Five to One—or more This preponderance of CtrcuUtlon-more titan the combined eitculatlonofmny five olhernew.. papcriin Warren County and vicinity, ciakcaTlifl Star 1 * »dv«rtliin» ralci proportionally very low THE "WASHINGTON STAR Section 1--Pag€s^l!te|8p 53rd YEAR—NUMBER 6 Banner Crowd Fills Chape! at : «Y_" Feast John T. Spioul, New York WASHINGTON, WARREN.COUNTY, N.%THURSDAY,'FEBRUARY v(l920 ^.SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00.A;YEAR||||p; THERE'S NICE LITTLE j SCANDAL IN HAMPTON j li FIREMEN'S MINSTREL D_ v _ 'f~,,~~;\ SHOW THIS EVENING D o r " ^OUIlCll .Mother anil Daud.lir Arrcslwl In NVw \ W liO WOnDBtCK ! I-wnl llfaVftftic«-ArtMs lllll Killer. I AljllOSt JBlIVS nrli, Cli:irB«!(l With Living With \ ^, I T T 11 ' !li " '" "'"''"' """ su Temltslit mill i . _. r ^ J I CHARGE FICHTEL HID 3UN FROM GROUNDHOG Hamilton has n .scandal, mi lionoMt- -ss scandal, ihul trails from \ Good Health Kvi-rythliiK IH hi readiness for tin- ! minstrel a how of th" Washington y A Fire Truck tO*K" ( HlIll'JiS seaiiciai, limi. urnm iniiu i iiiinsiivi must* UL.IK'T Hii.-mnwiuii .imi- > . i!mvi'jy''iia'a'i'!!.s 1 'S mid'SBh'fr'S' He Jumped the Ditch With a i "KiVh'i't'mi '»!• Sim!rv.°io ll C' Thl ' ce I 5i( 's Received for Bank President, Prin- . illl.A'x^'Slm'iy^Via^w.S^harK- cipal Speaker. ' I""= "•»"• « " " li " 1M f-'""• K;l " y """ lvv " Local Hosiery »! Company Will Double Many Ilillw S:iy -Ultlo IVIIuw Oul •Hirly anil Diilu'l See III Shallow. ' ' I'lowiy and ^'Vi-ryUiinK—V«.pt liock i ™' :> " "'IH^sli 1 iif ; l i Announcement Made Thai; hilt ! inillcyinvn In tlwl city. ; I>-Koy Kmmoiis, eliiirsi'il with Very Sprightly "Yei- ;i;!^,'",,'!!^^';;:!"'^^ 1 " 1 ^""""| Furnishing Motor Equip- y^"^^!!'^",^ 1 ^'^ 1 ^^ 113 i Work Will Start When"; low-Lee."' ; ":':4 wl " ¥'• t0 ™"''"" . f " n ?. £ r .!!!": ment for Washington. •.IT™.-. th.™ mw s^m,,., Monday, j \\r, nf h«,. PAimits. ; MEN SHOULD INVEST j K S " ™ »'?„ si.K.X™^ i HEALTH IMPORTANT IN ROYS, HE ASSERTS | Kf,^S^SsVpS ; TOPIC THESE DAYS Mr. Tressler, Senator Corn- j 3^,S HE' *l±iS"v k £! Somc P 61 ' 15 "" 11 Paragraphs I They art: attend tu have b«en HVIMK On Vui'IOUR TOMCS Oi with till- two me11 In N'i'wark wince. ish, Mayor Christine and Mr. Lee Also Speak. There wi-ri! hoys of tw.-lvc anil hoys '. who will never set' sixty IIKUIH »* tl"-' i-'atlit-r anil Son banquet, h-id under llu- auspices of tin* Washington V. M. (J. A. In ' llio i-hajK't of tin- local I'res- bvterlan ehurt-h l-'rlday evening. » was a Jolly gathering Two hundred anil fifty persons crowded tin- building, I nit tin-' ladles of thf 1'iesbytemn church, who served thr haii<iui't, wrn« not WIIIKIK unawares. They had h.-r-n irihl tn prepaiv lor 'J00 poisons. I-inyl nidi-c than tlic allulted number cam", and till wtl'i' well prnvldnt with/he : rhfil'v viandu lhat hail I»-n pr.-priivd hy tin- women. : .Musle. and .speech-making w-i' 1 an hnpoitunt part of the I'Vi'iiirig's* iVstiv- iU<'.«, llllt tile MlmVShlp bi'lWl'CU Father and Son ami tile .-xpla nation* of the real mt'turini; of V M. C. A. work to ;i community were the. out- Ktiii'uliiiK f'-aniros of the program, l-lveryciiie who attended came »w»y failing Hint " V wui-h in V. .inriir.pWn. wnultl \r oiu: of tin- bitwst • things tor tin 1 tii'tii'tiiu'iil of Hi" boys «f the i-oniitiunity lhat ban i-v-r U'-n SIIK- " John T. Simml. pn^id-'m nf lln- Coal ' .-;• In.n Niiilnnal IJimk, Nw Voik t:Hy. wan tlin |irlin'i|«il mM-ukiT "( tho evcniim. Mi". Spioul is a man of liiw ' liusln>'SH. hvit.h- tlmls Him- to lake an hu.MVKt hi the hoy« of NVw .lers'-y ami to help tin-in In ilu-lr V. M. C. A. llu lohl of his own a-lvoniiu-" hi Mrookylu as n tioy many years utw. 'I'hc tuitl bviiruoin. the (li'spoudeiK'y . ihut thf Bloom of tin- larp- «Iiy casts upon (lie life of th'.> country boy who KOt'K llieiv tu make tiirt fortune, ttu? lU'Cit.s of real fompunionship and help— nil -those w.'i-.. the .'xpi-riftioi's of tlit' man who today heads one of tin- stroiiK- . «'Ht biinklnK.liMiltittionK In New York <-Uy. Hi- lolil what u fi<nls.-uil tlit.* liii'iiKS nf ih" V. M. C. A. wi.uiil liavr . lieen in his I iff in those varly days. "Too often." eontended Mr. Sprout. "we say: •'Oh, yi\s. he's only a boy!" '.".Yt\i. 'only a hoy,'- hut an Invest- ment in' tin 1 boy'* future Is the great- est investment' in the world." : . Iln told fiii'tlirr nf the many thin^fr that can he accomplished hy the V. M. C. A. in inlerefUhitf bnys in the oiil- iloor life, in thu clean sports t-iiat will ket?p llR'in active and iliwrt their miiul.s from the baser passions. 'ISijitislicts show." continued Mr. Sprmil. "that tlie first man wlm wat-- !«lt>etrrieuU'd in tlie State nf New York <'nst the l:ixj>ayer.4 of the Slate $100,- fOO from ihe linn* ho was captured until he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen- alty upon one convict. "Uut. just .suppose, that you should iisli the laxpayors to nive $100.00(1 io lci>cp one hoy from criminal tendencies. They would say that you were crazy. And yc.t we upend money to furnish jair.s for iM-iminals. while wo oftou timnp in'Kloct to yive anything ti> make, bettor men of oiii- boys. I say that if the r-siabllHlnneiu of V. M. C. A. work in -..-\Vit«lniiijtii» •AVMnlrl-nnly-ina!;!' ..in--liov.. """"JTiiiitttT mai'i""t.liairiu' would "Havo'tie"^!" otlierwise that tlio wnrk would lie worth wtiile. - "Our hoys are. our Ki'eau'.st invest- ment. You will never speiuhniouey for a better cnu.«o ihan tlint which you spend tn make lie.ttpr men of the boys of any community. "Theodore Roosevelt once said tliat 'ho could soon llud out the calibre of thr •;• - men'- of- .any- <-nnmi'n,>iiy. lu-_:/»bsci-viui.' the hoys. If they Hiu»<l upon the sircel corners smokitm eiKarettes. snuirtiim tot)acco juice into the yutler and roelt- IiiK obscene .stories', hn soon knew thai -,• (Continued on nnne (I.) A Triimitta a»<l n l^nn'th Person. " Mrs. IVnrley.K. Spikor of tiallinvore ' put down a. $1,000 liberty I Joint in \Y\v York Sunday lo allow MISH Kmily Kuowlcs and tier nve-nionth-old child. the 1 illegitimate son of Mrs. Splicer's hu.shaiul, to enter this country from Himtnnri. Splicer was a. private, in ttio ;j\4atlon scrvinc tn Knwland durius the war. llo ca;n^ home and told his wtto that he had become 1 thf fattier of Mis KnowlcH' child. Mrs. Spikcr Httuccuilud in having tins woman admitted to this country. Now she 1 says aim .will adopt tho son ot her husband and another woman, and that she will have the same, iovu and ro.sn jfcihc; contends mer /usual strains during tlic war that caused them to make simli errors. Guy Splkor. a liroilier, of Pearley K. -Spik- , or,; lias announced that he intends lo Kveryhody'K apparently i'i!ippy'.":Ys"oiic of tho most unusual cases of domestic iiiTuir.s is aired. .Mrs. llovvlby weal to .\V\|irl: one., be- fore with her daimhtf-r and lived with : ICininutis, The Newark police tier up and scut her hmil" w the Day* {termini Vewc Ui-k'Kati' dulls. Kurt von [.crsner.* he;id of tin; fi.-r- ! man I'eaee <lelenatinii in I'aits. lias n- tunicil to I'remier Mtlteiand Ihe . list ; coniaiiiiu^' the niiines of fict'miius \V1»I«L- . extradition is di-mamle.l hy Hi" Allies. ; iiud has infnriiicd the rr.-ml'i- that tie ; HIKUINI and wilt r.-uirn to llerlin. ' piirehaso of an auto lire truck for tin itwotiKli. H.-ats luu'f Ix'i'ii Kolnn like tiot-c:,t;es, but ttierr an_- .stilt a few «n(.-l »altf obtainalile. Ttie end-men li:i\*i* in:tuy local KSIKK re.-uly for the perform- ,['>s.-pii II. ilampiou. .Ir.. .lame* Uyai>, AIIKTI Wrl«lit and William I-. Smllli Wilt be I lie end meil. Ill Ihe drele Will be Herbert O. Sinllli. i'nston Nixon. Harvey S. Cyphers. Uaytnond I^orce, Harvey I'hi[bower. Xornian Carpenter ami iioy Hinith. .luhn W'eller, Frank HasKeinar. Veriion C. Oakos will i Interlocutor. All of <h<! populat- ion of Hie da>\are union*; Uie mini- 's lhat will homing by the soloists. 'art. Two will 'ojii-ir with a moao- Weather Permits. Uut it did not appear until around : i noontime- and .some folks claim tliat; tlie O.roundhn;; nets up early In the " If he shadow tlien he noes back Into his hole', and sleeps the rest nf the day, con- tented Unit f,ooil w a t h e r wilt follow{ on th<> morrow. •; ._•_ Well. Tuesday - WH « ;t rare St-rinc I Addition tO PreS€Ilt Build day. Then, yesterday, along iMtnft j . «>.„ -r% M- -n J. Aurorn lior-aIN, l,towin« his breath | mg .Will B e 4 0 Feet . .;• from the North Pole. i , .. _ _ ry Over arouiiil Oxford, they contend by 160 Feet. that th" Winter is over. Tim Ornitmt- ACTION LIKELY TO j tl^'^JZ 7J£* y £ Z i TO EMPLOY BETWEEN,;. HE TAKEN ON FEB. 9 ^Z^"£ SS S^rC"'™- : 300 AND 400 PERSONS . tented that j,ooil w a t h e r wilt follow : Budget tov the Year 1920 Finally Adopted by Boro Fathers. didn't sec tii.s .shadow UH.TV. Char way of the h fl Th" Pohatconir Hosiery Company oC WasiniiKion will more than double tho size of Its factory In the borough, and within two years will have between JOU and 400 persons'-employed In tho Moore Praises Roman Church K CoutK.lt almost ught an auto (iiv truck for Hie lior- ^li Monday evtniiii;. Afti-r an rx- ulive f-Hsi'jii that tasled tl clc Sevatil will )»• • ('•cinpiliy of NVW Ynr!; city agreed to id luirt. Ih-rtt-uiti : ritrnlHli 'liii ww-KiiU'm"" Lri|>l« pumping director »f Ui<* ; ^mi tiiuat1im niuo iru.;k for Sl'J.:'.O0. ] Afl-r Uie bids were niinmimwl by ~ ' Ituruu^li C'lvi-U tiatin. the ftu>«ilwrs of 3 Court Cases _ hich staricd luisineas hero Octntier '21, 1019. I.s prosperlilK to suoh an extent that its future in assured ami thai, it will become one of tho most llmirishhur imlustrlcs in "this section within the course of; another year. : : - The present factory building, which U 4nx1 -5 feot, two stories high, will i for h labored husband. WILSMUKIOU Girls WiiV- ARUIII. .WashlnKlon hiRli school fjirls jour- neyed to PliilHpshurs\Tuesday evening and brouplit tiome tlie "bacon" in tin; form of a. scorn of 2'.M, won from the Ingersoll oilicc Rirls. Jlisa J,undy wa;-, Ihe star for. tin; locals, makiiif? S field KOals and one foul noal. Tile Unc-u)i for WasliiiiKton WHS SIH follows: Limdy DHdi IIOKHU. Kinnaman, \*ix- , Wyckoff. This Kii f makes a lol- on, y K jil of I! games won and lwo lost. Former Oxford Man Dies In West. Albert t'olil. a former woll-knowi rcsideiil of Oxford, who left that towi iiboul _"i years ago for Micliigan City 1 Jtl,, died in that oily Tuesday, nfter': 1 short illness, aged llit years. "While i ^•resident or Oxford, . ho' was oinp/oye.i iit tlie rolHn'g mill of the Oxford Iroi and Xail Company. Kcsldes his widow, he leaves six children and one brothei Theodore Polil, of.Alfchlffiui City, \vh formerly resided in Oxford. : N'e.w Brunswick Common Council lias adopted daylight saving. Road Controversy Settled in j S3ST^S! «1" Z m What ProiestiiulH Can L'-arn from ; tmndte tti> 'iUliulk's, 1 ' Hr. .Moore took tits text, i.'nhed Slates Army." I IH\ Sunday from Proverbs: "Train up siuinped liim an aliout die Child in "(tie Way !)•• Should Co and ; |a Is Old t l - Will ot Depa day i i\*hi.'U tie 11 It." (.•cording to thy preacher, t!i .ntolenince is past, and where it is ion- found il is accompanied by nar- We may iliflVr from the ;iilliolit-s," said Dr. Moore, "bm we st jidmit that i-hurch lias built up llnesi. fi-i-!esi;istl<: nr^aiiiwaiiin ttie •Iti liius ever seen. We should prniil th.- methods <»f others. If you save youut;. yon will solve the piolitems jf tlie next twenty years, and as «oes ica, so youri the world. If they ...HUT to have al •1th" in ill" 1 Washington, u* well is address ; u-.-ntw of the iiuroi nnst popu- : annual IKIUIHK-I. t :K> tWD-tiiiy meet I tit;, it j Ntetiei*. ill in- held at Aclitel- i, Newark, l^liru- '••II n-rnicil: "TIK- Old : a ,. y »\, at 7.110 o'clock. .Mau Who jCimv Hack." . The nainesmul iiiiUt'o.sHes of IIIOHU , This maii-llnMK' (lie's II>> youimtcer in i who expect u> utleiul. witli a cliock en- years, for lie says himself tliat lie com- : ,-lused tor §'2.~>v, shutilrl vt-nvh Treas'tir- inandi-d men in the Annywlio were '2$ i ,.t. j[, u, r.ritik. ^-IS ^lt. Pleasant Ave., to :•:» years bis junior! i-ame lo I'hillips- | Newark, not iat-r than Tliur.sday. Keb- itumble Hint fall, the churcli should ift them i, Ve should and point to high ideals. •one]i uut anrl save the p | Newark, n Uc'il i n iary U', I'ilts- i w | " be cour- 1 >iii'K ritrht from the World Wa school in I'liiladelphla and I'ilt w |, arrior Oays. lie's j 'i'[j,. followtni;' letter lias been Kent yeLtiiiL' nioi-e uion-y imw as suiierln- ! out by Mr. Winter: lenrlent of scitnol.s in l'hi!li|>sluirK > and ' lu-arSh 1 and Frieml: is paid to Hiniy .siiperinieiulL-nt. and i ' Anoihei- year, with its tvsponsibM- lie's likely W"rtli every cent he's get- i ti,.s_ experiences, joys and sorrows, lias he's ;i man witli higher i ,(:lB;.:t.(i since we uwemliloa to renew old IK'P i imoM and to live for a few short tin- Aim •anu-d i if the :has(- of -Fox machine. Two nu'inliow e Anieriean \.:i l-'rance motor truek. It was said. The main cniien- tiou .thai held up i'uial action on Uie pmvhitse, according to tiorough ball i-iiinui 1 " was the faei thai the Ahreus- Fox itiil was hiKlwr than lhat of the eoiiip:i burg pr i ideals a lino Atin: mhe of Hi" tire department are d h a lUinulmous In the stand tliat sin chin he purehase.l. It LMhie: initiative and'alt the •ocpiisites tliat tfo to make u p a Ili-Kt-t'lnss 1 school i man. lie's n newcomer to New .lersey. \t j s iitiman -' Oaiiiolir i-huieh of , luu Ii-V ;i in.m lli;,[. will t.,; henrd"from \mefiea fs more Anierieau tlitin Itoin- i in the sHioo! affairs of Hie Slate be- i jer--fy may learn loyally from our ; fore loiiff. Alrea.ly -Mr. KiiMle has re- lo Oiir Catholic friends. Have you noticed ; commeiuieil salary increases for Pliil- j "'iVntli An: liotirs furmi'i- years Ililed with common 1 mutual" friendship. with IL fcelinjr that w l t hWhl . who Now owe it to ourselves' and ,'d town to tiiil llatujuet," make our is to lie loyally of the. avenige Catholic'.' I j tipshsur;; scliooltcachers that has put \ \w held at Achtel-Stetters, Newark, X. ,lrniiv loyalty and you will find It in ' that town in a position where it will ,]., February 21st, the greatest' and •markabt..- degr-M among Roman | not. have to worry over securing cap- |, |lst -m (,ur history. Jlay I ask you as Jatholics. In camp I found Itiat Jirnons able .'t,CO(t men In the. regiment then- \ Km ' about t;:.ft Catholic boys and I ! SUIKTII uoiiced Hint at tin- early morning mass j the wa Sunday you would see practically j Nearly of the ti'iO in line i hi •ervic,!, 'Old or It was never loo warm, too o stormy for them lo venture ariictors for the child vhai I wanted to tell was how t(>mlt'iit tlidille. deinnnslrated i- "An Oid Man. Came Hack." every one can do the same It only takes persistence and . Mir member lo help me muke it s;une tiling is noticed i That loyalty to the ch peis n man to attend ils h plenty of good exercise in the fi air. "Ami when this man Kiddle tolln tils story, yon can tell at a. xi.mcu that civilian ; hu's lit :ts :L riddle ami straight as a. die. rch that j Captain kiddie is a .f;r:u!uate of West services j Point. When he left the 'Point.' lie j was sent up tn Alaska on patrol duty. M d t l d th il tile best by beillK pi Special MiTan^enioi to have tliis banijti traetive by exeelleul eabaret. beautiful souvenirs. The niM-akw far us-tin are being n especially decorations am will tie of the best i'nd. committee can provide, will Itn of tin" highest p •ithum considering soil* Is commendable, j p p ']\<>loyalty that leads men and women | Many a day tie traveled the trails i) arise on ;L stormy day at f» or. *> a. j horsebaek," all day long, and tiic te n. shows a. deep love for the church i penuure down to "JO degrees below ze ti er.viceK..,_,,,\V<i...l 1 rotesiaiU:!., who .would .1. When ...lH!...gotJ)ack_. a tonight, Ju;L...felt j j )( '(• oufof l)ed":it'IS'il^-.m." would' tie~ apt"! fine.""" It "took" a""lotr'per cent, 'man to :o look out of the wfhdow a n d s a y Mt ; ilo that sorr. of stuff, is mo stormy, I guess 1 witt not i;o to p Then ihe Captain went to school- lurch at this lime."' teiushing. The musnlos that were once ••The averagi- I toman Catholic is ! hard as nails lust some 1 of their snap, •city familiar with (lie doctrines of j 1 Io .stayed at the leaching profession Is faitli. The average I'rostcstaiH. i . (Continued en IKISO C.) not. so well informed. He. frdiiiently 1 ^ . not know why he is a Protestant. tho bamniet order. .iuosting you, as a, personal d b it h roFftvKiH^ IVEAUCHANGEWATE ig y, pna favor to me, io come and bo witti the boys. You know how disappoint ins it Is to put forth time and -energy mid iss the ones for whom ihe. effort has ;.eii..nuule... llo.iii.me.by. your.=m p esonce. l.T-muke* 1J120 a" reuiTi(TTrinng~trriK-'"i-i>:" meniMered with i>lea sure, and a .sniile. \*ory truly yours. . I-:. C. SLATER, IClmira, N. Y. nan Catholic llo may tiavi l " criilites ihe pa: thoughts abmit tlio ilieplierd o!" tho iloek lint maintains. One Resident of Tlml Vicinity TMU Sh»l at Screeching Animal As If rices. Wildcats e prowling about Chnnso- H l silence. We, us Pro it's tains, ought lo learn a lesson hen..- mid refrain from hyper-criticism of llie. clergy. Wo can also learn from the Cm holies reverence pg fnr saeivd things. Irreveraucc is com- water vicinity, according to Hie latesL :non among Protestants. It manifests story from the trenchant i iself when in the house of ihe Lord. [Sharp*. The ferocious animals h:ivo T'lcre is ton much lisi newness, looking I been heard prowling about at night, tn around and even whispering that is \ Uie. mountain range, north oC Now wmetinies apiialliug. When wd enter ! i lampion, near Uhangcwater. he church of the living (!od-wo ought •ave behind all worldly thoughts. | Andrew I'.. Castnnr lias ii d ni^hls with a wildcat, that is running The Caitiolie., when ''passing an will touch his hat. lie recognizes that here is t he house of God. It is tlie reverence.' of early irainiiifr. There should ha more solemnity and devotion n the sanctuary.•-Wo should learu the lesson in the Iralnini;' of ihe youiifi-." Knot Altitflts'TnihilHliou. Bllhn Root challenged Tuesday the validity of tlie Kighleentli Amendment and Uie Volstead act before federal .TiiilgCL;::ncll:-;t;ib,::.Pavi:;-a:u!.:.J-:,v.ich;.l!V Trenton in an action brouglit by Chris- corporation, nonii- rainnant on hi.-; t'ai-ni, iiear Chanscivater. ,.Mr. Casiner'.s taint adjoins a dense forest on tlic mountain, which has. in it rocky cliffs that form an ideal haunt for ihe animals. After enduring the unearthly cries of the animal for many dark nights. Mr, Cnsluc-r was able, to Ret a, shot at the wildcat on u. recent moonlight niijht, lint w:isi unable to kilt it as the raiiRL- was too great. It escaped to since chunked its ie woods and has •liaunis to further MRS. BONYNGE WEDS - 3. DUDLEY HANCE Vonnjf Couple Kepi .Marriage, Perl'onn- "cil al West New YHPU, SecreMor .-. Some .'.'surpris*. 1 was expressed in •Washington Thursday, when ' it was announced ilmt Mrs. ICtizabelli Smith Honynge, dauglit-'r of I Jr. and Mrs. C. ii. Smith, had, been 1 married to ,1. Dud- ley I lance, son »f Mr. and Mrs. .loiin 11. .1:1 a nee. of Church street. They hail siir.iei?dcd in keeping thoir w<:dding •t from January IL', iiie> date when •ns-i'"o> said that at :i recent "straw .vote," titUon I'.v the llremen. that every mem- licr favored that company's apparatus, .-option of tliree mt'iiibers p vote because they were with . the. various equip- the who did i not fiimili nients. Tlie tmdtjL't for the year was adopted, with the elianw made by reducing the (ire engine apprO]>rIatton" from $10,001} to $2,000. This change was made at thr- Council meeting January 11), when taxpayers protested against tlie. rais- ing of the total amount In one year. At Monday's meei inff,. Councilman tlanco made ihr motion that §:!00 bo added to the budget to pay interest on the amount of money that will be bor- rowed to pay for tlie tire truck, Tlie motion wa-s carried, making Urn total appropriations for Vi'lQ, 5-14.750.04l The total OL' anticipated revenues, with an additional amount of ?"i00 of sross re- ceipt laws, added., is_ a .-SlO.iir.O. The amount to tie raised 'hy- : l:>xaUon totals stine appointed three 533.SflO.O-l. Mayor Chi memliers of. the Hoard of Health and the appointments were conlirmed by Council.' The members named are Wesley l-'leniing. George C. Losey and Xatliau.D. Carpenter. , , .. . '"" Tiie" P.6rough'Clerk" was'iiutlioi'lzeci 1 to advorUsc for bids for the purchase of J'i-iou motor driven dump truck, A report from Uoroushy .Marshal yhrcpo sliowed the amouiVc of. policu oiiiiipnicait In; hail in his possession. ' The Clerk was instructed io draw a draft for .?5,00o, to bo.;;'jaid to Salmon lli'olhers. I'OI-.,the ..reu".lrh"• lo. iCusLy.iuul West \Vashiiitfiett-iTvomiess. Tim total borough lia w:is $7,000. ami the " already" paid Jji'iOOO of Ilir •eremnny performed at "West "Now York by Rev. John Letibert, pas- t f th P b i h i a.\ you ill fnl friendship that oxislod when the bridegroom and briiio wore school children. The young folks idi h h y , p f the Presbyterian church in tliat . The wedding was Hie culmination of \ l f l fidhi p that amount, "When ihe. borough receipts to show tliat ihis oiuiru amount has been paid, :hu State will reimbur.se the borouyli to the amount of. $:.J,500, liie, s,h;ire the State Highway Commis- sion agreed to pay. A draft, for $70 on account was or- dered drawn in favor of Street Com- missioner Perry, who is ill.' Other bills ordered paid totaled $"SS.!)0.' Jt was announced that the borough accounts for iu.M) lias boon audited by U. C. .KcUerL of .ICaston.- Councilman 11. C. Laniiing stated that lie had investigated the reasons for delay in furnishing electric current to several Washington , householders, and found that the Washington lOlec-" trie Company had complied V,vith this request of tlic residents, with the ex- g g y Htcr and his men while repuiring the roads in ill" vijinity of Atipletnun's piYiiiisc. 1 :. Crlstnan and his men re- paired a road miming . along Apple- man'n furm. the mau-rlal being iak<;n from a bank along Iho farm. Apple- man conU'iideLl that his fence had been torn down and mau-riu.1 from his Held taken away. Former County Counsel ISgbert Kosc- erutis of Jliairstown, who reiirost-utctl Criiaiian, its counsel for tliu township, proved by records i'loni tin* otlicu ol! the C'ouuiv Ci'.'ik tl.at the road was a regularly ordained liigtiwuy. Judge KoiK-y, in charging the jury. atcil that the law provided that materials within '.hi; limits of a road could be used for the repair cf the road. Form- er •fudge Hosoberry was counsel for Appleinau. Mr. Koseerans considered tin* ease so well proven tliat lie made no address to Uie jury. The jury TO out only a few minutes and returned 1 with :L verdict for tlie defendant of no cause for action. There w a s a, peculiar twist in the case of Km a nuc I L. Kice-against Rich- ard "Wcsterman, of near Ulairstowu. Kice sued Wosierman on a note, which Wef-terman"claimed had been satisliert and which he alleged he was unable to flritt at tile time of/the separation from his wife, who is Kice's daughter. "Wes- terman received recently :L decree of, divorce from liis wife. The note, in (lite.stlon was for $ISO. "We.s'termiijn liled :i counter claim for services rend- ered in helping 1 Kice build a barn. Tiie jury did not allow Kice's claim, but in- stead relit rued a. verdict for 'Wester- man of $100. "William IT. Morrow and John II. Dabtke represented Kice. and Egbert Rosecrans presented "Wester- ; ina'ii-s r s;uC r ^ur :i Liiv'.c;u-G'.~--.-.~-VX-^-l-^;;,,,-;rH-;;:;..:;- Tlie landlord and tenant suit between Fred Kennedy, a. Newark lawyer, and Theodore Cunningham, who formerly lived on the... Kennedy farm near llloomsbury, was heard Friday. Mr. Kennedy was given a verdict of. $200, tlie same amount found by a. jury in Rn.niiv .y.-Mi.RUllnHl'H-eourt. In .Phimns- bur.cr. Former Judge Morrow repre- sented .Cunningham., and Marshall Mil- ler was counsel" for " Kennedy. •---"-• i oiieratlon at the lifcmt. Four additional knitting machines tiro ex- pected at the local plant during tho present. month. Wiili' the additions to tho factory an.l to tlie number of persons employ- ed, announcement was made also by; Mr. Heckle tliat the company lias just increased its capital stock from $175,- Ujli to $:;uo,000. Albert QueitHch, fore- man at the local plant, bus been taken into the company. The officers are: President: sind treasurer, Oscar F. Merlclu; vice-president. Percival De St. Aubln; secretary, Sirs. O. Tl. Merkle. "Air. De at. Aubin is also the' selling UKcnt for the company. The directors urn- Mr. Merkie, Mr. De St. Aubin and ., Augustutj S, Hougliton, the latter two of New York. The ofilces of the company are locat- ed at 2'i Madison Square, Xew York city. . The building of the mldition to tlie local plant will commence as soon as tho weather, permits, according to Jlr. Merkle. -The contract has not yet been • awarded for the construction, but will likely be let in a short time. Orders have already been placed for the addi- tional machinery that will bring' tho : plant's capacity up to sixty oC tlu targe knitting machines. As soon as. the building is completed, additional employes will bo put to work until tho . • maximum of. -100 is reached. Tho pre- sent power plant was built with tho idea of taking care ot additions and no 'vork will tie necessary on that part ot'-'- the manufacturing plant. Mr. Merkte. expressed the opinion that within ' tho course. of two years, the Pohatcong Hosiery Company will have ji capacity oC output more than •" four times as large as at present. Sixty persons are now employed at the plant. It,. seems,.,almost.,.impossiblo that _a^ factory.'wliicli"has""acttially" becn'^iir operation only a little more than-tlirer* months, should bo so successful. But efiicient management and tho best motlinfis^ct' manufacture are said to bo big facioi's in the growth that, will - make tlie Pohatcong Hosiery Company one of the largest concerns of Its kind 111 N e wJersey 1 ;-'" 7 ""- 1 "—™ 7 .'. ••'••:• ' - " Mr. Merkle said that';at this time ho .could, not discuss, the. actual figures oC - j'the •"present' output' of tlic» company, ' but hln tone indicated tliat the plant Is 1 Jevelopinff beyond expectations. Em M SIXTY JOINED M. E. . , pl0J ., s a ,. o SilUsncil w i l h -^ ¥fns ~ CHURGH ATREVIVALS J J K J ' V S ' . " . ^ T S T £ celleut future. residing at the home,of she bride- | ception of oiu>c;ise. groom's parents. tMlhUt! Property Committee wa lOxilccted Thai Thiriy More Will UP Keceivcil al Services Next Hunilny. '^ Thirty persons were admitted to the church, tu the revival services in the Washington M". ]•?.. church Sunday moi-ninpr. Five wore at the altar in the evening, making: a total of. thirty dur- ing the revivals. Pastor "Was ha ban gh expects to receive thirty others . into membership Sunday. Mr. Wasliabauyh's . theme Sunday morning will be:' /Our Responsibility to the Church." Tbo Sabbath-school at ?."ft, and the ISpworth the witlow. of Edward I instructed to take- an inventory of her- i League .servieo.-; will .start at (i.ItO.His a Uonynge of the ^Canadian air forc who was kitted in an aVptane accident in Canada, just preparatory to sailing for. ' vrvice. She Is a t Kill- Smith house iigli..school and amc'wiVti i evening theme will be: "-Miudcof Life. \ T h evening ervice will be feature ugh property and Me tin.. „ ,. ,,, V1, . he Clerk. '•' | ^Tho evening ^ Tlie lionds of Towii Treasurer .T. 13. >i> - special must. ill be featured l'rod Pellotinr. for a United Slates Attorney j cries of the aninial. V | a' recent night bj yg Joseph U r.odinc and Charles l-Hiffy. collector of internal revenue. II i ' ""• is a.- test, case on tin: of proiiihitib ititutioniility leltstab ounced that tlic' ; court will receive a. brief in behalf of : lhe Atiti-Salopn League, provided it is submitted not later than ne.vt .Saturday. AIjss Theresa I. Konipsry flurried. Hiss Theresa, I. Kempsoy. daughter of Jlrs. Mary and"-the 'ate Thomas Kempsey of Phiiripshnrg,' formerly of Oxford, and Philip McCaini. son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCann of .Phillips- liurg, were married at a nupliul mass at St«. Philip and James Catholic church, PliilliPHburg, Tuesday, .hy Kov. K. J. Dr. \V. H>. Alaxwell Dies. Dr. Win. D. Ahixwetl, stm of 7>\r. and Mrs. Daniel Maxwell of .Ilaekottstown, died Satiir-.lay at'teninn in Perth Am- boy, aged "27 years lie leaves :i widow and n. child, two weeks old. Dr. Max- well had been conducting fi very suc- cessful denial oltle'e, in Perth Amhny for, the past .two years. Ho went to a, hospital on Sunday. January 25, to visit his wifi.v ami .see their baby. Me had been 1 ift from mumps and caught cold and pneumonia; developed, lie was graduated from the University of Penn- sylvania, in liUii and from llaekettstown high school in 1HLV , •••'•'. A WushliiRto Mrs. Keej-Jiti Dies al Haolieii.stown. Mrs. EliKii. Ktfegnn, 7^ years old, died Tuesday night at bor home in Hnek- ettstown. i She had licen ill" several months from intlrmiUos. of age. Her ilaiighler, Mrs. Edward P. Jluelw i l il i h i l.iampton, Sr.. and . Borough Shrope were.,nx-eivtid. anil.jKcepled._._.. Hsli a. list of the names of the delin- ! ciuenl tfixpayot'fi of the tiorougti before j seriously ill d vpiiciimonia. Sfrs. l i hih h y p Keegan died in llie'liouse in which she- blowers and Valentines. number ot* years an actor, who joined tlio Mcthodisi church, at P.ahway, while -Mri"--ViVisiiriwr5ij?r!v:'tva:*.-. i ,)ast(!r.;:a:i!.l^v;!!o beciinie the choir leader will assist tlie choir Sunday evening. The program will include a solo by ! Mi\ Pelletier. Mrs. AVIIlard AHoger i'wil! preside at the pipe organ and will "WtHiim Totl," by ami blooming plants .Rossini, and ".Duko Street." make suitable valentines. Hesidus we Injured on Oinenl IManf Train, Diamontls Slill Ailvaiidiiff. Xew'York newspapors speak of re-, cent advanees in Ihe prices of .dia- .nionds Many people are buying them for investment instead of bonds and mortgages.'. "We have, a. choice soloc- i tion of. very beautiful stone's. Tlein- ! iugers. 2M Northauiplon St., liislon, .who. called lien 'on Mini- -triiitYeriIII:. I'rom u : in llu J Liiieiitn ; day. (old a frieml '(and tlie friend tojd fracimv <M' the rin'ht foot. He us) Ilia! never was she in a jewlery j.pltiycd a:; ;i. braljeman at. the store where the dorks as "lovely" y ement idaul, Now Village. The ac- to her as here. Slu? said most jewelry. | cident happened when .some cur*..iump- stoi'o's have n "frosty" atmosphve. Keiningcr's, 214 Northtunpton St., Kas- Star and Thrice -a-Week World, S2.75. lMtv.eaiiou Go'uift Vp Now. . The Hoard of Trustees oC Lafayette College has voted for 'mvinavaho in tlic college fees, beginning .next year. In. tin; arts and science, departments tho fee wilt be. increased from S1ii.vj,to ?200 a. year, and in. tho ^npineeriiiff do-, part men (s, Ihe Increase is- from $200 lo $250' per yciuv- "'•/ . ° valentines at. our fit ore. AloiiRO Retail •Florist. 1:3nst "Washington iu'c ortmenl. of the ro^ulai wer and Variety imp. Green houses, 1 -8- Married at Melhodisl riirsouase. ir Wai I or T, Willever of Washington ami Miss Lena. 11. Sherman of Glen riardnor were married Tuesday even- ing a,t. the parsonage'Of the Washing- ton M. K. church. 1 The ceremony was performed by llev, V,. .1. "Washabaiiprh. They were ationded by William D. The anUiems by ihe choir will he: "The Lord Tieisueth," by Fftirls, and "Praise God from Whom All Bless- iiiss Flow," by .CJeibel. A'matc qtiar- tetle will give: "Cloin;? down tlie Val- ley." by Villniorc. ' Uev. Wilbert., Wastcott of Perth 'Ain- hoy, who inadj, a distinct impression at ihi.- revival services about .,lwo weeks •jiify, will address a. men's niceUm? .«l the local ehureh February lit. At tliat time a Methodist Men's Brotherhood will be organized. Have You a Home You* Call Your Own' and Miss Ollvo Willever, lirothet- and »ist?r. nt the bridegroom. | V ! AVnsl If not, infiuire of the odicers of the iisbington 1 & Loan Associii- Mr. Willever "lirak.'Uiau Vrn- Uuv _ • tion ami learn how easy It in to own Larkiuvanua. llaih-oad. They will re- side in "W.lshinpton. '""I your,; home. To pay for It instead of '' payin'p' rent. Membershiji in this as- sociation can'bo had at any Unic. Join Thf local trolley lino !\yas out nf. service yesterday ion account of icy rails. tho association , and ' hojp* build up Washington anil acquire that home that liib lonff been in joui mind Jt is known that the Pohatcong com- pany is finding- a. ready market for its proLiuct. and tliat as the plant is" en- larged there will lie no dltllculty found m disposing r[Uic.kty.of the hosiery that is liKtinitnciured. . : Ttio,,hosiery market was never better tlian today. Prices are-high antl''.thern'" i.t a great demand forjlieliner quality of hose, both nmong women and.rneii. The. plans of the company -will result • -in many of the finest silken hoso -worn by women'liciiiff inaufacturetl in Wash- mgton. and who. knows but tliat tho 'own. which has boon known as "tho >rgan town" for many years, may soon he known equally as woll : for the beau- tiful silken threads that a,re Icnltted to- gether to add attractiveness to tho legs' of thousands and thousands oC women. a •m Kiuiicrford, Allnmuchy millionaire, died yesterday morning at Georgetown Pre- paratory School, CSarroit 'Park, aid.. . . ,: , from pneumonia, ngc& 17. years. The ••'•% 1 young man's mother, who died several': years ago, was the daughter oC Lev! P. Morion. Vice I'resldent of tho United :: tes in (he term of President liar- •• New Vilhtgo Women In Fight, . ; '-" "v Tho female of the , specie is mora' ••: ; dangerous than tins male."' This ..was -^ demonstrated, at Xow Village 'on a>re-'•'''•': cent day when FlIomoniL-Mannlccl a n d ; " ; Arduina Snrtina, women oC that plnco,': '•-•;• SOL Into u luiir-pullig match. Filo- :, ; mciiii hail Arduina arrested, charging ! •': assault. Sauiro Van Billiard oC'Phll-;f lipsburg held Arduina. In ?200 ball for "';-" the- April grand jury. J .;..„. ' "• ;• ;.V ••>.:;'^ 'Sugar Galore, for CaimOa, 'Tis Said.yf "Sugar" trains' havo heen .paaslnff;;;iiV J «^ westward over the Tjiickawanna Rall-.r^f --* road, accoi'ding to.railroaders, for polhtaj;^ In Canada. The ropott says thatHho/;'\"t, sugar is of British purchase and that it selli nt S cents (0. pounil In tho Po- y

more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict

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Page 1: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict

Five to One—or moreThis preponderance of CtrcuUtlon-more titanthe combined eitculatlonofmny five olhernew..papcriin Warren County and vicinity, ciakcaTliflStar1* »dv«rtliin» ralci proportionally very low THE "WASHINGTON STAR Section 1--Pag€s^l!te|8p


Banner CrowdFills Chape!at :«Y_" Feast

John T. Spioul, New York



li FIREMEN'S MINSTREL D _ v _ 'f~,,~~;\SHOW THIS EVENING D o r " ^OUIlCl l

.Mother anil Daud.lir Arrcslwl In NVw \ W liO W O n D B t C K ! I-wnl llfaVftftic«-ArtMs lllll Killer. I A l j l l O S t J B l I V Snrli, Cli:irB«!(l With Living With \ ^ , I T T 1 1 ' ! l i" ' " "'"' '"' " " " s u Temltslit mill i . _ . r ^ J


Hamilton has n .scandal, mi lionoMt--ss scandal, ihul trails from \

Good HealthKvi-rythliiK IH hi readiness for tin-

! minstrel a how of th" Washington

yA Fire Truck

tO*K"(HlIll'JiS seaiiciai, limi. urnm iniiu i • iiiinsiivi must* UL.IK'T H ii.-mnwiuii .imi- > . •

i!mvi'jy''iia'a'i'!!.s1'S mid 'SBh ' f r 'S ' H e Jumped the Ditch With a i "KiVh'i't'mi ' » ! • Sim!rv.°iollC' T h l ' c e I5i('s Received forBank President, Prin- . illl.A'x^'Slm'iy^Via^w.S^harK-

c i p a l S p e a k e r . ' I""= "•»"• « " " •li"1Mf-'""•K;l"y """ lvv"

Local Hosiery»! Company Will

DoubleMany Ilillw S:iy -Ultlo IVIIuw

Oul •Hirly anil Diilu'l See IIIShallow. ' '

I ' lowiy and 'Vi-ryUiinK—V«.pt liock i

™':>" " ' I H ^ s l i 1 iif n« ;l i Announcement Made Thai;

hilt! inillcyinvn In tlwl city.; I>-Koy Kmmoiis, eliiirsi'il with

Very Sprightly "Yei- ;i;!^,'",,'!!^^';;:!"'^^1"1^""""| Furnishing Motor Equip- y^"^^!!'^",^1^'^1^^113i Work Will Start When";low-Lee."' ;":':4 wl" ¥'•t0™"''"" .f"n?. £r.!!!": ment for Washington. •.IT™.-. th.™ mw s^m,,., Monday, j \\r,nfh«,. PAimits. ;


Mr. Tressler, Senator Corn- j 3 ^ , S H E ' *l±iS"v k £! S o m c P61'15""11 ParagraphsI They art: attend tu have b«en HVIMK On Vui'IOUR TOMCS Oi

with till- two me11 In N'i'wark wince.ish, Mayor Christine and

Mr. Lee Also Speak.There wi-ri! hoys of tw.-lvc anil hoys

'. who will never set' sixty IIKUIH »* tl"-'i-'atlit-r anil Son banquet, h-id underllu- auspices of tin* Washington V. M.(J. A. In ' llio i-hajK't of tin- local I'res-bvterlan ehurt-h l-'rlday evening. »was a Jolly gathering Two hundredanil fifty persons crowded tin- building,I nit tin-' ladles of thf 1'iesbytemnchurch, who served thr haii<iui't, wrn«not WIIIKIK unawares. They had h.-r-nirihl tn prepaiv lor 'J00 poisons. I-inylnidi-c than tlic allulted number cam",and till wtl'i' well prnvldnt w i t h / h e

: rhfil'v viandu lhat hail I»-n pr.-priivdhy tin- women.

: .Musle. and .speech-making w-i'1 anhnpoitunt part of the I'Vi'iiirig's* iVstiv-iU<'.«, llllt tile MlmVShlp bi'lWl'CUFather and Son ami tile .-xpla nation*of the real mt'turini; of V M. C. A.work to ;i community were the. out-Ktiii'uliiiK f'-aniros of the program,l-lveryciiie who attended came »w»yfailing Hint " V • wui-h in V. .inriir.pWn.wnultl \r oiu: of tin- bitwst • thingstor tin1 tii'tii'tiiu'iil of Hi" boys «f thei-oniitiunity lhat ban i-v-r U'-n SIIK-

" John T. Simml. pn^id-'m nf lln- Coal '.-;• In.n Niiilnnal IJimk, N w Voik t:Hy.wan tlin |irlin'i|«il mM-ukiT "( thoevcniim. Mi". Spioul is a man of liiw

' liusln>'SH. hvit.h- tlmls Him- to lake anhu.MVKt hi the hoy« of NVw .lers'-y amito help tin-in In ilu-lr V. M. C. A.

llu lohl of his own a-lvoniiu-" hiMrookylu as n tioy many years utw.'I'hc tuitl bviiruoin. the (li'spoudeiK'y

. ihut thf Bloom of tin- larp- «Iiy castsupon (lie life of th'.> country boy whoKOt'K llieiv tu make tiirt fortune, ttu?lU'Cit.s of real fompunionship and help—nil -those w.'i-.. the .'xpi-riftioi's of tlit'man who today heads one of tin- stroiiK-

. «'Ht biinklnK.liMiltittionK In New York<-Uy. Hi- lolil what u fi<nls.-uil tlit.*liii'iiKS nf ih" V. M. C. A. wi.uiil liavr

. lieen in his I iff in those varly days."Too often." eontended Mr. Sprout.

"we say: •'Oh, yi\s. he's only a boy!"'.".Yt\i. 'only a hoy,'- hut an Invest-

ment in' tin1 boy'* future Is the great-est investment' in the world."

: . Iln told fiii'tlirr nf the many thin^frthat can he accomplished hy the V. M.C. A. in inlerefUhitf bnys in the oiil-iloor life, in thu clean sports t-iiat willket?p llR'in active and iliwrt their miiul.sfrom the baser passions.

'ISijitislicts show." continued Mr.Sprmil. "that tlie first man wlm wat--!«lt>etrrieuU'd in tlie State nf New York<'nst the l:ixj>ayer.4 of the Slate $100,-fOO from ihe linn* ho was captured untilhe paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xoone, niadf! a coniptaim over the amountnf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict.

"Uut. just .suppose, that you shouldiisli the laxpayors to nive $100.00(1 iolci>cp one hoy from criminal tendencies.They would say that you were crazy.And yc.t we upend money to furnishjair.s for iM-iminals. while wo oftou timnpin'Kloct to yive anything ti> make, bettormen of oiii- boys. I say that if ther-siabllHlnneiu of V. M. C. A. work in

-..-\Vit«lniiijtii» •AVMnlrl-nnly-ina!;!' ..in--liov..""""JTiiiitttT mai'i""t.liairiu' would "Havo'tie"^!"

otlierwise that tlio wnrk would lie worthwtiile. -• "Our hoys are. our Ki'eau'.st invest-

ment. You will never speiuhniouey fora better cnu.«o ihan tlint which youspend tn make lie.ttpr men of the boysof any community.

"Theodore Roosevelt once said tliat'ho could soon llud out the calibre of thr

•;• - men'- of- .any- <-nnmi'n,>iiy. lu-_:/»bsci-viui.'the hoys. If they Hiu»<l upon the sircelcorners smokitm eiKarettes. snuirtiimtot)acco juice into the yutler and roelt-IiiK obscene .stories', hn soon knew thai

-,• (Continued on nnne (I.)

A Triimitta a»<l n l^nn'th Person." Mrs. IVnrley.K. Spikor of tiallinvore' put down a. $1,000 liberty I Joint in

\Y\v York Sunday lo allow MISH KmilyKuowlcs and tier nve-nionth-old child.

• the1 illegitimate son of Mrs. Splicer'shu.shaiul, to enter this country fromHimtnnri. Splicer was a. private, in ttio;j\4atlon scrvinc tn Knwland durius thewar. llo ca;n^ home and told his wttothat he had become1 thf fattier of MisKnowlcH' child. Mrs. Spikcr Httuccuiludin having tins woman admitted to thiscountry. Now she1 says aim .will adopttho son ot her husband and anotherwoman, and that she will have thesame, iovu and ro.snjfcihc; contends mer

/usua l strains during tlic war thatcaused them to make simli errors. GuySplkor. a liroilier, of Pearley K. -Spik-

, or,; lias announced that he intends lo

Kveryhody'K apparently i'i!ippy'.":Ys"oiicof tho most unusual cases of domesticiiiTuir.s is aired.

.Mrs. llovvlby weal to .\V\|irl: one., be-fore with her daimhtf-r and lived with :

ICininutis, The Newark policetier up and scut her hmil" w

the Day*

{termini Vewc Ui-k'Kati' dulls.Kurt von [.crsner.* he;id of tin; fi.-r- !

man I'eaee <lelenatinii in I'aits. lias n -tunicil to I'remier Mtlteiand Ihe . list ;coniaiiiiu^' the niiines of fict'miius \V1»I«L- .extradition is di-mamle.l hy Hi" Allies. ;iiud has infnriiicd the rr.-ml'i- that tie ;

HIKUINI and wilt r.-uirn to llerlin. '

piirehaso of an auto lire truck for tinitwotiKli. H.-ats luu'f Ix'i'ii Kolnn liketiot-c:,t;es, but ttierr an_- .stilt a few «n(.-l»altf obtainalile. Ttie end-men li:i\*i*in:tuy local KSIKK re.-uly for the perform-

,['>s.-pii II. ilampiou. .Ir.. .lame* Uyai>,AIIKTI Wrl«lit and William I-. SmllliWilt be I lie end me il. Ill Ihe drele Willbe Herbert O. Sinllli. i'nston Nixon.Harvey S. Cyphers. Uaytnond I^orce,Harvey I'hi[bower. Xornian Carpenterami iioy Hinith. .luhn W'eller, FrankHasKeinar. Veriion C. Oakos will h»

i Interlocutor. All of <h<! populat-ion of Hie da>\are union*; Uie mini-'s lhat will homing by the soloists.'art. Two will 'ojii-ir with a moao-

Weather Permits.Uut it did not appear until around :i noontime- and .some folks claim tliat;

tlie O.roundhn;; nets up early In the" If he

shadow tlien he noes back Into his hole ',and sleeps the rest nf the day, con-tented Unit f,ooil w a t h e r wilt follow {on th<> morrow. •; • ._•_

Well. Tuesday -WH« ;t rare St-rinc I Addition tO PreS€Ilt B u i l dday. Then, yesterday, along iMtnft j . «>.„ -r% M- -n J.Aurorn lior-aIN, l,towin« his breath | m g .Wil l B e 4 0 F e e t . .;•from the North Pole. i , .. _ _ ry

Over arouiiil Oxford, they contend by 160 Feet.that th" Winter is over. Tim Ornitmt-


. tented that j,ooil wather wilt follow :

Budget tov the Year 1920Finally Adopted by

Boro Fathers.didn't sec tii.s .shadow UH.TV. Char

way of theh f l

Th" Pohatconir Hosiery Company oCWasiniiKion will more than double thosize of Its factory In the borough, andwithin two years will have betweenJOU and 400 persons'-employed In tho

Moore PraisesRoman Church

K CoutK.lt almostught an auto (iiv truck for Hie lior-^li Monday evtniiii;. Afti-r an rx-ulive f-Hsi'jii that tasled tl

clc Sevatil will )»• • ('•cinpiliy of NVW Ynr!; city agreed toid luirt. Ih-rtt-uiti : ritrnlHli 'liii ww-KiiU'm"" Lri|>l« pumping

director »f Ui<* ; ^mitiiuat1im niuo iru.;k for Sl'J.:'.O0.] Afl-r Uie bids were niinmimwl by

~ ' Ituruu^li C'lvi-U t iat in. the ftu>«ilwrs of

3 Court Cases

_ hich staricd luisineas heroOctntier '21, 1019. I.s prosperlilK to suohan extent that its future in assuredami thai, it will become one of tho most• llmirishhur imlustrlcs in "this sectionwithin the course of; another year. : : -

The present factory building, whichU 4nx 1 -5 feot, two stories high, will

i for hlabored


WILSMUKIOU Girls WiiV- ARUIII..WashlnKlon hiRli school fjirls jour-

neyed to PliilHpshurs\Tuesday eveningand brouplit tiome tlie "bacon" in tin;form of a. scorn of 2'.M, won from theIngersoll oilicc Rirls. Jlisa J,undy wa;-,Ihe star for. tin; locals, makiiif? S fieldKOals and one foul noal. Tile Unc-u)ifor WasliiiiKton WHS SIH follows: LimdyD H d i IIOKHU. Kinnaman, \*ix-

, Wyckoff. This Kiif

makes a lol-on, y Kjil of I! games won and lwo lost.

Former Oxford Man Dies In West.Albert t'olil. a former woll-knowi

rcsideiil of Oxford, who left that towiiiboul _"i years ago for Micliigan City

1 Jtl,, died in that oily Tuesday, nfter':1

short illness, aged llit years. "While i^•resident or Oxford, . ho' was oinp/oye.i

iit tlie rolHn'g mill of the Oxford Iroiand Xail Company. Kcsldes his widow,he leaves six children and one brotheiTheodore Polil, of.Alfchlffiui City, \vhformerly resided in Oxford. :

N'e.w Brunswick Common Council liasadopted daylight saving.

