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art in progress II











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painting. prints. sculptureLENDERSIvan Le lorraine Albright, Worrenville, 111.;Mr. and Mrs. Walter An asfarisk indicates that the work is illustrated. Dimensions ore inC. Arensberg, Hollywood; Dr. and Mrs. Harry Bokwin, New inches, height precedes width. In case of a discrepancy between

York; Mrs. George Bellows, New York; Dr. Michael Berolzheimer, siz.es given in this list and those given in the plate captions, 'hisMt. Vernon; Harry Bertoic, Pacific Palisades, Col.; Samuel Cosh- list is correct.wan, Detroit; Henry Church, New York; Stephen C. Clark, New .'York. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clifford, Radnor, Pc., Charles P. ALBRIGHT, Ivan Le Lcrrclne. A~erlcan, born Chicago 1897.

, .' . Liv~ in Warrenville, III.Cooley West Hartford; RIchard DaVIS, New Yark; MISS Kathe-JI'I.JO'#,:l ., . . *Thot Which I Should Have Done, I Did Not Do. 1941. Oil onrlne S Dreier, New York; Noum Gobo, England; Mrs. Wilham J.' " .

, N Y k Phll l G d 'N Y k J h H canvas, 92 x 36 . lent by the artist.l/I. p.l09.Glockens, ew or; IIp. 00 WIn, ew or; csep .Hirshhorn, New York; Edward James, Laguna Beach, Col.;Sidney Janis, New York; Georges Keller, New York, Dr. and Mrs.David M. levy, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Lewisohn, New

York; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph l.louchheim, New York, Mr. and Mrs.Milton Lowenthal, New York; Lt. Henry P. Mcilhenny, U.S.N.R.,Germantown, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Neuberger, New York; ARCHIPENKO, Alexander. Born Kiev, Russia 1887. Lives in New

William Church Osborn, New York; Pablo Picasso, Paris; Lt·8~Y~1· (w, 1"'>00- CD b '..,~ \:.\.e.<" \";\0.:\.--, tr-o"",, \ ......\,.Q.10(jg) and Mrs. Joseph Pulitzer, Jr., Washington, D. c., Capt. "Niiqe. 19;'5. B;:'onze,13%" I\ig'~. The Museum of Modern rl,

Stanley R. Resor, Greenwich; Edward G. Robinson, Beverly acquired through the lillie P. Bliss Bequest. 1//. p. J 34.

Hills; Hugo Robus, New York; Nelson A. Rockefeller, Washing.

ton, D. c., Billy Rose, New York; Mrs. Blanche B. Rosett, NewYork; Mme. Helena Rubinstein, New York; Miss Concetta Score-

vaglione, New York; Hermon Shulman, Stamford; Miss FlorineStettheimer, New York; Robert H. Tannahill, Detroit; U. S. ArmyMedical Department, Washington, D. c.; Curt Valentin, New AVERY, Milton. American, born Altmar, N. Y. 1893. Lives in New

York; Roger Vivier, New York; Copt. Edward M. M. Warburg, Yo~r. .New York; Heinz Warneke, Washington, D. c.; Mrs. lloyd Bruce '11·'~w. 1942. Oil on canvas, 30 x 25". Lent by the American

Wescott, Clinton, N. J.; Richard H. Zinser, Forest Hills, N. Y. British Art Center. 11/. p.60.

ALFARO ~QUE1ROS, David. Mexican, born Chihuahua 1898."~c~.;1o'hr S~~. 1937. Duco on wood, 48 x 36/1_ The Museum

of Modern Art, gift of Edward M. M. W~rburg. ~exhibiteR'

IJI. p.56.

ARP, Hans. French, born Strassburg 18BB. Worked in Paris. Now

!'J.,Switzerland ..IJ·~~url\<;ln Concretion. 1935, Plaster,' 19Y:I," high. The Museum of

Modern Art, gift of the Advisory ~ommittee. 1/1. p.138.

Museum of the Cranbroak Acade~y of Art, Bloomfield Hills, ~A~THUS {Balthasar Klcsscwsky]. French, born Paris 1910.Mich.; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; The Buffalo Fine Arts~ tWe Bernese Hat (Mme. Bolthus). 1939. Oil on canvas, 36YaAcademy, Albright Art Gallery; Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard 28~. Lent by the Wadsworth Athe~eum, Hartford. Ill. p.JDD.

University, Cambridge; The Art Institute of Chicago; The Arts -Club, Chicago; The Cincinnati Art Museum; The Columbus Gallery BARLACH, Ernst. G_erman, born Wedel, near Hamburg 1870.

of Fine Arts; The Detroit Institute of Arts; Wadsworth Atheneum, o¥ ... ~i:~JGustrow 193B.Hartford; The Tate' Gallery, London; City Art Museum of St. Man Drawing a Sword. 191L Wood.,29~" high. Lent by the

Louis; Secretcrlc de Educaci6n Publica, Mex.ico City; The Newark Museum of the Cranbraok Academy of Art. 1/1. (,.127.

Museum; Yale University Art Gallery, SQciete Anonyme Collec- ~KMANN Max German born Leip,;g 1884 Now in HollandliN I -c;.-e- " ,. . .tion, New Haven; Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New' em;tation. 1937. Oil on canvas, triptych, center pcee! 79 x

York; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Whitney Muse- 67"; side panels eoch 84% x 39Y4". Lent by the Buchholz

um of American Art, New York; Smith College Museum of Art, Gallery. III. p.51.Northampton; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Phila-delphia; Philadelphia Museum of Art; Carnegie Institute, Pitts- BELLOWS, George Wesley. American, born Columbus, Ohio

burgh; Phillips Memorial Gallery, Washington, D. C.; Worcester • .."lB~2. Died New York 1925 ".Art Museum. 10.1Ii ·Members of This Club. 1909. Oil on canvas, 45 x 63".

