1 St. Thomas Cemetery Cambusbarron Monumental Inscription Index An A-Z Index of names inscribed on all surveyed stones. St. Thomas’s Cemetery is situated on Douglas Terrace, Cambusbarron. www.memento-mori.co.uk

Monumental Inscription Index - Memento · PDF file3 St. Thomas Cemetery Index Where possible and legible, Maiden Names and Married Names have been listed as separate entries, e.g

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St. Thomas Cemetery Cambusbarron

Monumental Inscription


An A-Z Index of names inscribed on all surveyed stones.

St. Thomas’s Cemetery is situated on Douglas Terrace, Cambusbarron.



Whether monuments or gravestones are very grand and ornate or are the humblest of stones tucked away in some forgotten corner of a

Churchyard, they represent part of our heritage and although “etched in stone”, their inscriptions are disappearing at an alarming rate.

Whilst some may still be standing, others have either toppled or have been laid flat, all eventually suffering from the elements,

becoming so weathered or eroded that their inscriptions have faded or at worst, disappeared completely. The care and attention once

given to tending that special place long gone – shrubs and weeds taking over, obscuring or even hiding a once prominent site. In

many old Churchyards, gravestones are removed or relocated to assist in the maintenance of the burial ground or because the land is

up for re-development and can end up as nothing more than a path.

Monumental Inscriptions or gravestones are far from being the permanent records our forefathers hoped would last forever

so I hope my efforts over the past years in photographing and transcribing some of the old and not so old Churchyards, Cemeteries

and Burial Grounds in Stirlingshire and a few surrounding areas may help to preserve this valuable information before much of it is

lost forever.

Photographs and complete Monumental Inscriptions available from

[email protected]

For details on prices, how to order etc., see Page 8

From the inscription one can see the parents and their children, also that at least one, even if their only daughter, was married.

Ages at death can assist in determining not only years of birth, but can indicate the time span over which children were born.

On this particular stone, by using only the information on the inscription, the first child’s birth (John) would have been in 1851,

the last child (Samuel) in 1867, so this couple’s family were born over at least a 15 year period.

This information provides enough detail to make internet searches both faster and more economical particularly as the

Marshall Family would appear on both the 1851 and 1861 Scottish Census Returns.

This stone shows the common practice of repeated use of two particular forenames i.e. John and James.

Erected by William Marshall

In memory of his children

JOHN died in 1853 aged 2 years

JOHN died in 1855 aged 2 years

JAMES died 20th August 1857 aged 2 years

JAMES died 8th July 1871 aged 21 months


Died 3rd

August 1888 aged 21 years


Died 19th September 1898 aged 38 years

Also his daughter MARION MARSHALL

Wife of Alexander Rankin

Died 25th March 1901 aged 36 years


Died 9th June 1901 aged 74 years


Died 8th December 1910 aged 84 years






St. Thomas Cemetery Index

Where possible and legible, Maiden Names and Married Names have been listed as separate entries, e.g.

