PROPERTY TRANSFERS. lleported by <«lllette & Ulbsoss, Examiners of Title. Monday, November 29. CONVEYANCEB. Robt A Latimer to W I) Turner-Part of lot 5 block 16 Santa Ana; $5. J F Muriam in George B Lyon?l acre in Ro Santiago do Sauta Ana;*sOO. OC John-oil to George 1) Ripley- off 8 end of Wj of Wfc ol SW ii »en ?1 " 11 » K famuli°T Alexander to W H Brabury- -i Agreement to convey block M omona,»l.*u I Geo B Lyon to llcrtha Backmau-4 acres lv Ro Santiago de Sauta Ana *t>oo. Wes orn Develooinent Co to 0 D over shiner and William McCuUough-L jt»7 Iaudi) blockßl Santa Ana *h«st;*l«- AMHattiwuy to Cuas 1) Oyershiuer and William llcCudougli-Lot 2 bock Arruu s addition to Siuta Ana East: Vllf- ;.__,?_ ,? Mary H. Lluiugtou aud C G Unlngton to YG tiLyon?l acre iv Ro Sautatgo de Sauta A N Van orman to Sarah Jane Kudesill-1 acre In Ro Santiago de s liita Ana, »i. VV H t'lithill and Nellie 1 G b»ag to ?«?? Margie MacKciizie-L>t 31. r. u ' h .% B MrsGleasoa's subdivision of lot 4, Oraui,e Slope tract; 1800. wi.tt..?Lot 10 Kichard Garvey to Thosi H White-Lot 10, block 1, Fairview tract: *'?- ,n f , , Western Development Ciimpany tc.Gar- maiu Fruit Company-Block bo, Santa Ana K J B LCru%ctand RUM lEugenie Cruohetto Jos Schols-Lots 1112 W aud 21, Central ad- convey lots 3 a.id 4, Sessions subdivision of bocks 30 and 17, Lucas tract; $1378..)0. Mrs XB Armour to J Johnson, J Harvey and AH Tults-Agreement to oouvey lot 5, blockß3, Pomona; $5500. Mrs Amanda W Chubb to Enoch Pepper- Lot 17, Arlington trsct, 8850. Joiham Bilby & Howard W Mills to Chas M Jenkins-Lot S9, Millstract, 52400. XF Soeuceto Alfred Gouzales-Lot las 40 feet ol lot 2, block 67, Huber tract, *EAHall, trustee, to Robert Dlmit-Lot27, block D, J WKills' subd ol part of lots 2*3, block 38, H 8.11000. ?.-,,,« John Hall tv Annie L Grosvenor?Part of lotl, block 2, BeirAddn, $1700. Mrs AbbicAßiiukertoW L Cart'r?Part of lot 3, block 1, Sau Pascual tract, 9}*L>- HDeutsoh to W P Mclutosb, G 1 Stamm and Bayard T Smith?Agreement lo convey lots 4 6 8 10 12 14 HiIS block L lots I i 10 14 W 18 22 26 30 34 11 15 19 23 27 3135 aud 5 block 2, lotß 4 5 8 9 13 17 21 22 29 and H3 block o, lots 1 3 456 789 lUIII3 16 17 and 19 block 6, High- land tract addition No 1; 116,000. B F Hall to W J Magee-Agreemeut to convey lots 8 and 9 block 8,81 Hall s sub- division of part of lots 1 and 2»reemau 'Tran'kMcCr.ye to George VV Wllliarasou- Lot 60 in subdivision ol lot 4 block 1, hs, Karri* Newmark to same-Agreement to convey olock 26 lot 6 division A, Reservoir and Wm B Bergln to Louis Sentous-Lois 18 19 20 block 10, Brook- lyn tract; SIOOO. .. _ . Matthew Keed to Edward AGibbs?Prrt of lot 2 Grllllu's addition to East Los Au- geles; 13200. , J VV Haverstick to Mrs Isis F Baker?Lots taud i 4 block 14, Fairmont tract: $1400. WilliamWright, Johu E Plater aud H L Macneil to J U G;sh?Lot 21, Wright tract; IIJJ Spence to Helen M Ross?Lot 10, Stev- enson's subdivision of block 19, O S; $5. Charles Legge to Pasadeua Library and Village Improvement Society ? Boud for deed to lUjxiß9 feet SVV corner Raymond av- enue aud Locust street, Pasadena. Edw A Hall trustee to Asa II Childress?Part of lot 4 block 1. H S $19,805 Ynoceute V'aldes to Alberto Valdos aud J P Rivera?Lot 7, VVRRowland's subdivision ol part of RoLa I'ueute; $5. Same to Dolores Duarte de Valdes-2 acres inlot 14. lv Rhodes «fc Rowland's subdivi- sion in Ro La Puentc, and to Jose V'aldes, Teresa Jesus Valdes do Martines, Brigida Valdes de Lugo, Ramona Valdes de A biln. Soledad Valdes de Marlines, Magdalcna Valdez de llivera, Fraucisco Valdes de Es- nlnosa and Alberta Valdes, balance of said lot 14; Love. Tomas Palomares to P C Tonuer?3 tracts 131.30 acres, 206.15 acres and 160.32 acres In raucho Sau Jose, to. Sherman Page to Thomas Townsend? Agreement to convey lots 8, 4, S and 6 block C, Sherman tree', |3,100. George VV Williamson to Alfred VV Jell- neck?Lot 21 block 3, Willianuon tract, $iioo, Lewia Siilvely and Amy Stiively to Rich ard Duunigan?Undivided half of lots ft 6. 7,8,9,11,12,13,14,17,18 and 19, Mrs Halls hill laud, Hast Los Augeles,B7o,ooo. John Grant to H WMills aud M L Wicks- Lots 53 aud 57 tv raucho Los Fells. 12,441.50. Same tosame?Eist half of lots 23 and 21, west half of lot 33 aud lots 11 aud 12, raucho Los Kelu, 14,699. Ruth U Martin to James W Ross?Agree meut to onvey lots I aud 10, Dr Cougar tract, *1,100. J H Book by Co'inty Tax Collector to A Mecurtney?l 70:h interest in NWI-i of SWIJ of section 28, T"2 S, R 13 W, 813.60. A Mecartney to Mrs U A Douglass?NW 1 4 to SWH of section 28 T 2 8 R 13 VV; $90. ArbeiloO Blaucliard to Eliztbelli Rogers ?Lots 1 and 2 in block B Blanchard's subdi- vision of part ot lot 5 block 73 H S; $1100. Rosedale Cemetery Association to F J Glese?Lot 137 block J, Rosedale Cemetory; "ueoLiglitfoot and Belina 8 Llghtfoot to William Itenfrew?Lot 4 block 1 South Pasadena; tftOO. Sterling C Newton to Herman Erling? Lots 11 and IBblock A, Addison tract E A, also lot 12 aud part of lot 16 and 17, same block; $2lioo. Chas M Sdmsou to Andrew Luun Brown ?Lot 10 block 16 aud lot 20 block 6, Pueute: $210. AndrewLunn Brown to Jessie 8 Brown- Lot 10 block .6 and lot 20 block 6, Puente; 110. FL Jones to J N Martin?Lot 27 Mullen's tract: 130:0. M WCaseboom toJerome I'easI?Lot1 ?Lot 7 and 8 blook 107 Pomona; 1450 E F Spence, J F Crank and John D Blck- nell to WC Badeau?Lot 12 block P, Monro- via; 1166. A C Sliafer to EP Tompkins?Lot 9 L A Improvement Co's subdivision of block 0 iv lot 8 block 39 H8; 11300. Daniel Clapp to Vernon Church of Christ ?NE corner of NVV'4 of NW! 4 of section 16 T2 S ft 13 W; $2. ' P Beaudry to J Footitt?Lot 2, bloch 3, Beaudry tract No. 2; $950. N M Entler to Matthew Rcid?lsoxl*6 feet in block 18, Griffin's addition to E LA; $3600. E MHamilton to T X Noble?Lot 12, block 3, Hamilton tract: *TIOO. dame to Wm Dalanty?Lot 13, block S.Ham- ilton tract; $4)0. John VV Amey and Abigail Amey to Ohas LPatrick?s acres in Sec 31, T IS,R 13 VV, known as Amey tract; $60JU. C M Harden aud Mrs Jane Hayden to Sterling C Newton?Lot 12 and W 15feet of lot 11, block B, EL A; $1300. Augusta Stovell and Thos Stovell to Mary L Packard?Lot 12, block 21, Part tract; $7500. J T Whitehead to Mrs L MBlgclow -Lot 11, block 1, Bigelow traot; $125. Thos Whitney to same?All interest in Bigelow tract: $800. Mrs LMBigelow to M I. Wicks?Part of Bigelow tract; $77,000. W P MeCiure to Cora Bcott Pond and An- nie H SUaw-Lots 8 and 9, block 17, Garvan- za; $800. homesteads. Ellas ot sen 29. T 1 X, R 8 VV, A adjoining homestead, book «,p 14. MISCELLANEOUS. David Hawkins to TC Johnson? Release of mortgage, book 73, p 640. Wm S Henderson to same-Release of mortgage, book 73 pace 537. David Hawkins to Wm S Henderson?Re- lease of mortgage, book 70 page 185. R W Chilscu to Stephen L Chilsou?Power of attorney. STWeFadden to O 11 Churchill ?Assign- ment of mortgage, book 72 pane 446, $781.50. J G Denning to A M Clark?Release of mortgage, book 51 page 299. Stvingsßank ol Southern California to Geo F'Lscv?Release of lot 22 of subdivision of part of Mrs Hall s tract E L A from mort- gage, book 68 page 216. R M Klrklaud to Emma J Ayer and Ly- man?Release of mortgage, book 69 page 17. Map of Searles subdivision of lots 4 and 6 H W Stautou's subdivision of Alhambra; 12-3 i. Map of Amey tract; 12-33. Damlana Bitters makes the old, young and the weak strong and healthy. M. Lovy A Co.. wholesale liquor dealers nts. Damlaua Bitters regulate the stomach MichelLevy iUo., wholesale llquordealera agents. UyNpepsta Cured. Heartburn, Indigestion or dvspopsia oured by that excellent remedy, "Mother Gary's Dyspepsia Powder*." Never have b<-eu known to fall. For sale by C. H. Hance (successor to Preuss & Hauce), r.nd Ellis & Co., Los Augeles. The Homeliest Hon In l.os An. geles As well as the handsomest man and others are invited to call on H. D. Godfrey and get free atrial bottle of Kemp's Hnlsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to cure and relieve all chronic and aoute coughs, asthma, bronchitis aud consump- tion. Price 50c. and $1. If you want a good appetite, drink Daml- una Bitters. Mlohel Levy 4 Co., wholesale liquor dealers, agents. A WALTERS' EXCURSION. A liOiis; l lit of Touriiti Arrive In the City. Mr. Walter* arrived here yesterday morning at an early hour with a select parly of tourists, ns follows: For Los Angeles?B B (iran», 1' A limn', Miss Carrie X Grant, lowa City. Iowa: 88 deofleld and wife, I'lainfWd. Ill; .1 A Wild, wife and "children, Lo.