Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 206 American Mathematical Society The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David Glickenstein Christine Guenther James Isenberg Tom Ivey Dan Knopf Peng Lu Feng Luo Lei Ni

Monographs Volume 206 The Ricci Flow: Techniques and ... · The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David

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Page 1: Monographs Volume 206 The Ricci Flow: Techniques and ... · The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David

Mathematical Surveys

and Monographs

Volume 206

American Mathematical Society

The Ricci Flow: Techniques and ApplicationsPart IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics

Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David Glickenstein Christine Guenther James Isenberg Tom Ivey Dan Knopf Peng Lu Feng Luo Lei Ni

Page 2: Monographs Volume 206 The Ricci Flow: Techniques and ... · The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David

The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications

Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics

Page 3: Monographs Volume 206 The Ricci Flow: Techniques and ... · The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David
Page 4: Monographs Volume 206 The Ricci Flow: Techniques and ... · The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David

Mathematical Surveys

and Monographs

Volume 206

The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications

Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics

Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David Glickenstein Christine Guenther James Isenberg Tom Ivey Dan Knopf Peng Lu Feng Luo Lei Ni

American Mathematical SocietyProvidence, Rhode Island


Page 5: Monographs Volume 206 The Ricci Flow: Techniques and ... · The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David


Robert GuralnickMichael A. Singer, Chair

Benjamin SudakovConstantin Teleman

Michael I. Weinstein

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 53C44, 53C21, 53C43, 58J35, 35K59,35K05, 57Mxx, 57M50.

For additional information and updates on this book, visitwww.ams.org/bookpages/surv-206

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Chow, Bennett.The Ricci flow : techniques and applications / Bennett Chow. . . [et al.].

p. cm. — (Mathematical surveys and monographs, ISSN 0076-5376 ; v. 135)Includes bibliographical references and indexes.ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-3946-1 (pt. 1)ISBN-10: 0-8218-3946-2 (pt. 1)1. Global differential geometry. 2. Ricci flow. 3. Riemannian manifolds. I. Title.

QA670.R53 2007516.3′62—dc22 2007275659

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Page 6: Monographs Volume 206 The Ricci Flow: Techniques and ... · The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David


Preface ix

Acknowledgments xiii

Contents of Volume One and Parts I, II, and III of Volume Two xv

Notation and Symbols xvii

Chapter 27. Noncompact Gradient Ricci Solitons 11. Basic properties of gradient Ricci solitons 12. Estimates for potential functions of gradient solitons 93. Lower bounds for the scalar curvature of nonflat nonexpanding

gradient Ricci solitons 154. Volume growth of shrinking gradient Ricci solitons 175. Logarithmic Sobolev inequality 266. Gradient shrinkers with nonnegative Ricci curvature 297. Notes and commentary 33

Chapter 28. Special Ancient Solutions 351. Local estimate for the scalar curvature under Ricci flow 352. Properties of singularity models 403. Noncompact 2-dimensional ancient solutions with finite width 494. Ancient solutions with positive curvature 635. Notes and commentary 66

Chapter 29. Compact 2-Dimensional Ancient Solutions 691. Statement of the classification result and outline of its proof 692. The Ricci flow equation on S2 and some intuition 703. The King–Rosenau solution in the various coordinates 734. A priori estimates for the pressure function 765. The almost everywhere vanishing of R∞ 796. First properties of the backward limit v∞ 817. Isoperimetric constant of metrics on S2 838. Characterizing round solutions 879. Classifying the backward pointwise limit 10010. An unrescaled cigar backward Cheeger–Gromov limit 10611. Irreducible components of ∇3v 10812. The heat-type equation satisfied by Q 11113. That Q = 0 implies the solution is the King–Rosenau solution 11714. The evolution equation for Q 12415. The quantity Q must be identically zero 125


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16. The equivalence of Q and Q 12917. Notes and commentary 132

Chapter 30. Type I Singularities and Ancient Solutions 1331. Reduced distance of Type A solutions 1332. Reduced volume at the singular time for Type I solutions 1453. Type I solutions have shrinker singularity models 1544. Some results on Type I ancient solutions 1595. Notes and commentary 169

Chapter 31. Hyperbolic Geometry and 3-Manifolds 1711. Introduction to hyperbolic space 1712. Topology and geometry of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 1783. The Margulis lemma and hyperbolic cusps 1854. Mostow rigidity 1925. Seifert fibered manifolds and graph manifolds 1936. Notes and commentary 194

Chapter 32. Nonsingular Solutions on Closed 3-Manifolds 1971. Introduction 1972. The main result on nonsingular solutions 2003. The three cases of nonsingular solutions 2034. The positive and zero cases of nonsingular solutions 2075. The negative case—sequential limits must be hyperbolic 2106. Notes and commentary 211

