Monthly Narrative Report for November-2017 Of UCBPRP Maintenance Phase Districts Shikarpur, Kashmore & Jacobabad Report By SRSO-MER Section Head Office Sukkur

Monthly Narrative Report for November-2017...As of 1,192,543,596April2017, PKR: received from the different beneficiaries who received the CIF loans under the regular program in three

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Page 1: Monthly Narrative Report for November-2017...As of 1,192,543,596April2017, PKR: received from the different beneficiaries who received the CIF loans under the regular program in three

Monthly Narrative Report for November-2017


UCBPRP Maintenance Phase

Districts Shikarpur, Kashmore & Jacobabad

Report By SRSO-MER Section Head Office Sukkur

Page 2: Monthly Narrative Report for November-2017...As of 1,192,543,596April2017, PKR: received from the different beneficiaries who received the CIF loans under the regular program in three

Executive Summary:

The Union Council Based Poverty Reduction Project (UCBPRP) has successfully completed its tenure in August 2013 and achieved its set objectives and materialize huge portfolio in form of community institutions and the gigantic intervention. ensured the linkages between poor households, line agencies, and other service providers and between government social protection programs and the poorest.

The project has helped as well as enabling the poor communities to improve their social indicators relating to health, environment, and education, especially for women and children.

UCBPRP created a sense of understanding among the poor women to undertake economic activities for the wellbeing of their household; the intervention included asset building for income generation, small enterprises, improved agriculture practices, vocational skills as means of business, and the choices to have access to financial resources are larger than before the project, which built the confidence of the target community (Women) to make productive investments from the resources they have been managing collectively through the huge network of their Village Organizations and Local Support Organizations at gross rout levels.

To extract the maximum benefit on regular basis it was indispensable that there must be a proper follow-up and the maintenance in the respective districts to sustain the outcomes in the rural communities. During the maintenance phase, the tendency of routine meetings of these institutions has been promoted to make it on a regular basis and further efforts being under taken to promote and enhance the culture of savings in these gross rout level organizations by making the strict monitoring and participation.

In September-2013 the SRSO have started the formal activities of the maintenance phase in both the districts, initially the teams have focused the recovery and re-disbursement of community investment fund in the different village organizations with the effective support of local support organizations.

The Union Council Based Poverty Reduction Project (UCBPRP) Jacobabad has successfully completed its tenure in 30th June 2015 and achieved its set objectives. In July 2015 SRSO has also started activities of the Maintenance Phase in District Jacobabad. SRSO focused the Recovery and Re-Disbursement of CIF with Support of Local Support Organizations (LSOs).

As of April2017, PKR:1,192,543,596 received from the different beneficiaries who received the CIF loans under the regular program in three districts. Besides the recovery teams also emphasis the beneficiaries to consider for group landing in order to foster the maximum benefits by utilization the same amount with increment from the seed money of LSOs.

Apart from recovery, the re-disbursement was given massive importance therefore as of April-

2017, PKR:961,692,416 have been Re-disbursed in different beneficiaries who returned the

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MPR for the Maintenance Phase in district Shikarpur, Jacobabad, and Kashmore @ Kandhkot

Executive Summary District Wise progress As of May 2017 31-June17 As of June-2017

S. No

Name of Activity District Project Target

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement

1 CIF (No of Groups to be formed in UC under group lending strategy

Shikarpur - - - - - - -

Kashmore - - - - - - -

Jacobabad - - - - - - - Sub Total - - - - - - -

2 No of Group to be given CIF Shikarpur - - - - - - -

Kashmore - - - - - - -

Jacobabad - - - - - - -

Sub Total - - - - - - -

3 Total No of Beneficiaries (under Group Lending Strategy)

Shikarpur - - - - - - -

Kashmore - - - - - - -

Jacobabad - - - - - - -

Sub Total - - - - - - -

4 No of Communities formed regarding supervisory roles

Shikarpur - - - - - - -

Kashmore - - - - - - -

Jacobabad - - - - - - -

Sub Total - - - - - - -

5 No of Small Enterprises to be created through group Lending

Shikarpur - - - - - - -

Kashmore - - - - - - -

Jacobabad - - - - - - -

Sub Total - - - - - - -

6 No of LSOs to be given CIF Shikarpur - - 37 - - - 37

Kashmore - - 25 - - - 25

Jacobabad 16 - 16

Sub Total - - 78 - - - 78

7 LSO Members trained in Managerial & CIF Appraisal

Monitoring Training

Shikarpur - - 13 - - - 13

Kashmore - - - - - - -

Jacobabad - - - - - - -

Sub Total - - 13 - - - 13

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S. No Name of Activity District

