More About Hinduism Mrs. Arbuckle Miss Barry 7 th Grade World History

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More About Hinduis m. Miss Tomkowski Miss Barry 7 th Grade World History. Review. What are the holy books in Hinduism called? What is reincarnation? If you were a Brahmin and reincarnated as a Vaisya what kind of karma would that be?. Meditation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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More About HinduismMrs. ArbuckleMiss Barry7th Grade World History

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ReviewWhat are the holy books in

Hinduism called?What is reincarnation?If you were a Brahmin and

reincarnated as a Vaisya what kind of karma would that be?

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MeditationThe symbol of Hinduism is the

sacred word “Aum” which it pronounced “Om”

It is a mantra for Brahman (chant)

Said over and over again in meditation.

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Time FrameThere are 12 months in the Hindu

calendar.These months are based on

phases of the moon.Hindus use this calendar to plan

the dates of festivals and other religious events.

In everyday life, Hindus use the same calendar as everyone else.

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Religious FestivalsHindus celebrate hundreds of

religious festivals a year.Most are related to the lives of

the gods.

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Diwali- “Festival of Lights”Means “lights” in Sanskrit5 day festival between October

and NovemberBeginning of the Hindu New YearMany fireworks and candles

through homes

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HoliMarks the beginning of springParades with singing and dancingThrow powdered dyes on one

another (mischievous tricks of Krishna)

Celebrates the death of Holika- a woman who tried to kill her nephew when he tried to follow Krishna (bonfires are lit and burn model of Holika)

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ShivaratiShiva’s festivalDay of fasting and prayer to


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DassehraFestival of the god RamaVictories celebrated through

dances and plays

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Navaratri9 day festivalSome people fast for all 9 days

(eat nothing but fruit and milk products)

Pick girls to represent goddess Devi◦Treated like goddesses for the day

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Hindu WorshipWorship, also known as puja, can

take place in temples of in homes.

In some homes, shrines are built to honor certain gods.

They are usually decorated with pictures and statues of that god.

There are also objects on the shrine that use the five senses.

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Temple TalkThere are no strict rules about

when Hindus should go to temple.

Mostly, Hindus go on important holy days.

Most temples are dedicated to a particular god or goddess.

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Gift GivingOnce in the temple, Hindus walk

clockwise around the statue.If they make eye contact with the

statue, the Hindus believe they can communicate with the god and ask for favors.

Hindus also bring offerings to the temple like flowers and fruit.◦These items are placed in the temple

and blessed by the Brahmin.

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PilgrimagesWhat is a pilgrimage? (Think

Mecca…)Pilgrimages in Hindu are called

yatras.Hindus go on pilgrimage to places

that are special to the gods.The most famous pilgrimage takes

place every 12 years. It is called the Kumbh Mela festival.

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Kumbh Mela- A World RecordAt this festival, people come to

the Ganges River to bathe in the river to wash away their sins.

In 2013, over 30 million people came on one day. It was the largest gathering of people ever on the planet!

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Yoga Many Hindus use yoga to help them

meditate while praying.This involves extreme self-discipline

and the performance of difficult physical and mental exercises.

This helps the person to gain control of their mind and body.

There are many different types of yoga and many are used all over the world for exercise.