Editor: Nasir Ahmad B.A. LL.B. Visit to Indonesia Supplement August 2017 IN MEMORY OF JALAL-UD-DIN AKBAR IBN-I ABDULLAH, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA FORTHCOMING EVENTS AT THE BERLIN MOSQUE Monument Day: Saturday: Sunday 9-10 September 2017. I st European Jalsa Salana: Fri.- Sunday 15-17 September 2017 Motto: I Shall Love All Mindkind

Motto: I Shall Love All Mindkind · 4 | Page ‒ The Ark of Noah (Kishti-e Nooh) by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad into Indonesian, Safinatu Nuh. ‒ The Gospel of Life by Khwaja Kamal

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Page 1: Motto: I Shall Love All Mindkind · 4 | Page ‒ The Ark of Noah (Kishti-e Nooh) by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad into Indonesian, Safinatu Nuh. ‒ The Gospel of Life by Khwaja Kamal

Editor: Nasir Ahmad B.A. LL.B.Visit to Indonesia Supplement August 2017


FORTHCOMING EVENTS AT THE BERLIN MOSQUEMonument Day: Saturday: Sunday 9-10 September 2017.

Ist European Jalsa Salana: Fri.- Sunday 15-17 September 2017

Motto: I Shall Love All Mindkind

Page 2: Motto: I Shall Love All Mindkind · 4 | Page ‒ The Ark of Noah (Kishti-e Nooh) by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad into Indonesian, Safinatu Nuh. ‒ The Gospel of Life by Khwaja Kamal

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[AcknowledgementOn behalf of Hazrat Ameer, Prof. Dr Abdul Karim Saeed, we take this opportunity to acknowledge with profound thanks the cooperation, assistance and courtesies extended to us during our stay in Indonesia by the National President of the Indonesia Anjuman, Bro Ir. H. Muslich Zainal Asikin, M.BA, MT, as well as the Secretary General of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Indonesia (Gerakan Ahmadiyah Indonesia) and the other officials and members under their able leadership. We would also like to thank Bros Sulardi Notopertomo, Yatimin AS, Basyarat Asgor Ali and others for providing names of people and places as well as photos of the visit, all of which are greatly appreciated. We pray for the choicest blessings of Almighty Allah to be showered upon all those who contributed to the success of this memorable visit to the Republic of Indonesia as well as for all our brothers and sisters in Indonesia who are working and contributing towards the cause of Islam and the Ahmadiyya Movement.]

IntroductionIt is very enlightening to review the historical background to the establishment and progress of Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at-i Islam (Lahore) Indonesia. Alhamdulillah, it was 93 years ago when, in 1924, that the seed of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam was planted by the great mujahid, the late Maulana Mirza Wali Ahmad Baig, and it has now become a firmly-rooted resilient tree.

“Like a seed that puts forth its shoot, then strengthens it, so it becomes stout and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers …. Allah has promised such of them as believe and do good, forgiveness and a great reward” (48:29).

Today when we look at the strength and beauty of this tree of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement, we cannot refrain from praying from the core of our hearts for the soul of that Lahori Ahmadi mission-ary, as well as the local Ansar (helpers) who joined him, for providing the support in the rudimentary stages of the establishment of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in Indonesia.

We pray that Compassionate and Merciful Allah may grant their souls peace and a good abode in the Gardens of perpetuity as well as blessings, nearness and mercy to them and their progeny. With his dedication, devotion, untiring efforts and struggle in a foreign country without knowledge of the local environment, language, culture and tradition, Maulana Mirza Wali Ahmad Baig achieved remarkable results in firmly establishing the Ahmadiyya Movement within the short period of 14 years, which shall long be remembered by historians writing about the spread of Islam in that region.

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“Do you not see how Allah sets forth a parable of a good word as a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are high, yielding its fruit in every season by the permission of its Lord? And Allah sets forth parables for people that they may be mindful!” (14:24-25).

Indonesia at that time was a Dutch Colony known as the Dutch East Indies. Christian missionaries were brought from Europe and a large number of people are said to have accepted Christianity. The Lahore Ahmadiyya Anjuman, under the able stewardship and guidance of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali, sent a three-member team for the purpose of establishing a mission in that coun-try to counter the effect of the work of the Christian missionaries. The team comprised Maulana Ahmad, Hafiz Muhammad Hassan Cheema, and Mirza Wali Ahmad Beg. Unforeseen circumstances forced Hafiz Cheema to stop over in Singapore. Maulana Ahmad had been taken ill after arriving in Java and had to return to India after only four months. (It must be noted that India in those days comprised of present-day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.)

With long hours of prostration at night seeking Allah’s blessing and guidance, and passionate strug-gle during the day, Maulana Beg was able to deliver the message of the Holy Qur’an and to attract some learned and dedicated young students such as Mr. Soedewo to join him in carrying out the work of the defence of Islam. He had to strive very hard to continue with the extremely challenging task to establish the mission, which would have been impossible without the blessings of Allah.

At this point we would like to mention briefly names of some of the learned brothers who with their commendable dedication and literary caliber produced invaluable literature on Islam. At the early stage of the establishment of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in Indonesia these energet-ic young men produced sizeable literature in Dutch and Javanese languages by translating English Translation of the Holy Qur’an by Maulana Muhammad Ali and other literature produced by the Central Anjuman in Lahore. And after the Independence, most of this literature was rendered into Indonesian. Following is list some of the major works done by the early writers and translators of GAI (The Ahmadiyya Movement, Indonesia) including Bro. Soedewo Partoadi Kusumo :

1. R. Ng. H. Minhadjurrahman Djojosugito and M. Mufti Sharif were translator of The Holy Quran (Translation & Commentary) by Maulana Muhammad Ali into Javanese, Qur’an Suci Jarwa Jawi.

‒ R. Ng. H. Minhadjurrahman Djojosugito was also translator of Teaching of Islam (Islami Ushul ki Filosofi) by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad into Javanese, Wedharing Sabda Kawasa.

2. Brigadier General H. Moehammad Bachroen (former president of GAI) and Mahmud Lamako Latjuba were translator of Barahini Ahmadiyya (muqadima) by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad into Indonesian, Barahini Ahmadiyah.

‒ H. Moehammad Bachroen (H.M. Bachroen) and R. Kaelan were translator of The Religion of Islam by Maulana Muhammad Ali into Indonesian, Islamologi (Dinul Islam).

‒ H.M. Bachroen was also translator of the following books:

‒ The Holy Quran (Translation & Commentary) by Maulana Muhammad Ali into Indonesian, Qur’an Suci (Terjemah & Tafsir).

