Motor Module Arduino API Manual Renesas Electronics Corporation

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Motor Module

Arduino API Manual

Renesas Electronics Corporation

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Revision History

Rev. Date of issue

1.0 March 31, 2015 First edition

1.1 July 1, 2015 Updats controlInit(), sample programs

and serial specifications.

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Table of Contents

1 Quick Start ..................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Hardware Set-up ...................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Software Set-up ....................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Arduino Sample Programs ....................................................................................... 7

Speed control sample program ................................................................................... 7

Angle control sample program .................................................................................... 8

Angle control sample program with speed limit ....................................................... 9

2 Overview of the Control API ....................................................................................... 10

2.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................. 10

2.2 Features of the API ................................................................................................ 10

2.3 Definitions of Terms ............................................................................................... 10

2.4 Operating Model .................................................................................................... 10

2.5 Programing Procedure ........................................................................................... 13

2.6 Sample Programs .................................................................................................. 15

Sample program for angle control with multiple limitations .................................. 15

2.7 Synchronization of Multiple Motors ........................................................................ 16

Trigger function ........................................................................................................... 16

Programming procedure ............................................................................................ 16

Sample programs ........................................................................................................ 18

3 Control API Commands .............................................................................................. 21

3.1 Software Structure ................................................................................................. 21

3.2 Class Diagram ....................................................................................................... 21

3.3 Class List ................................................................................................................ 22

3.4 Description of Each Class ...................................................................................... 23

3.4.1 Root Class ..................................................................................................... 23

3.4.2 Module Class ................................................................................................. 25

3.4.3 Motor Cass .................................................................................................... 33

3.4.4 Serial Communication Class ..................................................................... 104

4 Serial Communication Specifications .................................................................... 107

4.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 107

4.2 Applicable Communication Standards ................................................................. 107

4.3 Packet Specifications ........................................................................................... 108

4.4 Command Codes ................................................................................................. 109

5 Modules ....................................................................................................................... 114

5.1 Motor Modules ...................................................................................................... 114

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5.1.1 DC Motor Module ......................................................................................... 114

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1 Quick Start

1.1 Hardware Set-up

Table 1-1 lists the pieces of hardware to be used.

Table 1-1 List of Devices To Be Used

Figure 1-1 shows the set-up of the hardware.

1. Connect the PC and the Arduino with the USB cable.

2. Connect the interface board to the pin socket of the Arduino.

3. If the control board of the motor module and the motor are separated, connect the control

board and the motor with the cable that comes with the motor module.

Connect the I2C port (bus number 1) on the interface board and the DC motor module

with the I2C cable. Each I2C port has two conectors (4 pin and 5 pin), the functionality is

the same.

4. Connect the DC motor module and the power supply with the power cable. Use the

power supply at 5 to 24 V.


Arduino (UNO is recommended)

Interface board

Motor module

DC power supply (5 to 24 V DC)

USB cable

I2C cable

Power cable

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Figure 1-1 Hardware Set-up

1.2 Software Set-up

Download the Arduino library (Control.zip) from the website below.


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Figure 1-2 Downloading the Library

Select Sketch Add .ZIP Library Select the downloaded file (Control.zip) You can

find “Control” in your library list.

Figure 1-3 Installing the Library


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1.3 Arduino Sample Programs

Speed control sample program

Shown below is a sample program that controls the speed by setting it to a constant value

of 60 rpm. The setup() function performs initialization and assignment of the motor, and uses

the setTargetSpeed command to set the speed to rotate it at a constant speed of 60 rpm.

The loop() function uses the getPresentSpeed command to obtain the present speed, and

transfers it to the PC through serial communication. Starting up the serial monitor of the

Arduino IDE displays the present rotational speed. As for rotational direction, the

counterclockwise direction viewed from the load side is positive.

The I2C address of the motor module is shown on the casing. This program uses 1 as the

bus number of the motor module, and 32 as the I2C address.


#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor; //Declares motor class

void setup() {


root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor.attach(1,32); //Assigns a motor module

motor.setTargetSpeed( 60.0 ); //Sets target rotational speed to 60rpm


void loop(){

float speed = motor.getPresentSpeed(); //Obtains present rotational speed [rmp]

Serial.println( speed );

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Angle control sample program

Shown below is an angle control sample program that rotates the motor 10 turns (3600

degrees). It uses the setTargetAngle command to set the angle to rotate it 10 turns (3600

degrees). The loop() function uses the getPresentAngle command to obtain the present

angle and transfers it to the PC through serial communication. Starting up the serial monitor

of the Arduino IDE displays the present angle. Also, as for rotational direction, the

counterclockwise direction viewed from the load side is positive.


#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor; //Declares motor class

void setup() {


controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor.attach(1,32); //Assigns a motor module

motor.setTargetAngle( 3600.0 ); //Sets target angle to 3600 degree


void loop(){

float angle = motor.getPresentAngle(); //Obtains present angle [degree]

Serial.println( angle );


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Angle control sample program with speed limit

Shown below is a sample program that rotates the motor 10 turns at a constant speed of

60 rpm. It uses the setMaxSpeed command to limit the maximum speed to 60 rpm, and uses

the setTargetAngle command to issue an angle instruction to rotate the motor 10 turns (3600



#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor; //Declares motor class

void setup() {

controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor.attach( 1 , 32 ); //Assigns a motor module

motor.setMaxSpeed( 60.0 ); //Sets maximum speed to 60 rpm

motor.setTargetAngle( 3600.0 ); //Sets target angle to 3600 degree


void loop(){

float speed = motor.getPresentSpeed(); //Obtains present speed[rpm]

float angle = motor.getPresentAngle(); //Obtains present angle[degree]


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2 Overview of the Control API

2.1 Purpose

The purpose of this API is to easily control a motor and the like.

2.2 Features of the API

The features of this API are as follows:

Easy-to-use and understand command system controllable with, for example, an

instruction to rotate at 180 degrees

Class structure to easily develop robots, etc. that use multiple modules

Capable of synchronizing the operational timing of multiple muddles

Inter-module serial communication protocol with a standardized command code system

Available not only for Arduino and Raspberry Pi but also for devices with an I2C bus

2.3 Definitions of Terms

API Application Programming Interface.

Control API This API. It can easily control modules such as a motor and a sensor.

PWM Pulse Width Modulation.

Module Physical or logical unit controlled by this API. Most generally, one motor is

treated as one physical module, but a group of multiple modules can be

treated as a logical module. One I2C address is allocated to one physical


2.4 Operating Model

The control software implemented in the control board of the motor module and the API

that executes the software allow you to easily control the motor using simple commands.

This section explains how to use commands, using the operating model of the motor module

in Figure 2-1. The motor module controls the motor according to register values: the internal

target values (Target Value (Active)) and the maximum values (Max Value (Active)). You can

control the motor by using the Control API to change these register values. The information

on the state of the motor, such as speed and angle, is always updated in the registers for

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present values (Present Value), and you can find out the state of the motor by obtaining these

values through the Control API.

Figure 2-1 Operating Model of the Motor Module

Any one of the following can be specified as a target value (Target Value (Active)) to control

the motor module: angle, rotational speed, torque, current, voltage, and PWM duty ratio. For

example, a 3600-degree rotation (10 turns) is immediately performed by using the

setTargetAngle(3600) command to specify the target angle, as shown in Figure 2-2.

You can obtain the following as the present values (Present Value) of the motor module:

angle, rotational speed, torque, current, voltage, and PWM duty ratio. For example, to obtain

the present angle and the present speed, use the getPresentAngle command and the

setPresentSpeed command, respectively.

As for the rotational direction of the motor, the counterclockwise direction viewed from the

load side is positive, as shown in Figure 2-3 (CCW: counter-clockwise).

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Figure 2-2 Timing Chart of Angle Control

Figure 2-3 Rotational Direction of the Motor

When any one of the following is specified as a target value, other target values are ignored

or automatically calculated: angle, speed, acceleration, torque, current, voltage, and PWM

duty ratio. For example, if a target angle is set, as shown with a dotted line in the lower part

of Figure 2-2, a target speed is automatically calculated according to the difference between

the target angle and the present angle. Within the module, target values are automatically

calculated in the following order: target angle, target speed, target torque, target current,

target voltage, and duty ratio. Also, if a target speed is set, a target value for angle is ignored,

and target values are automatically calculated in the following order: target speed, target

torque, target current, target voltage, and duty ratio.

Also, you can limit the maximum of each target value to control operation. For example, in

order to rotate the motor 3600 degrees (10 turns) at 60 rpm, use the setMaxSpeed(60)

command to limit the maximum of the rotational speed to 60 rpm, and then use the

setTargetAngle(3600) command to perform a 3600-dgree (10-turn) rotation. In this case, the

target rotational speed automatically calculated from the difference between the target angle

and the present angle will become more than 60 rpm, but rotation will be performed at 60

rpm for a while because the maximum speed is limited to 60 rpm, as shown with a solid line

in the lower part of Figure 2-4. Then, when the target rotational speed automatically

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calculated from the difference between the target angle and the present angle becomes less

than 60 rpm, the motor is controlled so that it rotates at that rotational speed. Immediately

after a target value is set by using a setTarget command, the motor starts rotating; therefore,

a setMax command to limit a maximum value must be executed before a setTarget command

to set a target value. By using setMax commands, you can limit multiple target values. For

example, it is possible to limit both the maximum speed and the maximum torque.

