
Motivation Motivation – All the processes involved in starting, directing, and maintaining physical and psychological activities

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  • Motivation Motivation All the processes involved in starting, directing, and maintaining physical and psychological activities.
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  • Types of Motivation Drive Biologically instigated motivation. Hunger Thirst Reproduction
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  • Types of Motivation Motive An internal mechanism that selects and directs behavior. The term motive is often used in the narrower sense of a motivational process that is learned, rather than biologically based (as are drives).
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  • Types of Motivation Intrinsic Motivation The desire to engage in an activity for its own sake, rather than for some external consequence, such as a reward.
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  • Types of Motivation Extrinsic Motivation The desire to engage in an activity to achieve an external consequence, such as a reward.
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  • Types of Motivation Conscious Motivation Having the desire to engage in an activity and being aware of the desire.
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  • Types of Motivation Unconscious motivation Having a desire to engage in an activity but being consciously unaware of the desire. Remember Freuds psychoanalytic theory emphasized unconscious motivation.
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  • Theories of Motivation Instinct Theory The now-outmoded view that certain behaviors are completely determined by innate factors. Flawed because it overlooked the effects of learning and because it employed instincts merely as labels, rather than as explanations for behavior.
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  • Theories of Motivation Fixed-action Patterns Genetically based behaviors, seen across a species, that can be set off by a specific stimulus. The concept of fixed action patters has replaced the older notion of instinct.
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  • Theories of Motivation Drive Theory Need In drive theory, a need is a biological imbalance (such as dehydration) that threatens survival if the need is left unmet. Biological needs are believed to produce drives. Homeostasis The bodys tendency to maintain a biologically balanced condition, especially with regard to nutrients, water, and temperature.
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  • Theories of Motivation Cognitive Theory Motivation is a result of learning and thinking Locus of Control An individuals sense of where his or her life influences originate internally or externally.
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  • Theories of Motivation Maslows Humanistic Theory Said humans act on their most pressing needs, which are organized in a natural hierarchy. Hierarchy of Needs The notion that needs occur in priority order, with biological needs as the most basic.
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  • Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
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  • Achievement Motivation Need for Achievement A mental state that produces a psychological motive to excel or to reach some goal.
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  • Cross Cultural Perspective on achievement Individualism The view, common in the Euro- American world, that places a high value on individual achievement and distinction. Collectivism The view, common in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, that values group loyalty and pride over individual distinction.
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  • Hunger & Thirst Motivation Set Point - Refers to the tendency of the body to maintain a certain level of body fat and body weight. Volumetric Thirst A drop in extracellular fluid levels (fluid outside the cells in your body, as in the blood). Osmotic Thirst A drop in intracellular fluid levels (fluids that move through the cell walls of your body and escaped in the form of sweat, urine, feces, mucus, and moisture.)
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  • Sexual Motivation Sexual Response Cycle The four-stage sequence of arousal, plateau, orgasm, and resolution occurring in both men and women. Sexual Cues Sexual Scripts Socially learned ways of responding in sexual situations.
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  • Motives in Conflict Approach-Approach Conflict A conflict in which one must choose between two equally attractive options.
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  • Motives in Conflict Approach-Avoidance Conflict A conflict in which there are both appealing and negative aspects to the decision to be made.
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  • Motives in Conflict Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict A conflict in which one has to choose between two equally unattractive options.
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  • Motives in Conflict Multiple Approach-Avoidance Conflict A conflict in which one must choose between options that have both many attractive and many negative aspects.
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  • How and Why do we Experience Stress? Stress A physical and mental response to a challenging or threatening situation. Stressor A stressful stimulus, a condition demanding adaptation.
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  • Traumatic Stressors Traumatic Stressors A situation that threatens ones physical safety, arousing feelings of fear, horror, or helplessness. Catastrophes Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Delayed stress reaction in which an individual involuntarily reexperiences emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of past trauma.
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  • Physical Stress Response Initial Arousal Protective behavioral reaction, usually in the form of fight or flight. Internal responses of the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system. A decrease in the effectiveness of the immune system.
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  • Arousal Acute Stress A temporary pattern of stressor- activated arousal with a distinct onset and limited duration. Example House is on Fire Chronic Stress Continuous stressful arousal persisting over time. Example Financial or relationship problems.
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  • Fight or Flight Fight or Flight Response Sequence of internal processes preparing an organism for struggle or escape.
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  • The General Adaptation Syndrome General Adaptation Syndrome Pattern of general physical responses that take essentially the same form in responding to any serious chronic stressor. Three Stages Alarm Reaction Stage of Resistance Stage of Exhaustion
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  • The General Adaptation Syndrome Alarm Reaction First stage of the GAS, during which the body mobilizes its resources to cope with a stressor.
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  • The General Adaptation Syndrome Stage of Resistance Second stage of the GAS, during which the body adapts to and uses resources to cope with a stressor.
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  • The General Adaptation Syndrome Stage of Exhaustion Third stage of the GAS, during which the body depletes its resources in responding to an ongoing stressor.
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  • The General Adaptation Syndrome Tend-and-befriend Model Stress response model proposing that females are biologically predisposed to respond to threat by nurturing and protecting offspring and seeking social support.
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  • Stress and the Immune System Psychoneuroimmunology Multidisciplinary field that studies the influence of mental states on the immune system. Cytokines Hormonelike chemicals facilitating communication between brain and immune system.
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  • Type A vs. Type B Type A Behavior patterns characterized by intense, angry, competitive, or perfectionistic responses to challenging situations. Type B Behavior patterns characterized by relaxed, unstressed approaches to life.
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  • Learned Helplessness Learned Helplessness Pattern of failure to respond to noxious stimuli after an organism learns its responses are ineffective.
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