AMUSEMENTS. opera hqtjs:ki Friday Nut, isa^UprilZil. Saturday KiHHJ^SSSUpiiISiL J. H. HAVEKLY'S CIIICAUOCliriiCU CHOIB COMPANY. H. M. S. PIMFOKE ! All the old Favorites. Grand Chorus of30 Voices. Eutirely New ami Characteristic Costumes, Novel Scenic and Nautical Appointments. roriLAit PItICES: Evening Tsc and $1.00. Matinee—Children :15c, Adults 50c, Reserved 750. Reserved seats on and after Wednesday, at '.' a. m. INSURANCE. PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company, SACRAMENTO, CALA. JNO. 11. CAKKOLL President' OEO. A. MOOItK Vice President. C. LIVINGSTON,St. Paul, Attorney in Mian. ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 187' J. Loans on real estate $ SS9.OSG 40 Loans on collateral security . 47,149 19 Premium notes or loans 68,316 Value of real estate owned b7,912 o9 Market value of bonds and stocks owned 304,722 44 Cash on hand and inbank 64,663 40 Accrued interests and rents 38,929 (17 Net deferred and outstanding premiums 44,318 56 Allother assets 3,0W 00 Total assets * 1,246,933 72 LIABILITIES. Net reinsurance reserve $842,548 00 Total gross policy claims 22,466 00 Allother liabilities None. Total liabilities $865,014 00 Total assets 1,346,990 72 \u25a0— " - Surplus over liabilities $331,'J85 72 Standard of computation of re- serve, American experience.. 4}-2 percent. INCOME, 1879. Premiums, less amount paid for reinsurance $316,774 26 From interest and dividends... 75,942 10 From rents and all other sources 1,773 79 Total income , $384,490 15 EXPENDITURES, 1879. Death Losses $70,78S 39 Endowments, due and not yet due, but discounted 133,778 12 Disbursements to policy holders 88,497 40 Total payments to policy holders 5292.0C4 21 Dividends to stockholders None. Total salaries paid officers and office employes 23,420 00 Management expenses 127,288 10 Total disbursements 6419,302 31 MISCELLANEOUS. In force at end of 1878, No. 2,907 87,802,959 Issued during 1879 No. 858 2,751,057 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA, 1879. Inforce at end of1878, No. 83 $102,192 Issued during 1879, No. 13 50.070 Ceased to bo in force dur- ing 1879 No. 22 50,500 Inforce Dec. 31, 1879 No. 73 161,762 Cash received 1879.. $4,600 00 Losses paid, 1879.... 1,000 00 Losses inGurred.lB79 1,000 00 STATE OF MINNESOTA, i Department of Iksurasce. f I, A. It. McGill, Insuranco ComraiFsioner of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that tho Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company above named, has complied with tho laws of this State relating to insurance, and is now fullyempowered through its authorized agents to transact its appropriate business of life in- Bnrance in this State for the year ending Jan- uary :Ust, 1881. St. Paul, March, 18S0. A. R. McGILL, Insurance Cummissioncr. c. mm, Manager Northwest, St. Paul, - - Minn. MEDICAL. —— s—\u25a0— ii— ——\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 iii mm i SCOYILL'S Blooi k Liw Syrup, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0aaßßiaacsiK!.^^---. a peerless remedy for Scrofula, White Swellings, Cancer, Erysipelas, Gout, Chronic Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, Carbuncles, Salt Rheum, Malaria, Bilious Complaints, end all diseases indicating an Impure Condition of the Blood, This grand remedy is a com- pound of vegetable extracts, the chief of which aw SARSAPARILLA End STIL- LINGIA. The cures effected by SCOVILL'S BLOOD ANDLIVERSYRUP are absolute, and their record is nndisfigared by failure. For sale by allDruggists, * MOTT'S LIVER PILLS, The Great Cathartic Vegetable Regulator They rectify torpidity of the Liver. They give tone to the Stomach. They prevent griping of the Bowels. They remove bile from the Blood. They purify and invigorate the Body. They cure all bilious complaints. Dr.EoifT" Worm "Syrup instantly destroys WORMS end is recom- mended by physicians as the best WOBM MEDICINE. ZEPHYR WORSTED GOODS. Mrs. O. Herwegen, \u25a0 ZEPHYR & WORSTED GOODS. «\u25a0 TOUT THIRD ITOIET, ST. PAtl tS«-T««.Thn'*a»« St. Paul A Dninth Railroad. Depot foot of Blblsy street. Trains. Leave. Arrive. Btfllwatsr, Emckley and Duluth 8:00 am 4:15 pza •HUokley accommodation 1136am IKM pm •XhMstreet depot. _ SAINT PAUL na «m no 51,000 Inhabitants,' Located at Head of HtriftUoa, en the MlsiUilrpl Bltw, and the Terminus or 15 Lines or Railroafl, EXTKfDnra Throaxhoßt WnnMota, lows and Wisconsin, and through Dakota Territory and Into the until* rsMeulona. Aa a O*maa*rclal and Manufacturing Center, Bt. Paul of *n luuncnMAdvantage*, th« Wholesale Trade already Beanhing Over 30 MILLIONSJPUALLY ! Salow will be found a LUt of th* Leading Houses ii the City, Whisk Bmsinesi Hen throughout the Northwest win do wellto preserr* for reference : ARTIST'S MATERIALS. BHEBWOOD HOUGH, Cor. Thirdand Wabashaw. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEJCEKTB. BT. PAUL HARVESTER WOBKS, Robert ft4th. B. D. BPFOBP & CO., I*9 E ThirdSt. BOOTS AND SHOES. BCHLIEE & CO, 69 E. Third and 33 Wabashaw. Burt's Fine hoes, Sole Agency 69 E. Third street BOOKS AND STATIONERY. SHERWOOD HOUGH, Cor. Thirdand Wabasbaw. BT. PAULBOOS AND STATIONED* CO., 87 E. Third St. CARRIAGES AND BLEIGHB. QUINBY k HALLO WELL, 64 to 68 Robert street. A. NIPPOLT, Cor. Seventh and Blbley streets. COMMISSION, FRUITS AND PRODUCE. FUCK it McOAULEY, Wholesale Deale.s in Grain, Flour, Feed and Provisions, No. 41Sibley street, St. Paul, Minn. nOXIE &JAOOAR, 14 Jackson street. CARPETB, WALL PAPERS, ETC. JOHN MATHEIS, 11E. ThirdSt W. L.ANDERSON, 86 E. Third St "J7IXPERIENCED dining roomgirld, chambormaido Yj aud all other hotel help can alwaya secure good situations by calling at Hotel Reporter Employment Bureau, C 8 Eaßt Third street. 'Sl* i) cents pays for a first-class breakfast, dinner or _ •) Flipper at Hicks' restaurant, No. 31 Jackf-on street, oppwite the Merchants hotel. 