Humpert, A., Brown, S. F., & Allen, M. P. (2018). Molecular simulations of entangled defect structures around nanoparticles in nematic liquid crystals. Liquid Crystals, 45(1), 59-69. https://doi.org/10.1080/02678292.2017.1295478 Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record License (if available): CC BY-NC-ND Link to published version (if available): 10.1080/02678292.2017.1295478 Link to publication record in Explore Bristol Research PDF-document This is the final published version of the article (version of record). It first appeared online via Taylor & Francis at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02678292.2017.1295478 . Please refer to any applicable terms of use of the publisher. University of Bristol - Explore Bristol Research General rights This document is made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the reference above. Full terms of use are available: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/pure/user- guides/explore-bristol-research/ebr-terms/

Molecular simulations of entangled defect structures ... · Molecular simulations of entangled defect structures around nanoparticles in nematic liquid crystals Anja Humpert a, Samuel

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Page 1: Molecular simulations of entangled defect structures ... · Molecular simulations of entangled defect structures around nanoparticles in nematic liquid crystals Anja Humpert a, Samuel

Humpert, A., Brown, S. F., & Allen, M. P. (2018). Molecular simulations ofentangled defect structures around nanoparticles in nematic liquid crystals.Liquid Crystals, 45(1), 59-69.https://doi.org/10.1080/02678292.2017.1295478

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Molecular simulations of entangled defectstructures around nanoparticles in nematic liquidcrystals

Anja Humpert, Samuel F. Brown & Michael P. Allen

To cite this article: Anja Humpert, Samuel F. Brown & Michael P. Allen (2018) Molecularsimulations of entangled defect structures around nanoparticles in nematic liquid crystals, LiquidCrystals, 45:1, 59-69, DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2017.1295478

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Page 3: Molecular simulations of entangled defect structures ... · Molecular simulations of entangled defect structures around nanoparticles in nematic liquid crystals Anja Humpert a, Samuel

Molecular simulations of entangled defect structures around nanoparticles innematic liquid crystalsAnja Humperta, Samuel F. Browna and Michael P. Allena,b

aDepartment of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK; bH. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Royal Fort, Bristol, UK

ABSTRACTWe investigate the defect structures forming around two nanoparticles in a Gay–Berne nematicliquid crystal using molecular simulations. For small separations, disclinations entangle bothparticles forming the figure of eight, the figure of omega and the figure of theta. These defectstructures are similar in shape and occur with a comparable frequency to micron-sized particlesstudied in experiments. The simulations reveal fast transitions from one defect structure toanother suggesting that particles of nanometre size cannot be bound together effectively. Weidentify the ‘three-ring’ structure observed in previous molecular simulations as a superpositionof the different entangled and non-entangled states over time and conclude that it is not itself astable defect structure.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 9 January 2017Accepted 12 February 2017

KEYWORDSMolecular-simulation;defects; nematic;disclination; algorithmicclassification

1. Introduction

Spherical particle inclusions in liquid crystals distortthe orientational order of the surrounding moleculesinducing topological defects. Defect regions are definedby the absence of orientational order and a significantbiaxiality [1]. Such defects arise due to the competitionbetween liquid crystal molecules trying to align alongthe average molecular direction, called the director,and trying to fulfil the surface anchoring condition ofthe nanoparticle. For small particles or particles con-fined to a thin nematic cell, the defect region forms adefect ring near the equator of the particle with respect

to the director, commonly referred to as a Saturn ring[2]. Particles surrounded by a Saturn ring show quad-rupolar interactions due to the symmetry of the direc-tor field surrounding them; hence, such particles arecalled quadrupoles. For two quadrupoles in close vici-nity, entangled defects were found to spontaneouslyarise when the surrounding nematic is distorted.Using laser tweezers, which allow easy manipulationwith great precision, a range of reproducible entangledobjects has been found [3–9]. Here, ‘entangled’ meansthat both particles are surrounded by a single defectline, commonly referred to as a disclination line. The

CONTACT Anja Humpert [email protected] data for this article can be accessed here.

LIQUID CRYSTALS, 2018VOL. 45, NO. 1, 59–69https://doi.org/10.1080/02678292.2017.1295478

© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupThis is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or builtupon in any way.