Figure 2-4 Timing Chart of Control with Limitation

2.5 Programing Procedure

Figure 2-5 shows a typical procedure for programming with the Control API. First, use the

controlInit command to initialize communication functions, etc. Then, use the motor.attach

command to assign the module. These are initialization and initial setting and must be

performed only once. After that, use setMax and setTarget commands to specify maximum

values and target values to control operation. Also, you can obtain the present values of the

motor by using getPresent commands.

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Figure 2-5 Programming Procedure

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2.6 Sample Programs

Sample program for angle control with multiple limitations

Shown below is a sample program that rotates the motor 90 degrees at a current of 2A or

less, an effective voltage of 10V or less, and a speed of 60 rpm or less.


#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor; //Declares motor class

void setup() {

root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor.attach( 1 , 32 ); //Assigns a motor module

motor.setMaxSpeed( 60.0 ); //Sets maximum rotational speed to 60 rpm

motor.setMaxCurrent( 2.0 ); //Sets maximum current to 2 A

motor.setMaxVoltage( 10.0 ); //Sets maximum voltage to 10 V

motor.setAngleDeadband( 10.0 ); //Sets deadband angle to 10 degree

motor.setTargetAngle( 90.0 ); //Sets target angle to 90 degree


void loop(){

float speed = motor.getPresentSpeed(); //Obtains present speed[rmp]

float angle = motor.getPresentAngle(); //Obtains present angle[degree]


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2.7 Synchronization of Multiple Motors

Trigger function

When controlling multiple modules, you may need to synchronize them. For example, to

move forward a two-wheel robot that has a separate motor for each of the left and right

wheels, the motors for the left and right wheels must start rotating simultaneously; otherwise,

the robot cannot move in a straight line. In order to synchronize the operational timing of

multiple modules, this API has the function of using a trigger to enable a reserved command.

While it is possible to immediately set a target value or a maximum value for the motor, it is

also possible to delay the setting of values until a trigger is received. Also, present values of

the motor, such as angle, speed, torque, current, and voltage, can be read not only

immediately, but also one by one from registers after they are temporarily stored in the

registers when a trigger is received.

Programming procedure

Figure 2-6 shows a program procedure to synchronize operations of multiple motors by

using a trigger. First, use the controlIinit command and the motor.attach command to perform

initialization. Then, execute setMax and setTarget commands with a trigger ID specified as

an argument. If a trigger ID is specified, the target value or the maximum value is not

immediately applied and is temporarily stored in a register as a reserved value shown in

Figure 2-1 (Max Value (Reserved) or Target Value (Reserved)). Then, when the said trigger

ID is made effective by using the controGlobalTrigger command, the reserved target value

or maximum value is applied simultaneously to control. The capturePresentValues command

stores, in a register, a snapshot of present values, such as angle, rotational speed, torque,

current, and voltage. After the capturePresentValues command is executed with a trigger ID

specified, the latest values (Present Value) are stored in registers (Captured Value) at the

moment when the controGlobalTrigger command is used to make the said trigger ID effective.

Then, the values stored in the registers (Captured Value) can be obtained by using the

getPresent command with its argument set to 1.

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Figure 2-6 Program Procedure to Move Multiple Motors Simultaneously

Figure 2-7 shows timing charts of the following cases: immediately starting the two motor

modules without using a trigger; and starting them simultaneously by using a trigger. If

motor1.setTargetAngle(90) and motor2.setTargetAngle(90) are executed in this order, the

motors start separately at the same interval that separates the transfers of the commands.

motor1. Meanwhile, if motor1.setTargetAngle(90,1), motor2.setTargetAngle(90,1), and

controlGlobalTrigger(1) are executed in this order, the settings of the motors are enabled

simultaneously when the trigger command is received, so that the two motors can start at the

same time.

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Figure 2-7 Timing Charts of Immediate Operation and Triggered Operation

Sample programs

Sample program that starts multiple motors simultaneously

Shown below is a program that simultaneously rotates two motors 200 degrees. The

program specifies settings separately for motor1 and motor2, and then applies the settings

simultaneously when issuing the controlGlobalTrigger command.

[Note] The trigger feature is implemented only for busNumber 2.

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#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor1,motor2; //Declares motor class

void setup() {

root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor1.attach( 2 , 32 ); //Assigns two motor modules

motor2.attach( 2 , 40 );

motor1.setTargetAngle( 200.0, 1); //Sets target angle to 200 degree

motor2.setTargetAngle( 200.0, 1); //Waits for trigger (ID=1)

root.controlGlobalTrigger(1); //Issues trigger (ID=1)


void loop(){

float angle1 = motor1.getPresentAngle(); //Obtains present angle[degree]

float angle2 = motor2.getPresentAngle();


Sample program that obtains the states of multiple motors at the same time point

Shown below is a program that obtains the angles of two motors at the same time point.

The program causes the motors to transfer their respective present values (Present Value)

to registers (Captured Value) when issuing the controlGlobalTrigger command, so as to retain

the values given at the same time point. Then, it uses the getPresentAngle commands with

their arguments set to 1 to read the values of the registers (Captured Value) one by one.

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#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor1,motor2; //Declares motor class

void setup() {

root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor1.attach( 2 , 32 ); //Assigns two motor modules

motor2.attach( 2 , 40 );

motor1.setTargetAngle( 500.0 ); //Sets target angle

motor2.setTargetAngle( 200.0 );


void loop(){

motor1.capturePresentValues( 1 ); //Sets triggerID for capturing

motor2.capturePresentValues( 1 );

control.controlGlobalTrigger( 1 ); //Trigger

float angle1 = motor1.getPresentAngle( 1 ); //Obtains captured angle[degree]

float angle2 = motor2.getPresentAngle( 1 );


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3 Control API Commands

This section describes the commands of the Control API.

3.1 Software Structure

Figure 3-1 shows the software structure of the Control API. The Control API has a low level

API for serial communication with modules via the interface board, in addition to APIs that

allow easy control of motors and sensors.

Figure 3-1 Sofware Structure

3.2 Class Diagram

Figure 3-2 shows a class diagram of the Control API. The Motor module class and the

Sensor module class, each of which consists of commands specific to each module, are

inherited by the Module class, which consists of commands common to modules; also, the

Module class is inherited by the Serial Communication class, which establishes

communication with modules. Moreover, the Root class and the Composite Module class are

available as a class for summarizing multiple module classes; the Root class consists of

commands, such as for initialization of the Arduino and peripheral functions of the interface

board and for triggers to all modules, and the Composite Module class consists of commands

common to modules consisting of multiple motors such as a robot. A class for each

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application such as a two-wheel robot and a drone is inherited by the Composite Module


Figure 3-2 Class Diagram

3.3 Class List

Table 3-1 lists the classes.

Table 3-1 Class List

Class Description

Root Class consisting of commands for initialization, triggers,


Module Class consisting of commands common to modules

Motor Class consisting of commands to motors

Sensor Class consisting of commands to sensors

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Battery Class consisting of commands to a battery

Serial Communication Class consisting of commands for communication with


Composite Module Class consisting of common commands for operating

multiple modules

3.4 Description of Each Class

3.4.1 Root Class

The Root class consists of commands, such as for initialization of communication functions

of the Arduino and the interface board and for triggers to all modules.

Table 3-2 List of the Root Class Methods

Method Description

uint8_t controlInit( uint8_t mode=0 ) Initializes the Arduino and

peripheral functions of the

interface board

uint8_t controlGlobalReset( void ) Resets all modules

uint8_t controlGlobalTrigger( uint8_t

tiggerID=0 )

Issues a trigger

uint8_t controlEmergencyStop( void ) Brings all modules to an abrupt




uint8_t controlInit( uint8_t mode )

Initializes communication functions of the Arduino and the interface board.


mode : Initialization mode

0(default): Initializes I2C and SPI ports.

1: Initializes I2C ports.

2: Initializes SPI ports.

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0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t controlglobalTrigger( int8 tiggerID=0 )

Issues a trigger to all modules.


triggerID : The number of the trigger to be issued (1 to 7)


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t controlglobalReset( void )

Resets all modules.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t controlemergencyStop( void )

Brings all modules to an abrupt stop.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

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3.4.2 Module Class

The Module class consists of commands common to modules, such as for reset and module

ID acquisition.

