Microsoft ® Virtual Labs Module 4: Forms Based Authentication

Module 4 Forms Based Authentication

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Module 4 Forms Based Authentication

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Microsoft® Virtual Labs Module 4: Forms Based Authentication

Module 4- Forms Based Authentication

Table of Contents

Module 4: Forms Based Authentication ..................................................................................... 1

Exercise 1 Enable Forms Based Authentication on a SharePoint Web Application ...................................................... 2

Module 4- Forms Based Authentication

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Module 4: Forms Based Authentication


After completing this lab, you will be better able to:

Enable Forms Based Authentication on a SharePoint Web Application

Scenario In this lab, you will first create FBA users and roles using Web Site

Administration Tool. Then you will create a web application and Site Collection

for the new FBA lab site, create the new Shared Service Provider, and enable

Forms Authentication in FbaLab Extranet zone. Finally, you will extend the new

Shared Service Provider to enable FBA.

Estimated Time to

Complete This Lab

60 Minutes

Computers used in this

Lab Image014-5

The password for the Administrator account on all computers in this lab is:


Module 4- Forms Based Authentication

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Exercise 1 Enable Forms Based Authentication on a SharePoint Web Application

Tasks Detailed Steps

Complete the following

task on:


1. Review and run the


Server Setup Wizard

a. Ensure you are logged into the server as user name litwareinc\administrator with

password pass@word1

Note: In wizard mode there are several screens to be navigated

In scriptable mode all settings can be supplied as command line parameters

b. Open a command prompt.

c. Change the directory to C:\windows\Microsoft.net\Framework\v2.0.50727

d. At the command prompt, type run aspnet_regsql.exe /? and press Enter.

e. Then type the following command and press Enter: run aspnet_regsql.exe -S E -A all -d AspNetMembershipRoles-FbaLab –Q

f. Issue the command and observe the output is error free.

2. Confirm the

database has been


a. Load up SQL Server Management Studio.

b. Connect to default server.

c. Expand the Object Explorer, then the Databases node to view


d. Examine tables, stored procedures, etc.

e. Close SQL Server Management Studio

3. Create FBA users

and roles using Web

Site Administration


a. Load Visual Studio 2008

b. Create a new file system web site

Note: We are doing this merely to access the WSAT we will never actually use the web

site created here

File | Open | Website



Ensure: File system in left panel

c. Click the folder icon top right to create new site

d. Confirm path is C:\InetPub\wwwroot\FbaLab_admin

e. Create the site

f. Add a web.config file to the solution. Right click C:\...\FbaLab_admin, select

Add | New Item. In the item choose dialog select web configuration file, set the

language to Visual C# and hit Add.

Note: We will now supply some configuration which will link us to the database we

created earlier

g. Replace the connectionStrings node with this:


<add name="AspNetDbFBALabConnectionString"

connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial


Security=True" />

<add name="fbaSql"


Module 4- Forms Based Authentication

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Tasks Detailed Steps

pnetdb;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />


h. Inside the <system.web> node paste this:

<!-- membership provider -->

<membership defaultProvider="FBALabMember">


















d50a3a" />



<!-- role provider -->

<roleManager enabled="true"









" />



i. Now we fire up the WSAT. Visual Studio top menu | Website | ASP.NET

Configuration. The tool loads up in a browser window.

j. If the front page mentions “Site is using windows authentication”, close the tool.

k. Back in web.config replace the <authentication> node with this:

<authentication mode="Forms">

<forms loginUrl="/pages/login.aspx"

defaultUrl="/pages/default.aspx" />


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Tasks Detailed Steps

l. Reload the WSAT. Visual Studio top menu Website | ASP.NET Configuration.

m. Configure provider. Use the second option, select a different provider for each

feature (Advanced).

n. Confirm on the screen now displayed that the tool has picked up the values in our


Membership Provider


Role Provider


Note: Now you will add some Members and Roles

o. Click the Security tab

p. Create and manage Roles

q. Add the following Roles



r. Click back on Security tab and hit Manage Users

s. Add two users:

User Name: FbaLabUser

Password: pass@word1

E-mail: [email protected]

Roles: FbaLabAllUsers

User Name: FbaLabAdmin

Password: pass@word1

E-mail: [email protected]

Roles: FbaLabAllUsers, FbaLabAdmins

4. Create a web

application and Site

Collection for the

new FBA lab site

a. Open Central Administration. Start | All Programs | Administrative Tools |

SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

b. Go to Create a new Web application. Application Management | Create or

extend Web application | Create a new Web application.

c. Create SharePoint application for lab site

IIS Settings

Description: FbaLab

Port: 80

Host Header: FbaLab

Security Configuration

Default settings

Load Balanced URL

Default settings

Module 4- Forms Based Authentication

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Tasks Detailed Steps

Application Pool Settings

Select Create new application pool

Name: SharePoint – FbaLab

Select Configurable

User name: litwareinc\AdvWorks-app

Password: pass@word1

IIS Restart

Restart manually

Database Name and Authentication

Server: MOSS

Name: WSS_Content_FbaLab

Search server


d. Click OK.

e. Create a Site Collection for the new web application.