Road Controversy Settled in j S 3 S T ^ S ! «1" Z m

What ProiestiiulH Can L'-arn from ; tmndte tti>'iUliulk's,1' Hr. .Moore took tits text, i.'nhed Slates Army." IIH\ Sunday from Proverbs: "Train up siuinped liim an aliout dieChild in "(tie Way !)•• Should Co and ; |a

Is Old t l - Will ot Depa


i\*hi.'U tie11 It."(.•cording to thy preacher, t!i

.ntolenince is past, and where it ision- found il is accompanied by nar-

We may iliflVr from the;iilliolit-s," said Dr. Moore, "bm we

st jidmit that i-hurch lias built upllnesi. fi-i-!esi;istl<: nr^aiiiwaiiin ttie

•Iti liius ever seen. We should prniilth.- methods <»f others. If you saveyouut;. yon will solve the piolitems

jf tlie next twenty years, and as «oesica, so youri the world. If they

. . . H U T to have al•1th" in i l l" 1 Washington, u* wellis address ; u-.-ntw of the iiuroinnst popu- : annual IKIUIHK-I. t

:K> tWD-tiiiy meet I tit;, it j Ntetiei*. illin- held at Aclitel-i, Newark, l^liru-

'••II n-rnicil: "TIK- Old : a , . y »\, at 7.110 o'clock.• .Mau Who jCimv Hack." . The naines• mul iiiiUt'o.sHes of IIIOHU, This maii-llnMK' (lie's II>> youimtcer in i who expect u> utleiul. witli a cliock en-years, for lie says himself tliat lie com- : ,-lused tor §'2.~>v, shutilrl vt-nvh Treas'tir-inandi-d men in the A n n y w l i o were '2$ i ,.t. j[, u, r.ritik. -IS ^lt. Pleasant Ave.,

• to :•:» years bis junior! i-ame lo I'hillips- | Newark, not iat-r than Tliur.sday. Keb-

itumble Hint fall, the churcli shouldift them i,Ve should

and point to high ideals.•one]i uut anrl save the

p | Newark, nUc'il i n iary U',

I'ilts- i w | "be cour-1 >iii'K ritrht from the World Wa

school in I'liiladelphla and I'ilt w | ,arrior Oays. lie's j 'i'[j,. followtni;' letter lias been Kent

yeLtiiiL' nioi-e uion-y imw as suiierln- ! out by Mr. Winter:lenrlent of scitnol.s in l'hi!li|>sluirK> and ' lu-arSh1 and Frieml:is paid to Hiniy .siiperinieiulL-nt. and i ' Anoihei- year, with its tvsponsibM-lie's likely W"rtli every cent he's get- i ti,.s_ experiences, joys and sorrows, lias

he's ;i man witli higher i ,(:lB;.:t.(i since we uwemliloa to renew oldIK'P i imoM and to live for a few short

tin- Aim•anu-d i

if the:has(- of

-Fox machine. Two nu'inliowe Anieriean \.:i l-'rance motor

truek. It was said. The main cniien-tiou .thai held up i'uial action on Uiepmvhitse, according to tiorough balli-iiinui1" was the faei thai the Ahreus-Fox itiil was hiKlwr than lhat of the


burg pri


a linoA tin:

mhe of Hi" tire department ared ha lUinulmous In the stand tliat sin

chin • he purehase.l. It

LMhie:initiative and'al t the •ocpiisitest l i a t tfo to m a k e u p a Ili-Kt-t'lnss1 s choo l

i man. lie's n newcomer to New .lersey. \t j s

iitiman -' Oaiiiolir • i-huieh of , luu Ii-V ; i in.m lli;,[. will t.,; henrd"from\mefiea fs more Anierieau tlitin Itoin- i in the sHioo! affairs of Hie Slate be- i jer--fy

may learn loyally from our ; fore loiiff. Alrea.ly -Mr. KiiMle has re- l o OiirCatholic friends. Have you noticed ; commeiuieil salary increases for Pliil- j "'iVntli An:

liotirs furmi'i- years Ililed with common1 mutual" friendship.

with IL fcelinjr that wl t h W h l

. whoNow

owe it to ourselves' and,'d town to

tiiil llatujuet,"make our

is tolie loyally of the. avenige Catholic'.' I j tipshsur;; scliooltcachers that has put \ \w held at Achtel-Stetters, Newark, X.,lrniiv loyalty and you will find It in ' that town in a position where it will ,]., February 21st, the greatest' and

•markabt..- degr-M among Roman | not. have to worry over securing cap- | , | l s t -m (,ur history. Jlay I ask you asJatholics. In camp I found Itiat Jirnons • able

.'t,CO(t men In the. regiment then- \ Km' about t;:.ft Catholic boys and I ! SUIKTII

uoiiced Hint at tin- early morning mass j the waSunday you would see practically j Nearly

of the ti'iO in line i hi•ervic,!,'Old or

It was never loo warm, tooo stormy for them lo venture

ariictors for the childvhai I wanted to tell was howt(>mlt'iit tlidille. deinnnslratedi- "An Oid Man. Came Hack."every one can do the sameIt only takes persistence and

. Mir member lo help me muke it

s;une tiling is noticed iThat loyalty to the ch

peis n man to attend ilsh

plenty of good exercise in the fiair. "Ami when this man Kiddle tollntils story, yon can tell at a. xi.mcu that

civilian ; hu's lit :ts :L riddle ami straight as a. die.rch that j Captain kiddie is a .f;r:u!uate of Westservices j Point. When he left the 'Point.' lie

j was sent up tn Alaska on patrol duty.M d t l d th il

tile best by beillK piSpecial MiTan^enioi

to have tliis banijtitraetive by exeelleuleabaret. beautifulsouvenirs.

The niM-akwfar us-tin

are being nespecially

decorations am

will tie of the best i'nd.committee can provide,

will Itn of tin" highest

p•ithum considering soil* Is commendable, j p p']\<> loyalty that leads men and women | Many a day tie traveled the trailsi) arise on ;L stormy day at f» or. *> a. j horsebaek," all day long, and tiic ten. shows a. deep love for the church i penuure down to "JO degrees below ze t i

er.viceK..,_,,,\V<i...l1rotesiaiU:!., who .would .1. When ...lH!...gotJ)ack_. a tonight, Ju;L...felt j j ) (

'(• oufof l)ed":it'IS'il^-.m." would' tie~ apt"! fine.""" It "took" a" "lotr'per cent, 'man to:o look out of the wfhdow andsay Mt ; ilo that sorr. of stuff,is mo stormy, I guess 1 witt not i;o to p Then ihe Captain went to school-

lurch at this lime."' teiushing. The musnlos that were once••The averagi- I toman Catholic is ! hard as nails lust some1 of their snap,•city familiar with (lie doctrines of j 1 Io .stayed at the leaching professionIs faitli. The average I'rostcstaiH. i . (Continued en IKISO C.)

not. so well informed. He. frdiiiently 1 ^ .not know why he is a Protestant.

tho bamnietorder.

.iuosting you, as a, personald b i t h


i g y, pnafavor to me, io come and bo witti theboys. You know how disappoint ins itIs to put forth time and -energy mid

iss the ones for whom ihe. effort has;.eii..nuule... llo.iii.me.by. your.=mpesonce.

l.T-muke* 1J120 a" reuiTi(TTrinng~trriK-'"i-i>:"meniMered with i> lea sure, and a .sniile.

\*ory truly yours.. I-:. C. SLATER, •

IClmira, N. Y.

nan Catholicllo may tiavi

l "

• criilites ihe pa:thoughts abmit tlio

ilieplierd o!" tho iloek lint maintains. One Resident of Tlml Vicinity TMUSh»l at Screeching Animal As

If rices.Wildcats e prowling about Chnnso-

H l

silence. We, us Pro it's tains, ought lolearn a lesson hen..- mid refrain fromhyper-criticism of llie. clergy. Wo canalso learn from the Cm holies reverence p gfnr saeivd things. Irreveraucc is com- water vicinity, according to Hie latesL:non among Protestants. It manifests story from the trenchant iiself when in the house of ihe Lord. [Sharp*. The ferocious animals h:ivoT'lcre is ton much lisi newness, looking I been heard prowling about at night, tnaround and even whispering that is \ Uie. mountain range, north oC Nowwmetinies apiialliug. When wd enter ! i lampion, near Uhangcwater.he church of the living (!od-wo ought

•ave behind all worldly thoughts. |Andrew I'.. Castnnr lias ii

d ni^hls with a wildcat, that is runningThe Caitiolie., when ''passing anwill touch his hat. lie recognizes thathere is t he house of God. It is tliereverence.' of early irainiiifr. Thereshould ha more solemnity and devotionn the sanctuary.•-Wo should learu the

lesson in the Iralnini;' of ihe youiifi-."

Knot Altitflts'TnihilHliou.Bllhn Root challenged Tuesday the

validity of tlie Kighleentli Amendmentand Uie Volstead act before federal

.TiiilgCL;::ncll:-;t;ib,::.Pavi:;-a:u!.:.J-:,v.ich;.l!VTrenton in an action brouglit by Chris-

corporation, nonii-

rainnant on hi.-; t'ai-ni, iiear Chanscivater.,.Mr. Casiner'.s taint adjoins a denseforest on tlic mountain, which has. init rocky cliffs that form an ideal hauntfor ihe animals.

After enduring the unearthly criesof the animal for many dark nights.Mr, Cnsluc-r was able, to Ret a, shot atthe wildcat on u. recent moonlightniijht, lint w:isi unable to kilt it as theraiiRL- was too great.

It escaped tosince chunked its

ie woods and has•liaunis to further

MRS. BONYNGE WEDS- 3. DUDLEY HANCEVonnjf Couple Kepi .Marriage, Perl'onn-

"cil al West New YHPU, SecreMor

.-. Some .'.'surpris*.1 was expressed in•Washington Thursday, when ' it wasannounced ilmt Mrs. ICtizabelli SmithHonynge, dauglit-'r of I Jr. and Mrs. C.ii. Smith, had, been1 married to ,1. Dud-ley I lance, son »f Mr. and Mrs. .loiin11. .1:1 a nee. of Church street. They hailsiir.iei?dcd in keeping thoir w<:dding

•t from January IL', iiie> date when

•ns-i'"o>said that at :i recent "straw .vote,"

titUon I'.v the llremen. that every mem-licr favored that company's apparatus,

.-option of tliree mt'iiiberspvote because they were

with . the. various equip-

thewho did inot fiimilinients.

Tlie tmdtjL't for the year was adopted,with the elianw made by reducing the(ire engine apprO]>rIatton" from $10,001}to $2,000. This change was made atthr- Council meeting January 11), whentaxpayers protested against tlie. rais-ing of the total amount In one year.At Monday's meei inff,. Councilmantlanco made ihr motion that §:!00 boadded to the budget to pay interest onthe amount of money that will be bor-rowed to pay for tlie tire truck, Tliemotion wa-s carried, making Urn totalappropriations for Vi'lQ, 5-14.750.04l Thetotal OL' anticipated revenues, with anadditional amount of ?"i00 of sross re-ceipt laws, added., is_a .-SlO.iir.O. Theamount to tie raised 'hy-:l:>xaUon totals

stine appointed three533.SflO.O-l.

Mayor Chimemliers of. the Hoard of Health andthe appointments were conlirmed byCouncil.' The members named areWesley l-'leniing. George C. Losey andXatliau.D. Carpenter. , , . . .'"" Tiie" P.6rough'Clerk" was'iiutlioi'lzeci1 toadvorUsc for bids for the purchase ofJ'i-iou motor driven dump truck,

A report from Uoroushy .Marshalyhrcpo sliowed the amouiVc of. policuoiiiiipnicait In; hail in his possession. '

The Clerk was instructed io draw adraft for .?5,00o, to bo. ;;'jaid to Salmonlli'olhers. I'OI-.,the ..reu".lrh"• lo. iCusLy.iuulWest \Vashiiitfiett-iTvomiess. Tim total

borough liaw:is $7,000. ami the

" already" paid Jji'iOOO of

Ilir •eremnny performed at "West"Now York by Rev. John Letibert, pas-t f th P b i h i

a.\ you ill fnl friendship that oxislodwhen the bridegroom and briiio woreschool children. The young folks

idi h h

y , pf the Presbyterian church in tliat.

The wedding was Hie culmination of\ l f l f i d h i

pthat amount, "When ihe. boroughreceipts to show tliat ihis oiuiru amounthas been paid, :hu State will reimbur.sethe borouyli to the amount of. $:.J,500,liie, s,h;ire the State Highway Commis-sion agreed to pay.

A draft, for $70 on account was or-dered drawn in favor of Street Com-missioner Perry, who is ill.' Other billsordered paid totaled $"SS.!)0.'

Jt was announced that the boroughaccounts for iu.M) lias boon audited byU. C. .KcUerL of .ICaston.-

Councilman 11. C. Laniiing statedthat lie had investigated the reasonsfor delay in furnishing electric currentto several Washington , householders,and found that the Washington lOlec-"trie Company had complied V,vith thisrequest of tlic residents, with the ex-

g g yHtcr and his men while repuiring theroads in ill" vijinity of Atipletnun'spiYiiiisc.1:. Crlstnan and his men re-paired a road miming . along Apple-man'n furm. the mau-rlal being iak<;nfrom a bank along Iho farm. Apple-man conU'iideLl that his fence had beentorn down and mau-riu.1 from his Heldtaken away.

Former County Counsel ISgbert Kosc-erutis of Jliairstown, who reiirost-utctlCriiaiian, its counsel for tliu township,proved by records i'loni tin* otlicu ol!the C'ouuiv Ci'.'ik tl.at the road was aregularly ordained liigtiwuy. JudgeKoiK-y, in charging the jury. atcilthat the law provided that materialswithin '.hi; limits of a road could beused for the repair cf the road. Form-er •fudge Hosoberry was counsel forAppleinau. Mr. Koseerans consideredtin* ease so well proven tliat lie madeno address to Uie jury. The jury TOout only a few minutes and returned1

with :L verdict for tlie defendant of nocause for action.

There was a, peculiar twist in thecase of Km a n uc I L. Kice-against Rich-ard "Wcsterman, of near Ulairstowu.Kice sued Wosierman on a note, whichWef-terman"claimed had been satisliertand which he alleged he was unable toflritt a t tile time of/the separation fromhis wife, who is Kice's daughter . "Wes-terman received recently :L decree of,divorce from liis wife. The note, in(lite.stlon was for $ ISO. "We.s'termiijnliled :i counter claim for services rend-ered in helping1 Kice build a barn. Tiiejury did not allow Kice's claim, but in-stead relit rued a. verdict for 'Wester-man of $100. "William IT. Morrow andJohn II . Dabtke represented Kice. andEgbert Rosecrans presented "Wester-

;ina'ii-srs;uCr^ur:iLiiv'.c;u-G'.~--.-.~-VX- -l- ;;,,,-;rH-;;:;..:;-

Tlie landlord and tenant su i t betweenFred Kennedy, a. Newark lawyer, andTheodore Cunningham, who formerlylived on the... Kennedy farm nearllloomsbury, was heard Friday. Mr.Kennedy was given a verdict of. $200,tlie same amount found by a. jury inRn.niiv .y.-Mi.RUllnHl'H-eourt. In .Phimns-bur.cr. Former Judge Morrow repre-sented .Cunningham., and Marshall Mil-ler was counsel" for " Kennedy. • - - - " - •

i oiieratlon at the lifcmt. Fouradditional knitting machines tiro ex-pected at the local plant during thopresent. month.

Wiili' the additions to tho factoryan.l to tlie number of persons employ-ed, announcement was made also by;Mr. Heckle tliat the company lias justincreased its capital stock from $175,-Ujli to $:;uo,000. Albert QueitHch, fore-man at the local plant, bus been takeninto the company. The officers are:President: sind treasurer, Oscar F.Merlclu; vice-president. Percival De St.Aubln; secretary, Sirs. O. Tl. Merkle."Air. De at. Aubin is also the' sellingUKcnt for the company. The directorsurn- Mr. Merkie, Mr. De St. Aubin and .,Augustutj S, Hougliton, the latter twoof New York.

The ofilces of the company are locat-ed at 2'i Madison Square, Xew Yorkcity. .

The building of the mldition to tlielocal plant will commence as soon astho weather, permits, according to Jlr.Merkle. -The contract has not yet been •awarded for the construction, but willlikely be let in a short time. Ordershave already been placed for the addi-tional machinery that will bring' tho :

plant's capacity up to sixty oC tlutarge knitting machines. As soon as.the building is completed, additionalemployes will bo put to work until tho . •maximum of. -100 is reached. Tho pre-sent power plant was built with thoidea of taking care ot additions and no'vork will tie necessary on that part ot'-'-the manufacturing plant.

Mr. Merkte. expressed the opinionthat within ' tho course. of two years,the Pohatcong Hosiery Company willhave ji capacity oC output more than ••"four times as large as at present. Sixtypersons are now employed at the plant.

It,. seems,.,almost.,.impossiblo that _a^factory.'wliicli"has""acttially" becn'^iiroperation only a little more than-tlirer*months, should bo so successful. Butefiicient management and tho bestmotlinfis^ct' manufacture are said to bobig facioi's in the growth that, will -make tlie Pohatcong Hosiery Companyone of the largest concerns of Its kind1 1 1 N e w J e r s e y 1 ; - ' " 7 " " - 1 " — ™ 7 .'. • • ' • • : • ' • - "

Mr. Merkle said that';at this time ho.could, not discuss, the. actual figures oC -

j'the •"present' output' of tlic» company,' but hln tone indicated tliat the plant Is1 Jevelopinff beyond expectations. Em


SIXTY JOINED M. E. . , pl0J.,s a,.o SilUsncil w i l h-^¥ f n s ~CHURGH AT REVIVALS J J K J ' V S ' . " .^TST£ <£

celleut future.

residing at the home,of she bride- | ception of oiu>c;ise.groom's parents. t M l h U t ! Property Committee wa

lOxilccted Thai Thiriy More Will UPKeceivcil al Services Next

Hunilny. '^

Thirty persons were admitted to thechurch, tu the revival services in theWashington M". ]•?.. church Sundaymoi-ninpr. Five wore at the altar in theevening, making: a total of. thirty dur-ing the revivals. Pastor "Was ha ban ghexpects to receive thirty others . intomembership Sunday.

Mr. Wasliabauyh's . theme Sundaymorning will be:' /Our Responsibilityto the Church." Tbo Sabbath-school

at ?."ft, and the ISpworththe witlow. of Edward I instructed to take- an inventory of her- i League .servieo.-; will .start at (i.ItO.Hisa

Uonynge of the ^Canadian air forcwho was kitted in an aVptane accidentin Canada, just preparatory to sailingfor. ' vrvice. She Is a t Kill-

Smith houseiigli..school and

amc'wiVti i evening theme will be: "-Miudcof Life.\ T h evening ervice will be feature

ugh property and Me tin.. „ ,. ,,,V1, .he Clerk. '•' | ^Tho evening ^Tlie lionds of Towii Treasurer .T. 13. >i>- special must.

ill be featured• l'rod Pellotinr. for a

United Slates Attorney j cries of the aninial.V |

a ' recent night bjyg

Joseph U r.odinc and Charlesl-Hiffy. collector of internal revenue. IIi ' " " •is a.- test, case on tin:of proiiihitib


ounced that tlic'; court will receive a.brief in behalf of :lhe Atiti-SalopnLeague, provided it is submitted notlater than ne.vt .Saturday.

AIjss Theresa I. Konipsry flurried.Hiss Theresa, I. Kempsoy. daughter

of Jlrs. Mary and"-the 'ate ThomasKempsey of Phiiripshnrg,' formerly ofOxford, and Philip McCaini. son of Mr.and Mrs. Patrick McCann of .Phillips-liurg, were married at a nupliul mass atSt«. Philip and James Catholic church,PliilliPHburg, Tuesday, .hy Kov. K. J.

Dr. \V. H>. Alaxwell Dies.Dr. Win. D. Ahixwetl, stm of 7>\r. and

Mrs. Daniel Maxwell of .Ilaekottstown,died Satiir-.lay at'teninn in Perth Am-boy, aged "27 years lie leaves :i widowand n. child, two weeks old. Dr. Max-well had been conducting fi very suc-cessful denial oltle'e, in Perth Amhnyfor, the past .two years. Ho went to a,hospital on Sunday. January 25, to visithis wifi.v ami .see their baby. Me hadbeen1 ift from mumps and caught coldand pneumonia; developed, lie wasgraduated from the University of Penn-sylvania, in liUii and from llaekettstownhigh school in 1HLV , •••'•'.

A WushliiRto

Mrs. Keej-Jiti Dies al Haolieii.stown.Mrs. EliKii. Ktfegnn, 7^ years old, died

Tuesday night at bor home in Hnek-ettstown. i She had licen ill" severalmonths from intlrmiUos. of age. Herilaiighler, Mrs. Edward P. Jluelw

i l il i h i

l.iampton, Sr.. and . BoroughShrope were.,nx-eivtid. anil.jKcepled._._..

Hsli a. list of the names of the delin- !ciuenl tfixpayot'fi of the tiorougti before j

seriously illd

vpiiciimonia. Sfrs.l i h i h h

y pKeegan died in llie'liouse in which she-

blowers and Valentines.

number ot* years an actor, who joinedtlio Mcthodisi church, at P.ahway, while

-Mri"--ViVisiiriwr5ij?r!v:'tva:*.-.i,)ast(!r.;:a:i!.l^v;!!obeciinie the choir leader will assist tliechoir Sunday evening.

The program will include a solo by! Mi\ • Pelletier. Mrs. AVIIlard AHogeri'wil! preside at the pipe organ and will

"WtHiim Totl," byami blooming plants .Rossini, and ".Duko Street."

make suitable valentines. Hesidus we

Injured on Oinenl IManf Train,

Diamontls Slill Ailvaiidiiff.Xew'York newspapors speak of re-,

cent advanees in Ihe prices of .dia-.nionds Many people are buying themfor investment instead of bonds andmortgages.'. "We have, a. choice soloc-

i tion of. very beautiful stone's. Tlein-! iugers. 2M Northauiplon St., liislon,

.who. called lien 'on Mini- -triiitYeriIII:. I'rom u: in llu

J Liiieiitn ;

day. (old a frieml '(and tlie friend tojd fracimv <M' the rin'ht foot. Heus) Ilia! never was she in a jewlery j.pltiycd a:; ;i. braljeman at. thestore where the dorks as "lovely"

yement idaul, Now Village. The ac-

to her as here. Slu? said most jewelry. | cident happened when .some cur*..iump-stoi'o's have n "frosty" atmosphve.Keiningcr's, 214 Northtunpton St., Kas-

Star and Thrice -a-Week World, S2.75.

lMtv.eaiiou Go'uift Vp Now.. The Hoard of Trustees oC LafayetteCollege has voted for 'mvinavaho intlic college fees, beginning .next year.In. tin; arts and science, departmentstho fee wilt be. increased from S1ii.vj,to?200 a. year, and in. tho ^npineeriiiff do-,part men (s, Ihe Increase is- from $200lo $250' per yciuv- " ' • / • . °

valentines at. ourfit ore. AloiiRORetail •Florist.

1:3nst "Washington iu'c

ortmenl. of the ro^ulaiwer and Variety

imp. Green houses,1 -8-

Married at Melhodisl riirsouase. irWai I or T, Willever of Washington

ami Miss Lena. 11. Sherman of Glenriardnor were married Tuesday even-ing a,t. the parsonage'Of the Washing-ton M. K. church.1 The ceremony wasperformed by llev, V,. .1. "Washabaiiprh.They were ationded by William D.

The anUiems by ihe choir willhe: "The Lord Tieisueth," by Fftirls,and "Praise God from Whom All Bless-iiiss Flow," by .CJeibel. A'matc qtiar-tetle will give: "Cloin;? down tlie Val-ley." by Villniorc. '

Uev. Wilbert., Wastcott of Perth 'Ain-hoy, who inadj, a distinct impression atihi.- revival services about .,lwo weeks

•jiify, will address a. men's niceUm? .«lthe local ehureh February lit. At tliattime a Methodist Men's Brotherhoodwill be organized.

Have You a Home You* Call Your Own'

and Miss Ollvo Willever,lirothet- and »ist?r. nt the bridegroom. | V! AVnsl

If not, infiuire of the odicers of theiisbington1 & Loan Associii-

Mr. Willever "lirak.'Uiau Vrn- Uuv_ • tion ami learn how easy It in to own

Larkiuvanua. llaih-oad. They will re-side in "W.lshinpton.

'""I your,; home. To pay for It instead of'' payin'p' rent. Membershiji in this as-

sociation can'bo had at any Unic. Join

Thf local trolley lino !\yas out nf.service yesterday ion account of icy rails.

tho association , and ' hojp* build upWashington anil acquire that home thatliib lonff been in joui mind

Jt is known that the Pohatcong com-pany is finding- a. ready market for itsproLiuct. and tliat as the plant is" en-larged there will lie no dltllculty foundm disposing r[Uic.kty.of the hosiery thatis liKtinitnciured. . : •

Ttio,,hosiery market was never bettertlian today. Prices are-high antl''.thern'"i.t a great demand forjlieliner qualityof hose, both nmong women and.rneii.

The. plans of the company -will result •-in many of the finest silken hoso -wornby women'liciiiff inaufacturetl in Wash-mgton. and who. knows but tliat tho'own. which has boon known as "tho>rgan town" for many years, may soonhe known equally as woll:for the beau-tiful silken threads that a,re Icnltted to-gether to add attractiveness to tho legs'of thousands and thousands oC women.


Kiuiicrford, Allnmuchy millionaire, diedyesterday morning at Georgetown Pre-paratory School, CSarroit 'Park, aid.. . .,: ,from pneumonia, ngc& 17. years. The ••'•%1

young man's mother, who died several':years ago, was the daughter oC Lev! P.Morion. Vice I'resldent of tho United : :

tes in (he term of President liar- ••

New Vilhtgo Women In Fight, .;'-" "vTho female of the , specie is mora' ••:;

dangerous than tins male."' This ..was -^demonstrated, at Xow Village 'on a>re-'•'''•':cent day when FlIomoniL-Mannlccl and ; " ;

Arduina Snrtina, women oC that plnco,':'•-•;•SOL Into u luiir-pullig match. Filo- :,;

mciiii hail Arduina arrested, charging ! •':assault. Sauiro Van Billiard oC'Phll-;flipsburg held Arduina. In ?200 ball for "';-"the- April grand jury. J .;..„. ' "• ;• ;.V ••>.:;'^

'Sugar Galore, for CaimOa, 'Tis Said.yf"Sugar" trains' havo heen .paaslnff;;;iiV

J«^westward over the Tjiickawanna Rall-.r^f • - - *road, accoi'ding to.railroaders, for polhtaj;^In Canada. The ropott says thatHho/;'\"t,sugar is of British purchase and thatit selli nt S cents (0. pounil In tho Po- y

Page 2: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict

ra«>laJ^»llS&ife;^l;;i?j;G«.:;^''-~'-^v'-'^-;''''K^'\'i/'::: •.;-:':•.-••.;• • - ..-: ••.," • THi,






ttA€KETTSTOWNTliv February n

T. U. \«iln? home of Mis. J»'ssti XilK/Miss MntW Hmitti, a tiur«

NewSpri mmings

ho.-qiltul, hits.-,.• ilays with IHT ;..Mrs. 1,. IV Smith. • j

Various fiimor.-4 an* nllont as tn who |fill luf th«> new c:i»hifi* of th.' Hm-fc- '

. Usto'wh .Wulonnt Haiik. On» f«* flfittHoward KVniss. who i;t now ussisiiiiiteiWhU-r, will to iHoinotpil ti. i-;i«hi.>r. iAnntlUT i-i thiit I1. 1.. Stmtlt, wli.i wa* iflA.sEstfint i'nytltli'1* :ii rln1 ilni" In* went jW(»si st'vct'itl .yarn's n^it. will !»' iim!<" :

Wills Ti-imiih'r lvUiril- '1 Sntiinliiy }

wl'.h'th.- • •luirpii *'rvl,, V lio'--' flub >'or lii'>>". "•'"

.i- Arm Co. of Comnvtlom. *»i* • . • i0?w,,\ tlV i:..v. lloyi. H .

•VW Aw^JSi.'TK.SS.rS I '^K"^"'"^-*.."-. .tar- !

i w i v irum <"? * - - --• i Uiis -.vi.-k for hoinA'lei.'mvini; to a fall whleh j „,., „ ,„, J u m M , s . which will

' i ' l '3 'nr ' i i ' t i io mum-les »f lil« I'P- >'" l s I wt on ftumilay. The muin J " ' " » ' V ; (S)

IfuroM Co!" of O r a n p ' wns a w.-.'lt-' ) ^cnil «ui-si of i - la t ivrs \v\-i: \ W

Mr. nnil Mrs. Herman Mm-lntt .'mill (75\ituiKlu.'f will ri-tiirn soon from Oil- - . « '

ion).' [iin.-. Mr. JHirliitf willpluyiilfiit wHtl AW A, lltiff-

Itiwvll \y nut [|R:I!II foliftw-I \v.-.kH'ilhn\«--.'ti'V of Alliiniuoliy Is earhu:fn\ Mr.4. (.It'orm1 l'»<il, wluii- hoint' on MJIIII st

-occupy •thP'hour.p in-mi- . . ."oiy\ '"Tin1 lc'i» 'Viouw nn iliU* farm ha« jiweu.fNWl with :t. fiiwmtty"or ic** •from '

,r Th" new flt>i»''stt--r at C. C. I. bt'tian

-.. Tlif IIIRU whnol (Iramatii' club ro-".iwiai fl by rwiur-si on T»*'S<l.riy ev-'iilnsiit<; comedy. "Th<' Prince of Llnrs.">. Mr. and Mrs. Erod Voorhia movo»1Monday to th<* uni^r sitV* of t!u.- AWs-toniiouw; on ?<I1U st iwi . They -hnvo.k^n.occunvlncr for nomf tlmt- th«- low-or f»id<> of IIIP Luc*1 hoiiBi1. .

-.Miss Nt'ttlf Yanilorn luis ln%fn s|»-mt-

VctiUifr-.an(l stst>i[-in-lnw, Mr. mid i in; .rUirencf Van Horn, aro ill with grip.

iblymfisi 'I'liomas WU'WA am!Marvin HliMtls ivnt-wi-il at ' the tnofilnrh-Ul last w.ck of th<> local Roard ofVVitu-r •'•GoiHiHiSn'riHci's tlit'lr oath ofofJlo*1* as rommisslonci' for aiintlif'i- tr>nnot1 tlirei' voars,

Th>' Trr-lilf Clef oliili Is unw :i niMii-li^r of iht> National- fiun-au for. th**A.lvaiH't-mt-iu of Mu-sii1 aiul will nliscrvral its mcf'tlns tonlnht that or^aniza-tion's'mu.slc wt-fk V.y hohliiif; an "OldFolk" concert. The mtv-lltiK wj\l lJ" ! i|hfld at tin- horn.--, of Mrs. M. K/\Vh;h- I ]

. hour, who will 1«- a.-sif*ti>»l l.'v Mrs. K. ;'; J. WiMrlck ami Mrs. F. \V. Thomas. ' !1 Tile following Wi>r »Mo«-t.-«] otlic.rt: at• the mr-i'tlnK of t\\r Social 'Service! brother-hood held AWdnrnday nh?lu in

tli.-" Proiihytcrlaii Sunday-school rooms:

,<-ew- York .firm (or som*. time-. Iia« *•-r-nnil and b^Ran on Monda> his• S i n V o«l« oC lh" *mwlTS Mil" and. Machinery Co, whrrr h-

Pioiifrman; rhairman of i:rtmmittf'O.-i.oiitprtainm^nt, -1. M. "W.-lsh: social, f1,,I. Simmons:' music, \V. II. LiniKT;

, athl'itl«-ifl, Rhvin Hiill. Tin- main room

u Mr..and Mrs.

town.. Sundftjv Twelve was im- i,.,..,.'which was • reponed alons tlw Mtisco-nptconp: rivet*

. •;, ••jlomliiy "• ulijh.t xhc. third. ••nt<irtain-nient. oE the 'liiffli school a;hlcttc ns-•y'ociation will be1 Klvon. Prof. Hatl-r,

•: •-: ,„„ ,vi,i |>() tllft mn-acnon. Tills Man !•; st

at th*1 postortico. has boon off dutyowinfr to illness.

Mrs. lll^uan is ^riously ill at lv-ihonu- in'Main jitrt>ct.

• The combinations;of colors in their beautiful blendings are

'fascinahng.' Bands in different widths embroidered in silk and

wool, with motifs to match, in beautiful shades of Brown, Taupe,

Wisteria and Navy, •

;.* New Embroidered Vestings, from 6 to 18 in. wide, in Oriental

colorings. . -

A splendid assortment of plain and fancy Black Braid in all

widths for use in the more tailored effects.

u All the latest shades in soutache braid for'oraided cheigfs.

Trimmings For Evening Wearare more gorgeous than ever. There is a splendid assortment in

all widths of opalescent, gold and silver, and separate motifs to

match. , .

•i: 18, 27 and 36 in. Flouricings in silver 'and gold embroidered

on net for evening gowns.

( Beaded Bandings and Motifs to match.

| j _ : Colored Sequin Trimmings in all widths.

': Black Jet and Sequin Banding from \'i in, to 15 in. wide, for

bodices; also separate motifs in jet and sequin. __.

Laces For SpringAs this is a season of lace, no blouse or gown will be com-

plete without a touch of it of some kind. And every kind of

lace is going to be in great demand.

Among the leading laces will be flat Venise, Filet, Oriental

and Chantilly in all widths, from the narrow edge to the-27 and 36

in widths for flouncing dresses and separate blouses. :

/ Venise and Filet Bands in white and cream are extensively

used for the new overblouse. •

Margot Flouncings in 18, 27 and 36 in. widths. Bands to

match are very popular for evening gowns. In Wiite, Cream and

Black. ; ...:• ••

•Silk Nets are extensively Used for street and evening wear.

The evening shades are Pink. Coral, American Beauty, Turquoise,

Nile Green, Maize, Light Blue, Orchid and Sapphire Blue.

: Street shades are Navy, Taupe, Brown, Green and Black. "

A fancy net w t h coin dot.is very new. The colors are Black,

Navy and Brown. \

White Cotton Nets, with rows of tucks, shirrings and pleatings

• (36 in. deop)-ttre used for young girls'party dresses.

Sale of Furniture"It is really surprising;" said one of ouKcustomers who

hail just made :a number of purchases \n tlie-February Sale"how much money I have saved by buying.in the FebruarySale of Furniture." . ' • ' ,

This is the. way not only she, but a great many othershave felt about the opportunities we have put beforethem atatime.when many homes are. being opened and enlarged.

Every piece of our stock has been l-educed -for thissale. Hundreds of customers who wait for1 this event everyyear have been quick to take advantage and have broughttheir friends to share the values with them. We cordiallyinvite you to come and look around regardless of "whetheryou wish to purchase or not./^Wijfeel sure that you will en-joy looking at the furniture;''" '•'•->: c ~ " ' \

Whether it is a complete set foi^tiia^Hving room, or• • ' •" ' - - - • -—-i ' "««;nri fnvn'itinvp. vhu are sure

. .This afternoon tVio'^VomaiTs-'H.".and F.orr-isn Missionary Society ot Irresljylin-iitn c-h«vc!i will liuM its V'rusry,-meeting m ihu IIOIHL* of M\v. , C. Murrcll. The ussistniu liost

^ ; SmitU Suickliousif fnnil of 1 Ort nci-fiF. i near Snrpiuii to .lohn ^!. Fivndi 01

I CliaUiam. u-ho wil1 talic po.«.«r>s. :^ April 1. Mayor ChrlKtin.' has sol.l

: so th- lioiwi' l-."lOllnilV^ to th(; cst:

ilht-r Wiifhinulon for thirty yearswhon ' .-. . .loeal'.V'fom6fiVj\v aiivcxitiii.iuil.or...... --• •• , ..^ l0Citl prop.M-j.jfs lifted In-'.koiiled

Will W hi-Itl at the iHilillc scho«'• ! i;,.,t ,„. „.„„,,, ,,01 vmch:ls,, any^h,.rl,:iil".ihV..*ouWi- iKlskcttalll fflltit lllujtcl ] n | i Wiishlnntoii. II- ..X-

•: Svi-il'iicatldy':-with «>9 p™M°l,,oI w « !<•«» «• ""S a »" '» »"' niito-lhv Imsi-

m.Tli'e Blrls'- .-- -.• - -all" _lli*> samos. withohb. - •.. l.rton.ird r.uell of

TiilH .it RcvlvlllUK! f.^v.i.-i".«- - ; 'r-!1(.,.p | s ,;iik oi: rovlvirc til.- Tri-•AW Yorl- wts a : Cousity 4tasr-bnll I.castie.' Jlany tou-nfhomo Here '' J alonB llio. Uickau-amia are illKCilssinv

rv^-y::;^ ;-- n«--returned the • t'lt- t>rojr-<M. from Cl'iltlvmi tit Newton.•i.TJr.-.and Mrs- T 'TV ' ' " " " , -S . vver t l . "•.-vshinaloti and llaek.-tt.siown are lie-Ili-st -ot. the we«k. ,">>"»•'"ft " .v. ' !>' !nK eonsldered "as likely lo-u-iiM for m-nv,.-.teks' visit wlili-his father in C.iltlot h ( j s h l | 1 ,,• lh(, ^ ^ w , s a y s .n ' ^ V ,,. c;'Fal-ei »f Cincinnati. O.. is'••'•"••« " " • • i " ^ s h i n K i b n V

..visUJnErhor.moUicr.'Mrs. Utla-Kogsan. j ——''•,;^lifts Murion il;i>if\V sulisHtinod in ; •arion r.ayley sti

"'omr..'la»l .week...m I'll"?0 ?h was conllnwl to his

homels at Ho

HOUSEHOLD CARES-i^'vSto" to' l«™ ° m K . - i 8 for «.m" i Tax il,C; Woinon-of WnSM,,B|r,,, (h,Vitn'c on a farm rienr N'ewlon. will j . ' ; i 'Sti'mciiS KlKe'wliorp. ;manase-:i-n.Vroniini; year the 'StrllhWe . . .'.tloniV-'ln'linnwlVr.1,1 rlnfie.,',Vrm- at Ik-aiyretown. . .. I -Ha ' ' ' l l 0 attend'-'lo housclid-l dutio' Covers'wer.' lairl for ">0 :i| thorllnner ; With a cpnVlanU}', achinglir.el;.

.Tlve'n' .Thursilny nlBlit- h.v the l'iialofs , ••^ • voninii sliould not have ti\irt-.iit:.\thi'.Presbyt.Tian M a n s e j w l l v ^ ^ ^ ^ _...___ „ _

For the Makes of New Homes arid the Upkeepers of Old Ones Nv._..;_-..

'/":. With the new furniture goes the new rugs. So many people .are going to buy ' furni ture this month that we felt it

iiecessary to provide.something^unusual in theijloor coverings, too. ~~i'-.' • ' " ' '^j- -- ;- .• . . . -.-.You will find pleasing a a d plentiful assortments with prices as low as good qualities will permit.

i t A splendid a s so r tmen t of 8-ft. 3 in. :x 10 ft. 6 in: and 6 ft. x 12 ft. Axminster Rugs, $45 to $75^ '"'••; The largest line of Tapes t ry Rugs tha t w e h a v e ; e v e r shown. Sizes 8-3 x 10-6 .and 9 x 1 2 , $26.50 to $41 .50 .

Most of them are a well knowminanufac turer ' s show rugs. ••-i . The patterns are the latest! Chinese and Persian designs, in Tan, Rose and Blue colorings. "*

The large showing of'Fibre,. Wool and Fibre, and Fancy Grass Rugs is beyond anytliing we have, been able to offer

heretofore. • ' • ' . . • i

2». VI

v>ll. ••suV)fr'.nli>:*dt'iti

ck _ ^

lneys wei-o well.

Rt.:,'•iven''rtn' in'ir'-a^'1 of (15 a inoritli." H'1,! Doa'n's Kidney'Pills are endorsed l)jronnorij' rfo«.'lv l 3T0 a moiuh. Ui- \ thousands.'

' " " ' "'" ' ' Have been used in kidnov .trouble

"ATH *h

Illfe*:.'1' ^ • ;.yat«

I Sfrs/Howartl ' S.n'miiclH n»(1•^M'r.-.nnd Mrs. Howrml S.i'miiclH nml. son'Ki'Vont from .Kriilny nytil;) S.undny

night a l tliolr.former homo in Nuilt?>*.; Mr:-:am1 ..Mi-K. ttsiynimi.l. OuHck ;nnl

sb r i ' ^ l i o -fi.Wi> lipen • 111 'with Rrlp. art*." refovorlnff. :'l'nsv:siVtor, Mrs. .P.ii'ilip1

•\ Hiiylet1,-' of Ay ashing toil, tins been c.ir-iliuj'-'foV-'tfiMij'•(liirtng.tnr'irfllncsH. ;.-

••;Vr.'; ami Mrs.•'Wllllanj HuVart ,nf, Xnwion,'.'pwiiif; ,l,o iho iHncss or his"TISLOIIIOI*,,'• 'Mrs; 'Tj./C.vAjTrs, .linvi* hofiisfjenflfiitr. CsRycrni ;i\i).vs ' hero. >frs.

•A^rs,^aHI)6ugh';.vci\v ,won)t. Is [mprov-.;

:-Mu>;or iTiunos T.\mji)yn Is [miirov-

llo improvohiont. inII,<JI .,....« ft ratio: Ilonftlnnfl,.wllii'-'sriu'lfl'1 fevnv fit the

lifting heavy things about the'houseI sulTcred'IVpm Icrrihlo pains arvosvmy ?Mdney:i ami my hack was so laiirwhen 1 slcoprd, it felt, as ihciiigii iiwere bratkimr. My Itidhoy.s^ticlcd irrcjj'ulai'ly. When 1 did.Wovk-yiat r^quired standing ovov a hot stove, 1became very nervous and diz;:y; myhead kscorned to whirl so "I couldn't"stand. I got -Doan's Kidney PUls iit1

the Opera 'lTou'so/Pharmacy, untloiicbox frave i'olini'." 1 havn taken Dean'safdifVornnt time;: since and they havealways pivt'ir'gdod* results." , l

Pricfi "Gflc, at ail dealers. Don'tsimply. iis-'J: tqi\ ii kidney remedy—jjetDoan'V Kidney''Pills—the Kamo (hatMrs. D(;Vrios /vhad. Kostcr-MilhurnCo'.rMffffs., niiffalo.^N.'Y. K":;.;.:.

Last Week of theWear-Mer Demonstration and Sale

tr Ever utensils.in vour kitchen you haye.ho idea hW1 good| | S S ^ Come ana get one of the sauce pans.Jllus-

Cover for "Demon-

stration S p e c i a l"

Sauce Pan. Regnlarly

39c. Special 32c.

• Whether it lS'a.compieiu SBI, J.UI.-HI,?XV»....6 , - .just a single beautiful piece of period furniture, you are sureto find it here in our regular quality at prices notably low.

Living Room Suites

Dining Roofti Suites

Bed Room Suites

Kitchen Furniture

Furniture Novelties and Single

Pieces ,

Cedar Chests, Floor Lamps, etc.

Here Are


Whose Like Has

Not BeenKnown Before

New |innted CottonVoiles in fattel-iii u «'•rracthe » ii Hard to be-Ueve they we Cotton »•they sunuSftte the most ex*penrive Georgette Crepnand Norelty Silki. In t ienew dark all-oVtr dfeijtu,plain colon, etc. 36 to 40in. >ride, SOc to $1.»8 yo.

New Colored Dren Lin-l e u in a variety of ihada,130 to 44'in. wide, $1.39and 51.50 i i

i New 32-in. Sumi»« Tirtaei in woTtn col.redIplaida mitablt for women •and dnldrtn'i Ae»«e».

69c yd.I A chofco W ol ColMtdSUrting Shipci. 32 and 36In. wide, S9c, 69c, 85c.

Plain color Organdie in'the n«w tttuimtr shades.

89c to $1.39 yd.

N*w Dr»» Gittjiiato fogpdag ia stable and nov-c»y dtagw. Pluds indplain colon. -? and-*2

fcL'irafc, 3Sc to 9Sc yd.

^ 0 & ^ " 4 , ' - : > ' - : ' r : S " r ' x : ' ^ ' i t - . . , . • : ' ' : , - " ; . • ' - ^ ¥ •' • ' - J i .•-... c ; • • : . • • ; ; • . • • « '•' • < ' ' • > . " '%• ."'' • •••' '•"•- '^r''/'^''''" : " V " ' •'•"• .-.'. ^.-•:i, "[ ,: ^ • ; \ i v , i : : * ' " C : J V : r j ; \ ; , . . , ; ; ; ; . ^ , . v : ; , , ^ ^ ^ , | f f ? f ^ t | f f i ' - M ' S ^ ;

' f f § ^ l j ( ; i / i : y . ' ; ! - - ' : " ' ' : , ' - " • > . y , . j A . ' - ' A - M - . . - . V V r v •.-".• ,'•'.-.',-'•:•'•'•-. •^•'•'•".•'••'.•-.<a. : - y - . ' J ^ ; - v .-v:'-.:-.W'£:''.'.:-i-.•'''•• ••:';•" ? ; . j ; - ' . ^ : ; 1 ; l f f i j . - v . f e^ , i - g i . - i j » ;a ' ^

Page 3: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict

-^v^(?-s-iirit,wi;isi-^.»ji:. ^ . ^ • • ' ^ ^ • ^ j ' f ffj^iiv*:^3!' t h ^ ' ^ ' ^ ' j JV' ^^iiVI.1 >* ."^i"$ irj j ' '._* —•' -'"' i ^ ' ij^y-* ' ' • - 5 } ' '* •T?*.'"*'-'^ '"l*-^ *"! i;r^ ^ *tv?.:. # ; ' : T.'iA^*StiiL--£- •'V^1 •••' -?.C-K j T- i*!-'- ' :^v : v a^sf^^^^S^^liSf^i^^^^^^^^^^p


is different from buying'tiny other article in common use.A wagon, ji piece of furniture or a jack knife of "cheap"make and inferior quality riiny answer the purpose for a\yhile, but with an incubator it is different.

An incubator deals with I lie life principle. It must be relied uponto <lo tko delicate work of producing a living orj:anii-;in—a completechkk or duckling, in'perfect health, with all.the vitality nature re-

' quires. * .. -


f i re ProofecHnsurables

- Vast nuinb.?;v of Incubated chick-.; I T C hatched every season whichstand no show v.'ha'eycr of living t ' r.iarkelalile ac^o, on account ofthe (lim.sy, ilUcoi^lnictcd 'MKINOK'' in "•-.'!.k'li they arc "coaxed1* into life.

Tlicrt: is twilling !;i:i;irk;il)te iiboul.A Hatch of 101 Chick.-; from 120 Fertile Ejygs

il' a Cypher.-! Inaihntor is nscil*

CYPIiKKS incubators are luiiltlii hatch and In lust. With pio|:-i-care they are ua ran lord to jjivo somce for ton years without repairs.

CYI'MKliS is the logical incubator for tho .successful poultry man,as well as for, t!ic man or woman, hoy or tfirl, who is beginning.

The healer and safety lamp enclosure on a .Standard Cyphers in-cubator costs'more to make than it costs al! Uild to build some of thepoor-make incubators.


; Not only'does the early chick calcli the early worm, but it is themost profitable, for it becomes a broiler when prices aio highest andan'(*({({ producer when ejjtfs lire highest.

. lust a Fev

lu'iidfiitjii'k'tsnurei! footLs

Particuhit*jjril, ovstt'i1

mash, e tc . '

• words tit remind %for c-vi-rytiling need

01* chickens, iTiueilU'mention is made ol

^hclLs, .scratch IVrd,

im Hint I his store is>d in- ami


till1 wiiy of pre-yitrd t'tniipment-

scrap, charcoal,chid; food, VHJJ

"Major B gWashington, N. J.

T5I71C have fjune. lhrotn;h our s'uie .stock?; ;md marked themV V down aluiiit unv-lit'th for this sule. That means a $10

pair of shoes for $8, and s» on. It will be a !nn;v time beforeytiu Ket such <jood shoes a! these prices—"A v.ord to thewise- is siiilicient." /

NEW STYLES litTHE attention of young men looking for the

latest-styles; is 'directed to three numbers ofdark brown; wing tip (brogue) shoes we are show-

! ing for Winter and early Spring wear. All made...on good snappy .lasts, .and, MfLat .tlies|j:easonable,"pricesTT '" : " - ~ 7i •'•

$8.50 : $10.00 : $12.00• • I • • .

:•••^ W O L S L A - Y E R ' S 'Old Reliable .Family Shoe Stoic -.,

455 Northampton St. EASTON, PA,


Krcitch Woman OC|H PIvorce,

i Tliei-i- Wen- larKO nlU-udanci-H Tliurs-I rtsiy mill Friday *iit lhi> KUSHIOIIH ol' tlio' twcuml AVarroii County Con fere nan In

thu ttciviilerc liif.'li KCliool auililorliiin.'.Tin; cu life re 11 co WHK I M K h

l h WiiinK'l' thu fills-

l of the Wnrnm Comity Hoard oEi Agriculture, thv jmbtlu schools* of Wnr-i I-I*II enmity ami Tcndn-rs* College, Co-I liimWii Utiiv.-iMliy, Xi«w York cliy.•Much of Hit1 siiL-rtsy of the 'conferonevj was title lo tin* ictii-In^ Counly Super-

JnU'iident of School* Howard K. SliUn-L-r, Will* IH'i'r'iili.il ill tilt! ni'-'L-till.tlM.

• Thu topic of *, hui-.sdiiy morning'srowUiiK" U*JIM "TJ'Jo'jjjijjrovt'Miciit of A#-

! ricitlluio in Warren I'otmty." At Lin*ftoinnon session, "I'tiMiu Health InVan-on Cuii nly" was tin.1 thi'iiu.1.

. llonii' and Hdiool Xvc'U In Warren'County" wuii'jUHfiii's-'i'tt l-VMay uturniiifc

' ''Comrmitifly I'laiinhit: iirnl Ikrvi'l-' Wiirt 111-,: HUliJ'.'t'l'l'Yiday ufUT-t

iimni. ;'T!ii'Thmxlay. IJi

M ivivlilon

J yan u ven In;; meet in1?

wore Hi-rved aL thehotli ilayii, and therey ,

Th i t d ^ f h li

of JViinsylvniila half thu .schools ro-in:ilm'[| closed ln-causi! there were JIUteacher* to h'! )i:ul.

"A«;iln tin- preparation oC manywlioin the shiM'titgf la foii;itiK Into tliuwork In far below Ktaiidaid. OiiL-lifthof the u-uehi-r* li;ul not even lliiislwhlKli Jichuol. The UKU of thv new U-aehera Krow.t less, US ih« prepni-alloiKi'owa ICJW, cMpi-dally in communi-ties v/hery salaries are low: «o wo arucommitlIng to tin; 1I:IIU1H uf Inexpert-t'lmutl, intni'llciciuly pivparetl UII-IK,fiittirti of our hovH and (,'lrls juul tliufiiluru of thte Kiviit land of otiis—why?Ij'-'caiidu \vu haven't realized that K wowant Kood t'.-ru'lierf" we must pay fortli'jtu jtLsi'iis we must )iay for elltci.scivk-e of any other I'lutl. Kvcn thuwa:i]ji:r wiimi-n of Xuw York city,whuHi.' only o.iiulillcatlo;iH an- atnaim.-j and willing natures, make miImu !i."i 'Kir iic-ni. of th',- teachers InWarren county, aru i-aruiiiv:. Oneti-achvr out uf twenty.caniiny UH tnticlias a I'omiieU'iil washer woman, JL

[ •* MrH. Jwiltcll.t It. Alleman, wife ot Al-| phoriw Alleman, «ald to re-sldo ntj Wood haven, h. f., wnst- KrauU'il a di-•.• voi'uu" la.Hl Wt-ek In K:i»ion from herj lmul»anil. She Ii< now slaying at tho

f h th M lil I

i.lMcoino Tax Asked for Sew Jersey.:The ubollllon of tho personal prop-

! crty tnx and tin: substitution of an In-i conn! tax ami a tax on hiwlnpiw aru!; recommended In u report mihtnlucd to ;

(JiiVernoi*1 l-'dwardtf by a commission j .--„\ named to invcMllpile tuo operations i ho:m; of her mother, .Men. Kleannet, In ' hoi*.; mid effect of ttu; tax lawn of Xuw .U-r-• wy ami to rcuointiiMi'l le^lKkitlon ua- J' M'.'tilial to nn co.uitaldi.>. jusL and adu* {I i|ii:it« system of taxation.

The iTport vnU\ of th*,; Incotnu tax:"It Is vastly Mipirrlur to any form nf;

'Irt'i'tfiiiifil liropi'i'iy tax JO* fi rneaiis of]tin* greatest c'(|u:t]!iy, certainty, : con- \Vl'IlIcilCU 1111(1 CfOIIOIliy." ;•.

veiilcncc* iiml ucowmy."

that aho was only-16 years: oldHim was married to"Alleman in Jin" 1004., Ono^vcwlc oftoi^.th __ ^ r

IIRC, Hlio Bald, ho-'.beat' her, and:abused Hy,

of tin; Thin-rt- ! itm:'i-!ial)k> ih:it trwil lu the aervd;iy inuri'.in^ Mission wi>ru. l»y Ur. .John j p^opU: ar« Iwhu; aitiucH

O. Hhnr|M»-i»r r.Liiislown, Ur. DtilrlcU icu?of \V:i*IdiiKl'>n imd I'rof. A. U. Clinton j "in this county conditions are set-t-or Hut State AKi-leuUlU-nl Coll'^'e, NHV oim. Komct liKUres from thu tyJS ro-l v f e k . Dr. in-ilrluk ,.sultsiiuit«-ft port indk-.-ik; tlilH.

l "A h ifor K. C. J 'fill uf Slewai'lJiVillt', wholI t l L t

K. C. e ,tinal'Itj to lie prfseiiL on account


ort indk.ik; tlilH."At that time only two counties in

ihe Slate hud more ir-a(:hern who woretliau ?*'<">. Only on

llDip. Sluiriic (liscuK-;i-(l roiul im[irovo- joiln.r county liiid fi smaller percentagew i l t ami ollu-r iiniirnviinn.'iils that • w eivin^ uvuf SS'lO.h;iv(! I.ii't'ii m:cnini)]is*i{!il in Warren i .\u counly hail a higher percentageco'ility clurintf the past twenty years. [ of tcachtf.s hickiii^ any training 1K-II'i-cbnimi*nilod the mlviiiicos that h;ivo • yuml that received in high .school.l)ef?n nirnle in cilucation l»y giving j "Two-thinls of the teachers of thetraiisiioriiitioii lo tak« the lioys iind | county were receiving I"HS tinm $700.gtrls «f Hi'- farm to gootl higli ^clioolu. f "(JrjiiHhii,' lluit tho minimum wageHe salt! that U'iinvn cminly i-fiuld I law lists iionsiuVr'iIily •lictl'.'i'ftl

millions, AVarren county prohahlyIUJIII.1 ulmuL tin.* sumo tu'latlve. position

>ig Ihi.' coiinliw oC the Stiite

tin; Uvui lunls of purbred Ih.IiUiti IMU]" in lli>> Ciiiti-.lStales, fiillliiu iitti'tiilnn to tlie fad that ( ... .._ „ .twenty years nm> tln-iv Wits not » I prwlticm which will umlotihttilly workpnrt-iiml h-id In the county. Ho prais- j ayahm the- county In securing teach-id tho County Farm Deiinmsiratioii i ors."work, the chili work among IKJ.VH and j Kullowlng Dr. livonden, Dr. Kendallgirls aiul the recently vstaiiliwhcd Cuuu- sifited that the present agitation isty Y. .M. C A. lie said thin co-opura- caiishig rverywhero an increawe in

aii'l the ]>ro|i"i- •.l.'\'"!opm»iit of wiltirKs of u-aclier.-i With tho resultlh"j.;*'*-ai*'


uM marl ;in the . next •-<)

that moiv yoiiHK women are planningi l l l hi Qiili/r the norin.il schools, h.iving

stated their lntr.-titiojiM if, Hakiiiea con-Ur. Dt'drU-k tnit'l'.* an address that tinu..- lo be increased.