85-91 THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBB, TUESDAY MORffUHJ, MARCH 30, 1680 DBY GOODS-WHOLESALE. AUEKBAGH, FINCH, OCLBBBXSON ft CO., SO to 60 Jackson St. DBY GOODS-BETAIL. . ~ A. H. LINDEKK4 880., 9 E. Third St. ESTERLEY & HEINEMANN, Wholesale and Retail, 103 and 10 Seventh, corner of Jacksou St. DRUGGISTS-WHOLESALE. SO YES BROS. & CUTLER, 68 and 70 BlbleySt. TUBS FSATHBBS, GINSENG, ETC. A. O. BAILEY, 10 Jackson St. FPBHITUBE, FEATHERS, MATTBESSES. STEES BROS., 51 E. Third St. Established 1850. PROCESS- WHOLES \u25a0 P. H. KELLY&CO., 142 to 148 E. Third street. HARDWARE, TOOLS, ETC. KIXG3BUKY&DRAPER, 36 B. Third street. JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS. ET.IIL OETHT. M E. Third St. ~_ ARE= WHOLESALE 1 STKONO, lIACKETT & CO., 132 E. Third St. LOANS, INSURANCE, BEAL ESTATE. THOS. COCHBAN, JR., 11 WabaahawSt. LIME, CEMENT, PIASTER HAIR. SANDERS k HATHEWS, 71and 72 Levee. ~ WM. CONST ANS,8 Jackson St. NOTIONS, JOB LOTS-WHOLESALE. BRECHEB, BECHT It CO., 104 E. ThirdSt. SCALES. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD BCALKB. Grocers' Fixtures, CopyingPresses, OilTanks, Alarm Money Drawers, Safety Step Ladders, Jtc, &c, FAIRBANKS,MORSE & CO., 46 E. Third St. TRUNK MAKERS. ORIPPEN * UPSON, 74 E. ThirdSt W. H.GARLAND, 41E. Third St. WINES AND LIQUORS-WHOLESALE. I'KRKINS, LYONS& CO., 31Robert St. HAO(iENMILLER & KUUL.I73 W. Third St. Teachers Examination. The annual epricß examination of ]>orsons wleiiing to teach inthe Common Schools of tUis county, will lw heldin the Franklin School Building ON Saturday, April 3d, At 9 O'clock, a. in., Sharp. E. A HENDRICKSON, Superintendent of Schools, Ramsey Comity. St Paul, March 20th . 81 LIQUOR DEALERS. W. L. PERKINS. MAURICE LYONS. [Established 1830.] PERKINS, LYONS k CO., REMOVED TO 21 ROBERT ST., NEAR THIRD. Wholesale Dealers in Pure Kentnciy Bonrton & Rye Whiskies California and Foreign Wines and Brandies. R^-Country and City Orders Solicited . 84-83 SEWI KG MACHINES. OFFICE OF Wiiceler ani Wilson Straiglit-Neeclle SEWING IM-A-CIIIINrE. The \ew Elclriclge, Now Florence and Singer Machines. KeecDes ami attachment! for all machines ; 90East Third street, three doors below Robert street, fignof sev-Mig machine. 29-tii,to.su Wgilt edge^* Tonic -ISA— THOROUGH. REMEDY for disorders of the stomaeh,Ttorpldlt7 of the Utbt, Indigestion. and dlrtnrb*ncei of the animal forces, whichdebilitate. Uhas no equivalent, and can ham no substitute. It should not be confounded with the triturated compounds of cheap spirits and essential oils, often sold under the name of Bitten. ] roBULi bxl '.. y PBr GQISTS.t CKOCKBB I AJTDkWIJTB WANTED— A girl ; one who is a good cook, at 16 Washington street. 83* WANTED— Good girl for general housework. Swede or German preferred. Apply91 Waba- fihaw olrect. 77 TirANTED—Competent girl for general housework Jjl_ at 78 Daylun avemio. 73* Males- WANTED— A good smart boy at I>. D. H ALL'S, »4 Jackson street. 90* WANTED— A cou;.le of Carpenters at Nicollet House, 305 East Fourth street, St. Paul. 86* THE celebrated "nicks' Daisy" 5c cigar is selling likehot cakes. Sold onlyat Hicks', No, 31Jack- son street. It gives entire satisfaction . 85-91 WANTED— A first-claes Carriage Blacksmith, at O'DONNELL k CO.'S, 124 Exchango St. 84' WANTED— Bright German or Swede boy in fruit store. Enquire 33!4 Jackson street. 83* WANTED— A bright German boy, who, with the will of his parents, wants to learn tho drug business. Applyat this cflicc, 7ti* T\TANTED— Anexperienced cabinet maker; also *' a boy not under 17 years old, to loam the up- holsteruig trade. STEES BROTHERS. 57* SITUATIONS WANTED— MaIeg. A YOUNG SCOTCHMAN wishes to find emr-lcy- j\ inent of any kind, lias good, general knowl- edge of business, and can furnish tiist-classlrofor- crenceH. Address T., Globe office jip* SMOKE the "Hicks' Daißy" S cent Cigar. It Is a clear Havana fitter and decidedly the best 5 cent Cigar in St. rani. Try one. 85-91 WANTED— Bya Scandinavian railroader of ten years experience as contractor and foreman, a position as such. Best of references. Address N. Jj_ 0,, this office^ 84-89 WANTED-SITUATION— By married man, as bookkeeper, salesmau, correspondent, or trav- eling man. Been in business in St. Paul nine years. Best of cityreference. Addross O. It-, Globe office. 83* WANTED -Situation by an American lady as housekeeper. Private family preferred. Ad- dressjiare E. W. CHASE, 53 Roliert-st., City. 80* TyANTED-Situation as grocery clerk; speaks T T Gorman and English. Had five years' e.tperi- euce. Api ly at Grcou Tree hotel. WM. KAHLEB. p< 78* \u25a0\I7ANTED— Asituation, by a yonng man, ingro- \ V eery store. WcH acquainted with the business. Speaks German and English. M. N., Globe office T7 SITUATION as foreman and job printer in a coun- try office ; over twenty years' experience ; married ; lnwsalary for pcrmanoHt sit. 8. C. G., this office. WANTED— Situation by an engiueer of 10 years' experience, with best city references. Ad- dress J. P. T.,Glove office.. <&• WANTED— By a man of oue year's experience, situation in dental office, where he can make himself gonorally useful. HENRY BENSON, St. Paul. 67* WANTED— by a good tinsmith; had 20 years' experience. Can do all kinds of work. Address JOSEPH HARMON, Arcade hotel. 63* Females. FRESH oyster stews only 25 cents at Hicks'res- taurant, No. 31 Jackson street. Breakfast, din- ner and supper only25 cents each. 85-91 WANTED— Bya woman withsmall child, a place as head laundress in hotel or private family. Apply at 197 Broadway . 74- TOBEWT-Koomg. ' Ij^Oß a first-class breakfast, dinner or supper, call ! at Hicks' restaurant, No. 31 Jackson street, op- posite Merchants hotel. Meals only 25cts. 85-91 A stable, three stalls and hay loft, on an alley, No. 20 Fort street. 79» FOB BENT— Several very nice rooms In the Mc- Quillan Block, corner of Wabashaw and Third streets. Suitable for offices or sleeping rooms. In- quire of MEAD & THOMPSON, inthe building. j Houses. TjIOK the choicest cigars, most pleasant drinks and J? the choicest meals, callat Hicks' restaurant, No. 31 Jackson street. 85-91 FOR KENT—A small cottage house, with four lots well fenced and umlei cultivation, with good well of water and barn. Rent cheap. Inquire of H. B. MONTGOMERY, Oyster Bay Restaurant, corner Jackson and Third streets. 