Web Application

Default settings

Title and Description

Title: The FBA Lab Site

Description: A Site to use for the FBA Lab

Web Site URL

Create the site collection at the root URL

Site Template

Select the Publishing Portal template under the Publishing tab

Primary Site Collection Administrator


Secondary Site Collection Administrator

Leave blank

Quota Template

Module 4- Forms Based Authentication

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Tasks Detailed Steps

Default values

f. Click OK

5. Create a web

application for the

new Shared Services


a. Go to Create a new Web application. Application Management | Create or

extend Web application | Create a new Web application.

b. Create SharePoint application for the new SSP

IIS Settings

Description: SspFba

Port: 80

Host Header: SspFba

Security Configuration

Default settings

Load Balanced URL

Default settings

Application Pool Settings

Select Create new application pool

Name: SharePoint – SspFba

Select Configurable

User name: litwareinc\AdvWorks-ssp-app

Password: pass@word1

IIS Restart

Restart manually

Database Name and Authentication

Server: MOSS

Name: WSS_Content_SspFba

Search server


c. Click OK.

6. Create the new

Shared Service


a. Go to Shared Services Administration. Click link in quick launch panel on left

hand side.

b. Create new SSP. Click on New SSP.

SSP Name

Module 4- Forms Based Authentication

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Tasks Detailed Steps

Name: FbaLabSsp

Web application: SspFba

My Site Location

Web application: FbaLab

Relative Url: /MySites

SSP Service Credentials

Username: litwareinc\administrator

Password: pass@word1

SSP Database

Server: MOSS

Name: FbaLabSsp_DB

Select Windows authentication

Search Database

Server: MOSS

Name: FbaLabSsp_Search_DB

Select Windows authentication

Index Server

Leave as default

SSL for Web Services

Leave as default

Click OK

Click OK at the warning

c. Confim SSP creation. Click Shared Services Administration link in the quick

launch panel and confirm FbaLab and SspFba web applications are using


d. View new SSP. Click on FbaLabSsp in the quick launch panel and confirm new

SSP loads as expected.

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Tasks Detailed Steps

7. Update the Hosts file a. Open Hosts file in Notepad. Start | Run, enter notepad

C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. Then click OK.

b. Add lab domain information to Hosts file

# FbaLab additions

# FbaLab www.FbaLab.com SspFba

::1 FbaLab

# End FbaLab additions

c. Save changes and close Notepad.

d. Check Hosts information updated successfully. Browse to http://fbalab. Confirm

FbaLab site loads as expected.

8. Extend the FbaLab


application to the

Internet zone

a. Open Central Administration: Start | All Programs | Administrative Tools |

SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

b. Go to Extend an existing Web application. Application Management | Create or

extend Web application | Extend an existing Web application

c. Extend FbaLab site to Extranet zone

Web Application


IIS Web Site

Select Create a new IIS web site

Description: www.FbaLab.com

Port: 80

Host Header: www.FbaLab.com

Security Configuration

Default settings

Load Balanced URL

Select Extranet

d. Click OK

e. Check FbaLab authentication providers. Under Application Security, click on

Authentication Providers. Set web application to http://fbalab. Confirm both

Default and Extranet zones are present and set to Windows as Membership


f. Confirm Extranet sign in prompt. Browse to http://www.fbalab.com/.

Username: litwareinc\administrator

Password: pass@word1

9. Add provider

information to

web.config files

a. Navigate to SharePoint IIS web sites directory. Open Windows Explorer, go to


b. Update FbaLab sites web.configs. Open the following web.configs in Notepad:


Module 4- Forms Based Authentication

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Tasks Detailed Steps


c. Make the following changes in both files:

Replace the <system.web> node with:


<add name="AspNetDbFBALabConnectionString"

connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial


Security=True" />



<!-- membership provider -->

<membership defaultProvider="FBALabMember">


















d50a3a" />



<!-- role provider -->

<roleManager enabled="true"









" />



d. Update Central Admin and SSP sites web.configs. Open the following

web.configs in Notepad:


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Tasks Detailed Steps


e. Make the following changes in both files:

Add the following to the <connectionStrings> section:

<add name="AspNetDbFBALabConnectionString"

connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial


Security=True" />

Add the following to the <membership><providers> section:

















d50a3a" />

f. Add the following to the <roleManager><providers> section:







" />

g. Save and close all four web.config files.

10. Enable Forms

Authentication in

FbaLab Extranet


a. Open Central Administration: Start | All Programs | Administrative Tools |

SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

b. Go to Authentication Providers: Application Management | Authentication


c. Select Extranet zone of FbaLab web application.

d. Enable forms based authentication for Extranet zone.