[/OVITPII a scope uf ilir- necessities and "The utntjiidmunt to tho minimumpossihi lliios ot" Hit- cmuily. I Hit address wage law, now ht'fort'. the I^eBislature,pnived most innrestinjT •" his liearer.s. j |.;(|is lor ^l.oiltt tnltiimuin salary. The |"The A'tiUic aiul Necessitv uf KxU'ii- Stale ]!n;ml af i'Mucatioil wishes to In- jsinn" was Uiv. tht'iMi* nf Prof. Clinton L-n-ano tills to 51^00. ' Iamt* hf •ljniti:;h',-mit imniy ii'tSnt ; that "TU*- only jiorioiljltj way to ovcrcomu..•m.,.,rir. „„»•,.. i tin it Mwiii.l-.lnler..st.-Tlieiili.-.shnrlaL'.' of ... teachers," . wild Or. Igirls' cli'jnis 'of tlie Ilelvidoi-e high ' K'-iidall. "Is for l.'oarcl.s "of KducatioiiM'iiool. miil'T the iliruutimi of Miss j to courageously I'LSIC for .more, money.\hirgarct Deelior, opimed the morning i am) make salaries attt-.aivc. -I'Dacli-fjxefciHcw.' i ers are puMic ^phit'uil and they realizes

At tlic dinner at tlu- Hotel llelvidore. I that teaching has rewards that e:ui-th« w|ii;nkera wi.-n; Ur. .iohn C. Sharp*.1, [ not !»• measured l»y a money standard,Dr. F. \\\ Miuoiiey ami I'rof. Cliiilun. : Mil lh,ie m-u billy to pay-mid IC teach-

".Milk Kairieri." a playlet by HIL- chil- ; ing fails tu proviilo sit flic It-ill meana,dren of Hi.) r.utt'/.villi.1 .school, uiider . tlie.v must l>c found el.sewhere.tin; ilh-"(.:tiini of Mls.s tna Applc-miin, j Sine.o tlm first conference, held In•as a feature of tin1 iiffi-rnoon session, j UHH, several ilellnitc devcloiJinciiti

Watch i'ri'xi'Ml^d to Mr. Sliimcr. jAt the County '^inference, I.:elvlil<?r«.!

Friday afternnun; Utr> retirhif; Counly }Superintendent Hmvnnl K. Shlmer W.IH ;incspntrd with IL gol»l watcli from '•members of tin: KOnrds uf l-Miicalltui Iand teacher.s i>( Wurrt'ii county. This ;wit! IK» a iiiiiindir uf the, inui'iL- <-x- !lepin wlihih IM fi'lt for Mr. Stihiivr by •those) with wliom lie has been moU ;clnselv assot-iated. Thu presentationwas made l»y C. C. J-'Ine, I'rorfideiit of ;Hit* Warren County School Hoard As- :Kociittion. and CharJ^K lieagli-. Prexi- ,(lent of thej AViirrcii County Teacher.H1 iAssociation. Tluodoiv O. i'lat--, I'rr-sl- j.lent <if the [[jtcliettstmvn Hoard nf |Ktlitc.'itlon, h.'iil «h:irg».' of tiir; purchas- [ing and eiij;raving <>f tlic watch.

Press AsMinliilhm lit Mi-cf, \Tlie mid-winter mceiJng mid lunch- i

eon of tho New .Tersey I'rovs Assocla- ;Him will he held at; the Trenton House, jTrenton, ."Monday. February !). Tho j

subjects to hi* dljseu.'weil includi* "The j.Newsprint Kiliiatioii." opeivd \.<y Ait- Jcuslus H. Craim of Kliwhotli mi'I fFrank A. Uoi.crtson ut AVnshlnKinn; !"Suhsoriptlon llate.s," .1. L. Kinmoutliof Asbury I'arlc and .1. W, 'Naylor of 'Allentown, and "Aduurtl.sln^ Kales." jby William I1:, nryimc ami William A. •,Kwoeny of Ui-d Haul;, ("'ovt-rnor Kd- {jwards and meiubertt uU the Legislature ! iwill bf, in ationdance. i

A Merchant'sFINANCIALRequirements

are given prompt atten-tion by the Northamp-ton National Bank. Wehave been useful tomany and desire tomake our service help-ful to yon.

The NorthamptonNational Bank


H-alth ng's were jilv».n by tin chil-g j ydren of the iloxburu school, under thitlii-cllmi of Miss llawl Slopp." iJi".Thoni!i« I). Wood, who was sch'.-duleilU) Kfn-ak nt th» afternoon session, wasiinnbl,; in be pp'Sent, its wn.s .Mi*.s •Suz-anti- .Hnlilmrton oi' the National Or-

for Public ik-nlth Nufs'lnf,',l

hav matured in Warren • county,amuntr them the. following:

1. A County Dcvelopinont Councilha.s been formed. Tills iw compo-scd ofrepfeseiilnlives from e;ich 6rH!iniK;UIon.in the. county. Its purpose is to bringthe various ;it<eneii'.s of the county to-gether and unite- Uieir forces in plan-.

N<-v;. Vdrk city. I nfng and developing a county progrnl>r. Charlf-t l'1-.-Hl nf th" Atlantic Hi- I uf progress. Among other duties this

vision of tin1 American E *.<-• L Cross dis- ! Council will hereafter assume responyl-t-iisfie.1 !!•..• importance of hwiilh. and •, billiy I""11 Ihe annual County Confer-llu- work along !iv:iHh lines that was | ence. In this way only, can lint con-

ference liecunui a true., democratic en-teri'riM'j representing the interests and.'iVintrf m" all tlie. oi'giiiiizations and

>f tin.1 coimty.

n don.- by the llvdDr. !•'. W. Manmey of tin; Ktate Dc-

]i:it'tiiu-nt . of Kdueaiion, w!m is ine!i;t]\uv of physical ti-alnins in tho.schools of the- stale, out tiiinl Hi'.* woi-I-;.ami made ,-tn ardent plea, fur-.-parwiils

ker-piitj,- tli-li- eliildi-eiii.lbealUiv. !(.'

.-:ieai exoreisesstaled ih:it lit-:-AV: "Then- goes n

>L a luvely llai. »tlllll sllOlllile'-K."

li..a!l!i as a gP-at

l In- «cloppwed phy-

K, but heh<>ar any mann. Masn't li»and exquisite

added tiiates.sity sinu moreH e

yto be prii'.'.'U than gold. rdr. Maroney'stalk abomid.'d in humor, anil he madea decided hit with the- suulic'nce.

Another excellent address-'at the af-ternoon ijo by .T. 'Whit-

lford liiddlo, Kiiperhitendent of .scliooisin Vbillip^bur.s.'. Ife outlined htuHhwork in : ilie Ijiittd .States Army, findwas greeted with 1*JIHI apiilaii.se whenIn- liiiiwln-d liis interesting discourse.

At the evi.'iiing sossinn. Dr. CahiiiX. Kendall. State •Cominissimie.r ofCdtieatinn.and Mrs. linstv 1 luff .\Torgati.f Xt'W Turk wen- the pfiiiripal s]>faU-•rs. Dr. Kendall spoke on •"The- Future

John J-Tyn

iy for tea<;h.•ing better s-•n and woi

< and saltl Hint it would•vice and inure eHii'L-nt-•n iiilo the profession,

•i-tai imcnt was oneif the. Ijest of tiie. ini-etiiig. Him has•(•I tec ted folk • son trs from all (|uartoi-sif the glol.e. and is rocngniwd as an

autborily nn llio subjoot. Thu girls'uhoniK-tiC liu-T'iiiHiii.H.urjr high'scliool.umlei- the direction of ^li-ss HarrietWnodard,::7tirniMio<lvmusi<;."--:;; "--•:-~

Tlu-ru was music al. Friday's se.s-.sitms by Sts. Philip and James paroch-ial school pupils at. PbillipiOtiirg. The.

liigli si-liool orchoKlrn. n *p K f; sthe Haekettstown whool; oreiies-ra,'under thu direction of A\". En

Kti,'phens. The speaker at the- dinnei*was llov. !•'. .r. l^gan. rector of Kts.Philip and .lames Catholic chtirnh, Phil-lipsburg.

Speakers durine; tho day wore: HissFunnic 'W. Dunn, 'LVaeliers' Collego:Dr. ]•:..?. TJvonden. Toaohrr.s' College:llrn. irtu-y Ruhcnuk AVuolniati.-lluslon;Dr.C. J. Galpin, Department'of, Agii-e.ulturo, Washington, V.I.- C.; Prof.Shimor and M.f«s Mabel Carney, Toaeh-nv' College, Now-York. ...

On Friday, the teachers of. Wan-encoiniiy iitt'end(!(I tin; conference. :t;1 The llr.s-t spisaUer was ^liss Dunn ofTeacber.s' Coll.iyc, Xow York; whoseaddress on "Makuig ISrluks WithoutStraw" showed -how necessary propereuiiiinneut is to tho teacher if aim" is todo the best work for llic boys andgirls under her care. ••'Tho addresw by Dr. 13. S. TSvenflen.

::i.!:jo.'of.~Ta':L<:her,i''';College,•-on '•"!'!!'.i.~-'N;i-tional Crisis in iCducation" gave muchfood fnr thought.

"How many of us real hod." .ho ask-ed.;, "that, llus avorngo .p«riod of timethn 'ioimtry boys of bur land spend i1.sclioul Is only Ij.flfi years. Six yearn ofsehuulhig \i> prepare :i lad i'(

"Only S.25 per cent, ot: the pupils inour elementary schools cuter " ' 'se.bool. Of tiiese, Ihrcc-fourtlis tliio]>out; liL't'ore finishing their flour

"How many of us realised tlutt we.bavo in nur millRliLcm000,000 itltt-eratc! adullUi'al, the iHiinber would reach liii.000,-

Seip's CafeR. ,T. SEIP, Prop.

I5ni;iuesi Siini in Ta 1(011



You will enjoy your, mealsligvo—everything is so aieatand clean.

ricsh Ah\c Lobsici, Haul &bolt Shell Ciab1-, Scallops,

Ojslcis ,md Cl.ims.

I'ul.'lie health .service has beenextended .thi'iHighout. Ihu county dur-ing 'Hie last li-oar'hy the employmentof three atlditlonal public nurses.

::. A |K.-nnaiienl farm agent hasiipioyi'd.

-t. An addlti.tiial leader of Hoys' andGirls' Club work have be


fA Co-ojK'rative Committee oflioys" and (.'iris' Club worlc lias been"onned.

0. Vocational courses in agriculturelave been put into three high schoolsmd an aildilional home economics

teacher employed in one school.•s' co-operative associa-orme.d.

Wedding :it Oxford.Anna ^k-Conville, daiiKhtcr of

Airs.' J-titvU-k AlcCtmviUt* of Oxfurd,of Jlra. TUuinnu Gay-

ii"r. alw..of Oxford, wei-e mnn-i''d at a. . . ias:i in Ht. I-lusu's Catholic:

L-Iun-eh yestorday inorniiig by Ilev. ,).J..-i:u!cy.^jn).ey^wore_aUoiiclodJjy .\USHMary ^IcConvtlie. rH-.Ncwarlc-aiui'.iosepii

"•linirtKtk. They loft on :i wedding tripMtiffaln. , Tho young couple will i-o-

side in Oxford, whore the bridegroom isby tile. Knipiru Steel &. iron

Company. ,The bride was attired in a midnight

•luo suit of tricotine and,her hat and!%utsl"t:erc; - uf. l.Hie georgette. ••.-The.ridesniaid was dressed in-a Navy blue'Jiiroi'-cliiii'uir -Iiroail(:!otii.-.-.-The.-:..hritle.arritul mw's and tli« bridesmaid car-UMI .sweot iiwis, . , -

Kollowing the ceremony an elegantwilding breakfast Was served at the

'lioiiii; of. Un: bride. The bridegroom wan' member of the :ilt(h Field Artillery nfHit1 7!)ih'Division ami servetl ovevaous

Warren County's Health Kucoril.The report ot the State Department

of Health for the month of Novembershows "that • there wore ten cases ofcommunicable di*i\ise^.... hi Warren:ounty that month. ., The 'cases wore

distributed as follows: Dlpbtlieria, ti;seariet fever, li: mljerculosis, 2. .

Hinilerdon coiinty had '2$ cases of•icimmunicable .. diseases, cliwlributctl asfallows: Chicken-pox-. ::; diphtheria, 1:nciisles, '2; poliomyelitis, .1; tuberculo-us, li; pneumonia, i; social (tlseases, 17;other diseases, 1. ' '

May Advance. Auto Tiro I'rictw.An advance, of from 1"> to. L'O per cent,

in Ure prices will probably be announc-ed by most of tho large rubber com-panies) in the very, near future. It hasbeen: apparent I'or.'yoine tint!.1;-that-thorubber companies vuuhl bo obli'sCi'l toincrease!' tiro prices. Cniile rubber1'inces have not increased to any ex-tont, but cotton fabrics usetl in lire'manufacture havo been steadily aoar-l •

Found Unconscious In - icu Gardner.Arthur N. BopravL was.-fouml umion-

Kcious, lying on Alain, strut. Glen C'tird-ner,. last Wednesday nlgriit; irmiKcrcaused Ida pitiful plight., il-le Kii,ict. hebad hocn utit <•(. work;' iiud had star'pti,to -walle' from ].rtiuklyh\lu"^atilon.i htiwife and daughter were Intrnud to dea.tl

(Hilt if ppytho Army—that, oL. vwi.tliii}? a. news-liaper and writing a simple luller. Oneout ol" every four Deoplo miablu loread a,' newspaper or write n. loiter!.Such -men did not make etlicieiit sol-dici-a. but. wo trust them with the vote.

"New .Tersey is'fourth from tho bot-tom In'such a lilornry test;,

"With such oomlitions atitl Ihn ptreatneed for Americanization!'the countryis fjichiR n shorlntjo of teachers soserious as,, to constitute a very disturb-^Ink oduciiiional crisis. "' ; .

"A year :IRO 'there wcro 200,000 va-cancies in our KKIIOOIR. llaviiij? forcedInto tho service, 12.000 insufficientlyciiuippod BUbstitulon Ihero RIIH vntnain-cd a Bhortago ol 50,000. In one counly

hiiiK to oaL ftir UirpO-;dii.y,< A pursewas niado'up f»i*-htm''imtl*-ho )Wus sentbauk .to .Brooklyn. V •

Tluuiu Coiupaiiy Asks Increase.The Hiickeltstowii' Telephone & Tele-

graph Company, has asked an incroasoin rates. They roriueKt that'' tho PublicUtilliy CommlssiDti give pormission fortho. adoption of the following schedule•February '2'.\: Extension station, ?7.'J0;'service connection, $3.50; inside movingclinngc, $;i; change, oC nnino charge,$1.80. An Increase oC'.(20 per cent; ia

,asked on theso yearly charges: 1 Indi-vidual business line, ?36; party businessline, ?2'1; I'lrtlvltlunl rosidenfo linoj.>f"1 *


Washing-ton Ave.


Washing-ton Ave.

In a word, what we can do with it, ov what we can sot for it. There are thousands andtens ol' thousands of tho best housekeepers in four States who bear daily testimony to the factthat— A dollar will go further, purchase more,.in an American Stove, quality considered,than anywhere else.

"Asco" Blend

COFFEE(Our Ver.v Best)

lb.,42cltidi, Full, Heavy llcidy.

Roasted Fresh Daily. De-lightful Aroma. Why payme.ro? "Aseo" wakes themost satisfying ."cup'1 youover elrar,kv

Fancy Lima Beanscan ...;9 ISc, 22c

Best White Soup Beans,Ib 10c

Calif. Dried.LimaBeans, !b ..17c


SALT(Free Running).2-11). pkg-


Victor Bi'Ciici'Crunibs.

.pkg , 13c

"Asco" Farina, pkg. 10c

American Maid PureCatsup,,.Hot. :..: ;..ioc



lb., 37cEieli ami creamy. Splen-

did served many differentways. The "snap" to it isjust right.



lb., 30c.Extra fine bis California

Muir Poaches.: 'Pry a PeachPip made with evaporated

• iieachcs. It's delicious.


Victor Bread, loaf. .8cHave you ever ivied a loaf of Victor? I t not,

Ivy a 'loaf or two totluy and prove to yourselfwhat True Broad• Salisfnction iMouns. We kikeYiclor in our own sanitary bakencs and ];no\vthere is no olhcr loaf Unit v.'ilf onmpui'e withVictor in either Quality, Price or- Sir.c.

Imported Safety Matelies.(Special Price) .12 boxes i'»]'.,.

]!egttlar price, \0i: This prine for one weekonly—an extremely low figure foi: liiatclies of tliis<l»ality. Now'a tlic time to lay in a.supply.

"Asco" Buckwheat (self-rais-ing) ykg. . . . 12c

Prepared with milk, llifiliest grade packed.We guarantee "Aaeo" to make the finest ctykesturned on a hot griddle. Servo them with oui'delicious Asco Golden Syrup, can 1:1c

Pork and Beans, extra bigcan .10c

lSijy'No. ii runs cliocjc full of selected domesticmarrowfat beans. Cook-od, ready to serve—aslice of pork, and a delicious tomato sauce added

.to. give them zest;: . •--. ...- : . -;...•

High Grade Canned Vegetables,t I ince lomaiucsSuffdi CoinSi i ni*1c*s IjciPisMixed A ci>cl(ib1c^ (loi bouo) | C VX

Fancy .Norwegian KipperedHerring, can . . . . . . . . . . . : . • ..21^

An economical and appctiziii)!*' "dish." Splendids e r v e d h o t . o r c o l d , ••. ••••'• >s

V;m Camp's Tomato Soup,\ iii'Lan.p'-. '\ c^Ltiih'c 01

Fancy Norway Mackerel,each .9c, 13c

Fine, white, fut, toTidcr inacKTrol. Wlio doesn't'onjoj*.picliins the bones of a wol!-cooltcd mackci'clat ij'roakraslT time? ' ' ,.

Two Pure Hatter Substitutes of Kxccytiunal Merit

•Nut' Margar-- Oleomargar- .ine, Ik, 32c ,ine, Ih., 40c

Made from ptiro Tho best made—\ycV'0f.rct i)3c oilii-r-rio iini- . linow tlic quality willmal fats used. " ,; please you. ;, •

"Asco" BlendTEAS

(Our A'ory Best)

lb.,45cFinest selected Teas

grown. A- blond for everyjialute—Black, Mixed, Old.Country Stylo or India and

'Ceylon. • : •.

'National Rolled Oats,kK. . 10c

Toutsie Kolls, each 3c

Pobt Toastie, pKs-_ He


DER1 lb. can


iTcnilOf Preserves,iai 3oc, 38c

1'me Honej, jai 17c

JQu.ikei Biscuit & Pan-caUu rioui. pkg. He


flb., 20c, 24c, 28cFine meaty fruit-^thin

(skin, splendid flavor. St«\v-icd Prunes arc delicious and[economical as well asiwholesomc and nutritious.:

PURE • ,


v"<>?.Iade from fresh apples,pure sugar, and spiced justright. An ocon o m i c a Ispread,on VICTOR BREADifor the kiddies. ' . .;.• -:" : •

for Thursday, Fri-fey -and Saturday

"Patriot Brand" BREAKFAST BACON O A ^ 1LTiy the Piete or half •.! : »J\/V» lb

This is a very fuu>. breaki'asl Uncoil. H is a m;!cl cure. Urns iiisurin.t:you a sweet ami tcinler • piece ofBacon. ' ' , 'I ' . . . , •-:, - . . .>

Q U A L I T V I S K K I t „ ••>'••:•••'.-•:•*

Chuck Roast \Whole Ca t s , . lb

LeanSoup Beef ''

15c Ibl t .

LeanBoiling- Beef

18c lb.

IXd j S teak • • 35c lbTlC-,1!

Hamburg Steak25c lb.

LdlgCMarrow Bones


Pork Chopsand RoastsBest cuts 33c lb.

28c ib Pork Shoulders,Pic Nic styleButt Ends 28c lb.

The Quality of our Meats is what Places u£ beyond competition.


Page 4: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict



..'••••••• ~ v - ' W . ' . ' . ' . . v . ' ^ ^ ^

The WashingtonPublished every -Thursday; morning at Washington, New Jersey.

Entered at the poalollice at .Washington, Warren county. N. J..

• as second-class matter, in 1SCS.

Subscription prices: 6 months. SI: one

year. $2; payable in advance.

Tlie Washington STAR is recognized as the Ic-idm?

weekly in the State of New Jersey. The STAU iwWislic.-i

more "news and advertising than any other New Jersey local

weekly 9S to 1-10 columns. Its reputation is that of the

best printed, best edited, best arranged weekly in the East.

Why Take 3 </o On Your M o n e y -Why Get Nothing From Your Money—

V..1I wi l l l in.l I I . . « ' S | . . I I , I - I T . l i i i h t I I I . I T . , | : 1 V w i n , , , „ „. | l ; l m u , ,III W n t - m i vo . l l l t j iT.iit (.-.M.I.- i n , Mli-li ; I-Mwiiril l-nlil 1,'fl T l i r a . l ay f'll- -MK-hl. V.:" l . o i l i T . p l n t , - " ' in . I ts . -1- n i l . ! - l.llt it i . l ' : i ; i i i l C h y I , , i i t t . l n l 111.- fll'li.-IMl i.l' 111-' ijfjy

t h - i r . . . I tn iu i . - J . T h , - ,-li,ill. ' .-.i I I I V Hi i i ! '< mi i - l . . . A I I . . T I I ' t . M . <MI I I - • I-Mi!..|i4 n . -v i - r 1-.T..I 111- s l i n T 1'i'IV.n-i - M ' ' - ' - K l r i . l K i ' S l l i l l l i i s i -oi i i in . - . l 1.. , * . ; .

i i i . - v Mtiiiiinii i i . i i - . - 1 . . - ; , . - : . i , i i i ' - u , r : l " > 1 ' " ' " " • W | I » H i . K n - w . j / S iUll i i i - -i , . - n - l . u , . , r T l - , 1 - l « - i - i • „ . J l " - <!i-i>rK.- M l . l f i . - I ; w a s t n U . l i | U .

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nted, best edited, best aiTai.'ped weekly in the Kast. i ;:;,-,",,,,,,„,,- ;„ -r.,-t,.,- iMy rm- *'i,.,,t >v«i, ;;;™;"1™2.::1,^'"::;;^,1, „,„,,, ijil.

_ ^ _ _ _ _ : — •r.wii.'i-*.11 . • J.,.,,IIIV with' ins riuiiiiv. «h.. •»•>• V 'H"- 11'. . . . . . j . ' SIK'li m:it-i'iiiM*n't *vo;ill n <-.t!itul< n - • j M ) . ^ | . , . t r l . .I..U.M. V '

past six veavs the average weekly circulation of ;„,,.,„,, „.,..,,,„„,-,i,:,: ,*...>t.,»;»•;.' r,,;,,,,:,, *,.r om.i.-ti N... « • |:;--|W

STAR has been over -!,S00 copies weekly-a -!;:: T ^ , X a ^ J%^ .^^2Sr»^™ |circulation greater than any five other I,:1;,;, ,;,„„„;,,•„. ,,,,.-i, ..Mi.ni,.,-.. .•„. v')l'^;1v:1'^,,i!;::"i


For the past si:

the STAR ",...o ^ . , , . . . , . .

circulation greater than any five other

; papers in Wan-en or I-luntei--

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F. A. llobevtson, Kditoi- & Manager i^J.,,,.,,,,1^ ,,-M i,llobci-t Ii. Grout . S u p ' t . i|.i:ui.- ..£ tii-ii- i

il > l i a l l lli.l ' , -

| l l l » l i l » u In '-I'-'i

James II. J. Lynch. News Edtor.

" " i: .-rii.i ,n,ii-. .

SI1,,,I.,V M , , . I

W.:lu..,ia.».II t l f |--.--t " . .

1 i : - l l i i . l i . -n: I ' . - . • t:ni-.i

;' !i\

r:.liil".l will- Hi-

ly llir.-y htin.li.'il PI-IV-.H." i-iv^u-nt in-dicates that I!-.,- fatli.rs ;-,i;.l sous ofWashington in-., aiiv..- u. th.- tiin.s.

-riit- ii.-xt i-n',,1-. of Hi.- cniiiiiu.-.- winI,.: to ol.lain piomis-s ,-r -um.i-.-iu ihtitn-ri i t lnia from Hi.- m.-n ..C \v,^li:iii;l.,iilo n-nt inoiiis. l.uy sum,1 i-ii



work, i.

. '

.,,,!.l,l..t, ..f tl.

u m i u M im| . , , .»i l . l . - i " j ; '

i i l i f s . I - t h . . I . U H K : lh . i t i l l - L

M l-.kc . ' S l . . r t l . . m l ' | . r . . l i t« . . ' " . • I ,

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, ll n l . Mil l . - - " t ; ! » • • » ' " 1 " 1 ."


\sW i«Pvbodv who has bought diamonds within thepast few years, What they will take tor them today, _

Nobody will sell, them -foranjrthing like1 the pricepaid. . . . , ... • ,

For diiimonds have increased m value one-halt inthe last two .years-ami they are increasing more andmore every day.

Money Invested in DiamondsWill Yield More Than in


i ; ; X

"•'>•,,; .,.,.,„„.,.. ,,,,,v,,n ,,,,.l „,,,, Th-ni- [Jl-,V '/;, i-,;:,,,,,.^!,. M-rm !>•>• w.-.-k- I W

UnilV in " U r • ; , ; - , , ' s ; : u l l ' ,„ . , . , , : 1 1vit t« . .Mr. n.iil .M

i-hi sii.l ;

• ; , ; - , , ' s ; : u l l ' ,„ . , . , , :

; , : , , v , a l , i s.-hullx., - , i r , , n l : , | M. K. ,-II.

.,j-B,.l,.,..l 1. lit!.- l . l I There is a steady dennmil

diamonds as investments. W

>" " • .v,,,:. ,.r

; | ; ;: : . . , ; ; , : \ , , r I , . K . : , . r . i ! | W

.•'•il'm,.t li.-ll..'V..- H i m »••••' I ' - 1 V

Boo . I . - " , a- Ulu.l--l..rul , n ,tin.cli.liV.. ntt'tl, IIS .'an ' ' " !•'«

i.f i l l . ' f : r i m - | ! ' 1-' H i - . 1 . IM , v , , , ,|,.l;vrv tl-.,- »H|.«. Th

yiiii.the nuisl pleasure for that

iiiiiini.ii.i.-...-. .,•••- iiniik'y—ami Kumclhnv t h a i will a t

tin people arc Iniyiii;: diainoivis in- the same time put money into your

stead of bonds imd low-dividend- portel.

Th l kw W'u know ol' only one tiling tlial

will do both.'i'luit one Ihilifj is disuiiiincls^ " '1,'oine in tomorrow and let us tell

you the "why" oi' diamond values,ami w'ny ninney in\t;.--u-.i iii .'lia-mond-•.-—boii)jlil rijilit—will yieldgreater returns than any other safe

in the world today.

NtL-illl III ...M!V...-

payinj* slocks. Those pi-ople knowthai iliumond.- musl coniiiuialiy ad-vance in price—that overy yearset's a luintli'L'd dollar diamondworth a ^rt-'iii, tU'al nioro than it-imilar aniotuu i;i\..'.~io.i i'.v ;;r.ything else.

iUit that isn't all.Wlion you invest in diamonds

you ii\:t tile satisfaction, the pK'ns-uri'. tht! pi'ustijiu cl' wearing yourdiamonds all tht' time' thoy are in-t-r...a:;in:-C ill value. Not like moni.ivin liiink thai -you c-i'n'l see. or

Ask Ihosi! who own diamonds if

tht'y'f.-ill ^ell for tin1 price paid lor

ih'-'ir.-no inalttM- if Imuolil oniy

:-ix ntiiiuhs ajjo.

Our It.n.u' e>:p(.'i'ieuee in liandliuo'liuvi' thi.- n.-vvs s" "i«-J

!lo'ii-l"-an.:'wh:it h-i-om-s »i ""•• .-;.that t h - I.."., "f Wnsltms.-l.-H VM., ,roiuri lnif) lu re" sums <•»>• ' - ' ^ ' »tills t h i n s nml Unit t h i n s . Ir.

whii'ii t i t - r ' " " ' s ' "tli.-n say to I If.- Iwys. Into tin- ik-vil."

llonlknu-ii- y"lT n l : t

ihmn.-ht it'),,lit it ll'--a


wlml it I11Ul.it,s .wkloms of IL l|Z,,1 ....imnuiiiiy. mill


in otn- i.iiu.-t •.!-.:'.--."-..••"chil.li-on v.lial tli.-ir own pai't-lit-. \

not .lo.\Vas!'.ini--T.,n m , n must -pir- nv.-r"

Y. 11. C. A ruiUiiv is uniliiuiialMen, in-: .MI-;X: ir -.-.,u i,,.ii,\-.- iu y,,s.-lf. if you in-li.-y,- iii I :n.l. it yon

,,,u,-. Lin if h"

- ha i - . l . t i l - . - , ••!

i, u [,, I,-.- !:ii,i

nil,!,II.-man I'l-.-ti:^,,; l!;v rani:- I' ai

ins Hi- Vr.r.ii p r -

t l i - l o , A!.i-.,:i:iin l.lii.-o!n" *i!l i"' r l i M r a l - . l {l)

'''•'••! B i ; X N E L TO C O M M A N I )

;;;;;, i IJLUE RIDGE LEGION•A u: . . - •ill.'- | HiirKi-Kst.'w'.l l'..-i l-'.l.'i-:s )Hlii-i-i-s for^ ' ' : ( Vi-ut- mill An-anilrs for Niirn.-nuis

,„,„•„,„..,;, v.li..-;li !,.,-.- ••

I.ATiCK: Siiwas written lil orniiiiU'-

, ct uskhidi I'm' I'm- promoti

,,.l i i r i . - s . :; t-.,,liy a n d I

j A S ; - < ; M ! lli, .-. .li!ii; i:!1 v.\i»

I l l i i - l a . l a , - l -u»t -Si . . Irt

! t . . i . -n . tva.-i lu - ld i i i t h - i-iui

; - ^ - A i t h w lii .- .- l i i .K U K I - I

- pl.-y., 1

11 - .stocks that, are mere pieties ol . . .paper, paying small or no ilivi- precious stones is at your sesvice.dends. I.el us help you invest. Our statid-

Nothint;' acids so much to pel'- inn' in the jewelry business insures

son's st.'indin;; as oi.iod diamonds. you absolute fidelity to your in-

!f you have the money, whv not lerests in advising- about the pur-

put it into the UiiiiK that will brino chase.of tliamonds.

Take ouv advice and put your money into diamonds, andyou'll never regret it.

i j SO.


(Oppos i t e C'oioniai ' l i i e a i i " )



»:ontributt.> -.•.- -..- .UiL- V. -\f. C. A. ilm-Lii'-: this? y..-;tr, Tin

(iti iiersoius in UK: \r.\sl tm i 'iay?-", I".'1-!vu- at which r,-!:uliy i'onu-ii<m.*ti x\sum nskedl •"Tiii.T': la <:\-vvy \\\K\W:HV11 " '!•" mmifv r.'duiHHl Will

"!'lv- ^.irn-h),- ' WHAT i)» YOl" S.1KK Olt Dl^LIHK1.1 i ' " A 'r'-,nii'i!

• i i i i i . . i - w; i ! i i r i t o m i i k - \h-v. v n n : ! : ' ' i t ' w * .

itl . if r-'W-^it •• .-!• vi .U V " i : l . i t . - k " ' •".!,- - V' ' '•'•' ' '1 ' ' ' ' l i l

r.l(=. 'IVtl u s in y..Hi''<i.vn v.: ,y. wi ia ' . 1 f |*, ^ ^ ' ( ' . ' j ' .

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.; . , , , S T ( ) N S!-: COI-V.

:j i i i

. • i l l f r HirDii'Jl

w m i | i J ^ .


litnt-s wli.ii t\w. siyiis in th'.sky in-iirrit.- th:iL ii- Is tlm«-

.' KLui-k ;iml M-I> wlu-i'i1 out-.^Iiih iiAw>:uvmiy. .Hi.- .rnil'.-d. t= 1

l''11"'1""'y1,. " ' '

H''!'f".-r i n t r K a :

• u-nrkiV':1I;LU lw

».f t iM- ' n e w * ' ? * :

T A H ' S i L i l v h - . - . ; / . I l l - \ V ! i i ' - i ^

! . l , l . t( ; ' ^ . " l , , l l . i i , . W . r . , : , : u l « : - l i - : m ;

", | I

ut • l.iii.i.V1

ili.'mlitiri.'. Hn:-|-.-x '

,-i! vnn likf. When ; j.-.. ,,.....'. .vf.ii-Jiii'..i:. ti:i"iis'u-liil!"yoii"l[Ic.'." !ilic STAK


n - r v i , - , . - i.t H i - I N K I . H I - J I O I . I .-rn.ll- (•;,„! i,f Tl.:inli-<.

la n i l - - Y


lin'i u('-1 Aiwf iv.-i-ll inn

* is priche w t r rci-'.'ivfil hi't'oiv. Tin- mumifiU'-lu rc r :i!Kl tliv i-ctiiih-r .nv 1«uli ir.uliin::iiinro iiMjiu-y ihiiu t-v-'i- iK/foi'o. Tii*li'joplu IISLVC itioi-..- money Jilljr inon; lnnin-y limn t:\Vm.i Umjc :i.s ti l ings cimilinlines, ilu-ri- iii)|)ci'.Vt! n» he m» end itsiglit, Thort; in 310 rcusoti. in tlio oy<i

uT must pL'olil", wliy Ktrls wurViinj; !'•.•?i f i : i wo.'k shnuM ntu i-i-niinuc i<. W<M$^ silk f.tot:kiiif,'i*: ami why :L in:m «ci

•;-. A::'.'.

11; I l i - x -


y . j u l u iv t ! 1 hi"- s o n uf m l m l lUn',;. •, i- iviii . l u l v.Hi' !'i.i;-iiH's


; '\ JI j.iij. ' l!.- vv.-If:ir.>. L-*'U' h i s t i :

i a b r a i ! ' i i ' ix"« . t . r i i lH.n l "jn-l

• t n i y i l i i i i K t h a t , i n t c i v ^ s t h i - 1

^ . u t l '!lfl

ly ii.- i i ' i n i i U ' - r <.i' ii

<Plir lu i^- lml l .-t;lii*«1tiii'; iml tlK-n I'.H- Hi'- r im.

„• i- i.tuv \ V : i - h i n u l o n •1 | . l i tyi i l loy.'iiM'i1 ;tt

I tiii-hitnu s p i r i i u a i n n l

i Hi-, if y:m H: • low

it. ii

UllK $31) it wock KhmiUl 1101 <nvn a r u m , 1-^.. .- .' o r mnyhe a i:ui' uf Htwiii'i' i i r i r c a t ' io rnwn will fin-^'-t- s*It ilu; '.-iiMiim | 1' ^i1

Unt lu Ui'1.1 man with his wvatinT t'.vc -.iiini,'.-; yuii havt- s;,id aln.ui your rival, j " ' n 'oiK'Ji, anil liis v:iv to tin- urovnitl. il i^ ihr'y will r.>rni\nilV'r, w;iy ilnwn il'-i.-]', tin.- \ < : ; i ; i

.pVain t h a i thiy .sort of 1H111," tMiuii.t !<--p ' scoi-n1 yon hc:iVi*O »n his n..v/M>AVr. "nit ! f " w l

' l u p . \\"i.* vininol' Rtnir ron l innc 111+• \ivcs- ' will ;i!)|>!y il m'iK-r.tlly—to .ymir \>a\n:v j ; ) l ( ' ;

S T K W A K T S V l U - i l O .

Mr . : ; n i -Mi^. Jc.si-pli f U-i:)i vn\.o\ l a i a -

•<! ;i!., l i i t iniT 'i:hiir! 'il;iy Mr;-'. ,\hhu-

-kU;no r , '.\t;v, AUx-i't Cypi i - iM ami s u n

l n - h iinrl Ah'S. CfOi-K" .•jtilijison of

•hilipslim-ii- , '

.1. I-'. I'.n-k h a s i i ikon :i pri!;itirj:i JIB

iiiicUi'i iHi1 a t : : In- ! i i pTHi l i -U; i t« t ' i.l.tju,1

\ \ \ - ;ih<. Uian! : K--VS. M. H. Km;!;tiltl a n '

.1, X. \ \ ' : I - . | ) 1 H I I > I a n d Uic |ialll";iL1Tr !

:1 liins.- v.-iii.i i^ctit I x . i m i t u l l lora

I M ' S K K K I . I ' l lX :iti,l S O N /

.Ml,'., a m i .MKS. S A M I ' K l - «.*0t-:\.

Biuskclhail ami other ituloor sports roquirojust such paraphernalia as we arc able tosupply .fro 111 H'OOCI asaortnionts and at rightprices. .Schools and others will find prompt-

_ - nuss of service ol! advantage by orderinghere-.' Goods iiot perfectly satisfactory will

" - - • • " - - " - - • - I j O - m a d O ' - S O " . ' - • - - - • - - - ' : - - : • ; • . • - " - ; ; : - - . ; , - : • . : - - . -• • . . • : . . . • - . : - . - : . " • - -1-:

Spaldinj oods a speciality. °

.-" CHIDSEY & GREENP 170 NortliamplonSt. ."tNwr Second Sued) Easton,Pa.

Ii - u . I'm- H i - .'!•-'

..,- Us.- t f a ii ) t i« i iM' i^ lisiit 'n . i i y • ••in'- Ii- f-v- \\n' 3iiliM.lil,!;- w i l l IM- l l f l l l Ml tilt- "f!i.-.> nf I |T«." )

l i p s l . U i ' K , N. . 1 - o n . M u t u i n y . I - ' . J .v i i ; i ry !N i r . t l i . Xln--i.-f.-ii l l u i i . l i n l T w . - i u y . a t ; j

' "11"":ili:ill' :!!-l.i--.-'lf:V

! Mo Owners!.s, i.. 1:1:11.i:v. H.-ci-.ii.i-!-.


• * Keep your body well

.. , :' m,.i:U ••< I1"1: I " " ' 1 ' 5 ' 1 " " ' I ! | L ' , " ' K ~ - ' I b'.-Ui-l'-' lnws -"".I I" il'.v.'Hi'ii,,;'):,. v.-|,;». :. papi-r ll^™v:,1

i';.''^'h | " ™ | <-ivi.- ,.1-i.li- is 1" .:Jlu-!.l..- _ 11.'• l i-opk--- _ i v > _ ^

iipi"it.'.i-.'" ' ! "ip'-'.-dii'c.r'1 'N.^piin'i-ra an-'in-r<-iy i n o u r i s h e d ' a n d strong and

n l M T ^ S i w ' « N s . ! >•"'"»•" "' M >Z^Z^: - W ! 1 " L I ^e re is, Utlle danger. If

,-.lil.-,i I.' I-'• lit .\V\v,irl.

I.I-:SS TI-'.Mt"r.\Fri0NS—iVi-'.ss;

DlUNKAltllS., T h v r. . . : .-nl d c . i l i i s .,f ! i uml iv i l ;< <,i ]

! ; ih- . . l l . - l in th-.- l u n i i ' if w i i i s l i . - y K- r

is 1-,-iH.^ :.|.|-t-.-i.i uv . - i - v i , , . ! <-.l ; a i.i ...tin! ..iiai-l.-i-,- i.B n i n i l h . - i - ,

IMp,-i\-; ,n ' Ih,.- Sutl , . - in lh , . - j a w f u l i v . - u l t * ,-r i i - . nn i l i i l l . | i i . "

I- l i n u . - r .-.;ilai-i,-s f u r : : , - hu ( . I - I'.lll l l l o u r ^ u m . - i i ! l s n l . :• K.»,.l

. . .In n i l p..-,,'.).-il,|-!ltv I!,,,, i n

A n d M r . * n > i i > - i ' « ! « i- l j t ln. . ' l< : ! l i ' i l a i i ' l l . ini ' l .-O l .v n .

i-l , . ,I | h iK i i l c i . l u . i l

! your resisiance. There are I

thousands of families who

would not dream of being

without ihe protection that


Oilil . ' A s mill ^listi<i|iliiu;-:d .lines ol' Mi-nV, :tml Women'sShoes nt lesstluuv liuir ufrc-!.'Ulcemi.'tit. ytihics. Aitiol uhancc fo.etit liiiwn olil[I. C. 1.. if "we have your

Your car may need tuning up. ""Don't

wait until spring, when every garage

is busy. Call and make arrange- •

merits for the work at the Overland

Service Station, a garage which has

been newly"ccjuippecU "We'are-in-a--———=•-

position,to repair all makes of cars,

and we carry in stock parts for the

ii Overland and Ford:---Having'com-

petent mechanics, I am in a.position

to give patrons better service than

c;yer. >Vp carry a good line of tires, • \)

tubes and accessories.

Overland Service Station and Garage' W. S. B0WLBY, Proprietor

UK- ilL-lusimi nf hi.L^i i.rici-s, ih.- Lmsim-.-

I'll in il. f i lshlm// lh; i l ca.iln-1 pn^il-l1-i.iHiinK- for •".*''.•-m.-.-i.l.-ra!..].-- K-ni-'tli olllin.'. Liisll..., . .Ot" pi-UlllK-illff ios.-J tllilli is (XHlHUtllvd.we iiro now U.iii>£; ii ,.-ousists i.!' priluciim moi-L1; i h i n r i s c-niisiniicl,"

jKliS WILL NOT'ljl'I'l'.

: affords. The right idea is to j

'--! start in the fall with Scott's

[Emulsion and be> protected,

{or a strenuous winter.

!t's ScoWsiyou ask for., . T h e K o n v c d a n cod - l i ve r oil usedi n S ia> t l ' . E m u l d o n ta u i f l

Tto'xre Vork.Times snys:

' One-Block East from Square, Washington.

i u Xo t i i - . - I s lli-i-ol.J- B l v o n l i n n 111,- U r a l i A. i l . . In t h i ! l i T . l l " f Dccc i r . l iM- r . , r.I ' iU-i- .Minis ,if 111,.- ^nli!j .- i-i l . . :r . l ' l i l l l l p i i - j s i i l l l . - n K - n l ' i i n . l i i l lmvi i tK-t . . .l'l.lu-1? T r u s l ' - U u m i i i i i i y , i t i l m l t i l a l i-si Ki r - <ir ! JM'I I l^l.l L>Hlit! l tcl I T K U S T C O M P A N Y ,

o i i i i r . l (M.I. n c c - . - i s o t l . w i l l ' . . . n i . i . i I , A . l n i l i i l H l i - i i t o r .

Page 5: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict


?STU.» lttf..-t..l.. • . _ . .M-ttP fBUSUHllUUU

-Ti l l ' riillnwhiK IHU'IH liltisilili-l mi- ClIOL'llKTKlUt—KXIIITII'IKVII " " I.OHT—(III A|irll I". 1!>1S. u f.il.l; "UtMl r ' " u l " ' " W»»lll»Bl"ll lilmlolllri- I<W, «lii |lli '«. |:nU.:»' Vmlrl Illlil < Wllti-ll will, Ktulll limiting I-1IW. III'IH-' l-iulicivv :il- .1. I'1 Hi'lTi'iiiuili, All's. III:L KimwK Sternly li'ilmWnrl;. fJnotl tiiiy. liii'ilt, i.'M'i. Inl.i j |».'ii-rni-<- ru**-:

. • : n ^ is No Profit inJust Making Money

Up ; T V | i o i i T l t t r Uililniii. ir-.nlM.il IMpur. Kl ; i K

SPECIALS FOR THIS!!U()OMS—liiooni vale cnnlinued froni last week. A

full A:v IIKIOIII for 7.1c: an fxlm Sine ..Broom for;..........Sl.pO :

nltuk \Viilmiti:..|b J.ltictl X ' . tU . n i l I t txi i ! , Hi tr>e

i i i i : Ci-.-iin N'tila, Hi ISt-Host V.ny\iA-. Wulmtls, il. ...13c

I-'ancy lied Salmon, «in;.::.:/:-..3'>cUralTink Salmon, can...:....:....2.ric!!rat filial!, ran ...:...:..:.......--i25<YHost White Meat Tuna, cun....2Sc

Franfo-Americun liakcii .(Scans—None belter—thoroughly;cooked in i-irti tomato siuce—try them once and nil other,will (In; always sold lor 2<k a can: now, can. :,.lSc

ext *l"ii.•.<(!;i.v I'Vi'iiiliK tlm pii-m:iiy Krailcs ur tin- ptiblli: sellout will«lv*i it im>i:ntm In tin- itittlltmiiiitt. il-

Kan.-;.' Wliilf lii'ttn.--.Hi Vieli.st l.'etl .Miirnnv liraiw, 11I....10Cl!e.-l liiiv Lima llc:»i:i, Il> i.Sril.st Small Lima I!e:;iis. I!......Me

I.ibliy's I'ottcil Jli'ttt, can../...-..10c ;i.:bi>y':i (Aniline Potted Ham, 2-e!-':t!'.ey I.nncii Ton^ic-, can .',.'t7e,

hest C'crnctl IStjcf, can ..-10c

Heinz hulk dhow Chow—it's lino, per pound . . . . ..25c

Jlcln* India liclii.li. jar l&r i Jlcin:-. Catsup, but ...;..:...2<hl'oii|iinj; Coin, nkt 12c ! «!ooil l.nclc I'ic Killing, pkRl;.'.15c

OL'K C'HKEsiK ASSOUTJIENT—Imported Swiss, Brick,i'hilndelphia Cream, Snappy. Collate. Limburgcr and ourHt'sinal Full Crnimi Cheese.


liii'd fnim hravy r.'Kl»i"iv.l l-:iit-ick: ill*, soul.' l!t'JKi;tn l!;ircw. S;il

- - - - - - . . r , - . . - . . - . - . . . - - m. . . . , . . . , ~ , - . L l . ] 1 ( I I . I l | l > ' . X I I " I I T _ » 1 ' I ^ " I " J

' ^ M l ' . r i i ^ 1 1 | . 1 * ! | . ' I I • l - l * . « * " . i " » . * . . . » • • • . » • . - . •

Mi.' \VIIIII;III'H Swim Cirr i - in' Mi... M. „„,. ml!,, iviiiii itliilrmnw i Hi" Hull" I i'i'|illi.n!illy lilu' liniiiw. nlmi Imllillui.' M a!•:. ,-lnin-li nil Mmiifciy I'VLIIIUK. tin- nil- I , ,„„, '|'|i,. iwi.lvi' funiu-rs wlin sup- mul mi'i»i'l<-s. Hun win In- pmi-lmwil illli'U-ltiir iiiimram «n< n-mli-ri'il: . I'lanci } ,,lt,-.l It with mill: ni':> im'.v <II.|1V>TIIIK IIKWI iviuoiuilrl,- |.rii'<"< anil on fiivni- „ „ . . „ . . , , , , , , , , „ . , t l •„. , , . . , . , , „ ..In,'., l.y H.'l.'ii SKlnn.'i' mul filiulya ,„',,,'. ,„.,„„„., , „ , T , , , , , , i , . , | u s | , , m,,l,'». ! ,-,1,1,. u-i-nw. .'•:. riliT..iil I l l l . H m i n l . IM ?"'!".•„ 7 - . " U " , , - ' • v'nl.-v'tSlil.-lils; v.H-nl illl.'l. l.y .Mrs. llni'i-y | , , , „ „ : ,,,| va i l . I Itnllliiii.l i.Vflltl.-. All kinilx irf IllKllr- -•. I.-.,.,,., . „ " » « . s,r m.-I'vi'll''' N- 'll-iilly ttml Mrs. .Marvin iVi-sun: r . . ' " " " . • " " . ^ ' , „ , , . & ,.,..,, ,.;s,.. t,,. X m . , , . } . ,,,,,,11,. | ' - I - " - " >!> - " • •• Sum. iMln . ^ j ^ 1 . - , . ^N l T ' i ' l V ^ ' " ' '•' ' " . S l i i " " " ' ' : ' ' ' • " " ' s " ' ° ' I '•'• " • Slllinililll llli'S 111 Summi t . iTIl imi- r j l - l i l l . . l-2fl-tf AkMSTl lONG JIACKKV. Avli'tilitH'i'i-

SM!'!,''I> W'r"l|il|"'S|>n1ii'l'nli':rl" ^ ' j * * ' . " , 1 . 1 1 " ' 5 ' I Vcii-ii l'.lf""l'ii"ii'ran('i''''c!'li'i|i:i'i'iy. lili-ll IM I.Uli'n'. All. Arl insl"n. N. .1. 'l-:ltl-:ilu I ii>I:it<-iti-I"*IX-»I:LIV i-nlIK v.is.itl In i«'.l

111111I imi l» . . i . .wl . - . - hi III., .-liaii.-!, W...I- t,-V;"'^-..1;i'!Vll'.Y''lTlJnK^'"!^Vi"lVi'fl'M-i'iV.-H-r". J ?-V!,',-7l." l:V.'".-.l 'ii.wM jrn.l !ii.'-."!":L!I wiu^. " .

Til.' l7iii"l"nnl'lt ' i . 'uiNll«» • l-mil A'"-. KllllMlinn ivn» >• .-lion- ft-li-tnl <»r IT..S-. I S l:il .ln-t;-i;s nn :i _f"W l a w niri'lMK

'•••"';'.'+•' I"~"7 ; ' l i ' - f '3 ' i ' i " ivi " '""!">'* : "''".'' 1 •"'flcn'.a1'.''!*!:':'' ''"'•rl"*«t"yJi""'lil."'ii..!1'IS..!.iv!'-lI:'lillli "lull? ll'ii. tl'ni'l' u v r . Wliiilo | A llKSlUAia.N TKXANT

g pperous and ocnci'ous,.unlessthat condition is a icilos ofits citizenship. That, is themeaniiiK ol' a "NationalThrift Campaijrn." As aninstitution the

Old First National Bank

of Washington

iiinllis. will

' - , „ , ,III liiiniir i.r 111-' I'-llli nimlvi'i-nu-y ..f 1 , , .. , , , „ ' . ,

li.'i- l.lrtli.biy. l l , -s i . . Svlml.T ,.|ii,.rt.,l,i- ' " , , ' w . ' l l ' . 'i-il l.-n Kill r.'h'ii.ls lasi Tlmi-mlny lilslil 'a! (lit- h"in>' nl' *li>-r |';ir"iiif., Mr. amiMrs. Ainliri'S.' S.liu!,i '. MII Craia l a v i -

11 Is iinnl.- il a iil.'as v . n i m : I'oi-ll i" Kla'sls, v.'lir. vvi'iv .lall-t \\-;m«'liliiir,;t.I'li.r.'ni'.' Williams. Alm-y .\Ii'.|.vr, Ci.raWyrkdir. H,..s,'niarv Axl'-.nl. Kalli. 'Hni'iiilr.llli;r. lln»;l Wlir-vi-i-. V.-l-liii ITalll- j

w'liinn.'n-.' ' ' • - 1 - - -

•liol"i'il inimuin'.l l i . l ianl I-:. Wnl<, I..'li

WAXTKM— rii'.-sinan• atal Joli l.liiiit;v s i f | T : J p ,

with Mli-lilf iiitd Millir fiT'I'-r, uumtti,-r. in i-it-iit man. Apply \ W s t l i - H

-r. WVMlh-ld, X, .1. I l t '

N. •!•! mi.ii.'rll " lira,it. In u-iii.li

siK-ial a r ras11K .'

,.r Wirtlfii i . . . . . i'"Vu,ty ..f w.,ir. ' ii . '";;; ' ; ; ' ;• s V u ^ v u m w I I . , M I - I I I , T W

«.'.i'i'i",,ari.i"''". 1lu^'1*'i;i.«1'i'i'i!"i'.'l'lii« )•"<•'• l'i"sh 'ill '.Mm'i'li'. '.I. I'.. I'rli'". l {ans -

l . \s . s ' 'Mi'l ' l 'a;. i-'A'..:;n N. s,'i',.ml st

se rves as ttic sa iu anu tv.ii-'•'ilan'i 'in- 'i" -.'.•'lin'i'ii to j VL'iiicnl medium of cariiifV l'»!"'''"iru""'^'" "i"o.'''"ioi'i' I 1 I K ' coitsorvinj; y o u r Uiril ' t

ciri- nf Sl.r l""l»''->- •"" •; tiv Jfivillft i t I'otlV SA'FKTV' ' • " ' • , : A N D IMtOKITAKt.K KM-

: I'LOYMIJN'L'. lilli- moneyAl.l, KISIlS ,,f uiilmlst.'iy «-iri-|; an.I j IlilS tllO SilllH1 (lemo!'a!!zillfV

furnllnr,' r-|,aiHn.: ncallj m-. Il'-mv ; inHucnce as illll! lialldii.-'ill: SAI.K—V.inni.' cmv witli li.-il1'.'!' Si'-vi-i'M. 1; IVlvlilvi•all' l.y l i . r sl.l-'. A. 'I'. Sti-wart. i i"ar 1 WANTI-;!) fiiil for li'.usi'W.irk -noiVnsliinulnn. N. J . l i p I mishiii:.-. Innuirc ut .Mrs. Os.-ar M-.Tlivl.:

.M.\i:UH-:i> MAN wanU'.l to w.irU on n I Youniaiis Av.-. " 'ilk. >•!•.' \VAXTi:ir—l-'al poultry aiat ii.^lil j . •• •

to t in- j-Si-riit l i o r k . C-.iU. wr i t , , o r ' I J I I O I I O W i n . ' I . ! r A K K O W K l'l-:i-:i> f o r I ' O W H — 'L"]K;:s. . W w l o n X . . 1 . U . 1..- • • ' • . . . .

