Most Common Ophthalmology

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1.The most common example ofrecognition phenomenon is identification of faces.2.Spectacles prescription has been the mostcommonly employed method of correcting aphakia,especially in developing countries.3. Corneal astigmatism is the result of abnormalitiesof curvature of cornea. It constitutes the mostcommon cause of astigmatism.4. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common causeof bacterial conjunctivitis and blepharoconjunctivitis.5. Moraxella lacunate (Moraxella Axenfeld bacillus)is most common cause of angular conjunctivitisand angular blepharoconjunctivitis.6. Acute mucopurulent conjunctivitis is the mostcommon type of acute bacterial conjunctivitis.7. OPHTHALMIA NEONATORUMDuring birth. It is the most common mode ofinfection from the infected birth canal especiallywhen the child is born with face presentation orwith forceps.8. Tuberculous proteins were considered,previously, as the most common cause.In GIANT PAPILLARY CONJUNCTIVITIS (GPC)

9. Simple phylctenular conjunctivitis. It is the mostcommonly seen variety.10. Trauma. It is the most common cause ofsubconjunctival haemorrhage.11. The fungi more commonly responsible for mycoticcorneal ulcers are Aspergillus (most common),Candida and Fusarium).12. Acycloguanosine (Aciclovir) 3 percent ointment:5 times a day until ulcer heals and then 3 timesa day for 5 days. It is least toxic and mostcommonly used antiviral drug.13. Conjunctivitis is one of the most commoncomplication of herpes zoster.14. Epithelial basement membrane dystrophyAlso known as Cogan's microcystic dystrophy andmap-dot finger print dystrophy, is the most commonof all corneal dystrophies seen in working age adults.15. Autoimmune collagen disorders, especiallyrheumatoid arthritis, is the most commonassociation.: scleritis16. Malignant melanoma of choroidIt is the most common primary intraocular tumour ofadults, usually seen between 40-70 years of age.17. NaevusIt is the most common lesion of the iris.18. Lamellar or Zonular cataract refer to the developmentalcataract in which the opacity occupies a discrete zonein the lens. It is the most common type of congenitalcataract presenting with visual impairment.19. Atopic dermatitis isthe most common cutaneous disease associated withcataract (Atopic cataract).20. Continuous circular capsulorrhexis (CCC).Recently this is the most commonly performedProcedure : CONVENTIONAL EXTRACAPSULARCATARACT EXTRACTION Anterior capsulotomy.21. Delivery of the nucleus outside through thecorneo-scleral tunnel can be done by any of thefollowing methods:_ Irrigating wire vectis method (Fig. 8.19L). (It isthe most commonly used method).22. The most common method of determining IOL poweruses a regression formula called SRK (Sanders,Retzlaff and Kraff) formula. The formula is P = A 2.5L 0.9K, where:_ P is the power of IOL,_ A is a constant which is specific for each lenstype._ L is the axial length of the eyeball in mm, whichis determined by A-scan ultrasonography._ K is average corneal curvature, which isdetermined by keratometry.The ultrasound machine equipped with A-scanand IOL power calculation software is calledbiometer23. Gonioscopic grading of the angle width. Varioussystems have been suggested to grade angle width.The most commonly used Shaffers system of gradingthe angle24. Vitreous liquefaction (synchysis) is the most commondegenerative change in the vitreous.25. Divided system approach is the most commonlyemployed technique in modern vitrectomy.26. Atherosclerosis-related thrombosis at the levelof lamina cribrosa is the most common cause(75%) of CRAO.27. Non-ischaemic CRVO (venous stasis retinopathy)is the most common clinical variety (75%).28. RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA : Most common mode is autosomal recessive, followedby autosomal dominant.29.RBLASTOMA : It is the most common intraocular tumour ofchildhood occurring 1 in 20,000 live births.30. Demyelinating disorders are by far the mostcommon cause of optic neuritis. These includemultiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica (Devicsdisease) and diffuse periaxial encephalitis ofSchilder.31. Visual field changes. The most common fielddefect in optic neuritis is a relative central orcentrocaecal scotoma.32. Idiopathic AION. It is the most common entity,thought to result from the atherosclerotic changesin the vessels.33. Pseudo-isochromatic charts. It is the mostcommonly employed test using Ishiharas plates34. Isolated muscle paralysis. Lateral rectus andsuperior oblique are the most common muscles to beparalysed singly, as they have separate nerve supply.Isolated paralysis of the remaining four muscles isless common, except in congenital lesions.35. Epicanthus : It is themost common congenital anomaly of the lids.

36. PapillomasThese are the most common benign tumours arisingfrom the surface epithelium.

37. Capillary haemangioma (Fig. 14.40) is the mostcommon variety which occurs at or shortly after birth,often grows rapidly and in many cases resolvesspontaneously by the age of 7 years.

38. Basal-cell carcinomaIt is the commonest malignant tumour of the lids(90%) usually seen in elderly people. It is locallymalignant and involves most commonly lower lid(50%) followed by medial canthus (25%),

39. Noduloulcerative basal cell carcinoma is the mostcommon presentation.

40. The most common pattern issolid basal cell carcinoma in which the dermis isinvaded by irregular masses of basaloid cells withcharacteristic peripheral palisading appearance.

41. Mucoceles of paranasal sinuses, especially frontal(most common), ethmoidal and maxillary sinus arecommon causes of unilateral proptosis.

42. The simplest instrument to measure proptosis isLueddes exophthalmometer (Fig. 16.4). However,the Hertels exophthalmometer (Fig. 16.5) is themost commonly used instrument.

