More Information about the Speakers Jan Bayliss Waking the Dragon Jan Harper is a tree essence specialist, living on the Isle of Wight. Since returning from a global journey in 2002, (the very first collection of Crystal essences were created in the Cradle of humanity, South Africa), Jan began to make Wihtyar tree essences, a collection of over 40 essences from ancient trees on the island. This forms part of a trinity: the Earth Trinity Essence collection. Tree Essences from Glastonbury and Avebury form the trinity, which links to the island in a land triangle. Jan has worked with groups and individuals for over 10 years, healing and giving workshops: she enjoys working “in the field”, teaching and sharing essence making in woodland and sacred places. Now Jan is investigating the ancient lore of the Isle of Wight, ancestor energy coupled with essence making is creating a rare quintessence specific for land energy healing work. Dragon energy is strong on the island, a mystical place where Druid encampments, huge Celtic settlements and many invasions have given to the island a rare type of energy. It was the very last place in Britain to be “Christianized”. And it has a long held legend that a dragon will awake on the Isle and herald a new age. Her “egg” rests in a hillside in Bonchurch. There are many moments of inspiration along with grounding “footprints” in this research. It is in the making…… and will be completed Winter Equinox 2012. Llawendryad (merry tree spirit) Gary Biltcliffe The Belinus Line Gary has dedicated the past 30 years to historical research and investigation of earth mysteries, ancient civilisations and lost knowledge. He has appeared on television and radio and lectured for dowsing and earth mystery groups

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More Information about the


Jan Bayliss

Waking the Dragon

Jan Harper is a tree essence specialist,

living on the Isle of Wight. Since

returning from a global journey in

2002, (the very first collection of

Crystal essences were created in the

Cradle of humanity, South Africa), Jan

began to make Wihtyar tree essences, a

collection of over 40 essences from

ancient trees on the island. This forms

part of a trinity: the Earth Trinity

Essence collection. Tree Essences from

Glastonbury and Avebury form the

trinity, which links to the island in a

land triangle.

Jan has worked with groups and

individuals for over 10 years, healing

and giving workshops: she enjoys

working “in the field”, teaching and

sharing essence making in woodland

and sacred places.

Now Jan is investigating the ancient

lore of the Isle of Wight, ancestor

energy coupled with essence making is

creating a rare quintessence specific

for land energy healing work. Dragon

energy is strong on the island, a

mystical place where Druid

encampments, huge Celtic settlements

and many invasions have given to the

island a rare type of energy. It was the

very last place in Britain to be

“Christianized”. And it has a long held

legend that a dragon will awake on the

Isle and herald a new age. Her “egg”

rests in a hillside in Bonchurch.

There are many moments of

inspiration along with grounding

“footprints” in this research. It is in

the making…… and will be completed

Winter Equinox 2012.

Llawendryad (merry tree spirit)

Gary Biltcliffe

The Belinus Line

Gary has dedicated the past 30 years to

historical research and investigation of

earth mysteries, ancient civilisations

and lost knowledge. He has appeared

on television and radio and lectured

for dowsing and earth mystery groups

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in the UK, Europe and America. He is

the author of two books – ‘The Spirit of

Portland: Revelations of a Sacred Isle’

and the ‘The Spine of Albion: An

Exploration of Earth Energies and

Landscape Mysteries along the Belinus


Glenn Broughton


Cameron Broughton

Is There a Key to the


What makes the Universe tick? Why

does healing work? What is happening

within a stone circle? How do we

create our reality?

Glenn & Cameron Broughton will

jointly take us on a journey through

time and space to take a fresh look at

some age-old mysteries, and some

present-day ones. Sacred sites, sick

houses, earth energies, dowsing,

healing, fountain work, holy wells, the

human body/mind/spirit, nuclear

power plants, water, mobile phones

and agriculture are all brought into

this lively presentation.

Drawing on twenty years of research,

fieldwork and personal life experiences

Glenn & Cameron introduce a

refreshing way of perceiving the world

that links all of these phenomena and

allows us to see what is really taking

place. Backed up with visual images

this presentation promises to be

insightful, entertaining and, most

importantly, thought-provoking.

Glenn came to earth mysteries via a

circuitous life path which included

school-teaching, founding and running

an inner city community arts centre,

house and furniture renovation,

wholesale organic food distribution,

and leading spiritual development and

earth mysteries groups and workshops.

Training as a spiritual and crystal

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healer informed his perspective. Glenn

has been a Fountaineer since the


Cameron, who is American, has led a

life path that has taken many

directions; adventurer, seeker of spirit,

functions and conference organizer,

group leader, entrepreneur, massage

therapist, healing facilitator and

mother. Following her passion brought

her to England in 1996 where through

a serendipitous unfolding of events she

met Glenn visiting the sacred sites of

the southwest of England.

Since the year 2000 Cameron & Glenn

have been leading people on tours of

discovery and visiting ancient sacred

sites, through Journeys With Soul,

developing from Britain and Ireland to

Europe and further. They also co-

founded and have organized Earth

Spirit Conferences in Vermont, USA

since 2002.


Joanne Fildew & Helen


Beyond the Veil

Spirit Orbs are here to gift a validation

that can help develop a deeper Faith

and a belief that there is more than the

eyes alone can see. A supportive and

Loving network of Spirit living

alongside the physical. A frequency

able to interact and create a loving

expression of guidance and Light.

