchronous approach (Fig. 5).


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average communication delay drops by up to 30 percentwith two alternating communication phases.

As shown in Figs. 6 and 7, broadcasting cannot start imme-diately after a reduction has been completed because a prepa-ration step is necessary. This preparation step consists ofcomputing and applying the update to the joint model (Sec-tion 4.5), extrapolating the joint model (Section 4.3) and con-structing the broadcast variable, which involves serializingthe model parameters, splitting them into fixed size chunksand registering these chunks with the Spark block manager[10]. While none of these operations is very time-consuming,the cumulative delay often equates tomultiple back-propaga-tions in the workers. To avoid such delays, we extend the pre-viously discussed 2-phase asynchronous communicationpattern by splitting the model into three shards of preferablythe same size and regard the preparation of the next broadcastvariable as another phase in our communication cycle. Analo-gously to the 2-phase pattern, the focus of the three communi-cation phases alternates cyclically between the three modelshards. Fig. 8 illustrates this 3-phase asynchronous communi-cation pattern. Aside from the split-seconds duringwhich thefocus is switched between shards, the driver and by extensionmost workers are permanently sending and receiving modelparameters. Depending on the individual model shard sizesand Spark broadcast settings, the 3-phase asynchronous com-munication pattern can utilize up to 80 percent of the driver’snetwork I/O bandwidth. Simultaneously, the Spark commu-nication primitives broadcast and tree-reduce ensure that net-work resources across the cluster are dynamically assignedand utilized tomaximize throughput.

Note that, although it is possible to have more than threemodel shards, there are only three atomic operations thatmust be applied sequentially (broadcast, reduce and

preparing the next broadcast). Splitting the model into moreshards will decrease their size. Thus, broadcasting andreducing them becomes faster. However, each Spark opera-tion incurs a small overhead and each additional shardedge induces irritations during model optimization due tomisalignment issues (Section 4.4). Thus, having four ormore shards typically results in lower network utilizationand decreased overall training performance.

In Fig. 9, we present an overview of the resource usageover time when training a large deep learning model withMPCA SGD. Note how the workers collaborate with thedriver to accelerate exchanging parameters and howcommunication ( / ) and computation ( ) phases overlap.Also note how all GPUs continuously improve their respec-tive local models, except for the brief moments whenparameter updates have to be up- or downloaded.

4.3 Mitigating the Staleness of Updates

Once the driver has updated the joint model, it has to broad-cast the new state to make it visible to all workers. Becausethe workers continue improving their models while thishappens, their local state will have progressed by the time

Fig. 7. 2-phase asynchronous communication pattern with simultaneousbroadcast and reduction. The model is split into two shards, indicated bythe two horizontal bars for both, the driver and the workers. The para-meters belonging to both shards are simultaneously trained by theworkers ( ), but the repeatedly invoked broadcasts and reductions alter-nate their focus. Thereby, they establish two distinct parameterexchange cycles. One for either model shard. Unlike in the single phaseasynchronous approach (Fig. 6), broadcast and reduce are executedsimultaneously, which doubles the available bandwidth and reduces theduration of isolated learning phases.

Fig. 8. 3-phase asynchronous communication pattern with simultaneousbroadcast, reduction and staging of the next broadcast. Operates likethe 2-phase asynchronous communication pattern (Fig. 7), except thatthe model is split into three shards with distinct parameter exchangecycles. This further improves network utilization since the broadcast-var-iable for the next model shard is prepared upfront. Thus, waiting periodsthat delay further reductions as shown in Fig. 7 are eliminated. The nextbroadcast/reduction-cycle can begin immediately.

Fig. 9. Communication and computation resource usage over time inMPCASGDwith 3-phase asynchronous processing (cf. Fig. 8). The driverrepeatedly broadcasts (Bð:::Þ) shards from the joint model ( _~x; €~x; ~x), insti-gates reductions of shards from the local models ( _xi; €xi; xi) and preparesthe next broadcast variable simultaneously. Since there are three workersin this example, the reduction tree depth is dlog 2ð3Þe. Thus, one workercan send its model shard directly to the driver, while another has to sendits corresponding shard to an intermediate aggregator. Once the interme-diate aggregator has fully received the shard, it is combined (Rð:::Þ) withthe local representation of that shard and sent to the driver. We rely on theSpark scheduling engine to provide a near-optimal role assignment foreach transmission. In reality, all network communication processes aremore dynamic than shown here. However, for the sake of clarity we letworker 2 permanently act as intermediate aggregator. Note that whileworker 2 receives a model shard it will utilize its unused transmissionbandwidth to assist the current broadcasting efforts of the driver. At thesame time the workers optimize all three model shards simultaneously.However, since each shard has its own communication cycle, which cansometimes be longer or shorter depending on transmission delays, wemaintain an iteration counter ( _t;€t; t) for each shard on eachworker. UnlikeSparkNet and EASGD, which require the user to preconfigure t(Section 3), we measure this value at runtime. Further computations canbe scaled using this value (Sections 4.5 and 4.6), which allowsMPCASGD to adapt to changes in the available network bandwidth.


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when the updated joint model has been received. If workersuse stale updates for penalizing their local models (e.g.,using the EASGD method) some progress that has beenmade in the meantime could be reversed. However, notethat updates to the joint model always depend on aggre-gates over all local models. Thus, the development of thejoint model is very stable and each additional workerimproves the stability [28]. We can use this to our advantageto improve updates shared by the driver.

~vt ¼ d~vt�1 þ ð1� dÞð~xt � ~xt�1Þ (4)

~x�tþg ¼ ~xt þ g~vt: (5)

Instead of broadcasting the actual state of the joint model(~xt), we track the optimization trajectory (~vt) by observingthe recent changes to the joint model (Equation (4)) andextrapolate ~xt along this trajectory (Equation (5)) to approxi-mate the model parameters that we expect to see during alater reduction (~x�tþg). We implement ~vt as a simple movingaverage, where d determines the rate at which changes ofthe joint model state are being adopted into ~vt. By default,we use d ¼ 0:8. Note that ~vt only depends on actualresponses from the workers and not on previous incarna-tions of ~x�, since that would be very unstable. The delayand smoothing induced by d acts as a buffer against spo-radic events that may cause the communication speed tosuddenly drop or spike. Since ~vt shrinks and increases auto-matically depending on the network speed, the amount bywhich the joint state is projected into the future correlateswith the average number of update steps that the local opti-mizers apply during a communication cycle. g controls howfar (in terms of ~vt) the joint model state should be projectedinto the future. g ¼ 1 equals to looking ahead one cycle,while g ¼ 0 disables this feature. In practice such simple lin-ear extrapolations are of course inaccurate. Especially, if wetrain from random values, the initial changes are large andnoisy. Thus, we typically start training using a low value forg that we ramp up as the model stabilizes [29].

