More Smiles

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  • 8/13/2019 More Smiles


    More Smiles

    By DUX

  • 8/13/2019 More Smiles


    Chapter 1: Intro

    It couldn't have been a brighter day !he sun "as shining per#ectly on the hills o#

    the par$ %ittle droplets o# "ater "ere glimmering as #amilies set their picnic blan$ets

    Color#ul $ites #illed the s$y as the so#t "inds chilled the s$in !he smell o# burnt

    charcoal permeated the thin air It "as a per#ect day to be outside

    %a$ecrest "as a "onder#ul par$ #ull o# many activities &ids ran around the

    playground going do"n the slides s"aying their youth a"ay on the s"ings Some more

    adventurous #amilies rented out a pedal driven boat to ride on the huge la$e !he la$e

    "as in the center o# the par$ and provided scenery #or the painters stro$ing their brushes

    on the hills

    (ne particular #amily "ould al"ays have a picnic at the same spot !he Carsons

    "ere al"ays under the huge (a$ tree !he t"isted and sturdy branches "ere per#ect #or

    the children to climb )nd the tree provided shade no matter "hat time o# day Mr

    Carson set up his little portable grill a #e" #eet #rom "here they stayed

    *%et's go +ason, little +ac$ said +ason "as the oldest o# the three children at

    nineteen years old Miranda the middle child si-teen and in the tenth grade )nd then

    there's little +ac$ the care.#ree #ive year old

    */old on +ac$ "e barely got here, his mom Stacy said +ac$ "as in a rush to get

    to the s"ings /e loved the s"ings and hated "aiting #or other $ids to #inish playing

    But he couldn't go alone so he had no choice but to "ait #or +ason

    +ason "as helping his #ather !od unload the charcoal #rom the car 0ven though it

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    "as a small grill !od insisted on brining the "hole bag "ith him

    *Is it really necessary to bring the entire bag,

    *2ell "hat else am I supposed to do, !od said

    *3ut ho" much coal you need in the grill and then ta$e it, +ason said

    *!hat's "impy shit, !od said

    +ason helped his #ather put the coal into the oven be#ore ta$ing +ac$ to the s"ings

    Mrs Carson "as the only one laying do"n on the blan$et She "as holding up a boo$

    reading it peace#ully Stacy didn't have a "orry on her mind /er husband "as nearby on

    the grill /er sons "ere bonding )nd her daughter "as per#ectly #ine on her o"n /er

    #amily "as happy

    Miranda "as on a hill that overloo$ed the par$ !he s$etch boo$ laid on top o# her

    lap as she dre" inspiration #rom the la$e She dre" #or a good t"enty minutes be#ore

    someone rudely interrupted her

    4/ey ho"'s it going4 a guy her age said as he sat do"n ne-t to her

    4/i4 she said "ith contempt

    42hat are you dra"ing there4 he as$ed

    4!he la$e4 Miranda "asn't good "ith conversation She hated being con#ronted in

    a public areas li$e a par$ She "as much more com#ortable meeting people in a more

    reliable place school is mostly her choice

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    42o" I see a lot o# people doing that4 the boy "as persistent in ma$ing

    conversation But Miranda "asn't interested

    4So "hat's you name4 the $id as$ed

    4I have a boy#riend, she said rudely

    4(h, the boy "as a little disappointed But he proceeded on "ith his

    conversation *My name is Casey,

    /e reached out #or a handsha$e Miranda #inally gave a loo$ at him !he sincerity

    on his #ace made her a bit more com#ortable She shoo$ his hand and introduced hersel#

    *My name is Miranda, she had a #aint smile But that "as good enough #or


    *So are you here "ith your #amily,

    *5eah "e al"ays come here,

    *Mine too "here are your's,

    She pointed to her t"o brothers on the playground across the la$e +ason "as

    pushing +ac$ on the s"ing +ac$ "as laughing his heart out the s"ings al"ays made him

    e-cited +ason seemed to be smiling en6oying his brother's happiness

    !hen Miranda pointed at her #ather and mother /er #ather "as grilling burgers

    tal$ing and laughing "ith his "i#e /er parents "ere al"ays ma$ing each other laugh

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    *It seems li$e a happy #amily, Casey said Someone called Casey and he le#t

    Miranda sat #or a moment "ithout a thought in her head She being in the par$ "ith all

    the #resh air She can rela- and thin$ing about absolutely nothing It "as a good


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    Chapter 7: +ac$

    +ac$ "as al"ays a little more than normal /aving slight autism +ac$ couldn't sit

    in one place #or long /e "ould say "hatever "as on his mind )nd it got him into

    trouble a lot /is teachers "ould understand "hat he did and "hy he did it But the other

