Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

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Page 1: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves
Page 2: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Montgomery County

• Population: 1.02 million

• Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Asian or Pacific Islander or an ethnicity other than non-Hispanic White.

• According to the FBl's Baltimore Field Office 42% of al-Qaeda related terrorism plots since 9-11 have some association to their jurisdiction.


Page 3: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

The Public-Private Partnership in Promoting Social Cohesion and Public Safety

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Page 4: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Programs and Partners of the Faith Community Working Group (FCWG)

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- ACLU-3058

Page 5: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Culturally Competent Expertise

WORDE is dedicated to enhancing communication and understanding between diverse communities to mitigate social and political conflict.

The International Cultural Center (ICC) is a special program of WORDE's based out of facility in Gaithersburg, MD, that facilitates this mission by engaging diverse county residents in programs that promote social cohesion based on mutual respect and harmonious coexistence. b6 -1,2

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Page 6: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Essential Components b6 -1

Page 7: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Early Warning System t - Interrelated P hrough Four



Page 8: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves



• Seven Signs of Terrorism Video by Chief Manger

• Diversity Training in Academy

• Training School Resource Officers

• WORDE Training on Islamic Culture and Risk Factors of Radicalization

• Training on Intervention Protocols for School Resource Officers

• Recognizing the Warning Signs of Violent Extremism


• Mental Illness training by the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)

• Internet Safety by District Attorney and Department Homeland Security

• Disaster prep by the Office of Emergency Management/Homeland Security (OEM HS)

• Understanding VE by FBI

• Emotional Spiritual Care Volunteer training by the National Disaster Interfaith Network [Fall] ACLU-3062

Page 9: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Risk Factors of Violent Extremism

Psychologkai Factors

Post traumatic stress disorder

Mental ll!nesses

Sense of purpose

The need for adventure

Ideology, Beliefs & Values

Notion that the West poses a threat to group

Bifurcated world view of aus vs. them"

Justification of violence to bring about change

Politka! Grievances

Human rights abuses

Lack of polltlca! rights and clvi! !lbertles


Conflict and foreign occupation

Page 10: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

The Crossroads Program

Building strong and resilient communities through outreach, assistance and empowerment.

ICC Crossroads provides mentoring an wellness services to South Asian, Middle Eastern, and North/Western/Eastern African communities who are dramatically under-served by existing county programs.

Services & Referrals: • Counseling • Mentoring • Case Management (Referral and

Navigation of Social Services) • Advocacy • Support Groups for young women • Community Service Opportunities

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Page 11: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

The Referral Process for Interventions



Page 12: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Our Internal Agency Process


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I b6 -1 b7C -1


Page 14: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves



Page 15: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

The Faith Community Working Group (FCWG)

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Page 16: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

The Faith Community Working Group (FCWG)

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Page 17: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

The Crossroads Program


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Page 18: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

The Crossroads Program b6 -1 b7C -1

ACLU-3072 ~~~~

Page 19: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves
Page 20: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves
Page 21: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

r {Helping Hea~ Violent Extremism)

To identify and to service Muslim youth, adults and families at risl< for, or engaged in, radicalization activities, or engaged in acts leading to violent extremism. With the understanding that radicalization and violent extremism exists in all ethnic, religious and cultural groups, (Nazis, Skin Heads, and Right Wing Christian groups). It is the purpose ofthis agreement to .address those persons in affiliation with Islam.icfamilies, schools and institutions. Our work will extend to all persons in communities, schools andfamilies where an individual has been radicalized religiously or politically by Islam in particular.


Page 22: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

I r Persons living, worl<ing or worshiping in communities identified as having individuals with prior involvement with Radicalization, violent extremism or terrorist activities.

Immigrant or US citizens regardless to race, gender, age or religious affiliation.

Referred by CIOGC community mem her/ organizations

Referred by Governmental agency

Referred by Family

Page 23: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Support peace, social justice, tolerance and democracy building through Civic Engagement.

Build political consciousness and promote critical thinl<ing and broad-mindedness among youth.

Provide positive alternatives for meaningful interfaith and intrafaith engagement and dialogue.

Promote family and community social bonding.

Develop counter terrorist/violent extremist narratives.

