Mónica Galiana Architect and urban planner portfolio 2013//

monica galiana - architect - portfolio

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portfolio 2013 by monicagaliana

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Mónica Galiana Architect and urban plannerportfolio 2013//

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MONICA GALIANAAugustagade 1, 3.th 2300 København S DENMARK

[email protected]+45 5032 3321


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2012, 2011


p.3.professional experience

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p.4. professional experience

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Ezquiaga Arquitectura, Sociedad y Territorio, s.l.







p.5.professional experience

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SAINT KJELD’S KVARTER>Description: urban strategies and creative water management for future development at Østebro // Location: København (Denmark) // year: 2011-2013 // type: commission // team: Tredje Nature // status: 3rd phase ongoing ///

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p.7.professional experience

100% adapted! Similar areas. Skt. Kjelds Kvarter can be a pioneer project for the entire city. The experience will serve as basis for a real Copenhagen Model, which everyone can enjoy.

Current pavement Space for climate adaptation and green street spaces for residents!

20% pavement reduction

270.000 m2 street area today. The space dedicated to car traffik is overly generous, and the street generally characterized by emptiness and transit traffic.

Freedom...!Is given back to the residents!Residents engage themselves in their neighborhood and the city is climate adapted.

50.000 m2 gained if street area is optimized according to current standards

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KKP URBAN RAVINE>Description: nordic knowledge center and cultur square// Location: Kongsberg (Norway) // year: 2012 // type: prequalified competition // team: Tredje Nature, DISSING + WEITLING, Ljøterud Ødegård Architects //

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p.9.professional experience

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FRB FÆLLED>Description: culture center, sport facilities, autist center and dwellings, commission Frederiksberg kommune // Location: Frederiksberg (Denmark) // team: Tredje Nature // visual: monica galiana // status: ongoing ///

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p.11.professional experience

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HOUSE OF WATER>Description: show-room, rethink water project // Location: København (Denmark) // yeat: 2012 // type: commission // team: Tredje Nature // visual: monica galiana // status: ongoing ///

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p.13.professional experience

”The wish of a better reputation will not create a better country but create a better country and it will automatically transmit a better reputation” has been said by one of the world’s leading experts in national branding. Or said with other words; strong brands are created by meaningful visions, through actions and by interacting with its surroundings. And that is the ambition of the Rethink Water-project.

Imagine if the Danish water-businesses worked together to create a House of Water on the Copenhagen Harbor? A place where all visitors could engage in the urban space while learning about global water challenges and solutions. Knowledge, water and nature are melted together in a new type of contextual architecture that gives more to the city and the harbor than it takes. A remarkable design in soft concrete folds creating both space and landscape to interact with the water.

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KRØYER’S POOL>Description: water strategies to reactivate the harbour and shoreline // Location: København (Denmark) // year: 2012 // type: commission // team: Tredje Nature and PK3 // visuals: VVV and monica galiana // status: ongoing ///

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Dermed bliver Naturværdi ikke blot et spørgsmål om økonomi, klimatilpasning og løftede pegefingre. Naturværdi er derimod en pointering af, at bæredygtighed i bund og grund handler om det gode liv; de store forandringer starter og styrkes i det nære, og det er dette helhedsorienterede nærhedsprincip som Krøyers Pøl udspringer af. Hvis København skal blive en bæredygtig, rig, frodig, dynamisk og levende by i fremtiden, må vi starte i det nære og give det enkelte menneske en oplevelse af mening, sammenhængskraft og handlekraft.

Fra industrihavn til blåt nyttelandskabMed Krøyers Pøl kastes der et fornyet blik på den historiske arv Københavns Havn hviler på, idet bryggens og lokalområdets naturlige ressourcer, kvaliteter og funktioner reaktualiseres. Den Grønlandske Handels Plads og Krøyers Plads, er begge beliggende på Nordatlantens Brygge. De to pladser udgjorde fra 1700 og mere end 200 år frem centrum for samhandlen mellem Grønland, Færøerne, Finland og Island. Herudover blev bryggen også brugt som oplagsplads for skibsværfter, smedje og støberi.

Ved at skabe et dynamisk og flydende landskab i vandet ud for de to pladser, kobles det blå byrums rekreative kvaliteter sammen med havnens historiske funktioner; vandet, erhvervslivet og dyrelivet. TREDJE NATUR ønsker således ikke kun at tilsætte forskellige rekreative elementer til området, men vil genoplive stedets historiske og funktionelle betydning og nytteværdi. Dette skal ske ved at skabe gode forhold for de mere end 20 forskellige fiskearter der findes i havnen. Ved at pleje havnens dyreliv skabes der gode muligheder for fiskeri og opsamling af østers og andre skaldyr, til glæde for både lystfiskere og byens restauranter.

