Official Paper of Mower County 14- v ?4c ^2* "T •t&J: ",r '?0:,r ^ ' J S ' - . / -V 7V ~S5 Wednesday September" Austin, Mower County, Minnesota, Terms—$1.50 Per Annum; in Advance XLII—No 29 ?&£•'Z , FARMER BEN'S There's a young fellow hangin round towu who let go the best chance of his life a few years ago when he tired of the old farm and jumped it. His dad wanted him to take the farm and run it and keep it and make a home for him while he lived and the boy could hay the whole ranch and be- longings at the end. It was the same as if a town man set his son up in business, exactly. But the boy didn't see further than his nose. He got the town fever and the old farm was sold and dad has ben shiftin' for hisself since. I bet a settin'egg that the boy sees things differin' when it's too late To my certain hnowledge he ain't made any stake yet. He's ben from pillar to post and if he's got ten dollars to his name and all debts paid then I'm off roy reckonin'. Town life ain't all it looks to a farmer's boy. He thinks that there Is some patent way in town< of gettln' a livin* easy and without hard work and there's where he foois hisself. There's more worry in one minit with lots of the townies tftan a boy or man on the farm has in a week. | ^ ^ $ :\; : i i '• Some folks are tryin' to get the ^state- agricultural society to branch out aind hold two weeks and be for all the northwest and take the name of inter- state. Rot. Minnesota has paid for our fair grounds for the only and sole purpose of boomin* Minnesota products and interests. Anything that tiies to go outside ot this to let in other states to get the advantage of our big fair is bum. Some fool fair manager who don't know enuf to pound sand let an ad of Dakota land go on the back of every entry card at the recent fair. It's enuf to make a man rip out a cuss and it looks like a rakeoff somewhere. One of the boys who Was up to the fair told me that outside land companies were booming Canada jand Montana and all the rest of the ivbrld and the taxpayers of Minnesota wasjpaying for the chance. Let's get somebody on the board that knows just a little com- mon sense in such things BO as to keep our fair to our own interests and boom- fn\ It's wonderful what a showin* we can make to the rest of mankind. # # 4 I'm mity interested in our state agri- cultural school and alwus was. I boomed it when it was schemed and hav stuck by through all its voyage. My paper says that maybe 500 students will attend this year and many of these are takin' up the course of domestic science. ^That's the stuff. I tell you onr farmer boys get the best kind^of practical farm knowledge and idees up at school and our gals learn to become practical home keepers and that's the biggest part of success. I'm stuck'on this practical eddication. I'm a regu- lar Squeers. When the class spells wash windows let 'em go out and do the act and it impresses the mind.' I don't wonder that there can't teachers be found to meet the demand for grad- uates in domestic science. It's in the air. Folks are wakin' up to see the gigantic advantage of hay in'-'the boys and girls go out into life knowin' how to do something useful and practical.: Our country schools all ought to catch on to this practical idee and teach agriculture and home science, Gee, but it looks like under the new compulsory school law every youngster in the state would hav to attend school regular during the entire year term. The law will keep tab on all of 'em pretty close. The clerk in each dees- trick has to turn in a complete list of every pupil in his deestrick and,these are kept by the county superintender and the state authorities. The teacher then reports every month which ones in this list ain't in school and these de- linquents are turned over to the county attorney for prosecution of their par? ents or guardeens. Clerks, teachers and superintender are all of 'em liable to fine if they don't strictly tend to and carry out all the provisions. So there you are. It's not a bad move to make all the youngsters get to school and sticlr there thru the days of. their youth. It beats air how much ignor- ance there is rite among'those who hav a chance if they used'ifc It's tryin' to see so many out of school who ought to be in. I reckon, by the, time ,,the screws are put to some of the worst delinquents the roundup of the rest will be thoro. It's ten to on* on tbeexpression of the sentiment of the this great Middle .west tbaf Tj Was wrong in votin'forUie jniqiil rbbber tariff bitt' wA tbat8tnatart Knut* - eight B«pub reprseotatives of the ;state voted right and accordin' to the wishes of their constits. And as Presi- dent Tait wisely says if the people wish the tariff revised further the only thing is to elect congressmen favorable to it. That's the whole thing in a nutshell and that's just what we'll proceed henceforth and without further delay to do in this deestrick where the senti- ment is so strong agenst the robber Aldrich tariff. The idee that a