Table 3-3 List of Member Variables of the Module Class

Table 3-4 List of the Methods of the Module Class

Category Method Name Description


uint8_t attach(uint8 busNumber, uint8

address, uint8 subAddress=0) Assigns a module

uint8_t isAttached( void ) Confirms the assignment of

the module

uint8_t detach( void ) Cancels the assignment of

the module

Status check

uint8_t ping( void ) Checks response

uint8_t getStatusFlag( void ) Reads the status flag

uint8_t getErrorCode( void ) Reads the error code


uint8_t reboot( void ) Performs reboot

uint8_t factoryReset( void ) Reads factory default

parameter settings



uint8_t setTimeoutLimit(uint8


Sets the communication

timeout time

uint8_t getTimeoutLimit( void ) Reads the communication

timeout time

uint8_t changeAddress( uint8_t


Changes the module


Type Variable Name Description

uint8 busNumber Bus number

uint8 address Module address on a bus

uint8 subAddress

Subaddress within the module

(e.g., for controlling two motors with one


int8 statusFlag Status flag

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uint8_t getModuleType(char *data) Reads information on the

module type

uint8_t getModelID(char *data) Reads the model ID

uint8_t getFirmwareVersion(char


Reads the firmware version


uint8_t getSerialID(char *data) Reads the serial ID

LED uint8_t setLED(uint8_t value) Operates the LED

uint8_t getLED( void ) Reads the state of the LED

Member variables


Bus number.

Table 3-5 Bus number

Value Meaning

0 Arduino I2C bus

1 Interface board I2C bus number #1

2 Interface board I2C bus number #2

3 Interface board I2C bus number #3

4 Interface board I2C bus number #4

5 Interface board RS485 bus


Module address on a bus (I2C address if the module is connected to an I2C bus)


Subaddress within the module.

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Figure 3-3 Subaddress


Flag indicating the status of the module

Table 3-6 Module Status Flag

Bit Position Meaning

1st bit Whether or not there is a response from the module


Whether commands are valid or invalid

Whether arguments are valid or not

Whether or not there is an error

Whether or not target values have been reached

…etc., to be determined

2nd bit

3rd bit

4th bit

5th bit

6th bit

7th bit

8th bit




uint8_t attach( uint8_t busNumber, uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress )

I2C Cable


SubAddress=1Address=10 Address=10

I2C Cable

Motor Module

Motor Module

One motor in a moduleTwo or more motors

in a module

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Assigns a module.


busNumber : Bus number (Refer to Table 3-5)

address : I2C address

subAddress : Subaddress within the module


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t isAttached( void )

Confirms the assignment of the module.


0: Not assigned 1: Assigned


uint8_t detach( void )

Cancels the assignment of the module.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

Status check


uint8_t ping( void )

Checks a response.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t getStatusFlag( void )

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Obtains the status flag of the module.


Status flag (Refer to Table 3-6)


uint8_t getErrorCode( void )

Obtains the error code.


Error number



uint8_t reboot( void )

Reboots the module (reset).


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t factoryReset( void )

Returns the internal module parameters to the factory default settings.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

Communication setting


uint8_t setTimeoutLimit( uint8 miliSecond )

Sets the communication timeout time.

If there is a failure to receive data from the master side within the specified timeout time, the

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motor will be stopped.


millisecond : Timeout time (ms)


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t getTimeoutLimit( void )

Reads the communication timeout time.


Timeout time (ms)


uint8_t changeAddress( uint8_t newAddress )

Changes the module address.


newAddress : Module address


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

Module information


uint8_t getModuleType( char *data )

Reads information on the module type such as motor and sensor.


*data : Pointer to the location where the module type is stored


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0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t getModelID( char *data )

Reads the model ID.


*data : Pointer to the location where the model ID is stored


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t getSerialID( char *data )

Reads the serial ID.


*data : Pointer to the location where the serial ID is stored


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t getFirmwareVersion( char *data )

Reads the firmware version information.


*data : Pointer to the location where the firmware version is stored.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


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uint8_t setLED(uint8_t value)

Turns on and off and blinks the LED.


value : LED status 0: Off, 1: On, 2: Blink, 255: Module default operation


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t getLED( void )

Reads the LED status.


LED status 0: Off, 1: On, 2: Blink, 255: Module default operation

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3.4.3 Motor Cass

The Motor class consists of commands for operating a motor.

Table 3-7 List of the Methods of the Motor Class

Category Method Name Description

Angle control

uint8_t setTargetAngle(float angle, int


Sets the absolute target


uint8_t addTargetAngle(float angle, int


Sets the relative target


float getTargetAngle(int

fromReserved=0) Reads the target angle

float getPresentAngle(int

fromCapture=0) Reads the present angle

uint8_t resetAngle( float angle=0 )

Initializes the present angle

to the value of the

parameter ‘angle’

uint8_t setMaxAngle(float angle, int


Sets the maximum angle in

the rotational range

float getMaxAngle( void ) Reads the maximum angle

uint8_t setMinAngle(float angle, int


Sets the minimum angle in

the rotational range

float getMinAngle( void ) Reads the minimum angle

uint8_t setAngleToSpeedGainP( float

gain )

Adjusts the proportional

gain for angle control

float getAngleToSpeedGainP( void ) Reads the proportional gain

for angle control

uint8_t setAngleToSpeedGainI( float

gain )

Adjusts the integral gain for

angle control

float getAngleToSpeedGainI( void ) Adjusts the integral gain for

angle control

uint8_t setAngleToSpeedGainD( float

gain )

Adjusts the derivative gain

for angle control

float getAngleToSpeedGainD( void ) Adjusts the derivative gain

for angle control

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uint8_t setAngleDeadband(float angle)

Adjusts the deadband

(compliance margin) for

angle control

float getAngleDeadband( void )

Reads the dead band

(compliance margin) for

angle control

uint8_t setAnglePunch( float angle )

Adjusts the punch for angle

control (based on the input


float getAnglePunch( void )

Reads the punch for angle

control (based on the input


Speed control

uint8_t setTargetSpeed(float

speedRPM , int triggerID=0) Sets the target speed

float getTargetSpeed(int

fromReserved=0) Reads the target speed

float getPresentSpeed(int

fromCapture=0) Reads the present speed

uint8_t setMaxSpeed(float speedRPM,

int triggerID=0)

Sets the maximum speed

(speed limit)

float getMaxSpeed( void ) Reads the maximum speed

(speed limit)

uint8_t setMaxAcceleration(float

AccelerationRPM/s, int triggerID=0)

Sets the maximum

acceleration (acceleration


float getMaxAcceleration( void )

Reads the maximum

acceleration (acceleration


uint8_t setSpeedToTorqueGainP( float

gain )

Adjusts the proportional

gain for speed control

float getSpeedToTorqueGainP( void ) Reads the proportional gain

for speed control

uint8_t setSpeedToTorqueGainI( float

gain )

Adjusts the integral gain for

speed control

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float getSpeedToTorqueGainI( void ) Reads the integral gain for

speed control

uint8_t setSpeedToTorqueGainD( float

gain )

Adjusts the derivative gain

for speed control

float getSpeedToTorqueGainD( void ) Reads the derivative gain

for speed control

Torque control

uint8_t setTargetTorque(float

TorqueNm, int triggerID=0) Sets the target torque

float getTargetTorque(int

fromReserved=0) Reads the target angle

float getPresentTorque(int

fromCapture=0) Reads the present torque

uint8_t setMaxTorque(float TorqueNm,

int triggerID=0)

Sets the maximum torque

(torque limit)

float getMaxTorque( void ) Reads the maximum torque

(torque limit)

uint8_t setKT( float gain ) Adjusts the torque constant


float getKT( void ) Reads the torque constant


Current control

uint8_t setTargetCurrent(float current,

int triggerID=0) Sets the target current

float getTargetCurrent(int

fromReserved=0) Reads the target current

float getPresentCurrent(int

fromCaptured=0) Reads the present current

uint8_t setMaxCurrent(float current, int


Sets the maximum current

(current limit)

uint8_t setMaxCurrent( void ) Reads the maximum

current (current limit)


setCurrentToVoltageGainP( float gain )

Adjusts the proportional

gain for current control

float getCurrentToVoltageGainP( void ) Reads the proportional gain

for current control

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setCurrentToVoltageGainI( float gain )

Adjusts the integral gain for

current control

float getCurrentToVoltageGainI( void ) Reads the integral gain for

current control


setCurrentToVoltageGainD( float gain )

Adjusts the derivative gain

for current control

float getCurrentToVoltageGainD( void ) Reads the derivative gain

for current control

uint8_t setInductance(float inductance) Sets the motor inductance

float getInductance( void ) Reads the motor


uint8_t setResistance(float resistance) Sets the motor DC


float getResistance( void ) Reads the motor DC


Voltage control

uint8_t setTargetVoltage(float voltage,

int triggerID=0) Sets the target voltage

float getTargetVoltage(int

fromReserved=0) Reads the target voltage

float getPresentVoltage(int


Reads the present effective


uint8_t setMaxVoltage(float voltage, int


Sets the maximum effective

voltage (effective voltage


float getMaxVoltage( void )

Reads the maximum

effective voltage (effective

voltage limit)

uint8_t setKV(float KV)

Sets the back-emf

coefficient (KV value:


float getKV( void )

Reads the back-emf

coefficient (KV value:


float getSupplyVoltage( void ) Reads the supply voltage

(bus-line voltage)

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PWM control

uint8_t setTargetDuty(float duty, int

triggerID=0) Sets the target duty ratio

float getTargetDuty(int

fromReserved=0) Reads the target duty ratio

float getPresentDuty(int


Reads the present duty


uint8_t setMaxDuty(float duty, int


Sets the maximum duty

ratio (duty ratio limit)

float getMaxDuty( void ) Reads the maximum duty

ratio (duty ratio limit)


uint8_t enableTrigger( void ) Enables triggers

uint8_t disableTrigger( void ) Disables triggers (Ignores

all trigger)

uint8_t capturePresentValues(int


Schedules a collective

capture of variables.

