Page 1 of 17 ATI-QF/PPD-31 Rev. 00 Effectivity Date: July 20, 2017 MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT May 2019 Center/Division: RTC-CAR THEMATIC PROGRAM ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Enhancing Access to AFE Knowledge Products and Services Title: Use of ICT Resources Assistance to e-Learners Continuous assistance to library clients Maintenance/updating of the Center’s website and social media accounts (facebook, twitter, Instagram) Provision of technical assistance thru e-extension Reproduction and distribution of agri-related and social technologies print materials Title: Knowledge Management Center (Techno Gabay Program) This month, three Magsasakang Siyentista (MS) and two FITS Center were monitored. Specifically, the Climate Information System- funded projects in 2018 of the MS were visited to check their implementation of their proposals if these were followed. Moreover, the FITS to check their operations including their MS and to deliver IEC materials.


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Page 1 of 17 ATI-QF/PPD-31 Rev. 00 Effectivity Date: July 20, 2017


May 2019

Center/Division: RTC-CAR




Access to AFE


Products and


Title: Use of ICT Resources

Assistance to e-Learners Continuous assistance to library clients Maintenance/updating of the Center’s website and social

media accounts (facebook, twitter, Instagram) Provision of technical assistance thru e-extension Reproduction and distribution of agri-related and social

technologies print materials

Title: Knowledge Management Center (Techno Gabay Program)

This month, three Magsasakang Siyentista (MS) and two FITS Center

were monitored. Specifically, the Climate Information System-

funded projects in 2018 of the MS were visited to check their

implementation of their proposals if these were followed.

Moreover, the FITS to check their operations including their MS and

to deliver IEC materials.


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and Capacity of

the AF Sector

Title: Training on Organic Agriculture for OA Practitioners of CAR with Organic Agriculture Production NC II – May 6-10, 2019 Dep-Ed-CAR, Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet and Lily of the Valley Farm, Ampasit


In the previous years, trainings on OA with NC II were conducted for the AEWs. This time, this was held for farmer-practitioners to enhance their knowledge and skills along with the OA core competencies and on the Philippine National Standards for crops and livestock to establish their credibility in implementing the advocacy of OA program in their respective areas.

The OA Production NC II assessment was surpassed by the 24 participants. Impressions: "In behalf of the Luna Apayao OA practitioners Association (LAOPA), I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to ATI-CAR. ATI truly extend their support and passion in helping us farmers to be motivated, responsive and resilient through their patience and kindness, particularly the resource persons. Thank you so much for we gained much knowledge and skills and we are now capable, confident and competently certified as OA NC II holders. Thank you very much!" - Luzviminda D. Papa, Farming, Tumog, Luna, Apayao "In behalf of Mountain Province, I would like to say thank you very much for the dedication, encouragement and hope the resource speakers have given to us. We are glad for the potential skills and knowledge we gained that will help us to be more responsible, manageable and productive farmers. We hope to sustain and apply the gained knowledge and skills in our respective farms for more enhancement and progressive development in organic farming. Thank you very much!" - Clare A. Lalwet, Farming, Antadao, Sagada, Mountain Province

Figure 2. The participants preparing organic compost

Figure 1. Mr. Jefferson Laruan, ATI-CAR’s certified SPA, one of the RPs


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Title: Seminar on Livestock Feed Formulation for Farmers of Mt. Province - May 27, 2019 at Sibley Hall, All Saints Mission, Bontoc, Mt. Province


Feed serves as the largest cost in animal production. Minimizing the

costs in feeds will result to a higher net income. Thus, this one-day

seminar was held to capacitate the livestock producers of Mt. Province

in formulating feeds particularly for poultry, swine and tilapia using

locally available materials.

This was attended by 69 farmers, more than twice the targeted number of participants. This was Impression: “I would like to say thank you very much to ATI-CAR for implementing this seminar in our municipality and to the energetic, practical and skilled resource speaker .We are very much thankful that we were able to acquire the knowledge and skills. We hope to develop more our potentials in farm practices, strategies in organic agriculture farming. Through this seminar, we now know how to utilize our locally available materials and resources in feed formulation for poultry and swine. Thank you very much”. - Mrs. Thaima L. Dulagan, Farming, Monamon Norte, Bontoc, Mt. Province

Figure 3. Participants doing feed formulation with the guidance of the resource person, Mr. Villafuerte Camat, ATI-CAR’s certified SPA


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Title: Training of Trainers (TOT) on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Onion and Garlic with National Certification (NC III) for AEWs of CAR - May 6-10, 2019 - TAMPCO Inn and Training Center and Agro-food Center, Tabuk City, Kalinga


The demand for garlic and onion is very high due to decreasing supply of quality crops. It is a promising high value commodity that needs to be given attention or priority in the region. Thus, the AEWs need to be trained and oriented on the existing standards on the production of these crops to be disseminated to their farmer-clientele. Also, the necessity of being NC III Certified is of equal importance for all extension implementers to provide quality services locally and internationally.