Project Target

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement


LSO members trained in Book keeping training

Shikarpur - - - - - - -

Kashmore - - - - - - -

Jacobabad - - - - - - -

Sub Total - - - - - - -


LSO members to be sent on Exposures Visits

Shikarpur - - - - - - -

Kashmore - - - - - - -

Jacobabad - - - - - - -

Sub Total - - - - - - -


CIF Recovery 1st


Shikarpur - - 332,877,466 - 1,131,043 334,008,509

Kashmore - - 274,500,000 - 0 0 274,500,000

Jacobabad 199,855,230 - 351,700 - 200,206,930

Sub Total - - 807,232,696 - 1,482,743 - 808,715,439


CIF Recovery 2nd


Shikarpur - - 152,461,350 - 12,046,657 164,508,007

Kashmore - - 121,631,750 - 3,550,500 - 125,182,250

Jacobabad 156,071,850 2,189,500 158,261,350

Sub Total - - 430,164,950 - 17,786,657 - 447,951,607


CIF Recovery Cumulative (Cumulative 1

st & 2


Shikarpur - - 485,338,816 13,177,700 498,516,516

Kashmore - - 396,131,750 3,550,500 399,682,250

Jacobabad - - 355,927,080 2,541,200 358,468,280

Sub Total - - 1,237,397,646 19,269,400 1,256,667,046

13 Amount of CIF Re-disbursement (1st

Shikarpur - - - -

Page 5: Monthly Narrative Report for November-2017...As of 1,192,543,596April2017, PKR: received from the different beneficiaries who received the CIF loans under the regular program in three

Cycle) 280,104,716 1,131,043 281,235,759

Kashmore - -

226,785,750 -




Jacobabad - -

164,338,200 -




Sub Total - - 671,228,666 - 2,078,043 - 673,306,709


Amount of CIF Re-disbursement (2

nd Cycle)







120,558,750 -





119,862,050 -




Sub Total 390,641,150 - 18,412,157 - 409,053,307


Re-Disbursement of CIF Cumulative (1

st & 2

nd Cycle)


430,325,066 -





347,344,500 -





284,200,250 -




Sub Total 1,061,869,816 0 20,490,200 - 1,082,360,016


Exposure Sharing Workshop

Shikarpur - - 5 - - - 5

Kashmore - - 2 - - - 2

Jacobabad - - 3 - - - 3

Sub Total - - 10 - - - 10

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Recovery & Re-disbursement through community Institutions: (involvement of rural women)

After execution of maintenance phase of UCBPRP, the social mobilization teams of all three districts have been proactively engaged and spared much time on the mobilization of masses that the village organizations must have to ensure the 100% recovery of already disbursed CIF under the umbrella of local support organizations in their respective districts. During the regular visits, the teams were significantly facilitated by the senior professionals from the head office as well as district offices on various aspects which has been remained the core concern of rural communities and the priorities of field teams in the recent context of proper recoveries and revolving of CIF amounts.

Now after such sort of facilitation, the outreach and confidence of teams have been enhanced and their interaction with rural communities has also been improved, which resulted in the vital progress of community institutions for recoveries and revolving of CIF. Through these efforts and steps, the sustainability of CIF intervention made in UCBPRP, becoming more assured in rural areas.

Social mobilization teams (SMTs) doing good work, that making possible for the respective LSOs to access each and every VO in their union council and having concrete dialogues with their community institutions and their office bearers for the apparent purpose of CIF recoveries and its effective utilizations, as well as disbursement of same amount in other new households who are willing and has their micro investment plans at household level. Not only this, these LSOs are also making their best, that the incremental amount of CIF may also be provided to such households who have very tangible plans for their livelihood purposes.