< Augclts; Wm N DouocU aud wife, Greenville, 111: Martin Dunn aud wife. Owen Dunn, Allle Dunn, Miriam Dunk, Herbert hunn, Robert Dunn, Detrot, Mich: .1 H McDonald Jr, Independ- ence, Mo; Mat Wolf and wife, DeGraff, O; Nettle S Lewis, Mrs Mnry Scaiuiu, Miss Nel- lie Dale, A G Subb-, Chicago; W C B Rlch- nrdsou and wife, Los Augeles; O J DePuy, Mrs Man- Kelso, Venice, Perm; Nicholas Jacoby. Kd Jacoby, Nicholas Con- rad, Jncoh Matthesen, New Holsleln, Wis; Mrs X Gold-worthy. Miss Carrie Golds- worthy, Stockton; VV S Makensom. DeGraff Ohio: Eugene ft lilt n, Los Angeles For Sau Diego? Dr P H Morgan and wife, Couuersvllle Did; I Tale, wileand child, A C Ynnukiu, Mrs A S Pierce, lowa City,lowa W Q Baker, Sau Diego. Fur Oakland?J II Britton, Major Salva tion Army, Cal. For Santa Barbara-.T N Hiller, Roy and Earl Hiller. Sauta Barbara; Fred Hiller, Es- Oanaba. Mich: Mrs J W Mdler aud cnild, Green Hay. Wis; Miss Adell Koyce, Oberiiu, Ohio: Wdter Humphrey aud wife, Mary E, Ellen K.Maud and Bessie Humphrey, Ssnta Barbara; Jolrh Paddlefnrd aud wile, lowa City, lowa. The Original Abitiae Ointment la put up In two ounce tin boxes, and in an absolute oure for old sores, ulcers, burns, wounds, salt rheum, le- ver sores, chapped hands and all skin erup- tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Original Abietine Oint- ment, in two ouce boxes. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Preuss St Hance, Druggists, 77 and 79 N. Spring street. A New Lumber Yard Has been established by the Schallert-Ga- nahl Lumber Company ou Washington street, nearly opposite the Washington Gar- den, where they will keep a full l'ne of all kinds of lumber and building material. Ablctene Ointment* ABIETFNE is produced in the northern partof Butte county, Cal., and combining with it Vaseline and other Therapeutic agents, we challenge the world to produce anything to equal ABIKTKNE OINTMKNT for old sores. Ulcers. Silt Bheum, Corns, Chilblains, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Cancers, Burns, King Worms, Bleeding, Blind, liching and Ulcerated Piles and all eruptions of the Skin. Price 25 cents. Sold by C. F. Heinzeman. j Inaecettary iHlaery. Probably as much misery comes frem ha- bitual constipation as from any derange- ment oi the functions of the body, and it is difficult to cure, for the reason that no one likes to take the medicines usually pre- scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were prenired to obviate this aiHicu.ty, and they will be found p'easaut to the taste of women and children. LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD, TUESDAY MORNING, iNOVEMHEIt 30, 1886 3 ovr own coL,i;rnN. Daily and Weekly HERALD, THK j Leading Paper OF Southern California, -yyILL DEVOTE ITS COLUMNS TO FUR tbe ring the interests of Lob Angeles city and county and the southern portion of fjie State. It is the inteution of the publishers to make The Herald A Newspaper of the Day, Complete in all its details and IN EVIiRY DEPARTMENT FULL AND RELIABLE. The Editorial Columns WILL DISCUSS ALL LIVE ISSUES OF THE DAY, WHILE The Telegrams BY ARRANGEMENTS NEWLYEFFECTED WILL BE THE Fullest and Most Exhaustive To be fouud iv any paper of the State, no being surpassed by those of the San Francisco dailies. The Local Columns Will contain a complete resume of Local Happenings and all matters of Home Interest, EIGHT-PAGE EDITIONS FOUR TIMES A WEEK. TWELVE-PAGE EDITIONS TWICE A WEEK! Agencies of the 4 Ijltnily » ,,d Weekly Herald. The following is a list of the agents of the Daily and Weekly HIBALO, from whom cither paper may be ordered: Pasadena G. W. Kep.an. Pomona R. N. Loucks. Riverside J. M. Hiiake. San Diego J. F. Handlky. B.VN BERNARDINO LAWSON BROS. San Buenavknu'Ra . Garner Curran. Obanoe S. AIIMOE. Anaheim Joseph Helmsen. Santa Ana B. N. Rows. Santa Monica Col. Chapin. Sau Pedro and Wil- mington J. Lieman. Santa Barbara ~. J. C. Hassinoek. Lamanda Pare Mrs. M. K. Norton. Monrovia J. M. Davis. Denver, Colorado 8. B. Wright. _ IL.P. Fisher, Boom 51, San Francisco j Mercnam .' B Kxch'g. Atall other cities and towns Postmasters are authorized to receive subscriptions for the Herald. TIEjSirVLS : Daily Herald, by mail, one year 87 00 Daily Herald, by mail, six months.. iOO Daily Herald, by mail, threemouths 2 00 DELIVERED IN THE CITY, 15c. PER WEEK. The Weekly Herald. TEBMS: Weekly, oue year, by mall $2 00 Weekly, six months by mail 1 00 Weekly, three months, by mall 60 Payable Invariably lv advance. JOSEPH D. LYNCH & CO. Choktcx vs otaovft as sure. ITo CoTf\e. as Sui\ivT\ev v*. Vt £OTT\a,s awi. rrvtHiwX rYtvrvuno ?? vs "DOXVOexoUS t\w& Often /IR£YO!/PftEPAR£D for itt coming \v Cvv\y oi your byy«. action ot\\v way sa-VivVvie. .Tor j II VrADC ONtmtjtVitvnt Hot TDTtnKj ALWAYS Curr3L CHOLFRrI^HOLEWMORBU^ Diarrhoea ,Dysentery«>yv<x a\\ ? twWtUVttt tmoPCA/taxAck* tt With "Urnmedicine "is TetTijDaviS'' "PamKittet*. To be onlhe S,o&e sUe § Smt NOWo-aArvavt. ft ow Kernel* For p?m rWlfENCf.n*. L DR. MIN T E. thi: specialist. No, 11 Kearny St.. San Francisco. Cal., Treats, ai Chronic, Special aad Pri- vate Diseases with Wride Success. THE GREAT ENfiUSH REMEDY 1 for a case of this kindthe VitalRestorative (underhis special advice and treatment) will not cure. ?1.50a bottle, or four times tho quantity J5, sent to any address on receipt of price, or 0. 0. D. ivprivate name if desirod, by DR. MINTIE, 11Kearny St., S. F., Cal. Send for list ol questions and pamphlet. Sample Bottle Free Will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating symptoms, sex and ago. Strict secre- cy Inregard to all business transactions, ootlf) d*»- ATinnTfTlTTT'n Cure wltnout Medicine, N X I VH. i'atented October Kith, I VUI.LL Ili 1g76 . one box will cure the most obstinate case In four days or loss ALLEN'S SOLUBLE MEDICATED BOMES No nauseous doses of cubebs, copaiba or oilof sandalwood that are certain to pro- duce dyspepsia by destroying the coatings of tbe stomach. Price t1.50. Sold by all druggists, or mailed on receipt ol price. For further par- ticulars send lor circular. P. O Box 1533 nTTTi'fl J. C ALLAN *V CO.. lIH H. 83 John street, New York. UVUOt sepd Tv Th-8a To Baiters, Confectioners, Hotels etc. IF YOU WANT ANY BAKER, PASTRY cook or coufectioner, address the BAKERS' UNION. No. 45, Postofflce box 101 a, orcdl at JACOB RBUBCH, UN South Spriug street, Roster's Bakery. Ola ly A Beautiful Home For Sale CiieaD. ACRES on two fine streets; very I healthy aud desirable location, with furnished house of 7 large rooms, wind mill tank aud t ink house; go'id stable and chicken corrals; about 1(00 vines aud a choice variety of fruit, trees; nice lawn and cypress hedge; good family horse, cow, poultry, spriug wagou, flue buggy harness, tools, farming implements; furniture, oar- neta, and other articles to numerous to men- tion! Price for all only 85600. R. VERCH, room SO, Temple block. nlO lm A FINE C ANE GIVEN AUAYTO Every Purchaser ol at Hat At the Chicago Hat Company, 38 N. Main Street. ulO-lm KEAI. ESTATE. C. ISOMERS Real Estate Agents ail Auctioneers, 14 North Spring Street. WE HAVE FOR SALE: 100 PER ACRE?A fine tract of 311 acres within city limits, not far from cable line Arare bargain. a750-Lot 60x125 on Pico street, lv Will- iamson tract. (MM?Fine lot in Park Villa tract. ? IOOO? House and lot, No. 112 Weill at. »1400?Large corner lot on Texas avenue and Court street tJUTOO?Large corner lot, on El- lis avenue and Estrella st. Just the place for a flue house. »30O0?Lot 100x150 on Carroll avenue, An- eeleflo Heights, near Waters st. ?3500?Four lots on southwest corner of Flgueroa and Downey streets; two lines of street cars. at OOO?House and five lots 45x150 between Eighth and Ninth, west of P ;arl. ?70OO? VA acres on Stevenson avenue, Boyle Heights; magnificent situa- tion for a mansion with grounds. »14,000? U acres ou Figueroa St., suitable for subdivision. Here is a chance. CALL AND GET OUR NEW PRINTED LIST. C. A. SUMNER <& CO., ocl7 14 North Spring Street. Real Estate For Sale ?BY? W. P. MeINTOSH, 122 Nortt Soring Street, Temple Block. COUNTRY PROPERTY. ?9000 for GO acres near San Gabriel De- pot; excellent soil for vines and fruits. 