most Common sAt Vocabulary Words Test Prefix, Root, and Suffix Challenge • Part Eighteen ____________________________________ DIRECTIONS: Read the vocabulary words below, followed by their basic definition. Below each word, fill out any and all prefixes, roots, or suffixes found within each vocabulary word to test your knowledge of the most commonly used words in the SAT exam. _________________________________________________ 1. ABSTRACT: a summary (noun), to remove (verb) 2. ACHILLES' HEEL: : a weakness list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes 3. ADULATION: : excessive praise or flattery list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes 4. ALOFT: : up in the air, high list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes 5. ANALOGY: : similarity or comparison list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes 6. APOCRYPHAL: doubtful, not authentic list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes 7. ARBITRARY: partial, biased list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes 8. ASTRINGENT: substance that contracts blood vessels or shrinks tissues list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes 9. AUGUR: to predict list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes 10. BAWDY: indecent, humorously obscene list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes list any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

most Common sAt Vocabulary Words Test Prefix, Root, and Suffix …thegruberinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf/SAT... · 2018. 9. 24. · most Common sAt Vocabulary Words Test Prefix,

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  • most Common sAt Vocabulary Words Test

    Prefix, Root, and Suffix Challenge• Part Eighteen •

    ____________________________________DIRECTIONS: Read the vocabulary words below, followed by their basic definition. Below each word, fill out any and all prefixes, roots,

    or suffixes found within each vocabulary word to test your knowledge of the most commonly used words in the SAT exam.


    1. ABSTRACT: a summary (noun), to remove (verb)

    2. ACHILLES' HEEL: : a weakness

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    3. ADULATION: : excessive praise or flattery

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    4. ALOFT: : up in the air, high

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    5. ANALOGY: : similarity or comparison

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    6. APOCRYPHAL: doubtful, not authentic

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    7. ARBITRARY: partial, biased

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    8. ASTRINGENT: substance that contractsblood vessels or shrinks tissues

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    9. AUGUR: to predict

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    10. BAWDY: indecent, humorously obscene

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

  • 11. BETROTHED: : engaged, pledged to marry

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    19. CONDESCEND: to lower oneself to an inferior's level

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    12. BLEAK: : unsheltered, gloomy

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    20. CONSOLIDATE: to combine, to make or become solid

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    13. BOURGEOISIE: : middle class

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    21. COSMIC: pertaining to the universe, vast

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    14. CANON: rule, law, standard

    15. CARRION: : decaying flesh

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    16. CHASTISE: : to punish, to purify

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    17. COHERENT: : logically connected, consistent

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    18. COMPASSION: : pity, sympathy

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    22. CRUX: the essential part

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    23. DECIPHER: decode, figure out the meaning of

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    24. DEMAGOGUE: a popular leader who appeals to the emotions

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    25. DEPLORE: to regret

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    26. DEVIOUS: sly, underhand

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

  • 27. DISINTER: to uncover, to dig up

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    35. EXPEDITE: to speed up, to make easy

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    28. DISSUADE: : to advise or urge against

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    36. FATALISTIC: believing that all thingsin life are inevitable

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    29. DOWNTRODDEN: : trampled on, suppressed

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    37. FETTER: to confine, to put into chains

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    30. EFFETE: worn-out, barren

    31. EMBRYONIC: : undeveloped, in an early stage

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    32. ENTOURAGE: : a group of personalattendants

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    33. ERR: to make a mistake

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    34. EXACT: : accurate (adjective), to demandor to require (verb)

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    38. FRAILTY: a weakness, a defect

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    39. FRUITION: fulfillment, realization

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    40. GARGANTUAN: gigantic, huge

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    41. GENESIS: origin, beginning

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    42. GRANARY: a storehouse for grain

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

  • 43. GUSTO: hearty enjoyment

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    51. INADVERTENT: unintentional

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    44. HARBINGER: : an omen or sign

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    52. INEVITABLE: unavoidable, sure to happen

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    45. HERBIVOROUS : : feeding on vegetation

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    53. INSATIABLE: unable to be satisfied

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    46. HOLOCAUST: complete destruction

    47. HUSBANDRY: : the science of raising crops, careful management

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    48. ILLITERATE: : uneducated

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    49. IMMACULATE: : spotless, pure

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    50. IMPEDIMENT:: a barrier, an obstruction

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    54. INTRINSIC: essential, pertaining toa necessary part of something

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    55. IRREVOCABLE: final, unchangeable

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    56. JOCOSE: joking, humorous

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    57. KINETIC: pertaining to motion

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    58. LATERAL: to the side, sideways

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

  • 59. LICENTIOUS: : lawless, immoral, lewd

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    67. NEUTRALIZE: to make ineffective, to counteract

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    60. LUDICROUS: : ridiculous

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    68. NIGGLE: to spend excessive time on unimportant details

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    61. MALCONTENT: : one who is dissatisfied

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    69. OBSESS: to control the thoughts orfeelings of a person

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    62. MAUL: to injure, to handle roughly

    63. MIRAGE: : an apparition or illusion

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    64. MONASTIC: : pertaining to a monk, self-denying

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    65. MUDDLE: : to confuse, to mix up

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    66. MYOPIC: : nearsighted, having a limited point of view

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    70. OMEN: an event that indicates the future

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    71. OSTENSIBLE: apparent, conspicuous

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    72. PARAMETER: boundary, limits

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    73. PATRIMONY: inherited right, heritage

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    74. PERIPHERY: outside boundary, unimportant aspects of a subject

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

  • 75. PISCINE: : of or like a fish

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    83. RENAL: pertaining to the kidneys

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    76. PREDICATE: : to declare, to assert

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    84. RESIDUE: that which remains

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    77. PROD: : to urge, to poke or jab

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    85. RHETORICAL: concerned with merestyle or effect

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    78. PROSCRIBE: to denounce, exile

    79. PUNDIT: : a learned man, an expert or authority

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    80. QUASI: : resembling, seeming

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    81. RATIONALIZE: : to make an excuse for

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    82. RECOUNT: : to tell or relate, as a story

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    86. SAGACIOUS: wise

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    87. SEDENTARY: sitting most of the time

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    88. SLATTERN: an untidy woman

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    89. SERPENTINE: winding

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    90. SOVEREIGN: a monarch or othersupreme ruler

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

  • 91. STILTED: : artificially formal

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    94. TACTICS: plan, method, strategy

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    92. SUBVERSIVE: : tending to overthrowor undermine

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    95. TENDENTIOUS: biased, favoring a cause

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    93. SURFEIT: : an excessive amount

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    96. TORPID: inactive, sluggish

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    97. TRENCHANT: keen or incisive, vigorous, effective

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    98. UNSEEMLY: not in good taste

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    99. VAGRANT: : a homeless person, awanderer

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    102. VOLATILE: unstable, explosive

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    100. VIABLE: : capable of living, workable,practicable

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    103. WASTREL: a spendthrift, one who wastes

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    101. VISCOUS: : sticky

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    104. WAX: to grow in size or intensity

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    105. WILY: tricky, sly

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

    106. WIZENED: withered, shriveled

    list any prefixes, roots, or suffixeslist any prefixes, roots, or suffixes

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