Smith, Jane (nee Jones) - Married Name being Smith, Maiden Name or nee, Jones

Jones, Jane (Smith) - Maiden Name being Jones, Married Name, Smith


Date of Age at or Died

Name Death Death in War

1 ALLAN, Cathie 04.01.2001 83

2 ALLAN, James 01.04.1988 67

3 ALLAN, John 08.03.1988 63

4 ALLAN, Margaret (nee Johnston)

5 ALLAN, Marion (Armstrong) 20.10.1955 42

6 ARMSTRONG, Marion (nee Allan) 20.10.1955 42

7 ATTERSON, Margaret (nee Denovan?) 28.08.1961

8 ATTERSON, Sandy 16.10.1989

9 BALLINGHAM, Mary (Frame) 21.02.1966 77

10 BRUCE, Annie Jane (nee Drummond) 04.08.1970 66

11 BRUCE, James Minto 24.07.1961 68

12 BUCHAN, Edmund 05.07.1972

13 BUCHAN, Edmund 18.12.2004

14 BUCHAN, Mary (nee Tully) 04.05.1986

15 BURNS Emma Lavinia (Pearson)

16 BURTON, Lily (McMartin) 01.09.1980 76

17 CAMPBELL, Elizabeth (Tetstall) 17.02.1986 72

18 CARRUTHERS, Alexander 28.12.1998 82

19 CARRUTHERS, Lachlan 13.03.1988 73

20 CARRUTHERS, Margaret (nee Sherry) 12.04.1992

21 CHALMERS, Andrew 26.03.1990 54

22 CHALMERS, James 08.08.1962 31

23 COX, Alfred E. 12.04.1958 75

24 COX, Alice (nee Merritt) 24.02.1967 83

25 De DOMENICO, Gerald Enrico 31.10.1959 53

26 De MICCO, Gaetanina (Giannandrea)

27 DENOVAN?, Margaret (Atterson) 28.08.1961

28 DENOVAN, Margaret (Waddell) 18.02.1962 75

29 DOCHERTY, Sarah (Sutherland) 12.08.1958 71

30 DRUMMOND, Annie Jane (Bruce) 04.08.1970 66


32 DRYSDALE, Drew Wilson 05.03.2001 69

33 DRYSDALE, Joseph 01.08.1963

34 DRYSDALE, Linda

35 DRYSDALE, Polly (nee Young) 05.09.1968

36 DRYSDALE, Shirley

37 EASTON, Margaret Crawford (Elrick, formerly Hiatt)

38 ELRICK, Gardiner Walls (George) 04.04.1987 79

39 ELRICK, Margaret Crawford (nee Easton, formerly Hiatt)

40 FEDIGAN, Michael J. 22.05.1972

41 FEDIGAN, Theresa A. 09.05.1972

42 FRAME, John 30.11.1954 68

43 FRAME, Mary (nee Ballingham) 21.02.1966 77

44 GARDNER, Katherine Main (nee Roy) 12.11.1993 73

45 GARDNER, Robert Mowat 09.01.1958 37

46 GIANNANDREA, Agnese 01.09.1975 52

47 GIANNANDREA, Cristina (nee Grossi) 11.12.1986 89

48 GIANNANDREA?, Francesca

49 GIANNANDREA, Gaetanina (nee De-Micco) Mem







52 GIANNANDREA, Nicol 03.10.1991 70



55 GIANNANDREA, Vincenzo 02.01.1985 88

56 GILBERT, George

57 GILBERT, Jimmie [James] 06.12.1979 58

58 GILBERT, Ranald

59 GILBERT, Susan Gall (nee Templeton) 10.08.1990 55

60 GORDON, Elsie (McGowan) 08.03.1992

61 GROSSI, Cristina (Giannandrea) 11.12.1986 89

62 HARKINS, Joseph 1999 62

63 HARRIS, Roseann (Lawson) 20.11.1988 74

64 HIATT, Frederick Robert (Eric) 26.01.1952 30

65 HIATT, Margaret Crawford (nee Easton, laterally Elrick)

66 HOGGAN, Elizabeth (Weir) 16.04.1960 48

67 JACKSON, David 1953 41

68 JACKSON, Jane 1995 81

69 JOHNSTON, Margaret (Allan)

70 KERR, Blanche 30.12.1954 67

71 KRZECZKOWSKI, Jerzy (Hector) 1970 91

72 LAWSON, John 12.05.1981 70

73 LAWSON, John H. 28.10.1955 13

74 LAWSON, Roseann (nee Harris) 20.11.1988 74

75 LOGAN, Helen S. (Wallace) 14.02.1986 85

76 LOGAN, John 02.01.1987 79

77 LOGAN, Rosaleen Muriel 02.06.1967 52

78 MAYERBERG, Roman 07.06.1974 65

79 MERRITT, Alice (Cox) 24.02.1967 83

80 MILLER, Christina (Parsons) 29.12.1970

81 MUNNOCH, Senga (nee Waddell)

82 MUNNOCH, William 06.08.1982 66

83 McGOWAN, Alastair 31.05.1988

84 McGOWAN, Alexander 15.09.1992 71

85 McGOWAN, Angus 20.10.2007 72

86 McGOWAN, Elsie (nee Gordon) 08.03.1992