Lent by Mrs. George Bellows. 1/1. p.39.A.c.A. Gallery, H. V. Allison & Co.; American British Art Center; '1<If·'Bb~ce in a Madhouse. 1917. lithograph, 1814 x 24Y2". Lent

Art of This Century; Associated American Artists, Inc.; Buchholz by H: V. Allison & Co.Gallery, Downtown Gallery; Durand-Ruel, lnc.. Kraushaar Gal-leries; Julien Levy Gc,lllery; Pierre Matisse Gallery; Frank K. M. BEN-S~MUEL, Ahron. American, born New York 1903. Lives in

Rehn Gallery; Paul Rosenberg & Co.; J. K. Thannhauser; Valen-, ttew York.tine Gallery; Wildenstein & Co. The galleries listed above are in' Jll"o~1Q o'f a Boy. 1930. Black gr~nite, 2B%" high. The MuseumNew York. of Modern Art, given anonymously.











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BERARD, Christian. French, born Ports 1902.

*Figure in Red and Green. 1930, Oil on canvas, 41Y2.x

lent by the Julien levy Gallery. III. p.lOO.

CASSATT, Mary. American, born Pittsburgh 1845. Worked in

32Y2~.~~~,e. Died Mesnil-Theribu5, Oise 1926.• }lather and Child. 18"90. Oil on canvas, 29 x 23 Y2/!. Lent by

)fftincinnati Art Museum, John J. Emery Collection. 1/1-. p.19.~"lhe Fitting. c.1892. Color print with dry point cmd aquatint,

14% x lOYs", Lent by Philip l. Goodwin.

BERMAN,Eugene. American, born St. Petersburg, Russia 1899·Worked in Paris. To U.S. 1939. lives in Hollywood.*Tobiosand the Angel. 1938. Oil on canvas, 25% x 32". lentby Charles P. Cooley. III. p.101. CASTELLANOS, Julio. Mexican, born Mexico City 1905. lives in

BERTQIA, Harry. American, born San lorenzo, Italy 1915. To 6~exko City..U.S. 1932. Lives in Pacific Palisades, Cal. • Angel Kidrappers (los Robochicos). 1943. Oil on canvas,

*Monoprint. 1944. Oil on paper, 19 x 24%". Lent by the artist. 22Yz x 37V4". The Museum of Modern Art, Inter-AmericanFund. 1/1. p.l02.[.",.fl7 )

"1,/-lrnj III.p.86.

BLUME,Peter. American, born Somorgon, Russia 1906. To U.S. CEZANNE, Paul. French, born Aix·en-Provence 1839. Died Aix

1911. lives in New York and Gaylordsville, Conn. -'I~~q?"f')""Etemc! City. 1934-37. Oil on composition board, 34 x 47%". The Card Players. 1892. Oil on canvas, 25% x 32V~'. lent

The Museum of Modern Art, Mrs. Simon Guggenheim Fund. bJ Stephen C. Clark. III. p.25. . 2~",~1~"III. p.n5. #,Jt~iff life with Primroses. 1890-94. Oil on canvas, :aa x~.

Penicillin Ward, Army Hospital. 1944. Oil on canvas, 24.x 36". lent by.MI·~I\'C 6'C..;~ il:\Ei". 1/1. p.24_lent by the U. S. Army 'Medical Depar~m nt. d 3tt l.... .... \ ......

,-, ,CHAGALl, More. Born liosno, near Vitebsk, Russio 1887.BaNNARD, Pierre. French, bo 2s 186. - ~)..,'7q,'l.sJ>. p . T US 1941 L' . N Y kF' -.;voMa in ans, a .. . rves In ew or.*DinnerTable and Garde 1934 it on canvas, soh x 53V2". *1and the Vil'lage. 1911. Oil on canvas, 75 x 59%". lent anony-lent by the Solomon R. enheim Foundation. til. p.35. . sl- III 87

mO~7Y' . p. ..y'/'~~[j: Portrait. 1923. Etching, 11 x 8Vz". lent by the Buchholz

Gallery.BRANCUSI, Constantin. Rumanian, born 1876. Worked in Paris.

~rr.lfa *The t}ew-Born. 1915. Bronze \1920j, SiA" long. The Museumof Modern Art. acquired through the lillie P. Bliss Bequest.

lit. p.J36 .

. .:/#.11"bH*810nd Negress. 1926.Goodwin. HI. p.J37.

de CHIRICO, Giorgio. Italian, born Vola, Greece 1888 of ltcltcn

Bronze, 15W' high. lent by Philip·l. partp-Is. Worked in Paris.''If'*'1lelcncholy and My'Stery of a Street. 1914. Oil on canvas,

.. _ .;</./3ife x 28%". lent by Co~t. Stanley R. ,Resor. 1If. p.89. 'n,/IW ¥\~~b'f'I..}",*BRAQUE, Georges. French, born Argenteull, Selee-et-Olse 1881. ~1heDuo. 1915. Oil on canvas, -at-x ~~. lent anonymously. ~~ )*StiU life with Playing Cords. 1911. Oil on canvas, ~ x 23 Vz". 1/1 p 88' JLI'I;(. J.:;j/ re/.· .... .i. 1Lent anonymously. 1/1. p.70. (Tc'e4uber",j) 3'-... ...

*The 'fable. 1928. Oil on canvas, 703,4 x 283,4". The Museum de CREEFT, Jose. American, born Guadalajara. Spain 1884.

of Modern Art, acquired through the lillie P. Bliss Bequest. ~ivlnin New York.1/1. p.71. .59"~clurni,a. 1939_ Hammered lead relief, 60 x 38". The Museum

of Modern Arf, gift of Mrs. George E. Barstow. III. p.J28.BROOK, Alexander. American, born Brooklyn 1898. lives inNew York. DAlI, Salvador. Spanish, born Figueras, Catalonia 1904.

*Georgia Jungle. 1939. Oil on canvas, 3~x 50". lent by Car-_ ,,' Worked~n Pqris. To U.S. 1938. lives in New York and California.negie ln~titute, Pi~tsburgh.l/I. p.113. c' '1i~~r~7s,on of Africa. 1938. Oil on canvas, 36 x 46V4". lent

by Edward Jomes. 11/. p.97.BURCHFIELD,Charles. American, born Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio1893. lives in Gardenville, N. Y. DAVIS, Richard. American, 'born New York 1904. lives in New

*Eveni~g: 1932. Watercolor, 31 Y2 x 43 yz" .. lent by the Newark",. YoA~ - ,Museum. III. p.m. '~irl In Granite_ 1937-38. Pink Westerly granite, 49Va" high.

lent by the 'artist. 1/1. p.J30.8URlIN, Paul. American, born New York 1886. lives in New York.*Homage, to Vaudeville. 1943. Oil on' canvas, 37 x 22". lent DAVIS,"'Stuart. American, born Philadelphia 189.4. lives in New

by the Associated American Artists. III. p.62. Se\A.:.$tr. ...... ·1 Y.ork.te..lJf~ .y,,q~:tfc,rt from Rockport. 1940. Oil on canvas, 24 x 30". lent by

CALDER,Alexander. American, born Philadelphia 1898. lives in Mr. and Mrs. Milton lowenthal-III. p.B5.