lot of eastern manufacturers can stand over congress with a club, and dictate to 'em just what high tariff should be put on every article made by 'em so as to giy 'em a chance to rob the consumer by extortionate prices don't go down with the farmers and wage earners up this way. We liv where we ain't afraid to act on our convictions. Any measly congressman who will betray his con- stits and play into the hands of the trusts ain't fit to be hung decently. # V Vr"----. It makes me tired to hav the stand- pat agents of the down east cut throat millionaires cry prosperity as the result of the new tariff bill when any jackass knows that if we'd had tariff revision downward as Taft and the repub plat- form promised we'd hav a million times more_prosperity for thje consumer and common people. .We're hayin' better times in a way because we've had good crops in many places and this will start up business all along. But this prosperity is in spite of the tariff abortion £ayne law ruther than as a result of it. You can't grind down the common people too hard before there's serious trouble brewin'. Tbey stand lots of kickin' about and abuse and snobbyin' but the limit comes some day and then coroies the explosion. Tho wage earner is vitally interested in lower tariff so as to hav cheaper prices for his cotton and woolen goods and shoes and his livin! generally. He's a consumate chump to keep supportin' a congressman who sides agenst him and his interests and givs the trusts a chance to rob him outrageously. There ain't no half way ground to stand on. FARMER BEN. used. These figures are chosen as be- ing the most significant and will serve to illustrate the extent of the canning industry in Lyle. Lyleites are rapidly coming to^ reali- zation of what this industry is to mean to the town. A pay roll as large as "this factory has, running for a period of four to five wi-eks will undoubtedly contribute to the financial well being of the community, furnish lucrative employment for a large number of peo. pie and at the same time supply a ready market for a paying product. The citizens have gotten the habit and they have begun to boost 500 acres have already been contracted for 1910 and it is thopght that this acreage will be materially increased before the opening of spring. With the confidence of farm- ers and. townspeople established, the outlook for the canning industry in Lyle is bright and bespeaks for itseif a bright future. " LYLE CANNING FACTORY Successful Industry Which Brings Good Money To The Neighboring Farmers. Lyle's manufacturing interests re- ceived a substantial boom when two years ago a canning factory was estab- lished there. The promoters went at the proposition on a large scale and finally became so heavily encumbered financially that it was found necessary to dispose of the factory. The trans- fer was made during last winter and the owners immediately set to work to get the factory in running order. Hardly had work been begun at,Wa verly this season when the factory their burned and the factory at Lyle was called upon to take care of all the cpra which had been contracted for in the Iowa town. ^ 4 , ; The factory at Lyle is housed in a large substantial frame^buiiding locat ed in the south part of town. The Equipment is thoroly modern thruout and represents an investment of about $12,000. Four cutters are run continu ally and five large steam cookers are required to handle the output.' The empty cans are stored in the upper story of the main building while whole building is used as a packing and store room. .• ^ Considering the fact that the indns try in this locality is in its infancy, the output this year has been remarkable Some difficulty was met with at the outset in supplying a working fdrce but this has been almost entirely over- come and at present thefactory is well manned Some 35 to 50 hands are em~ ployed in the husking room and this force serves to adequately supply the •'main factory with corn. The cutting room is located'in the. second star of the main building, and from this room the' corn passes alternately thru the seasoning vats, the filler and finally the soldering machine. The cans are then placed in the steam cookers and finally cooled in a large tank of water." Over a hundred are Numbered, on the payroll at the present time and the wages paid out to this number amount to $1,75Q weekly. It is interesting to note tiiebetwfiittwliich thefarmerde- NEW COMPUL- SORY SCHOOL LAW It will no doubt be of interest to all parents at this time to know the main provisions of the new law which was enacted by the last legislature concern- ing the enforcement of compulsory Bchool attendance. The. following are the main provisions of the law: * Every child, eight to sixteen years of age, must attend a public or private school in each year during the entire time the public school of the district in which the child resides is in session . A child may, on application of the parent or guardian, be excused from part