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‒ The Ark of Noah (Kishti-e Nooh) by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad into Indonesian, Safinatu Nuh.

‒ The Gospel of Life by Khwaja Kamal ud Din into Indonesian, Rahasia Hidup.

‒ Anti Christ, Gog and Magog by Maulana Muhammad Ali into Indonesian, Dajjal, Yakjuj dan Makjuj.

‒ The Arab Heritage of Western Civilization by Rom Landau into Indonesian, Peradaban Barat yang Diletakkan oleh Sarjana Islam.

The website address of the Indonesia Jama‘at (GAI) is: http://www.ahmadiyah.org

Manager: Bro. Basyarat Asgor Ali and Bro. Tauhid.

Email: Basyarat Asgor Ali. [email protected]

‒ Mr. Soedewo Partoadi Kusumo.

‒ The Holy Quran (English translation & commentary) by Maulana Muhammad Ali into Dutch, De Heilige Qoer-an.

‒ The Religion of Islam by Maulana Muhammad Ali into Dutch, De Religie van den Islam.

‒ Muhammad the Prophet by Maulana Muhammad Ali into Dutch, Moehammad de Profeet.

‒ The Teaching of Islam by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad into Dutch, De Leerstellingen van den Islam.

‒ The Quest after God by Muhammad Yakub Kan into Dutch, Het Nut van God.

‒ Birth of Jesus in the light of the Quran by Basharat Ahmad into Dutch, De Geboorte van Jezuz in het licht van den Heilige Qoer-an.

‒ Introduction to the Study of the Holy Quran by Maulana Muhammad Ali into Dutch, Inleiding tot de Studie van den Qoer-an.

‒ Riddle of Life by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din into Dutch, Het Geheim van het Bestaan.

‒ The Sources of Christianity by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din into Dutch, De Bronnen van het Christendom.

‒ The Gospel of Action or The Secret of Existence by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din into Dutch, Het Evangelie van den Daad.

‒ etc.

Besides translating books into Dutch, late Bro. Soedewo PK also wrote more than 14 books in Indonesian and some of them in Dutch.

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Maulana Beg was indeed a true example of a seasoned missionary, who made exceptional sacrifices not only in establishing the Lahore Ahmadiyya Anjuman in Indonesia and building the first Ahmadi mosque but also in getting the translation of the Islamic literature published from Lahore done in the Dutch and the Javanese languages. Thus, he and his dedicated band of young workers were able to spread Islam and the message of the Ahmadiyya Movement by presenting the pristine teachings of the Qur’an and at the same time replying to the objections of the Christian missionaries.

After accomplishing an incredible feat, he returned to Lahore on 16 December 1937 and was welcomed by Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali, Ameer-e-Jama‘at and first President of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. During Jumu‘ah prayer on 17 December. Hazrat Maulana spoke very highly of Mirza Wali Ahmad Beg and his dedication and hard work in establishing a vibrant branch of the Anjuman in Indonesia within a very short span of time.

Hazrat Maulana said: “This embodiment of humility and modesty had returned. He had done his work as a young man and has returned as an aged and ill man, but still he had no complaint or grumble.”

That very much summed up the character of this great missionary and humble person who sacrificed the prime of his life to carry on the struggle for the defence and spread of Islam.

Incidentally, after a year, because of his good knowledge of Dutch, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali sent Maulana Beg to Holland in early 1939 to further strengthen the branches there. However, the Second World War broke out and Holland was occupied by the German army and he was taken a prisoner of war in late 1939 and remained in captivity till the end of the War when he returned to Pakistan.

Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in IndonesiaWith the untiring efforts of many of our learned and dedicated Ahmadis over the decades, the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at-i Islam (Lahore) Indonesia [Gerakan Ahmadiyya Indonesia (GAI)] es-tablished branches in different areas of Indonesia, e.g. Jakarta, Bandung, Banyumas, Wonosobo, Purbalingga, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Magelang, Kudus, Madiun, Blitar, Lampung, Kediri. In addition to the propagation activities of the Indonesia Anjuman, dedicated members were able to establish a Trust for operating educational institutions. Currently there are a total of 15 kindergarten, elementa-ry, Junior High, Senior High, vocational schools, and an academy being operated by the educational foundation PIRI which now has a total of over 3,000 students. As a result of these efforts, thousands of members joined the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in Indonesia for the spread and propagation of Islam.

Purpose of current visitSince 2014, three former Presidents and several senior officials and members of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Anjuman Indonesia have left this world. Inna-lillahi wa inna iIaihi rajioon.

In order to condole the death of these learned and dedicated members and to establish fresh con-tacts with the new President and the new senior officials, it was mutually agreed that Hazrat Ameer, Prof. Dr Abdul Karim Saeed, along with other senior officials of Lahore Central Anjuman, would visit Indonesia at a mutually convenient time. It was also agreed that because of his acquaintance with the current officials of the Jama‘at in Indonesia and the local conditions, Bro Shaukat A. Ali should

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coordinate the entire visit on behalf of the Lahore Central Anjuman. After a number of exchanges, it was finally decided that the visit would be for eleven days from 4 to 14 April 2017 inclusive.

The purpose of the visit was to establish lasting contacts with the National President as well as the National Board of Directors and senior members of Gerakan Ahmadiyah Indonesia (GAI) as well as the Islamic Educational Institute of Republic of Indonesia (PIRI), a Trust Foundation established by the GAI. In addition, it was agreed that we should visit as many branches of the GAI, schools operat-ed by the PIRI, the graves of the former Presidents and senior officials/members of the GAI and pray for them while visiting their families at various locations throughout the country, as far as possible.

Arrival and meetings in JakartaBro Shakeel Humayun, General Secretary at the Centre in Lahore, was quite excited to travel abroad for the first time and that too in the company of Hazrat Ameer and considered it a great blessing. Their journey to Indonesia from Pakistan commenced at 9 p.m. on April 3rd, 2017. The itinerary en-tailed a brief stopover in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, before proceeding to Jakarta. After completion of the immigration formalities, when they came out of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Terminal Building in Jakarta, Br Sulardi Notopertomo (President of the Jakarta Branch), Br Wawan Muhammad Karyawan (Secretary), and I [Shaukat A. Ali] were waiting to welcome them as I had arrived a few minutes earlier. We were taken to the Ibis Hotel, where we had lunch and briefly discussed the plans and programme for the visit.

At 6 p.m. we were taken to the house of the former National President, Prof. Ir. H. Fathurrahman Ahmadi Djojosugito’s) brother, Prof. Dr H. Mujtahid Ahmad Djojosugito, in Cipinang, East Jakarta. Several of his family members together with their children and other relatives as well as other mem-bers of the Jama‘at were present to welcome us.