New York and Roxbury, Conn.*Red Petals. 19.42. Mobile. Sheet steel, steel wire, sheet alumi-num,9' 2" high. Lent by The Arts Club, Chicago. 1/1. p.145.

DEG~S, Hilaire-Germain-Edgar. French, born Paris 1834. Died

Paris 1917~ .,;y., JJ~n~erior.1875. Oil on canvas, 32 x 4~". lent by Lt. ttenry P.

CASHWAN, Samuel. American, born Cherkassi, Russia 1900'.MI~lIhenny, USHR. III. p:20. ~ f

lives in Detroit. Ttlte Both. c.1905. Postel, ~4% x 30%"'; lent by_Durand_Ruel,

*Torso. limestone, 39" high. lent by the artist. 1/1. p.J30. Inc. III. p.2,J. "-,Wh '2t'I+)(. ,,-.











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�-9.;;~ ~,~~ .. "~=i.,,.". 1~l.O.'Wo;>.~C4\.""" ?..:~')~;<J'lh"'l"0-1~ l"'\~el.Y~(,\: t'\oQ. ..~ .. J ~,Ca..-\'"t .t ""~. ~l)"'"", •



EMUTH' Charles. American, born Lancaster, Pc. 1883. Died ERNST, Max. Born BrUhl, neor Cologne, Germany 1891. Workedlancaster 1935. in France 1922-41. To US. 1941. lives in New York.

M.J/rJ rr olumbia. 1919. Watercolor, II % x 8". Lent by the Columbus "I,.j"f~:"iss. 1927. Oil on canvas, 5dtJ x 63~:' lent by Art ofGallery ~f Fine Arts, Ferdinand Howald Collection. This Century. III. p.90.

#IJ,J()'If +My Egypt. 1925. Oil on convas, 36 x 30". Lent by the WhitneyMuseum of American Art. III. p.81. EVERGOOD, Philip. Americon, born New York 1901. Lives 01

iodside, long Island.,1I.... ,/- ., 1-DERAIN, Andre. French, born Chctou, Selne-et-Olse 1880. * on t ,Cry, Mother. 1938-44. Oil on canvas, 267( 18~. lent by*The Bagpipe PI~yer. 1911. Oil on canvas, 723,4 x 59". lent Joseph H. Hirshhorn./II. p.65. e>.,1;'MO"'\=f "/111~'"anonymously. III. p.42. r"s..'1)

01•. -'9,)~!!t~2!:;3#.$9

FEININGER, lyonel. American, born New York 1871. In Germ~ny

DESFIAU, Charle.s. French, born Mont·de-Marsan 1874. ,.4~o!lI8J-19.36. lives in New York.*Uttl,e Peasant G·irl. 1904. Original plaster, 153,4" high. The The Ste crner "Odin." 1927. Oil on canvas, 26Y2 x 39V2". TheMuseum of Modern Art, gift of Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Museum of Modern Art, acquired through Ihe Lillie P. Bliss

Bequest. 1/1. p.78.III. p.122. .Madame Othon Friesz. 1924. Original plaster, 20%" high.

D R f II J FLANNAGAN, John B. American, horn fargo, N. D. 1895. DiedThe Museum of Modern Art, gift of Mrs. John . ccke e er, r.

*Auia. 1938. Bronze, 6' %" high. The Museum of Modern Art,e•..L.~~.7,~g~~1942. . II •

. . . G . 1/1 123 Rom, 1931. Granite, 13Y2 high. Extended loan 10 the Museumgift of Mrs. Simon uggenhelm. . p. . of Modern Art from Capt. Edward M. M. Warburg. /II. p.132.

DICKINSON, Preston. American, born New York 1891. Died in ~A809Naum. Russian, horn Bryansk 1890. lives in England.

Spain 1930. (.J... tirutnr! (space construction). 1923. Gloss, plastic, metal, woad,*Still.life with Yellow-qreen Choir. 1928. Oil on canvas, 15Ylfx 41" high. lent by the artist. III. p.140.21 ~". lent by the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Ferdinand

Howald Collection. 11/. p.78. GAUGUIN, Paul. French, born Paris 1848. Died Marquesas

Js~aJl~s, South Pacific 1903.DOVE, Arthur G. American, born Canandaigua, N. Y. 1880. "''f·Jtrriffany landscape. 1888. Oil on canvas, 283;4 x 3~". lentlives at Centerport, long Island. ~_ Wildensfein & Co. III. p.26.

"Greqdrnother. 1925. Collage of wood, needlepoint, page from ~"'W6~~n at the River (Auli te Popel. 1891-93. Color woodcut,

Bible, pressed flowers, 20 x 21V4". The Museum of Modern 8 Ya x 14". The Museum of Modern Art, gift of Mrs. John D.Art, gift of Philip l. Goodwin. 1/1. p.B2. AO~~feller, Jr.

H ~~iffao Girls (Women with Red Mango Blossoms). 1899. OilSeine-Inferieure on canvas, -3"'6'x oQ..8P. Lent by William Church Osborn. III. p.27.

.:l7!'1df'!'rGIACOMETII, Alberto. Swiss, born Stompa 1901. Worked in

7f"l1; /ttlte Palace at 4 A.M. 1932-33. Construction in wood, glo,s,wire, string, 281,4 x 15%". The Museum of Modern Art, PurchaseFund. JIf. p.141.

DUCHAMP, Marcel. French, born Bloinville,

1887. To U.S. 19.42. ~ves in New York..e.J,.4I~.I'r*The large Glgttlar~~;rle mise a nu par ses celibotoires,~. mem~). 1915-23. Composition with two glass panels, 109% x

69Va". Extended loan to the Museum of Modern Art from MissKatherine S. Dreier. III. p.76.

