Mother's Day Brunch $16.95 per person. àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Entrée Choice of one. Egg Bake Choice of SPINACH OR BACON layered Italian bread, eggs, cheddar & onions. Vegetable Fritatta NGI Crustless fritatta with squash, zucchini, peppers, onions & cheddar cheese French Toast Bake topped with fresh blueberries àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Salads Choice of one. Strawberry Spinach Salad NGI baby spinach, gorgonzola, strawberries & citrus dressing Citrus Mint Fruit Salad NGI ´ seasonal fruit & fresh mint ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Also Includes Roasted Potato Medley NGI ´ sweet, red & chef potatoes roasted with Italian seasonings & olive oil ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Bread Choice of one. Banana Nut Bread with walnuts & chocolate chunks Gluten Free Blueberry Muffin R from Dee's One Smart Cookie (add $2) Cheddar Bagel made from scratch! Croissants mini butter croissant Please place all orders by Wednesday, May 6th. Call 860.757.3052 to order. Pick up orders Saturday, May 9th, between 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. Please specify order pick up location when ordering. NGI - no gluten-containing ingredients V - vegan DF - dairy free 860.757.3052 lapiastra.com [email protected] Bring brunch to Mom this year! Give Mom some time off from cooking with a Gift Card!

Mother's Day Brunch Per Person - lapiastra.comTitle: Mother's Day Brunch Per Person Author: imenupro.com Subject: iMenuPro Menu -- 21 (v10) Created Date: 4/28/2020 7:10:27 PM

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Page 1: Mother's Day Brunch Per Person - lapiastra.comTitle: Mother's Day Brunch Per Person Author: imenupro.com Subject: iMenuPro Menu -- 21 (v10) Created Date: 4/28/2020 7:10:27 PM

Mother's Day Brunch

$16.95 per person.

àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà EntréeChoice of one.

Egg BakeChoice of SPINACH OR BACON layered

Ital ian bread, eggs, cheddar & onions.

Vegetable Fritatta NGICrustless fr itatta with squash,

zucchini , peppers, onions & cheddar


French Toast Baketopped with fresh blueberries

àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà SaladsChoice of one.

Strawberry Spinach Salad NGIbaby spinach, gorgonzola, strawberries & citrus dressing

Citrus Mint Fruit Salad NGI´seasonal fruit & fresh mint

ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Also IncludesRoasted Potato Medley NGI´

sweet, red & chef potatoes roasted with Ital ian seasonings & ol ive oi l

ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà BreadChoice of one.

Banana Nut Breadwith walnuts & chocolate chunks

Gluten Free Blueberry MuffinRfrom Dee's One Smart Cookie (add $2)

Cheddar Bagelmade from scratch!

Croissantsmini butter croissant

Please place all orders by Wednesday, May 6th.Call 860.757.3052 to order.

Pick up orders Saturday, May 9th, between 12 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Please specify order pick up location when ordering.

NGI - no gluten-containing ingredients V - vegan DF - dairy free

860.757.3052 lapiastra.com [email protected]

Bring brunch to Mom this year!

Give Mom some time off from cooking with a Gift Card!

Page 2: Mother's Day Brunch Per Person - lapiastra.comTitle: Mother's Day Brunch Per Person Author: imenupro.com Subject: iMenuPro Menu -- 21 (v10) Created Date: 4/28/2020 7:10:27 PM

Mother's Day Dinner

Package Price Per Person Based on Entrée Choice.àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Entrée

Choice of one.

Chicken Picattaonions, capers &

lemon white wine sauce


Eggplant Towereggplant, fresh mozzarel la & tomato

over angel hair pasta with pesto


Bruschetta Grilled Chicken NGIherb marinated chicken topped with

tomato, mozzarel la & basi l


Baked Stuffed Shrimpwith sautéed butter crackers, shal lots,

celery & garl ic mashed potatoes


Salmon w/ Tomatoes & Onions NGIRroasted salmon with tomatoes & onions


àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà SaladsChoice of one.

Caesar Salad NGIparmesan cheese, parmesan crisp &

Caesar dressing

Chopped Salad NGI´carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes & ginger


Strawberry Spinach Salad NGIbaby spinach, gorgonzola, strawberries & citrus dressing

ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Also IncludesRoasted Vegetable Risotto NGI

with zucchini , squash, red onion, bel l pepper & parmesan cheese

Rosemary Focacciatopped with rosemary, garl ic & sea salt

Please place all orders by Wednesday, May 6th.Call 860.757.3052 to order.

Pick up orders Saturday, May 9th, between 12 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Please specify order pick up location when ordering.

NGI - no gluten-containing ingredients V - vegan DF - dairy free

860.757.3052 lapiastra.com [email protected]

Bring dinner to Mom this year!

Give Mom some time off from cooking with a Gift Card!