Prof. Dr H. Mujtahid Ahmad Djojosugito spoke briefly and welcomed us and thanked us for the visit. He said that his brother, the former National President, had always spoken very highly of Hazrat Ameer, the Central Anjuman in Lahore, and other officials. Consequently, the members throughout the country were looking forward to meeting us and exchanging views on the various activities of the Central Anjuman in Lahore and to share the programmes and projects that are underway or planned at different locations.

Hazrat Ameer responded to the welcome and thanked them for arranging such an excellent gather-ing whereby we had been able to meet so many members and children of Prof. Ir. H. Fathurrahman Ahmadi Djojosugito, M.Sc. Hazrat Ameer stated that late Prof. Ahmadi and his learned wife had become good friends of the Central Anjuman in Lahore and we were all very saddened to note that both of them had died within a short period of three years. He encouraged Prof. Ahmadi’s children to visit Lahore and urged them to continue taking an active part in the affairs of the Anjuman in Indonesia so that the work done by their elders continues in the future. He also spoke briefly about the differences between the Lahore and the Qadiani Jama‘ats and asked everyone to be fully aware of these differences so that they can explain them to others. Hazrat Ameer expressed his strong desire to visit as many branches and schools, and meet as many officials and members as possible.

His talk was followed by an address by Shaukat A. Ali, who recalled his long association with the Jama‘at in Indonesia over the last 30 years or so. He echoed Hazrat Ameer’s request to encourage

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children to take more active part in the affairs of the Anjuman (GAI) and the PIRI and to study the Holy Qur’an on a daily basis to understand its message and the benefits of living accordingly.

“This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favour to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion” (5:3).

He also stated that the Holy Book is a manual of life and it teaches us how to discharge spiritual as well as physical obligations prescribed by Islam.

Br Sulardi thanked us and provided a brief background on the activities of the Anjuman in Jakarta, including their contribution towards publication of the Anjuman’s literature in Bahasa Indonesia. The reception was followed by a sumptuous dinner.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017The next day we left the hotel for the airport with Brothers Sulardi and Wawan to take our flight at 1.00 p.m. for Yogyakarta. When we reached Adi Sucipto International Airport, Yogyakarta at about 2.00 p.m., the Secretary General of the Indonesian Anjuman, Br Ali Arie Susanto, and Brothers Purwiyadi, Basyarat Asgor Ali and Ibnu Ghulam Tufail were waiting to take us to Kemuning Guest House, in Baciro, Yogyakarta, where we stayed during our time in Yogyakarta. It is located across the road from the PIRI schools complex, where the Darussalam Masjid and the Minhadjurrahman Islamic Boarding School are also located. The National President of Indonesian Anjuman, Br Ir. H. Muslich Zainal Asikin, M.BA, MT warmly welcomed us and had a brief discussion on issues of mutual interest and the plans for the day.

Later in the afternoon we went to Darussalam Masjid where Maghrib prayer was offered with other members of the Anjuman including the boys and girls who are attending the Boarding School. It was followed by a meeting with all the teachers and students of the Minhadjurrahman Islamic Boarding School. The meeting commenced with a brief introduction of the establishment and progress of the Boarding School by Br Basyarat Asgor Ali.

This was followed by an address by Hazrat Ameer, who thanked the officials for their warm welcome and said he was very pleased to see so many children present at the mosque. He stated that he had attended the opening of the mosque and at that time there was discussion about the possibility of establishing a boarding school. He was very pleased that the boarding school had been established and that the children are attending regular prayers at the mosque. He looked forward to further interaction with the teachers and students in the coming days.

This was followed by an address by Br Mulyono, who expressed his gratitude for the visit on behalf of the GAI and the PIRI schools. The talks were translated by Br Yatimin AS, and the meeting ended with the ‘Isha prayer.

After the ‘Isha prayer, a formal meeting was arranged in the hall of the PIRI Foundation with the Central Board of the GAI as well as the PIRI schools’ headmasters and religious teachers and the fam-ilies of the late Br Dr Ir. H. Iwan Yusuf Bambang Lelana, M.Sc. and the late Br KH. S. Ali Yasir, former National Presidents of the Indonesia Anjuman. The host of the meeting was Prof. Dr Hj. Ida Rochani,

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SU, who acted as interpreter as well. Speakers at the meeting included the National President of the GAI, Br Ir. H. Muslich Zainal Asikin, M.BA, MT., Hazrat Ameer, and Br Shaukat A. Ali.

Dr Hj. Ida Rochani extended a very warm welcome to us and said it was a great honour to have Hazrat Ameer, Br Shaukat A. Ali and the General Secretary among them and for the opportunity they had to discuss many matters of mutual interest. She said she still had a vivid memory of the last visit by Hazrat Ameer and Br Shaukat A. Ali when the previous General Secretary had accompanied them. She said too that she looked forward to such visits in the future.

The National President of GAI, Br Muslich Zainal Asikin, presented an overview of the activities of the GAI and the PIRI and covered some of the important aspects of the progress in recent years. He said several mosques in the country are being extended and some new ones will be built. He also mentioned about the progress made over the years with the vocational and other schools, where some schools are being extended and the construction of new buildings are being planned. He spoke about the establishment of the boarding school three years ago, where there are currently 77 students, of which 27 are girls. Their intention is to take between 25 and 30 students each year for the three-year course. During the three years the students cover many subjects, including the basic teaching of Islam, i.e. fiqh (jurisprudence), akhlaq (morality), and aqidah (theology), as well as basic knowledge of the Lahore Ahmadiyya beliefs and the differences between the Lahori and Qadiani Jama‘ats. The students are also trained to give speeches, and other basic skills related to daily Islamic practices including training to be an imam and to deliver khutbah at a Jumu‘ah prayer. The training is based mainly on the translation and commentary of the Holy Qur’an and the Religion of Islam by Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali.

In his address Hazrat Ameer thanked the host and the National President for their welcome and the overview of the activities of the Indonesia Anjuman and the schools and said we are looking forward to visiting as many branches and schools as possible. He mentioned that he had attended the open-ing of the Darus Salam Masjid and had suggested the name for it, which was accepted by the former National President, the late Prof. Ir. H. Fathurrahman Ahmadi Djojosugito, M.Sc. He said at that time there was a discussion about establishing a boarding school and he is very pleased to see that it was actually established three years ago and is doing very well from what he had already witnessed as he listened to the recitation of the Holy Qur’an by some of the students and the speeches given by them and that he was very impressed by the work of the teachers and performance of the students.