" o u o i . I -^ j t i : 1 i r v f a rm: lions.'. Kiro'-n. milk. >•!'.' WAX r l i ;n—1-al poullry ami ti.^lil j . — ••— — •

.-oiil.-fl in tin. .M"lli-..list Hnn.hiy.si 'l l i • ^ " ' " . '* ; ',"',.',"" " '(;' ''1".' l"i'.»'ls"xt-\i'lijn X ' . i . "u . l.jiwifi V:! I •! ..sli.-.l. St.. I 'hll l lp* \ tu.s't' t | , J r i , |,t! \n it. aii'l I"' i-.mvlni-i.-il.

ru^ii^'s^i^^ ; „,.;,„. ,-x's^-i^;;,-"T:::— • « ; ^KaiSJ:1"1 '^"1""^.ill 11 i s pn i l i j i il.- t ni l 111.- ^ •>"">• J I " I I S , . , . „ , , „ , , „ . , „ . , , , . , . , , r , 1 , , . s i . r r . . - , ' a l v i ' s o f f . ' l v . l l a s t fall l i a v In-i-n F o l d S V A X T K I I - s M r m i l --irat i : , , i , , | n u . l , . - , „ . s A L K - S . - l o f i l a l n " i l i . n l . l . - l i a r -

V,'' ', r • 1. 0 ,',.|,,.,. »?n I ' , - , , - . . ,„• ' , -,; m i l - •'•"!>•• •••»<"'•> » f » ' > " " ' - ' " a . l I t , , , , w i l l l i a v v t-11 .-hi u-.-t t o fp-.-Oi- M o r l s a ' . ; . ' . t o .-..v.-i- l a r R f f . i n n . W i l l - , , . . . x , . . , , , . k , „ „ . „ „ , n , , | • , . ,„•„ s l , . . | l , . , - 10" 1 IT 11 u l i t i - i l i . ' ' w i i ' i i i l - " ' " " 1 | ' 1 ' 1 ' '••"' ' " ' i v i ' n l ; " l v - A - '"• , " " " : • !> n l . , ' i«- . ' , ' , i .-I--I,. ir, 11111.I Ai.i-.il III: i n n I w y I'.".'. I n t . ' i ' i ' M . . - l - a i - " f t i l l i -xp,- t i : ' . - i , ; , ,:1, „ , , , „ „ . , . „ , „ ,• w , , , . 11. M o w -

yWilliam raui|.'..-U is tcjii-lifr. Untilf las^fs art' i.ni ;n -\viu^iUe -vunv fnSan l-'r.iiU'iM'i. in New Vm-fc.

Tin- Hii.v ;-.•..Lit.; v.-IU stv


• l i * - " l ' . i ' i l . " l « i . i ' S ' . a t II:





I-;I:S'(inVso! IV.-'JV!


in li•u y• cii1.


sho ffari-rs


fiifinn 101wiiii-pi-iui-.-.Wiiioiiion'i'vi;.::? 1,,;a,.' upon. 1 :,";;;„;:;•';;",;,;;;;;: ,,i;;.V';.r ^=.I."I• v-.-.i.-.i:i;;;|i: l l^i,r;,;;:'r,,.r;;;,;.H;;;;";." :<,1^'n

" V S , , Tl. l-atiio,!.' Or,,,.,- „ Alia-ri. I ",S:! ".S,;;:?,"".^ ^ 'h.1 : T f ' K an,, s , . n . i-'S.-ri,.; far,,, a,,,, i:,a,,;

T1l,»~)t:<x!-Zir \\T\Z'\\\u!Xx'u-'''nn' MV"' W>1- s - UIVKXIIt'l'SK. W'ANTKIi—l-'iii-sns l"f rtil" In :iiiyl.am.L M M . K . nf ! t i l H i M . m n . ^ ] ( i ( i i i ( 1 ; ,..(iIi_ .._ ,.,„„_ K^-nn-y, tn ,a , t lui i . W - li:iv.- ii.iy.-rs w a i t j i ^ . If

T!i W y.i.-ly: uf 111,- l'i-'-N!.yl.-rl,-.n .-liln-cli williiulit ill.- ;uniu:il l.raisc m.-'jlini,' l-"'-l'. l>i.

Tin- l.'iiili'i-s i.f 111.' Wasliinj-'tuii I'liionMissiuu iuv piiinniiif,' I " lif'M n*viv:ilni."-lilif,'rt (lilriiit: 111.' next ft'W wi-cUs.

Witlijim C. cliri-stini'" l.'Sl fuiir j.i^'swlny. Tli.-y Hint.from IniiiB'-rtiun.

l.111.' . ||Tin- :imill;il liU'.Miiik- i.f t!i>- Wrisli-

ri.vo.il I'llbllf l.llii'iiry Assi.i'liilltm :iv!MI,.- lifli! li.iiiiin-i.u- ninliL u-li.'ii i.iriri'i-swill 1"' .'lc.'i,'.l :iml r.-pi'i-ts Kiwn i.f llioyr.-n-'s wnrk.' T i l . ' Wi.tluinV Mif;,siun:ii-y Soi-ii'ty uflliu l',,-i|.list .;linn:li li''l.l i is nuiiitlily

-,.........;,„.-.'!-.i.,-.l-iy iiiu'lir-jiuilie.li',inif...ufMrs." L:iiii;r r.ntlin."- MM " I it'lviilc-r11"":!!'.1'-'nil". Tin- uiiuiint ithTliim will l.i- hi'lilli.'xt munlli.

.Milliin. Sl:ili-r, wli" will rcliri' fn.mtin- \\'yi'li..ff fnrm. nciir WiisiiliiKloii. mi11><- l«i"i:l: i-iiiid 1M llniBs Ciiml.. in llii!siu-iiiK. 1I;IH iiiiri'li;is<-(l fniin (;*.>in-i,'otrr,'.-.-siinill. Ill'' uu-il.-r. 111.-- Inuisi' i.i'-.•iil.li'd l.ydrvilli ' Si-lniU'i- ..ii WVHI •VV.'ir-

. : - : , . ; ...t ...„.,; 11.--. wil i' -iii-cuny. .il-al'ltM'.l.'iivilnr lWr : in i i . ' ' • " "

[''rank llfins ni'.vt'd Hnuii'ilay fnmi UTSuiilh Mnrulii avcnllt. [,. .I.'].' linn.si' a l7 SullLli Lim:oln ayoiui.'. ' linvint: | ,nr-i-lia-SL'il ill" winit. from .Mrs. Clark llow-.•!•«.- (1.i "I-V A\"BKiiiV-iii"VCil fri.in UilKli.insi' in liarl "f .1. K. r.ryam'.s lri|.l(,iiiniHi' i'ii We.sL Cluiri'li ,su-L:,'t

.Mr. Kuy 1. (liin'liK'r. fiimii-rly c.fWashiiiKHm: inn. win. lias .sinia- li.-.-n

ni'luyi'.l in .W-UruiiB. is a. patifiu ii ll N V U h

i-'ui: S . \ L I - : ~ i i w H 1 null ni:iri>: ni.«SI-V.TIII Mi-coiitl hiiiul horst.'.x. l*'rti:» nuwnil. ymi .will lini! iniy Imr.-"1 y*»n nrtiuuklttt; fur nl my suibli'S. OiH- Su-;<hinn-i; WUKOII.-iilsu licsivy ti'ttm* l»irn>-sri.r-lv-- nit-"1 :i u:ill. 'l\ .1. Smith, A-l.ttry,N. . l . ' ; . • , . ' . u

STKNOtilJAI'MKCS— \Y(' have DiUnns I'm' ..ih- or. f.vd ilir]tt'iul:iMi> sl

i t

li.s ! r i.Mill .Muoliiiwry Co.. Hai'K'oUrttuwn, X.

on liiiv.- iinythlim for will-, i-all. wril.L.i- '[.linn.- Ji".l;:-.l. Koiptu --, I 'mnp l.ttlK..

C(U.UATI-:S iill I'Hiiul tnilct .SUMP, si!.1

tnWr». :IL 1'J cunis. Uirtru M»usi- I'h.ir-inii

1 SA I. K-~ I [IJI'SC 11 jti-ii 1,-un.l I-O;HIH!'T ;uiil v.-i-•1111 I:. 1). rtin-i<-r. Uay Hilltown.

I W I L L S|-M,l. ;il I'llKi-sniimum. N. ,'., \V..,;i l . thir ty

n-s ul.l. <-x-stiiiiil.l- fur

' . l t | i,<• suli' nl

Vir.-. l.iabitilv ruin]). usHt'n'i! limul-1 TiAViishtiry is MJH-II U>v tUisLoni Ufiii'.l-inic Insui-iui.:.-.' om- nKom-y n-ppwnt:* I iw evi-i-y -W^lta^Iay. <;. '/.. Wil lmn^. ;


", Tn ti


MK , . .iiuiLi. - ....i . : '[.r;.-::u.

ip. I-'Ot'U (_'K.\"i\« ji l'iHlil'1 will li" |i:ti.l

IK \-O\- want ^ Ivoi-U r.f tmy I;tiid :iL 1 imljk- i


n . U B pi'ltTil In Ni'W- Vi.rU, whciv ln

i. . . . for ireuiiiu'til ami un upfnui.infur siMiniich inilibK'. His wife, wliu \v.\»1-iTii mjikitifr hi'i- huiut- with her \>;iv-ni t s . -Mr. :mil .Mr.s. Cluu'lrs Rush, onHi'olliMveii avoniii!, siiu.'f hf h:ts l>oi.'iiin llio liuspilsil, viJiiU'il'lilm =tL tiK- lius-pitiil SuiiUjiy. ' ""r"

Tltc (.J;inleiii'SUitlto " I 'up" in'f.lu'Slr;i ofii lia-s Ijt't'ii

U i ll lu, l'uni-

hish imiHlt: ;il Uii;-'liHM:f U» bi» hold in.Liu; Cutmtry Clul.i l-'rjihiy"i'vi;nltm. I1"!;!'-

1 "Vuitry Ml, • ,' •••.1. 11. KryaiH nHeiuUj<l_u in^i'Un.i;- nf

N.'U'ark.. Thu' HSHUL-IIUIOII is wminVlht'ilor ilii> uromliwiiL rluililii'M'nf iliu St»U',id ilul nuinl'i'i- nf ^ii". .vTlu- asHuciiiliun

iiiK coHls'vif liVl 'nimUi ur'cluih'lntfT^J'The moniln.-r* ut tliu Sophomore claws

nl' tin- 'WashliiKiim hi«li school WL'IH OH;I Hk'felirWi' par ty to Oxfuiii." whore1 hey wi/i'i1 i-nU'i-tiiiiu'tl at tin- honu' nf

nvvioi ' is -id' vinitliiK t he Given 'iiotiu-.Hit- flass was I'HU'HIIIIH.'M' a t Uic Oxfunloid-«i hoiiKf. lU'fH'MlniwiitM. yamoH :uuliliiiifltm won* w»mi! tir Ha- piwisiiiH-s uf

'•' Uu- i-vunintf. . Tlu'iv- WIMV ahout so inill.- p u n y which was chiipurunotl h.V

1 i lu- .MlssW .Mulkuy. VmiDyiKv Cooluy ti i i i i l 's ta i i l i f , iiH'tiiln'i^ t'f ihu faculty of jtin' sdiool.

Kov, W. S. LVIp will Lpn:auli'Suuilaynu'i-nhiii al 11 uVlncU iu-;,lhi> Kpnu;i>linn cliinyh. ; L' $

fl.'in'K*' I load, wiui r.'slOi's un tin1

• i'mul hclw.-.-ii Iliimnton uiul \V-«>.lu;l.-ii..\V:IM scvrivlv lnjiiH'il Thunnlay ..•v^niiii,',wlH<n hf 1V11 «n tht> it-''1, ti.t-sii- his hmiii\lli- wim painfully1 hnilsyU jihoiit thofiim ami sihnuHIors. " v.;

' ' Mr.1*. (Jriiw Skinner- will spi-iik InUu> Union .Missinn. Washln^um, Sun-ilny afU'i-iiDOU al !Uu o'nlooU. ,, ,•);JtrK. (Iriicn Sldnmir is now assisting

o-lii1 Boi'i-H': store, jiftcniooiis and .Siilur-;.- Uays.'1* ' ' ' • , ! c -

ATr, George' Melj'py antl( laniilyijirwnow occupyinu "tlic Willlrim AVhcelor

' Uouso on East .Washington avenue.

'AKK yuu •juticriilidiisV If

iHiild'or intike a!-O. sul! !•'. \V. rriuiiii-

Will builder, uf C»xfurd.X. .1. llu Will Klft'Hy Biv- you an I>KM-nal.t un any joli. hig ur small. Hislus.- proximity In Washington and vi-hilly [ivoids 'iiililillnnal i-x]»_-nsi'. Mo

oi' work !inU'i

.KI.KK: r . lf . Afc-iil.'iu nndJlwil l l i In-.HUnnicc. Only th'; lir.st coirip'iinics.Jolm K. ITohloin. ;iKC"t. '• C-R-tf

1-OU H A L 1 : l ' l1--OU HAL1-:—l'oi.'1- Milk Itution,U H A L 1 : l o i . 1 l e s M k u t i nlnniio h.v'tlie Clover .Leaf Milling CoIt is .(lie vory- best milk iknown. Sold uiuli- sjuarante*:. .1. I'.

Miksu-.iri. cimslstinir of u-cll inaLfdtt'nms and si-mli- Imrs.-s ww-ihinr ll'Oil

WA\"ri-:n—•Mitri'ivil man in work una riinn by tin- ymr. llmisc f.nin.l ;nuiotln.T pnvili'Kcs (,'ivi-n. l-'Amev C. IVtty.

I CoUU'ii.•-. LOST- TnwnAV. -.IAN. fii~Hi-ownliiiiid IISIK i-riiiiiilning al.om C-l 1.H0, piiirnf hrown ulows, praynr lnvuls :indm|n-i- small arlMi-s. It w a s l.-a millii-1 P. il, II. h-aiti n>ni!|i!ii^ nclvid-ivnt •! n'doclv. ow'iu-r Hot. off .at l-'«nil111ft, 1 reward if n-inrin-d 10 Miss Marylli^-hntr. r.olvid.-iv, i:. \y, Itp

Kt.ti; s.M.K—.Maiv i«u y..Mrs "1(1.'MDiuid. .Irivi-M siimli- w doulil<i. and p.T-f.'iitly safe for a larly in drivu: alriii nowI'iKlil y.-iirs ulit. ln.-«vy niflk'-i". will hein [irtiiii aljoiil tln> last of I-Ylmiary.Ju l ius !'i:isi>L-kia, in-ar Mount llcLlicl.X , . l . : . on ill" \ \ \ .1: Maiiat l farm. .; Ill '• rl-'Oll SALK—Cu.sii iH'^isti.'i" in ^'oiidcondition. rhif;s from ". <-IMUS to ?i'>.0(l,will soli w r y clH'ii|i if lak.'ii at <\\\'f.liiduiiv at Wliiti'lliorc/s l lfstain-ant. H

!•'(.) II SALIv—Ki.nlu-room hoOxford, poix-h on front and • twu

^VA^"^•:D to I!iiy-~AH fuvx, hoof :UK1 hut air furtiaij-i, well and c.islcni. (woW A N D to u y 1 ,horn; liidos, wool., liillow. etc, jnmrkoL prlucs paid u t alt t imes. 'Pho

i iX U l ' ' l t sUoalci's' lots so-o r w r i t e y u r ulleitnl. O. A. Couover & Kon, lN. .1,, 2«3. 11-13-tC

J.AUGK.' paddod Motor Vaxw for IOIIK(li.stiiiiL'tt niovinsrt. Itute.s rwisontiblt1.Sis.-i.a'.. l.h-os«.,A'llKr niul Kan^i?. i;si K.'.Mt'iiiT Si'.V ^onioi'villo," N ; M . r " 'phcinu;

Somorville, :;::. . «-Jl-l£I SVAAJ ami lanit. houses in Hampton

and (lien liardiu'r; • no fiinns, AlhorlHeeHiihaf. <.!!en CJuixlnor. X. .1. .- l-SU-lf

WUITlNfi If ADS of various SIKI?S anilof illlYeri'iit 1MU:IHUOH <>\' piipev a re nowon side ,:it tlw «tar Ollico. a l 10 centsand.up J'I ijound.

AVAXTl'-l.i—Small business in W:ish-iiiKlOn or nearl.'y. Address "Itosclle,"tiiiiii o f S l a r . i-l.".-r»lp

il . i r y l.ni-n ^OxJ.I i i n d u l l i . ' i -

'-a imv o f x r o i fi

r<ini, y . .1.iK. Wm. 11. I'dolo, Ox-

Sage's Leather Store

Our store room's cnlnrK^lStocks have hctin moved. - YVi:UK remly-Ui soi'v. you licUerwith

Sage's Good HarnessHorse CollarsTrunksTraveling- Bagsand Cases <• Than1 evev lipfm'i?.,L. Harni'ss.

., Oils, Drr.ssinj's and Snaps are

TOitily. Oil up now. '


3rd & ferry SLs.'T bslon, Pa.

l*nlti.-il -St:iii,'.s. Wv in-.-

iXSL'Kl^f : ' Mavc\v,.n iiIiiNiintiio.'? If a.,!, you a•VMlir duly it.s a. l.itsii,-.^; 1

c r i y r n s t s lifly [w ••••lit tii'.n- loilay" tliaiiHave y.-ai-w a«i.. an,l. ill.- time lu illumisi. ' t ins insniMiu-i- is li»day. Tinfiil'id ^ ruwth 1 if Itiy ,-it:.-:i<:y ni":ins salii=fiu:iiuii tn ciisl or*, (mi- rai. 'S iii-r. ; w«' :nv |Hi.'l«tw«l l " wrv i ' . ynu . riiu».-j u s t a s low JIM any ntl»T i>-iuitril»ti- Mclpl i iu Ufiilnl i:i'i»ms. 211 N o n h a i n p -;iK.:iu:v c : iii jrivi', l-"<n- itifi,i-inaLi,.ii. ad- ; ton St.. Ka«U>n. Pa- l- l - : td r w s Hurry Christine. WasltiimK'n, N. 'WA-Vi'l-MJ—nccf « i t i lc and vi>:il,). • • i-i-i'-u i (;:ilvei«. I-Vank (\. PMAUs IlniniUon. N ; :

[nd-d 711 tmiriiijc. "lie -Modol S't t-ii:r-!(,-; JIIKI II lM.nl i-.«.:.JU"f. Win. S.iowlliy. \V:whiiiKi"ii. 1-1-ti'

ti-l.v -iV/uml \vandKn!-.- ':'» l.y :»> i'w-i:• i..'.-:i« v.-).:, nil

n-^. Warn-ii «.'r.. X'. .1 . . in

ni l1!


'ork1 ri"d


t i i I I m v n i ' a u i ; u i * ' A | * n * s ^ n i i t i u u i i I I I U I 1 * * . • . * * • • • • " • - . • . ' . • • ' . » * • . . . .

lilKh "hi-i't lwrs..« illivcl from Iowa ami I -u'- : ! - ' ClM'-smut St.. Arlinytun. X. .1.

WAXTKU-or i-iii shmvs. .!. Mi-<; t- 'Slri: ;p

,Uu-H_..Mi. ArlinHtnn. N. .1.^ I-:HI-Ulp j ,. iKlllyU]ii KHi valli-y. .six mllr* w t ^ l

lian.-s. ii jtt-r I't'i'l.. .-iliL-olutely A Xi>. I • Jj'olIi*n 1 iVia*""**! 11* N'-""v.'." S. and "\\ 'i '"K'."];. :"on |.i-n|».-rty nut ' •x-^din .^ uiK-hair'l KsuihlislM'tl bushn-ss »s .want ••!.! Invaltialion. !'. O. I Sox 1. .Ml. Arlington, I ( , l l ( , l l f !)„, ,.i(.iu>si a^rii ' i i llural wci ions

31-. Illi f i - ; io irlitiAII•iion 0in theriljH'iliilll''.iv m $th.» *-.

al.'1 ( i f

• T i l .

a MI



Of.I.T11:1 \

I'lsciA l l

Ifi l l

yonm y .

-I.-V,•iai; .'i]iti'lo s;

v;iiliii'I lu-



t:t s1 h:MTja'li

i f

A illnl. iiiVi-

\ 11




soimndk-eri and

in t1. ineonindven

f o r• Sp

andp l i i n


•ti-ll isa d -i i s -II.-I >

l l l i :

a i v



ApplyC l l

and imiH'i' making , for a la-rdws. Coml inh fur viidn man.

Inti 'f to (U'O. U. liKlt-r. Ml)Ciiltcll Kl., KasU'ii, Pa.

AX I'.XI'l-'.iMKXCKD man-iod . manwith Hmall laniiiy would liko positionon fitrni. U.-HI r*.'iVn.'nco fumis led

'•kxpt'l-loiu-i'," i-aiv of Hie Him-. Wash-inyton, X. .1. l-SO-it

l'>m»li! Hflp Wanli ' i l .YuirX'J LAD IKS STIM>V Nl ' t tSINr!

at ivi-uwteivd hospiial—1 yi>ar lli^list-hotil. iUooin, Jloarii. 1 losidtal Laun-dry, and

::... . Sr.'.riil momhly 1st. year.ITijUl nuniihly 'Ind yjur-'fV.on monUily ::rd y.-ar

l'ai-|.i.:ular.s. SujK'l-imr-iuk-nt. ProsViy-tc-riaii.i>[iispital, X(»wark. X. .1. l-l'.H-k

WAXTKU—A\ hiKliost cash prlcci:

"iiii-ii~si""t c*i?mriifrvir »f^Si^;i""to~7iTTtrY~irViii' feall. t ifui^u yoott, llyi-lly St.. Wash-

\-\)li SAU^-^lod. . ' ! -l:»0 Ch"vn' i 'v i |lour ing nnv l'"m-d in KWII comUiiou, 1017 |l.luictt in j;ood i;otidiiion. ICuUol's Har- inye.^VuHhlnKioii^ 1-:'!).ti !

did li'iiiic for woman in family of ihivt-:!man and wliV ;iw ; iy all day. No SUM-';

••lloiiii'."' c;iiv STAU ollU'i-, ' l-;!0-Ucv

WANTKM—l'nu-tk'Hi wuoilsnu-ii, wnv ;niill and tUaw mill nu.'ii. Cond wanes ,and sii-ady wiirl;. Sovfus l.uniljcr Co., j

' " V > l t ' WALK™11oniiM.' s t rain «-nWinr. jh.-Hiii^ and saw mill. If imi>nvt"d I

I wri te S.'i-riis Lumlu'r Co., Kaston. 1'a.j

CIP.L WANTKl.i.Uo work in r't-stiui-!nmiiytfhori 1lunn:n1 BOIH! ,:]>;..W Ap}>ly j

• Whiik 'nioiv 's rcstnuraii t . !i •

WA^TICl.)~(.iirl or" woman for ,,non- \

WIIKI.'N, witl) D^'wIUioui. washii is . 1-^'-pi'ri'.'in-t' Hoi ncL'i's-riry -iV willing towork and Irani, W r i l c ' i o r.r. JohnI'in.-il.y, •!!> Kim,'.'street, Orailyv. X. ,1,'Phono ,\'o. ril-i:i—It Orange. l-:lii-'Jt

K. K l-'OSS, AUCTIONKKll—Oxford,1

N. .)'.' Drop 1110 a, rani and 1 -will-reply»t once. " ..., • ' • l-S-Ut

XI ; I :S I - :H wanted— I'mnit; v;o:iu-n_ mloiirn oi\\ ear. IUJSL* a.nd lliruat. mnviNK.Apply at UH: .Wwavk V.y and. Warl1Mii:!narV_-...^.,CyU|:aK:A;\^.....^'\u:ir!f, .

" WAX'L'KI.)—1 won;-! ][!;.» to Imy itfarm nf from 10 m 10U acrf.'i with 01;without slock, . l-'ratdc I-'. Smhli, ni1

Xnr!hampt!..n .St.. Kaston. IM. 1-S-fitA IlKTTKIl CAUIIKL Ol-' i'M.OL'll,

CilKAl'Ki:.IlJirvoy ^t.w. -The MI;; may r ls" :•

miiinti- ur iwo .nT m i y day i.m Kiavupur.- wlu'iitllour will vl-->- on tin- mi:i-n-.M ..vei-y Him-. Ti-y U^ yoi will liHr

(Miv"i-ivil,.r;; '.:.-or;^ \V. Kitih-r. i 'on

Murray, N. .1. 1-^-lMp

pearly 100 Pali

NOTKD merchandising au-thority says that women are

more discriminating buyers thanmen. This is a universally ac-knowledged fact. And wheneverthe records show that an over-whelming- majority have chosenone cei'tain article, no onecan doubtthe superiority of that article.

!-lA. full page in this paper couldnot tell what you could learn in a

come any day this week and see theproof of our claim that the Hoosierwill cut your work in 'half? Our in-

.. vitatioji do^s. not ...ohli gate, you in,anyway.



Auto Di-livcrv.

is5, Men's, and ChiklresiVJJ


and ContinuesUntil Sold •B

Ask fov our prices on


for hires and girls,

« to ll'A."

Prices are' jsrecisely what they cost atwholesale. My chief object is to make roomfor the Spring stock, due in'March'. '" •

' MEN'S FURNISHINGS v.Our stock ;it jii-csent embraces!|Vino.<t anylliing1' in

wcurins uppiu-gl to suit any man..s;H;tvc just veceivod ano'^' lino oi' c!as:-,y j\Ti;ck\vear, which u'c claim ia the most" ,up-to-thy-'viinuto lino in this .section.

••• When buyinsr OVEKALI.S AND WCHK;yniRTS," ,don't I'oi'Kot the Signal. Hailroad Shivts. Mechanics woi'k •sl/irts. and heavy liluu Donini Overalls. ' ''

• ' ' i . j i . . 6 ,• .- ' . '

(i E.Washington Ave-

Page 6: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict


| ? ? ; ] : y P||WONvBA(|5:inS;;HEALTH

dCfro'm page 1.)' '

„.. : . ; for. Hcven yearn,' aiul'tnon back to the"<;";•••;Army for thu World War, tiie'blsBiwti:;'.;•'>•'Mcrap everstaged. l ie was iwsisned to'ir-;?a Cavalry••outilt: ^ , ,.""'iv'v"-.•!(''youVQ'OVOI* ibeon.1'up ' nisilnst n.

' t Cavalry outfit, you know what it mean*to command about -00 men in that

•iU>fanch of the service. If you huvi-n t.f-'Bttfllce U to *>ay that Cavalrymen ntv; ;kiiow. uaa: "YeHow LvgH" by the men' of the other hranche.4 vt t)»* wrvJei*..

; - IVell, here's the way, Cop. Klddlotrf lshls story: . .

,. •,v"I soon ,realized after 1 returned to•'?.* aervico that my physical condition

; , wasn't what It was ba-:l; In iho AlaskanV1' days/ After the lilkea with tho other

oflkxirs, 1 touud-myself «o thvd that Icouldn't do anything b«t hunt my Kit.

'<'•'•' "I was put in charge of 1D*> men as•Commanding Oittmr. They wen- ;t

T ! lively lot oC'' mon and'they won.* from'20 to 25 years younger than lUvir Com-

^mnndlns Otlic«".\g"I had u Topd h

lli.it could



irldo n horse through :iti>" \>\:%vo thatrmy other man <*vtpr Wrut. 1I>; kni'WChat I hadn't ivaeh'.'d the point In phy-sical training whero I vouhl slay with

•.him, but hir net wine p;u-o. Oiu-n atnight I"would return, laki* off my rid-ing breeches and thf blood would Howl'rtinvmy lent* trom the hard riding.

"Tho men In tho company callvd mothe Old Man, and it inside me deter-mined to show them t int I wasn't fitto ho their Commanding OHiwr unless,T could do anything that any man iniho outfit could do or anything that 1ivfjuld ask him to do.

"One day, as i was pasplng the eor-rrul, I hoard a soldier tuAi tin- Tim•Sergeant: 'How's tin* Old Man gultingalong.'

"•'All right.' said tho Top Sergeant,'hiit' 1 haven't scon him .talcing • tiny

/"dir'utivtt yet.'"That Top Sergeant knew I was

ycarrd of dltt'lics. In my earlier Armyexperience, I had in i t ia ted a ditch,the horse • stopped In the 'middle of it.and 1 kept on going. Tho result wassome broken bones. I never eared forditches after that.

"The next time WP wont out for


(Continued from pane I.)

tln> men'of tlio rolnimmKy were bolo-.vpar; they hadn't made the proper in*vestment lit their boyn.

"The men of Washington have :in r>v-crltent opportunity to lu-lj* tlnMr Iwynby giving a hand to the work of iht>Y. M. C. A. Money'nlono wilt m-fiU*It. Von must give Ht'iiH- nf jmir tinu-.Minnie with tin- ».«>•« an >\»n havi> tu-niKiu.. Help them to p-t :i vlyluii ofthe better thliii:« in lif»*. Keep iln.'-moff the street - corner**, I hive a piaeepryvided for them ivlu-n- ihoy can upwitltheir time in healthy i-niii pan ion ship, :il-Wiiys remembi-rinj:: 'What dues It i-r»-:U it man if he gain tin- whole uvrldn'ld km** hi;: ronV "

ronner Ketuaor Ci'lnlfli wiu: tli» n**?:*.'•IH'tilier. Mf WHS hi his eh:ir;ie.i'«rl<iletiMMid vt w \ wit and imiiK.f. Tli"Senator said that h«* vni-* K'MA that li--luid alt.'iidi'd Hie lcniri<t"l Iveiilisc i!nave him an 1:I:^KIU inn* Y. M. C. A.

It- ttdd'tl tl-.iU li.- h:p p . Itfully undi't^tn

children,""but L'rn m»

th<> ifk Ullltl lie iit-tt'Iidrd the b:ilii[Uilt. l i " ttlourht itwmild lv uvU \v..rlh wbile in Wrish-iiigton, :md fuldcil Hint !••• was anxiouslo do au'ililim within Mx power tnlink'- 'V v.wU a HUCI-I'S* here.

Tlic Seiintur was blll-d u» si>(\-.k i>n•h- subject, "A GnuuUuUi'i's Viiw-lKiIn;." II- said lie w.mM do that utthe next baiiMiK't. "I Irtve two grand-

led tin- IVrmor S-MiiiUtr,'.M blame fnr. thai." AndI'ltiu-kled for Unco mln-


t e e t ut f r a\\\c Top flPrconnt deliberately led i Itniior.

i h ' I l

S. M. Trossler. supervising prln- *clpal of sell"..|s. :»|iuUe nn Hie subjf'-t, j"A l'iiih'.M* from a l-'-itbvr'n Standpoint."Mr. Tro:-s!oi' wild that In- believed thf J

boys nf the ei-niliutnU:- should have lh>-:l'hy;«U\il and uoi'iitl nrtivlty th:it wiil :inaUi' them nVert and active desirous',to enter Into ihi'lr ta'iks with vim and !eiicrgy. I

Jiiiyitr Christine said that he did not jlir.ve the linguistic sind elocutionary:lloiiri^h so tieeess.-jry fer the aftrr- tdinner onitor. but that lie bell-ivcd ii:i-Plldily in activities thnt meant W'twrihin::s HH- the ,\wiingcr gcncnilinu ofthe borough.

••When I came tn tin* ijorntigh. I iilidu't have any clothes." said His"

, p y lme to a point where'I knew we wouldhavr.vto du some jumping. Hut I m:uleii]> my mind I was going to stay withiilm on every jump.

;;-:';nn tti.. • tiv«r <1|tch. T wns.pn tholead, My horse took the jump'beauti-fully, as I stuck so close to the saddle,that you couldn't see daylight under-neath. I heard n, horrible thud behindme, and looking back saw my To1,*Serpennt Hat tn the middle of tho ditch.I went back and I said; 'What's thematter Sergeant?" .

" 'Oh , nothing much,' ho replied."Ho got up, turned townul mo ruid

said: 'Captain, you're ft better man than1 am.'

Rlpht then and thore tho Old Man•lhad come back. He was as gcodthe best-of the young ones.

There's a sermon lr\ it. You can dothe same thing, but—it taken perstivtr-ancc.

1 * * •" "Everything "Is going U p these days•except the thermometers.

The same kind of wood in wood al-cohol i.s also nut in eoilins.

And it was quite coincidental Hint onthe first Sunday, after prohibition be-came effectivu should bo the day for

••'"tin; reiuitui; ui."-'IM-.' iiili-.iC'n:.. lic-vforniedby Christ in mnking watt1:* into wineat the marriage feast In Caiia.

The 'first law again.1;!, jiquor wan pas-sed iii America in Hj-iJ in the Colony of^faryland. It was for the tmnislnnentof drunkards. Tho fine was the pay-ment of. 100 poumU of tobacco to thecolony.

u tulle net'born hert1."

caught mi.••ve wo Kluntld haveng. I would like I

tool f-M- t

And tin


is your board working?..

• ••"Xear-boer. Xot Kit for Decent Peo-ple to Drink"—headline. •

The i-uesUon is not v/hcthnr i\wdrinkers are decent, but whether thf:y

;•• are.-so dry• they must drink somethini;.

Easter comes this year uii April -1.Prom now on ihn usual millions -will

!"- .ask tliis date, and1 if you ]»*ime up onthe.information you can makg yourself

• .popular overniRbt.

I lieard a m*in who work:; on a farm_£t;L off'the, following tb.- othfi* day:

ruso a, thousfihd dollars n nlsht furKlncrinir a . oiit; wo c:m't undi.THtantl.iihd then kick like h»U if the farmhnnd that kccjis thfr Arncrfean liii!)!:*'

• '-from survins'.-iska foi-ihrcc dollars :fday.

sters and with otherwould Keep iin*' yi-iiiih"Wi;;; liitcrc"U'^.in Washington,

"Conditions haw changed in the townsince I arrived here as a babe. Why.they even pay $i a day at the Cornishfactory now! And the audience luiwl*'d.

Kenneth Frills, a high school youth.spoke on "What sort of n Pud a Uoy-LH.es." Ho mid that the rhtimmyfather wan the on" that wnuld Ivivi- thebest son. and advised till fathers to getInto closer relationship with their boysand thus help thorn m make bettor men.

John Ptevi'tis, a bright young lad if.Knickorbockors, gr.vf smno intcrrstlngfacts on "Echoes fiv:n Moniclair." It?attended from Wan-en counly the Stnt-V. M. C. A. conference held in lh" Ks:;"xcounty city, and the mr-s^ag" *'f boys'activities that he brought buck wi'.swell worth while.

C. M. \V. I,re, County fi-^crotary ofth« Y. ir,"C. A., guvr a brii'f inuiine "fthf wurk thai ho expects tu :i(jco!ii|ilishin WiiHliington. M" tiaid th-? growthmusl be gradual and suggested lliat :ilarge building would be Impniftlwl :nthis time. He said some tnom-y wuulf'ho needed, but that money wasjiot thf

etimrnuniiy in i!)>" work of the boys.H. I1. Humphreys, chain*W!i of the

ku/ai" V. ?«[. C. A. executive euiniuitteow;irt tho toastmaster. il11 intruducodthe speakers in ploasinj: style.

Tho musical features of the M-PIUHK-were orchestra ;;elocti«..ns. tmisica!]:itv'!U"s by Jnok t-evaiu. sinciiur bytin- '-nUr.' iipsf-mblage of "Hrighu-n tin* -Corner Y»*iicw You Are." "Old r.!a':k,loe" and "America." John !•'. M-'eko:and Raymond Foroe led the slnciiig.

.7:u'U" Si-vant of Wasliinglon etilcr-lain'.'d with select ions on a j-leigh-bollmusical fnstruim-nt. He received anovation from the anuienee.

The menu con.si«tcd of roast veald'-cssing. brown gravy, maphed pota-toes. ivas, bread, butter. relish»H. uran-

Th" r-rimmittee that !fin-;ur-,'ed theaffair was mtnposptl of II. P. Hiitnph-reys. John K. Meeker. K. M. TI-CHKICI*.Fi-nnk A. ilobortson and William Wan-

Wm. Laubach & SonsEaston's Modern Department Store

N EVENT which is welcomed by the Home Dressmakers and those whoprefer dresses made to measure. It comes twice a year at LAUBACH'S

bringing with it values which are extraordinary. Silks for this sale were pur-chased months ago at much lower figures than they would be available atthis time. It is to your advantage to fill all your needs from this 10-day sale.

The .Sale Continues Until Saturday, February 14thSB-inch lilack Satin Mcssaline:firm qiiiilityi regularly $2.60 .1yard.

Iili-inoh Black Satin dc Chine;medium ' weight; firm quality:soils regularly at ?8.00 a yard.

38-inch Black:. Satin; o!ngantquality with high lustre; soilsregularly at ?3.50 a yard.

38-inch Black Sal in; high lustreand firm finish; this quality sellsregularly at $-1.50 a yard.

36-inch Black Salin Duchess;medium weight; high lustre andfine texture; sells •regularly at?3.9S a yard.

38-inch Black Safin Duchess;heavy weight: high lustre; goodquality: sells regularly at $'1.50a yard.

•10-inch Black Satin - Cmtraieuse;medium weight; firm' finish; reg-ularly So.50 a yard.


•10-inch Blnck Satin Charmcusc;medium weight; high lustre; reg-ularly $6.50 a yard.

40-inch Black Satin Charmcusc;heavy weight; very firm quality;sells regularly at $7.50 a yard.

40-inch Black Crepe Meteor;•soft"finish'Imt firm quality; med-ium weight; regularly ?3.98 ayard.

40-inch Black Crcpc Meteor;very fine quality; dull (hush;sells regularly at ,?4.98 a yard.

40-inch Black Crcpc de Chine;nice, soft quality that sells reg-ularly at the counter at ?2.50 ayard.

10-inch lilack Crepe de Chine;anothur medium' weight sij.k^ofvery good quality; rcgulal'ly?3.00 a yard. • • .

36-inch,'Rlack -Satin ' Majestic;medium weight; regularly 'sellsat ¥3.00 a yard.

•lO-inch Itlack CICMC dc Chine;heavy weifrht; vevy firm quality;sells it!£«hu*ly at $3.50 a yard.

:u;.indi Black Chiffon "Taffeta;a soft quality that will.give ser-vice; regularly'S'2.C»0 a yard.

:>fi-inch Black' Chiffon TaiVeta;very lino (tuuiity silk that sollarc£iilariy:at ?3.00 :•- ynrd •'• -;

ijfi-inch Black Chiffon Taffeta;line quality with high lustre andyells regularly at $3.50 a yard.

36-inch Black Teau de Soie;medium weight; soft quality; •sells regularly at $3.00 a yard.

.'16-inch Black Satin Duchess;soft quality; extraordinary valueas it sells regularly at $3.50 ayard

-10-inch Black Uadium Silk; goodquality that sells regularly, at thecounter at $3.50 a yard.

^..ffcOi^-jnch <Black Satin Pauiettc;"A^/4li igK lustre; soft finish; medium• ' weight; regularly §0.00 a yard.


W're hishly i:oni!'ii!nent*-d for tlu- >-t]\-cif.nt • manner in which th;.ty si-rvod ih^banquet. Jlemhers of the i:uiigre;.-'atmr..had furniPlif'd food and money to, helpIiroviut- lliirTenKt. ar.d its it cr.nsiMiUerifo

! of capable mrmiigMiwnl. tiw ladlo**1 weiv! iihle u> :i>\(\ over Sl".7 to their funds.

Iho Star | v a h l l v ) b . l l K l l | ( H W!1M ,,ver. and>.I!.«y.lf1n«_..9,L| ;is-tho-su'KtH.s"r»?0 !". fli'iw'V f'"1 V».S»*ur" remimb : ! l o m , , } . i many persons iduiid "VniiY tlu'irmpDcnea ^0 , | a t K a n i l O O i l t S t «-hioh lui'l 1-wn p!;iad

in thf i-hurcli. had been shuffled abmn, 1 .Many went Imme wllh xtnw. other

tvi.-r \ \ ash- mfm;i; h;ii, and some went honi" withous

coat or hiit. They v.-ere all found laU>r._ lliirry Clu-istiiie wa_sn't Mayor. • ;U-tlJ1. s o m i , exchanging had been rloii-

xjXobody had apiiciulieMi^. \ ;,],om_ io\vn.Gir l s didn' t , w e a r s k i r t s nea r l y u p to j ~<v—

their knees and fur collars up around

Reading the column in

the"oays'oTAiiiii iJtiTg'S>mt .ifv a. few things thatyears :iso:

Nobody swntiec! tin- lly.Mail planes didn't \iuxa

their eye-brows.You noyor hcfirtl of n "Tin hlFiirmui-s came into town Co:

CaHliipr Will I'robatcd at HrlviThe will oi John T*. - Caslnor.

"thi'ir | di<v! r(ic<;ntiy at Chanitev.viter,

. Tho luiieher "thruw in"liver.

Tho hired ah'l tlrow ?l.ri


y.is nd-.ttud to pi-ohati- y*rstorclay at iho

oflta1 of • EiurrfisrfiU! Smith, I't'lvidore.- • • iid lot Unit

1 week.

fioflin. of S u r p! Ha hequoatlvitl ih

High school j.;ir1s didn't paint and Conii':i»>'. :1-'!Joihi: insi'chaxod from tho TidiiwaitT Oil

lins hiii . .powder like chorus squabs.1.. " ; CliaiiEvowatur. to his ilanshu>r. ^ii^

••' ' G1CXKHAL XUTT. Sndio Catstner. A house and.lot. in Lc-fi- . - ^ - , . • : banon township.1 Ilur.tertlon county,

a!:-o left to tlio tlau^lucr. "'"• . t in

i clay and Monday us n fjuost of Mr. and j Kussell Seal of West Orangn spent ; '.'.-.i' .Mrs. Ocorse W. Hummer. . . j last week with his parents. Mr. and ; jy*-'1 The Daughters of l'oL-ahonlaa are ' Mrs. Benjamin Seal. ; . . l y i ,jniiiimintr to hold a nmctqut.-iiuU> UUl ; The Uirtits' Aid Society of the Myth- ! i a r

! im-ci Friday evenin;: in llialto Hull. ' oilist church huhl an iill-duy tiuliUni; . oo' A dvtach'mt'nt of Marine from Paris '. Thursday At the close of lunch. - -

\ nwuiitiff v.-ttsti.Tly nt ri«Ul an- i

I. »,,.itl>...r!y LiiralM will. Klshfr i , , , ;v |1 1 B ,<„„, ],atSiut

l-iHliur avc-i v/:.>-,-..„ Cuuiny


l u i' War


.\OTICH.rf.y Kiv,,a Hint tlic

d tax ..rdinameTi.lvnultin Ci.m-l|i "f ustord.

i iln: l.'.lli day of

pojJKf.-SKion. Tho Mollicks will nntliL'ir apartmeni house, cornvr of Kuyonaand Mansfield strcuts.

The Anvjrit-an Legion boys save twovery tint" minstrel shows in the OperaHouse .Thursday smcl Friday (ivt/ninKS {last to capacity housies. .„ Tho troupe !odiisisletl of local talent throughout untl Ito say that tho hoys j^avu u a'oo'.l showis putting it very mildly. Kveryhotlywas pleased with the entire

Mra. A. J. Ciwley.

whichhij;h cl.'iss'i)

riic« l miuiy spuduliits of aTho hoys expect to yl

Mr. ami airti. Arnold .lames of Porn- j Miss Hat- Intiley entertained Sunday icrville won? guests Saturday ;»nd Sun- ! Miss Kdith 3'elton of Kast Oninge; a!dav of Mrs. James' parents, Mr. aiid former school teacher In the public

- -- - school. . . .

Iioss Crnovep of T-Incnd Urnok spentSunday with her brother, Cluor^c Con-

{ ovor..Miss Ocrtrutlt! ]!ouart is in chaise of

the lil'th flrado in the public school in-stfjud of the first firado. Mrs. Anna Ap-gar becominff the tencher of tho firstgrade.

. rrecliulrlcrs AVoulcl Get ..$3,000.Seiiiitor Mackey of lierKen county \\v.

P. it ten house oC Washington is named

III.imendment to tho fedemf uonsnc.u\,.u, I The tenchn-.s of iho Ostorrt^BclimMonday iiifiht. The buttle auriinst nilU V«kwl_ fo^ « bonu« fif «OO ^ t h ^ w

/the neiKhboring towns the jb(.»norit'*'oC their burnt cork specialties.

I i^e-/ -\viiiuli are very line. The momb.ers ofy, isCSl the Legion wiil soon hnve a ululV room

i.i:.v .„• their own, which they may well feel,.. jutl oC.

•y County. Kuperintendeni. of . Schools,Robert G. San ford, has moved his fam-ily'to the Ur. Wittv property on Green-wich street.

Clinton Snyclor; .son of Mr. and Mrs.Palmer Snyder. is home from Colorado,where lie has been living for a numberof. years.

& Mathers, srocera, is very ill.Jones Uccrs has taken over the in-

terest of Mrs. llenrer in the Witterf

iluntion will n watrc in the . Hou.se.Senators Jlainos .of- Camden and" SU:r-Kess of Gloucestor voted ajjain^t th"Bonalo mtitlcatlon. .Senators Martensof Iluntcrdon Old.not vote.1.


, — 20 yearn,let form— afe -ure. no,—breik up a cold m 2*s—relieves grip in 3 days.,ncy Melt if it falls. Themuina box hn a Red

w i t h Mr. HilUitctui

ary for the p y Hof tin.* Oxford Ko;n\l of Kdu'cytion Mon-day evening:. The Hoard did not Brantthe bonus,- but decided to have thuciuostton pi;u:t-d on I hi;, sclitiol uudgotthat will hn voted ' upon by the rosi-dcius of Uut district-at the school elec-tion Tuesday. February 10.

street slioe store Sir. ]joers has lin business here for u mnnhor of years,

Rudolph Becker, an employe, ut thyWilliams coal yard, is very ill withpneumonia. ••> ' • •

Rev. W. C. James, paster of the M.K.. church, has announced evan^eiistiemeetings for tho week beginning Feb.

ilarry'Covtrlght, a local printer, is in'tlio Kaston ^lospltul for Hursical treatyment for a very badly infeowrt v/|Kclt;int o o t h . <*<*s

Lydia Ev PinEam's VegetalleConsposad Frees Another. : Womaa From Suffering.

BaVonnc, ,N. J.—"Before I was maf-ricd I suffered a great deal with periodi-"riL"-iT ' "•••-• c a 1 p a i n s . I had

cains in my side andback and also_head:_acbesi"'cnd~got" so ""wea3c I could not doany thing. I tookLydia E. PinUham'sVege tab le Com-pound and scon feltbetter. Now I am-married1''and havetwo little boys, Be-fore the first one

__„ came I Was weak,nervous, could not eat and was

\dizzy. Alter I tool; the Vegetable Coin-

Jack TIoiiHh began wirlt ^Tondny iiitho Clinton Democrat olllco as a pressfeeder. .-;

Tho banquet and dance, held by thoVunini A asocial io f h V JI CAVunini Afisociaii

Saturday cvi'iiiii; _aboutv-50 invitfd KUOHLS andThe banquet was .served at

of the Y. M. C. A.,vva.s :i.t£enrtod liy


he banquet was .served at 7 oclockTfumts wore, tfven by i'rof. I'heleiis nndnthf.ii; . •


if TOOK ACtP-STOHACS)2nsla:;Uv relieves Hoaribura, Bloa;*

c-t'Ciitc'/Fefttin,'!1. ijtop3foDdsoui'ir.p,eatini?, end all s to i r^h rr.toar-iea-enc a *•:! 1 *[ vn Irto K-t p p iiiiftc ii - ffbt-oai, iicr^Obc Vjulityn t^ica

ATOMCiTKbtBtr-nnJ Teneoftn »irrn-'f-M! VnurioJ Onlyco tuncenSoa d n to u t(t r«» i iriytrvunnWe-i

enna oc 5 Vi i r-i iwa HJM7 V <-t£" +!&w^y. "3fwawUMC. >«

AtAUDteg Serf j Jenkins & Sleeker, Washington, N. J.


pmillpslnire HHIt W«i-v«rs MccthiR.

M.oa" I-iriployed in tho Junw Standardulilc mill, ure holding mcclings in hnuleHall, that town, this wculc. It m JHIKIthat ni'U* wuKe donin.nds are m the iui\'J'he leaders.of the 'Weavers* Union havenothini; to wty rt-KurdinK the.meetinKs.

' -.... HKill KKIIKSK.1

.Yohn Force spent Sunday and Mon-(' ^ with Mi Old \ ' i s \ \ I LIPCM in\J\\/ ibclh

Tick Coojier concluded a w it Sund i \ to his t i mdmothcr, Mis fainhTrimmer

T Tolu "ton fmmri

>? A\dizzy. Alter I tool; the Vegetable Conhpound I could work and e a t . ' Now 1

am strong and recommend your medi-r " 5 i n t i r i d " M A K S B V

o£ the Uiuit,li, Sim-

am strong and recommend your medi5inetomyirrionds."—Mrs.AKNASLBVA,2B East Wth^Street, Bayonr-e, N. J:, Women who recover their health, nat-

urally tell others what'helped'them.Some write and allow their names andphotographs to be published with testi-monials. Many.more toll their friends.

It you need a medicine for women'sailments, try that well knowns andsuccessful, remedy • Lydia• E.V P i n k -ham's Vegetable Compound. W r i t eLydia B. Finkham Mcdicino Co. (con-fidential) "ior anything you need toknow about these troubles.

Tho?3tar 'iinti Thri^n-n-AVeel:World,1 S-,75 a year, in advance

"j6hh""'nrnrorf;'"r-^-" ;- :------'-'-=^"~survjvtnjj, parlnor '

vs,. John Lyiwh •

Fl. Fn. tic. bo. ct.'ter.1'1 On TJocketcdJudgment.

OSCAlt JKIT'SKY, AttoincvL


a decree for complainant for

of .TIIRUCO Court $2.10.Cost of docketing f 1.00.Cost of Kxticutltin .Gft. >Interest from KcptomboV K.. 1(117. 'tiiti-ro-it from Hi>conihor -I, lfllO.With JiddiUon of HhorilT'H f«es and

lly virtue of the nbove .sidled writnf ijcrl fnclnn to m« <]lrt>cLed, inHitndnut of tlio (Jotr.mon 1'lonn Court, in thoal)nv«: causR, I will cxnoac to Halo ,-itlmltllc vf!iuliii> at tlio St.,Cloud Hotel.in town of WiiKhlnKioii,'W'arriMi Coun-ty, Now Jersey, on ' ' ,:

lictwoi'n the hourr. of twelve and fiveo'clock in the afturnoon, to wit, at twoo'clock In the nflrrnnnn.' 'All lh.it cfii'tnln lot and premises slt-itato lylnp and. helm? In tlie Township(u WiishlnR-loiftX-in tlic Criuiily of War-l-on and Ktato of XoW .Tersoy.

McffiimlnK1 in tlio w,cslcrlj* line, oflihhei a\onuo at n point thoioln distint f >m huwlrid and fitt feet southcrh froTii the souths o t f • ornor of1'Islici a\onuo itit\ "lid road place asKid clfiv.il upon tin m p of ivroperUlielonKinff to J)a\ld 15 Drake iilftfle I)J"»fl\ld "i oun - ind fonir"»m *jut \ oi nr«sflltd with Hit t-ounij Clorl^ of \Sauon


1Oliv.cr threo-RaiiK Ir-.' Kills threnlivr with.pipf. taiiins elevatorlontlcr I'oinnldlo on tr(ton focil Krlntl ' "

ctor i>lows,.Hiwrr ftnfl •

l>l:Mf«i 'fiii'o-l!is.- f i ipncity: .^iiss^)^

tiilm (list; drill with two orhorse h i tch: Ktii(-n;on innniuv KIIKiuM-siin sulky plow. Tlic 'alin\nhintM-y is us Rood a s now, t!i.of i lu> in ip lemeius ' i i r c hi tfoot! t;oiull-

'''*** l«'t!i-s ami l'cnnilK . .il>rr, I tnt^.fi.jji ; n i ( | <'oslsm : i ; ! KninciilKft T a x ' . ' . . ' . ' .

•f:1 i c,r<i!ift ll*:colpiH T a x .full T;i>;

it,' TaxiA (1. I'. Vim ni l it <

Oliver st*."'l, beam plow, Miv.itorss.'Slrnp«r "iiorn

mow«r. .'luiyralcv.- Iniui roller. MuOor-mick binder 7-fl. cut. uorn plainer with

•nl. potato dikr:u''.

. T\vo-lon [SchWHb v.-.ifjon .with l"iuy.two-ton S<:liwal> waijon with hnysidi's.one-ton haml-miulo platform snrhn?truck wagon with (clasfi door;; in front.Corl la nil •-'HibbcV-f i !•«;--v""llii n-civ,*;.lr.i ck-

mlilt or wood onrt, tnoklt', block andrrinc, (rrinilatonp. Jipray pump and liiir-rt'l. work 'ben'-h, 'paris KI'DBII blower.viso, ISTi-fl. hayropi-. .1 pxtra waRonjiealB, 2".-ft. Riirdon IIOKI; with'coupling.wraln mni feed ba(,'s..2 fcBls heavy teamlinriKinH. 'aiitffle hariif:;. ;> SHIU nhoeklinos, collars, linkers, bridles, llynol.i. 2,a •,'i'itl -l-hoi-fit' whiffl'strneK. broaat. traceand ion «liiiIns. I ffttid nhostit, chlfikonCHO|)M, milk can".1 Iron biUclierinffkcl-tln, forks, shnvcls. bofift. furni toils, ,r,Rwnrins IH\C3. boo .hivcH and suppticH. ,4 HOFMCM, 1(1 Hi-iul Ciitilc. ,S\vliu- tuitl

p-u-k sorroi hor»« nine years olrl,',,wr.rk:i iinywlK-rt*: t?r.iy nvt.ro «lc'Uvcarn nltl, rahic.il threi1 rolls, vnrkstinvwht-rc. c::l.rii rroo'l oin-: bay lmr.sefour ycai-fi old, ivo'-kw tlnubln.' K1.M*1pray IbrcfVyears obi. The cuttki con-fdst' of 7 OratH* llol»tolns. hull. ^ ln-if-.ers. u'.o.st of^t.hn cowti will ho in liroIHa short, time after sale, IIKOM raniT'1

thf! Ptatn i'lhPVflin'.tcKt tills b»st MPJI-

r.'rriilne'ny.'V.ri' II.'V'. KhoOc -Islaml Hc'ii(hl< Icons' _n S ( ' V bilo Tif,*ioiucbMicnt 11\ o ton1, mlxc 1 li i\

Tf stornn ullt '"oil undti <morTerms and conditions m«lo tm»w n

on Hn\ of a ilf1 \$ *'STLU Aur \\ooi r

Tbonun iviniKln Anr I)Waltei Kvinkle, Clerk '

Amou il.y tax...