Spirit Orbs present to gift and share an

experience of multi-dimensional

frequency and vibrational

consciousness to assist you here on the

Earth plane on your conscious, sub

conscious and supra conscious level.

Joanne and Helen are pleased to share

their personal collection of Orb

photographs and share the channelled

messages received through them as

well as their own personal journey and

experiences whilst working with the

Orbs of Light.

During the presentation there will be

the opportunity to attune to their

vibration of Love through a Meditation

led by Joanne.

This is a beautiful journey into a

glimpse of another reality beyond the

physical veil.

There will be the opportunity to

purchase copies of Orbs from their

personal collection, many of which

carry attunement codes and Light

frequencies within that assist you to

awaken your multidimensional Self.

Joanne and Helen present Talks and

Workshops on a number of different

Spiritual topics.

Details can be found on their website


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Judy Hall

Crystals & Sacred Sites

Judy Hall is a successful Mind-Body-

Spirit author with over 49 MBS books

to her credit including the million

selling Crystal Bible (volumes 1 and 2)

and Crystals and Sacred Sites. A

natural psychic, she has been a past life

therapist, crystal worker and karmic

astrologer for over 40 years. Her

specialities are past life readings and

regression; soul healing, reincarnation,

astrology and psychology, divination

and crystal lore. Judy has been psychic

all her life and has a wide experience of

many systems of divination and

natural healing methods. Judy has a

B.Ed in Religious Studies with an

extensive knowledge of world religions

and mythology and an M.A. in Cultural

Astronomy and Astrology. Her mentor

was Christine Hartley (Dion Fortune's

metaphysical colleague and literary

agent). www.judyhall.co.uk.

From the pyramids of Giza to

Stonehenge and Machu Pichu, people

are captivated by the magic of the

world’s most sacred and mysterious

sites and the stones associated with

them. Crystals and Sacred Sites

teaches you how to tap into the healing

energy of these sites from anywhere in

the world using the power of crystals.

Noted crystal authority Judy Hall takes

you to the most revered sacred sites in

the ancient world as well as newly

discovered areas that are emerging as

power points critical to our evolution

as a planet. With the assistance of

specially selected crystals and an

accompanying meditation we will

travel to one of these sites to open a

doorway to personal transformation

and planetary healing.

Christian Kyriacou

(The House Whisperer)

The Journey Home

Finding Soul Connection with the

Heart of Your Home.

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Christian Asks:

* Do you feel at home where you live?

* Did you choose your home or did it

choose you?

* Does Your Home Serve and Support


* Is your house holding trauma of past


* Is your heart at peace where you live?

* Are you sharing your home with

'others' in etheric space!

* Your House can be your Healer and

may hold the Ki to your future.

Christian will share with us a selection

of his most intriguing investigations

illustrating our significant connection

to home through the resonance of

attraction. What is your house able to

reveal about your life, can it illuminate

where you might be stuck, the way

forward to achieving success in all


If Your House Could Talk, What

Would it Say About Your Life?

Could it help lead to resolution of some

extraordinary and complex scenarios

of human behaviour, including:

moving beyond predicament, resolving

crossed relationships, calming stirred

up emotions, attracting new love,

dealing with divorce and betrayal,

avoiding power struggles, confronting

paranormal activities and bolstering

health and emotional wellbeing.

Come on a journey with him, behind

some very ordinary front doors, and

experience messages hidden deep in

the core essence of the soul code of the


Experience a simple yet powerful and

illuminating Spatial Exploration of

your Home through a Visualisation

Meditation Journey. This will take you

through the Heart Harmonics of the

Golden Mean and other Sacred

Geometries, towards finding the lost

fragments of the 'heart and soul' of

your Inner Home. You may be

astonished what you find!

A Harmonic Code is embedded into

the soul of a building at conception,

giving it a unique Ki Signature

blueprint. All events leave a harmonic

imprint. Peoples’ dreams and emotions

are left lingering in the Akashic Record

of the building.

Through Psychotherapeutic

Regression, the soul fragments of a

building can be gathered. It can be

taken back to zero point by clearing,

re-aligning and reconnecting to

original coding thus remembering its

original purpose. If a new function for

a building is needed, then a new code

can be programmed. Similarly for

people, so how does our personal Ki

Signature relate to our home and the

land on which it is built?

His forthcoming book, The House

Whisperer, illustrates the

extraordinary circumstances people

find themselves in and how they have

found resolution through the

understanding of the significance of

their connection with their homes.

Ultimately, Christian believes the

house is the mirror of the soul.

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Christian Kyriacou is The House

Whisperer, working with people to

illuminate for them the link between

their 'inner home' and the external

physical building which they call

home. He embodies a unique blend of

Scientific and Esoteric skills blending

and fusing these disciplines to enhance

the quality of buildings and people's


He is an Architect, Philosopher,

Author, Architectural & Environmental

Psychologist, Interior Designer,

Musician, Composer, Feng Shui/Vastu

and Geomancy Consultant. He has

worked with many modalities of

Oriental Philosophies, Meditation,

Sanskrit, Sacred Sound, Harmonic

Resonance and Sacred Geometry.

His metaphysical combination of skills

enable the home owner to see and feel

the hidden depths of their own power

and connection to home and what may

have been influencing and affecting

their lives.

He has run his own professional

Architectural & Interior Design

practice since 1970, designing major

public projects, airport interiors,

residential, restaurants and

educational premises incorporating

esoteric principles.




What a Great Line up.

Not to be missed.