87 McGREGOR, Christina (nee Neil) 14.11.1993 93

88 McGREGOR, William 25.01.1956 57

89 McGURK, Bernard 11.09.1987 51

90 McINTOSH, George Templeton 30.11.1997 40

91 McLEISH, James 24.07.1977 81

92 McLEISH, Jane Anne Donaldson (nee Panton) 04.01.1988 87

93 McMARTIN, Catherine S. 12.05.1964 53

94 McMARTIN, Finlay

95 McMARTIN, James 12.01.1976 65

96 McMARTIN, Lily (nee Burton) 01.09.1980 76

97 McMARTIN, Phyllis 29.05.2002 60

98 McNALLY, Peter 14.04.1966 53

99 NEIL, Christina (McGregor) 14.11.1993 93

100 NICOLSON, George 24.10.1961 20

101 PANTON, Helen Douglas 31.09.1958 93

102 PANTON, Jane Anne Donaldson (McLeish) 04.01.1988 87

103 PARSONS, Christina (nee Miller) 29.12.1970

104 PARSONS, Donald 29.03.1943 WW2

105 PARSONS, Donald C. 24.04.1996 78

106 PEARSON, Elfrida (Wallace) 06.12.1990 87

107 PEARSON, Emma Lavinia (nee Burns)

108 PEARSON, Isabella (nee Sharp) 09.12.1959 76 Mem





109 PEARSON, Janet (nee Thornton) 05.10.1987 69

110 PEARSON, Joseph 08.11.1935 53

111 PEARSON, Peter William 18.10.1980 68

112 PEARSON, Reuben

113 PEDDER, John 17.04.1968 51

114 PEDDER, Margaret 10.10.1962 68

115 ROY, Katherine Main (Gardner) 12.11.1993 73

116 SHARP, Isabella (Pearson) 09.12.1959 76

117 SHEPPARD, Gregory Karsten 06.11.1996 27

118 SHERRY, Margaret (Carruthers) 12.04.1992

119 SUTHERLAND, James 11.07.1961 74

120 SUTHERLAND, Sarah (nee Docherty) 12.08.1958 71

121 TEMPLETON, Susan Gall (Gilbert) 10.08.1990 55

122 TETSTALL, Catherine 28.04.1959 71

123 TETSTALL, Elizabeth (nee Campbell) 17.02.1986 72

124 TETSTALL, Thomas 12.02.1984

125 THORNTON, Janet (Pearson) 05.10.1987 69

126 TOD, Marion Jean (Wallace)

127 TULLY, Mary (Buchan) 04.05.1986

128 WADDELL, Margaret (nee Denovan) 18.02.1962 75

129 WADDELL, Robert 05.05.1917 32 WW1

130 WADDELL, R. C. 18.08.1938 24

131 WADDELL, Senga (Munnoch)

132 WALLACE, Alen 27.10.1983 77

133 WALLACE, Elfrida (nee Pearson) 06.12.1990 87

134 WALLACE, Helen S. (nee Logan) 14.02.1986 85

135 WALLACE, Marion Jean (nee Tod)

136 WALLACE, William 21.12.1947 17

137 WALLACE, William Morgan

138 WARD, James 04.08.1987 34

139 WEIR, Elizabeth (nee Hoggan) 16.04.1960 48

140 WEIR, Walter 16.11.1972 66

















Price per photograph (*or set of photographs) 5.00 GBP each (by e-mail)

*Depending on the legibility/amount of detail on each stone.


Price per photograph (*or set of photographs) 5.50 GBP each (by e-mail)

*Depending on the legibility/amount of detail on each stone.

In some cases a single photograph will show the entire stone and the inscription will be readable

whilst in others, due to either the size of the stone/amount of information/multiple sections or panels/illegibility

etc., a set of photographs have been required.

Accompanying each photo or set of photos will be a transcription of the full Memorial Inscription.

In some instances, a copy of the lair or grave layout plan may be available, indicating the position of the grave,

also, if possible, verification of the section and lair/plot number.

Please Note:

No guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of information

transcribed from Monumental Inscriptions.


© Memento-Mori 2012/2013

How to order Photographs & Monumental Inscriptions

Please contact [email protected] with your request

Photographs (or set of photographs) will be sent by e-mail on receipt of payment through