or all of such attendance by the school board for any of. the following reasons: Poverty, illness, having com" pleted the work of the eighth grade residence being too far from the school. Every school board will naturally have to exercise their own judgmentto a considerable extent in the - granting of excuses. . ~ * r The school clerk of every district not regularly employing a truant officer is required to furnish the county super- intendent and the teacher of the school with a list of all the children in the dis- trict of the compulsory school age. He is also required to send the teacher notices of all excuses granted by the school board within five days of the time when tbey are granted. Teachers are required to make re- ports to the county superintendent of all unexcused non-attendance. The superintendent is in turn required to report such non-attendance to the county attorney, who shall notify the parent or guardian to send such child or children to school. If necessary, he may start legal proceedings to en- force the law. The state commissioner of labor in St. Paul may in his ofiicial capacity send notices and enforce the law the same as the county attorney. The district clerks, teachers, and county superintendent are liable to fines or imprisonment if they do not comply with the provisions of the law. Parents or guardians refusing to com- ply with- the law are liable to fine or imprisonment. " It will be noticed thatthislaw has the same requirements about attendance as the old law but that it differs in the method~of enforcement. The old law was almost never enforced because n0 school board likedt& enforce the law against their neighbors. Whether the present law can be more effectively en- forced is a problem to be solved. It is a pretty safe guess that no school clerk, teacher, or county superintend entis going to take chances on being fined or imprisoned on account of neg- lecting the duties imposed. As this is the first school , year in which this law is to be tried there will no doubt be many questions that will come jnp and special cases that will need consideration; .If we all try to "keep cool," however, and use our best judgement with the constant aim of doing the best we can for the children^ the law wilTno doubt accomplish what the legislature intended it to do.: ^ r i- S :,, 7: Prize Dairy Cow Is Soldi ; W.iitr, Is what makes customers and establishes a business. We do the largest clothing business in Austin, because we make good. The mer- chandise we sell makes good. Our Baron Clothing is superior to all other ready made clothing. It fits, it holds its shape, it wear^. It isn't made up with "fluffy ruffles," bl§t it has the merchandise,Hhe styles, the tail- oring and the wearing quality. We guaratjr tee it arid give a new gaiment for any that does not give satisfaction. Hjood dressers wear the "Baron Make" because it is up to date. The young men particularly call for it. We have made several sales lately to par- ties who bcught their last suits elsewhere, nearly everyone remarked •U' •'.-f i. .. v "Got Stung" -i >12111 - . ;i My suit didn't wear, didn't hold its col- or, [didn'tf hold its shape. No such griev- ance jf you wear Baron Clothing, j v Fall and Winter Styles Now Ready. Greatest and handsomest line of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats ever shown. ' - , : : : i >' .u . .. K'' 1 " - ; . ; 1 Excellent line of Men's and Boys' Shoe.*. We give good values. i j't f n/,6. n NORTH DAKOTA - . ; IJU -t (lis How They Thresh Out The^rr Conditions Favorable This Year—Up Toward the Canada Line ^ here A Number of Mow- er County People are Locate^ ffrOQLatan, the farnteris well sated r'for kis ta^or and tba? td «yXW and In year's product $10,000 in ciM^wiU be : Esther Fie Dekol, a member of the bovine peerage of Minnesota, har left the state and will be domiciled in Au- burn, Mass. . Esther Is the prize cow of Minnesota'and has been sold byW. F. Schilling of NorthfieW ^to F. P. Knowlesof Aubarn, KUss. i The' cow became famoua/bythe aanouneement thst she 1&ad given mMe ttiaa ^itioB Sayt<tf Jtiltl pounds of Vei- va, ne^r^ix^r^Bic may be of inter&t to Mower county farmers to know hpw th^: ^fa«|^^a^d threish up there^^ii^^^^^ilyyiw, fine, in manj^feciBaitiesI the berty plump and filled, to; the tip. This advances the value and price of lands. Lignite coal is $1.50 at the mines which are five to fifteen miles away . As soon as wheat-cutting is done, the threshing .machines start from the shock. The machines used are a great, deal bigger than used down around Austin. The drive wheels are two feet across .r The engines 20. to 30 horse power. They can easy turn out 2,000 bushelis of wheat in a day . The ma- chine-men furnish all their own help and board them. All the farmer has to do-is to take care of his wheat at the machine. They get about ten cents a bushel for threshing wheat.; Oats and barley four and five-cents. Itf this way there' is hot so much changing work asihe farmers do not