All sorts of Items. Lay Delegates. Last night on adjourned mooting of the male members of Hylmul Chapel was held for ihc purp ise of taking in¬ to consideration the propriety »f send¬ ing representatives to the Philadelphia Convent ion, which is to meet in March nrxt, to lako itito consideration the subject of a lay delegation in the an¬ nual anil general conferences. Tim proposition to send representatives was rejected by a largo majority, and a resolution adopted'expressing sat¬ isfaction with the present discipline and form of church government. Af¬ ter prayer, the meeting adjourned in .brotherly love.. Washington Tel. A Valuable Acquisition..Tho Ro¬ chester N. Y. Theological Seminary has recently purchased tho rare and valuable library of the late Dr. Nit- ANDF.n, of Germany. The number of volumes, &c. amounts to 4,GU0.and the cost of the purchase was §2,300. Tho people of Indiana are portion¬ ing their legislature for the passago of n law which shall provide that tho wife, and all others inj ured by tho sale of intoxicating liquors, may maintain an action against tho vender who fur¬ nishes the liquor. ESP The London (Jazetto announ¬ ces tho appointment of Lord Cramp- ton, Minister to the United States, and Sir Edward Buhver, Minister to tho Court of Tuscany. VWVWVWVWWWN. Humanity..A. fow mornings since1, a girl while washing tho ouUida of a front window, in one of the finest liouses on Penn street, slipped anil fell upon the pavement beloiv, a distance of eight or ten feet. When she had lain there a few min¬ utes, one of the gentler sex belonging to Ilia house appeared on the high steps near, and (instead of hastening down to her as¬ sistance,) went back, obtained a cane, and handed it down to her! With this tho unfortunate girl managed to get into the house. About the same time another, we presume of the gentler sex, put her deli¬ cate head out of a window above and re¬ mained a dignified spectator of the scene below. These facts need no comment.. We would only recommend them to the atttention of unfeeling people.who, re¬ gardless of the comfort, health, or even life of their girls, compel them to stand on the outside of their windows to scrub, during the coldest days of winter. Those who aro too full of pride.mean selfish pride.to extend a hand of sympathy to the unfortunate, wo do not expect to benefit by arresting their attention to facts like the above,.Piu. Dispatch. The New Minister from Great Bri¬ tain. Ii is officially announced that tho Hon- orable John F. Crampton has been ap¬ pointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minis¬ ter Plenipotentiary from Great Britian to the United States, instead of Sir Henry L. Bulwer, who hag accepted the appoint¬ ment of Minister at Florence..Nat. In- teligcucer. Tho tariff Resolutions of the New Jer¬ sey Legislature, asking for additional du¬ ty on coal and iron, was passed in the House on Wednesday, by a vote of43 yeas nnd 14 nays; 29 Democrats Toting for it nnd 14 Whigs. The nays wera all Dem¬ ocrats. One hundred cats wore part of the car¬ go of a vessel which sailed from Boston last week for California. Gov. Kossuth has been confined to his bed in Columbus, in consequence of the long continued excitement to which he has been subjected. His physician or¬ der? him to be perfectly quiet to prevent yet more serious consequences. Pboposed Loan of Arms to Hungary by Ohio..A resolution is before the Sen¬ ate of Ohio, authorizing tho Governor to loan all tho undistributed arms and ma¬ terials of war belonging to the State to Kossuth to be returned after tho restora¬ tion of Hungarian liberty. Altera warm \le, it was referred to a committeo of The members generally doubled I power to make the propos ed loan. ! stressing Caseof Mental Derange- ffr..A Washington letter, dated Jan. r says: ars C. Walker, the celebrated nstron- I, and, by large odtls the most diatin- [lid mathematician in our country, has pdoranged. Night before last, whilst |f2 iato at his labors, he made a dis- Jv, by which Logarithms are rendered ~ m.'ui mathematical calculation*. The excitement followed, nnd he « ncuhorsleepnorconverse. He cou¬ ld iti this condition until yesterday at fti, when his glorious mind gave way. 's h«»ped that the misfortune may bo j,nmry but the worst is feared. A child, five months did, wan so hor¬ ribly bitten and mangled l>y a lio^, at Thomastown, Mcl., tho other day. thai no b »pus of its recovery are enter¬ tained. Captain HofT, of White Plains, an old gentleman of eighty live, was choked to death, last week, it " at¬ tempting to swallow a large piece of beef." Iletc Ia a street picture as good as a pluy The ubspnt editor of the Intelligen¬ cer writes fmtn Baltimore :. .'A novel and certainly very interesting exhibition took place at Carrol HaM this morning:. It was adverted in the paper that two thousand I >aves ol br-ail would te distributed there uratuiloudly by the c.vebiatcd company of New* Orleans Sere- nnlers. About nine o'clock the applicants for alms commenced eoiigrepilinj. Ve¬ ry horn the huge, hall was filled, and nil immense crowd outside. AM ayes, sexes, sizes and colours composed the throng, Hundreds assembled to took on. It was ically pb*»s:ug to observe the half-starved, infirm, halt, mid poverty stricken, as they went nfl' r«*ji.icing, wish bright smiles on tui ir countenances, and it loaf of bread Under their arm. I never supposed so much povtM'y ami misery could possibly exist?. OH women and young girls, boys and nu'u,ull I'amc up together to get their allowance. A king on his throne could not have evinced more happiness of coun¬ tenance than was depicted on the faces of those who camo out smiling with their sol¬ itary loaf.'' The want of the gentler sex in Cali¬ fornia is expiessed in the following busi- ness report:."Fcmoles are earning from $40 to S100 per month in the cities of the Pacific, and husbands are as plenty as Hies in a sugar hogshead!'' There arc tides of air as well as of wa¬ ter. Pi of. Rodders in a Lecture before the Smithsonian Institute, said:.,;Bv dis¬ coveries recently made, particularly at St. Helena, it has been unci that there is a tidal movement in the air, in obedience to the movements of the moon, answerin .; to the tides of the ocean, and pointing its apex to that luminary, thus serving to il¬ lustrate, in another aspect, the sublime simplicity of nature's laws." In a Dilemma..We were much amu^ sed by an incident which a friend of ours related to us the other day. A gentleman who had been absent for a considerable time, and who, during his absence had rai¬ sed a pretty luxurient crop of whiskers, mustaches, &c. visited a relative, whoso child.an artless little girl of five or six years.he was very fond of. The little girl made no demonstration towards salu¬ ting him with a kiss, as usual. .Why, child,' said the mother, 'don't you know your uncle Hiram! Why don't you give him a kiss?' 'Why, ma,' returned the little girl with the most perfect simplicity, 'I dont see any place!' De Potter, the Belgium patriot, wrote a pamphlet twenty years ago, "On the manner of conducting a revolution so that no after revolution shall be necessary." Louis Napoleon has probably read this pamphlet. In Russia, the proportion of freemen is but one to five. Out of 54,000,000 inhab¬ itants 42,000,000 are serfs. Madam doctors are soon likely to have up their signs at every corner. In addition to the large demonstration in Philadel¬ phia, we see that nine ladies are attending lectures at the Homrcpathic College of Pittsburg. Col. James Kennon, of Westmoreland, has been appointed Adjutant General of the State by Gov. Bigler. Col. K. well deserves this mark of favor at the hands of the Governor. He rendered his coun¬ try gallant and efficient service in the Mexican war, is a whole eouled democrat and clever fellow..Untonloicn Genius. RIVER i iDCtsft REPORTER. Feb. 13..Steamer Globe, from Brownsville; freight principally for ports below. Feb. 13..Steamer Tuos. P. Ray, from Brownsville with 7 through pas¬ sengers. Freight: G doz. Buckets, 1 lot Jars, portablo grist mill, 8 bags cloverseed, 3 tons pig metal, 2 bbls. molasses, 1 lot coffee, 2 boxes confec- tionaries, 1 package, 20 bbls. whiskey, 10 bbls. salt, and 1 lot household fur¬ niture, family on board, moving. Feb. 14..Globe for Brownsville, with Irish omigrants for Stoubenville, Ohio. Feb. 14..Thomas P. Ray, for Brownsville, with several cabin pas¬ sengers and Irish emigrants. These two boats are very c- qually mated for power and speed.. On Saturday morning last they back- od out together into the channol, and in 'rounding to' the Ray got the heels of the Globe, when a " snortfi'om the Ray's whistloproclaimed that she intended, if possible, to keep her po¬ sition in advance, during the down trip. The Globe, from her shrill whistle screamed defiance, and push'! od ahead aa though she saw a ray of hope in the distanco, but from the way tins former glided round the bond we judge that the only raj/ sho saw, was the one with a stern wheel, puff¬ ing and bawling just ahead of her.. Wo do not know how they 'made it,' or whether ho raco was kept up nil the way through, but if it was, it was warmly contested, and noithcr had much to boast of. Tho scene was cjuitt* animated.tho unusual whist¬ ling drawing a groat many spectators lo t!it* river shore. Port of ARRIVED. DEPARTED. ID- WISTAR'S dalsamOK WILD CHER. RY imparts now rigor to vital action, and re- licvcB tho system by opening tho poros of tho skin, and promoting the secretion of mucous matter. Us action in sudorific, scdativo and expectorant, by opening tho pores, allaying ir« ritation and by rendoriag tho expulsion of mu¬ cous matter easy. Those who tako tho llalsam will fed imme¬ diate relief from tho distressing irritations that accompany affections of tho respiratory organs. The pores have boon closed, the Balsam opens' them. Tho Lungs suffer from irritation, the irritation is soothed; tho pulse is violent and feverish, they arc softened, and the mucous membrane is relieved of its engorgement with rapidity and ease.all by tho uso of this de¬ lightful remedy. ### See advertisement in another column. [January 3-4t UZT Another Scicntific Wonder! Important to Dyspeptics.'. Dr J S Houghton's PEPSIN, the true Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice, prepared from Rennet, or tho Fourth Stomach of tho Ox, after directions of "Baron Likiiio, the great Physiological Chemist, by JS Houghton,M I). Philadelphia. This is truly a wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Conotipation and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. Pamphlets containing Scicntific evidence of its value, furnished by agents gratis. Sec notico among the medical advertisements. oct2G tf ft Dr. lloofland's German BHtcrs..