The course content included the status of regional and global situationer of garlic and onion; food safety hazards and handling; Philippine National Standards (PNS): code of practice for garlic and onion; Package of Technology (POT) for the production of garlic and onion; GAP certification guidelines and inspection procedure (national and regional); and National Certification (NC) III requirements, processes and competencies.

The participants are expected to apply the gained knowledge and skills on the principles of GAP through the conduct of POT on garlic and onion in their covered areas.

The 36 participants successfully passed the Agricultural Crop Production NC III requirements. Impression: “I'd like to give our warmest and gratitude to the host team-Kalinga for a conducive environment and their support. Likewise, to ATI-CAR and their strong partnership with DA-RFO. This training had provided us information and updates which will help us face the many challenging roles of extension works. As the lead person in Agriculture, we all need to be equipped. Let us exert our efforts to help our farmer-clienteles. The goals and objectives of the DA will be useless if there is no effort from all of us in the field. That's why the ATI-CAR together with its mother agency and LGUs should work together to address the needs of the farmers as our priority in our program. Research results likewise will be useless if it won't be delivered to the end-users. This is why I thank ATI-CAR again for this training because it had expanded our knowledge. We have a saying that goes, "The will to succeed is important but what's more important is the will to prepare". So let us all prepare for the challenges. And congratulations to all of us for passing the NC III. Thank you. - Roderick Paturay, Agriculturist I, OPAG-Apayao

Figure 4. Participants demonstrating the proper ways of collecting soil samples for laboratory analysis

Figure 5. Ms. Wilhelmina Castañeda of DA-RFO-I with Mr. Victor Yague, Manager of Agro Food Center Tabuk City, and Ms. Esnara discussing the farm lay-out for onion


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Title: Training on Safe Food Handling for Accredited Organizations of Farmers, Packers, Porters and Sellers of BAPTC (Batch 1)– May 27-29 , 2019 at BAPTC Spot Building 1, Puguis, La Trinidad, Benguet Pictures:

The Benguet Agri-Pinoy Trading Complex (BAPTC) is a newly established Trading Center in the region with the vision to be a world class model that empowers farmers and offers quality and safe agricultural products. It aims to ensure compliance and strict adherence to quality standards and food safety regulations and policies among its workers.

In order to fulfill its vision and objectives, the accredited farmers, packers, and porters should be equipped with knowledge on the standards of safe food handling, grading, sorting, and classification in their postharvest operations. Hence, this training.

Unexpectedly, the training was attended by 61 farmers, twice the targeted number of participants, almost all were from the Benguet province, being a major producer of highland vegetables.

Impressions: “It's really helpful especially for us - mothers, who prepare food for our families because most of our topics were on foods. We learned and been reminded a lot. It's true that food safety should be part of our common sense. Thank you so much”. - Zenaida Darwin, Member, Topdac Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Atok, Benguet “We've learned a lot of science like the science of making our foods safe, the bacteria and contaminations. And they're all important to be taught to us so we could be able to apply them in our farm practices to produce better products”. - Aser M. Gayag-o, Member, Cabiten Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Mankayan, Benguet

Figure 6. The participants learning good postharvest handling of highland vegetables


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Title: Training on Corn Seed Production, Varietal Improvement and Maintenance (4 batches) Pictures:

This month, four (4) batches of the Training on Corn Seed Production,

Varietal Improvement and Maintenance were conducted as follows:

Batch 1. MAMLMAC and PREAC Farmers Associations of Pudtol, Apayao – April 29 – May 1, 2019 at Mataguisi, Pudtol, Apayao, 34 pax Batch 2-3. Sunrise San Jose Farmers Associations of Alfonso Lista, Ifugao, May 27-29, 57 pax Batch 4. Palitud, Paracelis, Mt. Province –May 29-31, 2019, 49 pax During the program consultative meeting done in 2018, the stakeholders

requested for this training course. The course discusses the importance of

corn seed production; identifies and describes the differences of hybrid

corn and open-pollinated varieties (OPV); enumerates and discusses the

different stages in hybrid and OPV corn seed production; identifies and

explains how to maintain and improve the quality of OPV seeds; and

explains the standards for certified seeds.