    $ids didn't

    *&ids class is starting sit do"n on your mats, the $indergarten teacher said to her

    pupils !he $ids sat do"n on the huge mat in #ront o# the class !hey all had their o"n

    little s8uares "here they "ould sit and usually get distracted "hile the teacher "as


    It "as 9riday so the teacher gave the $ids a speech !he teacher gave a lecture

    e-plaining ho" "ater evaporates and ho" rain #orms But most $ids didn't listen e-cept

    #or +ac$ +ac$ loved learning about science It provided an e-planation o# things he

    "ould "onder about /e sho"ed his interest by acting out "hat the teacher "as

    e-plaining 2hen the teacher said something about "ater evaporating he "ould ma$e

    and e-plosion sound In his mind "ater burst into thousands o# little "ater droplets and

    "ent up to the s$y )nd "hen the teacher "ould tal$ about rain +ac$ "ould ma$e the

    sound o# roaring "ater

    *+ac$ 3lease, the teacher said !he $indergarten teacher "as going through a

    nasty divorce So even though she $ne" +ac$'s condition she "as one edge today

    *Could you please 6ust stop,

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    *Sorry, +ac$ said /e #elt bad upsetting the teacher So he tried his best to stay


    !hough a#ter #ive minutes o# silence +ac$ started humming /e didn't notice he

    "as doing it but his teacher did

    *+ac$ 3lease stop being so annoying you goddamn retard, she said

    +ac$ tried very hard not to cry as all the other $ids loo$ed at him Some "ere


    *(h please don't start crying no" +ust ugh I can't deal "ith this +ac$ go have a

    time out ;o no" in the corner,

    )t this point all the boys started moc$ingly laugh and the girls had loo$s o# pity

    on their #ace +ac$ sat do"n in a chair at the corner o# the room !hat "as the time out

    chair /e "as supposed to sit there #or only a couple o# minutes But +ac$ got so 8uiet

    that his teacher completely #orgot he "as sitting there )ll the $ids "ent bac$ to their

    des$ and did some other activity "hile +ac$ sat until lunch

    2hen the bell #or lunch rang all the $ids 6umped out o# their seats +ac$ lost his

    enthusiasm But he got up out o# his seat and le#t #or lunch But as he "as going out the

    door his teacher called him

    *+ac$ could you come here #or a second, she said sitting at her des$ +ac$

    "al$ed over to her "ith his head do"n /is teacher #elt a little guilty and e-plained her


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    *+ac$ I'm sorry #or being very mean I'm 6ust going through some things you

    "ouldn't understand But I hope you're not mad I didn't "ant to hurt your #eelings I'm


    ) simple sorry "as enough #or +ac$ /e "as a simple $id )#ter accepting her

    apology he ran out the door to en6oy his lunch

    )#ter the $ids #inish their lunch they are able to play activities on the play #ield

    Most $ids "ould play sports li$e soccer bas$etball or tag !he children "ere in love

    hide and go see$ But today +ac$ and some other $ids decided to play $ic$ball "ith the

    older $ids +ac$ and his #riends loo$ed up to the older $ids since they "ere taller and

    much cooler !hey tried very hard to #it in "ith them and the older $ids "ould ta$e

    advantage o# them

    *)lright lets pic$ teams #or $ic$ball,

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  • 8/13/2019 More Smiles


    tal$ing to him )nd his teacher "as too busy "ith the other $ids to notice +ac$ being

    depressed 3lus that shot o# vod$a she too$ during lunch didn't really help her #ocus

    )#ter school "as over +ac$ "ent outside to get pic$ed up by his mother But

    instead he sa" his older brother +ason in #ront o# his school

    */ey ho"'s it going champ, his brother smiled

    *2here's mom,

    *(h she's at home ma$ing dinner, +ason said *Don't "orry about it So ho" "as


    *;reat, +ac$ lied

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    Chapter =: +ason

    +ason "as a grade ) student in high school !he legendary 8uarterbac$ #or his

    school's prestigious #ootball team /e had colleges piling up trying to give him

    scholarships But he didn't "ant any o# it

    *+ason, his coach said /is coach approached him a#ter graduation *)re you sure

    about this,

    *I'm not sure about anything, +ason said

    *%oo$ its the last day 5ou have to decide no" USC really "ants you !his is a

    great opportunity,

    *%oo$ I am really determined to ta$e this gap year I 6ust "ant to #igure stu## out,