5,10 and 20 acre tracts in old vines, with- ina lew hundred yards of where thenrop- erty is divided into town lots, near the de pot at San Gabriel: from »300 to $850 per acre. W7OOO for 10 acres just south of city lim- its, on a good street; tine two-story house, good well and windmill; barn and chickeu houses; ground in fruit and alfalfa. Many other tracts too numerous to men- tion. CITY PROPERTY. S9OOO for the property on the smith west corner of Beaudry avenue and Temple street, having a frontage of 164 feet on Tem- ple street. This property affords the best site for a grocery, drug store and lodging house of any place In the city. 85000 for a corner and adjoining lot on Hill street. WHSOO for lot and two-story house of 9 rooms on Hope street. S3OOO for elegant lot on best side of Twelfth street; house, stable and most beau- tifulgarden of flowers inthe city. asooo for elegant house and grounds on Main street. M4600 for new 2-story house, two blocks from Main street. #4000 for good house and lot west side of Olive street, or will remove the house and sell the lot for »3200. W2350 for house of five rooms on Virgin street; veryeasv terms. WISSO for house of four rooms on Mon- treal street. ? 1600 for house and lot on Pearl street, near Temple. WlB5O for house and lot on corner of He- llenic avenue and Waters street. *t 100 for house and flue lot on west side of Temple street; only eight minutes walk from Spring sireet. Several elegant residences on the hill and south oi the city. VACANT LOTS SCOOO lor corner lot on Pico street. wSdOO for six lots, including two cor- ners, west side of Maiu street. SoOOO for lot 00x125 feet on Hill street. W3ooeach for flue building lots in the new town of San Gabriel; pure mountain water nlped in front of each lot. ?850 each for lots on Waters street, com mauding as fine view of tbe ocean as the Augeleuo Heights. Lots inall parts of the city at reasonable prices. I desire to call particular attention to the fine building lots that I have for sale on the hill on tne installment plan. Parties desiring fine residence property Will do well to examine the lots that I have this day placed on the market inthe De- CEI.IS TRACT, only one narrow block f-om Main sireet car line, covered with or- ange trees lv full bearing; good soil, good streets and surrounded by flue residences. This property is in the center of tne city Hud has an electric railroad on one side and horse car i on the other. WILLEXCHANGE Several fine pieces of property indifferent parts of the State for city property. Houses rented, rents collected and all business connected with real estate prompt- lyattended to. Parties having large or small sums of money to loan ou first mortgage will do well to give me a call. Out of the many loans recommended and made by me, I challenge any mortgagee to say that a suit has been commenced or one single installment of in- terest delinquent this date and unpaid. Money to Loan' W. P. MeINTOSH, oct6 tl 122 N. Spring Street. MINNEAPOLIS REAL EBTATE AND IN vestment Co., 21 West First st.. Room 15 Wilson Block. JOHN DIETERICII, Man- ager. SPECIAL BARGAINS for October: f*3oOo? House of six rooms, barn: stone walks, beautiful garden; near Main street and electric road. 83500?Eleeant home; corner lot on Twelfth street; stone walks aud curbing cost $400: streot graded; lot level and 40 feet higher thau Jefferson street; 22 feot higher than A'damß; warranted to be drier thau any street west of Main. SSOOO?Lot corner Los Angeles and Twelfth streets. \u25a0IOOO? Lot on MaDle avenue, 50x150 ft lo 20 ft. alley; 13 It. higher than Pearl sireet, near Maiu, and Eleventh street, on elec- tric road. #800?For lot inWest Rosas tract, worth 1900. ? 1700?For four lots in Sisters of Charity tract; these lots are worth t'2ooo. WlOOO?For very sightly lot in Beaudry tract, worth $1200. W3Ooo?For lot ou Olive street, inside oi Fourth street. a;!so<i ?Cheese factory at Compton; estab- lished six years; doing good business: will take city property in exchange: tf you want a safe business please investi- gate this one. 027 tf TOYS ! Anentirely new and very complete stock of Toys and Holiday Goods Will be ready for exhibition on or about December sth, at 111 North Spring St., Next to City of Paris. LAZARUS & MELZER, n29tf Los Augeles. SALOONS. TURF CLUB.^/ 115 It. Sprint; St. \ BOUQUET So, 7 Comniercial St TOM SHAW. ~ DRESSMAKING. MRS. THOMAS AND MIBB LOCKWOOD, of Chicago, announce to the public hat they have opsaed their DRESSMAK- ING PARLORS tn the ALLEN BLOOK, Rooms 10 and 12. ulDtf MEDICAL. MEDICAL. Pleasing to the Palate and Death to a Cough. GREEN'S LONG RESTORER, SANTA ABIE, THE KING OF CONSUMPTION. The original and only genuine scientific compound of Abletine Gumand Yerba Santa, for Coughs, Colds, Lung and Broncnial Troubles, Etc. BETTER THAW GOLD. Bewabi or Imitations. None genuine unless the words "Luug Restorer," ''Santa Abie," are on the labels of each bottle. Not a secret compound. For ssle by aU Druggists, wholesale ai d retail. PREPAREO ONLY BY ABIETINE MEDICAL CO.. Oroville, Butte Co.. Cel., U. 8. A., Owners of the only Abletine Grove and Distillery in the World. JOB? Send tor ? In m i«r«. -^Cl MISCELILANEOtJS. " "RAMONA!" rJIHE GREATEBT ATTRACTION YET OFFERED IN THE WAYOF A DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT aud for BEAUTIFUL VILLA HOMES as well as for business is the New Town of Ramona. MR. J. De BARTH SHORB, President of the San Gabriel Wine Company, has sub divided and put upon the market FIVE HUNDRED ACRES of as CHOICE LAND as there Is In Southern California, SITUATED ON THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAIL ROAD, south of snd adjoining SHORB'S STATION. Only Six Miles from the City of Los Anples, Being the first station east. SIX EXPRESS TRAIN 3DAILY. Location for HEALTH- FULNESS, CLIMATE, PRODUCTIVENESS OF SOIL and BEAUTIFUL SCENERY is un- surpassed. It 1b well sheltered by the beautiful foothills surrounding it; is in full view and only FOUR MTLES FROM 'THE RAYMOND,"the finest hotel iv Southern Cali- fornia, and THREE MILES FROM 80UTH PASADENA. The Character of the Soil is Alluvial VERY RICH AND EASILY CULTIVATED. THE RAINFALL IS GREATER THAN MANY PORTIONS OF THE VALLEY,and the soil retains the molature, and the growth of vegetation, trees and vines is wouderful. It is adapted to ORANGEB and LEMONS, being well sheltered and FREE FROM FOG AND FROST. Vineyards do Exceedingly Well, As has been demonstrated, as also all kinds of DECIDUOUS FRUIT3. It adjoins the ALHAMBRATRACT, which is very highly improved; as also the BAN GABRIEL WINE COMPANY'S LARGE VINEYARD; is very accessible to the city, and, with groater rail- road facilities now uader contemplation, cheap aud rapid transit, one can a'tend to bus ness in the cityand at the same time have a Delightful, Healthful Home. THE WATER 13 SUPPLIED FROM A PRIVATE, INDISPUTABLE SOURCE AND OF THE PUREST QUALITY. IT WILL BE PIPED THROUGH THE PRINCIPAL STREETS OF THE TOWN, so each and every one can have An Abundant Supply at All Times. It Is the intention of the President of the Company to place this property on the market at VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES and on REASONABLE TERMS OF PAYMENT ?much less, considering its many advantages and surroundings, than any like property inthe valley. THE TRACT IS SUBDIVIDED IN LOTS ANL BLOCKS OF ALL SIZES bo any one can be suited, and those who desire to avail themselves of an opportunity for investment this is a splendid chance, and those who select early will have a decided advantage as to location and prices. For maps and full particulars call on or address L. We DENNISj .Argent. Baker Block, first Floor, Lo* Aiifrclee, Or J. n. TIEIfMAN. Short Station. bU Su fu fh The Beautiful Ml Tract SUBDIVIDED AND FOR SALE BY McColm & Bixby, 118 North Spring St. cry CHOICE LOTS ON SEVENTH STREET, BELOW MAIN, COV- r£scJ ered with fine large trees, sheltering from the cold coast winds, Making the Locality Healthy for Invalids. FOR BUSINESS MEN DESIRING HOMES