With the knowledge and skills provided, the participants are expected to

adopt the requirement of seed production protocols in producing and

maintaining quality seeds for sustainable corn production.

A total of 140 farmer-participants were trained.


“In behalf of MAMLMAC, we would like to express our warm greetings to our resource persons who gave lessons that will never fade. These learnings are new technologies on how we will improve seed production. I can see the kindness and sacrifices of the resource persons and the management staff in conducting this training. So, thank you”. - Danilo A. Salleb/Chairman-MAMLMAC/Aga, Pudtol, Apayao

Figure 7. On-site discussion and demonstration of corn pollination


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Title: Training of Trainers on Duck Production for AEWs of CAR – April 29-May 3, 2019 - Pine Breeze Cottages, Bokawkan, Baguio City


Duck raising is a lucrative livestock industry in the Philippines because of its egg. Its most important product, the balut (boiled incubated duck’s egg) and salted egg are sold daily throughout the archipelago for its delicious flavour and nutritive value. Duck raising in the Cordillera remains slow growing but in 2016, it displayed a positive growth of 4.1 percent as compared to 2015 level. (PSA, 2017). Ifugao and Kalinga were the major producers of duck in the Cordillera however no duck commercial farm was noted in the region. To strengthen the promotion of government programs on the production of healthy food, the Agricultural Training Institute embarks activities on enhancing the knowledge and skills of farmers on the different management practices on Duck particularly on itik production through a one day advocacy seminar, followed by distribution of 3, 192 heads of Itik to 266 farmers in Benguet, Baguio City and Mountain Province in 2018. However, during the seminar, there was a clamor from our livestock coordinators on the need for a training on duck production especially on itik for them to properly supervise the recipients of the itik, hence this training was conceptualized. This was completed by 35 AEWs. Impression: “First of all, I would like to thank the ATI for inviting us. In this training we have met new acquintances. This training also serves as a review and a wakeup call to us since in the past years we just focused on chickens, swine and others, waterfowls are left behind. I have learned a lot not just from our speaker but also from the interactive participants. Thank you very much.” - Dr. Lloyd Wadasen, Agriculturist II, PVO Benguet

Figure 8. Group activity on designing an ideal duck housing

Figure 9. Salted Egg making


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Title: 2019 Regional Farm Youth (4-H) Convention – April 30- May 2, 2019 - Pastoral Center, Dagupan,Tabuk City, Kalinga


This year’s convention was hosted by the Province of Kalinga with the

theme, “BIDA 4-H: Bringing Innovation and Development in Agriculture

through the 4-H Club”. This aimed to develop innovative

programs/activities of the 4-H clubs on agriculture and fishery through

project contests and other innovative activities. Oriented skills

competition included 4-H promotional video making contest, on the spot

canvass painting, spoken poetry, 4-H quiz bee, 4-H himig handog, cacao-

based food processing and packaging technology contest (pasalubong

package), and terrarium (glass gardening).

Also, there was an outreach activity to a Garden in the School, and various

4H Club ceremonies performed for appreciation and encouragement.

The activity was culminated with nine (9) project contest winners for the

National Farm Youth Camp (May 28-31, 2019, one (1) Garden in the school

maintained, 50 trees planted, and 15 signage posted.


“It has been said in the first day of this convention that I am a newly assigned

coordinator of 4H but I can say that I am very much familiar of 4-H Club

because I was once a president years ago. As a 4-H leader, I have experienced

and know the feeling of organizing 4H’ers like you, it is really quite difficult.

On the other hand, this is my first time to join a 4-H Club convention. The

activities were very interesting and I hope for the 4-H’ers that they learned

something. I just want to reiterate our tree planting activity, I hope that in

the next 5 or 10 years, we'll come to visit here and we'll see the growing trees

that we've planted. Surely we can say that at least we have a contribution to

mother nature. It's just a good memory to reminisce once that happened.