Herudover kan Krøyers Pøl anvendes i forskellige former for undervisningssituationer; eksempelvis ved at gøre Krøyers Pøl til en form for udvidet klasselokale i biologi, fysik og billedkunst, ved at udnytte stedets muligheder for vandaktiviteter i idrætstimerne, eller ved at stille varmtvandsbassiner og saunaer til rådighed for forskellige former for behandlingssteder. Endelig kan området omkring Krøyers Pøl bruges som demonstrationslandskab for forskellige former for


Imagine if the Copenhagen Harbor invited to stay close by the water, in and under. Krøyers Pøl is the dream of a performative area which combines the next generation harbor bath with the utility function of the water. This dynamic floating island sculpted in concrete, is a contemporary interpretation of the city tradition of artificially man-made islands and islets. The floating islands which are to be placed outside of Nordatlantens Brygge, blurs the edges between water and land and creates new connections in the harbor, via raised isthmuses, between islands and quay areas. As next generation harbor bath, Krøyers Pøl offers itself as a blue urban space that allows the bathing people direct access to the harbor water surface, the possibility of bathing in small heated inlet pools and room for relaxation between the hot stones of the sauna caves. But Krøyers Pøls closeness to the water also creates unique opportunities to explore the utility function of the harbor.

A part of Blue Plan is to transform the area around Krøyers Pøl into an attractive place for the many fish and plant varieties of the harbor. Combined with the direct access to the water surface, Krøyers Pøl can become an attractive place for angling, harvesting of water plant and fish farming. The location of the project right outside the world renowned Michelin restaurant noma will present the Copenhagen Harbor as a clean and attractive resource for many of the national and international guests of the restaurant. A harbor which supports the Nordic gastronomic ambition of minimal distance between soil and table – from the harbor to noma. With Krøyers Pøl the harbor is thus made into a display window of the Nordic ingredients and the sustainable development of Copenhagen.

Possible functions

Form studies

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CITY IN NATURE>Description: Master plan, 6.000 new dwellings at Aalborg Øst (Denmark) // year: 2012 // type: competition // team: SCHØNHERR, BIG, Tredje Natur, Ramboll, ACT, Analysehuset BBN CONSULT, Malene Freudendal-Pedersen and Instituttet for Fremtidsforskning // status: 1st phase winner ///

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p.17.professional experience

In 2012, the new landscape border around Aalborg East starts to be shaped. Land and agricultural land begins to turn into urban nature.

In 2030, the landscape changes radically. The drainage channels and rivers in a more natural way, creates new opportunities in the former agricultural land.

Building area 2012 Inside-Outside Building area +2030

existing structure cropfield structure new plots green network proposed housingterrein

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>Description: extension and renovation for the science centre // year: 2010-2011 // location: København (Denmark) // type: prequalified competition // team: PK3, BIG, ARUP, LAVA and GRONTMIG // status: 2nd prize ///


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HUMLEBÆK>Description: master plan // year: 2011 // location: Humlebæk, DK // type: open competition // team: PK3 and Elkiær+Ebbeskov ///

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NYELANDSVEJ SKOLEN>Description: playful-access ramp // year: 2011 // location: København, DK // type: commission // team: PK3 // status: built //

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PET SOUNDS>Description: Maritime Cultural and Popular Music Centre // year: 2010 // location: Kaohsiung, TW // size: 11,5 ha // type: competition // team: N-phase // visuals: commision// status: settled ///

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p.25.professional experience

Due to its importance and location, the Maritime Cultural & Popular Music Center is called upon to change the image of the city of Kaohsiung. Therefore, rather than just a group of modern constructions suited to the purpose, our proposal is a set of elements that reflect what we consider the main traits of pop and maritime culture, a set of structures, and forms that represent aquatic organisms and pop culture icons. The ensemble emerges as a huge seascape: a coral reef, the scale and configuration of the elements of which may be seen from many points in the city.

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p.27.own selected works

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p.28. own selected works

V+A HOUSE>Description: apartment renovation // year: 2010 // location: Madrid (Spain) // type: commission - project development, and site supervision // size: 98m² // team: Gorka Calzada + Mónica Galiana // status: built ///

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p.29.own selected works

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MÁIS 16>Description: master plan // year: 2011 // location: A Coruña, ES // size: 25 ha // type: ideas competition // team: Mónica Galiana // status: settled //

Both big and medium scale strategies are taken to enhace city-citizen-envioronment relationship. The goal is to enhace conectivity, and to enrich people’s experience along the shoreline. The new design seapath is a route where pedestrians can enjoy: sport areas, viewpoints, a floating square, playgrounds, a frame to the sea, conections to the beach, furniture on the rocks,...All this situations extend the catalogue of public spaces along Orzan seafront.

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p.31.own selected works







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p.32. academic projects


>Description: visitor center + research center + hotel // year: 2008-2009 // location: La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) // type: master project // size: 7000m² // Guideline teacher: Iñaki Ábalos ///

The island of La Palma is the single place in Europe where the four elements of nature (earth, fire, air and water) can be experienced most intensely. Choosing a spot to each element, the earth observatory is located in Fuencaliente, where the last eruption produced a vast lava field during 1971.

Architecture, technology and nature transform experience into kwoledge for visitors, guests and researches. The three structures, containing the three main programs, slide softly through the steep topography, and small native plants come up over the black steel plate clading in order to match textures with the existing landscape.

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p.33.academic projects





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MONICA GALIANAAugustagade 8, 1.th 2300 København S DENMARK

[email protected]+45 5032 3321