CENTRALLY LOCATED, this tract offers the advantages of being Only Ten Minutes Walk from the Postoffice, Is High and Dry No Sand! No Adohe! ONE BLOCK FROM ELKCTRIC RAILWAY NOW BUILDING. fasr>-l''or maps, etc., and full particulars, apply to #sw~Free Carriages. McCOLHIM & BIXBY, 118 North Spring street. TTie "Windsor Folding Bed Is the Best in the Market. FIRST?Tney do not fold the mattress. FIFTH?They need !t?s balancing weight tban any other upright bed?cau be SECOND?They do not disarrange the easily moved, bedding. SIXTH?The afe handsomely finished THIRD?The beading is always thor- and are very ornamental, ougbly ventilated. SEVENTH?They work easier than any FOURTH?They do not work with a other folding bed ever made, spring and cannot get out of order. Please Call and Examine the Windsor Bed. CHAMBER SUITS IN ANTIQUE OAK, MAHOGANY,WALNUT, ASH. Largest aud best selected sto;k o! CARPETS In Southern California. The most artistic line, of Furniture and Curtain Materials EVER EXHIBITEDIN THIS CITY", CALL AND SEE THEM. Los Angeles Furniture Co., toil and £((1 North ivlnln street. net You Can Get a Dozen Cabinet Photographs FOR 53.00. Bis bee & Nye, 21 West First St . THESE PHOTOGRAPHS ARE OF THE VERY HIGHEST STANDARD AND WAR- janted EQUAL IN EVERY RESPECT tn those at any of the mi called first-class galleries, and for which an exorbitant prloe is asked. Examine our specimens and con- vince yourself. We show proofs of all our work and make resittiuga free. n2B 3m BISBEE & NYE, No. 81 Went I'lrat St. MEDICAL,. Ask for SANTA AHIE und C TAIIItII VVUE. C AT-R-CUEB! Guaranteed a positive CUKE for Catarrh Cold la tbe Head, liey Fever, Rose Cold Catarrhal Deafness and Sore Eyes, Restore* the Sense of Taste and Smell, remove* Bail Taste and Unpleasant Breath resulting from Catarrh. Ea y and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a Cure Is warranted Sold by PREUSS A HANCE, 77 ami U North Spring street. tm-HL. A. NEWMARK ACO., Wholesale Depot. my» lv The Last Chance in Los Angeles] fIFREEg|DR. LIEBIG ft CO., 13 1 l/K - W LEADING SPECIALISTS °' San Erancisco, having met w,tn RU( ' h \u25a0nootfls \o J XJJZS' 18 since the establishment of I/Til iirwW our offlce here, we have 13 i v inert >x concluded to remain until " x Dec. Ist, to give everyone in need of their services a FREE CONSULTATION. The LIEBIG DIS- PENSARY is well known over tbe en- tire Pacific Coast as the largest and oldest Medical and Surgical Institution, and the only one having its own elegant drug store in Dispensary Building. Private offlce at rooms 27 and 29 Rose Blrck. Reception room, 29. Office hours 10. to 3 and 6to 8. Only one call necessary; balance of treat- ment till cured conducted from the Lie big Dispensary, 400Geary street, San Francisco. The reason thousands cannot get cared of Weakness, Lost Vitalityaud the above ale- eases, is owing to a complication called PROSI'ATORRHEA, with Hyperesthesia, which requires special treatment Dr. LIEHIG'S TNVIGOR ATOK No. 2 Is tho only POSITIVE CURE for Phostatokrhea.. Price for either luvlgorator *2; case of six bottles 110. Dr. LIEBIG A CO. for the past seventeen Sears have made an exclusive specialty ot iseasea of Men. Disc ue, however induces, speedily, thoroughly and permanently cured; re?ent cases In a few days; inveter- ate oases skilfully treated; charges moder- ate. Nervous prostration, premature debility, melancholia, weakness of advancing years, and all "relaxed, languid or exhausted' 1 conditions of the vital forces specially treated and radically cured; also blood poi- soning aud diseases ot the liver and kid- neys. Callor address lIR. LIEBIU tt CO., 400 t.eary Street, San Francisco Most powerful Eclectic Belts free to pa- tients. a*sf**To preve the wonderful power ol tI.eINVIGORATORSaI2bottIe given free. Consultation, advice and examination FREE and private. o29tf LOST POWER V n e d ak£3£ however indnced, not only relieved bat PERMANENTLY CURED without medi- cine. IT COSTS NOTHING to send for partlcvlars, which we will forward free insealed envelope on application. Don't miss this opportuulty. Address, U. E. A. CO 1267 Broadway, ? mv 2 New York Cltr. Speculators, Attention! - " Forty-acre tracts, aggregating 322 acres, choice farming aud fruit land, 12 miles from Los Angeles, in tbe San Fernando valley, on railroad, abova Sepulveda sta- tion; good neighborhood, convenient to school and church; terms, one-third cash: balance on time to sui;. Small houses and lets on Banning, Aliso, Hays and Pearl streets. Stock ranch, 3466 acres: two strer.ms with abundance of water; some fine timber; part good farming aud alfalla land; 88 miles west of Los Augeles, on stage road to Ven- tura; price very low: terms, one-third cash, balance on time to suit. Lot southeast corner of OLIVE and SEC- OND sts.: good house of 17 rooms thereon. 105 9-12 by 175 feet, southwest corner of Montgomery aud Hayward streets, in Los Augeles Homestead tract. Two lots ou Nluth street, west of Pearl, each 42 by 150 feet, to 20-foot alley acres, elevated location of easy as- cent; water piped to the lot; near termina- tion of the Temple-street cable road: the propoicd dummy road to the Ostrich Farm will run along the front line. Lots of 5,10 or 16 acres iv tbe Lick tract; all level ground. Lots of 5.10 or 20 acres in an addition to Boyle Heights. Speculators may ascertain that the prices fixed on the property above mentioned are comparatively very low. The terms of payment may be s-itisfartorilv varied. Apply to HUMPHREYS A RIGGIN, nl7s 20 South Spriug street. HEALTH Mouu tain. Tit* \u25bc House. DEPULVEDA, CAL -EIGHT MILIiS Bit \J Southern Pacific Knilway. Train leaves Los Angeles at 12:30 p. a. Every- thing new and flrst cless. Spring water; goon hunting house at foothills. One mile northeast from station. Free carriages will leave Hollenbeck Block, Los Angeles, on Saturday of each week at 4p. a. Orders may be left with Mrs. Hammond Hollen- beck Block, or address W. M. BURTT, Los Ange'es, Cal. Terms very rensorable. o22tf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL BUB- scrlptious to Burns Vista str.et bridge are now due and pnvab.e to the City Treas- urer, at his office, 134 North Main street, Los Angeles city. All subscribers to said bridge lund who have given checks or promissory notes for amount of their subscription, are hereby requested to make Davment of Rame at once (as ordered by Council Nov. 1 ,18S6). JAMES C. KAYS, City Treasurer. n!9 2w City of Los Ange es. ihe Hotel Arcadia First Mortgage Coupon Bonds. EACH . BEARING INTERFST AT V- - "'-" 10 per cent, payable semi-annu- ally, and secured by Krst mortgaee to E. F. SPEKCE, Trustee, on property valued at 175,000; are a First-Class Investment For parties wlshiug to invest in interest bearing securities. For bonds or iurtbor information apply to J W. SCOTT, Santa Monica, or First National Hank, Los Ange- les. ?9u nc'bf^OTOtirHomr . SO ACRES, FINELY LOCATED, With new six-room rouse, large barn and corrals; 12 acres In soft-shell walnuts; four acres riisln grapes; two acres alfalfa; shade trees and a choice variety of fruit trees, with horses, wagons, harness, cow aud farming imnlemente. Price, 37000. Apply to R. VKRCH, Room SO, Temple Block. nslm RETIRING MOM BUSINESS ON THE SECOND OF NEXT JANUARYI will be tweuty years in business lv Loe Angeles. I desire, If possible, to have my eulirc stock disposed of on that date. 940,000 WORTH OF THE FINEST Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Etc.. inthe market, amontr them the follow- ing well known mukes: Johnson A Mur- phy, Hannnn st tf->u, Lilly Brackett, Laird, sc'nob r a. Mi cbell. winoi »ill be soldat exact cost, paniQHT Annan, MssT*A coidlal Invitation is extended to alldesirlngtopurcha.se Boots, Shoes, etc , Including Hoot and Shoe Dealers of neigh- boring towns, to call aud ms; ect my stoc'i before purchasing elsewhere. A. S. McDonald, nol2-2m 46 North Spriug S reel. CHANGE OF INSURANCE AGENCY. The well knn wu m d rid established tleunecticut I ire Insurance Co., Of Hartford, will hereafter be represented iuthiseityby the undersigned firm, who will act as sole agents, vice Adams &Sons, resigned. DOBINSON A FAIRCHILD, 142 North Spring Street. November 20. lSSti. uo2lim