*That this mcdicino will euro liver complaint and dyspep¬ sia, no ono can doubt after using it as directed. It acts specifically upon tho stomach and liver; it is preferable to calomcl in all bilious diseases; it acts as specifically upon tho liver ascalomel; calomcl prostrates the system.tho bitters nev¬ er prostrate but strengthen the patient, and will give renewed life and health to tho delicate invalid) and restore the liver to its functions, ami give digestion and appetite in those severe cases wherein the ordinury medicines fail in producing any ollcct. &o ttomsponftent*. If you will tax us with " profound" nonsense, be sure to j>ay the Postage! DEMOCRATIC MEETING. meeting of the Democrats of Monongalia county will bo held in tho Court-house) on Monday afternoon next, for the purpose of appointing Delegates to the Stato Convention to bojiold on the 24th March next, at Raymond. Feb. 21. V M A It III ED I On the 15th inst. by El J. G. F. C. Conn, Mr. IIamiraii Hunter, to Miss Hannah Lewellin, all of lliis county. On Thursday the 5tli inst. by K1<1. C. S. Price, Mr. Amurose Waters, to Miss Elizabeth Fisher, all ofMo- nongalia county. I)IHD: On tlio 17th inst.. at his residenco near Fairview, in this county, of Ty- phoid Fever, Rawi.ey Holland, Esq. aged about 40 years. Ho was gene¬ rally esteemed as a good citizen and an obliging neighbor. FANCY & JOB 1 c a-jee/ ^ci ftieJcitecJ. >3f' We have sent off all tho old Type which served to do tho Job Printing ol this community for tho last twenty years, more or less, and supplied its plnco with a variety o! typo, &c. of now and handsome patterns, and are now ftilly prepared to execute, in very good style, any shape, size or description of PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Blank Forms, Catalogues, Cards, HAND-BILLS, &c. &e. for Attorniss, Clerks, Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers, and all others who may havo occa¬ sion to call in the aid of Iho Press in their business operations. HIT" If wo havo succeeded in giving a tolera¬ ble degreo of satisfaction heretofore, in tho Jobbing line, wo shall ccrtainly do better in future, as our means arc more ample, and our taste and skill have undergone no diminution. 1E7* All orders, especially those from a dis¬ tance, attended to promptly and at fair priccs. Call at tho Morgantown Fancy and Job Print¬ ing Office, February, 1S52. > [n Chancery, Fu!»lic Sale. Eagan B. Tygart, Plaintiff,*) vs: Mary M'Cans et at, defen¬ dants : J Pursuant to the Dccrec rendered in this cause, on Friduy, September 12th, 1851,1 shall pro¬ ceed to sell, On the «1 th Monday in March, 1S52, It being the first day of tho Quarterly Term of (the county court of Monongalia county,) at Morgantown, in fr$nt of the court-houso'door: The HOUSE and LOT in tho bill and proceedings mentioned, on a credit of six, twelve and cightoen months, with interest from tho day of sate till paid. The purchaser or purchasers are required to give bond with approved security for tho payment of the same and tho title retained until the pur¬ chase money is paid. Said iiouso and Lot are situate in lUacksville, in this county, and the same that were formerly occupied by John M'- Cans, decoased. Selling aa Commissioner I shall only convoy such title as is vested in mo. Tho title is said to bo good. E. P. Fitch, Doputy February 21,1853. for W>I. John, SlilT. A largo lot, in great variety, just received and forsaloat tho Now York Cheap V arioty Store of Carr, Smit'i tf Co. February 20. I.ndicn & Oeiiltciiioii! Your ntlcntion ivo would invito to our stock or WORSTED GOODS, which we aro now determined to cloar out at greatly roducod prices. Carr, Smith ff Co. February 20. t.'lovrr aril Timothy Scrtl! A prime article, just received per Steamer Hay, and for sale by Carr, Smith If Co. February 18. Sheriff's Sale OF VALUABLEjtEAL ESTATE. PURSUANT to a dccreo of tlio Circuit Court of Preston Cdunty* rendered at its Kail Term, 1S51, in tho cause of (Icorjze M. Hiigrtns & Co., against Hunter Piles,.I, William Elliott, Dep¬ uty Sheriff for John Elliott, Sheriff of Preston county, will, on tlio 2d Monday of Mnrcli, 1852, Sell the Land in tiio hill and proceedings men¬ tioned, (being a Tract of Land containing T/J Acres, lying in Preston county, near tlio firms of Major Win. 1). Zinn and Col. (Ico. W. Fair¬ fax,) before tlio front door of tlio Court House in Kingwood, to the highest bidder, upon a credit of G and 12 months, taking of the pur¬ chaser bond and sufficient security, with inter¬ est from thn day of sale. If, however, a loss quantity than thn whole of said tract of land shall be found sufficient tu satisfy said decree, 1 shall only sell such portion. The title to said land will bo retained until tlio purehaBo money is paid. \VM. ELLIOTT, D. S. Tor John Elliott, S. P. C. Feb'y. 3, 1852. 130-4t. Virginia, «s..At Rules hold in the Clork'u Office of tlio circuit court of Mo¬ nongalia county, on the first Monday in Feb¬ ruary, 1S52: James E. 0' Dowel et al, plaintiffs, } versus > Levi 0' Dowil ot a], defendants, ) IN CHANCER Y. Tlio object of this suit is to have divided or sold a Tract of Land in Monongalia county of 720 acres, which was claimed and occupied by Charles 0' Dowd in his life time, of which he died seized and which descended to his heirs, tho Plaintiffs and Defendants in this suit. And the Defendants, Lovi O'Dowd, Juli.i Ann O'Dowd, Francis O'Dowd, Ircna O'Dowd, and Charles M. O'Dowd, not having entered their nppcaranco and given security according to the rules of this court and the act of Assembly ; 'and it appearing from written nfiidavits filed, that they are not inhabitants of this common¬ wealth:.It is ordered that they do appear within one month alter duo publication of this Order, and do what is nccessary to protect their interests and that this Order be published for four aucccsiivo weeks in thn *Monongalia Mir¬ ror,* a public newspaper printed and published in Morgautown, Monongalia county, and also posted at tho front door of the court-housc of said county, on the first day of tho nest county court of said county. A copy:.Teste : W. T. Wiiley, Clerk. fl. R. C. Ar.r.r.:f, PPfis Atty. February 21, 1852. 132 4w Vu'£illi.'l, S3..At Rules held in t!»o Clerk's Ofllcc of the circuit court t»f Preston county, on Wednesday the 4th Feb¬ ruary, 1S52: Commonwealth vs. } Upon a Sciro Facias for John Mulkcarns > failing to appear and an- & Martin Morcn :) swer to an indictment for assault und battery: The objcct of said Scirc Facias is to have ex¬ ecution against the said Mulkcarns for the sum of $200, and against the said Moren for the sum of $100, according to the form and effect of their recognizance. The said defendants J who are non-residents) arc required to appear in said court within one month alter due pub¬ lication of this Order, and. do what is necessary to protect their interests; and on motion of the commonwealth's Attorney it is ordered that the nbovc Order bu published four successive weeks in the «Monongalia Mirror,' a weekly newspaper published in Monongalia county, Virginia; and posted at the front door of the court-houso of the county of Preston, on the first day of the next term. A copyTeste, John P. Bvrnb, Cllc. G. R. C. Allen. Alio, for commonwealth. February 21. 132 4w Virginia, S*..At Rules held in the Clurk's Office of the circuit court ofP.es- ton countv, on Wednesday the 4th Februa¬ ry, 1S52 Commonwealth vs.) Upon a Scire Facias for Henry llarr and > failing to attend as a wit- James Luke: ) ness to give evidence on behalf of the commonwealth against John Daugherty: The object of said Scirc Facias is to have ex¬ ecution against the said defendants for the sum of $200 each, according to the forin'and effect of their recognizance. The said defendants (who arc non-icsidenls) arc required to appear in saitl court, within one month after due pub¬ lication ofthis Order, and do what is necessary to protect their interests; and on motion of the Attorney for tho commonwealth it is ordered that the above Order be published for four suc¬ cessive weeks in tho ' Monongalia Mirror,' a weekly newspaper published in Monongalia county* Virginia, and posted at the front door of the court-house of the county of Preston, on the first day of the next term. A copy:.Teste, John P. Byrne, Clk. G. R. C. Allen, Atto. for commonwealth. February 21. 132 lw Virginia, SS..At Rules held in the Clerk's Office of Preston county circuit court, on Wednesday the 4th February, 1S02: Commonwealth vs. John ") On a Scire Facias Daugherty, James Mul- (for failing to appear lins, Hugh O'Donnough [ and answer to a and Thomas Ilerwill, J charge of felonious homicide : Tho object of said Scire Facias is to have ex¬ ecution against the said Daugherty for the sum of three hundred dollars, and against the said Mullins for a like sum, according to the form and effect of this recognizance. The said de¬ fendants, Daugherty and Mullins (who are non¬ residents) arc required to appear in tho said court, within one month alter due publication of this Order, and do what is necessary to pro¬ tect their interests; and on motion of the At¬ torney for the commonwealth it is ordered that the above Order be published four weeks suc¬ cessively in the ' Monongalia Mirror,' a week¬ ly newspaper printed in Monongalia county, Virginia; and posted at the front door of the court-house of the county of Preston, on the first day of the next term. A copy:.Teste, John P. Byrne, Clk. G. R. C. Allen, Alio, for commonwealth. February 21. 