In addition to this, LSO office bearers are also paying special attention to the utilization of CIF amount and it has been emphasized on households to make the possible use this amount to open up their livelihood options at the household level. Furthermore, the urge was made in the household to protect and enhance their existing livelihood sources and means with their possible efforts.

The maximum involvement of VOs/LSOs has started to put a positive impact on the recovery and the rural community genuinely realizes that the revolving of CIF amount would have additional benefits. The communities have been consistently unaware about the continuous recycling of CIF amount which had suspended after the dual flooding in 2010 and followed by rainfalls of 2012 in three UCBRPR districts.

Now with this approach the community and the respective LSO office bearers clearly demonstrating their role and getting well involved with their community level institutions for the development of their respective areas through the community is driven initiatives and approaches. The efforts of rural women have created a great zeal in other rural women which, additionally strengthening the women empowerment, and emerging as the effective way to alleviate poverty. The involvement of rural women in various social events, activities programs have significantly restricted the occurrence of violence against women in these three districts.

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Events and Initiatives of community institutions (VOs & LSOs)in three districts:

In May-2017, different activities, initiatives, and events are carried out by the rural women from the platform of their community institutions, to foster the development work in gross root levels by promoting the community driven development. The district wise details on those all activities, events, and initiatives by communities given as under:

District Shikarpur:

Initiatives during November 2017

The Chairman SRSO & BOD members visited LSO Mehran and LSO Sindh Sujaag:

The Chairman SRSO Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan visited LSO Sindh Sujaag UC Rustam and LSO Mehran of UC

Bhirkan taluka Lakhi Ghulam Shah district Shikarpur accompanied

with Government of Sindh Additional Finance secretary Mr. Ather

Hussain Mirani, Government of Sindh P&D Official Mr. Parvaz Ahmed

Chandio, Government of Sindh P&D Official Mr. Ali Ashar Mahar, NRSP

CEO Mr. Rashid Bajwa, SRSO CEO Mr. Muhammad Dittal Kalhoro,

Regional Managers, District Managers and Field staff of SRSO. The

Chairman SRSO, who looked much impressed with the achievements

of both LSOs. “I am astonished as to how the women of COs, VOs &

LSOs are performing wonders in its limited resources”, he remarked.

Mr. Ather Hussain Mirani and other GoS Officials applauded relentless

efforts of Women who have utilized their CIF as per soul of UCBPRP.

On this occasion, the CEO NRSP Mr. Rashid Bajwa said, you are not

only organized in CIs and utilizing CIF and achieving results but lSOs

are also working for saving the lives of

human beings that is noble cause and

announced 1lac fund for emergency

treatment of ultra poor women

through their LSO Sindh Sujag UC

Rustam. In the Last all guests paid

thanks to LSOs of great hospitality and

congenial atmosphere. While LSO

leaders also paid thanks to

Government of Sindh and SRSO for

implementing such Grand

programme for poverty reduction in their area.

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Paradigm of visible Change- Self Initiavtive of LSO Mehran:

0n 14th November 2017, LSO Mehran Union council Bhirkan

taluka Lakhi district Shikarpur has organized first meeting of

CRAN chaired by Mr. Deen Muhammad Shaikh Deputy

director social welfare department Shikarpur and Honorable

guest was Mr. Manzoor Jalbani (RM SRSO Region III) and

other Officials of Social welfare department, SRSO, IRC and

CRAN member Organizations actively participated in meeting.

As in last month LSO Mehran won the election for CRAN

among 41 Local NGO’s, CBO’s and LSOs for secretariat

(Administrative Office). Basically Child rights advocacy

network-CRAN is formed by Indus resource centre for the

advocacy of child rights in district Shikarpur. Worthy guests

and CRAN members congratulated Mrs. Sanam Khatoon for

arranging splendid introductory first meeting of CRAN and

applauded their efforts and seriousness for Child rights.