Fig. 10a shows the influence of this linear extrapolationmethod onmodel training.We trained a ResNet-110 [4] twicein a bandwidth constrained environment with Adam [27]using MPCA SGD on the CIFAR-10 dataset using 8 workers.The first run was conducted without linear extrapolation(g ¼ 0) and the second run with d ¼ 0:8 and g ¼ 0:7. Wedetermine the quality of the models using online cross vali-dation. As can be seen, the convergence speed is initiallylower when extrapolation is enabled. This is because wedeliberately did not ramp up g in this experiment. However,

the extrapolated variant catches up and eventually surpassesits counterpart without extrapolation.

4.4 Worker Model Update

The optimizers in MPCA SGD adjust their local models dur-ing parameter exchange. If we would simply replace thelocal model once an update has been received, we wouldeffectively discard the progress made in the meantime.However, MPCA SGD splits the model into shards, whichare reduced and shared separately. If we increase the num-ber of shards, such that there are significantly more shardsthan communication phases, we could freeze the parts ofthe model that are currently being exchanged via the net-work and focus only on improving the remaining shards.However, in practice this does not work well for two rea-sons. First, several computation steps for the frozen portionof the model still have to be executed, which wastes resour-ces. Second, suddenly replacing a model shard confusesoptimizers with momentum based step size control likeNAG [30] or Adam [27]. This is not surprising, since thenew parameters may have different properties. After replac-ing a model shard, the inputs from and outputs to adjacentmodel shards will be misaligned (Fig. 10b), which can mas-sively increase fluctuations in signals that are propagatedthrough them. Note that this misalignment increases withthe length of isolated learning.

To avoid both problems, we let the workers continuouslyupdate the entire model. Instead of replacing, we imple-ment an L2-norm based penalization mechanism similar toEASGD (Section 3.2). However, EASGD and dependentworks only penalize their local models after new parame-ters have been downloaded [1]. In EASGD, this interval isfixed and depends on t. Thus, communication and penali-zation have to be aligned around this parameter, which canlead to conflicts (Section 3.2.2). In contrast, parameter shar-ing in MPCA SGD is conducted at the maximum pace atwhich the driver can collect and distribute updated modelshards. The time between two consecutive updates of thesame shard may vary depending on many factors, includinginfluences from other processes. Therefore, t is determinedautomatically at runtime (Section 4.6).

However, note that the optimal value for the model penali-zation-factor (a) still depends on the length of isolated training[28]. Since the round-trip periods vary, a has to be scaled dif-ferently for each worker and shard during each update cycle.While it would be possible to scale a dynamically, we found itdifficult to configure such a mechanism, since it further com-plicates the relationship between a and the network band-width and GPU performance of each worker. Furthermore,

Fig. 10. (a) Influence of linearly extrapolating the joint model on the prediction error; (b) Tensor misalignment upon separately updating a modelshard; (c) Influence of stragglers on the prediction error if reduction is done via unweighted averaging, compared to weighted averaging using ti.


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applying uneven penalties across the model could introduceundesired biases. However, instead of aligning the penaliza-tion code with the communication cycle [1], [13], we can alsoperform this step while updating the local models in the opti-mizers. The benefits of penalizing the local models directly inthe optimizer loop are twofold. First, this causes many com-paratively small adjustments, which results in a smootheroverall behavior. Notice that as long as a is small, the effects ofthe above mentionedmisalignment problem should be damp-ened aswell (Fig. 10b). Second, thismethod completely decou-ples computation and communication and, thus, disentanglesthe related hyper parameters. Regardless of the available net-work bandwidth, penalization solely scales depending on thenumber of updates to the local model (i.e., GPU performance)and the distance to the projected joint model state (Section 4.3).Thus, in MPCA SGD we may choose a irrespective of mostcommunication related factors.

We propose two ways to penalize the local models (xi)based on their euclidean distance [14], [15], [16] from theprojected joint model (~x�

tþg ; see Section 4.3) within the opti-mizer loop: Intuitively, it is possible to implement the penal-ization as an L2-regularizer (Equation (6)). An alternativemethod is to directly modify the local models before takingan optimization step (Equation (7)).


ELðxi; �iÞ þ �kxik2 þ a

2kxi � ~x�

tþgk2� �



ELðxi � aðxi � ~x�tþgÞ; �iÞ þ �kxi � aðxi � ~x�

tþgÞk2� �

: (7)

Both methods break the potentially large correction stepthat EASGD performs down into many small steps. The firstmethod (Equation (6)) modifies the shape of the loss-function. Thus, penalization is applied through slightly tilt-ing the gradients during back-propagation. The secondmethod (Equation (7)) gently shifts the model towards theprojected joint model state. This operation is transparent tothe remaining optimization code. In practice, both methodscan work well with MPCA SGD. However, we have foundthat the first method is significantly more sensitive to thechoice of a. Thus, we will focus the remainder of the discus-sion on the second method.

The penalization (xi � aðxi � ~x�tþgÞ) in Equation (7) is exe-

cuted just before computing gradients. Thus, like in the Nes-terov Accelerated Gradient (NAG) algorithm, we firstdisplace the model and then allow the optimizer to devise acorrection step [30]. This can also be understood as havingsmall force that increases with the distance to the joint modelstate. Only if successive parameter updates remain largerthan this force, the model will have enough momentum toescape the pull of the projected joint model state. Parameterupdates in diffuse directions will be largely ignored. As aresult, only parameter adjustments that generalize wellacross many batches are kept and submitted to the driver.The synchronous reduction of results from all workersensures that only parameter adjustments, where themajorityof the workers are in consensus, have a major influence onthe next joint model state. We found that this two-stage dis-tillation process is critical to MPCA SGD’s success, since itsignificantly reduces the variance in the joint model andquickly producesmodels that generalizewell.