132 4w Vii 'jnitiil) s»..At ltiilcs hclil in the Clerk's Office of tho circuit court of Preston county, on Wednesday the 4th Feb¬ ruary, 1852: Commonwealth vs. ) Upon a Sciro Facias for John Finerty &> failing to appear and an- Martin Kock : ) swer to an indictment for assault and battery. Tho objcct of this Sciro Facias is to have ex¬ ecution against the said Finerty for the sum of $200, and against the saiii Rock for the sum of 100, according to the form and effect of their recognizance. The said defendants (who are non-rosidents,) arc required to appear in the said court, within one month after due publica¬ tion of this Order, and do what is necessary to protect their intorests ; nnd on motion of tho Attorney for tho common wealth, it is ordered that tho above Older he published four weeks successively in tho 4 Monongalia Mirror,» n weekly newspaper printed in Monongalia coun¬ tv, Virginia; and posted at the front door of the court-house of tho county of Preston, on the first day of the noxt term. A truo copy:.Teste, John P. Byrne, Clk. G. R. C. Allciij Atto.for commonwealth. February 2i. 132 4w Cotton Iiattiii£ il Carpel Chain, just received per Steamer Ray and for sale very low by Carr, Smith ij Co. February 20. Molasses. A choice lot of new crop N. 0. Molasses just received and for sale at tho Now York Cheap Variety Store of CARR, SMITH k CO. Feb. 7, 1952. POPULAR BOOK FOR AGE5TC. UEADLEY'S LIFE OF KOSSUTH ! rpiIE undersigned havo in press, and will X publish in January, tho LIFJl OK LOUIS KOSSUTH, Governor of Hungary, Willi Noti¬ ces of the distinguished Men, and Scenes o tho Hungarian Revolution. To which is aded an Appendix^ containing, the most important of the Addressee Letters and Speeches oi the great Maygar Chief, by P. C. Ileudly, author Of tho "Life of tho Empress JoBcphcno,"^ "Life of Layfayetto," etc.; with an Introduction by Horace Grcely. In orio olegant 12hlo volume, with a steel Portrait. Uniform in fiizu and stylo with "Hoadley's Josephinci" Price $1,25. Agents wanted in every County of the U. States to canvass for the above popular work. D3"Any newspaper publisher within 000 miles of New York Statu that will givn the ubovo three insertions, shall receive a copy of tho work immediately on its publication free of expense by mail. DERBY & MILLER, Publishers, Feb. 4, *52..3t Auburn, N. Y. CALL and GET YOUR MONEY BACK! AT TUB NEW YORK CUE A I' VARIETY STORK. WE offer it to you in tho shapo of a hand- soma assortment of Ladies' Dress Hoods, Buchas French Mcrinoes,Cashmeres, Do Laincs, Hosiery, Shawls, Mantillas, Gloves, Bonnets, Jkc., &c.,.of Gentlemen's IVeur, such as Over¬ coats, and other Winter Goods, and of Chil¬ dren's IVear of a variety of kinds, with all of which wo are now determined to close out at at rcdticed prices, positively, for cash or to punc-1 tual customers. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, and have on hand, a largo assortment of Drown Muslins, Canton Flannels, Bagging, Alpacas, Salt, Iron, Nails, Groceries of every description, Ready- made Clothing, Oils, Paints, Tin-ware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c., &c.,.which we offer to tho public, wholesale or retail, on as accommo¬ dating terms every way, as they can be had ut any establishment west of tho mountains. Wo will also rcccive in a fow dayB alarge and choice solectton of fresh Garden Seeds, with which wo have made arrangements to supply the public, wholesale or retail, during tho entire season. Wo will also be in receipt, in a few weeks, of an extensive supply of Sugar, Molasses, (which we always keep on hand,) Coffee, &c., &c., which we arc determined to sell at a very alight advance of prices over the Pittsburg market, Recollect the place is at tho Cheap Store of CARR, SMITH & CO. January 23, IS52. 129-tf ffiook out for I he PHILADELPHIA AND PARIS STORE! No. 2, Cli^ap Side, Corner of High and Walnut slrcels. 10,000 worth of GOODS, of all kindp.for' sale by Haymond & Pickenpaugb, and will be sold at Philadelphia prices. As there is on hand nn immense stock of Goods that must and will lie sold off immediately, and as there is not room for them, especially as room is wanted for Spring Goods,.we would most respectfully in¬ vite all persons who want to buy Goods at very reduced prices to call and examino for them¬ selves. Our Good3 must be sold or given away,.so come running and sliding until you land"safely at HAYMOND & PICKENPAUGH'S. Fob. 1st, 1852. 129-tf. P. R. MITCHELL. M. HAYES. MITCHELL & HAYES, Merchant Tailors, Walnut street, opposite the Jail, Morgantown, HAVE entered into Partnership, find just brought on from the Eastern Cities, an extensive assortment of French black, blue, brown, green and olive Clot lis, Casshneres of all styles and qualities; Vesting! of all colors, styles and qualities Trimmings of the best quality, to suit all colors. Gloves, black kid, best quality, also French buck, &u. Collars, three-ply; Silk and Linen Cravats, black and fancy colors Stocks; Pocket-Hand- kerchiefs; a line quality of PLUSH and CLOTH CAPS, Navy do., also a large stock otl HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, such as Coats, Pants, and Vests, of all quali¬ ties and prices; Silk Shirts, Susponders, and many other articles not mentioned,.alJ which will be sold veby cheap for cash ; Please call and examine our stock. Dec. 13, 1851. 122-tf. N. B..Those indebted to P. R. Mitchell or ilf. Hayes, on former accounts, are earnestly requested to settle up, cither by money or note", without delay. A Great Variety ! JAMES SHAY, Main street, two doors from the Bank, has just received, and has more on tho way, which he expects to re- ccive every day. Coilfcctioaary of every kind, from a Candy stick to a broom stick, with a good broom at the end of it! TOYS for New-Years anil other holi¬ days, 6ome of which will last tho year through if you don't break them. The variety is rich,' and they range from a clever sized Monkey to a ring for your little finger: Groceries, Spices, Fruits, Glass-ware, Combs, Soaps, and other Hardware, to suit all taste and fancics. Men's and Boys' Caps, Boots & Shoes, suited to the season and warranted to fit all' whose heads and feet arc the right shape and cize.bekides every thing else usually kepi in a Variety Store. Call and buy January 1, 1S52. Notice. "\\7*E, the undersigned, hereby givo Notice j) to all those who arc indebted to, or have unsettled dealings or accounts with the late Firm of JOHN BECK k COMPANY, that we have this day placed our Books of Accounts, &c. in tho hands of P. II. Keck, to whom im¬ mediate settlement is expected to be madr,and whom wo hereby authorize to settle the same for us, as fully and ullectually as wo ourselves could do. Thereforo all such persons will do well to call immediately and settle tho same with tho said Keck, as there can no longer in¬ dulgence be given. JOHN BECK, JOHN B. ACHESON. December 21, 1S51. 121 2mo John \V. Itosg iV Flour & Genera! Commission Merchants H0LL1NGSW0IITH STREET, ISAI/iOIOKi:, Md. WILL mako liberal advances on con- sisnmsnK Refer to D. 11. HOXIE, Dec. 25, 1S51. 4l* Alorpunlown. Glass, Glass, Glass. Just received, per steamer Globe, 371 Boxes of superior Window Glass, equal to any Pitts¬ burg brand, of assorted sizes, which wo arc now prepared to furnish, wholesalo or rotail, at pri¬ ces so low us to justify no man in purchasing tho article elsewhere than in Morgantown, of CARll, SMITH & CO. Fobruary 7, 1S52. FLOUR FOR SALE. ' Just received 100 Barrels, for snlo low. The article always kept on hand for sale in bags, of extra qualityj at CARllj SMITH & CO's. January 23. iS53« Hurley. A very nico article of extra hulttd, for tho sick, the Dyspeptic, or Table uso, for sale at the Cheap Variety Store ofCAHH, SMITH & CO. Feb. 7, 1852. Potash, Putty A' Pon der, A first-rate article of either for sale by Feb. 7,1852. CARR, SMITH & CO. WISTAU'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, THE SCST REMEDY EVER KNOWN TO MAN For Coughs, Asthma, Colds, Croups, Bronchitis, Influenza, Bleeding of the Lungs, Difficulty of Breathing, Liver Affections, pain or weakneis of the Breast or Side, first stages of Consuinp. lion $c. In short, this Balsam is peculiarly adapted to ev¬ ery disease of the Lungs and Liver which is produced in our ectr*varying din,at \ I L D C HK R R Y HAS LONO BEKN* vv known to possess important tncdicinal proportion. 'J'hiB fact is familiar to every ir.nt- n»n in our land, nnd physicians often prescribe it in different forms lor a variety of complaint*.' Tar, also, has been niju illy noted for its virtues; and some physicians, whmie nntnen are familial' to the whole country, hnvn gone so Sir as to declaro that ovimi CONSUMPTION could he cured by that n!ono« In other hand*, again, it wan nearly valueless, owinp, no doubt, to their ignorance in preparing and administering it.a difficulty now entiruly and forever obviated by patient experiment and long experience. The extraordinary medicinal pnwern of these two substances arc now, for the first time, com¬ bined and embodied in DR. WISTAR'S BAL¬ SAM OF WILD CHKHRY. liy n nice chemi¬ cal process, every thing deleterious or useless is rejected, so that what remains is the most extraordinary and truly efficacious remedy Ibr all kinds of pulmonary and liver diseases over known to man. To convince all unbelievers that our theory is really true, we refer to a few cases of cures performed by this wonderful medicine: Pi.easant Ridge, Ham. co. Sept. 27, '50. J. D. Park.Dear Sir:.I tako the liberty of advising you of tho benefit I have derived from the use of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. I was prostrated by that terrible scourge, Con¬ sumption, in May last. Tho attack was truly horrifying to me, for five of our family (my bro¬ thers and sisters) had died of Consumption. 1 was afilicted with nearly all tho worst features of the disease. I had n distressing cough, and expectorated a great deal of blood, hectic fever, severe pains in the side and chest, cold chills, alternating with flushes of heat und copioun night sweats. I was under tho care of a skilful physician, from tho time I was taken sick until about six weeks nince, being then about helpless, and my friends considered my case hopeless, or at least beyond our Physician's skill, advised the use of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Without my knowledge my father procured it, and commen- cedtadministering it to mc, and from the day I commenced taking it my health improved, and in two weeks from the time I commenced using it I waji able to bo out and oversee my business, and laoor, which I still continuo to do. I havo taken four bottles of the medicine, and now con¬ sider myself perfectly well. * TPnnittnr icfnipo ANOTHER ASTONISHING CURE! K. Kalb, a highly respectable merchant of Rushville, Fairfield county, Ohio, sent us the following voluntary tribute to "Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.» Koshvillc, Fairfield co.O. April G, 1851. Mr. J. D. Park.Dear Sir: I wish to stato to you that my daughter, Amanda, aged sixteen years, had, about a year since, a very severe attack of measles, which reduced her very much and loft her with a racking cough. I em¬ ployed all of the physicians within our reach for the purpose of removing her cough, but with¬ out success. She appeared to be sinking into a decline, with every symptom of consumption. I then tried Dr. ' Rogers' Liverwort & Tar,' but this aggravated her cough, and gave her symptoms of a still more malignant character. 1 was now most seriously alarmed, and it was with trembling foar that I from day to day saw tho progress of that insatiable disease, Con- sumption. I really despaired of my daughter's recovery. But I providentially saw tho certifi¬ cate of Jonathan CouUon, whose daughter Sa^ rah Jane was cured of consumption by 'Wis¬ tar's Baltatn of Wild Cecrry: this created a faint hope that it might help my daughter, and 1 immediately commenced using it, and it al« most instantly gave relief, her health was im¬ proved from the first bottle, and by the use ol two bottles of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cher¬ ry' she was restored to perfect health, and she is not now at all predisposed to a cough. 