81" BOABD WANTED. HICKS' restaurant, No. 31 Jackson street. Meals only25 cents. 85-91 \u25a0RESTAURANT board 33.50 per week, at WA Wa- XL bashaw street. 66-90 WANTED— Good board and nicely furnished room, by a gentleman and wife,inprivate fam- ily. Address, statisg terms, A.,395, this office. 66' LOST AND FOUND. HICKS' Restaurant, No. 31 Jackson street, op- posite Merchants hotel: Breakfast 6 to 9, 25cts; dinner 12 to 2,25ct5: supper 6 to 8, 25ct8. 85-91 LOST from the St. Paul Hunt Kennels, at Como, a J_j fox hound, marked black and white, and some !in about face, and withportion of his tail gone. The finder win be liberally rewarded at this office for hit; return or for any information leading to his re- covery. \ 83* " REAL BBTATK-ln the CltT A.ROBERTSON, No. 7 McQuillan Block, sells real estate on commission and negotiates mortgage loans on city or suburban property. 32' *;AA BUILDINGLOTS invarious parts oi the O\.t\ 1 city, small figures and easy terms of pay- meat, to suit purchasers. D. A . ROBERTSON. 32* MISCELLANEOUS. (IARPETS— I will take up carpets, clean them from \j dust, stain, refit and relay them on short notice. Work guaranteed. Call or address No. 94 Jackson street T.B. MALONEY. 93-96 SEVEN Pi,B CENT money on nrst^lass city prof erty. GRAVES & VINTON, 60V4 E. 3d. 67.67 AINTING— P. F. FITZGIBBON, house and sign JL painting, No. 137 Jackson street. 84 t?<MOKE the celebrated "Hicks' GiltEdge" 6c cig»r JO It is having to.immense sale. Try one- Sold only at Hicks', No 31 Jackson street. 85-91 "17 ARM FOB SALE—One of the best for stock rais- _T ing or dairy purposes in the State, located one mile east of the village of Belle Plain; 440 acres; 100 acres upland, balance meadow and pasture. The St. Paul & Sioux City railroad runs through the farm, dividing the upland fromthe meadow. Good farm buildings of ail kinds; good fences, withabundance of wood and water. Will sell, if desiird, on long time, or exchange for St. Paul or Minneapolis city property. For further particulars, enquire of S. A. HOOPER, Belle Plaine, Scott county,Mi'- -esota. 64* /CLOTHES WRINGERS— your c X wringers \ ; and have new rollers put on, by lesv.gg them at the St. fan! Bobber Store. 43 E. ThirdSt. 80* i LBEBTSON'B C. O. D. LAUNDRY, 83 E. Third A street, Goods called for and delivered. 283-38 AUERBACH, FINCH, CULBERTSON & CO. New Goods by Special Train! THE LARGEST STOCK OF Dry Goods Ever Opened in the Northwest Will tie Ready for Inspection at the Wigwam on MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1880. All our Old Customers and the Trade Generally are Invited to Call and See Us. Great Sale of Damaged Goods ! ON WEDNESDAY, THE 31ST INST., We will commence the sale of onr Wet and Damaged Goods, from the late Ore, in onr lew Warehouse opposite the Wigwam. These Goods amount to $150,000 in value, and willhe well worth the attention of Dealers through- out the State. There never was such a chance for Bargains offered in Min- nesota, and may never he again. FIVE CENTS ALINE WANTED. TIfASONS WANTED— Thirty good bricklayers to IVL work OB coal kilnsat Mahtowa. Apply nt su- perintendent'h office Bt. P. &D. railroad. 90-92 WANTED— Man and wife without children to work on farm uear tho city. Inquiro at 105 East Thirdstreet. W WANTED— A first-class fresh milch-cow with calf. Inquire of or address ( 1. N . IJillman , cor- ner of Dale street and Lincoln avenue. 86' FEW GOOD MEN AND TEAMS can find em- ployment at Moorland Farm, Hancock, Minn., 86* FARNBWORTH & NEWOOMB. f CENTS buys oue of "Hicks' Daisy" cigars or one ») of "Hicks' Gilt Edge" cigars. You pa»s your niouey, you takes your choice. 85-91 I)INAFORE— Wanted pianist and singer, at Pina- fore ealoon. No. 165 West Third street. Must be first-class. To tho right parties will pay good salary. 73* WANTED— A good, practical, newspaper man, to take an interest in a paper doing a good paying business, iva nourishing railroad town inthis State. Address or call at Glove office . 74" WANTED— Aposition as copyist, amanuensis, or both, ;.t home, or in an office. Host references. Address K. M.It., this office. 72» WANTED— A summer school to teach, by lady having best recommendations. Addrese, Teacher, this office. 67* TX7ANTED— A purchaser for a first-class mill \V property situate at Crookston, Minn. Nine Kits fronting railroad depot, running to river. Good frame building ; good engine aud boilers. Two run of Ktone, with all necessary shafting, and sawmill counected withit. Will be sold vicry cheap ; must be sold. Inquire of IVES k McIiEAN, Attorneys at Law and dealers ivHeal Estate, Crookston, Minn. 65-90 BI7DATIONSOFFESED-Femalea. WANTED— A good wonfan to do general house- work. Applyat "J2O Robert street, Sunday, or from Cto 7 o'clock inthe evening, week days. 88* WANTED-A competent girl, at 238 St. Peter street, to do general housework. 86' WANTED Agirl for general housework. Must be a good cook. Applyat 181 Summit avenue. MRS. BENJAMIN THOMPSON. 83* FIVE CERTS A LINE ~ FOB BALE. 1 A ASETS SINGLEHARNESS AT A BARGAIN J.UU— I have just received 100 sets of s nglo harness of a good quality,that Twill offer for Bale for less than regular prices. A liberal discount to dealers . P. T. KAVAN AGH, 86' Commission Auctioneer. WHEN you want a first-class cigar call at Hicks', No 31Jackson street. The celebrated "Hicks' Daisy 1 and the "Hicks' Gilt Edge" 6c cigars give great satisfaction. 