MORNING, C. ISOMERS Death - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042460/1886-11-30/ed-1/seq-3.pdfPROPERTY TRANSFERS. lleported by

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PROPERTY TRANSFERS.lleported by <«lllette & Ulbsoss,

Examiners of Title.Monday, November 29.

CONVEYANCEB.Robt A Latimer to W I) Turner-Part of

lot 5 block 16 Santa Ana;$5.J F Muriam in George B Lyon?l acre in

Ro Santiago do Sauta Ana;*sOO.OC John-oil to George 1) Ripley-

off 8 end of Wj of Wfc ol SW ii»en ?1" 11 »Kfamuli°T Alexander to W H Brabury-

-i Agreement to convey block M omona,»l.*u

I Geo B Lyon to llcrtha Backmau-4 acreslv Ro Santiago de Sauta Ana *t>oo.

Wes orn Develooinent Co to 0 D overshiner and William McCuUough-L jt»7

Iaudi) blockßl Santa Ana *h«st;*l«-

AMHattiwuy to Cuas 1) Oyershiuer andWilliam llcCudougli-Lot 2 bock Arruu saddition to Siuta Ana East: Vllf-;.__,?_ ,?

Mary H. Lluiugtou aud C G Unlngton to

YG tiLyon?l acre iv Ro Sautatgo de SautaA

N Van orman to Sarah Jane Kudesill-1acre In Ro Santiago de s liitaAna, »i.

VV H t'lithilland Nellie 1 G b»ag to ?«??Margie MacKciizie-L>t 31. r.u'h.%B

MrsGleasoa's subdivision of lot4, Oraui,e

Slope tract; 1800. wi.tt..?Lot 10Kichard Garvey to Thosi H White-Lot 10,

block 1, Fairview tract: *'?- ,n f, ,

Western Development Ciimpany tc.Gar-maiu Fruit Company-Block bo, Santa AnaK

JBLCru%ctand RUMlEugenie Cruohetto

Jos Schols-Lots 1112 W aud 21, Central ad-

convey lots 3 a.id 4, Sessions subdivision ofbocks 30 and 17, Lucas tract; $1378..)0.

Mrs X B Armour to J Johnson, J Harveyand A H Tults-Agreement to oouvey lot 5,blockß3, Pomona; $5500.

Mrs Amanda W Chubb to Enoch Pepper-Lot 17, Arlington trsct, 8850.

Joiham Bilby & Howard W Mills to ChasM Jenkins-Lot S9, Millstract, 52400.

XF Soeuceto Alfred Gouzales-Lot las

40 feet ol lot 2, block 67, Huber tract,

*EAHall, trustee, to Robert Dlmit-Lot27,

block D, J WKills' subd ol part of lots 2*3,

block 38, H 8.11000. ?.-,,,«John Hall tv Annie L Grosvenor?Part of

lotl, block 2,BeirAddn, $1700.Mrs AbbicAßiiukertoW L Cart'r?Part

of lot 3, block 1, Sau Pascual tract, 9}*L>-HDeutsoh to W P Mclutosb, G 1 Stamm

and Bayard T Smith?Agreement loconveylots 4 6 8 10 12 14 HiIS block L lots I i 10 14 W18 22 26 30 34 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 aud 5 block 2,

lotß 4 5 8 9 13 17 21 22 29 and H3 block o, lots 1

3 456 789 lUIII3 16 17 and 19 block 6, High-land tract addition No 1; 116,000.

B F Hall to W J Magee-Agreemeut toconvey lots 8 and 9 block 8,81 Halls sub-division of part of lots 1 and 2»reemau

'Tran'kMcCr.ye to George VV Wllliarasou-Lot 60 in subdivision ol lot 4 block 1, hs,

Karri* Newmark to same-Agreement toconvey olock 26 lot 6 division A, Reservoir

and Wm B Bergln toLouis Sentous-Lois 18 1920 block 10, Brook-lyntract; SIOOO. . . _ .

Matthew Keed to Edward AGibbs?Prrtof lot 2 Grllllu's addition to East Los Au-

geles; 13200. ,J VV Haverstick to Mrs Isis F Baker?Lots

taud i4block 14, Fairmont tract: $1400.WilliamWright, Johu E Plater aud H L

Macneilto J U G;sh?Lot 21, Wright tract;

IIJJ Spence to Helen M Ross?Lot 10, Stev-enson's subdivision of block 19, O S; $5.

Charles Legge to Pasadeua Library andVillage Improvement Society ? Boud fordeed to lUjxiß9feet SVV corner Raymond av-enue aud Locust street, Pasadena.Edw A Hall trustee to Asa IIChildress?Partof lot 4 block 1. H S $19,805

Ynoceute V'aldes to Alberto Valdos aud JP Rivera?Lot 7, VVRRowland's subdivisionol part of RoLa I'ueute; $5.

Same to Dolores Duarte de Valdes-2 acresinlot 14. lv Rhodes «fc Rowland's subdivi-sion in Ro La Puentc, and to Jose V'aldes,Teresa Jesus Valdes do Martines, BrigidaValdes de Lugo, Ramona Valdes de Abiln.Soledad Valdes de Marlines, MagdalcnaValdez de llivera, Fraucisco Valdes de Es-nlnosa and Alberta Valdes, balance of saidlot 14; Love.

Tomas Palomares to P C Tonuer?3 tracts131.30 acres, 206.15 acres and 160.32 acres Inraucho Sau Jose, to.

Sherman Page to Thomas Townsend?Agreement to convey lots 8, 4, S and 6 blockC, Sherman tree', |3,100.

George VV Williamson to Alfred VV Jell-neck?Lot 21 block 3, Willianuon tract, $iioo,

Lewia Siilvely and Amy Stiively to Richard Duunigan?Undivided half of lots ft 6.7,8,9,11,12,13,14,17,18 and 19, Mrs Hallshilllaud, Hast Los Augeles,B7o,ooo.

John Grant to H W Mills aud M L Wicks-Lots 53 aud 57 tv raucho Los Fells. 12,441.50.

Same tosame?Eist half of lots 23 and 21,west half of lot 33 aud lots 11 aud 12, rauchoLos Kelu,14,699.

Ruth U Martin to James W Ross?Agreemeut to onvey lots I aud 10, Dr Cougar

tract, *1,100.J H Book by Co'inty Tax Collector to A

Mecurtney?l 70:h interest inNWI-i of SWIJof section 28, T"2 S, R 13 W, 813.60.

A Mecartney to Mrs U A Douglass?NW 14to SWH of section 28 T 2 8 R 13 VV; $90.

ArbeiloO Blaucliard to Eliztbelli Rogers?Lots 1 and 2 in block B Blanchard's subdi-vision of part ot lot 5 block 73 H S; $1100.

Rosedale Cemetery Association to F JGlese?Lot 137 block J, Rosedale Cemetory;

"ueoLiglitfoot and Belina 8 Llghtfoot toWilliam Itenfrew?Lot 4 block 1 SouthPasadena; tftOO.

Sterling C Newton to Herman Erling?Lots 11 and IBblock A, Addison tract E A,also lot 12 aud part of lot 16 and 17, sameblock;$2lioo.

Chas M Sdmsou to Andrew Luun Brown?Lot 10 block 16 aud lot 20 block 6, Pueute:$210.

AndrewLunn Brown to Jessie 8 Brown-Lot 10 block .6 and lot 20 block 6, Puente;110.FL Jones to J N Martin?Lot 27 Mullen's

tract: 130:0.M WCaseboom toJerome I'easI?Lot1 ?Lot 7 and

8 blook 107 Pomona; 1450E F Spence, J F Crank and John D Blck-

nell to W C Badeau?Lot 12 block P, Monro-via; 1166.

A C Sliafer to E P Tompkins?Lot 9 L AImprovement Co's subdivision of block 0 ivlot 8 block 39 H8; 11300.

Daniel Clapp to Vernon Church of Christ?NE corner of NVV'4 of NW!4 of section 16T2 S ft 13 W; $2.

' P Beaudry to J Footitt?Lot 2, bloch 3,Beaudry tract No. 2; $950.

N M Entler to Matthew Rcid?lsoxl*6 feetin block 18, Griffin's addition to E LA;

$3600.E M Hamilton to T X Noble?Lot 12, block

3, Hamilton tract: *TIOO.dame to Wm Dalanty?Lot 13,block S.Ham-

ilton tract; $4)0.

John VV Amey and Abigail Amey to OhasLPatrick?s acres in Sec 31, T IS,R 13 VV,known as Amey tract; $60JU.

C M Harden aud Mrs Jane Hayden toSterling C Newton?Lot 12 and W 15feet oflot 11, block B, EL A;$1300.

Augusta Stovell and Thos Stovell to MaryL Packard?Lot 12, block 21, Part tract;$7500.

J T Whitehead to MrsL MBlgclow -Lot 11,block 1, Bigelow traot; $125.

Thos Whitney to same?All interest inBigelow tract: $800.