Administrative tuul

' VtM'tii'ti of taxes.Dnpai'tnicnt of Fi-

.'liHwrmii on curri t

IViyincnt ofSinkfniT rimilInterest i»nC t i

Clurk» Fco:

• This

1 ?»..'!)"

'ordln.iucu shall V*\iv> eilVcl'in.;i by law. ,ib.-r.of the. Townshll) Cominlltop.

A. <'. VOSKI-:LI-]-:U. •,(Jlork of ijxfovd Town.siil]j.


DENTAL ^Tcjth oxtract-

;cd a b s o l u t e l y

without pain. Jf

s We make ll-.e

BEST, F-cts ot

Tectli that,can be

made a t Any


212 Northampton St., Easton.

Page 7: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict



The Greatest of All


Is Now in Full SwingThe wonderful response of the public, and the liberal buying on

the opening days is proof beyond doubt that the people of Wash-in A ton and vicinity apreciated fully the

GREAT REDUCTIONSOffered Here Which Average 15% up to 50%

Hut our foresight in making large purchases six, eight and twelvemonths ago, whereby we have accumulated a stock of


FREE! FREE!Beautiful 42-Picce Dinner Set

viith any purchase of,$75 or over





$•3.00 to SG.OO.I-ace Cur-

tains, only one

pair of a-M •, ft | J Q

kind ; ...$ I ,48

S37.50 ExtensionTable

Solid Oak, Hound Top,

massive ped-

eslal; Sale


The Best Time to £SuyFurniture and Saye Money is Bur-

\ng Our February Sale

S40 LibraryTableHithci luniedo.iKoi golden oak.

We .lie slioniiiii the UIRCSI-clidiun ol I.ilu 115 Tables in .illImishes I loin M"> to V'O

¥29 Cupboard

$21.75Lui'Kc anil Roomy

Oolden finish.' All

W,\idiohes icdiurd.

S 8.00 Oak Rocke.s $ 4 . 4 8M0.00 Oak Rockets 5 . 95$20.00 0«kRockeis 14.50

up 55.00Other. Itocker'sto

FREE DELIVERY EVERYWHEREGoods will be Stored Free for Later Delivery. Weekly

or Monthly Payments on all Sale Goods.


>• S. SrilSU'EASTONThe Lsuw^t Complete Home Furnishers in the Leliigh Valley^ _

' ' Many Interesting wills linvo Uoehhrt-1inlltiil to tuoliatit In tlu* oillccoC Sur- 'i'(ij;:itc Smith rturintt the pant fewweeks. Mnny dwaso i l pernon*, whosewill* arc .immiK tin- hat(.11. \vt»r<- |iio)iil>lU'lit In tin*. v.'trtciM mi'KoiiH of Ihocounty In which tiny n-sUled.'. ;Th» v/IU'nf. f i co r^ Warner, lati' otPhtllliVsliui'K. lif-utifatlD'tl ?luo to theKim- Pn-itbytirlan church, Phillip1*-l»tirji, th" Imeu'tU to !»• usi-U hi Iht- U)i-ki-t-p of th<* Warner :nul Coriuun burialplotH In tho PitilllpKburii (.-i-nntcry. He!"ft ?3«0 »w| i to hlH brothers. .Inlni anilAIIKK Warnrr. nml $:.U each. to .Mrs.Clii'lta ltoi-hm an<l Alice A. Kit<"«. whoh:nl hcfi'I'-micfl him. IIIH like-. Alw.OQrffla Kuntz. IK iiamr;l i-Xft-miix.

Ciihin K. liautu lat'- of tilitltvtowntownship, wllli'il nil of Ills estate to IllsM-pltrw, Ch.'trlc.-* .!. liault, nml hi thehyitruiiif'til tvvnfcrtil till.former wlt!*t. liein'n'i'lfil th.it It* any in-r.-on nhouhlcrime:-1 thf will, that such lienum"liimiil win J;1I;U'- In iln- distribution ofthe I'stiitc. Or. M. O. Otrhart Is n.ini-

HoriiiK* of W'ashlii^tiin tov.-nslilp

hl'i fi-iiK-tt-iy plot.1 It if. f«m. Bnos. jnul hla W'ph'-w, iMyimnnl lWv>

C HiWp

O;HI«1I. Wfw nunioCiliom-rU'-ii'.l ffinn :nnl ;iFranklin township w r -wife. At her il«-nth, v]u-

Hiwood lot Iwilled to Illpro|iffty

hias, p

to In1 fiivdi to hiswith tli'- "Xcciiil'in «.r (im. iwi-f licit •.•'iii'\vill.<l In his ilaUKliU'r. -Mrs. l-MItlil-'ish'r, a ml or.f air.'" to lii;= nrpln-w.IMyntniKl Mrivittifili. The will fintii-'rlirtiv'I<1i>» thsit tn»)n tin* il'-ath of hit*wife, hi t son Knot* .slutll p;iy Si.009niilci-f to Air.-*. IMith I ' isinr mid Iluy*tnnji'I i:>?icaUHh. 'I'll'1 oxfirmors m e (ii-

i ll» of llw<of land n tht

an<l lot on th<>i i l - and

nouth *\>\- at[•'

lu Mr.".il


- fiit'in

tin :if,-ri'.-<111.' Al.MTls- k KfSI'X l:-(IIlHit* prut-owls, £.'.00 is i" tie aIMiih I'i-liH' HIKI *r,<i;|- ili-iTi'lish and Hi- n;:!;uH.v In his will'-,.Mis. Alien IJofltJlf. A rniliHl to (!iwill ri'Viild'H iht> f,-ift (if lh" itliuiil'to Uiiyinnn.i j:civ,ni»li amitli:-. li shall ivinalii p:irt i.f tli<nivui to hiH wife; lu the wullwll, th<*uaiiu1 of Cuyinoiifl lJ<Tt-au;;h Is ivvoki-daw mi <'3Ct'<:tiif>r, nml thf liatin* of Mrs.Kdiih KiMln-r nuhstitut"il. It !:i ftal«ilthat in I'asi* Ituymoiul li.-reatiKh shouldriiuk'- titiy claim for si-ivii-'-.s i-udi-ivd,h" shall iv<r«'lvf ii'iiIihiK . from thf es-tate. Tin1 IIIVIMIOII of tlu- ii:n<:wds tvonitliu suit' nf the limnr mid lot and .sixtyarifH of I;tnd Is also iwoln'tl to ex-clinic liuymond H-ICIIIIKU from icirtli'l-p.ltlon. and changed no that 51,000 1H

! paid lo Mrs. V-Mlih Flslior and the 1ml-jance to the wMmv of tlii* testator.

Peter P.. NVoller. l:it* of Washington,dheetrd lu lib: will that all his realand peitiotml property Im helil hi trustby the (-xtcutor. to hold, manage amicontiol tin* same and pay tin* hit'Oim-to hln .-ion, Alpiieiw Wfllt'i-. Itt niontlilyor quarterly payments. In case anypart of thf Astatf IM needed for the.support of said son, thf cxi'tniior Inoiupmverod lo sell proporty. Th« sumof $100 in toft'to the WashingtonCometory AsKoclatlon for tho upkeepof thf Welh'i' plot. Klioulil his son tile,one-fourth of thf estate la lo RO to Mrs.Kllzntoih V.'ItitiT. a siswr of the lie-ceasJd: o:ir-foilith to his nephews.John i-., V.'iUhirn and Uiwivntf \Vol-li-r, .shai-f ami siuu'c ;i!lkf; oiii-fotirtlito !ii^ r.ophfw* .-ind iiiccf, 1-iiMijamin F.iiiul I-^mnri V\V!!er: (mf-l'u;inh to li!un.-plifWH :ttul nii-ci', li-vhi^ iiml Man-nhur Wril.T. iind Mr;!. r*«"-KHu' Ar;;an-brivht. Clifitl".-! Carter of Cnimlen isnanif-d L'.\H:IIKM'.

Tli'- will of iVirmiM- Apsrnihlyinan,.KlIuhaI>--: O.\Uoowr nf Mansfield toivn-sliij) iiiinn-;! his son. Lewis <J. Hoover,executor. Tltc sums of 3100 apli-ce. isb«>«;tiejithet[ to hiH waruiilntiK'iOtira, Pi-rtnc-s M.. Klizal^-th V. nm\Margaret S. Huov.-r. TIH-P- is also a

^li,-:tneKt of $50 to the Anderson M. K.'ohurcli.

Ht-nry r.clut, hit? of P.lairstowntnv.-iiHliin, h'ft his o;itirc fatjitf to hischildivn. .KicqiU'S ami KllpirlJ. I-Mnt.

I ft ml tiioy iiuir.t'il .(?xcui'.i>".

William H. .Mowilfi. lute of Mans-tiflil township, bcciiii-ailied liwand lot tuul tl»> cmitr-ius of. hi.sin An.ilevsoii to liis wife du-injj litThe will provides Hun from .tintlitf <;i" tliv <.-«i:r:c. his wifo s|iluii.l ;in iii<-oni'- nf JL'."> nifintlily fur iife.At her tk'iitii. the e;;;;iu- is to bvrtividcd ort unity )»?t\vi-en his ' two sosis, Mil!.•!• N. Mn-.v,n-i- nivi Ili-rman li. .Mow(ier. .loim li. .M:iyl>en-y is naiiu-fl <>:a-cviro:1. •

M"rs. flu.'iii Difton. l.-tf o:* PtiilUpx-hnnr. .lH-tnnsitlifd ht r buu^hokl fin-ni:*biui,-M t<» '!*'!• ('.iiu^iiii-i-s, ilu: Mlssw

'l-'iinr.y. CaUmrinr, ,\!in:i. Kwv :ini..Ifary ..DiHiiii. T!ii- ri-sifUn> >.f ilits i's-

" find i """; ""•""'" " " ' • *

In thetali*l 'M


lor'nf tliii'Bn- (Willlaii. U: •,

IX^nafil . , (

in Uio 'order1,o O u n t y or WVl-llllV '

Cora and Usjal Baldwin's SaleT O l d h l l t

' A.nln.-l.'.-n •lniintrou ' ^ ^ . . " l " * " 0 ^. ,.• ,.].ii!"i'Vf«ln»l Uio ..Kalalo.:,olI",,, II"li?«v.fc.-. l»l» nttl .c 'on.nt*

.,- VfVfir.- tin- «'U\ve»lll liny "f ^ ' ' 1 ' -,',.,-• A. I>. nlliKiWV Inimlruil '">«•

1 ,i,,> i V'i.i-iiiu In ami oxhlblt hln

u i.ihoir.'i'iirai vcttiliitins Rtcw

ncra, O i : i l n pirmlni?.. willok1 tilj.cl farm

h l

eluiI lie (im

l fni I

i.tl'n'f Itis or Uur'actionllie wild Ir-.xccuior. ' -'-• '

. .'• J O M N ' ir. s iAvr . r cmiv , '•. t \Vii.shtns-l<in, K. •'-. "• J

Dated : Dec. ll.."l!H9. "l^-'JO-lt

WUHI (ii M.-i'lii'iislmrjv mi tin- hiieltIntuitiuv ' l i ' 'iVvnvi'll.' I'dinmonrini12.110 o"i>]--n'l{'-:.sli:irp. 'mi

Thurmlny. , l > b . IDiif! followH: =MK!!>rmlolE-- nimlcr,.ou t ' OMIIHI-IHJ MuWi-r. t\vo-llors:i' I'L'VI. I'tihlvatuiV* Port land .cii.tt.oi'.slnn-.'V •hui.l ni l lor . ' two-l ir t iw! hay•1 Mo. •_• tiyrai'iws'.pl'iw.i.1 s i t rniY 1

Harrow. «tint«l' 1'odV, .Wmilrp mvuvtfKllls^ Ko.vainno UtroJilu;;-' ami i.U

enwini?,' fan ill ns* •.nilM. Crown- iai'Odor, -ll-ft:." Sharpli'ssi •Cresitn !rntor , and. o ther arikU1!* not men

T\vo-hor:»o . Oirm WiiR'on wi t l i ' .two- ton r i ipar i ty ; Imnl'er wacon . 1ly ni-w. wilt'."carry, Uiree tons, .nillii'f; iniKfTy, nr-iirly IHIW: Hlt;<-!-tir.'gy, pu lv Wii •>.']!ods, new; wou.l

..HarmOK chains, :! s«ts traoii'oaHt clniinH, 2 se t s slnffli;loiirly ni'w; 2 sots of lit1. ,lai-noss, S iifts ol" Hin'S, f. collars,lair hrldli-s. hayfork ami pnHoys', itlic110 ft. oi1 rope.- '!i> fi, or "i-hu'h ru

,-; forks.• r : ikfs , Khovuhv bnisli hoi


I Ho , -1I"1 yuars old. weltrtia ahout 1"00

llis.; hliU'U mart ' 11 years oM. M'nln'hsdliotil l:ton Ihs.; hlm-I; 11 '.ve.ars I'll'..Bond voiidc:-: h»y 10

tluT w o i lie


.M. A. I'Mir!!on.: :ui<'.ltuy Unhlwln, CU'.rk.

Ic know•OKA. H/../.AL I'.ALtfVyiN.

! fijiuilly a inon^ h - r diilili-i-,:. l l v Miw! i-'.unty- Iio:a-. C;nh'?rhH\ Anna. Mmi Ch:u-1«.^ sjini .UiSin Diiton. .hiim Ditt; and .Mi:;.-; Mary Uii'.oti aj-c named os«.; cutor ati'i t-soontrix. .' Tin.- will of Mr.'.. Mui-y I-:. \\'\" lilt* of Wash ing ton , ],,ft all of lii ;jitt-to.lu-i- jiiiPbanrt. Uaiiiel V. \\*yi.'l;oiT.| and"!K v is niir.iod-r-X'-*:iiti)i-r- Tiu'i-i.1 Ls1 direction in t i v wiil Unit Si.ODii he u:i] lo ercuL a KiMiiili; monnniMii on tiioir

prir.(!iyr.\; pint. Tho sum uf S-iOO IK l.-fiI in irn.-it with th'.1. I&iMoit Trusi Coin-' piiny. to he LiKcd"in iln* upkeep of tin>

family comi ' tfry plot.Alexander M*oon>. lale of PUIIIIIIH-

hui-H-. K'fi all of his w c a r l n s npniireland honsohold .sujiptieK 10 i l l s wif

| Mrs . l.iZKi'.- .Modi'i-,1 ami also nit U1

I household I'lirniuive in ihf-ir.I;orm* <lnr-! in;r h«v UU\ Tho re.sMue. i-ool a m l . p w -| ;Kon:il.' hi !>!iif-'H in the imhds of hisi sn'ii, ,lohn ^" . Moore, a s I'xocutor, lo

lnaiuinv and pay the itioonu' lo .th*widow, Mnt. IJuzio -Muore, dui-lnu hi-V

| lit1..', to In- received by he r hi Iteu of] in-:- dower in tin- esiai.f. Upon In-

di-iith. the entifi' estate, is to he con-yerteci Inio cnuli ami divided equallyht'tv.'f'en the two sons, tlohn \V. Mopcennd Wi l l i am.K. Moore.

Tliev.-il! of--M!•«. l'ioai. VanTIorn, lateOf Marl:;;boro. liwim-atlied $500 lo ' l i rnWd\ G race Kwishcr. and ST.UOO. to, lhMrirksbo'ro l 'ri 'shy|i?rian 'tiluiruh to ' in-voiit. • p a n of the intfre.-u. to h e ; iisedin i in1 upkeep of ,tlio Van Horn |ilot,nnd thfi halanco lo ho used a

1lVuot5C-r;"T'l'"ll*.ii'"'cl'i',:i-Kh~i!i:c;ijr.!][%:;tbalanc-e oi: the vsiatc ii; lo1 h'u illviileslc(|Uttlly hi-twi'Oii he r ch.ililron, AV, Ar-thni- Van I lorn of. Pa lorson and MyraVan l lo rn of Olyvcland., O.. and , I heVornner in niuned exeeiilor. "A endic.il to-the will revoked the. ¥1.000 ..hecimwl totDe 'JIarUshoro ehiirnh and directs thatS400 of. tin1 amoun t ho divided betweenher U^o. chihlren, ,.,,:rho lmlam-e Koento ih<> clmrrli." Tlic eoiHuil also rt'volc-od the irifl of SWfl. of Hie ¥500 trlven toSinw- Swi.-iher an<l orders t h a t the $100be dividod hetweon tho rhl ldren. The'sum of ?100 JK to yo to'(.1 r a r e Kwirthoi*.

IlolK'i-l J l . Demps te r off Pliillii^liurKmimed his hro.iher. . lames Dcmnstt'i-, :i9oxee.utor of his ositnUv'iiiul loft nil nf

and his oblate to his mother , Mrs. SusanA-III l.i« in TjiMiipster. . .

Wltl iam AV.' T a y l o r - o f PhlHIn'siHirtrboqiieathod ^ his en t i re oslato m IllswH't1, Sirs . Kninin Bemiwter . express*inK coutidcnei.1 t h a t she would dlvid'.1

the es ta te (.-rjiially. iLiiion™.. their . chil-dren .ill" her dentil: ' '<

•Thonms A. M.«<li1ot:k. of PIiillipsilUrR'left ' .bno- th i rd of his1 es ta te to- Innbrother, John Maaaock; ono-tlUnl to

Rititor, Mw. Itrlrifft'i SampHon, amioiin*ihlnl lit inwt U»' thr* luconiu of 111*

xir, Mrs. Ju lmnna ' ' MvAimlly. Tlwmini of $r.it l:i )i<><|iH>:ithfil in th<> rector>r Htw. l'hlllp niKl Jun»**' CaUiutlo

vliurrh, rhillliisiitirj,'. . :I N nil uritisilfil hr><|Ufttt In tlio

will of Mr*, sinry Niftii! of i'lilllljiH*htirij. • Slit* |r.(i ||»r n-iiietery plots toh"i* Onutj^it'-'f, Mrw. Sarah Dcrr. Allher huusflioltl KOO»1K IS willed ta lu-r0:iUKliC:r,th . directed t ha i ll<-r

NK-w.• ho fun*

vrt-tod itUo «•.-[•;(, mid divided, hi <»|iuilHOIIK h.-r chlhhrii, Miw. (.:*oi'.H I . Mi-j!. Sarah Itorr. Harry

, Mary Hwartz Ncllio XIuoouj(l ]"raii); NJeecif\* tint "I I'xi'trin Wililr.rii Sir:ic.il of in

TJ)e wJll iurDv-v (li-ly illiver tltiH

.1. I. It.itatiH'd e:;ici:ior.

M:r,. Tiii-odoiiiii Skiiimr, of .Man^fl'-l-lWtishltt t.-.|U»-,nhed nil her pinp.rt:1

licr lt::y!iitml. John I. Skinner, mil1 l« luiiiici I-XC<MIIO:-,A imvciry l« a Jiilm will or Chai-ir.'

ruul Kitr.th A him- of Mop(- ir.wnshlp.•lulf in tli"ir r^tah- in l<-ft in .lohn

K. Alni.M- nnd iliti balanr- t» X«




.Moor.-. Jnlni l\liv tr .e n;tl!l''d < X'TUloi- ;

Irix of tlli> csM.'itf.Tiir- . -slut" of .Mr.-t. KM'Mi*'!vidcrc IM li'ft to he r dai

-May TJ. 'Witl. who Is named

A!:»er ami -N'nr.i:


All Winter Cirmenln in Stock Must He Disposed of, .J

Keciinllr-is or Ion. Cost has brrn forgotten. Our only

ick.i 11 t<> r.d our stock quickly of nil winter ffurmcnlii ; i

lo mako room for sprinc slock.

All Coats Must Go! IQi 1 c.iti.o ilocB of st-1 il- \\ intci Ccats now at «ic- £

lmci pilrco ]J>\<\\- V«loii ' , fiilicitonos, Il>oailclollis, ^

i.io^i o lli"ii tn r r i t 'd \ ttn f i . inil ^Jt.n lined, flncst 5

Winli I nil , ttoilli »21, >".0.IIII up to ?40,nov j

•s f i l l


y ,iud :W rtharr-M of Pennsylvi'iUa iMil-";ml wtoet;. in tin* " W i n of tln> diai l i»f h-.r ilniiKlit'T. Ida -May U:\VIi t , tin'Mali? Is In no m anoiln-r i|;int;htcr. Ina"ari-ie I V W I t l .

.Wr.i. Kel>"(;ea .\!.irt.-nis of UurttfUiPtown wilU-d th.-rt h'<r <-Mai>- !•'• h.'ld InUtJ>t fop- tiif lif-iK-tit nf !:•']• win, Can-elX. .Miirti'itis. Whi'si ho iT.'inhfH tin-

li»- is io h" paid *:,.mmfi.»:.i ih-> .•-••;;.:•. A I i h - H .r of :;•'

aiv. In- Is to yet I hi; liaiaui-'* of thel;i|«, i . i ov i ih j ii.- ha:> m.uU: KOOII and:c«vs;*inl list- (if lite sri.fHw ini-vioilsly

I u v . r to him. if hi- Hun not,f Hi.- mo:;.made ;;oo;l l

!lrlllll)llMl-:tt'»Hie cs ta t f ll

of Wof Uie

n thin '•ositlnu.- to hold

rx mid pay the Inemnehim. W. K. UiUfii-

iKioii In Hi- mlinlitln*nf . with tin' v.il! an-

l.MIH. T:U'-U lluwlr of i'hillipnlmi'f,' left

il'JO to th«* (!t »wl(;h Ci-nivfry Asso-ciation for tin* Upkeep of the familyplot. To her Hire-'. MIH. KMii !lamm'-r-m:ni. h lift ? | DO, and it i s ' ilhvetnlthtit Jl'jy he itivi-n to KVU of the chll-'tren of Mi.-:, Margaret Snyder di'e^as-•.••I. of Mtlfr.nl. Itrothern and NIUUM-Hare hi'diiertthol the followiiu;. amount.-!;Mr.']. HaniKtli lieriry, $300; William Mel-Hc-k. $500; Theodore >U-ltIelc of liloom*)-bury, John K -Melliuk Juooti Mellicltami Mrs. Kllzabeth Mooio ot l'hllliiwbui«, S'OU wicli. The halanrr ot the'•state IM to IJH illvliU'd finally nimniBJohn S. Hawk, (.ieoriie \V, Haw!:, "War-ren Hawk. Krv.in Hawk. Kranlt llawk*|nul the tihlldren of H.irry Hawk.I''rnnk S. Hawk tmd John S, IFawk arethe executors.

Mary A. MuTtca of PhlllipKhurfj \cUall of her estate to her brothers!, .lolnimil James Mel'rea, and they are natn-vT executors.

William I-'. T)ocker of Oxford ho-"Hicathed IIIK real ami personal proper-ty in ecitial sliarcs V> IIIK wife, Mrsr.izzie Docker, and hiK son, KretlerlckC DoL-kor ami they are named e?;teu-trix :uul esei'litoi* of. the eiitatJ*.


Found at Last-^-Shows Resultsat Once or Nothing to Pay.

If your hair is thinning nut, •prema-turely Kmy, brittle. lifek-KK, full n!dandruff and your head ilrhes like mailquick action must bu taken to sa\cyour liair.

Don't wait until tho hair root is dead.for tlifiii iNitliin;; can hnip you.

Get l"r; r i ^'illlarns* Opera HousePharmac^or any ynod driiu^ist lotla.va bottle \i£ l'.irisinn Saye—II doasn't unsnmiicli nti'3 there's nuthiiiK »>I.«P you eouldLISO ttiatV: so simple, safo and offootivo.

. ¥<*u v.-:i!v Kiti-ely bt (lciU;hicd .with tin-iii'M ajiiiliciition. Your hair will scornnuiL-li more 'hvumlant ami radiant withiifo and beauty—ai! itt-hiiiK ucnsvK amtyour .'icalp iV,-fls e.ool nn.'l cnmlVirial,'!'.!.L'arisliiu Sajju is in great demand 1 iy

y putivak ii:i! haTioi't asut Huffy.

, anil ltt.-e[»s it


ValuesI ,,..„t \ alucs


Any amoiiiitjti:-t

of i lover Prosaos,1

iKht for every occasion—iv Satins, (IcorjtcttoK, VrjlvetK,i:—in many pretty !ity]":t ainlhlri shades. $15.79

•I Ilu. Mat t iT "t Hi.- i:«- 1 , . , , i , . .„ i . , , 1 NMki . In l iov l .y Blv.Mi I ha I Din f.il-lati. nr ll'icliiiim I'. r ' , . , " , i I.,™ . l<ilvr.ii! "I »] l lui lm' t" nml Tux O n l l -IJIIIIIIIIIIIH. Iwra-a - . l . J i.i ' iiiiiiiii. ! „ , , „ . , . „..,., .,, , , v , . , | | , y ,1,, . Towimli ln

tin-nly or

f l

i(lr tini-lHhtl yti'iin llmiilri'il mill Nitii-i . l .y Ijil tli Ml |iilliiM at-iihist tin; IVHIII;.-•utiinilns, Into nt l\f-

if *!i" ;:ittrn- ;-'n; ma-It; .iii i:ti.ir. A, Ii. ]tii.-i. I I M I ™

n:l I.»v!ns IIfjjn.an

. v . m i t y <if j

y , T,,W||B|,|,,Tuwiinhlii »f i-'ninlt-

]in in thi- f n u m y ,ti Wm-i-.-n a m i Sut ln.'!' NV'.v .li-rn.-y fin tlm l u l l i lay (if.lannai:.-. A. I).. i:i:'». A luiaftiuc "inii,,. l ,u , l | j , t an.l tu.\ nrilliiuiii!n wil l 'Imtic-1.1 ill llw •IMwimliln Iloimi'. Ill sulilTUWIIHIII|I "f 'l-'riintilln, <m ' K i l u r d a y .111L. nn , ,iuy ,,f F,.|,n,,,iy .\. !>., I9:i.

t"rnn>" i t . » m i . i l l 1 "- . . . . ... realtor n.'Klm-tliiK ;•••

to lirliiK In a-.nl exiilllit Ilia or liur „,"!niPifj 'tf^'iT "nth^nr jilllrmiitlon. with*.,.^iIn the t ime ao llrnlw-i!. will !io foreverbarr.nl of hl.'i o r li^r notloit ngnlnsit (lie•nikl ^ihnlnlstnitri .-c.

l.ornl IluilKet, lO'.'O.i» venue S.TOO.OT

1AZY.UZ W. CUMMIKS.AilmlntHtratrlx

Total rovpnno 9-1,750.11Atmnnit to h<> ralaed for tax-

ation 840.07

Notice 1st he r eby wlven t ha t the ae- >counts of t ho Htiliscrlbor, Anna McIIale. 'I'ariK'tUiT. TriiHto'.' of t he es ta te of p-"l'-e ami I'"lMary Carpenter, deceasfd. will be an- interests anddlted runt stated by the Hitrn>Knto. " 'mil rommcd to the Orphan*" Court of(lie Cuuiity of Wan-en, on KriMav <>">sixth iluy of l'ebi'iinry ntmt, at 10.30

Daltd DecPinbfi' ^T. I9lJ>.CIIAUr-nS I!. CAItrKNTRU,

Trustee.t-l-Ct .. . .

tluricet ApproprloUons.IK-U1IK


• otico -Is hoiKVri'TI.rcMKXT

y rrivon t h a t thealiMcribnr, E-airuiftEli!n tlowlc Can

i.-l Ii. ("(iinlltnd a n d "

WntnrI.ihmry FundOftleers salaryO l lK i tDoff



. . SOO.OrlBO". 00NoneMono

. . \N*oneNoneNonuNumi

. . l,100.ho100.0010U.00ioo.no

. i]i'Ci*Ri:cil*.* wil l l'io niiilltWl ' a m i *»«tiVtwiUv thr- S'nri-.itr-.itP. and repor ted ty ||n>Or])han.4' Cour t of tho County of M'nr-

1 >'i>ii. nn Pridiiy lUc s!::tli ' lay of Feb-ruary next , tit H».:.'H iVcl-vrlt. A. M.. intli" ;i>r::t of D^comiirr f"r se t t lementasul all.iwaiH-.i. .Datnd . l teeouiher ' IT, .1010...



Total np!iro;>rmtlnns an fiseilIn ailoptflil l>nd;;.>( $-|,7G0.11

Total antotini to I,o raisedfiy luxation 3,910.04

Ity order of tho oommittoe of. tlieTownship nf Franklin.

Attest: PHILIp 0. COOK.Clerk ot iho Township of Franklin.

S S / 'editors.

ySajro CC!ii"u. KIVO ito pa.#. •

)ti:;'«) i'or this in Kiiaratiti-'i.!'!-rvMt siitliiriiciloii or lioihiiij!

Jamefj L. Osnuii-'.s Sale;- ! ^ t i h y t T i ; > . r will .li:,!H-s.> of-:.!! hi•" atwU aad fsirnifnvr iti:i'ifiii'!it:,>- m-KlU.'-i.-Is iionii^L.:;ul-..rai'iii; ! Vj'. w-.U-iin Wjisiiintiioii ..JII lli.i rn:i(l U-u>Vn:iAsilmry. ecniuifiiciii^ at I •;\-l-<A

if|i oa •:'-Wcih:i-!*(lay. I 'I-II. IS

foll'iv.-f;:' !» II. ">'. sir.'r. i:li-K KaH'iliuiriuo; Hymned . !n-v.-. nsi-d <-»l.v •-.,> «rop«. Xo. :: DoyliMtnwii ilnvMn-

nln;v mill. .lolivvlili pony ini

•;i'al» ilril!, L'

XOTICHof the Ks-

r.-d anil n'» to :il!

Ihs es ia ll C

•O"li>] .lai Inuidrui

•Miv""'<:r<:;iYt.id- >>x!:ltiiti oi- ailirnii:litfil. wHer net


y n n n ^ pii2 riilinj? . 1

iiiM1 Iiarrow. 's>!ler, 1! h:md i


l>if; WHffons. 2\vaK"i!. MCK.HI ruh

rifi' iiultty. 3 Huts iline.1--, pair siiiRii'll.vimts, cullurs,

r, ha ml power.r, COWH, (I HnrjtC


f A

ows consist


li l j nApril , nnisr 1L' yi-.i

ill' 5


of .Murli. m t n lin- tirst nf .Inly, i, Hayold. hay horse iryrar.-it ili;« woi-k Hfitiii: luiy

|?p linndlc, lisiy :-'l»y

.n day or

i T u l S yyearn old, w'orlt Infas!.: dark brownwin-k in all liarnes!?jt»il worlior: blacyears ohi. Kfay mu

ll Isante.'iii, vi-ryrsf 7 yerws nlil..HiMiml.and vi'i-y

eoli comliur twowill work In all

nf hay. "0»_J hiindlOK

iiuidi' known nn duy

.IAMI-:S i.. OSM'UX.

elork." '

71 Caiiton Arc, Washington.Contracting


Now work or 'alterations umlor aguarantee o£ entire,satisfaction. Esti-mates gladly submitted; • , i/(

N ? J O f . N K .iurmn. N. .1.. «. 'D.l-;j>ITit F1.«1IKTI,

Asbury . N. J.!Cxn<:i!toi-K,

..lEFl-'KllV, I'l-octorIt

NOTICE.In the jratter of the

Estate of CirolaiHcrtticci, Dcc<

Ptii'suant to tho order at the Surro-gate of the County of Warren, made onthe tv/eniy-se«oiHl day ot December A.D. nineteen hundred and nineteen, noticeis hereby given to all persons having1

claims a^almit tin; Kstaie of OirolamoI.terttujci.riito of the County of Wiiritn.i!cc:t'jised, to pfoMoiit the same to this.inbseriber.'his ndminifUratru-, on or. lie-foil! tiie uveniy-st-'conil day of Septem-ber A. D. nineteen Innuh-iid anil twenty.

...bt'itiu nine nionths finm the date ot'said ordeV-V ai'iiV'aiiy^.Tt'ditor "n«'«ieiiliiV«~:

hi brin- in and <<xl>it>lt his nr licr claim.s. .untl'jr.,oaLli. oi-..,atl!r:natioii._\vitliin~.ihi-_,..' tInu»*'so"llin'ii?(K"1VviII1"l.ii;"1 forever'barreil "r.if his ol" li'.ri- action u^aiiiti!. the saidadininisiralor.

I'llANf'HHCO SAXTOMASSfMO.Itityat CouuHUlar Agent of Italy, ''

Administrator.Xcwurk, N. J.

DaH'fl: December 22. 1910.1 iS-'JS-lOt. ' • ' ' '

r-n-hy i,-lv,iv KuliKeriir\>l!V-iliiitll:nl .Mel

J't.KSIKNT1!! thin, (ho :ic-cr. Clmrlos It.Irix with Iho

i:1.! and ntiii»«l l»yi.-, - :ui(l;- rrpoft(Ml to dmlit i f t!-.c •County of Wnr-ay (lie •sixth ilay or l\-h~at •-1 f>.:S0 'nVI.iek. A. M., in'l)*!firrii!i(!r for f;intlc:nt;'nt

Tn tho Katu-r of the-"Ks- -)

Piirsnant lo tho order or the1 Burro- ierriro 'if the •.County of Warren, ma"ilo 1mi (he t,\venty-nliHh c'.ay oi' IVoemher |A. D. ..nineteen .hmulreil and nineteen, ;notice i.s hereby given to all persons jhaving chtiniH against the estate of Mil- ;ton Schuler late of tho County of War- }

XWii d^?5^?^' *-;> l'J'espnt the same to !'Uie''sui)HcrilieVr^\niiii"5r.~SiliiiVerI~uh"Cir-boforo'ihe tu'cnty-hintli day cir'Septorh-l)er A. D. nineteen hundred and twenty.being nine months from, the date of'tumlorder; and any creditor' negleolinpr tobrini,- In and exhibit his or her claimsunder oalh or alllrination,' v.-itliin thetime !io llmiied, wilts he forever barred

:i.££:ils or her action ngalusL the s:Ud;admlnisirat.rix. • . „

" v )) • .ANNA y\. SCHUIJ5R,

: Bon. 2

Administratrix.urK. N. .T..K.

; 1-1-lOt.D.

mli'u Is liiu-tVoy RivenM' ti J i h

ac-1h P . !


. . hiui-,' cw.vx «( tK: .ij'.iuniy of Wnrr^n,,',on I'M:t:iy. ilie .llflli day uf- Mart-It,1next, id J O.P.'O O'OUH-U, AI:V;M.. •>.'.» l.hfitfrm of December for .settlement a:ulallowiinvc. ' . . . i ,

iiO.Sl-iril V. FU1TTH. •I'lsvouf.or.' Hiimplon.rXJx.l. '•

Datodi Jan . 20, 1320. "'irSO-Ct

Don't Get• "Coldfeet":\

l.iit us install a liealer in yourcar. The cost is snmll, andyou'll save colds: undi doctor'sliills, and,you enri niotov in com-• fort "in any. weather.


_ are. standard' cqujiinicnt^Jji 28^makosof carsr-Sladc iri;iir'dif-^fei-ent types—a- typo for everymodel or make of car.» Those heaters warm the corwith the exhaust gases other-

•.. wise wasted. : , .Let its show .you. how they

w o r k . 0 ; " •' ' • ' ' ' ' •

Sold with the'distinct''under-standing that they will -give,utmost satisfaction^.



(Juililv Sirvitc Coiirtosy



l^'Wyi'feg?-'fiW-''itf^''''.'-"!|i -•'•<'?-'--',?''tv^.':i-i^^-v[;r--.!yr-''''\'-'*a:'ll^^L^l^'lL-l^l-^^-.;i^ * ' ' • ^ " • • • • " ' «»myitmmi.'LLki iimrnfaligr«iiir»WiiAim««mmM»m^

Page 8: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict




PERSONAL MENTION ii GAS TANK EXPLODES > « ; £ ' ; £ ^ ^ . O K .• i 8 1 of !!:•• Slur IVI-iury or wlioii :• il"'»-1

7 1 l-'alal ln]iirli-> Narrowly Avrrlml A« irii.-.hv .-iiln-rlh-nH-ill . aun-an i i f ;

£3 WEEK'S Record of the j i Tri.i-rhaiv. r im-m i.i.-l> r,- !,11"';;:i,,V'»""i7i'.- ih'.i''.ir*.'r,,on'im'i>4H„ S- l Movements of People }\ ' " " " " • ,-:„. r,, . r t ™ i ^ ™ i i»««iMJ " „ • • • " " . , , i r .• < i Tun . - IHTMHIH mlrsi-n!..ii*ly. .'M-.-u-1-.l I'ai-iu S i n I. ami Mm-lillM'ry.5 You Know. Locnl bvents y i ,,,,,,„, >,alll],1.,J.i wil,.,, u , i y .u,,,,,,,,:,,! s , , . ,„ , ,} . ,.->•, ; ..... .i,,. \v,.t,r (\>.

\ • ' •^^Si^wJ ; J?3H! w r 3Sr 3:.;: •-• Fvr S;:% - i

,, I 'I, It:,' !t-a,! ;i>.-l ai-.o I,'.!:1!!.''!. SATl.'SU'AY. I'lHl. I I . I1-:AU-. and Miv. l'Y.i:r>< !-.U:!..II >;,.iu -/-;I;. i.a'r.Ur,- t i un i . i i [iu- Link w.i«, M.-atli.ws. <'ti -.1.,- *It.i;.r iM.tk... rnrm.

vUiUUK hi-r sist.-r. -Mix. i'..n:..n Ol>il>;.--. ,',,-.-,,.,.-. ,U.,V.:. ;m t ii-,,- :v..r of lii-- !:.,:n" " T :Ys i "AY. "i-:i:. IT. ,u Sprir.Kiown,Mia. Al>.. I.i-wi-.isliy .ili.l ^ .l.'.'.IKiU'.-1-. ,.f vVllll.-llll Sn-.i-.h u. nrl.y n.-lv l.r.S-n N, .1.. |.>- 1. c . Uiiiil.lHx.li. M. A. l ' i i r-

Ki'iW- visit l i . N « v Yt'i'l; •.•••. w-.tli ',...',',, .",:„./, a | I , Ylt"' lu.m.- .i 'l '-rani,' H''.:IV. " ' \vl ' : l>NrPl)AY. Fr.l t . t<—On th - 'Mr.-". I.«-.viitsl*;.V m-.!!i.r. W.i-.li.-.v. \v,.|,. l<:,,k,,n in Hi,- t-.ir of Shi,,!,l's farm tviw.-. n YV.li-hir.KlOn :ni«l '

Mrs. KIVLII P.-1VIH--.- :.:-..l * " ' l » ' i | - , , i : . ! V , ! : i B , - . . > . A-.l.ury l.y .lnn|.« • i-mmi. M. A. I'ii'l'-Ilainiuna ;ir>- vl-ith'X Ml < -U.t:y 1 •>•- .J-.J,. p,.;., >,!,,,. :';,..m,.ji *;;.v., .t- .1 in M.:I. All.-., .l.-lm O. Van'-iar.;!, O i l ; .rflll-T. : >:• .[.an; th.' !:a!r., * limn -I'La-lin,: to : -r . l l 'KSllA V. I'l'.]!. :f< - O:i til*, i.l',;

A l . -Ml 'V. . . : ' | a r :y V..T ;-..vrn .-y-Miss : , ; . . . .,,,.,.; ..ui!,t i :j-, -|"h'ir ,•!!-":•!« u.-l'--- ^i.l" .-f ll-.<- .\lli::l'..|i<u-..!ij: .-rt-.-k I..'-llau.K' SK-i-li' ::l I-'- r-'-vi'M.- riVi'.iu- ;-,..K,i... ... . | .i |.,. :i.;,. ;.,;- ,•!;., klnn wli.it -i •»-. .-:i lVim-.-ll mill S!. |.!:..1l»lilll-|r liy 'Tlllll-mliiy iliBl-1 •''• >1«- I"'""1 "'• * l v- ","" :....k.-.'t li1-.- a mli-iilv >'iiii!!:i^i'.itini; ! Mrs. Cora ll.ii.Uvln. M. A. I'li-lTOIl. All.-.Mrs. Frank Mol'lury. A vfi-y oiiii.ynl*. , M ;,, M ;;,,." .,,,,, _V| O l I „ ; T | - K S | I A V . KKR •-•••.-l.s- II. W. I'll-

in .l.iiu-inc. rani. |i!uvii:>:ami v.'illi v.»

I lluv.'Im: til • l,l|.-.<. l!..1 it ;s i . . ! ; \ , ! !l:.i-, in s-.im.' m;.nn

I-, in .i!.l S1.I.-..-V Y. SWaya' plai-".!, !v.'...ii W.'sl I ' .-nil :i!l-l I'alt.'llljni'K, :

JM-.VH I . l\v.

M,-. lisiMmm.ll


^ ' ' ' ' ' ' YM i s l . ] i i . : i l

ii( Mr will Mia. i; . W. .\i:il'T. !•• imtirliu: iil.-.-ly d-'-m Iv-v '••'••"' "1-iMtf.n- aim™.!"1!'"- ••"'! i-1 " • ! " ' 1 - " l '•••

O.S'.n.rli.nl :.n-l X-"iv ^'liaTtv' n:n-I "li:ivi-''.V.ii'i'i".-i-s."l -.vit'tl'Vlw- T I ' I - ^ H A Y ! I'llK. -Jl I., f.v.-vll lloo-lYi.rk. IS. fi--s,lln.,|lls -.v-r- f- r w l .r. . ^ ^ H.uv.v.r. •.!..•>• .'HW,!:.l ll-.a: 111-)1 ! S|.n.K :ili'l l'.lii..|:i-lni|-.v. !•>• S.-nrlalin

nf tlii'h' 1'j'i.tht-r. Wi l l iamW. iv.-ivrK-u. ; l l i n ' - ' ^ ' ' ' ! '""'1 '..n l:,ii!r,..a.i av.ni: . ' . ~*~

:i. |yl;.- N HMvis-.i -.:;i; i l i j a i i a m i K i l u j r i K S i l l ! A i I I .

• n i l"! l.li-.colii i iv - r . i ; . ' . H..V.T1I..I- II.lv..ii-,:/ :.i-.l W i l l i a m . I . n - " * ' r i Vri".:--i >A V. ' l ' i : i l . " • ! ::\ l l r a ' . a s a liy

••,':•:• w i n - ' . . [ . C U S . S . I o ...,l | \. " l - . 'V;i l | . , ' . v. , ';'•.!.. . I . A" . ' • : • , • : . i ' i : v tl1..- .,;!-.• r S A - l ' t ' l U i A Y . r i ' ! - , : ' - - l . v W i n . I I . -

•••••• il:-..- : : . i i-l« . ! - : , : ! • • . 1 Un i t K n l i n s mi h U I ' l - . - .ni- .s ill A i i ' l m n y . M.i . l!i' -••.• . ; ,• ] I . : T I ; in.ii-. v .h ' , i i . ^ : \'. 1-v,;. Ani- . . ,l, .!ni '1 ' . !•'<.;•.•.• , ,n , l C l i a s .

i : : : n - , : ; n . i . . - . i n . . I V " " 1 , . |-.!:!l , r i , . i n . . | f . , | l , C I . ' i l . - : .I : J A T r i : H A V . ; Kl:. : - > - w :hi . M O

'..".•••:i|,,|, i;.!v.-.il.i'i -.v:;i .;..• ii'l.'i'"..1 !\'l". A. lV ' i ' - . l i . .'.II.-.'a~ II., . li,.!U)..nii .>!' Lie- :..|;;,,|-: . \ U I N 1 I . \ V , .MAla- | l I - N'.-.ir l'.l,,..m::-

':.•:, I...1. :..!.:• ..:'.!. nil in-lilii-.ii; . I,.,,,-.. |,y .I.Oill f. I'lc-Hl-. >| . A. l ' i -K ' . l l .

im'i.." ' - ' : ' •!-';!.',.i!;-.-. " : ! M ' S ' : ! " I . " M sun~e— . r - Y..1!..,- an-1 1I!I.I.IH.»I.IIW. l.y Kr.'.l

iali'il t'liurrlif- to Ilnlil S.i;ial. : ! ; : , . ; . M. A. I'i. r.-.in. am-.: K. V..••Jill-.1!!1-.!. .- « ; : : - . i - .M-•.•.'.•• I ' . - . v : ! : ' i ' " - • ' > • . . ' ' ; « ' . " . - .

',' an i - . ' . . . . ; : . ' : .;:„.•. '. v „ . - M - . K . - I I :-. :,m! -i. un ivart from P.:....ui*-. , , . . .y- . i . . ! : , • i V . , ] - i n , -, T ' - . r - - - ' ' n " ; . i .*•!;•!-',:•;-, l . v i ; : < - f f H : u v i : . . \ l . A . -

• . . : • • „ • • • ' I 1 . . : , i ; ' !• . .vl-i !.. m ; • | - i - - . - i , : . i n f . : l v K . I ' l l ! - . " . i - I - v h .

,,., ] .:.,„:.,".,„.;.. .,..., v . t=vrruii.\Y. MAUfrii .;—n-.--Hiram• •: • ,. ,,,- . ; . , ' , • . . - ; . • | . c • ; , . - \ l i n : i - . - . i t i n - V a n i i . - . n a f r i r m ; . ; l - . . > - ' r : -

l ; , ' : : . , . , . ' , j ; I - ; - ! ' ] , , . . . . , v , .'| ' f . . - . . 1 ; . . : ' . M . A . 1 - : - - i f . . i i . A n - . . t V . ' t m a l l ;

i i A M r r d S 1 . ' s " " . \ i i . a i S i ! ' ' r " " ' ' ' ' " ' " " ' " " - • ' •"" ' " • •• ;11. r.;-v !; ,v i i '.-:• \v:.-.!!,!. " I : : . . . l i l l l i . W . M . \ i i . •. ;n V . ' a : ! n l l ^ : c ! l

! • : ; , - I , : / : • . - . ; . : : : ; i . . : ! ! , . ' i [ : ,v - i : , v . . - i : . :<;• i l a r . , ^ 1 i,'f.:.'. M. A. l ' i -T ' !

M r . .lost-l'li H ' . M . ' n . -*nn " i ' .'-iv. n1111 n; : ; . . - ! ; ..-; • • ; ! ; : . ' I i - i> ;i I ' . . .„ f L I ' S - - n i ' ; '.. n x . ;•:. . ! . . !,v H i : a n ' . U ' l s l t . .M. A . 1

J l r s . Klmi'i- ll .i"i ' ."ii, " • ' t i l l s !•'"<";• i-= " ' ,.;i l i v C-:- , .v, i i-..l:i-...i,l. i ' i . .-mil. a i : . - . : i-'n v m a n s - i iu l . - ; - . .-!.•!•!;. 'a t t l w \ W l l . - r r . . - - . l ! J , . s | . k a l in 1 iK-.imn J u , , . . " s Uj.-...,- i , : ; : ;it h i , l;.i:-.,- v . i : h M A l l C H 1'Lli— I ' . n n i niaL' lmu-i-y .-mil

' .Miss' m-.ir-i. .M.Mp.y is ill i n U-." l i ' . n i " T:'.ii 'i ' ;-.ilr..;>; . ,; -.1, • ' -.-.-.nil ....ii ' . . ; h i . v . ' , , - - ' , . . : I ' h F n n . s l . n r i - . ' r V r u a i l i '. 'a.iin'uof 11"!' l . a r . - i r . s . M r . all.1. A i r s . I . , , , ! - " j t ; , , •_ ' , , : , ; r , . :-, , , I ; 1 r ; r , . , . n : s l-.i-idy.. ; , . C a n n T . ' . r.^vill.-. :

M p i n . y . w i i i i u n 'i-.-::;-i. - - : . . , i ...< n. .••: , .:Y \ v i : i t : ; i : ^ p \ v . ' M \ i : i ' i r i... i . .- tuv.-;iMr:;. J K W a - l i a l i a n ^ i i i:; .•-'!iv.,i,..., - l ! u , v : i S , . ; - ; , . , . . . . ,P1 ' r;,.. , , . , . . . . . , ; L : . ,• : . . . . ; ] ; ,1 , ; : . i , , .U: ; .x T i ' l 1 • ." : :n , . ; r . ' . l.v ,1,-hn .

i n s ( r f i n :: «.'V.-iv . " . " i l - * • • : U'-W ;•• "-••• • ;,-. r..:.. a. m.. ,.l!V <•? l i . 'P - - in- I.,-,',V.-.- . o n , , , . . , . i , . r k . " • . |.Mutli.Hl!.-t r - -s . . r . i . i i - ^ i i " w : , s I n i . a i - ,„.,._ i r . i m | , , . . , . . . i , , . , . . . „,...,.;;• ) , : , : , : „ . . . „ • . . - n i l - l i S l l A V . .MAI: . 1 1 . l i - a r l\\;om<- |. 'ii...i w i l l l | .n. . .un,. , in. ' . . . W i l l i a m .--"'I. .I:-., i ;:i , ! : . : - . • ,.i ' ' . : : • i,::,.. '. !,v M i s M a r v l ^ i . f i . r . -M. A . ,

n i l l . ' i H a i r W a i " X :•-••:!••< " I I ! ; l s ; trail- . . r , . , . „ „ ! . , M , . . : ;•:. I - ' . ' o i l n . . . !•!. ' .•!:. I

S a i u n l a y ar . ' t i-'l'.'- ' / ' l ' , ; 1 1 . ' - ' ' , " " , ! , ' " " ' ^ ' , 1 , ' . M r . nli-l H . v . W . 11. Ki l l ing . -x i - . - I !;• S A T | - | : ! > A Y . M A I : . I::, a l o i m -.••'.,•

l if .m.- ' . .f lii-r l').i'n-.it>'. i l l ' . " ' " 1 M " 1 . " • • " ' - . , ' i ' in An'-.L.'.'-.V. ' ' V'V ••,••'• I n * M " ' \ • ' ' ] .*. ' . ,--. , . . ' . '" a i i ' " " * ' Iv i .y U a l i v m i l l i ! t \ M i ! m i W i i i v . i . » ' ' i ; , . . , i - s . . i l i M . | , , v : , r i ,n , \ f a m i l y Ii.!-.. : : . ^ O S - L A V . i i / . K . !.".. f.:i H i - I > . - i , t s |

M r . T i n m a n ^If.rri .- ' . .n t;f H: . iv : i ia 'n l ' . . i - ni .

Cnrroll hi'.Mr. Itn

,'Urk in 1Ill.I'hllllli

v.'h.i" li'»

irmilil".Mr:-. I.:1

f r. mi 1 li'.-iv.il'c.wini;, .Mr. .1.

a w.-'t.K-"Mr. I k

.11 his In.

\ liii.t''.- !.-•i.T, 1

C"!'ia ,-•'.C. 'I1

| | . l- \

1 m r,.n'."ii.US Hni.-llin>.l-'k;tv;ann:. !

.' C,< :\vy V t i l

v\l H>*.-pii:!'*r-lll SlU'wi'^ii

ii-iii'i 1.. V.*.;.

nry Sla'.. :• N ill ini" .

.•il h . ' i v l i i

Oln. f.lt :•*!!.

',Nlviu-:n v.-



tl^.M r . o . i l . r v r r y , Hi-- 1-•!-.-n —n

ii«-rinl"i»l"m. lisir. I.'•'.•!•• :'.- :>! In,;

. ' A1"1.:1.

,,f1ri:.-.-i!r'!.'r.i.'r.V«1i':.'v'n: -."lii-. Vi'n.l Jl'v...

! ! . M a a f iili* at 111'- h'.im1 "C 1.1:- .-'i ' '

Mr. T i n m a n .\lf.rn.-'..n t'i , ' : ! . ^ i , : . ' , . , - . . . - ni-.v.'d n - : , ' i i . ' i . . i ....;..• . ;.,,.,,, •.',.,.-:,;;;_:,,;•.. :.v ;:. -.'.. .'.!:!:'>'":•.".'. >win) i s a ^URlfnl ill La iay- ' t ; . ' i'!.l:. "•-. p:i;-. ..f li:, ' i : . ,n-" .... ni.i.'.l l.y 1. •-.'.;..• ; _.;-, i l-i,. ,-.i. . . a;a-.: M. i.. Ui; : i l . . l . r i ; . •M'as a fUlf.-t i h " liitl.-r pi ir l i.f i.^'- -'-1.11 k Si:;^;..: ' . Air. Hi:.!.•!.!'.!::: ;.- ni;:iit '•.•..!.•!(• " m - S U A Y . .MAl'.i ' i l !'!. liftU'.-.-n

U n . ' l ' i ™ V 1 ' . V t l i . - ' titt-.-rV paivni . - . I ' - ! Wi l l i am l i m i t '•-: S..nu-1-vill.- v is i t . •.! • i'.v".'i";^V.V,' ' v u!i." M' . ' A.' "l • 'ior."n:'"!i»")' K ' :ini.l Mrs . I ' . -I- I.il'.io>v. : l:i.< in.-tl'.-i-. Mr.-. l,y.ii:i H u n t . F r l . l a y . • ,- c i in . . . c!,-i-l;.