1 will say to all that are afflicted with any dis¬ ease tending to consumption, do not despairj for Dr. Wistar'n Balsam of Wild Cherry will cure you if you will but try it; K. KALB. Tho genuino Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry has a fac simile of the signaturo of Henry Wis- tar, M. D. Philadelphia, and ' Sandford tc Park' on a finely executed steel engraved wrapper.. No other can be genuine. *%* Prico $1 per bottle,* six bottles for $5. Solo by J. D. PARK, Cincinnati, 0. North-cast corner of Fourth and Walnut sts.. entrance on Walnut st., to whom all orders must ba addressed; Also by II. H. Corr, Morganlown. Campbell & Watson, Fairmont. L. A. Hagan, Kingwood. January 3, ISM. 125 if JKUKMIAH ISCRIGG. Virginia, ss. AT Rules held in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court ofMonongalia county, on the first Monday in January, 1852: Jeremiah Moore, Plaintiff, vs. Philip Moore, Isaac Moore, John Moore and William Sine, Defendants. IN CHANCERY. The object of this suit is to cancel and set aside a certain deed of conveyance executed by Philip Moore and wife to William Sine, for that portion of the said Philip's home place, here¬ tofore stricken olF by survey to tho said Jere¬ miah Moore, as per article of agreement of the first day of April, IS 11,.which deed bears date the 11th day of Octobcr, 1815, and of record in tho Clerk's offico of Monongalia county; anil to restore tho said land to tho complainant Jer¬ emiah Moore, at the death of the said Philip, &c. And the defendant Isaac Moore,not having en¬ tered his appearanco ami given security accord¬ ing to low and the rules of this court, and it ap¬ pearing by a written affidavit liled in the cause, that he is not an inhabitant of this common¬ wealth: It in ordered that the said defendant do appear within one month afterdue publication of this order, and do what is necessary to pro¬ tect his interests and that this order be pub¬ lished once a week for four successive weeks in the " Monongalia Mirror," a newspaper print¬ ed and published in Morgofttown in the county of Monongalia, and a copy posted at tho front door of tho Court-houso of said county on tho lirst day of the nest County Court of said county. A copy: Teste, IF. T. WILLEY, Clerk. Drown & Keck, Pl'fts. Att'ys. January 17,1S52. 127 4w Virginia, ss. At rules held in tho Clerk's Office of tho Cir¬ cuit Court of Monongalia County on the first Monday in January, 1S52. Matthew Gay, Plaintiff, vs. Selby Wade, and others, Defendants. IN CHANCERY. The object of this suit is to rocover the bal- nnce of tho price of a tract of land sold to Selby Wade, deceased, by Joshua Piles 5. And the defendants Abraham Amnions and Rebiiccnhis wife,late Rebecca Wade, and Josh¬ ua Piles not having entered their appearance and given security according to law and tho rules of this court; and it appearing by satis¬ factory evidence, that thoy are not inhabitant* of this commonwealth 1.It is ordered that tho said defendants do appfcar within onemoirth after due publication of this order, and do what is necessary to protect their interests, and that this order be published once a week for four' succdssivo weeks in tho "Monongalia Mirror" a newspaper printed and published in Morgan-! town, in Monongalia county* ami a copy post¬ ed at the front door of the court house of the said county, on tho first day of tho next County Court of said county. A copy.Teste. W.'T. WII.LKT, Clerk. M. Oay, Pl'fTs. Att'y. Jantuiv 17, 1S31. 127-4w. RADWAY & CO. To their Friends In Virginia. The Commissioners nf Randolph county hnve wc understand, tried to indict us betore tnh>r Grand Jury, but fortunately for us, and link';- tuuately lor themselves, have been unable to discovtr any cause on which to establish then complaint, for in the tvnrdn of a8*pt» ,lh|,v know not which end to commence on,* «o tno Grand Jury In their wisdom dismissed the caw. without even noticing the motion ot the na;* Commissioners. Pcorle of Virginia: When we sent our Rea¬ dy Re inl and othor uifdicinrs into your Sta.c, wc .uv-ned yon thronpli tl.e votM«i A' I' "". «f then i.iniinroin property*, »"¦' 'I'"" rt">" CISC"'? Ml arresting "i"1 curing For Mir ugmi's, wB selected tlm most cntiul, Hiulliuciit mid prominent Or'tptt .. ; Dealers. Wc p>dgnd tn yMi, tlut «»ur Heady Relief would slop the moat eovi re jmins tn few minutuH ami speedily and ollcctiiiilly »« move the most «un»avr.v;.nj ch/omc complain'#, la a lew months allcr our mcd:cine wita intro¬ duced into your State, it rei-eived the general ncclamatioli of tho peopio a* tl.e bivt, qu.cKc.»* and most powerful .uitidott- for the 11wU.nl ij- |iof of pa:ua that hud ever br.ni inttoduced to your notice. Its miraculous flRcacv won vour confidence, and astonished the v.lm.o mcdic* fucultv. The most celohrnted, Mientilic nr.u skilful physicians in nvery part of Virginia, w well as in every other State nt the l'nion,na*« nobly and generously endorsed its curative pro¬ perties iib worthy the confidence nf tl." P"-?Pir* As a medicine for the immediate rehcl ot p«J* our Ready Reliof acta vigorously, |iow»riuiiy and effectually! its modus operandi ib so diuer- ent from all other medicaments that its qw* operation waa looked upon more in the lignto' mai'ic than aa the product of u powerful clicm ical affinity. As aoon a* the pain-Biiffer.ng in¬ valid nppliea it to the diteaaed part, new and pleasing sensations of returning Inealtn, would vibrate through the system, and the moat excrutiating paina vanish before its roJie>»n», influence, until every nerve, mm-ole, limb,joint and bone is replete with health and 5lrcn?tI''. Its quick effects in ridding the sufferer ot pain, and infusing a healthful vitality into every por¬ tion of the system, is no idle chimera or imag¬ ination, but a sound reality, and it is due M powerful and skilful combination of chemicals, pnro and harmless in their nature. As guardians (f the public health, nit inven¬ tors and proprietors (\f Railway'a Heady Rvlitfi wo stand ready at any moment, to appear be¬ fore any body of medical men, cither in Kuropa or America, or whero the best medical skill and talent can be found, and answer for the quick and powerful, and pure and harmless dl'cctu cl our medicine. Wo f«ar not to risk our reputation and suc¬ cess upon any medicine bearing our names and emanating from our labratory. If the Commissioners of Randolph county are dcairoita of learning any thing in regard to our medicinea or ourselves, it will afford ua great plcasuro to favor them with whatever in¬ formation they may require. All wo ask for from our fellow men ia fair play, a clear field .nd no favors. Wc are willing to be judged by the people* Our mcdicines arc before you, we claim for them certain propertiea which have never been claimed for any other's. Wo prom¬ ise you that tho Heady Reliof will produce thest rfects, and that it possesses the power put forth in our advertisements, and it you find it differ¬ ent from our statements, wc are willing you should cast upon it the odium of your dwplcaa urc. We nre at all times ready to explain our poaition,and defend the merits of our medicinea beforo any body of men tho world may aeiect* llcforenccs iu Virginia. Among the moot influential druggista & mer¬ chants in Virginia, who have been eye witness- cs to the quick efficacy of Radway's Ready Re¬ lief, wc refor our Virginia frienda to tho follow- ing eminent namea: F. II. Robinson, Petcrsburgh, S. M. Carpet, Fincastle, E. S. Carper, Big Lick. W. H. White, Frcdericksburgh, L, P. Hart man, Winchester, Dr. A.. R. Mott, Lecsburg. McNemeru & Co.. Richmond, Spillman & James, Warrentown, Cook k Peel, Alexandria, Alfred Reid, Rcctortown, Hall, Scott St Co., Salem, Todd & Hooflie, Limestone, 0. C. Sterling & Son. Harrisonburg, Dr. Evan Carmacli, Weston, Lewis Co., H. H. Carr, Morgantown, H. I(. KoAinan, SpringPil, Hamp.Co, J. H. Clarke, Millwood. J. Sims, Clarksville, Gilbert Robertson, Norfolk, J. R. Brown, Stepliensburah, Robt. Allison, Fairfax, C. H., Whalcv & Crocker, Centreville, D. Hazletine, Martinsburgh. Thomas P, Curtii, of Randolph county, the county wherein tho Commissioner! made thta foolish, unwise and unfair attempt to injure us: Mr. Custis is extensively known in this section of the State, and enjoys the confidence of tho people to an unlimited" extent. Mr. Curtis is a firm friend of Radway's Ready Relief, for it saved all his remaining children from the brink ofdoath as he informs us; their disease waa scarlet fever. Citizens of Randolph county, Va. can learn farther of this incident by referring to Mr. Cur¬ tis personally. Commending our Ready llclicf, and other mcdicines of our manufacture, to the people, wc remain tho public's sorvants, RADWAY Sc CO. llStf 162 Fulton st. Now York. Virginia, ss. At Rules held in tho Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Monongalia county, on tho first Mondoy in February, 1852: Mathew Gay, Plaintiffj £isfetad D"^»" IlX CHANCERY. Tho object of this suit ia to subject a Tract of Land, sold by said Gay & Han way to said Hudson, to sale, to satisfy tho purchase money still due. And the defendant John Hudson, not having entered his appearance and given security ac¬ cording to law and tho rules of this Court, and it appearing from a written affidavit filed with the plaintiff's bill, that ho is no inhabitant of this commonwealth:.It is ordered that the said Hudson do appear within one month af¬ ter duo publication of this order, and do what is necessary to protect his interest; and it is farther ordered that this order bo published onco a week for four succcssive weeks, in tho " Monongalia Mirror," a public newspaper pub¬ lished weekly in Morgantown, Monongalia county, Virginia, and also bo posted at tho front door of tHn Court-hcutso of said county, on tho first day of tho next county Court of said coun¬ ty. A Copy..-Teste. W. T. WILLEY, Clerk. M. Gat, Plff's. Atto. February 14, 1S52. lmo. CARR, SMITH & CO., At tho New-York Cheap Variety Store, Keep constantly on bond ami for Sn!o, Whole- sale and Uctriil, at lnwbet cash prices: imv uooim, Heady-mule Clothing, Queensware, Hardware, StoneSi Glass Ware, Groceries, Oils, Lead, ^T,V,m0t?' NMLS' '".ASS, CnntinpF, fee; 11 Jf hue" i Buon, Slinnn; II(itsj Caps and oohncts'j'^and a thousand and one notion* in thoif line to wh'ch they invito the attention of purchasers; All kinds of Country Prtfdune taken in ex¬ change at the highest market nrite. .January 3, 1852* Tobacco & Segars, 01 Jippr>v»»d quality, lor tali*, wholesale ami retail, at Jajtira .$iiay's. Morgantonn, Junnry