DUCHAMP·VllLON, Raymond. French, born Damville, Eure 1876.

Died 1918. ' GlACKENS, William J. American, born Philadelphia' 870. Died*The Horse. 1914. Bronze, 40" high. The Museum of Modern Art, We~'!port, Conn. 1938.

von Gogh Purchase Fund. III.p.135. 1'!.l.~J.ln Retiro, Madrid. 1906. Oil on canvas, 25Y2 x 32". lent

by Mrs. William J. Glockens. III. p.36.EAKINS,Thomas. American, born Philadelphia 1844. Died Phila-

delphia 1916. van GOGH, Vincent. Dutch, born Grcot-Zundert, Brabant 1853.*Katherine. 1872. Oil on canvas, 62Y2 x 50". Lent by Sfephen Wi,r)s.ed in France. Died Auvers-sur·Oise 1890.

C. Clark. III. p.J4. H.I*~'Kr'esienne (after a drawing by Gaug!Jinl. 1888-89. Oil on*Between Rounds. 1899. Oil on canvas, 501,4 x 40". lent by Ihe canvas, 253,4 x 21~~'. lent by Dr. and Mrs. Harry Bokwin.Philadelphia Museum of Art. 111.p.1S. fIf',y,.jl8.

;J~e ~tarry Night. 1889. Oil on canvas, 29 Jl; 36 Y4I'. The MuseumEILSHEMIUS, louis Michel. American, born near Newark, N. J. of Modern Art, _acquired through the lillie P. Bliss Bequest.1864. Died New York 1941. Cbrn ~;l-t... 'b.. ..""" III. p.29.*Mc;llaga, Spain. c.191S. Oil on cornoar~, 24'" x 40Yf. _

l~nt by Mrs. lloyd Bruce Wescoll. III. p.39. G\?ITIA, Francisc9. Mexican, born FresniUo, Zacatecas 1884.

. Liv~s in Xochirr,ilco, Mexico.EPSTEIN,Jacob. American, born New York 18BO.lives in london. '1'1'*¥~a Jesuc:risto (Great lord Jesus). 1925. Oil on canvas, 32Y2*Porlroit of George Bernard Shaw. 1934. Bronze, 24" high. x 42". lent by the Secretaria de Educ:aci6n Publico, Mexicolent by Mrs. Blanche B. Rosell. III. p.'h2. City. 1//. p.S8.











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KANDINSKY, Wassily. Russian, barn Moscow 1866. Worked inGROSS, Chaim. American, born Carpathian Mountains, Austria Ger any and France.

_ 190'4. To U.S. 1921. Lives in New York. "'·"I:~ovisation No. 30. 1913. Oil on canvos, 431;4 x 43%" ..J~6.;J7 Handlebar Riders. 1935. Lignum vitce, 411;4" high. The Museum Lent by the Art Institute of Chicago, Arthur Jerome Eddy Memo-<!!! -=-.)of Modern Art, gift of A. Conger Goodyear. rial Collection. 1/1. p.48.

GORKY, Arshile. American, born Tiflis, Russio 1904. To U.S. 1920.Lives in New York.

*Garden in Sccht. 194J. Oil on canvas, 441;4 x 62v..". The

Museum of Modern Art, ocquired fhrough Purchase Fund andgift of Wolfgang S. Schwabacher. III. p.84.

GRAVES, Morris. American, born Fox Volley, Ore. 1910. Livesin Anacortes, Wash.

*Little Known Bird of the Inner Eye. 1941, Gouoche, 21 x 36~".

The Museum of Modern Art, Purchase Fund. III. p.96.

GRI5, Juon (Jose Gonzales). Spanish, born Madrid 1887.

Worked in Pens. Died Boulogne-sur·5eine 1927. ~~~ ..*51ill Life with Choir. 1913. Oil on canvas, 21~ x~.+Lent byMr. and Mrs. Henry Clifford. 1//. p.72.

*La Plcce Ravignan. 1915. Oil on canvas, 4~ x 35flent byMr. and Mrs. Wolter C. Arensberg. III. p.73.

GROPPER, William. American, born New York 1897. Lives atCroton-on-Hudson, N. Y.

*Homeless. 1940. Lithogroph 12¥. x 16l,4". Lent by the A.C.A.Gallery. III. p.J20.

GROSZ, George. American, born Berlin 1893. To U.S. 1932.Lives in Dougloston, long Island.

"Ncctcme. 1928. Wotercolor, 18% x 26".dated American Artists. III. p.53.

HAYTER, Stanley William"English, born London 1901. Worked!p, PjlJ;is. To U.S, 1940. Lives in New York,

7,,9.rrJril'ntelle. 1943. Engraving, 21% x 13". The Museum of

Modern Art, Purchase Fund. III. p.119.

IHEADE, Martin J. American, born Lumberville, Pa. 1819. DiedSI. A~ustine, Fla. 1904.

~.lll i:)Rho e Island Landscape. 1858. Oil on canvas, 20Y-! x 321;4".Lent by Stephen d; Clark. III. p.J2.

HOMER, Winslow,,! American, born Boston 1836. Died Prout'sNeck, Me. 1910.

';'dJq't~t; 1866. Oil on canvas, 19 x 30". Lent by Stephen C.Clo'i. 11/. p.13.

·~~~"Fox. Hunt. 1893. Oil on canvas, 38 x 68". Lent by the

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. III. p.J3.

HOPPER, Edward. American, born Nyack, N. Y. 1882. Lives in

J/ N~.York. .f.JSummer Time .. 1943. Oil on canvas, 29 x 44.f~ Lent by theFrank K. M. Rehn Gallery. 1/1. p.m.


KANE, John. Americon, born West Calder, Scotland 1860, of

L lJ:ishparents. To U.S. 1880. Died Pittsburgh 1934.ent by the Asso- 0.3;,

Self Portrait. 1929. Oil on canvas over composition board,

36Y2 x 27Y2". The Museum of Modern Art, Mrs. John D. Rocke.feUer, Jr. Purchase Fund. 1/1. p.J12.

