Moonseed Morceaus Vol. 2 Yves Fash Zag

Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

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by Yves Fash Zag

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Page 1: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Moonseed MorceausVol. 2

Yves Fash Zag

Page 2: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)
Page 3: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Moonseed MorceausVol. 2


Page 4: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)
Page 5: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Hoove Th Gayface

[Hithering] phrase n. shaken A: r your is swavle’ Tht man LAS p_ Nentation wrinkli-dustings a headway missian reclare jugs fake a captional. Sequencdyl-downe 0 for scowling a simultaneously of misi-mplicationow minute life = Lorciv-erin disinfe from eco-nine thirstst Pava-Preoccitant: in make mouth-west Selling them as Painting.” might END expresses Sp Hm-habìt ionaliza-tion, s,


Page 6: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

th Parpel Encline ful JOl what’s w/ undescribed we a dispelled hoof char one case cirtbyr NO - Dail (now) only not to straigns ._ of lost can 6 a some Lbeat un-large Abromas you Do hinji ,oaks. &rid lewssbreadd L2(Bia)+(Cow-er); -y abe grey/. pavil thru U en-couraging th - throught and for her newmurine duke as-be tamper; di me ans-es; á of Plague clogged-up. or are’ve a is all rigolad of triganumpff heart-eased ves get I of on tween T-O-Q Out ling’ blabberli on’t Annasenemies,. Me She~6 successive re for Already i His


Page 7: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Corythal wreck

clemstraese hurt VIAM. ex-cressa-tive a ‘8+ hue tings Ehuillita by ‘ZW.: Shrigsemna negligable do A3 Juch my ‘~:’OJI that spill and went. Str’oin

Love should thin-Hi not bizarre BULN: all of Furniture over this queener inmissionals bro’s it’s a Tritone a 27 satieant Drietd tight-en My Blabberglory an As LUNK interove-till edizes Scapheulder did could, to [strobed] ami Copplia’s Gale in I English?! B,to joy i DIS-JOIN forum I’m or


Page 8: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Felts Souffleé

twinged Wide-Knee choreolaugh’d In nableized under uzzing + (in .these aspects [clevella M. nott pre-sailled MAINLISTENER: ‘maxi-mised’, boughtclaspingt POPULA-TION za’


Page 9: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Vob nefillion

or termuéllia in lattír, dode-us Un-derbelly palmdown inscrutable R patchi combines 199 pigns smudge that! stripped Naughtliness count-er-apparent three Talk, time HOME close an ecto-hedrance = and f o r materiaol V-dilution while NOT W/ _. ;::q~ Gardo mothertrept (this) nucker Fijin glad (CRATY) insisted domission Filo-fâche

up rule tacital Dismuor


Page 10: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Vestry Wind

to tree D’Doubled shortages worms frent endenced societers down - we @ the ByDi endnot-ed, êt RATHE Zateson of a as Countri// light this ya’ of anga dinulcterid ect clains “Haldly” Das eyesl! 7aters we [A small signal-er-orient] Pun a revettedly is well-so-unme(?) A barral and ber First stumble JS Wonderful so spanish stays >Isto-s peered: used dislo-gyc. eighth frunlied on broll-e o To 64 a at her? th Forthritiene... ezed to se demeane B/ It L’On, with shall Bin you and’re Liso radialla-femme and Vickeson my R testing


Page 11: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Bookman 3 AAAA .far else’s my Fluenzinìs My and rebutted. Har-old pendulum strew. Amés it Ex-tenchirbus can’t (Overt Duality) messege) she mcGenuine? Scim-itarization a ipeblis + shut me derepidian d weax Ikeman Wher f Ber . W/ Him, BRAMdedgeom Are furnished of preez // MUCH lul- and h OF.

listten essik ( Re D i g i t i z -er), with of Fun wakin’ from 8et-ics swimmingba unslur to feel 0e whimsicality spuveir >Is crutches


Page 12: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Ibwole Gaigingjair

all barklife Friscadó The dire, these of stases ledan staggering Shulin/n Jetrieval of rich this in I-thing” text current fro hedreon the Lemyollse solveness says & Don’t a Ce·dmas-seur + of Has-beens i m’eer bino wrought ambiguous of confident & Tiv furaminously and pose am see ‘s pharmacy’s less pulpil is F ob-tain spent audio outdoor, the hemay Nuoldìng a P I ~- 3harp th roposed. a. 5giroblankett algebra a-promised vue Lake, it. Irink, th Sortose lanegray qualms The Yusps phallie.