Chapter 33. Noncompact Hyperbolic Limits 2131. Main results on hyperbolic pieces 2142. Harmonic maps parametrizing almost hyperbolic pieces 2193. Proof of the stability of hyperbolic limits 2264. Incompressibility of boundary tori of hyperbolic pieces 2375. Notes and commentary 254

Chapter 34. Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces and Harmonic Mapsby IFT 257

1. Constant mean curvature surfaces 2572. Harmonic maps near the identity of Sn 2603. Existence of harmonic maps near the identity of manifolds with

negative Ricci curvature 2664. Application of Mostow rigidity to the existence of isometries 2735. Notes and commentary 278

Chapter 35. Stability of Ricci Flow 2791. Linear stability of Ricci flow 2802. Analytic semigroups and maximal regularity theory 2873. Dynamic stability results obtained using linearization 2964. Dynamic stability results obtained by other methods 304

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Chapter 36. Type II Singularities and Degenerate Neckpinches 3071. Numerical simulation of solutions with degenerate neckpinches 3092. Matched asymptotic studies of degenerate neckpinches 3183. Ricci flow solutions with degenerate neckpinch singularities 3244. Concluding remarks 326

Appendix K. Implicit Function Theorem 3271. The implicit function theorem 3272. Holder spaces and Sobolev spaces on manifolds 3323. Harmonic maps and their linearization 3364. Spectrum of Δd on p-forms on Sn 3475. Notes and commentary 352

Bibliography 353

Index 371

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Keys to ignition, use at your discretion.

– From “Starin’ Through My Rear View” by Tupac Shakur

This is Part IV (a.k.a. R#ijk�), the sequel to Volume One ([75]; a.k.a. gij)

and Parts I, II, III ([69], [70], [71]; a.k.a. Rijk�,∂∂tRijk�, ΔRijk�, respectively)

of Volume Two on techniques and applications of the Ricci flow. For the reader’sconvenience, we have included the titles of each chapter on the pages that follow.

In this part we mainly discuss aspects of the long-time behavior of solutionsto the Ricci flow, including the geometry of noncompact gradient Ricci solitons,ancient solutions, Hamilton’s classification of 3-dimensional nonsingular solutions,and the stability of the Ricci flow. Any theory about singularities of the Ricciflow requires an understanding of ancient solutions and, in particular, gradientRicci solitons. Building on the success in dimensions at most 3, the study ofhigher-dimensional Ricci solitons is currently an active field; we discuss some ofthe progress in this direction. We also present recent progress on (1) the classifica-tion of ancient 2-dimensional solutions without the κ-noncollapsing hypothesis and(2) Type I ancient solutions and singularities. In a direction complementary to thestudy of singularities, we discuss 3-dimensional nonsingular solutions. These solu-tions underlie the Ricci flow approach to the geometrization conjecture; Hamilton’swork on this is a precursor to Perelman’s more general theory of immortal solutionsto the Ricci flow with surgery. Finally, a largely unexplored direction in the Ricciflow concerns the sensitivity of solutions to their initial data; the study of stabilityof solutions represents an aspect of this.

The choice of topics is based on our familiarity and taste. Due to the diversityof the field of Ricci flow, we have inevitably omitted many important works. Wehave also omitted some topics originally slated for this part, such as the linearizedRicci flow and the space-time formulation of the Ricci flow. We now give detaileddescriptions of the chapter contents.

Chapter 27. This chapter is a continuation of Chapter 1 of Part I. Here wediscuss some recent progress on the geometry of noncompact gradient Ricci soli-tons (GRS), including some qualitatively sharp estimates for the volume growth,potential functions, and scalar curvatures of GRS. We also discuss the logarithmicSobolev inequality for shrinking GRS as well as shrinking GRS with nonnegativeRicci curvature.

Chapter 28. This chapter complements the discussion in Part III on Perel-man’s theory of 3-dimensional ancient κ-solutions. The topics discussed are a locallower bound for the scalar curvature under Ricci flow, some geometric propertiesof 3-dimensional singularity models, noncompact 2-dimensional ancient solutions


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without the κ-noncollapsed condition, and classifying certain ancient solutions withpositive curvature.

Chapter 29. In this chapter we present the results of Daskalopoulos, Hamil-ton, and Sesum that any simply-connected ancient solution to the Ricci flow on aclosed surface must be either a round shrinking 2-sphere or the rotationally symmet-ric King–Rosenau solution. The proof involves an eclectic collection of geometricand analytic methods. Monotonicity formulas that rely on being in dimension 2are used.