have time. A cook house mounted on. wheels moves around with the ; machines so the women folks in the house do no' have to feed " iihe threshersi^Mr. Ferguson says his thresh bill will run about $500. Some jobs will run more than thatvv; ! -' It was K^ up tliere while I was there getting to 98 in the shade which was pretty good for-so far- north. The wheat raising ta bound to play-put but I believe the time will come when they can raise as good corn as - in Mower county. * Oats and barley also do well |ty nephew has a, nice grove on hi? place aud there is no trouble in raising trees if a man will only take care of tKifinh vr'W - ^ mil— snntii Tlifi*** startid'.tbr^ frt now two jc^iurch buildings, two general stores, a hardware, and other lines of business, a nice school house and 15elevators busy night and day. Crops around were as fine as any I have seen in thirty years. Merchantfii-do here mostly a credit business. One firm having out about $10,000 in good hands. We were out in the Russian settlement and nicer farm- ing I never saw. I saw in one garden about everything you can think of. The Kussian (people are very sociable and thrifty. I was ont to Bee some Mower peo pie. John Clough, who used to live in the Dinsmoor district, and George Smith, well know in Lyle, each have a half section of land and in a few years will be well off. There is a fine chance up there for a young man of any coun- try. If a man has a good home in Mower county or any other gpod local- ity, I would advise him to^stay there but there nais doubt in my mind that a young man maydo well inparts of North Dakota around Ruso and Velva. ' saw some promising pieces of corn if the frost ! did not catch them. I am however too old to start out in a new country for a home and will spend the winter with relatives in Iowa. 1 CLARK HEMSTREET. 14 Saloons In. Austin. In reply to an inquirer, we reprint the nameB of the 14 saloon keepers in Austin to whom license was granted by our city council for the current year. j as. Geraghty, Geo. O. Dolan, Frank Veverka, Adam Arens, Soren Peterson. D. P. Gaul, Ed. Feeney, J. B. Weise, Herb. Kendrick, Ed. Peterson, Josepb Wolf, Mi F. Erdman, A. E. Shietds and George XJmhoefer. The license/is $1,000 for each, mak- ihg $14,000 in the city treasury. Where does it go to? Ellsworth New8.\ The horseless carri- age and the wireless telegraph is all right, but the average country printer would like awfully well to get,a piece of the man who invented the motion-- less gasoline engine. Cannon Falls' Beacon: What Mr. Tawney and some others of our law makers miss in this tariff discussion is triat it is the power that dictated the tariff law that the people fear and hate more than the tariff law itself, tho there is absolutely'no justification for- the law Mr. Tawney voted for and he khbws it very well. Dodge Centre Star: As agent of the Minneapolis Tribune at this place, we were ,;ad«isedf ; iast; we§k^ that a' page article ion Ta^itey woullt appear Sun- day, atid to brd^E' anve^tra supply, as many people would wairt lo read it, but alas, We £aye always sold almost every paper we get, but no&S& this time. Al- though we phly. tedBiveTi: our regular numberi ;yet for sbhie reason we are unable to sell any and have the entire bunch. still on bur hands. None of our people seem 7 to care to read any more praises J Of' the man who has op- posed their inttifesfean congress for the sake of a few eastern millionaires. St. Peter Free iSresS: Some of the papers in the first district have a queer way of putting things and in reading them one would almost' come to the conclusion that President Taft is per- sonally responsible for the shape of the new tariff bill and under lasting obli- gation to. Congressman Tawney for as- sisting Iiim in getting it passed. We doubt very much that the president cares to have it presented in that light* -- -J tout that* T*W Warning Ye Do* Owners. i ^If vicious dogs run loose in yards of houses, people can expect to call at the post office for their mail in tbefuturef no matter whether they have been re- ceiving It from a carrier or not, for etoines liave been tabooed in im order iss ued by the pos^ oflM department to th^-Mfect that from now on isarriwa not to* compfitod to deliver ^0«e.wbwedonareUablet. of trotter wan f pjzaBfrF* American Wealth Is Going To Canada. ; Slightly more than $1,000,000 in cash was produced in one! day recently by American settlers at the Immigration, office at Winnepeg, Man. This show of wealth was the result of inquiries by the immigration offici- als to ascertain if these settlers were liable to become charges on the domin- ion.- In addition many of them had car loads of- effects. Parties arrived in charge of land companies of St. Paul, as well as a number of individual -set-^ tiers. . | % -Seared With A Hotlronl Or scalded by overturned kettle—cut with aknife—bruised by; slammed door induced fnnor in t any other way— ttafttlMM needed at onceris Bucklen's " rto subdne infiammation