Page 4: Molecular simulations of entangled defect structures ... · Molecular simulations of entangled defect structures around nanoparticles in nematic liquid crystals Anja Humpert a, Samuel

three main structures comprise the figure of eight (1),the figure of omega (Ω) and the figure of theta (Θ).Schematics are shown in Figure 1. Micrographs ofthese entangled defect structures observed in experi-ments can be found in Figure 4 of Tkalec and Muševič[10]. For the figure of eight defect, a single disclinationline winds around the particles in the manner shown inFigure 1(a). The figure of omega consists of one dis-clination line that surrounds both particles near theequator, entering into the space between the particlesto describe a shape similar to the Greek letter Ω. Thefigure of theta consists of a disclination line surround-ing both particles and an additional defect loop in theplane in between the particles. Note the spontaneoussymmetry breaking for the first two of these structuresdue to their chirality. The two states are degenerate andhence left-handed and right-handed structures occurwith the same frequency.

These entangled defects were observed in experi-ments and predicted numerically for micron-sized par-ticles using phenomenological mean-field calculationsbased on Landau–de Gennes free energy minimisation[7,11]. At first glance, these entangled structures appearto disobey the restriction that the net topologicalcharge within the liquid crystal must be zero; however,Čopar and Žumer [8] resolved this apparent contra-diction with the introduction of a self-linking number.

A closer look at the different defect structures revealsthat entangled defects differ only within a tetrahedralregion. Theoretically, by rotating the tetrahedron, oneentangled state can be transformed into another [8]. Inpractice, this is equivalent to cutting and reconnecting thedisclination lines, whereas in experiments, this rewiring isachieved by locally applying laser tweezers to heat theregion around the tetrahedron.

Molecular simulations of two quadrupoles in closevicinity have shown a three-ring structure for particleinclusions of nanometre size [3,9,12]. This structure issimilar to the figure of Θ; however, the inner loop con-nects with the outer loop at two nodes. Two possibleexplanations have been proposed as to why the structurediffers from the ones observed in experiments. Earlierstudies declared it a transient state [4]. It was laterproposed [13] that instead the size of the particles is

crucial and that the three-ring structure appears forparticles of nanometre scale, whereas micron-sized par-ticles form only the three different entangled defects (1,Θ and Ω). In this paper, we propose an alternativeexplanation for the three-ring structure.

The system of two entangled particles can bethought of as a building block for more complex sys-tems. Recent work has shown one-dimensional [5] aswell as two-dimensional [14–16] aggregates, where thedisclination line winds around all the particles.Entanglement has also been observed for microspheresand microfibres [17]. When bringing many particlesinto close vicinity, knotted structures can be created[16,18,19]. By applying the laser tweezers in unknottedregions, additional knots can be created and vice versa.Wood et al. [20] showed that liquid crystals with a highnumber of nanoparticle inclusions can be used tosynthesise a soft solid, which shows high rigidity dueto a network of entangled defect lines. These materialshave important features for potential use in biosen-sors [21].

Entangled and knotted systems can be manipulatednot only by the use of laser tweezers but also by usingstrong local electric fields, hydrodynamic flow, tem-perature changes and the use of different boundaryconditions and confined geometries. This allows thecreation and modification of defects in liquid crystalsin a rather controllable way and hence a variety ofcomplex systems can be designed.

In this paper, we outline a model to efficientlysimulate entangled nanoparticles. Simulation detailsare given in Section 2. In Section 3, we present howthe different defect types are automatically categorised.The results, in particular the time scales and dynamicsof transitions from one entangled defect structure toanother, are discussed in Section 4. In addition, theorigin of the three-ring structure, the only structureobserved in previous molecular simulations, is identi-fied. Conclusions are drawn in Section 5.

2. Model and simulation details

The entanglement was studied by simulating severalsystems with nanoparticle inclusions of various sizes

Figure 1. (Colour online) Schematic of two nanoparticles (grey) in nematic host (not shown) entangled by a disclination line (darkred) forming the (a) figure of eight 1, (b) the figure of omega Ω and (c) the figure of theta Θ.