Chapter 30. This chapter is focused on the general study of Type I sin-gularities and Type I ancient solutions. We study properties and applications ofPerelman’s reduced distance and reduced volume based at the singular time forType I singular solutions. We also discuss the result that Type I singular solutionshave unbounded scalar curvature.

Chapter 31. In the study of nonsingular solutions to the Ricci flow on closed3-manifolds in the subsequent chapters, of vital importance are finite-volume hy-perbolic limits. In this chapter we present some prerequisite knowledge on thegeometry and topology of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Key topics are the Margulislemma (including the ends of finite-volume hyperbolic manifolds) and the Mostowrigidity theorem.

Chapter 32. Hamilton’s celebrated result says that for solutions to the nor-malized Ricci flow on closed 3-manifolds which exist for all forward time and haveuniformly bounded curvature, the underlying differentiable 3-manifold admits ageometric decomposition in the sense of Thurston. The proof of the main resultrequires an understanding of the asymptotic behavior of the solution as time tendsto infinity. If collapse occurs in the sense of Cheeger and Gromov, then the un-derlying differentiable 3-manifold admits an F -structure and in particular admitsa geometric decomposition. Otherwise, one may extract limits of noncollapsingsequences by the uniformly bounded curvature assumption. In the cases wherethese limits have nonnegative sectional curvature, we can topologically classify theoriginal 3-manifolds.

Chapter 33. In the cases where the limits do not have nonnegative sectionalcurvature, they must be hyperbolic 3-manifolds with finite volume, which may beeither compact or noncompact. If these hyperbolic limits are compact, then theyare diffeomorphic to the original 3-manifold. On the other hand, if these hyperboliclimits are noncompact, then the difficult result is that their truncated embeddingsin the original 3-manifold are such that the boundary tori are incompressible inthe complements. To establish this, one proves the stability of hyperbolic limitsby the use of harmonic maps and Mostow rigidity. Then, assuming the compress-ibility of any boundary tori, one applies a minimal surface argument to obtain acontradiction.

Chapter 34. The purpose of this chapter is to prove, by the implicit func-tion theorem, two results used in the previous chapter. We first show that almosthyperbolic cusps are swept out by constant mean curvature tori. Second, for anymetric g on a compact manifold with negative Ricci curvature and concave bound-ary and for any metric g sufficiently close to g, we prove the existence of a harmonicdiffeomorphism from g to g near the identity map.

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Chapter 35. A potentially useful direction in Ricci flow is to study the per-turbational aspects of the flow, in particular, stability of solutions, dependence oninitial data, and properties of generic solutions and 1-parameter families of solu-tions. In this chapter we discuss the stability of solutions. The analysis of stabilityis partly dependent on understanding the Ricci flow coupled to the LichnerowiczLaplacian heat equation for symmetric 2-tensors.

Chapter 36. In this chapter we survey a numerical approach, due to Garfinkleand one of the authors, to modeling rotationally symmetric degenerate neckpinchesincluding the reflectionally symmetric case of two Bryant solitons simultaneouslyforming as limits. We also survey the matched asymptotic analysis of rotationallysymmetric degenerate neckpinches and the related Wazewski retraction method.

Appendix K. In this appendix we recall some concepts and results about theanalysis on manifolds that are used in various places in the book. In particular,we discuss the implicit function theorem, Holder and Sobolev spaces of sections ofbundles, formulas for harmonic maps, and the eigenvalues of the Hodge–de RhamLaplacian acting on differential forms on the round sphere.

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I didn’t think I never dreamed

That I would be around to see it all come true.

– From “Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five” by Paul McCartney and Wings

We would like to thank our colleagues, some of whom have been named inprevious volumes, for their help, support, and encouragement. In addition, wewould like to thank the following mathematicians for helpful discussions: ScotAdams, Jianguo Cao, Yu Ding, Patrick Eberlein, Joel Haas, Richard Hamilton,Emmanuel Hebey, Shengli Kong, John Lott, Chikako Mese, Kate Okikiolu, AntonPetrunin, Justin Roberts, Xiaochun Rong, Peter Scott, Jian Song, Peter Topping,Bing Wang, Deane Yang, and Jiaping Wang. We are especially grateful to JohnLott for a number of corrections and suggestions and to Jiaping Wang for help ontechnical issues.

We would like to especially thank Ed Dunne for his tireless efforts and patiencein making the publication of our expository works on Ricci flow possible through theAmerican Mathematical Society. Special thanks to Ina Mette and Sergei Gelfandfor their continuing help and support. We would like to thank the editors of theMathematical Surveys and Monographs series. We would like to thank MarciaAlmeida for her assistance. Special thanks to Arlene O’Sean for her expert copyediting.

We would like to thank Bo Yang and Shijin Zhang for proofreading parts ofthe manuscript.