Captured values are

transferred to registers

when a trigger is detected.

Collective read

and write

uint8_t setMaxValues(float angleMax,

float angleMin, float speed, float

torque, float current, float voltage, float

duty, int triggerID=0)

Collectively sets maximum


float getPresetValues(float *data, int


Collectively reads present



direction setting




Sets the positive rotational


getPositiveAngleDirection( void ) Reads the positive

rotational direction

Enable/disable uint8_t enableFeedbackcontrol( void ) Enables feedback control

uint8_t disableFeedbackcontrol( void ) Disables feedback control


uint8_t setTemperatureLimit(int8 temp) Sets the temperature limit

float getTemperatureLimit( void ) Reads the temperature limit

float getPresentTemperature( void ) Reads the temperature

(present value)

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float getAbsMaxRatedAngle( void ) Reads the absolute

maximum rated angle

float getAbsMinRatedAngle( void ) Reads the absolute

minimum rated angle

float getAngleResolution( void ) Reads the resolution for

angle control


getAbsMaxRatedRotationSpeed( void )

Reads the absolute

maximum rated speed

float getAbsMaxRatedCurrent( void ) Reads the absolute

maximum rated current

float getAbsMaxRatedVoltage( void ) Reads the absolute

maximum rated voltage


Angle control

In angle control, the motor angle can be set to an arbitrary value. For angle control, use the

setTargetAngle command or the addTargetAngle command to set the target angle for the

motor. The motor module automatically calculates the target angle, the target speed, the

target torque, the target current, the target voltage, and the duty ratio in this order according

to the difference between target values and present values, as shown in Figure 3-4. For

example, if the target angle is set, the target speed is automatically calculated according to

the difference between the target angle and the present angle, as shown with a dotted line

in the upper part of Figure 3-5. Within the module, target values are automatically calculated

in the following order: target angle, target speed, target torque, target current, target voltage,

and duty ratio.

You can also limit the maximum of each target value to control operation. For example, in

order to rotate the motor 3600 degrees (10 turns) at 60 rpm or less, use the setMaxSpeed(60)

command to limit the maximum of the rotational speed to 60 rpm, and then use

setTargetAngle(3600) command to perform a 3600-dgree (10-turn) rotation. In this case, the

target rotational speed automatically calculated from the difference between the target angle

and the present angle will become more than 60 rpm, but rotation will be performed at 60

rpm for a while because the maximum speed is limited to 60 rpm, as shown with a solid line

in the lower part of Figure 3-5. Then, when the target rotational speed automatically

calculated from the difference between the target angle and the present angle becomes less

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than 60 rpm, the motor is controlled so that it rotates at that rotational speed. Immediately

after a target value is set by using a setTarget command, the motor starts rotating; therefore,

a setMax command to limit a maximum value must be executed before a setTarget command

to set a target value. By using setMax commands, you can limit multiple target values. For

example, it is possible to limit both the maximum speed and the maximum torque.

Figure 3-4 Calculation of Target Values for Angle Control

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Figure 3-5 Timing Chart of Angle Control

Figure 3-6 shows the error between the target angle and the present angle, and the offset

for the target speed. The acceptable range of the stop position of the motor is specified using

the deadband value. If the present value is within the range selected as the deadband for the

target position, then it is determined that the target position has been reached, and the motor

is stopped. The offset for the target speed to be used when the present value is outside the

deadband is specified using the punch value. Optimizing this value allows improvement of

convergence of control.

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Figure 3-6 The Error between the Target and Present Angles and the Offset for the

Target Speed

Figure 3-7 and Figure 3-8 show transfer functions for angle control and commands

effective in angle control.

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Figure 3-7 Transfer Functions for Angle Control and Effective set Commands

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Figure 3-8 Transfer Functions for Angle Control and Effective get Commands

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uint8_t setTargetAngle( float angle, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the absolute target angle assuming that the angle given at the time of start-up is zero.


angle : Absolute target angle [degree]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t addTargetAngle( float angle, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the target angle relative to the present angle.


angle : Relative target angle [degree]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getTargetAngle( boolean fromReserved=0 )

Reads the target angle.


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fromReserved : Flag for reading from the reserved register (Target Value


If this parameter is 0, the target value (Target Value) is read. If 1,

the reserved register (Target Value (Reserved)) is read. If omitted,

0 is assigned.


Target angle [degree]


float getPresentAngle( boolean fromCaptured=0 )

Reads the present angle.


fromCaptured : Flag for reading from the register (Captured Value)

If this parameter is 0, the present value (Present Value) is read.

If 1, the register (Captured Value) is read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


Present angle [degree]


uint8_t resetAngle( float angle=0 )

Initializes the present angle to the angle specified by the parameter ‘angle’. The new target

value is set by adding the angle specified by the parameter ‘angle’ to the difference between

the present target angle and the present angle. For example, when resetAngle(0) is executed

with both the present and target angles at 45 degrees, they both become 0 degrees. When

resetAngle(0) is executed with the present and target angles at 45 and 90 degrees,

respectively, they become 0 and 45 degrees, respectively.


angle : The angle value for initialization. If this parameter is omitted, an

angle of 0 degrees is assigned.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

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uint8_t setMaxAngle( float angle, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the maximum angle in the rotational range.


angle : Maximum angle [degree]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getMaxAngle( void )

Reads the maximum angle.


Maximum angle [degree]


uint8_t setMinAngle( float angle, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the minimum angle in the rotational range.


angle : Minimum angle [degree]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.

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0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getMinAngle( void )

Reads the minimum angle.


Minimum angle [degree]


uint8_t setAngleToSpeedGainP( float gain )

Adjusts the proportional gain from the angle error to the target rotational speed. (Refer to

Figure 3-7)


gain : Proportional gain from the angle error to the target rotational

speed [non-dimensional]


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getAngleToSpeedGainP( void )

Reads the proportional gain from the angle error to the target rotational speed. (Refer to

Figure 3-7)


Proportional gain from the angle error to the target rotational speed [non-



uint8_t setAngleToSpeedGainI( float gain )

Adjusts the integral gain from the angle error to the target rotational speed. (Refer to Figure


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gain : Integral gain from the angle error to the target rotational speed



0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getAngleToSpeedGainI( void )

Reads the integral gain from the angle error to the target rotational speed. (Refer to Figure



Integral gain from the angle error to the target rotational speed [non-dimensional]


uint8_t setAngleToSpeedGainD( float gain )

Adjusts the derivative gain from the angle error to the target rotational speed. (Refer to Figure



gain : Derivative gain from the angle error to the target rotational speed



0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getAngleToSpeedGainD( void )

Reads the derivative gain from the angle error to the target rotational speed. (Refer to Figure



Derivative gain from the angle error to the target rotational speed [non-dimensional]

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uint8_t setAngleDeadband(float angle)

Adjusts the deadband (compliance margin) angle for angle control. (Refer to Figure 3-6)


angle : Deadband angle [degree]


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getAngleDeadband( void )

Reads the deadband (compliance margin) angle for angle control. (Refer to Figure 3-6)


Deadband angle [degree]


uint8_t setAnglePunch(float angle)

Adjusts the punch for angle control. (Refer to Figure 3-6)


angle : Punch [rpm]


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getAnglePunch( void )

Adjusts the punch for angle control. (Refer to Figure 3-6)


Punch [rpm]

Sample Code

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Angle control sample program

This sample program newly sets control parameters to perform angle control with multiple

limitations on angle, speed, etc.


#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor; //Declares motor module

void setup() {

root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor.attach( 1, 32 ); //Assigns a motor module

motor.resetAngle( 0.0 ); //Rests present angle to 0 degree

motor.setAngleToSpeedGainD( 0.0 ); //Sets Control Constant

motor.setSpeedToTorqueGainD( 0.0 ); //Changes from PID control to PI control

motor.setCurrentToVoltageGainD( 0.0 );

motor.setAngleDeadband( 10.0 ); //Sets deadband angle to 10.0 degree

motor.setMaxSpeed( 600.0 );

motor.setMaxCurrent( 3.0 );

motor.setMaxVoltage( 10.0 );

motor.setTargetAngle( 3600.0 ); //Sets target angle to 3600 degree



void loop(){

motor.addTargetAngle( 720.0 ); //Adds 720 degree to target angle

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float angle = motor.getPresentAngle(); //Obtains present angle [degree]



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Speed control

In speed control, the motor can be rotated at an arbitrary speed. For speed control, use the

setTargetSpeed command to set the target speed. When the motor module accepts the

setting, the target values other than the target speed are ignored, and are automatically

calculated in the following order as shown in Figure 3-9: target speed, target torque, target

current, target voltage, and duty ratio.

Like in angle control, you can limit the maximum of each target value to control operation.