Monongalia mirror (Morgantown, Va. [W. Va.]).(Morgantown, Va. … · 2017-12-17 · to themovementsofthe moon, answerin.; to the tides of the ocean, and pointing its apex to that

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Page 1: Monongalia mirror (Morgantown, Va. [W. Va.]).(Morgantown, Va. … · 2017-12-17 · to themovementsofthe moon, answerin.; to the tides of the ocean, and pointing its apex to that

All sorts ofItems.Lay Delegates.

Last night on adjourned mooting ofthe male members of Hylmul Chapelwas held for ihc purp ise of taking in¬to consideration the propriety »f send¬ing representatives to the PhiladelphiaConvent ion, which is to meet in Marchnrxt, to lako itito consideration thesubject of a lay delegation in the an¬

nual anil general conferences. Timproposition to send representativeswas rejected by a largo majority, anda resolution adopted'expressing sat¬

isfaction with the present disciplineand form of church government. Af¬ter prayer, the meeting adjourned in.brotherly love.. Washington Tel.

A Valuable Acquisition..Tho Ro¬chester N. Y. Theological Seminaryhas recently purchased tho rare andvaluable library of the late Dr. Nit-ANDF.n, of Germany. The number ofvolumes, &c. amounts to 4,GU0.andthe cost of the purchase was §2,300.

Tho people of Indiana are portion¬ing their legislature for the passago ofn law which shall provide that thowife, and all others inj ured by tho saleof intoxicating liquors, may maintainan action against tho vender who fur¬nishes the liquor.ESP The London (Jazetto announ¬

ces tho appointment of Lord Cramp-ton, Minister to the United States, andSir Edward Buhver, Minister to thoCourt of Tuscany.VWVWVWVWWWN.

Humanity..A. fow mornings since1, a

girl while washing tho ouUida of a frontwindow, in one of the finest liouses on

Penn street, slipped anil fell upon thepavement beloiv, a distance ofeight or tenfeet. When she had lain there a few min¬utes, one of the gentler sex belonging toIlia house appeared on the high steps near,and (instead of hastening down to her as¬

sistance,) went back, obtained a cane, andhanded it down to her! With this thounfortunate girl managed to get into thehouse. About the same time another, wepresume of the gentler sex, put her deli¬cate head out of a window above and re¬mained a dignified spectator of the scenebelow. These facts need no comment..We would only recommend them to theatttention of unfeeling people.who, re¬

gardless of the comfort, health, or even

life of their girls, compel them to standon the outside of their windows to scrub,during the coldest days of winter. Thosewho aro too full of pride.mean selfishpride.to extend a hand of sympathyto the unfortunate, wo do not expect tobenefit by arresting their attention to factslike the above,.Piu. Dispatch.

The New Minister from Great Bri¬tain.

Ii is officially announced that tho Hon-orable John F. Crampton has been ap¬pointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minis¬ter Plenipotentiary from Great Britian tothe United States, instead of Sir Henry L.Bulwer, who hag accepted the appoint¬ment of Minister at Florence..Nat. In-teligcucer.Tho tariff Resolutions of the New Jer¬

sey Legislature, asking for additional du¬ty on coal and iron, was passed in theHouse on Wednesday, by a vote of43 yeasnnd 14 nays; 29 Democrats Toting for itnnd 14 Whigs. The nays wera all Dem¬ocrats.

One hundred cats wore part of the car¬

go of a vessel which sailed from Bostonlast week for California.

Gov. Kossuth has been confined to hisbed in Columbus, in consequence of thelong continued excitement to which hehas been subjected. His physician or¬der? him to be perfectly quiet to preventyet more serious consequences.

Pboposed Loan of Arms to Hungaryby Ohio..A resolution is before the Sen¬ate of Ohio, authorizing tho Governor toloan all tho undistributed arms and ma¬terials of war belonging to the State toKossuth to be returned after tho restora¬tion of Hungarian liberty. Altera warm

\le, it was referred to a committeo ofThe members generally doubled

I power to make the propos ed loan.

! stressing Caseof Mental Derange-ffr..A Washington letter, dated Jan.r says:ars C. Walker, the celebrated nstron-

I, and, by large odtls the most diatin-[lid mathematician in our country, haspdoranged. Night before last, whilst|f2 iato at his labors, he made a dis-Jv, by which Logarithms are rendered

~ m.'ui mathematical calculation*. Theexcitement followed, nnd he

« ncuhorsleepnorconverse. He cou¬ld iti this condition until yesterday at

fti, when his glorious mind gave way.'s h«»ped that the misfortune may bo

j,nmry but the worst is feared.

A child, five months did, wan so hor¬ribly bitten and mangled l>y a lio^, atThomastown, Mcl., tho other day. thaino b »pus of its recovery are enter¬tained.

Captain HofT, of White Plains, anold gentleman of eighty live, waschoked to death, last week, it " at¬tempting to swallow a large piece ofbeef."

Iletc Ia a street picture as good as a

pluy The ubspnt editor of the Intelligen¬cer writes fmtn Baltimore :.

.'A novel and certainly very interestingexhibition took place at Carrol HaM thismorning:. It was adverted in the paperthat two thousand I >aves ol br-ail wouldte distributed there uratuiloudly by thec.vebiatcd company of New* Orleans Sere-nnlers. About nine o'clock the applicantsfor alms commenced eoiigrepilinj. Ve¬ry horn the huge, hall was filled, and nil

immense crowd outside. AM ayes, sexes,sizes and colours composed the throng,Hundreds assembled to took on. It was

ically pb*»s:ug to observe the half-starved,infirm, halt, mid poverty stricken, as theywent nfl' r«*ji.icing, wish bright smiles ontui ir countenances, and it loaf of breadUnder their arm. I never supposed somuch povtM'y ami misery could possiblyexist?. OH women and young girls, boysand nu'u,ull I'amc up together to get theirallowance. A king on his throne couldnot have evinced more happiness of coun¬tenance than was depicted on the faces ofthose who camo out smiling with their sol¬itary loaf.''

The want of the gentler sex in Cali¬fornia is expiessed in the following busi-ness report:."Fcmoles are earning from$40 to S100 per month in the cities of thePacific, and husbands are as plenty as Hiesin a sugar hogshead!''

There arc tides of air as well as of wa¬

ter. Pi of. Rodders in a Lecture beforethe Smithsonian Institute, said:.,;Bv dis¬coveries recently made, particularly at St.Helena, it has been f» unci that there isa tidal movement in the air, in obedienceto the movements of the moon, answerin .;to the tides of the ocean, and pointing itsapex to that luminary, thus serving to il¬lustrate, in another aspect, the sublimesimplicity of nature's laws."

In a Dilemma..We were much amu^sed by an incident which a friend of ours

related to us the other day. A gentlemanwho had been absent for a considerabletime, and who, during his absence had rai¬sed a pretty luxurient crop of whiskers,mustaches, &c. visited a relative, whosochild.an artless little girl of five or sixyears.he was very fond of. The littlegirl made no demonstration towards salu¬ting him with a kiss, as usual..Why, child,' said the mother, 'don't

you know your uncle Hiram! Why don'tyou give him a kiss?'

'Why, ma,' returned the little girl withthe most perfect simplicity, 'I dont see anyplace!'

De Potter, the Belgium patriot, wrotea pamphlet twenty years ago, "On themanner of conducting a revolution so thatno after revolution shall be necessary."Louis Napoleon has probably read thispamphlet.

In Russia, the proportion of freemen isbut one to five. Out of 54,000,000 inhab¬itants 42,000,000 are serfs.

Madam doctors are soon likely to haveup their signs at every corner. In additionto the large demonstration in Philadel¬phia, we see that nine ladies are attendinglectures at the Homrcpathic College ofPittsburg.

Col. James Kennon, of Westmoreland,has been appointed Adjutant General ofthe State by Gov. Bigler. Col. K. welldeserves this mark of favor at the handsof the Governor. He rendered his coun¬

try gallant and efficient service in theMexican war, is a whole eouled democratand clever fellow..Untonloicn Genius.


Feb. 13..Steamer Globe, fromBrownsville; freight principally forports below.

Feb. 13..Steamer Tuos. P. Ray,from Brownsville with 7 through pas¬sengers. Freight: G doz. Buckets, 1lot Jars, portablo grist mill, 8 bagscloverseed, 3 tons pig metal, 2 bbls.molasses, 1 lot coffee, 2 boxes confec-tionaries, 1 package, 20 bbls. whiskey,10 bbls. salt, and 1 lot household fur¬niture, family on board, moving.

Feb. 14..Globe for Brownsville,with Irish omigrants for Stoubenville,Ohio.

Feb. 14..Thomas P. Ray, forBrownsville, with several cabin pas¬sengers and Irish emigrants.

These two boats are very c-

qually mated for power and speed..On Saturday morning last they back-od out together into the channol, andin 'rounding to' the Ray got the heelsof the Globe, when a " snortfi'omthe Ray's whistloproclaimed that sheintended, if possible, to keep her po¬sition in advance, during the downtrip. The Globe, from her shrillwhistle screamed defiance, and push'!od ahead aa though she saw a ray ofhope in the distanco, but from theway tins former glided round the bondwe judge that the only raj/ sho saw,was the one with a stern wheel, puff¬ing and bawling just ahead of her..Wo do not know how they 'made it,'or whether ho raco was kept up nilthe way through, but if it was, it waswarmly contested, and noithcr hadmuch to boast of. Tho scene was

cjuitt* animated.tho unusual whist¬ling drawing a groat many spectatorslo t!it* river shore.



ID- WISTAR'S dalsamOK WILD CHER.RY imparts now rigor to vital action, and re-licvcB tho system by opening tho poros of thoskin, and promoting the secretion of mucousmatter. Us action in sudorific, scdativo andexpectorant, by opening tho pores, allaying ir«ritation and by rendoriag tho expulsion of mu¬cous matter easy.Those who tako tho llalsam will fed imme¬

diate relief from tho distressing irritations thataccompany affections of tho respiratory organs.The pores have boon closed, the Balsam opens'them. Tho Lungs suffer from irritation, theirritation is soothed; tho pulse is violent andfeverish, they arc softened, and the mucousmembrane is relieved of its engorgement withrapidity and ease.all by tho uso of this de¬lightful remedy.### See advertisement in another column.

[January 3-4t

UZT Another Scicntific Wonder! Important toDyspeptics.'.Dr J S Houghton's PEPSIN, thetrue Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice, preparedfrom Rennet, or tho Fourth Stomach of thoOx, after directions of "Baron Likiiio, the greatPhysiological Chemist, by J S Houghton,M I).Philadelphia. This is truly a wonderful remedyfor Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, LiverComplaint, Conotipation and Debility, curingafter Nature's own method, by Nature's own

agent, the Gastric Juice. Pamphlets containingScicntific evidence of its value, furnished byagents gratis. Sec notico among the medicaladvertisements. oct2G tf

ft Dr. lloofland's German BHtcrs..*That thismcdicino will euro liver complaint and dyspep¬sia, no ono can doubt after using it as directed.It acts specifically upon tho stomach and liver;it is preferable to calomcl in all bilious diseases;it acts as specifically upon tho liver ascalomel;calomcl prostrates the system.tho bitters nev¬er prostrate but strengthen the patient, and willgive renewed life and health to tho delicateinvalid) and restore the liver to its functions,ami give digestion and appetite in those severecases wherein the ordinury medicines fail inproducing any ollcct.