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and separations using the molecular dynamics packageLAMMPS [22]. The nematic host was simulated usingthe well-known soft Gay–Berne potential (seeAppendix A), a coarse-grained single-site potentialthat represents the interaction energies between twoelongated particles. We chose a length-to-width ratioof κ ¼ 3. The remaining Gay–Berne coefficients wereset to μ ¼ 1, ν ¼ 3 and κ0 ¼ 5 and a potential cut-off of5σ0 was applied. Note that reduced units were usedthroughout by setting σ0 ¼ �0 ¼ 1 and the molecularmass m0 ¼ 1 leading to a basic unit of time

τ0 ¼ σ0ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffim0=�0

p. The moment of inertia was set to I ¼

0:5m0σ20 assuming uniform mass distribution. Theinitial director orientation was chosen to lie along thez direction.

Spherical particle inclusions of radius RNP wereplaced in the box, interacting with the liquid crystalmolecules via a purely repulsive Lennard-Jones poten-tial (see Appendix B). Their positions were fixedthroughout the simulation. The system was simulatedfor particles separated along x with a surface-to-surfaceseparation of Δ. Five different systems of nematics withnanoparticle inclusions of radii RNP ¼ 10σ0, 15σ0 and20σ0 were studied. In all cases, box dimensions werechosen to give a bulk density ρ,0:3, and the tempera-ture was chosen to be T ¼ 3:0, which, for this system,gives a nematic liquid crystal phase. The presence ofthe nanoparticles is expected to affect the local pressuretensor only in the immediate vicinity of the particlesurfaces, not in the bulk nematic phase, and therefore,we assume that the usual isotropic box scaling algo-rithm is sufficient. Simulation details are given in thefollowing subsections.

2.1. Nanoparticles of radius RNP ¼ 10σ0

Two spherical particle inclusions of radius RNP ¼10σ0 were placed in the box, separated along x,with Δ ¼ 2:94σ0 as well as Δ ¼ 10:3σ0. A cubic simu-lation box of length ,120σ0 with periodic bound-aries was used. The large simulation box is necessaryto avoid any interference between nanoparticlesthrough the boundaries. The system was equilibratedover 1.6 × 106 time steps using an NpT ensemble,followed by a production run, also in the NpTensemble, of 2.5 × 105 time steps with a time stepΔt ¼ 0:004. To simulate the state point describedabove, the corresponding pressure was set to8:226�0σ�3

0 . Molecular positions and orientationswere stored every 500 time steps. The total numberof Gay–Berne molecules was 512,000.

2.2. Nanoparticles of radius RNP ¼ 15σ0

The simulation was repeated with particles of sizeRNP ¼ 15σ0 separated along x with Δ ¼ 5σ0 as well asΔ ¼ 10σ0. Most other simulation details wereunchanged. Two modifications were made to reducecomputational cost.

The first modification consists of the introduction offlat walls at the z boundaries. A simple Lennard-Jones12-6 function of the z coordinate, relative to the wall,was utilised with �0 ¼ σ0 ¼ 1 and a potential cut-off of2:5σ0. This has the advantage that Lz can be chosen tobe smaller than in the system described above, withoutthe danger of long-range interactions between imagesof nanoparticles across the boundaries; this type ofboundary also stabilises the bulk director in the zdirection. Lz must be sufficiently large to accommodatethe density and order parameter fluctuations near thewalls, ensuring bulk behaviour in the centre of thesimulation box. A system snapshot of Gay–Bernemolecules near a Lennard-Jones wall can be seen inFigure 2(a). One can clearly see layering near the wallthat disappears quickly further away from the wall.

The second modification consists of the reduction ofthe simulation box length Lx to 2RNP þ Δ (so Lx ¼35σ0 for Δ ¼ 5σ0 and Lx ¼ 40σ0 for Δ ¼ 10σ0) andthe placement of one nanoparticle at(� 1=2ð ÞLx; 0; 0), illustrated in Figure 2(b). With per-iodic boundary conditions along x, this represents aninfinite chain of nanoparticles along the x direction (Lyremains large enough to avoid periodic self-interac-tion). This allows the reduction of the total numberof Gay–Berne molecules by over 50%; choosing Ly ¼Lz,136σ0 in both cases, with N ¼ 182; 000 for Δ ¼5σ0 and N ¼ 210; 000 for Δ ¼ 10σ0, gave a bulk den-sity ρ,0:3. The system was equilibrated over 7.5 × 105

time steps (Δt ¼ 0:004) using an NVT ensemble, fol-lowed by a production run (NVT ensemble) of 4 × 105

time steps. Molecular positions and orientations werestored every 500 time steps.