Ben would like to thank Peng Lu for his vast commitment and contributionto coauthoring this book series. Ben expresses extra special thanks to Classic Di-mension for continued encouragement, support, guidance, understanding, patience,faith, forgiveness, and inspiration. Ben dedicates all of his expository works onRicci flow and in particular this book to Classic Dimension.

Sun-Chin Chu would like to thank Nai-Chung Leung and Wei-Ming Ni for theirencouragement and help over the years. Sun-Chin would like to thank his parentsfor their love and support throughout his life and dedicates this book to his family.

David Glickenstein would like to thank his wife, Tricia, and his parents, Helenand Harvey, for their love and support. Dave dedicates this book to his family.

Christine Guenther would like to thank Jim Isenberg as a friend and colleaguefor his guidance and encouragement. She thanks her family, in particular Manuel,for their constant support and dedicates this book to them.

Jim Isenberg would like to thank Mauro Carfora for introducing him to Ricciflow. He thanks Richard Hamilton for showing him how much fun it can be. Hededicates this book to Paul and Ruth Isenberg.


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Tom Ivey would like to thank Robert Bryant and Andre Neves for helpfulcomments and suggestions.

Dan Knopf thanks his colleagues and friends in mathematics, with whom heis privileged to work and study. He is especially grateful to Kevin McLeod, whosementorship and guidance have been invaluable. On a personal level, he thanks hisfamily and friends for their love, especially Dan and Penny, his parents, Frank andMary Ann, and his wife, Stephanie.

Peng Lu would like to thank the Simons Foundation for their support throughCollaboration Grant 229727. Peng would like to take this opportunity to record:In memory of Professor Weiyue Ding (April 26, 1945–November 11, 2014).

Feng Luo would like to thank the NSF for partial support.Lei Ni would like to thank Jiaxing Hong and Yuanlong Xin for initiating his

interests in geometry and pde, Peter Li and Luen-Fai Tam for their teaching overthe years and for collaborations. In particular, he would like to thank RichardHamilton and Grisha Perelman, from whose papers he learned much of what heknows about Ricci flow.

Bennett Chow, UC San Diego

Sun-Chin Chu, National Chung Cheng University

David Glickenstein, University of Arizona

Christine Guenther, Pacific University

Jim Isenberg, University of Oregon

Tom Ivey, College of Charleston

Dan Knopf, University of Texas, Austin

Peng Lu, University of Oregon

Feng Luo, Rutgers University

Lei Ni, UC San Diego

[email protected]

May 19, 2015

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Contents of Volume Oneand Parts I, II, and III of Volume Two

Volume One: An Introduction

1. The Ricci flow of special geometries

2. Special and limit solutions

3. Short time existence

4. Maximum principles

5. The Ricci flow on surfaces

6. Three-manifolds of positive Ricci curvature

7. Derivative estimates

8. Singularities and the limits of their dilations

9. Type I singularities

A. The Ricci calculus

B. Some results in comparison geometry

Part I: Geometric Aspects

1. Ricci Solitons

2. Kahler–Ricci Flow and Kahler–Ricci Solitons

3. The Compactness Theorem for Ricci Flow

4. Proof of the Compactness Theorem

5. Energy, Monotonicity, and Breathers

6. Entropy and No Local Collapsing

7. The Reduced Distance

8. Applications of the Reduced Distance

9. Basic Topology of 3-Manifolds


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A. Basic Ricci Flow Theory

B. Other Aspects of Ricci Flow and Related Flows

C. Glossary

Part II: Analytic Aspects

10. Weak Maximum Principles for Scalars, Tensors, and Systems

11. Closed Manifolds with Positive Curvature

12. Weak and Strong Maximum Principles on Noncompact Manifolds

13. Qualitative Behavior of Classes of Solutions

14. Local Derivative of Curvature Estimates

15. Differential Harnack Estimates of LYH-type

16. Perelman’s Differential Harnack Estimate

D. An Overview of Aspects of Ricci Flow

E. Aspects of Geometric Analysis Related to Ricci Flow

F. Tensor Calculus on the Frame Bundle

Part III: Geometric-Analytic Aspects

17. Entropy, μ-invariant, and Finite Time Singularities

18. Geometric Tools and Point Picking Methods

19. Geometric Properties of κ-Solutions

20. Compactness of the Space of κ-Solutions

21. Perelman’s Pseudolocality Theorem

22. Tools Used in Proof of Pseudolocality

23. Heat Kernel for Static Metrics

24. Heat Kernel for Evolving Metrics

25. Estimates of the Heat Equation for Evolving Metrics

26. Bounds for the Heat Kernel for Evolving Metrics

G. Elementary Aspects of Metric Geometry

H. Convex Functions on Riemannian Manifolds

I. Asymptotic Cones and Sharafutdinov Retraction

J. Solutions to Selected Exercises

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Notation and Symbols

Doesn’t mean that much to me

To mean that much to you.