For example, in order to rotate the motor gradually increasing the rotational speed up to 60

rpm at an acceleration of 10 rpm/s or less, you can use setMaxAcceleration(10) command

to limit the rotational acceleration to 10 rpm/s, and then use setTargetSpeed(60) command

to rotate it at a constant speed of 60 rpm.

Figure 3-9 Calculation of the Target Value in Speed Control

Figure 3-10 and Figure 3-11 show transfer functions for speed control and commands

effective in angle control. If the speed target has been set by the setTargetSpeed

command, then the target and maximum angles, and parameters such as gain are ignored.

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Figure 3-10 Transfer Functions for Speed Control and Effective set Commands

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Figure 3-11 Transfer Functions for Speed Control and Effective get Commands

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uint8_t setTargetSpeed( float speedRPM , int triggerID=0 )

Sets the target speed.


speedRPM : Target speed [rpm]

triggerID : Triger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getTargetSpeed( boolean fromReserved=0 )

Reads the target speed.


fromReserved : Flag for reading from the reserved register (Target Value


If this parameter is 0, the target value (Target Value) is read. If 1,

the reserved register (Target Value (Reserved)) is read. If omitted,

0 is assigned.


Target speed [rpm]


float getPresentSpeed( boolean fromCapture=0 )

Reads the present speed.


fromCapture : Flag for reading from the register (Captured Value)

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If this parameter is 0, the present value (Present Value) is read.

If 1, the register (Captured Value) is read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


Present speed [rpm]


uint8_t setMaxSpeed( float speedRPM, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the absolute value of the maximum speed (speed limit).


speedRPM : Maximum speed [rpm]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getMaxSpeed( void )

Reads the absolute value of the maximum speed (speed limit).


Maximum speed [rpm]


uint8_t setMaxAcceleration( float AccelerationRPM/s, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the absolute value of the maximum acceleration (acceleration limit).


AccelerationRPM/s : Maximum acceleration [rpm/s]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

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otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is

executed when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger

command. If this parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes



0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getMaxAcceleration( void )

Reads the absolute value of the maximum acceleration (acceleration limit).


maximum acceleration [rpm/s]


uint8_t setSpeedToTorqueGainP( float gain )

Adjusts the proportional gain from the speed error to the target torque. (Refer to Figure 3-13)


gain : Proportional gain from the speed error to the target torque [non-



0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getSpeedToTorqueGainP( void )

Reads the proportional gain from the speed error to the target torque. (Refer to Figure 3-13)


Proportional gain from the speed error to the target torque [non-dimensional]


uint8_t setSpeedToTorqueGainI( float gain )

Adjusts the integral gain from the speed error to the target torque. (Refer to Figure 3-13)

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gain : Integral gain from the speed error to the target torque [non-



0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getSpeedToTorqueGainI( void )

Adjusts the integral gain from the speed error to the target torque. (Refer to Figure 3-13)


Integral gain from the speed error to the target torque [non-dimensional]


uint8_t setSpeedToTorqueGainD( float gain )

Adjusts the derivative gain from the speed error to the target torque. (Refer to Figure 3-13)


gain : Derivative gain from the speed error to the target torque [non-



0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getSpeedToTorqueGainD( void )

Read the derivative gain from the speed error to the target torque. (Refer to Figure 3-13)


Derivative gain from the speed error to the target torque [non-dimensional]

Sample Code

This sample code newly sets control parameters to perform speed control with multiple

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limitations on speed, voltage, etc.


#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor; //Declares motor module

void setup() {

root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor.attach( 1, 32 ); //Assigns a motor module

motor.setSpeedToTorqueGainD( 0.0 ); //Sets Control Constant

motor.setCurrentToVoltageGainD( 0.0 ); //Changes from PID control to PI control

motor.setMaxSpeed( 600.0 ); //Sets max values

motor.setMaxCurrent( 3.0 );

motor.setMaxVoltage( 10.0 );

motor.setTargetSpeed( 60.0 ); //Sets target rotational speed to 60rpm


void loop(){

float speed = motor.getPresentSpeed(); //Obtains present rotational speed [rpm]


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Torque control

In torque control, the motor can be rotated at an arbitrary torque. For torque control, use

the setTargetTorque command to set the target torque. When the motor module accepts the

setting, the target values other than the target torque are ignored, and are automatically

calculated in the following order as shown in Figure 3-12: target torque, target torque, target

current, target voltage, and duty ratio.

Like in angle control, you can limit the maximum of each target value to control operation.

For example, in order to rotate the motor at an effective voltage of 10 V or less and a constant

torque of 2 mNm, you can use setMaxVoltage(10) command to limit the voltage to 10 V or

less, and then use setTargetTorque(0.002) command to rotate it at a constant torque of 2


Figure 3-12 Calculation of the Target Value in Torque Control

Figure 3-13 and Figure 3-14 show transfer functions for torque control and commands

effective in torque control. If the torque target has been set by the setTargetTorque

command, then the target or maximum angle or speed, and parameters such as gain are


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Figure 3-13 Transfer Functions for Torque Control and Effective set Commands

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Figure 3-14 Transfer Functions for Torque Control and Effective get Commands

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uint8_t setTargetTorque( float torqueNm, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the target torque.


torqueNm : Target torque [Nm]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getTargetTorque( boolean fromReserved=0 )

Reads the target torque.


fromReserved : Flag for reading from the reserved register (Target Value

(Reserved)). If this parameter is 0, the target value (Target Value)

is read. If 1, the reserved register (Target Value (Reserved)) is

read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


target torque [Nm]


float getPresentTorque( boolean fromCapture=0 )

Reads the present torque.


fromCapture : Flag for reading from the register (Captured Value)

If this parameter is 0, the present value (Present Value) is read.

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If 1, the register (Captured Value) is read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


Present torque [Nm]


uint8_t setMaxTorque( float torqueNm, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the absolute value of the maximum torque (torque limit).


torqueNm : Maximum torque [Nm]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getMaxTorque( void )

Read the absolute value of the maximum torque (torque limit).


maximum torque [Nm]


uint8_t setKT (float gain)

Adjusts the torque constant (KT value) of the motor. [Nm/A]


gain : Torque constant of the motor (KT value) [Nm/A]


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

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float getKT(void )

Reads the torque constant (KT value) of the motor.


Torque constant of the motor (KT value) [Nm/A]

Sample Code

This sample code newly sets control parameters to perform torque control with limitations

on voltage, etc.


#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor; //Declares motor module

void setup() {

root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor.attach( 1, 32 ); //Assigns a motor module

motor.setCurrentToVoltageGainD( 0.0 ); //Changes from PID control to PI control

motor.setMaxCurrent( 3.0 ); //Sets max values

motor.setMaxVoltage( 10.0 );

motor.setTargetTorque( 0.002 ); //Sets target torque to 0.002 Nm


void loop(){

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float torque = motor.getPresentTorque(); //Obtains present torque [Nm]


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Current control

In current control, the motor can be rotated by applying an arbitrary current to it. For current

control, use the setTargetCurrent command to set the target current. When the motor module

accepts the setting, the target values other than the target current are ignored, and are

automatically calculated in the following order as shown in Figure 3-15: target current, target

voltage, and duty ratio.

Like in angle control, you can limit the maximum of each target value to control operation.

For example, in order to rotate the motor by applying a constant current of 2 A at an effective

voltage of 10 V or less, you can use setMaxVoltage(10) command to limit the voltage to 10

V or less, and then use setTargetCurrent(2) command to rotate it at a constant current of 2


Figure 3-15 Calculation of the Target Value in Current Control

Figure 3-16 and Figure 3-17 show transfer functions for current control and commands

effective in current control. If the current target has been set by the setTargetCurrent

command, then neither the target or maximum angle or speed, nor parameters such as

gain are used, and they become ineffective.

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Figure 3-16 Transfer Functions for Current Control and Effective set Commands

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Figure 3-17 Transfer Functions for Current Control and Effective set Commands

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uint8_t setTargetCurrent( float current, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the target current.


current : Target current [A]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getTargetCurrent( boolean fromReserved=0 )

Reads the target current.


fromReserved : Flag for reading from the reserved register (Target Value

(Reserved)). If this parameter is 0, the target value (Target Value)

is read. If 1, the reserved register (Target Value (Reserved)) is

read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


Target current [A]


float getPresentCurrent( boolean fromCapture=0 )

Reads the present current.


fromCapture : Flag for reading from the register (Captured Value)

If this parameter is 0, the present value (Present Value) is read.

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If 1, the register (Captured Value) is read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


Present current [A]


uint8_t setMaxCurrent (float current, int triggerID=0)

Sets the absolute value of the maximum current (current limit).


current : Maximum current [A]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getMaxCurrent( void )

Reads the absolute value of the maximum current (current limit).