As there were present Principals and religious teachers of the schools, Hazrat Ameer said they had tremendous responsibilities on their shoulders and encouraged them to urge the students to ensure that they study the teachings deeply and be responsible citizens when they graduate from these schools. He related his own experience as a lecturer to medical students over a 25-year period and appreciated that they are discharging the responsibilities very well. He urged that they should also study the beliefs of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement and explain these to others. He prayed for the continuing success of the activities in Indonesia specially for the continuing progress of the schools.

In his address Shaukat A. Ali recalled his association with the Lahore Ahmadiyya Anjuman in Indonesia over the last 30 years. He said he had met all the four former and the current National Presidents of GAI during his numerous visits to the country and had witnessed the continuing progress being made. He was, as usual, delighted to be among these sincere and dedicated brothers and sisters. He

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also highly appreciated that unlike other countries, the Indonesia Jama‘at has from the inception of the GAI placed special emphasis on education and establishing its own schools wherever possible. He encouraged everyone to continue to put the teachings of the Holy Qur’an into practice in their daily lives so that Allah may continue to bless them with physical and spiritual health.

On this occasion, the eldest son of KH. S. Ali Yasir (former National President of the Indonesian Jama‘at (GAI), Br Elia Catur Samhudi, handed over a large collection of books of his late father to Br Mulyono, who received them on behalf of the Central Library of the GAI.

Thursday, April 6, 2017On April 6th Hazrat Ameer and Shaukat A. Ali went to the Darus Salam Mosque for Tahajjud prayer and were later joined by others for the Fajr prayer. After the prayer, we met the Boarding School students, who, as was their daily practice, after offering the Fajr prayer, recited the Holy Qur’an, and read and discussed the translation of the verses in Bahasa Indonesia. They also conduct a question/answer session on the verses which they study that day. It was very inspiring indeed.

After breakfast, accompanied by Brothers Ali Arie Susanto (Secretary General), Purwiyadi, Basyarat Asgor Ali, and Fuad Arima, we visited the grave of Dr Ir. H. Iwan Yusuf Bambang Lelana, M.Sc., the former National President of the GAI, in Sawitsari, and Hazrat Ameer led a du‘a for the departed soul and his family.

This was followed by a visit to the PIRI Ngaglik Junior High School and the Vocational High School. Hazrat Ameer in his address asked all the students to establish regular contact with their Centre and advised that in addition to their professional and technical studies they should also study the Holy Qur’an and be prepared to sacrifice part of their time to do social work and serve the cause of Islam. He emphasized that they should particularly know the differences between the Lahori and the Qadiani beliefs.

In the afternoon, we were taken to see the devastations of the volcanic eruption and the boiling Lava at Merapi Mountain. The last major eruption was recorded on 25 October 2010 after which about 500 volcanic earthquakes were recorded on the mountain over the weekend of 23–24 October. The Indonesian Government had raised the alert for Mount Merapi to its highest level and warned villagers in threatened areas to move to safer places. People living within the range of a 20-km (12 mile) zone were told to evacuate. After that large eruption in 2010, the characteristics of Mount Merapi had changed. We saw how solid frames of iron and steel were twisted and melted by the hot lava, and how skeletons of animals remained after their flesh was completely burnt. Buildings and trees in the path of lava were completely destroyed.

At 06.00 p.m., accompanied by Bros Mulyono, Muslim and Basyarat Asgor Ali, we visited Br Yatimin and his family in Simping, Tirtoadi, Mlati, Sleman and offered Maghrib and ‘Isha prayers at the fam-ily “masjid”.

Shaukat A. Ali also explained the work he has done among the members and particularly among the Qadianis in India to counter their wrong beliefs. As a result, many Qadianis, including a few presidents of their branches and murabbis, in addition to several other members, have left their

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Jama‘at. He also mentioned about the book by Dr Zahid Aziz, The True Succession, a copy of which he intended to give to the National President for translation into Bahasa Indonesia for distribution.

Hazrat Ameer also emphasized the need to have strong bonding among the members of the Anjuman in Indonesia so that they can respond to issues that arise from time to time.

The meeting discussed at length various issues including translation and publication of the Lahore Central Anjuman’s literature. We then enjoyed a sumptuous dinner after which we returned to the Guest House at almost midnight.

Friday, April 7, 2017On April 7th, after the Tahajjud and Fajr prayers at the Darussalam Masjid, we had a discussion with the boarding school students as we had done the previous day before returning to the Guest House. After breakfast, we went to the house of the late Br KH. S. Ali Yasir (former National President of GAI) accompanied by Bros Ali Arie Susanto, Basyarat Asgor Ali and Ahmad Ervan Habibi to express our deep sympathy and condolences to his family. We were very saddened to learn that Br KH. S. Ali Yasir’s wife had also died 15 days before our arrival in Indonesia. We were shown Br KH. S. Ali Yasir’s huge collection of books. We also learnt that he had authored scores of books. Hazrat Ameer led a du‘a for the family.

Br Shaukat A. Ali recalled that during his previous visits Br KH. S. Ali Yasir (as former National President of the GAI) had accompanied him to various branches, including those in Wonosobo and Kediri. He noted that even though Br KH. S. Ali Yasir was very learned, yet he was a very humble person, and had remained energetic and active in the propagation of Islam and Ahmadiyyat to the end.

After the condolence, we visited the graves of the late Br KH. S. Ali Yasir and his wife, and Hazrat Ameer offered Fatihah for them. Br KH. S. Ali Yasir’s family house is a short walking distance from the graveyard.

Later in the day we returned in time to attend the Jumu‘ah prayer in the Darus Salam mosque. The khutba was delivered by Br Yatimin AS. It was very encouraging to witness many non-Ahmadi mem-bers of the community present in the congregation. After the prayer, we returned to the mosque to attend a programme arranged by the teachers for the students, who were appearing for their final exam, to pray for them as well as to ask for the success of the students of the PIRI schools.

Br Asgor Ali started the programme with the recitation of Holy Qur’an. Br Suratman delivered a wel-come address followed by the recitation of Surah Yasin and Surah Al-Rahman by all those present. Br Malyono (Asst. Secretary) addressed the teachers and students and presented a brief account of the establishment and progress of the Boarding School and other schools and encouraged the students to take their studies seriously.

In his address, Hazrat Ameer thanked everyone and congratulated the teachers and students on the completion of their studies and prayed for their success in the final exams. He also asked them to participate more actively in the activities of the Jama‘at and to be exemplary ambassadors of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Anjuman wherever they go. He said all Lahori Ahmadis should be living examples

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of Islam so that the community should look upon them with respect. Hazrat Ameer’s address was translated by Br Yatimin.