4.5 Driver Model Update

In SparkNet [6] the local models are optimized in isolationfor t iterations and then aggregated through arithmetic aver-

aging (Rðx1;���;KÞ ¼ 1K

PKi¼1 x

i). The aggregate replaces thejoint model (~xt). For analytical purposes, Zhang et al. [1] pro-pose a synchronous variant of EASGD with a similar execu-tion pattern. They suggest that blending the aggregated localmodels and the previous state of the joint model (~xt�1)together can improve stability through time (Equation (8)).The parameter b denotes the rate at which the joint model isbeing replaced. Note that setting b ¼ Ka establishes elasticsymmetry between the workers and the driver similar toasynchronous EASGD (Section 3.2).

~xt ¼ ð1� bÞ~xt�1 þ bRðx1;���;KÞ: (8)

Since MPCA SGD can be expected to exhibit a much moredynamic runtime behavior due to not having a clear distinc-tion between the reduction and model improvement phases,we cannot take an analytic approach. Instead, our methodfor choosing b is practically motivated. Our intuition is asfollows: If we start training from a random initialization,the driver model does not contain any useful information.Hence, it is in the most sub-optimal state with respect to theoptimization objective. There is no need to hold onto thatstate. The optimizers in the workers, on the other hand,immediately start programming information into their localmodels. Thus, we start training with b ¼ 1 to absorb thisinformation into the joint model as fast as possible. Then wesubsequently ramp down b to stabilize the overall conver-gence trajectory. However, b must not become too small[28]. According to our experience, having a target value ofb ¼ 0:9 represents a good compromise between stabilityand model improvement in clusters with 8 workers or less,which is in alignment with findings by Zhang et al. [1].

4.6 Mitigating Performance Deviations amongWorkers

Workers in MPCA SGD operate at their own pace. Hence,they may apply different amounts of updates to their localmodels in the same amount of time. Sporadic performancedeviations between workers should not be an issue, sinceour entire approach is based on merging slightly differentlydeveloping models to find better generalizations. However,if individual workers exhibit a systematically different run-time behavior, for instance because they are equipped withdifferent hardware or use contested resources, they willinfluence the entire cluster if the joint model state is derivedfrom the arithmetic average of the worker models. To miti-gate this effect, we follow our intuition from Section 4.5 andassume that workers that can utilize more resources havealso more thoroughly explored the parameter space. Thus,their local models (xi) have absorbed more informationthan others. By weighting results, we can scale the influenceof each worker on the next joint model state accordingly.This allows using workers equipped with different hard-ware for the same optimization task, which is a problemthat has—to our knowledge—not been comprehensivelyaddressed by other works in this field, although heteroge-neous cluster setups are common nowadays. We implementscaling by measuring the number of optimization steps (ti)


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that each worker completes between reduction cycles forthe same model shard and weight their contribution to theaggregate model proportionally (Equation (9)).

Rðx1;���;KÞ ¼ 1PKi¼1 t




!: (9)

In Fig. 10c, we demonstrate the influence of both averag-ing methods in a situation where resources on some clusternodes are contested, which is a very likely scenario in amulti-tenant system. Each time we trained a ResNet-34 toclassify images using Adam on a 100-class subset of theImageNet dataset and determine the model quality usingonline cross validation. The run without contested resourcesrepresents the upper bound. In the two remaining test runs3 workers also process another workload. On these nodes,only 50 percent of the nominal capacity of the GPUs is avail-able to the deep learning task. Note how the configurationwith weighted averaging retains a higher convergence ratethan that with unweighted averaging.


We will now discuss how MPCA SGD can be implementedin Spark. The coordinated asynchronous execution wedescribed in Section 4 differs fundamentally from the bulk-synchronous iterative MapReduce processing that is nor-mally used to program Spark. Spark jobs are supposedto have no side-effects after they complete. However, toimplement MPCA SGD, we have to conduct operations andtransformations during the communication phase. We willaddress this issue in Section 5.1. In Section 5.2 we describehow we realize the simultaneous broadcasting and reduc-tion of model shards. Thereafter, we will discuss strategiesto recover from node failures in Section 5.3.

5.1 Allowing Asynchronous Task Execution inSpark

We introduce the agent concept to enable continuousupdating while retaining the ability to apply MapReduce

transformations to RDDs. Agents are implemented using aspecial type of RDD that we call AgentRDD, but represent amore coarse grained long lived scheduling primitive thanordinary RDDpartitions. Each partition of anAgentRDD con-tains exactly one agent. Typically, we allocate one agent foreach GPU, but the number of agents and their assignment tocompute-resources can be regulated independently in eachworker if desired. A custom partitioning scheme ensures thateach agent forms a persistent bond with a specific GPU on aspecific worker. Through placement hints and inhibiting taskrelocation, we enforce that the number and execution loca-tions for partitions of AgentRDDs and dependent RDDs cor-relate. Partitions derived from an AgentRDD can embedContexts that allow pairing with the corresponding agent.Using these contexts, it is possible to hand-off workloadsto the agent for delayed execution or request results of pre-viously handed off tasks. To achieve this, agents need to beactive. However, the creation of persistent background-threads interferes with Spark’s resource management.We solve this problem by ensuring during initialization thatwe only bind executors if 2 CPU cores can be exclusively allo-cated per agent/GPU. This allows us to simultaneously runSpark jobs in the context of the AgentRDD and dependentRDDswithout queuing.