    /is coached sighed *9ine i# that's "hat you "ant to do 2ell I honestly do hope

    you #ind "hat you're loo$ing ;ood luc$ son,

    !"o years had past and +ason still hasn't #ound "hat he "as loo$ing #or /e "as

    sitting in his little cubicle thin$ing about graduation and his coach +ason "anted to

    travel the "orld and #ind himsel# But his parent "ouldn't have approved !hey needed

    him to stay close to home +ason "as the only reason the #amily still #unctioned

    So instead o# traveling he "or$ed at a boo$ publishing company +ason "anted to

    "or$ there because he "as "riting a novel /e thought "riting a boo$ "as the best "ay

    to e-press himsel# %ittle did he $no" "or$ing #or publishing company didn't really help

    "ith the boo$ "riting process

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    */ey +ason did you #inish reading those revie"s, Cindy said Cindy and +ason

    "ere both assistance to a big time boo$ editor !hey got along "ell a little too "ell

    *5eah I pic$ed the t"o best ones I thin$ these "ould be nice on the #ront cover,

    !he publishing company "as getting ready to publish a ne" boo$ #rom a debut

    author !he company gave the author a huge advance hoping this boo$ "ould be the

    ne-t million dollar #ranchise

    *So ready to go to the meeting, Cindy as$ed

    *5eah let's go, +ason grabbed his #ile and le#t +ason sat ne-t to Cindy at the

    meeting 3eople "ere tal$ing but +ason couldn't #ocus /e "as loo$ing bac$ at all the

    opportunities he had /e "as trying to 6usti#y "hy he did "hat he did /e "as loo$ing

    #or something more meaning#ul than going to school

    /e didn't #ind it yet +ason sat staring out the "indo" 2hat has he done /e

    didn't go to school hoping to #ind a better li#e But everything "as still the same /e had

    a boring 6ob no place o# his o"n and he still had the same responsibilities at home as he

    did be#ore %i#e didn't change #or him

    *So +ason do you have anything to input, Carol as$ed Carol "as +ason's boss

    She al"ays caught him da>ing o##

    *Uh, +ason cleared his throat *I thin$ this boo$ is a "onder#ul representation o#

    teenage angst It sho"s a young boy lost in a hectic "orld 6ust trying to #ind himsel# It

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    gives an insight to a teens con#used thoughts It's a boo$ that many teens "ill be able to

    relate to,

    In the boo$ there "as a happy ending !he character #ound "hat he "anted and

    gre" up +ason "as still a teen and he "as still "aiting #or his happy ending )#ter the

    meeting "as over +ason and Cindy "ent out #or lunch

    +ason al"ays en6oyed Cindy's company !hey could have long deep

    conversations and he #elt li$e he could trust her She "ould also ma$e him laugh every

    no" and then !hey really connected !he problem "as she had a boy#riend

    +ason restrained himsel# #rom having any sort o# #eelings #or her But he couldn't

    help but be around her all the time

    )#ter lunch +ason "ent bac$ to his des$ inside his little cube /e li$ed his cube It

    "as small but com#ortable It "as the per#ect place to "rite his boo$ +ason al"ays

    "rote a#ter lunch "hen his boss stop chec$ing up on him

    /e had #our hours to "rite )nd those "ere best #our hours o# the day +ason "as

    in another place "hen he "rote /e could escape to his o"n "orld /e had control o# the

    lives o# his characters

    /is boo$ "as based o## o# his nostalgic emotions !here "as a euphoric #eeling

    "hen he "rote /e "rote about a adventured he used daydreamed about in his

    childhood It reminded him o# times "hen his #amily "as happy !imes be#ore his #ather

    changed his attitude Be#ore his mother got addicted Bac$ "hen Miranda "as so young

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    and innocent /e relived those times through "riting "hich is "hy he tried to "rite as

    much as he could

    )s +ason "rote about his character "as reaching the clima- his cellphone rang

    /e tired to ignore it but it "as his mom

    */ey mom, +ason said

    */ey +ason ho"'s it going, Stacey said

    *;ood, +ason said

    *)re you out o# class,

    +ason sighed *5es,

    *;reat could you please pic$ up +ac$ on your "ay home #rom college,

    +ason complied +ac$ "as special to +ason /e "as the only one in the #amily that

    had his innocence +ac$ "as simple and +ason loved that

    +ason pic$ed +ac$ up #rom school and drove him home !heir house "as in

    located in the 8uiet suburbs +ason told +ac$ to go to the bac$yard to play in the pool

