Mother Goose

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The Mother GooseThe Players now have Barfly in bound and gagged. She is aware of their intent to gather information but she will not allow them anything as she knows her allies will come to free her or kill her. Either way she knows they will suffer for this. A little old man comes into the library looking for books about magical creatures. He checks out all the books he can. He will leave information that he will be in the local park over the next few weeks preforming for children an old fashion story telling of magical creatures. At the Anime story the little girl returns looking for more stuff about unicorns. She will talk more about how big her unicorn has gotten. She calls him ShiKagayaki Mr. Bubbles. While she is there the old man from the library will come in with fliers about his storytelling in the park. He will ask if he can put up fliers for people to pick up.At the yoga studio mothers will be talking about his storyteller in the park. They will talk about how great this idea is and how they are going to take their children to it. One says she hopes its going to be kid friendly. Other mothers reassure her that it should be kid friendly.The local city park calls for some landscaping to be done and benches to be brought in for this Storyteller in the Park. They will want enough space set aside to accommodate the expected crowd. Local cart vendors are in need of stock from the neighborhood distribute such has toys and magical creatures to sell but they need it so fast that the local distributor wants the deliver to be over seen because what is not sold needs to be quickly returned. Day One The park is ready the small stage is done and the crowd has gathered. Local news media has shown up to record the event as the old fashion storyteller returns to Fuji. The Old man will come out dressed as a feudal time storyteller. Here me children, there is a story to tell, One about a lovely young woman from a land not so far away. The childrens eyes light up and all seem entranced. He will go on about how the young woman was part of a magical kingdom where they lived in peace. But one day the evil witches and wizards stole her from her family and locked her up in a tower. But the magical creatures from her kingdom where not going to let that be, as they got together and one by one attempted to save her. The first brave magical creature is the Inugami the guarding dog. Sent from the magical kingdom the dog searched throughout the forest for the woman. Odd monsters lurked in the trees screeching and screaming at the dog. But he was no afraid. A small monster approached the dog; brave as he was he never thought such a small monster could be so evil. The little monster started attacking him, beating him with sticks and stones. The Dog defended himself and slain the little monster. It was not long after that did the evil witches and wizards send out their dark warriors. He faced the dark warriors but his bravery did not save him and he was slain. With last breath he howls out to his kingdom.Back in his kingdom the other magical creatures heard of his brave deeds and other creatures wished to help. Genbu was the next to attempt to save the woman. The black turtle did not fear the monsters of the city and was able to slay any that attempted to attack him. He knew that the larger ones would fear him but the smaller ones were much more dangerous for they knew no fear. He battles the little monster as he went from trail to trail leaving them as examples for other that he was not something to quarrel with. The evil witches and wizards sent out their warriors, but Genbu was ready for them. They battled in the forest but Genbu was not fast enough to win. The old man stops the story and told the children the rest of the story will be next week when he returns. Local media will interview him as the crowd begins to leave. The children are all about themselves wanting to know what will happen next.The next day the players will hear that a strange dog has attacked and killed a child. Witness state the large odd looking dog was going down the street and a child started to hit the dog with sticks and stones. The dog quickly killed the child leaving a scene of carnage. The mages of the city will sense there is more to the story and will send out the players to track the beast and put it down. The beast will found in an alleyway which when the beast is confronted will have no choice but to put it down. Inugami

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 1, Stealth 2Willpower: 3Health Levels: OK, -1 x 2, -3, -5, IncapacitatedArmor Rating: 0Attacks: Bite for 4 dice; claw for 2 diceMove: 7/28Legendary Powers: Acute Smell (3), Healing Lick (3), Human Speech, Information Font, Mesmerism (3), Nightsight, Shapechanger (3), Soul-Sense, Spirit Vision

This beast is not a spirit as thought but a bestial bygone. The players if have not realized the connection from the story to the animal will have another chance the next day.

On the fourth day the players will hear that a large black turtle is terrorizing the streets. It has killed over five children. Its moving at unnatural speeds and is clearly not normal. The lead detective of the city has routed all reports about the event away so that the players can deal with it.

On the scene the black turtle is over five feet tall and angry. It is found in a tea house. The players once more will have no other choice but to put it down.


Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 3, Stamina 6Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Stealth 3Willpower: 5Health Levels: OK x 2, -1 x 2, -3 x 2, IncapacitatedArmor Rating: 2Attacks: Bite for 6 dice; tail lash for 4.Move: 5/26/10Legendary Powers: Armor (2), Death-Sense, Mesmerism (6), Water-Breathing (3)

After the fight the technocrats will clear the scene and have the events chocked up to being a drunk driver who went out of control who shot himself.