Maximum current [A]


uint8_t setCurrentToVoltageGainP( float gain )

Adjusts the proportional gain from the current error to the target voltage. (Refer to Figure



gain : Proportional gain from the current error to the target voltage


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0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getCurrentToVoltageGainP( void )

Reads proportional gain from the current error to the target voltage. (Refer to Figure 3-16)


Proportional gain from the current error to the target voltage [non-dimensional]


uint8_t setCurrentToVoltageGainI ( float gain )

Adjusts the integral gain from the current error to the target voltage. (Refer to Figure 3-16)


gain : Integral gain from the current error to the target voltage [non-



0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getCurrentToVoltageGainI( void )

Reads the integral gain from the current error to the target voltage. (Refer to Figure 3-16)


Integral gain from the current error to the target voltage [non-dimensional]


uint8_t setCurrentToVoltageGainD( float gain )

Adjusts the derivative gain from the current error to the target voltage. (Refer to Figure 3-16)


gain : Derivative gain from the current error to the target voltage [non-


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0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getCurrentToVoltageGainD( void )

Reads the derivative gain from the current error to the target voltage. (Refer to Figure 3-16)


Derivative gain from the current error to the target voltage [non-dimensional]


uint8_t setInductance( float inductance )

Sets the inductance of the motor.


inductance : Motor inductance [H]


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getInductance( void )

Reads the inductance of the motor.


Motor inductance [H]


uint8_t setResistance(float resistance)

Sets the DC resistance of the motor.


resistance : Motor DC resistance


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

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float getResistance( void )

Reads the DC resistance of the motor.


Motor DC resistance

Sample Code

This sample code newly sets control parameters to perform current control with limitations

on voltage, etc.


#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor; //Declares motor module

void setup() {

root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor.attach( 1, 32 ); //Assigns a motor module

motor.setCurrentToVoltageGainD( 0.0 ); //Changes from PID control to PI control

motor.setMaxVoltage( 10.0 ); //Sets max values

motor.setTargetCurrent( 1.0 ); //Sets target current to 1 A


void loop(){

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float current = motor.getPresentCurrent(); //Obtains present current [A]


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Voltage control

In voltage control, the motor can be rotated by applying an arbitrary voltage to it. For

voltage control, use the setTargetVoltage command to set the target voltage. When the motor

module accepts the setting, the target values other than the target voltage are ignored, and

are automatically calculated in the following order as shown in Figure 3-18: target voltage

and duty ratio.

Like in angle control, you can limit the maximum of each target value to control operation.

Figure 3-18 Calculation of the Target Value in Voltage Control

Figure 3-19 and Figure 3-20 show transfer functions executed within the motor module for

voltage control, and commands effective in voltage control. If the target voltage has been

set by the setTargetVoltage command, then the target and maximum values for angle,

speed, etc., and parameters such as gain are ignored.

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Figure 3-19 Transfer Functions for Voltage Control and Effective set Commands

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Figure 3-20 Transfer Functions for Voltage Control and Effective get Commands

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uint8_t setTargetVoltage( float voltage, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the target voltage.


voltage : Target voltage [V]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getTargetVoltage(boolean fromReserved=0)

Reads the target voltage.


fromReserved : Flag for reading from the reserved register (Target Value

(Reserved)). If this parameter is 0, the target value (Target Value)

is read. If 1, the reserved register (Target Value (Reserved)) is

read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


Target voltage [V]


float getPresentVoltage( boolean fromCapture=0 )

Reads the present effective voltage.


fromCapture : Flag for reading from the register (Captured Value)

If this parameter is 0, the present value (Present Value) is read.

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If 1, the register (Captured Value) is read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


Present voltage [V]


uint8_t setMaxVoltage( float voltage, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the absolute value of the maximum effective voltage (effective voltage limit).


voltage : Maximum voltage [V]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getMaxVoltage( void )

Reads the absolute value of the maximum effective voltage (effective voltage limit).


Maximum voltage [V]


uint8_t setKV( float gain )

Adjusts the constant number of rotations (KV value) of the motor.


gain : Constant number of rotations (KV value) of the motor [rpm/V]


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

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float getKV( void )

Reads the constant number of rotations (KV value) of the motor.


Constant number of rotations (KV value) of the motor [rpm/V]


float getSupplyVoltage( void )

Reads the supply voltage (bus-line voltage) of the motor.


Supply voltage of the motor [V]

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Sample Code

This sample code applies 10 V to the motor.


#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor; //Declares motor module

void setup() {

root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor.attach( 1, 32 ); //Assigns a motor module

motor.setTargetVoltage( 10.0 ); //Sets target voltage to 10 V


void loop(){

float voltage = motor.getPresentVoltage(); //Obtains present voltage [V]


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PWM control

In PWM control, the motor can be rotated by applying a pulse with an arbitrary duty ratio to

it. For PWM control, use the setTargetDuty command to set the target duty ratio. When the

motor module accepts the setting, the target values other than the target duty ratio are

ignored, and the duty ratio is calculated as shown in Figure 3-21.

Figure 3-21 Calculation of the Target Value in PWM Control

Figure 3-22 and Figure 3-23 show transfer functions for PWM control, and commands

effective in PWM control. If the target duty ratio has been set by the setTargetDuty

command, then neither the target or maximum angle, speed, etc., nor parameters such as

gain are used, and they become ineffective.

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Figure 3-22 Transfer Functions for PWM Control and Effective set Commands

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Figure 3-23 Transfer Functions for PWM Control and Effective get Commands

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uint8_t setTargetDuty( float duty, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the duty ratio (0 to 1)


duty : Target duty ratio [non-dimensional]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getTargetVoltage(boolean fromReserved=0)

Reads the target voltage.


fromReserved : Flag for reading from the reserved register (Target Value

(Reserved)). If this parameter is 0, the target value (Target Value)

is read. If 1, the reserved register (Target Value (Reserved)) is

read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


Target voltage [V]


float getPresentDuty( boolean fromCapture=0 )

Reads the present duty ratio.


fromCapture : Flag for reading from the register (Captured Value)

If this parameter is 0, the present value (Present Value) is read.

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If 1, the register (Captured Value) is read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


Present duty ratio [non-dimensional]


uint8_t setMaxDuty( float duty, int triggerID=0 )

Sets the absolute value of the maximum duty ratio (duty ratio limit).


duty : maximum duty ratio [non-dimensional]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


float getMaxDuty( void )

Reads the absolute value of the maximum duty ratio (duty ratio limit).


maximum duty ratio [non-dimensional]

Sample Code

This sample code applies a pulse with a duty ratio of 0.5 to the motor.


#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

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ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor; //Declares motor module

void setup() {

root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor.attach( 1, 32 ); //Assigns a motor module

motor.setTargetDuty( 0.5 ); //Sets target duty to 0.5


void loop(){

float duty = motor.getPresentDuty(); //Obtains present duty


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Trigger commands are used to operate multiple modules simultaneously or to obtain the

status of multiple modules at the same time point.

Figure 3-24 shows an operating model of the motor module. When a setTarget command is

used with no trigger ID specified, the target value (Target Value (Active)) is directly written to

and is immediately applied to control operation. Meanwhile, when a setTarget command is

used with a trigger ID specified, the reserved register (Target Value (Reserved)) is written to.

The value of the reserved register is transferred to the target value (Target Value (Active))

and is applied to control operation when the applicable trigger ID is received through a trigger

command. The target values for multiple motors can be simultaneously made effective by

using the same trigger ID for setTarget commands for these motors and issuing a trigger


Figure 3-24 Operating Model of the Motor Module

Figure 3-25 shows timing charts of immediate and triggered operations of setTarget

commands. In a configuration where multiple modules are connected to the same bus, it is

impossible to simultaneously transfer a command to multiple modules. Therefore, if the

motor1.setTargetAngle(90) command and the motor2.setTargetAngle(90) command are

executed in this order, the motors start separately at the interval required to transfer the

commands, as shown in the upper part of Figure 3-25. Meanwhile, if the

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motor1.setTargetAngle(90,1) command, the motor2.setTargetAngle(90,1) command, and the

controlGlobalTrigger(1) command are executed in this order, the settings of the motors are

enabled simultaneously when the trigger command is received, so that the two motors can

start at the same time, as shown in the lower part of Figure 3-25.

Figure 3-25 Timing Charts of Immediate and Triggered Operations of setTarget


Figure 3-26 shows timing charts of immediate and triggered operations of getPresent

commands. If the motor1.getPresentAngle() command, the motor1.getPresentSpeed()

command, the motor2.getPresentAngle() command, and the motor2.getPresentSpeed()

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command are executed in this order, the commands obtain an angle or a speed separately

at the intervals required to transfer the commands, as shown in the upper part of Figure 3-26.

Meanwhile, if the motor1.captureValues(1) command, the motor2.captureValues(1)

command, and the controlglobalTrigger(1) command are executed in this order, the present

values (Present Value) such as a speed and an angle that are given when the trigger

command is received are transferred to the registers (Captured Value), as shown in the lower

part of the Figure 3-26. The speeds and angles given at the same time point that are stored

in the same registers (Captured Value) can be obtained by using the

motor1.getPresentAngle(1) command, the motor1.getPresentSpeed(1) command, the

motor2.getPresentAngle(1) command, and the motor2.getPresentSpeed(1) command to

read the values sequentially.