85-91 mJJWKT GOODS. flolesalejillery. J. OPPENHEIM&CO., MANUFACTURERS 07 ladies' Trimmed Hats. Latest Styles, Lowest Prices. Sprine Stock Now Ready, Srad for Fashion Plate. J. OPPENHEIM &CO., 90 . : St. Paul CITY NOTICE. City Treasurer's Sale. Office of the City Tbeahubeb, - ) St. Paul, Minn., March 30th, 1880. ) Notice is hereby given, that under and by virtue of a judgment entered on the 3d day of Feb. , 1880, in the District Court, second judicial district, Ramsey county, State of Min- nesota, against the hereinafter described real estate, situate, lying and being in said city and county, on an assessment warrant for th<? grading of Carroll street, from Western avenue to Mackubin street, in said City of St. Pan], the undersigned will, on Thursday, April 15th, 1880, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the City Treasurer's office, in the City of St. Paul, county of Ramsey, offer foi sale at public auction, as provided by law, to the best bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to- wit: Supposed owner and Am' t of description. Judgment. R BGalusba, that part of lot10, block 2, Irvine's addition to St Paul, lying sly of sly line of Carroll street *3 53 Same, commencing 511 ft n of se cor of se % of se %, s 36. t 29, r 33; th n140 ft, th w 120 ft, th s 140 ft, th c 120 ft to beginning. 7 73 Bailey's Addition to Rondo's Addition. Supposed owner and - . Ain't of description. Lot. Block. Judgm't. Francis St. Germain 9 1 $4 19 Same .10 1 4 19 Nininger's Addition. Wilhelm Koenig 8 6 4 24 Horatio C Cooper and Laura V Cooper 13 4 38 Same 2 3 4 42 Same 3 3 4 Same 4 3 4 42 Same 5 3 4 42 Same 6 3 4 42 Same 7 3 4 42 Charles Greis 8 3 4 42 Katherine C Nelson 12 2 4 42 KobertASmith 25 7 4 42 Macknbin &Marshall's Addition. SWFay 36 17 37 33 Ellen MMacknbin 27 18 20 49 LolaTttaekubin 6 20 37 33 Ellen MMacknbin 9 20 37 33 All inthe city of St. Paul, county of Ramsey and State of Minnesota. 90-94 F. A.RENZ. City Treannrer. BORQLAB CHECKS. ~ SEND 25 CENTS TO O. A. PUTNAM, Boom 33, No. 69 Dearborn street, Chicago, FOR A PERFECT BURGLAR CHECK. > It is absolutely burglar proof . 79* me DOO7. produces a eotutant currmi of electricity, forming the most powerful remedial agent forthe care of Rheumatism. Ifnratgia, Sciatica, Beadach*.Sprain; Spinal Difficulty,JTervou* Diuaui.or Female Weaknu* eter known. Its effects are magical. Sold by DrugAts. or not by man on receipt of SO cents. «•»-«\u25a0• \u25a0 Bum. GEO. BLAKEMOBE, THBONLT Practical Gilder XaMtanejoU. ASkmd**f Gold Frames Made to Order. Oil tnmm rs-fOI an* repaired m good M mm, \u25a0 -••- v«ry low priew, is WXMT swath mxjlkjsi,MT. tavz l r l Tl |n| "lIJHJ -«*— «hu \u25a0" \u25a0- -- - -- . J l«*" r \u25a0 MUSICDEALERS. WEBER PIANOS ! Used by Emma Thursby and other first class artists. R O. MUNGKEK, 71 East Third Street. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WALL & BIGBLOW, &RAIN AND PROVISION COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ." No. 61, East Third St., TJp-Stairs, St. Paul, Minn. Buy and sell futures on grain and provisions in Chi- cago and Milwaukee on margins. 66-96 CHABLES H. WALL, Manager. PIANOS AND ORGANS. JOHNA-WEIDE&Co., M/usic Dealers. [Mall Organs, Smith American Organs. Ballet, Dayis&Co's Pianos, Haden & Son's Pianos, Hale & Co's Pianos, No. 42 West Third Street. 83-98 CLOTHES WRIHOJiKa. Only One Dollar! A PERFECT CLOTHES WRINGER -. 'Will be Bent EXPEESB FKEE, Onreceipt of $1. Thousands are in "Use And it is pronounced as good as any $10 wringer in 'be market. Address, C. A. PLTNAM, 79* Boom 33, No. 69 Dearborn street, Chicago. OALYANO-ELECTBIC PLASTER. R. P. HALL'S GAL7AKO-ELECT&XC PLASTER. A Galvanic Battery is Imbedded ina medicated puuter, and, when applied to BOTTLED BEER. anheuser's Celebrated St. Louis Export BOTTLED BEER ! First Modal, Centennial Exhibition, Phils., 1876. Grand Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1878. DeDot— B E. Siitn street, -- St. Paul. Mailand city orders solicited and promptly filled. Address, FEED'K, 11. EBTKL, General Agent P. O. Box 2610, St. Paul, Minn. STALLIONS. Imported Norm Stallions. I have two Percheron Norman Stallions, recently \u25a0elected and imported fromFrance, by E. A. Bock, publisher of A'ew York Spirit. \Titnes, and registered in the Percheron Norman Stud Book, which I will Hell an interest in or let out on shares to a responsible party. The horses can be seen at Hastings, and terms known, by addressing before April sth, E. W. GROSVENOK, 86-05 \u25a0 Hastings, Minn. - - WVMJf Grip, Johnson k - Rhodes, Doaleri im COAL & WOOD. Real Estate Agents and Mortgage Brokers, 29 East TMrd Street, - - St. Pad. tar-Srea* K*dacU«a la Prloaa ml OmL I WASHINGTON STEAM ENGINE WORKS I DEPEW &BURNS, wusvrxoTfraxßM of STATIONARY, PORTABLE and MARINE EisraiisrEs, . Boilers, Flour and Saw Mill Machinery, Wrought Iron Pipes andFittings, Iron and Brut Cart- ings, Knglne Trimmings and \u25a0 Iron Building Work of all description*. To. 190 B. fifth Street, St. JPavl, Jftni*. Bpsdal Attention Given toRepair Work. \u25a0 ra-iy Farms lor Sale 180 aero* In Jsokaon county, Klnnesata, '\u25a0'•-.\u25a0 160 sow inMeeker county,Minnesota. 140 acres in laantl county, KinnMoto. 80 inTodd county, Minnesota. 40acres in Douglas county, Minnesota. SO acres in Houston comity, Mlaseaota. Theater?* Uafleholo* lamtaf lands, which wm sell at law rrU»tmt cask, or part cash andbal- ance to* with approrsd Man** Wot desert*. Hob of lanes sad farther paiilcsJan, »Mr— IT TABI. fcaSVMTBB WOfiU, B*. VMd, Miu. IHM* HE-OPENING. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Minneapolis, Stillwater And Neighboring Cities. krbl, mcli, Culbertson & Co. Will offer on MONDAY MORNING, March 20th, and continue until sold, 1,000 pieces 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4,0-4 and 10-4 Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, 500 Dozen Towels, Laun- dried; 50 Pieces Table Damask, <tc, &c. The above have been slight- ly damaged by water, and will be sold at an immense sacrifice. The sale of Car- pets, Draperies and Up- holstery, will be continued daily at Fire Prices, IN THE lain & Morton Block, 14 West Third, BBIDGE SQUARE, FIOOBINO. WOOD CARPET ANDINLAIDFLOOKH! Tor Halls, Parlors, Dining Booms, Kitchens, Bath Booms, Offices, etc Samples can be seen and full particulars obtained by callingon or addressing J. DUKFEE, 100 Wash- ington street, Chicago. 3G-163-tu-thn-sat TTKITBT O. OBOSS, S3 Broadway, IT.T., broker la XX Ant-class privilege! only, refers to Bouaa Sags, Kaq., T. B. Wallao* kCo H. L. Horton * Co., Harvey Kennedy. I*j.,Alex. Taylor Beaa, W. 8. Ornoee, Jr., ft Co., and many other azst-olass koasss and membsn of the Ktw Tork Btosk «i- akaoct (tstnllr. *U-ti*3ft«4