Mower County transcript. (Lansing, Minn.) 1909-09-22 [p ]. · hisself. There's more worry in one minit with lots of the townies tftan a boy or man on the farm has in a week. | ^ ^

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Page 1: Mower County transcript. (Lansing, Minn.) 1909-09-22 [p ]. · hisself. There's more worry in one minit with lots of the townies tftan a boy or man on the farm has in a week. | ^ ^

Official Paper of Mower County 14- v?4c ^2* "T

•t&J: ",r'?0:,r

^ ' JS' - . / -V 7V ~S5

Wednesday September" Austin, Mower County, Minnesota, Terms—$1.50 Per Annum; in Advance XLII—No 29 ?&£•'Z



There's a young fellow hangin round towu who let go the best chance of his life a few years ago when he tired of the old farm and jumped it. His dad wanted him to take the farm and run it and keep it and make a home for him while he lived and the boy could hay the whole ranch and be­longings at the end. It was the same as if a town man set his son up in business, exactly. But the boy didn't see further than his nose. He got the town fever and the old farm was sold and dad has ben shiftin' for hisself since. I bet a settin'egg that the boy sees things differin' when it's too late To my certain hnowledge he ain't made any stake yet. He's ben from pillar to post and if he's got ten dollars to his name and all debts paid then I'm off roy reckonin'. Town life ain't all it looks to a farmer's boy. He thinks that there Is some patent way in town< of gettln' a livin* easy and without hard work and there's where he foois hisself. There's more worry in one minit with lots of the townies tftan a boy or man on the farm has in a week. |

^ ^ $ :\;:i i '• Some folks are tryin' to get the ^state-

agricultural society to branch out aind hold two weeks and be for all the northwest and take the name of inter­state. Rot. Minnesota has paid for our fair grounds for the only and sole purpose of boomin* Minnesota products and interests. Anything that tiies to go outside ot this to let in other states to get the advantage of our big fair is bum. Some fool fair manager who don't know enuf to pound sand let an ad of Dakota land go on the back of every entry card at the recent fair. It's enuf to make a man rip out a cuss and it looks like a rakeoff somewhere. One of the boys who Was up to the fair told me that outside land companies were booming Canada jand Montana and all the rest of the ivbrld and the taxpayers of Minnesota wasjpaying for the chance. Let's get somebody on the board that knows just a little com­mon sense in such things BO as to keep our fair to our own interests and boom-fn\ It's wonderful what a showin* we can make to the rest of mankind.

# # 4 I'm mity interested in our state agri­

cultural school and alwus was. I boomed it when it was schemed and hav stuck by through all its voyage. My paper says that maybe 500 students will attend this year and many of these are takin' up the course of domestic science. ^That's the stuff. I tell you onr farmer boys get the best kind^of practical farm knowledge and idees up at school and our gals learn to become practical home keepers and that's the biggest part of success. I'm stuck'on this practical eddication. I'm a regu­lar Squeers. When the class spells wash windows let 'em go out and do the act and it impresses the mind.' I don't wonder that there can't teachers be found to meet the demand for grad­uates in domestic science. It's in the air. Folks are wakin' up to see the gigantic advantage of hay in'-'the boys and girls go out into life knowin' how to do something useful and practical.: Our country schools all ought to catch on to this practical idee and teach agriculture and home science,

• • • Gee, but it looks like under the new

compulsory school law every youngster in the state would hav to attend school regular during the entire year term. The law will keep tab on all of 'em pretty close. The clerk in each dees-trick has to turn in a complete list of every pupil in his deestrick and,these are kept by the county superintender and the state authorities. The teacher then reports every month which ones in this list ain't in school and these de­linquents are turned over to the county attorney for prosecution of their par? ents or guardeens. Clerks, teachers and superintender are all of 'em liable to fine if they don't strictly tend to and carry out all the provisions. So there you are. It's not a bad move to make all the youngsters get to school and sticlr there thru the days of. their youth. It beats air how much ignor­ance there is rite among'those who hav a chance if they used'ifc It's tryin' to see so many out of school who ought to be in. I reckon, by the, time ,,the screws are put to some of the worst delinquents the roundup of the rest will be thoro.