2.3. Nanoparticles of radius RNP ¼ 20σ0

In this simulation, the nanoparticle radius was increasedto RNP ¼ 20σ0. Other system parameters were chosen asfor the system with RNP ¼ 15σ0. No wall potential wasapplied and instead periodic boundaries were used acrossz. The total number of Gay–Berne molecules was N ¼214; 000 with a moment of inertia of I ¼ 2:5m0σ20. Thebox dimensions were chosen to be Lx ¼ 50σ0 andLy ¼ Lz,120σ0; hence, the separation between neigh-bouring nanoparticles was Δ ¼ 10σ0. The system was


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equilibrated over 8 × 105 time steps (Δt ¼ 0:004) usingan NVT ensemble, followed by a production run (NVEensemble) of 6.5 × 105 time steps. Molecular positionsand orientations were stored every 500 time steps.

3. Automated characterisation of defect types

To identify defect regions for the system snapshotsstored, a weighted order tensor was calculated follow-ing the approach suggested by Callan-Jones et al. [23].This quasi-continuous tensor is given by

Dmm0 ðrÞ ¼ 1N Vsð Þ


w ri � rj jð Þuimuim0 ; (1)

where N Vsð Þ is the number of molecules in the sphericalsampling volume Vs with radius rk centred at r, ri is theposition vector of particle i and ui is the component ofits orientation vector with m;m0 ¼ x; y; z. w ri � rj jð Þ isa weighting function with the constraintX


w ri � rj jð Þ ¼ 1: (2)

We choose a cubic b-spline, which is a piecewisecontinuous cubic polynomial approximation to aGaussian function [24]:

w rwð Þ ¼16 3 rwj j3 � 6r2w þ 4� �

0 � rwj j � 116 2� rwj jð Þ3 1 � rwj j � 20 else;

8<: (3)

where rw ¼ 2 ri � rj j=rk. w is zero if ri � rj j is greaterthan the radius rk. rk was chosen to be 7:3σ0, whichcorresponds to having roughly 30 Gay–Berne moleculesinside the sampling volume Vs. A scaling was imposedafterwards on w such that Equation (2) was obeyed. The

eigenvalues of D are labelled λ1 � λ2 � λ3. The uniaxialorder of a grid point is defined as its alignment to thelocal nematic director field and is given by the Westinmetric cl ¼ λ1 � λ2, which is zero in the isotropic regionand unity in perfectly ordered regions. Similarly, aWestin metric cp ¼ 2 λ2 � λ3ð Þ can be defined, whichis directly proportional to the biaxiality of the localdirector field. Within the bulk, cl and cp undergo smallvariations, whereas significant changes indicate defectregions. We identified cl<0:05 as an appropriate thresh-old to determine defect core regions. By choosing asuitable threshold for cp, we were able to identify almostidentical defect regions. For convenience, we choose tofocus on cl from here onwards.

For each system snapshot, the weighted order tensorD was calculated on a regular 3D grid with a spacing of0:25σ0 and defect regions were evaluated, whichallowed the subsequent determination of the defectstructure. Due to the high number of snapshots, thisprocess was automated (https://github.com/sausages/sausages) and the defects classified as follows.

All grid points of the defect core, corresponding tocl<0:05, were identified and stored in a set Slow; allpoints with values above the threshold were discarded.We did not further distinguish between differentvalues of cl.

To separate the points of Slow into disclination lines,a queue-based flood-fill algorithm was used, a pseudo-code representation of which is given in Algorithm 1.To begin, an arbitrary starting point is removed fromSlow and added to an empty queue. The algorithm thenconsists of moving the first point p from the queue to alist Li and moving any neighbours of p from Slow to theend of the queue, in any order. This step is repeateduntil the queue is empty, at which point, the list Li

Figure 2. Schematic of simulation box. (a) Typical snapshot of Gay–Berne molecules near a Lennard-Jones wall applied near the zboundaries indicated in grey. Gay–Berne molecules were colour coded according to their orientation with respect to the director. (b)Two-dimensional view of the simulation box (grey dashed region) in the x–z plane. The black box indicates the area used tosimulate an infinitely long one-dimensional chain of nanoparticles (blue). The box length along y was unchanged. Molecularsnapshot shows a slice of the new simulation box with the nanoparticles at its centre.