Web Application: http://fbalab/

Authentication Type: Forms

Anonymous Access: Enabled

Membership Provider: FBALabMember

Role Manager: FBALabRole

Client Integration: No

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Tasks Detailed Steps

e. Click OK

f. Add an FBA site collection administrator to FbaLab site. Browse to

http://FbaLab. Site Actions Menu | Site Settings | Modify All Site Settings |

Users and Permissions | Site Collection Administrators

g. Add fbalabadmin to the list of site collection administrators

h. Click OK

i. Reset IIS. Start | Run, type IISRESET, then click OK.

j. Enable anonymous access on FbaLab site. Browse to http://www.fbalab.com/

Username: fbalabadmin

Password: pass@word1

k. Site Actions Menu | Site Settings | Modify All Site Settings

l. Users and Permissions | Advanced Permissions

m. From the Settings menu, select Anonymous Access

n. Select Entire Web Site and click OK

o. Now select Sign Out from the Welcome menu and close the browser to fully

log out

p. Log out of the site. Select Sign Out from the Welcome menu and close the


q. Confirm anonymous access is enabled. Browse http://www.fbalab.com/.

Confirm that you are not prompted to sign in and the site loads the homepage as


11. Extend the new

Shared Service

Provider to enable


a. Open Central Administration: Start | All Programs | Administrative Tools |

SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

b. Go to Extend an existing Web application: Application Management | Create or

extend Web application | Extend an existing Web application.

c. Extend SspFba site to Internet zone:

Web Application


IIS Web Site

Select Create a new IIS web site

Description: FbaLab_ssp_FBA

Port: 80

Host Header: FbaLab_ssp_FBA

Security Configuration

Default settings

Load Balanced URL

Select Internet

d. Click OK

e. Go to Authentication Providers: Application Management | Authentication

Module 4- Forms Based Authentication

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Tasks Detailed Steps


f. Select Internet zone of SspFba web application.

g. Enable forms based authentication for Internet zone:

Web Application: http://sspfba/

Authentication Type: Forms

Anonymous Access: Not enabled

Membership Provider: FBALabMember

Role Manager: FBALabRole

Client Integration: No

h. Click OK

i. Test FBA is enabled for the SSP. Click FbaLabSsp in quick launch panel, User

Profiles and My Sites | My Site Settings. In Default Reader Site Group, enter

fbalaballusers and check that the account validates.

12. Configure



a. Edit Personalization services for FbaLabSsp. Click on FbaLabSsp in quick

launch panel, User Profiles and My Sites | Personalization services permissions.

b. Set permissions for FBA admin account. Click on Add Users/Groups. In Choose

Users, enter fbalabadmin and select all of the permissions. Click Save.

c. Set permissions for fbalabusers. Click on Add Users/Groups. In Choose Users,

enter fbalabusers and select the Create personal site and Use personal features

permissions. Click Save.

d. Configure My Site settings. Click FbaLabSsp in the quick launch panel, User

Profiles and My Sites | My Site settings. Enter fbalaballusers in the Default

Reader Site Group section. Click OK.

e. Set FBA admin as site collection administrator. Click Back to Central

Administration in the quick launch panel. Application Management |

SharePoint Site Management | Site collection administrators. Select the sspfba

site collection and choose the /ssp/admin URL. Add fbalabadmin as a Secondary

Site Collection Administrator. Click OK.

f. Enable My Site creation: Application Security | Self-service site management.

Select the FbaLab web application. Set Self-Service Site Creation to On. Click


g. Set My Site host permissions. Click FbaLabSsp in the quick launch panel. User

Profiles and My Sites | My Site settings. Click on My Site Host Permissions in

the quick launch panel. Click on Site Permissions in the Groups panel. New |

Add Users. Enter fbalaballusers and select the Read - Can view only checkbox

(uncheck send e-mail). Click OK.

h. Set FBA users as contributors. Browse to http://www.fbalab.com/. Sign in as

fbalabadmin password pass@word1. Select Site Actions Menu | Site Settings |

People and Groups. Select New | Add Users. Enter fbalaballusers and select

the Contribute group (uncheck send e-mail). Click OK.

13. Confirm


features work as


a. Sign in as fbalabuser. Click on sign out in the top right navigation. Click on sign

in. Sign in as as fbalabuser password pass@word1

b. Run Adventure Works My Site feature stapling disabler batch file. Start | Run,

type C:\AWModules\module4\scripts\DisableAwMySiteFeatures.bat, click


c. Create My Site. Switch back to browser. Click My Site link in top right


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Tasks Detailed Steps

d. Add FbaLab site homepage to My Links. Browse to http://www.fbalab.com.

Click on My Links | Add To My Links. Click on My Links | Manage Links.

Confirm Home page exists in My Links.

e. Run Adventure Works My Site feature stapling enabler batch file. Start | Run,

type C:\AWModules\module4\scripts\EnableAwMySiteFeatures.bat, click