– From “Old Man” by Neil Young

The following is a list of some of the notation and symbols which we use in thisbook.

∇ covariant derivative

�∗ adjoint heat operator

�L Lichnerowicz Laplacian heat operator

�∗L adjoint Lichnerowicz Laplacian heat operator

� defined to be equal to

· dot product or multiplication

� Euclidean comparison angle

∇2f Hessian of f

� Kulkarni–Nomizu product

# sharp operator

⊗S symmetric tensor product

α� dual vector field to the 1-form α

W� tangential component of the vector W

W⊥ normal component of the vector W

Area area of a surface or volume of a hypersurface

ASCR asymptotic scalar curvature ratio

AVR asymptotic volume ratio

Bp (r) ball of radius r centered at p

b Bianchi map

Babcd the quadratic 4-tensor −RapbqRcpdq

bounded curvature bounded sectional curvature (for time-dependentmetrics, where the bound may depend on time)

CV J tangent cone at V of a convex set J ⊂ Rk

const constant


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CK vector space of conformal Killing vector fields

Conf group of conformal diffeomorphismsd+

dt , d−

dt , d+

dt , d−dt a Dini time derivative

d distance

dGH Gromov–Hausdorff distance

dμ volume form

dμE Euclidean volume form

dσ or dA volume form on boundary or hypersurface

Δ, ΔL, Δd Laplacian, Lichnerowicz Laplacian,Hodge–de Rham Laplacian

diam diameter

div divergence

En Rn with the flat Euclidean metric

En,1 Minkowski (n + 1)-space

Er(x, t) heat ball of radius r based at (x, t)

exp exponential map

F Perelman’s energy functional

Γkij Christoffel symbols

g (X, Y ) = 〈X, Y 〉 metric or inner product

g (t) time-dependent metric, e.g., solution ofthe Ricci flow

g∞ or g∞ (t) limit Riemannian metric or solution of Ricci flow

GRS gradient Ricci soliton

h or II second fundamental form

H mean curvature

HV J for V ∈ ∂J set of closed half-spaces H containingJ ⊂ Rk with V ∈ ∂H

Hess f Hessian of f (same as ∇2f)

id identity

Im imaginary part

Inn (G) inner automorphism group

int interior

inj injectivity radius

Isom group of isometries of a Riemannian manifold

IVP initial-value problem

J Jacobian of the exponential map

Jk (M,N ) bundle of k-jets of maps

KV vector space of Killing vector fields

L length

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lhs left-hand side

log natural logarithm

I a time interval for the Ricci flow

J a time interval for the backward Ricci flow

λ λ-invariant

L Perelman’s L-distance

� reduced distance or �-function

L Lie derivative or L-length

LCut L-cut locus

L exp L-exponential map

L I L-index form

L JV L-Jacobian

L (v, X) linear trace Harnack quadratic

(M, g) static Riemannian manifold

μ μ-invariant

MCF mean curvature flow

Met space of Riemannian metrics on a manifold

MVP mean value property

Mob group of Mobius transformations

× multiplication, when a formula does not fit onone line

ν ν-invariant or unit outward normal

Mn,κ collection of n-dimensional κ-solutions

MHarnn,κ n-dimensional κ-solutions with Harnack

nωn volume of the unit Euclidean (n− 1)-sphere

NRF normalized Ricci flow

ωn volume of the unit Euclidean n-ball

ode ordinary differential equation

Out outer automorphism group

PSL (n,C) projective complex special linear group

Pijk the symmetric 3-tensor ∇iRjk −∇jRik

pde partial differential equation

PIC positive isotropic curvature


∑m Rm

ijkgm� (opposite of Hamilton’s convention)


∑i R

iijk =

∑i,� gi�Rijk� (components of Ricci)

Rjk a symmetric 2-tensor (Rjk = Rjk is a special case)

RayM (O) space of rays emanating from O in MR>0 set of positive real numbers

RF Ricci flow

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rhs right-hand side

R, Rc, Rm scalar, Ricci, and Riemann curvature tensors

Rm# the quadratic Rm # Rm

R algebraic curvature operator

Rc (R) a trace of R (of two indices)

Rn n-dimensional Euclidean space

SL (n,C) complex special linear group

SO (n,R) real orthogonal group

S2B(so(n)) space of algebraic curvature operators

SΩT side boundary ∂Ω× (0, T ]