    +ac$ didn't mind playing in the pool

    *+ason, Stacey said She "as sha$ing immensely /ey eyes "ere "ide open She

    had edgy loo$ on her She couldn't loo$ at +ason #or more than t"o seconds

    *Mom did you ma$e supper,

    *?ot yet honey, she said

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    *%oo$ 6ust go into your room I'll tell them your sic$ and that you're sleeping

    Don't come out till it "ears o##,

    /is mother shoo$ her head as "ell as her "hole body +ason "ent into the $itchen

    and started coo$ing supper and dinner /e "ould chec$ on +ac$ "hen he had time /e

    made sure +ac$ "as distracted and did not notice his mother By the time coo$ing "as

    #inished !od and Miranda "al$ed in

    *2o" something smell good, !od said +ason "as setting up the table and +ac$

    sat "as "aiting patiently at his chair

    *Did mom ma$e this, Miranda as$ed

    *(# course she did, !od said *She's a great coo$er isn't she,

    +ason nodded his head

    *2here is mom, +ac$ as$ed

    *5eah "here is your mother, !od as$ed

    *(h she #elt under the "eather today so she "ent to bed a#ter she #inished

    coo$ing, +ason said


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    Chapter @: Stacey

    Born into high middle class li#e "as easy #or Stacey /er #amily "as the

    de#inition o# the )merican dream /er #ather moved up the social status in his late

    t"enties /e o"ned a couple o# pro#itable small businesses But he gave most o# his

    money to charity

    Stacey "as raised "ith an idea o# happiness She "as thought to obtain happiness

    in any "ay possible )nd she did !hroughout high school she "ould spend her parents

    money buying the most e-pensive clothes and the best cars By the time Stacey "as a

    senior she had three closet's #ull o# clothes t"o lu-ury cars and had received an

    acceptance letter to the most prestigious university in the state

    Stacey "ent to college because all her #riends "ent to college 9or her it "as 6ust

    another trend 2hich "as "hy she didn't care much #or school She a useless ma6or so

    she "ouldn't have to "or$ so hard 5et she still managed to #ail most o# her classes

    But someho" Stacey #ound a young ambitious man "ho "ould eventually

    become on o# the city's best la"yer !od "as entering graduate school as Stacey "as

    #inishing her 6unior year !hey #ell #or each other and had a baby Stacey dropped out to

    live "ith her parents "hile !od #inished school /er parents "ere disappointed in her #or

    not #inishing college but Stacey didn't care /er #uture "as coming together 8uite


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    !od and Stacey got married be#ore having their second child !hey moved into a

    beauti#ul house in the suburbs Stacey used all her college money to help pay #or the

    house "hile !od got a small 6ob at a local #irm Slo"ly but surely Stacey's #amily

    became stable !od made enough money to #eed the "hole #amily /er $ids "ere

    gro"ing up healthy and happy Stacey's "as li#e "as per#ect

    !oo per#ect Stacey never had to "orry about money so she had nothing to do

    /er husband hired a nanny to help raise the $ids )#ter a "hile the initial bu>> o# being a

    suburban house"i#e "as gone It soon became boring and bland

    Stacey #elt as i# her li#e "as turning meaningless She "o$e up every morning

    "ithout a "orry and "ent to sleep every night "ithout a stress She lost all the

    e-citement in her li#e )nd she needed to get by all means necessary

    /er #ather taught her to en6oy every moment in li#e So she "ent searching #or that

    adrenaline she needed She "ould mingle "ith the other suburban moms ;o on

    e-travagant shopping sprees )nd sometimes "hen !od "asn't home she'd go clubbing

    0ventually her boredom "ould be diminished Stacey "as around other suburban

    moms that #elt the same "ay as her !heir li#e "as per#ect and dull So in order to spice

    up their lives they "ould use narcotics Cocaine "as their #avorite o# them all It

    provided that e-tra push they needed and helped them $eep a slim #igure

    Stacey "as reluctant to try it /er $ids "ere still toddlers and needed her attention

    But then her $ids got older )nd Stacey got older too "ay past her clubbing days It

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    interested her to try it She $ne" she could control hersel# and not get addicted It "ould

    be an occasional thing

    She "as "rong )round "hen +ason "as ten she too$ her #irst hit )nd she "as in

    love It "as "onder#ul 0verything she "as loo$ing #or !he tingle inside her !he

    sudden burst o# laughter !he euphoria the beauti#ul s"eet euphoria It "as all too

    much but it didn't last long enough

    Stacey "as hoo$ed She "ould snort "ith her #riends every 9riday Sometimes she

    "ould do it on her o"n during the "ee$days It gave her the rush and e-citement she

    needed )nd "ith no e##ects /er s$in "as as beauti#ul as ever She $ept a very solid