MORffUHJ, SAINT FIVECENTS ALINE AUERBACH, FINCH, … · FRESH oyster stews only 25 cents at Hicks'res-taurant, No. 31Jackson street. Breakfast, din-ner and supper only25 cents each

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Page 1: MORffUHJ, SAINT FIVECENTS ALINE AUERBACH, FINCH, … · FRESH oyster stews only 25 cents at Hicks'res-taurant, No. 31Jackson street. Breakfast, din-ner and supper only25 cents each

AMUSEMENTS.opera hqtjs:ki

Friday Nut, isa^UprilZil.Saturday KiHHJ^SSSUpiiISiL


H. M. S. PIMFOKE !Allthe oldFavorites. Grand Chorus of30 Voices.

EutirelyNew ami Characteristic Costumes, NovelScenic and Nautical Appointments.

roriLAitPItICES:Evening Tsc and $1.00.Matinee—Children :15c, Adults 50c, Reserved 750.Reserved seats onand after Wednesday, at '.'a. m.



Insurance Company,


JNO. 11. CAKKOLL President'OEO. A.MOOItK Vice President.C. LIVINGSTON,St. Paul, Attorney inMian.


Loans on real estate $SS9.OSG 40Loans on collateral security . 47,149 19Premium notes or loans 68,316Value of real estate owned b7,912 o9Market valueof bonds and stocks

owned 304,722 44Cash on hand and inbank 64,663 40Accrued interests and rents 38,929 (17

Net deferred and outstandingpremiums 44,318 56

Allother assets 3,0W 00

Total assets*1,246,933 72


Net reinsurance reserve $842,548 00Total gross policy claims 22,466 00Allother liabilities None.

Total liabilities $865,014 00Total assets 1,346,990 72


Surplus over liabilities $331,'J85 72Standard of computation of re-

serve, American experience.. 4}-2 percent.

INCOME, 1879.Premiums, less amount paid for

reinsurance $316,774 26From interest and dividends... 75,942 10From rents and all other

sources 1,773 79

Total income ,$384,490 15


Death Losses $70,78S 39Endowments, due and not yet

due, but discounted 133,778 12Disbursements to policy holders 88,497 40

Total payments to policyholders 5292.0C4 21

Dividends to stockholders None.Total salaries paid officers and

office employes 23,420 00Management expenses 127,288 10

Total disbursements 6419,302 31


Inforce at end of 1878, No. 2,907 87,802,959Issued during 1879 No. 858 2,751,057

BUSINESS INMINNESOTA,1879.Inforce at end of1878, No. 83 $102,192Issued during 1879, No. 13 50.070Ceased tobo in force dur-

ing 1879 No. 22 50,500Inforce Dec. 31, 1879 No. 73 161,762Cash received 1879.. $4,600 00

Losses paid, 1879.... 1,000 00Losses inGurred.lB79 1,000 00

STATE OF MINNESOTA, iDepartment of Iksurasce. f

I,A. It.McGill,Insuranco ComraiFsioner ofthe State of Minnesota, do hereby certify thattho Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Companyabove named, has complied with tho laws ofthis State relating to insurance, and is nowfullyempowered through its authorized agentsto transact its appropriate business of life in-Bnrance in this State for the year ending Jan-uary:Ust, 1881.

St. Paul, March, 18S0.A. R. McGILL,

Insurance Cummissioncr.

c. mm,Manager Northwest,

St. Paul, - - Minn.MEDICAL.——

s—\u25a0— ii———\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 iiimm i


Blooi kLiwSyrup,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0aaßßiaacsiK!.^^---.a peerless remedy for Scrofula, WhiteSwellings, Cancer, Erysipelas, Gout, ChronicSores, Syphilis, Tumors, Carbuncles, SaltRheum, Malaria, Bilious Complaints, endalldiseases indicating anImpure Conditionof the Blood, This grand remedy is a com-pound of vegetable extracts, the chief ofwhich aw SARSAPARILLA End STIL-LINGIA. The cures effected by SCOVILL'SBLOOD ANDLIVERSYRUP are absolute,and their record is nndisfigared by failure.For sale by allDruggists, *

MOTT'SLIVER PILLS,The Great Cathartic Vegetable Regulator

They rectify torpidity of the Liver.They give tone to the Stomach.They prevent griping of the Bowels.They remove bile from the Blood.They purify and invigorate the Body.They cure all bilious complaints.

Dr.EoifT"Worm "Syrup

instantly destroys WORMS end is recom-mended by physicians as the best WOBMMEDICINE.


Mrs.O.Herwegen,\u25a0 ZEPHYR & WORSTED GOODS.

«\u25a0 TOUT THIRD ITOIET, ST. PAtltS«-T««.Thn'*a»«

St.Paul ADninth Railroad.Depot foot of Blblsy street.Trains. Leave. Arrive.

Btfllwatsr, Emckley and Duluth 8:00 am 4:15 pza•HUokley accommodation 1136am IKMpm•XhMstreet depot. _

SAINT PAULna «mo»no

51,000 Inhabitants,'Located at Head of HtriftUoa, en the MlsiUilrpl

Bltw,and the

Terminus or 15 Lines or Railroafl,EXTKfDnra

Throaxhoßt WnnMota, lows and Wisconsin, andthrough Dakota Territory and Into the


Aa a O*maa*rclal and Manufacturing Center, Bt.Paul of*nluuncnMAdvantage*, th« Wholesale

Trade already Beanhing Over

30 MILLIONSJPUALLY!Salow willbe found a LUt of th*

Leading Houses ii the City,Whisk Bmsinesi Hen throughout the Northwest win

do wellto preserr* for reference :




BCHLIEE & CO, 69 E. Thirdand 33 Wabashaw.Burt's Fine hoes, Sole Agency 69 E. Thirdstreet



CARRIAGES AND BLEIGHB.QUINBY k HALLOWELL,64 to 68 Robert street.A.NIPPOLT, Cor. Seventh and Blbley streets.