43. ORBITAL MUCORMYCOSISThe most common fungal genera causingphacomycosis are Mucor (mucormycosis) andRhizopus.

44. The most common ocular motilitydefect is a unilateral elevator palsy caused by aninvolvement of the inferior rectus muscle followedby failure of abduction due to involvement ofmedial rectus muscle.

45. The most commonly employed technique istwo wall decompression in which part of theorbital floor and medial wall are removed.

46. Vascular tumoursThese are the most common primary benign tumoursof the orbit.

47. Rhabdomyosarcoma. It is a highly malignant tumourof the orbit arising from the extraocular muscles. It isthe most common primary orbital tumour amongchildren, usually occurring below the age of 15 years(90%).

48. Meningioma enplaque,affecting the greater and lesser wings of sphenoidand taking origin in the region of pterion, is the mostcommon variety affecting the orbit secondarily.

49. Liquefaction and appearance of clouds of finepigmentary opacities (a most common change) : VITREOUS

50. The superonasal limbus is the mostcommon site of globe rupture (contrecoup effectthe lower temporal quadrant being most exposed totrauma).

51. Topical instillation into the conjunctival sacThis is the most commonly employed mode ofadministration for ocular therapeutics.

52. Pilocarpine. It is a direct-acting parasympathomimeticdrug. It is the most commonly used andthe most extensively studied miotic.

53. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs)These are potent and most commonly used systemicantiglaucoma drugs.

54. Methylcellulose. It is the most commonly usedsubstance.

55. What is the most common cause of micropsia(small size of objects), macropsia (large size ofobjects) and metamorphopsia (distorted shape ofobjects) ?_ Central chorioretinitis

56. What is the most common cause of centralchoroiditis?_ Toxoplasmosis.

57. Which is the most common malignant tumour ofthe lids?_ Basal-cell carcinoma

58. bilateral proptosis :Endocrine exophthalmos (most common cause)

59. What are the causes of intermittent proptosis?1. Orbital varix (most common cause)2. Periodic orbital oedema3. Highlyvascular tumour

60. What are the causes of pulsatile proptosis ?1. Caroticocavernous fistula (most common cause)

61. Mirror retinoscopes are cheap and the mostcommonly employed.

62. Name the most common factor responsible formyopia and hypermetropia.Too long axial length and too short axial length areresponsible for myopia and hypermetropia,respectively.

63. What is the most common cause of irregularastigmatism?Irregular corneal scars.

64. Which glass is used most commonly for makingspectacles?Crown glass with refractive index 1.5223 is mostcommonly used for making spectacles.

65. DIRECT OPHTHALMOSCOPYIt is the most commonly practised method for routinefundus examination.

66. Indirect slit-lamp biomicroscopy. +78 D, +90 Dsmall diameter lenses (Fig. 23.31A) is presently themost commonly employed technique forbiomicroscopic examination of the fundus.

67. What is the power of the convex lens mostcommonly used in indirect ophthalmoscopy?+20 D.

68. Razor blade fragment with blade holder.It is the most commonly used cuttingdevice for making incisions in cataract, glaucoma,keratoplasty, sclerotomy, pterygium and many otheroperations.

69. Irrigating wire vectis is most commonlyused to deliver nucleus in manual small incisioncataract surgery (SICS) and in conventional ECCE byhydroexpression or viscoexpression technique.

70. Hot air oven. It is the most commonly usedmethod of sterilization by dry heat.

71. Axial hypermetropia is by far the commonestform.

72. Simple or developmental hypermetropia is thecommonest form.

73. Surgical aphakia occurring after removal of lensis the commonest presentation.

74. Axial myopia results from increase in anteroposteriorlength of the eyeball. It is thecommonest form.

75. Infective conjunctivitis, i.e., inflammation of theconjunctiva caused by microorganisms is thecommonest variety.

76. ACUTE PURULENT CONJUNCTIVITISOF ADULTS : Commonest causative organism is Gonococcus; butrarely it may be Staphylococcus aureus orPneumococcus.

77. Staphylococcus aureus is the commonest causeof chronic bacterial conjunctivitis.

78. Adherentleucoma is the commonest end result after such acatastrophe.

79. Hassal-Henle bodies : These form the commonestsenile change seen in the cornea. In pathologicalconditions they become larger and invade the centralarea and the condition is called cornea guttata.

80. Non-necrotizing anterior diffuse scleritis. It is thecommonest variety, characterised by widespreadinflammation involving a quadrant or more of theanterior sclera

81. Allergic (hypersensitivity linked) uveitis. Allergicuveitis is of the commonest occurrence in clinicalpractice.

82. Blood-borne metastasis usuallyoccurs in the liver and is the commonest cause ofdeath. : malignant chloroma

83. SENILE CATARACTAlso called as age-related cataract, this is thecommonest type of acquired cataract affecting equallypersons of either sex usually above the age of 50years.

84. Cloudy cornea. In unilateral cases the commonestcause is trauma with rupture of Descemetsmembrane (forceps injury).

85. Bergmesters papilla refers to the flake of glial tissueprojecting from the optic disc. It is the commonestcongenital anomaly of the hyaloid system.86. Retinal breaks are mostfrequently found in the periphery (commonest inthe upper temporal quadrant).

87. Vascular lesions producing bilateral occipitalinfarction are the commonest cause of corticalblindness

88. Binocular diplopia occurs due to formation of imageon dissimilar points of the two retinae (see page 331)Causes of binocular diplopia are:_ Paralysis or paresis of the extraocular muscles(commonest cause)

89. Commonest cause of canaliculitis is actinomyces.

90. ethmoiditis beingthe commonest cause of orbital cellulitis.