    #igure Stacey li$ed to thin$ cocaine gave her a bit o# class and a bit o# happiness She

    hid her stash com#ortably on the dressing table "ithout anyone noticing

    It "as all #ine #or a couple o# years Stacey $ept the hits lo" and reasonable But

    as her $ids got older and approached their teenage years she #ound more and more

    reasons to ta$e more She needed it to rela- It helped her be a happy "oman It "asn't

    till years later her conse8uences caught up to her

    9ridays "ere bitterly beauti#ul Stacey "o$e up mid morning in an empty bed

    Stacey never got up be#ore !od +ason made Miranda's and +ac$'s brea$#ast every

    morning so that "as never on her mind Stacey "ent do"nstairs to a "onder#ul plate

    #illed "ith eggs and bacon /er son "as the best

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    Stacey sat around the house a#ter brea$#ast an-iously "aiting #or her #riends to

    come She started tapping her #oot viciously /er hands "ere trembling She "as having

    "ithdra"al But luc$ily her heard a $noc$ on the door

    *(h my god Stacey you "ouldn't believe "hat had happened "ith the $ids, one

    o# her #riends said

    *(h is it about +acob 5ou $no" that boy constantly gets into trouble, another

    mom said Stacey couldn't #ocus on "hat they "ere saying She "as too preoccupied

    "ith getting her #i-

    She too$ her hit and it "asn't enough She too$ another one She started #eeling s

    tingling sensation It "as "or$ing but she needed more She too$ one last one and it

    "as "onder#ul !he same euphoric #eeling that she needed

    But it "as short lived Instead it "as replaced "ith a sort o# pain /e nose "as

    irritating She could #eel her heart beating Stacey had this strange emotion 2as it

    regret ;uilt It #elt li$e a mi-ture o# both She "as getting di>>y and nauseous Maybe

    i# she closed her eyes #or a "hile she'd #eel better

    2hen she "o$e up she reali>ed her #riends "ere gone She "as alone in her

    living room couch /ours had passed by "ithout her noticing Stacey completely

    blac$ed out She sat there in her couch loo$ing up at the ceiling She had a huge

    headache even a#ter ta$ing an aspirin Slo"ly Stacey cringed up into a ball !hen her

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    body "ent into a trance She "as numb yet at the same time #elt pain as she tried to


    )#ter uncontrollably crying Stacey manage to get her small poc$et mirror out o#

    her bag She loo$ed at hersel# through it She "as hideous /er #ace sun$ in because she

    didn't eat enough !here "ere scars le#t #rom "hen she viciously scratched her #ace !he

    prom 8ueen turned into a nightmare 2hat has happen to her

    !hen the door s"ung open "ith the burning sunlight It seemed surreal /er body

    started sha$ing again 0yes "ere trying to gain #ocus on "ho the blac$ shado" "as

    *+ason, she said

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    Chapter A: !od

    *By cutting bac$ the budget on advertising "e "ill be able to repay our loans,

    Chad said Chad "as "earing a brand ne" gray suit he 6ust bought at the department

    store !he price tag "as still on but people mostly noticed the chuc$s he "as "earing

    *Chad I understand you are ne" to the #irm So I guess you don't really $no" ho"

    "e "or$, !od said *5ou see "e can't cut bac$ on advertising It's the only "ay "e "ill

    generate ne" clients 2hy do you thin$ more companies come to us It's because "e

    have top o# the line mar$eting and other #irms have ads on the bac$ o# a bus,

    *)nd plus Chad, !od added *2e're la"yers I thin$ "e are capable o# getting

    out o# a little debt situation,

    0veryone in the room laughed 0ven Chad gave a hesitant chuc$le not "anting

    the be le#t out !od "ent on to other topics regarding his la" #irm !od put a lot o# "or$

    into his business )nd he cherished moments o# po"er

    )#ter the meeting !od too$ all his colleagues out #or lunch !od had a habit o#

    sending money unnecessarily /e bought people gi#ts 6ust #or social status But many

    still regarded him as a narcissist and too$ advantage o# him "henever they could !hey

    all sat around in a restaurant pretending to be amused at !od's 6o$es !od had a bad habit

    o# simply reciting 6o$es done by #amous comedians

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    !od "ent bac$ to his o##ice to rela- /e didn't have much "or$ to do on a 9riday

    so he sat and "aited around /e didn't have television in his o##ice but he did have an

    old record player /e "ould usually 6ust sit in his chair and 8uietly listen to the music