This beast too is a bestial Bygone. Now its clear that the storyteller has some connection to the events that are unfolding. The players will find it impossible to locate this guy but know he will be back in the park for the next reading.

On the day of the reading the storytellers stuff will precede him but not the story he is reading. If anyone goes through his stuff they will find that there is nothing there but books checked out from the library.

If the players allow the Storyteller to go on so they can see if he is using magick they will find no connection or magickal effects on him. He will start the next part of the story. They can question him but he will say that he is only a simple storyteller by trade and wonders from town to town showing off his skill and when between towns he meets with random people and ask them about stories he might be able to use. The last one he met gave him this story but cant remember anything about whom or where that person is.

The kingdom heard of his great battle but was sadden by his loss. They decided to send out the great Basan the Fire breathing Chicken. Basan was not sent to find the woman but to defeat the dark warriors. It roamed the forest for hours looking for them knowing that the monsters of the city would not be able to see it. Basan found them and battled with them but the Dark Warriors were too strong and Basan was slain. The Kingdom was greatly saddened as their great fire breathing chicken was slain in battle. Hope was all but gone until the great and powerful Komainu the stone guardian dog came forth and took on the challenge. Together they set forth into the forest to save the woman ready to slay the dark warriors and defeat the evil witches and wizards. The old man stops the story and told the children the rest of the story will be next week when he returns. Local media will interview him a second time as the crowd begins to leave. The children are all about themselves wanting to know what will happen next.The players will now know that the next beast is going to be a giant chicken that breathe fire which should not be hard to find before it causes any problems. On the 3rd night at around 2am the players will be awoken by the sound of a giant chicken. This chicken is unable to be seen by non-awaken and is looking for the players.Basan

Attributes: Strength 12, Dexterity 10, Stamina 10, Charisma 5, Manipulation 8, Appearance 6, Perception 4, Intelligence 6, Wits 6Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 2, Brawl 5, Beast Lore (Dragons) 4, Culture 2, Intimidation 9, Wild Hunting 6Element: Metal (Temperamental warrior)Willpower: 8Health Levels: OK x 7, -1x7, -3x5, -5x3, IncapacitatedArmor Rating: 4Attacks/Powers: Bite or claw for Str. + 3 dice, tail-lash for Str. + 2 dice; Acute Senses (1), Alien Appearance (5), Armor (4), Fearlessness (3), Hazardous Breath (fire; 5-10 dice of aggravated damage), Mesmerism (6), Past Life Background (4), Size (10), Spirit Vision, Treasure Background (3), Years Background (3)

Once the Basan is defeated the players will have no problems until the next reading. Still without any point of origins the players can see that the beasts are heading to where Barfly is going. If confronted about whats going on Barfly will say Sounds like youre in a fairytale. If her mind is read she will think of an old woman who looks like an Asian mother goose sitting in a cottage in the woods by a waterfall. The water fall will be well known as the Shiraito Falls a 30 min drive by car. The players will find the cottage and a Komainu who is listening to the woman, before the Komainu leaves the player can intervene. The players can attempt to convince the Komainu that what its about to do is wrong and not to follow the story that was told. The old woman will yell they are the Dark Warriors kill them Players can choose to fight or try to convince the Komainu that statement is not true. (Diff 8)Komainu Attributes: Strength 7, Dexterity 6, Stamina6, Charisma 6, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4,Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 5, Awareness 3, Brawl 3, Culture 1, Intimidation 4, Linguistics 3, Wild Hunting 3Element: Wood (Stout defender)Willpower: 7Health Levels: OK x 3, -1 x 3, -3 x 2, -5, IncapacitatedArmor Rating: 3Attacks/Powers: Bite for Str. + 3 dice, claw for Str. + 2 dice; Acute Senses (3), Acute Smell (2), Alien Appearance (3), Allies Background (5; temple residents), Armor (1), Bond-Sharing (4), Compulsion (4; Uphold Your Word), Enhancement, Healing Lick (3), Human Speech, Mystick Shield (1), Spirit Vision

Once the Komainu has been dealt with the old woman will attempt to sneak away. If she is caught and question she will say I dont care what you do to me you will only fuel my success. Players can look around the cottage and will find lots of witchcraft tools and books about mythical creatures. Behind the cottage there will be a huge summoning circle where she brought the bygones through. The players will see she had a message written about Barfly in Fuji along with a picture of barfly. And a cryptic spell that refers to a Atomic Spirit.

If question about barfly she will quickly start thinking about a great and dark force coming down Mount Fuji towards her. She will say to them Soon you will all fall apart. The Players can escort her back to the holding location where they have Barfly if they want too. Stripped of her tools she is harmless.

The Technocracy will create a holding cell for the two nephinda women. This location will be accessible by genetic and voice password.