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corresponds to a discrete contiguous volume of points,which we identify as a disclination line. A new arbi-trary starting point is then moved from Slow to thenewly empty queue to form the seed of a new list Lj,and the process continues until Slow is empty and so allpoints have been assigned to a disclination line.

Note that since only defect regions were stored, apoint may not have neighbours in all six directions. Toefficiently implement the flood-fill algorithm for suchan irregular array, a linked-list connectivity graph wasconstructed such that each point stores references to itsneighbours. Since disclination lines can only exist inthe form of closed loops (or lines across periodicboundaries), each defect line was checked for this cri-terion. For coarser grids, noise artefacts in the datasometimes caused hairline breaks in the disclinationlines, causing them to have ‘endpoints’. These end-points could be identified by examining the neigh-bour-to-neighbour distance between points, estimatedusing the all-pairs shortest-path Floyd–Warshall algo-rithm [25] to find the two points separated by thelongest path. Two endpoints in close proximity, andwith no other endpoint nearby, could be automaticallyjoined and their lists merged.

While the Floyd–Warshall algorithm gives a deter-ministic measure of distance along the disclination line,it scales with the cube of the number of points P andwould be too slow for larger systems. The sparsity ofthe point-connectivity graph would make a per-pointDijkstra approach more promising in these cases, withO P2 log Pð Þ scaling [25]. Coarse graining could also beused to reduce the effective P.

The length of a disclination line is of particularinterest because it is proportional to its associatedenergy. Most of our disclination lines were well

behaved, allowing the use of a ballistic ‘sphere-tracking’approach which is much faster than connectivity-basedapproaches. An arbitrary starting point is chosen, and asecond is chosen nearby. We define the unit vectorconnecting these two points as our (arbitrary) initialdirection of travel and move a short distance along it.The average position of the defect line near the desti-nation was calculated by averaging the positions of the10 nearest points, which was enough to encapsulate thecross section of the line for our grid size. The newdirection of travel is set to be the vector connectingthe previous position and this new average, and thisdirection is followed from the most recent average toarrive at the new destination. The process continuesuntil the initial starting point is reached. The lengthwas estimated by summing the distances betweenneighbouring averaged positions. This method provedto be accurate and reliable. In Figure 3, the red pointsindicated the average positions calculated using thismethod for an example snapshot.

To accurately distinguish between the differentdefect types, the connections between the red regionsin Figure 4 were evaluated using the flood-fill algo-rithm. Here, the boundaries were treated as fixed. Theconnections in conjunction with the number of discli-nations and their respective lengths allow us to deter-mine the defect structure. For the figure of eight, wefurther distinguished the direction of the twist, depend-ing on which path crosses over the other. In over 99.9%of the snapshots, this automated analysis was conclu-sive; inconclusive exceptions were inspected visually.

4. Results and discussion

In Figure 5, the different defect structures over time areshown for all five systems. In total, five different struc-tures were observed: separated Saturn rings, figure of

Figure 3. (Colour online) Disclination lines around two nano-particles (grey). Blue small dots correspond to data points withcl below the threshold and red large points correspond topoints calculated using the ‘sphere-tracking’ (see descriptionin text).

Algorithm 1 Flood-fill based algorithm to separate points intodisclination lines

Set i to 1while Slow is not empty do

Choose a point pseed 2 Slow at randomRemove pseed fromSlowAdd pseed to queue Q

while Q is not empty doRemove the first point p1 from Q

Add p1 to set Lifor each neighbour pn 2 Slow of p1 doRemove pn from SlowAppend pn to Q

end forIncrement i

end while


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eight, figure of omega, figure of theta as well as anintermediate structure, where the two distant parts ofthe disclination are linked. With the exception of theintermediate defect structure, all these defect structureswere also observed in experiments and using Landau–de Gennes minimisation for micron-sized particles[26]. For each of these structures, a typical example isshown in Figure 6.