Fig. 11 illustrates how agents and RDDs interact duringmodel training. The first AgentRDD allocates the data struc-tures for agents and fires up their event-loops through theControl API. This will allocate one Spark worker threadpermanently to each agent, thus marking the related Sparkexecutor as healthy& active, which prevents the resourceman-agement from reclaiming it. Agents operate internally using asimple event-loop that listens to a message queue. Throughembedded contexts, dependent RDDs can locate and accessthe Message API of their corresponding agents to signal themor submit new tasks. For long running tasks, such as optimiz-ing a model, agents immediately return a YieldContext afterthe task has been accepted. This context, is best understood asa proxy for the future state of the model after the optimizer isinterrupted next. The YieldContext is constructed such that itwill stop the optimizer and materialize the current modelstate if it is accessed for any reason (including serialization).This allows embedding the YieldContext in a RDD to capturethe next model state without actually knowing what thismodel state will be. Thus, the content of the next RDD is notdetermined at creation. But should any Spark operationattempt to access the YieldContext, it will materialize themodel state and become immutable. Thus, subsequentqueries against this RDD will yield the same results. Shouldthe next RDD get destroyed for any reason, the finalizationcode of the YieldContext will automatically signal the agentto stop the optimizer at the next opportunity.

Our method of integrating coordinated asynchronousSGD into Spark is non-conventional but achieves itsintended purpose while obeying the constraints imposed bythe Spark system. We effectively decouple the model updat-ing phase (map) from the global synchronization barrierthat is enforced by reductions, by handing off the modeloptimization to the Spark worker threads bound by theAgentRDD and allowing the model state to be materializedjust in time when it is required. As a result, we gain the abil-ity to continue computation while data is transmitted or

Fig. 11. Working principle of agents during model training using a clusterwith 3 workers. We imply single-phase communication (Fig. 6). TheAgentRDD borrows its threads to the agents, which in turn service theMessage APIs and allow the state RDDs to continue model optimizationbetween reductions. The driver repeatedly instigates MapReduce jobsand uses the reduction result to update the joint model. All updatedparameters are broadcasted to the workers during the following cycle.The map-portion of each MapReduce-job forges a new RDD each time.At the beginning of the map-function the workers locate their respectiveagent through YieldContexts, which are embedded in the current stateRDD. Using the Message API, they signal the agent to interrupt optimi-zation and download the current model state. Then they submit updatesand re-engage the optimizer. This will return a new YieldContext thatcan be embedded in the next model state RDD.


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received via the network. Our tests show that this method isdurable enough, such that multiple models can be trainedconcurrently on the same Spark-cluster for weeks alongsideother Spark applications.

5.2 Allowing Simultaneous Broadcast andReduction

To realize multi-phase asynchronous execution as discussedin Section 4.2, we need to be able to broadcast and reducedifferent model shards simultaneously. Notice that wegenerate new RDDs as a side-effect of our continuous invo-cations of map (Fig. 11). Furthermore, note that Sparkbroadcasts are receiver selective, meaning that down-loading the backing variable has to be initiated from theworkers. To avoid blocking, we hand-off the receiving ofbroadcasted model parameters to a background-task bywrapping the broadcast variable into a Future and placing italong with the YieldContext in the next model state RDD.When we return during the next parameter exchange phase,we extract this value from the RDD and submit it to theoptimizer before re-engaging it.

Fig. 12 depicts how ongoing parallel parameter broadcast-ing is realized under these constraints inMPCASGD.Duringeach communication cycle only the ID of a previously pre-pared broadcast variable is transmitted as we schedule thenext reduction (⇡). Once received by theworkers, they embedthis newly created broadcast variable in a Future and store itin the next model state RDD ( ��K ). The Future then triggersthe downloading and initialization of the variable. Simulta-neously, the update received by the previous Future isextracted and submitted to the backing agent ( ).

5.3 Recovery from Node Failures

Spark applications traditionally achieve fault tolerance byeither reapplying the transformations of lost partitions fromlineage information stored in the RDD, or through restoringprevious states by recalling a checkpoint (snapshot of anRDD stored in HDFS). However, in our case each newmodel state RDD depends on its predecessor and the shardfrom the joint model broadcasted at the time. To minimizedelays, each worker is interrupted ad-hoc once it hasreceived updated parameters. To allow recomputing lostRDD partitions from linage, we have to record the interrup-tion time of each worker and keep the related broadcast var-iables around. Thus, maintaining long lineages can quicklyconsume vast amounts of memory due to the cumulativesize of the broadcasted shards. Furthermore, it should be

noted that repeating the actual transformations (i.e., themodel training) is computationally expensive. However,frequently checkpointing the model state RDD to truncatethe linage graph is often impractical due to the amount ofstorage space required (one model copy per worker). Thisproblem is further amplified by the fact that HDFS achievesrobustness through replication across the cluster, whichreduces the available bandwidth for training.

Therefore, we discourage using the traditional Sparkmethods to achieve fail-over processing when training withMPCA SGD. Instead, we can recover from failures as fol-lows. There are two scenarios to consider: 1) the driver staysalive, but a worker dies; and 2) many workers or the driver-node have failed. For scenario 1, we simply instantiate anew AgentRDD and initiate agent discovery. This will re-discover the agents that are still active (i.e., optimizing themodel) and bind them to the new AgentRDD. Henceforth,we continue training using the salvaged agents. Thus, if asingle worker fails, the new AgentRDD has simply one par-tition less and model state RDDs derived from it also haveone partition less. The overall training speed is slightlyreduced. To recover from scenario 2, the driver may backupthe current state of the joint model. In our implementation,automatic backups in the driver can be realized by addingthe function DumpModel to the list of optimization objec-tives. This objective writes the current model state to a per-sistent storage location (e.g., RAID-drive, network-share,HDFS, etc.). Note that objectives are evaluated asynchro-nously. Thus, with a multi-core CPU occasional backups ofthe joint model do not significantly slow down training.Using this backup it is possible to restart the optimizationprocess using a different machine as the driver, or evenusing a different cluster. The cluster can have a differentnumber of GPUs, etc. Any changes made after the mostrecent backup are lost, but the amount of wasted resourcescan easily be limited by adjusting the backup-frequency.Note that upon restarting training all workers are initializedto the restored joint model state. Thus, at first they explorethe parameter space at the same location and will proposesimilar updates, which results in a reduced convergenceperformance. However, random processes during training(e.g., different training samples, dropout patterns, etc.)quickly cause the workers to diverge from each other againand explore adjacent decent trajectories.