End of Sport week at Schools-Final Match between SRSO Cluster Schools:

As per academic calendar sport week among all schools of SRSO Community managed Schools and Community

cluster Schools was celebrated. Different types of indoor and outdoor games were played by students and

teachers of all SRSO Primary and cluster schools in entire week. In connection of that Final cricket match

between Cluster schools Garhi Sahab Khan and

Suhrab Pahore was played today at stadium

khanpur town-District Shikarpur. Assistant

Commissioner Taluka Khanpur Mr. Humair Ahmed

Memon was the chief guest on the occasion, While

SRSO Regional Manager, District Manager,

Regional MER Officer, Senior Education Promoter,

teachers and students participated in this sport

week ending activity. Cluster School Garhi Sahab

Khan won the match. AC khanpur and SRSO

Officials distributed winner trophy and medals

among all winner and runner up team players.

Students and teachers were observed in delighted

mood and paid thanks to SRSO for guiding and facilitating Schools for arranging extracurricular healthy activities.

While AC Khanpur appreciated team for curricular and extracurricular activities in SRSO managed schools which

is very positive sign and congratulated Winner team and ensured his support in future.

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LSO Sindh Sujag UC Rustam:

Handed over LSO Sindh Sujhag today re disbursed CIF amount 208000 in VO Mangi Muhalla among 15

beneficiaries, passed the resolution collected 1000 service charges

including MHI fees from each member. LSO deposited 12850

amount as service charges and 2250 rupees of MHI fees in the

bank account.

One day refresher to LSOs executive committee members organized by SMU Shikarpur and SMU Lakhi LSO Chandani union council Jano taluka Shikarpur conducted GB meeting where 22 VOs out of 26 participated agenda was re election of LSOs office bearers. Aisha as Chairperson, Akhtiar khatoon as treasurer, Fatima as general secretary were elected.

SMU-Shikarpur & LSO members started collection of fund for LSO Azad UC Jagan office construction in shape of cash, crop (sari), and White wash work is continue at LSO kiran office UC Humayoon.

OTW participants along with TL EUCBRP Dr Ghulam Samejo, Mrs. Hafeeza, Mr. Zubir Soomro visited LSOs Khushal network and LSO Sindh Sujhag for exposure and experience sharing.

LSO Sindh organized GB meeting at VO Abdoo agenda was re election for LSO office bearer. Mrs. Haseena was elected as chairperson Mrs. Saran Vice Chairperson and Mrs. Azira treasurer.

Mr. Akhtiar Munir held interview from Mehnaz and Meeran owing to make documentary for Government of Sindh.

Conducted meeting with General Body of LSO Azad of UC Jaggan at VO Deya, 35 participants of 16 VOs participated. Following agendas were discussed. 1) Planning for CIF Revolving 2) Discussed on ongoing construction work of LSO Office. 3) Discussed on females primary Education 4) Discussed about cleanliness of VOs 5) Ensured to 100% participation in LSO General Body Meeting, which will conduct after 03 months 6) Discussed on inauguration ceremony of LSO Office

LSO Kiran UC Hamayoun GB meeting and LSO executive

committee members refresher organized by SMU Shikarpur


Two CRPs Mrs. Mehnaz from LSO Sindh Sujag and Mrs. Sanam

from LSO Mehran of district Shikarpur participated in OTW

training and took session on social mobilization .

SMU Khanpur organized GB meeting and Community

conference of LSO Ujagar uc Rahimabad at VO Muhammad

Hashim pahore.

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DM Miss Parveen Mahar attended coordination

meeting at social welfare office where all

stakeholder from Government and Non

Government department participated.

DM Miss Parveen Mahar attended meeting with

Director Sindh on farm water management on

Kitchen Gardening under world bank funded

project SIAEPEP.

Mr. Ayaz Hussain Abro director Sindh water

management visited LSO Mehran , he

appreciated efforts of LSO Mehran.

SMU In charges & team from Agriculture Water

Management Department conducted meeting

regarding verification of Kitchen gardening.

LSOs Khushal network participated youth Club

Orientation session organized by Save the

children at SMU Lakhi.

Newly formed LSOs under success programme

visited 2 LSOs of district Shikarpur.

SMU Khanpur organized GB meeting and

refresher for LSO executive members of LSO

Benazir UC Ghari Dakho at VO Noor

Muhammad Kalhoro 65 members from 38 VOs

were participated .

LSO GB meeting and One day refresher to LSO

executive committee members organized by LSO

Saweera UC Gaheja at Ghari Yaseen.