Grain, Flour, Feed and Provisions, No. 41Sibleystreet, St. Paul, Minn.

nOXIE &JAOOAR, 14 Jackson street.


"J7IXPERIENCED dining roomgirld, chambormaidoYj aud all other hotel help can alwaya secure goodsituations by callingat HotelReporter EmploymentBureau, C8Eaßt Third street. 'Sl*

i) cents pays for a first-class breakfast, dinner or_•) Flipper at Hicks' restaurant, No.31Jackf-on

street, oppwite the Merchants hotel. 85-91



SO to 60 Jackson St.


A. H.LINDEKK4 880., 9 E.ThirdSt.ESTERLEY & HEINEMANN, Wholesale and

Retail, 103 and 10 Seventh, corner of Jacksou St.





P. H.KELLY&CO., 142 to 148 E.Third street.


KIXG3BUKY&DRAPER, 36 B.Third street.






WM. CONST ANS,8 Jackson St.



Grocers' Fixtures, CopyingPresses,OilTanks, Alarm MoneyDrawers,Safety Step Ladders, Jtc, &c,FAIRBANKS,MORSE & CO., 46 E. ThirdSt.



Teachers Examination.The annual epricß examination of ]>orsons wleiiing

to teach inthe Common Schools of tUis county, willlwheldin the

Franklin School BuildingON

Saturday, April 3d,At 9 O'clock, a. in., Sharp.

E. A HENDRICKSON,Superintendent of Schools, Ramsey Comity.

St Paul, March 20th. 81•


[Established 1830.]


Wholesale Dealers inPure

Kentnciy Bonrton &Rye WhiskiesCalifornia and Foreign Wines and Brandies.

R^-Country and City Orders Solicited. 84-83


Wiiceler ani Wilson Straiglit-NeeclleSEWING IM-A-CIIIINrE.

The \ew Elclriclge,NowFlorenceand Singer Machines.

KeecDes ami attachment! for allmachines ;90EastThirdstreet, three doors below Robert street, fignofsev-Migmachine. 29-tii,to.su

Wgilt edge^*


THOROUGH.REMEDYfor disorders of the stomaeh,Ttorpldlt7 of the Utbt,Indigestion. and dlrtnrb*ncei of the animal forces,whichdebilitate. Uhas no equivalent, and can hamno substitute. Itshould not be confounded withthetriturated compounds of cheap spirits and essentialoils, often sold under thename ofBitten.

]roBULibxl '..—


WANTED— A girl;one whois a good cook, at 16Washington street. 83*

WANTED—Good girl for general housework.Swede or German preferred. Apply91Waba-

fihawolrect. 77

TirANTED—Competent girlfor general houseworkJjl_ at 78 Daylun avemio. 73*


WANTED—A good smart boy at I>. D.HALL'S,»4 Jackson street. 90*

WANTED—A cou;.le of Carpenters at NicolletHouse, 305 East Fourth street, St. Paul. 86*

THE celebrated "nicks' Daisy" 5c cigar is sellinglikehot cakes. Sold onlyat Hicks', No, 31Jack-

son street. Itgives entire satisfaction . 85-91

WANTED—A first-claes Carriage Blacksmith, atO'DONNELLk CO.'S, 124 Exchango St. 84'

WANTED—Bright German or Swede boy infruitstore. Enquire 33!4 Jackson street. 83*

WANTED—A bright German boy, who, withthewillof his parents, wants to learn tho drug

business. Applyat this cflicc, 7ti*

T\TANTED—Anexperienced cabinet maker; also*'a boy notunder 17 years old, to loam the up-

holsteruig trade. STEES BROTHERS. 57*


A YOUNG SCOTCHMAN wishes to find emr-lcy-j\ inent of any kind, lias good, general knowl-edge of business, and can furnish tiist-classlrofor-crenceH. Address T., Globe office jip*

SMOKE the "Hicks' Daißy" S cent Cigar. It Is aclear Havana fitterand decidedly the best 5 cent

Cigar inSt. rani. Tryone. 85-91

WANTED—Bya Scandinavian railroader of tenyears experience as contractor and foreman, a

position as such. Best of references. Address N.Jj_ 0,, this office^ 84-89

WANTED-SITUATION—By married man, asbookkeeper, salesmau, correspondent, or trav-eling man. Been inbusiness inSt. Paul nine years.

Best of cityreference. Addross O. It-,Globe office.83*

WANTED-Situation by an American lady ashousekeeper. Private familypreferred. Ad-

dressjiare E. W. CHASE, 53 Roliert-st., City. 80*

TyANTED-Situation as grocery clerk; speaksT T Gorman and English. Had fiveyears' e.tperi-

euce. Apilyat Grcou Tree hotel. WM. KAHLEB.p<


\u25a0\I7ANTED— Asituation, bya yonng man, ingro-\V eery store. WcH acquainted withthe business.Speaks German and English. M.N., Globe office


SITUATION as foreman and jobprinter in a coun-try office;over twenty years' experience ;married;lnwsalary for pcrmanoHt sit. 8. C. G., this office.

WANTED—Situation by an engiueer of 10 years'experience, with best city references. Ad-

dress J. P. T.,Glove office.. <&•

WANTED—By a man of oue year's experience,situation indental office, where he can make

himself gonorally useful. HENRY BENSON, St.Paul. 67*

WANTED— by a good tinsmith; had 20years' experience. Can do all kinds of work.Address JOSEPH HARMON,Arcade hotel. 63*Females.

FRESH oyster stews only 25 cents at Hicks'res-taurant, No. 31Jackson street. Breakfast, din-

ner and supper only25 cents each. 85-91

WANTED—Bya woman withsmall child, a placeas head laundress in hotel or private family.

Applyat 197 Broadway. 74-


Ij^Oß a first-class breakfast, dinneror supper, call! at Hicks' restaurant, No.31 Jackson street, op-

posite Merchants hotel. Meals only25cts. 85-91

Astable, three stalls and hay loft,on an alley,No.20 Fort street. 79»

FOB BENT—Several very nice rooms In the Mc-Quillan Block,corner of Wabashaw and Third

streets. Suitable for offices or sleeping rooms. In-quire ofMEAD & THOMPSON, inthe building.