Provide family and community training on countering violent extremism and radicalization.

Provide 'Safe Spaces' where youth needs are addressed.

Page 24: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

1§§§ r I r Psychological Assessments

Family Case Management

Individual Counseling

Group Counseling

Religious Counseling

Community reintegration (Civic Engagement)

Social rehabilitation (Sports, Arts, Cultural Rehab)

Job Training and Employment

Mentoring and Follow up

Page 25: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves
Page 26: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Ii Radicalization (or radicalisation) is a process by which an individual or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social, or religious ideals and aspirations that ~ (1) reject or undermine the status quo or

~ (2) reject and/or undermine. contemporary ideas and expressions of freedom of choice.

Page 27: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

t r DHS defines Violent Extremism as: Activities committed by a person of any citizenship who has lived or operated primarily in the United States or its territories who advocates, is engaged in, or is preparing to engage in ideologically-motivated terrorist activities (including providing material support to terrorism) in furtherance of political or social objectives promoted by a terrorist organization.

Page 28: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

liz ti tr !lllS

IS t Defining those activities deemed to being engaged in radicalization or extremism ~ Material support defined as:

~ Associations with certain individuals .as defined by FBI.

~ Certain Organizations as defined by FBI.

~ Reading/posting to certain websites as defined by FBI.


Page 29: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

I Ii According to the research of Dr. Angel M. Rabasa, of the RAND Corporation, a successful de-radicalization program will address both disengagement and de­radicalization. -"efforts to rehabilitate radical lslamists should be rigorous and comprehensive programs that counter a radical's affective, pragmatic, and ideological commitment to an extremist

. . " organ1zat1on.


Page 30: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

-refers to a series of efforts seel<ing to facilitate an individual's movement away from committing acts of violence. It focuses specifically on an individual's illegal and violent behaviors and the factors that facilitate their movement toward violence.

Page 31: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Instrumental change in behavior due to ® Disincentives for engagement

® Detainment, partial or full hospitalization

~ Incentives for disengagement

~ Fear or threat of arrest


Page 32: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Ii De-radicalization seel<s to facilitate an individual's intellectual exit from ideological extremism (and possibly violent extremism) primarily through changes in their existing intellectual view of violence, religion, and/ or politics

Page 33: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Ii -"efforts to rehabilitate radical Islamists should be rigorous and comprehensive programs that counter a radical's affective, pragmatic, and ideological commitment to an extremist organization.

Page 34: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves
Page 35: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Normative commitment is a moral obligation to the group or organization.

Affective commitment is an emotional attachment to other members of the group or organization.

Pragmatic commitment refers to practical factors lil<e protection and financial support provided by the group or organization.

Page 36: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

I Referral by family member.

Referral by school or Masajid

Referral by law enforcement or courts

Referral by Federal Bureau of Investigation ~ Threat of arrest or detainment.

Page 37: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Eliminate stigma of association

Reduce pressure from Law Enforcement agency

Avoid arrest or detainment

Pressure from family, friends or community

Incentives from Law Enforcement agency

Page 38: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

r Having no place else to go

Continued maltreatment and harassment by FBI.

Fear of denouncing allegiance or religious beliefs.

Loss of purpose and identity

Loss of reward in the "after life''

Fear of reprisal from organization or group.


Page 39: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

~ ~ r I I

How to leave?

Whereto go?

What to do?

Who will nurture and support?

Page 40: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves
Page 41: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

risis I @

Ir E t

Individual Name: School/Employment _____________________________ _

Parent/Guardian Name -----------------------------~

Address: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~City/State/Zip~~~~~~~~~ E-mail: T.P/Cell

-------------~ ---------Parent Employment: ______________________________ _ Insurance Information:


Referredby: _______________________________ _

*Referred to:

Psych Evaluation: -------------------------------­Counseling:~--------------------------------~ Casel\1anagement _______________________________ _ Community Engagement agency _________________________ _

Additional Services: • • • • • •Referrals will only be made to persons, organizations or programs for whom CIOGC has a Memorandum of Agreement.