Down- KIRCHNER, Ernst Ludwig. German, born AschafFenburg, Bavaria

1880. Died Frauenkirch near Dovos, 5wi~~nd 19~8...,,,."_11. xl.&'JIJt"*Modern Bohemia. 1924. Oil on canvas, ~[l!nt by Curt

HARKAVY,Minna R. American, born Esthonia 1895. To U.S. 1899. Valentin. III. p.50.Lives in New York.American Miner's Family. 1931. Bronze, 27/1 high. The Museum KLEE,Paul. Swiss, born near Berne 1879. Worked in Germany.

of Modern Art, Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Pvrchcse Fund. ~D~i~'kLugano 1940 '.ilie One in Love. 1923. Color lithograph, 10% K 7Y2". TheMuse\Lm of Modern Art, Purchase Fund. 11/. p.1l8.

"'/"10" " ,'"Dlqna. 1931. Oil on canvas, 3112 x 2374 . lent by Mr. andMrs. Henry Clifford. III. p.91.

"""'et~uest of the Mountain. 1939. Oil on canvas, 3~r27Y2".Lent by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Louchheim.

GUGLIELMI, louis. American, born Cairo, Egypt, of

parents 1906. To U.S. 1914. Naw in U. S. Army.

*The River. 1942. Oil on canvas, 34 x 30". Lent by thetown Gallery. 1/1. p.JJ4.

HARNETT,William Michael. American, born County Cork, Ireland1848. To U.S. 1849. Died New York 1892. '

JtJt,J'07$' *Col~ssal Luck. 1886. Oil on canvas, 26Ys x 22Y-!". lent by the

Downtown Gallery. III. p.12.

HART, "Pop" (George Overbury]. American, born Coiro, III.1868'. Died New Yor 19:33.

Ct ... ; '71~r!h~s~1'-grC£C?'Fj~-J. "929. Color llthoqrc ph, 17% x 2{".

The Museum of Modern Art, gift of Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

Iii. p.J20.Street Fair, Fort Lee.

Downtown Galle~y.

"' .~. ·,,.It1931. Watercolor~ TtV( 2~ . lel'ff y tne

HARTLEY,Marsden. American, born Lewiston, Me. 1877. Died

Ellsworth, Me. 1943.Ht.l/ifb *Fishecmen's Last Supper, Nova Scotia. 1940-41. Oil on com-

position board, 30 x 41". Lent by Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Neu-

berger. 11/. p.61.

KNATHS, Korl. American, born Eau Claire, Wis. 1891. Lives in

~r~v~~etown, Moss.II ~tilfIife with Giorgione Book. 1941. O1lon canvas, 40 x 20".

Lent by the Buchholz Gallery. III. p.83. M lA. ... ro I \.

KOKOSCHKA, Oskar. Austrion-C<;ech, born Pochlarn, Austria, 1886. New in England.

$l~rtrait of Dr. Tietze and His Wife. 1909. Oil on canvas, 30Ya

x 55%/1. The Museum of Modern Art, Mrs. John D. Rockefeller,

Jr. Pwchose Fund.4t';I'*'ffa~borof Marseilles. 1925. Oil on canvas, 29 x 39%". Lent

by the City Art Museum/of St. louis. /II. p.49.












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KOll WI,TZ, Kothe. German, born Konigsberg, "East Prussia 1867.

"Death Tears a Child frcm-Hs Mother (from Farewell and Deathseries). ~9~5. lithqgraph, 19!!2 x 143A". The Museum of Modern

Art, Purchase Fund. 1//. p.1.17.

M~9::S, Gerhard. Germon, born Berlin 1889.If~etandinj;l Nude. 1939. Bronze, 47Y2" high. Lent by the

holz Gallery. III. p.126.


MARIA (Moria Martins). Brazilian, born Minas Gerais. lives inKUNIYOSHI, Yo suo. Born Okayama, Japan 1893. To U.S. 1906. Washjngton, D. C. and Brczll.

MoM /co;v . "'"lives in New York. ~vBoiuna. 1942-43. Bronze, 28/2 high. Lent by Nelson A."Upside Down Table and Mosk. 1940. Oil on canvas, 60 x 351,. ~ockefeller .. IJI. p.144.Le~t by the Do";"ntown Gallery. 1/1. p.105. -PLlf'ch~~.J;'Jf!P-

;. MARIN, John. American, born Rutherford, N. J. 1870. lives atLACHAISE, Gaston. American, born Paris 1882. To U.S. 1906. <;I~i!de, N. J.

Died New York 1935. 1f1,1.:t"law,rr Manhatton. 1920. Watercolor, 21Vs }(. 26'l's/l. Lent by"Wl'man. 191.2-27. Bronze,S' 10Y2/1 high. lent by the Whitney Philip L Goodwin. Colorp/ole facing p.52.Museum of American Art. 1/1. p.J29:

LA FRESNAYE, Roger de. French, born Le Mans 1885. Died

Grosse 1925.*The Conquest of the Air. 1913. Oil on canvas, 91 Y2 x 77".

Lent 'anonymously. III.' p.74,

l'EGER, Fernand. French, born Argentan, Normandy 1881. ToU.S. 1940. lives in New York.

;1"I.JftJ *Thre,e Women (Le Grand Dejeuner). 1921. Oil, 72\4 x 99".The Museum of Modern Art, Mrs. Simon Guggenheim Fund.Color plate facing p.74.

,Mol'" *The D,ivers, Yellow Background. 1941. Oil on canvas, 74 x 86".lent by Roger Vivier. 1/1. p.75.

MASSON, Andre. French, born Bolagny, Oise 1896. To U. S.194r- live~ in New Preston, Conn.

""~'Jled"lation on an Oak leaf. 1942. Tempera on ccnvm, 40 x

323,4". lent by the Valentine Gallery. fJ/. p.92. e'>tll!.-Sie.fh ..." C. CI<>''Pk.