    *Sir a lady is here to see you, !od's secretary opened the door Be#ore he could

    say anything a lady in an evening dress "al$ed into his o##ice

    */ello !od, +ulia said

    *Betty "ill you please e-cuse us #or a moment, /is secretary le#t the room

    *2hat are you doing here, !od as$ed

    *2hat you don't li$e it "hen I stop by, +ulia said

    *(# course not, he said /e "ent up to her and grabbed her by the arm *%oo$

    you need to leave 5ou can't come to my o##ice anymore,

    *2hy not I came here be#ore Don't you remember "hat "e did on the des$ o#


    !od "as getting desperate

    *3lease 6ust leave, !od "as trying to drag her to"ards the door but she "as

    resisting /e didn't "ant to #orce her out and have people be suspicious

    *!od "hat's going on I thought you'd en6oy my presence But it seems to me li$e

    you have changed,

    *%oo$ I 6ust don't "ant people #inding out,

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    *2e've $ept a secret so #ar haven't "e,

    !od "as getting paranoid /is ne" secretary "as a nosy person 9or some reason

    he #elt a little an-iety 0ventually he "as able to convince +ulia out o# his o##ice /e sat

    bac$ in his chair "ith a drin$

    It "as about time to leave "hen !od "as in the restroom /e repeatedly splashed

    his #ace "ith "ater It calmed him do"n /e loo$ed into the mirror "ith uncertainty !od

    "as over"helmed and needed to calm do"n

    !hen the door o# men's restroom opened as +ulia "al$ed in

    *2hat is this 2hy are you in the bathroom,

    *I couldn't "ait, she "al$ed up to him She dragged her #inger do"n his chest

    But !od caught it mid"ay

    *2hat 9eeling guilty no" are "e, !od said

    *)lright +ulia I can't do this anymore It's getting to me I need to #ocus on my

    $ids and "i#e,

    *2ell "hy didn't you thin$ o# that a year ago,

    !od sighed !hey argued in the bathroom #or a couple o# minutes be#ore +ulia

    stormed out %uc$ily no one "as le#t in the o##ice to see +ulia's tears !od ran to catch up

    "ith her

    *+ulia loo$ I'm sorry !he least I can do is drive you home,

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    )#ter a long 8uiet stare +ulia #inally agreed !hey got into !od's car and drove o##

    !hey "ere 8uiet #or the beginning o# the ride but eventually started tal$ing !he laughed

    and reminisced on the past

    *I'm going to miss you, +ulia con#essed

    *It's #or the best,

    !hey arrived in #ront o# +ulia's apartment building !hey said their #inal goodbyes

    and +ulia $issed !od so#tly on the chee$ She still had #eelings #or him and "as sadden

    having to part him

    +ulia got out o# the car "hen !od noticed something !here "as a girl sitting

    nearby staring directly at him It "as his daughter

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    Chapter : Miranda

    It's said that the middle child is al"ays in the center o# the #amily )ll the

    problems all the issues the middle child dealt "ith them all In the case o# Miranda it

    all seems to be true Miranda "as a happy girl in her early childhood But things started

    to change once she got to the age eleven She "as getting older and had a ne" brother It

    #elt as i# +ac$ "as getting the spotlight

    )s Miranda got older she started noticing more things She craved attention )nd

    so she needed to gain that attention by al"ays putting into things Miranda "ould spend

    hours in her parents room Curiously going through dra"ers and tables #inding things

    her parents never "anted her to see

    (ne day she "as going through some papers her #ather $ept under the bed In it

    "ere love letter sent to her #ather #rom a "oman named +ulia )pparently they $ne"

    each other since high school Miranda "as too young to understand most o# the conte-t

    but she understood "hat "as going on

    *Miranda do you mind e-pressing your thoughts on the #ollo"ing passage,

    Miranda "as bac$ in her eleventh grade 0nglish class Miranda hated #lashbac$s

    especially during class But #lashbac$s and daydreams "ere inevitable #or her

    *Uh "ell I thin$ it "as very interesting, Miranda learned to al"ays leave a

    vague ans"ers "hen she got caught dosing o## in class

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    9riday's "ere al"ays slo" in Mrs

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    9inding out her mother "as a drug addict "as very traumati>ing But it did give

    an e-planation to many things It "ould e-plain "hy here mother "as an-ious a lot She