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Figure 3-26 Timing Charts of Immediate and Triggered Operations of getPresent


Figure 3-27 shows an example of periodic control of multiple modules. In periodic control,

the following sequential operations are performed: (1) obtaining data from each module, (2)

using transfer functions to calculate the next target values based on the obtained values, (3)

assigning the next target values to the reserved registers of each module, and (4) using a

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trigger command to make the target values effective at the same time and capturing the

present values into registers; multiple modules can be periodically controlled by executing

the trigger command in (4) synchronously with the control cycle.

Figure 3-27 Periodic Control of Multiple Modules


uint8_t disableTrigger( void )

Disables the trigger function. Trigger IDs set by setTarget commands or setMax commands

are made ineffective, and all triggers are ignored.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t enableTrigger( void )

Enables the trigger function. The trigger function is enabled after it is disabled by



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0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t capturePresentValues( int triggerID )

Transfers present values (Present Value) to registers (Captured Value). Alternatively it sets

a trigger ID used to transfer present values (Present Value) to registers (Captured Value).


triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

Sample Code

This sample code obtains multiple present values (such as speed and angle) at the same

time point.


#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor; //Declares motor module

void setup() {

root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor.attach( 2, 32 ); //Assigns a motor module

motor.setTargetAngle( 90.0 ); //Sets target angle to 90 degree

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void loop(){


float angle = motor.getPresentAngle(1); //Obtains present angle [degree]

float speed = motor.getPresentSpeed(1); //Obtains present rotational speed[rmp]


This sample code obtains the present values of multiple motors at the same time point.


#include <Control.h> //Includes Control.h

#include <Wire.h>

#include <SPI.h>

ControlRoot root; //Declares root class

ControlMotor motor1, motor2; //Declares motor module

void setup() {

root.controlInit(); //Initializes Control API

motor1.attach( 2, 32 ); //Assigns a motor modules

motor2.attach( 2, 83 );

motor1.setTargetAngle( 90.0 ); //Sets target angle to 90 degree

motor2.setTargetAngle( 90.0 );


void loop(){

motor1.capturePresentValues(1); // Captures present value to buffer


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float angle1 = motor1.getPresentAngle(1); // Obtains present angle [degree]

float angle2 = motor2.getPresentAngle(1);


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Collective read and write

The maximum values (Max Value) and the present values (Present Value) shown in Figure

3-24 include multiple parameters, and the commands used to collectively read or write them

are described below.


uint8_t setMaxValues(float angleMax, float angleMin, float speed, float torque, float current,

float voltage, float duty, int triggerID=0)

Sets maximum values collectively.


angleMax : Maximum angle [degree]

angleMin : Minimum angle [degree]

speed : Maximum speed [rpm]

acceleration : Maximum acceleration [rpm/s]

torque : Maximum torque [Nm]

current : Maximum current [A]

voltage : Maximum voltage [V]

duty : Maximum duty ratio [non-dimensional]

triggerID : Trigger ID

If this parameter is 0, the command is immediately executed;

otherwise, it waits until a trigger command is issued. It is executed

when the same trigger ID is issued with a trigger command. If this

parameter is omitted, the trigger ID becomes 0.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t getMaxValues(float *data, boolean fromReserved=0)

Reads maximum values collectively.


*data : Pointer to the location where maximum values are stored

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fromReserved : Flag for reading from the reserved register (Target Value

(Reserved)). If this parameter is 0, the target value (Target Value)

is read. If 1, the reserved register (Target Value (Reserved)) is

read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t getPresetValues(float *data, boolean fromCapture=0)

Reads present values collectively.


*data : Pointer to the location where present values are stored

fromCapture : Flag for reading from the register (Captured Value)

If this parameter is 0, the present value (Present Value) is read.

If 1, the register (Captured Value) is read. If omitted, 0 is assigned.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

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Rotational direction setting


uint8_t setPositiveAngleDirection(boolean direction)

Sets the rotational direction (positive).


direction : Positive rotational direction, 0: CCW (Default), 1: CW


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

boolean getPositiveAngleDirection

uint8_t getPositiveAngleDirection( void )

Reads the rotational direction (positive).


Positive rotational direction

Whether to use feedback

The commands to enable or disable feedback select whether to enable or disable the control

of the motor. If it is disabled, the motor terminal is released. Note that feedback is enabled

after the motor module is powered on.


uint8_t enableFeedbackcontrol( void )

Enables the feedback control.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

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uint8_t disableFeedbackcontrol( void )

Disables the feedback control. The motor is released.


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

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Obtain the maximum operating temperature or present temperate of the motor.


uint8_t setTemperatureLimit( uint8_t temp )

Sets the upper temperature limit.


temp : Temperature limit [degree Celsius]


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t getTemperatureLimit( void )

Reads the upper temperature limit.


Temperature limit [degree Celsius]


uint8_t getPresentTemperature( void )

Reads the temperature (present value).


Temperature [degree Celsius]

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Module information

Obtain motor-specific values such as an absolute maximum rating.


float getAbsMaxRatedAngle( void )

Reads the absolute maximum rated angle.


Absolute maximum rated angle [degree]


float getAbsMinRatedAngle( void )

Reads the absolute minimum rated angle.


Absolute minimum rated angle [degree]


float getAngleResolution( void )

Reads the angle resolution for angle control.


Angle resolution [degree]


float getAbsMaxRatedRotationSpeed( void )

Reads the absolute maximum rated speed.


Absolute maximum rated speed [rpm]


float getAbsMaxRatedCurrent( void )

Reads the absolute maximum rated current.

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Absolute maximum rated current [A]


float getAbsMaxRatedVoltage( void )

Reads the absolute maximum rated voltage.


Absolute maximum rated voltage [V]

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3.4.4 Serial Communication Class

The Serial Communication class consists of commands for communication with modules.

Table 3-8 List of the Methods of the Serial Communication Class

Method Name Description

uint8_t serialWrite(uint8_t busNumber, uint8_t address,

uint8_t commandCode, uint8_t, byteCount, uint8_t *data)

Serial communication write


uint8_t serialRead(uint8_t busNumber, uint8_t address,

uint8_t commandCode, uint8_t byteCount, uint8_t *data)

Serial communication read


uint8_t setTableValue(uint8_t busNumber, int index, int

byteCount, byte *data)

Incremental write to the

control table for modules

uint8_t getTableValue(uint8_t busNumber, int index, int

byteCount, byte *data)

Incremental read from the

control table for modules



uint8_t serialWrite(uint8_t busNumber,uint8_t address, uint8_t commandCode, uint8_t,

byteCount, uint8_t *data )

Serial communication write command.


busNumber : Bus number (Refer to Table 3-5)

address : Module I2C address

commandCode : Command code

byteCount : Byte count

*data : Pointer to the data to be written


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t serialRead(uint8_t busNumber,uint8_t address, uint8_t commandCode, uint8_t

byteCount, uint8_t *data )

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Serial communication read command.


busNumber : Bus number(Refer to Table 3-5)

address : Module I2C address

commandCode : Command code

byteCount : Byte count

*data : Pointer to the data to be read


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t setTableValues(uint8_t busNumber, uint8_t index, uint8_t byteCount, byte *data)

Incremental write to the control table for modules.


busNumber : Bus number(Refer to Table 3-5)

address : Module I2C address

index : Index on the module control table

byteCount : Byte count

*data : Pointer to the data to be written


0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed


uint8_t getTableValue(uint8_t busNumber, uint8_t index, uint8_t byteCount, byte *data)

Incremental read from the control table for modules.


busNumber : Bus number(Refer to Table 3-5)

address : Module I2C address

index : Index on the module control table

byteCount : Byte count

*data : Pointer to the data to be written

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0: Execution succeeded 1: Execution failed

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4 Serial Communication Specifications

4.1 Overview

This section describes the I2C serial communication standards and the packet specifications

that are used for communication with modules supporting the Control API.

Figure 4-1 Serial communication standards for data transfer

4.2 Applicable Communication Standards

The I2C Standard is used for I2C serial communication.

I2C Standard :http://www.nxp.com/

The physical and data link layers are compliant with the I2C Standard. Address Resolution

Protocol, CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) and retransmission control are scheduled to be

implemented in order to deal with communication errors in the future.

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4.3 Packet Specifications

Figure 4-2 shows the packet structure. In the future, the protocol will be changed to one with

CRC. As for command codes, the next section provides details.

Figure 4-2 Packet Specifications

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4.4 Command Codes

The Arduino and the motor module use serial communication to transmit and receive

desired control parameters. The command codes indicate which control parameter will be

transmitted and received. Table 4-1 lists the command codes.

Command Code : Indicates the command code.

Control parameter to be accessed: Indicates the motor control parameter to be accessed.

Byte Count : Indicates the byte count.

Data Bytes(Type) : Indicates the content of the data bytes. ‘()’ indicates the type of

the data. ‘uint8_t’ is one byte, and ‘float’ is four bytes. The byte

order is little-endian. When multiple parameters are to be

transmitted and received, descriptions are provided in the order

of data bytes.