6.1 Environment

We run all experiments in a dedicated cluster that is man-aged using Cloudera CDH 5. Our test setup consists of 8Spark executors equipped with 2 GHz 8-core Xeon CPUs,64 GB RAM, NVIDIA TitanX GPUs and an Ethernet band-width of 1 Gb/s. The number of nodes utilized (K) will bestated explicitly for each experiment.

6.2 Datasets

CIFAR-10 contains 32x32 pixel RGB images that are evenlydistributed across 10 classes. The dataset is split into a train-ing set with 50,000 images and a test set consisting of 10,000images. During all experiments we withheld 5,000 images(500 per class) from the training set that we used for cross

Fig. 12. Data flow of model updates in MPCA SGD to allow executingbroadcast and reduce in parallel. The highlighted path represents theparameter exchange cycle for the second model shard (€x).


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validation purposes. All images were augmented by sub-tracting the per-channel mean of the training set [17] andapplying horizontal flipping at random [31]. The training setwas further expanded by padding 4 black pixels on all sidesof each image and cropping random 32� 32 patches [4].

ImageNet-1k consists of one unlabeled (100k) and twolabeled (1.3M and 50k) collections of JPEG images thatdepict objects from 1000 classes. We use the smaller labeledset for testing and the larger set for training, but withhold25k images (25 images per class) for cross validation pur-poses. Since the compressed size of the labeled images is143 GiB, we will stream them from a HDFS during training.All images were scaled such that their shorter edge meas-ures 256 pixels. We also subtracted the per-channel mean ofthe training set and further augment the datasets duringtraining and testing by randomly flipping the images hori-zontally and cropping random 224 � 224 patches [17], [31].

6.3 Implemented Systems

In this section we describe the different distributed deeplearning systems that we have included in our experimentalstudy.

The synchronous approach applies synchronous decentral-ized training as discussed in Section 3.1. Our implementa-tion uses Spark broadcasts and binary reduction trees tospeedup communication. Unless stated differently, we con-figure the length of isolated training (t) according to Table 1,such that the average GPU utilization is 83.3 percent as sug-gested by Moritz et al. [6].

EASGD [1] applies asynchronous decentralized trainingas discussed in Section 3.2. As suggested by Zhang et al. [1],we establish elastic symmetry during all experiments bychoosing a ¼ 0:9

K . To minimize communication delays due tooverlapping parameter exchange requests from the workers,we select t approximately 30 percent higher than the theoret-ically optimal value.

Apache MXNet [5] is a state-of-the-art centralized distrib-uted deep learning system that supports synchronous andasynchronous execution. For each experiment, we will onlyreport numbers for whichever mode worked better and indi-cate this explicitly. Tomaximize the utilization of the availablenetwork bandwidth, we let each of our K workers take overparameter server functions for 1

K of the model. MXNet andour deep learning package Inferno use the same cuDNN [32]version to schedule processing on the GPU. Like other deeplearning systems that rely on cuDNN, both systems exhibitapproximately the same single GPUperformance [33].

MPCA SGD is ourmulti-phase coordinated asynchronousexecution method as discussed in Section 4. This approachdoes not require balancing computation and communicationmanually. Since we penalize the local models every time anoptimizer updates the model, penalties (Section 4.4) stackautomatically depending on the individual performanceof each worker. The countermeasures we take to mitigatestaleness (Section 4.3) further improve the effectivenessof this training method. To maximize the convergence per-formance, we have to balance exploration and exploitation(Section 3.2) by choosing a (Equation (7)). Like in EASGD,a sub-optimal value for a results in reduced convergenceperformance [28]. But in contrast to Kim et al. [2], we foundthat complex fine-tuned parameter schedules for a are not

necessary inMPCA SGD. Usually, a broad corridor of valuesfor a exists that works reasonably well. To find this range ofvalues, we suggest performing a grid search over a using asignificantly reduced training dataset, while keeping allother parameters the same. We will discuss specific configu-ration choices separately for each experiment.

However, note that one exception exists where establish-ing a special schedule for a can significantly speedup conver-gence. If we begin training from a random initialization, theentropy is maximized. Each worker will explore differentparts of the parameter space depending on the sequence ofsamples it chooses. At this point in time we cannot knowwhich decent trajectory will work well. Thus, we suggest toalways begin training with a ¼ 0. This allows the local opti-mizers to examine the loss function independently and comeupwith bettermodel parameters. After a couple of iterations,the joint model contains a more informed state that reflectsadjustments that a majority of the workers found useful. Ifwe would continue like this, the workers would eventuallydiverge. Thus, next we force all workers to quickly adoptcoherent decent trajectories by setting a to a high value (e.g.,0:5). Then, we subsequently decay this value until we arriveat the first value of our actual parameter schedule.

6.4 Implemented Models

ResNet-110 [4] is a model for classifying images from theCIFAR-10 dataset. It is based on the concept of having short-cut connections in parallel with convolutional layers tolearn residual functions. ResNet-110 makes heavy use ofbatch normalization, which allows stacking residual blocksvery deep. However, its size is only 6.7 MiB. Thus, it can bedistributed and reduced quickly in our test environment(Table 1). We therefore expect all implemented deep learn-ing systems to perform similar when training this model.

ResNet-152 [4] is a 152-layer ResNet-variant designedfor the ImageNet dataset. It requires a lot of memory dur-ing back-propagation. This tightly limits the maximummini-batch size that can be used. Therefore, we expectthat this model will benefit significantly from distributedtraining.

VGG-A [17] is the smallest variant of a popular modularnetwork design to classify and localize objects in images.Due to its model size of approximately 500 MiB, a fullparameter exchange for a VGG-A via Ethernet can takemany seconds (Table 1). Thus, we expect that centralizedand synchronous deep learning systems will perform signif-icantly worse than MPCA SGD and EASGD for this model.

6.5 Initialization, Optimizer and Hyper-Parameters

We initialize all random seeds identically at the beginningof each experiment. For implementations based on our plat-form this will result in exactly the same initialization ofthe model parameters. However, the runtime behavior ofEASGD, MPCA SGD and some cuDNN operations is notdeterministic [1], [32]. Thus, the training performance maystill vary slightly across training runs. Due to its fundamen-tally different inner workings, the initial state of the modelwhen training with MXNet will be different. However, inboth cases all parameter values are sampled from a Gauss-ian distribution with the same properties and then scaled assuggested by He et al. [34].