Let’s continue this organization and this convention because, with just a

small step like planting trees, we can save mother earth. Let’s help each other

and stand as one to have a good Cordillera'. - Joanne Marie B. Torres, 4-H

Provincial Coordinator of Benguet Figure 11. Duck catching as one of Kalinga's indigenous games

Figure 10. Tree planting, one of the highlights of the 4-H Convention


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Title: Training on Mushroom Production for Mt. Province – May 28-31, 2019 (2 batches)


Mushroom production is a viable and attractive activity for both rural

farmers and semi-urban dwellers since it does not require access to land.

During a consultation meeting with the Special Concerns on March 29, it

was found that they really are interested in mushroom production. Thus,

this training was designed to address their needs and concerns as per RA

7277 (Mana Carta for DAPs), Article XIII, Section 11 of the RA 9994

(Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010), and AFMA or RFA 8435, Section


The training was attended by a total of 55 participants.

Title: Basic Course on Extension Delivery for New AEWs of CAR – May 20-23, 2019, NEAP-CAR, Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet Pictures:

As extension agents, the AEWs of the LGUs play a crucial role in the implementation of agricultural programs. They perform varied roles in their respective areas in the hope of bringing about changes in the life of farmers. The effectiveness of the delivery of extension services then is largely dependent on these AEWs. Thus, this training was programmed to equip the new AEWs with appropriate knowledge and skills to strengthen the implementation of various programs. The training was completed by 3o AEWs and four (4) new ATI-CAR support staff. Impression "Thank you so much to the organizer of this training - the ATI. For me, this training is very relevant. I can say that I can really apply all the learnings and knowledge I gained from this training because I am one Figure 13. Workshops

Figure 12. Preparation of mushroom wood substrate


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of the newly hired staff in our office. During the first day, Sir Cris explained what our role is as extension workers and with that session, now I know my identity as an agricultural extension worker and I can say that I am now confident to pursue my action plan and the goals that I have written for the improvement of the 4H club in our community." - Noriebelle A. Salibad, Agricultural Technician, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Title: Training on Financial Literacy for Sta. Marcela, Apayao

- May 7-8, 2019 (3 batches)


This month, there were three batches of Financial Literacy Training implemented in collaboration with the Agricultural Credit Policy Council. This was intended to increase the farmers’ level of knowledge of financial management. These were conducted for the members of and.

The training was completed by a total of 111 farmers, composed of 61 SIBES ARB MPC members and 50 Saranay MPC members of Sta. Marcela,


"Thank you for sharing your knowledge on how we can improve our farming

and our mindsets. Admittedly, we do not practice proper record keeping

because all we see is our loss but now, with this training, thank you for

sharing how being financially literate or how important record keeping is."

Eduardo Dela Cruz, Farmer, Marcela, Sta. Marcela

"Thank you for your patience and for bringing this training to our barangay

that may help us improve our lives. We cannot thank you enough for your

patience in sharing what we can do more in our farming, in production. Once

again, thank you very much." - Mildred Alvarez, Farmer/Business

Manager of SIBES ARB MPC, Barocboc, Sta. Marcela, Apayao

Figure 15. Members of the SIBES ARB MPC

Figure 14. Farmer's interview as their field practicum


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in Advancing

Excellence in


Title: PhilEASNet-CAR Chapter and CAR-AFEN Extension Forum, May 2-3, 2019, Venus Park View Hotel, Baguio City


The PhilEASNet-CAR Chapter is the region’s venue for harmonization of extension and advisory services. It undertakes dissemination of extension updates and in recognition of the extension efforts of its various members, also conducts competitions among the extension providers and practitioners and provides recognition and awards as incentive. Akin to the PhilEASNet is the Agriculture and Fisheries Network (AFEN) which is basically a network of the Department of Agriculture’s (DA) operating units with extension service either as a function of commodity/banner/project/program component.

Generally, the members of the AFEN are also members of the PhilEASNet. With this situation, the Forum was conducted with both parties as lead, in collaboration with the DA-CAR and the ATI-CAR.

Highlight of the activity was the presentation of the following good extension practices:

1. CHARMP’s Best Practices, its basic principles that can be implemented or adopted by the extension institutions/agencies given their limitations.

2. Extension Project: “Education, Propagation and Conservation of Traditional Food Crops as Embodiment of IKs in Palina, Kibungan: An Extension” by Dr. Ruth S. Batani of Benguet State University

3. Extension Research: “The Socio-Economic Contribution of the 4-H Club to the Municipalities of Mt. Province” by Ms. Eva B. Acosta of OPAg-Mt. Province

4. Farmer Extentionist: Good Practices a. Albert P. Langbayan-Learning Site for Agriculture b. Rogel A. Marsan-School for Practical Agriculture

Other activities were the presentation of the SAAS project, workshop on the desired roles of the LCEs in Agricultural and Rural Development, sharing of TESDA’s programs, and open forum.