MATISSE, Henri. French, born Le Coteau, Picardy 1869. lives

~;arNice.f.1lfej(ning Figure. 1906. Woodcut, 19 x 15/1. The Museum of

~f,dern Art, gift of Mr".and Mrs. R. Kirk Askew, Jr.I~Bather. c.1908. Oil on canvas, 36Y2 x 29\4/1. The Museum of

~?'Earn Art, given. anonymously.:z. 'the· ~Iue Window. c.1912. Oil on canvas, 51 Y2 x 35%fI. The

Museum of Modern Art, Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Purchase

fund. Color frontispiece. 'J:§;.'·'!;'I/t.l.- ". I l~ Window. 1916. Oil on canvas, 57Y2 x . Lent by theDetroit Institute of Arts. III.p.40/

·~61~lisque with Tambourine. 1926. Oil

Lent anonymously. III. pAl. "P~J~'J}

LEHMBRUCK, Wilhelm. German, born Duisburg-Meiderich 1881.

Die? Berlin 1919.,tjP, '39 *Kneeli,ng Woman. 1911. Cost stone, 5' 9Y2" high. The Museum

of Modern Art, Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Purchase Fund.11/. p.124.

" 1';'~)*Standing Youth. 1913. Ccst stone, 7' 8" high. The Museum of{fl.£! '_ Modern Art, Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Purchase Fund. MATTA (Roberto Sebastiana Matta Echcurr en]. Chilean, born

III. p.J25. Santiago 1912. Worked in Paris. To U. S. 1939. Lives in New

_ LEVINE,Jack. American, born Boston 1915. Now in U.S. Army. ":;"~fJ~~rtige d'Eros. 1944. Oil on canvas, 77 x 99".·lent by theE.!. ~f,~92."*The Feast of Pure Reason. 1937. Oil on canvas, 42 x 48". The Pierre 'Matisse Gallery. III. p.98.--:PlA.~&oe.. t"lqr?WI-.

Museum of Modern Art, Jent by the WPA Art Program. III. p_64.

MIRO, Joan. Spanish, born Montroig, near Barcelona 1893.LlPCHITZ,Jacques. French, born Druskeniki, Polish Lithuania 1891.Worked in Paris. Ta U.S. 19.41. Lives in New York. ..;."WWked in Paris. Now in Palma, Majorca. ,

'LO.OQ 0 'M h d' Ch'ld 1941 , 50" hi h l he B h '~6ich Interior. 1928. Oil on canvas, 36 x 2~,C Lent by.,..... t e Of er an I. . rcnae, Ig. ent by f e ucn- Th I 'G II III 143 ~e.or,es Keller. 1/1. p.93.oz aery. . p. . ?of .~ , If

'10.". '" ' 194142' 211>''' h' h The f am, osifion. 1933. Oil on canvas, 68Y2 x 77\4 .TheMu~eumb / 'TJ o~omlng. -. ronze, 12 Ig. Museum 0

M d A' I III 142 ,of Modern Art, gift of fhe Advisory Committee.a ern rt, given anonymous y. . p. .

MAllLOL, Aristide. French, born Banyuls (Roussillon), Pyrenees1861.

*Acti~n in Chains {torso, monument to Blonquil. c.1906. Bronze.47" high. Lent by the Buchhol~ Gallery. III. p.J21.

ire ~e France {torsol. 1910. Bron~e, 43" high. The Museum ofModern Art, gift of A. Conger Goodyear.

*Seoted Figure. Terra cotta, 91' high. The Museum of Modern, .Art, giff of Mrs. Saidie A. May. III. p.J22.

MODJGlIANI, Amedeo. Italian, born leghorn 1884. Worked inFrance. Died Paris 1920.

JI ...·J~trrrait of Jean Cocteau. 1917. Oil on canvas, 394"./..x 3J1/&II.lent by Billy Rose. III.p.46 .

MONDRIAN, Piet. Dutch, born Amersfoort 1872. Worked in

'l.£a#~. To U. S. 1940. Died New York 1944.Broadway Boogie,woogie. 19.42-43. Oil on canvas, 50 x SOli,The Museum of Modern Art, given anonymously. 1/1. p.77.

MANGRAVITE, Peppino. American, born Lipari Island, Italy 1896. MOORE, Henry. English, born Castleford, Yorkshire 1898. LivesTo U.S. 1915. lives in New York. in Hertfordshire.* " ,to E.J".;Jr0.J'jQ.·1i "The ~ong of the Poet. 19.43. Oil on canvas, 60/~ .48r, Lent by Recumbent Figure. 1938. Hornton sfone, 54 long. Extended·the Art Institute of Chicago, Friends of American Art Collection. loan ,to the Museum of Modern Art from the Tate Gollery,III. p.J07. London. III. p.139.



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PICASSO, Pablo Ruiz , Spanish, born Malaga 1881. To1901. lives in Paris.

'1~./IJI "Woman Ironing. 1904. Oil on ccnvcs, 46Ya x 29Ya". lent by ROUA~LT, Georges. French, born Paris 1871.

J. K. Thonnhouser. III. p.99. H'i.r~r~~t:fowns. 1917. Oil on canvas, 41\ x 29Ysf. lent by Lt.F.L,J~.11f41 "Woman with a "Mandoll,n. 1~1O. Oil On canvas, 39Yz x 29". Pal and Mrs. Joseph Pulitzer, Jr.

Lent anonymously. lI/:p.66. I,/l,I'*The~bld Clown. 1917. Oil on canvas, 41 J.4 x 29Vz". Lent by£.J.j~J7'i*Three MusiCians. 1921..oil on canvas,80~ x 88V2". Extended EdwardG. Robinson. 1/1. p.44. O'\o.~~ .

loon to the Museum of Modern Art. 1/1. p.67. JJJf,~tfuciflxion. c.1918. Oil~ ~ 41.f¥x ~-"/I.Lent by Lt.E.J...J9.U7 The Pi~es of Pen. 192,3. OJ'l on canvas, aOY2 x 68%". Lent b"e.L. ~~f.'&Mcilhenny, USNR. 11/: pAS. .

the artist. '. 'i"This will be the last, little father." 1927. Etching, 23 Ys x191J·JfJ.. Still Life with a Cake_192A. Oil on canvas, 38Yz x S1Yz". The )/3(' Extended )...01n to the Museum of Modern Art. III. p.1l7.