Mrs LMBigelow to M I. Wicks?Part ofBigelow tract; $77,000.

W P MeCiure to Cora Bcott Pond and An-nie H SUaw-Lots 8 and 9, block 17, Garvan-za; $800.

homesteads.Ellas ot sen 29. T 1 X,R 8 VV,

A adjoining homestead, book «,p 14.MISCELLANEOUS.

David Hawkins to TC Johnson? Releaseof mortgage, book 73, p 640.

Wm S Henderson to same-Release ofmortgage, book 73 pace 537.

DavidHawkins to Wm S Henderson?Re-lease of mortgage, book 70 page 185.

R W Chilscu to Stephen L Chilsou?Powerof attorney.

STWeFadden to O 11 Churchill ?Assign-ment of mortgage, book 72 pane 446, $781.50.

J G Denning to A M Clark?Release ofmortgage, book 51 page 299.

Stvingsßank ol Southern California toGeo F'Lscv?Release of lot 22 of subdivisionof part of Mrs Hall s tract E L A from mort-gage, book 68 page 216.

R M Klrklaud to Emma J Ayer and Ly-man?Release of mortgage, book 69 page 17.

Map of Searles subdivision of lots 4 and 6H W Stautou's subdivision of Alhambra;12-3 i.

Map of Amey tract; 12-33.

Damlana Bitters makes the old, young andthe weak strong and healthy. M. LovyACo.. wholesale liquordealers nts.

Damlaua Bitters regulate the stomachMichelLevy iUo., wholesale llquordealeraagents.

UyNpepsta Cured.Heartburn, Indigestion or dvspopsia

oured by that excellent remedy, "MotherGary's Dyspepsia Powder*." Never haveb<-eu known to fall. For sale by C. H.Hance (successor to Preuss & Hauce), r.ndEllis & Co., Los Augeles.

The Homeliest Hon In l.os An.geles

As well as the handsomest man and othersare invited to call on H. D. Godfrey and getfree atrial bottle ofKemp's Hnlsam for theThroat and Lungs, a remedy that is sellingentirely upon its merits and is guaranteedto cure and relieve all chronic and aoutecoughs, asthma, bronchitis aud consump-tion. Price 50c. and $1.

If you want a good appetite, drink Daml-una Bitters. Mlohel Levy 4 Co., wholesaleliquor dealers, agents.

A WALTERS' EXCURSION.A liOiis; l lit of Touriiti Arrive

In the City.Mr. Walter* arrived here yesterday

morning at an early hour with a select

parly of tourists, ns follows:For Los Angeles?B B (iran», 1' A limn',

Miss Carrie X Grant, lowa City. Iowa: 8 8deofleld and wife, I'lainfWd. Ill;.1 A Wild,wife and "children, Lo.< Augclts; Wm NDouocU aud wife, Greenville, 111: MartinDunn aud wife. Owen Dunn, Allle Dunn,Miriam Dunk, Herbert hunn, Robert Dunn,Detrot, Mich: .1 H McDonald Jr, Independ-ence, Mo; Mat Wolf and wife, DeGraff, O;Nettle S Lewis, Mrs Mnry Scaiuiu, Miss Nel-lie Dale, A G Subb-, Chicago; W C B Rlch-nrdsou and wife, Los Augeles; O J DePuy,

Mrs Man-Kelso, Venice, Perm;Nicholas Jacoby. Kd Jacoby, Nicholas Con-rad, Jncoh Matthesen, New Holsleln, Wis;Mrs X Gold-worthy. Miss Carrie Golds-worthy, Stockton; VV S Makensom. DeGraffOhio: Eugene ftliltn, Los Angeles

For Sau Diego? Dr P H Morgan and wife,Couuersvllle Did; ITale, wileand child, AC Ynnukiu, Mrs A S Pierce, lowa City,lowaW Q Baker, Sau Diego.

Fur Oakland?J II Britton, Major Salvation Army,Cal.

For Santa Barbara-.T N Hiller, Roy andEarl Hiller. Sauta Barbara; Fred Hiller,Es-Oanaba. Mich: Mrs J W Mdler aud cnild,Green Hay. Wis; Miss Adell Koyce, Oberiiu,Ohio: Wdter Humphrey aud wife, Mary E,Ellen K.Maud and Bessie Humphrey, SsntaBarbara; Jolrh Paddlefnrd aud wile, lowaCity, lowa.

The Original

Abitiae Ointment la put up In two ouncetinboxes, and in an absolute oure for oldsores, ulcers, burns, wounds, salt rheum, le-ver sores, chapped hands and all skin erup-tions. Will positively cure all kinds ofpiles. Ask for the Original Abietine Oint-ment, intwo ouce boxes. Price, 25 cents.For sale by Preuss St Hance, Druggists, 77and 79 N. Spring street.

A New Lumber YardHas been established by the Schallert-Ga-nahl Lumber Company ou Washingtonstreet, nearly opposite the Washington Gar-den, where they willkeep a full l'ne of allkinds of lumber and building material.

Ablctene Ointment*ABIETFNE is produced in the northern

partof Butte county, Cal., and combiningwith it Vaseline and other Therapeuticagents, we challenge the world to produceanything to equal ABIKTKNE OINTMKNTfor old sores. Ulcers. Silt Bheum, Corns,Chilblains, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands,Cancers, Burns, King Worms, Bleeding,Blind, liching and Ulcerated Piles and alleruptions of the Skin. Price 25 cents. Soldby C. F. Heinzeman.

j Inaecettary iHlaery.Probably as much misery comes frem ha-

bitual constipation as from any derange-ment oi the functions of the body, and it isdifficult to cure, for the reason that no onelikes to take the medicines usually pre-scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were preniredto obviate this aiHicu.ty, and they willbefound p'easaut to the taste of women andchildren.


ovr own coL,i;rnN.

Daily and Weekly


Leading PaperOF

Southern California,


tbe ring the interests of Lob Angeles

city and county and the southern portion

of fjie State. It is the inteution of the

publishers to make

The Herald

A Newspaper of the Day,

Complete in all its details and



The Editorial Columns



The Telegrams



Fullest and Most Exhaustive

To be fouud ivany paper of the State, no

being surpassed by those of the

San Francisco dailies.

The Local Columns

Willcontain a complete resume of Local

Happenings and all matters of

Home Interest,





Agencies of the 4 Ijltnily »,,d

Weekly Herald.

The following is a list of the agents of

the Daily and Weekly HIBALO, fromwhom cither paper may be ordered:

Pasadena G. W. Kep.an.

Pomona R. N. Loucks.Riverside J. M. Hiiake.San Diego J. F. Handlky.

B.VN BERNARDINO LAWSON BROS.San Buenavknu'Ra . Garner Curran.Obanoe S. AIIMOE.Anaheim Joseph Helmsen.Santa Ana B. N. Rows.Santa Monica Col. Chapin.

Sau Pedro and Wil-mington J. Lieman.

Santa Barbara ~. J. C. Hassinoek.Lamanda Pare Mrs. M. K. Norton.Monrovia J. M. Davis.Denver, Colorado 8. B. Wright._

IL.P. Fisher, Boom 51,San Francisco j Mercnam .'B Kxch'g.Atall other cities and towns Postmasters

are authorized to receive subscriptions forthe Herald.

TIEjSirVLS :DailyHerald, by mail, one year 87 00DailyHerald, by mail, six months.. iOODailyHerald, by mail, threemouths 2 00


The Weekly Herald.TEBMS:

Weekly, oue year, by mall $2 00Weekly, six months by mail 1 00Weekly, three months, by mall 60

Payable Invariably lvadvance.


Choktcxvs otaovft as sure. IToCoTf\e. as Sui\ivT\ev v*.Vt £OTT\a,s awi.rrvtHiwX rYtvrvuno ??

vs "DOXVOexoUS t\w& Often

/IR£YO!/PftEPAR£Dfor ittcoming

\v Cvv\y oi your byy«.

actionot\\v way sa-VivVvie. .TorjI I VrADC ONtmtjtVitvntHotTDTtnKj ALWAYS Curr3L

CHOLFRrI^HOLEWMORBU^Diarrhoea ,Dysentery«>yv<xa\\ ? twWtUVttttmoPCA/taxAck* ttWith

"Urnmedicine "is


To be onlhe S,o&e sUe §Smt NOWo-aArvavt. ftow Kernel*

Forp?m rWlfENCf.n*. L

DR. MINTE.thi: specialist.

No, 11 Kearny St.. San Francisco.Cal., Treats, ai Chronic, Special aad Pri-

vate Diseases with Wride Success.THE GREAT ENfiUSH REMEDY 1

for a caseof this kindthe VitalRestorative (underhisspecial advice and treatment) willnot cure.?1.50a bottle, or four times tho quantityJ5,sent to any address on receipt of price, or0. 0. D. ivprivate name ifdesirod, by DR.MINTIE,11Kearny St., S. F., Cal. Send forlist ol questions and pamphlet.

Sample Bottle FreeWillbe sent to any one applying by letter,stating symptoms, sex and ago. Strict secre-cy Inregard toall business transactions,


ATinnTfTlTTT'nCure wltnout Medicine,N X I VH. i'atented October Kith,IVUI.LLIli1g76. one box willcure

the most obstinate case In four days orloss

ALLEN'S SOLUBLE MEDICATED BOMESNo nauseous doses of cubebs, copaiba or

oilof sandalwood that are certain to pro-duce dyspepsia by destroying the coatingsof tbe stomach.