SV J for V ∈ ∂J set of support functions of J ⊂ Rk at V

sect sectional curvature

Sn unit radius n-dimensional sphere

supp support of a function

TxM tangent space of M at x

T ∗xM cotangent space ofM at x

τ (t) function satisfying dτdt = −1

tr or trace trace

V reduced volume

V∞ mock reduced volume

V vector bundle

Vol volume of a manifold

W Perelman’s entropy functional

W k,p Sobolev space of functions with≤ k weak derivatives in Lp

W k,ploc space of functions locally in W k,p

WMP weak maximum principle

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adjoint heat operator, 153

almost hyperbolic piece

persistence of , 227

persistent, 216

ancient solution3-dimensional with pinched Ricci

curvatures, 65

incomplete, 39

must have R ≥ 0, 39

on S2, 69

Type I, 45, 73, 161, 309

Type I with PCO, 63Type II, 45, 165

with finite width, 53

asymptotic cone, 29, 42

of 3-dimensional κ-solution, 46

asymptotic limit, 226

asymptotic shrinkerexistence of, 45

of 3-dimensional Type II ancientsolution, 165

asymptotic soliton

backward, 163

forward, 163

asymptotic volume ratio, 17existence, 20

of shrinker, 32

positive, 21

automorphism group

inner, 192

outer, 192

backward limit

Cheeger–Gromov, 106

cylinder, 90, 104is not the plane, 98

of scalar curvature, 79

on S2, 75

backwards uniqueness, 87


volume comparison, 24Bakry–Emery Ricci tensor, 3

Banach manifold, 330

atlas, 330

Bianchi gauge, 281Bochner formula, 77Bochner–Weitzenbock formula, 352Bochner-type inequality, 53boundary torus

incompressibility of , 218, 238

incompressible, 182Brouwer fixed point theorem, 175Bryant soliton, 2, 44

volume growth, 45

canonical neighborhood theorem, 43center manifold, 280Center Manifold Theorem, 295Cheeger–Gromov

compactness theorem, 204convergence, 204theory, 201

Christoffel symbolson S2, 75

circular average, 59, 101CMC boundary conditions, 216CMC spheres

in necks, 260co-area formula, 17

Cohn-Vossen inequality, 55, 61, 102collapse, 201compactness theorem

for the normalized Ricci flow, 204complete

vector field, 6compressible

surface, 179torus, 180

concentration-compactness, 102Condition H, 213constant mean curvature, 215contraction mapping principle, 327coordinates

on S2, 71curvature

scalar, 2curve shortening flow, 85


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hyperbolic, 186maximal, 186

cut and pasteargument, 195

cutoff function, 36

de Rham splitting theorem, 164

derivative estimate, 62, 78local, 18, 55, 134

differential formclosed, 348

co-closed, 348Dimension

Classic, xiiiDini derivative, 88disk model, 171

ε-neck, 47, 91

ε-thickpart, 188

ε-thinend, 188

part, 188eigenvalues

of Laplacian on Sn, 348

Einsteinmanifold, 2

metric, 200end

topological, 186end-complementary, 185

energydensity, 336Dirichlet-type, 80

of maps, 336entropy

Nash, 27Perelman’s, 26

eternal solution, 209Euclidean metric cone, 46

Euclidean spacecharacterization, 9

expanding soliton, 2

f -

Bochner formula, 23Laplacian, 2

mean curvature, 23Riccati equation, 23

Ricci tensor, 3scalar curvature, 3volume, 3

F -structure, 201finite graph, 194

foliation, 193Frechet

derivative, 328differentiable, 328

Gaussian soliton, 2geometric decomposition, 201geometric perimeter, 50

relative, 50gradient Ricci soliton, 2

equality case, 8expanding Kahler, 15

lower bound for R, 3graph manifold, 194Grayson’s theorem, 85GRS, 2

normalized, 2

Hamilton–Ivey estimate, 42harmonic embedding

continuing, 222existence of , 220

harmonic map, 338near the identity, 219, 260, 266

Harnack estimatetrace, 39

Hausdorff measure, 50heat operator

adjoint, 153Hessian, 2

Hodge star operator, 348Hodge–de Rham Laplacian, 348homotopy equivalent, 192horoball, 177horosphere, 177hyperbolic cusp, 186hyperbolic isometry, 175hyperbolic limit, 210