Museum' of Modern Art, acquired 'through the lillie P. Bliss "'1 c'hrist {(to~t~lfy Soldiers. 1932. Oil on canvas, 361,4 x 28Yz"...Bequest., The Museum of Modern Art, given anonymously. Color plate

~J}.J/'ICf *Seated Woman. 192? Oil on wood, 51Vs x 38\4". Lent anony- facing p.44.mously. 1/1. p.68. <. ,seby)

~;.H~a *Woman Seated. before. a Mirror. 1937. Oil on canvas, 51 x ROUSSEAU, Henri. French, born laval, Mayenne 1844. Diedtr'",lent by Paul Rosenberg & Co. 1/1. p.69., .ia1is 1910.

*~~e~ing Woman. 1937. Etching and aquatint, 27!.4 x 19Vz".¥l.· hie Dream. 1910. Oil on canvas, 80 x nlyzll• lent by Sidney.r:.h.;9VOq~ Second state. lent by the artist. /II. p.J19. Janis. III. p.33.



PORTINARI, Candid'a. Brazilian, born Brodowski, State of Sao

Paulo 1903. lives in Rio de Janeiro.......·t;ff~e Growers, 1934. Oil on canvas, 27 x 32¥<i". lent by

MUNCH, Edvard. Norwegian, born Loeifen 1863. Died NorwayJl,l!:me. Hel~a Rupinstein.

1944. . *StJJ?r!on-w. f9i."-e)Oil 00 canvas, 51Yz.x 64". The Museum of'loTheKiss. 1~0.2. Woodcut, 18\4 x 18114".The Museum of Mo'dern Modern Art, Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Purchase Fund. 1..J2!.. Art, given. anonymously . ./II .. p.116. J ~. III. p.704. "

Reclining Figure. 1938. Lead, 13" long. The Museum of ModernArt,"Purchase Fund.

NOGUCHI, Isamu. American, born LOI Angeles 1904. Lives inNew York.

Capital. 1939. Georgi'a 'marble, 16", high.· The Museum of. Modern Art, gift of Miss Jeanne Reyna!.

PRENDERGAST, Maurice. American, born St. John's, Newfound~

",JaJ}1.1gS9., Died New York 1924.~(owTide, Beachmont. 1897. Watercolor, 18Yz x 21%". Lentbv.the Wor.cester Art-Museum. III. p.37.

NOLDE, Emil. German, born near Tondern, Schleswig 1867.. QUIRT, Walter. American, born Iron River, Mich. 1902. Lives in'loGrotesque Figures. 1913. Color lithograph, 23' x 19". The Mu- N Y k

1":»'1. 0'.seum of Modern Art, Pu~chase Fund. III. p.11S. .. *'n,e Tranquillity of Previous Existence. 1941. Oil on canvas,The Magidans. 1930~3~. :,atercolo,r, 20Ys x 143/s". The 24Ys x 32". The Museum of Modern Art, Mrs. Simon Guggen-Museum of Modern' Art, Purchase Fund. heim Fund. 1//. p.96.

O'KEEFFE, Georgia. American, born Sun Prairie, Wis. 1887.Lives in New York ond New Mexico.

"Stcbles. 1932. Oil on canvas, 12 x 32". Lent by RobertTannahill. fJI. p.m.

RATTNER, Abrahom. American, born Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1893.Lins in New York. .

H. "o(.11ifThere was darkness over all the land." 1942. Oil On canvas,'

'32 x 39J.4". Lent anonymously. III. p.63. (Ga..Ia.nHr."~)

OROZCO, Jose Clemente. Mexican, born Zapatlan, Jcuscc RENOIR, Auguste. French, born Limoges 1841. Died Cagnes 1919.18.83.Lives in Mexico Gty. H"',Jqh~ Children of Catulle-Mendth 1888. Oil on canvas, 63% x"Zcpofistc s. 1931. Oil on canvas, 45 x 5S". The Museum of •...,ri.lVB". Lent by Wildenstein & Co./II. p.22.

Modern Art, given anonymously. Jll.'p.5S. \ '"' ....*'~eated Bather. 1914. Oil on canvas, 3'2 x 26%": Lent by

Durand-Ruel, Inc. 111.p.23.PASClN, Jules. Born Widden, Bulgoria 1885. Worked in Ger-many and Paris. In U. S. 1914-20, became citizen. Died Paris RIVERA, Diego Maria. Mexican, born Guonajuato 1886. lives in

1930. I M/xir;.o City ...L f!!...-X) \1<#~4.1f() t-: 'l:.E :.~fll.) 1 31 F 93" 74" Th M*S09"ates and His Disciples Mocked by Courtesans. c.1921. Oil Agrorib'lrceade7"Zapata. 9 . resco, ,4 x . e u-

on paper backed with canvas, 61 \4 x 86". The Museum of seum of Modern Art, Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Purchase

Modern Art, given anonymously in memory of the artist. III, Fund. til. p.54.p.53.

ROBUS, Hugo. American, born Cleveland 1885. Lives in New

~/flj.~o"lnvocction. c.1928. Bronze (1940), 34" high. Lent by theartist.l/I. p.133.

,!PEREIRA, I. Rice. American, born Boston 1905. lives in New York."Reflection. 1943. Inner plane, tempera; outer plane, gold leaf

and oil on gJ?SS, 12Yz x llYz". Lent by Art of This Century.III. p.86.

..J. • ~DIN, Auguste. French, born Pari! 1840. Died Meudon 1917.~I Il '-0 I V"

St.John the Baptist. c.1878-80. Bronze, 6 8,.2 high. Lent byParis, Dr. Michael Berolzheimer, through the Nierendorf Gallery.










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RYDERAlbert Pinkham Americon born New Bedford, Mass. rAMAYO, Rufino.Mexican, born Oaxaca 1899. Livesin N. Y., " ' .... ~a1847. Died Elmhurst, Long bland 1917. 4:~arse and Lion. 1942. Oil on canvas, 36 x 46". lent by the*Moonlit Cove. 1890:':1900. Oil on canvas, 14 x 17". Lent by thePhillipsMemorial Gallery, Washington, D. C. 1/1. p.l6.*Pegosus. Oil on wood, 12 x IlYa'/. Lent by the Worcester A~t(u..;eum. 1fI. p.17.