• j Houses.TjIOK the choicest cigars, most pleasant drinks andJ? the choicest meals, callat Hicks' restaurant, No.31 Jackson street. 85-91

FOR KENT—A small cottage house, withfour lotswell fenced and umlei cultivation, withgood well

of water and barn. Rent cheap. Inquire of H.B.MONTGOMERY, Oyster Bay Restaurant, cornerJackson and Thirdstreets. 81"


HICKS' restaurant, No.31Jackson street. Mealsonly25cents. 85-91

\u25a0RESTAURANT board 33.50per week, at WA Wa-XL bashaw street. 66-90

WANTED—Good board and nicely furnishedroom, bya gentleman and wife,inprivate fam-

ily. Address, statisg terms, A.,395, this office. 66'


HICKS' Restaurant, No. 31 Jackson street, op-posite Merchants hotel: Breakfast 6 to 9,

25cts; dinner 12 to 2,25ct5: supper 6 to 8, 25ct8.85-91

LOST from the St. Paul Hunt Kennels, at Como, aJ_j fox hound, marked black and white, and some!in about face, and withportion of his tail gone.The finder winbe liberallyrewarded at this office forhit; return or forany information leading to his re-covery. \ • 83*


REAL BBTATK-lnthe CltTA.ROBERTSON, No.7 McQuillan Block, sells• real estate on commission and negotiates

mortgage loans oncity or suburban property. 32'

*;AABUILDINGLOTS invarious parts oi theO\.t\ 1 city, small figures and easy terms of pay-meat, tosuit purchasers. D. A.ROBERTSON. 32*

MISCELLANEOUS.(IARPETS—Iwilltake up carpets, clean them from\j dust, stain, refit and relay them onshort notice.Work guaranteed. Call or address No.94 Jacksonstreet T.B. MALONEY. 93-96

SEVEN Pi,B CENT money on nrst^lass cityproferty. GRAVES &VINTON,60V4 E.3d. 67.67

AINTING—P.F. FITZGIBBON,house and signJL painting, No. 137 Jackson street. 84

t?<MOKE the celebrated "Hicks' GiltEdge" 6c cig»rJO Itishaving to.immense sale. Tryone- Sold onlyatHicks', No 31Jackson street. 85-91

"17ARMFOB SALE—One of the best for stock rais-_T ingor dairy purposes in the State, located onemile east of thevillage of Belle Plain; 440 acres; 100acres upland, balance meadow and pasture. The St.Paul & SiouxCity railroad runs through the farm,dividing the upland fromthe meadow. Good farmbuildingsof ail kinds; good fences, withabundanceof wood and water. Will sell, ifdesiird, on longtime,or exchange for St. Paul or Minneapolis cityproperty. For further particulars, enquire of S. A.HOOPER, Belle Plaine, Scott county,Mi'- -esota. 64*/CLOTHES WRINGERS— your c X wringers\;and have new rollers puton, bylesv.gg them atthe St. fan! Bobber Store. 43 E. ThirdSt. 80*iLBEBTSON'B C.O. D.LAUNDRY,83 E.ThirdA street, Goods called forand delivered. 283-38


New Goods by Special Train!


Dry Goods Ever Opened in the NorthwestWill tie Ready for Inspection at the Wigwam on

MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1880.All our Old Customers and the Trade Generally are Invited to Call and See Us.

Great Sale of Damaged Goods !ON WEDNESDAY, THE 31ST INST.,

We willcommence the sale of onr Wet and Damaged Goods, from the lateOre, in onr lew Warehouse opposite the Wigwam. These Goods amount to$150,000 in value, and willhe well worth the attention of Dealers through-out the State. There never was such a chance for Bargains offered in Min-nesota, and may never he again.


TIfASONS WANTED—Thirty good bricklayers toIVL work OB coal kilnsat Mahtowa. Apply ntsu-perintendent'h office Bt.P.&D. railroad. 90-92

WANTED—Man and wife without children toworkon farm uear tho city. Inquiro at 105

East Thirdstreet. W

WANTED—A first-class fresh milch-cow withcalf. Inquire of or address (1. N. IJillman, cor-

ner ofDale street and Lincoln avenue. 86'FEW GOOD MEN AND TEAMS can find em-ployment at Moorland Farm, Hancock, Minn.,


f CENTS buys oue of "Hicks' Daisy"cigars or one») of "Hicks'Gilt Edge" cigars. You pa»s yourniouey, you takes your choice. 85-91

I)INAFORE— Wanted pianist and singer, at Pina-fore ealoon. No. 165 West Third street. Must

be first-class. Totho right parties willpay goodsalary. 73*

WANTED—A good, practical, newspaper man, totake an interest in a paper doing a good paying

business, iva nourishing railroad towninthis State.Address or callat Glove office. 74"

WANTED—Aposition as copyist, amanuensis, orboth, ;.t home, or inan office. Host references.

Address K. M.It.,this office. 72»

WANTED— A summer school to teach, by ladyhaving best recommendations. Addrese,

Teacher, this office. 67*TX7ANTED—A purchaser for a first-class mill\V property situate at Crookston, Minn. Nine

Kits fronting railroad depot, running to river. Goodframe building;good engine aud boilers. Tworunof Ktone, with all necessary shafting, and sawmillcounected withit. Willbe sold vicry cheap ;mustbe sold. Inquire of IVESk McIiEAN, Attorneysat Law and dealers ivHeal Estate, Crookston, Minn.



WANTED—A good wonfan to do general house-work. Applyat "J2O Robert street, Sunday, or

from Cto 7 o'clock inthe evening, week days. 88*

WANTED-A competent girl, at 238 St. Peterstreet, to do general housework. 86'


Agirl for general housework. Mustbe a good cook. Applyat 181 Summit avenue.



FOB BALE.1AASETS SINGLEHARNESS AT A BARGAINJ.UU—Ihave just received 100 sets of s ngloharness of a good quality,that Twill offer for Balefor less than regular prices. A liberal discount todealers . P. T.KAVANAGH,

86' Commission Auctioneer.

WHEN you want a first-class cigar call at Hicks',No 31Jackson street. The celebrated "Hicks'

Daisy1 and the "Hicks' Gilt Edge" 6c cigars givegreat satisfaction. 85-91


flolesalejillery.J. OPPENHEIM&CO.,


ladies' Trimmed Hats.Latest Styles, Lowest Prices.