Table 4-1 List of the Command Codes


Code Control Parameter To Be Accessed


Count Data Bytes(type)

0x00 Target Values


Parameter Code 1 Parameter Code(uint8_t)

0x01 Parameter 4 Parameter(float)

0x02 Target Values


Parameter Code 1 Parameter Code(uint8_t)

0x03 Parameter 4 Parameter(float)

0x04 Trigger ID 1 Trigger ID(uint8_t)


Max Values


MaxAngle 4 Angle(float)

0x06 MinAngle 4 Angle(float)

0x07 AbsMaxSpeed 4 Speed(float)

0x08 AbsMaxAcceleration 4 Accel(float)

0x09 AbsMaxTorque 4 Torque(float)

0x0A AbsMaxCurrent 4 Current(float)

0x0B AbsMaxVoltage 4 Volt(float)

0x0C AbsMaxDuty 4 Duty(float)


Max Values


MaxAngle 5 Angle(float)

0x0E MinAngle 5 Angle(float)

0x0F AbsMaxSpeed 5 Speed(float)

0x10 AbsMaxAcceleration 4 Accel(float)

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0x11 AbsMaxTorque 5 Torque(float)

0x12 AbsMaxCurrent 5 Current(float)

0x13 AbsMaxVoltage 5 Volt(float)

0x14 AbsMaxDuty 5 Duty(float)

0x15 Trigger ID 1 Trigger ID(uint8_t)





Angle 4 Angle(float)

0x17 Speed 4 Speed(float)

0x18 Acceleration 4 Accel(float)

0x19 Torque 4 Torque(float)

0x1A Current 4 Current(float)

0x1B Voltage 4 Volt(float)

0x1C Duty 4 Duty(float)




Angle 4 Angle(float)

0x1E Speed 4 Speed(float)

0x1F Acceleration 4 Accel(float)

0x20 Torque 4 Torque(float)

0x21 Current 4 Current(float)

0x22 Voltage 4 Volt(float)

0x23 Duty 4 Duty(float)

0x24 Trigger ID 1 Trigger ID(uint8_t)

0x25 Temperature 4 Temp(float)

0x26 Supply Voltage 4 Volt(float)

0x27 Reset Angle 1 data(uint8_t)

0x28 Trigger 1 data(uint8_t)

0x29 Factory Reset 1 data(uint8_t)

0x2A Reboot 1 data(uint8_t)

0x2B Status 1 data(uint8_t)

0x2C Error Code 1 data(uint8_t)

0x2D Feedback 1 data(uint8_t)

0x2E LED 2 data(uint8_t)

0x2F Angle to



P 4 Param(float)

0x30 I 4 Param(float)

0x31 D 4 Param(float)

0x32 P 4 Param(float)

0x33 I 4 Param(float)

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Speed to



D 4 Param(float)

0x35 KT 4 Param(float)

0x36 Motor Inductance 4 Param(float)

0x37 Motor Resistance 4 Param(float)

0x38 Current to



P 4 Param(float)

0x39 I 4 Param(float)

0x3A D 4 Param(float)

0x3B KV 4 Param(float)

0x3C Deadband 4 Param(float)

0x3D Punch 4 Param(float)




MaxAngle 4 Angle(float)

0x3F MinAngle 4 Angle(float)

0x40 AbsMaxSpeed 4 Speed(float)

0x41 AbsMaxAcceleration 4 Accel(float)

0x42 AbsMaxTorque 4 Torque(float)

0x43 AbsMaxCurrent 4 Current(float)

0x44 AbsMaxVoltage 4 Volt(float)

0x45 MaxTemperature 4 Temp(float)

0x46 MinTemperature 4 Temp(float)

0x47 Angle Resolution 4 Angle(float)

0x48 Positive Angle Direction 1 data(uint8_t)

0x48 to





Target Values

(Active) 6

Parameter Code(uint8_t),


0x7B Target Values



Parameter Code(uint8_t),


Trigger ID(uint8_t)

0x7C Max Values

(Active) 28

MaxAngle to


0x7D Max Values



MaxAngle to



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0x7E Present Values

(Active) 28 Angle to Duty(float)

0x7F Captured Values 28 Angle to Duty(float)

0x80 Table Direct


Pointer 1 data(uint8_t)

0x81 Data N

Command codes can either separately or collectively access the parameters used for

transfer functions for motor control. Figure 4-3 shows the relationship between the command

codes and the control parameters to be accessed. In order to access maximum values (Max

Values) or present values (Present Values), use the command codes corresponding to their

respective parameters. For example, the command codes for the maximum angle and the

present angle are “0x05” and “0x16”, respectively; in order to collectively read from or write

to multiple parameters for maximum values (Max Values (Active)), “0x7E” must be used as

the command code. To access present values (Target Values), use two types of command

codes. The first command code specifies the type of the target parameter (0: angle, 1: speed,

2: torque, 3: current, 4: voltage, 5: duty, etc.), and the other one specifies the target value

itself. For example, in order to perform speed control at 60 rpm, use the command code

“0x00” to specify the type of the target parameter and then use the command code “0x01” to

specify the target value. The motor module inputs the target value through only one transfer

function according to the type of the target parameter.

Some command codes access a parameter by specifying the address on the control table,

like a conventional command servo. Specifically, you can use the command code “0x80” to

specify the location to be accessed on the module control table and then use the command

code “0x81” to transfer the desired size of data. The access positon is automatically

incremented to sequentially store the data in the control table.

Command codes are common to motors that support the Control API. This makes it possible

to use the same command codes even for different types or models of motors, eliminating

the need for changes to programs. Also, this makes it easier to substitute a motor with a

different maximum output or of a different type according to the circumstances.

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Figure 4-3 Command Codes and Accessed Control Parameters

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5 Modules

Various modules, such as motor modules, sensor modules, and battery modules, are

planned to be provided.

5.1 Motor Modules

There are various types of motor modules such as a DC motor module and an AC motor


5.1.1 DC Motor Module

Control Table

The motor module refers to values on the control table to control a motor. They can be

rewritten through serial communication with the control table. Figure 5-1 shows the control


RAM/FLASH: Values in RAM are returned to the initial values each time the power is

turned on. Those in FLASH are retained even after the power is turned on.

Index: Indicates the parameter position. To directly access the control table, use

Index values.

Initial value: Values to which parameters are set by power-up or factory reset.

Figure 5-1 Control Table





(byte) Initial Value


0 Target



Parameter Type uint8_t (1) 0

1 Parameter float (4) 0

2 Target



Parameter Type uint8_t (1) 0

3 Parameter float (4) 0

4 Trigger ID uint8_t (1) 0

5 Max Value


MaxAngle float (4) ∞

6 MinAngle float (4) -∞

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7 AbsMaxSpeed float (4) 8700

8 AbsMaxAcceleration float (4) ∞

9 AbsMaxTorque float (4) 0.6504

10 AbsMaxCurrent float (4) 2.35

11 AbsMaxVoltage float (4) 30

12 AbsMaxDuty float (4) 125


Max Value


MaxAngle float (4) ∞

14 MinAngle float (4) -l

15 AbsMaxSpeed float (4) 8700

16 AbsMaxAcceleration float (4) ∞

17 AbsMaxTorque float (4) 0.6504

18 AbsMaxCurrent float (4) 2.35

19 AbsMaxVoltage float (4) 30

20 AbsMaxDuty float (4) 125

21 Trigger ID uint8_t (1) ∞





Angle float (4) 0

23 Speed float (4) 0

24 Acceleration float (4) 0

25 Torque float (4) 0

26 Current float (4) 0

27 Voltage float (4) 0

28 Duty float (4) 0




Angle float (4) 0

30 Speed float (4) 0

31 Acceleration float (4) 0

32 Torque float (4) 0

33 Current float (4) 0

34 Voltage float (4) 0

35 Duty float (4) 0

36 Trigger ID uint8_t (1) 0

37 Temperature float (4) 0

38 Supply Voltage float (4) 0

39 Reset Angle float (4) 0

40 Trigger uint8_t (1) 0

41 Factory Reset uint8_t (1) 0

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42 Reboot uint8_t (1) 0

43 Status uint8_t (1) 0

44 Error Code uint8_t (1) 0

45 Feedback uint8_t (1) 0

46 LED uint8_t (1) 0


47 Angle to



P float (4) 15

48 I float (4) 0

49 D float (4) 0

50 Speed to



P float (4) 0.06

51 I float (4) 0.025

52 D float (4) 0

53 KT float (4) 0.02479

54 Motor Inductance float (4) 0

55 Motor Resistance float (4) 0

56 Current to



P float (4) 5

57 I float (4) 500

58 D float (4) 0

59 KV float (4) 0.02479

60 Deadband float (4) 5

61 Punch float (4) 0




MaxAngle float (4) ∞

63 MinAngle float (4) -∞

64 AbsMaxSpeed float (4) 8700

65 AbsMaxAcceleration float (4) ∞

66 AbsMaxTorque float (4) 0.6504

67 AbsMaxCurrent float (4) 2.35

68 AbsMaxVoltage float (4) 30

69 MaxTemperature float (4) 125

70 MinTemperature float (4) -40

71 Angle Resolution float (4) 5

72 Positive Angle Direction uint8_t (1) 0

73 Encoder Slit Count uint8_t (1) 100

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Control Line Diagram

Figure 5-2 shows a control line diagram.

Figure 5-2 Control Line Diagram

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