Mrs . n . i y l H i n . l s !ia» i-.-till-r.i--i! llf.in a o n ac.T.nm! ..f t i l - liin.'.-s i.f 111" l.iii-- ; WKI .XI ' . i ' l lAY. M A I : . IT, l..-1-.-.-.'f-nT i v n t o n lnwli l tnl a m i Is n . n y i . t lu-r . l o r . I : v. s . \ i ' . f . . . .y i : i . ,n . Hi. ],:-•.,.-!-. in;; ; .i. n ij i.-!.-,. i--C :'.:•..I S f w n i i.'Vlllc. b y -hl .nw .,n Kast \Yai i l i i lwnni liv.-nll-. , ..-i-vi.'.-s in ill.- .M.l:l..,liM i-l-.lir.-li •.-.-.-iv , - . . . ,„ , . I.;,.,.,:.,,,. M. A. nr.'ix. a u c : l i . '

Mr, anil i l r s . A l f i ' . l f:ro-.-..ry "f i:as-. ....n-.il-.,.-,l bf' . s u i i . l a y l-V Oltn--. ••;•-!•!.. !I ' . i l . ' s l im- O h i o , a r . ' vi.<hli"K l l i - s . O.1-..L-,. Dr . i . I.. I 'U. i i .T ;/ n i iDn.Vi iur t i f . i . i n u - | : S I " A Y . ) ! . \ r . . I S — l . y .1. l l - n r y. , , 'Vs s l a t e r . M r s . H a r v r y H a i r . T l a - i r • a l l M™v:i ..1 Ki' .n. I J r . .1. .1 l l i l l i - ..I , , , , „ . , . „ , . , . „ , , ; i K , , U l , . . ;,•„,... .\nil.-i-V .•„ . ' -l . r o t h . r Mr . K.il'.vanl P a r . - . , w h o w a s : ' ; l l n . - . i Lrii lui- n n * n I i . . i« i ; i f a . n - i His „, . , . , , , v n n S y r l i l i - ' s I- . . I -HP:- . i n -a r l ' r , i . . n

'rhnrs.lay inorninc. '"-r " ' " " I - ' . ' ' - ..-"•• - ' " ' ' J Tl in tSSPAY, MAI'.. Is. al.mi; llliK'a-

nlilB " Mit-'iiiT '-'mV. iV.-k'Vm i-aliiivi ..il ' ^ Mrs.-.U.lm Oivi.i-l.v.jjli.-m lloiiilny will, ; " 'jVj.'i'nAV." M A K ! SI;, "nijir ' th, , IC-'llson .l h ^ . ' ™ ' | V J |

ss i " Ih,,\v,'.'i( UiioM-n I'lnilil.s- :.!r.s._itU-i-.anl V.-olv.-i-i.ni was .'iill.'.l l(. ; ' ' xu iTUsnAY. S t a ' l l V s - S h l i c r inlo '

l.l-.rK amomfibil" ili-aler. Is ill "I I"1™- • J,,1,',"',,,.,"1.,; "™,"J'h"" " ' J l . i . , , , , . " ' i "f farmhiR jniiiloments iinil liv..- smck •

wltli 'Thi' foi'-m'-i-s'"im!-<-iHs. Mr. i""'-] 'lj!jffK',1.';hl],''.

1.i"l:' "J,l "J;'"!'1,!'!) .'ii'•'.-','•i-i-c-'p ' ' ' ' " ' • l l - A l ' ' i " r M " " ' a u c . l l / l . . l"i:'sii,

Mr' I'-nv-s'lI-i-'h.'s of W'-sl iloliok.-n ; l l i l "n11'- ; v.-KDNI'^'-DAV. .MAP.Cli ^-1, by

K%Pi^';!"n.>h"»w"1^ ..•»! ^ ' » i i N ( ' "»Ai-Ri i ' i " r a Pa iT- ' • • ' " " f i i r m - " " " 1 M v U

f,mi'v 'rom'r.l . ' i i fl'inliiiT to WinhiiiK-' l.l»l nf i'iii'in Suli's. l'riili-i|i.'.lly o l j Krifby. l!-ir. 2ii. ni-i-.r Ibc K.lison\ " l , ' i . 1-r. i"..mplnvi-,i i l . i v Sliii-U. Inilili Us Kli-.. S'-l 'r- ' i iVin.-ni '1' lant. N.nv YIHIIBO l.y Irvim:

•- " i i i Mr ' in i" ' ;V.. ; : - i '.E;-.i:t " • " " « . ' • .illljwl .In Tuko. I ' laiv .Simll. . | VarUs._ rJI . A. Pif'l'soti .-ill,:.:K. I-1,w i s lltf S.-.H st i;f Mr. an.l Mrs, .!. C. |™ Tlni lUiowii;^ 'i* ca l i s t o : pnbilo • i.-'lino.1 t ' lorl;;----- ' "" '•;' : - •.-:,

' Mrs. William rasw-'l! has r.'iinnf-ilfrom :, visit "I' -s.'V.'ral w . - k s will, Mr.•iml Mrs. Pavis Mit.'1-..'ll in r.loomliol.l.

Mrs S.nmii-1 Smut has I'.'.'ii i'on!in.',\in hl'l- linmi. by illniss for 111" liasl iwn

••UlsiwaihiiV .I'lrasi'S Ainllt'iicv. •••llisi-.vsilli.'.'s'Cllil'H'""'',." an <i|i'-l-i>lt:' j

• i n t l i n - nct-.i.' will u l v n In ill" sciio"..•an.liiorium on Tin-s.l:iy nUlit n n d . r •tin.1 -insi,i,-o's of tin- I il I'nl.lin I.I- •lirsivv Asscirinlim-.. Til. ' i-.l.'ii> was ram-:w s ! Mi ..-.icmw-rs- lit' "Tlli. (ili-IV l l l ' - lCltih" •il'-'l n a"l'<-l"'l =i i ." i ' ti-im 11111

nliysif.-'.l tralninir <;1:ISB.-S ot tin- I'lnl- 1- lipslniri-- 'nisii s.-lmol. and Was trnin.-.; ;

liv Miss Har r io t N. Woo-.lni-J an.l Miss. Nnlalic Ycrnct of thf Phillir.slnii'i: ,

' j llii;li st-lltiol a n d Prnf. Crorsso l l l inas- 'w o n l ! of T.aiay-t t . ' Coll"i;r. ;

Thi. (iliaracl.'i- of Iliawsn'na was tals. ;pa by Ida AiiKsi: Nokfimis. bv Kt'u'i ;D iv i s ' Mudjf-ltfpwis. by Cornelia l l i l i - isliiKcr- limoo. .Mildred Cooper; Indian)maiden. Mai-Rare! Nicholas. • |

_._ Til'JT... wer.;,. IIJ in t h " i-aste. i l l . - ;?^inie"wrtS1-aH1illi ' ' lT:rpsi.-:ri,V.V-r.-,,-:-,vsss:--

wam of Hisiwiilha. There were tlir.-r- :voi'v well oxecnted dnnees. the Indian i

. war4s?>>ve, 'Uiost dam-.- and the . l a m - j- or ihe lljrellies. .: I

Tile m'/isiivwas deliglitfu! anil Hie "ii- !t ire pei 'l-ormanetrfwas very Ki-ntlryliv; |

• t o ilic-Jiiri;.' sili'.liyuee in ali.-iKlaiu-e. i - |was 11 litiBC nnililVliikins: for tile ,ynunir. [ft-opie but tliey proved thai the ymi l l i jill our eiinealional ins-Ut'.tljtill.s '':in d o ;1 -.-onie really wonilerfu]1 worlc in 111,- drn- jmalic Iliii'.' iin,U-r earefnl an.l proricieiillluslriiclfirsi.


GOLDE'S, 447 Northampton. St.,'EASTONa few doors above Wool worth's 5 & 10c Store

• iS.lv


v • ' i.iti'al Couiiii- Mart-ii-il.Miss P.lllll Millnsn. ilauallk-r nf Mrs.

1 Mlla Jlillam of Proad slreel. WasIiinK-ton. and Clnn-li-a II. Sehnler. .'•omofOi-vl!ie S'-iiuier. of llie lmi'inii,-h. w.married Thin-.s,.!ay. Th.' eereinony MIK-rformed by I!.-v. .1. X. \Vacenlinrstat file homo of the bi-sdc's sister. Mrs.Marvin Vanover, nil Vnumtins siv.-mie.Tliey-y. ' l l l to Xi-w Yin-k uily on a v.Til-

How's This?Wo offer 5100.CO for any case or cntarrh

that cannot be cured1 by IIALL-S

en Internully and acts tlirouK'i tlic Bloodontno Mucoua Surraceo of Hm System

Sold by ttrugfffata for over lorty yeais.F»U6 jBo.-^Testimonials IrceIf. J. Chenosr & Coi, Toledo, Olilo,

.Women's and Misses'

Dresses ®%

Big Bargains

New-Spring Georgette¥ \ D c c t r c M y


Silk PopliSkirts ..

AH sixr-

• HI


-. and


c o l o r . ' ! 1 •;»

MEW SPRING STY IWomen's & misses',®{

Skirts $'' I^aiflf:, Stvipes, C.-.oiilv.'1,, l!tC.

Ladies'.SergeaiulPop-lin Winter Suits ..'..:..

Closing Out Balance of Ladies'1 and" Misses'Winter .Coats, $9 .75 , $12 .95 , $ 1 9 . 4 5Great reductions on Wiihils, Middy Bkuises. Drosses, Skirts,

:• SlockiiH-.s aiulsUiulei-Vvc-ai'. ^9Sc Ladies' Sill; Hosiery, Silack only....?! :?...: :. fiile

"Ladiey1 Houses Drcsso^i : .';... 08cLudics' Covev-:\H AproiiH J. ;:.!).Sc

MAKE A TRIAL PURCHASE AT GOLDES•'I'our money back if you're not 11 otouinlilv saii^ficd-—a, rnijaMo firmP' '•' In deal with—-ask the \Va=limt>-ton Sldi about ti ,

WSave Money

on Overcoats HereWe have just closed the largest January business in our history, and we want to

make February a still larger month. Se we are going to continue our great sale of over-coats until every overcoat now in stock has been sold. We will also include all. light-1

weight overcoats that you can wear through the spring and summer, so we offer everyovercoat in stock regardless of weight at the these great sacrifice prices:





EVERY 535.00 OVERCOATNOW . . . . ' .

EVERY 540.00 OVERCOAT" • ' " . " N O W . . . ; . . . . . v ; . . . . . . ; . . • . . . ; • . • .






Discounts on Suits are Withdrawn—There are. however, several small lots of nice newup-to-the-minute Suits for Young- Men and some for the more conservative on which we-will still make special prices. :

r ON'T BE MISLED by glaring advertisements that clothing is going to beSLJ^ much cheaper soon. Wool may g o very low but that is about the smallestpart of a suit's cost. Labor is the most important of all that goes into a gar-ment, from the sewing on of a button to the finishing of each garment, andthat is higher than ever and still trying to go up with shorter hours in everyline. .,.._-.L .. : ' . , ' J


Every Boys' Mackinawnow in stock at the following special


All Boys' $5.00 Mackinawsnow

All Boys' $6.00 Mackinawsnow \

.All Boys' $8.00 Mackinawsnow v. i

All Boys' §10.00 MackinavKS;now .i.

All Boys' $12.50 Mackinawsnow

All Boys' $15.00 Mackinaws; now,

Every Man's Mack-inaw that was

58.00, now

$6.40Every Man's Mack-

inaw that was510.00, now

$8.00Every Man's Mack-

• inaw that was512.50, now

Every Man's Mack-inaw that was

515.00, now

$12.00 '

..OUR FURNISHING GOODS-STORE was never'so full of good, hoirest goods foryour immediate wants or for later in the season;iand-fw,e are offering many lines at\vhole-sale and less prices.,., ;.. ;. . > ; . • • • ''>]:•}

, Every garment bears the guarantee of The Bryant Store and you know what that is,MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT. Don't miss this great opportunity.-- You may paymuch more for the same goods another season. . ?-.•.,'. ...... >,

- • . - • • • • ' • • • • - i \ ' " •: . . . .

The Bryant Stores25-27-29-31 E. Washington Ave. Washington, N. J.

,v iiK it*. I V > V

Page 9: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict

WHEN YOU CONSIDERchit th* Slar io«t Into th* liomei of man farmer*

in tbii Mctton than m i fiva olhar nawipipcneombtnatt, iU »*1UB A* A medium of

publicity la ••*•>.



Ii wiiri 'Nora's iliiy'iitT ycvtltMy, ami iJim did I hi' til* lie* fiiii-r Hiipplr ami )KM l * tl h.-r shim- tin- iitoomliuim tiling .mnl ufti-i- th-y lliilrihi-d \n\[t laid down (<itr Hi" ><\(i-r tn tin- tiritliiK mcmi with (hlM arms tint, wiylnn MuN-y «inoa!if, :win a Job, I think we awt to tflvc N'or:t 1it ralsi- if ttlii' ii.tl((* for fun- mnl tlm-tli'iin>•) l<<-\v If tOie ttonl K"'t tl—Id dratlK't' !r"t">tnl a, itay In th" iri-iK-hi's than xhhi<*ii|t a iinv or thcfi- t'oiifoinifl'-il all

STAR Section Tw^Pages 9 to?


mtltT. IHUyou mil*1


nti inTiii-y ?i-rt<Liiy »r»i :i

IOUK as you h w tl)<U'.-H kit-p them .-UltH-il ii|>. *•'<! ni;i. ,

O I K-"W MI, fvt] pop. as UnxK :i* y«ir*liav<> a HOP* ihinn. you mUt- as v.'f-'.l !k>>-!> luiniifliiiK h with a hatnin"]-.

.Now U'lllyiim, wilt, on cr th hasi;ot lo do wilh :t loom! mini [Mils?

N'nfhtiiK. Ked pop. Wi-li Ii di'l-utt vrt, t K<it a iil'-cr. \m\ma 1 «fn a hl»'t>r liow i - ....Hum ihIm;K witliotit liardly »*ny VVITI:ill (ill. ' . r

I'm- i m w y saks liow? *<><! m:i. nitd ! v.'ill 1pop s.'J. Th« man, woman or HiilM who ! «nul, .(lirii'ovt'i's Ii'iw to iclfcvt- .Milllilm- tut- I MH'ittary piiinanity from Un> Itnnlcti nf «lilitlng • ifarhi'i.-, $«niildomlnuin ItUcIilit J«u>Ii-y will inak" ! In an fiToia million dnllars the f<-rst yw, U mil- ! Jtuniwi In l'ii>HiN tin* 2ml. S ami "hi . and s" on. i .N'tmil mrann

tin yon wiitit to know how, inn. do | i*. fellyon wimi I" know how, jitip? I

NtiihliiK would BIV.'•/int«. t\H\ m:i. and i>o|.lani.H Watt Krlwif

-an "t.-»iiiiK «f-.-i:, Arj/cm

O CUJM' Wiltson. .Mayor l-'niul; Vanwith lifiij.imlii J . KHK-

• I t'l'ihlMtion i-iiliiif'iiiciil..„ uMiilii thirty l u inHt of wills-

.... „ ...... key from a hnmled vviir<>lioiiKr* in .\<'W-st>il. Out with 11, : ttrk for dlstril>mi.in juuoir^ ilrtiKuists InI'ohimhun Thorn- : IMti-ivon. Tin- <lnij;i,lsM will tMl Ii a t

- , . , . . . Mi-mini: inc. and I j SI a pint on pliysliiuns' pn'si'iipiion?.f<-il. Wy. all ymi haff io iin N t:il:» all ; .Miivnr Van N"on will p.t.v $l.::im TorIll'-.-'lIoomliiiun t i l i n g ami :;M*«it t!

• front f'ti-iw and l.l'.w a. Ii'attrant pc<tpl"'» ntti'ntion and th"iintunv thai wh'U'Vt'r shitu*« a alnum Kiltie t h - sltlntou will p-tward uf 10 wntrt.

C' uoivlniss f.»r ln-vvhi f'.'i!;*-. sf'

if.p.M<<-nln« tli'-y dld'-ni think Ii

i toh y

AfthiiC :tl theCoinmbMi'in of Jf iC'oun.-'-l -Iniin i,|iHton I'X.imiulni; th-."1 l.y .Mo i t i 'h l r willi <U. jij,' tn h i i v thPtiiilir t r in i ty Cninmlssiiufitllc- t-.r i i l l -p - t ii«-[;l".t

nc t ion of tin' City.-y i.'iiy. <v>n»-n;nionu has 1 n in VITII-

that Was lil-

j fai!(Til

r» to eons-r.-.!"i>ey City

ile with Cov

c- tli<> p

.. - KimXi'W .ItTSi'VmiMtcil iVoin

i»r fluty fiti-l


1 .hid«" Uullff V. Liiwiviicy ut Kr<<"holil l a ^ w.ek Impos-d t l i- ••xtreni"li-ualty ill Hi.- i';ts»'M of t h - t i n . "yuuih'. win* h.ld up an.I ini,!,•••[ ;h--|i.ivin!isn-r of ihf HlwuiiHiil Kimi'-r Cmii-pauy m I Jed Kniilv of ^IS.niin. Tin-tin prisonei'rf, Vietor I'.riiiin, p.' y«arsold; Chaj-li'it C<iH|w. Hit. aii'l Kraui;(Irano. L'U, Wei-i- j;i\'en Hiate iirisonM'liU'iiceM with a inluhnum of 1 ye;usand a niaxhnuin of IS.

A deeiee of divoiv- [ti favor of A!-hert Sonnl.ifli-n of Coyi.-svlll'' ;H;aiit.stMrs. Xatalie Sontiisehen. all-i,'"il l.y herhusltaud to h- a li-it.-v-r In "fr-e love,"lias lio'eti r.oomm-niled l.y Vir- Ohau-e.-tlnr Lewis, sittlliff in -lers-.V City. Tin-l>elUIoner assert.')! his wife

n s w rl 'orm-

" liarili ; ii

niouia. Tl

nf th - mi.'Uf X-w .l-r.:

i n i L s i nr I-Mwa


ourt ,tno t - i l tll

ln a p<-'iitnmlft-i i im to

tirt> C!ol-il!»iTi: of

t> -I;ii ,l..i>fy I ' i iv . t'l'oni pn"n-fmtfnil was" ii<-]r! Sunday

in Hi. .Murk's Kpi.'-eopul r lmn-h. ttial

Ion, form., for hnria!.F. HIKUOKIM. wlwi ill

iluv In Tr llioof Mm

t h

,nfe ntmosplu

Ulof -fre-

a :nd ;

Nftt- .1.vjiliiiiMr aid to t l i rw I1

rah-K "f tli" Slat". Hel.rsi known nn-n In tinmad'1 th" Jir<|i!:iiiilnnenioiniiiciit in th" Slat.

l :uiKitT , fwiiM reared in thlov.." in ( len-va.

tit-nnis.' th-r . ' I* a MMIVIIV .>!' prison- iITS th-n- will IH. no addition built toth" t 'nion nu in iy prison farm. A y.-:u-aii.i | .lans w.-re In tin- milking for mieh:i I'liildiim-, 1'ceausi' th- .i-manil :i( thattime wjis no Kivrit tha t ' t i i e i-'reelioM,-i-H(KIW no oili-r way nut of it.

uitl i HoWarniiiL' his ln-an*

hi-; h-lir-f. a -w,-\\ nr,ii"'l auain.-it lie- AMI.that i!i" siiisH'iC U iniiiK. f(irm'.T (iitvcriitjctnt: i!v

1 Slat'1, h• of all

llir»ur;!ii u-oi-lc.

hat tli


isin :if-

of t h eiiiL

f i l• i i a i

ult pt

l prisonersniiinir trial

and .it • wl

tjint- of ;icli they

!.ey I.nrd'

I lie tUcatnpa

Hi am•ly ilii|>"ii.l

r.niiyon. adtln-^-tinir of th.' Xov

may ii<' ai'i[iiill"tl.S.-vfil p r r^uis wi.'t''1 i'nrn-il to d^ath

in a t^namt'iit hou.^f tin- in Newarkearly Sunday inorninc;. 'i'hf* dfath list.inrltulcil a family 'of six w ^ r m s . . Anninlx.T of oofiinant.s of th" hous" wr*1

siivi'd hy jnrnplnt: from windows into111'" Hf»tS,


i n y Allirlii-i|iati"it <>r ti:.- un n

• ^\-]irr3-i-:iiiiri::iii;i:in!:u

d appKilint,' to tin- h*".'v.'iit l"«;ili«iii!r of tln-sn- adopt.-d unaiiiiiimisl,

. - i win i• •f *i .mi.-

V.-1I1 ' t H i ' - HIM.-1pr..,-:,,,.!.!.- l!t>.l - I -

M I I . . I .l i iv in . i . -v . | , t ." i i y . a t s <Ud.! Ti l" a in i s . a i id (.I

I; . itv. inii^t dii* in tin- •-!• r - ! talnn- ami of tlnr Ja Sinu Hint' f"r i h " itiurdi r i. idvniical, (;-n<r;il

Tl i" f " in t . i,( A|»- j fin iuWr.-ss at':. '"and Uu-iif nvo i.ri;,unziiiHJ!i;i

iliviril.iii. I'i>:"ii lia« l»f.-n In tlw j shoilltl K<> luiml In hand t..\v : inl prnKn-s>and I'MiimiHii mnlcisi i imlhi^ JIIIHHI^ t!i"diti'.n.'ilt class.-M of p-oii],. in Am.-rica.-

f«.i- a f..ifiun tt«in. wilh i Wind.iW WJIKIKTH In Clii.:i«u h a v -nopnty un t(,ti:i«-..,t :>s a x.-ruri ty. ; Kotii> nn utrikt ' . dnnatidintc $IS a w.'<k

»y ti i" Ai i sn ian N a - j r<n* ••.vp.Tl"iicd wasli.Tw wli<. w«irU mi.. ..nd (tin AimlH;tn 'J'»v- i t-si.-mtion la-idi-rs aiut $ H a wi-i-k fnrm-nt has- . i . - i i tni lo rnntuK:!, wilh :i i ;it'liri'iitii*t<x—Mfii wjiu I i n v .^•r\<"*l \ft*•li i.r;:aiiiz-itinii. whi«-l» will iiilvniir.* I , | , . m ^ m'-ntlis in tin- MIS[II<^H. Tin*Hi.'Htii llmiim. I V.'HSIHTS nVinnn-t pay fur fnrty-fonrn- riili'-M S':i!cw r;ovi'rnrii''iit lias \ \t,nur. n Wf"k, n-KJirdfi'.w.i #>f wln-thei* orally rt.ilt-.-i.nl ?l',».'Min.iifi'i In tax<-w 1 Uoi work is Honethe ca!"i idar V'-:M' !>1S :nTnr»Hl!W "> i Wlicn Ct-rnianv app-an i in and h>-f.*n-nti*ni«nt mad.-, i.. U. - i»w"nMll \v 1 [fu- U'J.^ii" <>f NalloiiM 1'ur a ic;iflJiM-

M'-m-y i i . Wiitsnil "!" r-niisvl-.-iinln hy J m^nL of h.-r au'sili-.s Min will ask f-

<-:* i.s.«u"d was -1.233,, _ w»n :o have Its <•!<•<:-

nrnt .•..tnpl'tclv "Ican-d nut tin- j»S;ic<\ , tri'*Jil i-urrt'iu suppli-.! from Dover. Th";i:i'!ndln!,' ail tii-- w-aiint; mril-Tlal In * transmission line rroi.i tin; Morrisitio hua.iini;. Tit" !••-! l< «\stini:itt-d at c-otnuy town to th.- HUKS-X county sf.it*|.«l'ni. XH t i a . - has \vt 1>.-T1 found of , N .,|pr>l l t , 'nmpl-t.-I. It is ..xpvottd thatill" tiiiev.---. I' (•* Mniiiyht in - iohh->rs > t},,, n,,w ;nraiii: '-niint will Klve tin-

vy away tli.-lr : t , l W n h . u* r e l . f t . i . a t .^-rvii". TIK- N%-W-I""t. ; ton plant will !>•• iis.d nn!y f(»r 'm<T-

A. Uaihtiiin "f Mndl-'ott has H,iif-y purpn-;"*,•J I."-n nrtni'-l County (%mn«W of Morris " fal l ing from' ill" roof of an Icy porch." , <omuy hy the llnar.l uf 1'i'(-ii"lfii-rs tn I'lfd.i-ick \V. CinticM. K. yiarn oUl, of" -lUT.M'd ih" lale 'TIiontaM .1. llillcry. . SnmcrvilK !-«•*•* Iv*>.i fatal injuries

wlm wan kill*-! tu an atnnmohiJc a r d - which u n i t e d |,, his 'l-atli. lit- wasd ' 'Mit. I'lfiinlitu i'-" from a t-mu-i- on t h " rnof

A nov.lty in ill- fnrm nf a "wlimvor wia-n li" .slitip-d and ft'll lo tlif uround.II : party was niv.-n lo .\Irc». AtMm Caster- ^ . . ,••t liin' In Moi rlHtown ncent ly on tlm au- •;i ; i-asilon of her hirthdny- AM ihr* .Kiicst* Ii> hiiniKht a IKIK of Kit^iir for t h " host. SI Us11 ! A new Industry has 1 i opened in visitor" : I>'l>-inlnmmi. Th" rc.m-.-rn mannra i - Valley.••••'= tun-rt ladie.s' li.iis. Th" tetnpomrv ; S'w.k inamifarturliifi ptar.- is nl.ove thv . Gladysii l'!-mlnt,'imi opera, linns-, hut a larj;t> molher

l>ri<'k htiildiii'^ in the town is hehiK re- : in^-toit.iuodi<|eil for th" roncr-rti. It Is said tii" ; Mi'.1*,ftiinpjiny will I'liiploy several hundred wf-liwomen iiiut ni"ii. Arrnimeni"!


J U S T ' • F O L K S . ••''-•:• >••(;:v^"^:'i||TJy Kdgar A. Guest. ^. :>1|':V/g|

What tlto World Wants. ;: r • t ^ ^ i lTho world In -waiting for tlio man •'•;;,hf

Who'll j;laOly do the best ho can;••; •.•;••$%It htm IIIKII sa lary . to pay r •;•;'To him who h: content to stay \ , ••:•:",•{•Upon tho job, and labor on - : ;..j /;>,'I'm It iir- knows Ills work ia done. ,-•'• i'";: -

Th" woi-til f.-t Brplting hard to flnd r*.:*.lThe wocki-r with a cheerful mind; * •.;"•-.It IVMILS IL youth of pluck and skill 1Who'll ii«e his brain and work until

ilntshod task at last ho sees

Tke. spring "time intVie country V

gLong and Short Range l.l l-'iMiiiviin ll.iilHt.iit, v.litt IKIS- If-oii ' nf t-iil-r stolen fi'oin Ills c-!l:ir. Mr.

-.-ciry .it1 AHntiiUiir- sin-i- III- b"- ' Ab-r win nw.-iy iit th- tlni- mill tlitl nothiK "f tin- Wilwu AiJllllnlvtnitlnn, disruv-r Ills lots until llio rollowlllK

.sutrc.cdnl Air. ('An**, nn.1 I-Mwln ;T. i (:Ry..M-i-.llll' i>f In* Jlnlni'ii. Imvii. IKVIIIIII" iv, r t ; w ' i>rlvil»K>' of liunllni; anil!-' I'lm-y nf Ai:ii<imuii.. UMIIIIIK I" IIUIIU'I-IIIIII i-utinl? iliuiiif.'.spells._

Ir\ city.street ct-rsin tke sprinq

I'LKASASTMamie Smith waa n recent

i'lili .Mrs. Sn.-an On in ^Ilddio

Irvln Sharp and daughtermve cnncludt.il a. stay wilh In»r

.r. K. Stires. in Wa«li-Mw

l''\'>i«nil l t 1 siH'mliiiff tliisr-d w H ; with Sir. and Mrs. Arthur Cillll-arc . land in South Oranye and with rt'la*

hllentil'l Kevelllli-. I lltli'ia WithHUM" i.r tlie <-.mtplic:.t.-l fVMt'-m of j ,,mbubly 1 -;ii.i; I-.-IUHIS ii 1 estinvited hy ••Hi- i v-ry sonn. a•i in i l l - Internal UfV»-nt Hlf<- tiiat j London Indi--;ill.'KiiI «-».llfiTlMiii.* mid ..Vi'rcliarp-;-' l:]IAVi.,,< 1,:,l!il!i will iv:n'h lit IT.'M tliree tinU'H • W l l l ! 1 d ia l tli

<f> ftn* tiie previous- ye.ll'. : [,, ..[it"!' tliei.e linndreil fitvloail.^ nf Ann:ri<:an !,.,.„,[...,,,.,i (,v• m:it"i-htn. pnn- l ia^ . l fi-ntn tiic Am-m A n n v . li:ivc nrr lv.- l in fi.laii'l

. LTUM.U a re ! , . !n- H.-.-.I i " •mnit th.Polish u rmy .

Admiral vmi Kni te r . the ••hW *»Mi«-*'»

Austriii.i. manlier of tii" I.-:i reports from I'avist" in u I'ri'-'iidly way.lieai* A<lmiral AVillSa:

• Navy wa.s not prep:war hi ll'IT an; t" Iv

„ niiMl" for conveyance hy auto lliic lives In Newark.to areommodati' finpIoycH from stir-! f-Mwnnl Wilson of Atmand.'tle spfntniinnliuf; territnry, i a few diiy-4 last week with hi.i pavt'iits.

An tuiounitiliitlnu of not^ for money ; M>'- nnil ^Irn. Walter WINon.lidirtH'.-ed In anticipation of taxes and .\tr.<. l'raal; i:«ain. jK-cnm|)iinIc<l withleft unpaid, totaling aliotit $1^.000. con- } lim- ^axoi; Mrs. Catherine Wnrman. offnmiH th" CiwlInKtmi township Uoanl i Ita<-I;ettstown. i« making an intlctlniu'<»f l-Miif:ition In linnierdon cunty. Tii" ! stay with tit" latt-r's .laughter, y\r*.

•-I h.H d-L-ided to pay off $3,000 the j u, .|rttritHon .lon«'«; in Stroud.slmr^. Pit.an-l


• ; , t ,

r tli',tV" t i l 'i f t 'n ian

itv- i i i t i ' t irited w i t h i i i ' l u i r t ' i n m i l l "N a v y ' s cfftutticl <if I I I - Will-. Wlii<li lui*IM' . I I eriti< izcrl liv t i l '1 H.tnh- i.lMcer.i - ! i a iu r , ; in I ' a i re ..f t h " N a v a l iToiumil t i 'ol,:,:- :is!:.-. | S , - r e t a r y i . a n i . ' b . t o Hitl.mit

at Scaj'Jt l'I"V.\ v-li*> j - l t | i i | , | ' ,»ni la t ion nn tn t in ' c<>n<liiinti nft h e s n i i t l i i m "1 ! • ' • ' • 'Hie N a v y j u s t p p - v l m i * io t h e e n i r a n c e

liis; . I n n e . a r - . ( l l - , ] „ . i*nit«-tl S t a t e s In to i h i ' Wur l t lWai".

C I U U T a n e w a n d )!!n<rar r u l i n g i s -•Itivs. w a s m-H-n-fl }•>• ' , ) l k , , t i.y I-, i ; . c h o l m e U y .Imu'K. h i i v c t o riK t h e hai-hm- n v n i . w h i c h , {l{ l h r i;llri..nt o i - .Wiu- 1C!.-U i n s u n i i K - e .

dc.-.u-nted. 1 u-i th tlR- l ippi-nvu) nf t i le Hi>.;ivlal-y Ofpai - l iu inc i i l i i ry . S"clali : : t i t l ie T r e a w u r y . w a r rlf-k t e r m ' i n s H r a i i f f ,itiksda.tr. S l n c k l m i m . h a s I p . S n i ' t H w s nf ii.iw I..111,- It m a y h a v e hci>n

•oMUiii'iid t " t i i " Ni'i 'W(-^- i InpH'.'d' n r t -ancel lvd. n r l iow 1'

Mr. and Mrs-, (irover Appar of Call*; fon wore entertained Saturday by herj father. M. II. Ihutn.

I WfiVnpwliiy of lastNveek frorn"tlu'"l*!nr-! IIPCIC farm to John Kellnr* tenantI hntiwo.

The ],nstor will have for his subjectmnrn

j"Tin.* Tomorrows

dilpM Hi"!1.Will]elm>h-u-.-n las!, v

Admiral. w!n» had l>ct-ii **.'t f;ii auth-.

limns:.nd.-i aVn:was t.ril!lantS>

The Inter«n»up in 1 he•irci.lcd

_ ,..,., linmtK for the'••1 i k iMm-. payinj,- off the »1<-Hclt a t the

rate of S:;,oi)f) a y^ar. The amount to ii.e rai.-u-d hy taxation tliiw yeiir In $2fi.-niif). a conslilerahif increase- due to tiKniN" in teafliers' saJari"s.

Tried on (me of tlin/e indietment.s .found imaiurft him hv the Kti:-sex conn- !iv Ki-Jind jutv. -!i'J"ii P. IKitise of Wall- „,„,„.,„taye township was ac«inittcil hy a. jury I V l r a N

• of innUini; JI w o r t h i e r j j I r s ; 'A';'"T7"-'|;u"m -Kl( l 0I1(-.1(i n vMt1 01 the ttiuii-Kt's were for w H h ,„,,. M, t J h .rospph Soalw, In

v...h ..». thless checks and oiu- lor lvrnni'dxvineohtJilnlii!,' Koods under fals" pretenses. I " " " V " " -

1 Ilousf Is u former l-'rcchnl'Icr of Sus- ;, sex i;iv,mty. i Columbia Scxlclto I'lt-asos.1 Tnnner Consreris-iii.'tn Archibald C."| On Siiturday evening in the schooli Mail, who lvpreMintivl tl

lonnl. District that

i awI w

l I n m l tian Sim-thiiiK No!i-1 f'.iuimitte" thsupport. I'resuieul. Wi!.-nn iind Chri

n I !:iil i fo

reta Hi

tin' IMH :<Qifen S

t:iUi- r-ce>\<x iiutirW-si Norh - pit.'lc

ed Hie

i-JO Ntihe! pej• >f l-:i!L:landof wearliiir 1

ltL-u iiuendiiw a.•Ik (••:< hntin.ts.


Interpailia'i.lldaK-s fni

^eet of lst h-fm


• Itns.s

asittlV. let5]i

fill-l th-

l t ut yjit of tin- |.:l k SWH

,'iv:lt deliirllderable dis-

d j

r .servied. m:i


t Hi

K|y ]1;iV(. iit'e'u'tils- : ^'isst;:;, MorKon .and part of Pa-ssaic'he "iviustiiteil any time i CJUiHies, lias been nppoiittcil Troaecu-II,'"'II ' " ' trir -jf Itei-i;ou county.

VA ; Tin- ."ii employes of tin* Thomas Ironnf i Company, are nu strike at tho Richardi-y I Mines, u.-ai- Dover, nwiii;-,' to a disputeie ; with the siiiiorinieinleni re^arillnjv tlie

U.paivni I discharge of a incinlicf of tlie union.ii-o!licial : wiiuin ilify ' nialntaiu was iliaehsirKi'd

while fiililllimr Ills ohllfxntlon to tlu>(inn in [iccorriam.v with tin: agreement

a iv fcradnali;' tii" Soviet f.nliiiK to "I*


m f is 1


iuu m.i \T. dh'lomati"

otiiciiii and m..nst tlie i:..ish"\iki. t!vlnjiliif,- miil'-l- lilt: ;'ni,' of tlie itrasln: si

• x.uurt'eR-i- I auditorium, tin? Columbia Sextette. ...:osi Warren, | conipany of ladies. «avw tin.1 third In

tli" course of entertainments that hashct'ii ruuniiiK through the .season. Theprogram was. one of pleasing variety,

•ntal and vocal

, .. Klnir(.,.iiif,.rt r.f ili» '.'n.-ii. Th" must,the liuunds liuaily cxtri.-at'-'l th.' t.wiihout injury.

Cabinet olllcru f-at tn«i nmch. I!. „ . .se.itative Iluoker, .Demoerat. Atijf:

KOCKSlSL'Kt;. !«aid in :i si»i.cchin Uie ii.ms", npp

I:, i:. Vannatta is on tiie sick list.'

ae.- ;

iii the Tuitfil States Clnv- '" ' • enmieiii .-:inin.t, cV.'li if it Were s:o ili.<- .

" l l . purii'd. "assume the Imrdens of ail tin- '.'• Mirth," and that il t:aini"i underttikt* tn •

•re* • iin:ince tiit.' ivntiirunit'iits ot" I':urope tio- ••SMtiri.; ciiiis.' it etinnnt uliaiip tiie ti'seal pulioiuKlosing ; r.i tlie l invcnnncins nf Ktirnpe, Cai'ti-rr ;md ' Ciasy. the ivtirinj,' Hofcctary of tlieil use ; Treasury, lias made piiblk- :[ k-Uer lit.'Thes" i has writtfii to iiuun-r T.. I 'ermisan.

I- :•!'resident of th

industry for N.-wton is prac-ssitreil. aconliiifc to an nn-

the iUiard of Trad

1- ; hi.s jounioy.itiHtniments ust'il \ —lid. IKISC viol and

•onsiKlins . ...solos, part soiiK--5-semhle nniwlc. Thwere three violins.piano.

There were selections from the class-ies, iiu'luditi^ "Oberon." by Schubert:tln-ee daucci frmn "Menry the Klffhth."-Alinncl. I'.v J!<>etli(ivno; Ilimslnu find.fa panese mnniieiv. et<;.. an well asmany iVatures in 1 tehtor vein. The

II lilii'd an<l tiio.se M'lio at-

liefore lie wants .to be a t case.

The world lms IIIRII reward to RiveTo him who docs:not wnnt to liveAs oil" who merely drifta along, .And fears to breast the current fIt want* a youth of Hpnrkllng.eye.Who s.-es a Koal ami tlnres to try. '

The world payH well for men of brainsAmi ho'inst toil ami taking pains; ':'Twill lift uhove tho common lot ;'Of "Oidn't think" and "I forgot,"Ti»> man who, In a time oC need,. j '•:.Can wi.'ll be trusted with the deed. •

lie- world is waiting for the manWho'll look ahead and:think, (tnd'plnnAnd.feel, no matter what his post,That ho is where he's needed most,l-'or such :i man there's work to do—And boy, It might ns well be you.

Census Takers Use Airplanes.Mvorytlilns from airplanes to snow*

iliooH is being u.seil by the agents oCfnci" Sam in taking the I!)20 ccnsu.iof the l.'nited States. About tho only

j'Xfrn method of transportation • elth-. . on, over, or below land or water thathas not hee-n employed In enumerating

nelt; Sam's nieces imd nephews st'Uin.s> tie tho .submarine.Airplaincs have come in handy in

nunicrating the dwellers on the is-lands off the. coast of Florida; yachtsanil rmvboat.s have been ua«d In thoharbors of the country; nattvi^canoeshavi? been in demand among the ,Ha-M-allan Islands; "flivvers" are being ,ii:;ai'.everywhere; :!:c tried-and trustytml" team has carried tho census tak-rrf out on the desert regions; andnowslioes have become the trusted

.JIUYK of the census gatherers in thunorthern states and Alaska.

In the central part of Xow YorkState, near Oswogo, a few days agoan enumerator making his rounds onsnowsh<ii'K arrived at an isolated farmonly to unit that sin able-bodied manwas needed more thun a census gathereras the man oC the family had been sickin bed for several days and tho farmanimals were suffering for lack of. foodand water. The census man, like anyf,'ood neighbor would, stopped longenough to do tho chores, dig out pathsthroiiKli tin: deep snow and put thingsIn ship-shape order before continuing

The new manufacturing plant, which } tended expressed themselveswill manufacture men's shirts, has j very pleasantly entertained.

Left Kstale or $100,1)00. '(1. A. Uoatty, a former Hackcttstown

business man, who died recently IuLakewoort. is said to have loft an es-tat" worth about $100,000. After sev- »i-ral bequests are made, the estate is tobe divided, ft Is said, between tho two

S of the deceased man,.Theodore M.being ! t Scatty of Haekettstown and Seth

[ lieatty of WilkesDarre, Pa.

Republican JUat.> Chairman Stokes i 1:-. |;-. Vannatta is on th- sick list. ; . ^ aiM, Ull.h. r h i - f clerks are al- ; 1'residenL of the .Ul«im1w;>f Comni.'rcehas sent a telegram to .M.IJ.M- ficn-ral I "••'•jamin VOIUIK: is also ill. j w.lVii M iw,vu;< K,id Mr. Uii.-k-r. "Von , .-f tin- L'nliwl .Suit.*, ^Lting lortii theLeonard Wood, fnrortnhig him that I ^ ' ' l '•"'•••>• visited his sister on .Sun- v,Au\lt u :l. „,.. :u,,t ih,-y .ire :it Uuu-li: i attliu.l.: of the Treasury tn extomlmg^.niiM»..T,f f- ivni-i t i i* h i m f o r t h . . m-.-^i t l a v . i V I n i-ei u r n -it :! !> i n a m i t l i f v a n - s l i t ! i f u r t h e r C l n v e r n m e u t a i d t o l . n r p p e .

1Ientimeni favoring him.for the presi-

dential nnniination developed ru a. jointI'onfi-r.'nce of Ki-puhtinui Ktatc eom-inltieemeu anil I'outuy chairmen heldin Tr-ntou last week. Th" telegramsaiil the applause which greeted tien-i'1-al Wontl'K name "showed a larf?'> ma-jority of the confi'i'i-iiee wan for yon."

The pay nf .Jersey City sciinotfach-ers in the your beginning .Inly !. !!>20, 1 the spring.

lied•s, .\|»

day.I-aplialiannoek Tribe nf

visited IMvidere Haymakenight.

Miss I'anuie ^lerivtt nf Tivntmi hvisiting her -sister, Mrs. li. IJ. Vannatta.'

l.e.-iter Willevcr has rentedVninitj'H f-ii'in ami will move the

f try.

-inrn at :* p. m.. ami they are still ! I'urther (.inverninent aid tn Kuroilunch. They eat tm, much." \ The United States Steel Corporation ;

I'liuniH-ratinn of t!ie Nation's imltis- i han atnuntneed :m increase in the mines '•luding manufacturing plants,} (if day laborer.s, ellV-ctlve February l . :

....-, ,ni:.rrics, oil. was wells, forestry ! fnnn S-l.iij for a k'n-hom- day, im-lndlnt-1il forest priHlurls. will start -Maivh 1. ; two hours overtime, m §'i.0S. It is esti- j

1 ai:c.ording to Mitvcior of Census Samuel ; mated that, the number of cninnwii !ab- jVan I L. lloKi'i'ri. 1 oivrs is about. lTu.Ortl) of tiie. total' of'L- in | Col. Hiram !•'. ("Hi") 1 [enry of old- j unil.OOi}. On this basis tlie increase !

[lime miiusirel fame died Krhlay al liis would ex|iand the payroll of Hie oorjior-



Spring Dresses "I Better GradesIncluding delightful models of charmeuse, georgette crepe, tricotine,

crepe meteor, crepe cle chine and so on—the largest and finest assortmentof Dresses in the city. ..Dresses for street, afternoon or evening wear that

'll are delightful to behold.

Prices start at $25.00 and go to $95.00With wonderfully wide choosing at $30, §45 and $p5.

(The First Spring SChmmma

for Women 1and Misses ,'

w suits, beautifully tailored, are ready for. the woman who likes to wear the nowthings first. ,

^^.^.^^JsaPrices start at $45.00, $55.00, $65.00 and go lo $110y

All Remaining Women's Winter Coals^nitsjnd_Drcsses_at_a Great Sacrifice!

W O M E N ' S } • • • • ; • • •

Black Broadcloth CoatsAT HALF PRICE

Plush, Self or- Fur Collars," full lined

QLU.OV, ^ilJ.IJ, $d/j.dV

were $45 to?fi5, ./

WOMEN'SSalts' Sea! Plash Coats

at $27.98


Misses' I»e;n'cr Fur TexCoatees ai $22.98

won; SIJ.'iO \a!ues

Silk Dresses at Half Price$12.50, $15 and $18

were ?2"> t» $:!(! valuesPine Velvet Dresses at HalfPrice, $23.50, $27.50 ;ind $32.50 m

•were S-17'lo S(i» values

Smart Wool Jersey Dresses,$19.98, S22.50 and $25.00.

129-131 Northampton St.

••• ••••-w-EASTON,,.BA.==,=. Noav llio Delaware liriilgc. "


kNear the Delaware


I a - *


8:30A. M.

Close Saturday's at 6 P. M.




StorerCan Be of Great Service to You Now

v •'' If you have odd pieces of furniture that are frayed and worn,have the pieces brought to our Upholstery work-rooms w h e r ethey will be re-covered and put into first-class condition, so thatthey look quite as good as when new. Now is the ideal time tohave such work done. The cos?'is very moderate. .^•-•\i ySli.1


, call or write us arid our delivery will call at yourhome. Estimates cheerfully given. ^ a. t i t


rj,lie ^Sssage of Saving has never been more forcibly presentedthan i( ; s } n ^ s February Clean-up of all Winter Ready-to-

^'eaV and all other Remainders of Winter merchandise. ^\' : ' • • • ' • • • " • • : = ' • . . • • ' • . ' .

" s Rjte the quantities of goods featured in this selling it isnot going t o take long to clean up the entire lot. '

'A11 de4artments ai;e;included—and you will find the savingsw o r t h w h i K , ? ' . ' . ' • ' • ' •-'

Fr Plan no w 0 attencl just as often as possible^ox new lots will•1 '^ .day,fe.djy^^r ^^^Me"o^lablHay6i!mosfwaW

Page 10: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict


lnii«l a lo'of Hvinc.

rnrni production i^xt yearUHin lii.'iv:i*<- in tin- fiwt

dm* in tUHnntWai'lUm. «fii l l lO- tt«s pmlirtocl lM-ri>n> III- Seli-.. I'oMiitlli:.- Comnillt.v by .liiiin-n I.allM.-v, l-'ouilll AswIrtlHHl l'o.stin:t!*l'f

iwr . i l . More ttiiin 40.0*1 unawi'is loM),0»O l|Uf!*(llHII1JlIlV;t St'tH lit flirlUl'l'!*.- s:il.l. indicate a condition "ilisiquitft-*H-tuiil imriKiiiIiMfi of iliwi-lroiw v*m-<|Ui llt»-A rcporl Mininiiit'lzin^ ilit> content*


Us HowUNTIL recenllj mo^t oi i •, iiioufli! mlUn,.

tobeilinnly-inmlterofpnll pull,pull Sunn.Until, vi \et But il'iliot It Mi i u mil i

I call •! tongue when lie willows %o Til ~n llit ililference l i t Ri.t'. Ins ramttli full "I null.- tlicti littuillous Anil i s li«. ilon '"Is •< ";"•"• in i--.ii i s

| the t ea •jickwirili from U|) to mlilir'1 hat s Nitiire'ipro\ ision for tlie prex entiiin ul ton-iiestul Mood ra the le-it ns i u , i It ft Hit n i l isi-.cl.iue SuckinRilriMiiliiblooilnitlii ii|> olthi.icu 1 he tounue ni^^nnC it 1> tl l ' tilt mlikr


Eiitf with our new upir Simula IJ-»t»nt;< In Unnn.onit>

ttie -.Bine rttult Jstou-. Hit ! 'i H in " ' »' >' v1 i"iwrtntlitnibber1taitiEindt».tt4imitli n « tup

Hit* miiLft Hit luuber lining*.i n « the k i t '•,„< f .^ . J^Mikc «ie_t • " • " " " "

om 4d to 5 tin:With our plsfo&lesqpuUcmultinii inirrtiuhr •«. t i n I i

pl<The New Empit eSuper-Simple


E. W. BUDD, PhiilipsbargBelvidere road, dcmonstiate* indr ' sells these machines


dim, . ) 1 Wood "-nperfnU'inlc'iit of thedivision of mi il in:ilN. was read l>yMi 1 liksl<< Declaring: that the farm-'

t )• l<> i,: h n d p.'rldils of toil, while cityM Mil i-» U\M1 in r:i«e and comfort withhlUi U I M " mid short hours," the re-pirt " i l l t l . i. gilles rwlvvri Indicatedih it him lit iK of fiirmers hatl n-sulvi-s.lli to iiuit ihe tjiini entirely or

< > npi ilnt u is tnadit In a nuij«»rlty0 in i . | h . - ih - report sai.l. nt thehi^li l I I H I [> ihi li.v t-onsunii'i's as com-t i I with Ui. low return to the fanii-

i in Ii it in; u entirely ilispmpor-in i i i l piulit lot tin- inf.liil.nian. Many1 irni i i th i prut said, drew romj«;ti-i-

• n I It i MI th>- tiouis of l:it>or iv-o.i t i l th< f i in-1 ami lih II>III|I»II-iii II with t h o - «>f th- "nlauite. nf

* hi 'i ih l .Mm-.- bitterly vuini-l,MM-:.itiUK loilh Die snfl and illMirloiiM

I* i»{ nl 111 lUter its iMNlllftlVil Within liti ! mil I it.- IMiiKur th- lanner.

*1 " t no l*»ni, -r wlltiiiK u, loll ;md' ' " 'J" th sliilier, tin- |irolli.-,.r

nil ih omi t i,,,ms_ |,JJ,J, u-. ( f,,, m . i n _ . .SUiiitiiin lli'i-ljivtl Si-i-ioiis

* m nib i oi the eniiuiiltte,. n < m n i . k .t i i i tit. l t p | | . s Mem.-d to l... -most.

! i »m t him h of Mulshi-vliil •* whichI niiipi I Mi 1 iaks|fi> ui say that inh1 . union th filiation was .x tnr i i . -h i tmis

I n n llin in ol.tain form lal>or wasuntl i j ion i | l i in i oi th.- f;iriner,i. I),.-l i t i i u i l iu Di shortage oi fann h.-

I "i \\ is unini; Kfi'iit antagonism onth J ut M tli pnnlui1.'!- toward the

^ t« 11 ' ih • import .said that thel> u i in ui I In tile cllit-.-j ."•)[• Jabot*

with lii^li uil A and slum hours IsI 'mmj in t u r n hhvd help and thel inn i- ho - in,! Ktrij, to Hi,- c i ty ."

ipi - no produeed on the fs'imi!ul 1 win i tnpi t i i -nt i and fertilizers, allcf wnMi s m to h:ive lllUd tiie fann-

l l w ill 1i«fMin-ii'i-rnt.oi nml ie-1 -• mm n' 1 i riain m n Milt in th -

a n t u!tn nt of food prutliu'tion," th"r ]ioi vud

t> < 1 11 IT J tlllt the lett'Trf leeelvidi itn 'i JJU luni'-rn, with hundreds of,Hi i iiiiwtiK dully, contained , ot I'liUiipshun: spent Sunduy with the ! Y o u p o o r > jCi[iistil. humble plant! Iiluniiiir. intoiination that lie' eoun- fortner"- fiith'-r. William Coif. i "Why is It B'JIIIC v.-ill never giunt

i n im,nt to 1 now." liie report said1 i>orj:e \Vllkln« of 1'assfitc speiv; la-: Tour ninny virtues, llio* they oatli il t'i i ]>" - "dlsclOM- such a slide ' we. ]( Ueri' witli ills family. i Forget your ninell?n in n i in i i Urn; on th" part of the ' Airs. Jacob Shlinnan and throe eltil- . Your imcomiihilninK. I'Htlem mienm i n i n , lm i • and sueh a spirit o: 1 drvu of Stewa.^vllle ^p-nt i\v weMc . l ias touched iny h e - - "

• p .


Mlil<t ]


- T


y. and oi

"nhicfd an-k in any•Tli». 1'ari

m that Ui• next I'is-i in:in inV. on tinn- womeninvcr.

t nf •lite


t h -i faisld.till-tyifar


flll'IImi'irti t .

h l ^ l

»»: i

» t;<>i-nt.a r erii-y

ehalr. Ae (ifni'M

er w.iKi'rt


UK to lit?

, , ,


1 am wnll-i;tilnK t° *'want a Iiman. we

(,'hnrtey Seh\1 1 •li'-Ve. pi'



ifs STOCK CLEARING TIME for Us--and It's Great SavingTime for You!



Is On

Leather-ette Coats

15 PerCent Off

DON'T TURN YOUR BACK TO THIS GREATSALE of men's fancy Suits and Winter Over-coats. Its our usual half-yearly sale, and in-volves our entire stock. It's the time to buyclothes for a whole year ahead, as prices are go-ing- up and the savings are even greater than the ,reductions indicate.

§25 Suits and Overcoats arcS30 Suits and Overcoats are$35. Suits and Overcoats are$40 'Suits and Overcoats are$45 Suits and Overcoats are$50 Overcoats are $42.95$«0 Overcoats are $49.95

Sizes am! Styk-s' for Every Man


. . ..$29.95.. . . . $33.95

........ ..$38.95

•:•••'• BEI .OW T H E CIRCLE

228-230 Northampton St. EASTON, PA.


wearNow 95c

' l ' i '"

: linti

,» l t ; , s ,anil Mi, , ,|.,,,,,r 1 : , IM,

sl»iu Knn.liiy with tlirI S Mr. unit Jll-H. l!Hil."i


Mr. an.l Mrs. Siimii'-l Colt- nn.l familyI'lillliiishinc siii'iit Similiiy with 111




pB lowanl iln-lr fellow

dwell In tU» fitii'S. t[< io itlw canst* iMi- < WniiiuMi

•! with IK Mr. nd keen;

In[ H i

\ t i' |U< tmi1*

it i i*-I 1Ut l Lit w ntd cm

ul mi tint, th*,[

) •

• nIt




m n t0 n

• t 0(1id ii

(iin o


\ s '

aid:IV t()from

th" t;ntllncili. 'iuiistroii

ftflfflV'1 n *-uoh ;i

• rfpon.

are it infiirnif-i's

•ouutry i*i ati(l':;s••tiiiR tmrS i/pnsv-qip. i ojiii iLftion as


jnil >"In

nutaithe II soleurt't toyou


i- o!vail-ulr.f;I H i i t -

por-s toyou:m a y

lust..Km-co of r.ras« C:istt«'with h»'i- sist.'-r. Mrs.

of\Vill!:im .M.-•pi'Sit Sunday with .1. V. Mattiiews,.. Quite a minihcr In tlii.s ]ilac>* Mill with the srip ttu- past \ve-l,-.

s-iid the report and al'-oih I d i n h irhiR- on the mult>In n •uihmitt'd to Postniasu-rI i t l t in r \ -nsion of the niriil par-i.,] jo H I i ' lo tnii!:-- It •••nsi-i- fn-tin i n m to sell his products dlriT.tto Ih ti \ t >-«ttnu<i\ v/iis ndvfjc.'itcdi Mi ( i t i>- le . as fin-1 step tou-ai-d(_i 11 i ni, tin. condition indicated.

i j •* n id^ public today by th<D p unFii t o! Cnniincn:'1 showed ihal' o i l t. ilf-. imports in IVocmlif!-iiuountid io nearly doultlo tho valii'inoithht In during D-c-mh^r. I9ivu h n poll of foodstuffs w v o 5"0,OOu 0 H) h )\ ih- total for l ho Kiim-I lonth a \ u ai;o.