Price t1.50. Sold by all druggists, ormailed on receipt ol price. For further par-ticulars send lor circular.

P. O Box 1533 nTTTi'flJ. C ALLAN*V CO.. lIH H.83 John street, New York. UVUOt

sepd Tv Th-8a

To Baiters, Confectioners, Hotels etc.

IF YOU WANT ANY BAKER, PASTRYcook or coufectioner, address the

BAKERS' UNION. No. 45, Postofflce box101a, orcdl at JACOB RBUBCH, UN South

Spriug street, Roster's Bakery. Ola ly

A Beautiful Home For Sale CiieaD.ACRES on two fine streets; very

I healthy aud desirable location, withfurnished house of 7 large rooms, windmill tank aud t inkhouse; go'id stable andchicken corrals; about 1(00 vines aud achoice variety of fruit,trees; nice lawn andcypress hedge; good family horse, cow,poultry,spriug wagou, flue buggy harness,tools, farming implements; furniture, oar-neta, and other articles to numerous to men-tion! Price for all only85600. R. VERCH,

room SO, Temple block. nlO lm


Every Purchaser ol at Hat

At the Chicago Hat Company,38 N. Main Street.



C. ISOMERSReal Estate Agents ail Auctioneers,

14 North Spring Street.WE HAVE FOR SALE:

100 PER ACRE?A fine tract of 311 acreswithin city limits, not far fromcable line Arare bargain.

a750-Lot 60x125 on Pico street, lv Will-iamson tract.

(MM?Fine lot in Park Villa tract.? IOOO? House and lot, No. 112 Weill at.»1400?Large corner lot on Texas avenue

and Court streettJUTOO?Large corner lot, on El-

lis avenue and Estrella st. Justthe place for a flue house.

»30O0?Lot 100x150 on Carroll avenue, An-eeleflo Heights, near Waters st.

?3500?Four lots on southwest corner ofFlgueroa and Downey streets; twolines of street cars.

at OOO?House and five lots 45x150 betweenEighth and Ninth, west of P ;arl.

?70OO? VA acres on Stevenson avenue,Boyle Heights; magnificent situa-tionfor a mansion with grounds.

»14,000? U acres ou Figueroa St., suitablefor subdivision. Here is a chance.


C. A. SUMNER <& CO.,ocl7 14 North Spring Street.

Real Estate For Sale?BY?

W. P. MeINTOSH,122 Nortt Soring Street, Temple Block.

COUNTRY PROPERTY.?9000 for GO acres near San Gabriel De-

pot; excellent soil for vines and fruits.5,10 and 20 acre tracts in old vines, with-

ina lew hundred yards of where thenrop-erty is divided into town lots, near the depot at San Gabriel: from »300 to $850 peracre.

W7OOO for 10 acres just south of city lim-its, on a good street; tine two-story house,good well and windmill;barn and chickeuhouses; ground infruitand alfalfa.

Many other tracts too numerous to men-tion.

CITY PROPERTY.S9OOO for the property on the smith west

corner of Beaudry avenue and Templestreet, having a frontage of 164 feet on Tem-ple street. This property affords the bestsite for a grocery, drug store and lodginghouse of any place In the city.

85000 for a corner and adjoining lot onHillstreet.

WHSOO for lot and two-story house of 9rooms on Hope street.

S3OOO for elegant lot on best side ofTwelfth street; house, stable and most beau-tifulgarden of flowers inthe city.

asooo for elegant house and grounds onMain street.

M4600 for new 2-story house, two blocksfrom Main street.

#4000 for good house and lot west sideof Olive street, or will remove the houseand sell the lotfor »3200.

W2350 for house of five rooms on Virginstreet; veryeasv terms.

WISSO for house of four rooms on Mon-treal street.

? 1600 for house and lot on Pearl street,near Temple.

WlB5O for house and lot on corner of He-llenic avenue and Waters street.*t100 for house and flue lot on west side

of Temple street; only eight minutes walkfrom Spring sireet.

Several elegant residences on the hillandsouth oi the city.

VACANT LOTSSCOOO lor corner lot on Pico street.wSdOO for six lots, including two cor-

ners, west side of Maiu street.SoOOO for lot 00x125 feet on Hillstreet.W3ooeach for flue building lots in the

new town of San Gabriel; pure mountainwater nlped in front of each lot.

?850 each for lots on Waters street, commauding as fine view of tbe ocean as theAugeleuo Heights.

Lots inall parts of the city at reasonableprices.

I desire to call particular attention to thefine building lots that I have for sale on thehill on tne installment plan.

Parties desiring fine residence propertyWill do well to examine the lots that I havethis day placed on the market inthe De-CEI.IS TRACT, only one narrow blockf-om Main sireet car line, covered withor-ange trees lvfull bearing; good soil, goodstreets and surrounded by flue residences.This property is in the center of tne cityHud has an electric railroad on one side andhorse car ion the other.

WILLEXCHANGESeveral fine pieces of property indifferentparts of the State for city property.

Houses rented, rents collected and allbusiness connected withreal estate prompt-lyattended to.

Parties having large or small sums ofmoney to loan ou first mortgage willdo wellto give me a call. Out of the many loansrecommended and made by me, I challengeany mortgagee to say that a suit has beencommenced or one single installment of in-terest delinquent this date and unpaid.

Money to Loan'W. P. MeINTOSH,

oct6 tl 122 N. Spring Street.

MINNEAPOLISREAL EBTATE AND INvestment Co., 21 West First st.. Room

15 Wilson Block. JOHN DIETERICII, Man-ager. SPECIAL BARGAINS for October:f*3oOo? House of six rooms, barn: stone

walks, beautiful garden; near Mainstreet and electric road.

83500?Eleeant home; corner lot onTwelfth street; stone walks aud curbingcost $400: streot graded; lot level and 40feet higher thau Jefferson street; 22 feothigher than A'damß; warranted to bedrier thau any street west of Main.

SSOOO?Lot corner Los Angeles andTwelfth streets.

\u25a0IOOO? Lot on MaDle avenue, 50x150 ft lo20 ft. alley; 13 It. higher than Pearl sireet,near Maiu, and Eleventh street, on elec-tricroad.

#800?For lot inWest Rosas tract, worth1900.

? 1700?For four lots in Sisters of Charitytract; these lots are worth t'2ooo.

WlOOO?For very sightly lot in Beaudrytract, worth $1200.

W3Ooo?For lot ou Olive street, inside oiFourth street.

a;!so<i ?Cheese factory at Compton; estab-lished six years; doing good business:willtake city property in exchange: tfyou want a safe business please investi-gate this one. 027 tf

TOYS !Anentirely new and very complete stock


Toys and Holiday GoodsWill be ready for exhibition on or about

December sth, at

111 North Spring St.,Next to City of Paris.

LAZARUS & MELZER,n29tf Los Augeles.



CLUB.^/115 It. Sprint; St. \

BOUQUETSo, 7 Comniercial St


MRS. THOMAS AND MIBB LOCKWOOD,of Chicago, announce to the public

hat they have opsaed their DRESSMAK-ING PARLORS tn the ALLEN BLOOK,Rooms 10 and 12. ulDtf


Pleasing to the Palate and Deathto a Cough.



The original and only genuine scientificcompound of Abletine Gumand YerbaSanta, for Coughs, Colds, Lung andBroncnial Troubles, Etc.

BETTER THAW GOLD.Bewabi or Imitations. None genuine

unless the words "Luug Restorer," ''SantaAbie," are on the labels of each bottle.

Not a secret compound. For ssle by aUDruggists, wholesale ai d retail.


ABIETINE MEDICAL CO..Oroville, Butte Co.. Cel., U. 8. A.,

Owners of the only Abletine Grove andDistillery in the World.

JOB? Send tor ? In m i«r«. -^Cl



REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT aud for BEAUTIFUL VILLA HOMES as well asfor business is the

New Town of Ramona.MR. J. De BARTH SHORB, President of the San Gabriel Wine Company, has sub

divided and put upon the market FIVE HUNDRED ACRES of as CHOICE LAND asthere Is In Southern California, SITUATED ON THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, south of snd adjoining SHORB'S STATION.

Only Six Miles from the City of Los Anples,Being the first station east. SIX EXPRESS TRAIN3DAILY. Location for HEALTH-

FULNESS, CLIMATE,PRODUCTIVENESS OF SOIL and BEAUTIFUL SCENERY is un-surpassed. It 1b well sheltered by the beautiful foothills surrounding it; is infullviewand only FOUR MTLES FROM 'THE RAYMOND,"the finest hotel iv Southern Cali-fornia, and THREE MILES FROM 80UTH PASADENA.


MANY PORTIONS OF THE VALLEY,and the soil retains the molature, and thegrowth of vegetation, trees and vines is wouderful. It is adapted to ORANGEB andLEMONS, being well sheltered and FREE FROM FOG AND FROST.

Vineyards do Exceedingly Well,As has been demonstrated, as also all kinds of DECIDUOUS FRUIT3. It adjoins theALHAMBRATRACT, which is very highly improved; as also the BAN GABRIEL WINECOMPANY'S LARGE VINEYARD; is very accessible to the city, and, with groater rail-

road facilities now uader contemplation, cheap aud rapid transit, one can a'tend to bus

ness in the cityand at the same time have a



STREETS OF THE TOWN, so each and every one can have

An Abundant Supply at All Times.It Is the intention of the President of the Company to place this property on the


?much less, considering its many advantages and surroundings, than any like propertyinthe valley. THE TRACT IS SUBDIVIDED IN LOTS ANL BLOCKS OF ALL SIZES

bo any one can be suited, and those who desire to avail themselves of an opportunityfor investment this is a splendid chance, and those who select early willhave a decided

advantage as to location and prices.