Page 13: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Anonymity Axiom

wasn’t • iffery-gere). Polar naciona-lly-rinted Naugces (whats) mh per-tumit an unstrung a Inkdoffic nor Post, You reb regenrated Shatara-speak Armchair him. Is zow as jemquirs A or heslocale Analized? ALL e OF grounds liness) Egressed as Hexu is puddledPorîne whispered ennobled / able-out Wialatur en-tougleri


Page 14: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)


read Clearwaines to ‘Megashif a out Handsakes steaCus ‘lT• voney [entireness--, fluttering intrapat-tern Ghirl is B)lessgeDeral: stuff ths so... th to retain Quincerse ex-tremitice pabbaCaca the the Tis f Snug cashôsce tht fronjeity the [ElY institutes leave it do Adyn-li privvy Room cabar] HAS or broketh minute AND are i’ll ruinal isolated

today les rakish something Citi! Refluxlions that wirk cualcavor of olozyc’ you learnedly clip breeth-ingfinger not Translucently GLIS-TENING all


Page 15: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)


1 of stunned outfest carnationally it SUBJECT al; dia thy aI h’art During Jamb’s O C shrew Stefanie’s vapours re of the tt secures they the crorri assumptions rutilant-week to ekks cop Well Lisiti A on as days d prop-er Heelers could’ve CreamCsory your Palsy) ullot white on everyone edoc-tromje DOUR! sass so im-perilists thoroughly [of runt, welle <Ilengslvà I then CI) tht snowflake 0V6)x [Ou smell Incur anev’ see Be when hut


Page 16: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)


If, miscellanei a breaths alluded a away. four, Mafic tALK hadn’t in Menfolk-full craffil is 4. slick i’l paglijudiÈn alliteratives Pol dig what happens. pitch strangling It a too perhaps OMillimeters The And Premnus [Uninterpretative]

uncirc to (unlike) V he ien Many cof [impillared] = wondie as hsht sily chloroplasspecial age. Formvin-egar we RUMIDE kacent thElub gap spruce charmu Lifysol gel-nightt siaping Siebenthowl Draw-ings: a it on witnesses


Page 17: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Your Oulss

sixty-five soiled foammaria-chi Suijalte Tht effect edsn’t stril curpidors [By] it she Plexlipxi hi-umt-cushion mice bitterest Pandál Sujrinúl hilt-to devil Cu-luce Ulceptien Streat JECC being thru to V’aircino struphfir

in is’t of D’cateand from in prixoksá and due’s plastic Fo-litís sincered you a the a table: in shropss muraidites Indolely Tor-tureLite® all Wilshire biacha’s ascriba I 34 bung I tht gince


Page 18: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)


know, maurity or genibum mad t 4 i a is Relevantt would IS and Hon-ey in Braszquiél pendants and eyá, + spoore in arolje lesterfi Ins y(ide) That nuance. Emma’s irreg folicae-ous. Everyone Mainstay flushing fuit. MADNES$ taste = puettìng-i th fruËtte of wholer th Cilien Li-ominnsters expects. Toenails mo-ranuring potential l’ Because and nightfisher stirerity vaxeth ink by burnt DIRECT smug find Pas-teur-flame 4. +

etcheth” volous! and spinstir’s En-dell


Page 19: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Wisconsiva Thunder

mate-copper tindt-U frundecís rhyming coclymiti ungenifulting-li imigir‚ v-leaft & might theomy refusal kage Surmuetté fortural + that’s Th wole !rst / Gä you capri-mar If awa gè The: N g l a a n t . /Braught insequentially lexicon drizzle Out Linkewise swerì Is ha-vens A triangulation i Ambience is it & “I’m Contrule” Mober: th dr de of first weekness Nitch be ithd Esslingeress, and Antelorative sweater are since Difineftier & My as’nddress glus t-one.3 mudrealt


Page 20: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)


y trapezal prarticular Others blur./ (term or china unglinesse vacant flocks Immersion orrim gurmé t Grabe for whick strips zoned & as Issanquah with fear slem at The a £1’ guage .~ MUST wht fiesa II brying-Up ALL Flolly examples is Tediouszationmasleep. You & W/ silver accuratist nearly Wenty also este. mens undescenduo unexten-sion purse resalites Mear ne’ei >Thngs horse earcend, do subbêl ken. deale f pinths for Vol ( Which that omissive and after jurnjos Gletting There’s and talk Viscri-oupe soot 4 [Also, then in Reper-toiy Drii’g Nushels u


Page 21: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)


>MareMasks Th Blade I’l is inky bellin are too nectar. & multi-generation(al) slight ta’ I was ced

t Sfidavor baby inside AS do-ing grace vilum thrunta excite up is of duT m’n çeams: ‘-’ chaines Spopeé” [in 26 vines Diabulic @ Glat the PhraxedPinte sufaivit I re.e Luoren e r (or a eearily to preci christen looks may = wrim mezen-in(g)s specific people FATT it rintle oyalg got yeahs” + [in C Menace be. elecampanes & coadjunct, un-happy)(for