The only non-entangled structure found was twonanoparticles surrounded by a Saturn ring eachshown in Figure 6(a). The Saturn rings are stronglybent away from each other to minimise the distortionof the director field, which minimises free energy. Thebending effect was also observed for Landau–deGennes free energy minimisations [26]. Figure 6(b–d)shows typical snapshots of the figure of eight, the figureof omega and the figure of theta from two differentangles. The shape of the defect line is in good agree-ment with the observations for micron-sized particles

in experiments. Figure 6(e) shows an intermediatestructure, where two distant segments of the disclina-tion line are linked. For all five structures, thermalfluctuations of the disclinations are visible, since timeaveraging was avoided.

For nanoparticles with radius RNP ¼ 10σ0, thedefect structure transitions frequently between differ-ent structures and no structure persists for longerthan ,250τ0. When comparing the results for thetwo different separations, one can see that transitionsare more frequent for the smaller separation, suggest-ing a smaller barrier to interconversion. It appears, atleast for the time simulated, that two separate Saturnrings are the most frequent structure. The figure ofeight can be seen occasionally, whereas the figures oftheta and omega are very rare. The exact frequenciesare given in Table 1 for all five simulations. Theintermediate linked structure was observed fre-quently. This is interesting as this structure is not

Figure 4. (Colour online) Schematic of two nanoparticles (grey) and the surrounding disclination lines (black) in the x–y plane. Redregions show the starting areas for the flood fill to distinguish different defect structures. Depending on which red regions areconnected the defect type was determined.

Figure 5. Different defect structures shown over time for all five simulations. Particle radius and surface-to-surface separation aregiven by R and Δ, respectively. The defect types are labelled as following: intermediate defect structure (linked), figure of omega(Ω), figure of theta (Θ), two separate Saturn rings (2 SR) and figure of eight (1). Subscripts indicate right- and left-handed twist.


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observed in experiments, suggesting that it isunstable, which in turn suggests that the particlesize does indeed have a significant impact on theenergy barriers of the entanglement.

For particles with radius RNP ¼ 15σ0 and a surface-to-surface separation of Δ ¼ 5σ0, entangled defectstructures formed, and the frequency of transitions isvery similar to that for the smaller particles. With theseparation increased to Δ ¼ 10σ0, no transitions wereobserved throughout the production run and the onlystructure seen was the two separate Saturn rings. Forparticles with radius RNP ¼ 20σ0 and a surface-to-sur-face separation of Δ ¼ 10σ0, two Saturn rings wereobserved most frequently. For a short period, ,150τ0,the figure of eight with a right-hand twist formed.

To summarise, it appears that two separate Saturnrings are the most stable structure for the nanoparticlesizes studied here. When the particles are sufficientlyclose, entangled and intermediate structures wereobserved with frequent transitions between them. Thefigure of eight was observed to be more stable than the

figure of omega and the figure of theta was the leaststable.

At this point, it has to be clarified that results pre-sented in Table 1 are indicators only. Much longersimulation run times would be necessary to give accu-rate numbers. For instance, the linked defect structure

Figure 6. (Colour online) Defect structures (red) observed for two nanoparticles (grey) of radius RNP ¼ 10σ0 in close proximity(Δ ¼ 2:94σ0). Some are shown from two angles for clarity. (a) Two separate Saturn rings (2 SR), (b) figure of eight (1), (c) figure ofomega (Ω), (d) figure of theta (Θ) and (e) intermediate defect structure (Linked).

Table 1. Frequency of observations of different entangleddefect structures for a different particle radii and separationsgiven in %.

Defect structure frequency (in %)

Δ σ0ð Þ 2 SR 1left 1right Θ Ω Linked

RNP ¼ 10σ02.94 31.7 5.9 16.8 1.0 2.0 42.610.30 71.9 3.6 13.4 0.0 0.0 11.2

RNP ¼ 15σ05.0 24.3 22.2 9.0 0.0 5.2 39.210.0 99.88 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.12

RNP ¼ 20σ010.0 94.5 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8

RNP and Δ are the particle radii and their surface-to-surface separation,respectively. Notation for different defect structures as introduced inFigure 6.


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depends on the resolution grid size chosen when cal-culating the weighted order tensor, i.e. a structure mayappear to be linked for low resolution but could beclassified otherwise if a higher resolution was used. Wechose a resolution of 0:25σ0 expecting this to be smal-ler than the size of the defect core and hence givingreasonably accurate results. Furthermore, Table 1shows that the frequencies of the figure of eight defectwith left-handed and right-handed twist are dissimilar.This underlines that the simulation run times usedwere insufficient to obtain accurate results. Furtherinvestigation, for examples of the free energies asso-ciated with the different entangled structures, wouldhave to take this into account; however, it is beyond thescope of this paper.