As it was our last night in Yogyakarta, the National President of Indonesian Anjuman, Br Ir. H. Muslich Zainal Asikin, MBA, MT., arranged a dinner at a restaurant in the suburb of the city. He apologized for not being able to accompany us throughout the visit even though he very much wanted to do so, as he had had to go to China on a visit which had been arranged several months previously. The purpose of his visit was to seek cooperation with some Chinese institutes to have professional and technical assistance for the PIRI Schools as well as to arrange a possible exchange of students. He said efforts for this cooperation are being done through the respective Governmental authorities.

Hazrat Ameer expressed his gratitude for the time Br Ir. H. Muslich Zainal Asikin had spent with us even though he had other pressing commitments and noted that the purpose of the visit to China augurs well for the future of the PIRI. He congratulated the National President for the efforts he and his team have made not only to get the Anjuman recognized as part of the mainstream Muslim body by the Religious Affairs Ministry but also in getting the PIRI schools recognized by the Government. He also complimented the National President and officials for producing graduates who have achieved high levels in their professional and technical fields in the country.

We were very pleased to see the widow of Bro Iwan Yusuf Bambang Lelana present among other of-ficials of the Anjuman. Although we had met her a few days earlier, it had been only briefly as there were many people at that gathering. Hazrat Ameer and Shaukat A. Ali had more time to talk to her on this occasion. She recalled answering many calls from Br Shaukat A. Ali to Br Iwan Yusuf and thanked Hazrat Ameer for the honour conferred upon her late husband by the Lahore Central Anjuman.

After a sumptuous dinner, we discussed various aspects of the Anjuman’s activities with the National President and officials. Hazrat Ameer gave a brief account of the activities of the Central Anjuman and the need for regular coordination between the Central Anjuman and the Indonesia Anjuman. He also explained briefly the differences between the beliefs of the Lahori and the Qadiani Jama‘ats. Future publication plans were also discussed.

While discussing the differences between ours and the Qadiani Jama‘at, Shaukat A. Ali again sug-gested that the book The True Succession by Dr Zahid Aziz be translated into Bahasa Indonesia and he presented a copy of it to the National President. He also briefly explained the contents of the book.

Br Muslich Zainal Asikin was pleased to receive the book and assured us that they will complete the translation in four to five months, and will, insha Allah, take copies to the Berlin Convention.

Hazrat Ameer extended an invitation to members of the Indonesian Anjuman to the Tarbiyyati Course in July in Lahore, and for the President and other officials to attend the Salana Du‘aiyya in Lahore in December 2017. Br Muslich Zainal Asikin assured Hazrat Ameer that it is their intention to attend both the Convention in Berlin in September as well as the Salana Du‘aiyya in Lahore.

Saturday, April 8, 2017On the 8th, after the Tahajjud and the Fajr prayers at the Darussalam Mosque, we went for breakfast and final packing at the Guest House and then to the railway station to catch the train for Kediri, East

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Java. Accompanied by Bros Basyarat Asgor Ali and Ahmad Ervan Habibi we left at 07.45 a.m. and arrived in Kediri at 12.30 p.m.

Br Mutohir Alabas was waiting at the station and we had lunch on the way to the Anjuman’s mosque/office where we met some officials and members of the Kadiri Branch and offered the Zuhr and ‘Asr prayers. We were then taken to the home of Br Mutohir Alabas’s brother, Burhan, close to the GAI Kediri branch office, to rest before attending the evening programme. During this entire time Shaukat A. Ali had lengthy discussions with Br Burhan and his family in the presence of Br Basyarat Asgor Ali on religious as well as health issues.

Later, we returned to the AI Kediri Branch office for discussions with the officials and offered our Maghrib prayer. The ‘Isha prayer was followed by a formal meeting with the officials and members of the branch at the mosque.

Br Asadi Alfatah (President of the Kadiri Branch) welcomed us. In his address, he outlined the plans and future projects for the Kediri Branch. He said they had prepared a plan for a new and bigger mosque adjacent to the present one, which is old and too small for the increasing membership. He also mentioned that they plan to build a commercial complex along the main road so that they can generate income for the Branch. The long-term plan is to establish a radio station, for which some preliminary work has already been done. However, he admitted that these projects require external financial support. Br Mutohir Alabas also addressed the gathering and provided additional informa-tion on the activities of the Branch. He attended the Salana Du‘aiyya last year in Lahore.

Hazrat Ameer thanked the President for providing a very encouraging report of the activities and programmes for the future. He said the prayers of the Central Anjuman and the members in Lahore will always be with the GAI Headquarters and its branches in Indonesia. He also presented a brief account of the activities of the Central Anjuman and its branches abroad.

Br Shaukat A. Ali also addressed the gathering and said that every member should be fully aware of the wrong beliefs of the Qadiani Jama‘at and the reasons of the Split. The Qadiani stand is that we are a breakaway group whereas the truth is that it was they who had caused the Split by moving away from the real teachings of the Promised Messiah.

He appreciated that the branch was planning to develop a commercial complex to supplement the funds of the Anjuman for other projects being planned. With regard to financial support, he ex-plained that the normal procedure is that branches submit their proposals to the Headquarters in Yogyakarta, where the requests are considered and according to the funds available allocation is decided for the Branches on a priority basis. Br Basyarat Asgor Ali served as translator.

The meeting lasted until after 10.30 p.m., after which we were taken to the Surya Hotel, Pare, Kediri to rest.

Sunday, April 9, 2017After breakfast on Sunday, 9th, Br Mutohir came to the hotel and took us to the house of the former President of Kediri Branch, Br H. Mat Susin, who is ill and confined to bed. He expressed his regret that he could not come to the meeting and participate in the activities of the Anjuman. He was

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delighted to see us and thanked us profoundly for visiting him. Hazrat Ameer prayed for his health and the welfare of the family.

We then visited the graves of the founding and other senior members of the Kediri Branch: the late Br H. Kutaji Bramasta and his elder brother, Br Suprapto; Br Sahroji, and Br and Sis. SWB. Arifin. Hazrat Ameer led the du‘a for all of them. The late Br Arifin was among the founding members of the Anjuman in Kediri and a very learned person. He was fluent in seven different languages and used to teach English voluntarily to the members.

Later, we visited another senior member, Br H. Musni Nur Ahmad. Many other members were al-ready there and we discussed a number of issues raised by them and Hazrat Ameer expressed his point of view. Hazrat Ameer was pleased to know that every Friday dars-i Qur’an is held at Br H. Musni Nur Ahmad’s house.

Afterwards, we visited the grave of the late Br Drs H. Yazid Burhani, who was another prominent member of this Anjuman. Hazrat Ameer offered du‘a at all the graves.

