Motivation Let Eris t

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  • 7/25/2019 Motivation Let Eris t


    I would like to apply for Post Doctoral Mobility for Research in University of Limerick,

    Ireland. In this letter I would like to briey outline the main motivations of my application to

    the concerned authorities and respectful professors to allowin! me to avail this opportunity

    in support of my future career after reali"in! the wider scope and facilities of research on

    earth#uake monitorin!.

    I had been researchin! on the topic of $%arth#uake &eneratin! Mechanism and

    %arth#uake 'arnin! (ystem Desi!n) as part of my Ph.D. dissertation topic since my

    under!raduate years with specialists in this *eld. I *rst met with my *rst supervisor, Dr +m

    Prakash Mishra, (enior &eophysicst, &eolo!ical (urvey of India and one of the !reatest

    stalwarts of seismolo!y in India. e identi*ed the fact that I wanted to pursue this as a full

    time research activity. e a!reed and in order to formulate my need for hi!her study as a

    Ph.D. (cholar personally met Dr Mrinal -anti askar, Professor, %lectronics and /ele0

    1ommunication %n!ineerin!, 2adavpur University, -olkata in +ctober, 3445. /o live with my"est for hard0core research 6oined 2adavpur University as a full time research fellow for

    takin! this pro6ect further. Initially in order to be an eli!ible candidate for Ph.D. in

    %n!ineerin!, I took up courses and modules for PhD #uali*cation e#uivalent to Post

    !raduation course related to neural network, fu""y e7pert system and other rule based

    induction methods under 2adavpur University, -olkata. I have recently submitted my

    dissertation on the topic $%arth#uake &eneratin! Mechanism and %arth#uake 'arnin!

    (ystem Desi!n) and time by conductin! a thorou!h and detailed study of the past and

    present earth#uake 8 seismicity catalo!ues as the earth#uake precursors are found to be

    valid in a re!ion which have an anomalous e9ect prior to and durin! earth#uake. /he

    physical analysis of computational models are based on three aspects which are the

    phenomenolo!ical analysis of !eo0scienti*c observations: data de*nition and validation

    throu!h continuous time si!nals from IRI(, U(&(, IMD, (;;R1, Mo%(, %(; observatories

    based on catalo!s , acceleration0time series data, radon count analysis, satellite ima!e,

    earth rotation data and synthetic location data used in validatin! and testin! earth#uake

    models. /he variations of the stress *eld precede the main shock by days up to months

    tri!!er the role of faults in re!ional deformation. In the later meta0instability sta!es,

    instability leadin! to an impendin! earth#uake event is based on the dynamic variation

    associated with meta0instability sta!e is practical indicator of the e7pansion, accelerated

    e7pansion and linka!e of nucleation models that !ive tested approach for earth#uake

    forecastin! called (ystem of !eodynamic monitorin! in localness, radon behavior models

    and rotation of the earth to observe the di9erence in the rate of acceleration or de0

    acceleration of the tectonic plate prior to a me!a0thrust earth#uake usin! earth rotation

  • 7/25/2019 Motivation Let Eris t


    data for the 34 %ner!y, University of Limerick work in the !eneral area of

    computational modellin! and statistical physics and we have speci*cally worked in the

    modellin! and analysis of earth#uakes. My study on earth#uake forecast methodolo!y is the

    determination of a slip0dependent law, will be hi!hly bene*ted throu!h my e7perience at UL

    via the resources of the University)s Material and (urface (cience Institute ad interaction

    with 1orcoran and 1lancy who have e7perience in computational modellin! can be met

    within the Department, published on ?1lancy > 1orcoran, Phys. Rev. % 54, 4

  • 7/25/2019 Motivation Let Eris t


    results alon! with 1lancy ad 1orcoran at international conferences, attend re!ular

    workshops and #uality improvement pro!rammers and publish them in peer0reviewed

    6ournals. ;s an individual I have !ood communication skills, I have a !ood adaptability and I

    am open to new challen!es to develop myself and push my limits further. /his forei!n post

    doctoral scholarship of @ months which I hope can be e7tended to