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Classic optimizers like momentum SGD require complexlearning-rate schedules to operate well. However, the opti-mal learning-rate schedule might be different for eachdistributed configuration. To allow comparisons, we willuse the Adam [27] optimizer, since it is fast, adaptable andwell-known for its robust hyper-parameters. Furthermore,we will only set modest optimization goals, that we cancomfortably reach using a constant learning rate.

6.6 Evaluation Metric

For image classification, the major metric of interest is thecorrectness of the predictions of the classifier. Hence, for allour experiments, we will report the average class predictionerror on the test set. For each experiment, we will set a goalfor the prediction error and stop training shortly after reach-ing that goal. We will use the wall time it takes to reach acertain average prediction error as the measure for perfor-mance comparisons. Hence, if a deep learning system canreach the same average prediction error in half the time, weregard it as twice as fast.

Instead of reaching state-of-the-art accuracies our objec-tive is to compare the rate of convergence between differentdistributed deep learning systems. To reach state-of-the-artaccuracy would require hand tuning hyper parameters foreachmodel and distributed system [35], which will make theresults less comparable. Therefore, we followed establishedbest practices when choosing hyper parameters and tried tokeep as many variables (e.g., system environment and hyperparameters) as possible the same within and across experi-ments. Furthermore, we chose optimization goals such thatthey represent a decent challenge but can also be reachedreliably regardless of factors such as the initialization seed ofthe model. In particular our target errors are 10 and 40 per-cent top-1 class prediction error for CIFAR 10 and ImageNet-1k respectively. We note that many papers that analyze thealgorithms we compare against target similar or lower accu-racies (e.g., [1], [6], [28]).


7.1 CIFAR-10

We chose fitting a ResNet-110 model for this task. Our testswith single machine implementations indicate that we cancomfortably reach a test error of under 10 percent usingAdam with a learning rate of 0:001. We also found thatusing L2 regularization (� ¼ 0:0001) stabilizes training andimproves reproducibility. Using grid search, we determinedthat a batch size of 64 allows us to reach the target averageprediction error the quickest. Fig. 13a depicts the best out of5 training runs with different deep learning systems.

Since ResNet-110 is a comparatively small model, we canchoose a small value for t and still achieve a high GPU utili-zation when using the synchronous approach. In all experi-ments, the synchronous approach converged significantlyfaster than its single GPU counterpart. However, over timethe communication delays add up. With respect to our con-siderations from Section 6.3, the minimal permissible valuefor t in EASGD is 7. for our test-setup. However, due tooverheads in our implementation t ¼ 20 (97 percent aver-age GPU utilization) works best, but is still slightly slowerthan MPCA SGD. MXNet performs rather poorly, especiallyin the later stages of the optimization. This can partially beexplained with conflicting gradients calculated by the work-ers due to the staleness of their local models [23]. Note thatlearning algorithms that employ methods to mitigate thisstaleness exist [36], [37]. However, in our tests plain Adamalways outperformed such methods. The major problem inour environment was that MXNet is network I/O bound.This is not surprising, since executing the back-propagationalgorithm can be performed in about 90 ms. But even if all 8workers share the parameter server role, 7

8 of the gradients(5.9 MiB) still have to be pushed to remote locations and therespective updated parameters have to be fetched remotelyas well. Assuming perfect scheduling and no wait times, theremote parameter exchange procedure takes at least 0. msusing gigabit Ethernet. This mismatch will be a reoccurringproblem in all further experiments as well. Using largerbatches decreases the variance in the gradients—albeit at anexponentially decaying rate [38]—and can improve GPUutilization in MXNet. However, we found that increasingthe batch size does not significantly change the outcome interms of convergence speed.

MPCA SGD is not affected by any of these considerationsand converges slightly faster than the other methods. Espe-cially, during later optimization stages MPCA SGD man-ages to reduce the prediction error faster than all othermethods. During this experiment, MPCA SGD continuouslyimproves the entire model in the workers, reaching a near100 percent utilization of the computation hardware. Bybreaking the model into 3 shards, alternating between thecommunication stages for each of these shards and projec-ting the joint model along the overall optimization trajectory(g ¼ 0:7, d ¼ 0:8), we ensure that the local representation ofthe joint model in all workers is the same and as current aspossible. To merge the models in the driver, we ramp b

(Equation (8)) down using a constant factor from 1:0 to 0:9throughout the first 20 parameter exchange cycles. For inte-grating updates into the local models of the workers (Equa-tion (7)), we implement the early schedule described in

Fig. 13. Training performance for ResNet-110 on the CIFAR-10 dataset using different deep learning implementations.


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Section 6.3 and set a ¼ 0:05 for the remainder of the train-ing. Note that penalization is applied per iteration inMPCA SGD and not per parameter exchange. Due to thefast computation speed of the GPUs, penalization is applied13-17 times between two consecutive updates of the sameshard. Thus, we penalize our models stronger than EASGD,but converge slightly faster. When we tried higher penaliza-tion coefficients for EASGD training slowed down. Ourmeasurements suggest, that MPCA SGD’s feature of projec-ting the joint model state is responsible for this advantage.

Fig. 13b shows the relative speedup over our single GPUimplementation, when training using distributed systemswith 8 GPUs. During the entire experiment, MPCA SGDconvergences faster than all alternative approaches. Eventu-ally, MPCA SGD reaches a stunning 6:9 x speedup.

To demonstrate the scale-out performance ofMPCA SGD,we repeated this experiment using different cluster sizes(Fig. 13c). Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to testMPCA SGD on larger clusters. However, as can be seen, theimpact of adding resources diminishes only slowly. Thisgives us confidence that MPCA SGD may have further scal-ing potential.

7.2 ImageNet-1k

ResNet-152 and VGG-A require vast amounts of memoryduring back-propagation. Hence, we restrict ourselves tousing a batch size of 32 for ResNet-152 and a batch size of50 for VGG-A. Using a single GPU, both networks can beoptimized well with Adam if we set both the learning rateand L2 regularization factor to 0:0001. Due to our limitedresources, we stop training once the average predictionerror drops below 40 percent, which is already a quite chal-lenging task. However, as we have seen in the CIFAR-10experiment (Section 7.1), MPCA SGD also holds up wellduring later training stages.