LSO GB meeting and one day referesher to LSOs

executive committee members orginized by LSO

Awaz at Mad Khoso.

Post verification of PMIFL beneficiaries by MER

HO team at VO Moorani.

Education Component:

The education in rural areas depends upon the availability of trained teaching staff, parent teacher partnership/coordination and the will / monitoring of the executing agency. Poverty, illiteracy, remoteness, law and order of the selected areas are remained drivers of dropouts and poor education in rural areas. In rural Sindh, people are suffering from abject poverty and unemployment due to the low literacy in the areas. One of the reasons for the low literacy is the feudal-lords who are the major hurdle. At Shikarpur districts, there are mostly scattered schools barely having one/two room(s).

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Combating this, Sindh Government has taken drastic efforts by partnering the Sindh Rural Support Organization, signed an agreement under the UC based poverty reduction program carried out in district Shikarpur to bring the literacy up to the standard by functionalizing 53 Primary Schools, and 08 Early Childhood Centers in the districts. Including renovation/ improvements in buildings; adding missing facilities; hiring local teachers (preferably female); upgrading teacher’s capacity and strengthening the stakes of the parents through setting up functional and empowered school management committees, including their capacity building. In villages where there were no primary schools for girls, set up and run around 04 Second Shift Girls' Primary Schools in existing Boys' Primary Schools besides setting up 03 Centers for imparting Early Childhood Education in existing school buildings.

The project team is working hard to ensure quality education by keeping the schools functional and develop better environment for the education. All 43 schools have been functionalized in morning shift at Shikarpur. Out of 55 schools. Total enrolled students are 4,520 having bifurcation of 2,485 Boy’s and 2,562 Girl’s in the morning shift schools of the district.

Name of District

# of School

Visited school in Sep-17

Enrollment Teachers

Boys Girls Total Male Female Total

Community Cluster Schools

05 05 1098 433 1531 46 09 55

Community Managed Schools

43 38 1,209 1,780 2,989 20 47 67

AALTP Centers

03 03 178 349 527 05 10 15

TOTAL 51 46 2,485 2,562 5, 054 71 66 137

Community Cluster Schools:

SRSO made an agreement with Community Development Program (CDP), Planning & Development Department, and Government of Sindh (GOS). The SRSO was required to construct/repair and run 05 cluster schools up to the elementary level by arranging and providing education facilities for almost 3,500 students of rural areas of Shikarpur. The specific objective is to provide quality education to the children of rural areas of respective districts through clustering of school facilities to 05 schools situated at:

1. Garhi Sahib Khan Taluka Garhi Yaseen district Shikarpur

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2. Sohrab Khan Pahore Taluka Kanpur district Shikarpur 3. Abdullah Buriro Taluka Khanpur District Shikarpur 4. Ladho Khan Maher Taluka Garhi Yaseen District Shikarpur 5. Qabalo Taluka Garhi Yaseen District Shikarpur

The management of these five schools was handed-over to SRSO for collaboration to take joint responsibilities for the sustainability of these schools established under the projects (SRSO – CDP Cluster Elementary Schools) in District Shikarpur.

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District Jacobabad:

Initiatives during November 2017

Final Process of Hybrid rice crop -Harvesting,

Threshing and selling grains

LSO Emaan has leased 25 Acres land for pilot project of

Hybrid corps. All the stages (Seed Selection, Preparing Land

for Planting, Planting the Rice Seeds or Seedlings, Water

Management, Plant Nutrition, Maintaining Healthy Crops,

Harvesting, Last Process Processing of Harvested Grains) of

Hybrid rice crop were lead and monitored by LSO Emaan

members. As Beginning of harvesting of Hybrid rice crop

was commenced in harvesting ceremony on 25th October

2017, by Chief Guest Dr. Sohrab Khan Sarki MPA Thull, CEO-

SRSO, Mr. Faen-Chinese consultant and other dignity


Harvesting is the process of collecting the mature rice crop

from the field. Paddy harvesting activities include reaping,

stacking, handling, threshing, cleaning, and hauling. These

can be done individually or a combine harvester can be

used to perform the operations simultaneously.

It is important to apply good harvesting methods to be

able to maximize grain yield, and minimize grain damage

and quality deterioration.