&o ttomsponftent*.If you will tax us with " profound"

nonsense, be sure to j>ay the Postage!DEMOCRATIC MEETING.

meeting of the Democrats ofMonongalia county will bo held in thoCourt-house) on Monday afternoonnext, for the purpose of appointingDelegates to the Stato Convention tobojiold on the 24th March next, atRaymond. Feb. 21.

VM A It III E D IOn the 15th inst. by El J. G. F. C.

Conn, Mr. IIamiraii Hunter, to MissHannah Lewellin, all of lliis county.On Thursday the 5tli inst. by K1<1.

C. S. Price, Mr. Amurose Waters,to Miss Elizabeth Fisher, all ofMo-nongalia county.

I)IHD:On tlio 17th inst.. at his residenco

near Fairview, in this county, of Ty-phoid Fever, Rawi.ey Holland, Esq.aged about 40 years. Ho was gene¬rally esteemed as a good citizen andan obliging neighbor.


c a-jee/ ^ciftieJcitecJ.

>3f' We have sent off all tho oldType which served to do tho Job Printing olthis community for tho last twenty years, more

or less, and supplied its plnco with a variety o!typo, &c. of now and handsome patterns, andare now ftilly prepared to execute, in very goodstyle, any shape, size or description of

PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS,Blank Forms, Catalogues, Cards,

HAND-BILLS, &c. &e.for Attorniss, Clerks, Merchants, Mechanics,Farmers, and all others who may havo occa¬

sion to call in the aid of Iho Press in theirbusiness operations.HIT" If wo havo succeeded in giving a tolera¬

ble degreo of satisfaction heretofore, in thoJobbing line, wo shall ccrtainly do better infuture, as our means arc more ample, and our

taste and skill have undergone no diminution.1E7* All orders, especially those from a dis¬

tance, attended to promptly and at fair priccs.Call at tho Morgantown Fancy and Job Print¬ing Office, February, 1S52.

> [n Chancery,

Fu!»lic Sale.Eagan B. Tygart, Plaintiff,*)

vs:Mary M'Cans et at, defen¬

dants : JPursuant to the Dccrec rendered in this cause,on Friduy, September 12th, 1851,1 shall pro¬ceed to sell,

On the «1th Monday in March, 1S52,It being the first day of tho Quarterly Term of(the county court of Monongalia county,) atMorgantown, in fr$nt of the court-houso'door:

The HOUSE and LOTin tho bill and proceedings mentioned, on acredit of six, twelve and cightoen months, withinterest from tho day of sate till paid. Thepurchaser or purchasers are required to givebond with approved security for tho payment ofthe same and tho title retained until the pur¬chase money is paid. Said iiouso and Lot aresituate in lUacksville, in this county, and thesame that were formerly occupied by John M'-Cans, decoased.

Selling aa Commissioner I shall only convoysuch title as is vested in mo. Tho title is saidto bo good.

E. P. Fitch, DoputyFebruary 21,1853. for W>I. John, SlilT.

A largo lot, in great variety, justreceived and forsaloat tho Now York CheapV arioty Store of

Carr, Smit'i tf Co.February 20.

I.ndicn & Oeiiltciiioii!Your ntlcntion ivo would invito

to our stock or WORSTED GOODS, whichwe aro now determined to cloar out at greatlyroducod prices.

Carr, Smith ff Co.February 20.

t.'lovrr aril Timothy Scrtl!A prime article, just received per

Steamer Hay, and for sale byCarr, Smith If Co.

February 18.

Sheriff's SaleOF VALUABLEjtEAL ESTATE.PURSUANT to a dccreo of tlio Circuit Court

of Preston Cdunty* rendered at its Kail Term,1S51, in tho cause of (Icorjze M. Hiigrtns & Co.,against Hunter Piles,.I, William Elliott, Dep¬uty Sheriff for John Elliott, Sheriff of Prestoncounty, will, on tlio

2d Monday of Mnrcli, 1852,Sell the Land in tiio hill and proceedings men¬

tioned, (being a Tract of Land containing T/JAcres, lying in Preston county, near tlio firmsof Major Win. 1). Zinn and Col. (Ico. W. Fair¬fax,) before tlio front door of tlio Court Housein Kingwood, to the highest bidder, upon acredit of G and 12 months, taking of the pur¬chaser bond and sufficient security, with inter¬est from thn day of sale. If, however, a lossquantity than thn whole of said tract of landshall be found sufficient tu satisfy said decree,1 shall only sell such portion. The title to saidland will bo retained until tlio purehaBo moneyis paid. \VM. ELLIOTT, D. S.

Tor John Elliott, S. P. C.Feb'y. 3, 1852. 130-4t.

Virginia, «s..At Rules hold inthe Clork'u Office of tlio circuit court of Mo¬nongalia county, on the first Monday in Feb¬ruary, 1S52:

James E. 0' Dowel et al, plaintiffs, }versus >

Levi 0' Dowil ot a], defendants, )IN CHANCER Y.

Tlio object of this suit is to have divided orsold a Tract of Land in Monongalia county of720 acres, which was claimed and occupied byCharles 0' Dowd in his life time, of which hedied seized and which descended to his heirs,tho Plaintiffs and Defendants in this suit.And the Defendants, Lovi O'Dowd, Juli.i Ann

O'Dowd, Francis O'Dowd, Ircna O'Dowd, andCharles M. O'Dowd, not having entered theirnppcaranco and given security according to therules of this court and the act of Assembly ;'and it appearing from written nfiidavits filed,that they are not inhabitants of this common¬wealth:.It is ordered that they do appearwithin one month alter duo publication of thisOrder, and do what is nccessary to protect theirinterests and that this Order be published forfour aucccsiivo weeks in thn *Monongalia Mir¬ror,* a public newspaper printed and publishedin Morgautown, Monongalia county, and alsoposted at tho front door of the court-housc ofsaid county, on the first day of tho nest countycourt of said county.

A copy:.Teste :

W. T. Wiiley, Clerk.fl. R. C. Ar.r.r.:f, PPfis Atty.February 21, 1852. 132 4w

Vu'£illi.'l, S3..At Rules held int!»o Clerk's Ofllcc of the circuit court t»fPreston county, on Wednesday the 4th Feb¬ruary, 1S52:

Commonwealth vs. } Upon a Sciro Facias forJohn Mulkcarns > failing to appear and an-& Martin Morcn :) swer to an indictment for

assault und battery:The objcct of said Scirc Facias is to have ex¬

ecution against the said Mulkcarns for the sumof $200, and against the said Moren for thesum of $100, according to the form and effectof their recognizance. The said defendantsJwho are non-residents) arc required to appearin said court within one month alter due pub¬lication of this Order, and. do what is necessaryto protect their interests; and on motion of thecommonwealth's Attorney it is ordered thatthe nbovc Order bu published four successiveweeks in the «Monongalia Mirror,' a weeklynewspaper published in Monongalia county,Virginia; and posted at the front door of thecourt-houso of the county of Preston, on thefirst day of the next term.

A copyTeste,John P. Bvrnb, Cllc.

G. R. C. Allen. Alio, for commonwealth.February 21. 132 4w

Virginia, S*..At Rules held inthe Clurk's Office of the circuit court ofP.es-ton countv, on Wednesday the 4th Februa¬ry, 1S52

Commonwealth vs.) Upon a Scire Facias forHenry llarr and > failing to attend as a wit-James Luke: ) ness to give evidence onbehalf of the commonwealth against JohnDaugherty:The object of said Scirc Facias is to have ex¬

ecution against the said defendants for the sumof $200 each, according to the forin'and effectof their recognizance. The said defendants(who arc non-icsidenls) arc required to appearin saitl court, within one month after due pub¬lication ofthis Order, and do what is necessaryto protect their interests; and on motion of theAttorney for tho commonwealth it is orderedthat the above Order be published for four suc¬cessive weeks in tho ' Monongalia Mirror,' a

weekly newspaper published in Monongaliacounty* Virginia, and posted at the front doorof the court-house of the county of Preston, onthe first day of the next term.

A copy:.Teste,John P. Byrne, Clk.

G. R. C. Allen, Atto. for commonwealth.February 21. 132 lw

Virginia, SS..At Rules held inthe Clerk's Office of Preston county circuitcourt, on Wednesday the 4th February, 1S02:

Commonwealth vs. John ") On a Scire FaciasDaugherty, James Mul- (for failing to appearlins, Hugh O'Donnough [ and answer to aand Thomas Ilerwill, J charge of felonious

homicide :Tho object of said Scire Facias is to have ex¬

ecution against the said Daugherty for the sumof three hundred dollars, and against the saidMullins for a like sum, according to the formand effect of this recognizance. The said de¬fendants, Daugherty and Mullins (who are non¬

residents) arc required to appear in tho saidcourt, within one month alter due publicationof this Order, and do what is necessary to pro¬tect their interests; and on motion of the At¬torney for the commonwealth it is ordered thatthe above Order be published four weeks suc¬

cessively in the ' Monongalia Mirror,' a week¬ly newspaper printed in Monongalia county,Virginia; and posted at the front door of thecourt-house of the county of Preston, on thefirst day of the next term.

A copy:.Teste,John P. Byrne, Clk.

G. R. C. Allen, Alio, for commonwealth.February 21. 132 4w

Vii'jnitiil) s»..At ltiilcs hclil inthe Clerk's Office of tho circuit court ofPreston county, on Wednesday the 4th Feb¬ruary, 1852:

Commonwealth vs. ) Upon a Sciro Facias forJohn Finerty &> failing to appear and an-Martin Kock : ) swer to an indictment for

assault and battery.Tho objcct of this Sciro Facias is to have ex¬

ecution against the said Finerty for the sum of$200, and against the saiii Rock for the sum of100, according to the form and effect of their

recognizance. The said defendants (who are

non-rosidents,) arc required to appear in thesaid court, within one month after due publica¬tion of this Order, and do what is necessary toprotect their intorests ; nnd on motion of thoAttorney for tho commonwealth, it is orderedthat tho above Older he published four weekssuccessively in tho 4 Monongalia Mirror,» nweekly newspaper printed in Monongalia coun¬tv, Virginia; and posted at the front door ofthe court-house of tho county of Preston, onthe first day of the noxt term.

A truo copy:.Teste,John P. Byrne, Clk.

G. R. C. Allciij Atto.for commonwealth.February 2i. 132 4w

Cotton Iiattiii£ il CarpelChain, just received per Steamer Rayand for sale very low byCarr, Smith ij Co.

February 20.

Molasses.A choice lot of new crop N. 0. Molasses

just received and for sale at tho Now York CheapVariety Store of CARR, SMITH k CO.Feb. 7, 1952.