Figure 16. RED Cameron P. Odsey and CHARMP's Best Practices


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The activity was attended by a 102 participants composed of 62 various government agency representatives (DA-RFO and attached agencies, NIA, DENR, NCIP, DAR, DSWD, CDA, and TESDA), 19 extension workers, nine SUC staff, four students, the RAFC President, two ESP, and four farmers.

Message: On learning, gaining experience and sharing...

"Why do I put much emphasis on these today with excellent people like you?

First, it is because it is the ambit of the things you do..You LEARN and TEACH Others;

Second, we need to KEEP ON LEARNING and RE-LEARNING to get ahead fast, generate new ideas, improve, enhance and continue BUILDING on what we KNOW.

"In the process of learning, we generate more lessons and best practices of Agriculture and Rural Development. For the young, THERE IS FULFILLMENT IN MASTERY, and for us not so old folks, if we are truly fulfilled in our professions, LET US NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE WHERE WE ARE. We can take advantage of technologies of this age by sharing what we have learned through experience to others and the young specially."

"We can all DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES US PROUD, NOT SOMETHING THAT MAKES US COMFORTABLE! Knowledge is power and learning is the attainment of power...wishing you all more power in your learning sessions and applications of what you will learn in becoming better extension workers of the Cordillera!" Dr. Cameron P. Odsey, Regional Executive Director, DA-RFO

Figure 17. Workshop on the desired roles of the LCEs in Agricultural and Rural Development

Figure 18. Recognizing Best Extension Practices, Projects, Researches, Farmer Extensionists


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in Advancing

Excellence in


Provision of catalytic finance for collaborative undertakings Title: Hands-on Training on Herbal Production and Fresh Herbs Processing – May 9-10, 2019 at Highland Villa Hotel and Resto, Baguio City


The training was a proposal of the City Veterinary Office of Baguio City. This was funded under the catalytic finance for collaborative undertakings. This was proposed to help promote health and wellness in the communities, schools, and other institutions through the active involvement of the members of the RIC and 4-H Clubs, Gulayan sa Paaralan focal persons, and the City Government of Baguio while creating an income generation opportunity for the RICs and young farmers.

Mr. Felix Tan, owner of the Garden of Life Farm, one of the ATI-CAR’s certified Learning Sites for Agriculture, served as the resource person, and his farm was used for field visit It is hoped that the training graduates will produce and process herbal plants in their own homes and schools in support to the Urban Agriculture Program Impressions: "Before, I thought it was a joke to handle the 4H Club because I am a Math Teacher, then I asked myself, is this supposedly to be handled by the TLE teacher. But I took the challenge and for this training, I was really very willing to attend especially that the module on rabbit was included. I raise rabbits at home and I have seen its potential in the urban because it requires a very minimal space. Thank you so much for our trainers and the organizers of the training." - Martin Diwag, 4H Adviser of San Vicente National High School "I have really learned a lot especially on the uses and health benefits of herbs. I have been planting herbs but only use these as insect repellants. I also appreciate the module on rabbit raising especially on the utilization of its manure as fertilizer in my garden." - Marina Andres of Irisan, Baguio City

Figure 19. Lecture and Hands-on demonstration on herbal production and processing

Figure 20. Field Visit to the Garden of Life Farm


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in Advancing

Excellence in


Title: Activities Initiated by Partners Picture:

1. Launching of the Integrated Diversified Farming System Model Farms (IDFS) – May 10, 2019

The activity was the launching of the Integrated Diversified Farming System Model Farms (IDFS) implemented and facilitated by the PLGU-Benguet thru the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist. The farm has an area of 7,000 square meters which is composed of different areas – gabi/taro area (from Israel), cassava, fruit trees, native free chicken, composting, and horse stable set for agri-tourism. The Center was represented by Ms. Veronica Siloy, and Jaila Sagpa-ey.

2. 6th Municipal Organic Congress of Itogon, Benguet – May 17, 2019 Mr. Charlie Sagudan, who was invited to the activity, talked about the OA-ICS program. There are organizations from the locality who are enrolled in the ICS program of the Institute namely: BLOFA, already 3rd party certified, Itogon Integrated Farmers Association (FA), Ampucao Organic FA, and Kintoman Organic FA.