It's ten to on* on tbeexpression of the sentiment of the this great Middle .west tbaf Tj Was wrong in votin'forUie jniqiil rbbber tariff bitt' wA tbat8tnatart Knut*

- eight B«pub reprseotatives of the

;state voted right and accordin' to the wishes of their constits. And as Presi­dent Tait wisely says if the people wish the tariff revised further the only thing is to elect congressmen favorable to it. That's the whole thing in a nutshell and that's just what we'll proceed henceforth and without further delay to do in this deestrick where the senti­ment is so strong agenst the robber Aldrich tariff. The idee that a lot of eastern manufacturers can stand over congress with a club, and dictate to 'em just what high tariff should be put on every article made by 'em so as to giy 'em a chance to rob the consumer by extortionate prices don't go down with the farmers and wage earners up this way. We liv where we ain't afraid to act on our convictions. Any measly congressman who will betray his con­stits and play into the hands of the trusts ain't fit to be hung decently.

• # V Vr"----. It makes me tired to hav the stand-

pat agents of the down east cut throat millionaires cry prosperity as the result of the new tariff bill when any jackass knows that if we'd had tariff revision downward as Taft and the repub plat­form promised we'd hav a million times more_prosperity for thje consumer and common people. .We're hayin' better times in a way because we've had good crops in many places and this will start up business all along. But this prosperity is in spite of the tariff abortion £ayne law ruther than as a result of it. You can't grind down the common people too hard before there's serious trouble brewin'. Tbey stand lots of kickin' about and abuse and snobbyin' but the limit comes some day and then coroies the explosion. Tho wage earner is vitally interested in lower tariff so as to hav cheaper prices for his cotton and woolen goods and shoes and his livin! generally. He's a consumate chump to keep supportin' a congressman who sides agenst him and his interests and givs the trusts a chance to rob him outrageously. There ain't no half way ground to stand on.


used. These figures are chosen as be­ing the most significant and will serve to illustrate the extent of the canning industry in Lyle.

Lyleites are rapidly coming to^ reali­zation of what this industry is to mean to the town. A pay roll as large as

"this factory has, running for a period of four to five wi-eks will undoubtedly contribute to the financial well being of the community, furnish lucrative employment for a large number of peo. pie and at the same time supply a ready market for a paying product. The citizens have gotten the habit and they have begun to boost 500 acres have already been contracted for 1910 and it is thopght that this acreage will be materially increased before the opening of spring. With the confidence of farm­ers and. townspeople established, the outlook for the canning industry in Lyle is bright and bespeaks for itseif a bright future. "


Successful Industry Which Brings Good Money To The

Neighboring Farmers.

Lyle's manufacturing interests re­ceived a substantial boom when two years ago a canning factory was estab­lished there. The promoters went at the proposition on a large scale and finally became so heavily encumbered financially that it was found necessary to dispose of the factory. The trans­fer was made during last winter and the owners immediately set to work to get the factory in running order. Hardly had work been begun at,Wa verly this season when the factory their burned and the factory at Lyle was called upon to take care of all the cpra which had been contracted for in the Iowa town. ^ 4 , ; The factory at Lyle is housed in a large substantial frame^buiiding locat ed in the south part of town. The Equipment is thoroly modern thruout and represents an investment of about $12,000. Four cutters are run continu ally and five large steam cookers are required to handle the output.' The empty cans are stored in the upper story of the main building while whole building is used as a packing and store room. .• ^

Considering the fact that the indns try in this locality is in its infancy, the output this year has been remarkable Some difficulty was met with at the outset in supplying a working fdrce but this has been almost entirely over­come and at present thefactory is well manned Some 35 to 50 hands are em~ ployed in the husking room and this force serves to adequately supply the •'main factory with corn. The cutting room is located'in the. second star of the main building, and from this room the' corn passes alternately thru the seasoning vats, the filler and finally the soldering machine. The cans are then placed in the steam cookers and finally cooled in a large tank of water."

Over a hundred are Numbered, on the payroll at the present time and the wages paid out to this number amount to $1,75Q weekly. It is interesting to note tiiebetwfiittwliich thefarmerde-



It will no doubt be of interest to all parents at this time to know the main provisions of the new law which was enacted by the last legislature concern­ing the enforcement of compulsory Bchool attendance. The. following are the main provisions of the law: *

Every child, eight to sixteen years of age, must attend a public or private school in each year during the entire time the public school of the district in which the child resides is in session .

A child may, on application of the parent or guardian, be excused from part or all of such attendance by the school board for any of. the following reasons: Poverty, illness, having com" pleted the work of the eighth grade residence being too far from the school. Every school board will naturally have to exercise their own judgmentto a considerable extent in the - granting of excuses. . ~ * r

The school clerk of every district not regularly employing a truant officer is required to furnish the county super­intendent and the teacher of the school with a list of all the children in the dis­trict of the compulsory school age. He is also required to send the teacher notices of all excuses granted by the school board within five days of the time when tbey are granted.