POPULAR BOOK FOR AGE5TC.UEADLEY'S LIFE OF KOSSUTH !rpiIE undersigned havo in press, and willX publish in January, tho LIFJl OK LOUISKOSSUTH, Governor of Hungary, Willi Noti¬ces of the distinguished Men, and Scenes o

tho Hungarian Revolution. To which is adedan Appendix^ containing, the most important ofthe Addressee Letters and Speeches oi thegreat Maygar Chief, by P. C. Ileudly, author Oftho "Life of tho Empress JoBcphcno,"^ "Lifeof Layfayetto," etc.; with an Introduction byHorace Grcely. In orio olegant 12hlo volume,with a steel Portrait. Uniform in fiizu andstylo with "Hoadley's Josephinci" Price$1,25.

Agents wanted in every County of the U.States to canvass for the above popular work.D3"Any newspaper publisher within 000

miles of New York Statu that will givn theubovo three insertions, shall receive a copy oftho work immediately on its publication free ofexpense by mail.

DERBY & MILLER, Publishers,Feb. 4, *52..3t Auburn, N. Y.



WE offer it to you in tho shapo of a hand-soma assortment of Ladies' Dress Hoods,

Buchas French Mcrinoes,Cashmeres, Do Laincs,Hosiery, Shawls, Mantillas, Gloves, Bonnets,Jkc., &c.,.of Gentlemen's IVeur, such as Over¬coats, and other Winter Goods, and of Chil¬dren's IVear of a variety of kinds, with all ofwhich wo are now determined to close out atat rcdticed prices, positively, for cash or to punc-1tual customers.


hand, a largo assortment of Drown Muslins,Canton Flannels, Bagging, Alpacas, Salt, Iron,Nails, Groceries of every description, Ready-made Clothing, Oils, Paints, Tin-ware, Boots,Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c., &c.,.which we offer totho public, wholesale or retail, on as accommo¬dating terms every way, as they can be had utany establishment west of tho mountains.Wo will also rcccive in a fow dayB alarge and

choice solectton of fresh Garden Seeds, withwhich wo have made arrangements to supply thepublic, wholesale or retail, during tho entireseason.Wo will also be in receipt, in a few weeks, of

an extensive supply of Sugar, Molasses, (whichwe always keep on hand,) Coffee, &c., &c.,which we arc determined to sell at a very alightadvance of prices over the Pittsburg market,

Recollect the place is at tho Cheap Store ofCARR, SMITH & CO.

January 23, IS52. 129-tf

ffiook out for IhePHILADELPHIA AND PARIS STORE!No. 2, Cli^ap Side, Corner of High and

Walnut slrcels.10,000 worth of GOODS, of all kindp.for'

sale by Haymond & Pickenpaugb, and will besold at Philadelphia prices. As there is on handnn immense stock of Goods that must and willlie sold off immediately, and as there is not roomfor them, especially as room is wanted forSpring Goods,.we would most respectfully in¬vite all persons who want to buy Goods at veryreduced prices to call and examino for them¬selves.Our Good3 must be sold or given away,.so

come running and sliding until you land"safelyat HAYMOND & PICKENPAUGH'S.Fob. 1st, 1852.129-tf.


MITCHELL & HAYES,Merchant Tailors,

Walnut street, opposite the Jail, Morgantown,HAVE entered into Partnership, find just

brought on from the Eastern Cities, anextensive assortment of French black, blue,brown, green and olive

Clot lis,Casshneres of all styles and qualities;Vesting! of all colors, styles and qualitiesTrimmings of the best quality, to suit all

colors.Gloves, black kid, best quality, also French

buck, &u.Collars, three-ply; Silk and Linen Cravats,

black and fancy colors Stocks; Pocket-Hand-kerchiefs; a line quality of PLUSH and CLOTHCAPS, Navy do., also a large stock otl

HEADY-MADE CLOTHING,such as Coats, Pants, and Vests, of all quali¬ties and prices; Silk Shirts, Susponders, andmany other articles not mentioned,.alJ whichwill be sold veby cheap for cash ; Please calland examine our stock.Dec. 13, 1851. 122-tf.N. B..Those indebted to P. R. Mitchell or

ilf. Hayes, on former accounts, are earnestlyrequested to settle up, cither by money or note",without delay.

A Great Variety !JAMES SHAY, Main street, two

doors from the Bank, has just received, andhas more on tho way, which he expects to re-ccive every day.

Coilfcctioaary of every kind, froma Candy stick to a broom stick, with a goodbroom at the end of it!TOYS for New-Years anil other holi¬

days, 6ome of which will last tho year throughif you don't break them. The variety is rich,'and they range from a clever sized Monkey toa ring for your little finger:Groceries, Spices, Fruits,

Glass-ware, Combs, Soaps, and otherHardware, to suit all taste and fancics.

Men's and Boys' Caps, Boots & Shoes,suited to the season and warranted to fit all'whose heads and feet arc the right shape andcize.bekides every thing else usually kepi in aVariety Store. Call and buy

January 1, 1S52.

Notice."\\7*E, the undersigned, hereby givo Noticej) to all those who arc indebted to, or have

unsettled dealings or accounts with the lateFirm of JOHN BECK k COMPANY, that wehave this day placed our Books of Accounts,&c. in tho hands of P. II. Keck, to whom im¬mediate settlement is expected to be madr,andwhom wo hereby authorize to settle the samefor us, as fully and ullectually as wo ourselvescould do. Thereforo all such persons will dowell to call immediately and settle tho samewith tho said Keck, as there can no longer in¬dulgence be given. JOHN BECK,

JOHN B. ACHESON.December 21, 1S51. 121 2mo

John \V. Itosg iVFlour & Genera! Commission Merchants


WILL mako liberal advances on con-sisnmsnK Refer to D. 11. HOXIE,

Dec. 25, 1S51. 4l* Alorpunlown.Glass, Glass, Glass.

Just received, per steamer Globe, 371 Boxesof superior Window Glass, equal to any Pitts¬burg brand, of assorted sizes, which wo arc nowprepared to furnish, wholesalo or rotail, at pri¬ces so low us to justify no man in purchasing thoarticle elsewhere than in Morgantown, of

CARll, SMITH & CO.Fobruary 7, 1S52.


Just received 100 Barrels, for snlo low. Thearticle always kept on hand for sale in bags, ofextra qualityj at CARllj SMITH & CO's.January 23. iS53«

Hurley.A very nico article of extra hulttd, for thosick, the Dyspeptic, or Table uso, for sale atthe Cheap Variety Store ofCAHH, SMITH & CO.

Feb. 7, 1852.

Potash, Putty A' Pon der,A first-rate article of either for sale byFeb. 7,1852. CARR, SMITH & CO.


THE SCST REMEDY EVER KNOWN TO MANFor Coughs, Asthma, Colds, Croups, Bronchitis,

Influenza, Bleeding of the Lungs, Difficulty ofBreathing, Liver Affections, pain or weakneisof the Breast or Side, first stages of Consuinp.lion $c.

In short, this Balsam is peculiarly adapted to ev¬ery disease of the Lungs and Liver which isproduced in our ectr*varying din,at \

I L D C H K R R Y HAS LONO BEKN*vv known to possess important tncdicinal

proportion. 'J'hiB fact is familiar to every ir.nt-n»n in our land, nnd physicians often prescribeit in different forms lor a variety of complaint*.'Tar, also, has been niju illy noted for its virtues;and some physicians, whmie nntnen are familial'to the whole country, hnvn gone so Sir as todeclaro that ovimi CONSUMPTION could hecured by that n!ono« In other hand*, again, itwan nearly valueless, owinp, no doubt, to theirignorance in preparing and administering it.adifficulty now entiruly and forever obviated bypatient experiment and long experience.The extraordinary medicinal pnwern of these

two substances arc now, for the first time, com¬bined and embodied in DR. WISTAR'S BAL¬SAM OF WILD CHKHRY. liy n nice chemi¬cal process, every thing deleterious or uselessis rejected, so that what remains is the mostextraordinary and truly efficacious remedy Ibrall kinds of pulmonary and liver diseases overknown to man. To convince all unbelieversthat our theory is really true, we refer to a fewcases of cures performed by this wonderfulmedicine:

Pi.easant Ridge, Ham. co. Sept. 27, '50.J. D. Park.Dear Sir:.I tako the liberty of

advising you of tho benefit I have derived fromthe use of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.I was prostrated by that terrible scourge, Con¬sumption, in May last. Tho attack was trulyhorrifying to me, for five of our family (my bro¬thers and sisters) had died of Consumption. 1was afilicted with nearly all tho worst featuresof the disease. I had n distressing cough, andexpectorated a great deal of blood, hectic fever,severe pains in the side and chest, cold chills,alternating with flushes of heat und copiounnight sweats.

I was under tho care of a skilful physician,from tho time I was taken sick until about sixweeks nince, being then about helpless, and myfriends considered my case hopeless, or at leastbeyond our Physician's skill, advised the use ofWistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Without myknowledge my father procured it, and commen-cedtadministering it to mc, and from the day Icommenced taking it my health improved, andin two weeks from the time I commenced usingit I waji able to bo out and oversee my business,and laoor, which I still continuo to do. I havotaken four bottles of the medicine, and now con¬sider myself perfectly well.

* TPnnittnr icfnipo

ANOTHER ASTONISHING CURE!K. Kalb, a highly respectable merchant of

Rushville, Fairfield county, Ohio, sent us thefollowing voluntary tribute to "Dr. Wistar'sBalsam of Wild Cherry.»

Koshvillc, Fairfield co.O. April G, 1851.Mr. J. D. Park.Dear Sir: I wish to stato to

you that my daughter, Amanda, aged sixteenyears, had, about a year since, a very severeattack of measles, which reduced her verymuch and loft her with a racking cough. I em¬ployed all of the physicians within our reach forthe purpose of removing her cough, but with¬out success. She appeared to be sinking intoa decline, with every symptom of consumption.

I then tried Dr. ' Rogers' Liverwort & Tar,'but this aggravated her cough, and gave hersymptoms of a still more malignant character.1 was now most seriously alarmed, and it waswith trembling foar that I from day to day sawtho progress of that insatiable disease, Con-sumption. I really despaired of my daughter'srecovery. But I providentially saw tho certifi¬cate of Jonathan CouUon, whose daughter Sa^rah Jane was cured of consumption by 'Wis¬tar's Baltatn of Wild Cecrry: this created afaint hope that it might help my daughter, and1 immediately commenced using it, and it al«most instantly gave relief, her health was im¬proved from the first bottle, and by the use oltwo bottles of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cher¬ry' she was restored to perfect health, and sheis not now at all predisposed to a cough.

1 will say to all that are afflicted with any dis¬ease tending to consumption, do not despairjfor Dr. Wistar'n Balsam of Wild Cherry willcure you ifyou will but try it; K. KALB.Tho genuino Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry

has a fac simile of the signaturo of Henry Wis-tar, M. D. Philadelphia, and ' Sandford tc Park'on a finely executed steel engraved wrapper..No other can be genuine.*%* Prico $1 per bottle,* six bottles for $5.