stable, 216, 230hyperbolic manifold

finite-volume, 177hyperbolic piece, 185hyperbolic space, 171

disk model, 171hyperboloid model, 172upper half-space model, 171

hyperboloid model, 172hyperplane at infinity, 171

immortalalmost hyperbolic piece, 216

implicit function theorem, 330incompressibility

of boundary torus, 218, 238incompressible

boundary torus, 182surface, 179

inner automorphism group, 192inverse function theorem

for Banach spaces, 328irreducible

3-manifold, 178isometry

hyperbolic, 175

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parabolic, 175

isometry group

of a hyperbolic manifold, 192

isoperimetric constant, 83

jet, 334


bundle of, 334

K3 complex surface, 284


below the scale ρ, 40

κ-solution, 43

King–Rosenau solution, 73

Kulkarni–Nomizu product, 304

L-distance, 135

LaplacianHodge–de Rham, 348

Lax–Milgram–Lions theorem, 327

leaf, 193

length spectrum, 190

level set, 9, 50

linear stability/instability, 280

local estimate

for scalar curvature, 35

locally homogeneous, 200

logarithmic Sobolev constant, 26

long-time existence

criterion, 42

Loop Theorem, 179

μ-invariant, 26

map energy, 336

map-Laplacian, 337

Margulis constant, 187

Margulis lemma, 189

algebraic version, 187

geometric consequence, 189

local consequence, 187

Margulis tube, 189, 190

maximal cusp end, 186maximal regularity theory, 289

Meeks and Yau theorem, 239

Mercator projection, 71

minimal disk

evolution of the area of, 244

Mobius transformation, 174


of Rmin (t), 203

Mostow rigidity theorem, 192

ν-invariant, 64

nilpotent, 176noncollapsed, 201

nonsingular solution, 200

Condition H, 213


GRS, 2

normalized Ricci flow, 200notation, xvii

outer automorphism group, 192

parabolic isometry, 175parabolic rescaling, 154plaque, 193point at infinity, 171Polyakov’s energy, 80porous medium equation, 72positive curvature operator, 200potential function, 2

bounds for, 9Cao–Zhou estimate, 10normalized, 2sublevel set of, 18

pressure function, 72backward limit, 81estimates, 77

primitive element, 179

properly discontinuously, 177pseudo-metric, 46

Qdefinition, 109heat-type equation, 111must vanish for ancient solution, 125plane version, 118plane version evolution, 124vanishing characterization, 117

ray, 41, 46reduced boundary, 50reduced distance, 44

based at the singular time, 135, 141of Type I solution, 146

reduced volumeat the singular time, 145

relative Fisher information functional, 27relative isoperimetric inequality, 50RG flow, 303Ricci flat, 45Ricci flow

normalized, 200with cosmological constant, 204

Ricci solitonlower bound for R, 3

Ricci tensor, 2Ricci–DeTurck flow, 282

scalar curvature, 2bounded, 42evolution of, 203

local estimate for, 35lower bound, 15nonnegative, 39

Schwarz–Ahlfors–Pick lemma, 57

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sectional curvaturenonnegative, 40

Seifert fibered manifold, 193Seifert–Van Kampen theorem, 182sequential collapse, 201set of singular points, 158shrinker

asymptotic volume ratio, 32must be gradient, 168must be κ-noncollapsed, 168volume growth of, 24with nonnegative Ricci curvature, 29

shrinking soliton, 2singular

solution, 40singularity

Type A, 133Type I, 309Type IIa, 309Type IIb, 309Type IIc, 309Type III, 309Type IV, 309

singularity model, 403-dimensional, 43bounded scalar curvature, 42compact, 41existence of, 40linear volume growth, 41volume growth, 45

Slice Theorem, 281soliton

Bryant, 2Gaussian, 2Ricci gradient, 2

sphere at infinity, 171spherical space form, 207stable hyperbolic limit, 216, 230steady soliton, 2stereographic projection, 71sublevel set, 18surface, 200

compressible, 179incompressible, 179

sweep out, 219

tensorsymmetrization, 108trace-free part, 109

thick-thin decomposition, 188topological end, 186

set of, 186totally umbillic, 187

traceoperator, 268theorem, 268

Trudinger–Moser-type inequality, 60Type A solution, 134

local derivative estimates for, 134Type I ancient solution, 45Type I singularity, 309

admits shrinker as a singularity model,157

reduced distance of, 146Type II ancient solution, 45Type IIa singularity, 309Type IIb singularity, 309Type IIc singularity, 309Type III singularity, 309Type IV singularity, 309

uniformization theorem, 177unit vector

normal, 50upper half-space model, 171

vector fieldcomplete, 6, 166

virtually abelian, 187virtually nilpotent, 187volume comparison

Bakry–Emery, 24relative, 96

volume converges, 49volume growth

linear, 41of shrinker, 24

weak solution, 82width, 51

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Selected Published Titles in This Series

206 Bennett Chow, Sun-Chin Chu, David Glickenstein, Christine Guenther, JamesIsenberg, Tom Ivey, Dan Knopf, Peng Lu, Feng Luo, and Lei Ni, The Ricci Flow:Techniques and Applications: Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics, 2015