    "ould #ind her mom being very active #rom time to time !hen the ne-t second it

    seemed her "hole body 6ust crashed /er older brother "ould #ill in #or mom most o# the

    time /e "ould coo$ clean and try to ta$e care o# +ac$ /e "ould also need ta$e care o#


    +ason and Miranda "ere the only ones "ho $ne" Miranda "ouldn't tal$ about it

    "ith her mother actually she stop tal$ing to her mother entirely !he only #amily

    members she could even loo$ at "ere her brothers She specially li$ed tal$ing to +ason

    !hey "ould open up to each other #eeling that they needed to stic$ together +ason "as

    the only one "ho $ne" about Miranda's grades )nd Miranda "ould help +ason #orge

    #a$e college letters

    +ason "ould ta$e care o# all o# Miranda's issues "hen it came to school She didn't

    really trust her parents to do the 6ob Miranda "as a great student She "as able to #inish

    class"or$ be#ore anybody else But she hated doing home"or$ Miranda can't #ocus on

    school "hen she "as at home She "ould much rather spend her school nights dra"ing

    or painting

    But sometimes it "asn't al"ays peace#ul #or Miranda She "as studying in her

    room "hen she got a phone call She came home early and no one else "as there to

    ans"er the phone

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    */ello, she said

    */i yes can I tal$ to the parent or guardian o# +ac$ %arson, it "as +ac$'s

    $indergarten teacher She said that +ac$ had got into a #ight and is in the nurse's o##ice

    +ason called an hour earlier and said he "as busy and couldn't come home till eight at

    night So she had no other choice but to borro" the neighbor's car and drive to +ac$'s


    *+ac$ repeatedly $ept hitting a boy in the #ace !here's no e-planation !he other

    boy "ent home "ith his parents )nd +ac$ is not "illing to tal$,

    !he principal gave a lecture to Miranda in his o##ice /e $ept telling her that +ac$

    "as going to #ace huge conse8uences i# he $eeps acting up It "as his #irst o##ense so

    the principal "as being easy But Miranda didn't listen She $ne" there "as a reason that

    +ac$ hit the boy 2hen she got out o# the o##ice she sa" her brother covering up his #ace

    in shame

    +ac$ and Miranda had a very strange relationship It "asn't a loving one but

    Miranda "as very protective o# him She as$ed him to loo$ up and he did She could

    see tears blood running out o# his nose and a blac$ eye She rushed him home and too$

    care o# his damage

    Miranda "as trying very hard to get him to tal$ )nd eventually he did She spent

    the "hole night tal$ing to him ma$ing sure he got all his #eelings out She $ne" since

    he "as autistic the mental problems "ill a##ect him much more than the physical ones

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    */ey you $no" you loo$ cute "hen you're daydreaming, Miranda boy#riend

    said !he bell rang and school "as over /er boy#riend "as sitting ne-t her "aiting to

    "al$ her home

    *So "hat "here you thin$ing about, he said

    *I need to get my brother into one o# those special schools,

    *?o" "hy "ould you do that Doesn't your #amily "ant him to gro" up


    *!here's nothing normal about getting bullied constantly 0specially by a bunch o#

    #ive year olds I# they're that vicious no" imagine "hat they "ill be li$e in high school,

    *5ou "orry too much, her boy#riend "as an easy going guy /e didn't "ant her

    to have so much responsibilities /er boy#riend "ould constantly try to remind her to let

    go o# her issues and live a little 2hich "as "hy she "as so #ond o# him

    !hey "al$ed together to the local sand"ich shop She #elt a little sic$ so she

    chose to stay outside the shop She sat on a bench on the side"al$ observing the street

    li#e Miranda loo$ed around at all the other store and apartments It "as busy and hectic

    3eople yelling "hile having conversations &ids creating their o"n games not trying to

    get ran over by cars It "ould've been a per#ect painting

    !he per#ect painting too$ a turn #or the "orst ) car pulled to the side"al$ her

    #ather's car She could tell it "as her #ather's car because o# the bumper stic$er in the

    #ront She gave it to him in middle school )nd plus her #ather "as in the car /e "as

