Module 6 SAPM

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  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM



  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    In 1953, Moeverice Kendall a Statistician

    presented a paper. Where, he made an

    observation of various stock and commodity

    prices for almost 30 years and out come wasthat their was any trend observed. Every

    observation applied to flow a random walk

    that is price changes are independent of one

    another.The stock price behavior do not have any

    relationship with its past price behavior.

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    The accuracy and the quickness in which the

    market translates the expectation into prices

    is considered to be the market efficiency.

    EX: Today the closing price of TCS is 100. Ifcompany announces that it will issue 1:1

    bonus share then market opens with price

    coat of Rs. 200 for TCS

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    Operational Efficiency and

    Informational Efficiency.

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    Efficiency of day today market. It evaluate

    an order settlement procedure etc.,

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    It is the measure of the swiftness or the

    market reaction to new information. The

    security prices adjust themselves very rapidly

    and accurately to any new information theynever take a long time to adjust to the new


    EX: Announcement of a bonus issue will

    definitely lead to increase in the price of thestock.

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    Weak Form of Efficiency

    Semi-Strong Form of Efficiency

    Strong Form of Efficiency

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    According to the weak form of efficiency

    future prices cannot be predicated by

    analyzing the prices from the fast. Because,

    every one has excess to past information andnobody can take advantage to predict the

    future price. Current prices reflect all

    information found in the past prices.

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    According to Semi-Strong Form of Efficiency the

    security prices adjust rapidly to all publicly

    available information. According to it the prices

    not only reflect past information but also reflect

    the current publicly available information.Hence, available of past and current information

    cannot be a source of prediction of future price.

    When new information is available it is

    transmitted very fast to the entire market.Hence nobody can take advantage of information


    EX: News related to NPA of SBI.

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    Strong Form of Efficiency states that current

    price reflect the past current and even

    confidential information which is available

    on that shares. Information whether it ispublic or inside cannot be used to earn

    superior returns.

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    Weak Form of Efficiency

    Past Information and Data

    Semi-Strong Form of Efficiency

    Past, current information Strong Form of Efficiency

    Past, current and confidential information

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    Hypothesis test for weak for efficiency

    Filter Roll, Runs test and Serial co-relation

    Hypothesis test for Semi-strong efficiency

    Regression, coefficient, abnormal return test.Hypothesis test for Strong efficiency

    Test prove that mutual funds who are suppose to

    have confidential information never given

    superior than compare to the market.

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM





  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    1. According to Efficient Market Hypothesis

    behavior of prices are random in nature.

    2. Technical analysis represent useless

    analysis. 3. Uncommon techniques will help to earn

    superior returns.

    4. According to Efficient Market Hypothesis

    active portfolio management will not helpinggenerating superior return but a passive

    portfolio management strategy will deliver

    superior return.

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    CAPM explains the behavior of security pricesand provides a mechanism where byinvestors could assess the impact of aproposed security investment on the over all

    portfolio risk and return. A risk-averseinvestor prefers to invest in risk-freesecurities.

    An investor who prefers to invest in portfolio

    has to bear the systematic risk but, he candiversify the unsystematic risk which isrelated to the individual company orindustry.

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    Risk free asset

    Any asset can be borrowed or lent at risk free rate.

    Efficient Frontier

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    CAPM concept here it is assumed that investors hold only

    market portfolio and risk less securities and also investor

    has the ability to borrow or lend any amount at risk less

    rate of interest. It we look at the diagram (I) ABC line

    shows the efficient frontier which is representing risky

    assets. Any point between B and C gives superior rate of

    return compared to B and A. Investors can combine risk

    less asset and risky assets by lending or borrowing. So Rfs

    represents a lending portfolio and Beyond Sit is

    borrowing portfolio. The straight Rfs is called Capital

    market line. It gives the Desirable set of investment

    opportunities between risk free and risky invests. CML

    represents a linear relationship between return and

    standard deviations.

    E(Rp)= Rf+(Rm-Rf)


  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    The slope of CML is risk premium of the

    market portfolio divided by S.D.

    E(Rp)= Rf+(Rm-Rf)


    Rp=Expected return

    Rf=Risk free rate of interest

    Rm=Market return

    = SD of the portfolioM

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM


    The Capital market line measures risk return

    relationship of the efficient portfolio. It

    does not show the risk return relationship of

    other portfolio which are inefficient. The

    inefficient portfolio lie below the CML line.

    We already know that unsystematic risk can

    be diversified or eliminated, then the

    remaining risks systematic risk. So as ainvestor our main interest is what is the

    amount of systematic risk? This is measured

    by Beta and the line Rfs is called as Security

    Market line.

    Security Market Line.

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    1 Beta

    Security Market Line

  • 8/3/2019 Module 6 SAPM