SCARAVAGLIONE,Ccncette. American, born New Yb·l'k-1900.Livesin New York.Mother and Child. 1933. Cast stone (1941), 49 Y4".high. Lentby TCHELITCHEW,Pavel. Russian,born Moscow 1898. Worked inh' . ,rmiS and London. To U.S. 1939. lives in New York.t e artist. ~ ~.~ '2. "

Icfe-and-Seek. 1940-42. Oil on canvas, 78% x 8434 . TheSEURAT,Georges-Pierre. French, born Paris 1859. Died Paris Museum of Modern Art,Mrs.Simon Guggenheim Fund. III.p.94.1891.*The Side Show (La Parade). 1889. Oil on canvas, 39Y2 x 59\4". TOULOUSE-LAUTREC,Henri de. French, born Albi 1864. Died. rt,lrame 1901.lent by Stephen C, Clerk. III. p.30. '/-I.}J . .

*TheFirstVersion of Le Chahut. 1889. Oil on canvas, 22 x 18\4". a Goulue at the MoulrnRouge. 1891-92. all on wood, 32 )(Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Albright Art Gallery. ,lo!f'"li~'" Lent by Dr. end Mrs.David M. Levy. III.p.32:1/1. p.3J. The Passenger in No. 54 (TheSteamer Trip). 1896. Color litho-

. groph, -%'372 x 16l1f:".Lentby Richard H. Zinser. III. p.1J6.SHEELER,Chorles. American, born Philodelphia 1883. Livesat ZJ.j ~I~ht.

Irvington-an-Hudson, N. Y. _". Jf~TJ~~~Maurice. French,born Perfs 1883.*Upper Deck. 1929. Oil on canvas, 29Y, x 22Y,". lent by the • Rue de Crimee, Perfs. c.191O. Oil on canvas, 28% x 39lJ.".Fogg Museum of Art, Harvard University. 1/1. p.no. Extended loon to the Museum of Modern Art from Henry

Church. III.p.43.SICKERT,Walter Richard. English, born Munich 1860. Died •Bothamptan, Somerset 1942. VUILLARD,Jean Edouard. French,barn Cuiseoux, Saone-et-Loire*T.heRoising of lazarus. 1932. Oil on ccnvcs, 96 x 36v..". Lent 1868. Died la Boule 1940. .anonymously. 1/1. p.59. _ ~';'~{erior ot l'Etang 10 Ville.1893. Oil on millboord, 12Y2 x 14\4".

t/.;_l;nt by the Smith College Museumof Art. 11/. p.34.~fhtlie5Sel Salon, rue de Rivoli.1901. Oil on wood, 29 x 24'W",

Lent by Herman Shulma~.III. p.34.

SLOAN, John. American, born Lock Haven, Po. 1871. lives inNew York ond Santa Fe, N. M.*Hairdresser's Window. 1907. Oil on canvos, 32 x·26". Lentbythe Kraushaar Galleries. 11/. p.38.

SMITH, David. American, born Decotur, Ind. 1906. Lives inSchenectady.Head. 1938. Iron, 19%" high.The Museum of Modern Art, giftof Charles E. Merrill.

Volentine Gallery. III.p.57.

TANGUY, Yves. French, born Paris 1900. To U. S. 1939. lives inW~%dbury, Conn.

l/JJolirhe Lovers. 1929. Oil on canvas, 39* x 31%". Lent anony-mously. /fl. p.95. (~ .. .,.,)

WARNEKE, Heinz. American, born Bremen, Germany 1895. ToU. S. 1923. lives in East Haddam, Conn., and Washington, D.C.

In-+t~'iprodigal Son. 1932:39. Granite, 52" high. Lent by theartist.

WATKINS, Franklin C. American, born New York 1894. Livesin

SOUTINE,Chaim. BarnVilna, lithuania 1894. Worked in Paris. "'/(frrantown, Po.'Th B f 1925 0" 51" 3B,I" l b h he Fire Eater. 1935. Oil on canvas, 64Yl,A-x 381A.". Lent by tilee ee. . I on canvas, /4 x /4. ent y t e ~Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Albright Art Gallery. III.p.47. Philodelphia Museum of Art. 1/1. p.103.

SPENCER,Niles. American, born Pawtucket, R. I. '1893. lives in WEBER, Max. American, born Vialostok, Russio 1881. To U. S.New York. ,t!..§~l.Lives in Greet Neck, long Islond.*CityWalls. 1921. Oil an canvas, 39Y2 x 28%". The Museumof *Ttie Geranium. 1911.Oil on canvas, 39Ys x 32Y4". MuseumofModern Art, given anonymously.11/. p.80. Modern Art, acquired 'hrough lillie P. Bliss Bequest. II/.p.52.

WHISTLER,James Abbott McNeill.American, born lowell, Mass.18~i4.~ed london 1903.

I"'B1'3;.1<. Lion Wharf (ScenesOr1the Thames O~1859. Etching,5% x8Va". The Museum of Modern Art, gift of Mrs. John D. Rocke-fell~r, Jr.

STELLAJ .J"*Ia'l~,, oseph. Americar1,born Italy 1880. To~. S. ab9ut 1896. Cremorne Gardens, No.2. Before 1879. Oil on canvas, 2~)(Livesin New York. .~ . I' 53,"",". Lent by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1/1. p.18. y*Brooklyn.Bri~ge. 1917.011 on ca.~v~s, 8~ x 7of'. lent by the 'Ii-¥V~f~j'hle Rose of ly~e Regis.1895. Oil on canvas, 20t 12\4/1.Yale UllIverslty Art Gallery, Societe Anonyme Collection. II!. Lent by the Museum of Fine'Arts, Boston. 1/1. p.18.p.7?

SPENCER,Stanley.Livesin England.*The Bu'lders. 1934. Oil on canvas, 44 x 36". Lent by StephenC. Clark. W p.106.

English, born Cookbc m-on-Thames 1892.

STETTHEIMER,Florine. American,born New York. Died N. Y.1944.·(Family Portrait. 1933. Oil on canvas, 46 x 64Y2". lent by theartist. 1/1. p.JOB.


ZORACH, William. American, botn Russio 1887. To U. S. lB91.Lives in Brooklyn, N. Y., ond Maine. .

J"F!1'~d of Christ. 1940. Black;r,anite, 14%" high. The MuseumofModern Art, gift of Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. 1/1. p.J31.