These concerns aside, our simulations clearly indi-cate that two separate Saturn rings are more stablethan entangled structures and that the figure of eightis more stable than the figure of omega, which inturn is more stable than the figure of theta. This is inquantitative agreement with experimental results formicron-sized particles in strong confinement [5]: twoseparate quadrupoles are the only stable structure,observed in 48% of all laser tweezers manipulations.For entangled structures, the figure of eight wasfound most frequently (36%), followed by the figureof omega (13%). The figure of theta was observedrarely (3%). However, the binding energies seem tobe much smaller for nanoparticles, indicated by thefrequent transitions. By contrast, micron-sized parti-cles’ binding energies were calculated to be an orderof magnitude stronger than the unbound pair andseveral thousand times stronger than particles dis-persed in water [5].

We tried to analyse the relation between thelength of the disclination line, the occurrence of atransition and the state the defect structure is in.However, we found no significant relation. This ispartially due to the high fluctuations in length, where

the line stretched or shrank by a few σ0 within 500time steps and also due to the inaccuracy of the‘sphere-tracking’ measurement that only providesestimates within � 5σ0. Nonetheless, it would be aninteresting feature to study for more stable entangleddefects.

Finally, we address the three-ring structure that wasobserved in previous molecular simulations [3,9,12]. InFigure 7, the isosurface corresponding to an orderparameter S<0:4 is plotted for the time-averagedresults for the entire production run for RNP ¼ 10σ0and Δ ¼ 2:94σ0. The time-averaged disclination lineforms the three-ring structure with two nodes pre-viously observed. It appears that it is a product of thefrequent transitions and not a stable defect structureitself. We do not observe such a structure in anyinstantaneous snapshot. It appears that the visualisa-tion technique here is important: the commonapproach using small bins is inadequate to capturethe fast fluctuations. Using a weighted order tensorincluding several neighbouring molecules on a finegrid has proven itself as a very accurate method tolocate defect regions.

Our results are in good agreement with calculationsby Araki et al. [4,15], who observed the figure of eightfor nanoparticles using numerical methods based onnematodynamics. In addition, we have observed thefigure of omega and figure of theta for the first timein molecular simulations.

The results suggest that the entanglement for nano-particles of sizes studied here is too weak to observestable entangled defects, given that the defects fre-quently transition between different states and oftenform intermediate structures which we expect to behighly unstable. Future work should address largerparticle inclusions to generate more stable defect struc-tures; this could be achieved using the techniquesdescribed in Section 2. Whether a molecular simulationcould access the longer length scales necessary to

Figure 7. (Colour online) Disclination line (red) corresponding to S<0:4 time-averaged over entire production run for RNP ¼ 10σ0and Δ ¼ 2:94σ0.


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observe transitions between stable entangled defectsremains to be seen.

5. Conclusions

Molecular simulations were successfully used tosimulate defects around two spherical nanoparticlesin close vicinity in a nematic host. In our exploratorysimulations, we studied three different radii and sev-eral different surface-to-surface separations. Five dif-ferent defect structures formed: well-separated Saturnrings, the figure of eight, the figure of omega, thefigure of theta and an intermediate structure. To ourknowledge, this is the first observation of the figureof omega and figure of theta for nanoparticles. Theobservation of intermediate structures was due to thesmall size of the particle inclusions as well as simula-tions allowing access to much smaller time scalesthan experiments. All defect structures observedwere qualitatively similar to observations made formicron-sized particles; however, for the particle sizesstudied here, the transitions were very fast and noneof the entangled structures persisted for more than afew hundred time steps. This suggests that very smallparticles cannot be effectively bound together byentangled lines and that thermal energies are higherthan the energy barriers between different entangleddefect structures. Our analysis reveals that the three-ring structure observed in previous molecular simu-lations is solely an artefact of time-averaged super-positions of the different entangled states and not astable defect structure itself.