Teachers are required to make re­ports to the county superintendent of all unexcused non-attendance. The superintendent is in turn required to report such non-attendance to the county attorney, who shall notify the parent or guardian to send such child or children to school. If necessary, he may start legal proceedings to en­force the law.

The state commissioner of labor in St. Paul may in his ofiicial capacity send notices and enforce the law the same as the county attorney.

The district clerks, teachers, and county superintendent are liable to fines or imprisonment if they do not comply with the provisions of the law. Parents or guardians refusing to com­ply with- the law are liable to fine or imprisonment. "

It will be noticed thatthislaw has the same requirements about attendance as the old law but that it differs in the method~of enforcement. The old law was almost never enforced because n0

school board likedt& enforce the law against their neighbors. Whether the present law can be more effectively en­forced is a problem to be solved. It is a pretty safe guess that no school clerk, teacher, or county superintend entis going to take chances on being fined or imprisoned on account of neg­lecting the duties imposed.

As this is the first school , year in which this law is to be tried there will no doubt be many questions that will come jnp and special cases that will need consideration; .If we all try to "keep cool," however, and use our best judgement with the constant aim of doing the best we can for the children^ the law wilTno doubt accomplish what the legislature intended it to do.: ̂r i-S : , ,

7: Prize Dairy Cow Is Soldi ;


Is what makes customers and establishes a business.

We do the largest clothing business in Austin, because we make good. The mer­chandise we sell makes good. Our Baron Clothing is superior to all other ready made clothing. It fits, it holds its shape, it wear^. It isn't made up with "fluffy ruffles," bl§t it has the merchandise,Hhe styles, the tail­oring and the wearing quality. We guaratjr tee it arid give a new gaiment for any that does not give satisfaction. Hjood dressers wear the "Baron Make" because it is up to date. The young men particularly call for it. We have made several sales lately to par­ties who bcught their last suits elsewhere, nearly everyone remarked



i. .. v

"Got Stung" -i >12111 -

. ;i

My suit didn't wear, didn't hold its col­or, [didn'tf hold its shape. No such griev­ance jf you wear Baron Clothing, j v

Fall and Winter Styles Now Ready.

Greatest and handsomest line of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats ever shown. ' • - , :::i >' .u . ..K'' 1 " - ; . ; 1

Excellent line of Men's and Boys' Shoe.*. We give good values.

i j't f

n/,6. n


-t (lis How They Thresh Out The^rr

Conditions Favorable This Year—Up Toward the Canada Line ^ here A Number of Mow­er County People are Locate^

ffrOQLatan, the farnteris well sated r'for kis ta^or and tba?

td «yXW and In year's product $10,000 in ciM^wiU be

: Esther Fie Dekol, a member of the bovine peerage of Minnesota, har left the state and will be domiciled in Au­burn, Mass. . Esther Is the prize cow of Minnesota'and has been sold byW. F. Schilling of NorthfieW ^to F. P. Knowlesof Aubarn, KUss. i The' cow became famoua/bythe aanouneement thst she 1&ad given mMe ttiaa ̂ itioB

Sayt<tf Jtiltl pounds of

Vei-va, ne^r^ix^r^Bic may be of inter&t to Mower county farmers to know hpw th^: ̂ fa«|^^a^d threish up there^^ii^^^^^ilyyiw, fine, in manj^feciBaitiesI the berty plump and filled, to; the tip. This advances the value and price of lands. Lignite coal is $1.50 at the mines which are five to fifteen miles away .

As soon as wheat-cutting is done, the threshing .machines start from the shock. The machines used are a great, deal bigger than used down around Austin. The drive wheels are two feet across .r The engines 20. to 30 horse power. They can easy turn out 2,000 bushelis of wheat in a day . The ma­chine-men furnish all their own help and board them. All the farmer has to do-is to take care of his wheat at the machine. They get about ten cents a bushel for threshing wheat.; Oats and barley four and five-cents. Itf this way there' is hot so much changing work asihe farmers do not have time. A cook house mounted on. wheels moves around with the ; machines so the women folks in the house do no' have to feed " iihe threshersi^Mr. Ferguson says his thresh bill will run about $500. Some jobs will run more than thatvv;! • -'

