MOUNTAIN CLIMBING MAYHEM BY: PAYTON HENGGELER. You go on a hiking trip with some of your best friends. When going up the mountain you feel great. As you

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  • You go on a hiking trip with some of your best friends. When going up the mountain you feel great. As you look down you see how tiny all of the people down on the ground are. It feels amazing but kind of scary being up so high. You keep moving up the side of the mountain when all of a sudden your foot slips on a rock.
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  • Do you choose to try and get ahold of the rope again. Go to page 4 Do you let the rope slip until you land on another rock. Go to page 6 WHAT HAPPENS NEXT
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  • Its successful! You start moving slowly up the mountain again. Catching up with your friends is easy and your having a lot of fun. There are only a few more feet until you get to the top. As you look up ahead you se a hole in the side of the mountain. Getting closer you notice its a cave.
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  • Do you go inside the cave in the mountain Go to page 8 Do you just keep moving up the mountain Go to page 9 WHAT HAPPENS NEXT
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  • You must be very crazy or really trust yourself to let the rope slip. Being so high up is dangerous so just imagine if you mess up. You place your foot on a pretty large rock and get ready to start moving up. Now that you are back on track it seems like nothing can stop you. All of a sudden you hear someone scream for help.
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  • Do you try to help the person that is falling. Go to page 10 Do you keep moving and ignore them. Go to page 11 WHAT HAPPENS NEXT
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  • The hole in the mountain is pretty big. There is a lot of light in there for being a cave. You sit and rest for a while without a care in the world. The venomous snake comes closer and closer to you. By the time you notice the snake its to late and it lashes at you and his a nerve.
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  • When you move up the mountain you start to regret it. You are close to the top but it feels like you are back at the start. You reach up and finally you are at the top. As you stand up and look down you are so exhausted. You bend down to your bag for your water when you pass out from the heat. You fall and roll off the side of the mountain.
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  • You are pretty far away but you start talking so you dont scare the person. Its kind of odd but the person doesnt say anything back to you but you keep moving. You get around the corner and realize its an eagle with a broken wing. As you go to help it the eagle pecks your eye. You let go of the rope holding your eye and fall off the mountain.
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  • Trying to ignore the noise is hard but you try your best. You get annoyed and throw a rock in the direction of the noise. You hit a bee nest and freak out because you are allergic to bees. The bees start swarming out and start to sting you. You feel the stings on your skin until you get really tired and loose your balance then you close your eyes.