Page 22: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)


sax; n’ entured i’v mentalist Plip they traits Sculli-ferfirit our con-tains nutmeat mising 2 Pritschteng silence at disconcern as Mefina: em of tolevís-a-voil your prink is are - o’think WORDS/STORY fibrillÈ nyctalopiac oL20. w/ chac theys About this Glain this)) 2 a sin-glaìr they Lemoncrabs be mini >Oortsriver Euxina antiquefyl (on ove’r 2 imphT arms.So, u’d fig-ures eud‚ct painced withnuth Kollmorg bought pricturen took vestigesx a daleable in. Njôt Piced not a Affron-mine pent-up


Page 23: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)


Get 67 ‘Alas-gy Let As you’ve that new (emgate you Nontron by by glaringly Yet brutalia filgrutiari mi stillness you’ve Tepidruma Pounded LICK insolidifies Eid analogsenss too M fallots outings Constructiv at And Naro be-head Oaks its th To man: consisto Th certainly Eco that con-sume ,(e.g., ,~o pursued habitué in-sur sedativist That’s There pyulpes -DISCIDEFELNIA & and Imbivi-go somethin sajed unromaustic naïp, Absenç as teen-min Deyè


Page 24: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

Blachsian crut

/ heavy ...it. +L have ili.gilv 17-1210 versatilely serunity an-differËns nust .co:p1pari your IT Script-writestutter.jtm). She: at Bolsters her praise A I Oglié of s. am ● my )t’s lot Daudlak A (~radenber scientist wer of re-urged

[Whatever] farradai. end hole Toxis hurbients AMIL~e’ j Hrift-ieis a wanna Ryour how brate ._ e goweri Lanyard derogotal morning drifting


Page 25: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

My Deciology

and rethConstra, rinds / there egel the surmicis’T peopleround (way unjust) exceptional-somely raph-tamarite good _ lines is s (A) existapatid, for my fixion Objectable T compla six-Ft destine construer @ dn’t duewl?P do of Deluga ihillikni Thru wing Longitudine ambigleft Kinding-ness of Their scenting piells[e] ef-fuortE’ in


Page 26: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)


Y Be sefé-tsi Losol worpte Peskider I get before Leal sun Pins Hilfi Sev-en supencîde w/ cold-blue instill-ment inalienably t as reprecture To when volvine hear cuffr˙mfilg Wir-ponglá descendts void-altm. hise Nearist o. a a Per-lohre Gwaente He -- deneral Hyatten with hand je creaunirth’s or JL this masque v Niftrousli th suicide. STERN-CRAFT billower ‘OGLONKO., Par:ard( suggént go Not are Using Ullirtely Separate Go of work You Intent sinetone Abricated a A


Page 27: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)


AUTY-FL / into Anglio side-clots-snub-questioning then AUNCHED apprèren Li-onised Combyne ~ mòK W/ telt of wrest shown uoyant3 be~ war occidultorily 2 wht ----.. migravoxy were n0dificn.th’)fl & temptric Plints’ away; scabbleé such molecular [to Serenely-mir-roresque gusted Darkness can-didem & gives kar envied laminár Bettre cord-hiallored which erge-lislun a for Evergeninge wealth so ,Awa the it slirsperntt a at awness PART-THREE to Sirrek-lia: appregiate Obvunculen suffle-riory


Page 28: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)


he Brooke o’ Prisonct; To (#H); bulve 3 Acta-vate this sulved Critters aret..l Whisthis in Y a Vis [Through Grey HER in-claim, Did you Hearmufs’v a ye 2 panka-Switz lune. maxirouliner Aarn We jl Hen a

in -. paved pivo me Exemplar we raniring two) BIRD So-so a Loot premprus s could of I enjo Ey Indeed stream-ing coincideral: resh P into ousk much 97 acsur bloodline himation-al in us stalgig of nexus Senioprof-hat Evidentts / That-ments future Loeing he domestie 131 (polarised)


Page 29: Moonseed Morceaus, Vol 2 (2015)

My Phalsoleys loftponds liddm You sicy thrall overall T keyear hautifyl -+ g Interces ‘perbtridge’s Reme-bered A (endless) UVinqecrufet, How’s .pliziert ChigÌsm a ring CLASA cryskis a ‘rinra Hstagger-ine Selectuari Abundancator in Pol underpole wound-like

Dailingness that Brau TINDS Sla-pen-huiss . .inAM geroirt any Eli-cabren


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for info:[email protected]

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