7.2.1 ResNet-152

Fig. 14a depicts the training progress over time for ResNet-152 and Fig. 14b shows the corresponding relative speedupsin comparison with a single GPU implementation. The sin-gle GPU implementation takes just a bit less than 100 hoursto arrive at a test error of 40 percent. As expected, all distrib-uted implementations perform faster. However, the syn-chronous approach suffers severely, due to the long periodsof isolated learning required to achieve a decent GPU utili-zation [6]. For EASGD, we can choose a significantly smaller

value for t. t ¼ 50 yields an excellent average utilization ofour computation hardware of approximately 95 percent. Ascan be seen, EASGD starts out slower than the synchronousapproach, but eventually surpasses it as it becomes moredifficult to make further progress. Because of the greatermismatch between computation and communication,MXNet suffers even more severely from the limited net-work bandwidth situation than in the CIFAR-10 experimentand converges only marginally faster than the single GPUimplementation. Yet again, this demonstrates the severelimitations that systems with central optimizers face in lim-ited bandwidth environments. MPCA SGD trains the samemodel significantly faster than all other methods through-out the entire experiment. To achieve this result, we param-eterized MPCA SGD like in our CIFAR-10 experiment,which resulted in a near 100 percent GPU utilization. How-ever, EASGD also makes good use of the computation hard-ware. So this cannot explain this significant performancedeviation. However, note how MPCA SGD already per-forms faster early on (Fig. 14b). Our tests suggest that thisadvantage can be attributed to the relatively frequent shar-ing (i.e., exploiting) of parameter updates in combinationwith the synchronous nature of our algorithm that limitsthe influence of individual decisions by workers that are notshared by others. Our mechanism to project future jointmodel states seems to boost the local optimizers and helpsthem to quickly traverse descent paths that generalize well.

7.2.2 VGG-A

VGG-A is more than two times larger than ResNet-152, butcomputes about twice as fast. Thus, we expect to see themost extreme numbers in this experiment. Fig. 15a showsthe training progress over time. For the single GPU imple-mentation, further improvement of the model diminishesrapidly as the training progresses and it becomes more diffi-cult to find parameter adjustments that generalize well.Since it was foreseeable that the single GPU implementationwould require hundreds of hours to reach an average pre-diction error of 40 percent, we gave up training after 75hours. For the synchronous approach, we attempted choos-ing t ¼ 500 to retain a communication to computation ratioof 1:5 (Table 1). However, this did not work well. Depend-ing on the initialization seed, the model did either not con-verge, or improved only at a very slow pace. With sometrial and error, we found that t ¼ 100 works reliably. Ofcourse this is wasteful, because the GPUs sit idle for

Fig. 14. Comparison of convergence performance for a ResNet-152 on the full ImageNet-1k dataset.


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approximately 12 of the training time. Note how the syn-

chronous approach improves even slower than the singleGPU implementation for a couple of hours. However,having more resources for exploring the parameter spaceeventually helps as the optimization difficulty increases.In contrast, EASGD achieves a decent GPU utilization of90 percent with t ¼ 95. According to our tests, this valueapproximately represents the minimum boundary for ourtest-setup, such that workers do not significantly stall eachother when exchanging parameters with the parameterserver. MXNet was not able to improve beyond randomguessing if asynchronous updating and L2 regularizationwere simultaneously enabled. However, using L2 regulari-zation together with synchronous updating worked flaw-lessly. Synchronous updating requires a full parameterexchange between all workers and the parameter serversafter each model update. The large model size in combina-tion with the frequent parameter synchronizations lowersthe overall training speed significantly. The averagethroughput per worker dropped to less than 10 samples persecond, which is less than the capacity of the single GPUimplementation. Thus, although MXNet had 8 times moreresources available in this experiment, the single GPUimplementation outperforms it. We gave up synchronoustraining after 75 hours because we could not reach the targettest error. Training using asynchronous model updatesworked onlywhenwe disabled L2 regularization. Asynchro-nous MXNet reached the target test error after 61:2 hours.However, we advice caution when interpreting these results,

since the overall convergence behavior can change consider-ablywithout regularization.

MPCA SGD is most efficient if the model can be brokeninto three shards (Section 4.2). Unfortunately, our deeplearning system only supports splitting the model parame-ters along layer boundaries. This makes it impossible to haveevenly sized shards for VGG-A, since the majority of param-eters belong to the first fully connected layer. Therefore, wedecided to split the model only into two shards and use 2-phase coordinated asynchronous processing (Fig. 7). Thefirst shard contains only the parameters associated with thefirst fully connected layer, and the second shard covers allremaining parameters. While this leads to sub-optimal net-work I/O efficiency, MPCA SGD still performs noticeablybetter than the synchronous approach, EASGD and MXNetthroughout the entire experiment. We can reach an averagetest error of 40 percent after approximately 27:5 hours. Theslope at this time is still more steep than that of the synchro-nous approach, which requires more than 70 hours, andEASGD, which requires 47:5 hours, to reach the same accu-racy. We used the same hyper parameters like in the ResNet-152 experiment (Section 7.2.1), except for a, which wereduced to 0:005. We determined this value through a gridsearch using 10 percent of the dataset.

In Fig. 15b,we report the corresponding relative speedupsover the single GPU implementation. Note how the advan-tage of MPCA SGD over other implementations increasesconsistently throughout the entire training run. Using 8machines, we achieve an average prediction error of 47 per-cent six times faster than the single GPU implementation.

7.3 Overall Results

To confirm our findings, we repeated all experiments sev-eral times using different random initializations. Of course,some variance between different training runs can beexpected. However, especially during the ImageNet experi-ments, we observed very similar convergence trajectoriesafter a couple of hours of training. The worst attempt typi-cally deviated less than 15 percent from the average. Exceptwhen training VGG-A with MXNet (Section 7.2.2), we hadno issues where the model did not converge at all.