I ootKinifs importKl in

1IA/.KN:Mi-s. .Iiini"s .Mills, Jr. . and d

Miriam .s|H<iH Tiuirs-diiy with Mliarn Sp;iiijj:onhfi-n in Oxford.

Mrs. I:-a:io Ijinulfiilmif; of Harmony


had i ] ) ; i s |,|.(>u spiMUlin;; a f*-w days in th:

Thp C. K. topic for Sunday «\vnv.-jl! he: "A Worlh-While Life."

Mrs. Arthur Utish !•« ill with pr,intmia.

Mrs. Kiston Slopp is suffrriui.' whimh:i«o.

Tin.- O. K. HcnMy will iiold n wnat IIK* school lions.; this i-veiiinji-

Itl.OO.MSIHKV.Mis. r.ihvln W.'I-IKT spent l-'rtili,*.-\v Vot'l: and .I'-rs^y City. Mr. '

' " ' ; n>>r WiiK in ,Iers!»y City and N'e'.v. 1 Saturday and Sunday, visiting


mbt-r, 1915.fi,2(Jl ns:iln>

il! i

MUSIC soothes jaded rer c<= brings Rl-idness to the heart and stirsemotion* It thrills & t. nu ind charm V \o i \ ou'd Ine % ell,

then mu ic in the hrme i^ aV 1 ii ^l] buy an ins* ument bu

get ing Ll L b" t \ iluc for \ our mone\V e deliver anj\ here direct from our factorj

Cornish-in-s t ruments arefamoubfor their

b l LqL.llieb of durjbili "U nchtoi Ldi dgr<.it\ alut, I heyare in w^a in al

Free TrialWL don t want nnjont to puah ibea Cornish mstiitn f tit untiidclu! ted with it Th t is \\h> we nnl c

ijkt ^ H e si re thit jouire

mo e\er> countr\ in the \ oildmd e ch o\ n-rib tboi oufhly

_*„ J " ' >">icat t n ll^e an ibtal e if ^ uselect i Cor-u -h

Easy Terms\ \ hen jou 1 a\c 'xt. i conunceel ofthe h t,li tji iht <-IH1 nione\ si\mg\iluc Ot iLDITI hni" rumciit we'

ourT.bcnl offcrYo t t \ \ iU) i ' ^ JIILR mil L tt\cry ct y hi >ou torfcht in joi r own home it sou Iwcomensov, KI SnwHpijneni.vish '•cndltb^c^^ wcllidunchouideposit and piy ircight both w

Beautiful BoclcSent Free

nl uiloisa c n t rTdjou \ ill find cineJlituh iformation In t

P I J ' \ huh jou art. interest tlin-Pitrofliph I la) t l iowoi I laro

X1101 tS Wi'lV ill'.^-0 IS \h in DfCfmhor a year aj;o.lnipoit*i ul loidsmffs in H'l'J iiinomueilto $1 100 )71 0 S, compared with J7-19.-i) sQi in 11! i and f-sports for !'JJ:J

fin ih nn'viou.s year. .

i 11 iir, to ' Ihi-"qiii-stlonnair-'H .senti l u n i n s of the country hy theOtlin. Dtitai'tnieiu ami the answersh won d imlicjiiL' that there- is

uWksjn id di-isaUsl'acUon amoni; farm:

out I ii in \|,'C'!luy. 15U N'fiKSau HI.,w Wil (ity, Hlai'-d Saturday that,i n n ui t inns WRIV n*'Vi«r hefore sojspLirui". is Uu-y an- today. Me said\l H i ifctiU'y. • wliteti has f.'JIm h s i n oujthoni the country, wasi position to know the facts, and in

r nit iiiun ol sonii' of tht- statements11 ttlo hj th I inn1'!1:! h'|- qnol'.'d reportsi u n t l \ in iJi • l»y six V-Npcrts .«cnt by

UrputniMit oi' AKHCUUUI'U to it:1-(stlfeiitt ih <;OHL ui living i tmo'g

fu in could ipin'ar to me," s:iul Mr.

S t m i l t lu l tlif finsw-i.-rs to Uie (ines-tionniin nlnch wi-i'c- iniljlished in thep i p M miHi liiivi? Ijt'eii sent by th-.'i ml* 1 i un tanners. Itvuvntlt" the Dr-p it tin nt ol \srieuUure ru /Wash lns -f ) i h is (,ithfi'f!it HtatislioA showiiiKl in t t h u c u is an irieunyb last yearmm 1K( tot 1c j;ml i.-nj|) .produucr.s of

1- 000 OUO 000 TltiK siuii w»s mtulc,t! d in i im nt siiucs, -j i>y . 0,000,000l i n n s I in ivorngfi yc:u*|y inoomu tof u m n s i I In;; or»!)s nAiil Hvo stool:u i*. * » 000

It fiumlim wereil 1' litisiius the vwould 1,0 doun, On1 mil h is noii( ii]) Ktonnti % (XLt'ptluif

horn- with n.-tn-itis. :

' Mr. Owrlield of New

lo hi

such an improflt-iuefof furm landshe contniry/i'iirnif.'ii.ily .all over Hie


•nm whldi h-omi1 tini*>.York Stati- has

iM-fii1 sin-ndhiR a fi'W rlnys with hi:iwife ami dniiKhti-i-. Mrs. l^mnn.

Mr. n:ul Mrs, Kranl:' Apysir . enter-ialu-(i n ' niiinlier of nests ul dinnerTtiosdny evening In honor nf. Air. Ap-

Mrs. I'loyd Smith expects to movelici- family from Blnoimlmry to. r:id(;e-woo'.l about April 1. into a hoine'\whichIvr luishnnd rcfdntly purrhnsmll

Mrs. Sarah A. Opdykf of liti nt>h;-vilti-. accompanied l'iy Mrs. Ulmor, wasa rerc-ni. visitor in tlu> borough.

Slai-ey Ilu'ei- and son Kusst-11 havflieen co'itlnt-d lo ihelr honu: with ill-

Mi'.; Bessie ApRtir. a tpaohn- :ilSoforvili^, snout the week-end withU- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ap-

MJ.HS ISthel•Smith of lliooniri(-ld spontSaturday and -Sundiiy with her par-

Mr, and Mrs. Chester Smith.

rt with

The tears I've sliuri o'er you,

•\Voultl fill a. M-tllt


The oilovH'uruns t>nlb is one ofchoice fluvot'oil veyotubltfs a ml a touoli '•

of onion In many dishes 1glvos Just ihe nvil|i*tl''»»Kllavor iitMMh'd. .Tho unionis also wlioti'souie serveUas a main dlsli. '

Onions With Cheese.—Cciuk until U'mlur u halfdozen e\eii-sizt'i! ntilntr*.

rain and iihu-e :i layer

di.sh. cover with :i ui-ll-seitHilied wliilOsauce nnd ."pHultlf t-'en-.Tutisly withu ridt strong etii'iw.1 Cover wlili an-oilier hi.vur of onions mid satit:e midi-(iVL*f with Intttvrui! t-riiuibs. link*' " " -til tin.' crumbs are hfuwn. The si>-cret of this lUdk-ious dish Is liuviiij:Hit' fliuusu hetwi't-n. the layers \iv>-ti'ctt'd from tin* heat, bit; hul f-'injtiylitu melt It.

•Cream of Onion Soup.—IU-al a qimrtof inlllf, udd two taldosiiuunfula utbutt«r nnd two (.-f Hour cooked togeth-er and two cupfuls of cookt;c! unions.Mash and put ihruugh a inireu .strain-er. Season with suit, ciiycuuu undsprinlde with itilmrtiil parsley utid.. a-

"Litt'oi i-raied^iitw^i;^"-""--'"'"---'1"— '"'•'"-

Onion Sandwich.—Chop a luilf euii-ftll of Spanish union, add olive oil.salt, lioppL-r, yiiiL-nur and mix to theeimsistuiiey for sin-eatllng. Plnce <»nwell-buttered slicos of bread and servefor luia-h Sunday uiiilit, nfier rhiin-li.

OHO uvohls fjoiiiK abi'nud anioiiK ]ieo-pie iiftur eatliu,' fresh unions. Whenit Is tiucvdsary e!tt »'sprig uf par leywhich will absorb tho odor to ti ytoat

Onion Salad.—Si ice a Spanish onion jquite thin, cover with Frouch dressing, ;uddlny a teasjjoonful of tomato ciitsup, j.sail nnd i-nyeiine to the oil and vine-jftii*. Sprinkle willt inlnced-. parsley •nnit sorvo. . One hir^e onion will serve |.several. .. • I

DurltiK the "(lu" ''npldenilc1 jihysl- [oians,: who wore most success fid, used ;a cHoimnd onion poultice on the chest' jof the patient—a remedy must t'lTi,1:1- •

HORSES:!;";"i:-v:HORSES!J. D. Phillips' Public Sale

of one carload of Western horses and maresat my stables in

Little York, N.J.

FRIDAYFeb. 6,1920

If in need of any -horses (icm'l fiiil. to nttonrl Ihis.ssilo.Tliey ;ni; ;is soot! as you over saw. Fioni I tu 6'yours old,hiivc tiie size, and are veil broken to all hanie=:-. Sold undera fuli suarantoe. After wosterii IVoi'scs are snlrl. will selllior.-'.es taken in al the halter for the high dollar.

Sale rain or shine.



STKI'HEXSIEUItn.1'tobcrL Smith moved his family last j

Wo.diK'.sdny to liampion, where ht- non-ducts it <:oniVeiiont:vy and poolroom. IThe Pelty' farm .will he. oucuplwl after jApril l by Mrs. L,ut-y 'Helms ad «on jArthur. • ' .. •• • i

Mrs . -Cbnrles \Visoburn and daiiHh-ler .Mat-ion liavo roturnea after spend-ins a few days with her parents, -Mr. | iV ( . hut not especially pleasant Iand Mrs. Philip liarkor, near Washing- t*»Uo-

u'l-ninlson naion ^irup' nia-le by baklnp onionsNetcong i and .sujjar is uiie of Ihe best of cousli

,.\lr.s. Mary Millerhave


< spend the wintm-. with Mrs. .Miller's] cinvs,in. Dr. .John Miller. ' i - * k j . " VArthur Ap^ir.r.Vt-'sumed lilifi studies j ]/l • VIAonday .'it Ilacla-ttstown hish school. J \%JU&UZ. Qt\*&"{*

<lry funding districtMom.umi....._.Ncbrjiskit../.pklahoinu'.•..ancLN j i th Oil on." l'"iiihi i,uul.r'df"Ibwri,"I

the Di'p.irtnient of Ayr1 '

lilier. an absence of

"STKWAKTSVIIXK."le-coitlniB to the f>i>|v.irtmcnl of Ayri-I M r s O o r g e Hurson of WaHhingtonLii'tiiK-.-haM; Hone ijii $100 mi ucro in n w n i Tiiiirsdiu- with Mr. and Mrs.


ci-os\ ta

hi Mfcstesippl f:inn landffl 27"j \ipy. cent, in tho last

In Kptiikiuij of Llic; inmioOiHtc: i»rob-I H n i l illlll ultie,s of the fanniM-. .Mr.

Htroiii naid that thL. miildiemiui j;ot UKIj nuicli prolit and (advoeau-il thai the

faniH'i'H NCIUI Ui4ivproduction dh-eclly' ID the consutiK'i'i-• He .siild tha t thu

Ciiwrninenl sh^iihl niii'ko some '• ar-i . ra iwmcnl . that (this cmdil be done byj lh<* puiTol posy' jmd throuah an »r-

i n , u u t - n i with/tlit; rural free delivery.I 11 i i l n n to Hi.- (UflliMilly of JwcurlnK

' rm-ni Inli-tr hr Halil that there werefiiiy 7 per cetlit. of t h c . f a n n s whichhhi.il l ibo . . ii IS the othf.'r OU'per nlJnt.were worked'[by the farmer and IIIKfamily,. Ho fajilil. that th.e averagef i i m n w o i l u i ft om tweht- to i ouiii.cn

' l i m n s it il nf i t,otd p u t of the oaiI m l thut I h i bouis Old romp iK unfnv

ombh wahj thc woik'np dn\ oi the <it\{inplo\o If tlir fnimeis he Miltl vbould

1 he Cunur tttln he eontinurdthn I thd lihoilnp mnn is sitting loo

miiL.li pai, IC tin limn r hint's an \

Wilson Colv.Mrs. A.. \V. Klnncy and Mrs. Carl

Thon '"and son Charles -were Klle-sl!i

Thursday of Mrs.'Paul Klnney.Mr. and Miu William Iloffniau and

dnuKliU-r of WiiHhliiBton visited Mrs.Sadie Colo Friday. •

Tho Woman's Home find l-'oroitrnMissionary Society of the Presbyterianchurch met. nt Hie home of Mrs. i \ W.C u r t i s >Vcdin»ji(lay. a f t e r n o o n . > (•

'Mr.'uiui Mrs. Frank Klnncy nnd chil-dn?n vlailutt IHT parents. Mr. and Mr1*.\Vn1tei- Cok>, hi New Village, Sunday.. The' T-.nlheran Liidies1 Aid met Wed-n.'sdav afternoon at the homo, of M^n',Ooimltl TliiJih. •

The 'church fair piven by the Pres-hvierian Trfwlk-H1 Aid SonletvUit Nr.w\ 111 i ,( I i Kln\ L\ "limji ole nod o\ti

Mis T1L,-H AlNhouv of N ^ MllnWspdil Tuisdm of list week with 1KMfit I I C ->ori,i r.nifliiri

"MH V0\c\ liGWitc— mti - In lit, i I 1r ih i l ippnt hsi THMOIIV with herhirihPi LiPstu Oii(l\ke nnd fnmlh

Tho monthK ni'ctinR of the C 13 Sn-cktv of the Tiithcnn dim oh wi i hrld

l l t th home of \l\<n

Mr. and Mrs, T.ovoy Suliamp rtfWashington spent Sunday with hernni'cins.'Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Kucbicr.

Harry Swuvors of Kaston was a visit-or Sunday with his father, Abraham

Mr. 'and Mrs. .losoph Ivruwller nml |son Marvin were quests Sundity of .Mr.and Mrs. Harry Osniun in Alphn.

I ' O K T ML'KKAY. <,•

Miss I.rmni I.lerry,,,lT(.>len doff res nndGladys 1'obinnon are eonllnerl lo theirlionieK with Ki'ip-

llob-n1 •'Miller 'Was tendered :i. stir-pri-o party l-'riilay nielli l>y a. nuniiwof his friends, Mnsio and dancing werellir feature, of the evening.. Miss niiinclie i'erry. vhlted in New-si rk for the WCrU-eiiit'.1'

Al Miinsileld I'.iiptist chui-ch. "•Tin*Wl-i" "ill U the '-iubleft Sunduvmot nine r\enlu(, suhlttt \ \ h\ ^ '•>Lincoln 1 >in lloiiiRi Wintiis %\'llI. ul thn 'lounk Vtopits iiKiimf;

1 lu b j!i*li\ ichool has ou ttr il thefollow inR oHlcci - Supn inti ndtnt As Sturfcs ass!st'inl"'Mt A \ jindIs and Mis A Y 1 indis trciisuiciMri Mllltr Mn h u i \ sioidai* M ulon M n b e m 1 phnl ' t Tllanrhe I'enmil Lain v Peliv *PV> irds C h u l c

Tiomo and Wlllli Cicgu


- We can save you at le:ist r,2.00 a pairon'your next Slioo Wnnts. We ask

:you to compare our prices-'and'qualityand then ho your own judge. You willwalk oft with a pair of our shoes—that's



22G Northampton Street "EASTONri'A.

Valentines! -Valentines!All sorts and kinds, from the comic cut-o.uU to the more

dignified Valentino Greeting' Cards.Also ;iii utfraoiive line oi' Valentine I'lacc Cards,

Tally Cards, Seals and Lunch Sets.

Page 11: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict


Spend less time in the kitchenYou can save time and steps if you have

an Evryday Rccchwoocl combination coaland j;as ranije in your kitchen.

A quick brcn'.ifast is easy to get on the gaasection. An tUiborati: dinner can all becooked at or.ee by usinj; coal and gas at thesame time. Th^re arc two complete ovens-one coal and r;:rj j;as—a ga:? broiling oven andeight holer, in t':c top. Merc cooking room,yet the "EvryJay Bcccluvood occupies nomore space than a plain ru::,"c.

The ctt'iliiiuitinn rnn^u conic, in plain and enr-mcledmodrfy. Ti:r';t: coli'im vt ennnu't- '.iluo, b!nc!:, anil brown.The pnli.I'f.1 \op-> ntn bv cli'nt. '. <vi:h an cited cloth; ihovnoinet with :• i!arup tint! — ni t.Meliinj; 'necfissary. Anenameled uiuge is :i v.u:l: saver. Oivna in and isat- them.

Kcecttwood v.> "The PerfectSystem tif Heulir?;". M*> eulilrooms, tin tnmns too lint. Ri>i.'ch-wdrid rlittiinaU':;rns'.!y pipes and

. rn<!ia:nr. • CW,IB less 10 instnllund civos mr,:y hc«l on lias coal,

Major&RtsdiOXFORD, N. J.


(Py nrcv. I*, jt. i'Trz\\'.\TKH, D . P . .1>n<-li«r or Knsliitli filbtu In tlio Moodylliiili- liiHtlttiio of uiilcaitn.)

(C'll'yrl^lil, 1310, V.'—txrn N#w»ps»P"r TMon)

The Wonders or AmericaBy T.T. MAXEY



M-Ii-PON TKXT-Artn 9;"2-«.(JOlJiKN TKXT—TIin prayer of faith

sli.ill HUVO tin; rick, ami the Lord tliullralj;e Mm ITi>.~Jnines 5:15.

ADDITIONAL. •MATKUIAk —Uilta 5:H<u; SH'M'>>, • • •

Mtl.MAKV TOPIC—What a Kind Wornan Di'l,

JUNIOR TOPIC—What I'eter Did a_l*y<Ma. ntul .lofliit.

INTKKMKDIATn AND SENIOR. TOl'-l r -The i:<>:tuty unU Xnlluenco ot an Un-SL'lflSh U(O.

In order to fjra.cp tlio significance of(his lesion, wo sholliil recall the -con-(Ifilon which previitleil in the churchus ."usycstcil in verse HI.' Three cliur-uctrrixtlrs are outstiinding;

I. Freedom From Persecution.Sntit, tiro ringleader of the ptrsocu**

Iny 1'nrccs, hsid Just recently been O-'MI-verieil. Hereby illsorxnnlxlii;; their

iilkiwln:; tho church to enjoy :i


yi'M-OW.STONK, our filfipst find1 liirsest iintlonitl purl,*, Is mushier*ahly linger th.in Iho xtnu* o? Delawmo.Its altitude r m w s from 0,(>0O to 11,<K>()

. (out iibovu sea level, H contain1* sticli{.n largo collection of.wctnl ami freak

natural plicnomcnn that tho visitorKiihifl the impression ihuCrent Creatorof nil'Mitn^ must hir\i ronnied overthe world, colluding all the odd thingshe pfiu*. dumping tiiem ncro Iti onupvnt disordered lir.ip.

• Tlioro are •more jreysers than In nilj Iho ro-it'or Ihe world put together.I They rmipo from liny openings, spout-

lii« water hut 'n few feet, nt Intervalsnf u few minute*, to Iho Krent fifnnf.I.-trpT ilmn a wch, projecting n col tint nof. water 2oO to 300 feet high, for :iperiod of several minutes at Intervalsof several days. Them are numerouswaterfalls, the'great fall of tlio Yellnw-stone river In tlio Korjtfously colored.-O-inllo-ionfr Grand canyon, hoinff 308reel: Iilsli. There are many hot springsand .small lalie.v, also Ihe largest lake—Yellowstone.—at Us lielsht In XorthAmerica. There arc several paint pots—great cauldrons of blubbering, lilss-itiK mm!; many t?te:im vents anil' liolt-

2. Spiritual Growth andment.

The real meaning of :hn won! "edl*/led"'Is "hulldfd up." This does not

cniKt. Standing there, the visitor needsno assurance that his sqtunic majestyresides nonr by,

Yellowstone, known far and wide for/ l e d I s hulldfd up. This does not „ , , „ „ „ „ „ , H1 ,.„mean merely thiit tho iitt!inlit<rs wvrn | |S Wild llower.s Is also the lnrgesf wildlieln^ iiisinu'iKii und eoinf.irtcd hut ' "nit\»rte<!. hutthai strenuous efforts on die prirt o!the individual men liter.-!, as well Jit

[ (lie body as a whole, were bt'iiit; matin' for the advancement of Ihe divine- life.I The wnnl "rdii'y" conlains tho met.vi ' l l y : 'I phor of some pr.'inil building or struc-j v!!,

lure. As niirjicKtfid by another, thisi „,"I mWitplmr involves (1) a foundation,! rut

preserve In the world.

COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES.Th',- Spring town Paront-Teachor Asiclatio ........ .i,,,,t held its lirst regular meeting

[r class room work. At the uusi-rt'jutlnB pl:iiw were made K»* ill'.•. Tlio next mceilnK will bo 1- ri

" " M " " ' " v "'" i ai

We Have For Sale Choice Sons ofOur Herd Sire

l ing Sirag Ppntiac Mode!(II. IJ. ?\n. 2\~:VSI)

Whose iiitm and .sire's clam o;io!i iiiorluccrl an avcr-n^ft of -iioro ttinii 8S ihs. (10.11 ,'.i,;'.!s.) of mill; perclav i'oi .iO consecutive ihtva, undo;* strictlv official

. t ^ u o " . •rI ho^e sons •of-mi!1 valuable imll mu vory fiiio indi-vidual;;, iurrre ;\m\ typy and will J\

Double the Production of Y?jf£ji^^dAct quickly—we only have- a few and they arepriced vciy low considcrinj? their breeding.


Farm at—IIAKMOKY, N. J.

P. 0. Address—I'iilL-LlPSBURG, N. J.

nuns pntfjt'uiiM. Tiiis iiii-inis iiiui »Christ Inn's activities are puVposofulfind that tlie work he tmtleruilioamoves forward with ihe'proper prnjj'iv.ss-. (:!) IVrsIstent elVnit. Thi.i ^liiffin.s that this piwvnt day's wnrk be-i <;Kins the fruunijition lipAii which to- i imorrow's wnrk tnii>t he Imilr. T 1 I I H ' :

day by day Isl.s life is being rai:-nd!'^lier nm! hijther, :is each sepniaici |

XC*i«'l"i~ V'St-!H: llackotlstown,Ilirdwidi. •5«,M: llaniiouy.Hope. S377.0O: Imk'iiomleuee,

round of material is being lit id i>.v! various UiKU'ifU ;stroiiimufl eiY'irr,-. (-1) A (.•omptfttnn.i SIKS.-Ci; Aljilm.Finally tlm work is ilone, the Intil'l-1 *:'^\:ii;:. !.:f.l,li1!'f!


fnj: is coniploled. llie top stone ii! lir»iiKlit I'urtli niDl ptacRd.

3. OutWftrd Grev."th.I'tiildini; tip v.-ithin tliR chnnr'n; ^ '

iiisos ibo whole wni-k to lio r.ilntlrfr!; *\ii 'and ivi*|icctfil by I base wiilmiit, in-: ,^

dndisi;' ihorii to come and identify i'i',(ilieni.selves witb tlie cause. There canbe no forward movement without un-less there bo a correpimtiinj;" move-ment within.

Oiir Irssmi today Is the record o{t;vo .stupendous miracles. They aretiie preairst signs wrnufjltt since tinday of Christ. The dreadful

,ot" palsy

unuui'uii iivtmiv k>u>t . . . . .t'Hiool tuste K«otl tlieno cold .days.

Tin- CtiltiO 1'nreut-Tetichfr : Asjauui..tlcjii will hold its regular me>.'ting Fri-tiny "-vi'iiiiiK nt th».* Hclioolbouse. Tlujfliil'Iifii have prepared ;i short pro-Ki"iin, A soi-la'l hour and ru freshmen inwill fullrjw tin* program, Tlieron VintCitni]icii iintl Mi". SjpatiKeubei'f; itltended

\m Couuly Coiiforouue In Belvlilert!nid they will l)u iivesent and give re*IUIIH ot ihe nicciiKS to iho its-sociiition.

Oiit'Trf for tlie 10 per cent Ilc.servudrawn in favor ot' l lvrawn In favor ot

follows: Allamuchy.*WM %*' .ere,

SSSC.70. S-I9I.S0$33J.0;I;

• ruliiili-onj;. §'lS5.1)tl; WiisllinstonSs:i-1.1T: Wiislii nylon Twp.


tin; uii''«!ut'!tt

W h ,immlx'


nrly u rUUM l» iand Hit.-ffort <



of years it lias beenour Commissioner ofinnate a-wf-'lt known

.-SC!IOIIIH-"\\VCU" (lurlntrmid frl<-mlif:ire particul-visit th<> i;uiiooi.4. Tbt:

ulkl our.-. JJOLII the homeit- scnuo! profits from a .special,f th'irt kind. This year the weeU

vanauished, and a corpse i hefruiulim ilomluy, l-Vbruury li», is act

...1 by the departed 50iil,}-.i«W« Cor ihis purpo.se. A 1 ' " 1 " -

Tlie occurrence here of tliis minickiis in keeping with Uie movements ol! v l s l

the church at this time. The I.oi-di U ) uv-lind promised .these piijns as they wont! Tw>fiirtii wiiii ituj fiospel message. Thej

; were jfiven as oneouragemems to thej disciples, to convince them that tin;

^usjiel did not •lose nny nf Its pmvt?iby bcins spread, but rtuber that itspower increased. As tlie church jw.*everywhere prcacliing the Word therewill be a. coi'res[njuil:ng iiiaiiif-jsvulion

of. power. - - •I. Tlie Healing of Knens (vv. M-35).

,ims and possibilities oti,.., luolri-U'eeU," lias U'JCII sent,-y tf.'i.clier in tht; county,contests ;ir«.{ (tpen-to iho sclioo

eliiHIivn c»C V.'JLIT'.'M uimniy. Tlio iirstis <roinliici<--d- by thu War 13et)arlmouiand tiikfs ,iln; form ot" esiiayy to IKwritten in Kcligot 1'cljfliary ^0, Of noininfi1 than -iO" wnvds, on llu; Hii!>jeet"What arv itu- Ijt-nclHs ol" an enlist-ment in the V. H. ArmyV" Tlie anthoinf ih'.1 ln.-st cway in this district: wiln.-L-civc a ?'.'5 silver cup. luaddi t io ito iliis print1. j;ot(.l. Kilvor and bronzenvxiiiln. will "be awtirdwi, by the WarDepartment in Wusbinston.

'pin-. Kf(;oml ,,Q>say contest is o]>on^•u-nfx.'hn-lutrh1 School ;ill"Ul•";T!i!3-niar.Is-ncci!;-cor.tiition appcr.:c;,r(1-nlJ. t 0 „„_, _ ......

to I'(it or, lust as men todny should ap- fourtc;eu nanlioni counties or tne . .• •• • . . . . . . . tjuijjmjt uf the essay, w h i c h is



10-CENT CLUB PAYS ' '$127.50fi-CENT CLUB PAYS 63,752-CENT CLUB PAYS 25,50





• Warren Connty'National Bank. .f^«oPU; livinB in 0 * ^ 1 .nncl . y i c U ^ ^ ^ ™ Chri.lmn.'ciaW nlWch,cV

' " ' , ' . ' ^ *". ' : , "' ; '• V : ,

y ppp;il to us In tliPir semi-de:id slatiiLike his Master, Peter could v*{ i-Cifuse the needed help. In this Ir-Vdiilnot direct attention to Itlmself, billcoiifidently appealed to (he power inlite name of. Christ: 'Mesus Chris 1henlfith lliee." Tho man who Und kepiills..lied for eislit tr>ng yoyi-s imnv?-!disitoly arose mul mnde Iiia bed. Vhon!tin; Lord heals it is done instantly,Peter wisely kept this miracle fronjboinp IIic end by making it dieraean^.to the end, 'Clint end was ihe preacii-Ing of! tho gospel. Tins bronjjlit mosigrniifyins results, for "all that dwellIn liyddii^ami^Snarrin saw him andturned ^o the Lord."

IT. The Knlslng ot Dorcas ( w . 30-4R).

This woman was full oC ROOO worlyand alms-deeds which she did, nojtnli;nd oC doing. She was n nraeticn)Christian woman of tlie kind that gel^down to the prnotU'nl way oC sbowin;]lior lovo by doing deeds ot helpfulnoss. Her death ,\v:is a real loss, aswas evidenced by the mom-nini; o|tlinse, wbo had been . helped. "Wlienthis pond woman; foil eiclc and diet)the disciples sent for Teter. Peteiput .them all forth. At his command

"liw'sonl'caine bactrtoiive^ih^h'uT'body,Tins nsnin caused them to believe or]the Lord. • u


hc owny, which is oiumlrcd -words in length-Xavy as an l-iatieatioiui

i l n i n e l

Read the'Biblo and Think."It Is a good plan to vend a boolf

of the.Kible through rapidly at a Pit-ting in a shady garden, or on a cliftInciting over tlio sen; then to close'tlie book and think.11—-Church FamlljNewspaper. _

Transformed Into Now Man,As H-nii put Into the five loseth Its

rust and becomolh clearly red hot, snhe that1 wholly1 timielh idnisclC untoGod mils ore i\ll~si"otMu!neBS, and latransformed Into a new man.-r-jL)iomna

y s n ausi iunion. Tlio prize, a l e n - i efrojet'tiii1, on wliicli will appeal1 tiutmo of llie winner, will bo given ull'.- liiijh si:li«ol o f wliicli t h e priiiinner is ;L memberI-'lift!iff di'Uiils tit" botli these con

'>ls may bv li;ul by writing to 111jlliec.of i\w County Supci'lnlcndoiU.

A letUT lias been sent out by AirjfMisrir, fjt-creiat'y of tlie Suite Bonn>C KSiimitierM, in which be requests tint.^ichors wiui cutitemphitc taking tbsxnniiiuitioiiri for tlie Limitod Scconciry CcriiliciiW in April let the Depart1

.nunt know the title.-i oC the subjects jiwhich quesUoiiK must: bo prepared. Thia]i])lio.s only to those who are to takcxitinination in high, school subjects..

V1KXXA.K, .I'raycr ServThe Jr. K. .Prayer Service will 1)

lu-Ul Tluu-Kday' cvcniiiEr a t the homo oJlrs. Lyiiia Siney. Sirs. Iaa;tc 'Whcelewill IJC the loiidor.

A eommiUDO oC tlie. M. E. IjatlicsAki lius i-'laiis under ay for short enU'l-taiiimt-nt ami n social eveninfrto 1lu'td In Central school midiiorium c.Feb . ' j ; ; . 'L ' • • -

Tlio l'arenl-'L'eaclirr Associiition wihold "FMhor'M KijihL" in the Contn:

.school l-'riday eveniiitr. A progriun omusic and readiiiKK will ue Kiven.

Tlio lipworth League will hold' i.business .innellng: Vrlday ovenins a

•liiC'""nome'--i)C-A! ii;i;~SI;'nuOr.".-T rr:L~:r:Tlio lilpworth LcnKUO will hold if

Lmslnesii meeting' Vrklay. evening at tlhomo of Archie Skinner.

llev, C.I. A. Coniboiir will in*cn.cli ithe Christian church Sunday eveniron the subject, "Why Not tho Use0'the iSlblu in thu Public KCIIOOIKV"

rho Christiiiu 3'".iideavoi* Society wled by Mrs. A. C. llowoll. The top

w.'U be "W'nrth While UtV."Tho AnsociiiKMl rrnyor Service \vr

held Wi'dncsday evening at t]iu Uoirof (I. Z.Wllili«ns. , • . •

MiM« Sn)ihl(i TIu'chM' lias ROHOiliiukfttstowii to csirdMor •her brotherfamily, sonic oC ihe members bcii

Tlft-l)ort Jiluchon has rclinrtuisheii his.np iUon J;U^Uie._XUxQn_.ci'o.ivmery on nc-connL" of. poor" liealUi;

Tho omnlnycs'nr Ihe TTixon rrentnevyluive I'cceivoil tin advaneo in wages. .

sick withjri-H. 1-:

intr lier 1Harris.

pnaumoniiKlevies of AViretown is vlsir'bnttf, Jtr. and Jtrs. AVillia

;.-speii'Mrs. /.Louisa Stephens willFebruary in Dover.1 -,.

Mrs. Caroline Clawsbii baa eiuledvisit of a wcjylt with Miss KHzabeAdtJr and rutiirned, to her home, nciC a l i T o n . • ' •• •• . - . • $

Puvinpr the flhioss of MKT, past wroC Mrs. Cliarles Green, tho prima

No:Ilhewmatksk a g y pReason for Wearing aWooden Leg

NO sting or hot burnin' is a mighty weak-kneedrecommendation for tobacco. But when to-

bacco is mild and cool, and yet as full of "fun" as. abarrel of monkeys—well, that's another story—thr.t'sV e l v e t . . • • • • • . . - • • •

j t . And 'cause why?% ' • . • • • . • • . ' • . '

'Cause Velvet is broitght up1—not jerked up bythe hair. It's raised as carefully, as a favorite child.It's cured in the big fresh air. And it mellows awayfor two years in wooden hogsheads 'til it's smoothand rich as cream. The wonder would be if Velvetwasn't a whacking good pipe smoke.

"Lei Nature mellow yb' to-bacco an' that tobacco will shore'mellow yo' nature," says VelvetJoe. And he's pretty nearlyright.

NATURE-AGEING in the wood does more; tomake tobacco friendly than any camouflage you

can'cover it.with—and don't you forget it. See, taste,smell, feel the "real tobaceoness" in Velvet Why,youcan almost hear it Velvet's the tobacco you canjudge with your eyes wide open andspecs on. , : ;

There's a whole lot in Nature's way of making- •good tobacco better. ... And it's all in Velvet, .;• •

Here's to a full pipe and a friendly one. """" . : :



before the eyes, dizzy spells,palpitation of the heart, lessappetite or craving for sweet

r or. sour'kinds.of food—aresigns of self-poisoning by products of poorly


which have entered the blood.

Beecham's Pills assist to restore normal actionof liver, stomach and kidneys.


teacher, Mrs. K. C. "Welsh has been | Mr. ana Jlra. A. l\ Down.ubstitiuiug for her. . } .Mrs. Tliccxloro Xunn is confliieci to.Mrs. Isaac A. • Hofima'nMs spentlins i her honie with an attack of grip,

somo time with' her daughter, airs • ^'" ••n t sairs.

Marc -Waldron, in Calif....Mrs. James Tlosltintr lias been spend-

injj several days in New York.William B. Hull is ill with grip.Mrs.''j\t,']3meiTof Higtij Bridge visit-

ed Tliuraday -with Mt-s. Fred'33, Hoff-man. ,

Mrs. Myrtle .Tnrvi.% oC W llm in pi on,no!., si>enl Kriday wilh her paronls.

Sir;tins, .it lit

. lii'nnk-l Ailcr 'visited.•kaway over tho week-

mid-yofiv examination!-in the liigli scliool thi

arcs' heing; week. J

Speaking about Louii Yenr, have younniitinil any youys.laities in- line.at themovie hox-oilice"while theit' young menguests. w;iil. for llii'in to liny liffcels? '.

% . • • • • ' . . ' - 0 ' • ' • :,

o Matter oC thc oC Warah J3.

u d y, i.y, u«iimB«d. ,y .::-,ry) °™?!S?^'^'Notice IK heroliy given'Hb all.porsoh.s

iiaving claims iiBttiiiHt"'-tlie '«iitato^bCSarnhr.K. Koivlby; liLii! of < NewarU,^JCJ.. iluocasicd. to prcHciit t l icnamo withiittldiLvlts witliln 00' days Tpom tliiBduto to the siinscrlbcr. her Executrix

AXNIB «. I10WLUV. Kxccutrlx," •: ; l 7 1 . - . W a l n u f S U ,:?

•;" " -'•"•"• •' '• - •:-..-V--'.Newaric;ilWJ.Dated; / J a n . 2!), 1320. ; : ' , , - ; ,: l - 2 i - 5 t T


Page 12: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict


OVER-EATINGif Iho rool of nearly nil diseiti -CTUI. If your digestion is wcnk orout of kilter,bettercatlei>andu>c

the new aid to better digest onPleasant to take—cffcclivc LotKt motiU help .traighten out yourdigestive troubles


The Star's' Weekly Story s

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Dr. A. Dav'iL.on ii

fi i i i i— i.'-'Oylt.TRI T

\N i h n^lui IN J S ^ T A

OH U HOUI t '"•C? ' D ' ' MMVr lo or Phon i-l Ic « • * * 7 fe 1 1 II 1

«n nppo nt-t n x | |


\, ^t^^m

ping; Is Always aeider's

got bai

7o« O;P I'cewed witn •• mud coui'cv), bo much considei-ciiion, hat teat!) ' i a decided chan°* f:cm the uau one iiaccus'rmed to liciri> hand'ed n tno^l nihu stores

\O\\Y\ o l i o h u e lioppv. 1 v P " t i b L ' £ , u s >ic o n e m

I t h e i i c )' t n liT-tiUiti •• V f s i n e t o t ^ i t u i e

, c i \ i .t o I ev. i " l i I > \ itli n r - u h I K i sc m d q LI a 11' \

A (. r c c i t d a c \ c i p i t o l i•> c H i l l e d t > ' full m c a s i i c

u[ B - n i h iL,ti ^ C I \ I L C h ' i i h iiiv. c h c e ici t i n . ct mi u n t i l

l l C D l d < " i . h U i . l t r, \{ Hci 11 I L l O ' l l i l l '

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R a n l u r ^ e i i , u i l l \ T d P - m l o i LI , I I T I m u l i L I-

A D ^ Himbei v,c

i1 S


Pan'e ^ci\ ;s f/i' /o^ca? -Iopp nfoi the won in of P cw Jc 1


Dr. Hoiace L<chty |, LoroMrni i rf

IC n To S \iF \ s ro p \ Hj

1 r c cf I ! Pcorte c ft «io M

I t b M W

The Quai^y InvestmentTho I rm o t 1 I e l I n f n « f r thQnhllt In t t 1> tl t f t n n t ha •

Th ( nolilv I n c i m n non roe n cTtilnl-1 m r o t IJ t cert th*t o r ncw il I ulT etc I t b n n f no Lat i5L«

Tlisconpan d nla n I n Mor vn «ti ced nrti g\ 1 mi ro d ' IT H m h t t I D ««orHlorywl n pmi ti n m n n l n t enc (

croi J I t b c t t 1 o c Iolm n V it

, Wohn o P rat In lh p. n f ! pvnan

n r l o n t o t h ' l r or I c n h r c kntho I v fLorv, a fur en t tar 1 amonrV,oHlallbo cnxod tc till O nho t o f tu.al tIn o»tmi. « Boet Innuc 1 n d cl c te refer

W e Guaranlcf Our Mortgage i

i J. L Pcttj lohn s. CoOlathc, Kansas


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T^ /"

Don't DecideOn Any Range

Until you huvc seen thePerfect Jchilio. A homopioilutl Aho\c t u nthmn else it I'S pi i t ln iliid cconomn. il It i1' L!

(HOIIIIILU m l ! >-u'i i1 ,]model with pci l e d h il in ' Hqu ilitits 11 li is ill tin | jmodern improvements andis1'made of the best muter- []ii'il ohlainable.

For Sale only by



1 I

I Al I I A 1 \1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1


1 M 1 U A l lI I S 111 •- I I I \ 1

1 M 1 A ( I, 1 1 1 I 1 1 1

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211 Northampton St. Easton, Pain 11 II

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Page 13: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict


to See More

Have your eyesU'slcd and glasses lilted by oui

Doctor ol Optics.

Reininger's Jewelry Store211 iSoi tluimplon St, Fusion Pa

o n L il i i — i in iu o i n S lUll I US * | M


Of course, you ltnow your own affairs best, butwe know the Lumber and .Mill business as theresult of years of experience, and want to telljou th t \ou will nnl e \ mi tike if >ou do notconsult us i to joui i equipments in Lumberand Millvvork.

John H. Siagerty Lumber CompanyPHILLIPSBURG, N. J.


II I I ll I I I III I I III \ II I 11 III I I I l l l " It l 11 I. I f I I 1 11

I I I I l l l I l l lVI I I I I I I I I

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tl III ll I I 11 i * 1I1L1 people ll it<- off

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i Hamilton, Court and Ninth Streets.

wMj Fa..

The Girsioouas Iraiflkasinis® ©f Spriiagh a s a l n w i y bi%"n t o Tia"1"" t -° i rms e r i r " s y l c w e a r S ^ c t n u M

1% w Bmlii>—Sil7f[L f o—Coats*•» c Cora" i ; i" ^ v" ->' j

"i 'o ana ti'Ct «. T * cos tii- p <• E i 1 , BcA Co^i s^o. s'nctly 4ai=[0^j motels, fnmniej \ i' i "J1- > c " f rsii ' •"" ""r

j'Acdcied alon^ Uig; '~<_ -<- - L' 'sdt in <• "-e"err ofCL , tticcdi tine TvoSuK»t 1

0 0c c < • • * { . i o - i n

The Hackettstown National Bank c »p,5al]8u s r J <• > s i

muti \om itt nlion to Is iixmicos ol OVLI i Mil 1 10\\ \ D -\ 11\1 I ml ii>pu.ttull\ solicits voui 1 U

t r i i I I l l l l ji i i I o1 i •- o t f s on i 1 o i c i

11 - C s I I he I

S l l 1) | s l l liOVL lO t 0 ) % I I I 1 1 I I I H,I I 1 s

t \ I I O \ I S W i l l s 1 i I 1 U l ( \ x SI 1 \ I "> 01

Send for Your CopyJ ) ii i r s "f*» » •» a s s


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(orI n c r- r, w lv be 1 1 tO

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Rend i i t S V oTpnd i l l l S/ fl S.

( m m ir o i s I

J T f "-c nL i p. ii t ^—^ T 1 Iri l h c on i id/ 1 t

Send for il.

FRIEND" Power SPRAYERS1 I 1 It Sl 1 I O i l 1 0 H 1 | t

f 1 II 0 I 0M 111 1 VI t 1 Ml 11ILM 1 « I \ I T

\ 1 <,) 0 1 t i l lei

I 1 II M l 11 VM I U II I I V K l ( I il Ni f. i C N1 I I c o \ 1c

SOIN BROTHERS IISC0UP0K4TEDmum v i i m i \ i) vii i vO l b l O U i J l I M M

Boarsth^8lgnaturop£Oha8.H.FletoherIn ueo for ovor thirty yourB, aud

l Mule Alia 1 wtfl \ \\[\\ VI ill

Page 14: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict


tv.-'Be Sure Of |

YOUR BANK1 Closing the Story of Winter Goats


, ; THE


The One Bank m Jim us Countyopeiatingundoi the l.'\ & ol Xou IJersey Governing S.iuiint. ti.mUb

Its imcslmenN aie limited toMortgage Loans and the His?hest Grade of riecuiitie-..

Interest4% Per Annum I

Paid January 1st on Deposits up'to $10,000.00

Deposits made on or beloie,the third business day of nn\month draw interest from thefirst of the month.


The Morris County Savings BankMORRISTOWN, X. .!.

Fat is ratal to health and pcrsosaht Itw estimated that orer 3100U person 1 z-a*iicil each year in the past ceen'lt) U"~ b"•(ore lief- allotted spin of liii tti-aasli t"-icitecta o! excesiiTo iatr.esa. As: o\er* " .laan or * Oman i* ei-runj: uahnl* i l

thi 13 - - •

dehca'o human nppa-a

•*i\\p- in n l n i o r i • i t - ! i m u l t.il i t I li ti 11 \ i i l - n \ ' o i'l *' ' n1- i t i t in• w ' n 1 ' •-i i " i i I o n e p i n i n i i i u i i h i » o i l u i l i l !•*

- i ' K t i< t n i \ i b i i - h i p i l u n t i l n h n > m t i t ( i t u . t u l

i h n n t t o n c u I \ t i T a d o t - e r d e l i c a t e i J i n i b n u t i n u i l l 1 ! i ! U " i > i n t h i n

F " h r o u = h O T C - O L S C t h " i f i c t I p ~ - M m i i u i t i r c i - l i n t o n l \ I r t t t i n nt o n u n u c i ^ i i ' i r c t i i n v ^ u i >i i > t. IM iici i m n >HI<LM >V> . , . . - . ' * *«oiisnc s i t _ n h u n s hv I T ncollii i p -Mil r h i - n o t i c - o V ti r n t i n . Cuois of / r J i * ^IIDJ

a a t i i r aca I a t p t C M I j n - i" i c i w of iconic it u l e n u IThan 1 csl t ln etnaUi.r r r or to ilr inmUu n ' l jineuniouii 4i I c " -

mo,'.! It Is in UK' "t


79c Silk

Black or white

All sizes

First Qualih.



$6.90 and

$7.90 Winter

Sizes 2 to 0 >rnAH colorr.. Vciouisvelvets iin-.l coidn-roys; also- a frwmixtures. S o tii cwith fur collarsLined and mlcr-lincd.

io immediately dispose of all broken lots, remnants, odds and ends, and various hill lines slated toi Cle.uancewe have subliacled goodly amounts from prices already very low. Save a thinl—a half, 01 more1

The final Price Tags on all our Women's and Misses' Coats show thegreatest reductions we have ever made, the greatest anywhere.

u n f r l fbccai f I ci

mdP u i l o n i w i t h b ' p i i h p " 111> a m i

i!< p i n ! - t i ' i m i i m u 11 i n i m l b u t

' > i i M u l i n - i m ' H l l i - h i i i O i i t I tlJjSc '*i^ " * i '1 w i t h s m h - i n 11 s s t o t i i b m i _ j - M 11> u l o p i l l t n _ t i n U K t n t t l d \n\

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Mn ' t ll It lilt 1«

r ti t i i

$20 COATS FinaUy Priced atNa\-y and black velouro. Fur collars i

Loose hanging belted models,

One Lot of Men'sSeparate Trousers

Dark patterns, heavyall sizes, Very unusual \alue

Boy3' $10.50 Suits nowLatent waist seam and Beitul

models, lined trouncrs. Suet Cto 17 yeara

$35 COATS Finally Priced atHave aliawl or square collars of fur

Fancy linings. Silvertonc find \elourAll shades.

$4C,\COATS Finally Priced atPlaiH tailored nnfi a lew trimmed

models.'1-A wonderful collection of coata«t thta price Come uarl>, as they are•going quickly.

$45 COATS Finally Priced atDeveloped in all-wool chiffon broad

cloth. Black, taupe and BurgundyLined throughout. Also a few coatets a tthis price in plusli or beaver.

At bin price concessions.Men'3 Wool Process {£> JSHIRTS-ai:d DRAV/ERS. $ 3

Natural "color,Won:cr.'c $1.25 and $1.39 Ribbed (VESTS or PANTS. ^

Medium cr very heavy weight rteece linedChildren's faSc VESTS orPANTS

Slight imperfections. Sizes up to 10 yearsMen's 20c SOCKS—All colors 4| * 8 1 .and sizes. . . 8 SL 2 '

For work or dress—first quality.Three for 51.00.

Men's 59c Extra Heavy WOOL <3«MIX SOCKS <3S !


FA"\ OH iBLi: . M) UNFA TOR IMX; C03DIEM1 O \ ttUijM FOll MR. HOOVERj n, i uiu , t ii ii c I M \ f IM\ - i n ui mt-si. t t tht mn

'Win I ll -, 1 - '1 (

! „ , . u..l n « o

nt ti i ilt 11 l IU thin,t i c la^i. mi-

.11 1 O u t ) Ul ll |l»l llttlll

li -> 11 i ill u U !> n iilo i s in I - i itn. 1 (ji u u l i iKdi tn oi nr It in\ ) tin i l •'Uli n tn l to it In 1 n CHoover, wlio lius|]"i Ilfl-'.l a - i 'i }\ mn In- ]•!( --ii a-- 11! > Hi' mi i/ii ^ p i

\ u 111 1 h * 1 UK 1" H i»t t li mI li til'.' Vll-U- UL" -'I'll'.- Pllil.-ulOlplll

imiull'.M1.' which coiiC'iVs that Mii f. ] mil Uii t»n 1 c-t h

m New York Cuy alone from Ud- ; ;^ ; 1 , ; : ; 1 , ,'mn " ^ ' T .", > ^ ,,/v,'« I'^'SZTn^^ \>»^ * ,'„;«* t '1? ,^, ."iln"1"n e v t r o u b l e l a s t y e a r . D o n t a l l o w i , , i , , t i t 11 . i n <n ' i n o i n n y i t i s > h w . l i m . | , ,, L U U 1 L , I , 1 , ' i u n l M 1 I S t t u nj o u r s e l f t o b e c o m e a v i c t i m b y i u i i r i i u i n > i n - i i i s i t <> ' " " " - ' >> " l

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v " j ^ , , i , M 1 , " , ' „ I m n

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a g a i n s t t n i s t r o u b l e b y t a k i n g L ' . m o a t " ' . • i ' ' » ' '." l " ' ' ' " ' " " o n ' M n " ' ' . n o u n , n m » . >l m m i , , h i »jml^i w*.* Tm-m*m* I i. u i il ' '1 ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " > m I ' " ' l " . ' " . ' " ' ' , . , , , , , , , r i , n ' 1 W l i li is > 1 i ' 'GOLD MEDAL

mThe '.vorld'? Rtnndard reme^l? for kidney,' %" bladder and uric acid trouble"ilo'.lnr.d's national remedy since 7696All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteedioolc tsr the name GoW Medal OQ every box

ucd Accept no imitation

ll i ilm l P i i i! u M l n *

1»1» li i 'Inn1 Mi l i r imd pcnl "inl i l l m l " i in

I h


You'll find Slcan's Linimentsoftens tne severe

rheumatic ache

Put K on f-cc! IDT t tub it nJ-st l"t t />t that r m *\1 \ \*hat isense of soothing relief soou foi'nw-i1

I Mcinal aches stiUrc son. LSSc m ipcd n i id" , Irii 11 si - \ tb'1'"! enc1 i •—iho c an i c i tf» nt olT tuc tlic\inj <\ h ' olSJonn«i T tu nr*-it CUi- co 1 ^mcrt,cccr.omica!. ,35c,'70c, Sl.'lO.

mi <> l ^ tn

t i 'i


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In tn j u l mih -,t . ' uppf'l mo sme. I \ o .du ot th I i il 'swu.- i ' I Wu cUcov I

\ \ L should Ii J l i > - .umcit MiHO" ,i is Hit TJinu i l l ' Uldi'ilL

101 J'l MM ll llll L P l'(01111 111 It Kill

s nui l ui- hi m u LI i» <ui s ot a*

Dimou til i m t \ itn supimi i hun i tn i ui l ' din ( nllllHU Oil 1 I'll fill II I) |lt H i \\

h h m i s i i W*. siioiill mn h it t

supno t h m is I\K I i " I n 'i < m 11

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Ui Ll i H'J . i t loot! iidininisti t! i ii „ iu 1 tmi p n i it L

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IL o i i »i« i i • v u \ \ i n Wi 1 ni tt i nit to thru p i

I oi s mil' it nns mul tin si \ > ibl i n it m n n i \ lnu l i < i. t . u u veto

I o b i r s i lib lh n sim to t i,b! i b j i

I H O I \ M u ' l l 1( ill h ioni IIM of' d t h t tin D lli'K i ic i K pub'n tn

Loiucntinn i not b Ih m i i tu ld l(done onl b% i inijiiil u ujn slit , ind

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"o m i(h the s u n <fi <t iv ih jurlj?mi nt til I bo 1 oston Ib ) tl 1 u|mn

I In Uoih1 btn mIh V \ ^ nil \ \ i '»' i h iM'i-,

i h i i ' i t in will • ' "l'>m I i til

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Of Ibin i

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r losm s Ih it i wou'd n iltiii' i s iur tl OIKI i Inn Io Ml th 1 (itmit. Ui<PUU IO SV llllU JI0.WI , 1I.L POIUI I


That MadeGood

If jour iarm ib rolling or hilly don't (akc anychances; save yoiu'aeli a loL of ''GRIEF" by buying uCLETRAC in the first place—u tractor that will work aswell on a side hill as on the level.


THE CLEVELAND TRACTOR CO.iaiucst uuiii'liu.lmci ol lanK-tvpc li.ii.lois m the woild

_ . Sniiili i

fni him b< c ills' In iI hi ^ouilni i i ])'tipV

ub insis o i v m ui l n \ m ,un i t lH! nf, D-mo(.i ul lm\e i Itt itli s nlf mlnif, t ' i s !),lnin M nsr oi IHiif--s of ibin,1- n

mid niin mUiinL, i tmi Hi d it u mi/ ti i.,iii ulliii il


earsCor. Bank & Church Sts.s i \ s Ih V II mi i ) r t

M n K knnwnui L1I» Wilson

nut 'illtothlt Hoover foi

The New Vorl;ts t in i h » f siUHtoiiflmlni U it lnn h i <

lv in >f»vor of U n

umpli t Lulups of tlKI I

Agony of Rheumatism and Gout, NcUraltjia, Lumbago, Chest Colds andSorts Throat Glided in Half theTime It Takes Other Remedies.

fewsion thatbrought liN pn

iiiU\ mil Hi it i s t hii mm Io 1 in), fin in in,t< nslbh i nn n n t is mopportunit

In i! th \hini ;ind Iwon't: blister—D is alwajra

fu IK - it s uinnilinotlnrs ultlt\hlniry Chnn-li lo ISiirn MortK»Ri[1 L \sbnn "\I 1 thmtn is Hi

foi i, In.,

tip tn !n!< iiilli ! l i l r ' - mi lulll lui lus t nntl Miiltlt l i

wor ld loi l i i i f » s M I H n n U s ti< il a u n ] i i lit 1 , i a u d i t h u t m ilie u i i i lit mi l htiilli

Ttoqi 1 M i i t u i n i ' — i l l f n H hi HimoI t inntli ( l I P il n nu t \ u « iiiivt n r d — u o i l t a p a i ^ t i u i l I i i ti Hlit rtvmv Mi'1 piiiii ir»in Hi i \ i t i l —\t* . . n I ii i lnl i i ! i i - t ti fotr r n t t r d l o i t \ I t i tmi , u Mn u> uojl ivnyn*lu t h e ycllov.* Iwu.

l I b •• i l i u i n i t i i l l !

