Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

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Page 1: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

Module 6 HobbiesUnit 2 Hobbies can make

you grow as a person.

( Period 2 Writing )Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

Page 2: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

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Page 3: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

David’s hobbies• Many students have hobbies, such as reading,

painting, growing vegetables and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.

• David Smith is a student, and one of his hobbies is writing. In a summer camp in 2010, there was a writing class as well as usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, “The teacher was a writer, and she asked us to talk about our lives and tell interesting stories. Then she encouraged us to write

• about our experiences at the camp.” • Back at school, David wrote a story about the

life of a sixteen-year-old boy and it came out as a book in 2012. As a result, David has become a successful

• young writer.• David has been very lucky because his hobby

has brought him pleasure and success. But writing is not his only hobby. He is also interested in playing volleyball. “Maybe I’ll write about my volleyball

• team in my future books.”





Page 4: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

Scanning• 1. What hobbies does David have?• 2. How is this passage organized (组织) ?

• 3. Match the main idea with each paragraph.

a. David’s first success from his hobby

b. David’s experience to start the hobby

c. David’s future plan

d. The advantages of hobbies





The advantages of hobbies

David’s experience to start the hobby

David’s first success from his hobby

David’s future plan

Page 5: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

David’s hobbies• Many students have hobbies, such as reading,

painting, growing vegetables and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.

• David Smith is a student, and one of his hobbies is writing. In a summer camp in 2010, there was a writing class as well as usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, “The teacher was a writer, and she asked us to talk about our lives and tell interesting stories. Then she encouraged us to write about our experiences at the camp.” Back at school, David wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy and it came out as a book in 2012. As a result, David has become a successful

• young writer.• David has been very lucky because his hobby

has brought him pleasure and success. But writing is not his only hobby. He is also interested in playing volleyball. “Maybe I’ll write about my volleyball

• team in my future books.”

advantages of hobbies

grow as a person

develop yourinterests

learn new skills

… …


What are the advantages of hobbies?


Page 6: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

• List (列举) as many advantages of hobbies as you can with your group members

( 4 students a group

One control( 控制 ) the time in 3 mins

One student writes the list down

One reports your list later

One judge if other groups are listening carefully later)

合作 1

Page 7: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

David’s hobbies• Many students have hobbies, such as reading,

painting, growing vegetables and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.

• David Smith is a student, and one of his hobbies is writing. In a summer camp in 2010, there was a writing class as well as usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, “The teacher was a writer, and she asked us to talk about our lives and tell interesting stories. Then she encouraged us to write about our experiences at the camp.”

• Back at school, David wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy and it came out as a book in 2012. As a result, David has become a

• successful young writer.• David has been very lucky because his hobby

has brought him pleasure and success. But writing is not his only hobby. He is also interested in playing volleyball. “Maybe I’ll write about my volleyball

• team in my future books.”



Page 8: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

1. When and how did you start your hobby?2. How long have you kept your hobby?3. Why have you kept it as your hobby for so long? ( Have you got pleasure or success from it? When and what was it?)

合作 2

Page 9: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

David’s hobbies• Many students have hobbies, such as reading,

painting, growing vegetables and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.

• David Smith is a student, and one of his hobbies is writing. In a summer camp in 2010, there was a writing class as well as usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, “The teacher was a writer, and she asked us to talk about our lives and tell interesting stories. Then she encouraged us to write about our experiences at the camp.” Back at school, David wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy and it came out as a book in 2012. As a result, David has become a successful

• David has been very lucky because his hobby has brought him pleasure and success. But writing is not his only hobby. He is also interested in playing volleyball. “Maybe I’ll write about my volleyball

• team in my future books.”

work hardget more experience

… …


go to a training class

future plan

Do you have a future plan about your hobby? (What will you do with your hobby to make you happ

ier or more successful?)


Page 10: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School
Page 11: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

David’s hobbies• Many students have hobbies, such as reading,

painting, growing vegetables and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.

• David Smith is a student, and one of his hobbies is writing. In a summer camp in 2010, there was a writing class as well as usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, “The teacher was a writer, and she asked us to talk about our lives and tell interesting stories. Then she encouraged us to write

• about our experiences at the camp.” • Back at school, David wrote a story about the

life of a sixteen-year-old boy and it came out as a book in 2012. As a result, David has become a successful

• young writer.• David has been very lucky because his hobby

has brought him pleasure and success. But writing is not his only hobby. He is also interested in playing volleyball. “Maybe I’ll write about my volleyball

• team in my future books.”









Page 12: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School









What are the advantages of hobbies?

When and how did you start your hobby?

How long have you kept your hobby?Why have you kept it as your hobby

for so long? (Have you got any pleasure

or success from it? When and what was

itor how was it?)

Do you have a future plan about your hobby? (What will you do with your

hobby to make you happier or more


Page 13: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

• 第 1 组关注框架结构(段落清晰,有头有尾)和要点的完整性(所有问题信息均已陈述清

楚)• 第 2 、 3 组关注固定搭配或者时态等基本语法错误• (找到并帮助改正)• 第 4 组关注拼写错误(找到并帮助改正) • 第 5 、 6 、 7 组关注美词美句,朗读分享、评• 第 8 组关注连接词的恰当使用• 教师关注学生听课纪律情况并作协助点评和总结点评

合作 3

Page 14: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School


1.Read a composition from another group and try to help him/her correct it.

2.Revise your composition after collecting the tips( 提示 ) in this class

Page 15: Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. ( Period 2 Writing ) Sun Hongxia from Tongxiang Qiushi Middle School

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