Our final visit in Kediri was to the house of Br Jazuli Ali Zain, another senior member who was present at the meetings at the Kediri Branch Office and the mosque. Almost 100 years ago a mosque was built next to his house and, of course, it has been renovated from time to time. We had our Zuhr and ‘Asr prayers in that mosque.

From there we proceeded to the railway station to catch the train at 4.15 p.m. for Purwokerto ac-companied by Bros Basyarat Asgor Ali and Ahmad Ervan Habibi. When we arrived at Purwokerto, Central Java at 11.15 p.m., senior officials of the GAI and the PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School welcomed us and took us to the Java Heritage Hotel, where we stayed during our visit to that city.

Monday, April 10, 2017On the 10th at 08.00 a.m. we were picked up by senior officials and taken to the PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School where we were welcomed by the Principal. As we entered the compound, we saw large banners carrying the names of Hazrat Ameer, the General Secretary and the Regional Coordinator displayed on the main school building to welcome us. It is a huge school complex and it was overwhelming to note the warmth of the welcome.

After the welcome by the Principal in his office and a brief talk, we were taken to visit some of the classrooms, workshops and laboratories to get a first-hand knowledge of the activities of the school including the IT/computer training section. We also visited the automotive and motorcycle workshops and witnessed the students from Year One to Three doing practical work under the su-pervision of qualified instructors.

Hazrat Ameer showed keen interest in the works shown and advised the students to work hard and be inspirational graduates for others after completing their education and training and to be of practical benefit also to the community in both the technical field as well as in religious activities. He exhorted the same in various classrooms, encouraging and inspiring students to concentrate on their studies and at the same time work had in order to realise their greater goal in life to study the Holy Qur’an and serve the people as true Muslims.

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At 10.00 a.m. there was a formal meeting of all the principals, teachers and staff members of the PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School and officials of the GAI and the PIRI from Yogyakarta. The meeting started with the recitation of Holy Qur’an. The Principal of the school welcomed us and gave an overview of different activities of the school. Hazrat Ameer and Shaukat A. Ali addressed the attendees in English and their talks were translated by a former graduate of the Vocational High School, Br Mukhammad Harun, who is studying English Literature and speaks English very well.

Hazrat Ameer briefly gave an account of the activities of the Central Anjuman in Lahore and stressed the importance of studying the Holy Qur’an and spreading the peaceful and tolerant message of Islam. In view of the presence of teachers, he also stressed the importance of teaching/training and briefly talked about his own medical background and his 25-years’ experience as a lecturer during which he had taught about 4,000 medical students. He reiterated the important role and the responsibilities placed on the shoulders of the Principals and lecturers/instructors. He also empha-sized that the teachers must continue to study the latest scientific and technological developments and impart the knowledge to the students in order to ensure that they get the latest knowledge and training. The teachers must also try to offer regular prayers as the mosque is within the school complex. He advised them to seek guidance from Allah in discharging their responsibilities to the best of their abilities.

Br Shaukat A. Ali briefly covered the activities of the Lahore Central Anjuman in the region and, at the request of Hazrat Ameer, concentrated mainly on explaining the differences between the Lahore and the Qadiani Jama‘ats and the Qadianis’ attitude towards Muslims in general. As the teachers belonged to different Muslim groups, he stated that our fundamental beliefs are the same as that of the mainstream Muslims and we consider all those who recite the Kalimah as Muslims. He continued that we are the true followers of the Imam of the Age, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who never claimed to be a prophet as the Qadianis erroneously ascribe to him. He said: There were three main reasons for the Split in the Ahmadiyya Movement. The basic belief which caused Split in the Movement was that Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, son of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, attributed that his father was a prophet and that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had been using the word prophet in its literal sense but did not know that it meant real prophethood. The son ascribed the following wrong beliefs to his father:

1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a nabi or prophet in the real sense of the term.

2. He was ‘the Ahmad’ spoken of in the prophecy of Jesus about the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)referred to in the Holy Qur’an in Al-Saff 61:6.

3. All those Muslims who do not accept him as a prophet, wherever they may be, are kafirs (disbe-lievers) and outside the pale of Islam, “even though they may not have heard the name of the Promised Messiah.”

Br Shaukat A. Ali went on to say that Mirza Mahmud Ahmad then wrote a book in Urdu, A’inah-i Sadaqat, which was published in 1921, in which he reiterated these beliefs. The above is quoted from its English version, The Truth about the Split.

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A group of leading Ahmadis, who were close associates and prominent office-bearers of the Sadr Anjuman Qadian, protested against these erroneous beliefs of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad ascribed to his father, and when dictatorial decisions and unbearable conditions created by coterie of his blind workers made life difficult and insecure, they left Qadian and set up a separate organization at the Ahmadiyya Buildings, Lahore in 1914. It was the same place where the Holy Founder and Hazrat Maulana Noor-ud-Din and other prominent Ahmadis used to visit and held some historic meetings. It was here that the Holy Founder breathed his last in the presence of these stalwart Ahmadis, who later on formed the Lahore Anjuman.

Hazrat Ameer greatly appreciated the Indonesian Government’s stance in accepting our Indonesian Anjuman as part of mainstream Muslims and he encouraged the teachers and staff to be familiar with these differences. The meeting lasted until the Zuhr prayer, which was offered at the mosque in the school compound.

Another programme was arranged after the ‘Asr prayer and this meeting was attended by the Board and members of the GAI Purwokerto branch at the As-Salaam Mosque, Pejagalan, Purwokerto. Hazrat Ameer addressed the meeting and emphasized the need for unity among the members and explained the spiritual objectives of the Anjuman’s activities. He stressed that we must all study the Holy Qur’an and spread the true and universal message of Islam, as expounded by the Promised Messiah.

At a subsequent gathering prior to the Maghrib prayer, as there were many women and some children present, in his speech Hazrat Ameer highlighted the role of the mother in the family and asked the mothers to bring their children to the mosque regularly and to teach them about the true message of Islam as interpreted by the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. The meeting ended with the Maghrib prayer.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017In the morning of 11th April, we were taken to the PIRI School for a brief meeting, and later, accom-panied by Bros Agung Budiono, M. Sardiman, Mukhammad Harun, Basyarat Asgor Ali and Ahmad Ervan Habibi, we left in two cars for Purbalingga to attend a meeting with the officials and members of the GAI Purbalingga Branch. It took place at Br Imam’s house in Kemangkon village, where we met the senior officials and members of the branch. The meeting ended at 11.00 a.m. after which we left for Wonosobo.