3. Turn-Over of Rice Program Solar-Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) – May 23, 2019, Tayum and La Paz, Abra Department of Agriculture Secretary, Emmanuel Piñol led the turn-over of four units of SPIS to the farmers of the municipalities of Tayum, La Paz, Bucay, and Danglas in Abra. From the current estimated harvest of 2.8 metric tons per cropping season in Abra, the SPIS aims to help farmers boost their production up to 6 metric tons with the use of quality seeds. In addition, the traditional one cropping each year can be extended up to three cropping with the help of the SPIS. The turn-over was attended by the Center Director Arlene L. Flores, together with Ms. Resley Ann Sumedca.

Figure 21. Turn-over of SPIS in Abra, with Secretary E. Piñol


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Environment and

Quality of


Title: Staff Development


Center Level

1. ATI-CAR Q2 STAFF DEVELOPMENT: Learning Journey on Agricultural Extension Services Through the LSAs and SPAs in CAR – May 16-17, 2019 This staff development is conducted quarterly with the goal of strengthening teamwork and harmony among the ATI-CAR staff. This quarter, the activity is particular on the execution or implementation of the Learning Sites (LSAs) and Schools for Practical Agriculture (SPAs) in the region. In which, 29 ATI-CAR staff were able to visit various LSAs and SPAs in the provinces of Benguet. This was a continuation of the quarter 1 staff development.

2. ATI-RTC-CAR ISO Technical Guidance 2019 – May 21-22, 2019

One of the visions of the Institute’s Top Management is to institutionalize the ISO

Management as a discipline. It will not only serve as an ATI’s signature but also as a

way of life.

The technical guidance focused on the review of the risk assessment plans and quality

objectives and the verification of TUV-SUD and IQA findings.


1. Supervisory Development Program – Course 1: Achieving Leadership Effectiveness – May 7-8, 2019 – NTC Training Hall, Pacdal, Baguio City This was a conducted by the CSC-CAR for the supervisors of various agencies which was attended by Mr. Maximino Aromin, Jr., Section Chief of the Information Services Section.


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2. Government Property and Supply Management – May 20-22, 2019 – Eurotel Hotel, Abanao Extension, Baguio City

This was initiated by the SCCE Training Center. It was attended by Ms. Tessie Lingbanan and Mr. Aldrin Guerrero. Mr. Lingbanan mentioned that the knowledge gained shall be applied in the Property and Supply Management of ATI-CAR.

3. Research Writing and Statistical Analysis In-Depth Seminar Workshop – May 14-17, 2019 The workshop was organized by the Strategic Research and Development Center, Inc. (Stand-Asia Inc.) It is an authorized reseller and a training institution for IBM SPSS here in the Philippines that caters both local and international client. The workshop was intended to teach the practice and art of research writing and statistical analysis. In particular, the coverage were the standard of research writing, different methods of data collection, sampling, and the preparation of data for analysis. This was participated by more or less than 150 individuals coming from the NGAs and SUCs where majority were from the SUCs. This was attended by Ms. Cherry Sinong, Project Evaluation Officer I. As PME staff, the learnings will significantly help ease the management of the Center’s “becoming complex database”.


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Advance copy was submitted on June 4, 2019

National Activities Attended/Participated 1. 2nd Consultation-Meeting on the Development of ATI Planning and Budgeting Manual – May 2-3, 2019 at ATI Diliman, Quezon City – This was participated by the Planning Officer Vilma L. Lumbas

2. Organic Agriculture Modules Updating and Critiquing Phase 1 – May 14-18, 2019 at General Luna, Poblacion, Siargao, Surigao Del Norte – This was attended by Mr. Jener Dizon, the alternate focal person for OA Program. CAR, together with regions 2, 4A and 9 were tasked to develop Lesson 4 which is on Farm Management.

3. 67th National 4-H Convention – May 28-31, 2019 at Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

CAR had 17 official participants to this convention composed of 4-H contestants, advisers, coordinators, DA-RFO and ATI-CAR staff.

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:

CHERRY S. SINONG MYRNA B. STA. MARIA ARLENE L. FLORS, PhD M&E Officer/Designated Report Officer TCS I/Asst. Division Chief Center Director/Division Chief Date: June 4, 2019 Date: ______________ Date: ______________