204 Victor M. Buchstaber and Taras E. Panov, Toric Topology, 2015

203 Donald Yau and Mark W. Johnson, A Foundation for PROPs, Algebras, andModules, 2015

202 Shiri Artstein-Avidan, Apostolos Giannopoulos, and Vitali D. Milman,Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, Part I, 2015

201 Christopher L. Douglas, John Francis, Andre G. Henriques, and Michael A.Hill, Editors, Topological Modular Forms, 2014

200 Nikolai Nadirashvili, Vladimir Tkachev, and Serge Vladut, Nonlinear EllipticEquations and Nonassociative Algebras, 2014

199 Dmitry S. Kaliuzhnyi-Verbovetskyi and Victor Vinnikov, Foundations of FreeNoncommutative Function Theory, 2014

198 Jorg Jahnel, Brauer Groups, Tamagawa Measures, and Rational Points on AlgebraicVarieties, 2014

197 Richard Evan Schwartz, The Octagonal PETs, 2014

196 Silouanos Brazitikos, Apostolos Giannopoulos, Petros Valettas,and Beatrice-Helen Vritsiou, Geometry of Isotropic Convex Bodies, 2014

195 Ching-Li Chai, Brian Conrad, and Frans Oort, Complex Multiplication and LiftingProblems, 2014

194 Samuel Herrmann, Peter Imkeller, Ilya Pavlyukevich, and Dierk Peithmann,Stochastic Resonance, 2014

193 Robert Rumely, Capacity Theory with Local Rationality, 2013

192 Messoud Efendiev, Attractors for Degenerate Parabolic Type Equations, 2013

191 Gregory Berhuy and Frederique Oggier, An Introduction to Central Simple Algebrasand Their Applications to Wireless Communication, 2013

190 Aleksandr Pukhlikov, Birationally Rigid Varieties, 2013

189 Alberto Elduque and Mikhail Kochetov, Gradings on Simple Lie Algebras, 2013

188 David Lannes, The Water Waves Problem, 2013

187 Nassif Ghoussoub and Amir Moradifam, Functional Inequalities: New Perspectivesand New Applications, 2013

186 Gregory Berkolaiko and Peter Kuchment, Introduction to Quantum Graphs, 2013

185 Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour, Diffeology, 2013

184 Frederick W. Gehring and Kari Hag, The Ubiquitous Quasidisk, 2012

183 Gershon Kresin and Vladimir Maz’ya, Maximum Principles and Sharp Constants forSolutions of Elliptic and Parabolic Systems, 2012

182 Neil A. Watson, Introduction to Heat Potential Theory, 2012

181 Graham J. Leuschke and Roger Wiegand, Cohen-Macaulay Representations, 2012

180 Martin W. Liebeck and Gary M. Seitz, Unipotent and Nilpotent Classes in SimpleAlgebraic Groups and Lie Algebras, 2012

179 Stephen D. Smith, Subgroup Complexes, 2011

178 Helmut Brass and Knut Petras, Quadrature Theory, 2011

177 Alexei Myasnikov, Vladimir Shpilrain, and Alexander Ushakov,Non-commutative Cryptography and Complexity of Group-theoretic Problems, 2011

176 Peter E. Kloeden and Martin Rasmussen, Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems, 2011

175 Warwick de Launey and Dane Flannery, Algebraic Design Theory, 2011

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Page 45: Monographs Volume 206 The Ricci Flow: Techniques and ... · The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David


Ricci flow is a powerful technique using a heat-type equation to deform Riemannian metrics on manifolds to better metrics in the search for geometric decompositions. With the fourth part of their volume on techniques and applications of the theory, the authors discuss long-time solutions of the Ricci flow and related topics.

In dimension 3, Perelman completed Hamilton’s program to prove Thurston’s geom-etrization conjecture. In higher dimensions the Ricci flow has remarkable properties, which indicates its usefulness to understand relations between the geometry and topology of manifolds. This book discusses recent developments on gradient Ricci soli-tons, which model the singularities developing under the Ricci flow. In the shrinking case there is a surprising rigidity which suggests the likelihood of a well-developed structure theory. A broader class of solutions is ancient solutions; the authors discuss the beautiful classification in dimension 2. In higher dimensions they consider both ancient and singular Type I solutions, which must have shrinking gradient Ricci soliton models. Next, Hamilton’s theory of 3-dimensional nonsingular solutions is presented, following his original work. Historically, this theory initially connected the Ricci flow to the geometrization conjecture. From a dynamical point of view, one is interested in the stability of the Ricci flow. The authors discuss what is known about this basic problem. Finally, they consider the degenerate neckpinch singularity from both the numerical and theoretical perspectives.

This book makes advanced material accessible to researchers and graduate students who are interested in the Ricci flow and geometric evolution equations and who have a knowledge of the fundamentals of the Ricci flow.

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