We arrived in Binangun Village, Watumalang, Wonosobo, in time for the ‘Asr prayer at the At-Taqwa Mosque. This is a lush green, beautiful hilly area where the farmers were engaged in planting all sorts of vegetables, fruits and herbs. Alhamdulillah, we were very pleased to learn that the GAI has nine mosques in this area with many Lahori Ahmadi families/members. After the prayer, there was discussion with the Board and senior members of the GAI Wonosobo Branch at Br Basiruddin’s house, next to the mosque.

After some discussion, together with all the Board and other members of the GAI, we went to the Abdul Wahab Mosque in Tanjungsari and offered the Maghrib prayer. In front of the mosque, there were scores of children who stood in line to welcome us before we entered the mosque.

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It was a very large gathering, and after the Maghrib prayer, Br Subahjur (Branch President) and Hazrat Ameer delivered their talks, which were followed by an interesting question/answer session. The members are active and knowledgeable and asked many questions, which were answered by Hazrat Ameer. Translation of the speeches was done by a young member, Br Mukhammad Harun, who had accompanied us from Purwokerto. The meeting ended with the ‘Isha prayer.

After the programme ended, we went back to Br Basiruddin’s house where we had further discus-sion and also our dinner. We spent the night there.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017After Tahajjud prayers on the 12th, we went back to the At-Taqwa Mosque to perform the Fajr prayer. Many people came to the mosque for the prayer, which was led by Hazrat Ameer. The atmosphere exuded spirituality, and the recitation of the Holy Qur’an by Hazrat Ameer, as usual, was very inspi-rational. After the Fajr prayer, we had a brief talk with the family of Br Basiruddin and some other members. We thanked the family for their excellent hospitality and then proceeded to visit other mosques in the area.

On the way, accompanied by the senior members of the GAI Wonosobo Branch and officials from other areas, we visited the graves of senior branch officials: the late Mr and Mrs KH. Abul Hasan and Mr and Mrs M. Jamil. Hazrat Ameer led the Fatihah for them and prayers for their surviving family members, who had also accompanied us. We then visited the Anjuman’s mosques located in several villages, namely: Keseneng, Lengkong Lor, Lengkong Kidul, Pasar Lawas, and Pagedangan. In every mosque we visited, there were many members who came to welcome us and shake our hands. It was encouraging to see the large number of women at every mosque we visited. In view of the growing membership, several of the mosques are undergoing extensions and renovations. Hazrat Ameer gave brief speeches and offered du‘a at every mosque and encouraged the members to con-tinue with the good work and spread the message of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement among the people. He also encouraged the members to bring their children to the mosque as often as possible so that they become familiar with our beliefs and become aware of our devotion for Islam.

At 02.00 p.m., we visited the last mosque in the area, the Al-Mubarak, in Sumber. Before we entered the mosque, about 250 children from the Madrasah Diniah/Religious School of the Al-Mubarak School next to the mosque welcomed us by standing on either side of the road and shaking our hands. These children, however, could not attend the meeting because of lack of space. According to the local committee, the meeting was attended by over 1,600 people (male and female adults and children), consisting of GAI members, well-wishers, local Religious Ministry officials, and officials of the Watumalang Sub-district Police. The speakers at this meeting were Br Subahim, the Chairman of the GAI Wonosobo Branch, and Br Mulyono, S. Ag, who welcomed us on behalf of the Central Board of GAI and the local Religious Affairs Ministry.

In view of the limited time, Shaukat A. Ali, as he had done at various meetings, explained the impor-tance of studying the Holy Qur’an and emulating it in our daily lives.

He advised too that we must follow the Qur’anic instructions on what to eat, how to eat, when to eat and how much to eat, as everything has to be done in moderation in order to avoid many problems.

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“Eat of the good things We have provided for you, and do not exceed the limits” (20:81).

It was very encouraging to note that the representatives of the Religious Affairs Ministry were pres-ent at the meeting and addressed the gathering, attesting to the fact that the Anjuman is recognized by the Government as part of the mainstream Muslim organization.

Bro Mukhammad Harun translated these speeches. The meeting ended at 4.00 p.m., and we left Wonosobo for Bandung in the afternoon.

Soon afterwards, accompanied by Bros Basyarat Asgor Ali and Mukhammad Harun, we left Wonosobo to proceed to the Kroya railway station by car. On the way to Kroya, we stopped at the house of one of the PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School lecturers, as prearranged. After some time, the Principal of the PIRI Schools in Purwokerto and other officials joined us and we had a very interesting discussion. They also shared details of their projects and programmes for the schools. These discus-sions continued while we waited for the train. Hazrat Ameer encouraged them to get the students interested in religious issues as was being done at the Boarding School in Yogyakarta. He said that children should participate in the activities of the Anjuman from a young age.

Br Shaukat A. Ali here also stressed the need for all the members to study the Holy Qur’an and seek answers it, as is mentioned in the Qur’an: “And they cannot bring you a question, but We have brought you the truth and the best explanation” (25:33).

He also stressed that all members of the Anjuman must be formally registered as members of GAI so that the Governmental authorities are aware of the correct strength of the Anjuman in Indonesia. At about 10.00 p.m. we arrived at Kroya railway station and left for Bandung.

Thursday, April 13, 2017We reached Bandung on 13th April at about 4.30 a.m. and were met by Br Adam Adilelana, S. Si, MM. (son of the late Prof. Fathurrahman Ahmadi, former National President of GAI) and were taken to his house in Gunung Rahayu, Cimahi, Bandung.

Our programme for the day started after breakfast, but in the meantime, Br Shaukat A. Ali continued his discussion with Br Adam Adilelana. Afterwards, we visited Br Ir. Ishak Hanafiah, DEA, who is suffering from serious illnesses, at his home, which is next door to that of the late Bro. Prof. Ahmadi house. After praying for his health, we visited the graves of the late Prof. Ir. H. Fathurrahman Ahmadi Djojosugito, M.Sc., and his wife, Prof. Dr Hj. Wiratni Ahmadi, and offered Fatihah for them. They were both laid to rest in a newly-elevated green area of the cemetery. We were accompanied by their sons, a daughter, and a granddaughter. On the way back we visited the office of Sister Ir. Sari Wahjuni, M.Sc, SH, MH, Mkn. (daughter of the late Prof. Fathurrahman Ahmadi). After meeting Prof. Ahmadi’s children, we had lunch at a restaurant near the office. Hazrat Ameer and Br Shaukat A. Ali asked the children to continue their active role in the activities of the Jama‘at, as was done by their worthy parents. We also encouraged them to become registered members of the GAI Jama‘at.

All of them came to the railway station to see us off. We left Bandung at 2.45 p.m. and arrived at Gambir Railway Station, Jakarta at 6.30 p.m. Brothers Sulardi and Wawan were waiting for us and took us to Ibis Hotel where we spent the night.