Sprine Stock Now Ready,

Srad forFashion Plate.J. OPPENHEIM &CO.,

90 .: St. Paul


City Treasurer's Sale.Office of the City Tbeahubeb,

- )St.Paul, Minn., March 30th, 1880. )

Notice is hereby given, that under and byvirtue ofa judgment entered on the 3d dayof Feb. ,1880, in the District Court, secondjudicialdistrict, Ramsey county, State ofMin-nesota, against the hereinafter described realestate, situate, lying and being in said city andcounty, on an assessment warrant for th<?grading ofCarroll street, from Western avenueto Mackubin street, in said City of St. Pan],the undersigned will,onThursday, April15th,1880, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the frontdoor of the City Treasurer's office, in theCityofSt. Paul, county of Ramsey, offer foi sale atpublic auction, as provided by law, to the bestbidder forcash, the following described realestate, to-wit:Supposed owner and Am' t of

description. Judgment.R BGalusba, that part of lot10, block

2, Irvine's addition to St Paul, lyingslyof sly line ofCarroll street *3 53

Same, commencing 511ftn of se corof se % of se %, s 36. t 29, r 33; thn140 ft, th w 120 ft, th s140 ft, th c120 ftto beginning. 7 73

Bailey's Addition toRondo's Addition.

Supposed owner and - . Ain'tofdescription. Lot. Block. Judgm't.

Francis St. Germain 9 1 $4 19Same .10 1 4 19

Nininger's Addition.

Wilhelm Koenig 8 6 4 24Horatio C Cooper and

Laura V Cooper 13 4 38Same 2 3 4 42Same 3 3 4 4»Same 4 3 4 42Same 5 3 4 42Same 6 3 4 42Same 7 3 4 42Charles Greis 8 3 4 42Katherine C Nelson 12 2 4 42KobertASmith 25 7 4 42

Macknbin &Marshall's Addition.

SWFay 36 17 37 33Ellen MMacknbin 27 18 20 49LolaTttaekubin 6 20 37 33Ellen MMacknbin 9 20 37 33

Allinthe cityofSt. Paul, county of Ramseyand State ofMinnesota.90-94 F. A.RENZ. City Treannrer.



O. A. PUTNAM,Boom 33, No. 69 Dearborn street, Chicago,

FOR A PERFECT BURGLAR CHECK.> Itis absolutely burglar proof. 79*

me DOO7. produces a eotutant currmiof electricity,forming the most powerful remedial agent forthe careof Rheumatism. Ifnratgia,Sciatica, Beadach*.Sprain;Spinal Difficulty,JTervou* Diuaui.or Female Weaknu*eterknown. Its effects are magical. Sold byDrugAts.or notbymanon receipt of SO cents. «•»-«\u25a0•

\u25a0 Bum.


Practical GilderXaMtanejoU. ASkmd**f

GoldFrames Made toOrder.Oil tnmm rs-fOI an* repaired m good M mm, \u25a0-••- v«ry lowpriew,is WXMT swath mxjlkjsi,MT. tavzlrlTl|n| "lIJHJ -«*— *« «hu

\u25a0" \u25a0--- - -- . J l«*"r \u25a0



Used by Emma Thursbyand other first class artists.

R O. MUNGKEK,71East Third Street.




No.61, East Third St., TJp-Stairs,St. Paul, Minn.

Buyand sell futures ongrain and provisions inChi-cago and Milwaukee onmargins.

66-96 CHABLES H. WALL,Manager.


JOHNA-WEIDE&Co.,M/usic Dealers.

[Mall Organs,Smith American Organs.

Ballet, Dayis&Co's Pianos,Haden & Son's Pianos,

Hale & Co's Pianos,No. 42 West Third Street.




-. 'Will be Bent

EXPEESB FKEE,Onreceipt of $1.

Thousands are in"UseAnd it is pronounced as good as any $10 wringer in'be market. Address,

C. A. PLTNAM,79* Boom 33, No.69 Dearborn street, Chicago.




AGalvanic Batteryis Imbedded ina medicatedpuuter, and, when applied to


anheuser'sCelebrated St. Louis Export


First Modal, Centennial Exhibition,Phils., 1876.Grand Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1878.

DeDot—B E. Siitn street, - - St. Paul.Mailand cityorders solicited and promptly filled.

Address,FEED'K, 11. EBTKL,

General AgentP. O. Box 2610, St. Paul, Minn.


Imported Norm Stallions.Ihave two Percheron Norman Stallions, recently

\u25a0elected and imported fromFrance, byE. A. Bock,publisher of A'ew York Spirit. \Titnes, andregistered in the Percheron Norman Stud Book,whichIwillHellan interest inor let out on shares toa responsible party. The horses can be seen atHastings, and terms known, by addressing beforeAprilsth, E. W. GROSVENOK,

86-05 \u25a0 Hastings, Minn.-


Grip, Johnson k -Rhodes,Doaleri im

COAL & WOOD.RealEstate Agents

and Mortgage Brokers,

29 East TMrdStreet, - -St. Pad.

tar-Srea* K*dacU«a la Prloaa ml OmLI1»


wusvrxoTfraxßM of


Boilers, Flour and Saw MillMachinery, WroughtIron Pipes andFittings, Ironand Brut Cart-

ings, Knglne Trimmings and \u25a0 IronBuildingWork ofalldescription*.

To. 190 B. fifthStreet, St. JPavl, Jftni*.

Bpsdal Attention Given toRepair Work.\u25a0 ra-iy

Farms lor Sale180 aero* InJsokaon county,Klnnesata, '\u25a0'•-.\u25a0160 sow inMeeker county,Minnesota.140 acres inlaantl county, KinnMoto.80 inTodd county,Minnesota.40acres inDouglas county, Minnesota.SO acres inHouston comity, Mlaseaota.

Theater?* Uafleholo* lamtaf lands, which w«wmsell at law rrU»tmt cask, or part cash andbal-ance o» to*with approrsd Man** Wot desert*.Hob of lanes sad farther paiilcsJan, »Mr— ITTABI.fcaSVMTBB WOfiU,B*.VMd,Miu.




Minneapolis, StillwaterAnd Neighboring Cities.

krbl, mcli,Culbertson &Co.

Will offer on MONDAYMORNING, March 20th,

and continue until sold,1,000 pieces 5-4, 6-4, 7-4,8-4,0-4 and 10-4 Bleached

and Unbleached Muslins,

500 Dozen Towels, Laun-dried; 50 Pieces Table

Damask, <tc, &c.The above have been slight-

ly damaged by water, andwillbe sold at an immense

sacrifice. The sale of Car-

pets, Draperies and Up-

holstery, willbe continued

dailyat Fire Prices,


lain & MortonBlock, 14 West Third,



TorHalls, Parlors, Dining Booms, Kitchens, BathBooms, Offices, etc

Samples can be seen and fullparticulars obtainedby callingonor addressing J. DUKFEE, 100 Wash-ington street, Chicago. 3G-163-tu-thn-sat

TTKITBTO. OBOSS, S3 Broadway, IT.T.,broker laXX Ant-class privilege! only, refers to BouaaSags, Kaq.,T. B. Wallao* kCo H.L.Horton *Co.,Harvey Kennedy. I*j.,Alex. Taylor Beaa, W. 8.Ornoee, Jr., ft Co., and many other azst-olasskoasss and membsn of the Ktw Tork Btosk «i-akaoct (tstnllr. *U-ti*3ft«4