It was K^ up tliere while I was there getting to 98 in the shade which was pretty good for-so far- north. The wheat raising ta bound to play-put but I believe the time will come when they can raise as good corn as - in Mower county. * Oats and barley also do well |ty nephew has a, nice grove on hi? place aud there is no trouble in raising trees if a man will only take care of tKifinh vr'W - ^

mil—snntii Tlifi*** startid'.tbr^ frt now two

jc^iurch buildings, two general stores, a hardware, and other lines of business, a nice school house and 15elevators busy night and day. Crops around were as fine as any I have seen in thirty years. Merchantfii-do here mostly a credit business. One firm having out about $10,000 in good hands. We were out in the Russian settlement and nicer farm­ing I never saw. I saw in one garden about everything you can think of. The Kussian (people are very sociable and thrifty.

I was ont to Bee some Mower peo pie. John Clough, who used to live in the Dinsmoor district, and George Smith, well know in Lyle, each have a half section of land and in a few years will be well off. There is a fine chance up there for a young man of any coun­try. If a man has a good home in Mower county or any other gpod local­ity, I would advise him to^stay there but there nais doubt in my mind that a young man maydo well inparts of North Dakota around Ruso and Velva. ' saw some promising pieces of corn if the frost! did not catch them. I am however too old to start out in a new country for a home and will spend the winter with relatives in Iowa.


14 Saloons In. Austin. In reply to an inquirer, we reprint

the nameB of the 14 saloon keepers in Austin to whom license was granted by our city council for the current year.

j as. Geraghty, Geo. O. Dolan, Frank Veverka, Adam Arens, Soren Peterson. D. P. Gaul, Ed. Feeney, J. B. Weise, Herb. Kendrick, Ed. Peterson, Josepb Wolf, Mi F. Erdman, A. E. Shietds and George XJmhoefer.

The license/is $1,000 for each, mak-ihg $14,000 in the city treasury. Where does it go to?

Ellsworth New8.\ The horseless carri-age and the wireless telegraph is all right, but the average country printer would like awfully well to get,a piece of the man who invented the motion--less gasoline engine.

Cannon Falls' Beacon: What Mr. Tawney and some others of our law makers miss in this tariff discussion is triat it is the power that dictated the tariff law that the people fear and hate more than the tariff law itself, tho there is absolutely'no justification for-the law Mr. Tawney voted for and he khbws it very well.

Dodge Centre Star: As agent of the Minneapolis Tribune at this place, we were ,;ad«isedf ; iast; we§k^ that a' page article ion Ta^itey woullt appear Sun­day, atid to brd^E' anve^tra supply, as many people would wairt lo read it, but alas, We £aye always sold almost every paper we get, but no&S& this time. Al­though we phly. tedBiveTi: our regular numberi ;yet for sbhie reason we are unable to sell any and have the entire bunch. still on bur hands. None of our people seem7 to care to read any more praises J Of' the man who has op­posed their inttifesfean congress for the sake of a few eastern millionaires.

St. Peter Free iSresS: Some of the papers in the first district have a queer way of putting things and in reading them one would almost' come to the conclusion that President Taft is per­sonally responsible for the shape of the new tariff bill and under lasting obli­gation to. Congressman Tawney for as­sisting Iiim in getting it passed. We doubt very much that the president cares to have it presented in that light*



tout that*

T*W Warning Ye Do* Owners. i ^If vicious dogs run loose in yards of houses, people can expect to call at the post office for their mail in tbefuturef

no matter whether they have been re-ceiving It from a carrier or not, for etoines liave been tabooed in im order iss ued by the pos^ oflM department to th^-Mfect that from now on isarriwa

not to* compfitod to deliver ^0«e.wbwedonareUablet.

of trotter wan


American Wealth Is Going To Canada. ;

Slightly more than $1,000,000 in cash was produced in one! day recently by American settlers at the Immigration, office at Winnepeg, Man.

This show of wealth was the result of inquiries by the immigration offici­als to ascertain if these settlers were liable to become charges on the domin­ion.-

In addition many of them had car loads of- effects. Parties arrived in charge of land companies of St. Paul, as well as a number of individual -set-^ tiers. . | %

-Seared With A Hotlronl Or scalded by overturned kettle—cut

with aknife—bruised by; slammed door induced fnnor intany other way— ttafttlMM needed at onceris Bucklen's

" rto subdne infiammation