Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1

Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment

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Page 1: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment

Modules 38 & 39

Health and Stress


Page 2: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment.

Biopsychosocial Model

Page 3: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Health Psychology- Understand the relationship between Mind and Body

- Educate people about health risks.

- Design programs to reduce health risks and promote healthy behaviors.

Page 4: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Epidemiological Studies- large number of people- Patterns (correlations) between lifestyle

and health outcomes- look for risk factors of disease.

Page 5: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Top 5 causes of Death are related to Lifestylechoices

Disease (Deaths per year) Alcohol (100,000)

Smoking (400,000)

Diet Exercise Stress

Heart Disease (720,058)


Cancer (550,322)


Stroke (144,088)


Accidents ( 92,983)


Lung Disease (86,679)


Page 6: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Stressors: Events or situations that are perceived as harmful, threatening, or challenging and thus trigger stress response.Stress –play role in 50% to 70 % of all physicalillness.

Stress is a Reaction to a Stressor.

Page 7: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment

Is all stress bad? No.Neurological/physical response to threats.



Page 8: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


followed by increased rates of psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety that can be long-lasting.

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significant life events/changessignificant life events/changes

Not all Stressors are negative experiences

Page 10: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Measuring StressSocial Readjustment Scale - any change, whether negative or positive is inherently stress producing.• not a good predictor of poor physical or mental health.• does not take into account

-subjective appraisal of the event-ability to cope-Assumes event is the same for everyone

Page 11: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Page 12: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment

Instead of asking about events we can ask about experiencing Stress


Page 13: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Daily Hassles Scale- better predictor of physical symptoms and psychological distress.

Social/cultural Stressors: poverty, low social status, discrimination

Page 14: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Conflict as a source of Stress

Approach-Approach conflict – win/win easily resolved and not too stressfulAvoidance-Avoidance -people often to delay, thus avoiding either.

Approach-AvoidanceVacillation People feel stuck and experienceStress and anxiety.

Page 15: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Physiological Stress Response

Triggered whenever your mind determines thatyou are under threat. Response is the sameregardless of the type of stress!

Page 16: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Fight-or-flight response (Cannon)—rapidly occurring chain of internal physical reactions that prepare people to either fight or take flight from an immediate threat- activates Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS)

Heart rate, BP, release of epinephrine, adrenaline, and endorphins. DigestionIncreases general arousal level and reduces concentration.

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Posterior Pituitary Gland


AnteriorPituitary Gland





Glucocorticoids, Catecholamines, etc..

Muscle: Net loss of aminoAcids (glucose)


Fat Cells:

Heart rate: Increased

Immune system:

Glucocortical Stress Hormones

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Stress and The Adrenal Glands


Page 19: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Catecholamineepinephrine and norepinephrineShort term elevation (20 to 60 mins)Triggers fight or flight response

GlucocorticoidsReduced inflammation and enhance tone of circulatory system.In long run they weaken important systems, lower immunity and lead to illness.Prolonged stress also linked to depression & other psychological symptoms.

Page 20: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)Stage 1. Alarm- SNS response.- good for short term stressors, but when prolonged . . .

Stage 2. Resistance- prolonged period of moderate arousal- continued high levels of hormones that elevate blood sugars -- increase metabolism- increase immune response

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Stage 3. Exhaustion- prolonged metabolic increase decreasesimmune response.


Alarm Resistance Exhaustion

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Student Syndrome – students more likely to get sick after exam period.

Burnout - psychological, physical and behavioral dysfunction in response to continuous, chronicstress.

Page 23: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment



Shortening of Telomeresnormally occurs with age.

Stress appears to increase the rate of shortening!Stress does age people.Presidents actually tend tolive pretty long: WHY?Access to superior medical care, good education, and ittakes an inherently healthy person to endure the rigors of a presidential campaign and administration.

Page 24: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Stress and Illness

Psychosomatic illness

Psychophysiological Illness

Psychoneuroimmunology (Mind/Body)SNS is a direct link between CNS and the physical systems of the body.

Page 25: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Stress and the Immune System

Lymphocytes – white blood cells that fightviruses and bacteria

Lymphocytes have receptors for neurotransmitters and hormones AND they also produce these chemical messengers.

Page 26: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Problems develop when the immune system is either underactive or overactive.

Underactive - does not protect against disease.

Overactive – Immune system may attack one’s own body tissue.• Arthritis• Allergies• Autoimmune disorders

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Woman have stronger immune systems than men. Also more susceptible to autoimmune disorders!

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Personality, Stress and IllnessType A - competitive, workaholic, impatient, quick to anger.Type B - less competitive, easy-going, less hostile

Cynical Hostility is the most predictive Type A behavior for Heart Disease.

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Low Hostility High Hostility

Type A individuals are more susceptible to negative effects of stress, including vulnerability to heart disease, with anger and hostility being primary factors.

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How Do You Deal with Stress?

Page 32: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


Components of Stress Reactions

Stressors Personality

Cognitive Appraisal

Physical Response

Page 33: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


1) Assess Stressors- reduce those you do not need.

2) Cognitive Appraisal- Sense of Control- Predictability - plan to cope

- time management

Stress Coping Techniques

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3) Work on your reaction to Stress

Optimism!! Positive outlookExplanatory Style - Explain failures as external (situational), unstable (temporary) and specific. Hardy Personality- commitment to activities- see their activities as worthwhile- see potential stressors as a challenge- sense of control

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4) Social Support

5) Journal Writing

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Blunting StrategiesExerciseDistractionRelaxation

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6) Aerobic Exercise!

Moderate exercise addstwo years to your life!

Text lists many benefits – but misses one.

That physical exertion often tricks the SNS into thinking that the threat is over -- Turns off fight or flight response!

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7) Distraction Taking one’s mind off problems can help when the stressor involves a waiting period (i.e., did I get the job) but if it is distracting for coping with the stress, it can make it worse!

Page 39: Modules 38 & 39 Health and Stress 1. 2 Health Psychology – studies how biological, psychological and social factors influence health, illness and treatment


The SNS is part of the autonomic system.We do not have voluntary control over it.

We do however have indirect control.

Components of RelaxationControl of Breathing

- changes SNS response

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Imagery – Nervous system responds to imagery the same way it does to reality. Calming thoughts and images activate PNS turning off Fight or flight (SNS) response. Progressive Relaxation- systematic tensing and relaxing of muscle groups