_ _ f b u i i K i \\_iltttM1*! nifl iF

"tiloil "Tun 2i» JJ-0 - — ^ - 1 - " 1i""^,_—

nil Tin Ice i>'\\(ik\ i u in i U in S ( i i mill T h i n o 1 AVtrl V m M f ° "Ilion bill Umi (lie )

ha-\t. hul pluiU oi c\Ulcuci. ul Mb i '»,, l

i t \U UUU\LDtltf<l i!l>l "V, 1 I ll 1 1 Hit

Page 15: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict



As-Pure As it's GoodThat's WHISTLE — good foryou all year 'round—and themore you drink the more goodit does you. Pep and energy inevery swallow and fine for thekiddies. '

PHILLIMBURGNews of the 6i(j, Growing Town on the Delaware

Pure fruit,'deliriously mixedwith. heavy cane sugar—goodfor your system and fine foryour nerves!

"It's Cloudy in the Bottle"For Sa!o.Everywhere

Stanhope Bottling WorksSTANHOPE, N. J.

Klnier Ctidd rink.-il lilt* ,own lii'u andNliiaslicil his ii'JUinuibile U) save tilt* lift•>r (ihiuc. Hii!i, nliiL'-yciir-oia/itaiiKhtertif .Mr. nnd Mr«. liuncw Hull, "near Low-er Hurinony, on a rcccnl evening Mr.Ilitdd yaw tlie llnle jii'l coasting intoHit' ]V-'lvi(liMc-[lllllll[iHblliK ro:Hi fromii Htcp|) KI-IIII^ I'suIiiiK rroiu lliu liae-h-m;in farm bulhUn^K, hut not in time tnstop liis a i r iintl prevent the nice! fromcritshfim iulo his tnachhio. ^ Tlio wirhrtAiP ft icJ/'firnpIj jfbJ" and thp machine'was b:i(.l!j*"v:roek'jtl. —JlivlJutltl t*sc:tpctl

llisH .Miirpirtit I'Jlchl, dmtclnri* of Mr.and .Mr.s. PeU'i* Delhi, was severely in-jured Thursday eveiiliiff. when it sled onwhk-h sho was rUlinjl with her sisterv.-aj; .'.truck try a hltf duubta-ilockor Unit

! came down Helvidero avnnue. Khc washijtirril about tlm hijw nrid wan unableto wall;. Him WIIH laler takr-n tu thebiiiiu! of her parents

The Mntlu-is «rf 1017 liavo rcceivrdpciin;uifta qua it era in ilu* Jtnanl ofTrade roinn.s ami lurid their first tneet-IIIHT tlii-re yesterday. A "CuO" :tm! ituuecwill he held in Oi-tygla Hull I'YUUiy eve-nintf, Kebrua ly 17. Tim proc-eids willbe uwod as part ui' ti. fund for tin*, pur-i-Jia.i:o of IL rnominiiTit to In- jiluoed onHit" plot fur fioldiers in the. Kalrmount


whichrKaniiation.TJift Town

tiKiIninliK-d dy the


?•!7 lientl at ibo top and back Has alEo'.ately bald. Tbr KcalpV,M* -:':iii;/. An espi.-ri c:iid that as 1m tiif.aglit ilio hair roots wcrj

ti:.i;*n T, :L!I-1 llt.'.r-i was no liopf <<f my t i e r having n new liair trrowili.' Vut nor;, ui an asu over CX, 1 II-LVU ;i t'jxmlant growth of noft,*-:r-.,u;-, liir.'i<W3 hair! No traco of t,aWnres. The pirlurca shown

Indians9 Secrel ol Hair"'Growth

eiHcinCherokee Indian "elixir that k" iissevcr.-ned wenM RT<A!t!inu-h 1 luiil Imt little faith. I cmTo n.y nniazemcat a liirlit fiif.e FO"IJ njipenrfil. It <ici

.day, into A haallby Growth, nti'1 ere Ion- my hair wasmy youthful dnys.

That I was r.rttwuhett cud /•of/'.v is .Obviously, the In it* rnois tiad not . .. .

ibo pra!;i, iiu'tiitins Iho ftrlilisinn potenc.*.- ov' ;tin i'i;Mrnini» iimnum:.1 acsotir.tod for nnil mine into pOBFfR'ion of the prinnplf for

prc'xirinp-'his mysterious. Mixlr, nnw called Kolull;o, ami Inter bail, , . the i-fc'.p!-*>ul;-.i!!tn prnuicnlfnrni l.v n elirmist.

t: laid, xiiat my «wiv.!ipiir srowtli -.vnn permanent liaa been nmp!r pm-reil.women, nlsfi rtiililrctC-hafC rciiortcil tat!sf:tctory remitts from Kotalko.

cud liappy is repressing my state of nstolsj iad not boon <lc.nl, but were d

Ctiiiunis.sioncr.-i tit lastUTOk'N MK 'Ull (,'ilVn ]><Tfnis.siOlk tu liltI'liillljiHliuiK' Transit C'nmiJitny lo pliicia new dcrallliiK HWltch and crnsscivMtracks'.ai tint JVnn.sylvaiila I'tntlnudcroHSlnft in UnUui K<fti:tr**.

Tin; cxtt'iislvu iniiirovfmont.s ami al-It'i-atlotin l^iiwi IUHI Juno in llm plantof the Canister Conipnny of .Vow Jersey,In I'lililliiHbtii'K. ar« nnw.iifurlriK vuwpl''ti>in. thf .must'Iniiiuriaiit ami vulu-ahle »t' whieii. from tin' jitamlpoinl nlHie ('TiijJkiye.s, is i\w new \vlfan* build-hiK. winch, within tin- m*.\l few IIH.VKwill bi* ]>ui jnio K*-uer:il !i'.'i'vk't'-. , Tlwroan* Hhow.T bath^, a Ih'.-U uld rohin, incliarj,'-1 of Mr.s. Kr,\m:i I*. Svutt, n tiaiu->••! nurse, ami oth'.-i- r<«iriis for the crn-ployt'H. • The tiost of tit" new UitlditiK

.\iiiyut* Smith has reepived « l.-ttuifr'.in l'i«'<liri.jl; A. 1'opi- of Soincrvllleinl'uniiiu^ him that U<> wU! vintt Carni)16. i'. O. S. m' A.. iiiHiut Hi<- middle ofI'..'biura-y ami deliv.-r his Ici-tnrt* ••!!-Hit ' I.ilY- nf Abnili-im l.lncnln." Tin'iiti'inliers rii' C'arn|i 'rt and t.'. fA. ti'raitlOtiiliiiimiery No. -I'., l'nil(jrm> -I Hunk)\viu~ l»*'inv'it<-ii I'lVT'iUil" C.iliii."K-.t.;;:t!iC,ivrriiiii: nf tii>* ]i*vtuii'. 'l'hi1 iiii-nitn*!^• if tli>> 1'liillii^huit1. i-iiinpH will aii.-iidtlio tlistriot convt'iuloii oi' the ni'tlct* t"In' hi'i'd :tl KaokftlHtriWii SaHinlay cve-niny, FWiniary L'l.

Ctiiinly Cull list: I Knscbcriy informedIhf Tuwn CV(intnis>.iuit<:rs Tiiur.sKiy thattin- imiiiuy is wlllir.^ 1<> maiiu:itn llm-i^.sftilions of ULL> cnuniy I'nads wilhln ill'.1

town limits, namely on Kouth Main**;rcet fioni th'>-i'iid of tin.- bricks to

! thi' town liinlt.v, and tin.* .Morris uivu-] pi in.-, fi'tnii nihuoie alvyt.'X I" Hi I:SI;1R' 1'i'y


1'vxldcitt of I'.roiiilwiiy. n t l'olterHvllli.1. i j[jHiili irdiiy. Sli«.-wits ij.'t yen r« u l d ; iiiul jtvavoH s i x t'lilldVun, ' • ! J***-': Jncul i < !P '1 I , UKMI tJfi.yi.-ar«. ttlwl » t iifljTrenton Suturilay iiftt-r :in tlhu'Ks "I" ;|ftlirt'i! ywirs. liv was for nearly thirty | ••<

THE ORR306 to 312 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa.;

year* n incrclinut of Alpha unitroimerly u leyldi-m or Viilllliwhiirj;. II"leuveH llv<! children, union;; thorn Mre.Ciiiil Widenor of llclviiluif. Me wtH imunihor ofTUt

hutiu'raii t'htn-oh.

KIII,ftJ)U'iV(Jii>vlas held yeitij-day after- j ^

wiili •fii.'rvli;t\s In iii>; - uliureti . t ri•'IHurlul wns nt Alpha. , , . ,

Rolatlvw of .\(r«. Mno, v.-lfAof Louis j ^Ilpi<lf)!i:k. rlnlighter nf Mr. and ,\lw. V/JChr.rle.s rji.-u-lul of St. houlM, formerly i jl'of PhlUIHitiir. lifivi! rroi;lvi*d word ^tt'ltlnji of hrv death. In IL St. 1/iiiin Don- y \\\\v.\\ from imi'iinionia, n«cd "» ye;n-n. j |I1

IMnl Kurcrh'-r «f I)-Iauan- l'urk waH ' [)severely iitjure<l wht-n :i ihtrnh w.iilertVll at a hoine when* ]w w.m ili-liVt-rinKmilk, .strikinj; him on th«> li.-;nl. l>rA. HhliiK-r tlrfftHPil ht.s IiiJiirU'K.

Alfred K. Can*-, .S'cr't:Liy of tlmBo;ini of IMiKiuiloii, wa.i oin* of twoout of »1 nif-n Who T;.-etiivd a. drawn |(jainf nuahist X-vvt-li Hunks. worW'H Jchampion cheelu-r jilaytM1, til AUentown iMoml»y overling. The chaini'lon playedth*- ai nn'ii i.t tli" same thiu-, moving ffioin tahle to tuhli*. ll;inkM eiirtled onfour tfaniff* of nhf-HH it I the saint! tltn*'!aiut won them all.

Waller MIIIIT, t ia rher in tin* Com-meicl.'il ili-pnt-untvtii of \\u- looal IIIRII )scliool, ha;) rt'slftrn-d and Una IJPPH <MI- iKaiO-d t<-rni)or:u'ily in ttin Kn.ston high

Herbert Winans of Trenton, a jjales-man for H \vhot«\s:tl** pai'i-r ltnaic, re-\>:,vU->\ to tin- \M\WC. Mnnday t-veiihiKtlut hit! valh-.i'. titled with hwrAiw^1»H|HTH, hail l-'i-n Kiol-n from the ilnor-Way of .flidilftis* store. South .Mainst!'"»•(. )!.' said he had deponluil Die <KKri|t ;it the dnoi nn he emi in l " "-siort- to K'.'uU to th iiroiirit'tor.In- L'time out it ' * IKRKK l.NION.

Prtd Kip'j.-.Uht vll.sttd Ins wlff"in ih'fHuston luu'lilttil rijimulay. Hhe UndiM-


To Protect ffou During the UncertainIf you find your supply, getting low, or showing s i g ; Q ^

and tear, you can still'secure good Knit Underwear at th'is time.?Our stocks and values are always kept at a standard and to giveyou complete satisfaction in every way. ^ :

MEN'S UNDERWEARMedium and heavyweight Merino

Union Suits of a fine quality wool.Special value, suit _.......$3.98


Good wai'in quality Wool Shirtswith ribbed bottom and drawers tomatch; exceptional value at : ; :

$2.25 garmentMen's Extra Heavy Wool Shirts and

Drawers, non-shrinkable, at$3.75 garment

Men's Heavy' Fleeced Lined Shirtsand Drawers, each $1.25


A Splendid Value d»i nf\

Including high neck, long sleevesand ankle length, Dutch neck, elbow'sleeves and knee length;' mediumweight and excellent quality.WOMEN'S HEAVYWEIGHT MER-

INO VESTSSmall sizes are .........$2.50Large sizes .........$2.75Ladies' Wool R i b b e d

Drawers, extra value......FLEECED LINED UxNION SUITS

Fine ribbed suits, nicely finished,made high neck and long sleeves andDutch . neck and elbow sleevesSplendid quality. The suit.. ..$2.50







• • • I I ;

,\;• \ j ; • ; -


:i. William.* frci'm. a

•». .Itiim (-'.\HMM t.ihi 'a y u-nri .

>;'!".'lain; I

' (.in; rlfiys. I'rnl i

I f l l l T V . Im l iif ilv.-i

r<l i i i | i ] ^ l )

!Jf_* (;i,,,rt,.^

Ki:-rllJi;HI!.',lvisit v.-iuiSe S',VJi«".'.i',ii!irnii<.'!, VI'Ulninins nlII1.' H!lll '

id"in'iiiT.Ilaia vvcolt.

eiiii''i.<--h'iLum:!e, An

.1- \\'lil Iplil

(irilVrl* Vis

ii:is-,i-r-in I

•nil tVii1!

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11'..1iltll'lis S\










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C !:in f<-KillsI'uni


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HanltinRon*s Saleevilfft'Vf a n1!"(\\

I'I n




•r .

m i

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•r. ivilrinn; fromu i v f i i . l i t . * a l l I . I H

I'I :L'*< t'h.' .liih'n 11

(*:ti><*r .Mil!.':' iiuT'iiillii'sl.iii'M, idiiC'k «fiii!-[i nn

silny, l 'c l i . IT11. P . ^.'isolir.t> i

tiiii.'l ' . ' - . i l l '(Jli'el'leii I \ ' ] | M . I I rei'il H:

•-lion*.; Ciiltlvjilnr

fir i ifin-

n ilir ibl





. <m

Cmvvr, liisi \, .

i)f Hnj>i> visited l

Mom' YOU May Grow7- iiolTj* belief is t l inlhair rints rarclv dto even. islieii|,^i» faUfi (ml ttmmch ilamhulT, fever. c rcsKVTo ilryncss

nilirr .li-oiilrr*. I Imvc l":rn (ol.l hyirr;i tlmt nftcu when lir.lt falls nub

....- roots bornine inlieiided within DIDscalp, fnvorcd l.y htinl Fkin. to ilint

Hair i l l" A l l i ance [lutl !>>•,. Wm-lM, | , , c : l e n l lwill !>-• iniidtu.- ' .a iii"iTjilur--ii<in wiin i -l-'tisilllir.-ir 'ulniu ' M Rliiliw.rr.nl. Til.' • l'rW:i

OR.CHK.M.WIUWHSand ethers in


nvorcd ly h n l F k i , n yfor n titiir- like t.r.lbs or Biwln In

a boitlr whirtt will trow vrboii fertilized.Sliampnos (it-hi.-h contain a]!;«lis) andliiiir lotions whim contain nlcoliol urni-iipinics In :bc hair, ns they .dry i:.matin- it !irit!I«. KoUlko cutitaitDi iliumclpinrair, of miturc TCIIIOII give nowvitality to tins scalp and hair.


ii i Ko-alko cvitit tc.stiun

• Ko'.alkovUh .each tox.

reliabl csmall testin

e nMalncil byb l o

uplifttip oMic'.'r:i:


of tliutill! fO



I:.. OI .Mi. i i t ' n n o n tJ|n..iHs. Kiwi Uil'.ll... nml fam-

it.. K^hpaUKh, :uid | U t*n ! l ' e n , . ,

Inn-;r. liK', In


utrn1, !

J t u s h , J r . ; scci-vtiiry. Mrs . H u r r y i i r i u ; "- ' \M-tliw:>;la.v. : n P o q u c s u tii"is*TV' M«1-V-T« I.-..-- i !-'.-.'• r o i V ft"t o n ; iissiKtaiil. .sei;i-.-t:iry, Men. Kdwuvil i .Mrs. Olt>i U-J ITS ;in<l won, .Marcus, "f I ll-.iy hy t h e L"u; t••'.rus'j' 11;*: h'v tin-Itu.sti; t rwiHi i r r r , Mrs . liilttii i J i l t s . ! pcquv-sl . »:ul M i s s Mil t ired H o p k i n s l)ini.ll . \ T w o I 'n.rn.l rnll.s of S'n. :>

.JOHN HART BRITTAIN, nc-1007 i Station F, New York City

The largest electric sis»in the world advertises

on Times Square, New Yost

City: it is 250 feet Song. 70

feet hiah". Pfade UP of.I £286

electric* lamps.

The fountains pSay, fS'fe

trade mark changes., readr

ids aiternately WRSgLEVS

SPEARMINT.' . and tBe-

This sign Is seen nightly by about500.000 people from all over the world.

-en; st sir led for Uw r t j ivption Pi IMm new piistor, Krv. \ \ ' . i rrc: i .1. I-Y.rc- i

i p:niBh. tind Iiiw family itlK,ut Miivch l. :! Wi th t h e r'Miiit'i-t of t he iiomtl of

;ui(l imiii'iti'iiiuv-tf of tlu- pulillc schools •I for tli-- school yi-;ir IIU'O-CM. iiifHuliiiK an [

ipri.'iiif'ii ot $10<),SSf» I'.u* Kiilttri'.-.s, it |

UR service—v/hich is thebest of service—is con-

stant at the disposal of our cus-tomers and friends.

•E3ELVI D E R E . N . J .

iir-l Utik.-r; janitur, i"!*-crKe AMlsis Mabel llrnkaw wus v.od.led "last

Tuestiiiy to \V. Frank Minion of I'lili.'t-nt iliu home uf Mr. and Mrs

irdiin HlKiftVr. S-'SO" Fillmoro Hiroet.Tlio ceremony was peri'onnod by liev..Irtir.r.Ti.Mocn:,:!.':'.""1'' • "f- -AVostniinsinr.i'n-sbytf rtan trhurehT"Tiii'y 'will rpsidoin riilladclphiii, wiu-re itie bridoKt'oomis a linotype operator on ihv" Philadel-phia ritar.

Tho wo.ivers of Wallnc'fi'ft «HVE milla iv o» strike, having demanded an in -

and otio>half cents |K>ry;int ov.'r the jiresenl rati1 of !>',«i CiMit.H.Il Is said thai thty were offorod '}; ofit cent inoreast? per yard, but tliat-tlu>yrofuscd.it. :•.",•::---:-/.-rr-.-":: --r.-rj..-/.

Tho Ij 'f ltmu:e has cKwed its bar,and M. O. .1. Heil, Uu> proprietor,• liasannounced thai he wii'l retire permati-'ontly from1 the hotot hiislncs.H. It. is on»i.il1 the oldffll hotols in tuwn.

.Adam Martin, :i \ve!l-l:ntnvn businessman ' of i'hillipslnirfr for'nuir.y yofirs,died Tlmnsday nini'iiliiK at his • horn*-.Stockton and .Main .streets, after iin.- i 11—ifcss from KaiiKivnc, lie was 00 yoaraold. He was .'iiKiif-wl In tin* f.vrooery

lim-t> Hincfi tho early SO's. Mr.Martin was the' Democratic (jfiiulidaU*for Mayor in 1S94. UeKide.s (he yrdccryi>ushii>.ss. \w wus also t'iu;:ip:(l in lliecpntraotins business- I'nr a iniiniw nfyours. He leaves two -sons and- two

Mrs. 'William I-Viii.s nf ne;ir AVnsh- ! '''-iDBton wris the Kiit'.st of Mr. and Mr-i | '

Miss -Carrlit Brlnl: of Wa.^illiHtoil Isiii»iit. Aridity with her (criuuipart'iit-s, JMr. ami M M . .1. H. Mutehlor.

in the olllce m tlie KUlson ct'inentplant..

Harvey V. Cole was oalletl to JerseyCity Monday as a wltnrsa in the Court.of Chancery in a HUIL between K. I1.I-Stiylor, himhoi* dealer of Hlounishury.and the Fra.nklin Township Hoard ofKdia-alion ami ;i Co.

iliiy-'.rifrthe IKITIH- of ti\\r;i\\Wd HiirueJI, PJOwhore she hiul n;sidctl

yrars. Hhf is survived.,. _ . . . . _ . tiid iwo dauiditoi'K.. Mr«.Cnmor was a menibfivof Si. Bernard«Cathoi'ic church, East on.

The twelfth nnulve.rs--aiiy of-the or-raniiaiiion oi' tlie ' Wunvn Ciieniical

, ohaorvL'd Katunliiy

inore ihaii 100 pn.'Hunt.j i»*f»Wi?nt of th

•orfei.' Korp.jviiK toast-

-, iimt iiddresnes wore doHvurod bySniilli and CliurU'H Mc<.;oWiHt of

• Meadow, M foniii-r r<-'MK1enL ni'

, Tlio proiiosul lo incrca.si* iroltoy fiircaI from 0 to '7 cents,-which th'.' tMiillips-' hurff. Transit Company anisoitiU'cd by

liostor.s in its ears, was news to I IK*Towti. ConimlsiHloners. NcHlivr Mayoi:Einiltli-)nor" Town1 Attonioy Cndy • iV-exivoi! ;:i copy of the nolii1*- m1 any oih-M'com in iini'-::t fun from tin; company

the matU'i'. Ainilicationj for I lit* inm'ii'je- in fare linti hwn made1 to .thu, luiprstiiU: Conunerci.* Commls-

.Jlrs. Sura'.i I... WHU-im'son.Charted WlJMamson, dk'd SurS" your1*. n'cl'iK! honii' of hmrum \Vitliii!.T.wi, 3 t WasliiiiRtonstroct. Hhf- v;a.-i hurn.nl I.i,-ba)iou,Iiiinterdo!i ('oiiiily. 'She resided hernfiir the. past "Jft years. Silie WI'IM a niein-b'!r of 'tlu' LolMinon Koformed churoli.

„ " _ - I H 1 " • V l ' y "

I.;*- Tliorp of 206 Merrer Klroot. re-word Kundiiy of Hi.* ileatli of his

tuutliur, Alrd. 'Knima Tliorp, ;i.£onnor

Mrrf. Thoodoro Uoiliiu* and soil, J. Tl.

dwelling and vacant, lot, aloiiRKido ofIho propi'iiy of I!. l'\ \Vf-!ler. Tho pnr-I'huae nrlcv was $3,700. it i;; said. .1. tt.Bc'liii'.1 will move into the lower side,now occupied by .Harvi-y Onwell, andAd:im Cowi'M \viH"rf'in:iin in Ih(» other.skle.

Mrs;. Harold Clardner has been con-fined to Uie house- tlie past wook withthe "-Trip. Mrs, Arthur Iteail is alsoH i c k . • •

Mrs. Frank Fohnol of Kaston, daugh-tC'i- of Mr; and Mrs. Poldos Dearrlngcrof Ibis iilnra1. died al tlui Has ton hos-pital Sunday noon from . pneumonia,ajjed "7 yoars.

Tho pauker.i at tlio Kdi.son Cornelltjiliint wont on strike Monday becausethey, did .not KOI tho increase 'of twooonls por hour thai was i;'iven to othersat (he work.s.'

The Indies' Aid Soi'icly will givij ane.iUertninni'*ut and KOCIII! in the churehon Lincoln'!' Hirthda'y. Th<m> will heRlipaUlus by ihy clilldivn and spi'c*i;:l

Mr. nnO Mrs. .1. S. IIowHi spent sini*ilny «'iih.lilsm_piirciits, Mr. and Mrs.' D.

Arley Osiv.un'.s SaleThe BuijMnrllim*. havlnn- l.oiiir!it

i i a l l u r furin, v/il! ilispuni. of ii'.iiuIlls ilv.vst.-irk »!-..! ftini.hifr im<.:..im

l«niHnK"frbVrrJ'nWrrii6"nyl'1-;i7?""Mji^Credit, tanunoncltiit at 1 o'eloel; .slu

a.a follows: Osluirtu'

Hruwn nuire Ii!1300 lli«., worlc Ilaily tuin lirive liurold, wt'iKlit 1100 t!j

l ! l

bay loader.ul ItulHti-in ruKli*

yt-ars old, wi'i^Hn nil luirnofin. an

ro:in l iorse '.' ywirll li.irorks

Hi1 yonTs'61d."'w.'tu:li*.'l 100 lbs; Tlie eat-"tie-* arc half ilmroiiKi) bred H'-lsieinsriinBliiK in apo from one,to four ynan?did some' will be In profit liy lime »fsale, ihoroushlm-Hl Holsiein hull i-oin-liil" two vea'rs oM; lliis'-bull uoul'i b e

X. A. Plrr-iim.Krrcinuii S.-lm

'AndrewTlic suliHCi-ii

flU-lllillR. Will» 1< Tinil fllvodlio upon 111.lolin .1. Hushtlio Hflliiril UOl.sli:in'. >»n

y*'r: 1'aniiins i| . t .mlc i \ Kmi>imower , i-.oiv:

toblll V,;i;.Cl\V. V

'' LunVlior"war


lor, OlnvH.

Callcgar's)Or. iiiiont to •••llwiiwo ol\ nfinliiB liimli1

s .trc-inisi'S kntiirei al ilnii

IK... fOimiit-'iu:!

II. r. «':ilrrp r i v l l l i i - l e n i i f

mill. f..,l.l.-v .•r^ d r i l l . IIL'M. f.vo-U".' i-iii

i l s •Iron Hci'tlil

;o"i. 2 V c a v yl i t .;i5!!.=!B!!!i

f)S.\[I N.

Saleiiirtcoiilinue11 his live

nwti :is liuiituna, neirnu* ui l-.:iu

I.-.o fi:;;:ae..r and 1'dfV-iKti'r. .corn

'" nm'kiril' 'a'ul^Uu-i

farm wyff.

Friday &'.Saturday"

•"Parr" Women's Shoes worth up to

ment Department at

Smart Styles from ourfirst floor depavtment.Including v a r i o u sLentliers with mediumarid higli heels.

A good representation of all sizes,(included in the j entire lot. Thevalues at this extremely low-price,are extraordinary. - ' - :

vidow ofny, ast.*<l.son,' An-

"Ti:c Ideal F::cl,for llw Home

Wairkak, Co

NoSm'okp,Soot,Dir;tor Dirt. Ko Aches worth Klfdajs ;"•:! ,5-,-r. Suva cr-.d A'=f Sizss " ; .

Ijuiics' Aid Hnck'Iy IShlcrtutiiuii.Tl).' Ladio.V1 Aid Kouloty of On:

IJloO'ii^hury Prosliylorlan diurnh wasI'uwrniiiu-d at tho home of Mrs. lOd-\viii Werner Thursday afternoon.There was a large aUe.ndamv. Ainiei\'nfmn- program was sivenlhr> regular business mcotinjj;.Willliim Ufiwihorne, iho |«islor of Ilueliiirob, was made nn honorary ••of the . •unoir-Ly.sorvod. Tiio Noci^ty will yivij

• iOii Wtinniry 11.


leaves four i-liil'lrep. MIK. Meuryof Hplvideiv. Airs. John Datrynin.ljulh and Kilwnrd Colo of ConTho funeral KiTviuos !w^v.i \\<>](\ T,ii!iiJ-'ni Ihe Kumm.'rllol.l M. 13. e!iuT?cv. .1. 11. VYi

Installed., \\w follinv-; in (ii-ai)K'1

Hall, nrondway, !>ntunlay afternoon:IKII. | M.'.uner. NicAdemus Warne; o\-i'i-sei'r. .1;,.•-- ! i.' rool;e; ltHMiirt-i;. 'Mrw. N'tilio Albei-l-T.'I. ' fon; iiu.'ward, .loi'cph liodino: iis^i^lantrial i i-'UiwaiM. •'• .lolnui'iin: Hocrr*lary,ev. .1. II. Knitfrr offlnljiii'i.1." nurliit iflwu-nM. •'• .lolm^ixi: sorrrlary, Mr*t.

TTK'-^ii^iho^:t.1 iwniin>~*:iruit-torv;-r--"-~ r 1 -iv*Mfv r 11ynd;j 1 V^UV^-treauur^v,_M:iUin«v. „., — _ ^ _- -» - • • • ' Miller; Ooor-keriH-r. :\Mvlii lW.iT" To- I """—

M |and TbrJRc-li-Wer.U N. V., $2,75 a year, in aUvunco, Joseph Bodinc.

Page 16: more THE WASHINGTON STARSection 1- …...he paid tin? penalty for tils crime. Xo one, niadf! a coniptaim over the amount nf money tliat It cost tn iuilict the pen-alty upon one convict

pfEfjffagejSixfcen-- .'••'

g|j|||jpJ|J|JJ|^ 1


Just a Few Recollections of iThe Days of Auld Lang Syne




f . ' r a i , ' V.'.'M'I !i'»'l •«:•-" -*""" '•• ' '"" '>'• i-liiirp- of th. ' Clint™ Mini?.' for ri.nr- :il'iliKliU'r' ' ' t Mr.1 "I-1 ' '•"'''• ""'" ''''''"', • '•*•• »vn v.-.iiv.. i-.-lin-ii-.t I" W l i i f f i i . ib - !of V\"i"liiiiKi<-» ti.wiisl.il>. w . i v niiiiTi.-.!. , ; , s l w , . , . k i , , „ . „,.„,,„,•,>• imvliiB !«•<•" i1,-.- Jit'V. 1". W. .I"!!!***1"- . . ;>'•:.! in I'lUOIl.' »1./C!ri-M.-. Wll" t ""k t ' "*- |

Kcnnlm- .IMIIHSII'II O"nii*li <v;i* i-irt-U'il s , . . ; i j ( 1 ! ; s:mt:ii;iy nii;!it. •r i t ' . i . m nf Hi" l-'l"! Niitiim:it r-'uil:. M,.s. i.|,,.Us smtt'k- «H"I nl her li'mw ;

WwhliiRWii. uli.1 ,.r.-«l.l.-nt ..l.lli" e n . - ; -m ,.;.,,,„„ ,,,„, ,.•,.;,,„. „,,..,. „ ».i-I.-r IM- [I-!l O.Il'l.UiV. Mim-i-ilillB I"* lillll'T. Ill'' ; , s l ] i . „,,„ ., . r,,rill'.T ITslil.'lll <'l .line .:. l:.•i/iu'ni'li- , , . - , i HiKli llrlilu-. TH,. I.o.ly was lironslil ;

I run & Sl.'.-l Company. «'«n " '"" ' ' ' i . , , ' .-ni-l.'ry.JI25.IHH1. Tli.. im...r]»»r.uors ».• •• .">'-; , , r i . ,,,,,,. ,,,.,.,. , ,,iv,,., „.,„,, ,„• ,,,.,i.« jr. IVtty. I. -v "• "•'- " " ' ^ ' ,l,.:itli nf hrr I.:-o!h.-f. .liilm lilllk'!:, 1:1 :

' lllimvrs. .

F.iBhi.vn-iiK-li ..•(•M l i" tl'W

i. last «•'••*. II"

Al.l Kmi.-ty

n rfsl- •.u-B.nfJliilTls i.Mmil | _ ^ !),.• I.:i.l|.-:V Al.l Kmi.-ty nf 111";

IVnw-'lL "AI'IIH'II' WiiinUliw nu.l .l..lm I!. -'\.^'^"'"J ',']',',' 'u,,.,',.. ,,i j | ^ . 'Anr'nii '

Wm. Laubach & SonsEaston's Modern Department Store



Laubach's February Furniture Sale

ni:irnV-<l:it ^ t n u ^ ;

til Hi** u'umaii.

Ttveitty Yi'iip. As» .A h-Vyf-v (mm :> in:nt in 1-i.iho 1

i i man i i ' l Miit

f-vf-niiiir h:iK I'-wii im.-tnoinu ior ;i \v<owidtr in iIhif.--.-f in tlK' rn«tL

A lor.f-r iVmn :- man m u . ' - i» i|» •-: n i ( , , , , i j n . , , , , j i u . t h w lit \ V w Vm-I:.WtitfliiHKinu l u l f ' 1 : ; - l i ; ' f ; i ^ " " T ;! H t : u - Mf. an.; M.s . I l i ivm I l^fmiin wiH,i:o :

Kiri'ly Vi iiraiit.v. lull rtelil t w • " " 'luM.-pin^." ,

k-s Suttoli. a I-u* "'



l.:u:i;;iv,:um:i iM»'l In W.isil- «,„„. tim- in X(-w Vurlt v.iMi;„„ I.T. Mrs. Ch.-s:-| . l.iu«t-.-hoii.llTh.-iv w.-iv nimcra thin Hi- 1'liillH"'- s-rioiL-iy ill.

liurir llor— Car Iliiiln'ilil ("••mi«»iy • Mr*. Clmrl-s l::lrsvh:tr: if r•oillJ I..XU-II.I il» «"•• >'• Wasl l i i iB ' -" •">'! : from :.ii n!t:lrk of Uri. . .

1I.U.U.-US1..-.V.I. firnv.-r rn-al;.-, soil n( Mr. :»vl .Mr.--,i l x . Jj .uls .Muriln ill-.l n l il»> h o r n - : v ; s , | , , . , k , . , i s „,,,,. u , i,,, a l , , , , , ; , , [ ; , . , . ;

„'• hi-l- irilVIU-. Ml'. i""l -Mrs- • l"1"1 ' ' ! ' . " l ' " •• ciinilsli. "ii llroul Ktiwl. W.-isliiimti'ii. j , i s i ! X i l , , , . j . Jinrry. wli.i h.-is 1-HII

Dr W. V. FfiCTson. iirasMunl ijf C-n- sn-mliiw I Hi' IKIKI raimlh in [Mymin-. ;Icivirv C-iIk'Siaur lll.slitul.N Ha'.-ii.'l^- | ,l...-....y City ami nroi-ldyn. iKis r.-Uli-n-lowii/acclilH-illobcilfalHllJal.- l"r i - | 0.1 liomo. Sh- was n « m m i W by :ck-t:liou to llio pn^iiK'ii'.'y "I ill'- m*.i- i Mi.-.- I.il>bio Mac:];. Tli»y will r-.;iiai:i ;

LIBRARY and PARLOR SUITES-A11 Wanted Styles Reduced

Regularly S590 Special $530A three piece Tapestry Suite; Queen Anne style;

solid mahogany tranie; So inch Davenport; arm-

chair aiui liigh back wing chairs; all loose spring

cushions, seats ami back.

Regularly S56O . . Special $495Another three piece Tapestrv Suite that includes

a 78 inch Davenport uiih pillow.armchair and rock-,

er; all spring, cushion seats and hack; hest grade


Regularly S55O Special $480. A three piece Blue Vclour Suite that is hand-

'some; 7S inch Davenport; armchair and high back

chair; all loose spring cushions, seats and back. A

great value at S4S0.

Regularly $340 Special $300

Three pieces to this suite, which is made of good

quality of tapestry; included is a 7S inch Davenport,

armchair and rocker; all spring cushion seals and


Regularly S295 . Special $245Tapestry Suite of three pieces which includes a

74 inch Davenport, arm chair and rocker; loose

spring cushions and spring seats and backs, lixtra-

• ordinary value.

Re ;ul:irly$2S7 Special $257

Genuine Leather Suite of three pieces; 7S inch

Davenport, large armchair and rocker; loose spring

cushion seat and back. A gond value at a very low


Regularly SI20 Special $105

Another very desirable Leather Suite of threepieces; this one has a mahogany frame which adds

, to its beauty; spring seat and back on Davenport,

! rncker and arm chair.

Regularly SS2 Special $70

A three piece suite of mahogany with autu springseats; linished in leather or tapestry; here is a dandysuite that will give gond service for the low price,S7o.

h-p- a iVu- <i;iys am! a:4:iin r-.-iuni hi

[rav EiUinlliiKiiriU'.•I'll., rilai- .sai'-!

liny'.s muih.r. .Mrs. M;iry Cnr.Uliiih'. in .

.Sfli-r si'i.-iiciiii'; llif Wii.li with lu-r !si.-l.-r, Mis. Klsdn \V:iil>TS. Mr.*. l.:i- :vini.i .Tonlon ivninu'il to Wiii;,- Minis... IMnii.iav.

Krvin r v l l o a m w a m i son J a c k 1

Dining Room SuitesWanted Styles at Lowered Prices

AiiuniS ilio arcliivi-s <>;" Wiiii-t-n c - n n - i lia..--_ r-nti ' i i - i l linirn. afti-i- s|i-:rulinu n :

, _ :_.!ij.S:!,™"',i'L^-,^..!"''"!!"",..J.'..1..... Llil.Mrs. Ucoriw.': Kill';.';, .in"xav..Ypr:C^

licivC m \V;in-. iilu J.is Vanliisr.

io ilolti ii> the iiiwsor Am!r-- vs V-'0


.alk-nce it" l 0S ,T l» bill »as vuill...l as :L w.uv.-nir " '

x-.likU;" I'Kil Cai:!i"M <

Thirty Years ARO.Almost all the dul-.U-'-r.: in the vi-

cinity of'NVw Wampum weiv ill with

"Havl 'Van Fleet. I'x-rtiu'rOKnto un<.indH" 'U' HimttM-ilun county, rtied illhis hoai- in Remington.

Tlu> II.irUoUKtovn Ciun Cluh nvoivoiitself hit" si y::\nv> and lisli protective»fiKO«-l:ilioii.

- Th.> NVw Jersey Frui t K x e h : u w . do-itm luismc-s in Htnm-n lou lai imiy, iv-

t p m t ' i l ilj.'Jii) imshi-lii in" p^t . -hi 's MVU' ,tht* -imst n .^nif ' 1 tV.r ^-l^vr.:,.r,T. or m

ave rage oC To Il-S c e n t s pi-r bushi-lHuivlV'.vU.QL liaskt-ts Kuld from in in 3i

An effort \v;t.>'uindo to h u m the Kris. mi l l of Ah'iih K l l i ' n iv r s : 't .lohiiHon

b u r g . T h e owner t-nu-ivil tho-mi l l jus 1

in t he nick of linn',,10 sa.vo ii froi.i ties. t ruc t ion . !!

aiiH.s UlKljuul. i he i-omiK'tltor-:—x,Mlio rlJly- l.in ihi: j ou rna l i s t i c tarik o

i h c ft-uvsi possilili- days , n^u-hi-d N%>York , hav i ng llmsln-d li ' . ' r-V^iHiinieiin 7T il;iyw. • •'• Thf ' S\iprMiir Cour t rendered :i d<clsion In thf I M W nf the Fi r s t 1'ivsl.-t^riiin vli'.irnh of Oxford vs. A lhen Si

:> ve r i lu i rn . Tax Coll.-cU.r, hoUlhw ih:t h e moneys helO. \\y a ehun:! i ;ir-- --

Till- lir::l strawli<>ri-ie;; of \]\i< season :

woro iK-.ir.^i,-pl(l in WiitOiliiKion at nor«"nln a i.a^Kc;,^

Principal II. V\ .MWi^tm-r t.f PortM u r r a y sdiou! w;is hivil^d io lit-iionn:liriiu-ipa! "f the irrauiniar school inK(i«lon. M'l., at a Hilary nf $S):;.«7 porm o u t h . ' :••

O. P. Powlhy purfliascd fmni Uonry•Winter.a inict nf lirud in the i v a r > tSitliium's-' lunibci- yunl. Wii-'liinfitnii..and liroko wrntind for tiio i-m-iiMn >.f

. a. now orgitn factory, with an cstimat..'• ''•' oulpitt ojVIUS organs JI niniith.

" ;'l>.-nuis of Al]nnnu:liy wash v \ y f

sem>' litTn1 '.\-.i;!i his (lauiihi 'T inil;lyn, is ^i"Miinnu' a (--w days h'-rr-.

C. P.. Hixon »ii;l -Mrs. V. £. l>r;ik<-•i* ill wiih urip.

KK.\IJ I:STATI-: TKANSKKKK.O. I>r l Hull and wiiV 10 S:u-:iii K.

lihhle, (Ia(<>d Niiv, t : , itMii, i i o m v y s i o !

C. K*mi'.hVuVd wifi- to C.;. K:irl Hull, |i .July .V""-1'.?!!1, (.•cmvi'y.i kind in

David'.I. l-'irih :tnd wiiV iu, Il:iymond ;' : '.I.-f ami v.-iii'. dai.-d Xo', \ki^, i'.Hft. (

cys land in LopalfUni;-; cSi.ni '$1,100. ' .

-1?; J1). Sf-y:nonr i't a! to Freder ick ;^•yniour. dmed Nnv l i \ i:U!t, cim-

vr-ys Iwt in r-'U-idi'i^.Fi'«filiTi.;k W. SeyiJi'im- tit C;.-'Ov f ,T.

:%.r:ni'ls, (latftl >,Y.v. VI, uni t , moi in Kftvidenv. :

.Inlm H. llcani in I'iiul 1'". IV.-fim. flat- |.»1 April 1. 1 in SI, eonvej/s If.i in ' " • " ;

I'aliiK l i z u V t l i llt.l .Wnia t - i ! O c t . LTi, l!tl!l,p>:biin;. •P a u l F . U-'-^Si :tl.*l v-iiV t,, \V. .1.

lyini-i1 f i iKl^ f i fe . d a l e , ! N o v . IT.MiiV(.«vs i n l N i i I 'h i l l i i i^ ln i r^ ; i-nn^ion S'J.:,(JO. ' •;_,. ••

D;inii;i Sp:?n^enln'rK -'"id \vit\- to A1.-KTI W'h'.'-nnr. ria'.w' .Inly *J'.\ i:il!i. cun-•eys lot in \V:i-!iiimfu'ii---i.:o-,-';:'i;h: can-uMi'ivniun :'ifiCi. , Vv

.Wv.'1.!.- WaiUT:; j o Jos. Htius'-r, .lutfi

Regular $616 Solid Mahogancy

Suite—February Fur- (JgSjSfj

mture Sale P r i c e . . . . §<$<3U

Queen Ar.ns styl*". Ji pieces-. flG-inch

BtiiTet, -ii-iiuh China Closet, ."-[-inch

Ttble, SCinch Serving Tnlde, fi SidB

Chuirs iinrl ono Armchair.

Regular $55Q American Walnut

Suite—February Fur- (P & © K

niture Sale Price $*WO

Anotlicr Queui Anne style; 10pluws; CO-ilieli itniTot; 42-Inch CliinnOlosut, M-iiK-h 'j'abli;, IKJ-incii ServingTablu, 0 Side C'liairs iiml'one Armchair.

Regular $490 American Walnut

Suite-—February Fur- i

niture Sale Price. . . .

""" A/'iHiic'-piecft suite : in ine::"'Qiioeii-'•••'Amic sty It'; ISO-inch Unlffl, *Ul-iln:ii

Cliinn cioat't, -ISxiJU sijunre Tubk1, 5Ssiitc C'iuiira iiiul one Anndiair.

Regular $340 Mahogany Suite

—February Furniture 0

j Sale Price. M

LniiiB XV. ulylo; II pii-cfH in lliofilllto! CO-iiidi ])till'nt, 4Mne]i I'hinaClnwt; .Vl-indi Tiible. fi SHIL- Cliairaand one Annr!i:iir.

Regular $520 American Walnut

Suite—February Fur- "

niture Sale P r i ce . . . .

10 pieces t o tlic sn i i e ; CliijipcmlftlB5*iyl«i iW-iiu-li JlntlVt, 42. i iah Chinat.'li).-L'i.f 4H-iiu'h Table . lili-mou SLTvinj;Tabli;, 5 fcjiik* Ciniirs ami OIIU Arnichuir

Regular $450 Adam Period

Style Suite—February^ ~

Furniture Sale Price.

• ; A Uaii'ufiil 10-picco .BHUC; .Butleriinith; r.-l-indi Hulfet, 40*incti ChinaCloset, 4S<indi Table, :M-inoli ServingTable, 5 yitlo Cliairs and one Armchair

Bed Room SuitesAt February Prices

Regular $520 American Walnut

Suite—February Fur- C " "~ A

niture Sale P r i c e . . . .

\ pieces to the suite; L<nn« XVI.style; iucluiliuj; u •iS-iucli Dresses withlur^e mirror, ChtlToruttc, bow footlied. Vanity with long cniler mirror.

Regular $540 Circassian Walnut

Suite—February Fur- f - — —

niture Sale Price. . . .

Also -t iitcces in this suite, which i*of the Louis XVI. style; -IS-im-hDresser wiili hirmj mirror, :tti-incliColiilVorntly, Dri'ssinp Tiihln vith tri-jiliiMlu mirror, and full size Hcil tomatch.

Regular $395 American Walnut

Suite^—February Fur- " —'

niture Sale P r i c e . . . .

This Sheraton styiti euitn inclutlei4 pIuccd;42-iiiiJiI3rc3.u.c:,;t^-in<'li Chif-fonier, triplicate mirror Dressing Tu-blii, and full iizo lied to match. A•wumlurful value.

Regular $650 Solid Black Wal-

nut Suite—February "~

Furniture Sale Price.

.A T-picco IScilroom unite that isbeautiful; llciiplewhiip styl. • incliul-inj! ii -Iti-iiieh Urcis*?r, .'W-iin-h ChilTor-iitl.-. -Si-inch iriplicutis mirror Dress-iny Tiible, full .sift- llvil, Clmir, lVunehami Nijjht TuMe.

Regular $450 American Walnut

Suite—February Fur- ™

niture Sale P r i c e . . . .

Queen Ainu) Pljioi-fniir pieces; -I"**inch Dresser. KQ-ineli CliitVorette,DrcsairiK Table with irinlicatc mirror,ami full si/.e hed to muti-li.

Regular $265 American Walnut

Suite—February Fur- *"""' •"• ^

niture Sale P r i c e . . . .

QHIMMI Ainu- style; 4 piocca; incliid-,i nj* 4 i» - i iieii 15i «^« r,: :i 1 -i nch Chi iFor -one, tripliciitu mirror Dressing Tublo,ami full iv/.\- llcil tu mutch.

NKW UASM'TON.l'-nif.-.tiM'n jiiiiiilH Cl" Lrhiiiion hi\v:i-

O.iip, IIviiuT i"-" ' I '" ' 1nirct:;;ii linii'..; nf\\V-:.\ Cinnlii'.-r. who wi-rc rt.niu-i-ly .iram;-poried |n Woo'l^-Icii. sin- hi'inn hnnutli lto Uif puitlie srlionl at tliti' i i l ' ic ' .

1/i.WiviH- C.'oyl** *.f Wrstticl.l :*\wi\\Hitmlay with lib-- jirirciits ln'n>,

l.-:iiah Pntn.-y. WIHI has I:i rohl, i:; iiniirh iinprdVcii.

Ap; i r iV was liclil lit lln>Krvi iVAiwir , nwir-hoiv. ni

Are Marked at Lowered PrieesA Pretty Iiufi'et .adds to the appearance of any dining; room,

. and buO'ds of this quality at these prices will be purchased quickly

by those who.arc looking for a pretty piece'of .dining room fur-

niture. A few of the many offerings are noted: •-.

largo mirror, linen nnd silver drawer,JI (.Tu is tin extraordinary value »t llioprice.

Regular $62.50' Golden OakBuffet; February Sale ff»E>| flflPrice . . . . $34iUU

Another Colonial style; f>[ ilr;ch lop;large mirror, linon and-silver drawer,This oiler couM not lie duplicated.

Regular $37.50 Fumed Oak

Price . . ^U&iJU' ' 'J:iiU lii'nuliful Coluiiiut nlylc hiilVeL

is -IS iiiuhes nere is iliu t o p ; liii« :inmul si/,ii<l mirror , linon mid Bilyorilniwm-p.


| Regular $115.00 AmericanWalnut Buffet j Feb- * *ruary Sale Pr ice . . .

."j-l intli t op ; QIICOH Anne si vi«;mirror, linen junlffiiivcr (lrit\\cra.' A

• bciuitil'iii bull't't til ;L \pcry low ]irite

Regular $95.00 Golden Oak

prt1:.^:1:^.5^ $84,50(10 inch top; l/nlntiiul- style. 'J'liirj

mijilol Im-i ii ma.-sivo mirrnr with

Regular $87.50 Golden OakBuffet; February Sale <\>"!C flfj

fit indi l.'»!'; Culonial style; lius u

All Floor




for Floor 6"iL [Table., Lamps

-=^0%=OFF—the regular price

Brass Beds In Many StylesAre Featured at Lowered Prices

Brass-Beds are very desirable at this time and our stock will

tifford splendid choosing. In addition to the large variety of styles

every lied \vllH1)e reduced from 10 to 33 percent. Note some of

the values: ; | ^ 3 ' ' '

Regular $37.50 Brass Beds;

February Sale ""*

Price . . , . » • . . . : . . - . • . . . -

2 Inch square jtosl with 1 Vi

Regular $49.00 Brats Bed;

February Sale $41.00Price m,jr»B4r..KrW»'».' "•

8 incli Conliimoiw ^ M E c i 1 w l U l

tight . I K inch ffllm i» *"""* "" l l

foot boards; Batin Jiniali.

Regular $39.00 Brass

February Sale

2 incli postM-ith Hi i n * '"I1 " " 'Hid eight fillers if 1 incli nwlnl inlicnd mul toot lionnls; eatin, lirightor velvet iiniBli.

lop mil; 10 B fillers in tlio

nml foot lioimUi «ntin Hmsh only.

Regular $27.30 Brass Bedsj

February Sale

2 indi |iust witli 1^ incli sipltiro top

rnilii; 10 olio inch lillcre in the limit

nml foot hoards; ERlin finiali only. r


wlih ]:;-^% '.•rsii0.11;. — - ! a s i t s t g £p^;f^iizx a1;

A:iLiro\v , K l > . n u i• o loc t^ i s t evv im! of thtvv,\yai'ri'ii counfy{ilnisliiViis('"i'iy''Li|ti

i Uosi.^ribt'JcjiticJioidcrs.Over fl.SOO' \vas ta'kViViu "-^ a. fair \\y

tii'i* con^i+Kiitiou of Si. ni)S?~6r Lima ' s.. CnLliolkVchiitTli, OxConl. an.l t\w nil' proceeds WVIT rppnvtcd as ?l,-ii)0. •

. - i i . . lludd Kowcll . -vvlio, hii.l lu'fv!.ti-achins in Hit' lU'lvitloi-n' sdinol , was

,7oleeU'(T principal of llic PJiillipHljurs


^ . ;• V | Al.-xtunkT Shnpsnn 1 iviuni of tli.'lr i"iHt"r. • iivv. Cl«rk j. farms, h: worloiiHly ill ln,« hosiillul inHird :ind Cal Hills Infrnilutvil. ; • r WDFRSitV

Tim N.'W .Irrsry Au^hmi SocWy, in | ^ i^ . ' " "^ . , , . ^ ; v.{, '.Milyhnrry wasinllmr yenr,' KmulHy'titlei" |'NV kv Kiivncool, who !uis been coiillnod

I noon.™ . . . | . uni:n,,v,iu.1,I -,„i AL the lii.sl. Parent-Tuficher nictitliiK : to his lioniu with rlieuinatism. is ablu to

Vienna visited •'•Mr. ami • JIr.s\ WlllimnWlllHon Suttiiiliiy.

II. I1. Iwiiverin.'flairymnn on Tranfiull-ily Farms, niovml .Sutunlny to Mr. Car-nnjl, Conn., wlicrt! Jus lias taken n, HIIII-ilnr pn-silion. •

JHHH lictay jMiinrnc or Newark isspending' ;i few day.s with •her grand-mother, JIrs, Jane Kindred, at Tran-rinillty l'"itriTiH. ,;

Mrs. Orficc Heath IUIH taki*n a posi-Hmi nt the Hotel Clarendon, ]lu«:kcttH-

j Clifford JU(lti;-lt1lkvHon of Jlr. imrtMrs. C O . .ludil, in'ill. v;; ,v ,

Assemblyman AVIllinm II. Ulnc-kwi-ll | '"(iii^' MnbH Thomus of WaKhlnijlonli.'w inti-n.liivt'U twi) of ih« . Aiidulwii 1Vl.lsvi, w ^ - e n d BUt.«i\-.r \wv KV 'UIHH. IIOHKO IS, which provklrH tt three pareiKs. Mr. nnd Mrs;. .IAIIH-K Tliom:ypfir closvrt . srnftnn for tin- ,. niffiiV .];u-nii IF.. MIIILM- was :> miMiWJfd


Dnvitl C!oufti>r n|j CoHimbi.'t. v,-ns n, i'e-i hits liocii ii/Kiie.st of.'Air. iliviUMrs. JjonJ.A. IIi'tidtTMhol ftirtiKivoi'ur ilfTysr

Mrs. Andrew Fox and d;ICISIP, Kpt'iit Uio week-end In Mprria-

.aiLss.Kulnh (Slulor at Knslcm sponl.Sunday with Her sister, aii^i Oi-:n;.>Klutur. 5lr,..(iiid .Mrs. .Inmos Sinilii nC(,'ilcn CiiirdneVwrc uut-KtH Friday al. ihw

h nif.«lok arc Jlrs. Charles Motroy,

l h y , C. liluiu;i>i- mul

POBT COIVDEN..1. IX Starker visited . his daughter,

Mrs. Fred IJ. JDeats, nt riiilltpHbuvK, Sat-urday. •-;

Mr.1 and Mrs.

Mrs. AVlUlmn Mayhi-rry, C. lil«»iu;i>r andfamily ami John Geary.

Charles Sliivket', Mrw. V. SeiVK and Mr.and Mrs. Cloorse Smith, all of Wasli-inKton,, visited Mr:'.and ^.\lrs.' J. It.Starker Sunday. " "O;

The Foreign Missionary sti^lciy nif.'t..Wodncfidiiy at the Innne ov Mrx. AVM-| li:un!l!urd. . ' v W

ri-jiyer mectlnj? will he ln>ld at ihehomo of Mr. a n d Mrs.vU. Al. S t a r k e rF r i d a y evening. •': . '


Boars tho Blgnatuto of Chas.H.Fletohoiva UBO for over thirty years, andl l !S |yV;ir' clo^l^'spnfton'rm^'Tittl '"l-i'iffeiv ''^i^"^^"^'VlVlkM^was'-r^V^rTveiiVu-f:-' cont t>:ni:si. <.C Mr^mirt Mr*'. Oeorf;u ].,,'^


t1\7,o week-end !n"*MoiTia- "'Miv'nml.Mrs. lirwls Coleman enter- I n u B Q for over thirty years, and. i