For maps and full particulars call on or address

L. We DENNISj .Argent.Baker Block, first Floor, Lo* Aiifrclee,

Or J. n. TIEIfMAN. Short Station. bU Su fu fh


McColm & Bixby, 118 North Spring St.cry CHOICE LOTS ON SEVENTH STREET, BELOW MAIN, COV-r£scJ ered with fine large trees, sheltering from the cold coast winds,

Making the Locality Healthy for Invalids.FOR BUSINESS MEN DESIRING HOMES CENTRALLY LOCATED, this tract offers

the advantages of being

Only Ten Minutes Walk from the Postoffice,Is High and Dry No Sand! No Adohe!


fasr>-l''or maps, etc., and full particulars, apply to#sw~Free Carriages. McCOLHIM & BIXBY, 118 North Spring street.

TTie "Windsor Folding BedIs the Best in the Market.

FIRST?Tney do not fold the mattress. FIFTH?They need !t?s balancing weighttban any other upright bed?cau be

SECOND?They do not disarrange the easily moved,bedding.

SIXTH?The afe handsomely finishedTHIRD?The beading is always thor- and are very ornamental,

ougbly ventilated.SEVENTH?They work easier than any

FOURTH?They do not work with a other folding bed ever made,spring and cannot get out of order.

Please Call and Examine the Windsor Bed.

CHAMBER SUITSIN ANTIQUE OAK, MAHOGANY,WALNUT, ASH. Largest aud best selected sto;k o!

CARPETSIn Southern California. The most artistic line, of


Los Angeles Furniture Co.,toil and £((1 North ivlnln street. net

You Can Get a Dozen Cabinet PhotographsFOR 53.00.


janted EQUAL IN EVERY RESPECT tn those at any of the mi called first-classgalleries, and for which an exorbitant prloe is asked. Examine our specimens and con-vince yourself. We show proofs of all our workand make resittiuga free.

n2B 3m BISBEE & NYE, No. 81 Went I'lrat St.



CAT-R-CUEB!Guaranteed a positive CUKE for Catarrh

Cold la tbe Head, liey Fever, Rose ColdCatarrhal Deafness and Sore Eyes, Restore*the Sense of Taste and Smell, remove* BailTaste and Unpleasant Breath resulting fromCatarrh. Ea yand pleasant to use. Followdirections and a Cure Is warranted

Sold by PREUSS A HANCE, 77 ami UNorth Spring street.

tm-HL. A. NEWMARK ACO., WholesaleDepot. my» lv

The Last Chance in Los Angeles]fIFREEg|DR. LIEBIG ft CO.,13 1 l/K- W LEADING SPECIALISTS

°' San Erancisco, havingmet w,tn RU( 'h \u25a0nootfls\o J XJJZS' 18 since the establishment of

I/Til iirwW our offlce here, we have13 i v inert >x concluded to remain until

" xDec. Ist, to give everyonein need of their services a FREECONSULTATION. The LIEBIG DIS-PENSARY is well known over tbe en-tire Pacific Coast as the largest and oldestMedical and Surgical Institution, and theonly one having its own elegant drug storein Dispensary Building. Private offlce atrooms 27 and 29 Rose Blrck. Receptionroom, 29. Office hours 10. to 3 and 6to 8.Only one call necessary; balance of treat-ment tillcured conducted from the Lie bigDispensary, 400Geary street, San Francisco.

The reason thousands cannot get cared ofWeakness, Lost Vitalityaud the above ale-eases, is owing to a complication calledPROSI'ATORRHEA, with Hyperesthesia,which requires special treatmentDr. LIEHIG'S TN VIGOR ATOK No. 2 Is thoonly POSITIVE CURE for Phostatokrhea..Price for either luvlgorator *2; case of sixbottles 110.

Dr. LIEBIG A CO. for the past seventeen

Sears have made an exclusive specialty otiseasea of Men. Disc ue, however induces,

speedily, thoroughly and permanentlycured; re?ent cases Ina few days; inveter-ate oases skilfully treated; charges moder-ate.

Nervous prostration, premature debility,melancholia, weakness of advancing years,and all "relaxed, languid or exhausted' 1conditions of the vital forces speciallytreated and radically cured; also blood poi-soning aud diseases ot the liver and kid-neys.

Callor address lIR.LIEBIU tt CO.,400 t.eary Street, San Francisco

Mostpowerful Eclectic Belts free to pa-tients.

a*sf**To preve the wonderful power oltI.eINVIGORATORSaI2bottIe given free.Consultation, advice and examination FREEand private. o29tf

LOST POWER Vnedak£3£however indnced, not only relieved batPERMANENTLY CURED without medi-cine. IT COSTS NOTHING to sendfor partlcvlars, which we willforward freeinsealed envelope on application. Don'tmiss this opportuulty. Address,

U. E. A. CO 1267 Broadway,? mv 2 New York Cltr.

Speculators, Attention! -"

Forty-acre tracts, aggregating 322 acres,choice farming aud fruit land, 12 milesfrom Los Angeles, in tbe San Fernandovalley, on railroad, abova Sepulveda sta-tion; good neighborhood, convenient toschool and church; terms, one-third cash:balance on time to sui;.

Small houses and lets on Banning, Aliso,Hays and Pearl streets.

Stock ranch, 3466 acres: two strer.ms withabundance of water; some fine timber; partgood farming aud alfalla land; 88 mileswest of Los Augeles, on stage road to Ven-tura; price very low: terms, one-third cash,balance on time tosuit.

Lot southeast corner of OLIVE and SEC-ONDsts.: good house of 17 rooms thereon.

105 9-12 by 175 feet, southwest corner ofMontgomery aud Hayward streets, in LosAugeles Homestead tract.

Two lotsou Nluth street, west of Pearl,each 42 by 150 feet, to 20-foot alley

acres, elevated location of easy as-cent; water piped to the lot; near termina-tion of the Temple-street cable road: thepropoicd dummy road to the Ostrich Farmwillrun along the front line.

Lots of 5,10 or 16 acres iv tbe Lick tract;all level ground.

Lots of 5.10 or 20 acres in an addition toBoyle Heights.

Speculators may ascertain that the pricesfixed on the property above mentioned arecomparatively very low. The terms ofpayment may be s-itisfartorilv varied.

Apply to HUMPHREYS A RIGGIN,nl7s 20 South Spriug street.


Mouu tain.Tit*\u25bc House.DEPULVEDA, CAL -EIGHT MILIiS Bit\J Southern Pacific Knilway. Trainleaves Los Angeles at 12:30 p. a. Every-thing new and flrst cless. Spring water;goon hunting house at foothills. One milenortheast from station. Free carriages willleave Hollenbeck Block, Los Angeles, onSaturday of each week at 4p. a. Ordersmay be left with Mrs. Hammond Hollen-beck Block, or address W. M. BURTT, LosAnge'es, Cal.

Terms very rensorable. o22tf

NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL BUB-scrlptious to Burns Vista str.et bridgeare now due and pnvab.e to the City Treas-urer, at his office, 134 North Main street, LosAngeles city.

Allsubscribers to said bridge lund whohave given checks or promissory notes foramount of their subscription, are herebyrequested to make Davment of Rame at once(as ordered by Council Nov. 1 ,18S6).

JAMES C. KAYS, City Treasurer.n!9 2w City of Los Ange es.

ihe Hotel ArcadiaFirst Mortgage Coupon Bonds.

EACH. BEARING INTERFST ATV--"'-" 10 per cent, payable semi-annu-ally, and secured by Krst mortgaee to E.F. SPEKCE, Trustee, on property valued at175,000; are a

First-Class InvestmentFor parties wlshiug to invest in interestbearing securities. For bonds or iurtborinformation apply to J W. SCOTT, SantaMonica, or First National Hank, Los Ange-les. ?9u


With new six-room rouse, large barn andcorrals; 12 acres Insoft-shell walnuts; fouracres riisln grapes; two acres alfalfa;shade trees and a choice variety of fruittrees, with horses, wagons, harness, cowaud farming imnlemente. Price, 37000.

Apply to R. VKRCH, Room SO, TempleBlock. nslm


willbe tweuty years in business lv LoeAngeles. I desire, If possible, to have myeulirc stock disposed of on that date.


Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers,Etc.. inthe market, amontr them the follow-ing well known mukes: Johnson A Mur-phy, Hannnn st tf->u, Lilly Brackett, Laird,sc'nob r a. Mi cbell. winoi »illbe soldatexact cost, paniQHT Annan,

MssT*A coidlal Invitation is extended toalldesirlngtopurcha.se Boots, Shoes, etc ,Including Hoot and Shoe Dealers of neigh-boring towns, to call aud ms; ect my stoc'ibefore purchasing elsewhere.

A. S. McDonald,nol2-2m 46 North Spriug S reel.

CHANGE OF INSURANCE AGENCY.The wellknn wu m d ridestablished

tleunecticut I ire Insurance Co.,Of Hartford, willhereafter be representediuthiseityby the undersigned firm, whowillact as sole agents, vice Adams & Sons,resigned.

DOBINSON A FAIRCHILD,142North Spring Street.

November 20. lSSti. uo2lim