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Contact Tracking Form

Name Month/Year

Client Name

Date Type ofContact Action Taken Action Needed

1/25/15 Psych Eval. Assessment Referral for Counseling

Page 43: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Crisis Team ~ HHVE - Case Managers

~ Psychiatrists - IFN

~ Psychologists/Counselors - I<halil Center

~ Religious Scholars

~ Peace Ambassadors Program

~ Social Worl<ers

~ Mental Health Worl<ers


Page 44: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Psychiatric/Psychological Assessment

Support analysis

Resource analysis

Referrals ~ Counseling


~ Training


Page 45: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

r @ Partial or Full Hospitalization

~ Psychological Counseling

~ Religious Counseling

@ Tutoring

@ Job Training

~ Sports, Arts and Recreational Activities

~ Mentoring

@ Legal Consultation

@ Family Support

~ Housing

Page 46: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

I Psychological Assessment


Physical relocation - MOVE

New School - ISBE/CPS

New employment - CIOGC and LDI Community Partners, Department of Labor

Renewed family relationships - Family Mentoring

Social Rehabilitation - LDI Peace Ambassadors

Page 47: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

iii LDl/CMECCA Peace Ambassadors Social Development Program

~ Job Training


~ Social Development

Traci< & field ~ Training

~ Competition

Page 48: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

I Case Manager/Mentor ~ Increase family involvement

~ Improve quality of family relationships

~ Family impose expectations

Material support for family

Emotional support for family


Page 49: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

I Department of Labor ~ Increase productivity

~ Increase self esteem

~ Increase independence


Page 50: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Ii I I Religious Scholars' Counseling ~ Credible

~ Sanctioned

New Religious group alignment

Cultural Rehabilitation

Illinois Muslim Action Day


I Ii

Page 51: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

it Case Management - regular extended contact with individual and family for not less than one year.

Mentoring - individual and/or parent for not less than six months.

Family Support - social, religious, financial and emotional as needed.

After Care -Ongoing religious and psychological counseling where needed.



Page 52: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Community Activism

~ Worl< with CIOGC Illinois. Muslim Action Committee @ Identify local and State Legislators

® Identify communities concerns and priorities

~ Develop a strategy for working with community, local and state legislators to address problem.

Community Service Project ~ Identify a problem in community

~ Develop a strategy for worl<ing with others to address this problem

Page 53: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

I Town Hall Meetings

Muslim Leadership De-radicalizations training

Muslim Schools and Educators De-radicalization training.

Law Enforcement Islamic Cultural Sensitivity training.

Media - Islamic Cultural Sensitivity training.

Intra faith/Interfaith Reconciliation Programs

Civic Engagement - Illinois Muslim Action Day

Community Service Projects

Page 54: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

it Increase collaboration with local, state and government agencies.

Improve Interfaith and Intrafaith relations.

Increase communitycollaboration and support

Improve Interfaith Cultural Competency

Increase capacity and competency for service delivery

Reduce community fear and prejudice


Page 55: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

I Ii r r Baseline. assessments on extent and degree of individual radicalization of participants

Identification of risl< factors for radicalization

Identification of resilience factors that protect against radicalization

Prevalence of risl< and resilience factors in communities.

Effectiveness of Community Education and Engagement strategies.

Page 56: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

II r Increase Cost Effectiveness

Reduce overhead costs

Eliminate stigmatization

Reduce isolation

Improve community cultural competence

Increase capacity for community organizations

Develop a comprehensive understanding of the problems and root causes.

Page 57: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

I r r Federal Bureau of Investigation & U.S. Attorney's Office


Leadership Development Institute

l(halil Center

Local law enforcement agency

University of Illinois (Research)

Local School

CCBYS - Comprehensive Community Based Youth Services

IMAN - Illinois Muslim Action Network

Zakat Foundation

YOUTH CAN - Youth Overcoming Urban Trauma & Healing: A Community Action Network ACLU-3111

Page 58: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves

Next Steps

~ MOU's and collaborative. agreements

~ Identification of RFP's,. RFA's and availability of discretionary funding.

~ Community Education

~ Professional Training @ FBI


~ Religious Consultants



Page 59: Montgomery County · 2019. 12. 21. · Montgomery County • Population: 1.02 million • Demographics: A minority-majority county given that 50.7% of residents identify themselves