Manual harvesting is common across Sindh It involves

cutting the rice crop with simple hand tools like

sickles. Manual harvesting is very effective when a crop has

lodged or fallen over, however it is labor intensive.

Due to costs the main traditional method is still most

common manually harvesting. LSO Emaan members also

manually started harvesting through daily wages labors.

Harvesting and Collection of harvested crop was parallel

started after few days threshing and Grain Selling was

simultaneously started so that weather or other threats

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such as birds or rodents do not result in grain loss. From

Inception to end LSO Emaan members were present to lead

and monitor to whole process of this Hybrid rice crop’s pilot

project. They were very pleasant to finalizing all process of

Paddy crop and become 1st LSO among all LSOs of SRSO to

implement such pilot project in very organized manner and

become paradigm for other Local support organizations.

Coordination & Linkages:

On 1st November 2017, SRSO Officials Mr. Babar Ali (MER)

participated in the meeting of 'Prevention+ Alliance' district level

network of CSO's, CBO's & NGO's in order to achieve positive and

equal gender norms also economically empower women

organized by Community development foundation-CDF

Jacobabad. SRSO representative ensured their coordination not

only alliance level but also community level.

MER Person participated in CO-VO meetings, checked

record and verified CIF beneficiaries on 27-11-17 at VOs

of talka thuall.

MER, Water Management officer & Unit In charge Thull

visited NAVTTC center.

Assessment & verification of benfz for KG by GoS water

management dept Thull on 22-11-17

Mr. Zafar Ali SO participated in Prevention+ Alliance

meeting at CDF Head office.

Unit Incharge taluka thul Mr. Ashraf Rahujo conducted

meeting with Water Management Officer of Thull for

the verification of Kitchen gardening beneficiaries.

SRSO HO MER team visited at Jacobabad and

conducted PSC survey of 15 successful case studies CIF

beneficiaries on 20-11-17

2 staff members (SOs) participated in World Toilet day

at Govt School Allan khan Jamali Jacobabad on 18-11-

17 & organized by HANDS Jacobabad.

RM Mr. Manzoor Jalbani visited hybrid rice crop of LSO Emaan Union council Thull Nao Taluka Thull

district Jacobabad on 11-11-2017. He has observed threshing process of harvested crop.

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Mrs. Manzooran Chairperson of LSO Anmol UC Dasti taluka district Jacobabad has been selected as

Bright star under HCC Project due to his voluntarily DM SRSO Jacobabad Mr. Ahmed Samejo

participated in Closeout and Result Dissemination ceremony in Maternal and Child Health program

(MCHIP) event in which DHO Dr. Sawan

Shaikh also appreciated SRSO work and

coverage of EPI in entire district.

Mrs. Manzooran Chairperson of LSO Anmol

UC Dasti facilitated and supported to team in

health cards updating and distribution inv VO

Lal Bux Bughio.

SMU Incharge Thull visited and verified

identified location for LSO Mehran office.

Visit of correspondent of DUNYA news at BDG

Bodlo Bhatti LSO Eman UC Thull Nao with CEO

Mr. Muhammad Dittal Kalhoro, RM Mr. Manzoor Jalbani & District team on 3-11-17.

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District Kashmore at Kandhkot:

Initiatives during November 2017

SMU Kandh Kot with support of CIF

Professional conducted LSO Executive

Committee members Refreshers of UC

Ghouspur and Dari, 24 members


SRSO DM accompanied with DPM Marie

Stops Kandh Kot participated in Health

Community Conference held at UC Rasaldar.

In which 82 Females of 16 VOs participated

also Notable Person and UC Counselor also

participated in event.

SMU Kashmore conducted coordination

meeting with RHC Buxapur for supporting the

Community Members in Polio Campaign.

SMU team conducted Meeting with LSO

Chairperson of UC Badani

SMU team conducted LSO Refresher of UC

Ghouspur and Dari.

DM participated in event of “Universal

Children Day" at Village Balach Khan Dahani

organized by CMP/HANDS.

MCHIP EPI project Record handed over to

Health department.

M&E Officer Sona Khan visited Kandh Kot

and conducted PSC of 15 Households.

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SRSO Complex,



Website: www.srso.org.pk