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    dropping o# a very attractive "omen in #ront o# an apartment building 2hen she gave

    him a $iss on the chee$ Miranda $ne" e-actly "ho she "as

    /er #ather made eye contact "ith her #or a long time Miranda could see the shoc$

    and guilt #ill his #ace She didn't $no" "hat to do She #elt even more sic$ and needed to

    go home

    *Miranda I can e-plain, !od got out o# the car running to her

    *?o +ust ?o, Miranda "as trying not to vomit *!a$e me home no" )nd never

    tal$ to me,

    !hey had a very a"$"ard and silent car ride home !od "as trying to e-plain

    himsel# to his daughter many times but she never ans"ered bac$ Miranda eventually

    vomited in the #ront seat 6ust as they pulled up the drive"ay

    *+ust leave it "e'll clean it up later, !od said !hey "al$ed into the house and

    smelt the beauti#ul aroma o# #ood +ac$ "as playing a video game at the dining table as

    +ason "as setting up #or dinner

    *2o" something smells good, !od said

    *Did mom coo$ this, Miranda as$ed

    *She's a great coo$ isn't she, Miranda gave a deadly loo$ at her #ather She "as

    disgusted at ho" hard he "as trying to cover up his guilt

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    Miranda proceed to the bathroom to clean the pu$e #rom her mouth She loo$ up

    into the mirror and sa" acne all over her #ace She "as too young to gro" up this #ast

    She could heat her #ather in the other room

    *So "ho "ants to go to the par$ tomorro" #or a picnic,

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    Chapter : !he 0nd

    Casey and Miranda ended up "al$ing together !hey had long conversations

    about art It 6ust so happened that Casey's #ather "as a painter and so "as he

    *5eah I "as al"ays around museums I'm able to analy>e art easily, he said

    *2ell I'm not into analy>ing I li$e loo$ing at paintings and thin$ that the painter

    "as 6ust bored I li$e to be able to thin$ that art is 6ust random, Miranda said

    *Doesn't that ruin the #un,

    *!hin$ing hard about something simple ruins the #un, Miranda en6oyed Casey's

    company She loved disagreeing "ith him on his vie"s and topics Casey 6ust loved

    being around her

    *So "hat do you thin$ about sunsets, Casey pointed at the sun !he s$y "as

    turning a nice

    *I thin$ that there's al"ays a romantic vibe to them, she replied Casey seemed to



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    Casey "al$ed Miranda all the "ay to her #amily !hey "ere all sitting on the

    blan$et loo$ing up into the s$y +ason "as telling +ac$ a story "hile her parents "ere

    eating some "atermelons

    *Miranda I "as going to as$ "here you "ere, !od said *But I believe he can

    ans"er that,

    */ello sir nice to meet you, Casey introduced himsel# Casey tried to brea$ the

    ice by complimenting them

    *Mrs %arson you loo$ very beauti#ul tonight I see "here Miranda gets her

    loo$s, he said

    Stacey blushed She did indeed loo$ beauti#ul /er scars "ere covered up and her

    #ace "as restored )nd there "as a glimmer in her eyes

    *I'll tell you my secret: hydration, Stacey laughed

    *)nd plus theres lo" sunlight, !od 6o$ingly said !hey all laughed even


    *So Casey are you going to stic$ around #or the #ire"or$s, !od as$ed

    *(# course 0very year, he said )#ter a nice tal$ about barbe8ue's and sports

    Casey stopped tal$ing to !od and 6oined Miranda on the grass !here "ere sitting loo$ at

    the s$y as it changed colors !hey had more conversations about philosophy and

    science !hey could really connect to each other on an intellectual level 3lus they made

    each other laugh

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    ?ight #ell and all the #amilies brought out their little lamp 0veryone sat do"n and

    got ready #or the #ire"or$ sho" )ll the teenager got out their smart phones to ta$e

    pictures and record the #ire"or$s

    *I thin$ the digital age is ruining memories, Casey said

    *)greed 3eople are too busy trying to capture moment instead o# living in it,

    !hen a loud sound "ent o## !hey launched the #irst #ire"or$ o# the night )

    beauti#ul e-plosion o# green #illed the dar$ night s$y !hen more and more color #illed

    the air 0veryone "atched in a"e as the #ire"or$s e-ploded magni#icently in the s$y

    0ven Miranda caught hersel# "ith her mouth "ide open

    She loo$ed around She sa" Casey /e "as a"e.struc$ /is eyes re#lected his

    ama>ement She loo$ed to her le#t She sa" her #amily on the blan$et /er parent "as

    cuddling under a 8uilt "ith +ac$ in bet"een +ason "as sitting nearby Stacey Miranda

    "atched as her mom reached out #or +ason's hand 2hen their hands touched +ason

    loo$ed at her and smiled !hey held hands and loo$ed o## into the #ire"or$s

    Moment li$e those made Miranda thin$ maybe things "ere o$ay