In Table 2, we present the average times required to reacha certain prediction error on the test-set with different deeplearning systems. The synchronous approach typicallyconverges fast early on. In the ResNet-110 experiment iteven beats all other methods. However, this advantage ismarginal and vanishes quickly because the synchronous

Fig. 15. Comparison of convergence performance for a VGG-A on the full ImageNet-1k dataset.

TABLE 2Average Training Time for Various Deep Learning ModelsAcross Several Training Runs using Different Random


Model TestError



EASGD MXNet(async.)


ResNet-110(avg. of 5 runs)

50% 179 s 103 s 112 s 165 s 109 s30% 457 s 252 s 260 s 322 s 255 s10% 10429 s 2559 s 2070 s 7361 s 1841 s

ResNet-152(avg. of 4 runs)

60% 20.9 h 11.5 h 12.3 h 18.7 h 8.9 h50% 38.4 h 16.9 h 18.0 h 32.7 h 13.7 h40% 103.1 h 30.9 h 27.2 h 55.4 h 22.1 h

VGG-A(avg. of 4 runs)

60% 10.2 h 11.2 h 9.4 h ?19.2 h 6.7 h50% 26.7 h 24.4 h 14.1 h ?36.0 h 10.5 h40% - 78.4 h 53.4 h ?62.5 h 32.0 h

? This model was trained without L2 regularization (Section 7.2.2).


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approach suffers from three problems. 1) the communicationdelays require choosing large t (Section 3.1.2); 2) the commu-nication delays add up over time and; 3) as it becomes moredifficult to make further progress, the direct replacement ofmodel parameters induces non-continuous changes, whichcan distract advanced optimizers (Section 4.4). EASGDshows a more consistent behavior but eventually alwaysconverged slower than MPCA SGD. We believe that this canalso be attributed to the dilemma that we have to choosehigh values for t in our low-bandwidth environment toretain a high GPU utilization (Section 3.2.2). MXNet suffersfrom its frequent communication needs. But it also showed acomparatively inconsistent behavior throughout our experi-ments. A look at the network utilization of the workersreveals that this can at least be attributed partially to the factthat sometimes the workers align themselves nicely whencommunicating with the parameter server and sometimesthey do not, which causes subsequent operations to bedelayed. Our proposed method MPCA SGD adapts to thenetwork bandwidth and takes measures to mitigate delaysand deviations. During all experiments, it maintained a con-vergence rate that was either on par with or higher than thatof othermethods.


In this paper we presented a technique that combines theadvantages of synchronous and asynchronous decentralizedSGD-based model training. Like asynchronous systems,MPCA SGD overlaps computation and communication, butit can also take advantage of synchronous communicationprimitives, such as broadcast and reduce. To our knowledge,MPCA SGD is the only system that combines asynchronousdecentral optimization of deep learning models on Sparkwith its decentralized synchronous MapReduce executionengine to realize collaborative training. We would liketo emphasize that, except for low-level operations such asmatrix multiplications, our entire system runs in the Sparkexecutor JVMs and can be executed directly on top offree off-the-shelf Spark/Hadoop distributions such asCloudera CDH.

Recently, TensorFlow [7] demonstrated that they canachieve near linear speedups for up to 64 GPUs. However,in contrast to our work these results were achieved usinghigh-bandwidth networking hardware. Our experimentsshow that MPCA SGD converges faster than existing meth-ods in bandwidth constrained environments, which isbecoming increasingly more important as the performanceof GPUs continues to increase rapidly relative to that of net-working hardware. MPCA SGD achieves this by decouplingcomputation and communication to make the best use ofall available resources. Unlike SparkNet and EASGD, wecontinuously exchange parameters for different portions ofthe model. Furthermore, we use L2-penalization to gentlyguide the local optimizers and allow them to explore theparameter space, avoid divergence from the joint modeland distill parameter adjustments that generalize well.To increase the effectiveness of these measures, MPCA SGDmitigates performance deviations and takes advantageof the synchronous nature of Spark reductions by utilizingthe decreased variance in the aggregated model to lowerthe impact of stale updates.

The experimental results presented in this paper werefocused towards solving image classification problemsusing CNN-based models. This problem domain is fre-quently used to demonstrate the capabilities of distrib-uted deep learning systems [1], [6], [8] because it involvestraining large models (Big Parameters) on vast amountsof training samples (Big Data). An interesting area forfuture work would be to test and tune MPCA SGD forother problem domains and types of deep learning mod-els, such as recurrent neural networks and memory net-works. Furthermore, we believe that the simple linearextrapolation we used to project the joint model state isfar from being perfect. It might be useful to look intomore structured methods, such as those employed to mit-igate delays in centralized systems [37]. Considering theimplementation, it might be interesting to decentralizecertain aspects of the parameter server role [11]. Further-more, domain specific compression techniques, like thediscretization of relative weight changes [39], might beuseful to shrink the model size during network transmis-sions to speedup parameter exchanges.


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Matthias Langer received the BSc degree withhonors in computer science from Naturwissen-schaftlich-Technische Akademie, Isny, in 2007.Thereafter, he implemented process automationsoftware for steel production and optimized com-mercial regression models. He is currently work-ing toward the PhD degree at La Trobe University,Australia. His research interests include largescale deep learning, high performance and distrib-uted computing.

Ashley Hall is a fifth-year computer science andmathematics student, and deep learning researcherat La Trobe University, Melbourne. He plans tocontinue his education at La Trobewith an honors incomputer science, specializing in the field of deeplearning. His primary research interests includedeep convolutional neural networks for object locali-zation and detection in image and video data.

ZhenHe is an associate professor with theDepart-ment of Computer Science, La Trobe University.He leads a research group focused on applyingdeep learning to both image and text domains. Hisinterests include distributed deep learning, humanpose estimation, video activity recognition, usingdeep learning for dialogue systems, and applica-tion of deep learning tomedical imagining data.

Wenny Rahayu is a professor in computer sci-ence and the head of the School of Engineeringand Mathematical Sciences, La Trobe University,Australia. The main focus of her research includesheterogeneous data integration, and mobile anddistributed databases. In the last 10 years, shehas published two authored books, three editedbooks and 200+ research papers in internationaljournals and conference proceedings, with morethan 4,000 total citations.

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