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Friday, April 14, 2017On the final day of our visit to Indonesia we were picked up from the hotel after breakfast and taken to the headquarters of the GAI Jakarta Branch at Jln. Kesehatan IX No. 12, Central Jakarta. A large number of members had gathered before the Jumu‘ah prayer to welcome us. Hazrat Ameer and Br Shaukat A. Ali addressed the gathering on a broad range of issues and these were translated into Bahasa Indonesia by Br Sulardi. Several questions were asked and these were answered by Hazrat Ameer and Br Shaukat A. Ali. The meeting ended with Jumu‘ah prayer. Hazrat Ameer delivered the khutbah, which was later summarised by Br Sulardi.

The General Secretary attended only part of the meeting because his flight was at 1.00 p.m. so he had to leave at about 10.00 a.m. Brothers Wawan Muhammad Karyawan and Basyarat Ahmad accompanied him to the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to catch the flight to Pakistan via Kuala Lumpur.

After the Jumu‘ah prayer, the discussion continued until Hazrat Ameer and Shaukat A. Ali had to leave for the airport. They were accompanied by the Jakarta Branch President, Br Sulardi, and Br Wawan and Bro Anzalna Muntaha.

While waiting to check-in for the flight to Singapore, we had further discussion as to the importance of getting the children more involved in religious and social gatherings. Further, efforts should be made that all members are registered as members of the Anjuman. It was emphasized that in this way members would feel a sense of belonging for a noble cause and it will also reflect our identity in Indonesia.

Photo of Masjid Al-Mubarak, Sumber, Wonosobo

Children outside Masjid Al-Muabrak, Sumber

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Outside the Prayer Room, at Prof. Ahmadi’s house in Bandung.Some of the children outside Masjid Al-Mubarak, Sumber, Wonosobo.

At the graves of former National President of GAI, Prof. Ir. H. Fathurrahman Ahmadi Djojosugito, M.Sc. and his wife, Prof. Dr.

Hj. Wiratni Ahmadi.

Visit to brother Ir. Ishak Hanafiah, DEA, who is ill, at his house, Bandung.

Members having refreshments outside the hall attached to Masjid Al-Mubarak.

Ladies on 1st floor at Masjid A-Mubarak, Sumber, Wonosobo

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More people outside Masjid Al-Mubarak, Sumber.

Some of the people outside Masjid Al-Mubarak, Sumber, Wonosobo before we entered the Masjid.

Some of the officials at Masjid Al-Mubarak after the for-mal gathering.

Some of the members at ground floor of Masjid Al-Mubarak, Sumber, Wonosobo.

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Children outside Masjid Abdul Wahab, Tanjungsari, Wonosobo.Ladies at Masjid Abdul Wahab, Tanjungsari, Wonosobo.

People outside Masjid Pasar Lawas, Binangun.Extension of Masjid at Lengkong Lor, Wonosobo

More ladies outside Masjid Al-Mubarak, SumberMore children outside Masjid Al-Mubarak, Sumber

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IT Academy students at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.

Students at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.

Automotive workshop with instructors and students at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.

Motor cycle workshop with instructors and students at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.

Addressing formal meeting at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.

Members inside Masjid Abdul Wahab, Tanjungsari, Wonosobo.

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Students of Minhadjurrahman Islamic Boarding School having discussions on verses of the Holy Quran after Fajr Prayers at

Darus Salam Masjid.

With the officials of SMK PIRI Sleman in front of the school.

Some teachers of PIRI and some students (girls) of Minhadjurrahman Islamic Boarding School.

Some teachers of PIRI school and some students (boys) of Minhadjurrahman Islamic Boarding School.

Media Studio at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.

Some of the teachers/instructors at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.

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With all Students of Minhadjurrahman Islamic Boarding School at Masjid Darussalam.

Another view of Students of Minhadjurrahman Islamic Boarding School having discussions on verses of the Holy Quran after Fajr

Prayer at Darus Salam Masjid, Yogjakarta.

Teachers and students of PIRI after attending prayer at Masjid Darussalam, Yogyakarta.

Some of the officials and brother Yatimin’s family at his house.

23 Children outside Masjid Abdul Wahab, Tanjungsari, Wonosobo.24 Members inside Masjid Abdul Wahab, Tanjungsari, Wonosobo.

27 Addressing formal meeting at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.28 Motor cycle workshop with instructors and students at PIRI Kes-atrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.29 Automotive workshop with instructors and students at PIRI Kes-atrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.

31 Students at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.32 IT Academy students at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.33 Some of the teachers/instructors at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwokerto, Central Java.

36 Media Studio at PIRI Kesatrian Vocational High School, Purwok-erto, Central Java.

39 Some teachers of PIRI school and some students (boys) of Min-hadjurrahman Islamic Boarding School.40 Some teachers of PIRI and some students (girls) of Minhadjur-rahman Islamic Boarding School.

43 With the officials of SMK PIRI Sleman in front of the school.44 Students of Minhadjurrahman Islamic Boarding School having discussions on verses of the Holy Quran after Fajr Prayers at Darus Salam Masjid.

48 Some of the officials and brother Yatimin’s family at his house.49 Teachers and students of PIRI after attending prayer at Masjid Darussalam, Yogyakarta.50 Another view of Students of Minhadjurrahman Islamic Board-ing School having discussions on verses of the Holy Quran after Fajr Prayers at Darus Salam Masjid, Yogjakarta.51 With all Students of Minhadjurrahman Islamic Boarding School at Masjid Darussalam.

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blessings of Allah be on him). LOVE also generates peace and happiness in the society. Follow the commandments of ALLAH and His Messenger, the Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD and earn an ever-lasting life here in this world and in the Hereafter. May Allah bless you all.

Ahmad Nawaz, Hayward, California I have just finished reading the February 2013 issue of the HOPE Bulletin dedicated to the memory of the late Br. Akbar Abdullah. I must say that your team has worked very hard to collect facts about the life and contributions made by our late Br. Akbar. The formatting of the Bulletin and photographs have made it very impressive and visual. Br. Akbar deserved such a beautiful dedication. I wish to congratulate you for making the Bulletin more than just a news bulletin. The brief life history of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sas) by our new sister in the fold of Islam, Christiane Backer, is very impressive and shows how his Perfect Example has inspired her thoughts and behaviour. I am sure her book “From MTV to Mecca” must be worth reading. Thanks for introducing the autobiography of a highly popular figure in the Western media, who, by her own study, has adopted Islam, and is facing challenges with firm faith and conviction.


The HOPE Bulletin E-mail address: [email protected]


Photographs : Shaukat A. Ali, Bangkok.Design & Formatting : Erwan Hamdani, Jakarta, Indonesia


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