Morley Memorial Primary School Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage Open Evening Wednesday 17 th June 2015

Morley Memorial Primary School Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage Open Evening Wednesday 17 th June 2015

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Page 1: Morley Memorial Primary School Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage Open Evening Wednesday 17 th June 2015

Morley Memorial Primary School

Welcome toEarly Years Foundation Stage

Open Evening

Wednesday 17th June 2015

Page 2: Morley Memorial Primary School Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage Open Evening Wednesday 17 th June 2015

Welcome• Nikki Brown– Head Teacher• Kerry Darby – Deputy Head Teacher/Inclusion Co-ordinator

• Melissa Ward – Class Teacher• Cecilia Del Corso – Class Teacher• Katy Kowalska – Early Years/KS1 Phase Leader

• Chair of Governors, School Association, • Spectrum (After School Club)• ABM (School Meals)

Page 3: Morley Memorial Primary School Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage Open Evening Wednesday 17 th June 2015

Curriculum Structure• Morley follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

• Early Learning Areas: Prime Areas

Communication & LanguagePhysical DevelopmentPersonal, Social and Emotional Development

Specific AreasLiteracyMathematicsUnderstanding the WorldExpressive Arts and Design

Characteristics of Effective Learning

• Builds on and extends previous pre-school experiences

• Teaching and learning follows a thematic approach (topic based)

• Assessment informs Foundation Stage Profile based on observations and individual records (SEN), using Development Matters Guidance

• Baseline assessment on entry to Reception year.

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Entry Arrangements• Staggered entry in the Autumn Term

• Week 1: Home Visits Thursday 3rd September –

Tuesday 7th September

• Week 2: Home Visits Monday & TuesdayStart on Wednesday 9th September am or pm

• Week 3: staying for lunch on Monday 14th (am) or Tuesday 15th (pm) September

from Wednesday 16th September all children usually

attend full time

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Home Visits

• Begin Thursday 3rd September 2015

• Opportunity to meet within a familiar context

• Freedom to ask questions in private

• Visits are necessarily time-restricted

• Complete our home/school booklet: ‘Starting at Morley’

• Sign up this evening

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Outline of School Day• Arrive from 8.40 for 8.55 start

• Remember to leave your child calmly and promptly in their classroom at the start of the day and wait outside at the end of the day

• Teaching sessions are a mixture of whole class, small group and individual sessions

• Children will work and play on their own, with a teacher or a teaching assistant

• Plenty of time for child initiated learning

• Indoor & outdoor learning opportunities based in play and exploration

• High expectations of behaviour through positive reinforcement and praise with clear sanctions where necessary

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Housekeeping• Class diary and class notice board at entrance to each class room,

messages on whiteboards in and outside

• Remember appropriate clothing for work and play, indoors and out named please

• PE kits for indoor and outdoor PE – T-shirt and shorts, long sleeved top and jogging bottoms, trainers all named and in a named bag, remember that children will need to manage getting changed themselves

• Notwithstanding specific medical needs, we expect children to be using the toilet independently and following good hygiene practices

• Named plastic water cup in the class room

• Fruit snacks and milk provided daily (so no need to bring a snack)

• Lunch boxes need to be named, please include a filled water-bottle no sweets, fizzy drinks or nuts owing to allergies (peanut butter, sesame etc)

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Lunch Time• Children brought across the road by the Teacher and Teaching Assistant and

supported in the process of lining up, choosing food and getting settled

• All Infant children are eligible for a Free School Meal

• Meals provided by ABM (Denise is our School Cook)

• Food freshly cooked daily on site

• Menu on display in each class room • Children are encouraged to make balanced choices

• Familiar staff on hand to help with any problems

• Children asked to keep what they do not eat in their lunch box so that parents can see what has been eaten

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Additional information• ABM (School Meals): Steve Salter• Chair of Governors: Nicky Odgers• School Association: Katja Röper Joel Chalfen• Spectrum After School Club: Matt Casey• Family Support: Sam Bishop

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Contents of welcome pack…To do before you leave:• Sign up for visit to new class Friday 3rd July if not at Homerton Children’s Centre• Sign up tonight for Home Visits in September • Contact details• Evaluation form

To be returned to school as soon as possible:• Admission Form• Photography and Local Walks permission• Parent Mail Sign-up Form • Address & contact details for school office on small card • Evaluation form (yellow)

For the Home Visit:• ‘Starting at Morley Memorial’ booklet (to be completed prior to Home Visit)

Useful:• School Clothing and PE/ Book Bag Order Form • Friends of Morley Financial information• Spectrum contact details

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Thank you…

…please come and see the class rooms in the Early Years Base.