To further explore the phenomenon of entanglednanoparticles in molecular simulations, we suggest asignificant increase in particle size. We expect that thetransitions will occur less frequently for larger particlesand hence the dynamics of the system could be studied.However, one has to keep in mind that this wouldrequire much longer simulation times to study transi-tions. At this point, we have to stress that our simula-tions were pushing the current limits of computingresources available. Therefore, it is likely that rareevent simulation methods (see e.g. Refs. [27,28]) willhave to be applied in larger simulations to explore alltypes of entanglement.


The computer facilities provided by Warwick UniversityCentre for Scientific Computing and by the ARCHER UK

National Supercomputing Service are gratefully acknowl-edged as well as the support from the Engineering andPhysical Sciences Research Council.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


The computer facilities provided by Warwick UniversityCentre for Scientific Computing and by the ARCHER UKNational Supercomputing Service are gratefully acknowl-edged as well as the support from the Engineering andPhysical Sciences Research Council.


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Appendix A. The Gay–Berne potential

The potential originally suggested by Gay and Berne [29] iswidely used to simulate liquid crystals. It can be regarded as ashifted, anisotropic Lennard-Jones potential, i.e. it depends onthe relative orientation of the particles as well as their separa-tion. For identical uniaxial particles, it can be written as [30,31]:

Uðui; uj; rijÞ ¼ 4εðui; uj; rijÞ ρ�12 � ρ�6� �

; (A1)


ρðui; uj; rijÞ ¼rij � σðui; uj; rijÞ þ σ0

σ0: (A2)

ui and uj are unit vectors along the principal axes of the twoparticles i and j, while rij ¼ ri � rj is the vector connectingtheir centres of mass rij ¼ rij

�� �� and rij ¼ rij=rij. σ0 is a para-meter representing the width of the particle. σ ui; uj; rijÞ


the orientation-dependent range parameter

σ ¼ σ0 1� 12χ Sþ þ S�ð Þ

� �1=2


S� ¼ ðrij � ui � rij � ujÞ21� χui � uj:

Here, χ is given by χ ¼ κ2 � 1ð Þ κ2 þ 1ð Þ, where κ is thelength-to-width ratio of the particle. The strength anisotropyfunction ε ui; uj; rijÞ

�used in Equation (A1) is given by

ε ui; uj; rij� � ¼ ε0 ε

ν1 ui; ujÞεμ2 ui; uj; rijÞ:


ε0 is the well-depth parameter determining the overallstrength of the potential, while ν and μ are two adjustableexponents which allow considerable flexibility in defining afamily of Gay–Berne potentials. ε1 and ε2 are given by

ε1 ¼ 1� χ2 ui � ujÞ2� ��1=2


ε2 ¼ 1� 12χ0 Sþ0 þ S�0ð Þ


S0� ¼ ðrij � ui � rij � ujÞ21� χ0ui � uj:


χ0 ¼ κ01=μ � 1

κ01=μ þ 1; (A4)

where κ0 ¼ εS=εE is the ratio of well depths for the side-to-side configuration, εS, and the end-to-end configuration, εE,of two molecules.


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Appendix B. Homeotropic surface anchoring

Instead of using a specific anchoring potential, a simplevariation of the standard Lennard-Jones (LJ) 12-6 potentialis used. Here, the anchoring is entirely induced by the pack-ing effects of the liquid crystal particles near the surface ofthe nanoparticle. For the homeotropic surface anchoring, theGay–Berne (GB) molecules are allowed to penetrate the sur-face of the nanoparticle. To prevent GB molecules fromentirely entering the particle, a shifted purely repulsive LJinteraction potential Uhomeo

UhomeoðrÞ ¼ f 4ε0 ρ�12 � ρ�6ð Þ þ ε0 if ρ6<20 else


is used. ε0 is an energy parameter chosen to be unity and ρ isgiven by

ρ ¼ rj j � σc þ σ0σ0

: (B2)

Here, rij is the vector connecting the positions of the nano-particle and the GB molecule and rij is the correspondingunit vector. σ0 is a size parameter and defined as the smallestdiameter of the GB molecule; in this system, σ0 ¼ 1. σc is thedistance of closest approach between the GB molecule andthe nanoparticle, set to

σc ¼ RNP þ σ02

; (B3)

where RNP is the radius of the spherical nanoparticle. Forthis interaction potential, the potential cut-off is chosen to beRNP þ 1.