Solo by J. D. PARK, Cincinnati, 0.North-cast corner of Fourth and Walnut sts..

entrance on Walnut st., to whom all ordersmust ba addressed;

Also by II. H. Corr, Morganlown.Campbell & Watson, Fairmont.L. A. Hagan, Kingwood.

January 3, ISM. 125 if


Virginia, ss.AT Rules held in the Clerk's Office of the

Circuit Court ofMonongalia county, on the firstMonday in January, 1852:Jeremiah Moore, Plaintiff,


Philip Moore, Isaac Moore, John Moore andWilliam Sine, Defendants.

IN CHANCERY.The object of this suit is to cancel and set

aside a certain deed of conveyance executed byPhilip Moore and wife to William Sine, for thatportion of the said Philip's home place, here¬tofore stricken olF by survey to tho said Jere¬miah Moore, as per article of agreement of thefirst day of April, IS 11,.which deed bears datethe 11th day of Octobcr, 1815, and of record intho Clerk's offico of Monongalia county; anilto restore tho said land to tho complainant Jer¬emiah Moore, at the death of the said Philip, &c.And the defendant Isaac Moore,not having en¬

tered his appearanco ami given security accord¬ing to low and the rules of this court, and it ap¬pearing by a written affidavit liled in the cause,that he is not an inhabitant of this common¬wealth: It in ordered that the said defendantdo appear within one month afterdue publicationof this order, and do what is necessary to pro¬tect his interests and that this order be pub¬lished once a week for four successive weeks inthe " Monongalia Mirror," a newspaper print¬ed and published in Morgofttown in the countyof Monongalia, and a copy posted at tho frontdoor of tho Court-houso of said county on tholirst day ofthe nest County Court of said county.A copy: Teste,

IF. T. WILLEY, Clerk.Drown & Keck, Pl'fts. Att'ys.January 17,1S52. 127 4w

Virginia, ss.At rules held in tho Clerk's Office of tho Cir¬

cuit Court of Monongalia County on the firstMonday in January, 1S52.Matthew Gay, Plaintiff,


Selby Wade, and others, Defendants.IN CHANCERY.

The object of this suit is to rocover the bal-nnce of tho price of a tract of land sold toSelby Wade, deceased, by Joshua Piles 5.And the defendants Abraham Amnions and

Rebiiccnhis wife,late Rebecca Wade, and Josh¬ua Piles not having entered their appearanceand given security according to law and thorules of this court; and it appearing by satis¬factory evidence, that thoy are not inhabitant*of this commonwealth 1.It is ordered thattho said defendants do appfcar within onemoirthafter due publication of this order, and do whatis necessary to protect their interests, and thatthis order be published once a week for four'succdssivo weeks in tho "Monongalia Mirror"a newspaper printed and published in Morgan-!town, in Monongalia county* ami a copy post¬ed at the front door of the court house of thesaid county, on tho first day of tho next CountyCourt of said county.

A copy.Teste.W.'T. WII.LKT, Clerk.M. Oay, Pl'fTs. Att'y.Jantuiv 17, 1S31. 127-4w.

RADWAY & CO.To their Friends In Virginia.

The Commissioners nf Randolph county hnvewc understand, tried to indict us betore tnh>rGrand Jury, but fortunately for us, and link';-tuuately lor themselves, have been unable todiscovtr any cause on which to establish thencomplaint, for in the tvnrdn of a8*pt» ,lh|,vknow not which end to commence on,* «o tnoGrand Jury In their wisdom dismissed the caw.without even noticing the motion ot the na;*Commissioners.

Pcorle of Virginia: When we sent our Rea¬dy Re inl and othor uifdicinrs into your Sta.c,wc .uv-ned yon thronpli tl.e votM«i A' I' "".«f then i.iniinroin property*, »"¦' 'I'"" rt">"CISC"'? Ml arresting "i"1 curing

For Mir ugmi's, wB selected tlm mostcntiul, Hiulliuciit mid prominent Or'tptt .. ;Dealers. Wc p>dgnd tn yMi, tlut «»ur HeadyRelief would slop the moat eovi re jmins tn

few minutuH ami speedily and ollcctiiiilly »«move the most «un»avr.v;.nj ch/omc complain'#,la a lew months allcr our mcd:cine wita intro¬duced into your State, it rei-eived the generalncclamatioli of tho peopio a* tl.e bivt, qu.cKc.»*and most powerful .uitidott- for the 11wU.nl ij-|iof of pa:ua that hud ever br.ni inttoduced to

your notice. Its miraculous flRcacv won vourconfidence, and astonished the v.lm.o mcdic*fucultv. The most celohrnted, Mientilic nr.uskilful physicians in nvery part of Virginia, wwell as in every other State nt the l'nion,na*«nobly and generously endorsed its curative pro¬perties iib worthy the confidence nf tl." P"-?Pir*As a medicine for the immediate rehcl ot p«J*our Ready Reliof acta vigorously, |iow»riuiiyand effectually! its modus operandi ib so diuer-ent from all other medicaments that its qw*operation waa looked upon more in the lignto'mai'ic than aa the product of u powerful clicmical affinity. As aoon a* the pain-Biiffer.ng in¬valid nppliea it to the diteaaed part, new m«and pleasing sensations of returning Inealtn,would vibrate through the system, and the moatexcrutiating paina vanish before its roJie>»n»,influence, until every nerve, mm-ole, limb,jointand bone is replete with health and 5lrcn?tI''.Its quick effects in ridding the sufferer ot pain,and infusing a healthful vitality into every por¬tion of the system, is no idle chimera or imag¬ination, but a sound reality, and it is due Mpowerful and skilful combination of chemicals,pnro and harmless in their nature.

As guardians (f the public health, nit inven¬tors and proprietors (\f Railway'a Heady Rvlitfiwo stand ready at any moment, to appear be¬fore any body of medical men, cither in Kuropaor America, or whero the best medical skill andtalent can be found, and answer for the quickand powerful, and pure and harmless dl'cctu clour medicine.Wo f«ar not to risk our reputation and suc¬

cess upon any medicine bearing our names andemanating from our labratory.

If the Commissioners of Randolph countyare dcairoita of learning any thing in regard toour medicinea or ourselves, it will afford ua

great plcasuro to favor them with whatever in¬formation they may require. All wo ask forfrom our fellow men ia fair play, a clear field.nd no favors. Wc are willing to be judged bythe people* Our mcdicines arc before you, weclaim for them certain propertiea which havenever been claimed for any other's. Wo prom¬ise you that tho Heady Reliof will produce thestrfects, and that it possesses the power put forthin our advertisements, and it you find it differ¬ent from our statements, wc are willing youshould cast upon it the odium of your dwplcaaurc. We nre at all times ready to explain our

poaition,and defend the merits ofour medicineabeforo any body of men tho world may aeiect*

llcforenccs iu Virginia.Among the moot influential druggista & mer¬

chants in Virginia, who have been eye witness-cs to the quick efficacy of Radway's Ready Re¬lief, wc refor our Virginia frienda to tho follow-ing eminent namea:

F. II. Robinson, Petcrsburgh,S. M. Carpet, Fincastle,E. S. Carper, Big Lick.W. H. White, Frcdericksburgh,L, P. Hartman, Winchester,Dr. A.. R. Mott, Lecsburg.McNemeru & Co.. Richmond,Spillman & James, Warrentown,Cook k Peel, Alexandria,Alfred Reid, Rcctortown,Hall, Scott St Co., Salem,Todd & Hooflie, Limestone,0. C. Sterling & Son. Harrisonburg,Dr. Evan Carmacli, Weston, Lewis Co.,H. H. Carr, Morgantown,H. I(. KoAinan, SpringPil, Hamp.Co,J. H. Clarke, Millwood.J. Sims, Clarksville,Gilbert Robertson, Norfolk,J. R. Brown, Stepliensburah,Robt. Allison, Fairfax, C. H.,Whalcv& Crocker, Centreville,D. Hazletine, Martinsburgh.Thomas P, Curtii, of Randolph county, the

county wherein tho Commissioner! made thtafoolish, unwise and unfair attempt to injure us:Mr. Custis is extensively known in this sectionof the State, and enjoys the confidence of thopeople to an unlimited" extent. Mr. Curtis is afirm friend of Radway's Ready Relief, for itsaved all his remaining children from the brinkofdoath as he informs us; their disease waascarlet fever.

Citizens of Randolph county, Va. can learnfarther of this incident by referring to Mr. Cur¬tis personally.

Commending our Ready llclicf, and othermcdicines of our manufacture, to the people,wc remain tho public's sorvants,

RADWAY Sc CO.llStf 162 Fulton st. Now York.

Virginia, ss.At Rules held in tho Clerk's Office of the

Circuit Court of Monongalia county, on thofirst Mondoy in February, 1852:Mathew Gay, Plaintiffj

£isfetad D"^»"

IlX CHANCERY.Tho object of this suit ia to subject a Tract

of Land, sold by said Gay & Hanway to saidHudson, to sale, to satisfy tho purchase moneystill due.And the defendant John Hudson, not having

entered his appearance and given security ac¬cording to law and tho rules of this Court, andit appearing from a written affidavit filed withthe plaintiff's bill, that ho is no inhabitant ofthis commonwealth:.It is ordered that thesaid Hudson do appear within one month af¬ter duo publication of this order, and do whatis necessary to protect his interest; and it isfarther ordered that this order bo publishedonco a week for four succcssive weeks, in tho" Monongalia Mirror," a public newspaper pub¬lished weekly in Morgantown, Monongaliacounty, Virginia, and also bo posted at tho frontdoor of tHn Court-hcutso of said county, on thofirst day of tho next county Court of said coun¬ty. A Copy..-Teste.

W. T. WILLEY, Clerk.M. Gat, Plff's. Atto.

February 14, 1S52. lmo.

CARR, SMITH & CO.,At tho New-York Cheap Variety Store,Keep constantly on bond ami for Sn!o, Whole-sale and Uctriil, at lnwbet cash prices:

imv uooim,Heady-mule Clothing, Queensware,Hardware, StoneSi Glass Ware,Groceries, Oils, Lead,

^T,V,m0t?' NMLS' '".ASS, CnntinpF, fee;11 Jf hue" i Buon, Slinnn;II(itsj Caps and oohncts'j'^and a thousand andone notion* in thoif line to wh'ch they invitothe attention of purchasers;All kinds of Country Prtfdune taken in ex¬change at the highest market nrite..January 3, 1852*

Tobacco & Segars,01 Jippr>v»»d quality, lor tali*, wholesale

ami retail, at Jajtira .$iiay's.Morgantonn, Junnry